#cooper adams x ofc
odilelajolie · 1 month
Hunted, Ch. 1
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Several years after escaping FBI custody, Cooper Adams has quietly settled in a remote Vermont town. He's a monster in remission--his violent urges lay dormant.
But when he catches sight of Alice, a traumatized 18-year-old girl, a new form of predatory darkness overtakes his demented mind. Young and achingly vulnerable, she's a lost soul as alone in the world as he is.
Alice needs the care of a proper Daddy, and as soon as she stops resisting, Cooper knows she'll accept the special kind of love he's been saving for a special little girl like her...
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Ch. 1: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
As far as Alice could tell, it would be yet another ordinary night in a long sequence of ordinary nights at the Sugar Maple Diner. 
Though it wasn’t as if she entirely minded. There was a strong part of her that actually took comfort in the familiarity of it all, the mundane routine of her small, simple world, regardless of the fact that it was rather dull most days. 
Dull meant safe—and safe was a good thing, especially for someone like her. 
Alice absently rotated her sore neck and shoulders as she made her way into the cozy, 50s-nostalgic restaurant, offering a friendly wave to the owner, Mr. Andrews, one of the only people in town who still bothered to interact with her. Not only had he given her a job when everyone else had refused to hire her, but he and his wife had even opened their home to Alice on occasion for a glass of lemonade, or tea and cookies, or a holiday meal. 
Alice rarely accepted these invitations from the elderly couple, always fearful she’d inadvertently exhaust the goodwill they generously harbored for her. But she appreciated their kindness, an increasing rarity for Alice, so she was always happy to volunteer whenever they needed help with little projects around their house to express her gratitude in return. 
Alice idled near the jukebox just beyond the hostess stand to see if Mr. Andrews would return her greeting, but he was busy behind the bar serving beer to a group of chatty truckers, and clearly didn’t have much spare time to say hello. 
Shaking off the brief, sharp pang of loneliness, the aching desire for someone—anyone—to talk to her, Alice headed straight for the break room to change into her uniform—an old fashioned pale pink dress with a white apron. She secured her hair in a high ponytail, and exactly five minutes before six p.m., she returned to the main dining room for her shift, forcing a smile on her face. 
The hours elapsed in the same, slow fashion they always did. The dinner rush—if merely five parties of no more than four people across three hours could be called that—consisted of the same group of Tuesday night regulars Alice had been waiting on for nearly a year now. Alice no longer bothered with trying to introduce herself, much less engage in small talk with her tables, for the town locals had long made it very clear ever since her return that they had no interest in speaking with her. So instead, Alice remained small and silent as she scribbled orders on her notepad, taking up as little space as possible as she refilled drinks, cleaned up spills, and delivered steaming plates of comfort food from the kitchen.
And she did all of this with her head perpetually lowered, so that no one would have to suffer the unnecessary discomfort of looking at her. 
By ten o’clock, the restaurant was deserted, and the only other employee remaining was Ted, the largely wordless cook who kept to himself even more strictly than Alice did. Alice generally took her own meal break around this time when it was just the two of them twiddling their thumbs until closing, silence broken only by the rockabilly and Doo-wop melodies sung by the jukebox. But before she could write down her request for a cup of soup and a half-sandwich, losing herself for a few moments to the croons of Elvis Presley—wring my faithful heart; tear it all apart; but love me—the door chime cheerfully rang, signaling the arrival of a customer. 
Alice gulped at the intimidating sight of the new arrival, and he was definitely new—she surely would have noticed him around the tiny town before now if he were a local. He was almost as broad as he was tall—and he was frighteningly tall—with the build of an elite athlete, like a champion MMA fighter, his long limbs hard and big and savage. The charcoal sweater and dark jeans he wore actually seemed to struggle to keep his toned muscles contained. 
He had thick, silky hair the color of dark roast coffee, and a closely-shorn mustache and short, angular beard. He was a very handsome man, perhaps in his early-to-mid forties, but when Alice finally met his eyes, she was instantly rendered breathless by a powerful, inexplicable sense of sheer terror that seemed to seize her by the throat, and choke her. 
Shadowed by a prominent brow bone, his inky, hooded eyes were disturbingly dark. Chilling. They reminded Alice of the eyes of a shark. Fathomless. Cold. 
“Hey there…can I get a table?” 
Unlike his frightening eyes, the velvety timber of the man’s deep voice actually inspired an equally strong sense of comfort—relief—causing the paranoid internal alarms within her body to faintly recede. 
Alice was rendered profoundly unbalanced, nearly on the verge of collapsing to the floor from the whiplash of such opposing instincts.
Perplexed by her body’s strange reactions to the stranger, Alice quickly nodded and dutifully lowered her head. She reached for a menu and silently beckoned the man to follow her, her shoulders arched nearly all the way to her ears as she timidly guided him to her favorite booth by the windows with the prettiest view of the forest.
He followed her with slow, heavy foot falls, and Alice nearly caved in on herself when she was directly confronted with just how much bigger he was up close as he slid into the booth with athletic, equanimous movements. 
Even sitting down, he was huge. 
Alice placed the menu on the table once he appeared settled, and reached into her apron pocket for her notepad and pen, waiting expectantly for him to provide his drink order, as all other customers automatically did upon sitting. 
But when he didn’t speak after several moments, Alice shyly raised her head, and was surprised to find the man gently smiling at her. 
He looked even more handsome when he smiled—
“There you are,” he said warmly, his voice triggering a sudden influx of delightful tingles throughout her weary muscles. “How are you doing tonight?”
Too stunned to speak, Alice felt hot blush rising to her cheeks in embarrassment. 
How long had it been since someone had asked her how she was? 
Seemingly sensing her unease, the man continued, “Sorry—you probably don’t want to talk with an old man like me,” he said ruefully, and Alice was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt. This handsome stranger was being more sociable with her than anyone had in months, and she was messing everything up. “Would it be possible to order—”
“I’m A-Alice,” she interrupted shakily—awkwardly—cheeks boiling at the mousy sound of her own voice. 
To her relief, the man’s smile only widened, and there was a flicker of playfulness in his eyes, somewhat tempering the otherwise unnerving quality in his dark gaze. 
“That’s a very pretty name,” he replied. “I’m Cooper.”
Cooper. Alice repeated the name in her head. It sounded strong and masculine.
She quite liked it. 
“Put us together and we’re rock stars,” he added. Alice frowned in confusion. “I…I don’t follow—”
“Alice Cooper?” Alice shook her head, and Cooper released a slow sigh. “Ahh…don’t mind me—I’m betraying my age here. He’s before your time.”
“Oh. Okay.” Alice swallowed hard. “Umm…w-welcome to the S-Sugar Maple Diner,” she offered, remembering she needed to do her job. It had been so long since she’d been required to introduce herself to a customer that Alice was quickly finding she was woefully out of practice with the basics. “M-may I get you something to drink, sir?” 
“Well I was taking a look at what you have on tap, but I notice you don’t have a bartender right now,” Cooper mentioned. “And I suspect you’re not quite old enough to legally go behind the bar.”
“Yeah…the bar closes at nine on weekdays. Mr. Andrews—he’s the owner—he already left for the night, and he usually handles that stuff.” Embarrassed, Alice tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“Call me Cooper.”
“I’m sorry, Cooper.”
“So, how old are you?”
“Eighteen—but I’ll be nineteen next month.”
She wasn’t sure why she shared that detail. It certainly wasn’t as if her upcoming birthday made her seem any less young and pathetic. 
“Ahh…definitely too young to pour alcohol.” Cooper softly chuckled, his deep-chested rumble pleasantly tickling her ears. “In that case, how about a nice cold glass of Coke?”
“Would you prefer a frosted glass or ice?”
“Ice, please.”
Alice wrote down the order with a nod. “Coke with ice, coming right up.”
She began to turn on her toes to prepare his soda, but then he spoke again.
“So what do you recommend here?” Cooper asked. 
“Recommend?” Alice repeated slowly. “You mean…to eat?”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Alice realized what a stupid response it truly was.
The townsfolk’s collective avoidance of her was clearly not entirely to blame for her poor conversation skills. 
Of course he was asking her what to eat. She was a waitress. It was her job.
Mercifully, Cooper didn’t poke fun at her idiocy. “Yeah, what’s your favorite thing on the menu?” he asked. “If you were to join me for a meal, what would you order?”
Alice squeaked, “You want me to join you?” 
Cooper’s eyes widened, and he appeared even more shocked than she was. “Well, I was speaking hypothetically, but…sure! Why not. Care to join me?”
Alice thought she might actually pass out from embarrassment. 
Not only had she forgotten how to have a normal conversation, but she’d forgotten all about basic social cues. Sarcasm. Hypotheticals. 
Cooper was being friendly. Nothing more. He didn’t actually want to spend time with her—he just had good manners. 
“Umm…I’m really not supposed to…” Alice trailed off, nervously biting her lip. 
Unperturbed, Cooper shrugged his mountainous shoulders. “Perhaps some other time then.” Leaning forward, he lowered his voice and added in a conspiratorial murmur, “I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble on my account.” 
There was an undeniably patronizing quality to his warm baritone, but it wasn’t condescending in a negative way. The lilting way Cooper spoke was gentle, daresay caring, the low pitch of his manly deepness perfectly matched with a bright, uplifting enthusiasm.
Cooper spoke to her the way Alice remembered her own father used to speak to her—as if no one else in the world existed. As if she were important.
As if every word she spoke were the most brilliant thing ever to be uttered in history of the world, and he couldn’t get enough. 
Cooper had a…Dad voice, the kind of voice that felt like a warm, clean blanket fresh out of the dryer. 
He had a voice of absolute safety—a voice that made her feel brave. 
Like she could do anything. 
“I recommend the deluxe cheeseburger with fries,” Alice said, unable to contain her giddy smile. “Ted makes the best in town.”
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Cooper kept a careful gaze on Alice through his peripherals as he chewed and swallowed the mediocre cheeseburger, though he made sure to provide plenty of appreciative grunts and moans throughout his labored consumption for the girl’s benefit. 
He’d been patiently watching her for nearly a year now. It wouldn’t do well to worry the skittish thing when he was so close to finally making her his, for little Alice was a painfully insecure, highly sensitive girl. She was pitifully naïve and defenseless, lonely and desperate for affection.
She was perfect—and finally ripe for his taking. 
When he’d originally made the decision to settle down in the middle of fucking nowhere, Vermont after several years on the run, he’d simply planned on living quietly for whatever remained of his existence. The monster within lay dormant—at least for now—the compulsion to destroy and dissect no longer eroding what little remained of his sanity. The urge had been a sickness, a magmatic fever, burning so hot in his veins it was boiling him alive. Cooper knew quite well it would have killed him eventually. 
But now, his insides were…cooler, warm instead of blisteringly hot, and the dark, animalistic impulses currently thrumming through his body were far less bloodthirsty in nature compared to his prior proclivities. 
Perhaps he was in remission. 
He’d spent more than forty years keeping the two opposing halves of his psyche strictly separate, diligently compartmentalizing every aspect of his life down to the most minute detail, but when he’d caught sight of this tiny angel of a girl almost ten months ago—so sweet and innocent and frightened and alone—Cooper was leveled, and struck with an epiphanic clarity.
Perhaps the separatist approach to mitigating his dangerous urges no longer served him. 
Perhaps the only way for him to survive was by reconciling his infernal hungers, once and for all. 
When Cooper had escaped FBI custody—doubling his body count in the process—he’d been forced to accept that the closest thing to real human connection he’d ever been able access, his family, was lost to him forever. He missed being a husband. He missed being a father. 
But when he saw Alice, he realized he could still be both.
She was as alone in the world as he was, an isolated little girl shunned by nearly everyone around her. At merely eighteen, she was young and exceedingly vulnerable, in dire need of a loving authority figure to guide her and keep her safe. 
And yet, she was also a woman. Barely legal, but a woman nonetheless, and a mouthwatering one at that. Alice was a tiny thing, shorter even than Riley was when he last saw her, her petite body a tight little package of soft, untouched femininity he was growing more and more ravenous to taste.  
Cooper had always been partial to blondes, and his little Alice was a natural platinum. A “baby” blonde. 
Sweet little baby blonde with her pretty baby blue eyes—
With her milky skin and delicate features—not to mention those pouty pink lips just begging to have something hard shoved between them—Alice could look like a porcelain doll one moment, and a sex kitten the next. She was an undeniably gorgeous girl, not yet aware of her erotic allure, and under different circumstances, he knew she could have had any man on his knees begging to fuck her.
Fortunately for him, the entire town thought she was batshit crazy.
And Cooper was certainly not one to be put off by a little madness—
“How’s your dinner?” Alice asked sweetly from a few tables away. She’d been refilling ketchup bottles and rolling silverware for the last twenty minutes or so, responding beautifully—albeit awkwardly—to his subtle prompts for casual conversation.
Cooper wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and made an exaggerated show of patting his stomach. “You were right—this is the best burger I’ve ever had,” he lied smoothly. “Excellent recommendation, sweetheart.”
The girl’s cheeks instantly flooded with pretty pink blush—she likes being called sweetheart—and she shyly lowered her head, but couldn’t resist looking back at him mere seconds later with a demure giggle.   
Good girl. She found him attractive. 
His depraved plans would be much easier for her to adapt to with her sexual attraction already engaged—
“Can I get you anything else, Cooper?” Alice asked. She sounded hopeful. 
His left eye twitched at her use of his first name, one of the few…ticks beyond his control, as a small spark of violent rage kindled deep in his gut, leaving a sickly metallic taste in his mouth. 
The urge. 
Cooper was suddenly overcome with a vision—a lucid hallucination, really—of marching directly to where the girl stood, and shoving her to the floor so quickly the air would be knocked out of her lungs. He saw himself tearing off her clothes and wrapping his big hands around narrow torso, and squeezing, hard enough to crack her ribs, before mounting her like a beast in the wild, ready to take his quivering bitch in heat. He wanted to feel her small, supple body struggling beneath him, his scared, mewling kitten desperate to free herself by any means necessary.
He wanted her to scream. He wanted her to cry.
She was so fucking tiny he’d absolutely crush her with his size. Cooper was already far bigger than most people, but compared to his little girl, his sweet little nymph, he was indestructible, as vast and powerful as a god. 
He could do anything he wanted to her. He could violate her beyond recognition.
He could fuck her within an inch of her life—
Realizing he’d zoned out far longer than intended, he released a sharp exhale to snuff out the ember of fury, reminding himself that it was perfectly okay that the girl was calling him Cooper—for now. 
She’d be calling him Daddy soon enough. 
He forced himself to smile, carefully schooling his features to the affable façade he used specifically for putting people at ease. 
Like clockwork, the girl visibly relaxed. 
“Just the check please, sweetheart.”
Hunted Ch. 2: Dream A Little Dream Of Me
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thebutchersbitch · 24 days
Cooper Adams x Reader
18+ Dom!Cooper Adams x Sub!Fem!Reader • Daddy kink, DDLG, Blood, Rough Sex, Breath Play, Biting, Cooper has a dark side (ofc) he’s tender and sweet but also really fucking insane, Reader is an adult; Cooper is probably ten-twenty years older than reader.
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Cooper lifts you off your knees, forcing you to stand. The feeling of your mouth around his cock was fine for awhile, but more than anything, he craves the feeling of your tight little cunt gripping him like his lungs crave air.
You protest with a little whine as he lifts you, worried you’ve done a bad job and displeased him. Cooper knows what you’re thinking-he’s always been able to read you like an open book-and he casually casts aside your worries with a brief “no no baby, y’didnt do anything wrong, promise-,” as he lays your back against the bed. “-Just need to feel your pretty little pussy around me, okay?”
Cooper hovers over you, his large frame shadowing yours, boxing you in like a protective shield. He grabs a pillow from beside you, one of the pink frilly ones that match the whole bedroom set you insisted on having (even though Cooper hated it, he still bought it for you). He tucks the pillow under your head just as you lay down to rest under him, his other hand warm against your thigh, his fingers fanning to caress upward across your hip.
He braces himself against his elbow, leaning close enough so his belly is touching yours, toned in just the right places and soft where he needs to be. His skin is smooth and unbelievably warm; every time Cooper embraces you, especially when you’re both naked, it feels like you’re being swallowed up in the warmest bear hug ever.
The pretty pink sheets are cool beneath you, a contrast to the heat of Cooper’s body covering yours. He guides his hand between you, pumping his cock a few times in his fist as he places its ruddy head at your entrance. “Okay baby,” he murmurs gently, his eyes back on yours. “There’s gonna be a big stretch for a second, but you can do it, okay sweetheart?” You nod, exhaling as Cooper sinks his hips forward slowly, carefully, letting you adjust to him. His eyes fall closed in pleasure, his self control faltering as his carnal instincts are telling him to absolutely brutalize your pussy, to fuck it so hard you’ll be ruined for any other man that puts his dick inside you...
Cooper forces himself to remain calm, to focus on making you feel as good as you’re making him feel right now. His hand rests against the side of your face, gently stroking your hair, his breath uneven as he tells you “so good, baby, you’re doing so good…” Cooper eases himself deeper inside you, a sharp whine leaving your lips and he checks your expression to confirm you’re alright. “Don’t stop,” you plead. “Please don’t stop…” Cooper licks his lips, a little grin turning them upward. “Never planned to,” he groans as he carefully bottoms out inside your pussy.
He isn’t even fucking you yet, not really, just resting inside your cunt, letting your body open up for him. He kisses you tenderly, soft, gentle kisses that grow deeper and stronger, his tongue wrestling yours. You feel his cock pulse inside you, throbbing between your walls, nestled tight in a perfect fit. “Okay baby,” Cooper says against your lips. “Go ahead and wrap your legs around me, yeah? Give my waist a real big hug, alright sweetheart?” You do as Cooper says, wrapping your legs around him, your ankles crossed against his back, pulling him impossibly deeper, somehow. You both let out a low groan at the space he’s filled inside you, space that no other man has ever had the knowledge or experience to find before Cooper. He’s taking his time with you, unlike all the other (younger) men you’ve been with.
“M’gonna fuck you now, okay sweetheart?” Cooper asks, his nose brushing yours. You suddenly feel overwhelmed, so many brand new feelings pounding through you, both physical and emotional, that you begin to cry. Cooper understands; he kisses away the tears that fall scattered down your cheek, and he calmly asks, “what do you need, baby? Tell Daddy what you need…”
You squeeze your legs tighter around Cooper, begging him to thrust, feeling as if you’ll go crazy if he doesn’t start fucking you. “Need you, Daddy,” you whimper, not even caring how pathetic and needy you sound.
Cooper knows you’ve gone to a special place now in your mind, a soft space that feels just a little like dying…a kind of surrender, of giving up all control and thought and logic and just existing for the purpose of being fucked. “It’s okay princess,” he coos softly, pressing gentle kisses to your lips. “You don’t have to think anymore. Just lay back and let Daddy take care of everything from here, alright…?”
Cooper curls his hips inward, the muscles in his stomach tensing against yours. He closes a hand around the back of your neck, cradling you into him, while his other hand grips the thick meat of your thigh, locking you in place while he fucks you.
It isn’t sweet, the way Cooper fucks you, but it isn’t cruel, either. It’s a delicious, delicate balance of tenderness and brutality, held together in harmony by the massive amount of control Cooper holds over both his body and yours. He could as easily crush you beneath him as he could kiss you, and that amount of power goes to Cooper’s head a little, gets him high. He doesn’t want to hurt you-not yet, anyway-but if he did, he knows he could crush you like a flower in his hand, your pretty petals forever warped into whatever shape he breaks them in…
Sweat dots Cooper’s forehead, his eyebrows drawn in as he invades the deepest space inside you. Your bottom lip begins to bleed as the delicate skin breaks under the bite of your teeth. Cooper’s senses perk, like a shark sensing prey, his eyes landing on the drop of blood blooming at your lip, forced to spill down your chin by the impact of his brutal thrusts. He dips his tongue to chase the thin trail of red along the curve of your neck. You shiver at the unexpected feeling of Cooper’s tongue licking up your skin. He purses his lips inside the curve of your shoulder, trapping the runaway blood and sucking, dragging the crimson liquid and your skin between his lips, bruising you.
Cooper is insatiable now that he’s gotten a taste of you; he doesn’t want your flavor to ever leave his tongue. He slides a hand over your throat, pressing just hard enough to feel you gurgle against his palm. “More,” he demands, but it sounds like he’s begging, his eyes filled with a need you haven’t seen from him before. “Do it again, baby,” he pleads, his voice breaking. “Do it for Daddy.”
You don’t understand exactly what Cooper’s asking of you, but regardless, you’ll do anything for him. So when he shows you, by taking your bottom lip between his teeth and nipping at the small wound there, you don’t object. Wincing slightly, you lay back and let Cooper suck at your pouty bottom lip. The pain is minimal, and he more than makes up for any discomfort he’s causing you by railing your guts like he’s trying to rearrange them. Cooper’s hitting that sweet space inside you, his veiny cock rubbing just right around the curve of your body, your pussy fluttering around him as your climax begins.
Cooper locks you inside his arms, his thighs closing around yours, his mind completely lost in the desire to own you; whether or not you come is for Cooper to decide now, every beat of your heart belongs to him, every drop of your blood is now his. So when he lets you come, he takes something for himself as well, a little slice of your breath, his palm gripping your throat with just enough intensity to hold you back against the bed. His sweat drips between your lips as he rocks into you, hard and fast, the salt stinging your bottom lip where the skin is broken.
Cooper releases your throat as he comes, his head falling forward into the crook of your shoulder, his hips stuttering against yours as his final thrusts pump thick streams inside you. His chest is heaving, his breath hot on your neck and between your lips as he finds them, his tongue swiping tenderly across the sore spot on your bottom lip. He’ll make sure to take extra good care of you later tonight, bringing you a cold compress and some ointment for your lip; but for now, he scoops you up in his big arms, his limp little rag doll with a big smile on her mascara-streaked face.
“I’m sorry Daddy’s kisses got a little rough, princess,” Cooper says, and you see the concern in his eyes. His chest is sweaty and his heartbeat so comforting, you nuzzle into him deeper. “It’s okay, Daddy,” you murmur, gliding your tongue over your bottom lip, savoring the sting. “I like it when your kisses hurt...” 💋🩸
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burningflamescurse · 1 year
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Pre—Accident!Stephen Strange x Fem! Surgeon!OFC, Grey’s anatomy Crossover.
A/N: First of all I have a lot of Original Characters that I am adding to this Series, Which I will Explain the roles right now before moving along into the actual writing part!
Chief of General Surgery: Doctor Jack Wilson
General Surgery Attending: Doctor Liam Jones
General Surgery Resident: Doctor Lucas Miller
Chief of Thoracic Surgery: Doctor Charlotte Garcia.
Thoracic Surgery Attending: Henry Davis
Thoracic Surgery Resident: Camila Taylor
OBGYN/Neonatal Surgeon: Emily Perez
Fetal Surgeon: Evelyn Lopez
Pediatrician: Asher Lewis.
Neurosurgery Resident: Noah Sanchez.
Orthopedic Surgeon: Aria Adams
Hand Surgeon: Layla Rivera
Spine Surgeon: Ethan Carter
Trauma Surgeon: Hazel Evans
Pediatric Surgeon: Aurora Baker
Interns: Amy Nelson, David Torres, James Scott, Shelby Edwards, Willow Brooks.
Chapter Two: Beginnings Of Tragic Incidents.
Chapter Summary: after Blake talked with Cristina about what’s been going on in Seattle with Meredith and Everyone else, her Interns do something unforgivable, something she can’t even Fathom forcing her to do something, maybe even tell her boyfriend.
CW//TW: Medial Terminology, Drama, Shouting, Surgery, Trauma, Cursing, Stephen getting mad at the interns, a Bunch of different OC’s, Blake and Christine are best friend, mentions of Derek shepherd’s Death, Trauma, Flashbacks, Cristina and Blake are like soulmates, injuries, mentions of Cutting an LVAD wire.
“So he totally is Like Meredith’s McDreamy, Huh?” Cristina said over the Phone call, Blake Hissed at her to shut up as she was in the Female Attendings Locker room, Pulling on her Dark Blue Scrubs. “Cristina!” She Whisper Shouted.
Cristina Snorted before ending the call, She Met Stephen Outside heading towards the Nurses Station to get and find there own Cases, like Any hospital Worked. “By the way where are your Stupid Interns?” He asked. Blake stopped, blinking her eyes noticing that none of her little Suck ups were around her, Malia Noticed the Doctor becoming Suspicious and Knew she had to tell on the Poor Interns.
"Doctor Shepherd, one of your Patients on the transplant list came back in after his heart was failing again despite the LVAD, They've been in his room for an hour now, I think his name was Daniel Cooper." Malia said, Blake had a bad feeling about all this, She nodded at Stephen and Malia to come with her. The Trio Scrambled to Cooper's Room, standing in shock when they saw what was happening. "What the hell.." Blake mumbled, her eyes widened in shock, seeing Amy Pumping his heart Manually as the LVAD Wire was cut with a Pair of Scissors next to it. "Amy, What the hell did you do?!" She Practically yelled, "and why are all you fools helping her?!"
Amy didn't respond continuing to Pump his heart, Blake looked at Stephen who shook his head, she nodded to Malia, "Malia take over Pumping his Heart, and Amy step away from the Patient." Malia Nodded and Tried to gently take the device away but Amy screamed no and said not to touch her, Blake Ignored Amy for now telling Malia to stay with her and to help Amy if she allowed her to, Blake turned to the three other Idiot doctors, "You three, In the hall. Now." She ordered.
Blake was angry, seething even. "What the hell were you three thinking, you could have killed that Patient." She said, Stephen was right next to her agreeing with her words, "Even worse, you could have endangered your careers and be sued for assaulting a Patient." Stephen added. David Tried to speak but Blake shushed him, "No, Not a word, you are not to speak, Not a single word, I don't wanna have to Testify against any of you fools." She said.
The Group was silent for a moment, “I assume you ran labs..” She said, Her eyes showing a Furious anger and Disappointment. They stayed Silent only fueling her Annoyance and anger, "Well?..." She demanded. James spoke, "you told us not to speak-"
"I know I did, Now did you run labs?!.." Blake said, tapping her foot impatiently, David Nodded, Blake sighed as she gave out orders, "Okay, Shelby Jack's been asking for you." She said giving her the order to go, before turning to the rest of the amazingly idiotic Interns, "David go get those labs and come right back, do not talk to anyone, go straight there and back."
Then She turned to James, "Now you, follow me and Stephen Right now."
A Few Hours later and both Blake and Stephen were making sure Mr. Cooper was okay, She listened to his heart with her Stethoscope sighing at how weak it sounded. "Why Amy... Why would you do this?.." She said, Continuing to to Listen to his heart while Stephen did a quick Neuro Exam to ensure he was okay in the head, no concussion or any Brain Bleed whatsoever. "Because he needs that heart and I love him.. I love him so damn Much Doctor Shepherd.." The Intern Whispered, Blake shook her head sighing In Disappointment.
"Oh for God's sake, you fell in love with a Patient.." Blake sighed, exasperated, Stephen was really trying to hold back all his anger at the Interns. "Well his Brain is Okay, No signs of anything wrong with his brain." Stephen Said. David Came in with the Labs, "Labs are back, His State is becoming worse." Blake sighed Knowing exactly what that Meant. Amy Spoke now, "He'll get the heart right, He's gonna get the heart? He has to. You'll Sign the papers that he'll be put at the top of the list-" She was quickly Interrupted by Blake's cold tone.
"Those are the Kind of things I would tell a doctor, and right now you are not a doctor, you are a Visitor." She said, her eyes showing how furious she actually was. "What?.." Amy asked in complete and utter disbelief. "You will no longer be a doctor in this Hospital until I say Otherwise. Now Step away from Mr. Cooper and let Malia Take over." She Ordered.
Malia came over slowly taking it away from Amy as Blake Glared at her slightly, making the rest of the Interns Shrink underneath her Gaze.
Blake told Stephen to carry on with the rest of his Surgeries while she went to talk to the Chief of the hospital about this certain Incident without exposing her Interns for doing this.
She asked the Chief about a Hypothetical Question with the exact same Situation, In which she explained that Mr. Cooper move to the top of the list and receive the heart Immediately but ordered that whoever did that was to be in her Office for Intense Consequences for endangering a Patients Life.
Blake nodded, "Of course, Ma'am."
Which ended with the Interns getting yelled at by the chief and forced to not even go near a Surgical case unless they fessed up on who did it and to share one single Patient to give her what she needed.
Later on Blake was sitting at the Nurses Station, Checking on different Patient files and Images, as Stephen was Charting, "So, How bad was their Punishments?" Stephen asked with a Snide Smirk on his face. Blake sighed, Shaking her head. "The Chief said no more surgeries until they confess that Amy did it and they had to share one singular Patient." She snorted, Searching up another Patient file.
Malia was now delivering Labs due to Blake's Interns being Punished for their Stupid decisions, "Here you go Blake, Imaging is back for Ms. Collins." She said handing her the Tablet. Blake looked it over smiling to herself, "Oh.. I could use a little Great Neuro Case." She muttered. Stephen Looked up Suddenly Interested, Raising his eyebrow, "Oh no Mister, You have your own Solo Neuro Surgery in 30 Minutes, you need to get ready for that, I've got this one." She said, smirking to herself before teasing him. "Besides this woman has a nail in her head." She said, before rushing off.
Stephen Chuckled to himself, "Well Played, Doctor Shepherd."
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
↳ ❝ [a love story - 9.] ¡!❞
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Hank Voight x Kazuha Takahashi (asian ofc)
Summary: A brunch at Wendy's work, turns into an undercover mission.
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1k
Masterlist // One Chicago Masterlist // a love story masterlist
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‘Hello hello, your favorite barista is here,’ I announce myself as I make my way into the bullpen of the Intelligence Unit. 
‘Chai Latte,’ Hailey sighs, ‘I need it.’
Seeing the severity of her much needed caffeine boost, I quickly give her the chai latte, before I hand the rest their drinks. 
‘Girl, you look good,’ Kim says and I make a pirouette, before I make my way to Hank. ‘What’s the occasion?’
‘I am going to a brunch. My friend Wendy works for a local law firm and they are hosting a brunch. She invited me.’ I pass the murder board and say: ‘And I think that guy is gonna be there too.’
Jay nearly chokes in his coffee. ‘Our John Doe?’
I nod. ‘That’s Todd Cooper. I don’t know exactly what he does there, but he’s there all the time.’
‘We ran him through facial rec and had no matches and you walk in and just recognize him?’ Adam asks and I feel like it would be stupid to actually say ‘Duh’, so I keep my mouth shut and simply nod. 
‘Can you get us in?’ Jay asks.
I shrug. ‘I guess so. I can call Wendy, say I’m bringing someone.’
‘Do you know Todd Cooper?’ Kevin asks me.
I nod. ‘Yeah, he always asks me out when he visits the cafe. He really doesn’t take no for an answer.’
That piques everyone’s attention. 
Hank clears his throat and says: ‘I’m coming with you. We’re gonna wear a wire.’
‘Both of us?’ I ask, following him suit as he and Hailey make their way down the hall.
And all I receive is a nod. 
I told Wendy about the fact Hank is joining me and she was very supportive of it. I told her I would explain all the details later to her—preferably with Josie nearby, because I don’t want to tell this story twice—but for now, Wendy was satisfied with just the prospect of Hank joining us. 
Wendy and I both have something to drink in our hands and I say: ‘I wonder when Hank’s gonna show.’
I know when he’s gonna show. When Todd Cooper shows up and talks to us, Hank will be here too. I don’t know everything of how it’s gonna go, so we’ll just wait and see. 
‘Me too,’ Wendy says. ‘I can’t believe you and da—’
‘Please don’t call him that,’ I say, instantly reminded of my wire. ‘Really, it’s bad enough Josie does that at work, like seven times a day. Please. I need a nickname free brunch.’
She chuckles. ‘Okay, I get it. Oh look, there’s Todd.’
Great, I truly am a Todd Cooper magnet, because he is quick to join us. 
‘Ladies,’ he says with a charming smile. Despite me not really liking him, I can’t deny the fact he is an attractive man. However, with what I saw on the murder board back at the bullpen, I realize he might have a whole lot of messed up hiding behind that attractive exterior. ‘Kazuha, how are you? You look amazing.’
‘Oh, thanks,’ I say, wondering what is happening on the receiving end of the wire.
‘So, you brought a date?’
He did not wait long with hat question. 
‘I actually did,’ I say. ‘My boyfriend… He’ll be here soon.’ That was really weird to say.
‘You’ve got a boyfriend?’ Todd asks and he is visibly confused. ‘Since when?’
‘As of late.’
I’m really not selling this.
Todd is not quite believing it either, I can see it on his face. However, this so called undercover mission was pretty last minute and me and Hank haven’t really discussed our real relationship.
Right when I feel this need to elaborate on the matter, I feel two hands on my hips and a soft kiss on my cheek. ‘Hi honey,’ Hank says.
This is the first time something that resembled a kiss is shared between us. Before I completely freeze and screw up, I clear my throat and smile, all while my heart is beating overtime. ‘Hi, you made it.’
‘Yeah, I’m sorry I’m late.’ He stands next to me, his left hand still placed in the dip of my waist, while he politely holds out his other hand. ‘Hi, you must be Wendy.’
‘And you must be Hank,’ she says with a smile, shaking his hand. ‘Wonderful to finally meet you.’
‘And this is Todd,’ I say. ‘He’s a colleague of Wendy.’
Todd pulls himself together rather quickly, because he politely holds out his hand. ‘Todd Cooper.’
‘Hank Voight.’
It’s like Todd recognizes the name instantly. The color is drained from his face. 
Wendy and I look at each other for just a second, before she says she has to talk to her boss about one thing, which leaves just the three of us. It’s not long before Todd scoots out and I turn to Hank. ‘Now what?’
‘We’ll give it three minutes,’ he says. He leans to my ear and whispers: ‘You look beautiful.’
A lot happened and let’s just say it this way: the brunch was brutally ended. We’re all escorted out of the building and standing behind the yellow tape, while the police is securing the scene. I got rid of my wire, before I join Wendy, who’s still waiting for me.
‘So, that was the reason you wanted to invite someone,’ she says.
‘Sorry,’ I say.
‘No, don’t apologize. I can totally understand. Just know that you’re going to buy me drinks and dinner, when we’re meeting with Josie.’
‘I can totally do that.’ I see Hank walking outside and I say: ‘I’ve got to talk to Hank.’
’Of course. I’m going to console my boss, who is devastated her brunch got so disrupted.’ She gives me a tight hug, before I walk towards the tape.
‘So,’ I say to Hank, the yellow tape dividing us. ‘I think it’s safe to say you made an arrest.’
He nods. 
‘Well, I’ll leave you to it then.’ I want to walk away, however, I don’t. ‘I called you my boyfriend today. It was nice saying that.’
He nods. ‘It sure was.’ He takes my hand and presses a kiss on my knuckles. ‘It was nice working with you, Kazuha.’ He clears his throat and adds: ‘Honey.’
Chicago PD taglist (I operate one chicago pd taglist, so one list for all one shots and multichaptered stories): @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar // @diegos-butt //
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ticklish-touch · 3 years
HELL YEA OC song/voice headcanon time let’s goooo I’ve been wanting to do one of these for a long time now. And after seeing my friend @shunfluff​ do one for some of their OCs, I finally decided to sit down and take time to throw this together while I actually still have a drawing bug. Strike while the iron’s hot and all. Though I… didn’t just stop at drawings and and song titles. I really shouldn’t have access to Filmora X’D After seeing how fun the effects could be, I played around a bit to make it all a bit more dynamic. Ofc I couldn’t get to all 50 of my OCs, I mostly just picked ones that I already had a song in mind for. If I feel like doing another vid with more OCs at a later date, then I definitely will. More rambling under the cut.
Harvey: “You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid” by The Offspring (Singer: Dexter Holland) Harvey loves all things rock. Mostly British & Australian punk rock, but also a good majority of alternative and some metal. His voice was actually pretty hard to pinpoint; I see it being at a range anywhere between Queen and Adam Lambert, plus he’s a master at changing his voice. But ultimately I settled on this singer, which is a good middle-ground. Terry: “The World That He Sees” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra (Singer: Zak Stevens) Terry is inspired directly from TSO, so it only seemed fitting to use one of their songs. He has a beautiful booming operatic singing voice, which his family had him use in their Catholic church to sing classic hymns during masses. Seth: “Indigo” by Ed-Alleyne Johnson As you can tell, this isn’t a song with vocals. Seth’s voice is somewhat close to Josh Groban’s, he’s just not as skilled of a singer. But in a sense, his electric violin is his voice so I decided to switch things up. Marie: “Kings & Queens” by Ava Max Marie is a criminally under-used OC of mine. She was the lead scientist behind the Animalia - the group of animal hybrid subjects (like Harvey). She does a lot of work for humanitarian, environmentalist and gender equality efforts. She’s very self-confident and knows damn well how to strut her stuff to get what she wants. She uses every bit of media attention to bring important issues to light, and often has men in the science community at her beck and call, pointing out the double-standards of the science community and their treatment of women in the field. Riley: “Monster” by Skillet (Singer: John Cooper) Angsty badger is angsty. Riley battles a lot of internal rage and violent urges, struggling to keep it in check. I was torn between this song and “Animal I Have Become”, but ultimately this one just sounds more like him. Kenisime: “ Deora Ar Mo Chroí ” by Enya I ended up using Kenni’s female form for this, since there weren’t any songs off the top of my head that had a really deep, really soft/silky voice. So Enya’s soothing singing is very fitting for Kenni in this form. Ragaeli: “Say My Name” from Beetlejuice (Singer: Alex Brightman) I already posted this in a diff video, but might as well include him here too. Pitched-down Alex Brightman is still a dead-ringer for Rags’ normal speaking & singing voice. Kama: “Ijazat” from the movie One Night Stand (Singer: Tanuj Virwani)  Ngl, my first song choice for Kama was “Tonight (I’m Fckin You)” by Enrique Iglesias. His voice tone and the lyrics were very fitting for Kama, but a friend pointed out that it might be uhhh weird to have a Spanish singer as a voice claim for an Indian character. So instead I found a nice sensual Indian song that works well for him. Clancy: “Dulaman” by (Singer: Ciaran O’Donovan) There was a different singer/version for this song on TikTok that’s a closer match to Clancy’s voice, but the account got deleted for some reason :c So this one works. He has a very light, airy, pleasant voice. I like to imagine that the choir in the background is his other fairy workers at his trading post. …And then Harvey again, lmao. He’s a fucking awesome guitarist and I had to show that off. “Through the Fire and Flames” has just the right amount of chaotic, fiery enthusiasm for his character.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Opposite Sides - Part 3 - The girl we want
Summary: Working at a diner never brought you much attention until not one but two Winchesters show interested in you…
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Mobster!Sam x Reader
Characters: Charlie Bradbury, Benny Lafitte, OFC Earl Fitzgerald, unnamed persons
Warnings: angst, mentions of illness (cancer), sadness, characters death, jealous Dean/Sam, concurrence, both men are brothers but hate each other, one girl between two dangerous men, mobster business, lies, language, a hint of blackmailing
Opposite Sides Masterlist
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“Listen, me being an annoying bastard wasn’t the best way to act, I know that. Just let me help you, sweetheart.”
Dean holds out his hand while Sam is torn between just grabbing you and run and being patient and wait at the sideline for Dean to mess up.
“What happened, cher? How can we help you?” Benny is the one to break the tension when he holds out his hand and you reluctantly take it. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“The nurse, the one taking care of my mother while I am at work just quit. She said my mother’s insurance doesn’t pay any longer and that the money I offered her is not enough. Without any further word she just left my mom’s apartment.
That bitch! I paid her twenty bucks extra when she stayed for five minutes longer and now, she just grabbed her shit and left.
Now my mom is alone at home while I have to work.” Sniffling you wipe your tired eyes. “I can barely sleep but with the nurse gone I don’t know how to do this any longer.”
“Let me drive you home, Y/N. Cole and I can help you find a nurse and all.” Sam offers but all he gets is a cold glare. 
“Sam, this is not the time for a charm contest. Let’s take a deep breath and try to do what’s best for Y/N.” Dean tries to step closer but you slap his offered hand away.
“I don’t need your fucking help! I did well so far. I’ll make this work…somehow. Maybe I can take over a few shifts at the café at the other end of town. I don’t want you to ever talk to me again. Get out of my life both!” Screaming on the top of your lungs you try to keep the tears at bay.
When you finally let all out you storm toward your bicycle to drive home. “I have to take care of my mom and no time to waste with men not knowing how to treat a girl right. Did you ever consider that girl loved you both and was torn?” 
Dean’s eyes meet Sam’s when you huff audibly. “Thought so. You were too busy to fight each other to ever ask her what she wants.”
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“Shhh, …it’s okay, mommy. We will make this work. Earl will pay me more and I can take care of you.”
Sniffling your mother tries to smile at you, but cancer let the once strong and independent woman slowly turn into an empty shell of her former self.
You can feel her hand touch yours and you try to put on a brave face when you see a tear roll down her cheek. “Don’t worry, mom. This is nothing I can’t handle. Now sleep a bit and in a few hours.”
Her eyes lit up when you whisper, ‘I love you’ and for a moment, you see your mom looking back at you before the ghost she became is back.
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“I don’t understand. Why are you here and who are you?” Looking at a doctor, two nurses, and a guy bringing random medical supplies into your home you don’t understand why they came here.
“We became an order from our boss to come here and take care of your mother. I already called your doctor and talked about your mothers’ condition. We will check on her while you are at work.” The doctor explains.
“I still don’t understand. Nurse Patty said my mom’s insurance doesn’t pay for her care any longer. Now there are two nurses and a doctor?” Ludicrous you look at the nurses who started to check on your mother.
“All I can say is that your insurance called my boss and said we shall come here, Miss Y/L/N.” Adamant the doctor refuses to answer your questions. 
“This can’t be right, Doctor. My mother’s insurance wasn’t the best. That’s the reason the nurse quit not three days ago.” Your words do not impress the doctor or keep the nurses from taking care of your mother.
“If you want to call them back, here’s the number. The name was Charlie Bradbury and she said your mother's former boss paid for a policy and it will cover anything your mother will need.”
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“Great job, Charlie.” Dean smiles, even chuckles as he watches you talk to a friend in your mother's apartment. It’s been a week since the doctor, the nurses, and a maid took over all your duties.
“She looks happy.” Sam looks at a different woman. There is even a tiny smile on your lips when you walk into your mothers’ room to find her watch TV. “…and you are sure she’ll never find out it was me and Dean?”
Dean’s eyes narrow and he can’t stop his hand from sliding over his hidden gun. “What’s that supposed to mean? Only as it was my idea it must be a bad one?”
“I had the same idea, Dean!” Charlie rolls her eyes when the brothers start to fight again. “You only want to get in her pants, admit it!”
“You are the one trying to kiss her! I suggested we leave her alone, but no. Sam Winchester believed he kisses the girl and she falls for him.” Dean’s bumps his body against Sam’s, ready to attack his brother.
“Guys, it was a pleasure to work with, or rather for the both of you again. You should’ve listened to the girl’s words. What did she say?” Charlie smirks watching Dean’s face darken as Sam dared to glance at you on the monitor.
“Maybe you should think less about you and your needs and realize what the girl of your dreams wants. That girl, she’s a smart one.” Arms crossed over her chest the bubbly redhead smirks up at Sam. “She said that Melody had a thing for the both of you…maybe Y/N is the same…”
“Wait…what?” Dean’s eyes narrow as Charlie points toward you stroking your mother’s hair. “You mean she wants us both? Oh, that's…”
“Not in a million years I will share her!” Stubborn as always Sam glares at Dean who tries to not punch his brothers’ nose.
“Can you two not stop fighting and do what’s best for the girl you want meanwhile? I mean, look at her. It’s been only a week and she looks so much better.” Charlie’s eyes fill with tears when you press as a soft kiss to your mother’s cheek. 
“Imagine what you and Dean could do for her without Y/N even recognizing. You have more money than anyone could ever count. Power, influence, and people at all the right places. Stop trying to get into her pants and start caring for her.” Sam’s eyes drift toward you and your mother again and his stomach tightens.
“What else can we do to help her without Y/N noticing? I mean, we can’t pay her more…oh-fuck! That’s it.” Smirking Dean elbows his brother and for the first time, Sam chuckles. “I got an idea.”
“You want to blackmail Earl to pay Y/N more money and give it to him?” Brows furrowed Sam smirks at his elder brother. “Let me handle this. He almost peed his pants last time.”
“Dude don’t give that old geezer a heart attack or something. Y/N will lose her job if he dies.” Charlie snickers watching the Winchesters bicker about nonsense. It almost feels like in the good old times, before one girl parted the brothers.
Charlie only hopes, history will not repeat itself with you…
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“You want me to do what and will give me what?” Earl stammers as Sam towers over him like a titan. “I would never lie to Y/N, Sir. How could I look into a mirror not hating what I see?”
“Listen, we will give you money, you lie and tell her that she will get more wage. My brother and I want to help her. There’s nothing wrong with helping people.” Sam becomes impatient when Earl looks at him with disgust.
“She will not want your money, Sir. Y/N knows you are no good men, you and your brother. The girl always kept her distance to bad boys.” The mobster is taller, younger, and stronger but Earl won’t give in.
“Last chance to be cooperative, old man. We want to help her without Y/N knowing. She deserves a bit of happiness. Now agree or I’ll…”
For the first time, Sam doesn’t know how to threaten someone. He can’t hurt the old man, or you would know it was one of them.
“You swear this is only to help her? No strings attached?” Earl nods silently, hoping he doesn’t make your life harder by agreeing to the deal. “Okay. I’ll offer her more money, but I can’t promise she’ll take it, Sir.”
“That’s all we want. Charlie will talk about the details with you. Now…uh-ahem.” Dean looks at the pie you baked, licking his lips, before he eagerly points toward it. “I want the pie, no all of them. I miss her pie…”
“You are going to be fat soon if you eat them all,” Sam smirks, a mocking tone in his voice. For the first time, he wants to tease not to kill his brother. “Maybe she’ll go for me then…”
“I bet Y/N likes her man with meat. Now, back to the pie.” Unimpressed by his brothers teasing Dean buys two pies. “I’ll feast on her pies today.”
“As longs as you do not feast on her.” Charlie groans when Sam starts to fight again. “You know, this doesn’t mean we are brothers again. It’s only an armistice to help her.”
“Got it, Sammy. I knew you wouldn't be man enough to take one step toward your brother. Who, if you would use your heart once in a while lost Melody too. Twice, by the way.” Dean leaves the diner with two pies in his arms while his brother follows him with sad eyes.
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For a while, everything seemed to turn out for the better. For a while, you even had hoped life can be not cruel and soul-crushing but - you should've known better.
One day you joked with your mother, hugged her tightly and the next you have to watch the paramedics fight for her life.
When the heart monitor shows asystole you know, this is the end.
This wasn’t how it supposed to be. You wanted her to stick her feet into the sand and feel the sun warm her skin for the last time. 
You almost had the money you needed to rent a car and make a short trip with her before the end comes closer. Now all your mother saw was her room and the tears run down your face before she closed her eyes for the last time.
“I am so sorry, Ms. Y/L/N. We did all we could, but her heart was too weak. Do you need a moment?” The doctor asks and you nod silently. Everyone leaves the room to give you space and time to say goodbye to your mother.
Her skin is still warm when you kiss her forehead. “I am sorry, mommy. I wish I could’ve invented something to save you. Maybe if I was a better daughter, a smarter one…”
Sniffling you run your fingers through her thin hair. “I love you, always will. Please be in heaven and wait for me.”
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“Why did you wake me at 2 am, Charlie? I need sleep and…” Looking at the monitor Dean’s heart drops. “What happened? Why is Y/N crying? Charlie?”
“Her mom, she died minutes ago. The doctor and paramedics tried anything but, in the end, they were as helpless as Y/N.” Charlie sniffles silently. “It feels wrong to watch her, boss. Shall I…”
“I…I gotta call Sam…right? I mean it wouldn’t be fair if I just rush over to her apartment to take the chance to soothe her. I…we need to help her.” Dean dials his brothers’ number already running out of the room.
“Sam, Sammy…we got to go to Y/N’s place. Her mom, she just died…”
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blog-sliverofjade · 4 years
7: Tête Dure Minous
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Pairing: Remi Denier x OFC
Summary:  Lorel Maddox just wants to live as a human, run her bakery in peace, and forget. Unfortunately, the alpha of the local leopard pack has very different ideas.
Remi Denier doesn’t know what to make of the female Changeling who wants nothing to do with him or the RainFire pack. He does know that he has a driving need to protect her. Even if it’s from herself.
While they’re embroiled in a battle of wills, there’s a war brewing on the horizon. The outside threat could not only destroy everything they hold dear, but tear apart the fragile new bonds of the Trinity Accord, plunging the world into bloodshed to rival the Territorial Wars of centuries past.
Word count: 2018
Content warning: Racist cop
Hearth Fires Masterlist
Beta read by the wonderful pandabearer
         Lorel bared her teeth at him when a wave of power washed into the shop; it tasted wild, male, and lethal.  She tore her attention away from the cop in time to see Remi stalking through the open door. Her cat went from snarling and ready to pounce to wary watchfulness in the presence of a bigger predator.  She hated that some of her anxiety eased the moment she caught his scent, but at least her cat’s homicidal urges went from screaming to a dull roar.
 ��       And damned if she wasn’t relieved to see Denier, like he was some sort of knight in shining armour.  Or, rather, a knight in jeans and a t-shirt. Said jeans hung low on his hips, emphasizing his narrow waist in contrast to the breadth of his chest.  The black t-shirt clung to the ridges and hollows of his densely muscled chest and wide shoulders.
         “Mr. Denier, she here one of your’n?”  Shank turned square to him and jerked his head in Lorelei’s direction.
         “All changelings in Swain County are mine.”
         She opened her mouth to protest the hard, possessive statement, but Remi cut her off with a look, the cat rising in his eyes.  Although they never changed colour, her own cat recognized his and urged her to back down. The animal usually urged the opposite; the sudden shift in temperament had her scrabbling to regain her equilibrium after she’d prepared to fight for control.
         Even though the sheriff was human, some latent instincts must have sensed something because he dropped his folded arms to hook his thumbs behind his belt.  Remi’s gaze didn’t stray from Shaw’s, but she had no doubt that he was keeping careful track of the cop’s hands in relation to his weapons.
         “Ya need to get your girl in line.  Had a call she was intimidatin’ folk.”  Shank levelled him with a hard look below thick, dark brows.
         The thought that either of them believed she was under his protection soothed something within that she hadn’t even known had been stretched taut.  The relief was like setting down a burden she’d been carrying for so long she only recognized the strain once it was gone. And that set her teeth on edge.
         “The CCTV footage doesn’t corroborate the allegation.”  There was a drawl to his voice, but it lacked the thickness of the bayou it’d had when they first met.
         “Yer a big guy, what a young girl’d find intimidatin’ you’d hardly sneeze at,” he shrugged.
         “Are charges being pressed?”  Remi merely tilted his head and, somehow, she knew that his leopard was close to the surface even though his eyes continued to remain completely human.
         Some long-buried instinct in Shaw must have recognized it, too, because the hand closest to his stunner twitched.  Claws burst from Lorel’s fingertips. For once, she didn’t try to force them back in. Remi, however, kept his hands in his pockets.  Only a fool would miss the lethal threat hidden beneath the lazy demeanour. How on earth he managed to hold the alpha’s stare, full of barely restrained savagery, she had no idea.
         “Naw, I think we’ll let this’un go with a warnin’.”  Shaw shrugged and resettled his hat. “But you best show your girl how things are ‘round here.”
         Shocked speechless by the blatant paternalism, she could only gape at him.
         “Oh?  And just how are ‘things ‘round here’?”  Remi’s tone was deceptively calm, but whatever the other man saw on his face had drained the blood from his own.
         “Well, that… you see…”  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped.  “You can’t just go ‘round intimidating people you don’t like!”
         “I think you should take your own advice, officer.”  The predator was present in his voice. “Cher, why don’t you make a copy of that video for Sheriff Shaw here?”  He never looked away from the cop so the silent snarl she threw his way went unnoticed.
         “Testosterone’s getting thick in here anyway,” she muttered in a volume pitched for his ears alone.
         Once Lorelei was out of the room, the red haze fogging his mind cleared a little and he could think clearly again.  Shaw, on the other hand, realized he was alone in a room with a leopard in human skin, which meant he was less likely to do something stupid to prove his masculinity in front of a third, feminine party.  Men could usually be counted on to pull supremely senseless stunts when it came to pretty women. Such as issuing premature ultimatums instead of merely taking the measure of a prospective packmate.
         “Now look here…” the sheriff licked his lips.
         “I assume the human will be charged with filing a false report?”  He leaned against the cash counter, bracing his hands against the edge, palms down.  The relaxed stance fooled Shaw into downgrading his threat level and puffed up accordingly, crowding the alpha’s space.  Remi barely avoided rolling his eyes. His leopard didn’t take it as a challenge, merely huffed and sat down to scratch behind an ear. 
         “We have to dispatch a car ‘cause if something happens, we could be held liable if we don’t.  We don’t want people to avoid callin’ if they see something suspicious.” Remi wondered if the sheriff realized just how much of a stereotype of the rural hick cop he was, despite his law degree.  When he’d decided to found RainFire, he’d compiled dossiers on the local Enforcement brass and he knew that Shaw was well-educated. Was it a deliberate good ole’ boy ruse to put the humans at ease?
         Lorelei returned with the data chip and his leopard snapped to attention, snarling a warning at the male in the room.  Neither half of him wanted the cop anywhere near the curvy redhead. Remi caught the eye of Sugiyama through the door, which was still propped open, and waved him over.  The lieutenant accepted the chip and promised it would be entered into the incident report, ignoring his superior who clearly smelled displeased. Scenting no lie from the officer, his leopard settled somewhat.
         “Now I assume that Ms. Maddox is free to resume business unless ya’ll have any further questions.”  It wasn’t so much a question as it was a threat.
         Though Shaw was pissed at the brusque dismissal, he strode out of the bakery.  Sugiyama lingered to thank Lorelei for her hospitality and cooperation. Remi crushed the urge to throw the officer bodily out of the shop.  He could probably hit Shaw like a bowling pin with the lieutenant as the ball.
         “Thank you for your concern, Mr. Denier,” she said stiffly and smoothed her apron.  Today, it was patterned with autumn leaves and edged in yellow worn over a russet dress.  He wondered what he would find if he tugged on the satin tie and parted that modest Peter Pan collar to lick at the freckles that peppered her neck.  Were there more scattered across her creamy breasts? Did they trail across her soft stomach to…
         “Mr. Denier, was there something I can help you with?”  By the sharp arch of her brow, she was repeating the question.  Unlike Shaw, she wasn’t afraid of being alone with him although she was at the other end of the hierarchy.  Even with all the training in the world, a submissive could never hope to win against an alpha leopard in a physical battle.  And yet still she defied him while maintaining all outward propriety that could never be mistaken for an actual challenge.
         “There’s no need to be so formal, please, call me Remi.”  It was an obvious ploy to keep him at arm’s length. If she thought that would work, well, she had another thing coming.  He intended to solve the mystery of this woman who played at being human, needed to figure out why his cat wanted to hunt her in the most sensual way.
         “Was there anything you require?”  Icy haughtiness that would have done those few who still clung to Silence proud.  Coaxing her out of her shell was going to be fun.
         “A ‘thank you’ would be nice.”  A slow, feline smile curved his lips.
         “For what?  Barging in here and claiming responsibility for me like I’m a child?”  That was interesting. Most submissives liked feeling safe and protected, that she found it upsetting was another facet to the puzzle of Lorelei Caine/Maddox.
         “Keeping you from assaulting a law Enforcement officer.”  It had been obvious that she wanted to go for Shaw’s throat the second he walked in.
         “Thank you, Mr. Denier, for sweeping in here uninvited and undermining my authority in my own business.  I am ever so grateful you patted me on the head and shooed me away while you menfolk postured at each other.”  Her tone was sweet enough to drizzle over one of her confections and the drama was so over the top it would have done Scarlett O’Hara proud.  Any minute now he expected her to start soliloquizing about root vegetables. “Since you’re marking your territory and all, I think the sheriff peed on that tree over there in case you feel the need to over-mark.”
         “Il y a pas de quoi.  Next time Shaw wants to cause a fuss, he’ll have to notify RainFire.”  She blinked, considering the ramifications of having a pack of predatory changelings on her side when it came to dealing with the bigoted sheriff.  “One of the benefits of pack is protection.” It was not just a case of safety in numbers. Dominants lived to defend their pack, the need to protect ingrained into the core of who they were.
         “It was one person.  Besides, you can’t be there 24/7,” she said dismissively.
         The cat didn’t like the insinuation that he couldn’t protect this stubborn woman who regarded him with eyes of cool slate ringed with Prussian blue.
         “No one messes with RainFire.”  Any and all challenges were met with swift and brutal force.  Yet the challenge of Lorelei was one that couldn’t be resolved with violence.  Not as the initial offensive, anyway.
         “You make it sound like you’re running a protection racket.  Should I pay protection money in cookies? Are you going to shake down the grocery store for milk, too?”  Cocking a hip, she braced a fist on it and gestured in the direction of the grocer with her other hand.
         “What if next time it’s someone with a gun?”  The blood drained away from her face and he bristled at the spike of doubt in her luscious sugar and spice scent.  At their first meeting, he’d thought that the smell was from her array of goods; now he knew that it was part of her.  When he’d walked in, the sweetness had been tainted with a hint of something foul that nearly left an aftertaste. That note quickly faded while he dealt with Shaw and he wasn’t yet certain whence it came.
         “Then it’s a good thing I keep a hot pot of tea going.”  She glanced at the faintly steaming kettle within arm’s reach.  As a makeshift defensive strategy, he had to admit it wasn’t half bad.  A faceful of scalding liquid would give even him pause.
         “A clever answer,” he mused.  “Do you have one for me?”
         A faint vertical line formed on her brow.  Normally she took care to avoid meeting his gaze in case his leopard took it as a provocation, she did so now with remote appraisal.
         “Are you going to kill me if I decline your offer?”  
         “Only if it’s necessary.  Why? Do you plan on hurting my people, t-minou?  You’ll find we’re not easy prey.” He knew his eyes flashed cat bright as he stalked closer to her.  Wide-eyed, she mirrored his movements until she bumped up against the counter. Bones pushed up against her skin from the grip she had on the white ashwood.  The pulse of her heart was a fluttering butterfly under the thin skin of her throat, the sound of it like the hoofbeats of a racehorse.
         “If you’re calling my bluff, cher, this is a game you won’t win.”
Tête Dure - Hardheaded
Minou(s) - Cat(s)
T - Small, shortened form of petite
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: Unexpected 12
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The Tower: Unexpected An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist Previous //
Pairing:  Avengers x ofc, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1683
Warnings:  smut (orgy, oral sex, vaginal sex), pregnancy
Synopsis: A little over 2 years after moving into the Avengers Tower, Elly finds herself pregnant against the odds.  While some are excited, others are terrified, and pregnancy that none expected to happen causes rifts through the group and threatens to end the relationship.  
Author’s Note:  Written with @avengerscompound whom I’ve annoyed all week with dumb shit
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Chapter 12: Tony’s Plan
I was given the all-clear by the doctors that afternoon.  It was a simple pinched nerve thanks to moving too fast.  They weren’t uncommon with twin pregnancies anyway.  I went back to the others.  We had dinner together and then for the first time in months, all nine of us slept in the same bed.
I woke the following morning feeling the most settled and rested I had in months.  When I opened my eyes, Bruce was face to face with me and he smiled.
“Morning, L,”  He said softly.
“Morning, B.”
He leaned in and kissed me.  It was so gentle and so tender and full of love.  I hummed happily against his lips.
He pulled back gently and brushed my hair from my brow.  “I missed you,”  I whispered.
“I’m sorry.  I panicked.  Do we… do you know… are they mine?”  He asked.
“I don’t know.  If they are they’re not worried about it.  Hulk let us draw blood and they’d done genetic testing.  Steve is adamant that no one knows who the father is unless they’re specifically concerned about something.”  I explained.
“Right.  Okay.”  He said.
“I’m sorry.  You could ask the doctors directly if you’re worried.”
He shook his head and kissed my temple before running a hand down to my stomach.  “You’re so pregnant.”
“I know.  It’s been a while, B.  You’ve been gone for five months.”  I said with a frown.
“Yeah,”  I said and leaned my forehead against his.  “You have the control now.  You might need to work something out with Hulk.  He is very excited about the babies.”
One of the babies chose that moment to kick and Bruce looked down at my stomach and then back up to me.  “Was that them?”
“Mm-hmm.”  I hummed.
He leaned in and kissed me.  It was deeper this time and quickly became passionate.  Clint cleared his throat and we both pulled back and looked over at him.
“This a Bruce and Emily thing or can anyone join in?” 
“Come over here, my bird,”  I said.
Clint scrambled over waking up Nat and Tony who sat up blinking as Clint shoved himself in between Tony and I and leaned over me to kiss Bruce.
“What the hell, Legolas?”  Tony grumbled.
“I think we might be having a reconnecting moment, Tony.”  Natasha teased.
“Oh, well in that case,”  Tony said and moved, pulling the blankets down and climbing between my legs.
I grabbed a pillow and moved it under my lower back as Tony kissed the inside of my thighs.  I hummed reaching down and running my fingers through his hair.  “Just getting straight to it, huh?”
He looked up at me, though I could barely see him past Bruce and Clint who were still locked together above me.  “I’d kiss you good morning first, but you’re kinda blocked.  So,”  He dipped his head between my legs and after moving my panties to the side, he placed a large open-mouthed kiss on my pussy.
The others began to wake, looking around bleary-eyed as Tony pulled down my underwear and began to really eat me out properly.  Sam and Bucky watched for a moment until Wanda and Natasha crawled over to them.
Both Clint and Bruce began to roll their hips against my hips.  Their cocks hardened against me and began to leave a sticky trail on my skin.  I moaned and grabbed Clint’s hair, tugging on it and making him moan too.
As Tony brought his hand up and pushed his fingers inside me, I ran mine down and wrapped them around both Clint and Bruce’s cock.  They broke their kiss with a gasp as I moaned and pushed my hips up.  Tony fingers dragged over my g-spot.
The room slowly got louder.  Gasps turned to moans, which turned to cries of pleasure.  I rolled over onto my hands and knees and Bruce moved so he was sitting on the edge of the pit.  I looked up into the brown of his eyes and dropped my head down taking his cock deep down the back of my throat.  At the same time, Tony moved behind me, running his cock up and down my pussy before sinking it deep into my cunt.
The three of us all moaned as one, and the sound blended with those of the others.  Clint had joined the others, though how they had arranged themselves or what they were doing, I wasn’t sure exactly.  All I knew was the pleasure that was swirling out through me from my cunt and the feel of Bruce’s cock in my mouth.
Bruce tangled his hands in my hair as I bobbed my head up and down on his cock.  Each time I took him that little bit deeper until each drop downward my lips would touch flush against his crotch.  A warm buzz and the glow of pink light swirled around me and started to focus on my clit.
I began to moan loudly around Bruce’s cock as I struggled to keep my control.  My legs trembled with my approaching orgasm.  I kept sucking though.  I started tugging on his balls and massaging between his legs as I did.  I wanted him to come when I did.  I wanted to feel the wet heat of his semen in my mouth.  To taste the salty tart liquid as it coated my tongue.
Bruce moaned and stroked my hair.  His eyes closed and he let his head fall back.  I could feel the pulse of his cock in my mouth and I relaxed letting my guard down. As my own orgasm built and came right to the edge, the sounds Bruce made became louder and needier.  I sucked hard and as his hips jerked forward and he spilled down my throat.  As he did my own orgasm broke, crashing through me.  I moaned and choked pulling off Bruce and swallowing.  “Fuck,”  I groaned as my muscles clenched and spasmed.
Tony kept thrusting, drawing my orgasm out.  With a hard snap of his hips, he came.
We sunk back into the bed cuddling as the others all slowly finished too.  Soon all nine of us were lying, panting and snuggled together.
“We should really get up and do things?  We are still Avengers right?”  Steve said.
I groaned and sat up.  “Fine.  Leave me why don’t you?”
“Breakfast together first,”  Wanda said firmly as Natasha came over and helped me up.
“Alright.  That sounds fair.”  Steve said.
We all showered and dressed and Sam and Bucky made pancakes for everyone.
“God, you all suck,”  I whined as I nursed my tea.
“What did we do now?”  Clint asked.
“Just taunting me with coffee,”  I grumbled.
Natasha laughed and took a long deliberate sip from her cup.  “I’m not drinking any coffee,”  Wanda said.
“I know, honey.  You, I love.”  I joked.
Steve shook his head and looked over at Tony.  “You said you had some designs?  What for?”
“Oh, right,”  Tony said, almost shaking himself out of his thoughts.  “I was thinking.  This -”  he waved his hands around and then brought up a screen in the middle of the table. “Isn’t going to work for us.  It would take a lot of work to set up floors for us to use as a family.   It’s also too exposed.  We’ve already been attacked multiple times.  We can’t go outside without paps hounding us.  I was thinking we could move upstate.  We can build something more appropriate for what the Avengers are now.  A big facility with everything we need for training and operations.  Away from other people so we aren’t risking lives.  Lots of labs.  And space.  We can have a house there.  Something where we share the space.”
As he spoke he brought up building plans and concept designs for a large compound.  The more I saw the larger my smile got.  He had a few different designs but the house ones were all based around the idea that, while we each had our own room we could retreat to if needed, they were near everyone else.  There was always a big shared room.  And there were spare rooms for the babies I was carrying and more.  Like he was thinking big picture and these weren’t the only kids we were having.  The living areas were shared and while there was always a dining, tv, games and cinema room there wasn’t one for each of it.  These were large scale family home ideas for our large scale family.
I felt like I was going to cry.  He had been apart but the whole time he’d been making these huge scale plans for us to be together.  For us to grow even more as a family.  It had hurt for him to cut me out, but he was just working his own way to make this okay and for him to be ready for it.
I got up and moved to him, leaned down and kissed him hard.  He startled before wrapping his arms around me and stroking my hair.
“What was that for?”  He asked, blinking up at me when I pulled back.
“I love it.  I love it, Tony.”  I said with a smile.
“Oh.  Well, good then.”  He said and pulled me so I was sitting in his lap.  “I have plans where we can refurbish the tower so we’re more together.   We’d need to move out while it happened.  But I do think the move is better.”
Steve looked over the plans chewing slowly on his food.  Tony seemed to get nervous while he waited and his fingers tapped out a pattern on my stomach.  After a little while, Steve swallowed and looked up.  “I think it’s a good idea.  We’ve been a risk to the city being here.  Does anyone have any objections?”
Everyone glanced around at each other.  “I think it will be good,”  Wanda said.
“Can I get a dog?”  Clint asked.
“What?  No.”  Tony said.
Clint shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.  “I think I’m gonna get one any anyway.”
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odilelajolie · 20 days
Hunted, Ch. 2: Dream A Little Dream of Me (18+)
Alice misses Cooper. Cooper misses his little girl even more.
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Perhaps she should have found it disturbing, just how quickly the mysterious man from Tuesday night seemed to consume her thoughts at every level of consciousness, from the hyperactive peaks of wakefulness all the way down to the quietest depths of slumber. 
Call me Cooper.
He’d spent barely an hour at the diner, and yet he was all Alice could think about when she returned home to her tiny apartment well after midnight—giggling. And twirling. When she finally settled down enough to sleep after a long shower, she’d dreamt about him in a series of innocent, nonlinear fancies, all involving shamelessly basking in Cooper’s undivided attention. To be looked at by Cooper, to be talked to by Cooper—to have Cooper smile at her—was the kind of benevolent, life-affirming regard so bright and balmy it was like he was the sun beaming down on her bare skin. He was a knight in truly shining armor, rescuing her from the cold darkness of the lonely shadows she called home.   
Alice couldn’t wait until she saw him again. 
Excellent recommendation, sweetheart—
She replayed their short dialogue on a near endless loop as she ran errands the following day, blushing each time she returned to the moment he called her sweetheart. His deep, stimulating voice reverberated in her ears so powerfully she actually shivered in pleasure, right in the middle of the check-out line at the grocery store. 
Alice was in such a good mood daydreaming about Cooper that she barely even noticed the hushed whispers of what the hell is wrong with her now? and looks like crazy girl is about to have another nervous fucking breakdown.
There were so many things she wished she’d asked him, and Alice promised herself that the next time he came into the diner, she would be brave and get to know him a bit better. Maybe she’d even personally treat him to his next meal as a thank-you. He’d left her a thirty-dollar tip on his twenty-dollar tab, and while Alice appreciated his generosity, she wanted to prove to him that his attention was infinitely more meaningful to her than his money. 
But Wednesday came and went, followed by Thursday, with absolutely no sign of the captivating newcomer. He was nowhere to be seen around town, nor did he make any appearances at the diner. Alice waited on her tables like she always did—docile and silent, while pretending she was invisible—and as she gazed longingly at the door during those slow hours of emptiness before closing, she began to question if she ever would see him again.
By Friday night, Alice was anxious.
By Saturday night, Alice was crushed. 
As she dejectedly restocked the beverage station next to the bar just after eleven, all hope of seeing Cooper walking through the door officially lost, Alice was forced to accept the strong possibility that she’d let her overactive imagination get carried away.
She was crazy, after all. And the whole town knew it.
Cooper was just a friendly tourist passing through, likely a hiker on his way to the nearby national forest given his obvious athleticism, and Alice had unhealthily clung to the idea of him out of sheer desperation for someone—anyone—to acknowledge her existence as more than just the town lunatic. A man as handsome and kind as Cooper probably even had a family waiting for him in one of the big cities, like Boston or New York or Philadelphia. He probably had a beautiful, perfect wife and beautiful, perfect children, and a myriad of beautiful, perfect friends.
One thing was certain—their short interaction had meant far more to Alice than it had meant to Cooper. 
He’d likely already forgotten all about her the second he walked out the door on Tuesday—
“Why do you look like you’re about to cry, sweetheart?”
Startled by the intrusion, Alice jumped several feet back with a high shriek, but her heart rate instantly began to settle when her eyes finally landed on the very object of her inapt hopefulness. 
“Hey…easy there, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Cooper intoned tenderly, slowly raising his huge hands as if attempting to calm an untamed, fearful mare. Gesturing to his broad torso, he added, “I was just here the other night. Cooper. Don’t you remember me? I ordered the deluxe cheeseburger you recommended…”
For several seconds, Alice was paralyzed from her vocal box all the way to her feet, the gears in her mind stuck somewhere between humiliation and delight. But soon, her joy and relief at seeing Cooper again obliterated her sense of embarrassment—even her sense of shame—and it wasn’t long before she was grinning and nodding like a bobblehead.
“Of c-course I remember you!” Alice squeaked, dizzy with happiness. She was so excited she couldn’t remain still, her entire body vibrating as she reflexively shifted her weight onto her toes, down, and up again, almost as if she were back in a pair of pointe shoes. “H-Hi! You’re…you’re back!”
“Well I couldn’t stay away from my new favorite restaurant.” Cooper took a few languid steps closer and leaned against the bar counter. “Or my new favorite waitress.”
He winked at her, and Alice giggled, blushing so intensely she grew even more lightheaded from the sudden rush of blood circulating through her cheeks.  
“I bet you say that to everyone who serves you,” Alice remarked sheepishly. Cooper shook his head, his dark gaze unblinking. “Just you, sweet girl.”
Alice’s heart fluttered.
She liked hearing him call her sweet girl even more than when he called her sweetheart.
“Am I too late to grab a bite?” Cooper prompted when Alice once more forgot her words, not to mention her job—too dazzled by the sight of him. “I tried to get here sooner, but work kind of got away from me.”
Alice moistened her lips and wiped her palms on her apron. “Absolutely—you can have any table you’d like!”
“Can I sit right here?” Cooper asked, already deftly easing his large body onto the nearest bar chair. “I know you can’t go behind the bar, but clearly you’re allowed to be next to it.”
Alice darted to the host stand for a menu and presented it to Cooper, and reached into her pocket for her notepad and pen. “Here is perfect. Do you know what you’d like to dri—”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m sorry?”
“You were just on the verge of tears,” Cooper clarified. “I called out to you when I walked in, but I don’t think you heard me. Is everything okay?”
Something…flickered in his impossibly dark eyes, like a shooting star reflecting upon still nighttime water.
Or perhaps a strike of lightning. 
“You can tell me, Alice,” he murmured lowly. “You can tell me anything.”
Alice nervously shifted from side to side, but was spurred into action by his gentle words. His warmth. 
“Umm…you’re going to think it’s stupid. Or crazy, probably—”
“Tell me.”
Before she could cower and hide in a last ditch attempt to preserve what little remained of her dignity, Cooper softly placed his hand on her chin, keeping her gaze focused on him in a gentle snare.
There was nowhere for her to escape. 
“Tell me why you were about to cry.”
His voice, rich and dark and velvety smooth, seemed to settle over her body like a hypnotic, drugging her into suggestion with ease. Cooper was simply irresistible, and Alice found herself confessing the humiliating truth before she could even think to stop herself. 
“I really missed you,” she whispered meekly. “People…people around here don’t like me very much—they think I’m…they think I’m…umm…weird—and you…you were so nice, and you talked to me…nobody talks to me, and…I was really hoping to see you again, but then you didn’t come back, and I wasn’t sure…oh God, what have I done…”
Alice took several slow steps backward, horrified with herself. 
She sounded just as crazy as everyone said she was. More than crazy.
She sounded obsessed. 
Cooper stared at her in silence, an inscrutable expression on his face. Alice rocked onto her heels, clutching her notepad for dear life as she anxiously waited for him to storm off and leave. 
Or, perhaps even call the police. 
Instead, he extended his long arm on a slow exhale and plucked her notepad and pen right out of her sweaty palm, and Alice’s jaw fell open as he rapidly wrote something onto the pad, and returned it to her.
“What…what is this?” Alice asked, dumbly. 
“That’s my cell phone number,” Cooper answered with a smile before Alice could even process the meaning of the ten orderly digits in front of her. “So if you miss me, if you want to see me, or even if you just want to talk—all you have to do is tell me…and I’ll be right there for you, sweet girl.”
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It was far easier tonight to persuade his sweet little Alice to abandon her side work entirely, and focus entirely on him. By keeping his distance this week after giving her a small taste of the attention she so desperately craved—thereby provoking the tender girl’s pronounced fear of abandonment—he’d succeeded in breaking down what minimal defenses she had left for protecting herself.
Her loneliness made her anxious, her anxiousness made her needy, and her neediness made her pliable—complete putty in his hands. 
He wasn’t looking forward to repeating the behavior—he truly didn’t want his little girl to ever question just how much she meant to him—but it was a necessary manipulation, at least for now, to secure her devotion long-term. 
Cooper needed to make an addict out of Alice, to make his pretty little girl depend on her Daddy just as much as he already depended on her—his sweet little narcotic. To guarantee Alice’s lasting attachment, he had to expose the innocent girl to what she wanted most, and then take it away, before giving it back to her in constant, progressively stronger doses until she was so blissed out on his love and adoration she’d never even think about looking elsewhere for her needs. 
With her natural sweetness and excitability, Alice’s little side was undeniable, though the exact developmental stage she regressed to was a bit more difficult to determine. Regardless, Alice was a very…young eighteen, her highest education a GED, her worldliness limited to the  boundaries of this forgotten New England town inhabited by only a few thousand people.
Soon, he would be her entire world—
“I had to make this myself—Ted is already closing down the kitchen, but I’ve made this before, I promise—all of the ingredients and portions are written down,” Alice said in a timid rush as she shakily placed his dinner order on the bar counter. “I really hope you like it.”
Alice’s laughable attempt at preparing a harvest salad was almost as unappetizing as the cheeseburger he’d ordered on Tuesday—and Cooper already had the low-bar bias of not only being a former fireman, but also a fugitive, more than accustomed to eating cheap garbage when pressed for time and circumstance. But his little girl had clearly tried so hard to make his dinner tonight, putting her best effort in a role that was unfamiliar to her, and Cooper would not crush her spirit with criticism. 
He’d denied her—and himself, really—affection all week, which meant tonight was not a night for withholding. 
Cooper would give his little girl all of the praise she craved, until they were both satisfied. 
“Oh, this looks delicious, Alice,” Cooper complimented with enthusiasm. “And is that…wow! You added tri-tip, too? What a treat.”
The meat was much closer to well-done than Cooper would have preferred, but it looked edible enough. 
“It normally comes with grilled chicken breast, but I thought you might enjoy the beef upgrade,” Alice replied brightly. “Since you’re…umm…you’re so…umm…so…”
Alice’s shyness, combined with her complete lack of a filter, was one of the most adorable things about her. When she felt comfortable enough to actually use her cute honeyed voice, his little girl said exactly what was on her mind. 
“Since I’m what?” Cooper asked innocently. He could easily deduce just where her thoughts were headed, but he wanted to hear her say it. 
Alice chewed her lower lip, her long eyelashes fluttering. “Since you’re…so…muscular. Big muscles like yours need lots of protein, right?”
It was the first outright commentary she’d made about his appearance, though he’d certainly followed the direction of her girlish gaze on his body when she thought she was being discreet. Alice may have been profoundly inexperienced, but she still had the hormones of an eighteen-year-old girl, which meant her nubile body was craving sex—whether she realized it or not. 
Alice’s eyes widened and appeared slightly glassy as her gaze briefly slipped below his neck—was she looking at his pecs?—pupils dilating like a wobbly kitten on her first hunt. 
Good girl. 
Always keep those pretty eyes on Daddy—
“Well not just the protein—I need the veggies too,” Cooper said on a chuckle, startling the adorably distracted little girl. “It takes a lot more effort to stay fit at my age. My metabolism isn’t quite what it used to be.”
Cooper had been well aware of his physical appeal ever since he hit puberty, and had diligently maintained it ever since due to the fallacy of human nature to associate attractiveness with trustworthiness. Or even more laughably, safety. He may have been a monster, but that wasn’t what people saw when they looked at him. Instead, they saw height. A strong build. A symmetrical face.
And while Cooper was personally ambivalent about his looks, he fully intended to use any and every physical advantage in his arsenal in order to seduce Alice. She was already highly affected by him, her body language and nonverbal cues revealing far more than her words.
He was willing to bet that he could drop his voice, call her a good girl, and tell her to take off her panties and hop up on the counter so that he could bury his tongue in her sweet little cunt for dessert, and his timid little Alice would immediately obey. 
Whether she truly wanted to or not.
“Umm…I was wondering…how old are you?” Alice asked as he speared a large serving of  mixed greens, sweet potato, apple, and beef onto his fork. He took the bite and was relieved to find the salad tasted much better than it looked, but what he truly savored was the way Alice squirmed as she visibly second-guessed her question, wondering if she’d offended him.
Cooper swallowed and smiled. 
He’d give her the truth for this one.“Forty-six.”
Alice didn’t react in any significant way—no surprise or revulsion—confirming that whatever guess she may have been harboring must have been fairly close to his actual age. 
She already knew he had decades over her. Knew he was old enough to be her father.
And she was unbothered. 
“And do you…umm—if it’s okay to ask—do you…are you married? Do you have a family?”
Cooper had been anticipating this question, and had long rehearsed his response. 
With muted affectation, he lowered his head and paused all movements, his fork hovering above the salad in static suspension as he assumed a faraway look. 
He needed to appear somber.
He could see Alice fidgeting in his peripherals, her panic over his sudden despondency growing more overt by the moment, so he held the pose a few seconds longer before putting her out of her misery. 
“I’m a widower,” Cooper answered quietly. “And…I’m no longer a father.” Alice gasped, her delicate face softening with sympathy. “My family…they were in a car accident several years ago.”
“Oh, Cooper, I—I’m so sorry.” Alice placed her tiny hand on his shoulder, and Cooper had to tighten his jaw to keep himself from grabbing her and pulling her into his lap—right where she belonged. “I know there’s nothing I can say to make you feel better, but please know…I’m…I’m so sorry…”
Cooper turned towards her while slowly covering her hand on his shoulder with his grasp, marveling at the smoothness of her skin. The way her small fingers completely disappeared beneath his palm.
How easy it would be to gather both of her hands in just one of his, bruising her fragile little wrists as he pinned her down and fucked her hard from behind—
“…and I know we don’t know each other very well, but…is there…is there anything you need?” Alice asked, her delicate voice practically bleeding compassion. “Anything I can do to for you?”
You can spread your legs and let Daddy inside your pussy, baby girl—
Cooper cleared his throat and took a sip of iced tea to cool off. “That’s very kind of you to offer, but you’re already doing plenty—just by being yourself. I’m new here, and I don’t really know anyone…honestly, you’ve been the highlight of my entire week.”
Alice gazed up at him with hopeful eyes.“R-really?”
Such a needy baby girl—
“Really,” Cooper affirmed. “Thank you, Alice. For your sympathy. And for your company. It means a lot to a lonely old man like me.”
He gave her hand a final longing squeeze before continuing to eat his dinner, and the two fell into a companionable silence, sharing secret smiles every time they made eye contact. 
“So…you said you’re new here,” the girl mentioned tentatively as she refilled his glass once he’d emptied his plate. “Does that mean…you’re here to…to stay?”
Cooper carefully wiped the corners of his mouth with a paper napkin before responding. He was pleased that she was continuing to ask personal questions. Not only did it mean she was curious, but it also meant she was getting comfortable around him. 
“I am,” Cooper confirmed. “After…everything…I thought it was about time for a change of scenery. Some peace and quiet. I recently closed on a nice forest property about thirty minutes north of here.”
“That sounds wonderful—congratulations on your new home!” Alice chirped. “Are you already all moved in?”
“I still have a few dozen boxes to unpack, but yeah,” Cooper replied. “I get to those in-between work calls as best as I can.”
“What do you do for work?” Alice asked. 
This was the part of the narrative Cooper had needed to embellish the most. Alice was painfully gullible—but she wasn’t stupid. Anyone would be suspicious of the luxury SUV he was driving and six-bedroom home he was currently living in if he said he was a former firefighter. 
“I was an emergency physician in Boston,” Cooper answered. 
It was a logical fake job—he possessed a well-above average understanding of the human body. 
Particularly the human body under trauma.
Cooper continued, “But now, I work part-time from home with a small network of private hospitals and concierge practices providing telehealth services for patients with non-emergency medical needs.”
Alice’s eyes widened, but not with the wonderment he was anticipating. He’d expected her to be impressed by his story, but strangely, Alice seemed more and more nervous by the moment. 
“Wow—so you must be…you must be super smart,” she eventually said in a small voice.
It dawned on him that his fake credentials likely made Alice feel insecure about her own limited education, so Cooper shook his head and released a self-deprecating laugh to put her at ease. “When it comes to medicine, sure. But that’s about it. I’m a simple man, really. I couldn’t help you if you were to ask me about something like…oh, I don’t know…” Cooper paused for a few moments and brought his hand to his chin, feigning consideration. “Literature. Art. Classical music.”
Alice immediately perked up—just as he knew she would—that irresistible, girlishly cheerful gleam restored in her eyes. “Oh, I could tell you all about those! Especially classical music!” 
Of course, Cooper had already learned within days of seeing her for the first time that these were Alice’s areas of interest and strength. 
She was an avid reader, visiting the local library every Wednesday at ten a.m. to check out books before she did her grocery shopping, defaulting most often to 19th and early 20th-century British literature. Currently, she was reading Northanger Abbey, though her favorite book of all time was The Hobbit. She typically finished a chapter each day a few hours before her evening shift at the diner, when she’d arrange a little tea party for herself in her apartment.  
She was also an amateur artist, and brought a sketchbook and colored pencils to the lakefront park every Sunday at noon to draw wildlife. For the last several weeks, she’d been working on a drawing of a family of white-tailed deer. It was clear she had no formal art instruction, but Cooper found her whimsical doodles to be endearing. 
He couldn’t wait to cover the walls of his new home—their home—with pictures she made especially for Daddy.
But the area where his little girl held true mastery was with classical music, and the elite form of athletic art that came with it.
Alice was a ballerina. 
“Well I look forward to learning all that I can from you,” Cooper replied sincerely. “Do you play an instrument?”
Alice shook her head, cheeks reddening. “Well, no…but I studied ballet pretty seriously from when I was three up until a couple of years ago. Learning about classical music kind of comes with it.”
“Now that is what I call impressive,” Cooper praised. “What’s your favorite ballet?”
Alice was on the verge of bouncing up and down, the girl was so clearly excited to talk about her favorite thing. “Well it’s definitely a three-way tie between—”
“I’m going home,” a new voice suddenly announced, and Cooper’s spine stiffened, all of his senses electrified to high alert. 
Always in the habit of constantly surveying his surroundings, it was a very rare occurrence when Cooper was unable to detect the arrival of a new person. And when it did happen, it…unnerved him.
The fry cook who had snuck up on them like a ghost was probably fifteen or twenty years older than Cooper was, tall with a gangly build, though there was a haggard weariness lining his gray face that made him appear much older. The man stepped fully into the fluorescents, and Cooper noticed that about a third of his face was violently scarred from a poorly-healed chemical burn. He also had a collection of dog tags around his neck. 
This man was ex-military.
“It’s okay, Ted, I can lock up,” Alice said timidly to the new arrival, but the cook shook his head. “I have it handled—”
“I lock up,” the man called Ted interrupted gruffly. “Take his plates to the dishwasher. Tell him the diner is closed.”
Alice offered Cooper an apologetic smile before completing her duties as she’d been instructed, briefly disappearing in the kitchens with Ted, who Cooper found himself hating more and more by the moment.
The ways he could dismember and mutilate the intrusive fuck who dared to interrupt his time with his little girl—
“Sorry about that,” Alice said breathlessly when she finally emerged. She’d let her lovely hair down—pretty, pretty girl—and was tying an oversized coat around her tiny waist. “Do you think you might want to come back soon—”
“Don’t I have a bill to pay?”
Alice shook her head with a self-satisfied smile as she reached for a spray bottle and towel, giving a final wipe-down to the countertop where Cooper had been dining. “Tonight’s on me. Your tip last time was way too generous.”
Cooper gritted his teeth and balled his fists in an effort to suppress the spark of rage her little stunt instigated. He reminded himself that Alice wasn’t insulting him on purpose—he highly doubted she possessed a single brat bone within her small body. She didn’t know she’d broken one of his rules, because she didn’t know his rules yet.
As much as he wanted to bend her over his knee, tear off her panties, and beat her ass so hard she wouldn’t be able to sit for weeks without crying in pain, he couldn’t punish her for not yet knowing that Daddy always paid for all expenses. But soon, Alice would learn that it was Daddy’s job to take care of her, and a sweet little girl like her never needed to worry about big things like money, no matter the amount.
“Thank you, Alice,” Cooper forced himself to say. 
He shrugged into his jacket and followed her out of the restaurant, standing patiently with his hands in his pockets as Alice demurely fidgeted beneath his gaze.
“I…umm…I guess I’d better head home,” Alice announced with apparent reluctance. “My apartment’s just a quick walk that way.”
“Would you like a ride?” Cooper offered. Her apartment really wasn’t far, but Cooper was highly uncomfortable with her walking alone at night. 
It was why he’d been following her on nearly all of her walks since he’d first laid eyes on her, to make sure she always stayed safe.
“I’ll be okay—thank you, Cooper,” Alice twinkled sweetly. “And…I really, really hope to see you again soon.”
They said their goodbyes, and Cooper waited an appropriate amount of time before climbing into his car and picking up Alice’s trail. He followed her unseen as she walked down Main Street, and then turned onto Briar Lane to the dilapidated walk-up at the end of the otherwise deserted road. Killing the headlights, Cooper carefully maneuvered the car off-road, parking behind the dense collection of trees with a direct view of Alice’s third-floor bedroom window.
His heart rate jumpstarted when, right on schedule, her bedroom lights came on exactly four minutes later, and Alice finally stepped into the frame. 
Cooper was pleased to see that Alice was back to dreamily twirling around on her toes and smiling. Seeing her Daddy again had clearly put his little girl back in her happy mood. 
And Cooper wanted nothing more than to preserve her happiness and innocence, to keep her safely locked up in that bubble of bliss and pleasure forever.
Nothing and no one would ever harm her ever again—so long as she remained under Daddy’s protection.
He watched with interest as Alice reached into her antique dresser to select her pajamas for the night. During the spring and summer months when the weather was warmer, Alice had most often slept in nothing more than a tank top with a cheeky pair of panties. Cooper had certainly enjoyed the sight of her tight body in such skimpy items, but now that winter was fast approaching and the temperatures were plummeting by the hour, he found he also appreciated Alice’s preference for oversized fleece sets with whimsical patterns. Tonight, she picked a baby blue set patterned with ice cream cones and cupcakes. 
She couldn’t be more adorable.
Alice disappeared into her bathroom for her nighttime shower, so Cooper took this interruption in his surveillance of his little girl to check in on his surveillance at home. He pulled out his phone and opened the app for the security system, swiping through various camera feeds until he landed on the basement of the guest house. 
His captive had barely moved an inch from the position he’d been in when Cooper had last checked the feed, slumped against a far corner of the largely barren room. Granted, the shackles around his ankles and duct-tape binding his wrists prohibited extensive movement—and yes, he was blindfolded—but the man could still easily sniff and fumble his way to the water dish and food bowl Cooper had left for him on the floor the night before. 
But apparently, the man had decided to conduct yet another hunger strike, for the food remained untouched. 
Cooper pressed the microphone button. “We’ve been over this, buddy. Either you eat on your own, or I’ll force you to eat. What’s it gonna be?”
It had been several weeks since Cooper had shoved a feeding tube down the man’s throat, and while he wasn’t particularly squeamish about the act itself, the subsequent clean-up was a rather inconvenient hassle. 
The man slowly raised his head, orienting himself in the general direction of the camera and speaker. “Fuck you, you goddamn psychopath.”
Cooper softly chuckled and closed out of the app, and was pleasantly surprised to find a new text message waiting for him.
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Cooper glanced up at Alice’s window, and was instantly taken aback by how breathtaking his little girl was. Her years of ballet training were far more obvious now as she sat wrapped in a towel at the edge of her bed with her toned legs crossed, her posture perfect and elegant from her slender neck all the way down to her lower back.
She was…jumpy as she waited on his reply, chewing her lower lip in anticipation as she crossed and uncrossed her legs, looking between her phone and the direction of her bathroom and back again. He could tell she was debating whether or not to go ahead and take her shower, but his sweet girl was simply too excited to see if he would reply. 
Cooper waited for a few more minutes—just let Daddy look at you, sweetheart—but when it became obvious her anxiety was beginning to climb, her brow furrowing with worry, Cooper quickly typed a response and hit send.
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roominthecastle · 7 years
Okay but Sting’s Desert Rosé... I am officially fixated on this one
bc Cheers!!!!
bc I’m almost sure it’s Michael’s handiwork. He has the ability to construct such things + a history of hiding puns in them, e.g. “Strangers Under the Train” & “Bend It Like Bentham” can be spotted in the background in his trolley problem simulation (TPS)) + Janet doesn’t leave the tape room
bc it specifies that the bar serving as a framework for this (forbidden) meeting w/ Eleanor is named after Sting’s Desert Rose which Sting described as a song of romantic-sexual longing placed within a larger philosophical context - “romantic love as an analog for the greater love of God” [x] and thus redemption (see the “Redeem Yourself” poster on the wall by the door).
Now overthinking/reading into things is my forte, and that’s exactly what’s happening behind the cut, so beware:
The puns in Michael’s TPS have direct relevance not only to the “practical nature” of the simulation at hand (strangers are literally under the trolley as they keep mowing them down amidst spurting blood and flying body chunks that “curiously” only hit poor Chidi despite Eleanor’s close proximity), but also cleverly hint at Michael’s own feelings on the issue that won’t get revealed until later. Bentham’s famous “greatest-happiness principle” governs his actions when he chooses to sacrifice himself to give Eleanor & the others a chance to secure passage to the real Good Place where eternal happiness awaits. He “bends it like Bentham”.
IF we can take TPS as precedent (and that’s a big if, I know, but it’s fun), then Sting’s Desert Rosé is also likely to be more than just a simple pun. Then it is both relevant to the practicalities of the situation at hand (it is a bar that serves wine) and to feelings which have not been articulated yet and will come into play later. Michael’s solution to the trolley problem (self-sacrifice) develops silently and remains in the background until a situation demands its disclosure. The implication of Sting’s Desert Rosé is a feeling of deep longing for the love of a woman and even that of a higher being (God) - a painful desire to return to the “good place” (or the “pre-fall” condition).
Michael is already invested in how Eleanor sees him and he also wished to follow them to the real Good Place, but since he is still a demon, gaining both her & (the show’s version of) God’s love (=entry) must feel like a long shot at best. I think he became painfully aware of this as a result of those ethics lessons and his billion failed attempts to sneak into the Good Place. All this likely informed his trolley problem solution, too. Being made aware of how fundamentally disqualified he is hasn’t enabled him to change it, it just made him feel miserable since the longing is still there, a longing no other “sane” demon has. Yet it doesn’t stop him from trying to help the others, which makes me wanna wrap him in an eternal hug.
If we look at the lyrics and compare/contrast them w/ the show, several thematic similarities emerge. (ofc these could be entirely accidental and/or irrelevant, but they are still there, imo)
“I am looking for myself and my loved one”
The Algerian Arabic intro (which sounds almost like a prayer) sums up Michael’s journey of discovering what it means/feels to be human. Such a journey inevitably involves the pains & pleasures of choice, of identity forging, and the experience of love (returned or otherwise). Janet started out as an anthropomorphized mainframe and now, after a social “evolution” induced by environment interacting w/ some unique “susceptibility”, she is questioning what/who she is. Michael is in the same boat: he started out as an office drone demon but that’s not quite what/who he is anymore. Both were obedient workers “pre-programmed” to serve but now they make their own paths separate from their kind. They threw out the rulebook and are actively choosing the recipients of their devotion, even when those recipients can no longer remember them.
“I dream of love as time runs through my hand those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire My life is for you”
Janet gravitates toward Jason and Michael toward Eleanor in particular. They have to let them go at the end of S2 as another round of experiment kicks off, but one connection, in form of ticker tapes, remains and we can see them holding and reading these w/ unwavering commitment. It’s likely just a coincidence but a very nice one still, so I am going there: the word “ticker” can refer to a watch (and thus time), the heart, and the machine connecting Michael and Janet to Eleanor and Jason respectively.
The titular desert rose is not without concrete relevance, either. All her life Eleanor lived in Arizona which is home to several deserts (Sonoran, Mojave, Chihuahuan). This is at the core of one of my favorite gags where Michael keeps asking the freshly rebooted Janet for Eleanor’s file, and she keeps handing him cacti instead. Then, when she finally produces the file, it still has a bunch of cactus pictures in them. If we roll w/ this desert connection, then Eleanor = desert rose def works too (+ she is wearing red in the bar scene)
“This memory of Eden haunts us all This desert flower This rare perfume, is the sweet intoxication of the fall”
The fall and Eden are key elements in Genesis. Eve shares the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil w/ Adam and they get booted from paradise. Something similar happens in the show, too, albeit w/ some neat twists. Eleanor insists that Michael attend Chidi’s ethics lessons (=“tree”) where they acquire knowledge (=“fruit”) of, yes, good and evil. She shares it w/ him and it changes Michael, which leads to his disobedience or “fall” and ultimate banishment as their “good place” gets completely disassembled.
Michael has a spark of deviance in him from the get-go, an innate urge to color outside the lines, but he starts to cross them in earnest only after Eleanor enters the picture. First, it’s in the form of 802 reboots, which is 800 more than he is authorized for, but he gets fixated on besting her. The 2nd big moment is when he takes his senior staff pin (the very symbol of everything he ever wanted) and pins it on her, irrevocably betraying everything he previously stood for. He pulls a sort of “reverse Lucifer” (his “rebellion” takes place in the show’s approximation of hell and is driven not by pride but by humbling himself) but it’s patterned on the fall of man. This mix of demonic and human heritage would be very in-keeping w/ his character: a demon longing to experience what it’s like to be human.
“No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this.”
It is one of the greatest sources of irony in the show how the torture master ends up tormenting himself with and within the very framework he constructed for others. At the end of those 802 reboots, nobody is suffering more than Michael. His subordinates may be frustrated but they eagerly turn his failures to their advantage while the ultimate responsibility still rests w/ Michael who, already after the 2nd failed reboot, runs the very real risk of dying the only death his kind is able: the eternal shriek. The four humans endure a measure of psychological-emotional torture, but they forget all but the last week of their afterlife due to rebooting, whereas Michael remembers everything. He has to endure failure over and over again bc Eleanor keeps figuring him out, upping the pressure w/ each reboot, and, finally, exposing him to blackmail by his own underlings. This is when he reaches complete isolation which is a special kind of hell even within hell.
This 1st type of torture Eleanor (unwittingly) puts him through is mental in nature. She repeatedly hits him where it hurts the most at that time - his sense of intellectual superiority -, gradually evicting him from a life he’s known since forever. The direct continuation of this process is when she makes attendance of Chidi’s lessons compulsory, which again forces him to fully confront the fact that he’s not always the smartest guy in the room, not always in control, and - most importantly - that it’s okay bc the others are there to help and guide him when he’s in need.
This breakthrough gives way to the 2nd, more complex phase that involves (social) emotions that tend to develop as a result of cooperation (esp the kind Team Cockroach engaged in). We can already see their effect creep in when e.g. Michael is plagued by fear at the possibility of losing his friends or when he experiences the first sharp pangs of remorse. He is no longer immune to the full palette of “human suffering” bc he cares and even loves now, and it all stems from and loops back to Eleanor. She is the one he desperately clutches after the dangers pass, it’s her disappointment that slices through him even though he let the rest of them down too, and it’s her “progress reports” that fill his life after they have to part ways.
In this new phase he is forbidden to help or have any kind of contact, but when he can no longer stand doing nothing, he has to risk everything again in exchange for a few minutes w/ her. He could have easily nudged her in the right direction w/o revealing himself - the way he did when he saved her life. But no, this time he shows himself, prompts her to just ramble on about Kangaroo Jack, which, objectively speaking, is an insane risk to take when you can get caught every second, so you know Michael only took his feelings w/ him and left objectivity behind, and, at the end of it all, she still looks at him and sees a total stranger bc this is the only way for her to gain entry to paradise.
Now that’s some exquisite torture in a bar named after a song of romantic-sexual longing placed within a larger philosophical context.
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jrubalcaba · 7 years
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Precious Cargo Ch. 2 - The Fight author: jrubalcaba featuring: OFC Guinevere “Gwen” Adams x Bucky Barnes word count: 1849 words rating: PG warnings: Bucky being a little shit. A/N: Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter! I want to give a ginormous shoutout to @avenger-nerd-mom for beta-ing this whole series! Without further ado, here’s chapter 2!
“I’ll do it.” Uh oh. Complete silence. Man I am on a roll today. Clint and Scott were the only ones who looked somewhat impressed with the idea. Everyone else however…
“No. Absolutely not. No way.” Barnes was beside himself in his anger, slamming his hands on the table. Steve and Sam were watching him with matching puzzled looks, while the rest of the team murmured their agreement with him. Tony waited for Bucky to stop fussing before speaking up.
“Uh, kiddo. You do realize that this is serious right? No one in their right mind would send you to watch over these kids.” He gave me a skeptical look that was shared by Natasha as she leaned in close to me.
“Gwen, you've never been on a mission like this. Hell, you've never been deep undercover like this. What makes you think you could do it?” She asked me, and I could tell that she was asking as both my trainer and as a confidant. I smiled back at her and then laid it all down.
“I've been undercover before. No, not like this, but I can manage. And, what makes me think I can do it? Besides Clint and Scott, who here has actual experience taking care of children?” I looked around the table to see everyone pause and think. “Vision isn't even human, so I'm certain he doesn't. Your line of work is more about adults than children, Tony’s too much like a child to actually raise one, Sam’s an only child and Wanda’s just a kid herself.” It's hard for me to stop when I'm on a roll, so I had to make myself stop to catch my breath before continuing, holding up my hand to indicate I had more to say, so no one would interrupt me.  The room held a charged energy but everyone held their peace.
“Barnes is still too scary for adults to be around, let alone kids, and Steve has been a damn ice cube for the past 70 years, and the last time the two of them dealt with children was probably back before World War II. So you tell me, who would you send to take care of two kids who have no idea where their parents are or if they will ever see them again?” I glanced around while the truth of my words sank in. I had this in the bag. No one had experience with kids the way I did. Clint and Scott were my only opposition, but I had a feeling that they would back me up.
“Gwen’s right. She's the most qualified member for this mission. I'm not leaving my family to take care of another. She's got my vote. Plus, she's a damn good cook and is kinda like a mom to us all here.” Clint is on my side and I'm so grateful for it. Nat will side with him too, I bet. “Gwen also has an advantage that we don't. She's an unknown agent. When Nat leaked HYDRA/SHIELD’s files, Gwen wasn't an agent then. Her face isn't connected to us. Harder to trace her than us.” He shot me a quick grin then turned to Scott. “What do you think Lang? Would you trust Cassie with her?”
Scott studied me, hand on his chin. After a while, he slapped the table.
“I vote yes for Gwen. Clint’s right. She's virtually unknown and she can handle herself in any situation, which is major when dealing with kids. I’d trust her with Cassie in a heartbeat.” He inclined his head toward me, which made me even happier. I had solid facts and two different parents behind me in this. I turned my attention to Steve, whose opinion mattered more than anyone else's.
“So what do you think Captain? Am I approved for the mission?”  I tried to keep emotion from my voice, appealing to his pragmatic nature.
The blond, who had been silent this whole time, watched me. I could see that he was weighing every possible outcome in his head carefully before making his decision. Finally, after waiting what seemed like an eternity, Steve nodded his head.
“As much as I'm concerned about you not being able to handle this, you are the most qualified member. You've got it. Go pack your stuff.  I'll be by with your new name and everything you'll need while you're gone.” Steve was the boss, so what he says goes. I was about to give my thanks when Bucky started arguing with him.
“Are you kidding me?! Steve, she's just a rookie. There's no way she'll be able to handle this on her own.” He looked worried, almost terrified, at the thought of me going on this mission, which was strange. “She can't do this on her own.” Normally I would have given Barnes a piece of my mind, but when Steve held up his hand to stop Bucky’s rant, I held my tongue.
“Buck, stop. Guinevere is going on the mission, end of story. But if you're so concerned about her, then I'm assigning you as protection. Both of you will cooperate with each other and both of you will be undercover together. Go pack your bags. Now.” The authority in the Captain’s voice was unmistakable. I got up from my seat and all but ran from the room toward the elevator. I was trying to get in by myself, but the car didn't get there quick enough. Barnes was beside me as the doors opened, so I was trapped with him as we rode up to the living quarters.
I could not believe it; I was going to be stuck with the one person who could get under my skin for the foreseeable future. I was so angry I wanted to cry, but there was no way in hell I'd show that kind of weakness in front of Barnes. The elevator finally got to our floor and I was out the doors before they were fully opened. I got to my door and flung it open so forcefully that it bounced off the wall. I went to slam it shut when a metal hand stopped it.
“Gwen wait. I think we should talk about this so we're on the same page.” Bucky came into my room and shut the door behind him. I gave him my best Bitch Face but gestured for him to talk. “I swear I had no idea Steve would pair me with you. I know that we don't exactly get along but-”
“Really? Ya think?” Welp. I tried to let him talk. “What was your problem anyway? I would have been gone for who knows how long and you wouldn't have had to deal with me. Now we're going to be stuck with two kids out in God knows where with nothing to do but argue and fight with each other! Thank you for ruining my mission before it even started.” I stormed over to my closet and started looking for my suitcase. It wasn't in there, so I got down on my hands and knees and looked under my bed.
Apparently, that was something that Barnes enjoyed the sight of.
“Damn doll. I've never seen you from this angle before. You look pretty good from back here.” I paused.
Did that bastard just check out my ass? I got out from under the bed and glared at him. Nope, not gonna waste my breath. I set the suitcase on the bed and opened it, checking for spiders, before I went to my dresser and started pulling out clothes.
“What? I just gave you a compliment and you're not even going to say thanks? I'm trying to be nice here.” He watched me in amusement, sitting on my bed and reclining against the headboard.
I turned and glared at him again, my nostrils flaring. The nerve of this man is incredible.
“Are you kidding me right now? For the first time that I can remember, you gave me a compliment instead of insulting me, and we're supposed to be all buddy-buddy now?  And checking out my ass isn't really a compliment.  It doesn't count when you think with your dick instead of your brain.”  Slamming a  dresser drawer shut I yanked another one open, pulling out some pajamas.  “That's not how this works. You have to earn my respect and saying that I have a nice ass isn't the way to do it.”
I opened my intimates drawer and started to pull out what I felt that I would need. I packed them in my suitcase and went back to the closet. When I came out, Bucky was holding up a pair of my underwear with a surprised look on his face. “Why do you have that? Put it back!” I made to grab them when he held them above his head, out of my reach. “Barnes give them back!” I yelled, jumping in place to try and get them. He laughed and held them higher, clearly enjoying my irritation.
“You know, for such a goodie two-shoes, you've got some naughty little panties. Are these seriously what you wear all the time?” He teased me, lowering them down then yanking them away when I would reach for them. “Will I get to see them on you while we're playing house? OOF!” I punched him in the stomach and snatched my panties back when he recoiled. Hitting him was like throwing a feather at him though, so he recovered quickly.
He made to grab them but in his haste, he knocked us over onto the floor. I've never had 200+ pounds of super soldier on top of me before, but I don't want it on me again. Bucky must have realized that his entire weight was on me, because he rolled to his side. He had ahold of my panties, as did I, so we were on the floor facing each other, trying to pull them out of the other’s hands.
“Barnes, give me my underwear. Now,” I demanded. He wasn't letting up so I swung my leg over his, straddling him and leaned all of my weight back as far as I could. I looked down and saw that I was sitting on his junk, so I raised up just a bit then dropped my weight on him- not all of it, but enough that he groaned and his grip loosened. It worked like a charm, because I was finally able to pull my panties from his grasp. “YES!” I cheered. Barnes wasn't giving up though, cause the next thing I knew, he had flipped us over and I was back on the floor, his arms caging me in. He was close enough that I could count the freckles dusted across his cheeks and nose and he had the biggest smirk I've ever seen and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.
Chapter 3
@avenger-nerd-mom, @papi-chulo-bucky, @sketchbookthingz, @suz-123, @melodyhiddleston, @buckywithegoodhair, @imsecretlyromanburki, @liz-pbnz, @disappointedwithchrisevans-post, @kimistry27, @brighterlights, @magellan-88, @just-call-me-mrs-captain, @donnaintx
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odilelajolie · 19 days
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According to the New Yorker his name is Cooper Adams so that’s what I’m sticking with 😂
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 30
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1941
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (MF, breastplay, vaginal sex, lactation (but not as a kink and not much of it))
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 30: Home Remedies
Natasha and Rebecca only stayed in the medbay overnight.  They were home within a day and we quickly went back to normal life.  Things were getting hectic now with three infants and two toddlers but we still outnumbered them and we had the benefit of having staff to help.  Not just the nannies but cooks and cleaners and people to do laundry.  It meant we were free just to take care of the kids and for those still working, they had that too.  With all of us, we had this rotating wheel of people ready for midnight feelings, diaper changes, bedtime stories, trips to school, baths, and playtime.  No one was exactly well-rested, but no one was exhausted either.
One thing that was becoming increasingly clear though, Rose, Rebecca, and Sarah adored their older brother and sister.  All three infants’ gazes went automatically to where Riley and Pietro were in the room.  When they were fussy, it only took Riley and Pietro coming over and talking to them or playing with a toy in their line of view for them to quiet again, and when Rose and Sarah reached six weeks old and began to smile, they always had one for their big brother and sister.
Riley and Pietro still generally found the babies a little boring and thought they needed a little too much attention, but they were generally doing okay with the new babies in the house and as the babies started to be able to a little more, they began to warm up to them.  We each tried to make sure we spent proper quality time with each of them one-on-one at least once a week so that they never felt like they were neglected or overlooked by anyone.
The last big thing we were all waiting for was Edwin to arrive.
Unfortunately, he had other plans.  As my due date came and went I became more uncomfortable and exhausted.  I just wanted him out but he was determined to stay put.  I tried a few natural remedies.  I was eating spicy food and drinking raspberry leaf tea.  The others were ready and available to give me a massage whenever I asked.   I was walking the kids to school, and spending a lot of time doing yoga and swimming, (even if that meant taking Riley and Pietro down to the pool with me).  I even had Tony take me on long drives, making sure to hit every bit of bumpy road in the Tri-State area to try and get things going.  I was having sex every night and often during the day to try and get labor started, and on the day after Edwin’s due date I called in my prize from Sam and we had a marathon sex session while the kids were at school where he made me come to the point I ended up tapping out exhausted - but still that kid was determined to stay put.
At forty-one weeks, they were talking about me having a cesarean, and considering I’d had one with the twins, I really wanted to at least try a vaginal birth.  Especially given the recovery time after surgery and the fact we would then have six children to worry about.
I was desperate and stressed, which was doing nothing to help the situation because my blood pressure was going up, which only made Doctor Schroeder more adamant that if it didn’t happen naturally soon, it would have to be a c-section.
I came home from an appointment distraught.  Doctor Schroeder had told me that I would need to come in the following day and if my blood pressure hadn’t gone back down then it was time to intervene.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Steve said as our group came through the door.  “I’ll take you up and give you a nice relaxing massage, and you can have a nap.  We’ll get that blood pressure back down.”
Tony looked at me apologetically, like he was blaming himself for what was going on, and he rubbed my back.  “Sorry, honey,” he said.  “Of course it’s the one that’s related to me that’s causing all the trouble.”
I shook my head, and Bruce patted his shoulder.  “You heard the doc,” he said. “These things happen.  El knew there was the potential that she’d have to have another cesarean.  It’s no one’s fault and it’s better he gets here and everyone is safe and sound, right?”
“Right,” I said with a nod.  Of course, that was true, but it didn’t make me feel a whole lot better.
Steve led me up to our bedroom and dimmed the lights.  I stripped down naked while he lit some candles.  “See if you can sleep after this,” he said.  “The kids will be back from school when you wake up, and we can take them down to the pool together if you like.”
“I’ll try,” I said, and sat down in the special massage chair Tony had got for us.
“Shea or Mango?”  Steve asked.
“Shea please,” I answered and he came over and sat down on a stool behind me and began to slowly massage my back.  I relaxed in the chair as best I could, letting the chair support my head, chest, and arms as Steve worked out my tension and rubbed the body butter into my skin.  FRIDAY played a gentle calming song over the speakers and gradually I began to relax completely.
“You ready to try and nap?”  Steve asked as I began to doze a little.
I nodded and he helped me up and led me over to the bed.  I climbed in and he pulled away from me.  “You're not staying?” I asked.
“Just going to wash my hands, sweetheart,” he assured me.
I pulled my body pillow in under my knee and hugged it.  Steve washed his hands and stripped down to his undershirt and boxers before climbing in behind me, spooning me from behind.
He placed his hand on my stomach and I moved it up to my breast, he began to slowly and gently massage it and I hummed and pushed my ass back against his crotch.
“Thought you were gonna sleep,” he whispered against my ear.
“That will help me sleep,” I joked.
He chuckled softly and ghosted his lips up my neck as he began to apply more pressure on my breasts  “Will it now?”
“And maybe it might get the labor started.”  I rolled over to face him and looked into his eyes.  “That would fix all of this wouldn’t it?  If I go into labor then we don’t have to worry about my blood pressure.”
“You don’t have to beg, sweetheart,” he said, gently.  He caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers and I leaned into his hand.  “It’s not a chore.”
I shook my head.  “Sorry.  I’ve been out of control lately.  Even more so than my usually high libido.  It feels like I’ve been making it a chore.”
“Then let's make it special,” he whispered and leaned in and kissed me.
It was deep and tender, his lips gently caressing mine.  His hand returned to my breast and slowly massaged it, making me moan softly into his lips, and push myself closer to him, so my large belly pressed against his taut abdominal muscles.
He kissed down my neck, sucking softly on my skin.  I ran my fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck as I held him to me, relishing in the warmth of his body.  He moved further down and as he reached my breasts, his hand came to rest on my cunt.  I hummed softly as his tongue circled my areola and flicked over my nipple.  He closed his lips around it and began to suck.  His cheeks hollowed as he suckled at my breast.  It sent an ache through me, settling in at my core and making my muscles clench.  I moaned and my cunt flooded.  Even taking into account how much I loved my breasts being stimulated, and how sensitive they were right now due to how close I was to giving birth - there was something different about the way this felt.  It was like my core muscles tightened in response and something pressed down inside me, while at the same time my breast felt like pressure released in them.  I moaned and pushed up against him more.
He pulled back and wiped his mouth.  “You must be so close, El,” he whispered.  “I actually got something then.”
I felt myself turn a bright red.  “Oh god.  I’m sorry.”
Steve chuckled and shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry for. It’s natural and normal,” he said, drawing me back closer to him.  “It tastes sweet.”
“Yeah?”  I asked.
“Mm-hmm… it’s beautiful,” he said and latched back onto my breast.
I tensed but it felt so damned good.  His fingers began to work my clit and soon I was moaning and shuddering under his attention.  My cunt slicked his fingers as they moved up and down my folds and circled over my clit and my breast leaked just a small amount as he suckled on them.
“Steve,” I moaned, arching my back a little on the bed.  “Steve, I need you.  Please fuck me.”
Steve leaned up and kissed me deeply.  I could taste the sweet colostrum lingering on his lips and moaned softly, letting him guide me onto my side.  He pushed his boxers down and spooned me, pulling me flush against him and wrapping his arms around me so I was completely engulfed by him.  He started to slowly rut his hips so his cock slid up and down my folds and teased my entrance.  I leaned my head back on his shoulder, my lips slightly parted, and as he brought his lips to mine he sunk his cock slowly inside me.
I moaned into the kiss and he slowly began to fuck me.  His hands roamed over my body, massaging my tits, holding my throat, rubbing my clit.  It was like I was falling apart slowly.  A soft buzz crept through me, traveling through my veins, and spiraling down to my core.  I rolled my hips with him as he thrust in from behind.
Gradually my orgasm built inside me and pressed down.  My muscles clenched and my cunt fluttered and with a moan, I came.
“That’s it,” Steve praised and kissed my neck.  He picked up his pace a little as he chased his own release.  I gasped and moaned louder, clenching around his cock.  His hands tightened on my breasts and he tugged on my nipples.  I mewled loudly and another orgasm hit, stronger than before.
Steve’s groaned and kissed me again and with a deep thrust, he came, spilling inside me.  He slowed his thrusts as his cock pulsed inside me and caressed my cheek with his thumb.  I hummed happily into his lips and as he slipped out of me, a tight pain spread around my midriff.  I curled forward and whined.
Steve immediately started rubbing my back.  “Did we do it?  Was that a contraction?”
“I think… might just be a Braxton Hicks of course,” I said as it quickly passed.
“Alright,” Steve said, kissing my shoulder.  “Try and sleep.  Either way, you need the rest.  If it’s started we’ll know soon enough.”
I nodded and closed my eyes.  “Thank you, Steve,” I whispered.
“Of course, sweetheart,” he soothed.  “And I’m not going anywhere.”
I smiled and as I drifted off in his arms, I hoped that what would wake me up would be my labor pains.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 25
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2175
Warnings:  Pregnancy, Labor/childbirth, medical proceedures
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 25: Sarah and Rose
As Wanda got closer and closer to her due date, we all started hovering around her in case she went into labor.  I was by her side almost constantly, as was Natasha and Sam.  The others seemed to take shifts, but we all went to bed at the same time in the same bed which hadn’t always been a given before.  Everyone was a little worried that she’d go into labor early and that someone wouldn’t be here for it so they were staying pretty close by.
In the end, we were all worrying for nothing.  She made it to thirty-seven weeks just fine and they decided to induce her.
Wanda wanted to go through a natural labor despite the advice that for twins it would be very difficult.  She knew she’d most likely need some sort of intervention at some point, but she thought that given her new powers, she might be able to get through most of it without any.  She was so into being pregnant, and so connected with it, she wanted that to be the case right until the end.
By the time we got to her induction date, our new nannies had been working for us for nearly a month.  They hadn’t been super actively involved with the care of the kids yet.  With the ten of us, things like baths, stories, and bedtime were covered.  We had maids and cooks, so they didn’t have to clean up or feed them.  They’d done a few drop-offs with Happy driving the car and they would help during the morning chaos to get them ready to go, but otherwise, they were mostly not needed and were just getting the feel of the household.
The first real taste of really having full responsibility for taking care of the kids was after breakfast on Wanda’s induction day when we kissed Riley and Pietro goodbye and went down to the medical ward with Wanda.
They’d designed a delivery room just for the three of us because Wanda had very specific things she wanted there, but Tony was adamant that we all get the best medical equipment too.  The room had all the medical things needed in case of an emergency.  The bed, while you couldn’t tell it to look at it, was an adjustable hospital bed.  The functionality of it was hidden in dark purple linen and soft pillows.  The whole room could be lit up in harsh hospital lighting, but with the flick of a switch, the room was lit in low soft lights that were placed in sconces on one side of the room.  The walls were painted in mint green, with a burgundy feature wall on one side.  There was a large clover-shaped bathtub in one corner of the room.  A sitting area with couches that would fit all of us.  A spot to do yoga or meditation with yoga mats and exercise balls, and around the room were scented candles we could light.  Music that Wanda had selected was being piped through the speakers and there was a large screen TV if she wanted to watch anything.  All the rest of the medical equipment was hidden behind a secret wall.
It had to be opened up, to begin with, because of the induction process, and Wanda waited impatiently on the bed, strapped up to a fetal heart rate monitor until she was told she was allowed to get up and walk around.
“Just a little white longer, záĭka,” Natasha soothed, running her fingers through Wanda’s hair as Wanda flinched with a contraction.
“I know I should relax while they are still mild,” Wanda reasoned.  “But I hate this equipment around me.”
“We’ll get rid of it as soon as we can and you can try the meditation thing you wanted to do,” I said.  “But I’m not getting on the floor with you.”
Wanda giggled.  “I’m much more pregnant than you are.”
“Clearly,” I teased.  “But you have flying powers.  I just get to know when you’re in pain.”
“I’ll get on the floor with you,” Sam said.  “Don’t worry.”
“And I’ll go through the meditation script we’ve been practicing,” Bucky added.
Tony was pacing up and down by the door, and he poked his head out to see where the doctor was.  “Oh good, there you are,” he said, holding the door open and letting Doctor Schroeder in.
She chuckled.  “You better not get my patient all wound up, Mister Stark,” she said as she passed him and approached Wanda.
“Yeah, Tony,” Bruce said, patting the couch next to him.  “Come and sit down.”
Tony went and sat next to Bruce, who pulled him close with his large hand.  Tony couldn’t quite keep still even with that extra comfort.  His foot kept tapping on the linoleum floor.
“Okay,” Doctor Schroeder said, looking Wanda over and checking how far she was dilated.  “We can put all this away again.  Everything looks good.  I’m going to want to check on the twins again in a few hours, but we’re going to be in for a long haul.  The nurses will keep checking on you and you can call me if you need me.  Don’t be scared of using pain medication, Wanda.  You aren’t cheating if you need something to help you through it.”
Wanda nodded as Doctor Schroeder removed the equipment from her.  “I know,” she said.
“This is going to take a long time.  Make sure you all take care of each other and try and relax as much as you can,” she said.
When everything was packed away Bucky offered Wanda his hand and helped her to her feet.  “Do you want to try and meditate?”
“Yes, please,” she said.  “Can someone dim the lights and light some candles?”
I went and lit the candles as FRIDAY dimmed the lights and Wanda took a seat on the ground with Bucky.
“Take a deep breath in.  Focus on how the air fills your lungs…”  Bucky began.
Doctor Schroeder hadn’t been kidding when she said we were in for the long haul.  Wanda managed to meditate with Bucky for two hours until the doctor returned.  She checked how far along she was and put the fetal heart rate monitor again.
Wanda had barely progressed, so she was left alone again and this time the guys all took turns massaging her back while she dozed.  After another check-up, we took turns going to get lunch, while Wanda continued to try to sleep.  It was another four hours before her contractions got to the point they were painful enough that she couldn’t nap through them.  She got up and began using the exercise ball and Clint and Sam took turns doing stretches with her and providing someone to lean on during contractions.  She tried doing yoga an hour later and then started pacing the room with Tony.
After thirteen hours of labor the contracts had gotten close together and painful to the point she wasn’t able to do anything while she was having them.  She hopped into the bath with Thor.  He would rub her back and hold a jet of water against it as she rested her head on the edge of the tub.
After sixteen hours she was waning.  Doctor Schroeder would make her get out of the tub every few hours to check how things were progressing and she was starting to take these four or five-minute catnaps between contractions.
“I can’t do it,” she moaned as another hit while the babies were being monitored again.
“Do you want some drugs?”  Tony asked.  “She can have drugs right.”
“She’s passed the point where she can have an epidural, but she can take something else,” the doctor answered.
“No, no drugs,” Wanda whined.  “I don’t want them.”
I patted her forehead with a damp cloth.  “You’re not failing them if you need help, honey.”
“I know… I don’t want them though,” she said.
“Okay.  It’s okay,” Doctor Shroeder soothed.  “It shouldn’t be much longer now.”
Not much longer was two and a half more hours before she reached the transition period. Wanda was exhausted and crying and I could feel her distress passing through from her to me through the threat.  “I can’t… I can’t do it.  I was wrong.”
“Breathe, záĭka,” Natasha soothed.  “You can do it.  I know you can.”
“This is the last bit, Wanda,” Bruce said.  “Those little girls will be in your arms soon.”
It lasted around half an hour and the nurses stayed with us until it was time to push when Doctor Schroeder was called in too.
“That’s a girl, Wanda,” Doctor Schoeder praised.  “When you feel the urge, push down as hard as you can.”
I held one of her hands while Sam held the other and Clint dabbed her forehead with a damp cloth.  She was pushing for half an hour until Doctor Schroeder took out the vacuum to help get the first little girl out.  When her head was free, Wanda pushed as hard as she could and the rest of her joined us in a messy and noisy entrance.
“Here she is, Wanda,” Doctor Schroeder said, holding up the little girl.  She was tiny with pale brown skin and a thatch of curly black hair on the top of her head.
“Look at her, Wanda,” I said.  “She’s perfect.”
“Hello, Sarah,” Wanda murmured.
“Which one of you would like to cut the cord?”  Doctor Schroeder asked as she clamped it.
“Let me,” Natasha said, stepping forward.
The cord was cut and she was whisked off for a moment to be cleaned up while Doctor Schroeder checked the position of Rose.  “Aright, Wanda.  She looks good.  Right in line to come next.  You can keep pushing when you’re ready.”
It seemed to take a moment before the next contraction hit and Wanda started pushing again.  She was exhausted and her eyes had begun to flicker pink.  It was twenty-three minutes before Rose entered the world.  It took a moment for her to make any sound but when she did, it was a loud wailing.
“You did it, Wanda!”  I praised leaning down and kissing her forehead.  “Look at our daughter.”
“I did it,” she repeated softly, collapsing down on the pillows.
Sam went and cut the cord and as Rose was whisked away to be checked over, Sarah was brought back to us and placed on Wanda’s chest.  “There you go, mommy,” the nurse said.
“Okay, Wanda,” Doctor Schroeder said.  “I know you’re really tired, but you still need to deliver the placenta.”
She nodded slowly but wouldn’t take her eyes off Sarah.  “I can do it.”
“It’s the easy part,” she assured her.
Wanda started to push again, but without the straining that she did with the babies.  None of us were paying too much attention to that though.  We were all looking at our daughter.
“Look at the little mark the vacuum made,” Clint said.  “Poor little pickle.”
“Don’t worry about that,” one of the nurses said.  “It’ll go away in no time.”
“Yeah, she’s here,” Steve said.  “That’s the important part.”
As Doctor Schroeder took the placenta away the nurses weaved in and out of our group, fussing over Wanda and the babies.  Wanda tried breastfeeding them, but she was extremely exhausted and it didn’t last long.
A nurse approached with some toast and juice for Wanda.  “You must be starving now.”
She smiled and nodded slowly.  “And tired.”
“Have something to eat, and moms and dads, quickly have a go holding the twins.  They’re going to need to go into the incubator soon.  Then we’ll take you to your room to sleep.”
“Me first,” I said, taking Rose from her.
“Hey!”  Sam argued.  “I helped make her.”
“You can hold Sarah,” I said and poked out my tongue at him.
He chuckled and picked the tiny little bundle up.  “Hey there, little one,” he whispered.
“I cannot believe you did this with no drugs, Wanda,” I said.  “You’re definitely a superhero.”
She shook her head.  “I was scared,” she admitted.  “With the amount people have messed with my head.  I didn’t want to not feel in control.”
“The epidural doesn’t do that though,” I said.
“I know… but it’s a huge needle,” she said.
“Oh honey,” I said, leaning down and kissing the top of her head.  “It’s all done now.”
“Yeah,” Clint said.  “Now it’s just sleepless nights and diaper changes.”
“Alright, Elise, quit hogging that baby,” Natasha said, coming and taking Rose from me.
Wanda hummed and relaxed back into the pillow.  “Hey, sweetheart,” Steve said to her gently.  “Do you want me to help you to the shower?  Then we’ll get you to your room.”
She nodded slowly and Steve helped her to her feet.
“Two down, two to go,” Bruce said, as Sam placed Sarah into his hand.
Natasha let out a strained laugh.  “Let’s not hurry them along too fast, Bruce,” she said.  “I’m in no rush to go through any of that.”
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110 notes · View notes
avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 24
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2123
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (MF, oral sex, vaginal sex, pregnancy sex)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 24: New Hires
As we drew closer and closer to our due dates, and Wanda got to the point in her pregnancy that they thought they’d arrive at any moment (though all be it early quite early), we still hadn’t hired a nanny.  Tony had been so adamant that he’d handle it but when it actually came down to doing the hiring, the thought of strangers looking after the kids seemed to cripple him in indecision.
Eventually, Steve told him that if he didn’t get on it, the task would be taken from him, so with Natasha’s help, Tony employed a similar technique to hire our nannies as they did when Natasha first started dating me.  First Tony advertised the positions.  He then had FRIDAY do background checks on all the applicants.  After that, he interviewed the best ones.  Then Natasha, Bucky, and Wanda went out and checked into the ones Tony liked best, to make sure there wasn’t something hidden deep down.  Finally, we had the last five candidates come in and meet everyone for a less formal interview with all of us.
“Well, I definitely loved Amber,” Sam said, as we discussed which of the applicants we’d be taking on.  “She had that multitasking between talking to us while the kids showed her things down.  And she never talked down to them.”
“The dogs really liked her too,” Bucky said.  “I dunno if that matters.”
“Hell yeah it does,” Clint said.  “Dogs know shit.”
“I think Amber is a definite ‘yes’,” Bruce agreed.  “She didn’t show any signs of intimidation or uncertainty about any of this.  Like it was just another day for her.  That’s an impressive thing.”
“Oh yes,” Wanda agreed.  “She was certainly a little overwhelmed but the fact she could cover it and keep up - they need to have that.”
“So a yes to Amber,” Steve said, making a note in a file on her tablet.  “No objections?”
Everyone nodded their approval and Tony flicked a screen bringing up the other four resumes.  “And for the second?”
“What do you kids think?”  Natasha asked.  “Who did you like best today?”
“Ummm…” Pietro mused and looked at Riley.
“I wiked dem all,” Riley said.  “Dey was nice.”
“They were nice,” Bruce agreed.  “We need to choose one to live here.”
“I quite liked either Travis or Jade,” Thor said.  “They seemed to have good senses of humor.”
“Of those I liked Travis,” Wanda added.  “Jade was a little more awestruck by everyone, particularly you, Thor.  I think that’s why she was laughing so hard at your jokes.”
“Anyone have any other opinions?”  Steve asked.  “El, you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet.”
“Oh, um…” I said, looking around at everyone.  “Yeah, I’d be happy with both of them.”
“You okay, El?”  Sam asked.
“Yeah.  This is just a lot I guess,” I said.  “These people are going to live with us.”
“That’s why it took me so long to do!”  Tony said, sounding exasperated.
“You didn’t get any of those little connections to any of them, El?”  Clint asked.
I shook my head.  “No.  That would be neat, wouldn’t it?  But going off my mom, I think those are formed with people through a shared bond.  Gonna have to pick like regular people do.”
“Alright,” Steve said.  “If anyone has any objections to the new nannies being Travis and Amber speak now.”
No one said anything and Steve marked it on his file and got up.  “I’ll go make the calls.  Shall we ask them to start in two weeks?”
“Two weeks earliest, but give them until the end of the month,” Tony said.  “It might take them longer to get their affairs in order.  I mean, they’ll be moving in.”
“Right,” Steve said with a nod. “Good thinking.”
“Alright kiddos,” Bucky said, getting up.  “I’m gonna take the puppies to the park.  You want to come?”
“Yeah!”  They said, jumping to their feet and running to Bucky.  The dogs ran after them.
Natasha heaved herself up.  “That means me too,” she said.
“Anyone else?”  Bucky asked.
“Yeah, I’ll come,” Clint said, getting up.  Sam stood up as well and stretched.  “Yeah, why not.  We can go on the swings, hey kiddos?”
“Yeah!”  Riley squealed, grabbing Sam’s hand and swinging on it.
“And with that, I think I might head back down to the lab,” Bruce said, following the little group to the elevator, and leaving just Thor, Tony, Wanda, and I in the living room.
“What shall the four of us do?”  Thor asked, stretching out on the couch.
“Thor,” Wanda said, shifting uncomfortably.  “The babies are pressing on my sciatica nerve.  Can you rub my back for me?”
“Of course, my life,” he said getting up and helping Wanda to her feet.  “Shall we go to the special chair Anthony acquired?”
“Yes, please,” Wanda said. 
I watched them head up the stairs together and Tony moved over beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.  “Just you and me,” he said.
“It’s been a while since it was just the two of us,” I said, cuddling into his side.  “Thought you’d be my shadow this time.”
“Got the feeling if I did that, you’d punch me,” he joked, running his hand over my stomach.  He pressed his hand down and was rewarded with a kick from Edwin.  Tony grinned and leaned down and kissed the spot the baby had kicked.  “Hey little guy,” he whispered.
I pushed my hand into his hair and began to massage his scalp.  He looked up at me.  “I’ve been trying to be more balanced.  You know?  Work, and here and the others and you.  I hyperfocus on things and I don’t want to do that and miss out on everything else.”
I smiled and leaned down as much as I could, kissing him on the temple.  “I love that you’re thinking about that,” I said.  “But I’m glad we’re getting some nice one-on-one time too.”
He sat up and grinned at me.  “Yeah.  Gotta take special care of my wifey.”
I leaned in and kissed him, smiling into his lips.  He pulled back and looked at me.  “So what do you want to do?  We could watch a movie.  I could rub your feet.  We could invent time-travel.  You could finally introduce me to your mom.”
I sighed.  Things were going pretty well with mom.  I’d seen Ian and his kids a few more times and Olivia had come to visit.  I was still being cautious though.  She hadn’t met Riley or Pietro nor had she met Tony or Steve.
“I know it seems kind of arbitrary that I haven’t let you or Steve meet her yet,” I explained.  “But I need to be sure she’s definitely here for me.  That she understands the life I have and accepts me.  If I introduce you to her then she’s right up close to the man she was grooming me to marry.  I just… I need to be so sure that she’s not just trying to go through me to get to you.  Which I know is what my dad was doing.”
“Okay, okay,” Tony said, waving his hand.  “So what then?  You want me to sex you up?”
I started laughing.  “Not if it’s a chore.”
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.  “It’s never a chore, dear.  Not for me.”
He pulled me into a deep kiss, smothering my laughter.  I hummed and wrapped my arms around him and pushed my hands up under his jacket.  I pulled back and looked at him.  “Maybe if you’re gonna sex me up we should go upstairs.”
“Who are you worried about walking in on us? The kids will be gone for hours.  The cleaners are done.  The worst that could happen is Steve could come in,” Tony said.  “And then he’ll just get a nice show.”
“You’re sure?” I asked, running my hands around his waist and up his stomach.
“Who are you talking to?” He teased.
I looked at him and chewed my bottom lip.  “Then you better get on your knees.  You’re gonna be eating me out.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he smirked, slipping off the couch and kneeling between my legs.  I spread them wider and leaned back as he pulled my panties down.  His head disappeared under my skirt and nosed at my cunt.  He used his fingers to spread my folds and ran his tongue up the length of my crevice.  He dipped it inside me and ran it up over my clit.
I moaned loudly and my cunt flooded immediately.  I could feel the wetness seeping from me as a warm tingle spread through my core.  I let my head fall back on the couch and closed my eyes.  He expertly used his mouth on me.  He knew my body better than he knew his own.  He knew when to tease at me lightly and when to apply more pressure.  When to suck and when to lick.  He knew every trick to get me right on the edge and hold me there begging him for more.
“Oh god… god, Tony… please!”  I begged, rocking my hips against his face and digging my fingers into the couch.
He chuckled against my cunt and sucked my clit into his mouth and flicked his tongue over it.  I gasped and jerked up, coming on his face as I moaned loudly.  “Fuck…” I groaned.
Tony lapped it up greedily and got up, wiping his face.  “Now, how are we going to do this.”
“Sit down, I’m gonna ride you,” I said.
He got up and pulled me to my feet.  “Always gotta be on top, even when your preggo.”
“Being pregnant doesn’t make me not the boss, Tony,” I said, unfastening his belt.
He laughed and unfastened his pants, sitting back on the couch and pulling out his dick.  I watched on, chewing my bottom lip as he pulled out his cock and started to pump it in his fist.
“Well, come on dear,” he said.  “Take a seat.”
I turned so that I was facing away from him and straddled his lap, slowly lowering myself down.  He guided his cock inside me, and we both let out a quiet moan as I seated myself on it.
“How are you doing there?”  He asked as he skimmed his hands around my hips and over my stomach.
“Mmm… good,” I hummed, leaning back against him.
He spanked my thigh.  “Then get riding.”
I chuckled and started to bounce in his lap, moving up and down on his cock so our thighs slapped together every time I dropped back down.  Tony’s arm curled around me, supporting my stomach with his forearm as his fingers found their way back to my already sensitive clit.
“Oh god,” I gasped, letting my head fall forward.  “Go easy, I’m right on edge.”
“That’s okay,” Tony teased.  “You can come as many times as you need to.”
I kept moving up and down, up and down on his cock.  Shifting in his lap so I could get the angle just right that the head hit my g-spot with each movement.  He began to rut up into me, countering my movements as he quickly fucked up into me.
“Fuck…” I moaned, starting to feel weak as another orgasm built and pressed down in my core.  He grabbed my hips and held me in place, snapping his hips up into me.  My whole body shuddered and seized up, coming hard around his cock.
He guided me forward, keeping his cock buried deep inside me.  I dropped to my knees and braced my hands on the coffee table.  He crouched over me and began to bounce above me, penetrating me deeply again and again as he chased his own orgasm.
I moaned and shuddered under him and another orgasm hit.  I cried out with it and barely managed to hold myself up as it crashed through me.  Tony’s thrusts began to stutter and with a low groan, he thrust into me and came.
“Fuck, Tony,” I moaned as his cock pulsed inside me.
“See, told you we had time,” he teased.
He slipped out of me and fell back, pulling his pants back up.  I sat back on my feet, breathing heavily.  “So now what?”  He asked.  “Wanna go watch a movie?  We could get the bed out and snuggle.”
I nodded and held out my hands.  It was nice getting one on one time.  Not just with Tony, but with everyone.  It was a nice reminder that even as we were working as a family unit better than ever, we should still take time with each other alone too.  “That sounds really nice, Tony.”
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 14
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 3494
Warnings:  Pregnancy, Smut (Bisexual orgy, oral sex, vaginal sex, fingering, hand jobs, light d/s, rough sex, come play)
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 14: Steve’s Game
Things were relaxed for a few weeks.  Natasha and Wanda’s morning sickness had all but ended by the last ultrasound, so it was just me struggling in the morning and aside from the usual work things were stress-free.  The major thing going on was the twins were about to start preschool and everyone was this mix of excited and panicked about it.  Each of us a different blend of each.
We also couldn’t quite decide who of us should take them and pick them up on their first day.  We would all agree to everyone going because we were all their parents and people should know that.  Then someone would start worrying about them being teased or bullied about it and so we’d agree that it would just be the same two or four of us doing the pickups and drop-offs.  Or it would be some in-between to that, five for drop off, five for pick up.  Which of us should go would change when it wasn’t all of us at once.  Sometimes we’d think it would be best if it was the biological parents because then it would be easier for people to accept.  Other times we thought it best if it wasn't because they were our kids and biology didn't matter.  We thought Steve should be there because he was the one we all turned to for the big decision making.  Then we thought he absolutely shouldn't because of the attention he’d attract.  Natasha was adamant that she go so she could cloak them on drop off and pick up.
Eventually, we decided that the first day was important.  There were teachers to meet and while the class might be full with all ten of us walking around in it, they'd have to deal with it because we ten people were those two kids' parents and this was an important first for them.  None of us wanted to miss it.
“Alright, my little ones,” Natasha said. It was the night before their first day of preschool and we’d been playing Candy Land with them in teams as we all sat by the large window that looked out over midtown.  It was getting late for the kids and they were going to have a big day tomorrow.  “You both start school tomorrow, so you need to go and get ready for bed.  Who do you want to give you your bath?”
They looked at each other and scrunched up their noses.  “Ummm… Daj?”  Pietro said.
“Yeah, Daj,” Riley agreed.  “You do da bubbews, Daj?”
Wanda laughed softly.  “Yeah, I can do the bubbles.”
“And who should read you your stories?”  Natasha asked.
“Umm…” Pietro said again, looking at Riley.  “I wand… daddy Bwuce.”
“How about, daddy Steeb?”  Riley suggested.
Pietro whined and stuck out his bottom lip.  “Daddy Steeb don do da voices.”
“Damn, Daddy Steve,” Tony teased. “What kind of second rate act are you running?”
“I’m so sorry,” Steve laughed.  “I’ll try harder from now on.”
“What if I read one and then Daddy Steve reads one?”  Bruce suggested.  “As a special treat?”
“Yeah!”  Pietro said, bouncing in his seat.
“Alright then, come on monsters,”  Wanda said, getting up.  “Let’s go have a bath.”
They chased after her and I started packing up the board game.
“Can’t believe they’re starting school,” Sam said.  “Gonna have to put bricks on their heads to stop them from growing.”
“Aww, no,” Clint said.  “It’s cool seeing them become little people.”
“And we shall have four new little ones soon enough,” Thor added.
“We’re going to be drowning in dirty diapers,” Bucky said.  “We’ll be thanking the universe they’re out of diapers.”
“I’m already thanking it for that,” Tony joked.
“How are you doing there, mama bear,” Sam asked, leaning down and rubbing my back as he kissing the side of my neck.
“I’m alright. Nervous but excited,” I said, reaching behind me and running my fingers down the back of his neck.  “I’m gonna get some chocolate.”
He sat back with a chuckle. “It’s always sugar and carbs with you, huh?”
“I’m growing a human, I’m allowed,” I said getting up.  I went and put away the board game and headed into the kitchen.  It was sparkling clean and empty when I went in thanks to our private cook, and I beelined straight to the pantry looking for something sweet.  I found a bag of peanut m&ms and when I brought them back out I was greeted by Steve with his arms folded over his chest and leaning in the doorway.
“Uh oh,” I said, pouring myself a handful of the colorful candy.  “Dad’s here.  Where did I do?”
“El,” he said sternly.
“What?  What’s wrong?”  I asked.
“I’m just worried about you, sweetheart,” he said coming over and putting his hands on my hips.  “You seem a little tired and distant.”
I looked up into his eyes and held a red m&m to his lips.  He opened his mouth, letting me drop the candy in, and nipped at my finger.  “I’m fine,” I assured him.  “I am tired.  But the morning sickness has been kicking my ass.  And the stress about tomorrow isn’t helping with it.”
“Why are you so stressed out?”  He asked.
I shook my head.  “We’ve been sheltering them so much.  They don’t have a lot of experience with other kids and none their age.  I worry they won’t know how to deal with being with a bunch of strangers.  And then on top of that coming from us.  Ten parents.  Nine of them are probably the most famous people on the planet.  There’s going to be kids there with Iron Man backpacks and Captain America t-shirts.  That’s a lot for two little kids to carry on their shoulders.  I’m just worried and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to relax enough to sleep properly.”
“Did you change your mind?”  Steve asked.  “Do you want to try homeschooling instead?  We do have some of the smartest minds on the planet available.”
I shook my head.  “I know.  I’m not worried about them not being educated.  They’re going to be fine when it comes to that.  I’m worried about them not having friends or being able to socialize with their peers.  I know what we have is good.  They are loved and doted on.  But they need to experience the real world too.”
“Tell you what,” Steve said, pulling my hips flush to his.  “If they don’t like it, or it’s not working for whatever reason, we pull them out.  Find a homeschooling group that likes the idea of having big field-trips funded for them and that’s where they can get their social from. So either way, they’ll get the balance.”
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.  “You’re so smart.”
“Thank you,” Steve said and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
“Why couldn’t my parents be more like you?” I asked.
He rubbed my back and pulled back, looking into my eyes.  “We’ll make sure all our kids get the childhoods we wished we could have had.  Okay?”
I nodded and he leaned down and kissed me deeply.  My hand went to his jaw and his slid down to my thighs and he lifted me, placing me on the kitchen cabinet.  His lips traveled along my jaw and he sucked softly just below my ear.  “How about you go up and take a shower, get nice and clean.  Then after I’ve read to the kids I can get you nice and dirty again.”
“Mm… Steve, your dirty talk is getting so good,” I teased and he spanked my thigh.
“Go on,” he said, letting me down off the counter.  “You can decide if you’ve been bad or good.”
I started laughing and he raised an eyebrow at me.  “Sorry,” I said, patting his ass.  “You made me think of Santa.”
Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him.  “You do not make it easy sometimes.”
“I know,” I said, bumping him with my shoulder.  “I’m a very bad girl.”
He spanked my ass again and I laughed as I headed upstairs, eating the m&ms.  I poked my head into the bathroom on my way down to the master bedroom.
“Mommy!”  Riley said, splashing the water when I came in.  Pink bubbles were floating around their heads as Wanda wriggled her fingers, creating them from nothing, and both the kids had bubbles on their heads and chins.
“Hey, kiddos.  You having fun?”  I asked.
“Yeah, mommy,” Pietro said.  “Daj maded de bubbews.”
“I can see,” I said, sitting down on the edge of the tub.  “Daj is so clever isn’t she?”
“Yeah!”  They said at once, bouncing in the tub.
“Well, I’m going to go to bed now, honey bunnies,” I said.  “So I’m going to say goodnight to you now.  I’ll see you both in the morning for school.”
“Otay, mommy,” Pietro said, standing up in the tub.  I smiled and gave him a kiss goodnight and then kissed Riley too.
“Sweet dreams, kiddos,” I said.
“Sweet dweams, mommy,” they both said together.
I got back up and Wanda took my hand.  “I’ll be down when I’m done with them,” she said.
“Okay, beautiful.  See you in a bit,” I said.
I went and took a shower, washing my hair, and taking the time to let the hot water relax my muscles.  When I was done I dried off and put on lotion before dressing in a sheer blue cami and thong.
Wanda was undressing when I came into the bedroom from the wardrobe and she smiled at me.
“They in bed?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said, tossing her skirt into the laundry hamper.  “Bruce and Steve are in with them now.”
“Steve’s going to meet me in here,” I said, climbing into the swing bed.
She smirked and climbed up onto the mattress and began to crawl over to me.  She was still dressed in her matching black lace panties and bra and knee-high black socks.  The swell of her stomach doing nothing at all to detract from how sexy she was.  “He won’t be the only one.”
She brought her lips to mine, and we kissed slowly and passionately, our lips caressing against each other and our tongues dancing together.  I tangled my legs with hers and my stomach pressed against her baby bump.  There was no frantic rush to proceed.  We were just killing time, kissing, and touching each other.
My cunt flooded.  My arousal soaked through my panties and smeared on her bare thigh.  The door opened and I looked up, expecting to see Steve but finding Clint instead.
“Well, well,” he teased, closing the door behind him.  “What do we have here?”
“Nothing much,” I hummed, running my fingers up Wanda’s side.  “Just killing time.
“Well, I was gonna have a shower,” Clint said, taking off his shirt as he sauntered over to the bed.  “But this looks like much more fun.”
He unfastened his pants and pushed them down, tripping as he tried to step out of the legs and landing sprawled on the mattress and making the bed rock back-and-forth wildly.
Wanda and I started laughing.  “Nice one, Clint,” I teased.
“Hush,” he said as he crawled up behind me.  He leaned over me and began to kiss Wanda as he rutted slowly against my ass and massaged my sensitive breasts.  His cock started hardening against my ass and I moaned loudly and rocked my hips between them.
The door opened again and this time when I looked up there were three people silhouetted in the doorway.  Steve was standing at the front of Bucky and Sam with his arms folded over his chest.  The three men surveyed us, I could see Sam smirking as Bucky shifted on his feet.
“Elise,” Steve scolded.  “I don’t remember saying you could start without me.”
I sat up quickly and pulled my legs up against me.  Wanda and Clint sat up too.  Clint bouncing with excitement while Wanda tilted her head and looked at Steve with an expression telling me they were having a silent conversation.  I assumed it was about what was about to happen.  I was excited too.  Wanda wasn’t super into any level of BDSM, but she did seem to have fun being on the side of it while other people were doing something mild.  It was almost like she liked the roleplaying aspect but not the physical side.  Bucky on the other hand I’d never known to participate at all in this kind of thing.  It was going to be fun to see what Steve had in his head that had made him want to bring both Sam and Bucky along with him.
“We’re playing a Steve game?  I didn’t know we were playing a Steve game,” Clint said excitedly.
Wanda gave a little nod and Steve stepped into the room properly.  He walked around the side of the bed and turned the levers so the bed would be held firmly in place.  Sam closed the door behind them as Steve sat on the edge of the bed.  Wanda quickly moved so she was sitting in Steve’s lap.  “So it seems to me,” Steve said as he unhooked Wanda’s bra.  “We have one very good girl and one very bad girl and they both need a seeing to.”
Wanda giggled and tossed her bra aside as Steve leaned down and sucked on her breast.  Bucky and Sam began to undress as they watched on as Wanda moaned and let her head fall back and her hands tangle in Steve’s hair.  My eyes kept flicking from Steve and Wanda to Bucky and Sam as I sat buzzing with anticipation.  Steve pulled back and gently massaged Wanda’s breasts.  “There’s four of us though, so I think we should be able to take care of them,” he guided Wanda to her feet and pulled her panties down.  “Who’d like to start with our very good girl?”
“Sounds like fun,” Bucky said, stepping forward as he stroked his cock.  “What do you say, Wan?  You gonna be good for me?”
“I’d like that, Bucky,” she said, guiding him back onto the bed and straddling his waist.
Steve grabbed my ankle and dragged me over to him.  I squealed and he pulled me up into his lap.  “Our bad girl is going to need a firmer hand I think,” Steve said and tore my camisole straight down the front.  I squeaked and he wrapped his arm around me and began to palm my cunt.  “She’s going to need to be shown who’s in charge.  Who’s up for that?”
Sam stepped up.  “I think I’m up for that,” Sam teased, pumping his cock.  “If you know what I mean.”
“Oh my god,” Clint cackled.  “That was the perviest dad joke ever!”
Steve pushed me to my feet and ripped my thong at the waistband, so both it and my cami fell to the floor.  Sam stepped close and grabbed my wrist, spinning me around so my back was pressed against his chest.  His finger slipped between my folds and he rubbed my clit roughly as he nipped at the shell of your ear.  “You’re already so wet and ready for my cock, princess,” he whispered against my ear.  “How about you bend over the bed for me, princess?”
“How about you make me?” I taunted, grinding my ass back against his dick.
Sam shoved me forward so I was bent over the bed facing Wanda and Bucky, and spanked my ass hard.  I gasped and wriggled a little on my feet.
“What are we doing?”  Clint asked, moving over to Steve.
Steve pulled him close and began to palm Clint’s cock.  “We’re going to be patient, enjoy the show and when Sam and Bucky are done we’ll have our turn.”
I watched as Wanda slowly rolled her hips as she rode Bucky.  He leaned up pulling one of her nipples into his mouth and making her mewl and throw her head back.  While I watched, Sam lined himself up with my entrance and thrust hard in.  It pushed me forward on the mattress and made the bed sway slightly even though it had been tethered down.  “Fuck, Sam,” I moaned loudly.
He spanked my ass and wrapped his hand in my hair.  “None of that talk,” he growled.
“Fuck you,” I mewled.
He spanked me again and began to just rail into me.  He pulled my hair, yanking my head back while at the same time he pressed down in the middle of my back.  “No, princess,” Sam said.  “It’s you that is going to get fucked.”
Clint started laughing again.  “Sam!  Seriously!  You can’t do dad jokes during sex.”
I started laughing and Sam spanked me hard again, making me yelp and jerk under him.  “Do something about the mouthy bird will you, Cap?”
Steve grabbed Clint’s hair and whispered into Clint’s ear.  “Yes, sir,” Clint mewled, letting Steve hold him with his head yanked back.
I turned my focus to Wanda.  She was panting heavily and Bucky was fucking up into her as he suckled on her breast.  I could see how close she was and there was something about seeing him much more tame and gentle sex happening in front of me made the way Sam was pounding into feel even more intense.  I started moaning and trying to hold myself up.  Sam wrapped his arm around my waist and rubbed my clit hard as he leaned right over me, so he was pressed down on me.  “You wanna come, princess?”
“Yes, please, Sam,” I begged.  “Please.”
He pinched my clit and picked up his pace and I came, screaming out.  Sam groaned, grabbing my hips and thrusting hard into me as his orgasm hit and he emptied inside me.
Our orgasms seemed to drag Wanda over and she threw her head back and moaned loudly as it shuddered through her.  “Alright, Clint,” Steve said, patting his thigh.  “Your turn with Wanda.”
“Hey, wait a second.  I’m not done yet,” Bucky complained.
“You’re gonna help me with El,” Steve said moving over to me as Sam slipped from within me.  He picked me up and flipped me over, putting me back on the bed so my head was hanging over the edge.  Wanda rolled off Bucky, onto her back and Clint crawled up between her legs, kissing the insides of her thighs.
Steve pushed my knees up and tapped the head of his cock on my clit as Bucky teased my lips with his cock.  I tilted my head back, opening my throat up and letting Bucky push his cock into my mouth as Steve thrust into my cunt.  Bucky went slow but deep, testing my limit and blocking my airway as he pushed his cock down my throat.  His cock was soaked in Wanda’s juices and I hungrily sucked her tart fluids from him.  Steve on the other was relentless.  He pounded into me, pushing me further down onto Bucky’s cock with each thrust.  I went to grab Bucky’s hips, but Steve grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the mattress.  I was vaguely aware of Clint and Wanda beside us, but only in an abstract way.  All my focus was on Steve and Bucky and my impending orgasm.  Sam began to rub my clit and an orgasm crashed down on my immediately, I mewled into Bucky’s cock as I shuddered around Steve, but neither man eased up, they both just kept fucking me even harder than before.  Steve guided one of my hands up and it touched on Sam’s cock.  I started to jerk him off.  The men would kiss and whisper things to each other above me but what they were saying, I couldn’t tell.
Another orgasm hit and then a third.  I could barely hold myself together.  Wanda had moved up close to me and when a fourth hit both Bucky and Steve pulled out at once.  I choked and arched my back, my whole body quaking with my orgasm.  Wanda put her head on my shoulder and cupped my jaw, pulling me into a kiss, and around me, Steve, Bucky, and Sam jerked their cocks.  As Wanda and I kissed, Steve, Bucky, and Sam came, painting the two of us in hot white ropes.
“Fuck,” Clint groaned and reached over, and ran his fingers through the mess.  “You both look so fucking hot.”
“And you are such a dirty bird,” Sam teased and spanked his ass.
“Alright, you two,” Steve said, scooping me up as Bucky picked up Wanda.  “Let’s get you cleaned off and get you into bed.  Big day tomorrow.”
I hummed and curled up in his arms not at all concerned about sleep at all.
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