#woozy doo
Woozi: If your over 5'10, sorry, your pronouns are fe/fi/fo/fum.
Minghao: If your under 5'10, sorry, your pronouns are oompa/loompa/doompety/doo.
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whumpsical · 11 months
🎶 share a happy moment. ANY happy moment. You must have ONE.
674 words, (the song is "Can't Take My Eyes off You" by Frankie Valli btw)
contents: a little medical drugging, vaguely mentioned recent amputation, forced relationship, carewhumper, fluff af
December 2019
taglist!!! @yet-another-heathen @much-ado-about-whumping @minerscanary @softmutt444
"You've never danced?"
Jian scoffed from his seat on the couch, idly curling his fingers into the tense muscles in his right hip, wishing he could deaden every one of the touchy nerves riddling his butchered leg. Oxy did wonders, but it couldn't do everything, especially with Jian's tolerance. Mostly the drugs made Jian feel stuck at a distance inside of his skull, like the world was spinning in a slow circle around him and he couldn't reach for anything to steady himself on. At least he wasn't writhing in agony.
"Of course I've danced. Just not whatever dork-ass, ballroom-ass waltz you're picturing, old man."
Dickass Lee laughed.
"You kids' bump n' grind stuff doesn't count."
Jian rolled his eyes at that, but had no rebuttal. He watched helplessly as Dickass Lee’s wobbling figure floated across the living room, gliding between his case of records and the antique player near the window seat. He set his chosen record down and started it spinning, and Jian could only catch a glimpse of a cream colored album cover with red lettering before soft, jazzy doo-wop instrumentals began to play, and Dickass Lee turned back to face him with predatory glee in his eyes.
"You'll like this one. Come here."
Dickass Lee approached slowly, stepping in time with the gentle tempo, already swaying his shoulders to Frankie Valli's rosy voice which shimmered through the haze swirling around Jian's head.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
Dickass Lee offered both hands to Jian, who shook his head emphatically.
"Uhh, don't think I'm up for--"
"You can lean on me, Jian, don't worry," Dickass Lee said. He untangled Jian's hands from where they were hidden beneath the blanket and took them into his own, not unkindly. "We'll go slow."
"Where've I heard that one b'fore?" Jian slurred under his breath, but allowed himself to be drawn up into Dickass Lee's arms, trusting the man with most, if not all, of his weight.
Dickass Lee held him up as steadily as he could. Drugged and woozy as Jian was, the most he could offer in terms of stability was a tight-ish grip around the man's neck. But despite the looming pain and the depression weighing down what remained of his limbs, Jian found himself almost blissfully giggling as Dickass Lee made him sway to the sentimental tune, Jian's single foot on the floor acting as a swivel point.
The tempo picked up just as they'd finally found a tenuous balance. Jian surrendered himself entirely to Dickass Lee’s whims as the man began to swing him around in earnest, even releasing Jian to float in brief moments before catching him by the hips again. Jian's laugh arose candidly, the bright easy sound of it mingling with cheery instrumentation and the rhythmic stomping and clapping of a long-dead chorus. Or maybe Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons were still around. Jian didn't have a clue, and he didn't care.
The phrase climaxed with a brassy flourish, which Dickass Lee took as an opportunity to drop Jian into an easy dip, one hand supporting Jian's lower back while the other held his hand, leaving Jian breathless and dizzy as he stared up at him.
A stray muscle in Jian's right thigh suddenly cramped fiercely, triggering a pained flinch after just a second in that little half dip. Jian's hiss of pain was followed by an energetic round of tambourines and bright trumpets, but Dickass Lee just gently led him back to his spot on the couch, laughing sympathetically, a bit out of breath himself.
"Okay, okay, that's enough for now, huh?" Dickass Lee said over the music. Jian gladly sank into the cushions, his hands shaking a bit, not in an entirely unpleasant way. "Now you can say you've danced, sweetheart."
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elioslover · 1 year
Hiii! I've been meaning to do this for a while, so here's a little info about me! I'm Emmy (Emma) I'm 27, the messiest Virgo, a far-too dramatic INFP, born and living in South Africa. Here's a little Face Claim. I'm a creative writing & literature graduate and I've been on this hellscape for the past 11 years posting under @cheap-packof-cigarettes.
You can check out my Masterlist. Currently working on two series:
Grapejuice (Harry Styles x reader - a story of the brothers best friend, and a trip to Italy.)
Employee of the Month (Steve Harrington x reader - a story of a summer job, and enemies to lovers.)
Some unnecessary lists of my interests hehe:
Fave face claims/ fandoms: Harry Styles, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Bucky Barnes, Aemond Targaryen, Joe Quinn.
Fave artists: Phoebe Bridgers, Mac Miller, Still Woozy, Wet Leg, Harry Styles, Boygenius, Arctic Monkeys, JID, Led Zeppelin, ABBA.
Fave movies: Aftersun!! Boogie Nights, The French Dispatch, The Grinch, In Bruges, When Harry Met Sally, Anatomy of a Fall, CLUE, There Will Be Blood, Scooby Doo: Spooky Island.
Fave series: Bojack Horseman, Modern Family, Arrested Development, Orange is the New Black, House of the Dragon, Haunting on Hill House, Archer.
Fave books: One Hundred Years of Solitude, American Psycho, Love in the Time of Cholera, Purple Hibiscus, Like Water for Chocolate, Equus, 12 Angry Men.
I have another blog where I do things like film reviews, free-form poetry, creative writing, think pieces, etc. if you're interested, you can check that out here!
Drop me a message, I'd love to chat about fic ideas, or even just casual interests! 🍇
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otlwoozi · 2 years
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tour woozi is a scooby doo character and he has 12 of this outfit in his suitcase
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allthemusic · 3 months
Week ending: 20th September
Well, only a few months after our first double A-sides, we've got a whole week of them! Clearly the format is taking off. Interestingly, this means it's also the longest entry we've had in quite a while, with six new songs to listen to and review (some of which I'm provisionally a lot more excited about than others...)
The Great Pretender - The Platters (double A-side, peaked at Number 5)
Well, this is the version of this song that I knew, after Jimmy Parkinson's cover version, which hit the charts, a few months back. And I have to say, I think that this is one where the original blows the cover out of the water. The Platters are just a cut above Jimmy Parkinson - there's a reason they're still a reasonably well-known act, while Jimmy's not a name that I'd ever heard of before.
I love the emotion that's been poured into this, from the emphatic acknowledgement of the yes, at the start of the title line, to the slight hitch as Tony Williams sings about how You've left me to dream all alone. I can really buy this as a song about a man putting on a front, and pretending - to himself or to others - that he's fine and still happy after his love left him.
In this context, I really appreciate the doo-wop instrumentation, too, from the woozy saxophone and piano at the start, to the oooh-oooh backing singers, and the way they chime in with a full-voiced still around right at the end. It gives the whole thing a sense of texture and intensity that Jimmy's solo version lacked. He may have had backing singers, but the Platters go beyond that and are really part of the whole song.
The song's iconic, and with its other A-side, it apparently also featured in the film Rock Around the Clock, along with Bill Haley's title song and a bunch of other Bill Haley numbers. The film itself is apparently a heavily fictionalised film about the emergence of rock and roll, with the Comets portrayed as the kind of ground-breaking first ever rock and roll band. Which absolutely was not true, but it's cool that the film exists, still, with a bunch of real-life music industry figures playing versions of themselves. Very meta. Also, apparently the Platters are shown at the end of the film sharing a stage with the Comets and other white groups, which was seen at the time as quite daring, integration-wise. So not entirely a white-wash, I guess?
Only You (And You Alone) - The Platters (double A-side, 5)
Yet another song that we've already heard as a cover. This time it was the Hilltoppers, another white group - and again, the Platters' version is more emotional, with little vocal turns and twists from lead singers Tony Williams that elevate it, somehow. The little uh-uh hiccups, and the sweeps upwards on the higher notes, or the you-ouuuuuuu at the end - all of these go a long way to make this specific version way more iconic.
Amazingly, apparently the little lurch on the first "Oooh-nly" was inspired by a rehearsal session in a car (?) where the car hit a bump and jerked. Tony's voice did the little hiccup, everyone laughed, but then they decided that it actually worked. And thank goodness they did, because it's awesome.
Aside from this, there are also lots of nice doo-wop touches, too, from the piano's insistent triplets, which mostly simmer along underneath the vocals, driving the tune on, barring the odd oh-woah-woah-woah moment, to the oooooh vocals, and the way they ramp up towards the end of the song, concluding with a final, elegiac one and only you. All fun details that also serve to make the song that bit more memorable.
Lyrically, the concept is as simple as it was the first time we heard it; Tony's convinced that Only you / Can make this world seem right / Only you / Can make the darkness bright. Tony's love is the only one who can do this, transforming first Tony's world, and then Tony himself. It's a song about the transformative, world-changing power of love, and damn, if I'm not a sucker for it. It's romantic, it doesn't rely on tired metaphors and overblown rhetoric, but it also isn't underselling anything. It's a song that's not afraid of being earnest, but never strays into overdoing it. Excellent stuff.
The Ying Tong Song - The Goons (double A-side, 3)
I don't have a great feeling about this. I didn't like the Goons' last outing much at all, and this song's title also smacks of racism. I mean, it might not be, but it king of looks like the kind of thing people make up as "fake Chinese". But I'm willing to be proven wrong, as I start it up?
Okay, we've started in a very operatic mode, with what sounds like a flute, a harp and a man singing about how There's a song that I recall my mother sang to me / She sang it as she tucked me in when I was ninety-three. Which is already kind of nonsensical, setting the tone we're going to follow for the rest of this tune.
And then, the song suddenly shifts mode, with a guitar strumming and then two very irritating voices singing the repeated lyric Ying tong, ying tong, ying tong, ying tong, ying tong iddle i po. It does vaguely give off a "racist fake Chinese accent" vibe, but having heard other Goons songs, I suspect this is more just the "stock irritating Goon voice" that we also heard elsewhere, complete with various spoken digressions as the two voices stumble over each other and trip on what they're trying to sing. It's really annoying, and not in a way that makes me want to listen to this track, sorry Goons.
They're then repeatedly interrupted for the second half of the song, first by a clip of a female opera singer singing Take me back to Vienna, then by a clip of what sounds like a bomb blast, and finally by sections with one of our Goons just blowing raspberries and sections just consisting of what sounds like lots of feet walking round a gymnasium or something falling from a great height? The "joke" I'm assuming is that the song's annoying enough that people keep interrupting it, but it just keeps going. Except that's not massively funny - or maybe I've just had a bit of a sense of humour failure?
The best bit, for my money, is the very end, where the voices are replaced by a pitched-up version that sound like little gremlins or mice on helium. This, to me, feels like the voice that the whole thing should have been done in, giving it a comedy cartoon feel, rather than just sounding like two grown men putting on irritating voices. I think it helps that they give up on the shtick of interrupting them every three seconds, too - just let your song be a song!
There is theoretically something fairly avant-garde about the use of sound collage and sampled clips here. Too bad it's wasted in this borderline unlistenable song. Seriously, how did this get as far as it did?
Bloodnok's Rock 'N' Roll Call - The Goons (double A-side, 3)
Oh, joy, more Goons. Yay. I guess this song has a banger title on its side. It sounds like a DnD orc decided to start playing boogie-woogie music!
And as the song starts, that's what we seem to have, a sort of stompy rock and roll number that's clearly parodying tunes like Rock Around the Clock, with their 12-bar blues structure and counting shtick. There's also maybe an element of songs like Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, with their military trappings, too? We start with a bugle call, for sure, and then a load of counting, before a voice informs us that You've got to rock and roll in a roll call way / You've got to march with a Marilyn Monroe-ese way / You've got to rock and roll with your old kit bag / But you mustn't ever mention her name in the mess.
It's incoherent nonsense, but I'm hopeful at this point that it's going to be an actually good record - a tune, some speed, a relevant bit of parody, and no irritating spoken sections! But no, I spoke too soon, because a reedy sort of voice is now interrupting to insist that we Stop! Stop! Stop that sinful naughty record-type music!
Thankfully, he doesn't quite manage to put a kibosh on it, but the rest of the song does stop and start a bit more, with more spoken segments. True to Goon form, these are without exception bizarre, annoying and not particularly funny. There's a skit going on about some old flame visiting the military mess, and possibly some jokes about rock and rollers being a bunch of skint musicians who need money? I say possibly, because you can't really follow it - if there's humour there, it needs some serious excavating. There's also the phrase "steaming love-dance", which I think puts an end to any amusement I felt, by dint of literally making me feel nauseous. Bleurgh.
Bring a Little Water, Sylvie - Lonnie Donegan (double A-side, 7)
This tune benefits largely, in this listen-through, from not being a Goons track. Seriously, there's not much to this, but after the two tracks of Goon-branded torment, Lonnie's folksy stylings were about as refreshing as the water Sylvie's supposed to be bringing in this song! A much needed break.
As often is the case with Lonnie, this whole song is a very American-sounding affair, sung in a sort of mock deep South accent. I'm not well enough versed in mid-20th century American accents, or their connotations, but I suspect this is Lonnie putting on a deliberately exaggerated "black" singing voice. Which is interesting to see in this era of segregation, and especially interesting in a week where you've also got the Platters charting with two songs that sound absolutely nothing like this.
Not that that's exactly a fair comparison, since Lonnie's not going for soul or even R&B, really - this is clearly a folk song, with folksy interests that are clear even in the spoken intro, as Lonnie tells us that here's a story 'bout a man workin' in a field / He bin workin' all day, he gettin' hot, an' he's thoisty. The scene thus set, we get to the point of the song, which is Lonnie entreating Sylvie to bring a little water.
Except - shh - I'm not sure the song's really about bringing water? I don't know, there's just something a little flirty about it all, with the do you love me, Sylvie, every little once in a while of it all. And what else should I make of the won't you prove it to me now line? He wants something more than water, I suspect - or at least, the possibility's meant to be there. It's an interpretation that fits well with Lonnie's desperate, frenetic delivery, and the slight rasp to this voice here, all of which give the whole song a sort of roguish charm.
Beyond this speculation, there's not much to this track. Lonnie's not doing anything wild with the guitar accompaniment here, and the bring a little water line makes up, like, 80% of the song. It's not trying for anything too wild, you get the feeling - Lonnie's just vibing, and the public are eating it up, nothing fancy needed.
Dead or Alive - Lonnie Donegan (double A-side, 7)
An exciting title, for sure, and the twangy guitar line at the start is already miles more interesting than anything in the last track, with the way it jumps about all over the place, blues notes and accidentals jumbling together in a way that's technically pretty impressive, in a slightly random-sounding way.
And then the song gets started in earnest, with lines about how the new sheriff sent me a letter / He said "Come up and see me, dead or alive" and about how he even sent me my picture. Reading between the lines, this is clearly a song about a man with a wanted poster out for him, but Lonnie sound blithely unconcerned by the whole affair - heck, he sounds like he's holding back laughter on quite a few of the lines, which is such an excellent character detail. With it, Lonnie fully takes on the character of a devil-may-care, loveable but slightly smug Wild West rogue.
And as ever, this all ends with Lonnie picking out a line or two to repeat ad infinitum, until the phrase loses all meaning. In this case, it's a line about how It's a hard road, dead or alive. Which is as good a line as any to repeat, I guess?
And weirdly, after all this, the track ends fading out on some very cool guitar that's been bubbling along throughout the song, but that really comes to the fore right in the final second or two, and that really reminds me of something that I can't quite place. It kind of feels like the sort of chords and rhythms that people put into fake "Egyptian" music - but I couldn't say exactly why it feels like that, or give an example of what I mean, so maybe this is me talking nonsense. And it's literally just the last few seconds. Odd.
Whew. That felt like a lot of songs! Quite a mixed bag, too - some predictable bangers, but some I rightfully went in dreading. Also some Lonnie Donegan numbers, which were soldly in-between both poles, neither great nor terrible. Which leaves me two Platters songs to decide between - but the interesting vocal delivery just about cinches it, for me!
Favourite song of the bunch: Only You (And You Alone)
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innervision-dai · 11 months
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 「음악의 신」 Official MV
SEVENTEENの、11枚目のミニアルバム『Seventeenth Heaven』のタイトル曲だって。
曲名は「음악의 신」、”God of Music”ですって。ヤバ!プロデュース&ソングライターは、
曲が、「음악의 신(God of Music)」っていうハードル高いタイトルですが、リリックでは
”どんな時だって最高なんだ 音楽の神様がいるなら” 的なことを歌っているぽいですよ。
サビの歌詞も響きとリズム重視&インパクトある”クンチ パクチ クンクンチ パクチ イェ”で
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crimsun-n-clover · 1 year
psychiatrist gave me a new sleep aim to ward off the batshit violent nightmares of everyone i love dying
thanks i guess
i went out of town with my mom today. drove a little over an hour to a major city to walk around the shops and little gimmicky places. got some dnd shit from a nerd store while mom stared at the miniatures with apprehension (“stevie do you really need these” “yeah they go on the board and are good for battles” “you said yourself that your players suck” “okay MAYBE it’s for me”). didn’t buy any of the fancy dice sets i wanted or anything. i showed the restraint of a goddamn nun. i did get more tacky biker rings though so i guess it balances out.
fell in love with a stray cat there. named him judas because i was listening to judas priest. i miss him.
i spent the rest of the day listening to the fellowship of the ring as an audiobook. i love sam gamgee so fuckin much. “mr frodo sir this fucking sucks can we get drunk” “oh my lovely and faithful sam. no. i wanna put my life at risk.” “shit alright i guess i’ll shield you from the scary ass horses or whatever” like sam and frodo are the epitome of “could you do it,,, for m e?”
sam is a fucking simp and i love him more than i love my own fucking family because they’re straight republicans and not hopelessly devoted homosexual gardeners. i’m a (formerly) hopelessly devoted homosexual and i wanted to be a botanist for a couple years there so i could be a gardener if i didn’t hate the sun so much. he’s just like me <3
“sam we can’t go in there that old bastard set his dogs on me thirty years ago” and pippen goes “nahhhh you’ll be fine :)” and my man sam is like “i’ll fucking kill him mr frodo i don’t care how long ago it was”
frodo is so fucking blorbo. he’s my special little guy. my babygirl. my sopping wet cat in the rain. my scrunkly scrimble doo. i want to wrap him in a nice cotton blanket and gnaw on it like a soft taco. i want to watch him spin around in a microwave. i want to shake him like a snow globe. i am so normal.
i swear i had actual shit to talk about. uhhhh
if i get asked one more time “did you MAKE your jacket” “do you even listen to those bands” or the ever irritating “name three songs” i’m gonna maul someone. like nah jennifer i walked into the punk and metal store and said make me look like a threat to humanity and also a total loser at the same time. like fucking OBVIOUSLY i made it. it’s a battle jacket. have you people ever met someone with an interest in music?? i didn’t give someone a list of bands and tell them to go ham and put shit on crooked. i sat on the floor until five in the goddamn morning with a bag of patches i picked up from my patch dealer (he’s in his 40’s at least and had to move back in with his parents. he has met every member of megadeth and talked to dio before he died. he’s so strange and he even gives me a discount for being so amusing he’s pretty rad) and stabbed my hands until they bled.
i know that’s something petty to get annoyed with but hey man, just because i’m not an old bald dude who goes “YEAHHH SLAYER” at every show doesn’t mean i’m not part of that community. it’s like because i’m feminine looking and young they assume i’m trying to be quirky and different or something. nah dude i’m just actually fucked up.
“your parents must have good taste in music little lady” my mom listens mainly to country, is an ed sheeran super fan, and thinks that those shitty motivational songs are her anthems for putting up with her autistic asshole child. my dad heard me listening to misfits and goes “this guy sounds JUST like danzig” and i was like “i know????” and we looked at each other for a minute before i had to explain to him that danzig was IN misfits. i also was stealing his cds and found FOUR FUCKING NICKELBACK ALBUMS. so nah man i’m just a fuckin freak. a complete oddity. a deviant of my bloodline.
i don’t know how to end this i’m getting woozy with my meds so farewell tumblr i shall see you past daybreak tomorrow
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mydearnct · 6 years
[7:16] climbing onto renjun’s lap, his hands find their home on your hips, pulling you closer to him- if that was even possible. he tasted like coffee and vanilla as his tongue found its way into your mouth, but the sweet flavor of renjun was short lived as he pulled away to press kisses down your jaw and onto your neck —the sweetness of his lips, his love, painting bitter bruises on your skin
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whumpygifs · 6 years
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dkfile · 2 years
heartache and a latte
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❛ it’s hard to tell someone you like them when you lose all self-control around them. like everything goes to auto-pilot. ❜
word count | 9.3k (9,296) genre | fluff, slice of life, strangers to lovers, coffee shop au ━ barista!woozi
you couldn’t help but notice that your spotify mutual woozi has been listening to some downright sad songs as of late, but as much as you want to reach out and console them, you have no way to, seeing as you don’t know who they are. however, fate might give you a chance when you realize that whatever song woozi is listening to is the same one playing whenever you’re in the coffee shop.
★ warnings | there’s nothing but fluff and meddling friends ★ author’s note | there is absolutely no heartache in this fic but im gonna be honest i couldn’t think of another title (read: i was too lazy to) but there is one mention of a latte so!!!
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► woozi is currently listening to … Talking to the Moon, Bruno Mars 💿 Doo-Wops & Hooligans
According to Seungcheol, you are truly not Yoon Jeonghan’s friend until you become a victim of his notorious matchmaking. And unfortunately for Wonwoo, Jeonghan has declared him his number one target, and your poor best friend has been going on bad date after bad date for the past month.
Wonwoo collapses into the seat across from you, the heavy breaths falling from his lips fog up his glasses and it only takes him three more heaves before he takes them off and throws them onto the table, caring very little for the way they almost clatter onto the floor. You raise an eyebrow at him, trying your best not to show your amusement, before humming.
“Why are you so upset?”
He throws you a look, clearly not happy with your sarcasm, and throws his hands up in the air in frustration. Yesterday he made the mistake of telling Jeonghan he has little to no assignments due this week, which Jeonghan took as an invitation to schedule more dates — whilst Seungcheol was shaking with laughter, Wonwoo looked like he wanted to jump out a window.
“I can’t believe I have to live like this,” he groans, burying his face in his hands. “God, I knew Jeonghan was persistent, but I didn’t know it was like this.”
You hum. “That’s Jeonghan for you.”
“Whenever he texts me about a date I start to feel the walls closing in on me.”
You throw him a look. “You’re so overdramatic. I think Seungkwan’s starting to rub off on you.”
Wonwoo ignores your comment. “No, you don’t get it. Every week, I go on a date, it ends badly, Jeonghan reprimands me, then he sets me up on another one. It’s a never-ending cycle and I can’t take it anymore, Y/N. I can’t take it.”
“Then just lie to him. Tell him you’ve found the love of your life or something.”
“Jeonghan’s got the best bullshit detector I’ve ever seen. He would never believe me,” Wonwoo says. You think this might be the most annoyed Wonwoo’s ever been, which is astonishing, given the fact that just last week during movie night at your place, he witnessed Seungkwan and Mingyu’s atrocious reenactment of Titanic. They acted out every scene, word for word. For two hours.
You have videos to prove it.
“Well, then there’s nothing I can do to help you.”
He scowls. “Gee, thanks.”
You shrug, unbothered by his irritation. It will only take a couple of minutes before Wonwoo calms down and cracks open his laptop to watch Sims 4 let’s plays from the early 2010s, so you continue working on an essay for your Asian Civilization class. It’s due today and you didn’t start it until a few minutes ago but, in your defence, you’ve been swamped with other priorities (like rewatches of Love Island and The Bachelor), and at least you’re not doing it at 11 P.M.
You huff when a loud ding in your ear signals that your airpods are almost dead. Lazily, you search for the case at the bottom of your bag before taking the earbuds off and allowing them to charge. You go to pause your music too, just in case it continues playing — which has happened before. Once when you were in the library, the heavy metal Seungcheol added to the friend group’s collaborative study playlist conveniently started blasting the moment your airpods died, which was utterly humiliating. You haven’t stepped foot in the library since then.
A small sigh of relief escapes you when you see that the song’s paused, but then you glance to the side section of the Spotify screen and frown.
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been mutuals with woozi or even who they are — which is strange since you only have about six followers, all of them being people in your small tight-knit group of friends — and you’ve never bothered to find out. But lately, woozi has been listening to a collection of rather depressing heartbreak songs, and you aren’t sure whether they’ve just been in a mood for the past three months or if they’re going through a bad breakup.
“What are you frowning at?” Wonwoo asks. Just like you predicted, he’s already opened up his laptop. He’s looking at you with a hint of curiosity, but you know that one little white lie and he’ll leave you alone.
“Just something for my assignment.”
Wonwoo nods before looking back down at his screen. You only stare at woozi’s icon — which is a Marvel superhero you can’t quite remember the name of — for a couple more seconds before going back to Google Docs.
No time to worry about someone you don’t know. You have an assignment to finish.
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► woozi is currently listening to … Two Slow Dancers, Mitski 💿 Be the Cowboy
“Dude,” Soonyoung groans, throwing his body against the counter. Jihoon glances at him with mild exasperation, and although Soonyoung is far from finished wiping down the tables, he doesn’t bother to reprimand his friend for his laziness. “All you gotta do is talk to her.”
Jun, another one of Jihoon’s co-workers, purses his lips. He and Soonyoung have been exchanging relationship advice for the past twenty minutes. Jihoon, however, has chosen to stay quiet, but he doesn’t stray too far away because he still wants to be part of the conversation.
“It’s not as easy as you think,” Jun retorts, harshly wiping at a stain on the counter that’s been there for as long as Jihoon’s been employed. “Whenever I try to talk to her, my brain just stops working. I malfunction. Everything in me freezes. Plus, she’s, like, out of my league.”
“Well, I know that,” Soonyoung huffs, barely dodging the smack Jun reaches out to give him. “But you just need some practice. C’mon, practice on me.”
Jun sighs. For a moment, Jihoon thinks he’ll turn Soonyoung down, but then he steps back and clears his throat. For as long as Jihoon’s known him, Jun has never turned down an opportunity to perform.
“Hi,” Jun begins weakly. Soonyoung catches Jihoon’s eye over Jun’s shoulder and they both wince. “So, I was wondering—”
“Please stop.”
“What— But I barely started!”
“I already couldn’t stand it,” Soonyoung says. “Dude, you’ve got no game.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk—”
Jihoon purses his lips and moves to the side, deciding now is the best time to get away from this conversation. Before Soonyoung can even think about dragging Jihoon in, he’s already grabbing a cloth and going towards one of the empty tables. It’s been relatively slow today and he’s pretty sure he wiped this table an hour ago, but if cleaning is what will save him from Jun and Soonyoung’s argument then so be it.
College students are scattered all over the vicinity. It’s rather calm — save for behind the counter where his friends attempt to keep their voices low — but the tranquil atmosphere is broken momentarily when a boy storms in and makes his way to an occupied booth. Jihoon only stares at him with a frown for a couple more seconds before realizing that the person he’s sitting with is his friend — of course, how could he forget? You two have been coming into this coffee shop since the beginning of time.
Jihoon catches snippets of the conversation (something about bad dates and someone named Seungkwan? He swears that the name sounds familiar…) before he makes his way back to the counter. Jun and Soonyoung’s argument seems to have been resolved — record-breakingly quick, Jihoon adds — but he can tell Jun is still a little disgruntled. When one of Jihoon’s favourite songs comes on the speakers, the taller boy throws him a halfhearted glare and pouts.
“This is the last thing I needed to hear right now.”
Jihoon rolls his eyes because while he is in charge of the music they play in the shop, it’s not his fault that Spotify shuffle decided to play Two Slow Dancers. But because Jun’s day has already been bad enough, Jihoon decides to give him the benefit of the doubt. He slips into the back to retrieve his phone and scrolls through his playlists in hopes of finding something that will cheer his friend up.
But doing that is harder than expected and he ends up just putting a random Spotify-generated playlist on shuffle.
Party In The U.S.A comes on and in the booth across from Jeon Wonwoo, you jump at the sudden change in music. Your best friend is too immersed with whatever’s on his laptop to notice the sudden change in the atmosphere, but he seems to be the only one. Some of the customers jerk up in surprise while others raise their heads with furrowed eyebrows. Two employees, a boy with unruly platinum hair and a taller boy with brown hair falling into his eyes, simultaneously fall into laughter just as another one of their colleagues emerges from the back, sporting a hairdo that only comes from working an 8-hour shift.
You briefly meet the latter employee’s eyes. He smiles politely, as every worker would do, before turning to his friends.
Despite your airpods only being in the case for two minutes, you take them out anyway and put them on. You’ll let them charge once the song is over because there’s absolutely no way you’ll be able to focus with Party In The U.S.A blasting. When you open Spotify again, you notice that the song woozi’s listening to has changed to the same one that’s playing in the coffee shop.
Weird. Your eyes narrow but you decide not to worry too much about it. You have bigger fish to fry.
Like this fucking essay.
You scowl as you open Google Docs up again.
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► woozi is currently listening to … The Night We Met, Lord Huron 💿 Strange Trails
While you wouldn’t consider observance as something you excel at, you wouldn’t necessarily call yourself oblivious. You can catch on to things without much help, so it’s embarrassing that it took you so long to figure out that the song woozi is always listening to is the same one that plays whenever you’re in the coffee shop.
You aren’t quite sure what to do after coming to this realization. It’s not like you could just run to the coffee shop and demand to meet woozi just so you can see if he’s OK.
Well. Maybe you could, considering you’re in the shop after running three minutes from Seungkwan and Mingyu’s apartment.
“Hi,” you exhale, your energy quickly running out as you lean against the front counter, ignoring the blond barista’s concerned expression.
“Hello,” the employee greets you. As your eyes scan the nametag pinned to his blue apron — Soonyoung, written messily with silver Sharpie — you briefly wonder if this boy could be your Spotify mutual. But he’s smiling at you with enough radiance to rival the sun, and he doesn’t give off the sad, broken, tortured vibe you always assumed woozi has.
You’re snapped out of your daze when the barista clears his throat. It’s then you realize that you haven’t been paying attention to anything he’s been saying. “What can I get for you today?”
“Right, um,” you trail off, wondering how to frame your question. It’s not like you thought about this on the run over, which you probably should have. It would make this interaction a lot less uncomfortable. “Sorry. I’m looking for someone.”
Soonyoung’s eyebrows rise. “Uh, OK. Are you one of Jun’s friends? Because his shift ended a few minutes ago—”
“Oh. No, I’m not here for Jun,” you say with a quick shake of your head. “I’m here for Woozi?”
Soonyoung blinks. “Who?”
“Um. Woozi.”
“Right. I don’t know who that is.”
Somewhat defeated, you inhale sharply and nod your head. “Oh, OK. I just… Sorry, this might sound weird, but I’m following Woozi on Spotify and they’ve just been listening to some… sad songs recently — actually, I’ve noticed they’ve been listening to them for a while and I realized that the song they’re listening to is always the same one that’s playing here and I just wanted to make sure they’re, like, OK? Or if heartbreakingly sad songs are something they just vibe with. So, um… Yeah. Sorry again.”
Throughout your entire ramble, Soonyoung stares at you blankly. You think you might have just humiliated yourself in the worst possible way before the barista breaks out into an incredulous grin. He lets out a loud cackle, catching the attention of some of the customers, before he’s shaking his head and gestures for you to wait.
“I’ll be right back,” he says in between laughs. You gawk at him as he stumbles out of sight.
You awkwardly stand at the front counter, wringing your hands as you wait for Soonyoung to reemerge. In your back pocket, your phone vibrates with what you assume are texts from your friends, probably asking if you’re coming back anytime soon. You had made a lame excuse of needing coffee before slipping out of the door, which you’re pretty sure they didn’t believe.
(“You need coffee?” Seungkwan had asked, bewildered. “It’s eight in the evening.”
Jeonghan looked at you as if you had something on your face. “Yeah, plus we have coffee here. Why would you run all the way over there to spend money on mediocre drinks? Be serious for a moment, Y/N.”)
Before you can pull out your phone and send a quick text to assure them you’ll be back, you hear loud protests and devious laughter before Soonyoung walks out, dragging someone behind him. The barista who seems to be working every time you’re here, his hair always dishevelled in one way or another, is grumbling beside his colleague, but when he sees you standing there, he masks his expression with a smile he reserves only for customers.
Soonyoung stops his friend from saying anything and pats him a little too roughly on the back. “So, I have some amazing news for you! This boy right here is Jihoon.”
Jihoon furrows his eyebrows, slightly confused with the introduction. “Soonyoung, what are you—?”
“But,” Soonyoung continues, ignoring Jihoon’s confusion, “you might know him as Woozi.”
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► woozi is currently listening to … You’re Somebody Else, flora cash 💿 Baby, It’s Okay
When Soonyoung rushes into the back room — startling Jihoon as he tries to savour every last minute of his break —and says something along the lines of, “Dude, guess what? I just found the love of your life,” Jihoon doesn’t know what to expect as his best friend dragged him to the front, but one thing’s for sure: he does not expect this.
Soonyoung, who annoyingly assures Jihoon that it’ll be fine if he goes over break, ushers the two of you to one of the booths in the back so you could, as Soonyoung put it, “Enjoy some time together!” which both you and Jihoon found off-putting seeing as he says it with a conspiratorial smile and a mischievous glint in his eye.
Now, Jihoon sits in a booth across from someone he’s never spoken a word to before other than, “What can I get for you today?” and “Your total is…”
“So…” you begin, “this is awkward.”
Jihoon, who was previously playing with the napkin dispenser to avoid eye contact, surprises himself by laughing at your comment. He hastily builds up the courage to apologize and explain that he didn’t mean to laugh at you, but when he meets your eyes, you’ve broken out into a cautious half-smile. The tense atmosphere shatters as soon as the chuckle falls from his lips and now both of you feel like you can relax, which he’s extremely thankful for; he’s completely unaware of what to do in a situation such as this. It’s not like he knows anybody who has had a Spotify mutual try to reach out to them because they’re concerned about them.
The fact that you did, though, is oddly heartwarming.
After a beat, Jihoon says, “There’s really nothing to worry about— with my music taste, I mean. I’m not going through a bad breakup or anything, but it’s nice of you to reach out and check if I’m good. No one’s ever done that for me before.”
Your smile grows sheepish. “I don’t think anyone’s ever done that before.”
Jihoon smiles back. “Guess that makes me extra special then.”
You purse your lips to prevent yourself from continuing to grin like an idiot. “So you just listen to all this sappy stuff because you like it?”
“I mean… yeah. That’s why people listen to music.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“Do you not like upbeat stuff?”
“‘Course I do,” Jihoon shrugs and relaxes against the back of the seat. Out of his line of sight, Soonyoung watches his friend’s interaction with sharp eyes. He’s almost buzzing at the thought of telling Jun all about this later. “But I listen to slower songs more. And I’m in charge of the music here, and a coffee shop isn’t exactly the perfect environment for EDM.”
Your eyes glimmer. “Well, you never know.”
Jihoon quirks an eyebrow. “Is that some sort of challenge?”
“No, actually,” you hum, drumming your fingers on the table. “But now that I think about it, it would be nice to play some less sad songs here.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“Let me pick the music that you guys play.”
The proposal is so preposterous that Jihoon laughs. In all the years he’s worked in this quaint cafe, he has never let anyone touch the music station (read: the small table in the back where he keeps his phone that’s connected to the speakers) — it took two years before he let Soonyoung and Jun take the reins, and he only allows them to pick the songs when he isn’t working. Hell will freeze over before Jihoon puts something as important as this in the palms of some stranger.
“No way,” he scoffs.
“OK. Let me pick the music that plays while I’m here.”
He shakes his head. “Absolutely not. Besides, I only work here part-time. What happens if you’re here and I’m not? There are holes in your plan.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Then I’ll come here when you have a shift.”
“You’re persistent, aren’t you?”
You give a dismissive wave of your hand, ignoring the evident amusement on Jihoon’s face. “When do you work next?”
Jihoon searches your face for some sort of tell, anything that says that you’re bluffing. But there are no cracks in your posture, no signs that point to an act. He concludes that he just doesn’t know you well enough to figure out whether you’re lying or not, and decides — hopes — you probably won’t live up to your word.
So, Jihoon offers up the information. “Tomorrow at seven.”
“Opening shift?”
He shakes his head. “Closing. Seven P.M.”
You grin. “See you then, Woozi.”
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► woozi is currently listening to … Love In The Dark, Adele 💿 25
Turns out, you were not bluffing.
You come into the coffee shop followed by two people Jihoon’s never seen you with before. A tall boy who trips the moment he steps inside and a blond who oozes confidence trail behind you, seemingly in their own little world when you arrive at the counter.
Behind Jihoon, Soonyoung and Jun start whispering to each other the moment they see you. He’s dreading the moment you leave and they bombard him with questions; Soonyoung and Jun love to tease their friends, and Jihoon doesn’t mind it as long as he isn’t on the receiving end of it.
You’re grinning at him like all the light in the world can’t rival the luminescence of your smile and he knows he’s doomed.
You pretend to study the menu before looking at him. “This is one of my favourite songs.”
Jihoon’s eyes narrow. “Me too,” he replies. Before you can say anything else, Jihoon continues, “Is there anything I can get for you today?”
Your friend — the shorter one who carries himself with an air of authority — pops out from behind you, giving Jihoon a polite smile. “Iced americano please.”
The taller boy adds, “And a blueberry scone for me.”
Jihoon’s eyes land back on you. “Oh, just a small latte will be fine,” you say, “as well as a different song.”
The blond beside you frowns. “I kind of like this song, though.”
Jihoon gives you a small victorious grin. “Well, if he likes it then I see no reason to change it. How would you like to pay?”
As you grumble under your breath and take out your card, momentarily occupied with the pin pad, Jihoon moves to the side to grab a scone. When he does this, Soonyoung gasps loudly behind him which is then followed by a loud exclamation, “Seungkwan!”
The blond brightens. Seungkwan and Soonyoung immediately fall into conversation before Seungkwan drags your other friend — Mingyu, Jihoon overhears — as well as Jun, leaving both of you alone. It’s only then that Jihoon remembers why the name Seungkwan is so familiar; a few months ago, Soonyoung wouldn’t stop complaining about how incompetent his group was in his Microbiology class, save for a younger boy named Seungkwan.
Jihoon clicks his tongue. Seems like he has more connections with you than he thought.
“So,” you say once you’ve made sure your payment has been approved, “are you gonna change the song?”
Jihoon looks at you over the display case of pastries. “No.”
“Thought so,” you sigh. “But I’m not going to give up, you know. I’m going to break you.”
Jihoon can’t help the smile that makes its way to his lips no matter how hard he tries to fight it. He’s usually good at keeping a poker face so he isn’t quite sure why he’s struggling so much. He brushes it off, deeming it a problem that’ll fix itself, and muses, “Is that so?”
“Mhm! I just need to find your soft spot, I’ll figure it out somehow, given that your friends seem to be friends with mine?” you falter, turning your head in the direction of Seungkwan, Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Jun, who all seem to be in a rather heated conversation about NASCAR. You glance back at Jihoon, clearly just as confused about the sudden friendship as he is. “Did you know they knew each other?”
“Soonyoung’s talked about Seungkwan before,” Jihoon explains as he puts Mingyu’s blueberry scone in a paper bag. “I never realized you knew him until now, though.”
“That’s so weird,” you say.
“You could say that.”
“Well, I could get something out of Soonyoung,” you declare as Jihoon turns to make your drinks since his other coworkers seem to have better things to do. Sometimes Jihoon thinks that he’s the only one around here who actually works. “Surely he knows how I can break down your walls and get you to trust me enough to pick a more lively song And if not,” you pause, “I could resort to blackmail.”
Jihoon throws you a look over his shoulder. “Blackmail?”
“Yes. There has to be an embarrassing picture of you on the internet somewhere.”
“You’ll be searching for years.”
Your mouth curls. “We’ll see about that! I’m good at investigating. I put Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes to shame.”
“You talk a big game for someone who took months to realize that the same song woozi listens to is the same one playing at the coffee shop.”
You scowl. “Oh, be quiet. That doesn’t count.”
Jihoon places both drinks on the pick-up counter, meeting your gaze with a teasing glint in his eyes. “Right,” he says softly. You’re leaning against the counter and you don’t realize he is too, the space between you two decreasing slowly before he backs away and taps the counter twice. “Order up!”
At the sound of his voice, Seungkwan and Mingyu look over to where you stand, slightly flustered, and reach over to grab their things. The two boys say a chaste goodbye — Mingyu says something about running late to a hangout with the rest of the friend group — but you stay frozen in place. You only move after two awkward beats, Seungkwan jabbing your side with his elbow and giving you an incredulous look.
“We gotta go otherwise Seungcheol’s going to kill us,” he says.
“Oh. Right,” you respond, gripping your to-go cup tightly. “Bye, guys!”
Your eyes linger on Jihoon, who only gives you a small smile before turning to clean something near the coffee machines. Seungkwan and Mingyu meet each other’s eyes over your head, mouthing comments you don’t bother to understand before Seungkwan jabs you again and gestures that it’s time to leave.
As soon as you’re out, Mingyu says, “Jihoon seems nice.”
There’s a mysterious lilt in his voice but you can’t quite figure out what he’s implying. “Yeah, he is.”
Once you arrive at Seungcheol’s apartment, Seungkwan whispers something to Jeonghan who, afterwards, throws you curious glances throughout the entire evening — which, of course, you don’t notice, too focussed on the horror movie playing on the TV.
Seungkwan has no idea where you got the idea that you were observant because you most definitely are not.
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► woozi is currently listening to … Bored, Billie Eilish 💿 Bored
“How about an Ariana song?”
“Not even six thirty? Come on, man.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
Jihoon shrugs, unaffected by your chastising as he makes paper cranes with the napkins. You conveniently got to the shop a few minutes before his break started — you also insisted that you didn’t even know he was working today, which he finds hard to believe — and he figured that his thirty minutes of freedom are better spent with you than in the back room on his phone.
You give up working on homework the moment Jihoon sits down, deeming the boy and his hesitant smile much more interesting than the project you need to finish for Statistics.
When he immediately shuts down your song suggestion, you drop the subject — something he doesn’t expect — and ask him about the classes he’s taking this semester. You suppose that if you’re going to be bothering him for as long as possible, you might as well try to get to know him, and once he starts talking about his music courses, your eyes soften at how excited he is.
He’s clearly passionate about it, and though you know next to nothing about music, you become entranced by the way he talks about it. His voice, which is usually gentle, becomes more animated and energetic. He leans forward when he explains the different types of mechanisms and productions, never breaking eye contact while his hands fly in the air as he makes different gestures.
You think you could listen to him talk about this forever without becoming sick of it.
You’re so captivated by the words falling from his lips that you don’t notice someone standing in front of your table, and neither does Jihoon until the figure clears his throat in an attempt to capture your attention.
Jeonghan stands nonchalantly, hands tucked in the pockets of his sweatpants. His eyes flicker between you and Jihoon multiple times before they permanently settle on you, and he gives you a smile that creates an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You’re about to ask him what he wants, but he beats you to it.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he chirps ominously. You eye him with suspicion but he doesn’t seem to care. “You weren’t answering your messages, but I figured you’d be here,” he raises an eyebrow, throwing Jihoon an indecipherable look, “you always seem to be here.”
You tap your fingers on the table impatiently. It’s not like it’s weird you’ve been spending a lot of time here — ever since freshman year, you and Wonwoo have been stopping by whenever you get the chance. “What are you getting at?”
“Nothing,” he says dismissively. “Anyway, Seungkwan’s away game is starting in an hour and I just wanted to know if you’re gonna be carpooling with me and Cheol or if you’ll just go alone.”
You sniff, still trying to spot any questionable things in Jeonghan’s behaviour. “I’ll carpool. When were you guys planning on leaving?”
“In about fifteen minutes. My car’s parked out there, so I figured we could stay here and wait for Seungcheol.”
You glance at Jihoon. “Um, I guess—”
“Awesome!” Jeonghan exclaims and he slides into the spot beside Jihoon. You gape in horror, just as startled by your friend’s behaviour as Jihoon, and watch as Jeonghan sticks his hand out for him to shake. “Nice to meet you, by the way. I’m Jeonghan.”
Jihoon hesitantly shakes his head. “I’m Jihoon.”
“Oh, I know.”
Jeonghan ignores Jihoon’s confusion and flashes a dazzling smile. “So, what were you guys talking about?”
For the last few minutes of Jihoon’s break, you’re surprised that the conversation flows smoothly. You don’t talk much, watching Jeonghan with fearful wariness as he asks Jihoon about giving him some guitar lessons, but just as you’re about to relax, Soonyoung calls Jihoon from the counter and asks him to come back.
He throws you a smile before he slips to the back to adjust his uniform. Once he’s out of sight, Jeonghan’s previous angelic expression disappears, and he fixes you with a look that is all too familiar. He’s plotting something and you aren’t sure whether you’re the victim or the accomplice.
“He seems nice,” he says with the same tone Mingyu used the other day. “How long have you known him?”
“Not that long? A few weeks maybe.”
“Nice,” Jeonghan nods. Then, he smacks you with a question that almost makes you spill your coffee. “Is he single?”
“There’s someone in my Stats class that might like him,” he says smoothly.
“You don’t know them.”
“We’re in the same Statistics class, Jeonghan.”
“We are?” he says with feigned shock. At your unamused expression, his mouth curls into a smirk. “Don’t worry about it, Y/N, they’re nice. I think Jihoon would like them.”
A bothersome feeling spreads across your chest, and you have to do your best to ignore it. If Jeonghan notices you squirming, he doesn’t say anything about it. “I thought you were fixing Wonwoo up with someone,” you protest quietly, “And I don’t think Jihoon would like it if you started meddling with his love life.”
“I think Wonwoo’s tired of all the matchmaking.”
“He never actually liked it.”
“That’s also true,” Jeonghan agrees. “But you never answered my question. Is Jihoon single?”
“I don’t know,” you respond. “It’s not something we’ve talked about.”
There’s a spark in Jeonghan’s eyes that you’re sure means anything but good. Before you can ask him if there’s something else he’s not telling you, Seungcheol enters the shop, lingering in the entrance as he shouts at the two of you to hurry up.
Jeonghan follows Seungcheol out the door and you trail closely behind. Before you’re out, though, Jihoon taps your shoulder and places a small cup in your hand.
His sheepish smile causes you to soften, and you think you might collapse into mush when he says, “Just something for the road. On the house.”
Your voice comes out quieter than you expected, “Thank you.”
He lifts his shoulder in a half shrug. “It’s nothing. Really.”
Your heartbeat quickens and you scurry out of the coffee shop before the stuttering of your chest becomes too unbearable.
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► woozi is currently listening to … If By Chance, Ruth B. 💿 Safe Haven
You might have to revoke Wonwoo’s best friend card.
Jeonghan has finally decided to free Wonwoo from his Cupid shenanigans and to celebrate his freedom, Wonwoo has been taking every chance he gets to poke fun at you because as it turns out, you are the new recipient of Jeonghan’s tenacious matchmaking. And Wonwoo makes sure you never forget — he has hourly reminders to text you about eligible bachelors on campus. You’re very close to blocking him.
You enter the coffee shop with a huff. All of your friends have classes at noon on Fridays so you’re savouring this free time as much as you can. You’re looking for a place to sit when your eyes land on Jihoon sitting in a booth that’s almost out of sight — the same booth where the two of you had your first conversation.
He doesn’t see you coming until you settle across from him. You notice the papers littered over the table and the open laptop, and you immediately jump to apologize for disrupting him but he shakes his head and beams.
“You’re not supposed to be working today,” you say because a few days ago he sacrificed his work schedule after you persistently continued to bother him about it. You have it screenshotted on your phone.
“I’m not,” he replies.
“So even when you’re not working you hang out here?”
“Don’t judge me,” Jihoon scoffs. “Might I remind you that you have no life outside of school and this coffee shop?”
You almost grumble that you only ever come here when he’s working — except for today — but you stop yourself. “What are you working on?”
“I’m just adding the finishing touches to this song I composed for class,” he says with a clipped tone. His demeanour shifts from relaxed to defensive and you frown as he brings his notebook closer to his figure before eventually dropping it into his backpack.
You scan his face, unsure of what it is you’re searching for, before slumping back and deciding to let it go. Maybe he just doesn’t want you to see his work, which is understandable.
You try to ignore the dull sting. “And it sounds alright?”
“I hope so,” he hums. “What are you doing here?”
“Avoiding,” you mutter, sliding further down the seat as if you’re hiding from something. Which — well, you are. If your friends go searching for you, this is the first place they’ll stop by, and in hindsight, you probably should’ve gone somewhere else to avoid Jeonghan, but this cafe has a certain aura that draws you toward it. It engulfs you with so much warmth until you’re hot to the touch.
Jihoon’s interest peaks at the sound of your annoyance. “Avoiding what?”
“Jeonghan,” you sniff. “He’s been trying to set me up on dates. Do you know that guy Ian? Frat boy from Alpha Beta Something.”
Jihoon straightens in his chair and nods stiffly. He has nothing against Ian, he met him once through Soonyoung, and he seems like a nice enough guy, but the mention of you and him going on a date floods Jihoon with enough dread to make him go frigid.
“Yeah, well, apparently I’m going out with him tonight,” you glower at the table. “And I’m sure Ian’s nice or whatever, but I don’t want to go on a date with him. Aren’t you supposed to go on a date with someone because you want to?”
The vehemence dripping from your words causes Jihoon to relax a little. “So why don’t you just not go?”
“It’s not that simple,” you sigh. “If I don’t go then Jeonghan will ask me why and when I give him an excuse he’ll just go, ‘Well, I think you’re lying, Y/N. Give me the real reason,’ and I won’t be able to give him the real reason because…”
Jihoon blinks. “Because…?”
You let out a harsh breath. “It’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it isn’t.”
“It kind of is,” you scoff incredulously, almost as if you’re astonished by your own idiocy. “Have you ever had a crush on someone? The kind of crush that just hits you out of nowhere and overwhelms you with so many feelings that sometimes you find it difficult to breathe?”
What you’re describing should sound outlandish — it’s the type of emotion Jihoon sees in early 2010 sitcoms. It’s suffocating and refreshing all at the same time, and it’s hard to tell if it’s just intense infatuation or real, true feelings because they come all at once. It’s a tsunami of butterflies and racing heartbeats and Jihoon used to think it was completely unrealistic.
But he knows exactly what you’re talking about.
He nods in affirmation and that’s all you need to continue talking.
“Well, if I tell Jeonghan about this, all he would do is push me to confess when I don’t want to. At least not yet, because it’s hard to tell someone you like them when you lose all self-control when you’re around them. Like everything goes to auto-pilot.”
Impulsively, Jihoon questions, “Who do you have these feelings for?”
He realizes too late what he’s just asked and flushes bright red. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that—”
You choke out an, “It’s fine,” before clearing your throat and sloppily steering the topic of conversation to the new limited drink on the menu. It’s a boring topic to talk about, but Jihoon’s grateful for the change because he would rather forget the other conversation.
Who could you possibly like?
He doesn’t get a chance to ask you because you’re pulled away from him a few minutes later by a delighted Jeonghan who declares to the entire café that tonight you are going on a first date with someone who could potentially be the love of your life. Before the door closes behind you, you timidly wave to Jihoon and he returns the gesture, unable to ignore the sinking feeling in his chest as you disappear.
He is unable to get out of his mind for the next two hours he spends at the coffee shop.
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► woozi is currently listening to … august, Taylor Swift 💿 folklore
Unlike the majority of the population, Jihoon likes opening shifts.
He basks in the silence, enjoying the few hours he has in solitude before a customer comes in. Saturday mornings are the slowest of the week, so as Jihoon sluggishly turns the sign from Closed to Open, he’s happy. There will be little to no customers, so he’ll have peace for the next few hours before Jun comes barrelling in for his shift at eleven.
He grabs the stool from the back and places it behind the counter so he can sit while working on his music and simultaneously man the front. His hand works at a remarkable pace as he scribbles on the pages of his notebook, annotating the lyrics of the song he wrote on a whim last night — it might not be the best thing he’s ever written, but it’s quite good for a two A.M. creation.
He’s just about to work on the second verse when he hears the door swing open. He frowns after glancing at his watch, noting how early it is before he looks up and realizes it’s you. And once he shoves down the immediate joy, his confusion grows.
Why are you awake at nine A.M. on a Saturday?
But once you approach, Jihoon is given his answer. There are evident bags under your eyes and your movements are lethargic; either you didn’t get much sleep or you didn’t sleep at all.
“Hi,” you murmur. You tug at the sleeves of your sweater to assure they’re way past your fingertips before smiling lazily at Jihoon. “Working hard?”
He ignores your question. “Why are you here?”
You falter at the unintentional rigour in his voice. “Oh. Well, I remembered you have a shift today, so…”
“You could’ve come later, though,” he tuts with a shake of his head. “Did you even sleep?”
“A bit.”
“Clearly not enough,” he muses.
“Is it that obvious?”
He fiddles with his pen as he scans your face. “Only a little,” he confirms, “nothing some coffee won’t fix.”
You quickly shove your hands into your pockets, searching for something that isn’t there. “Maybe next time. I didn’t bring any money.”
He dismisses you with a simple wave. “No, it’s fine,” he assures you. He’s halfway towards the coffee machine when another wave of perplexity hits him. “Wait, you don’t have money? Why did you come here then?”
You give him a look. “I told you already. I remembered that you had a shift.”
“So you came here to…?”
“See you.”
Jihoon ignores the relentless thumps against his chest. “Without cash?”
“Without cash,” you repeat.
He carefully slides the cup of coffee towards you, studying your every move. Despite your voice being louder than the music playing through the speakers, Jihoon still manages to tune you out. He follows your sloth-like movements, the way your eyes flutter closed for a moment too long, and wonders what you could have possibly done last night to warrant such exhaustion.
Then, he remembers.
“How was your date?”
Either you do a brilliant job of hiding your surprise at being asked such a sudden question, or you knew this was coming.
“It was OK.”
And that’s all you say.
Jihoon frowns. “What did you guys do?”
“Dinner and a movie,” you say monotonously. “Sounds exhilarating, right?”
“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.”
“I am,” you sigh. “Ian’s a nice person, I guess, but I don’t think there’ll be another date.”
Jihoon puts up a facade of nonchalance when he asks, “And what about that person you were talking about yesterday?” Out of the corner of his eye, you stiffen. “How are things going with them?”
A beat that drags on for too long. Then — “Good. Things could be better but,” you explain, tugging your ear, “I’m taking what I can get.”
“That’s good.”
Awkwardly, you clear your throat. “Mhm.” Then you change the subject after glancing down at his songwriting book. “Is this a new song?”
He nods. “Yeah, I wrote it last night.”
“What’s it about?”
“Oh,” Jihoon ducks his head to avoid eye contact. He thinks about the song he was working on the last time he saw you — he refrained from giving you a peek, afraid that once you scanned the lyrics you’d be able to see right through him. He’s poured his entire being into that song. Traces of his heart, soul, and feelings linger on each lyric, and yesterday, when you slid into the seat across from him, he was overcome with fear.
But then it dissipated into nothing the moment you said something along the lines of “I’m going on a date with Ian the Frat Boy from Alpha Beta Something, and he seems like a nice guy, but when has nice ever been enough?”
This time, a new song sits in front of him, just as heartfelt as the other, and he shows it to you with no hesitation.
You raise your eyebrows, not expecting Jihoon to be so willing to share, but you read his work nonetheless. As you read through, Jihoon sits uncomfortably on his chair, anxiously fidgeting with anything he can get his hands on. When he deems you’ve been quiet for too long, terror begins to creep its way back into the crevices of his brain but is quickly squashed down when you look up at him and smile.
He would do anything to have you look at him like that again.
“This is so good!” you praise, clapping your hands. “Once you record this you should play it here.”
Jihoon laughs. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh, come on, please,” you beg, sandwiching his hands in between yours. You clutch them in desperation and Jihoon’s heartbeat quickens dangerously. “For me.”
Something in his mind explodes when your eyes soften.
“Fine,” he grumbles but the grin plastered across his face is enough for you to determine that he is anything but annoyed at you.
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► woozi is currently listening to … King Of My Heart, Taylor Swift 💿 reputation
A night of karaoke and Just Dance at Seungkwan’s has demanding consequences, so by the time you arrive back at Wonwoo’s apartment, you’re exhausted. He’s been kind enough to let you stay for the night, seeing as you’re too tired to get behind the wheel and drive ten minutes to your place. And also you’re convinced that his couch is a lot more comfortable than your cheap mattress.
Once you settle on the sofa, you scroll through the notifications on your phone. Seungcheol has wasted no time in embarrassing your entire friend group, tagging all of you in an Instagram story where everyone is shouting the lyrics to Toxic by Britney Spears. You scowl and send him a colourful message, begging him to delete the post.
You’re about to turn off your phone when you spot the red bubble hovering over the messages app, and your heart leaps to your throat when you realize Jihoon texted you hours ago.
He doesn’t say much. The first message is his work schedule for next week and the following is a picture of Jun spilling coffee on his apron. At midnight, just two hours ago, he sent you a goodnight text with the sparkly pink heart emoji.
It’s not much, you remind yourself, and yet you feel like you’re soaring. You’re certain the entire apartment building can feel your happiness through the walls.
You aren’t sure how long you stare at your phone. You’d probably be staring at it forever if Wonwoo hadn’t walked out of the bathroom, hair wet from his shower. He sends you a skeptical glance you completely miss before loudly clearing his throat. “What are you looking at?”
“TikToks,” you say. You’re quick on your feet, he’ll give you that, but he’s known you long enough to see through a lie.
“There’s no sound coming from your phone.”
“I’m reading the captions.”
“I don’t think staring intensely at the screen would be considered reading,” he states drily. He sits on the opposite end of the couch, sporting an authoritative expression that you know means nothing but bad for you. Wonwoo is always sputtering out words of wisdom, but they cut you deeper late at night when you’re vulnerable and your emotions are at an all-time high. “Are you texting Jihoon?”
You look at him like he’s grown another head. “Why would you immediately jump to that conclusion?”
“Something in your face changes when you talk to him. It’s very… what’s the word,” he smacks his lips together, glancing up towards the ceiling in thought. You aren’t sure if he’s actually searching for the correct term or if he’s just pausing for dramatic effect. “Ah — lovesick.”
“It sounds about right, doesn’t it?”
“What the f—?”
“You know,” Wonwoo interrupts. He shuts down your protests, swatting your words away as if they’re as worthless as a bug. No refusal is stopping him from declaring his observations. At this hour, self-control has thrown itself out the window — exhaustion plagues him just as much as your naivety, “Jeonghan had this plan. Everyone knew about it. He was growing tired of you and Jihoon tiptoeing around each other so he figured that if he set you up on a date, it’d push one of you to confess. ‘Jealousy makes the heart grow fonder,’ he said, and he stuck by it even though I told him that isn’t the expression.”
You stare at him in shock. Surprise rattles your bones and yet all you manage to say is, “Why are you telling me this?”
Wonwoo scoffs. “Because it didn’t work, so I’m putting matters into my own hands,” he inhales. For a moment, you swear he’s about to say something meaningful and deep, but instead he grinds out a comment that drips with chagrin. “Jihoon like you, you idiot.”
Blinking, you retort, “How do you know that? You barely know him.”
“It’s extremely obvious. It surprises me that you haven’t noticed it,” he crosses his arms over his chest. “He looks at you like he’s at the Louvre staring at the Mona fucking Lisa. He’s in amazement every time he’s with you. How could you not notice that?” Before you can jump to deny Wonwoo’s remarks, he sighs, “I’m right about this, Y/N. Ask anyone. Text Soonyoung or Jun right now and they’ll tell you.”
Something flickers in your eyes. Uncertainty. Wonwoo deflates.
“Trust me. I mean, would I ever lie to you about something like this?”
He wouldn’t. Wonwoo never lies in the first place, and when he does it’s easy to tell.
You sigh. “You’re certain?”
Wonwoo raises an eyebrow and squeezes your shoulder before standing up. He’s on his way to his bedroom when he says, “There’s no doubt about it.”
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► woozi is currently listening to … The Only Exception, Paramore 💿 Brand New Eyes
Jihoon is running on little to no sleep.
He’s working the opening shift again, something his iPhone delightfully reminds him about at seven A.M., forcing him to ignore the painful crick in his neck he received from falling asleep face-down on his desk. His uniform isn’t even on properly — his light grey shirt, which is supposed to be tucked into his pants, hangs at mid-thigh, too big for his figure. He wonders if he somehow accidentally switched shirts with Jun.
His brain isn’t working, but he somehow manages to drag himself out of the house and walks the five-minute journey from his apartment to the coffee shop. Once he’s across the street, he digs through his bag to find the keys. The task takes him too long — and after two minutes he realizes that the keys were in his pocket the entire time.
God. He is never sleeping at four A.M. ever again.
When he reaches the shop, he expects it to be empty. They’re closed, after all, but a loiterer is sitting outside the locked door. Jihoon has to rub his eyes harshly in order to be completely sure that he isn’t seeing things.
You stand when you see Jihoon approach, nervous and jittery. He stops slowly, suspicion growing when you make no move to greet him. He spots the dark circles under your eyes immediately, but unlike him, energy courses through you. You’re rocking back and forth on the heels of your feet and shaking your hands in anticipation. For a moment, Jihoon thinks he imagined your signs of sleep deprivation.
“Um… We’re not open yet.”
“I know. I just needed to talk to you.”
“Now?” he asks incredulously. Not that he’s not happy to see you (he’s always happy to see you), he’s just surprised. He knows for a fact you don’t have any classes (while you studied his schedule, he studied yours) so he can’t come up with a reason why you’re here. “But it’s so early.”
You follow him into the shop once he’s unlocked the door. “It couldn’t wait.”
He gives you a confused look over his shoulder. “Is everything OK?”
“Yeah, I… I was just told this crazy thing yesterday.”
That’s not what Jihoon thought you would say. “Uh… OK?” he questions, voice rising a pitch at his confusion. You find it charming, hence the small smile on your face, but the sight of it causes embarrassment to colour his cheeks. “That’s nice, I guess. What was it?”
You surprise both him and yourself when you blurt out, “Wonwoo told me you like me.”
“He told me everyone knew,” you continue as Jihoon stammers. Panic flashes across his face and he searches his brain for believable excuses. Anything to dismiss the accusations. “And that all of our friends are, apparently, tired of us tiptoeing around each other. Jeonghan was scheming behind our backs, too.”
It seems the only words Jihoon can say are, “What?”
“He set me up on that date with Ian to make you jealous. Or to make me confess. I don’t know. The details are blurry,” you say. The roles have been reversed — Jihoon’s previous low-energy behaviour is replaced with your frantic one, while you seem to be a whole lot calmer now that you’ve gotten some things off your chest. “That’s not the point. The point is you like me.”
“I thought about it last night,” you explain. “I thought about everything. When I was here a few weeks ago, Soonyoung told me that you’re different around me. At first, I didn’t understand what he was getting at, but now I do, and it’s crazy that it took me so long because, now that I think about it, he was not subtle about it at all—”
“—and then I thought about your song. And, like, I don’t want to sound like a narcissistic asshole right now, but I… I think it’s about me, right?” Hope tints your words. “All those lyrics about someone unexpectedly coming into your life and spinning your world on its axis… I know I sound full of myself, but in my head, all of it makes sense. In my head, the puzzle pieces fit.”
The silence is deafening. And you aren’t very patient.
Jihoon gulps. “So what?”
“Am I right?”
The hope radiating off of you somehow infects him. He is high on happiness and astonishment when he says, “Yes.”
The next few seconds are fuzzy, and Jihoon isn’t sure who initiates the kiss first. But that detail isn’t important to him — he’s too focused on the way you taste like orange juice and toothpaste and how your hands settle on his neck. The touch of your fingers against his skin sends jolts through his entire body. Caffeine couldn’t have woken him up like this.
When you pull away, you’re grinning. Jihoon is sure that the entire world just got brighter.
You surprise him again when you cheekily say, “Does this mean I get to pick the music that plays here now?”
Jihoon tilts his head back as his laughter bounces off the walls. He doesn’t think he’s smiled this wide in years. “Are you seriously asking me about this now?”
“Well, duh,” you’re playing with the hair at the back of his neck when you suggest, “I’m thinking we play Doja Cat. Something from Planet Her. Or maybe some overplayed pop song you always hear on the radio.”
Jihoon rolls his eyes playfully. “Fine.”
Your eyes widen. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he dusts off some lint on your shoulder when he adds, “I guess I gotta make exceptions for my girlfriend, right?”
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► woozi is currently listening to … Kiss Me More (feat. SZA), Doja Cat 💿 Planet Her
“So you’re telling me that if I had just gotten you to fall in love with me, you would’ve given me permission to control the music?”
“What? Soonyoung, what are you talking about?”
“Let the man speak, Jihoon, he’s got a point.”
“No, Jun, he absolutely does not.”
“Aw, Soon, look. He’s blushing!”
“Dude, you’re so red. How whipped are you for Y/N? We only mentioned them once.”
“Please go back to work and leave me alone.”
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courtofharts · 2 years
What’s three songs you’d give to each of the romance-able characters? I’m a playlist fool.
This ask has been in my drafts for ages as I've tried to fulfill the request, but I have arrived at the conclusion I can not do character playlists to save my life 😭😭 HOWEVER, I do have a general Harts playlist I put together and occasionally play when I'm writing/brainstorming.
Vision - Paolo Buonvino
I'm Not Calling You A Liar - Florence + The Machine (the DA2 version isn't on Spotify so we'll make do)
Cocoa Hooves - Glass Animals
From Eden - Hozier
Pearl Diver- Mitski
Dark Doo Wop - MS MR
Woozy - Glass Animals
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine
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itsapapisongo · 2 years
tagged by: @neonun-au and @doiefy
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
across the stars (star wars au, anthology, feat. ateez, monsta x, nct, seventeen and stray kids)
all in (marvel au, neo-noir action thriller, inspired by bullet train original characters ft. yelena belova)
all-star demigod (heracles!kun feat. nct, urban fantasy + greek myths, action-comedy)
eclipse (woozi/vernon-centric, post-apocalyptic action sci-fi thriller, inspired by blade runner 2049 and oblivion)
hectic thrill (original characters, sci-fi action comedy, tron meets free guy)
hi, bye, luv u (original characters, rom-com inspired by tune in for love and our blues)
the quick & the undead (ateez, horror comedy western, vampires and gunslingers)
saturday night’s alright (for fighting off the jeju necro-apocalypse) (stray kids, horror-comedy fantasy, scooby-doo on zombie island meets evil dead)
TAGGING: @chogiwow | @applejongho | @blossom-hwa | @sehunniepot | @radiorenjun | @lixesque | and anyone else that wants to do it
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femmegoode · 2 years
thanks for the tag @sweetestberryofthebunch my beloved <3
last song: rocky - still woozy
last film: the first live action scooby doo movie lmao
currently reading: on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
currently watching: i finished Hacks so i’m trying to find a new show. i started Girls (not a lena dunham fan but i have chuckled a few times so maybe i’ll keep watching it)
current obsession: i started 5k training on nike run club and have really been enjoying it. i’ve been a runner on and off since i was like 16 and this is the first time i’ve been able to come back from not running consistently and not be frustrated with myself. i just ran a sub 10 minute mile the other day and was really excited about it!!
not sure if y’all have been tagged but i’ll go with @trixies-boots @cherubbcheeks @cakesexuality @thebonecollector @dayasbetty and anyone else who wants to!! ☺️
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 3 years
imagine sweet-toothed michael rummaging through his s/o's pantry and finds their "special treats" (edibles) and he goes HAM
rip michael myers, local stinkman
Shit. If he got into my edibles I’d be pissed, those are expensive and he didn’t even share MY OWN EDIBLES WITH ME wtf you little jerk
Michael would eat them all without hesitation because he loves candy and he’s legit ALWAYS hungry because he’s a bottomless pit. They taste a little off, but that doesn’t stop him.
He’d be fine for a while, relaxing around the house but when he goes to stand up, he’s all woozy and lightheaded, kind of like when they’d drug him up for court appearances. At first he’s angry/hurt, thinking you drugged him, but you noticed the wrappers to your treats and immediately start laughing and reassure him that he’s just high and it’ll pass.
You manage to track down one last edible he left behind and eat it, sitting down with him on the couch to watch Scooby Doo (Michael’s comfort show). He’s heavy breathing, face sweetly flushed and he lays his head in your lap, looking up at you reverently because wow you’re gorgeous. He’ll melt if you run your fingers through his hair. He’ll end up touching you all over, and eventually he’ll just want to kiss you over and over and over again because everything feels ✨so good✨
Please stay with him for this experience, he needs a guiding presence and touch feels so nice right now.
He will eat the rest of the food in the house so fight for your snacks while you can
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allthemusic · 9 months
Week ending: 9 December 1954
Back to one song, for our penultimate entry in 1954. It looks like it should be a sequel to Frankie Laine's I Believe. It's not, though - for better or for worse.
I Still Believe - Ronnie Hilton (peaked at No. 3)
Ronnie Hilton has to have the most average, non-glamorous-sounding name we've come across so far in our journey through the charts. Amazingly, he changed it to that from the no-less-average Adrian Hill. Which means at some point, people thought "Ronnie Hilton" sounded cool. Funny how names change, eh?
It's a fine song, but I find I've not much of an opinion on it. It sounds old-fashioned, but not strikingly so, just old-fashioned in the way that a lot of these 1950s chart-toppers did. It's sentimental, but not so sentimental that I can't stomach it, and there are a few nice touches that keep it interesting.
Starts with a big grand trumpet and then the opening line annoucing how "I still believe / We were meant for each other / I still believe / That you're mine and no other's".
Actually, typing it, it sounds a bit sinister like that - clearly Ronnie and his love have parted ways for some reason, but it's not at all clear if this is a "star-crossed lovers" situation or a "it's not stalking if we're meant to be" situation. I mean, it's clearly meant to be romantic, but I think you could use this song to real dramatic effect in an arthouse friend about a slightly unhinged ex who won't let go.
The plot thickens with lines like "I still believe / We shall soon be together / And still believe / This is our stormy weather". So they're going through a stormy period that's stopped them being together - but were they together before and have broken up? Or were they never together to begin with? Is Ronnie correct to believe their relationship still has a chance? Or is he deluding himself?
I really like the backing singers' "doo doo doo doo" bits and the flute twiddles, which come back right at the end on a fade out - very classy, but also very mid-century. I unironically like how they come across, and genuinely wish that modern music would use vintage touches like this more. And that's not just because I'm a flute-player, promise!
There's also a brassy interlude that's kind of woozy and lazy. Like the flutes, it gives a lovely vintage vibe that I would like to see more nowadays - we don't have enough brass sections in our pop music, I really do think it would liven things up.
And then the song pootles to an end, without much show - no Big Old Ending here - there's a big build-up to it, but we get an instrumental fade-out instead that's very welcome.
Overall, not bad. This song grew on me as I listened. I still think it has potential to be used ironically in an artsy psychological thriller, but that's not Ronnie's fault necessarily. And to be honest, the sinister reading maybe improves the song - it gives the echoey backing singers a sort of hauting, ominous quality that I'm enjoying.
Favourite accidental-stalker-anthem of the bunch : I Still Believe
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
I say have (most of) the society know about the incident! It provides a bit of fun and having it be secret except to a select few is getting a bit too close to making this a diet "Jekyll hides hes dead au" the au of my zombie au XD
Also, oof poor Hyde-. In my Zombie au, Jekyll's living is a direct result/side effect from HJ7. And the whole death n reanimation stitched his soul back together, so no Hyde. How Jekylls death and un death work in your au is v fun, but still poor Hyde XD
Zosi is never leaving Jekyll alone again. (And Helsby is never having non ripped and bitten clothes again)
Oooo wonder how J, R, and L would feel walking in the society and seeing everyone so nervous and Jekyll looking quite a bit out of it/woozy. Would Jasper smell the blood? How soon would they walk in? Would there be a fun lil scene where the lodgers are trying to clean all the evidence while distracting them- but having them walk in way later and Jasper smelling blood and Something Weird on Jekyll is equally fun. What excuse would the lodgers come up with on why Jasper smells blood and Jekyll is practically bedridden
I mean he definitely injured quite a bit more than his head while falling down the stairs. Maybe even broke a few other bones, that even with some weird funky lodger science, his bones (amd other injuries) would definitely still need rest
I have to admit that I can barely remember my own aus so it's hard for me to remember the things that actually differentiates your zombie au and my revival au <3 /lh
Then it comes to the fun part... Of... Well... How would the other Lodgers feel about Helsby directly or indirectly murdering Henry? I doubt they would let that slide, I doubt Helsby would be able to forgive himself for that, too. Sure, they all were on a bad foot with Jekyll as it was but murdering him? Absolutely too far, after all, they are/were still his friends. And now they (Helsby) accidentally murdered him... Wahoo, free trauma all around!
Yeah, poor Hyde... I'd like to think that he becomes somewhat of a ghost since he can't go to any afterlife/pass on since he isn't a whole soul, maybe once Henry dies again, they get to be ghosts together or they can reunite their soul and finally pass on...Depends on the angst.
I think they would believe that some Lodger accidentally caused a lab accident and got Henry sick bc of it, not really realizing the severity of everything until Henry recovers enough to actuall remember/speak coherently. He would snitch on the Lodgers immediately, maybe the Lodgers would realize that and keep Henry from talking to RRJ? They would still be highly suspicious and I love the thought of the Lodgers trying to do a goddamm Scooby Doo distraction to keep them from seeing the murder scene.
Maybe they would tell Jasper they used some blood in an experiment/used a blood like ingredient and that Henry merely got sick while they were gone? Jasper would probably not believe them but would not be suspicious enough to think that they were lying. Maybe they would say he got sick and fell down the staircase trying to get back to his office and that's why he has some broken bones? Probably believable enough until RRJ visits Henry alone and Henry spits out blood and says Helsby fucking killed him and they wouldn't even let him have a peaceful death. They would probably think that Henry was delirious but regardless <3
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