#wooyiung imagines
moonlightjeno · 4 years
somebody help me n my idecisive ass 🙃 so im writmg for ateez now, bc theyve taken over my being, and have tow ideas. please help me out, if ya want. so shoot me an ask on which one you prefer?
choreographer wooyoung! au
the world seems to stop the moment the strings play through the speakers. it seems to stop and move in slow motions when you begin the routine. it stops when you reach the stage, light panning down. you swear the world pulls everything apart when your agent asks you to choreograph, with a certain black haired boy, whose gaze makes the world spin, and blood boil. you know the world spins, because everyday you spend with him, marks another flutter.
san/wooyoung rockband au!
your brother was in a band. which truly he had no right to be in because it wasn’t like they played anywhere outside your home garage. well at least that’s what you think, until you help them rehearse one day and the video goes viral, it doesn’t help that your crush is the bassist and the world seems to oull you too together. that is until the world pulls everything apart, and it seems that nothing will ever return to the loud vinyls and flimsy cassettes.
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atinyidea · 5 years
A Promise To The Sea | Ateez | To Sea | Two
→  2353 words
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When Jiwoo woke up her eyes opened first, which is in fact what usually happens when one wakes up. Her eyelids fluttered opened, the sight she saw made her groan. She was underneath a window However she didn’t know that since all she saw was the blinding light of the sun shining right in her eyes.
Her groan must have been rather loud because soon enough there were footsteps heard, gradually getting louder as they came nearer. In an effort to not be completely vulnerable while she was disjointed Jiwoo attempted to sit up. 
Attempted because as soon as she tried, lightning strikes of pain wracked through her. Going straight through her shoulder through the left side of her body and cutting out at her knee.
An agonising whimper lifted itself from her lips, her vision becoming black once again as she squeezed her eyes closed and laid back down in pain.
“Hey, it’s okay, just don’t move, yeah? I’ll be right back.” Jiwoo heard a male’s voice. It wasn’t a familiar voice but, in a place, she had no recollection of getting too Jiwoo wondered if any voice would be familiar.
She wondered if he was just waiting for her to wake up so he could leave, or if he just so happened to be there as she woke up. Opening her eyes again, slowly this time to get used to the sun, they focused on her surroundings. Directly above her was an open slanted window, the glass panes were coloured to create a picture, but it was currently swung open, letting a breeze of air flow through the room. The room she was in was made of wood: the ceiling, the floors, the furniture.
Gritting through the pain in her shoulder Jiwoo forced herself to sit upright, taking note of what exactly she had gotten yourself into. She was in the back of the room, the cot she laid on pushed right against the wooden wall. There were two chairs close to the cot, several other cots were scattered around. The room was quite big, she noted. She was also surprised to see she was rocking slightly, a small bobbing motion she wouldn’t have caught if she wasn’t good at catching the smallest of detail. Was she on a boat?
Slung over one of the chairs was the jacket she had bought. Jiwoo looked to herself then. No longer was she wearing her leather trousers, but a pair of linen trousers that had been cut, or ripped, at the mid-thigh. They weren’t hers, the pair she had packed were a grey colour while the ones on her legs were a cream colour. Jiwoo felt confused, as she battled internally with two opposing emotions; anger and relief. Anger that she had been changed by a stranger who was most likely a man  – and a pirate no doubt. Yet she felt relieved that she was alive, that you still had clothes, that she was no longer with her father.
She still wore her own shirt, another thing she was relieved about. A woman’s underwear was confining, a contest that would make one lose their breath if they so much as looked at it. Jiwoo usually went without undergarments for her top half when she went riding, seeing as she wasn't particularly gifted in that area she hadn’t thought it mattered much anyway. Jiwoo wondered what the person who changed her must have thought about that revelation but quickly dispelled the thought, not wanting to imagine it. The shirt was surprisingly still white, only stained red around the shoulder. However, Jiwoo found that the shirt was cut, or rather ripped, around her left shoulder where the joint was wrapped in bandage cloth.
She was astounded as to how well her shirt was still intact and covering her body with a chunk of the arm missing.
Interrupting her thoughts was the opening of a door, scraping across the wooden floor. Through said door entered three people, but only two stayed to make their way towards Jiwoo. And then only one. Jiwoo felt her eyes widen at the sight of a female, a female? as she walked towards her.
“Hello,” she said. “I’m Nagyung. I looked after you while you were asleep.” Her voice was like bells to Jiwoo’s ears, her smile was both warm and kind. Jiwoo felt herself becoming more at ease, even though Nagyung was a complete stranger. “How do you feel? You’ve been asleep for a couple of days now.”
Days? How long were days?
“I feel… sore.” Jiwoo finally revealed, speaking slowly and not once looking away from the woman in front of her.
Nagyung laughed, although it was more like a giggle, coming to sit down next to Jiwoo on the cot. “That’s to be expected. You were shot! Twice.”
Under the sunlight that streamed through the window, Jiwoo could make out Nagyung’s features more clearly. Her hair was light, but now she saw it to be a shade of candyfloss pink instead of the light red she had first assumed. It was out of her face, held in a simple knot Jiwoo noted was made from her own hair - no leather in sight. Jiwoo also noted the sparse scattering of pearls in the knot, shining under the sun before Nagyung turned her face to hers. Her face was small, but her eyes were big, a mix between green and blue, swirling mad like whirlpools had been caught in her irises. Her face was round and as she smiled at Jiwoo, who caught sight of dimples under apple-like cheeks. Jiwoo hadn’t seen many people like Nagyung in all her years of life. While Jiwoo stared, she talked. But she heard none of it, only coming back down to earth as Nagyung disconnected their locked gazes and looked towards the other person in the room. Honestly, Jiwoo would have whined if it weren’t for the name that spilt from her lips as she did.
“Wooyoung says we’re about the same age!”
Wooyoung? The name of her brother? It had to be a coincidence. There was more than one Wooyoung in the world. 
Her heart still skipped a beat.
“Thanks, Nagyungie” His voice sighed, Jiwoo’s eyes snapped to him as he moved forward into a stream of light. His face was exactly as Jiwoo remembered it.
He only nodded.
“Your face hasn’t changed at all.”
“Yours has.”
“Well, I’m not fourteen anymore.”
“No, you’re not.”
Jiwoo hated silence.
Jiwoo had often wondered how it would be when she saw her brother again. She had never doubted that he was alive until recently, only ever starting to doubt if he cared to come back. However, Jiwoo had never imagined it would be this awkward. She guessed she hardly knew him anymore, and he didn’t know her at all now.
Nagyung looked between the two siblings, patted Jiwoo's non-wounded shoulder before leaving the room. Jiwoo caught the reassuring smile she sent Wooyoung as she paused him, pausing like she wanted to do something more but deciding against it and hurried to leave.
“Why were you in Gilway?”
“It was your birthday. I’d rather not be forced to spend it with our father if it’s all the same to you.”
“I can understand that. But you were in men’s clothes, he called for a kingdom-wide search. You ran.”
Jiwoo chuckled hollowly. “Aren’t you smart.”
“Don’t start.” Wooyoung almost sneered.
“I’m not.”
“Why what?”
He rolled his eyes with a sigh. “Why’d you run away?” He expanded.
“Maybe I was following my brothers’ footsteps.” Her voice was ironic, full of sarcasm.
“Be serious.”
Jiwoo rolled her eyes, not particularly wanting to tell her brother the entire truth. She found she no longer trusted him. “I gave up waiting for you to come back and save me and decided to save myself.”
“-and run into pirates and get shot?” He cut her off, raising an eyebrow.
“It wasn’t like I knew there were pirates in Gilway Wharf!” She exclaimed. “And you’re a pirate too! Aren’t you?”
“That doesn’t matter.” He dismissed.
“Of course, it does.” She argued. “You ran away from a man who was forcing you to raid and murder just to become a pirate were you willingly choose to raid and pillage and murder!”
His voice was raised, “I don’t murder,” but his tone left nothing for the imagination.
“Yeah, okay. Sure, I believe you.”
“You can believe what you want.”
“I will, you don’t get to decide my thoughts, Wooyoung.”
The two siblings relapsed into silence. Maybe Wooyoung had in fact changed. His face was older she noticed, as he shifted slightly and his face was cast in light from the window. His hair was lighter than she remembered, now it looked almost grey. His eyebrows were drawn, a frown shaping his features, a raised piece of skin just above his left eye becoming more prominent. He had scars she’d never seen before. He wore casual clothes, the kind she knew he liked to wear just to spite their father. He wore tight leather pants paired with a loose linen shirt, much like the one Jiwoo herself was wearing. His was open lower down his chest that hers though. Over the top was a leather jacket that had been dyed with a deep blue. He let out a long sigh, moving forward towards her. Almost reflexively, Jiwoo moved back. It wasn’t that she was scared of him per say, more like she was cautious of anyone who approached her. She had enough reason to be.
Wooyiung just sat down on a nearby chair, rubbing his face with his hands once before looking over at his sister. “What? Don’t you trust me?”
“No.” She shot back with no hesitation. “You’re a pirate. I don’t even know you anymore.”
“I’m still the same person.”
“Then earn it again.”
“Earn it? I’m your brother!” He practically shouted, standing up from his seat.
“You left me alone! With that man! For five years!” Jiwoo was shouting now too.
“Alone? That bastard would never be able to touch you! Mother would never allow it.”
“Well, maybe not but our mother is dead so...” She paused, looking away from him, “that kind of defeats your point.” Her voice fell flat, emotionless. 
Wooyoung took a large step towards her, grabbing her shoulders firmly – though not hard enough for it to hurt her – and crouching down so that their eyes were level, face to face. “What?” He asked.
“Mother died four years ago. I guess you never heard about it.”
“How do you think? Our father killed our mother, blamed it on her  chambermaid and then made me kill her.”
Jiwoo scoffed, moving her shoulders out of his grasp, watching his hands fall to his sides. “Yeah. I became his new toy as soon as you went missing. He made me learn how to use a sword and a gun and then he made me use them.”
“I… I’m sorry.” His voice was low. She replied with a singular scoff.
“What am I even doing here?” She broke, voice slightly cracking. Though, she kept her face expressionless.
“So, you’d rather bleed out to death on the muddy floor in a port town where everyone was going crazy looking for you to return you to the king?”
“No. I’m wondering why your captain cornered me, causing me to get shot, twice, and why one of those other pirates told him to grab me and go before I passed out.”
“How do you even remember that?”
“Nice to know that is what happened?” Jiwoo raised an eyebrow, she wasn’t even sure that was what happened, well now she was. Before he could reply, she continued. “You learn to remember things quickly when you live in hell.”
Silence. Again. Would they ever get over it?
“Just, lay down. Get some rest.” He ordered softly, already walking backwards. “Rest up, we’re in the middle of the ocean anyway, there’s not much you can do.”
And then he was gone. And she was alone, again.
As soon as she left, Nagyung felt bad. She knew her mouth could talk without her brain thinking and she might have just ruining Wooyoung’s plan of talking to his sister once again.
She stood, leant against the door she just came from, with her eyes closed as shame filled her being.
Nagyung was still young, and she still let emotions get the best of her sometimes. She hadn’t meant to ruin their reunion.
“Nagyung? Why are you crying?” She heard the voice of her friend and master healer, Kang Yeosang, as he gently laid a hand upon her shoulder. She hadn’t even realised her eyes were leaking.
“I just messed it all up for Wooyoung!” She couldn’t help but wail.
Yeosang frowned, gathering her into his arms.
“He’s going to be so mad at me!”
“He won’t be.” Yeosang patted her back in soothing motions.
Soon enough Nagyung started to calm down however, as voices began to raise from inside the infirmary, her cries started up again.
“Come,” Yeosang commanded softly, pulling her away from the door and toward the other side of the ship, where she could look over the sea. “Let them sort things out. We all knew there was a chance Jiwoo would’ve angry.”
“But Wooyoung wanted t-”
“Wooyoung knew things were going to be different. It’s better to get all the anger out at the beginning instead of it exploding later.” Yeosang cut her off.
Nagyung nodded.
She was about to speak again but was cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut. The two of the switches their gazes over to where Wooyoung has just left the infirmary. He looked at them before taking off towards the crow’s nest on the main mast.
“He hates me!” Nagyung whined again. However, her tears had stopped flowing. Yeosang simply smiled before turning around to lean against the side of the ship, watching the vastness of nothing but the clear blue sea the surrounded them.
“No one could hate you Nagyungie.”
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