#woop tracking's been fixed
dirty-bosmer · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Fashionably late for this WIP Wednesday (I had scrounge something up 😅) Thanks to @tallmatcha for tagging me this week, as I could use any excuse to write something new or in this case, edit an old scrap into something slightly more presentable ✨
From my Oblivion fic, The Illusionist:
Nim didn’t remember the house being so brittle before, but every creak of the floorboards came hoarse, summoned from deep within the wood, a wail like each step she took was splintering a poorly set bone. A furtive glance around revealed the vista hadn’t much changed. At the window, the same moth-eaten drapes, grime clinging to the pane so thick that the light eking through was a jaundiced yellow the color of old paper. Its spotlight sharpened on her back, and she could feel it squinting, scrutinizing the opalescent glow bleeding freely from her pores, tracking her every movement with its lone and rheumy eye. 
One step, two steps, three through the basement door. Ahead of her, Arquen stood cloaked in shadows that hung off her long silhouette like a night shift. Nim felt a pang of envy. She missed blurring into nothing and blending away into the unseen, but as they traveled down another hallway punctuated by another moribund groan, she knew she could never return to these sunless spaces, that wherever she went her magic would veil the murk the way an oil sheen sat on dark water. Four steps, five, and on the sixth, her footfall echoed off the walls with too much resonance to be explained by her meager, mortal body. It gave Arquen pause, but they both ignored it to stare ahead. Beyond the hole in the far wall, the jagged passage to the sanctuary wended down like a withered vein.  
“I’ll open it,” Arquen said when at last they came to the Black Door. “I don’t know if it would open to you otherwise.”
Nim’s hand twitched involuntarily. She fought to lower it, feeling a flare of not quite anger, not quite curiosity. The sprouting seed of challenge, perhaps. “I could always try.”
Arquen placed her hand on the door like her warm, humming flesh was the key. "Let’s not," she said, and when the door whispered out its sibilant hiss, the visage of Sithis shone darkly.  “My assassins will wonder what you’re doing here. Best not give them reason to ask too many questions.”
“They know who I am?”
“This sanctuary bears a tainted legacy. It will always be a ripe breeding ground for rumors.”
“Oh. So you mean you’re just as bad as Lucien.”
“No," Arquen said. "Worse.” Arquen spoke softly and spoke to the door even softer. Nim pretended not to hear and fixed her gaze on the carved face of Sithis, each eye a hollow sun boring into the sky. Beneath him, the Night Mother cradled her children, offered them up like slabs of slaughtered calf, and this family portrait had been engraved by such a deft and loving hand, so detailed that Nim was certain there was a greater message etched within. But she couldn’t find it though she looked, and she looked hard. Where was it, the meaning, the message that had lured so many others down into this hole and tucked them smiling into their graves? She ran a hand along the shallow craters, feeling for a word, a secret, for something to touch her back, but she felt nothing more than the rough ridges of stone beneath her fingers, and like every time before, it was cold. Just once she wished it would burn.
I am very late on this and realize most everyone has already been tagged, so if you see this consider yourself tagged too. Woops, sorry. I'll get you next week :p
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
I neeeeed some angsty Charlie Rodgers. Maybe he and reader are dating, but he's too focused on his motorcycle or maybe the circus gig. And reader begs him to treat her the way she wants and more attention. But he doesn't, she leaves. He begs for her back, ensueeee fluff.
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐔𝐩
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Word count: 3,1K
Warnings: angst(ish), reader being a lil petty, fluff. that's about it, i think?
A/N: i am hopelessly in love with charlie- roustabout is one of my fave movies, so i love you for this, stef 🥺. ofc this turned out a little different than i had in mind (woops), but i hope you'll still like it!! 💕
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Being a carny was in your blood- your entire family had been in the business since way before you were born, so it wasn’t strange for you and your siblings to follow the same faith.
Charlie was as far from a carny as possible.
Your boyfriend was a free bird who didn’t like having his wings clipped or being shoved into a cage. He hated having the same routine day after day and would much rather burn rubber on his motorcycle and spend his evenings performing in tea houses and small pubs for a little cash.
But as he was forced to follow your brother to the carnival that belonged to your family after crashing his motorcycle, he didn’t have a choice but to stay while waiting for his little baby to get fixed.
Seeing it was during the weekend, he had to wait until Monday before he’d get his bike back.
On Friday, he hated being surrounded by your big – and sometimes crazy – family but by Sunday afternoon he had been in no hurry to leave. The moment he laid eyes on you, he followed you anywhere you went- he was so smitten that he didn’t even care that you put him to work to get every thing ready for the visitors.
Charlie never imagined himself to become a carny, but he developed a genuine interest in the business and he was good at pretty much everything. Be it putting up a show in the tent or working the joints or grabs, he did it effortlessly. He was also bringing in a lot of new and younger customers, so you and your family weren’t complaining.
Well, your family wasn’t- you were.
It had been a year since you and Charlie became a couple, living together in your own little caravan. While you had played a bit of hard to get in the beginning and made him work for your attention, the two of you were very close and you could really see yourself spending the rest of your life together with this man.
Although Charlie had no idea what the future held in store for him, and whether that was at the carnival or not, he knew that he wanted you to be in it. He loved you dearly, but he felt the shift in your relationship just as much as you did.
While you’d always used to spend your mornings having breakfast together before you’d start work, Charlie had developed a new routine after he became one of the performers in the “Wall of Death” attraction.
You did not like him being part of the little show at all- it was dangerous and although he was an excellent driver, he wasn’t a professional. He had never broken any bones riding his motorcycle up the walls of the round attraction, but you were prepared for him to get hurt at any time.
Not only were you living in constant stress every single day, you could feel you and your boyfriend drifting apart. He was so focused on preparing and practicing for the show that he barely paid any attention to you and in between shows, he was hanging around with the guys- either on carnival grounds, or they’d take their bikes for a spin outside of it.
Sometimes he didn’t come home until the middle of the night or early morning.
You tried to push aside your feelings at first and focus on your own work, but you knew that something needed to change if you wanted to make this relationship work. Charlie wasn’t much of a talker and every time you brought up the topic, he told you to either just drop it or stormed out of the caravan angry only to return in the morning and make it up to you.
You wished you were strong enough to ignore your worries and just leave him be, being content with the fact that he was your boyfriend no matter what, but that wasn’t the case.
You missed your boyfriend and wanted him to spend more time with you- was that so wrong?
Charlie stood you up once more for a little dinner date outside of your caravan that the two of you had planned. You knew exactly where he was and as you stormed through the crowd of people on the carnival grounds, all the workers knew where you were off to.
The Wall of Death show hadn’t started yet, but it was about to. People were already lining up in front of the attraction, waiting to be led onto the balcony so they could watch your boyfriend and brother ride around together.
Noticing your brother standing at the top, you figured it was Charlie’s motor that you heard rumbling inside. You were quick to manoeuvre your way through the line of customers and opened the little gate, running up the stairs.
“Get him to stop,” you told your brother as you slapped his arm, nodding to Charlie a floor below. Your brother wasn’t that surprised by your visit since Charlie often confided in him to vent about your relationship problems and since he did not want to get in the middle of it, he called out to Charlie to stop.
Once the motorcycle came to a halt and Charlie took off his helmet before looking up, he widened his eyes a little as he saw you looking at him with fire in your eyes. “Shit,” he mumbled to himself, getting off his bike and leaving it parked in the middle of the attraction.
He was next to you in the matter of a few seconds and before he could say anything, you had already grabbed his wrist and were pulling him downstairs, away from his job and the people that came to see him. He looked over his shoulder, silently begging your brother for help who crossed his fingers at him, watching you pull Charlie into the crowd of people.
If he wanted he could easily stop you, but with your nails digging into his flesh he knew better. This time he really had crossed a line, because he had never seen you this determined and this angry.
You apologized to the line of people as you arrived at the Hall of Mirrors, but they stopped protesting as soon as they saw who you were and who you were dragging along.
Both you and Charlie were familiar with the attraction you kidnapped him to, but in your frantic state you bumped into the glass walls a few times, causing Charlie to bump into you because you were still holding onto him. It didn’t seem like you were planning to stop dragging him further and further into the attraction, so he quickly grabbed your other arm and halted you in your movements.
As you turned around, he inhaled a deep breath of air and gently grabbed your hands.
“Baby, I completely forgot about tonight- I know we had plans to eat together, but there was somethin’ up with the engine of my bike and I had to take it for a test spin before the show and-“
“Oh, just shut up, Charlie!” you yelled at him, taking him by surprise. He dropped your hands, looking at you with wide eyes; you had never yelled at him. You were always soft spoken and kind, the kind of girl that made sure everyone was comfortable and having a wonderful time.
But you were fed up- he pushed you too far.
“It’s always the same excuses- ‘My bike broke down’, ‘We lost track of time’,” you mocked him, pulling off the colorful scarf you were wearing around your head, running a hand through your hair.
He frowned, placing his hands on his hips as he felt himself get a little annoyed. He knew he probably did not have the right to, because you were right about exploding like this, but instead of apologizing he felt the need to defend himself.
“You were the one who got me to work here, Y/N!” he yelled back, neither of you caring about the carnival go-ers that were trying to find their way outside and as far away from your fight as possible. “I enjoy being here now, I enjoy working the attractions- isn’t that what you wanted? What else do you want from me?”
“I want you to be with me, Charlie- are you too damn blind to see that? I want to spend time with you, the way we used to, and not sit around and wonder when the hell you’re coming to bed every night- if you do at all!”
The two of you fell silent for a second as a mother and her young daughter walked by, giving her a small apologetic smile. Charlie quickly pointed her in the right direction before he took a step closer to you, lowering his voice a little.
“We live together, we see each other every day. Isn’t that enough?”
You scoffed in his face, shaking your head as you looked down at the silk scarf in your hand. You blinked your tears away as much as possible, not wanting him to see you cry right now. You did not feel he deserved your tears.
“No, it isn’t,” you sighed deeply, looking back up at him. “I love that you found your place here and that you get along with everyone, but that isn’t enough to make this relationship work. I need you to be there for me, with me- that’s all I’m asking,”
He sighed deeply as he ran his hands up and down his face before placing them at the back of his neck, folding his hands together while looking down at you.
You couldn’t read the expression on his face, something you had struggled with before when it came to him because he was simply terrible at talking about his feelings. Instead of opening up and making things right with you, he seemed to shut down.
“The carnival life is hard work, it’s unpredictable- you told me that yourself,”
You sighed as you rolled your eyes up to the mirrored ceiling, quickly wiping a tear from your cheek as you nodded, looking back at your boyfriend.
“Yeah. Yes, it is, but love isn’t and it shouldn’t be,”
Pushing him away, you made your way out of the mirrored attraction, giving one of the doors a twirl with extra force so you could lose him before he’d decide to follow you.
Before Charlie could get to your shared caravan, you had already packed all your stuff and moved it into one of your sister’s caravans.
He spend the rest of his night knocking on everyone’s doors and windows, asking for you. When he reached Jane’s door, the sister who you decided to vent to and stay with, she told him that you were here but you didn’t want to see him- feeling bad for her brother in law, she told him to give you some time and that you’d find him if you wanted to talk.
He knew better than to push you in a situation like this- doing so would only get you angrier with him and that’s the last thing he wanted.
You avoided Charlie like the plague for about three days and Jane gave you the time to cry your tears, but she was starting to feel more and more bad for Charlie and forced you to pick yourself up and go back to work.
You knew you had to talk to him eventually and make a decision on what direction you were going to take your relationship in, but you wanted him to come to you.
You wanted him to apologize. You wanted him to change.
You made sure you worked one of the food stands that was furthest away from the big tent during the time Charlie was performing there, but as you noticed people coming out of the tent again an hour later, you traded places with Jane who came from one of the ball throwing games near where Charlie was.
Ofcourse, you wanted to run into him.
Taking your place, you grabbed some balls and put on your sweetest smile, drawing in people with your bubbly personality and kindness to little children. The fact that you weren’t too bad on the eyes helped too- the fathers would often spend more time at the games when you were working them.
You were always friendly, but never flirty- until tonight. As soon as you saw Charlie coming out of the tent and walk to the pizza stand across from you, you cheered on the handsome father that was currently playing the game with his little son extra hard and extra sweet.
Charlie took a bite of his slice of pizza, nearly burning his tongue on the melted cheese as he saw you interacting with the men that were lining up at the booth.
“Step right up, step right up, folks! You over there- handsome fella with the green jacket, you look like you got a mean throw,” you yelled happily, pointing at a guy that walked by and he immediately made his way over to you, buying a ticket so he could play.
Charlie handed his slice of pizza to a random kid, jogging over to the booth to squirm his way through the crowd and step onto the table of the attraction, jumping down next to you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you aside a little, looking down at you with an angered look in his eyes.
He was practically seeing green with jealousy.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m working, Rogers,” you simply told him, yanking your arm out of his grip. “You know, the one thing you’re so obsessed with and are willing to lose your girlfriend over,”
You knew you were being petty, but you wanted him to realise that you were done being neglected.
The guy in the green jacket threw down all cans and you clapped your hands excitedly, handing him the prize he chose.
“I’m sorry if this is too forward, but.. would you like to go for a bite to eat when you’re done working?” he asked you, making Charlie widen his eyes. Your boyfriend stepped next to you immediately and grabbed your upper arm again, looking at the customer.
“She’s taken, buddy- try the Ferris Wheel,” he snapped at him, knowing Emily, your other sister, was at the wheel right now. The guy put up his hands and stepped out of the crowd, leaving Charlie to deal with you.
“You didn’t have to be so rude,” you told him, greeting some people and selling tickets in exchange for a few balls. Stepping aside so people had enough space to throw, Charlie followed and looked at you again, hiding you from the customers as he had his back turned to them and his hand placed on his hip.
“Baby, can we just… stop this bullshit?” he sighed deeply, his features softening a little as he placed his other hand on the side of your neck. “You were right- I haven’t been there enough for you, I should give you more attention and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do from now on. I promise you, I promise it from the bottom of my heart,”
His hand that was on his hip was moved to his chest, slapping it softly as if to emphasize his words. You knew saying all of this was already hard for him, but you still hadn’t heard the words you wanted to hear most.
Crossing your arms, you raised your chin a little and looked at him. “And?”
He sighed softly, looking over his shoulder in hopes to see a customer that needed help. Everyone was still happily throwing the balls they bought- he couldn’t get out of this.
“And I’m sorry,” he mumbled softly as he looked back at you. You heard him crystal clear, but to spite him a little more, you cupped your hand over your ear, leaning in closer.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,”
He shot you a glare, grabbing onto your shoulders as he laughed softly. “I am sorry,” he spoke extra loud, mouthing the words theatrically, making some customers look at the both of you. “I really am sorry- you know I love you and I don’t want us to break up or anythin’. You scared the hell out of me when you moved all your things out of the caravan,”
You squinted your eyes at him a little, but couldn’t stop your smile from breaking through your facade. Hearing him apologize and say all those words made you instantly feel better, and you had already forgiven him as soon as the words rolled off his tongue.
“I love you too, Charlie, and thank you for apologizing,” you smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lowered his hands to your hips, snaking his arms around your waist. “I just miss you, you know? I don’t want us to grow apart up to the point where we become strangers,”
“I know, baby, I don’t want that either,” he sighed, pushing you up against his chest as he smiled down at you. “Now can I finally kiss you? It’s been three days- I was close to losin’ my goddamn mind,”
You let out laugh as you nodded, deepening the kiss as soon as he pressed his lips against yours and his tongue met yours. The feeling made butterflies errupt all throughout your tummy and you dropped the balls that had been in your hands, holding your boyfriend close to you.
Some of the male customers huffed out disappointed groans and grumbles at the sight of you being kissed by another man.
This made Charlie pull back from the kiss, slowly letting go of you to turn around and walk to the customers. He grabbed some balls out of a grown man’s hands and handed them to his daughter that stood there next to him, pouting.
“If you ain’t here to play the game, move along, folks! The lady is spoken for!”
You laughed as the men without children slowly moved away from the booth, trying their luck elsewhere, and you made your way over to Charlie. Kissing his cheek, you took a step aside as the little girl started throwing the balls he had handed her.
“You’re so mean- sending all my fans away,” you teased with a grin on your face.
He shot you a feigned glare, laughing softly as he slipped an arm around your waist to pull you into his side, throwing some balls in the air which he caught with his free hand easily. He looked at you and gave you a cheeky smile as he planted a firm kiss on your lips.
“The only fan you need is me,”
If there was one thing about Charlie Rogers, it was that he was right- most of the time.
In this case, he was certainly was though. You only needed one fan, only one man, in your life and that was him.
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Taglist: @breadsquash @feverkitten @woundmetender @returntoelvis @prayerstopresley @ab4eva @elvisabutler @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @wonka-gifs @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette
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butwhyduh · 2 years
I've finally got my liver back on track after being sock for months and besides smooth skin I've got my libido back.
It got me like
How about a quickie with Tim before he has to leave for work in his suit attire.
Like yes very important and powerful businessman do me 🥵
Woop woop! Happy for you anon! I had some liver issues a few years ago and a big side effect was itching 😬 and I literally scratched bruises into my skin in my sleep. Anyways I got reply off topic lol but I am glad you’re feeling better
I got an ask for Tim drake being a boob guy and so i put them together. Hope you don’t mind!
Tim felt he was pretty complicated in general. He wore about 15 hats as far as jobs. He was a vigilante and CEO of a company. But there is one area that Tim is simple. He likes boobs. That’s his thing.
Now most people think good boobs are only perky big rounds on porn stars. No. Tim likes all sizes and shapes and genders. But currently he had eyes only for a certain set.
In a soft thin light cotton sundress currently being worn by his girlfriend. You smiled up at him while looking beneath the bed for your shoe with one hand.
“What’s up?” You asked and he really had to compose himself at the slight jiggle as you pulled on a stuck heel. You caught Tim’s looking.
“Really? You’re going to be late,” you teased. Tim shrugged shamelessly.
“I’m kinda the boss,” he answered with a sly smile. “Wouldn’t be the first Wayne late for this reason.” Tim pulled you up and his hand slid to the small of your back. “I like this dress.”
“Mhmm yeah, definitely,” he answered while kissing your throat. He pulled the fabric up your thighs as your made quick work of unbuckling and unzipping his dress trousers. You pulled his shirt tail out with a frustrated huff.
“Too many layers,” you murmured while pulling his pants down. Tim laughed at your aggression. “Don’t laugh. I’ve been crawling the wall,” you said as you wrapped your fingers around his hardening cock. “But someone has been having board meetings all week. I’m about to board you at the meetings.”
“Oh shit,” Tim said amused. He pushed the straps of the sundress down to pull out your breasts. He bent to kiss and nip at them both.
“Timmy,” you finally whined, wanting him to move on to more. He turned to around and pushed on the small of your back gently until you leaned over bed. Tim slid the dress up to show your ass and he groaned when he could see no panties.
“Fuck babe,” Tim said before getting to work. He lined up and pushed in to your warm wet heat. He set a moderate pace while pulling you up to play with your tits.
“Faster,” you said, reaching under the dress to rub your clit. Tim’s hips snapped against yours quicker and you closed your eyes at the sensation. He thought the way your mouth made a little o when when you were close was so cute.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped as your hand sped up. Tim ducked his head in the hollow of your neck, kissing the skin as he breathed heavily. You made little gasps and moans before inhaling like you were going to hold your breath. You writhed and clenched around him as you came. Your legs felt weak as Tim held you steady. A few more snaps of his hips and you felt him cum as well. Tim pushed deeper and held you close for just a minute.
“Now I have to go to work when you’re home in my bed,” he groaned as he pulled out. You grinned at him.
“I mean, the boss can miss a day..”
“Don’t tease me like that. I can’t skip again,” he said, kissing you before fixing his clothes. You teased him one last time by wrapping a leg around his waist and kissing him soundly.
“When you get back.. I’m fucking ruining you,” you whispered in his ear. Tim gulped as he tightened his tie.
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chanfictions · 3 years
May I please request an anko x fem reader drabble? Where they explore bondage and blindfolds and anko being a freaking tease. With orgasm denial and overstimulation? Nsfw please?
*fans face frantically* Hooboy, this one got away from me. We've escalated a bit out of drabble territory here. Woops. You said overstimulation, and I maybe went a little overboard. Enjoy!
Game Night
Anko x fem!Reader
18+ Content! Minors DNI!
Use of toys including a plug, fingering, bondage, rope, blindfolds, edging, teasing, orgasm denial, overstimulation, dacryphilia if you squint, mind games, voyeurism
Anko's ears twitched excitedly as she peered over her beer at you, hiding a cheshire grin as you bashfully admitted to the gaggle of giggling women with whom you were drinking that you had always wanted to try something fun involving bondage and blindfolds. She teased and goaded you into giving her more details throughout the course of the night while the two of you enjoyed a girl's night out with a few friends, and the lot of you shared hushed confessions of your dirtiest, secret kinks.
When the night of celebration and mayhem wound down, everyone trickled off and headed to their respective homes. You went back with Anko to her apartment and binge watched one of your shared guilty pleasures in your pajamas together with a bucket of popcorn before falling asleep in a tangle of limbs, snuggled in a pile on her couch like a pair of kittens.
You didn't think much of that conversation again until tonight, because tonight, you had made plans to go out again. However, Anko, with a devious little twinkle in her eye, suggested that the two of you should stay in for a little game night.
It began with Anko coaxing you into her bedroom with that devious smile plastered to her face, wrapping her fingers around your wrist and tugging you along with her to the foot of her bed where she kept her footlocker full of fun. Standing behind you with her arms coiled around your waist and nibbling at your neck, she finally broke the silence. "So, do you still wanna try that thing you brought up last time we were out with the girls?"
Your cheeks flushed as you bit back a little smile, a soft moan escaping from the gap. Anko had a way with setting the mood like this, turning up the heat in your core with little more than a few sultry whispers. "Mmm, which thing?" You inquired coyly.
A sly little chuckle rolled from her throat as her hands wandered up under the hem of your shirt. "Mmm, the thing involving me blindfolding you and tying you up," she replied cheekily, nipping your earlobe as her hands slid under your bra and gave your nipples a playful pinch.
Gasping, you giggled and wiggled your hips against her. "Wouldn't that involve having to go shopping? You don't just keep rope and whatnot lying around or anything, do you?" The question was meant as a playful one. Little did you know, the answer to that was 'oh yes, and much, much more.'
That was how you found yourself in this exciting predicament. A soft wrap of thick, black cloth obscured your vision, and you currently dangled from the ceiling like a rope-wrapped work of art. Your ankles were fixed to a bar that kept your legs spread. Intricate knotwork decorated your torso, constricting your breathing in a surprisingly sensual manner. You adored how the rope felt against your skin. Anko took such care with each knot as she clothed you in lengths of delicately dyed cotton and held you so closely as she adjusted each loop, it was like it's own sensual kind of foreplay. You sank into a surprisingly happy headspace as she fixed the final knot and looped the slack in its length through the ceiling hook.
While you hadn't been dating long, you knew that Anko was kinky. You just didn't know how kinky. This was all exquisitely exciting, leaving you shifting giddily with anticipation in your binds. Without your sense of sight, every sound echoing through the quiet apartment mattered. It was absolutely exhilarating.
The cheerful humming ringing in your ears as Anko circled you now was surprisingly menacing. With a nervous wiggle of your naked hips, you bit your lip, inhaling sharply as a soft touch ghosted one of your nipples, leaving the little bud hardened and standing at attention. You tried to follow the quiet taps of her footsteps as she moved about, but tracking a talented shinobi like Anko by sound was nigh impossible.
You jumped and your breath caught in your throat when you suddenly felt the warmth of her body pressed against your back and the sensation of a hand moved up the center of your chest, navigating the landscape of knots and ropes entrapping your torso. A soft breath in your ear sent delightful shivers up your spine. "You look so damn good in rope," she purred, walking her fingertips lightly across your skin.
Giggling and arching into her feather light touches, you teased her playfully. "You're like a wizard with this stuff. A sexy wizard with really nice tits." Your little remark was met with her warm palms cupping your breasts and giving them a light squeeze, rolling your nipples between her fingers. A gleeful little moan left your parted lips as you tilted your head back into her. Anko truly had magical hands. Heat pooled between your legs as thoughts of her drifted through your mind while she played with your little buds. When the sensation abruptly faded, you whimpered needily.
Anko bit her lip at the delicious sight of you, all tied up with nowhere to run. She had really outdone herself this time. The winding ropes and knots decorating your body formed symmetrical patterns that were just as pleasing to the eyes as they were to the body wearing them. Circling you again and leaving you blindly craving her contact for a few moments before softly trailing her fingertips up your inner thigh, she ever so lightly swiped her fingers through your folds. "Mmm, you bad little girl. I've hardly touched you yet and look at how wet you are." Her body pressed against yours again, leaving you gasping into the mouth that was just out of reach. You didn't need to see to know there was a mischievous smirk plastered across her face. Anko always looked like she was up to no good, and that couldn't be more true right now. Her tongue darted across your lower lip before catching it between her teeth as she gave your clit some much needed attention.
"Anko," you whined under a little giggle, rolling your hips into her touch. "You're always such a tease."
The devious laughter that fanned across your ear sent shivers up your spine as she slipped two fingers into your throbbing core, toying with you as you gasped and tried feebly to gain some friction against her palm. She worked them masterfully, playing against your g-spot as she gave your clit just enough attention to leave you whining and grinding your teeth. The white hot light of an impending orgasm began to build rapidly. That wide, wicked smile curled across her lips as she listened to you moan and felt you tightening around her fingers before casually withdrawing them and flicking her tongue along your cheek. "I know."
A defeated sound of protest squeaked out of your mouth when she just left you hanging on the brink of release. The spreader bar between your ankles kept you from generating any of your own friction, leaving you pouting with an unattended knot of heat still coiled in your belly. "Ankooo-"
Anko grinned triumphantly before capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, catching one of yours between her teeth again while leaving little flutters of touch everywhere but where you needed it most. "Aww, what's the matter? You weren't about to cum, were ya?" She taunted, her hand wandering down to your inner thighs, brushing against your soaked pussy.
"Please, Anko?" You breathed lustfully as her other hand played and pinched at one of your nipples and her tongue flicked across the other. You ached and throbbed. Every teasing touch tightened that needy heat.
"Mmm, how many?" She murmured mischievously in your ear, slowly dragging her fingers back and forth across your throbbing clit while continuing to knead and play with the nipple caught between her nimble fingers.
Teetering so precariously on the edge, logic and reason had completely fallen out of your brain. All of the intermittent input from those delightfully skilled fingers of hers was ruining your ability to reason. You mewled, trying to arch into her hand for more pressure, but she just chuckled lowly as she denied you and waited to hear an answer. "I don't care, just please--" You threw your head back with a pitiful plea.
"Ask, and you shall receive," Anko grinned wickedly, now giving you the friction and pressure you so desperately wanted while eyeing the pile of goodies she had in store for you after successfully goading you into saying exactly that. She had won. You moaned happily as she coaxed the first one out of you, rubbing circles around your clit just the way you liked it and filling you with her fingers. "Mmm, you're so damn hot when you moan for me like that." She left trails of bites and open mouth kisses along your body, pausing to lick and nibble at your nipples as you clenched around her, giggling almost maniacally as she caught one between her teeth.
Sweating and breathing heavily from that delightful release, you arched into her touch, humming quietly and chewing your lip. "Fuck, this is fun," you breathed. The firm circles she drew continued, eliciting a throaty moan as you squirmed under her ministrations.
Anko almost wished that you could see the perverted smirk possessing her face as she leaned in to kiss you and ran her hands firmly over your knotted body, only momentarily giving your dripping pussy a break. "Oh, sweetie, I'm just getting started," she whispered threateningly, that smirk widening as you squeaked nervously. She chuckled darkly in your ear as she stepped away from you and loudly rummaged through the toys she had at her disposal. "Let's see… what do I want to use on you first..." That mischievous grin never left her lips as her palms closed around two particular objects, bringing them over to you. Your nervous, excited breathing made Anko hum and clench her thighs for a moment. Fuck, you were hot like this, all eager and dripping for her to touch you more. She could feel her own panties soaking just at the sight of you.
"Anko… what did you just pick up?" You inquired through a bit lip.
"Oh, just a few toys we've played with before," she mused with that cheshire smirk, trailing the familiar silicone tip of one she knew you loved down your midline to your navel.
"Oh, gods," you whined, now realizing what she was holding as the sensation of it slowly drifted downwards, dragging across your throbbing clit before Anko slowly began teasing your aching hole with it. This was hands down one of your favorites. It stretched you open and pressed on your g-spot in the most delicious way. "How is that going to stay in place?" You gasped as she slowly began working it into you with teasing thrusts.
"I told you this one came with a harness," Anko grinned widely, enjoying your whimpers and squirms as she slowly pushed it into you, occasionally giving your clit playful licks as she fastened the aforementioned device around your legs to keep the toy in place once it was fully seated.
You moaned loudly. Just the stretch of that thing was amazing, let alone what it did when she turned it on. You bucked your hips forward again, feeling the almost painful tease of her tongue lapping at your puffy clit. After adjusting to how full you felt, another question hummed in your head. "Wait… you said toys, as in plural," you squeaked.
Your question was met with more of Anko's devious laughter. "I know." She planned to make you forget your own name by the time she was through with you. With another chuckle, she dragged the next one across your chest, trailing it over your nipples as it hummed softly, leaving you gasping.
Not being able able see what she was doing was the most blissful form of torture. A whimper rattled in your throat as you swallowed hard and dropped your head back. "I-is that the plug?"
"Mmm, of course it is, sweetie," she purred. "You told me how much you liked being completely stuffed, remember?" She smirked tauntingly. All you could do was squeak in response. In truth, you did love that vibrating plug. It was just one of the little kinks you harbored with a bit of embarrassment. Anko, who was never one to be shy about any kink, happily explored that one with you not long ago and eased you into it. "Relax, baby. You know how this one works," she murmured while coating it with a generous quantity of lube and slowly teasing your puckered little hole with the tip. Your cheeks flushed and you gasped out a pathetic little moan of pleasure. Anko caressed your clit with one hand while slowly working the plug into you with the other, sliding it in and backing off if it seemed like it was too much as you slowly got used to it. You whined softly once it was fully in, and Anko gave your clit a few more rewarding rubs. "That's my girl."
"Fuck," you whispered through gaspy breaths, savoring the feeling of complete fullness from having both holes throbbing and stuffed. It was deliciously intense and distracted you from Anko's next move. "Oh gods, the wand too?" You mewled, upon hearing it buzz in her hand when she turned it on.
"Mm hmm," Anko mused, brushing it down across your body. You felt a length of rope lick your ankle as she unfurled a bit.
"Aaaankoooo, why do you need more rope?" You asked in a breathy moan, the pitch of your voice climbing, struggling to focus with all of the stimulation. Your holes fluttered in anticipation.
Your query was just met with more of that twisted giggling. "Well, I'm still gonna need my hands, so I have to tie this to you," she stated plainly while seating the humming head of it against your pulsing clit and deftly securing the body to your leg.
"Fuuuuuck, you're eeeeviiiiil," you whimpered as your legs began to shake. The vibrations traveling into your swollen clit caused you to tense tightly around the massive toy lodged in your pussy against your g-spot and the plug buried securely in your ass. The sheer magnitude of the compounding sensations left you trembling.
"Aww, poor baby," she taunted with a sly smirk while brushing her fingers against your thighs until she reached the wheel on the vibrator and turned it up a few clicks. The escalating ferocity of the sounds of your panting was music to her ears. She stood in front of you, swallowing your moans in hungry kisses while enjoying a little second hand stimulation from the vibrator that was firmly nestled against your clit. As she felt you nearing another orgasm, she walked behind you, taking both of your nipples between her fingers and pinched hard, relishing your cry as you gushed all over her floor. Your body trembled wildly, unable to produce actual words that weren't just banshee songs. Your legs shook and were hardly able to keep you upright. Your head was swimming as you gasped for air. Your walls clenched feverishly around the objects filling you as she massaged your breasts after she was done torturing them, giving you a splash of relief as she kissed her way up your neck.
Every nerve in your body was set ablaze. The heat between your legs had roared into an inferno as the tightness in your belly only seemed to grow stronger and stronger every time you fell off of that blissful cliff and your overstuffed holes spasmed and fluttered out of control. Your hips bucked reflexively against the vibrating, silicone head that was currently the center of your universe, mewling loudly as Anko laughed menacingly in your ear.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I have to run to the store real quick for some snacks for later. I'll be back in a few. Don't go anywhere, kay?" Anko chirped cheerfully over your pathetic wails. "I'm gonna need you to keep it down though so that no one walks in and finds you like this," she grinned wickedly while popping a gag into your mouth and buckling it behind your head.
You moaned around it hoarsely, drool dripping down your chin and legs trembling violently as another orgasm ripped through your body. You could hardly hear anything over the hum of the vibrator strapped to your pussy and your own screaming. Muffled protests bubbled behind the gag that were soon lost as you cried pitifully when Anko cranked up the intensity on the vibrator to its highest setting. She wouldn't, would she?
"I won't be gone long," she smirked, leaving a playful kiss on your cheek before walking away to the kitchen, opening and closing the door.
Your pleasure-drunk wails intensified as the massive toy inside of you hummed to life and began actively massaging your g-spot. You went weak in the knees, throwing your head back with a muffled, shrieking cry as the knot of heat in your belly broke again and you gushed all over the floor for the second time. Due to the volume of the sound inside of your head, you never heard Anko walk back into the room. She seated herself languidly with a smug smirk as she admired the absolute wreck she had made of you as you dangled only a few feet away - sobbing, drooling, and orgasming uncontrollably. You twisted and squirmed against the silicone head of the vibrator strapped to your throbbing, overstimulated clit as you groaned pathetically, unable to hold back and soaking your legs again.
The sounds of your moans and quivering cries of ecstasy left her biting her lip and sliding a hand down her own pants, working deft fingers through her positively slick folds, just drinking the delicious sight of you. She wasn't going to leave you like that for too long, but she was definitely going to enjoy herself for the time being.
With a content sigh, she sank back into the couch, smirking while pleasuring herself to the sounds and sights of your earth-shattering orgasms. With a happy mewl of her own, she dropped her head back against the couch. "Man, do I love game night."
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silverblood5 · 3 years
Gus and Willow Week 2021 Day 1 Hexside
I wanted to do something for Gus and Willow Week. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do the whole week since I'm really busy right now, but I have plans for a couple.
Characters: Willow, Gus, Boscha, Amity
Wordcount: 1087
Summary: How Willow Park met Augustus Porter.
Warnings for bullying and a very slight amount of blood.
Willow placed her books in her locker with the air of a person who’d had a far too long day. She’d failed the latest Abomination test, in front of her whole class no less, and the ‘half a witch Willow’ comments had been especially worse since then. Though she was used to failing, this one hit her pretty hard, because it was worth half her grade this semester, and she’d promised her parents she’d do well this time.
They really wanted her to do well in this class, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t do it. Willow hated letting her dads down, and she didn’t think she could bare another disappointed speech from them when word of her failure reached home.
Willow’s thoughts were cut off sharply when something hard hit the back of her head. She cried out as the force pushed her head into her locker door, a sharp pain ran across her forehead and her glasses were knocked off her face.
She immediately ducked down to grab them, ignoring the sounds of mocking laughter and hoping she could get away before they picked up the ball again. The grudgby ball that caused her so much pain was bouncing innocently next to her. The beats of it speeding up as it lost momentum felt to Willow like it was matching her heartbeat as yellow-clad legs came into view.
“Woops. My bad.” Boscha leaned down to pick up the ball, not sounding apologetic in the slightest. “I should really watch where I throw this thing. But it’s good to know my throw’s still good. Packs a pretty good punch don’t you think, half a witch?”
Willow didn’t look up at the condescending question, preferring to fix the arm of her glasses and stare at the cracked lens. She ignored the sting of tears in her eyes as she tried to think of something to say. But the words dried up along with her throat when a new voice spoke up.
“Just leave her alone Boscha. You know she’s not worth it.” The voice sounded bored and indifferent, like she truly couldn’t care what was happening and thought Willow wasn’t worth the fuss. If Willow were being honest, it hurt worse than the double impact on either side of her head. She looked up then, but Amity was already walking away, followed by her laughing friends.
She stared a little longer, hoping Amity would sense her looking and turn around.
But she never did.
She never looked back.
Alone in the hallway, Willow finally let a tear fall. She looked down at the broken glasses, hoping her parents wouldn’t be too upset about having to replace them. This was the third pair in as many months, and on top of failing that test…
Her breath hitched, the frustration and despair of the day catching up with her. With shaking hands, she put the glasses back on, feeling them sit wonkily on her face as she slowly rose to her feet.
Focus on the positives, Willow. She chanted in her head.
It was lunch now, so she didn’t have a class, and she packed her own lunch, so she could go wherever she wanted to be alone for the next half hour.
Forcing herself to take a calming breath, Willow ran through the list of places she knew of where she could be alone on school grounds.
Her thought process was halted by a soft clearing of the throat, and something white in the corner of her eye.
“Excuse me?” Willow turned at the quiet voice, seeing a short brown skinned boy with dark brown hair and dark grey eyes. He was wearing the Illusion track uniform and looked a good couple of years younger than her. The boy had an apologetic, yet concerned look on his face, and was holding out a tissue. “You’re bleeding.”
Willow blinked, taking a while to process his words, but when she did, she raised a hand to the throbbing part of her head. She winced as her fingers landed right on an already swelling bump and pulled back her hand to see a shine blood on her fingertips. She took the tissue from the boy, thanking him softly, and pressed it to her forehead.
“Do you need to go to the nurse?” He asked her.
Willow shook her head softly, “No, it’s just a cut. I’ll be fine.” She pulled her lunch from her locker, wanting to do something, and not knowing how to keep up the conversation. She looked back at the boy, seeing a hesitant look on his face, and decided she should end the conversation.
“Thank you again, but I should get goi-“
“Where were you going to eat?” He blurted out. Willow stared at him a moment, and he gave a sheepish smile before speaking again, a little slower. “Sorry. I mean, I saw those girls heading to the cafeteria, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to be near them right now. So, I’m just wondering if you have a place in mind to go or if you want to come with me. I have a secret spot no one else will go to.”
Willow contemplated letting him know she had her own stash of secret places, but she was touched by his friendly offer and didn’t want to dismiss him. “What kind of place?”
He beamed at her question, and immediately started explaining. “I’m in a club called the Human Appreciation Society, or HAS for short. We have our own classroom we can use, and since I’m the president, I can use it whenever I want.” He finished proudly, and Willow smiled at his enthusiasm. “I usually go there for lunch, since I don’t have any friends. You can come with me if you want. I promise no one will bother you there.”
Willow smiled at his sincerity, lowering the tissue to see that the bleeding had stopped, and nodded at him. “I’d like that. On one condition.”
He tilted his head at her curiously, “What’s that?”
She switched the tissue to her other hand with her lunch and held it out to him. “That I be your friend. I’m Willow, by the way.”
The boy smiled so widely, she wondered if his cheeks hurt. He grabbed her hand and shook it with so much enthusiasm, Willow had to laugh.
“Yes! Yes, I’d love that! It’s lovely to meet you, new friend. My name’s Augustus.”
“Lovely to meet you too, Augustus.”
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nighttimepixels · 4 years
Night!! You like Llamagoddess, right?? Well, I was curious - what three or four skeletons would you put together in an Aggre-style setup? If you like that?
Oh dude, @llamagoddessofficial​ rocks. Seriously, if you like skeleton x reader content, you’re missing out if you’re not following her! (Go follow her and shower her in praise, 12/10 sweetheart and high-quality storyteller)
I’m guessing you mean like... what skeletons would I throw together in an xReader stirfry to see what delightful shenanigans result?
Llama’s got the corner on that sweet sweet UT, UF, & HT Sans (Sans, Red, & Skull, for her!) + MF Sans (Hit) content (seriously, are you reading Aggre? You should be) - so I’ll choose differently so I don’t step on her toes there!
That said, here’s a few of the guys that I think would be fun:
US, UF, and HF Sans (Caelum, Red, and Hickory, for me)
Honestly I love a strong & upbeat but secretly-struggling-with-depression US Sans; coupled with Red’s brashness but deep down softness, and Hickory’s... everything, the dynamic is rife with potential
It would’ve been Caelum’s fault; he accidentally messed with his brother’s machine and caused this mess trying to fix it (he came pretty far too, but...)
Hickory would almost certainly go a bit feral at some point or other after the ‘wrench’ was thrown in (Science!Sans, pulled in as well and convinced he could fix all this, and gets obsessed w/ Reader), ends up kidnapping Reader
There’d be a race between Red & Caelum to see just how they deal w/ Science!Sans - kindly, or permanently....
UT, US, and SF Pap (Papyrus, Cider, and Rus for me)
Cider’s fault in this one; the machine’s probably straight exploded... but plot twist not because of him, because of the MafiaFell!Pap that got dragged in too
Papyrus has got some secret baggage with knowing more than he lets on about the machine, and how to fix it even - but he doesn’t let on until halfway through
Rus is reluctant to help but also not; mixed feelings about going back. When he finds out about MF!Pap things go to hell, and there’s a whole arc re: methods chosen, and MF!Pap actually gets Rus secretly on his side for a good while before things happen that force Rus to choose a side, and he betrays MF!Pap and lets Reader escape
UF and SF Pap, and US Sans (Vex, Rus, and Caelum for me)
Vex’s fault in this one; after getting in a fight with Red he triggers the machine rather than breaking it. He refuses to admit wrongdoing, blames Red, Red goes ‘missing’ in response - making fixing the machine nigh impossible, with only Rus with a vaguely beneficial amount of knowledge that could help (though Caelum’s quick on the pickup)
Caelum very nearly convinces Reader to come back with him, honestly - neither of them have been able to break through to Vex or Rus for long enough - Vex is so up Rus’ case that it’s hard to get them to get along. Eventually there’s a breakthrough though when Caelum finally snaps and calls them out on it - just in time for Reader to go missing
Turns out HF!Pap (aka Birch) came through as well, and had actually kidnapped Red in the first place (getting him to work on a new machine), as well as now Reader - and he’s a lot more clever than the other guys would’ve guessed. It’s nigh impossible to get them back - but in the end, it’s Red & Reader working together to convince Birch that gives the guys an opening enough to keep Birch from succeeding in using the machine (to merge worlds, rather than kidnap Reader - it’d free his people, he reasons, and then there’s no problem with her staying with him, right?)
US and SF Sans, and UF Pap (Caelum, Sable, and Vex for me)
Listen I’m a sucker for US & SF Sans dynamic, okay? It’s great, and through in some Vex, and hot damn that’s a spicy meatball-
Wrench in the works is once again MafiaFell!Pap - only this time he’s working on both Vex and Reader; Vex tracks Reader one night and they meet that way. They’re ‘similar’ enough that Vex is swayed (in the ‘both of them are crossing their fingers behind their backs’ sort of way) - it isn’t until Vex realizes just how brutal MF!Pap’s true plan is that Vex reveals everything
Big wholesome-teamwork-at-last and blowout fight moment when the guys join together to beat MF!Pap’s veritable army after he successfully drags them all through the portal to his own world - the guys were an accident, but MF!Pap is nothing if not quick on his feet... how on earth will they get out of this one~?
UF, SF, and HF Sans (Red, Sable, and Hickory for me)
This one might seem like an odd dynamic but it’s fascinating to me okay - Red and Hickory are dangerously similar in so many ways, but despite all the fights Red realizes just how much he has in common w/ Sable too... reminding him of uncomfortable truths, in this au where he’s semi-estranged from his brother on the surface for Complicated Reasons
Hickory and Sable end up as a surprisingly killer (literally woops) duo - same hat re: certain emotional traumas :c
ScienceFell!Sans is the wrench in the works here - a mirror to all the flaws for all the guys in different ways (Red abandoning his previous path, where he could’ve achieved so much as a researcher/scientist; Hickory, the same, plus added ‘a whole version of me’, because Hickory was still on the science path when he got his injury; and for Sable, both half a reminder of his brother, and half a vision of what his father always wanted him to be, but he was never cracked up to be) - and ScienceFell!Sans is a damn smooth operator on top of being a literal genius - he manipulates it to where Reader loses her job... but he’s able to get her a job as his assistant... uh oh
US, SF, and HF Pap (Cider, Rus, and Birch for me)
Three lads that can’t gd be honest with their feelings to the umpteenth degree, oh gods. For real though, an interesting dynamic - they’d actually fight way less, so a lot of their conflict would be exploring socio-cultural differences, personal self-esteem/worth issues, and their secret selfishness in wanting Reader to themselves while also ‘knowing’ they’re no good-
Wrench in the works here is MafiaFell!Pap again- in this one though he actually works himself into the ‘main’ group, even more effective by getting them a bigger apartment (but not too suspiciously ostentatious...), ‘finds employment’, etc.... but the whole time is plotting to take Reader back with him
They’re all betrayed, so different layers of pain here, and he almost succeeds because of it - the other guys lose so much faith in themselves (after all, what one ‘version’ of them is able to do...) they almost lose Reader - but thanks to MF!Pap being around more there’s more Reader’s cottoned on to, so is able to evade for long enough to break free the separately jailed/etc guys and snap them out of it, cue big fight, esp once they get Birch free 👀
... all that said, just go read Aggre for your sweet sweet fix of this variety, Llama knocked it out of the park with that fic <3
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amachja-moved · 3 years
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@gerichteter​ said:  ❛   wink .  
--------------- There is a blitheness in the air, that seamlessly weaves itself into the fresh spring morning air, in the sunlight raining bright and clear from the skies; intoxicating in the most innocent of ways, lifting hearts and raising good spirits if only one takes the time to breathe it in. It is what Sasha does; she drinks it all in, sunshine and clear air and lightheartedness alike, chipper and radiant, as she follows her comrades to the cart they are meant to unload for the Scouts. 
Everyone seems in high spirits; laughs and smiles blooming and hatching all around their little group, and Sasha, like a hummingbird, goes from one to the other with an ease she had not even suspected of herself. Even Bertholdt seems to quietly break out of his shell, just a little bit, and it is around him that she finds herself hovering the most. If she could, she would flutter and land on his shoulder, and nestle against his neck, listening to the low rhythm of his pulse in this particular moment - would it sound different than it usually does? She keeps her curiosity to herself, tucked away in her chest; content to watch him allow himself a slice of that carefreeness that befits him so well. 
“Oh, it’s okay! I’ve got this, don’t worry!” Work has started, and she provides confident assurance and a big bright smile, as she secures the box Bertholdt concedes into her arms. A smile received and a smile given; they trade them with ease and without reserve, and just as she is about to walk away, Bertholdt pulls the rug from under her feet, innocently, with the lightest of winks.
A second suspended in time; the world coming to a slow halt; bedazzled, Sasha feels herself slipping into inattention. A sidestep in a dance, distracted, she falls out of tune without realising it, a flutter in her chest and a warm blush spreading across her cheeks, stretching its long fingers to her neck. Oh. Oh, that was... adorable, is the first word that comes to her mind, and it remains stuck there, drawing a slightly starstruck smile upon her lips.
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Unfortunately, contrary to Sasha, the world around them had actually not stopped dead in its track; behind her comes Connie, blinded by the tall crate he carries in his arms. The collision, of course, is as abrupt as it should have been predictable. “WAH!” She yelps, her own cargo slipping from her grip; in one disastrous second, it all goes crashing to the ground, CRACK -- POOF; a cloud of what appears to be several pounds of flour rises instantly, like a cloud, and elegantly falls back down, leaving her and Connie as white as two very clumsy, wide-eyed, hopeless ghosts.
“Sasha!!” “Sorry! Sorry, I wasn’t - ” Words stumble out of her mouth, and quickly, she scrambles in a desperate and hurried attempt to fix the damage, ears burning red under all that flour. Embarrassment drills a hole from one side of her skull to the other, much like the one she pictures herself digging into the ground and burying herself into for the next fifty years. She thinks up dimensions and practicalities when two blue sleeves come into view, and she knows who she will find on the other end of them before she even lifts her gaze, bashful, to meet Bertholdt’s, kind and concerned. So kind, that her worries melt away on the spot. “... if you laugh, you’re next.” She chuckles, immediately negating her threat. Alright - maybe it was a little bit funny.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
The Haunt of Redemption (4)
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Sequel to: A Path I Can’t Follow
Chapter 4: Incoming! | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: It has been months since your last encounter with Cal, at that time he was a fledgling Inquisitor. In an ironic twist of fate, you cross paths and blades with him once again, and he’s keen on turning you into an Inquisitor as well—unless you bring him back to the light first.
Tags: Dark Side! Cal Kestis, Inquisitor! Cal Kestis, Redemption Arc! Cal Kestis
Also posted in AO3
Chapters: 1 - 2 | Previous: Chapter 3 | Next: Chapter 5 | Masterlist
4 of ?
His holotable beeped, signaling an incoming message.
“Admiral?” he greeted when he answered the call.
“Sir, the transport containing the suspect has arrived. Shall I call an escort for you?”
“No need. I’ll be on my way.”
“Very good, sir. Transmission out.”
He strode through the hallways, Stormtroopers stiffened their backs until they’re erect at the presence of the Eleventh Brother, commanding officers curtly saluted when he passed them by, and he blatantly ignored the Fifth Brother and Eighth Sister in his periphery.
He arrived at the interrogation block and entered the cell where they’re keeping the captive.
It was Boss Lora.
Cal stood by the Stormtrooper and demanded the details.
“Lora Argul, proprietor of the Yewa Docking Bay & Inn,”
“And where is this docking bay located?”
The Stormtrooper glanced at his datapad, “In Hoga, sir. That’s in Cameegon,”
Cal repeated the planet’s name in a questioning tone.
“A temperate planet in the Daoro System, Jama Sector,”
“Daoro? Then it’s an Outer Rim planet,” the young Inquisitor pointed out, he stepped closer to the adult woman strapped to the interrogation machine. “Don’t bother struggling, it’s not like we’re going to set you free anytime soon.”
“Please, I don’t have anything to do with you! I’m just a business owner!”
“Oh, I know,” Cal cooed emotionlessly. “But I think you know something that I need. You might know somebody I’m looking for.”
“I don’t know anybody! My customers come and go, I only have my family!”
Lora tirelessly pleaded to Cal—it’s the same words in different order, but the same idea all in all. The young Inquisitor watched the prisoner wriggle in the torture machine, begging without a pause, until she succumbed to her tears.
Cal walked closer to Lora, a colorful woven bracelet stood out from the drab of her dark brown work clothes. He reaches for the bracelet and now his Force ability comes in play.
“Look what I made you, Mama!”
“Oh, how beautiful! Thank you, sweetheart!”
“Here, I’ll help you wear it. Do you like it?”
“I love it! I’ll always wear it so everyone can see.”
He saw the bright-eyed girl that is her daughter. The warmth of the child’s love radiated all over this woman’s being. His Psychometry allowed him to “borrow” such emotions, thoughts, and images for a period of time; he has done so to his multiple captives on their various campaigns ever since he was induced into the Inquisitorius.
Yes, he thought as he found her weakness.
“You have a very kind daughter. Kaleen, isn’t it?”
“How did you know her name?!” Lora roared.
She knew she never said anything, she only thought of her child when Cal started to enter her mind using his powers. It was something she has never seen or experienced before—and it terrified her. The wild, out-of-pace beating of her heart throbbed through her chest, any moment now she might feel it burst through.
“Oh, I should remember to apologize to your daughter personally. The little brawl in your cantina must have given her a big scare—with what her papa unconscious and her mother taken away right in front of her very eyes. Who knows what that little girl is thinking right now.”
Lora tugged herself from her restraints as far as she could until she’s eye-to-eye with Cal.
“You do so much as touch the tip of a hair strand from my daughter, I swear I will kill you!”
Cal smirked albeit concealed by his mask, satisfied that he had provoked the woman, he kept the bait hanging right in front of her until she tells him what they want to hear.
He consciously avoided the question, “You are going to tell me where you’ve seen the fugitives.”
“What fugitives?”
“You will tell me,” the smirk seemingly lost its amusement, Cal stepped closer and clutched the woman by the wrist as he demanded. “Where she is.”
At that exact moment, Lora suddenly felt like someone or something was tearing her brain open while fully conscious—the pain was excruciating, albeit the absence of the high-voltage shocks of the actual machine; Cal’s grip grew tighter, nearly barring the circulation to her hand, the next thing in Lora’s mind was you. She never intended to think or speak of you in front of this fearsome, young man—to her, it just happened.
There…! Cal celebrated sooner than he could wait.
The memory that played was your first time in the docking bay, her very first interaction with you, Lora still had that stingy tone when speaking to you. The image of you examining the ship she asked you to fix as an entrance trial and smiling back at her with a smug confidence played behind Cal’s eyes.
“Well now, I gotta say your work is impressive, kid!”
“When do I start, boss?”
Your smile. Your laugh.
Even the faintest melody of your laugh came through for him.
For one, his heart skipped a beat—he saw the length of your hair has changed but your smile remained the same.
“Please…! Enough!” Lora sputtered out crying.
Cal jerked his hand away and turned around abruptly.
“Prepare my ship!” the boy Inquisitor commanded.
“Right away, sir!” a lower-ranking officer promptly replied and went ahead for the task.
“Bu-But, sir,” the admiral stuttered, hoping that it doesn’t offend the Eleventh Brother to stop him in his tracks. “What about the prisoner?”
“I leave it to you then, Admiral.”
The Eleventh Brother marched to the hangar, flanking him were two TIE pilots. Upon his arrival, the technicians have just finished recalibrating the TIE Fighters as well as his ship: a TIE Interceptor that he personally modified to his liking. The technician unclamped the docking boot of the Interceptor while his co-workers did the same for the two other Fighters.
“I want transports each carrying assault units and a squad of fighters deployed en route to Cameegon with me.”
“Yes sir, understood!” the attending officer’s heels clicked and marched to the hangar’s command center with an urgency.
The young Inquisitor climbed into the cockpit, the glass dome slid shut with the touch of a button. His fingers follow an invisible yet learned pattern of switches and buttons. There was an indescribable feeling that he cannot pinpoint with a single word, perhaps the closest being “elated.”
The TIEs’ engines hummed in a collective baritone, lights on the screen flickered to life, the ships hovered and then zoomed past the ray shield of the hangar.
Meanwhile, back in Cameegon, you’ve been training in the forest for the rest of your day-off. You were out of breath, but the clean air from the trees refreshed your lungs as you inhaled and then exhaled. This expansive stretch of land has become your own haven—it’s where you mostly do your Jedi training and meditation, it took a long while for you to get used to doing them alone.
BD-1 may have kept you company while you spend your time in the woods, but it was different having someone actually with you, though you didn’t want to offend the little one so you always kept him close to you.
“Alright, BD, toss me another!”
The little white droid—perched upon a tree branch a few paces in front of you—trilled and threw the whole, rotten fruit in its claw—that you’ve installed yourself some time ago—and you went charging towards it; when the distance was enough, your heels sprang from the carpet of leaves and you somersaulted in the air, severing the target in half in the process and then landing back on the balls of your feet.
BD cheered for you in high-pitched whistles and song-like trills, followed by another string of conversational tones.
“Really? Should I have jumped a bit earlier?”
“Trill, chirp!”
“Hah, well, I really can’t tell if it’s by the second, little guy! Maybe I could borrow your scanners next time,” you joked.
The droid replied with a nervous trill, but you knew that he was only playing along.
“How’s the claw? You getting used to it or should I modify it some more?”
“Boo…” BD’s singular scope-like scanner examined the external appendage. “Woop!”
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do later,”
You beckoned the little droid to come to you, it activated its little turbojets on its feet and then willingly clambered on your shoulder. You continued on with your training, cutting down the training dummies that you made out of logs and leaves—your own regimen consisted of combining new moves with learned ones, last-minute improvisations if the need arises, and inventing more styles which is a hybrid of both old and new. You liked the adrenaline pumping in you when using the environment against your “enemies.”
Afterwards, you’re traversing the terrain, knowing the twists and turns of the forest like the back of your hand—a result worth of seven months’ progress. The path that you followed was one of your personal favorites—it was still an obstacle course, but you cut through and traversed it effortlessly. You decided to banter with your little droid friend while you trekked uphill.
“Hanging in there, BD?”
“Woop! Bee-woop.”
“Oh, you think so? I sounded like him for a moment there?”
You gave a weak chuckle in response to your exploration droid’s comment. Next, it gave out a somewhat apologetic tone, to your surprise you asked him why he was sounding like that.
“No need to apologize, buddy. It’s okay, don’t worry.”
“Heh, you sure perk up quick!”
You’re almost to the top. The end of the hill’s path wasn’t the real summit—at least for you. You scaled the rock face of the waterfall nearby, there were enough rocks sticking on the wall to serve as handholds and footholds. It was a quick climb to get to the top of the waterfalls, only then, you’ve really seen the true expanse of Cameegon. The sight of the lower jungle and the river delta connecting to the sea was breathtaking.
How I wish you’re here to see it. You muttered under your breath, dedicating it to Cal.
The entire view took off a heavy load from your chest. Simply look at it warranted a smile from you and a look of wonderment as if seeing it for the very first time.
“So pretty, isn’t it, BD?”
You patted the little droid’s head as the two of you gazed upon the majesty of the unspoiled part of the planet.
Over time, you’ve grown to love this planet because of the solitude that the trees have given you, it was your secondary comfort next to the company of your family, the Mantis crew.
Your sightseeing was disturbed when you heard machinery humming—the noise got louder by the second—and then three black ships come speeding past your view. Your eyebrows furrowed, something about them tells you that this is not your regular merchant convoy.
Their flight direction came from the east and they’re heading westward. Your eyes squinted in suspicion—you peered through your binoculars, zooming in by turning the knob resting by your thumb, until you got a better look of the silhouettes. Your lips parted open.
“Oh no…” you shuddered.
Without a second’s notice, you kicked the coil of rope sitting by the edge of the waterfall and rappelled down. You started bolting through the path in the forest, while running you try to reach Cere’s signal from the Mantis—but the wildlife was so dense that it interfered with the clarity of the signal.
“Cere! Can you hear me?! Cere, come in!”
A garbled radio frequency was your only response, but your feet kept running—it’s as if it was moving on its own—and made your way back to the ship.
The thought of the settlement suddenly entered your mind, but logically, the town is much farther from your training course in the forest—you’ll never make it in time even if you drive with your speeder’s top speed. In the middle of your combined panic and contemplation, you stumbled upon a detour and realized it too late.
You look around and find that there are no familiar landmarks around the area.
You’re lost and alone among the trees, accompanied by the chittering of unseen animals, and the apparent presence of the Empire… or the Inquisitors.
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misstinfoilhat · 4 years
for the drabbl thing, how about Edward with "take me instead"
Woop! First one! It became waaay too long, but I just can’t with this “drabble” thing. I hope it meets your expectation! I got a little off track. --- Truth was standing before him; that infuriating toothy grin beaming boastfully. ‘W-why am I back here?’ Edward thought, peering over his shoulder as if he expected to be back in his room. There was just an infinite amount of void as far as he could see. White endlessness of absolutely nothing.   Behind Truth, was the gate. The large murals hovering over him, and Ed felt a surge through his stomach by the memory of being pulled by black ethereal hands and rushed through the dimension of overwhelming knowledge.  “Hello, Edward,” the sharp voice called out, demanding the teen’s attention. Edward took a few aggressive steps forward with a raised fist and paused.  His arm was back, he realized numbly. He blinked at it, wondering if it was real. Then he relaxed his stance and felt his left leg move effortlessly. No pain from a long-needed tune-up, no joints groaning from misuse, or irritation to the skin where metal met flesh.  “How did..?” Edward drawled, looking awestruck as he flexed his fingers. “Do you like them?” Truth chortled with excitement, shifting to stand up. “I don’t understand,” Edward answered as he tugged at his pant leg to confirm that there actually was a real leg under there. Sure enough, there it was. All though, the limb felt strange. Foreign. But he reasoned it was because he had been wearing those heavy metal limbs for the past four years.  “I figured you might like them,” Truth chirped as it strolled mundanely towards him. “Besides, their real owner won’t need them much longer.” A cold chill ran down Ed’s spine and he felt his pallor change. “W-what? What do you mean?” “What I just said.” Truth shrugged its shoulders, glancing towards the wary boy, its smirk growing steadily. “What’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy! Maybe it’s not your own limbs, but at least they will be kept in the family,” it laughed diabolically.   Ed couldn’t move. Understanding crept up on him slowly. Piece by piece falling into place, forming into a picture in his mind. Again, he raised his arm, closely examining the paperlike skin and its suddenly emaciated appearance. He was sure it hadn’t looked like that at first… Golden eyes widened in terror. “Al!” he realized out loud and took a step back. The weak leg crumbled under his weight, his knee (no no no not his, Al’s! Al’s knee---) buckled and he toppled over. Edward landed painfully on his hip, scrambling on the ground and started crawling away from the sound of the enigmatic being’s low giggles. What was going on? What did Truth mean by Al not needing his arm and leg anymore? They were going to get his body back, and he absolutely would need his limbs!  Edward had already taken so much away from his little brother, he would rather have no arms or legs at all than for Alphonse to miss a single strand of hair from his body when they got it back! Edward would not take those away from him, even if he had to sacrifice his heart to get them back to him!  The thought of his little brother’s arm and leg substituting for his own made him sick to his core. This was wrong! Determined, Edward steadied himself to a sitting position, using his healthy left arm. But, he couldn’t see Truth anywhere. In the featureless creature’s place, sat a gaunt figure, crossed-legged and sickly. Long golden hair cascaded beneath fatigue shoulders, ribs protruding from his chest, and a solemn smile on thin lips. Missing from the boy, was a right arm and left leg.  In a moment’s confusion, Edward thought it was himself that sat there. Him from some alternate reality. The Gate had changed too. Only for a moment, Edward lingered in uncertainty. The emaciated boy tilted his head and looked directly at him, and Edward felt his breath hitch. Never in his life would he mistake those hazel orbs.  “Al!” Edward shrieked as he fought to move, crawling towards his younger brother. It felt like something was pulling him back, like an invisible rubber line wanting to pull him back. The more he struggled forward, the distance between then only increased. “Alphonse, I’m so sorry! I’m so, so sorry! You will get them back, I swear!” Ed wailed, struggling forward on hands and knees. “Okay? Please say something!”  Alphonse didn’t respond. He just sat there with the same patient smile, eyes tired and so, so thin. It was like he was staring right through him, lost in the void. “Your brother’s presence in your world is weakening,” Truth’s voice rang through the empty space. Edward looked up, searching for the Godlike creature while frantically reaching for his younger brother. A rumble was heard and the ground shook. A blinding white light emitted from the slit doors that protected Alphonse’s Gate.  “No,” Ed cried distraughtly and forced himself to his feet and tried to run. “There is no use, Edward. Your brother’s soul wants to join its original vessel soon.”  Again, Edward yelled his brother’s name, ignoring the chilling voice and refusing to believe that they were already running out of time. He limped as fast as he could while stretching both of his arms (not his!) out for his brother.  The black arms wormed their way from the dizzying universe inside the Gate, starting to pull on Alphonse’s body. “No! No, please!” Edward wept and picked up his pace. “Please, don’t take him! Take me instead! I’ll do anything!” For the first time, it seemed like Alphonse really noticed him- his eyes were fixed on Ed and Ed alone. He didn’t look scared, just resolute. Like he had accepted his faith and was ready to be taken away. As dark arms tangled around his body, his smile broadened and he gave his older brother a crescent-eyed smile. “Wait! Don’t take him! Take me instead! I did it, not him! You- you can have anything--- just, please bring him back-” Ed was broken off by a heartwrenching wail of intense agony. Alphonse was screaming as the Gate tore his body apart, limbs turning black and vanishing into the surge of distorted pictures and eye shattering light. “No!” Edward collapsed to the ground, sobbing as his brother was devoured by his sin, clawing at the ground, pulling his hair out and choking on his own tears. The Gate was gone. His brother was gone. Everything had been taken away and there was nothing left. Like the space around him. Consuming everything, containing nothing. Images of Alphonse as a plump and healthy ten-year-old flickered through his thoughts, being eaten alive by those cursed arms. The panic, grief, and desperation he had felt back then were pouring through him once again and he wondered what there was left to give. What would he have to give up to get all of Alphonse back? A sudden twinge of pain seared through his abdomen. Edward startled and looked ahead stiffly. ‘What the hell?’ Again. The pain in his midsection grew until he was unable to restrain himself from screaming. He gasped for his next breath, almost vomiting while his body shook and pulsated. Downcasting his head, he finally realized what was causing the pain, all though, it did little to relieve his confusion of the situation. One of the Gates’s arms had lodged itself in his stomach, penetrating it through and through. There was something strangely familiar with it, but Ed’s mind was too clouded to think, to process. All his muddled brain could do, was to wonder what the arm was reaching for.  Then, it yanked back, painstakingly slowly and Ed cried out again. His vision faded in and out, white turning black and back to white, as the foreign object was drawn out of him. A faint flashback of a pair of large, strong hands holding his shoulders still, and the musky smell of gun powder mixed with wet clothing and blood. Edward also remembered the cold, biting at his fingers and toes, but brushing pleasantly against his feverish cheeks. The only other sensation than pain at the moment. “Edward?” ‘Not you again,’ Edward thought furiously. ‘Have you not taken enough from me?’ But his lips wouldn’t move. Now that he thought about it, neither could he. “Edward, can you open your eyes?” It didn’t sound like Truth- Truth’s voice was shrieking, almost feminine, and violently unpleasant. This voice was deep and grumbly, like a large man’s. Almost like Armstrong’s (oh god please don’t be Armstrong). Little by little, whatever that had taken toll of his body let go, and Edward stirred. Flickering eyelashes tickled his cheeks as his eyes fluttered open (he didn’t remember when he had closed them). He awoke in a small room. The bed he had been put it was hard, but at this point, his throbbing body was appreciative of anything that didn’t involve moving. Narrow, black eyes peered down on him, as an enormous hand scratched at brown, bushy sideburns. A little behind him stood another man, approximately the same size as the first one, with a yellow mustache that rivaled Armstrong’s own. The past day’s events rushed back to him. About Alphonse leaving to meet Winry and Scar’s group, the confrontation with Kimblee and the chimeras, the mineshaft, and the alchemy that had taken years off his lifespan to seal his wound. Looking down, he saw that his midsection had been heavily bandaged, and he rested a hand over where the two chimeras had pulled the bar out after he helped them and sighed. It had just been a bad dream. There was nothing to worry about…right?
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
I know you probably won't want to for reasons, but, how crazy would it be to write a one shot of Jason from HFAB universe to run into Jason from Calm in the Storm? Just a little woops, not supposed to be here, mind screw!
I’m always up for mind screws, so where shall we begin…?
Right Woman, Wrong Universe…
The light filtered through the window curtains into his eyeswhich had him groaning as he pulled a pillow over his head and rolled away fromit. It was too early in the morning for light! He nuzzled his face into thesecond pillow and squeezed his eyes shut tighter to attempt to fall back fromthat in between point of sleep and awake to go back to blissfulunconsciousness. There was a shift of weight on the bed, which he ignored invain hopes of going back to sleep. The soft moan of a soft, husky voice he knewhad his eyes snapping open as he bolted upright, the sheet being yanked fromhis companion.
Jason blinked rapidly, sleep gone from his mind as he stareddown at her.
Her long black hair was fanned over the pillow beside him,her naked body was prone as her delicate breast rose and fell in even breaths.Her hand curled on the pillow by her head, her other hand rested on her smooth,bare stomach, which had his eyes trailing further down.
Difference between that drunken Christmas and right now wasshe was fully naked, there was no delicated lacy panties shielding her from hisview. The runes on her were different but he knew those could change. Jasonlooked around the room; where the hell were they!?
Slowly and cautiously he slipped out of the bed, startled byhis equally naked state.
Did they…? He looked at the torn, discarded clothes that litteredthe floor. There were a discarded condoms, which had him panicking as he lookedaround. Grabbing a pair of pants he darted silently of the room, having no ideawhere they were, and hoping to find clues as to what the hell had happened lastnight.
Last night, he had been out, drinking in a dive bar hefavored; he remembered that because he was bitching with a fellow regular aboutthe Knights game as they were slaughtered by the Mets. He had had a couplebeers, and with the Pit he didn’t get the buzz or get drunk easily.
She had sauntered in, he remembered that, but it wasn’tRaven…
No, he had been making out with Rose last night. Heremembered because they had made it to the alley, and he had her pinned to abrick wall while they struggled for dominance. She had bite his abused lip, hehad cursed her as he twisted her arm behind her back, she had shoved her assagainst…
Well, that was the last thing he remembered.
He had definitely not been with or near Rae, so what thehell had happened.
“Mmm, morning handsome,” a seductive smoky voice purred asshe sauntered in, there was an open Alonso jersey on her, that did nothing tohide her.
His eyes raked over her before he determinedly looked outthe window.
“Uh… morning,” he muttered.
“Jason? Is something wrong?” she asked, he tensed when herhand touched his upper shoulder.
“Uh… did we… last night…” he stammered out, stepping out ofher reach to assess the permanent damage he had inflicted on his best friend.There were hickeys, bruises, there were marks of passion; but he didn’tremember putting them there. Immediately he reached out and did up the buttonson her jersey.
Raven gave him a startled look then.
“Yes… we did… did that explosion make you lose your memory?I know I said I wouldn’t, but Jason,” she started reaching for him. He saw themagic on her fingers and ducked out of her range. Nope. No. The last thing heneeded was for her to know about his private fantasies she had been starring inlately. Though looking at her now he guessed that it was a moot point.
“Um… Rae… I… Look, I’m sorry, but I didn’t, I… I’m sorry,please don’t… um… this doesn’t change anything,” he said.
Raven chuckled softly. “Jason, I enjoyed last night,” shepromised.
Well that makes one of us, he thought internally. “I just… Idon’t want this to ruin us,” he said.
Now she took a step away from him, her dark eyes raking overhim critically. “Jason?”
“Uh… I’ll just, I’ll get my shit and go…” he started.
“Stay right there Jason Peter Todd,” she snapped. He frozeseeing the dark look on her face, but there was nothing but concern on herfeatures as well. “What are you talking about?”
“I… We slept together last night.”
“I’m aware. We do that frequently.”
“We had sex Rae and I’m sorry for fucking this up! I’mtrying not to fuck it up more!” he snapped. She looked a bit confused, butthere was a critical way she was looking at him which made him think he shouldback track. He was wrecking everything, but he didn’t… he couldn’t… he didn’tknow what to do! She was his best friend! Shit! Raven was everything! And hedidn’t remember sleeping with her! He remembered Rose; he did not know how hehad landed here though, and it was freaking him out.
“Fuck it up how?” Raven asked.
“Uh… look, you’re my best friend, and I…”
“Jason, what’s the last thing you remember? You can tell me,I won’t get upset,” she promised.
“Uh… I was at my regular dive, bitching about the Knightsgetting slaughtered by the Mets, and then Rose and I were making out, I thinkshe might’ve drugged me, but I don’t know how the hell you and I got into bedand I am so sorry Rae! Let me fix this!”
“Jason,” Raven said walking to grab his arms, he felt thecalm radiating off of her as she forced him to look into her eyes. “I don’tthink I’m your Raven.”
“I have been in a relationship with my Jason for nearly fouryears now, we have fabulous sex frequently, and are best friends. You didn’t ruinanything, I don’t think you’re my Jason and I’m not your Raven, and I don’tthink you and I slept together.”
“Oh thank God,” he breathed, his knees going weak as hecaught himself on the countered. “No offense, I mean you’re smoking hot and mytype,” he started awkwardly. Raven merely smiled softly.
“No offense taken,” she promised. “Let me get properlydressed and we’ll sort this thing out.” She walked off, and he watched her ass;sue him, he was a guy and Raven was smoking hot! She reappeared dressed inleggings and her jersey, she pulled her long hair up in a tail and assessedhim.
“I met my Jason when he pointed a gun at my head and theLazarus Pit was drowning him. I hid him in my room and even under my bed for abouta month before I moved and got an apartment with him, he moved out two weekslater, and remained my dearest friend, and semi-roommate for years. He’s RedHood and Red X, he and I started dating when he kissed me when the Cubs won theWorld Series,” she said. “I love him very much, and you are not him, but if youlet me I would like to help you and get him back.”
Jason blinked several times at not-his-Rae staring at himwith the exact same determined expression his Rae wore when she was going upagainst his skittish nature, traumas and defenses.
“I met my Rae officially when I stole her mind and she cameto kick my ass, then dragged me off to go get it back. She’s my best friend,and no we are not a couple, I would never do that to her, you, she, you knowwhat I mean, you’re too good for me.” He admitted.
“Nice to meet you Jason,” she offered her hand to him.
“You too Raven. Where the hell am I?” he asked.
“You’re in my Jason’s and I’s apartment, we’ve lived herefor a couple of years now, he just finished the bathroom renovations,” shechuckled.
“Oh!?” he lifted a brow. Jason had, since living with Royand renovating that massive warehouse, found he liked flipping properties, itwas hard work, but rewarding and he liked to work with his hands. It wassatisfying; almost as satisfying as being Red Hood.
“Yeah, I take it as you like that too?”
“Yeah, you don’t?”
“No, I like it, I just don’t like having you leave me in amess of renovations!” she defended.
“I would never!” he sputtered.
“I see, your Rae has you better trained then.”
“Not really,” he said.
“It’s okay Jason. I’m just teasing.”
“I…” he sputtered.
“We’ll figure this out.”
“Well… you’re definitely Raven,” he said.
“And you’re definitely Jason. So tell me why you aren’t withme in your universe.”
“Do I look suicidal to you?”
“Depends on the light.”
“Hardy-har-har Rae, how the hell am I getting home!?”
“With ruby shoes?” she offered.
“I see I’ve rubbed off on you in this universe.”
“We always bring out the best in each other.”
“More like the snark.”
“That too,” she chuckled. “Come on, we’ll start with MadamXandu to find out where you’re from and Constantine to find out how you got here.”
“Well, if I’m here then your Jason is with my Rae…” Jasonstarted then paled. “If he kisses her I’m knocking his face in!” he warned.
“Well, if you’re like my Jason then I’ll let you know nowthat he’s done a hell of a lot more than kissing,” she chuckled.
“Don’t… for the love of anything sacred do not go there,please!” he pleaded.
“But I’m your type,” she mused.
“That’s the problem,” he grumbled.
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Late to post, but here’s Week 2 of Spellbound.
Aug. 22
I woke up around 11AM.
Did some video editing and started uploading the footage of me drawing that Remus pixel portrait of Remus.
The did some dishes and made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Mushroom Penne with truffle cream. I liked it to a middling extent (I’m enjoying truffle more myself, but I recognize how intense of a flavor it is). But yeah. It was met with a “meh”.
Spent a few hours updating some logs and documenting last few day’s of events. Then, I did today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 climbers with EC. Pretty fun and breezy. I tried to land lightly on my feet this time - just to feel graceful like that.
Last, Chapter 7 of the SbP. I was to charge and cast “Healing Level 1 Spell“ to help an NPC out. I rested about 1′ in between sets - it was mostly breezy yoga... mostly. Glad the up/down dogs were done in pairs, the child’s pose was a nice breather too. Really felt the fatigue build-up when it came to that plank hold. But it was pretty satisfying to transition between exercises as smoothly as possible!
Did some online shopping and watched YouTube before bed... late again.
Aug. 23
I woke up after 11AM.
Did some chatting and whatnot before getting in today’s exercise early (which was welcomingly chill.)
First, today’s DD. 1′ plank punches with EC. I counted exactly 60 reps today, so I’m fairly happy about that pace!
Last, Chapter 8 of the SbP. I was to charge and cast “Tracking Spell“. It was nice to just do meditation again. This required 10′ and I focused on breathing from the belly as best I could. Mind wandered a lil but that’s just how it goes. It was still pretty relaxing!
Chill was disrupted by a transient health scare with Dad... threw my entire day off. Was supposed to be movie night, but between anxiety about that and fear that things would interrupt movie time. But chatting and browsing stuff helped a bit.
I got to bed obscenely late again.
Aug. 24
I woke up around 2PM.
Had technical issues but more notably there was a pretty loud/angry argument bro had with the Uncle about his negligent cooking and mess-cleaning leading to the kitchen sink being backed-up.
There was shoving involved. Fucked me up mentally for a good while, if I’m totally honest... I tried doing some Sides analysis and chatted for a distraction, before doing my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 scorpion twists with EC. A little less fun to do with a slightly full stomach. But oh well. I like the exercise well enough.
Last, Chapter 9 of the SbP. I was told to charge a couple more spells.
First had to be “Shield“. Variable rest times, today. I could feel the jitters start to melt as I went along, so that was more than welcome. Some ankle complaint noted from the jumping lunges, but at least it wasn’t very many of those.
Second was just any attack spell - I charged “Wind Blast“. Pretty variable rest here, too. Kinda didn’t want to do a lot of floorwork today - but I do think I hit the arms a bit harder for it. Still gotta be mindful of your elbows for plank rotations, too.
That helped dial down the jitters I was having for a bit... so did chatting and trying to sketch a fan art idea out.
But I still wound up pulling an allnighter because I was an anxious mess today... I didn’t really get much done other than some rambling on the fandom blog and watching YouTube...
Aug. 25
This morning I did some dishes, made a trip reservation, ranted on Twitter about sources of distress before taking a couple hour nap.
Spent most of day chatting and browsing stuff.
It was a bit late, but I did get in some exercise today.
First, today’s DD. 2′ single leg hops, without EC. Had to drop at 1′30″ mark, rested a few seconds to finish up. Only counted the the longer set’s reps - 120. Honestly, sleep-deprivation REALLY didn’t help.
Last, Chapter 10 of the SbP. Casted the “Shield” spell, though I’m not doing the probability check, the roll I got was a success anyways.
Then I was to charge & cast, “Healing Level 1 Spell“ again. Whoo boy... eating jalapeno poppers was NOT the smartest decision shortly before this. Gave myself some heartburn and coughing because of said heartburn. But I powered through that. :I
Then, I hit the showers and washed my mask. Browsed tumblr for a bit before hitting the sack. Happy but unsurprised by managing the yellow zone. Exhausted and I had somewhere to be tomorrow.
Aug. 26
I woke up around 11AM.
Went to Seeking Safety Group. Went alright.
Got home and spent some hours streaming/making that glitchy, hellish mash-up I did for silly reason. Also spent time chatting and browsing about.
Very late, but I managed to get in my exercise around 11PM, tonight.
First, today’s DD. 2′ side leg raise with EC (1′/1′). This was pretty breezy to get through. Get more out of this if you can make a right angle with side of hip to floor.
Last, Chapter 11 of the SbP. I was to charge and cast the “Super Strength Spell“. Variable to max amount of rest taken between sets, this time. Tried to make the push-ups decent. But it was pretty easy to get through this in a timely fashion.
Spent rest of my night doing Sides analysis stuff. Got to bed obscenely late... only saving grace was that it was before noon. :/
Aug. 27
I woke up around noon.
I spent most of my day chatting and doing that Sides analysis stuff (interpreting pairing platonically positively.) I wound up writing like 2.3k words on that instead of fic writing... woops.
Did my exercise late.
Spent vast majority of my day working on a positive analysis of all the Sides pairings [platonic intent], set to post tomorrow. Had a lot of fun chatting about it too. I wrote like 2.3k words on it... orz
First, today’s DD. 2′ O-Pose with EC. That definitely got me trembling the whole way through. Things got real after 1′ and legs started to feel like dropping in the last 20″. But I’m really happy I managed it. This is a personal favorite exercise. Very meditative!
Last, Chapter 12 of the SbP. I was to charge and cast the “Invisibility Spell.“ Max rest. The plank rotations were the hardest part - everything else was pretty manageable.
I did get to bed too late, almost in the yellow zone.
Aug. 28
I woke up a bit after 9AM.
I had to go to my psychiatrist appointment today. Went alright... got a chance to share that scary!Remus art with him. I did mention the acute shit that’s been happening... but also my more positive coping stuff.
Got home and when the Hello Fresh arrived - I did dishes and made today’s meal. Italian noodle soup. This was another chicken sausage based soup - pretty enjoyable. Bro liked the kale soup more. But at least I think it was more accessible for pops and his lack of teeth.
I was already tired at that point... but I had to help deal with kitchen sink problems I didn’t realize were an issue. Whatever the Uncle did to “fix“ the sink broke it and it was leaking the entire time I was doing dishes! Fucking hell.
Had to take another shower after that.
Active rest day, only devoted exercise was going to be  today’s DD. 40 raised leg circles with EC. Not a fan of neck strain. But doable. Just glad it was only that with my energy levels.
Got to bed later than yesterday.
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pheeheggins2 · 5 years
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       ( KAREN GILLAN + CIS FEMALE ) —  Have you seen EUPHEMIA ‘PHEE’ HEGGINS ? This THIRTY year old is an INTERIOR DESIGNER who resides in BROOKLYN. SHE has been living in NYC for TWO MONTHS, and is known to be SPONTANEOUS and MAGNETIC, but can also be MANIPULATIVE and AIMLESS, if you cross them.  People tend to associate them with VIVID SUNSETS and ENDLESS DREAMS. 
phee grew up in a small village in scotland with her ‘father,’ her mother, and her four siblings. she is the middle child. 
tw infidelity: technically, phee’s birth father was a secret lover of her mother’s. an affair that would be ruined by the pregnancy and phee’s birth. from the moment she was born, it was clear she didn’t belong to her mother’s husband. and since her real father was a family friend, her mother’s husband clued in real quick. phee’s mother broke off her affair and vowed to make up for her cheating by staying loyal in the marriage after that. 
phee’s birth father didn’t really care to raise his daughter on his own, so she was left with her mother and adoptive father. from a young age, phee was told her mother’s husband was her birth father and that was that. all other siblings were his own blood.
tw neglect, emotional abuse: she always felt unwanted in her household, as if she were a burden. she was the black sheep. phee didn’t want to be, but she was. so she learned to accept facts. 
eventually she found out why her mother treated her with regret and her father treated her as lesser. it was around her 14th birthday when she came across letters her mother had written to her birth father. using them, she managed to track the man down in england. 
however, fairytale endings were never a possibility for the wide-eyed hopeful girl. her birth father said he didn’t want to be a dad, which is why he didn’t take her in. said he was busy, with his own family, his own life, and she’d be best returning home. to say it shattered whatever was left in phee’s heart was an understatement. the girl just stopped thinking people could ever love her.
she returned to her mother and adoptive father and her half siblings in defeat. she carried out her high school even though she was a wild child with a rebellious streak. she hardly attended and barely managed to get her diploma. after, she ran off from home and has since never returned to that cold household.
phee has traveled all over europe, doing a plethora of standard and odd jobs to make ends meet or experience new things. she’s restless, needing to be on the move constantly, never wanting to settle. not completely. because that requires trust in a stable home and a loving foundation. and phee’s learned her lesson. 
she’s definitely the woman that can officiate marriage one minute and fly a plane the next. she’s got a whole list of licenses and capabilities and experience. everyone likes to joke if you’re looking for someone to pull the incredible off, you’re looking for phee. 
in a way, phee has no idea what she’s doing. she’s just always escaping, never planning. right now, she’s just moved to nyc and she’s been doing interior designing for about a year (with a good amount of recognition already since she started), but this time next year she could be a zookeeper or circus performer or special effects makeup artist. the point is: there’s never a boring moment in her life. but there’s also never a consistent moment, either. 
phee is bisexual, homoromantic. she’s slept around with men, but she sticks to f/nb in terms of romance and relationships. 
is definitely the type to randomly show up at your house at 3am like ‘let’s go skydiving?? yeh??’ or take a roadtrip out of the city and back within a few hours just to go see the sunrise in another state. legit is spontaneous. 
wanted connections: 
roommate: camden bright, open. 
a half sibling: open (totally happy to see one come into play). 
her birth father: open in the future (maybe he and his family moved from england to nyc more recently or some time ago after she had visited him at 14 y/o). 
childhood friend: open (born in scotland or nearby? and about her age). 
best friend: open (have known each other at least 5+ years somehow. phee absolutely adores this person and if they were living in nyc before she came over, then she definitely chose to visit them / decided to stick around a bit). 
family friend/s: open. 
coworkers (interior design/any similar occupation): open. 
cousin/s: open. 
sibling-esque friendship/s: open. 
friends: open. 
acquaintances: open. 
nyc tour guide/etc: open (this person was one of the first folks phee met when she arrived in nyc. they were the one that showed phee nyc: all the neat places locals go to, all the landmarks, all the best restaurants, etc. ever since, the two have kept in contact). 
confidant/drinking buddy: open. 
gym buddy: open. 
rival (in her job/over a mutual friend): open. 
enemy: open (maybe phee managed to rub this person the wrong way with her wild streak? could’ve accidentally slept with their partner and rip). 
flings/one night stands/fwb (m, f, nb): open. 
exes (f, nb): open (maybe one she knew back when she was young and they broke her heart so badly that she despises them, maybe one where they met a bit back and she ended up breaking their heart/someone that phee always wanted to fix things with but she was an arse, maybe one where they still manage to hook up even though they probs shouldn’t woops, maybe one she’s become good friends with, maybe one where they were in a long distance relationship but that never worked out). 
unrequited crush/es (on her/she has on someone): open. 
someone she fangirls over: open (famous author, actor/actress, etc. she’s hella into their work and admires them as a person).
clients of hers: open (she makes their houses look hella). 
penpal: open (ok but it’s cute ‘cause they’ve been writing letters back and forth to each other forever and now that they’re in the same city, they finally meet up). 
people she’s met in her travels/from other jobs she worked: open (literally go crazy with ideas ‘cause she’s done just about everything that’s remotely fun and she’s been to quite a few places - usually in europe but maybe one or two outside continents/countries). 
mutual on social media: open (followed a while back, always like each other’s posts, and now they’re gonna bump into each other in person). 
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nemossubmarine · 4 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #41
We pick up this session right where we left the other one. Z47r and Sergeant Carl discuss the situation on the floor they’re currently on, and Carl notes that the elevator seems to be stuck, as well as there being a breach in one sector, but other than that they should be ready to head down. Z47r agrees, he sends one of his skitarii with servitors to check the place Carl noted and goes himself to check the elevator wtih the rest of his servitors (including Vivek), letting Carl know that there are supplies for the Sable Swords upstairs, and that he should take the new-comers (aka our heroes) under his wing. Gorm calls out after Z47r and requests a servitor to refill his jump-pack, pointing at a non-Vivek servitor. Z47r waves the servitor forward, and he begins to work. Gorm pretty quickly reprimands the servitor on doing a bad job and requests another, this time pointing at Vivek. Z47r sends instead one of his skitarii to do the job.
Gorm asks Carl if they could talk in private and Carl suggests Gorm and friends come along as he goes to pick up the supplies. So they make their way back to the upper levels of the ship. Gorm explains that the AdMech friend he was asking after is one of the servitors, and Carl says he is sorry to hear that. Gorm also mentions that Uffe has promised to kill him, so they need him back, as they don’t want to do that in front of the tech-priest. Carl asks if there has been a mistake in making him a servitor, and Gorm says no, he’s no innocent but not a bad man either. Carl suggests that doing the killing downstairs would make it easy to make it seem like it was because of the rot, so that’s something they can work with, if need be. Carl has worked with Vivek the servitor, so he could probably get him to the position.
Saef interrupts this conversation by opening up a telepathic channel between himself, Gorm, Gimlet and Uffe. Uffe turns to give Saef a glare. Gorm quickly gets Carl rambling on about the latest exploits of Stuart the Sable Sword, so he doesn’t notice the sudden silence. Saef explains to them that Vivek attempted to communicate with him very much in the same way as Eden had in the past. He isn’t quite sure what it means, but things might be different than what they seem. Gorm points out that Uffe’s promise was to Vivek, not to Eden, and that they agreed not to step in the way. Saef concedes to that, but says they should attempt to communicate with Vivek first anyway.
While they’re on this telepathic call, Gimlet says he has an idea how to get Vivek away from the tech-priest. Technically, he could confiscate Vivek as evidence with his Inquisitional powers. This seems like an agreeable idea. Gorm even says maybe this is a time where Gimlet’s badge might do some good, but there is some information Gorm needs from the tech-priest, so he wants to talk with him first, before Gimlet starts burning bridges. 
With that agreed, they return back to where they left the retinue. Z47r is busy with the elevator, Stuart the Sable Sword is keeping the doors open with his muscles. Z47r finishes whatever he is doing by tossing a fire bomb down the elevator shaft and lets everyone know that once the fire has burned out, they can start moving down.
Gorm pulls Z47r away from the others, and lets him know that he is on a Fenris-sanctioned mission, and he believes that Z47r has some information about a Space Wolf that has been spotted with AdMechs on Orchard Mountain. Z47r says he has no reason not to help Fenris and says that he indeed can track the Wolf in question, but not here. He needs to go back to Triplex Phall for that, but he says he can do this after he is done here. Gorm asks Z47r to promise that he will do so, and the tech-priest says he aims to serve.
Thus satisfied, the two return and Gimlet goes to Z47r next, asking him about the Inquisitor murdered on the ship. Z47r says he doesn’t know anything about it, though he has heard it happened. He supposes one of his servitors might have spotted something, but he asks for Gimlet’s credentials vis-a-vis questioning about this, and Gimlet whips out the Inquistional badge. Z47r says he prefers people keeping their badges visible (Gorm agrees in the distance), and then asks if he should be recording this conversation. Gimlet says there’s no need, but Z47r says he’s going to do it anyway.
Z47r calls over the servitor who delivered the evacuation notice to Inquisitor Engarde, and takes out a video from his eye and shows it on a wrist mounted screen of his (v high-tech). The video shows the servitor going to tell Engarde about the evacuation. As he leaves, he runs into a woman who is hiding her face, who Gimlet recognizes as Inpax. The servitor continues relaying the evacuation notices to people around, and Inpax disappears into the room where Engarde is. They begin a conversation but it is cut off by the door closing. Some time afterwards there is a shout from Inpax: “You did this to me!” and a gun shot. So that’s that then.
Gimlet has another request from Z47r, namely that he needs to get a hold of a servitor in the tech-priest’s retinue. Z47r asks for what purposes, and Gimlet fudges the truth somewhat, saying it is related to his case looking into Inquisitor Inpax. Z47r makes Gimlet sign some forms, and informs him that the Mechanicus are expecting a full report on what the servitor contains, so they can see whether it counts towards the AdMechs’ yearly tithes to the Inquisition. But those things done, Z47r hands Vivek out to Gimlet without any more fuss.
Our heroes feel it prudent to take their servitor-friend to a safe place, so they head off once again, promising to join the rest with Nurgle stuff as soon as they can. As soon as they are off ear-shot from the rest, Vivek opens his mouth and very emotionelessly says that “this is an unfortunate turn of events”. It is very apparent that it is not Vivek talking, but Eden, who has taken over while Vivek is away. Eden is apparently aware of Vivek’s and Uffe’s deal but makes it known that Vivek is not gone, and he could be saved, but he needs help from our heroes. The thing is, that Vivek-Eden were going to leave for Triplex Phall, but got caught between Inpax and Navin (aka Vivek’s brother, Eden uses that name, because that’s what he’s getting from Vivek’s brain). And in that moment, Eden overrode Vivek and chose the tech-priest, and thus the servitor-ing. It was a logical choice, because the whole point of putting parts of Eden into Vivek was about Inquisition not getting their hands on certain things, but obviously Eden is aware that is not what Vivek wanted, hence he argues for saving him. Gimlet asks Eden what it would entail, and more on the situation that led to this. Eden mentions that he can’t no longer feel the other part of himself, that he was previously connected with, the part in Inpax’ prison. That might mean that part is dead, or it might not.
Gorm and Uffe lag a bit behind and talk in Fenrisian. Gorm asks Uffe how he is feeling about what he thinks he should do, and what Vivek exactly asked him to do. Uffe is clearly conflicted. At this point they have gone to the elevator, which Uffe stops, so they or rather he, can make the decision. Saef uses telepathy and says he can feel Vivek in there still. Uffe kneels down and tries to look for Vivek in his empty eyes. He says that he can’t let Vivek suffer, but he can’t let him go either, if there’s a chance he could be saved. (and there is a chance Vivek can’t be fixed, which will be the end to both him and the parts of Eden in him)
So they take Vivek to the medbay. For the operation Eden needs someone who’s decent with Tech (Gimlet) and someone who’s decent with Medicae (Gorm). Saef goes to Larssen to get some tech equipment to help with the procedure, he’ll also remain on stand-by just in case things start going south. Gorm suggests Uffe goes outside for the time, but says he’ll call if he is needed, if things go wrong. Uffe agrees to this.
Eden takes off the top half of Vivek’s jumpsuit, revealing the barely closed surgery scars along his spine, as well as the bullet hole from where Gimlet shot him and a set of extremely poorly healed claw marks on his lower back. Gorm recites a small prayer. Then it is time to start the surgery. It goes mostly well, all things considered, though there is definitely a moment when they’re hovering near Vivek’s spine and brain that Gorm draws in a deep breath that may or may not count as a “woops”. But overall, the operation is a success, and Eden says he’ll reboot Vivek and he should be alright.
Uffe is called back into the room (and Gimlet notices he has been crying a bit), and they wait for Vivek to wake up. He does, after a bit. Vivek sits up on the surgical table and informs everyone he can’t feel his remaining arm anymore (can you say woops?). He asks if Saef has any clothes he could borrow, as grey servitor overalls isn’t really his style, and Saef lends him a kittie-hoodie (and helps him put it on). 
Vivek gets to his feet and goes to Uffe, who pulls him into a tight hug. Vivek murmurs a quiet apology against Uffe’s shoulder and tells him he’s alright. So Vivek is alright, also kind of pissed off at Eden for overriding him, but he doesn’t know what to do about it yet. Gimlet offers him his flask, but Vivek denies the offer. He points out that he heard everything that was said, while servitor, Inquisitor (acolyte, corrects Gimlet). Vivek is clearly in need of a smoke, but unfortunately his current attire hasn’t come with a pack. Uffe pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, that he got from Terra. Vivek comments about Uffe keeping up a bad habit of his, and Uffe retorts he doubts this would be the moment Vivek would be quitting anyway.
Gimlet asks what Inpax was doing on New Dawn, and Vivek says he didn’t stop to ask, but presumes Inpax had learned of him being there. Gimlet says he didn’t tell Inpax, but perhaps Alex had (though that was not his task?). Gorm says that he hopes this lesson of a friend being untrustworthy resonates deep with Gimlet and Gimlet points out if it was Alex he was just doing his job.
Our heroes question Vivek about the whole Harlequin seer, Nurgle’s rot thing, and Vivek says he doesn’t know if this is going as it was supposed to at all. It was Vivek who contacted his brother, partly because he knew that he could deal with the infestation. But also for another reason, because there was something in Sergeant Kuru’s memories, and that something was the fact that the four AdMechs under Eden’s care are not the only ones with the mutated life-eater virus, Vivek’s brother has it, and so might potentially a large segment of Triplex Phall AdMech population. He was planning on having him and his Triplex Phall friends break into his brother’s base while his brother was busy on New Dawn to look for any clues, but got caught. Vivek suspects that his brother’s sponsor X56r might be behind it, but he isn’t sure. Whatever the case, he needs to find out what is going on, but he can’t full-well drive like this (points at paralyzed arm). Gorm says they’re going to Triplex Phall anyway, so they might as well look into it, as he suspects Uffe might have gotten the virus too, which is not great. It means Vivek’s brother will have to come with. (Vivek lets everyone know he wishes his brother not be killed, at least not for his sake)
Well things are settled then. Vivek will go to Cayenne’s ship once it arrives (soon, says a text message). The others will go help Z47r with the Nurgle. Gorm and Saef give Vivek hugs (and none for Gimlet) and off they go!
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aleteia-ff · 5 years
Hi! I've been religiously reading Phantom of the Arena and every chapter has me drooling over your incredible writing. I have been meaning to ask you, how did you outline the story? Each chapter is so long and detailed, I wonder if you know every detail already or if you come up with stuff while following a skeletal outline? I ask because I'm trying my hand at a long Hiccstrid story with some slow burn and wanted some advice about outlining it from someone who seems to do it very well. Thanks!!
Ahh, thank you so much! I’m well-aware you’re reading the fic; I haven’t had the chance to reply to your most recent reviews yet, but I love every single one of them! 
On to your question; I basically started with a skeletal outline which got more detailed over time, as I worked on the story. So while getting the first arc of the story down (up until Astrid finds out who the Phantom is) I figured out a lot of the other details, but I never really know the exact lines of a scene until I actually write it - with the exception of a few one-liners. I just let the words fall according to how I feel the characters would say/think them in that moment. 
That said, I have known the general trend of Phantom for a long time, very importantly that Astrid and Hiccup would end up fighting, and what they’d be fighting about in the part of the story we’re currently in. That’s allowed me to really write towards that, even if I didn’t know exactly how the scenes would go, I knew they would happen and what the topic would be. And I have all of that written out in a general outline, which includes the main content of every chapter + some details I shouldn’t forget about.
Then, when I actually write the chapter itself, I first write a more specific outline, because especially at this point in the story, I need to do things “right” immediately, as in some cases there is just no room for me to fix that later (for instance, a certain subject needs to be brought up in a specific conversation, because after it, there won’t room to bring it up). In writing that outline, I feel it’s just really important to know your own story and to remember/have written down what has happened before, so you can build everything that comes after on top of that and make sure it stays consistent.
As an example, this is my more specific outline for Astrid & Hiccup’s fight in chapter 36: (major The Phantom of the Arena spoilers!!!)
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In general, I’d say that the most important thing in plotting out a romance arc is that you figure out your essentials; what points do your characters have to reach in your story? Some of Phantom’s first milestones were the kiss in the arena and Astrid’s decision to go with Hiccup, for instance. Then, you can start to think about how your characters might get to that essential point and let them just… go through that and see how things end up. Your characters might surprise you, they might take longer than you thought they would (Hiccup and Astrid did that to me in Phantom, they took ages), but as long as you know they’re on track to that essential milestone you’ve lined up for them, I don’t think that’s a problem! It can make the story feel more organic if you’re really in touch with your character’s feelings, I think. Just make sure you keep in mind what your characters did and how they got to that point, as there might be opportunities for you to connect back to those on your way to a new essential point, which makes the romance feel more connected as a whole. 
It’s really hard to explain, honestly! I feel like I’m sounding really vague in trying not to ramble on too much, but then I scroll back up and I produced a wall of text after all! Woops. I hope it’s somewhat useful ^^
Just let me know if you have any questions about something specific I said, because it’s honestly a topic I could talk about for hours. I’ve actually been thinking about writing up a general post on how to structure/create a romance arc for quite a while, if people are interested (let me know if you are!), but that’d be more about the general structure of a romance plot than on how to work with details and outlines. 
And as with anything, I’m still learning new things myself every day! I wouldn’t be surprised if one year from now, I’m doing things completely different yet again. 
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words-with-wren · 6 years
Panic Room - DBH fanfic
Summary: Viruses that spread through the androids weren’t uncommon in the months after the uprising. One or other faction of android haters would figure out a virus that would cause harm or discomfort for the androids and spread it. They became much like a common cold or sickness for the humans, and the androids just learned to live with them. Connor had managed to avoid the viruses so far, mostly because he wasn’t in contact with many androids – sure he visited Markus and Jericho regularly, but he spent most of his time among the humans. So he didn’t worry much for his own safety when he and Hank were called out to a case involving an android who had attacked a human on the street, seemingly for no reason.
Words: 3,002
Warnings: Some blood.
A/N: Woop woop this was fun to write! @softgreysweaters I finished it. (Also please don’t tag as ship)
| A03 | Part Two |
Viruses that spread through the androids weren’t uncommon in the months after the uprising. One or other faction of android haters would figure out a virus that would cause harm or discomfort for the androids and spread it. They became much like a common cold or sickness for the humans, and the androids just learned to live with them.
            Connor had managed to avoid the viruses so far, mostly because he wasn’t in contact with many androids – sure he visited Markus and Jericho regularly, but he spent the majority of his time among the humans.
            So he didn’t worry much for his own safety when he and Hank were called out to a case involving an android who had attacked a human on the street, seemingly for no reason.
            The crime scene was on a semi-busy road, police tape cutting across the sidewalk. The victim was alive – being tended to by an ambulance crew – and the suspect was nowhere to be seen.
            “He was an android,” the victim said as Hank interrogated her. “No way a human is that strong. Besides, he was bleeding blue.”
            Connor scanned the crime scene, taking in what had happened. Apparently, the suspect had been running from something only he could see, stopped suddenly and lunged at the victim for no reason – there were a number of witnesses who had seen it all go down. The victim had managed to pull a knife from her bag and defend herself, causing the suspect to flee.  
            Their job now was to find the suspect. Which wouldn’t be a difficult job, considering the trail of thirium it had left once it ran.
            Connor followed the trail, staying alert in case he was ambushed as he moved into one of the narrow allies leading off the sidewalk.
            The ally was a dead end, a large brick wall blocking the way. And the thirium trail ended. Connor turned, scanning the alley for any sign of the suspect. A figure was crouching beside the bins along the wall.
            Connor moved towards it to see a shaking, terrified AP700 model. He crouched, holding out his hands to show he meant no harm.
            “Hello,” he said, and the android flinched away. “My name is Connor – I’m not going to hurt you.”
            “No. Go away. Beast,” the android said, holding his arms over his head. “Don’t hurt me.”
            “I won’t,” Connor said. “I’m here to help.”
            “They’re going to kill me,” the android whispered, lowering his arms slightly. His eyes were wide and fear filled.
            “No one is going to hurt you,” Connor said. “But why did you attack the human?”
            “Human? No. No, she wasn’t human. She was a monster. Blood. Her face was…” he shuddered, burying his face in his knees.
            “She wasn’t a monster,” Connor said. “Now please, you have to come with me. I can help you.”
            He looked up, his eyes wet with tears.
            “I – I don’t know what’s real,” he whispered. “I don’t know. I don’t…”
            “We can help you.” Connor held out his hand and the android slowly reached out his own to take it. Gently, Connor helped him stand.
            He slowly led the other android out of the ally to where Hank was waiting, still talking to the witnesses and victim. Heads turned in their direction as Connor emerged, and the android beside him shrank back.
            “He’s not himself,” Connor called loudly. “He needs help – not to be locked up.” He handed the android off to one of the medical crew – making sure she was an android, he didn’t really trust the humans to give the obviously sick android the help he needed – and joined Hank.
            “That was easy,” Hank said, rubbing his chin. Connor nodded, watching as the scene was packed up. “Sounds like your man was seeing things.”
            “He was experiencing some kind of hallucination. Perhaps a new virus that has surfaced,” Connor answered.
            “You be careful, okay,” Hank said as he turned back to the car. “Don’t want you freaking out on me like that.”
            “I’m sure I will be perfectly alright, you don’t need to worry,” Connor said. Hank just grunted, lowering himself into the car.
            A few days later and they were going through information about their current case. Connor was idly watching a spider crawl across his desk as Hank listed what they knew.
            “Four different cases, all very similar and based around the same area,” he said.
            “All anti-android?” Connor asked as the spider made its way over his keyboard. Hank nodded.
            “But specific – only attacking in the evening, and only attacking small groups – not isolated androids or groups bigger than five. Badly damaging some but leaving others untouched.”
            “Like they want to let them get away to spread the word,” Connor muttered. He glanced over at his partner. “Any links in the android’s models?”             Hank shook his head.
            “No. Seems random. All different makes, all released at different times.”
            “Random acts of violence, all done by the same group?” Connor suggested. Hank nodded slowly. He shifted, tapping his screen a few times.
            “The information’s on your terminal,” he said. “See if you can spot something I can’t.”
            Connor nodded, turning to his screen. He went to place his hands on the keyboard but stopped, glancing down to make he wasn’t going to squash the spider.
            It was staring up at him with human eyes. He stared back, suddenly terrified. Then he quickly flicked it away, moving perhaps a little too fast. It vanished onto the floor and Connor felt the terror subside.
            Hank cast him an odd look but he didn’t pay any heed to it, turning to his terminal. It was probably nothing. He just hadn’t charged enough last night – or someone else in the office was playing a trick on him. That was all.
            But he couldn’t shake the fear he had felt and how wrong that spider had looked, no matter how much he focused on the case.
            They moved out not long later, another similar case having been just called in. The attack had happened in a small bar – a place that androids frequented – and had been attacked during a quiet hour when there were only a few patrons.
            Connor didn’t pay much attention to the briefing – he was already pretty sure he could tell what happened. Four androids and two humans were in the bar, not including the human bartender. The suspects had entered the bar, cut the lights and attacked the androids.
            The lights were still out and the building was lit only by a few lamps the police had brought with them. This cast a strange light over the whole establishment as Connor knelt to investigate a small puddle of blood – human blood, it might help him learn who the suspects were.
            “Connor that’s disgusting,” Hank shot at him as he dipped his fingers into the blood. Connor looked up to tell Hank – once again – that this was how he did his job when he froze.
            Hank was covered in blood. His hands were stained red and his face was dripping. His shirt was torn and tattered and he looked like he was about to collapse. What had happened? Connor hadn’t looked away for long – had he been attacked? How had that happened so quickly?
            “Hey, Connor. You good?”
            He blinked, shaking his head, and suddenly the blood and torn clothes vanished. He braced himself against the floor and nodded slowly.
            “Y – yes. Just a trick of the light,” he said, trying to calm himself. That was all it was – the dim light had caused him to see something that wasn’t there. That was all. He rubbed an eye, trying to remove the image from his memory.
            “You sure?” Hank asked, sounding sceptical. “You look like you’d seen a ghost.”
            Connor shook his head, hoping to keep Hank from worrying.
            “I am alright,” he said. “I just experienced a small glitch – nothing that can’t be fixed.” That would keep Hank off his back until he figured out what was going on – if it had just been a trick of the light or if he was malfunctioning.
            They arrived home late. Connor could tell Hank was tired, and he wanted to sit down and run a diagnostic to make sure he was functioning properly.
            Hank stuck the key into the door and pushed it open, yawning as he did. They had made some headway in the case – the blood Connor identified was none of the patrons in the bar, and now they just had to wait until someone spotted the man who had been identified. Despite looking all over the bar for any further leads, they had come up empty and were forced to call it a day and head home.  
            Connor moved into the house behind Hank, feeling himself relax as he did. He had been on edge ever since seeing Hank covered with blood, but now in the safety of home he could feel safe.
            But he froze, staring into the kitchen. The window was smashed and the chairs lay scattered around the floor. But what froze him in his tracks was Sumo.
The dog was lying on the floor, in a puddle of his own blood. He was limp, silent, still. Connor didn’t know what to do, staring blankly at the dog.
“Connor?” Hank’s voice sounded far away and distant as he stared at Sumo. He stepped forward, unable to believe what he was seeing. Someone had broken into the house and killed Sumo.
“Sumo?” he whispered, hoping for any kind of reaction from the dog. But there was nothing. His LED was flashing red and he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t process what he was feeling. Sumo. Was Sumo really gone? No more walks, no more cuddles, no more playing ball. No more Sumo.
He made it to the kitchen, dropping to his knees beside Sumo. No. Why would someone kill the dog – despite his size he was harmless. But he couldn’t deny the evidence – Sumo wasn’t moving.
“Connor! Snap out of it, come on!” Hank grabbed his shoulder turning Connor to face him. Why wasn’t he reacting? Sumo was dead. Why wasn’t Hank as shocked as Connor? “What’s going on, kid?”
            “Sumo, he…” he trailed off, turning back to look at the dog.
            “Sumo’s fine, Connor,” Hank said, “He��s alright – what are you on about?” Connor blinked, trying to process the words. Was Hank in denial? Sumo obviously wasn’t fine.
            But when he turned back to Sumo, nothing was there. A flutter of panic bloomed in his chest – what was going on?
            “W-what?” he asked, turning back to Hank.
            “Sumo’s okay – he’s right here, see.” Hank moved, revealing the dog behind him. Relief rushed through Connor and his LED slowly turned back to blue. Sumo gave a small whine and padded towards them and Connor wrapped his arms around the dog.
            He had been so sure that Sumo was dead. Something was very wrong with his optical unit.             “You alright?” Hank asked, standing. Connor nodded, standing as well but leaving one hand on the dog.
            “I – I’m alright,” he said, trying to calm himself fully. He glanced back to the spot he had seen Sumo, just a moment before, but all he could see was the kitchen floor. The kitchen itself was in perfect order – just as they had left it that morning. “I think my optical unit is malfunctioning,” he said. “I thought I saw…” he trailed off, not wanting to put the scene into words. “I’ll undergo repairs tonight.”
            “You sure it’s nothing more?” Hank asked. “You seemed pretty spooked – and you’ve been acting strange all day.”
            “I’m alright,” Connor said. “It’s nothing I can’t fix.”
            “if you say so,” Hank muttered. Connor nodded, looking back down as Sumo as if to confirm that the dog was still there.
            They were called in early the next day – a lead had been found for their case. One of the suspects had been seen entering a motel about a twenty minutes’ drive from Hank’s house.
            “You sure you’re good for this case?” Hank asked, glancing at Connor as they sped through the streets. Connor nodded.
            “Everything is in order,” he answered. “I ran repairs last night and should be functioning at full capacity – don’t worry about me.”          
            Hank grunted.
            “If you see anything strange, let me know, alright?” he said, and Connor nodded.
            “Of course,” he said.
            They arrived at the motel and talked with the owner, who said he hadn’t seen anyone who looked like the man on the image Connor showed him.
            “I think we’ll search around a bit anyway,” Hank said, and the owner nodded.
            “Just – don’t break anything please,” he said nervously.
            “Don’t worry, we don’t intend to disturb anyone,” Connor said.
            They worked their way from opposite ends of the motel, checking rooms and knocking on doors. About five minutes into the search, Hank let out a loud shout.
            “It’s him Connor!” he shouted from one of the rooms, and Connor turned to him in time to see a figure bursting away down the street. Without hesitating, he took off at a run.
            He ran through the streets, ducking through the sparse crowd and keeping on the tail of the man. He ducked into a building and slammed the door in Connor’s face. Connor slammed his shoulder into the door a few times before bursting into the building.
            He slowed, taking stock of his surroundings. It was run down and decrepit – obviously a place that should have been demolished long ago. Wary, he withdrew his gun and moved through the building.
            Silence greeted him as he made his way through the rooms. A silence so unnerving that Connor began to wonder if he really was in the right place – what if he still wasn’t functioning properly and had misread the situation?
            Then a gunshot rang through the building and he pushed those thoughts back, pounding through the rooms in the direction of the shot.
            The suspect was cowering in the corner, his gun raised and Hank was standing in front of him, his own gun trained on the man they had been hunting.
            Just as Connor began to relax another gunshot rang through the room and the world seemed to slow.
            Hank staggered back, blood blossoming over his chest. Connor lunged forward in a vain attempted to stop the bullet from hitting its mark, an animal scream bursting from his throat as his LED flashed red.
            “Hank!” The suspect scrambled out of the room, leaving Connor alone with the bleeding lieutenant.
            “No, no, no, no, no, no,” Connor cried, skidding to his knees beside Hank. “No!” This couldn’t be true. His heart was beating quickly and he cradled Hank in his lap. “Hank!” His voice broke as he tried to stop the bleeding in vain.
            He couldn’t do anything but watch as Hank’s eyes glazed over and his hands dropped limply.
            “Hank please don’t go.” Tears were leaking from his eyes despite his efforts to stop them.
            He spun, taken by surprise at the voice. Standing behind him was Hank – except it wasn’t Hank. His eyes were completely black and his face distorted, giving Connor a deep sense of unease and fear. It wasn’t Hank – it was some monster taking the form of Hank.
            He scrambled back, dragging Hank’s body with him as he tried to get away from the monster. It stepped forward.
            “You alright? What’s going on?” it asked. Its voice was low and wrong, putting Connor more on edge than he was already.
            “Go away,” he whispered, pulling Hank’s body close to him. “Please. Leave me alone.”
            “Woah, hey calm down Connor.” The monster crouched, its body language seeming unthreatening – but Connor knew better. It wanted to kill him.
            Hands shaking, Connor grabbed the gun Hank had dropped, raising it to level with the monster in front of him.
            “Hey, woah, it’s me.” The monster raised its hands, moving back slightly. “Connor, come on kid. This is all in your imagination – whatever you’re seeing it’s not real.”
            “No,” Connor whispered. How could it not be real? He could feel Hank’s still warm body pressed against him, he could see the monster looming over him, could smell the fresh blood in the air. How could this be fake?
            “It’s a virus. Remember the android you found the other day? He must have transferred the virus to you and it’s only begun to take effect recently.”
            His LED turned to yellow as he listened – hoping the monster was right. Hoping that despite the story his senses were telling him this was all fake. Because if it wasn’t – if it was true…
            He looked down at the limp form of Hank cradled in his lap. It couldn’t be true.
            “Hank?” he asked, looking up at the monster. The distortion on its face seemed to slip and for a moment he could see Hank, crouching in front of him, worrying painted on his face.
            “It’s me, kid,” he said. Then suddenly, the limp form of Hank vanished from his arms and the monster turned into his friend. He let out a sob of relief and lowered the gun, allowing himself to be pulled into Hank’s embrace.
            “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he gripped onto Hank, scared that he would turn out to be imaginary and fade away as well. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. It seemed so real.”
            “It’s okay, son,” Hank said, his solid presence comforting. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”
            “I don’t know what’s real,” Connor whimpered, suddenly understanding the fear the other android had felt. Hank shifted, moving back to look him in the eye.
            “I’ll help you figure it out, okay? We’ll get through this. I heard a cure was found for this particular virus – you’ll be up and running fine in no time, alright?” He pulled Connor into his embrace again and Connor closed his eyes, his LED returning to blue as he let himself believe that everything would be alright.
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khargaotte · 2 years
craft asks! 💚 🌿🌼💖please :)
Thanks so much for asking 🧡🧡
💚 How long have you been crafting and how did you get started?
I can't remember precisely how old I was, but my mom taught me the basis of knitting when I was a kid, like... 5-6? something like that? I made one scarf for my teddy bear, it was this horror that I found when clearing out stuff in my room (I'm still fond of it though because it's the first thing i ever made!)
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then I didn't really do anything for many years apart from attempting (and giving up on) small sewing projects every now and then (I also had a subscription to a W.I.T.C.H. arts and crafts box at some point it was fun). Then I started knitting again for real in 2015 when I moved to Paris and thought I would knit in the subway (which i never did bc not practical), and picked up sewing around the same time to try fixing holes in my pants!
🌿 What tips would you give a beginner? What is something you wish you had know when you started?
Tips for beginners (mostly focusing on knitting): don't be afraid of "complex" patterns! There's only really 6 things to know: how to start and stop a project, knit, purl, decrease and increase. Everything else is a combination of these six! What makes complex patterns hard is keeping track of things, not the techniques themselves.
Also, I recommend starting with a medium-thick yarn: I often see the super chunky ones advertised as beginner-friendly since they build up fast, but I find that they can be very frustrating bc mistakes are a lot more visible. And very thin yarns are...... A pain in the ass, though the results are worth it in terms of fineness of the work. But medium-thick yarns still build up fast, while being a bit more forgiving with irregularities in tension and stuff!
As for stuff I wish I had known: block your knitting! Knit that tension sample AND block it!! Press your seams!!! These are all steps that are so annoying to do but will yield results that just look so dang nice compared to what they will be if you skip these steps.
🌼 Do you have a project (current or a past one) you want to talk about?
ha i have many it's hard to chose
I'm still riding the hype of having finished the tapestry needlepoint the other day, like, look at these details!! It's still on the "ongoing/to-do" pile though because I want to turn it into a pillow for the couch but that requires 1/ finding tutorials 2/ buying filler material or a filler pillow 3/ teaching myself how to sew a zipper 4/ gathering materials and, finally, 5/ actually getting round to do it
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this project just gave me so much serotonin though because i had done a bit of needlepoint when i was a kid and i liked it a lot (mainly because i'm not creative enough for pretty embroidery, and i don't like cross-stitch, but i love the gesture of embroidering, so needlepoint is the perfect compromise for me!), and then a few years ago i'd stumbled into canevas fatal on social media but couldn't afford their canvases, and i re-discovered them this fall and....... woops, now I have money, and i'm ready and willing to give them a huge chunk of it (i also already have this one that my sister gifted me for Christmas along with the thread to make it and I am 100% using it as an incentive to finish a few ongoing projects before I get to it)
💖 Which one of your creations are you the proudest? Show off!
Once again I have many!!! But: this sock might be the most impressive thing I've done (tho, cf what i said in beginner advice: while visually impressive, it's actually just a matter of following the color pattern!!)
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(sidenote i actually hate doing colorwork with knitting, especially in the round, and also this sock is ever so slightly too small for my foot, so I do have a love-hate relationship with this project and have been procrastinating on making the second one for months)(also for the second one i'm reversing the color pattern!)
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