#our discord channel was made on 29th of april
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek should work nicely - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like!
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
One can definitely be set up closer to the start date!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 7 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator
Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?]
Wild Magic Surge table
Life events table
If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were chosen over a day or two while talking with friends - they were intended to be open-ended enough to allow flexibility while also touching on key elements of the ship! Some obvious ones (ex: courage, heart, that sort of thing) were left out so that, hopefully, they could be included next year. If there's enough interest, future prompts could be chosen via fan poll.
Will this be an annual event?
We sure hope so! Hence optimistically keeping back some prompt ideas for the future. Let's see how this goes ;3
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode.
So why did you announce this so early?
Because Maggie has been a gremlin about the idea since April. Also, most fans in this space are adults with jobs and responsibilities - allowing more time to create without a rush benefits everyone.
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell and @blorbologist! If the event expands beyond our abilities, we will look into taking on other users to help out - you'll know if we need a hand <333
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #41
We pick up this session right where we left the other one. Z47r and Sergeant Carl discuss the situation on the floor they’re currently on, and Carl notes that the elevator seems to be stuck, as well as there being a breach in one sector, but other than that they should be ready to head down. Z47r agrees, he sends one of his skitarii with servitors to check the place Carl noted and goes himself to check the elevator wtih the rest of his servitors (including Vivek), letting Carl know that there are supplies for the Sable Swords upstairs, and that he should take the new-comers (aka our heroes) under his wing. Gorm calls out after Z47r and requests a servitor to refill his jump-pack, pointing at a non-Vivek servitor. Z47r waves the servitor forward, and he begins to work. Gorm pretty quickly reprimands the servitor on doing a bad job and requests another, this time pointing at Vivek. Z47r sends instead one of his skitarii to do the job.
Gorm asks Carl if they could talk in private and Carl suggests Gorm and friends come along as he goes to pick up the supplies. So they make their way back to the upper levels of the ship. Gorm explains that the AdMech friend he was asking after is one of the servitors, and Carl says he is sorry to hear that. Gorm also mentions that Uffe has promised to kill him, so they need him back, as they don’t want to do that in front of the tech-priest. Carl asks if there has been a mistake in making him a servitor, and Gorm says no, he’s no innocent but not a bad man either. Carl suggests that doing the killing downstairs would make it easy to make it seem like it was because of the rot, so that’s something they can work with, if need be. Carl has worked with Vivek the servitor, so he could probably get him to the position.
Saef interrupts this conversation by opening up a telepathic channel between himself, Gorm, Gimlet and Uffe. Uffe turns to give Saef a glare. Gorm quickly gets Carl rambling on about the latest exploits of Stuart the Sable Sword, so he doesn’t notice the sudden silence. Saef explains to them that Vivek attempted to communicate with him very much in the same way as Eden had in the past. He isn’t quite sure what it means, but things might be different than what they seem. Gorm points out that Uffe’s promise was to Vivek, not to Eden, and that they agreed not to step in the way. Saef concedes to that, but says they should attempt to communicate with Vivek first anyway.
While they’re on this telepathic call, Gimlet says he has an idea how to get Vivek away from the tech-priest. Technically, he could confiscate Vivek as evidence with his Inquisitional powers. This seems like an agreeable idea. Gorm even says maybe this is a time where Gimlet’s badge might do some good, but there is some information Gorm needs from the tech-priest, so he wants to talk with him first, before Gimlet starts burning bridges.
With that agreed, they return back to where they left the retinue. Z47r is busy with the elevator, Stuart the Sable Sword is keeping the doors open with his muscles. Z47r finishes whatever he is doing by tossing a fire bomb down the elevator shaft and lets everyone know that once the fire has burned out, they can start moving down.
Gorm pulls Z47r away from the others, and lets him know that he is on a Fenris-sanctioned mission, and he believes that Z47r has some information about a Space Wolf that has been spotted with AdMechs on Orchard Mountain. Z47r says he has no reason not to help Fenris and says that he indeed can track the Wolf in question, but not here. He needs to go back to Triplex Phall for that, but he says he can do this after he is done here. Gorm asks Z47r to promise that he will do so, and the tech-priest says he aims to serve.
Thus satisfied, the two return and Gimlet goes to Z47r next, asking him about the Inquisitor murdered on the ship. Z47r says he doesn’t know anything about it, though he has heard it happened. He supposes one of his servitors might have spotted something, but he asks for Gimlet’s credentials vis-a-vis questioning about this, and Gimlet whips out the Inquistional badge. Z47r says he prefers people keeping their badges visible (Gorm agrees in the distance), and then asks if he should be recording this conversation. Gimlet says there’s no need, but Z47r says he’s going to do it anyway.
Z47r calls over the servitor who delivered the evacuation notice to Inquisitor Engarde, and takes out a video from his eye and shows it on a wrist mounted screen of his (v high-tech). The video shows the servitor going to tell Engarde about the evacuation. As he leaves, he runs into a woman who is hiding her face, who Gimlet recognizes as Inpax. The servitor continues relaying the evacuation notices to people around, and Inpax disappears into the room where Engarde is. They begin a conversation but it is cut off by the door closing. Some time afterwards there is a shout from Inpax: “You did this to me!” and a gun shot. So that’s that then.
Gimlet has another request from Z47r, namely that he needs to get a hold of a servitor in the tech-priest’s retinue. Z47r asks for what purposes, and Gimlet fudges the truth somewhat, saying it is related to his case looking into Inquisitor Inpax. Z47r makes Gimlet sign some forms, and informs him that the Mechanicus are expecting a full report on what the servitor contains, so they can see whether it counts towards the AdMechs’ yearly tithes to the Inquisition. But those things done, Z47r hands Vivek out to Gimlet without any more fuss.
Our heroes feel it prudent to take their servitor-friend to a safe place, so they head off once again, promising to join the rest with Nurgle stuff as soon as they can. As soon as they are off ear-shot from the rest, Vivek opens his mouth and very emotionelessly says that “this is an unfortunate turn of events”. It is very apparent that it is not Vivek talking, but Eden, who has taken over while Vivek is away. Eden is apparently aware of Vivek’s and Uffe’s deal but makes it known that Vivek is not gone, and he could be saved, but he needs help from our heroes. The thing is, that Vivek-Eden were going to leave for Triplex Phall, but got caught between Inpax and Navin (aka Vivek’s brother, Eden uses that name, because that’s what he’s getting from Vivek’s brain). And in that moment, Eden overrode Vivek and chose the tech-priest, and thus the servitor-ing. It was a logical choice, because the whole point of putting parts of Eden into Vivek was about Inquisition not getting their hands on certain things, but obviously Eden is aware that is not what Vivek wanted, hence he argues for saving him. Gimlet asks Eden what it would entail, and more on the situation that led to this. Eden mentions that he can’t no longer feel the other part of himself, that he was previously connected with, the part in Inpax’ prison. That might mean that part is dead, or it might not.
Gorm and Uffe lag a bit behind and talk in Fenrisian. Gorm asks Uffe how he is feeling about what he thinks he should do, and what Vivek exactly asked him to do. Uffe is clearly conflicted. At this point they have gone to the elevator, which Uffe stops, so they or rather he, can make the decision. Saef uses telepathy and says he can feel Vivek in there still. Uffe kneels down and tries to look for Vivek in his empty eyes. He says that he can’t let Vivek suffer, but he can’t let him go either, if there’s a chance he could be saved. (and there is a chance Vivek can’t be fixed, which will be the end to both him and the parts of Eden in him)
So they take Vivek to the medbay. For the operation Eden needs someone who’s decent with Tech (Gimlet) and someone who’s decent with Medicae (Gorm). Saef goes to Larssen to get some tech equipment to help with the procedure, he’ll also remain on stand-by just in case things start going south. Gorm suggests Uffe goes outside for the time, but says he’ll call if he is needed, if things go wrong. Uffe agrees to this.
Eden takes off the top half of Vivek’s jumpsuit, revealing the barely closed surgery scars along his spine, as well as the bullet hole from where Gimlet shot him and a set of extremely poorly healed claw marks on his lower back. Gorm recites a small prayer. Then it is time to start the surgery. It goes mostly well, all things considered, though there is definitely a moment when they’re hovering near Vivek’s spine and brain that Gorm draws in a deep breath that may or may not count as a “woops”. But overall, the operation is a success, and Eden says he’ll reboot Vivek and he should be alright.
Uffe is called back into the room (and Gimlet notices he has been crying a bit), and they wait for Vivek to wake up. He does, after a bit. Vivek sits up on the surgical table and informs everyone he can’t feel his remaining arm anymore (can you say woops?). He asks if Saef has any clothes he could borrow, as grey servitor overalls isn’t really his style, and Saef lends him a kittie-hoodie (and helps him put it on).
Vivek gets to his feet and goes to Uffe, who pulls him into a tight hug. Vivek murmurs a quiet apology against Uffe’s shoulder and tells him he’s alright. So Vivek is alright, also kind of pissed off at Eden for overriding him, but he doesn’t know what to do about it yet. Gimlet offers him his flask, but Vivek denies the offer. He points out that he heard everything that was said, while servitor, Inquisitor (acolyte, corrects Gimlet). Vivek is clearly in need of a smoke, but unfortunately his current attire hasn’t come with a pack. Uffe pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, that he got from Terra. Vivek comments about Uffe keeping up a bad habit of his, and Uffe retorts he doubts this would be the moment Vivek would be quitting anyway.
Gimlet asks what Inpax was doing on New Dawn, and Vivek says he didn’t stop to ask, but presumes Inpax had learned of him being there. Gimlet says he didn’t tell Inpax, but perhaps Alex had (though that was not his task?). Gorm says that he hopes this lesson of a friend being untrustworthy resonates deep with Gimlet and Gimlet points out if it was Alex he was just doing his job.
Our heroes question Vivek about the whole Harlequin seer, Nurgle’s rot thing, and Vivek says he doesn’t know if this is going as it was supposed to at all. It was Vivek who contacted his brother, partly because he knew that he could deal with the infestation. But also for another reason, because there was something in Sergeant Kuru’s memories, and that something was the fact that the four AdMechs under Eden’s care are not the only ones with the mutated life-eater virus, Vivek’s brother has it, and so might potentially a large segment of Triplex Phall AdMech population. He was planning on having him and his Triplex Phall friends break into his brother’s base while his brother was busy on New Dawn to look for any clues, but got caught. Vivek suspects that his brother’s sponsor X56r might be behind it, but he isn’t sure. Whatever the case, he needs to find out what is going on, but he can’t full-well drive like this (points at paralyzed arm). Gorm says they’re going to Triplex Phall anyway, so they might as well look into it, as he suspects Uffe might have gotten the virus too, which is not great. It means Vivek’s brother will have to come with. (Vivek lets everyone know he wishes his brother not be killed, at least not for his sake)
Well things are settled then. Vivek will go to Cayenne’s ship once it arrives (soon, says a text message). The others will go help Z47r with the Nurgle. Gorm and Saef give Vivek hugs (and none for Gimlet) and off they go!
#long post#wag rp#wag rp writeup#next sesh some actual nurgle stuff :D#finally!#forty sessions jfc#that's a lot of sessions#happy one year of me asking ppl to join this rp#character creation session anniversary is 7th of may#9th of may i mean#anniversary of first sesh is 26th of may#16th of may god why am i so bad with dates in these tags??#dunno which one to celebrate#our discord channel was made on 29th of april#happy general one year anniversaryness for few weeks#campaign tag: some nurgle but mostly soap opera
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In case the hints the last couple days didn’t make it obvious... THE MAKE IT MUSICAL FEST IS BACK FOR 2022!!! Everything is basically the same as last year with a couple of minor tweaks:
PODFICS! Any fic written for the fest last year can be claimed for a podfic to be included in this year’s collection.
AIRTABLE! We will be using AirTable for prompt submission and claiming.
Full Fest Rules can be found HERE, or below the break.
The Harry Potter Make it Musical Fest is made possible by the Producers (aka fest mods): @sunflower-swan @pandora-rose-xo @hellocinnamonfreckles and @sophhao3
The HP Make It Musical Fest is an anonymous fanfic fest with prompts inspired by musicals and/or songs from musicals. It will be run similar to other fests, though every fest and its mods are different, please be sure to read all the rules and ask any questions that may arise.
Timeline Prompting begins: April 15th, 9:00 am EDT Prompting ends: April 29th, 9:00 pm EDT Claiming begins: May 1st, 9:00 am EDT Works due: June 26th, 11:59 pm EDT Anonymous posting begins: July 10th Reveals: TBD
Fest Rules
All writers must be 16+ years of age. If you are under 18, then your work must be rated G or T on AO3.
1k word count minimum, no maximum.
Self-prompting is allowed. If you are going to self-prompt, then do not put it on the prompt form as this will make it available for everyone to claim. Self-prompts will be listed on the claiming form. If you have a question about your self-prompt, then please email us ([email protected]).
One claim per prompt - this will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
No beastiality, incest, or underage fics allowed. For this fest, “underage” means explicit sexual content between characters where at least one is under the age of 18.
Any pairing or multi allowed.
Any rating allowed.
All warnings must be tagged. When in doubt, over-tagging is safer than under-tagging.
No use of “Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings”.
Fics must be new, stand-alone, created only for this fest, and complete at the time of posting.
Crossovers are allowed - at least one main character must be from the Harry Potter fandom.
Writers must have an AO3 account. If you need assistance with this, then let us know.
Use of alpha/betas is encouraged. (There will be an alpha/beta channel in the Discord server.)
This is an anonymous fest. Please do not discuss specifics about your fic outside of your alpha and/or beta.
Sometimes real life gets in the way and you may need to drop out or get an extension. Please let us know as soon as possible via fest email ([email protected]) so we know whether we’re waiting on your submission or not.
When anon posting begins, we will post one work to the fest Tumblr and Discord each weekday with a link back to AO3. On Saturday a Weekly Round-Up will be posted. This will continue until we run out of fics and will end with a Master Post and Author Reveals.
No cross-posting until after the author reveals.
The fest account, MakeItMusical_Producers, must be added as a co-creator to your work. (We will drop our co-creator status as soon as the author reveals occur.)
NEW Podfic category this year! Any fic written for the fest last year is eligible to be podficced and included in this year’s fest collection.
Each person may submit up to four prompts, anonymous or not, and include the following:
Musical Title, and/or
Song title from said musical, and/or
Preferred character/pairing (may leave up to writer’s preference),
Maximum rating (may leave up to writer’s preference),
Special Requests
Writers are not obligated to follow every single detail of the prompt, but if they plan on gifting their fic to the prompter, then they should attempt to adhere to the original prompt if possible.
It is not mandatory to submit a prompt in order to claim a prompt, and vice versa. You may claim without submitting, or submit without claiming.
Submission Rules
All submissions will be hosted on AO3. If you are unsure how to do this in any way, then do not hesitate to contact us and we will help guide you through it.
After you complete your fic and post it to the AO3 collection, then send an email to [email protected] with the following information. (This is what we will use in Tumblr and Discord posts so be sure to double-check that everything is exactly how you want it to appear.)
SUBJECT LINE: Submission - Prompt # - Creator Name
BODY OF EMAIL: Title: (The title of your fic goes here.) Author: (Your AO3 penname.) Tumblr: (If you have a Tumblr, then list your handle here.) Prompt #: Ship: (If applicable.) Rating: (For more information, see the Ratings and Warnings section of the Archive Terms of Service.) Wordcount: Content Tags: Summary: Link to work on AO3:
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The warmth of the Goddess’ blessing has blanketed the land in a rich array of color, and the people whisper their prayers for the year’s crop to grow bountiful under her care. As they wait, hearts and minds turn to thoughts of love and friendship, women weaving fresh petals into lush garlands as gifts for close friends, or to court the attention of a hopeful lover.
With the warmer weather comes more activity along the continent’s coastline, however. The city of Enbarr, the capital of the Adrestian Empire, has long enjoyed its position as the largest and wealthiest port of southern Fódlan. Its reputation for safe and secure trade has been called into question though after a recent string of stolen shipments occurred in Adrestian waters. The Church has heard the desperate pleas of the people, and now sends you to investigate the matter and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Black Eagles Mission: Investigate the thefts!
Welcome to TOA’s first house-centric mission season since April! This season’s mission will be focused on the Black Eagle house, but there are also non-mission tasks available as well. (Please see the FAQ for details on how this works, even if you’ve read the FAQ before.)
Aside from the BE mission, there are other fun things taking place! This season will run from Garland Moon to Blue Sea Moon in TOA canon, but since it’s November-December in real life, some of our non-mission tasks are going to be in honor of the holidays (Fódlan celebrates Thanksgiving in June and Christmas in July)! Take a look!
BE Mission Task Board
Enbarr, the Imperial Capital, the crowning jewel of Fódlan, the place where Saint Seiros first alighted on this continent, the genesis of all civilization… A city that predates the Empire itself is bound to be filled with rich history and places to see. Take advantage of his opportunity and see what you can find!
The merchants, based on their personal experience, claim that the attackers were simply pirates, with no specific targets except for anyone with potential loot. Their stories share one consistent fact: that the pirates flew a yellow banner, bearing the emblem of a brown horse leaping over a lemon. They would investigate, if only they had the funds and supplies. Hey–so long as you’re bothering them all the time, why not help them out? Time is money, and you’re wasting theirs!
The nobility, having done their own investigations, claim that they have spotted ships flying a flag with a very specific emblem on it, one that originates from the Dagdan continent. They’ve always considered this truce with Dagda to be a fragile one at best, and the youngest of the group are itching for a chance to go to war. They’re also not too happy about potentially sharing the glory–you’ll have to work whatever magic you have if you want them to give up anything valuable.
You’ve learned about defensive structures from studying the battlements of Garreg Mach, but Enbarr offers a fresh perspective on city defense in an area that you’ve had little opportunity to study: defending against attacks from the sea. Enbarr’s city-watch has gladly allowed students and faculty of the Officers Academy to marvel at their state-of-the-art onagers, crucial for fending off enemy ships. It’s a unique opportunity, so you better not squander it! [Bows +1]
One way or the other, you find yourself on a ship to patrol Enbarr’s shores. It’s a tense journey, to be sure, and you watch as the sailors frequently look out to the ocean for the marauders. An alarm bell rings above you, and the crew erupts in a panic. “They’re here! They’re coming!” None of your professors have ever taught you how to fight on a boat, but sometimes experience is the best teacher. Hope you’re a quick study! [Any Weapon +1]
NEW! At last there’s a breakthrough in the investigation. A patrol brings news of an isle off the northern coast that seems to have some sort of habitation, evinced by the boats seen coming to and from the place. You’re sent to check it out from a safe distance and report your findings to the Knights of Seiros. The ocean, however, has other plans, and a sudden storm turns the waters rough as you enter the shallows. Whether you’ve planned for it or not, you’ve found yourself washed ashore this island... There’s smoke rising from the trees in the distance. Good news? Probably not. [Grants Gauntlet +1]
NEW! There’s a smaller isle off the coast of the larger one, and at a glance it seems to be nothing more than a collection of rocks. Someone in your party insists on investigating it, and sure enough... it’s an island made entirely of jagged rock. But before you shove off again to spend your time more wisely, you stumble across what appears to be a trapdoor buried beneath the stone. Inside? A treasure cache of gold, odd trinkets, and - strangely - a ridged, bone-white weapon that bears a resemblance to one you’ve seen before...
Non-Mission Task Board
The Garland Moon has come once again and brings, well, the garlands! The Pages of the Blessed Incunabula, a book club, is hosting their annual costume contest! Dress as your interpretation of characters from songs and stories and enter to see if you win! There is a category for each house, encouraging students to use their own country’s folktales. Winners get the special Lion’s Garland, a gigantic wreath of flowers that is traditionally refused by the victor and granted instead to a close friend or (potential) lover. Make your costume and fantasize about who you’ll give the Garland to (or grumble about why you can’t keep it for yourself).
Have you been searching for a hobby that blends your singing talent and love for melodrama? Well, search no more! Thespian blood runs through your veins, and the Garreg Mach Theatre Club is in need of fresh meat–ah, members–to fill their ranks for the Choir Festival! Whether you’re singing your heart out, building the sets, or making constant references to your favorite opera, help put on a musical rendition of The Lament of Saint Macuil! [Faith or Authority +1]
The Inter-House Reception is a traditional event on the 29th of the Garland Moon intended to bring down walls between students of different backgrounds at the academy. This year, it’s a grand feast in a potluck style! Bring your own dishes to the dining hall and share with all your friends. Try not to poison them though.
Wild beasts have been spotted in great flocks outside the walls of Garreg Machs. The giant birds don’t seem to be gathering to attack the monastery, but the Church can’t be too careful. Go figure out what’s been calling the creatures to the fields in such large numbers, but try not to be maimed for inciting their territorial defense. Befriend them, hunt them, or maybe even try to tame them -- good luck! [grants Flying or Riding +1]
NEW! The Rite of Rebirth is one of the most important days of the year, and in some ways also one of the most dangerous. With the Holy Tomb open to visitors for a single day, security needs to be tight to handle the massive crowds coming from all over the continent. Students with availability have been asked to help patrol. Hopefully no one causes a commotion. [Grants Lance +1]
NEW! There’s a special tea brewed for the Rite of Rebirth. The leaves must be kept fresh, so there’s no stock of them in the monastery. Archbishop Rhea calls a handful of students with free time to venture into the mountains to gather the incandescent flowers that grow at its peak. The mountain is under protection of the monastery and frequently patrolled by the Knights so the trek should not be dangerous. But as you near the top, you find that snow has blanketed the peak. Even stranger than that are the houses built out of ice, though no one seems to live here. Is this the work of magic or... something else? Whatever the case, you decide to take some time to enjoy this mid-summer winter wonderland.
NEW! As the sky is believed to be the home of the Goddess, the stars are thought to be the souls who have departed this world to join her. With the shorter nights, the Blue Sea Moon is the month when the barrier between the world of mortals and the world of the divine is thought to be the thinnest. Late at night, when the sun has finally disappeared completely, the people of Fódlan take some time to commune with their departed loved ones.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the divided task board work?
This season’s mission is assigned to the Black Eagles. Therefore, tasks from the ‘BE Mission Task Board’ must be undertaken by someone that is affiliated with the Black Eagles.
Tasks from the ‘Non-Mission Task Board’ have no house restriction and can be undertaken by anyone.
These aren’t the only threads I can do, right?
Of course not! These are just prompts to help give some ideas of possibilities. You’re always free and encouraged to make up your own threads. You’re also more than welcome to worldbuild on your own, using these prompts as a base.
How do I claim the skill points?
In order to qualify for the skill point, the thread must clearly allude to the listed task and preferably feature the task being completed; however, the point can still be claimed even if your muses narratively fail the task (failure is sometimes just as fun to write as success, after all). You do not need to message the masterlist to claim your skill point.
Can I only do one task?
Nope, you can do as many as you’d like with as many different partners as you’d like! You can do the same task with more than one person! However, you can only claim the skill point for each task once.
What if my partner leaves or drops a skill point thread?
If the dropped thread has at least 2 notes (not counting likes, only reblogs with replies in them) and you have hit at least 400 words on your end, you may still claim the skill point.
Remember to use (and track!) the #toa open tag for any open threads, and you can also post a link to your open thread on the appropriate Discord channel! If you have any other questions or concerns, shoot us a message through the masterlist or on Discord!
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‘Bout to drop a lot of info, so please read this post thoroughly, and like it when you’re done!
The gang is off to the dazzling lights of Los Angeles, California! Below is the schedule of events: this whole event will run from Monday 27th April (9pm GMT) to Monday, 4th May (9pm GMT), with the scope to expand if we feel we need a few days to wrap up threads. As always, threads will be able to be wrapped up after this time, but new ones may not be started.
An important thing to note is that there will not be dash posts during this time. All interactions will be in our usual face to face format, which includes speech marks to indicate an in-character interaction, and can, but does not have to, contain description. And, as always, other forms of communication are allowed and encouraged – tweets, instagram posts, calls, and texts are all fine, just no tumblr dash posts.
We will be having one mandatory event (the trip to Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park) on the final weekend of the trip, which would be Friday for our characters, but, for us, will be Friday 9pm GMT to Sunday 9pm GMT. This is the one we’ll be using our Discord for. We will also be introducing an IC group chat on the Discord for the duration of the trip.
Please feel free to use the free days to have your characters hang out (and get drunk/messy pls and thank). This includes hosting parties in smaller groups – such as a group of roomies hosting a party in their room, and maybe inviting one or two others. You do you, but please post in the plotting channel if any mini events are planned -- these can also be played out in the event discord if you want!
The gang will room in the following groups:
ROOM 1: Hannah, Hepburn, Ivy, Saskia.
ROOM 2: Miles, Cameron, Levi.
ROOM 3: Zeke, Harry.
ROOM 4: Clara, Marci, Elena.
Micah Anderson is unable to attend the trip due to his parole agreement.
The events below are to give you a few ideas of what people are up to. Your character does not have to take part in every event, but this is an idea of what most people will hopefully be doing each day. The ‘free day’ has two purposes: one, to allow you to post any new and unrelated starters with your own ideas, and two, to give you time to wrap up threads from previous days. Please title and/or tag your threads accordingly so we know which day each thread is for.
Luckily for our gang, the weather forecast is beautiful for LA during that time – at least, according to the made-up weather channel I’m watching. It will vary between a nice 25c to 30c (California has swapped to Celsius now). As they’ll be near the beach, please assume any and all water or nature related activities are available – the Airbnb they’re in will also have whatever facilities you want to include, be it games, a hot tub, a pool, a deck with a beautiful view -- it’s like the RoR from Harry Potter. And the city of LA is obviously there for them to explore, whether you pick big tourist spots or hidden gems.
Okay. Enough info. Here is the schedule for the week! I’ll post each day on the main what they’re up to, and as always, shoot me any questions if anything was confusing!
27th: ARRIVAL & HOLLYWOOD SIGN/GRIFFITHS OBSERVATORY HIKE 28th: free day (suggested: Santa Monica Pier) 29th: DINNER AT COOPER ANDERSON’S 30th: free day (suggested: Hollywood Walk of Fame) 1st-3rd: TRIP TO KNOTT’S BERRY FARM (only Friday for our characters, so they’d be up to other touristy things throughout the weekend) 4th: DEPARTURE: No need to play this out, so use this day to start wrapping up threads!
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Drink'N'Draw on Twitch !
Hello, everybody! A few weeks have passed since my last post, so some new sessions of Drink'N'Draw online too! So I post here our collective participations, always made on Aggie.io. :) Let's start with the theme of April 22th: cars.
And here's the zoom on my performance.
So for those who didn't know, I take this opportunity to reveal an old passion that resurfaced during the year 2019 thanks to a buddy: Formula 1. I'll talk about that again in the future. :p Here, I illustrated the reigning world champion: Lewis Hamilton who races for Mercedes. I've planned two more illustrations on the same theme. They are in progress, but as they are a bit ambitious and as I don't want to delay Tarkhan Skullkiller more, it is taking time. Then, the theme of April 29th was dedicated to a crossover comics between Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As our dear friend JD has bathe us a little (let's call a spade a spade :p ) with his theme, we kind of sabotaged it. =D
A little zoom on my... performance... I wanted to do something completely ridiculous, so I drew Rita, the very first vilain in Power Rangers series with a turtle shell. If someone had told me that one day I would draw that character...
Then comes the theme of May 6th: Tales of Zestiria. If I understood everything correctly, it's an anime from the video game series Tales of.
Here is a little zoom in on my illustration. Not much to say this time. We don't know enough about this theme and we've stayed nice. I'm pretty happy with the colors I made.
And finally, last week's theme: Ellen Ripley from Alien. As there were more of us this time, we had to work on 2 different files.
This time I tried a new range of colours for a completely different atmosphere.
That's all for this time. Next Wednesday (May 20) we will address a theme that is dear to my heart.
Knights of the Zodiac !!!
More precisely, we will linger on the 5 five bronze knights who lost the galactic tournament at the beginning of the manga, namely Jabu the Unicorn, Geki the Bear, Ichi the Hydra, Ban the Little Lion and finally Nachi the Wolf!
As usual, we will meet from 8pm in audio conference on Discord and we will draw on Aggie.io. This time we'll try something new. For those who don't plan to draw but still want to watch, we will broadcast the drawing session on Twitch. As this is a test, to start with we'll do it on my own channel. That's all for today. If you feel like coming to draw with us, the doors are open to everyone! :) Have a nice week and see you soon! Suisei
P.S. If you want miss no news and if you haven't already done so, you can subscribe to the newsletter here : suiseipark.com/User/SubscribeNewsletter/language/english/
Source : https://www.suiseipark.com/News/Entry/id/268/language/english/
#formula 1#lewis hamilton#mercedes#Power Rangers#Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles#Tales of Zestiria#Ellen Ripley#Alien#Saint Seiya
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