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Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 20)
Getting ready for a party was stressful in it's own right. As it turned out.
After dropping off Tera at the nursery and saying a quick hello to Mrs. Rayn, both drones near sprinted back to their respective apartments, Uzi hadn't brought anything extra accept her pajamas, and needed to find something formal to wear.
The way Thad had described it, he was throwing a do-over Prom. After the official one was accompanied with murder and chaos, so it was encouraged, but not required, to wear formal clothes.
And Uzi thanked her oversentimetal post-prom self for looking for other dresses after the fact. She didn't mind the one she wore at prom, it was actually one of the things her dad had gotten right about her style, but she'd wanted something… more.
So, she dug out her chosen dress and it's accessories and tried it on for the first time in almost four months.
It was a dark purple dress that was a little shorter than the one she'd worn at prom, with a leather lined collar with a black skull sitting right at the center of her chest. It was perfect, especially with the gold that ran through it in subtle vine-like patterns.
She totally hadn't picked it out because the little bit of gold had reminded her of her the golden boy. No, not at all.
She ditched her beanie this time, deciding to actually do something with her hair for once even if that something was just comb through it.
As a final touch, she snapped on a bracelet she'd found that she'd liked, it was spiked, but honestly it fit the asthetic pretty well, and just edgy enough that even though it was jewelry, she didn't mind wearing it.
Looking back into the mirror, she looked… good, and for the first time in ever. She felt that she looked good too, maybe because it was actually something she had picked out this time, or maybe she just felt better about herself now than compared to Prom.
N did not put so much thought into his.
It wasn't that he didn't want to it was just that he only had the one suit. And he hadn't really bothered to go out looking for more clothes. So that's what he wore, and he was thankful that Uzi had patched it up for him after he'd gotten bisected.
He still looked dapper though, so his lack of effort didn't bother him so much.
And then they were both off again, racing to meet each other at the first (or third, as they were inside) door, excitement and nervousness mixing together in an exhilarating combination that seemed to vibrate off N and tighten uncomfortably inside Uzi.
N came to the door first, no doubt aided by his long AF legs and how fast he'd been walking, he glanced around excitedly, but even being able to peer over the several heads of drones that were also making there way outside didn't help him spot her out.
And that was because she wasn't there yet. She was currently one with a sea of people, getting caught in it due to her size and how quickly the wave was moving through the hall. She was actually getting beaten around a bit, trying to make her way through without using her tail to frighten people away from her, despite the temptation.
Finally, N saw a group of people come around the corner and spit Uzi out of them rather violently, she also didn't look entirely happy about it either, shooting back a glance at the group before looking around and making eye contact with him.
If he hadn't already fallen, he might have in that moment.
She looked gorgeous, the deep purples in her dress combined with the sparkling golden lines cutting through it, the black little skull over where her core would be. Her hair was free of her beanie and a little spiked bracelet rested on her wrist that seemed to bring the whole thing together.
He felt his face heat up before she even reached him. If he thought her Prom dress looked good on her, this was leagues better.
“Oh w-wow. You look really pretty in that…” He said almost the moment she was in earshot, making her pause and a blush to take over her face as well.
“Uh thanks… you wore the suit from Prom?”
She asked back, clearly trying to talk through her fluster instead of stewing in it. She also may or may not have felt a little proud of herself for garnering that sort of reaction out of him.
“Yeah, it's the only thing I had…” He faltered a little, picking on the sleeve of his suit out of nervousness.
“Hey it's not bad! You look just as good!” She hurriedly tried to comfort him but only ended up making them both fluster more, N couldn't help but smile though, and he closed the gap between them, standing at her side.
“Dapper Buddies?” He asked goofily, referencing himself, and holding her shoulder, making her roll her eyes and also reference herself, by elbowing him lightly, although it wasn't even hard enough to knock the wind out of him, much less hurt.
“Come on.” She laughed as they followed another group outside, only for them both to gasp in awe as the scene unfolded before them
If one thing was clear, Thad definitely knew how to throw a party.
There was a huge temporary stage put up, with giant salvaged speakers on either side currently blaring EDM as loud as they could, string lights were hung on the buildings above them, and several tables of bot-safe food framed what was clearly the dance floor, which had been cleared of snow and a thick black tarp laid down to keep the snow melted.
“Holy crap.” Uzi said first, looking over at N who was still taking it all in for a moment before looking back at her, he let out a giddy laugh before taking her wrist and near sprinting into the main party, making her yelp before she was dragged along.
Thankfully N parted the crowd pretty well and when they stopped they were by one of the tables near the stage, they both had to turn down the volume on their audio receptors in order to prevent from damaging them.
Despite not being able to hear each other, they both laughed at how obnoxiously loud the music was, and N looked behind them to the table, where there was a bowl of batteries, small screws and washers, and copper wiring.
Eyeing a battery suspiciously, he popped one in his mouth, where it sparked and popped as his fangs peirced it, the feeling almost made him jump, but it wasn't unpleasant, and the resulting discharge made him feel slightly more energized, even if it quickly faded.
He caught Uzi in one of his visor eyes, laughing at his reaction before thrusting her hand in the bowl and taking an entire handful. She smirked at him before throwing back the whole handful into her mouth and biting down, hard.
The sparking and popping was audible this time, and it nearly filled her mouth with it's intensity, the shock was so great it made some of Uzi's hair stand on end as her eyelights glew a little brighter for a moment as her system absorbed the energy.
To N it was as adorable as it was funny, he laughed as she struggled with chewing the popping snack and tried to pat down her static filled hair, all the while trying not to laugh with batteries in her mouth.
The song died down, leaving only the constant wind that was usually howling itself horse to fill the silence, even if right now it was the equivalent to a light (freezing cold) breeze.
“Hey everybody!” Thad's voice came booming from the speakers as both drones turned their volume back up, he was standing on the stage, looking completely in his element as he gestured the crowd of teens and young adults.
“Thank you for coming out tonight! Hopefully this makes up for Prom yeah?”
Most of the crowd yelled back a “yeah!” And somebody screamed, because somebody always screamed.
“Alright! I got a couple bands to play tonight, and after that, I'll be your DJ till morning!” He said the last part a little louder, pumping his fist up in the air and hyping the crowd up more.
“Let's get this freaking started!” He yelled out, and the crowd vibrated in anticipation as the first band came out to set up, Uzi and N looked at each other in the moment of relative silence.
“Wow, He's actually kinda good at hyping people up isn't he?” N asked, and Uzi smiled back, laughing lightly.
“Are you kidding? This is Thad at his best.”
“Hey M'n’Ms! Zi!” Speaking of, the jock in question came sprinting off steps of the stage towards them, waving with a huge smile on his face.
“You guys made it!” He exclaimed, stopping short of running into the both of them in his excitement. Uzi was right, Thad looked like he was consumed by excitement, the chill persona eclipsed by the side of him that was a party animal.
“Told you we were, even if I had to drag Uzi here.” N replied, earning him a light hit in the chest, Thad only laughed.
“I was a little worried about that after the last time we spoke, glad he was able to wear you down Uzi.” He turned to her with a smile before his face got a little serious.
“Oh! Hey if you guys have any trouble tonight you come get me yeah? There's a lot more people here then I was expecting… so I don't know who you'll run into.” Thad bring any sort of serious about anything was… off-putting, but they both nodded before a voice cut through the crowd.
“Thad! Over here!” He looked up and waved happily at someone in the crowd, and he gave them both a wave goodbye as he sprinted bravely into the mass of moving bodies.
Soon after, the sound of instrumentation started to waft from onstage, Uzi and N moved farther away from the speakers, but still avoided the dense sea of people in the center, moving somewhere towards the back near a keg that said “Oil”
“Oh! What is this?” Being farther away from the blaring speaker allowed them to actually hear each other, but as N reached for a cup to fill, Uzi grabbed his hand and moved it away.
“That's fermented N, it'll get you drunk.” She explained, pointing out the several drones who were already slurring their speech and inventing weird dances on the dance floor.
“That's a thing?”
She nodded before glancing around for anything to drink that wasn't fermented, but found nothing but more kegs that likely all had the same thing in them.
“Looks like thats the only thing that's here… N!” She looked back at N to see him sipping lightly out of a cup filled with the stuff, he looked over at her with a grin.
“Hey I'm just tasting it! Plus it'll be through my system in like an hour anyway… my filters are too strong for it to last very long.” He shrugged as he took another sip.
“It's… really sweet…” He hummed as he seemed to drink from it more deeply, curiosity got the better of her and she got her own cup, filling it up from the keg before taking a swig of it.
N was right, it was sweet, almost too sweet, like someone had dumped five pounds of sugar in it before mixing it. But she still found herself liking it, weather it was because she'd actually liked the taste or it was the solver making it taste better she wasn't entirely sure.
“See?” He chuckled as they both stayed there awhile, not exactly getting drunk but absolutely drinking enough for them both to start feeling it in their processors, Uzi began to laugh lightly at a little bit of everything and N felt his nerves begin to melt away from him, looking at Uzi freely with half-lidded eyes as she giggled at essentially nothing.
A slow song began to play from the band onstage, and the crowded dance floor cleared out a bit leaving only couples that had paired up on it, he looked back at Uzi, face lit up by the string lights she was following with her eyes, and, without thinking;
“Would you wanna dance?” He asked rather abruptly, a fact that normally would have made him cringe and backtrack but right now he stood his ground.
Uzi felt her face flush, wondering if he was serious or not, but the genuine way he was smiling and holding out his hand to her told her that he was, she took his hand and found herself being walked to the dance floor.
“I uh… don't know how to dance.” Uzi admitted as they were now face to face, N was no longer holding her, but they were still rather close, N just smiled anyway.
“That's okay! Let me teach you! Just follow my lead.” He first grabbed her shoulder before blushing a little and looking to the side “Uh… can I?”
Uzi blinked before realizing he was asking for her permission to touch her, because of course he was, he was still N, even if he was being propelled forward slightly by the oil.
She nodded, as words began to fail her. And he gave her another gentle smile before leading one of her hands to his chest, and the other on his shoulder. Before both his hands rested on her hips.
The position brought the nerves back, and N gulped, he'd done this relatively smoothly up until this point, where the oil wasn't really helping his nerves due to the proximity, but he fought through it, he did say he'd teach her after all.
“Just relax.” He said, although if he was being honest it was more for himself then for her, and he started putting her through the steps he could do in his sleep at this point.
A step forward, two steps back, another step forward, all while turning slowly, and he tried to ignore her clumsy footing, he'd done the same thing while Tessa had taught him, and she was rapidly memorizing the steps anyway, each one getting more confident as they swayed together.
The blush nor the smile left either of their faces the entire time, and neither could take long looks at the other without quickly looking away.
When the song ended and they parted, it took a moment for them both to calm their fluttering cores, but N felt Uzi take his hand and lead him off the dance floor again, either not commenting on or not noticing the spark that passed between their hands.
N noticed, and it made him smile to himself, feeling more and more confident that she felt the same way.
“That was actually kinda fun…” She admitted after getting away from the speakers and releasing his hand, her voice had lost any angst or bite to it, even though she was in public. And he couldn't help but feel proud that he was the one who'd done that.
“Yeah! You were getting the hang of it pretty quickly!” He replied, keeping a bright smile on his face that wasn't at all faked, he was so so happy right now, literally nothing could bring him down.
Until something brought him down.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and he whirled around, looking down at a drone with black hair done up in a fancy bun and orange eyelights that was piercing into him rather harshly. She also wore a black dress that completely exposed the glass covering of her core, and a choker studded with orange gems.
“H-hi?” He stammered out, trying to be polite but honestly a little irritated that his conversation with Uzi had been interrupted.
“Hey there handsome.” She hummed in a seductive tone, leaning into him as far as she could without directly touching him, he took a step back, obviously uncomfortable with the proximity. He could hear Uzi make a noise, and he didn't have to hear it well to understand she was upset for him.
“I'm Chloe… N right?” His need to be polite nodded while the rest of his body tried to move to create further distance between them, but she just continued to close whatever space he made.
“You wanna dance? I can keep up with you without tripping over my feet.” She laughed, and it was too high pitched and immediately grated his ears. He frowned, knowing immediately who she was referring to.
“Uh… no-no thank you. I k-kinda came here with someone.” He took another step back and even attempted to turn back towards Uzi, just to make sure she was still okay when a cross between a moan and a pain-fueled growl escaped his mouth, and he turned back to find Chloe with the vial of his tail clasped in her hand, running a finger down it, almost to the tip of the needle before pulling her hand away.
“I always did wonder how it feels to get stung~” N was about to yank his tail away before she gave it another stroke, causing electricity to shoot into his legs and nearly paralyze him. He whined, this really wasn't pleasant…
“Hey! That's not a toy! Leave him alone!” Uzi shouted, rushing forward and trying to snatch the vial out of Chloe's hands, but she moved it put of her reach, also giving his tail a yank in the process, and he winced at the feeling.
Any amount of force he put into trying to pull away was now met with her squeezing it roughly, essentially trapping him with his own tail, he gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, this felt too similar to how J would “tease” him, fiding everywhere he was sensitive and just continuing to touch until it hurt.
“Awww what? He likes it~” She drug the tip of her finger all the way down to the tip of the needle, causing a small drip of acid to get pushed out and onto the floor, N's breath hitched as every single sensor up his back went off unpleasantly. He growled in warning, and one of his hands turned to claws, no, No! He wasn't ever going to be treated like some plaything again!
“Are you serious?! He's so obviously not into it! You can't just-” She was interrupted by her own tail rushing forward to try to bite Chloe, startling her just enough to let go enough for him to yank his tail away, trembling.
Her tail hissed after it missed, creating so much venomous saliva it was eating through the tarp rather quickly, one of her eyes turned to an “x” as she took stance in between them.
“You fucking freak! You have a tail?!” Chloe screamed, jumping back and causing commotion around them, several people turned to stare.
“Yeah I do! Leave him the hell alone! You're the creep who wanted to get stung!” She bit back aggressively, and her tail bit into the air, still desperately lashing out to try and sink it's teeth into Chloe.
“I-uh” Her orange eyelights looked over at the drones who were looking at them, an mandarin colored fluster taking over her face.
“Whatever! At least I'm not his baby-momma.”
Uzi felt a coil snap as she found herself suddenly lunging forward, tiny claws unsheathing from her fingertips as she tried to swipe and leave a permanent mark on her visor, only stopped by N himself, who had caught her mid-launch.
“Woah!” He said as she felt herself struggle against him, still trying to claw the insufferable bitches visor out of her head when someone else seemed to appear beside them.
“What's going on here?” Thad had entered the scene, as by now the situation had garnered quite the crowd, his eyes drifted from Chloe to Uzi, who had finally stopped struggling against N, to N, which gave him an apologetic look, although even behind that look Thad caught the rage, given away his heavy breaths and erratically waving tail.
“She freaking touched- you don't touch people like that!” Uzi yelled, as N put her down, her tail in her hand as she couldn't control it wildly snapping around at the people around them, content to bite anyone if it couldn't reach it's intended target.
Thad suddenly looked incredibly worried, he looked between N and Uzi to figure out which one of them had been touched, before deciding that it didn't matter, and he was ending this.
“You. Out. Now.” He pointed to Chloe who looked shocked, she pointed to herself and almost laughed.
“M-me? You can't honestly believe the freakshow over me?” Thad looked back at his two freinds, Uzi had finally calmed her tail down and was holding N's arm, clearly trying to comfort him, N himself was visibly shaken up, but his tall had begun to wag regardless.
“You heard me. Go home.” Thad turned back to her, putting himself between her and his two friends, she scoffed, although clearly embarrassed, and sauntered off back inside, but not without a final “Whatever, this parties lame anyway.”
He watched her, and made sure she'd actually left before turning to the crowd that had gathered. “Alright, this is over, go back to whatever you were doing.” and thankfully they listened, getting all the attention off the two.
“You guys okay?” He asked, touching the shoulders of both Uzi, and (although he didn't quite reach) N, looking between the two worriedly.
“Yeah I’m- were fine. Thank you Thad.” N replied, holding his tail extremely close to him, almost like it would suddenly come unattached from his body if he didn't.
“No problem, I wanna make sure my two friends are comfortable, and not harassed by… whoever that was.” He paused, looking thoughtful for a moment before starting again. “I can understand if you wanna leave after that, that was… not cool.”
Uzi and N looked at each other, N looking unsure until Uzi took his hand.
“We can go home if you want, we can just spend the rest of the night watching terrible horror movies?” She suggested, squeezing his hand, he sighed softly, trying to shake off the lingering anxiety that remained in him.
“N-no, we shouldn't let that ruin our night. I wanna stay.” He smiled, releasing his tail so that it could coil up behind him, pointing away from others obviously.
“Great! Glad that didn't scare you off!” Thad laughed before yet another situation was brought to his attention.
“Is that a magnet? Oh for Robo-Christs sake!” He ran off abruptly, shouting at another group wildly, trying to get them to put the magnets away before an adult saw them, they were barely getting away with the oil as it was.
“You sure you're okay? I don't mind heading inside.” Uzi double checked, still not quite letting him go, he smiled back, taking a deep breath to dissolve the jitters the situation had caused him.
“Yeah, Can't let some jerk spoil our fun. We were having a good time before that right?” Uzi nodded, but not before pulling him into a quick hug that he eagerly accepted.
“You wanna dance again? The music is a little more upbeat now. I can teach you some more?” He asked, pushing whatever had just happened into the back of his mind for now. He wanted to be here, having a good time. Not to dwell on someone that didn't deserve time in his headspace.
“If you're up for it?” And so he took her hand again, running off onto the dance floor to completely rid the situation from his mind by immediately overwriting the memory with the images of Uzi twirling around him as they did some sort of waltz, always touching in some way but always moving.
She wasn't very good, but that didn't entirely matter, as it made it more fun, he'd correct her trips by catching her into a dip, or guide her along if he felt she was getting lost.
By the time that song was over, he'd successfully gotten over it, and was laughing along with her as she tripped again.
“I'm… not very good at this am I?”
“That's okay. That's my job right?” He replied as the last song actually performed by a band came on, it was lively, with guitar and trumpet and drums that made you want to tap your feet.
“One more, and this time I promise you'll be good at it.” He held his hand out again and she took it without much hesitation, and they were off again, and while he started about the same as the music kicked up he quickly changed gears, his wings unfolding from behind him as he slowly took her in the air.
She was taken aback for a moment, not expecting it, before realizing what he was getting at, she wasn't great at dancing, but she was great at flying. So after adjusting her dress so that it wouldn't rip, and pushing down the anxiety that came from showing them in public, she let them unfurl from her back, following him into the air.
They started flying low, startling several people and making several others cheer for them as they flew through the air, slowly picking up speed as they spun around each other like a pair of dancing dragons. Then as the band spotted them, they began to play faster, either to encourage then to fly faster or to incorporate them into their performance, either could be true, but it did work, they flew faster, N coming in front of her to grip her hand before taking her up into the air.
They rose up into the air, the sound of the music fading behind them as they spun around each other, gravity catching up to them as they slowly began to fall back down, if N hadn't caught her into a dip that was reminiscent of a tango, and bringing her back up to his chest, one of his hands intertwining their fingers and the other holding the small of her back. Her wings folded back into her, leaving them to hover there under the power of N's thrusters, still spinning gently. One of Uzi's hands was on his shoulder, and she laughed airly before leaning into his chest gently, enjoying the feeling of his touch, perhaps it was the oil, or the mood. But she didn't feel the need at the moment to hide any of her affection.
N felt his core start to ache, his grip on her hand tightened as his other trailed up her side and eventually ended up at her chin, gently using his thumb to turn her face towards him. The action was barely an conscious one, he just… wanted to look at her.
Her eyelights were so bright, they almost glimered, a look of mild surprise passed across her visor, accompanied by a small smile. Her deep purple dress billowed around her, the gold seeming to sparkle even more this high up, and her hair, for once, flowed freely around her shoulders instead of being trapped inside her beanie.
“I… have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He asked slowly, his breath threatening to get caught in his throat, his thumb moving up to caress the seam under her visor, the tension in him so tight he could barely contain it.
“N…?” Uzi had been paralyzed the moment she felt his hand start to travel up her side, she could barely believe this was happening, this whole night had been…. something. And despite the part of her that wanted to beat off the cheesiness with a stick. This whole thing was really nice…
“Because you are. Not even just because you're in a dress but… just all the time.” She felt herself glancing down, blushing and trying to conceal her fluster before his hand came back to lift her head to look at him. It was so forward that Uzi couldn't do much but gasp a little and blink rapidly.
The air was thick around them, even through the fermented oil currently clogging his processors he was still nervous, but at this point it was a little late to back out. He'd already spoke his mind, it was time to commit.
“I… I think.” He felt himself heat up underneath her gaze. He had to keep going, the oil doing it's work to keep him from loosing his nerve, but it wasn't lasting very long in his systems, it was starting to wear off. He needed to do this now.
“I think I'm in love with you, Zi.” He finally forced out, voice so low it was barely audible, Uzi felt sparks light up in her core, and although she was silent, the hand she had rested on his shoulder went to the side of his face.
“You're so perfect. A-and smart, and you always know what to do… and you're so soft with me, and-and Tera too. And I just, really want you with me. Just doing… anything.”
Because I love doing anything, as long as it's with you.
Uzi didn't know what to say. Nothing in her arsenal of life experience could prepare her for this, a confession of love that was so sincere she almost felt like she was about to cry. All words within her processors died, even the fiesty ones.
“I… almost thought you felt the same way, but if you don’t I-”
No! He was taking her silence as a rejection! She frantically thought of words to say, anything, literally anything! But nothing was coming to her, her panic worsened until a desperate thought entered her mind.
If she couldn't use words, she could always use action.
The hand that had intertwined in his suddenly and roughly gripped his suit tie, surprising him and knocking him out of whatever sad rejection acceptance speil he was about to go on. Uzi was shaking like a wet kitten, but the look on her face was determined.
In an incredibly quick and not-at-all graceful movement, she slammed their visors together, making them clack together awkwardly and sending N reeling back in slight pain, looking incredibly surprised and confused.
“Uh…” He responded dumbly, and Uzi felt like making herself plumet to the ground so she didn't have to feel the searing hot embarrassment coursing through her, her entire visor was overtaken with blush, and she reached out to try and apologize while also covering her face with her hand.
“I- sorry! I was, gah- why is this hard?!” Words came back but none of them were anything but embarrassed cries and half-apologies, she buried her face in both her hands, hiding herself from him.
“Uzi?” he was so patient, his voice didn't hold any signs that he was upset, and she felt one of his hands pull one of hers away from her face, they were still hovering, thank robo-god, so no one could see her horrible attempt at kissing him.
“You- I'm not rejecting you! I just didn't know what to say!” She finally admitted, shouting because of how uncomfortably small she felt, but with how her visor was still consumed with purple, N could tell she wasn't exactly angry.
“I was uh… trying to kiss you.” She then admitted again, although this one in more of a whisper then a yell, it was N's turn to blush as he looked to the side before looking back into her eyelights.
“O-oh…” She wasn't looking at him, instead nibbling on her knuckles and looking like she'd rather perish then be alive right now, and he smiled, taking her hands and putting them back on his chest.
“Do you wanna try again?” He asked, face lighting up further and causing Uzi to look back at him, surprised, a cheep coming out of her mouth before she slowly nodded, leaning back into him, and feeling one of his hands drift back to the small of her back.
This time they both leaned in, Uzi's hands holding tightly on the collar of his suit and N's other hand coming up to cup her face.
A spark passed between their visors, jolting them both before causing them both to smile softy at the other as they finally closed the gap, soft silicone meeting soft silicone.
It only took a moment for them both to melt. Anime and movies had gotten it wrong, this wasn't a start of a fire or like getting caught in a thunderstorm. It was warm and it was comfortable, like they'd been doing it all their lives instead of right now for the first time. It was pleasant and chaste, and when they parted the warmth between them remained.
N blinked, his core feeling incredibly light like he'd just put down something he'd been carrying for a long time.
Uzi felt dazed like someone had just woken her up from a decade long nap and she wasn't sure where or when or who she was.
N laughed lightly first, mostly at himself but a little at her starstruck expression. Uzi was next, joining him in an expression of how… stupid this whole thing had been.
“When…?” She asked, trying to think back as cuddled closer to him, not feeling the typical complaints from her brain that usually would accompany such an affectionate action.
“We were flying together, and a love song came on… you looked really pretty with the eclipse.”
“That was over a month ago!” She exclaimed, being a little impressed on how well he'd hidden it. She'd still figured it out, but still.
She hesitated, did she really want him knowing how long she'd had feelings for him, Prom had been almost four months ago at this point.
But looking at him… she couldn't lie.
“P-prom.” She stammered out, and he froze, looking up at the stars with bewilderment.
“That was so long ago! Why didn't you say anything?” He asked, a wider smile on his face, it made Uzi fluster again, and she did the stupid girly thing of trying to put her hair behind her nonexistent ear.
“I- I'm me! I'm not exactly ecstatic to voice how I feel. Unless it's angst.” She shouted, leading them both to laugh again, although N leaned it once more, resting their visors together while looking deeply at her.
“You've liked me longer then I've liked you…” He pointed out, making her want to cringe. It wasn't her fault! He was just so… nice!
“Sorry I made you wait so long, I'm not the smartest drone.” He said.
“That's okay… That's my job, right?”
They both leaned in again, enjoying every moment of their time in the sky, being able to pay very little mind to the still raging party below them…
Next ->
#murder drones#biscuitbites#nuzi#uzi doorman#serial designation n#n and uzi#tera doorman#I present to you#what I've been working on for like four days#they finally did it#woop!
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eli stilinski-hale, 7 minutes old.
[from stiles’s private collection]
#click for quality yada yada#I MADE A FING#woop!#sterek#sterek art#sterek fanart#eli stilinski hale#derek hale#stiles stilinski#stiles's private collection#teen wolf#teen wolf art#teen wolf fanart#team woof#queer art#art#fanart#digital art#tcats arts#teencopandthesourwolf
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It’s my birthday!!! 21 years old baby!!
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super old sona drawings B3 my first design of starbell!!!!! i think theyre cute :P
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messy ass sketch of pony n soda so that between the two of us we have all three curtis brothers 🫶🥹🧡💕 (LOVE ur art can't WAIT to see more love🫶)

AAAA your art is so so cute dude jswjjwjwj
BTW, you're kind of the reason I got back into art. I stalk your blog when I'm not in school (>:3) and you started posting doodles so I made that sticky note one and I just kept drawing so thank you!!! I'll be sure to send you my wips!
#broareweabouttoviberightnow#Woop!#btw#would you like an assigned tag emoji?#like 🦑 or 🐎#assigned 🐎 at interaction#🐎
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nothing too dramatic but it'd be cool if you changed the theme of your account during the event. like change the colors from blue and white and stuff to dark red
just for vibes :)
[ OOC: ohhhohohoho anon ur Cookin. ur cooking i shall keep this in mind ]
#ooc: the prophet talks#ask blog#should i make a Tag for the. yeah i might#avian event#woop!#both for me yapping about it but for when it Does happen. itll be a go-to so we're all on the same page
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I got my braces off right before prom!
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have this before i go and pass out
#ranboo#ranboolive#ranboosaysstuff#generation loss#genlosers#genloss#woop!#art#creds to artist#That is me#This took me 5 mins lol
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Accidentally cried about how I am lonely and sad and feel like my sister would not notice if I dropped off the face of the earth and blah blah and today I get heyyy how are you doing calls from both parents today
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hello friends!!
uhh mugram's voice dramas are complete!! yay :D!!!
I'm gonna start working on other stuff while I wait to begin on "songs" but mugram is still happening!
#mug talks#we are at a VERY SLOW PACE but WE ARE MOVING FORWARD#im gonna working on stuff like character profiles and maybe cover art/thumbnail art#woop!#mugram#ive also been throwing stuff into the account's drafts for future use
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first line tag game!
thank you to @hergrandplan @piebingo and @gulliblelemon for the tag💘💘💘 hello three of my most favorite writers
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
i’ve only got 9 works on ao3, so i did the first line of the last chapter posted for each of them, from most to least recent
9. Label reads, in scratchy, all caps: SIMON’S 1ST BIRTHDAY! JULY 2005
8. The rest of September and the first week of October pass in a blur of work and wedding planning and video calls with Gabriele, and soon enough, it’s time to pack up and leave for Miami.
7. It was due to a sort of self-inflicted quarter-life crisis that Wilhelm found himself standing outside a pottery studio at 6pm on a Saturday night.
6. “Holy shit,” Wille gasped as he draped himself across Simon.
5. “Simon, my back really hurts after rowing practice. You think you can give me a massage?”
4. This night seemed to be all about repeats, because the elevator ride and the walk down the hallway were both just as tense and torturous, but now for a different reason.
3. He sat in front of a warm fire.
2. Things had ended on relatively amicable terms between them.
1. Simon’s phone. March 29th, 2027, 4:29pm.
conclusions: the only conclusion i can draw from these right now is that i do not pay nearly as much attention to the first line as i probably should! but, then again, we are our own worst critic and i am just doing this for funsies. but going back and reading my own writing always makes me want to change everything so im gonna leave this hear and try not to rewrite every first line ive ever posted! 💘
i have not had much time to catch up on the tl lately but if you would like to do this and haven’t been tagged , pls do it and tag me so i can see!! i love lil fic games!! ok luv u bye!
#i’m 3/4 through a huge americano#so hopped up on caffeine#love these games tho#woop!#fic writing#tag game
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waits paitently for server link :3
i discovered a bug q.q
i had a friend of mine test it and its a little broke SO i am working to fix that then we'll be up and running!
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Just a thought on togachako, Ochako experiences her love of deku the same way toga does, which is an idea. And Ochako hadn’t really understood who deku was until very recently
Just like toga fell in love with this idea and.. almost nostalgia for her old crush. I think Sato kind of represents a “normal” life she still misses.
OH AND WHILE I REMEMBER! What’s interesting about the league is that every single one of them still wants to be saved, even if they deny that fact and/or straight up despise it. Accepting that fact would mean regret, regret for your actions = bad because a traumatized person’s feelings of guilt can be intensified, etc etc
But twice doesn’t. Hell he even had the chance handed to him, for him to come with hawks and basically get off Scott free.
What hawks DIDNT understand was the fact that twice already felt as if he HAD been saved. Like the league were his heroes, and the heroes/cops in the industry were the true “villainy” he escaped from.
Interesting stuff!
#it’s also why I still kind of have faith in the league to live happy lives. so.#woop!#togachaco#league of villains
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My gender is a woman who has been a man since birth but has never had any problems in the last two months with her body type or body weight or body type or whatever it was she had been having problems in her life or anything else and she was a man.
Got the same answer as a previous poster so I kept going… why’s it kinda right tho?
Type "my gender is" on your phone and let your phone finish the sentence, then tag your moots to keep the chain going, I'll go first.
My gender is a little bit more intense than I thought I could have done
@mirukosbitchywife @get-junpeid
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it was all too much, and now I have nothing left
#my art#digital art#art#artists on tumblr#how do you even tag this?#woop dropping out of uni art#the good news is I like this more than everything i made there#so that must count for something right?#but yeahhhhh it's been rough and im very lost#woohoo
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crazzyyyyy... im actually going nuts with this hhhh bill you broke my hand
full roughs and audio in kofi :)
#garvity falls#animation#bill cipher#wip#my art#i am eating dry wall im kinda proud of this one#the ford animation and this one are linked hee hee :)#gravity falls#woops..misspelled tag
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