#woonggi soft packs
aquawyzoh · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ : ਏਓ ﹏ woonggi ıcσns! ♡
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ᥣᥲ dol꯭cᥱ vıtᥲ. ─ 私の最初の愛
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ♡ 𖥻 lɩkᥱ оr rᥱblog ! ❑ ’ 🔎
αest by wαzo, on eα – αmıno.
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golchaworld · 4 years
Ups and Downs | J. KH
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➳ pairing: jang kyungho x fem!reader
➳ genre: best friends to lovers!au, college!au, fluff, minimal angst
➳ word count: ~2.9k
➳ warnings: none :)
➳ summary: being jang kyungho’s best friend has its ups and downs. luckily, you’re around for the biggest up of all.
A/N: this is a repost and I despise tumblr for deleting the original!
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The clock above the whiteboard ticks slowly.  The petite black hand moves amongst the marks in between the large numbers, making a satisfying ‘click’ as it moves on.  Once it passes the bolded eleven, you count down the seconds.
Five.  Four.  Three.  Two.  One.
The professor looks up from her presentation with a sigh.  She glances down at her watch, as if the time projected on both her laptop and the large analog are both incorrect.  She clears her throat, fixes her blazer, and then dismisses the lecture.
A smile instantly rises on your face, as you begin to pack up your things.  There’s ups and downs of only having one class on Fridays, and getting dismissed is easily one of the best parts.  The only thing that compares is the fact that the class is dismissed at noon, leaving you up to your own devices for the rest of the day.
The biggest up, however, is the smiling face that’s always waiting for you right outside of your lecture hall.
As you push through the double doors, and walk out into the hallway, you spot a familiar figure leaning up against the opposite wall.  When said figure notices you, he breaks out into a smile, chubby cheeks curling upwards and eyes disappearing into crescents.  Warmth instantly floods your core, the way it always does around Kyungho.
The tall boy greets you with a hug, arms fit snugly around your middle.  You take in the familiar scent of his cologne which always contrasts the chemically smell of his hairspray, mixing in a way that’s distinctly Kyungho. 
When Kyungho releases you from his hold, he’s still smiling.  “How was class?”
“I can’t tell you.  I fell asleep within the first ten minutes and woke up five minutes before the lecture was over.”
Your best friend rolls his eyes in response, beginning the walk back to your dorm.
The two of you walk side by side, nudging each other gently as you make your way to the dorms.  Girls oogle at Kyungho as they pass by, giggling and whispering at glimpses of the boy.  If Kyungho notices, he doesn’t show any sign of it, choosing instead to keep engaging you in conversation as you walk.
It’s not until the two of you are sprawled about your dorm do you realize why the girls seemed more excited than usual today.  Kyungho’s defined arms and sides are exposed by the deep cuts of his muscle tee, showcasing the milky skin beautifully.  You find yourself unable to look away once you notice the fact, admiring the way Kyungho’s build has changed from a chubby little kid to the muscular man he is now.
It’s not a secret that Kyungho is nothing short of gorgeous.  You’ve always been able to appreciate his sharp jawline and rounded cheeks, his infectious smile.  He has a gorgeous personality to match his gorgeous looks, too.  Kyungho has always been polite, funny, and smart, every girl’s dream.
You’ve grown up with the talk of how perfect your best friend is, coming from both girls in school and jealous mothers who have tried to set him up with their daughters.  Coming from a small town, Jang Kyungho was the apple of everyone’s eye.  And if he still is, well then that’s no one’s business.
You can’t remember a time without Kyungho, and you suspect that’s because you two met before you were even born. Your mothers had been in the same prenatal class and became fast friends before either you or Kyungho graced the earth. 
Due to this, the two of you have always been attached at the hip. From playing in the sandbox to studying for college entrance exams, Kyungho has always been by your side, proudly claiming the title of your best friend. 
Even as he thinned out and gained muscle, even when girls began to fawn over him and drop love notes in his locker, he was always just Kyungho. Your Kyungho.  And for you, there wasn’t anything without Kyungho. 
“You know,” the muscular boy says as he lay across your dorm room bed. “I have a date tomorrow.”
Your eyebrows shoot upwards. “Really?”
Kyungho has never been one to date. No matter how many people have confessed to him over the years, he has always turned them down, claiming that he doesn’t need a significant other. You wonder what has changed so suddenly. 
“Yeah,” Kyungho sighs. “Jisu was telling me about this girl in his mechanical engineering class, and she’s kind of cute, so I asked her out.”
Your cheeks are warm, and you don’t quite know why. You’ve never imagined Kyungho with another girl, and the thought leaves a sour taste in your mouth.  You choose to shrug it off, however, looking over at Kyungho’s pile of limbs on your bed. 
“Where are you guys going to go for your date?”
Kyungho smiles softly. “I wanted to do something kind of different, so we’re going bowling, and then grabbing food.”
Something twists in your stomach at the admission. Saturday night bowling was a tradition the both of your families picked up when you and Kyungho were little. Each family would pile into the car and drive thirty minutes to the closest bowling alley and spend the entire night enjoying friendly competition. 
“You haven’t been bowling since we got to college.” Your eyebrows furrow, trying to make sense of the sinking pit in your stomach. 
“I know,” Kyungho laughs, momentarily easing the gross feeling in your stomach. “Hopefully I don’t suck. I don’t wanna make a fool of myself.”
The silence that follows isn’t exactly comfortable. It has an air of awkwardness, a disconnect palpable between the two of you. Throughout the lifetime you’ve spent with Kyungho, you can’t recall a time where you’ve ever felt awkward around him. You guess that there’s a first for everything. 
.        .        .
Another “up” of Friday is the evening activities that your entire friend group gets up to. At around 9pm, everyone piles into your upperclassmen friends’ shared apartment, ready to spill all of the stories that you haven’t been able to tell each other during the week. 
Donggeon is the first to welcome you into his apartment when you and Kyungho arrive together. He squeezes you all too tight, as usual, often forgetting his own strength. He greets Kyungho with a much less forceful hug before motioning both of you further into the apartment. 
It seems that the two of you are the last to arrive, seeing as all of your friends are sprawled about the tiny living room, watching Chihoon and Jisu play an intense round of Mortal Kombat. 
“Lover boy and Y/N are here!” Donggeon calls as he slips into a spot on the couch. 
Kyungho calls out in protest. “Don’t call me lover boy! How’d you even know, anyway?”
“I may have let it slip to Woonggi,” Jisu calls, never once taking his eyes off the screen. “And you know, once it reaches Woonggi, everyone knows.”
Woonggi yells an offended “hey,” while the rest of the guys laugh. You take the opportunity to slide next to Chanhyuk on the floor, smiling as the older boy brings you into a side hug. You sigh as the rest of the boys bicker, resting your head on Chan’s shoulder. The boy shoots you a concerned glance. 
“What’s wrong?”
You just sigh, leaning further into your friend’s touch. 
“Will you tell me later?”
The genuine concern in Chanhyuk’s eyes has you nodding softly. He gives you a soft smile, squeezing your shoulder in a way that has you subconsciously smiling. 
However, your little bubble is burst by an angry Jisu threatening to throw the video game controller at Chihoon’s head. Chanhyuk sighs, moving to intervene. You watch from your seat as he de-arms Jisu and tosses the game controller to Jeyou. Chanhyuk rolls his eyes as he sits back down next to you, taking you into his arms once again. 
You watch as the scene before you melts into a calm pool of familiarity that only comes with spending every Friday night like this. Humans are creatures of habit, proven by all of your friends falling into their regular roles. From Sungmin and Woonggi bickering on the floor to Donggeon and Kyungho digging into a Chinese food container, everyone has relaxed into their Friday night role. 
You can’t remember a time without the Friday nights in Donggeon, Chihoon, and Chanhyuk’s shared dorm, seeing as the tradition preceded you. Chanhyuk loves to tell the story of the three of them in their freshman year, fumbling with a way to catch up with each other through the chaos of college. As their group grew, so did their Friday night hangouts, welcoming you and Kyungho in with open arms. 
It isn’t until later that you get time alone to speak with Chanhyuk. You lean up against the kitchen counter while the boy fumbles his way through washing the dishes. All of the other boys are either passed out from exhaustion or on their way to doing so, leaving the apartment with the quiet hum of the video game home screen. 
“Kyungho’s going on a date,” you state, breaking the quiet aura that surrounds you. “It’s tomorrow.”
Chanhyuk nods, not taking his eyes off of the dishes. “That’s what’s bothering you?”
You sigh, instantly feeling heat rise to your cheeks. “No, it’s not bothering me. It’s just...weird.”
“Why is it weird?”
“Kyungho, like, has never dated before.”
“So?” Chanhyuk shrugs. “He’s 19. Normal 19 year olds date. That includes you.”
“Shut up! This isn’t about me.” You don’t have to look at your reflection to know that you’re blushing. “It’s just that I’m confused why he’s dating now.”
The older man shuts off the tap, drying off the last plate and pair of chopsticks. You find yourself watching as soapy suds swirl down the drain. When you look up, Chan is smiling at you softly. 
“Did you expect him to stay single forever?”
The question takes you by surprise. Truthfully, you’ve never thought about the future of you and your best friend. You’ve always been content to live in the way things are. Kyungho’s your best friend. You can’t imagine him being anyone else’s. 
“I mean…” you mull over your words. “I don’t really expect anything. I guess I never thought that we would get to this point.”
Chanhyuk chuckles softly, drying his hands on a nearby dishtowel. Afterwards, he’s quick to bring you into a hug, kissing the crown of your head and squeezing you tight. 
“Do yourself a favor, Y/N. Think about why it matters if Kyungho starts dating. He’ll still be your best friend.”
“Yeah,” you roll your eyes. “But he’ll be someone else’s boyfriend.”
Chanhyuk hides a knowing smile in your hair, beginning to rock you side to side in his embrace. “I know.  I know.”
.        .        .
The bliss of Saturday morning is sweet like molasses. You allow yourself to wake up naturally, no alarm needed. You enjoy your coffee and cereal at your desk, catching up on the week’s YouTube videos while the warmth from the sunlight grazes your entire body. 
Eventually, the sticky-sweet morning fades into a citrusy afternoon, filled with warmth and the tang of unfinished homework staring you in the face. When it becomes too sour, you roll your eyes, slide on a hoodie, and get to work in the comfort of your dorm. 
You barely notice as the dark chocolate evening begins to set in, the deep blue offsetting the grapefruit sunset that streaks the sky. When you look up, you check the time. 7:23pm, exactly 7 minutes before your best friend goes on his date. The bitterness of the chocolate night finally settles in your mouth. 
You’re unable to wallow in the rich nothingness of the night, however. It’s only three minutes to 7:30 when a loud knock resonates through your dorm room. Although the sound startles you, you’re reluctant to get up and leave the comfort of your bed. However, when the same knock sounds again, except this time more frantic, you suck it up and approach the door. 
The last person you expect to see is Kyungho. He’s dressed to the nine, blonde hair slicked back artfully. His black shirt is tucked into too-tight black jeans, the top few buttons undone. Your breath catches in your throat. 
“What are you—“
Kyungho is quick to cut you off. “You were supposed to stop me. You weren’t supposed to let me go.”
“What are you talking about?”
The man before you pushes his way into the dorm, although only a few inches. He lets the door close behind him, and only at the loud slam do you suddenly realize how close he is. You can smell his Chanel cologne, the same one you bought him as a graduation gift. 
“How could you just let me?” Kyungho sounds frantic, eyes flicking over your face wildly. “Were you really okay with it?”
“Are you talking about your date?” You swallow back your nerves. “It’s not my place to stop you.”
A large hand slides around your waist, its warmth palpable through the thick fabric. Kyungho uses the opportunity to pull you close, until you stand toe to toe, your painted toenails brushing the tips of his nice dress shoes. 
“Of course it was your place. It was about you. It’s always about you.”
You’re nose to nose now, an imperceptible gravity pulling the two of you closer and closer. 
“Kyungho, what—”
Your thought is instantly cut off. “Can I kiss you?”
Before your brain can catch up, you’re nodding reflexively. The beginnings of a smile curl at the corners of Kyungho’s lips. He leans in slowly, noses brushing as he places a short, chaste kiss on your lips. 
He begins to lean away, but you stop him before he can get too far, hooking your arms around his broad shoulders. You instinctively bring him back in for another kiss, this one much less chaste than before. 
You’re quick to deepen the kiss, savoring Kyungho’s soft lips against yours. Your best friend is quick to catch up though, licking across the seam of your lips to ask for entrance. You comply easily, and it’s not until you feel Kyungho’s tongue slide against yours that your brain fully catches up. 
You’re making out with Kyungho. You’re making out with your best friend. And he’s making out with you. Why isn’t it weird? Why does it feel so right?
Panic bubbles in your chest, causing you to break the kiss.  You take a few steps backwards, out of your best friend’s hold.  You can’t bring yourself to open your eyes just yet, knowing you’re not prepared for whatever Kyungho holds in his gaze.
You take a deep breath, then another.  Your chest rises and falls.  You let yourself open your eyes.
Kyungho’s eyes are wide, intently trained on your face.  Something swims in the edges of his gaze, and you can’t put your finger on it.  However, you sweep those thoughts from your mind, needing clarification before you continue on any longer.
“Why did you do that?”  You let your fingertips trace along your bottom lip, still tingling from the pressure of Kyungho’s lips against it.  “You kissed me.”
Instantly, Kyungho panics.  “You nodded!  I thought...I mean I thought that was a yes.  Normally when people nod that’s an affirmative right?  So you nodded and I--”
“No.  I wanted you to.  But why?”
“I thought you knew.”
“Knew what?”
“That I’m in love with you.”
There must be something in your eyes that signals your surprise, because Kyungho begins to stumble over his words.  His hands are moving wildly as he tries to rectify his words.
“I mean, you’re my best friend so of course I love you.  But then Jisu made me ask out that girl, and the whole time I wanted it to be you.  I wanted us to go bowling and get dinner and hold hands and not in the way we do now, you know?  I want...I just want you.”
All you can hear is the blood rushing through your ears, heart pumping at a mile a minute.  Your entire abdomen is flooded with warmth, a rush of butterflies fluttering from your pelvis up to your throat.  Once again, you take account of Kyungho, of his attire, his slicked back hair, his Chanel cologne.
The butterflies flutter harder.
“Me too.  I think...well, I think I want you too.”
Kyungho’s eyes light up in a way that you haven’t seen since you both got admitted to the same university.  His eyes used to light up that way when he got a strike in family bowling, or when you shared your ice cream with him on a hot day.  The light in his eyes gives glimpses of your past, but it also brightens up your future.
It’s then that Kyungho crosses the space and pulls you into an embrace.  It’s all too tight, the kind of embrace you trap someone in when you’re afraid of letting them go.  But there’s something familiar in Kyungho’s touch, something reverent.
You find yourself nuzzling further into his hold.  His Chanel cologne is even more fragrant in the crook of his neck, and you find yourself smiling at the familiar scent. The palm he has placed on the small of your back is warm, displacing your hoodie as he rubs at the skin there.
Up and down.  Up and down.
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