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BTS' Jung Kook Named Calvin Klein Global Ambassador "The List" is PAPER's monthly roundup of the newest arrivals, capsules and collaborations. Scroll through, below, to see March's biggest fashion news.Jung Kook for Calvin KleinAnother BTS member just landed a coveted ambassadorship with a fashion brand. This morning, Calvin Klein named Jung Kook its new global ambassador for Calvin Klein Jeans and Calvin Klein Underwear with a new campaign shot by Park Jong Ha. Etro Launches Vela BagMarco de Vincenzo, who showed his first debut collection for Etro last September, introduces his first bag for the Italian brand: the Vela, a bag inspired by nautical elements (its name comes from sail in Italian) with a V-shaped closure and sharp silhouette. The campaign features the model Bianca Balti showing off the bag, which comes in black, ivory and chocolate.Available now at etro.comHarley-Davidson Launches H-D CollectionsLed by Creative Director Louise Goldin, H-D Collections is a grouping of lifestyle apparel lines defined by 120 years of moto-culture and composed of three product lines: Bar & Shield by Harley-Davidson, Harley-Davidson Originals, and Harley-Davidson Authorized Vintage.Available now at hdcollections.com Jean Paul Gaultier x Y/Project's Second CollaborationGlenn Martens first introduced his Jean Paul Gaultier capsule at his Fall 2022 show for Y/Project (he would later design a couture collection for the brand) which featured Gaultier's signature Trompe l’œil prints. The two brands are reuniting for a second capsule collection featuring more of the 2D illusion knits on mesh dresses, tank tops, turtlenecks and skirts.Available now at fashion.jeanpaulgaultier.comGUESS Originals x Real TreeGUESS Originals tapped Realtree for their latest capsule, using the brand's canvas fabrics and prints to rework core styles including the Carpenter short, jean, trucker jacket and belt skirt. The campaign was shot on a ranch in Katy, Texas with GUESS Originals ambassadors Ish Cepeda, Robert Neal, Kevin White and Alex Midler.Tommy Hilfiger x Shawn Mendes CapsuleTommy Hilfiger x Shawn Mendes CapsuleTommy Hilfiger x Shawn Mendes CapsuleTommy Hilfiger is teaming up with Shawn Mendes on a new capsule collection titled Tommy X Shawn Classics Reborn, a take on on pre-'90s prep highlighting relaxed fits, comfort and sustainability. The campaign sees Mendes (pre-buzzed haircut) modeling pieces from the collaboration including American flag shirts and denim jeans.Available starting March 15 at tommy.comAdrien Brody Is Releasing a Collection With BallyThe actor Adrien Brody, who made a surprise front row appearance at Bally's Fall 2023 show in Milan, is teaming up with the brand on a collaboration set to debut later this year of men's and women's ready-to-wear clothing, shoes, bags and other accessories.Puma Launches Second Collection With Palomo SpainThe second Puma x Palomo Spain collection is inspired by surf culture ranging from the 60’s and 70’s to the early 2000's memories of beaches in Spain. “Surf culture was an angle Puma had never really taken on before. Filtered through Palomo Spain’s gentle, couture-inspired lens, it immediately took on an exciting, innovative perspective," said Puma's global creative director Nils Moersch.Available now at Puma.comBurberry Debuts Self-Titled Book by AssoulineWith a new creative era for Burberry in place (Daniel Lee just showed his first collection for the brand during London Fashion Week), the company is releasing a new coffee table book to celebrate its 165-year history and British heritage. Titled Burberry, the Assouline-published tome features five chapters and 200 archive illustrations depicting its evolution from a family-run company to renowned global luxury brand. It was written by journalist Alexander Fury with a foreword by Carly Eck, Burberry’s Brand Curator.Available for pre-order now at Assouline.comVilebrequin x The Woolmark CompanyVilebrequin x The Woolmark CompanyVilebrequin x The Woolmark CompanyVilebrequin x The Woolmark CompanyVilebrequin x The Woolmark CompanyFrench swimwear house Vilebrequin announces a 5-piece capsule of immaculately tailored swimsuits in extra-fine Merino wool. For their second summer with The Woolmark Company, they've added two new men’s suiting references into the mix: safari-inspired khaki and the emblematic Prince of Wales check.Available now at vilebrequin.comBUTT Launches 32nd Issue With Bottega VenetaThe pioneering queer magazine BUTT, which returned last year after a 10-year print hiatus thanks to a partnership with Bottega Veneta, launches its 32nd issue today featuring the tombstone engraver Roman Hanak on the cover. Inside the issue: the writer Eileen Myles gets off on poetry with Brontez Purnell; sex professional Sharok details his passion for pigeons, politics, and porn; Wolfgang Tillmans drops by hitmaker LSDXOXO’s flat for a quicky; pop star Oliver Sim poses for drawings in London; Daisuke Nakashima snaps shirtless men in Tokyo. BUTT 32 is available now in shops and online.UGG x Telfar Debut New Shopper Bags in Baby Pink and Baby BlueUGG and Telfar are back with a new drop of their collaboration. In addition to restocking Chestnut and Black shopper bags, the brands are introducing Baby Pink and Baby Blue shoppers in sizes small, medium, and large that lend a nod to a nostalgic UGG color palette. Available starting March 5 at TELFAR.NETALTU Releases Its Third CollectionALTU Releases Its Third CollectionALTU Releases Its Third CollectionThe third installment of ALTU blends late nineties and early aughts teenage style with a fluid approach to identity, sexuality, and presentation. It features exaggerated proportions, neon colors, and playfully subversive detailing. Knitwear has delicate cutouts with tiny ring piercings at the collar and hem. Cargo pants reference varsity athletic wear with cinched hems and zip sides. A cropped motorcycle jacket and leather biker pants with denim crotch detailing are introduced for the first time.The first drop of this third release is available now at ALTU.world, Ssense.com and Bergdorf Goodman https://www.papermag.com/march-2023-fashion-news-jung-kook-2651365982.html
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@bshep_rocket1 wins on a last lap pass over @jmrh1 #thunderfest2020 @woolatemodels #worldofoutlaws #timetogoracing #woolms #dirtondirt #dirtcarsofinstagram #dirttracklatemodel #latemodelracing #worldofoutlawslatemodels #dirttracklife #dirttrackracing #dirttrackphotography #motorsportsphotographer #dirttrackphotographer #highsideraceshots #canon #canon6dmarkii #sigma #roadtrip #wizardandlizardroadshow #americandirt (at Thunder Mountain Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFoOfLwhJWU/?igshid=u3z4vyux3zdb
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We love our Tito throw, crafted from 100% pure in a textured weave blending a base grey tone with a choice of 3 other complementary shades. Perfect for picnics as well as snuggling up on the sofa. #wool #woolme #woolthrow #woolblanket https://www.instagram.com/p/Borx2RZAN96/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dpcdb0t1wcao
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english towns + every single country in the modern world + brythonic deities + american states + herbs common names + minerals + places in cumbria + plants common names + roman place names + natural sattelites + scottish surnames
Abaccarg Akram Alachita Alaunite Aldeet Alderd Alinhaw Alvite Amhaite Amhallite Andromeros Anite Annisby Aplete Arawks Ardin Argite Arleate Arryson Arshonby Artonyx Asackfor Asite Athivy Austacite Auxensin Avelipley Azite Baniite Banite Baraster Baraus Bastridge Baunyite Beaftow Belse Berysite Bhard Bhelde Bircort Blanaelite Blaniteth Blellan Bleon Bloweet Blurn Blydochad Blödi Bougilly Bower Braceafgh Brann Braquan Braste Bratby Bream Bridge Bridh Brinatby Brite Briziithia Bromston Bronend Brugh Brusite Buellite Bukudon Bunabay Burite Burnite Burtle Burydrite Buryson Buytod Bànad Caddenite Cadon Caikin Calby Calia Callebite Candrunite Canite Caoreede Carry Carsdam Celsey Cevite Chamer Cheaslazu Chite Chromon Chrìgh Chumaria Chutte Cille Clacshìch Clain Clarawcein Clard Clite Coclaugh Coldeston Colite Colorne Coluxenite Conchite Conth Conum Cooth Coraite Cosea Cownmoron Creite Crogats Croot Crougbury Cuisrandry Culine Curgite Curroite Cyite Cynite Cyrkbrocea Còmhaite Dainite Deilsite Demon Derite Dioboth Ditite Donite Dossougham Doveley Doviborns Duffe Dunnos Dyhort Eadmote Efolawle Eginubwa Ellheig Ellia Enews Esidge Essows Eucatonia Eucklead Eulain Faite Fariel Farite Fazer Felsa Ferite Ferry Fertite Fielites Fierumeste Figham Fleaterna Fluck Forouckin Frite Fruna Fòlarwain Gabhrobab Gadstna Gallia Gardbeck Gardialivy Garlon Garry Gattuddend Giterite Goite Golarstia Gonnum Gortlauck Grathne Graywokel Greath Greedge Greite Grivin Grosern Haite Halinge Hamet Hamoss Harstrains Hearassate Heartone Heasbaw Heirch Heldel Helle Hencald Henohria Hercafgh Hetite Hiterow Hiterrouge Horphytt Hovenus Hutiterley Hydrite Hyris Hysot Hytte Håleck Ilite Inite Ionite Ireenholy Irikite Irinds Irite Isbrite Iscoir Isite Jante Jikir Kadge Karba Kentiathed Kinsill Kinta Kipen Kiston Kreeite Kyite Könewelin Lacheadde Landite Lanesidhg Lavey Lelach Lermet Lessite Lierby Literlite Loebie Lomenus Lornsin Lortite Losedwe Lowcasite Loweed Loweente Luochigh Luoria Lìoscam Maley Mallania Mande Mangtoch Manis Manite Manonite Manthoe Maphàidia Marasite Marave Marrinley Mazzincory Mefor Melin Merierk Metrelite Micambia Mighte Mingste Moirk Molledbury Nadkenite Nagarot Nealawick Neste Nette Neweshib Nonite Nosidhùn Obarry Ogante Ohosanria Olberite Oldown Olequall Onich Ordam Ormaye Orthin Oughailme Ougille Parisd Partsmet Pedwolite Peite Penite Pheld Phydrite Physidgite Pinite Plema Plette Plewlax Plexange Podanntite Polisantag Polme Ponite Porairby Porome Porthairch Portortin Prehilth Prenk Pstowwotle Purcefort Purite Pursacratu Pyrtlod Qatsingil Reite Rhamarby Rialesfoot Ridcreanig Roclanite Rootby Roote Rosegille Ruingstly Rundrum Rusonch Sachaingon Saclawks Saspard Saujaper Scaccichaf Schite Scrough Seaite Seash Seastyrite Seliter Serimite Sgais Shacdh Shurdi Sidhod Sielstoite Silite Sille Skermete Skett Skingirite Slesey Slowpe Smate Smide Smord Sonite Souppitter Sparite Spezzincam Spines Stclite Sthiantigg Sthsarge Stinnohurn Stite Stlarvis Stlebon Stles Stlygodh Stroa Strough Stwin Styite Suarpe Sugèin Sumberite Suthwaite Swerby Swesuthlam Telite Thaigh Theaf Thiles Thnite Tield Tinyx Tonaigg Tonum Tough Tuson Tàild Ucreed Umaind Upitenona Uraingjia Urleas Urmaraite Uttlenite Vaein Varedale Varworix Veadene Venepton Venis Ventite Veolite Verigmegha Vetinne Waite Waywootar Weenfer Weenite Wherich Whiston Wiceite Wicham Wiched Willenom Wiloodge Winerrair Wiston Woolme Woorsgaras Wooterlite Wootho Worabaite Wortinod Xanate Yankcrader Yarve Yelles Ymiuq Yttle Zamainsite Zanto Zarnsonite Zhamson
#name stash#444names#444 names#dnd names#character names#markov namegen#markov name generation#markov#markov gen
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~ Sunday morning ~ . . . Blankets, sofa, coffee, the back doors open, and the sound of birds and branches in the breeze. Have a lovely Sunday. . . I've been painting like a whirling dervish, finishing up work in time for a private view, and so will be hibernating this week. It'll also give me time to calm down my frustration towards the powers that are in charge of this app. I'm suspicious that they want to create an environment of desperation not inspiration. So I'll see you in a week or so, calm and zen-like! Have a lovely one. 😘🙏🏻 . . . __________________________ . Blanket: www.woolme.com . . #thelifestylecollective #momentslikethese #woolme #cerealmag #tv_living #dearphotographer #recklessimage (at London, United Kingdom)
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Fast pre-order 5-7 days Converse CT 70s HI "Team Woolm" Rp 720.000 | 40-45 LINE | Whatsapp : 083849551703
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Scott Bloomquist breaks his 2-year winless drought. Can he pull the double tonight #thunderfest2020 @woolatemodels #worldofoutlaws #timetogoracing #woolms #dirtondirt #dirtcarsofinstagram #dirttracklatemodel #latemodelracing #worldofoutlawslatemodels #dirttracklife #dirttrackracing #dirttrackphotography #motorsportsphotographer #dirttrackphotographer #highsideraceshots #canon #canon6dmarkii #sigma #roadtrip #wizardandlizardroadshow #americandirt (at Thunder Mountain Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnetLkhi_T/?igshid=10ic5ch7j2elr
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The super cosy Alberto throw will become your best friend on cool summer evenings and chilly winter days. Woven from 100% pure new wool these throws feel gorgeously soft and will keep you warm wherever you are. Designed with a chic, neutral grey base tone, they are available in grey/turqiose or grey/gold. . . . #woolme #woolthrows #golden #grey #stripedthrow
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The things you do to chase a dream. @photobyjnp and I take the #wizardandlizardroadshow East next weekend for the @woolatemodels double header at @thundermountainspeedway #yesweareinsane #whatarewethinking #worldofoutlaws #timetogoracing #woolms #dirtondirt #dirtcarsofinstagram #dirttracklatemodel #latemodelracing #worldofoutlawslatemodels #dirttracklife #dirttrackracing #dirttrackphotography #motorsportsphotographer #dirttrackphotographer #highsideraceshots #canon #canon6dmarkii #sigma #roadtrip #americandirt #whoknowswherewewillshowupnext https://www.instagram.com/p/CFI5rzUhgXa/?igshid=1p3rsbpjno44c
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Congratulations to "Big Sexy" @boverton76 on his dominationing performance in Saturday night's 100 lap #usanationals feature @cedarlakespeedway @woolatemodels #worldofoutlaws #timetogoracing #woolms #dirtondirt #dirtcarsofinstagram #dirttracklatemodel #latemodelracing #worldofoutlawslatemodels #dirttracklife #dirttrackracing #dirttrackphotography #dirttrackphotographer #highsideraceshots #canon #canon6dmarkii #sigma #roadtrip #wizardandlizardroadshow (at Cedar Lake Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDuVvK5hYO4/?igshid=ti5qpfd7ihhf
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Who’s ready to race for the eagle? Oh yeah, there’s $50k on the line too. #usanationals @woolatemodels #worldofoutlaws #timetogoracing #woolms #dirtondirt #dirtcarsofinstagram #dirttracklatemodel #latemodelracing #worldofoutlawslatemodels #dirttracklife #dirttrackracing #dirttrackphotography #dirttrackphotographer #highsideraceshots #canon #canon6dmarkii #sigma #roadtrip #wizardandlizardroadshow (at Cedar Lake Speedway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDpHllBhi4R/?igshid=ap6a7bm3rjrp
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~ Sunday morning ~ . . . Blankets, sofa, coffee, the back doors open, and the sound of birds and branches in the breeze. Have a lovely Sunday. . . I've been painting like a whirling dervish, finishing up work in time for a private view, and so will be hibernating this week. It'll also give me time to calm down my frustration towards the powers that are in charge of this app. I'm suspicious that they want to create an environment of desperation not inspiration. So I'll see you in a week or so, calm and zen-like! Have a lovely one. 😘🙏🏻 . . . __________________________ . Blanket: www.woolme.com . . #thelifestylecollective #momentslikethese #woolme #cerealmag #tv_living #dearphotographer #recklessimage (at London, United Kingdom)
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Most of WoolMe throws come in nice black box • Perfect Gift for the ones you love the most
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