#wookieepedia only lists five for the movie
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top 5 very minor sequels characters?
*claps my hands together giddily* my time to shine, thanks Casey! Honestly it's going to be the hardest to narrow down solely to just five. I'm only going to be including characters from the films (otherwise this would be a very different list) and I'm running on the basis that they don't have a huge role in affecting the plot and primarily function as background characters (so no Paige or Zorii or Kaydel on this list, but know that I adore them)
Snap Wexley. Although technically my love for Snap is definitely born a little bit out of the Poe comics, I still adore the moments we get of him in the movies, rare as they are. That quick little shot at the end of tfa where we see him and Poe looking excitedly at each other in the bg when the map is complete? I adore them both so much. Shout out to Poe's canon bestie, and also bigger shout out to Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga for going "he's fine nothing happened on Exegol what the fuck are you talking about"
Tallie Lintra. MY LOVE. MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED I'M SO SORRY THAT EMO ASS BLEW UP THE HANGAR YOU WERE IN...anyway, I just love the vibe that Tallie gives off in her few scenes we see of her. Plus an A-Wing pilot?? FUCK YEAH. I'm always gonna adore A-Wing pilots (I have a soft spot for A-Wings, my dad gave me a toy A-Wing as a kid)
C'ai Threnalli. I just love C'ai. Running theme here in that all my faves are pilots (is anyone shocked? I mean, really?). He seems like an absolute sweetie. I love the canon details we got of him outside the movie as well - that he's one of Poe's frequent wingman and understands Poe pretty well/they're close because of it, and that C'ai doesn't speak Basic. Also the hug between him and Poe at the end of tlj is SO SOFT and sWEET I love it sm. I also just realized a couple weeks ago that you can actually hear Poe say his name, so I finally know how to pronounce it (it's said like Kai)
Beaumont Kin. Beaumont you funky little autism, you. I love the fact that his scenes in tros is just him infodumping about his special interest. This man was a professor before he joined the Resistance? He's estranged from his shitty family, has a special interest in the old republic (and altho now it's not on wookieepedia i swear at one point it was canon he had visited like - some sith planets to take a look at the historical sites).
Captain Canady. The one and only First Order fella to make the list. Why is he on here? Because for reasons unknown even to me, I love him? He's so exasperated in the like....five minutes of screentime he has in tlj, and looks like he's 0.5 seconds away from materializing off that dreadnought onto the Finalizer to throttle Hux, which is...valid as hell, and funny as fuck to watch.
Honorable Mentions (some of whom felt a little too plot relevant to include): Larma D'Acy, Wrobie Tyce (another pilot, also D'Acy's wife!), Jessika Pava, KALONIA my beloved I'm sorry you couldn't fit into the list, Peazy (PZ-4CO), Ushos S. Statura, Aftab Ackbar, Taslin Brance, and whole lot more because I want to fit the entire Resistance into my pocket to keep them safe. I love them deeply.
Ask me my top five anything!
#ask box#tremendouskoalachild#every day i wonder if pz is safe....#is she safe is she alright#sHE WAS ON THE TRANSPORT WITH POE AND LEIA TO CRAIT IS SHE!! SAFE!!!#peazy handshake meme iolo are you two alive sound off
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#panaka: I'll put a half dozen teenage girls together. All of them are prodigies. I'm sure everything go my way
Captain Panaka: Queen Amidala, what do you have?
Padme, running by with 6 handmaidens at her heels: A gun!
Captain Panaka: NO!!!
#sw#star wars#queen amidala#senator amidala#padme amidala#quarsh panaka#handmaidens#eirtaé#Eirtama Ballory#rabé#Rabene Tonsort#sabé#tsabin#yané#Suyan Higin#saché#Sashah Adova#I don't know who the sixth one is#wookieepedia only lists five for the movie
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I've been seeing a lot of fics where Anakin still has his slave chip (deactivated) in his body after joining the Jedi Order. I had never really thought about it that much, but had always assumed the chip was just removed on Tatooine before he left with Qui-Gon. Do you know if there's any official material on this anywhere, or is it more a fanon/shared headcanon thing?
Hi! As far as I'm aware it's never been mentioned in any source material when Anakin's was taken out, either canon or Legends. I even checked Wookieepedia and there aren't any sources listed there that I could go check out for myself. I can go either way on this, because Tatooine was basically the ass end of nowhere, only good for brief stops while traveling along hyperspace routes and I doubt there'd be much call for taking transmitter chips out. I generally assume they're probably reasonably easy to put in, probably something as simple as a shot, but the procedure to take it out would be more invasive. But, honestly, SW is so much handwavey bullshit that you can do whatever you like and have it be consistent with the material! So it's entirely possible that they took it out on Tatooine or on Padme's ship as soon as they took off, because it might not actually be a terrible invasive procedure if you had access to relatively decent medical equipment. The plot of TPM is pretty hectic, they're rushing back and forth because shit's hitting the fan pretty hard and we don't know how much downtime there is between events, so it's possible that they just didn't really have five minutes to breathe until after the events of the movie and they got back to the Jedi Temple. It's possible that it was taken out on Tatooine. Or on Padme's ship. Or when they got to Coruscant the first time, while Qui-Gon was still alive. It's pretty much a blank slate in the source material as far as I've seen, so one version is just as good as another, and I think a lot of people really love the cuteness of Obi-Wan holding bb!Anakin's hand while he goes to the medical wing for the first time and I AM ONE OF THEM, IT'S SO PRECIOUS. (But, no, nothing's canon, so pick what you like!)
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Don’t Talk to Me About Naboo’s Moons
Last month, I had a little too much time on my hands when I ran out of things to do at work, so I made a Powerpoint. I did not expect to have 20 slides worth of yelling about Naboo’s moons, but here we are.
[ID: PowerPoint slide. The title, in big letters, reads “Don’t Talk to Me About Naboo’s Moons.” In smaller letters, the subtitle: “(Star Wars Writers Sure Didn’t Talk to Each Other About Them, Either)”. /end ID]
And now I’m adapting it to a Tumblr post, because why not.
How many moons does Naboo have?
I'm glad you asked
Inside the Worlds of STAR WARS Episode I (2000) stated that they had one moon, and from TPM footage it’s hard to claim for certain there’s any more than that. Apparently taking their cue from Secrets of Naboo, a supplement to the WOTC Star Wars RPG, later sources have run with three moons
Source: https://www.theforce.net/swtc/orbs.html#naboo
Thrawn: Alliances (2018) compares another system’s moons with Naboo’s: “They were small moons, smaller than any of Naboo’s three…” (Ch. 15)
Nexus of Power (supplement to the Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game) says Naboo has “three small moons”
[ID: Moonlight over Theed, The Phantom Menace. One obvious moon shines in the sky over Theed palace. Another bright object in the sky may also be a moon. /end ID]
[ID: Amidala’s starship passes a moon of Naboo, The Phantom Menace. The moon in question is tan and barren-looking. /end ID]
So, we have designations for three or fewer moons, right?
There's five candidates: Ohma-D'un, Onoam, Rori, Veruna, and a “nameless mass”
Sources and Canon in Star Wars
Before we go on, let’s look at how we get information about the Star Wars universe, and how I select from contradictory information. If you’re familiar, obviously, feel free to skip ahead to the next section. The imaginary audience for the PowerPoint might not have been.
The old EU passes into Legends
On April 25, 2014, in the leadup to The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm announced that all previous Expanded Universe material would now be published under the Legends banner. All six previous movies plus The Clone Wars series “are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.” Novels, comics, and other expanded universe material published after the changeover to Legends is now known as New Canon (or Disney Canon).
Every fan ultimately comes to their own arrangement with what they consider canon — which pieces of New Canon and Legends they stitch together to come to a satisfying understanding of the Star Wars universe.
Canon status of roleplaying game materials
The canon policy of Wookieepedia is fascinating and I have not even scratched the surface, but the section on roleplaying games makes for especially convoluted reading. Both the West End Games and Wizards of the Coast licenses for RPGs ended before the Legends changeover; these are firmly Legends.
Fantasy Flight Games, however, gained the license to card, board, and roleplaying games in 2011, just three years before the switch to New Canon. Lucasfilm Story Group has made no public stance on whether their material is canon.
For this reason and because their publishing time for the RPG sourcebooks stretches before and after the changeover, Wookieepedia has gone case-by-case and selected which books apply to Legends, Canon, or both for article-writing purposes.
Mainstream solutions to the three-moon problem
[ID: A quote from Nexus of Power: “Three small moons - Ohma-D’un, Rori, and a nameless mass that is little more than an overgrown asteroid - house small colonies as well as a handful of offworld and orbital shipyard and factories.” /end iD]
Nexus of Power is an FFG sourcebook that was determined by Wookieepedia’s standards to apply to Canon as well as Legends articles. Its entry on Naboo, however, differs from the later sourcebook Rise of the Separatists, which Wookieepedia deems canon and cites in its selection of moons.
The Rise of the Separatists entry reads:
Three moons—Ohma-D’un, Rori, and Veruna—orbit Naboo. They host small colonies with shipyards, orbital dockyards, and factories.
So even within one publishing license and one context, different moons have been attributed to Naboo.
Wookieepedia’s Canon page for Naboo lists Ohma-D’un, Onoam, and Veruna. Each of these comes from a different source:
Ohma-D’un cites Rise of the Separatists
Onoam cites Leia, Princess of Alderaan
Veruna cites Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia
They’ve made a choice—but it’s definitely not the only plausible choice. Each of the four names we’re given for Naboo’s moons has at least some backing in New Canon.
Onoam is the only moon on this list that is fully and non-dubiously canonical, as Leia spent some time there in the 2017 novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan. It is, however, the funniest name choice: someone recently pointed out to me that it’s just an anagram of “a moon”
I love this, but Claudia Gray sure muddied the Naboo Moon Name Waters by making this the only choice it is impossible to reject. No shade, though. I loved the LPOA Naboo crumbs.
Onoam has both mines (plagued in the Imperial era by corrupt leadership and miner safety issues) and luxury housing. Before his assassination, Moff Quarsh Panaka resided in a chalet on Onoam, and Queen Dalné had a home there.
Sidebar: The Mining Moons
When discussing the assassination attempt on Padmé in Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu says, “Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo.”
Leia, Princess of Alderaan establishes that Onoam was one of these moons; it mentions strikes and minor political violence a generation before Leia’s. It also establishes that Onoam is mined for medicinal spice, which by law can only be mined by humans, not droids
In Queen’s Shadow, which takes place in 28 BBY, the mining moons “struggle to maintain the balance between the rule of Naboo and their allegiance to filling their quotas”; the mining jobs are much less lucrative than farming on Karlinus
[ID: a rather barren, tan-colored moon /end ID]
Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia (2017) identifies the moon pictured above as Veruna. The same moon was identified as Ohma-D’un by The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008), according to Wookieepedia. I have access to neither, but it looks like the moon the ship passed in TPM. For being one of Wookiee’s choices, the evidence for this name is astonishingly thin, but the same can be said of some of the others
Sidebar: King Veruna and his moon
The likelihood is that Veruna (the moon) was named for Ars Veruna, Padmé’s predecessor as Naboo’s monarch in Legends novels Darth Plagueis (2012) and Cloak of Deception (2001)
It is very probable that Veruna is no longer canon, and it is certainly impossible that he served a decade-plus term that ended shortly before Padmé’s reign:
Padmé’s immediate predecessor, according to Queen’s Peril (2020), was Queen Sanandrassa
Sometime during Eirtaé’s childhood, Réillata served a single two-year term, according to Queen’s Shadow (2019)
Even if he’s placed somewhere before Sanandrassa, there’s not really room for him to have reigned that long unless there are two monarchs between him and Padmé
Rori was named and fleshed out in the 2003 game Star Wars Galaxies, which is now Legends. While it is one of the names given in the Fantasy Flight Games sourcebooks, it doesn’t seem to have a source anywhere else in New Canon.
Ohma-D’un has one New Canon source outside of RPG sourcebooks: the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Smuggler’s Guide. In Smuggler’s Guide, Tyro Viveca (one of the owners of the in-universe book) mentioned seeing bursa-baiting on Ohma-D’un. Bursas are bear-like creatures originally from Legends material, where they were known to attack and destroy Gungan settlements.
I had a picture of a captive bursa for illustrative purposes, but honestly it made me too sad so I deleted it. Nevertheless, that’s stronger detail and evidence than we have for either Rori or Veruna.
Bonus fact: Naboo officially has no such thing as prison. When Panaka mentions this to Rabé, she says, “Only because we send everyone to the moon” (Queen’s Peril). Enjoy those implications!
While Onoam is definitely one of the moons, what you call the other two is up to each person’s discretion until something else is stated. Personally, I prefer Ohma-D’un and Rori, rather than Veruna. This partly because I don’t like Veruna the Legends figure (petty) and partly because Rori has some interesting Legends lore that could be drawn on in a pinch, which as far as I can tell Veruna does not.
#star wars#naboo#star wars meta#my headcanons#the subtitle isn't like. a real dig.#there isn't a lot of info about them! kudos to gray and johnston for picking up on mace's comment abt miners#there are so many little details i miss in the movies they've made interesting in books
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91 Questions
Oh lord. Thank you @selkatha for tagging me in this!
THE LAST – 1. Drink: Water
2. Phone call: My dad trying to get me to fix the internet 3. Text message: "'A tomato was a foodstuff that could be thrown.'" (a quote from Wookieepedia) 4. Song I listened to: "The Battle Of Gall" by Joel McNeely 5. Time you cried: Monday at 4 am, reading the Kanan comic
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Been cheated on: No 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: I guess but not really in the way you're thinking 9. Lost someone special: Not really 10. Been depressed: Always 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
12. Vantablack 13. Regular black 14. Dark red
15. Made new friends: I guess, sorta? 16. Fallen out of love: I’ve never fallen in love so that would be difficult 17. Laughed until you cried: About once a week in math class 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but in a pretty neutral way 19. Met someone who changed you: I started watching Rebels. So yes 20. Found out who your true friends were: Sure, I suppose
21. Kissed someone on your facebook? Don't have a Facebook, would never kiss someone who has a Facebook 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? None, don't have Facebook 23. Do you have any pets? Two cats, Leeloo (mine) and Snowpaw (my sister's) 24. Do you want to change your name? Yeah, I guess, idk 25. What did you do on your last birthday? Literally nothing 26. What time did you wake up? 12:30 pm 27. What were you doing at midnight? "Writing" 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Bubble tea 29. When was the last time you saw your mother? Like two hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? No more mental illness 31. What are you listening to right now? The Office 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Probably? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves? The stupid post I have to do on my other blog 34. Most visited site: Either this one or Wookieepedia
35. Elementary: Alternating years of Good and Hell. So much fuckin snow like that's my clearest memory. So much snow. A mostly-functional education system, that was nice. I went to like five different schools and each had something worth talking about but that'll take too long. (One of them practiced paganism, as it turns out). I moved in the middle of it. Just a very dense time in my life. Too much happened. 36. Middle: Mostly blank. I remember like three things and the rest is a blur of anxiety and dissociation. This is about when I realized that teachers don't actually know stuff, especially if you choose to hire teachers who don't know stuff. 37. High: So far, dislikeable. About half my teachers hate me cause I never do work and the others think I'm a model student (hint: no). I never have to take gym again, though, so naturally I replaced it with philosophy. I can now tell you exactly when the sun rises every morning, thanks J-block band. The third floor became gay this year. 38. College: I'm thinking Waterloo right now, but who knows I might just die instead? I'll probably study either chemistry, astrophysics, writing or music, or philosophy or maths. Who knows?
ME –
39. Hair color: Pink, but it'll be mint by next week 40. Long or short hair? Quite short 41. Do you have a crush on someone? Never 42. What do you like about yourself? About half my brain 43. Piercings? Just ears 44. Blood type: AB+ I think 45. Nickname: Occasionally Sherlock, but I mostly get called Daddy Binks these days (or Long Beef Binks, or Daddy Long Beef) (don't ask, you don't want to know). Some people call me Obi on occasion, which doesn't actually come from Obi-Wan as one would expect 46. Relationship status: Single 47. Zodiac sign: Virgo 48. Pronouns: I use she/her but I honestly don't care, as I recently found out 49. Favorite TV show(s): Brooklyn 99, Rebels, Clone Wars, Arrested Development, Parks & Rec 50. Tattoos: Nope 51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? Right-handed
52. Surgery: Nope 53. Piercing: Ears 54. Sport: Climbing, since I was 3 55. Vacation: Texas? That wasn't really a vacation per say but we never go on vacation 56. Pair of trainers: Well I'm sure I had one, probably, but what does this want? They were probably blue?
57. Eating: Nothing 58. Drinking: Nothing
59. I’m about to: Eat, practice, work on stuff 60. Listening to: The Office
61. Waiting for: Death. Or bubble tea 62. Want: Bubble tea, and death 63. Married: Nah 64. Career: Idfk. Either something to do with space, something to do with science, both, something to do with writing or something to do with music.
65. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, but those are also generally bad 66. Lips or eyes? Eyes. Unless the lips are playing something really cool 67. Shorter or taller? Idc 68. Older or younger? Romantically, I'm guessing? My age would be better? 69. Nice arms or nice stomach? I don't give a shit 70. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive, I guess. Just not loud 71. Hook-up or relationship? Neither, preferrably 72. Troublemaker or hesitant? Hesitant 73. Kissed a stranger? Depends on your definition of stranger 74. Drank hard liquor? Nope, so far I only like white wine 75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? Don't have them 76. Turned someone down? I don't think so. If I have I can't remember 77. Sex on first date? Nah 78. Broken someone’s heart? Doubt it 79. Had your heart broken? Not romantically 80. Been arrested? No 81. Cried when someone died? All the Jedi at the end of ROTS. Jacen Solo. Chewie. And my dog. That should have gone first, I'm thinking. 82. Fallen for a friend? Nah
83. Yourself? Only at 5:30 in the morning
84. Miracles? Not really 85. Love at first sight? No 86. Santa Claus? No
87. Kiss on first date? Sure, whatever 88. Angels? No
89. Current best friend’s name: Holly 90. Eye color: Blue/grey 91. Favorite movie: Rogue One, ROTS, Planet of the Apes, Megamind, Star Trek: Beyond
Alright, I'm gonna tag @kenobi-and-barnes, @classy-mantis-shrimp, @crazy-tracyn, @freya-emrys, and anyone else who wants to (seriously you can if you want, I just can't think of people rn).
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