#woohoo lets put him in a situation
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knarroweddown · 2 years ago
Well, Well, Well...
Time heads out the door, shutting it gently, and Purah scribbles names next to items. Then she gets to work.
Contrary to popular belief, as reliable as he was, Time should not be trusted on errands alone. Ask his lovely wife, Malon, there is a reason she has to accompany him to Castle Town after all. 
The door shuts softly behind him, crackles of the furnace accompanying the occasional sighing breeze. Colorful streaks peek above the distant mountaintops, brightening Time’s figure as he makes his way down to Hateno.
‘Alright, Link. Make this quick, no detours or noticing suspicious soft patches of dirt. Just a cucco egg,’ Time thought, steeling himself against anything mysterious.
The noise of conversation gradually rises as the Hero of Time makes his way closer to the small village. He pauses at the dye shop. Oh, that shade of red would look good with his fireproof tunic and that light green-
No, stay focused.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” Time calls to a nearby villager, “Are there any ranches nearby? I need to gather a few eggs for a friend.”
“Ah! O’ course there are! The closest one is right up there.” Rising onto the balls of her feet, she points over the house roofs and up the hill to a small windmill. “Not only do they have cuccos, but they also have a few sheep and cow products if ya need ‘em as well!”
Time bows slightly in thanks, eyeing the hill he had just descended from, “I appreciate the information.”
Preparing to make the hike again, he shifts in his armor. The breeze ruffles his hairs and leaves twirl in the air when he makes it halfway up. That of course is when his thoughts became a tad bit sidetracked.
“...ink,” came a whisper.
Time’s ear twitches, seems like someone’s looking for Wild. Unfortunate that he’s probably halfway across the continent already.
“Listen, Link!”
His head turns sharply and in a flash, he’s back in the Lost Woods. Green fairies flit to and fro between the tree trunks, giggling amongst themselves. A blue light floats in the shade of the trees, retreating deeper into the thick foliage.
Time feels his heart jump into his throat. “Wait!” He cries, “Slow down! Navi!”
Sharp branches slap against his face, but Time doesn’t feel any of it. The light was growing dimmer and he wasn’t getting any closer. Around him the trunks grew thicker, packing tighter together the further he pushed forward.
And then darkness.
Link- no, Time, frantically looks around, turning in circles to find his friend. “S-she has to be over here somewhere…”
Everything blurs momentarily and he’s back in reality. Except…
A well sits in front of him, its depths beckoning him like a spider in its web. Cautiously, the Hero of Time makes his way towards its stony hem, peering into the abyss. Time feels his ear twitch-
“Watch out!”
Metal meets metal, sparks soar into the noon sky. His mirror-image stares back at him, except it isn’t. Its eye glowed a bloody red and the body a translucent black. Time felt himself falter in shock, allowing the Shadow to retreat back.
“What, stuck in the past?” It cackles tauntingly, swinging its sword in circles. The Shadow lunges at Time, feinting to the right and slicing him across the back of his thigh.
Time screams in rage and pain, stumbling and catching himself on the well when his leg gives up. He wobbles on one leg, glaring at his double. This wasn’t an ideal situation, if he was able to the draw attention of one of the boys-
“Tsk tsk, Hero. No one’s around to help you, I’ve made sure of that,” the Shadow snickers, “Say hello to an old friend for me~.”
Then Time is falling, staring up at the red blot that grows smaller and smaller.
well wasn't this fun! maybe I'll write a second part, maybe not! Hope the pacing was okay.
WTIYS Challenge by @breannasfluff
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epicbuddieficrecs · 8 months ago
Weekly Recap | July 15th-21st 2024
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I have a week off of work, woohoo! This week I mostly read all of my favourite WIPs that updated multiple times, thank you all for keeping me well fed 😎
is there some place where we can go right now? (i don't think that it can wait) by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Established Buddie, Bar Sex, PWP | 2K | Explicit): Buck, Eddie, and the inside of a bar bathroom
you call me pretty little thing by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Established Buddie, Panty Kink, PWP | Explicit): “Buck,” Eddie breathes after a moment. “Are you wearing—?” Buck nips at Eddie’s slack mouth and says coyly, “Why don’t you see for yourself?” Eddie, it seems, doesn’t need to be told twice. He shoves Buck off his lap, tearing his sweatpants down his hips to reveal the tiny, pink lace panties Buck has on beneath them.
looking for something dumb to do by sibylsleaves/ @sibylsleaves (Buddie Wedding, PWP | 4K | Explicit): It’s also not unusual that the app bay is almost empty when they walk inside, save for one engine parked along the side. What is unusual is the rows of white folding chairs facing the back wall. And the archway adorned with greenery and pale pink blossoms set up beneath the loft. And all of their friends milling about the app bay, dressed up like… Like they’re attending a wedding.
Hell or High Water by glorious_spoon/ @glorious-spoon (4x04: What's Your Grievance, PWP, First Time | 5K | Explicit): That’s Buck’s cue to put a stop to this before it crosses a line they can’t come back from. Before he says something or does something that means Eddie will never touch him or smile at him or let him into his home again. Buck breaks things; that’s what he does. And he’s tried so hard not to break this.
🔥 my man says he loves me (never says he loves me not) by colonoscopys/ @colonoscopys (Post-S7, Identity Porn | 9K | General): It’s the summer after Eddie blows his life up that he realizes he kinda wants to do it again.  He’s looking at the TV, watching some shitty, fuzzy screen show that Buck favored on his last shift, and letting sleep kinda wash in and wash out. There’s an ad after a while. “Are you struggling with being in love with your best friend too?” The man asks. “You should sign up for inlovewithmybestfriendandgoingtodie.com. A support group dedicated to people in love with their best friend, inlovewithmybestfriendandgoingtodie.com is a great way to learn how to cope and survive when you’re in love with someone you’ll never have!” Eddie gapes at the screen. 
🔥 Held Up a Lightning Rod (Wonder Why I'm Struck) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Not A Firefighter Eddie, Sugar Baby Buck | 17/22 | 88K | Explicit): When Eddie Diaz stumbles his way into money, he finds himself one of the most eligible bachelors in Los Angeles - to his dismay. He needs a way to get people off his back without confessing his messy marital situation, and Shannon's still not answering his calls, so he caves to a friend's suggestion: hire someone to pretend to be his partner. Enter Evan "Buck" Buckley: sugar baby, fire fighter, and the man about to turn Eddie's world upside down.
🔥 Long Death by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Post-S7, Vampire AU | 8/12 | 33K | Explicit): In the summer of 2024, a never before seen form of vampirism breaks out in Los Angeles. Just as Eddie is about to get his son back. Six months later, Buck's life is permanently changed.
drift past the flowers. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6, (Un)requited Love | 6/12 | 18K | Teen): OR Buck and Natalia get engaged, and Eddie flees the state about it. A petty email correspondence ensues.
🔥loves a game, wanna play? by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (Post-S7, Love Island AU | 6/13 | 26K | Mature): In the aftermath of Chris leaving for the summer, Buck convinces Eddie they should apply for Love Island together.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, Divergent Post-S6 | 131/? | 413K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
🔥 If You Can Make the Music by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, | 4/5 | 11K | Mature): Spin-off Sequel to Evan Buckley & the Coma-Verse of Madness - Chapter 5 (Seaside): A year after a whirlwind two week love affair with bartender Buck in Galveston, Texas, Eddie Diaz finds himself coincidentally relocating to the area. But when he attempts to reconnect with Buck, he's in for an unfortunate surprise. (Part 3 of Coma-Verse)
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toomanythoughts2 · 7 months ago
Dethklok Agere HCs: Skwisgaar Edition
We're almost at the end, woohoo! The next one up is Skwisgaar 🎸! Him and Nathan will be my hardest challenge because I think they embody a type of regression that is very neutral but also very personalized. Anyway, this Skwisgaar 🎸! I hope to get Nathan's out soon to finish them all off.
Everything is below the Keep Reading tab.
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(My blonde, tall guitar god, how I love you so. You did not deserve the shit you got.)
🎸 With Pickles being the oldest out of the bunch regression-wise, Skwisgaar's age range is most similar to Murderface's. He's definitely 5 to 9, usually hanging around the 7 mark. I like to think that a lot of his regression is around the same age from when we see him as a kid in "Fatherklok." which I think is either 7 or 8. Possibly older but still very young.
🎸 Skwisgaar's regression is voluntary, so it's Age Dreaming.
🎸 I like to think that a lot of his regression is about missing childhood experiences, much like Pickles, but less extreme. Instead of being antagonized or willfully ignored like Pickles, Skwisgaar was neglected and forgotten about. Pickles' regression is about redo-ing certain parts of his childhood that were ruined or never explored. Skwisgaar is about filling in those gaps in his childhood with those activities that he never got to do in the first place.
🎸 From a DVD Special, we know a few things about Skwisgaar's childhood. 1. He was so impoverished that he would eat snow for dinner. 2. He worked a regular job at one point in his life before he went into bands, most likely either as a legal working child or a teenager. (I'm saying before because Skwisgaar has a long history of being in other bands before Dethklok. Pickles is the oldest and had a career in Snakes' N' Barrels around the '80's - 90's starting at age 16. Brendon says that Nathan and Skwisgaar are the same age, youngest only to Pickles. That doesn't give us too much room to work with when discussing the time between Skwisgaar joins his first band and him having this regular job. So it makes sense that Skwisgaar would have this job as a minor.) With that understanding, I believe that Skwisgaar had to give up a lot of normal childhood activities that someone with more money and/or free time would experience. Along with his mothers promiscuity, I also believe that Skwisgaar had a very unhealthy living situation in terms of inappropriate sexual behavior and abuse. (I will argue that having sex in your living room with the knowledge that your son would be coming home soon and then not reacting or stopping the men when he walks in, is child abuse. Also, the things in Skwisgaar's in-character interviews scream neglect.) Skwisgaar had to grow up fast in order to survive and disassociated via his guitar.
🎸 The person to first figure out Skwisgaar's regression is Toki. Toki spends a lot of time with Skwisgaar, both regressed and not, and is very observant of his character. He notices the shift in Skwisgaar when Pickles is being particularly "motherly" around Toki. Almost like he's expecting Pickles to wipe his face at dinner or put his hair in a ponytail so it's out of the way.
🎸 Toki doesn't bring up his findings at first. He sits and watches for these shifts in his character to gather the evidence that he is regressing. After a while of watching and confirming his suspicions, he decides to put his last piece of his plan into motion. While not regressed, he copies some of Pickles' caregiver movements on Skwisgaar. They're really subtle but so is Skwisgaar's shift. Afterwards, Toki does confront Skwisgaar about it alone.
🎸 This is where Skwisgaar is different from Toki, Pickles, and Murderface. Skwisgaar did not start regressing until he started being around Toki, Murderface, and Pickles as regressors. Skwisgaar is making the conscious choice of regressing and letting himself relax under the ministrations of his bandmates. He is choosing to regress as a way to cope with his trauma and stress. Before this, he did not use regressing. He mostly used sex and playing guitar before, both coping mechanisms that he still utilizes even after he starts regressing. One could argue that Skwisgaar is experimenting with regressing and has found favor in the method.
🎸 I'm going to just say that I'm using the way these posts are published as the timeline for when each member comes out. So it would go Toki, Murderface, Pickles, Skwisgaar, Nathan. With these being said, when Skwisgaar does tell the band, they are all very supportive of him, and were already expecting it. This, of course, elicits a trip to Dr. Twinkletits by Charles since Skwisgaar decided on his own that he was going to use regression to cope. Charles has everyone's best interest in heart and wants Skwisgaar to utilize this approach the best way possible.
🎸 Skwisgaar's regression is weather based. Most of his regression happens when it's winter time, especially if it snows. I wouldn't say it's a trigger for him, but more so, a relaxer. It's easier for him to regress when it's cold and snowy and reminds him of his childhood.
🎸 Skwisgaar does not have tantrums like Pickles, Toki, or Murderface. He learned from a young age that tantrums never got him anywhere, in fact, it took the few things he had away. So he is very quiet. When he's upset with something, he goes almost completely mute. He tries to focus on his guitar playing ("Dethmas" "Dethfam") instead of the thing that made him upset. Pickles and Nathan try to work Skwisgaar through those emotions and get him to talk about what made him so upset. The point of regressing is to convey emotions that otherwise wouldn't come out. They want to know what's wrong, or at least convince him that it's ok to tell them what has made him upset. He is allowed to be upset by things and show that emotion. Skwisgaar is still very unsure about this and hasn't opened too much.
🎸 Recognizing when Skwisgaar is regressed is very hard because of his vast age range and the personalities of these ages. He emulates the type of person he was at the age when he regresses because he doesn't know exactly how else to regress to those ages "normally" (I say that in the context that he grew up very fast, thus skewing his perception of childhood.) The only one that can clock it is Toki. He's spends most of his time watching Skwisgaar and copying him that he's able to notice when something changes, like his demeanor or his stance or even his playing.
🎸 When Skwisgaar regresses, so does his guitar playing. His fingers know the cords, but they become looser, freer. Like someone who hasn't disciplined themselves on correct finger placements yet or someone who is still struggling with sweeping. Skwisgaar doesn't notice the change, and if he does, he doesn't change it. The music and the way he plays helps him regress, if he wants to willfully regress.
🎸 Skwisgaar has some thoughts on what he missed out on as a child but most of it is very vague. Unlike Pickles who wanted re-dos of birthdays, Skwisgaar wants not-so memorable activities. The band has been able to find a few of these activities, like playing in the snow, having a movie night, or having a family dinner. But there are looser activities like someone brushing his hair after a shower, someone reading his original works and giving him feedback, or someone holding him when he's sick. In regards, Skwisgaar's regression is very similar to Toki in terms of wanting "normal" activities. The band works hard to fulfil these requests as often as they can.
🎸 Sometimes Skwisgaar regresses in hopes of doing one of these activities and other times he regresses while he's already doing the activity. For example, sometimes he will regress before going outside in the cold in hopes that someone will force him into warmer clothes and help him put on his jacket and hat and gloves. However, sometimes he's not regressed and wants to go outside when it's cold but is forced into warmer clothes, causing him to regress.
🎸 Do not bring up his mother when he is regressed. It's banned.
🎸 Skwisgaar is very conflicted about caregivers. When he regresses, a lot of it is about wanting to be cared for by someone, particularly a parental figure. He does want a parental-role caregiver however, he is scared of parental role figures. He is also very angry at caregivers. His own experiences with parents and would-be parents have made him apprehensive and dismissive of them. But the want to please, to be seen, to be acknowledge is all still there. He fights it all the time.
Sometimes the want for a caregiver wins and other times the apprehensive side wins. The band tries to give him the space to make that decision on his own. They consider the apprehensive side as another portion of his regression, one that calls for how Skwisgaar wanted to act toward his parental figures and would-be parental figures as a child. It's like being able to finally get back at your parents for when they hurt you. So sometimes, the band acts like caregivers to give Skwisgaar the freedom to "tell them off" like how he wanted to as a kid. His regression is complex in that way that the band as caregivers are acting as their own, individualized caregivers and "roleplaying" as past parental figures. They conceptualize different type of adults in Skwisgaar's life, ones that he wants approval from and ones he wants to completely ignore.
🎸 Skwisgaar was an only child growing up but always longed for a sibling. Regression grants him that wish. He loves to regress when the others are regressed, and loves having them act as his siblings, as either older or younger siblings. He likes being around Pickles when they're regressed because it feels like he has a cool older brother that he look up to and hang out with. He likes being around Murderface because he always has the coolest toys that he never got growing up, and (surprisingly) Murderface shares very well with his toys. Skwisgaar likes being around Toki because Toki still looks up to Skwisgaar and likes to ask him questions about his guitar, and Skwisgaar loves talking about his passion. He loves having siblings to be a child around.
🎸 Skwisgaar doesn't want discipline initially because his regression is so controlled and experimental. However, the longer he does it for and the less conscious it becomes, he does warm up to the idea of discipline. Granted, it's usually just a verbal warning but he did get popped on the back of the head once by Pickles for being a little mean to Toki when he was really small. Skwisgaar decided he probably deserved it because he was being a bit meaner than normal. They are not allowed, otherwise, to do anything else. There are no timeouts or physical punishments, just verbal warnings and scolding's.
🎸 Skwisgaar is open to utilizing regression supplies, he's just very hesitant. A part of him still feels a little silly for being a grown man acting like a child, but the others try to encourage his curiosity. Toki is always willing to talk to him about his supplies and tools, and how they make him feel or how he uses them. He tests out different clothing too to help get him in the right headspace. So far, he's alright using child-friendly cutlery meant for children not toddlers. They make him feel special because nothing in his own house was dedicated or bought specifically with a child in mind. He used all grown up stuff, not the child friendly versions. So things that are made with a child-friendly version, he likes, such as CF! Toothbrushes and toothpaste, CF! Tablets, and CF! guitars. He likes sippy cups with the lids or straws, especially bendy straws (His mom never let him get bendy straws). He likes the graphic tees with his special interest on it, which becomes his biggest signal that he wants to regress. He doesn't like bottles or things meant for toddlers, like Toki. But he will play with a few of his toys simply out of curiosity, like wooden matching puzzles or rings. He won't use a pacifier but has been found sucking his thumb when he's deep in his regression.
🎸 Skwisgaar parallel plays the most out of the band. Sometimes he just likes doing his own thing while the others are doing their own thing. The problem is that Toki always wants to do what Skwisgaar is doing, especially if he's regressed. Skwisgaar has learned to call over Pickles, Nathan, or Charles to get Toki when he wants to be alone. Toki has learned to sneak better. They can come to a truce if Toki gives Skwisgaar two feet of space and is quietly observing Skwisgaar.
🎸 There is no sex allowed in Mordhaus when Skwisgaar is regressed. This goes for all of them but it's especially true for Skwisgaar. Because Skwisgaar grew up in a house that was so sexually inappropriate, those sounds or visuals are serious triggers for him. The band made this a rule when Toki started regressing involuntarily. But when Skwisgaar started regressing, they realized that even the mention of sex would trigger him or it would take him out of his regression. The only time where the rule was broken (accidental) Skwisgaar freaked out so bad and hid in a closet with his guitar. He would have completely ran out of the house if the door to outside was closer. He doesn't want to be back inside that house as a child, he wants to be in HIS house as a child.
🎸 Skwisgaar has found comfort in cartoons from his childhood and will watch them when regressed. He loves Moomins, Tintin, and Babar! Toki will often join in and watch with him. Pickles thinks that maybe Tintin is a little too advance for Toki but Skwisgaar tells him that Toki isn't even really paying attention. He just likes to snuggle up with Skwisgaar and watch the TV with him, regressed or not. Nathan gifts him a Moomins plush as a surprise one day to help him regress. Nathan gifted Toki Snufkin as his companion piece.
🎸 Skwisgaar is experimenting with how much help he wants with his regression. For example, he doesn't know if he wants Pickles to cut up his food for him, feed it to him, wipe his hands, clean his face, ect. Or if he wants more independence where he gets his plate and eats by himself and cleans himself off but Pickles comes by to do "touch ups" or reminders. It's like direct help vs. indirect help. He likes to do things independently but enjoys being dotting one from time to time. But he doesn't like everything being taken over for him, he likes do things independently. But he likes encouragement and observation to things he cares about. He also likes "advice" where someone will tweak something he's already doing to be more effective, like helping him with finger placement on his guitar or showing him to brush at the bottom of his hair, not the middle. He likes the idea of someone checking up on him and making sure he's alright when he's playing by himself. He's not too sure about bathing help. Murderface did bathe him once before ("Fatherklok") and it wasn't a bad feeling, but he wasn't in the right mindset to really dissect his feelings about it. He's working all of these out in real time so the band is constantly succeeding and failing at it.
🎸 Nathan has had both guitarists regressed before one either side of him, cuddling up watching a movie. Toki is a quiet babbler and was talking to himself through most of it. Skwisgaar was quiet through most of it because he was busy sucking his thumb. Nathan just wanted to eat his chips but if he tried to move his hands off either of their backs, it would cause a chorus of negative noises. They ended up falling asleep like that. Pickles has a photo on this on his phone and refuses to delete it.
🎸 Skwisgaar loves playing Rock Band guitar. He makes Toki sing and Murderface play drums. Skwisgaar will not let either of them play bass guitar. He is the only guitarist.
🎸 Skwisgaar has accidently regressed after a concert before. He as busy taking off his corpse paint when Pickles came over and helped him remove some of it that got in his hair line. It sent him reeling with how good it felt to be cared for like that and spent the rest of the night glued to Pickles.
🎸 Speaking of Pickles, because Pickles is the "mother" of the band, Skwisgaar has an affinity toward him. He's got a really shitty relationship with his mom and he's aware of it. He does not like his mom, not one bit. He wants another person to be his mom or be motherly to him. So, it's only logical that Pickles would take that role. Skwisgaar does not use different names for people when he's small, but he has, from time to time, called Pickles "Mom" and, on rarer occasions, Nathan "Dad".
🎸 When it snows, Skwisgaar loves to play outside. He gets everyone out there to build snowmen and have snow ball fights and make snow angels. Pickles, being from the midwest, and Toki, being from Norway, handle the snow very well and can play the longest. Nathan and Murderface, both southern American boys, don't. They can handle it for a little while but need to go back inside when things get too cold for them. Skwisgaar also has a nasty habit of sneaking snow down people's shirts. But it's ok, Pickles is known for grabbing his sides with his cold hands as punishment. By the end of it, Skwisgaar is very regressed, happily, and will be for the rest of the day. It usually ends with a warm shower, soup, and a good movie.
🎸 Skwisgaar is insanely jealous that Toki gets read to at night because he wants to be read to. Murderface has more or less the same feeling, not because he wants anyone to put him to bed and read to him, but because he wasn't offered it. Skwisgaar used to see other kids on TV get read to by their parents and wanted that for himself. His mom hardly ever knew where he was at "bed time" let alone put him there. But Pickles is observant and so now they have group bed time story time for everyone. Murderface comes and goes when he wants, but Skwisgaar likes it because it matches up to the idealized version of childhood from his mind. Toki is ok with it but likes it better when it's just him and Nathan.
🎸 Skwisgaar and Toki have gotten into a yelling fight over Pickles before being their "Mom". It's just a regressed version of "Stops Copies Me" but about who had Pickles as his mom first. Skwisgaar said it was him first because he joined the band first, so Pickles was his mom first, but Toki says that Pickles is his mom first because Toki is the first person Pickles acted "motherly" too and the person Pickles is a legit caregiver too. Pickles had to separate them and give the "I love you both equally and are both of your moms" talk. Toki and Skwisgaar don't buy it.
🎸 Skwisgaar finds school supplies and busy work to be soothing. He likes the idea of sitting down and doing homework as a part of his regression. He remembers the calmness of doing homework at his kitchen table or sitting in class, and he misses it. Charles has a desk in his office just for Skwisgaar to do elementary level assignments. Sometimes it's math problems, sometimes it's history "fill-in" work sheets, sometimes it's science. He likes the repetitiveness of it. Charles even found some basic-level music class worksheets for him to do about tempo and the scales. Charles always grades them as well and gives them back to Skwisgaar. He's a steady A/B student.
🎸 The further Skwisgaar gets with his regression, the more likely he will let himself slip without noticing it. Which is usually fine, until he realizes that he's slipping when others slip, especially Toki. And since Toki is a involuntary regressor, that means that sometimes he finds himself slipping in public. In these cases, Skwisgaar has been recorded by the public doing non-typical adult-minded Skwisgaar things. Though, a lot of it revolves around being a "big brother" to Toki, or sometimes Murderface.
🎸 Skwisgaar and Murderface will sneak off to watch scary movies and eat junk food when they're regressed and then cry to Pickles when they get scared or have tummy aches. Nathan finds this hilarious that they both do that both regressed and not. Pickles finds it incredibly annoying but also endearing that they find him a safe space.
🎸 Skwisgaar gets scared easily when regressed. He's flung multiple things out of his hands and jumped more time then he can count. This isn't a trauma thing, he just gets easily spooked.
🎸 Murderface and him will read comic books together in silence or while listening to music. Skwisgaar has a preference for The Crow, Sandman, Thor, Tintin, and Asterix. He also likes the Smurfs but feels silly reading them so he'll only read them in private.
🎸 A memorable time while regressed was when he got really sick with the flu. He thought he would just lay in bed for a few days, take some medicine, eat, and sleep until he got better. However, Pickles wasn't having it. Skwisgaar was looked over and pampered by his band mates so much that he doesn't ever remembered consciously regressing, he just let it happen. They all took turns looked out for him. Pickles would rub his head while laying down to help him sleep and measure out his medicine for him. Toki made sure to bring bendy straws for his drinks and help him eat his soup. Nathan helped him get clean sheets on his bed so they wouldn't smell "sick" and religiously checked his temperature. Murderface would help clean him up and wash his face and hair. He was so regressed during this time that he hardly spoke and only requested his bandmates to take care of him, not the klokateers. Pickles held his hand when he went back to the doctor to do a check up.
🎸 He practices doing hair on Toki and Nathan. Sometimes it's good. Most of the time, it's not. But he does like to brush hair so it's at least brushed really well when he plays.
🎸 Because he is experimenting with regressing, he's also experimenting with ages. He has tried regressing as low at Toki, so there have been days where he tried being bottle fed or used a pacifier or act like a toddler. But those never felt right to him. The opposite is also true. He's tried being like Pickles, a bit more "grown up" but that doesn't work either. He doesn't want to be in that age range because it reminds him too much of having to grow up fast.
🎸 He needs help restringing his guitar when he's regressed. He always manages to snap his fingers.
🎸 He doesn't like having his hair down when he's small, he needs it up. So he usually puts it in a pony tail or Nathan puts it up in a claw clip or a bun. Claw clip isn't the favorite method though because Skwisgaar has fallen backwards and hurt himself on the clip.
🎸 Skwisgaar and Pickles have sleep overs in Skwisgaar's room. Both of them are usually regressed with Skwisgaar looking at Pickles like he's the coolest dude in the world. They also practice guitars a lot when they're regressed, so it feels like he's able to connect with someone.
🎸 Skwisgaar always wants fish or soup when he's small. Something about it just reminds him of home. Jean Pierre has become an expert on Swedish dishes, and even Toki has said that some of his dishes are better than the Norwegian version.
🎸 The guitarcicles in the freezer are for Skwisgaar only and he will throw a fit if one of them are gone. (They are never gone, no one likes them but him.)
🎸 He gets shy if you compliment his guitar playing. He doesn't know why persay but it makes him get butterflys.
🎸 He has used his height for evil and will hold things above Toki, Murderface, Pickles reach when he doesn't want them to have it. Nathan usually comes by and takes it from him.
🎸 Toki and Skwisgaar will take outside naps together when they are small. If it's winter time, they will snuggle in one sleeping bag to conserve heat.
🎸 Car rides put Skwisgaar to sleep. The movement reminds him of moving all the time with his mom and the calmness before the shit storm.
Here we are once again! I hoped you enjoyed, Skwisgaar was a challenge. I do love him though :) If you have any other HCs, don't hesitate to tell me!
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kitnootkat · 9 months ago
See you later sk8er !
Episode 2. ; Dinner with the Neighbors ... Previous || Show List || Next
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Checking your phone, you notice that it’s already been about ten minutes since you’ve been in the bathroom. If you stay any longer your parents are bound to get suspicious which means that you’ll probably get a lecture. Something you want to severely avoid.
If you were being honest with yourself you really did expect dinner not to go too well, but the thought applied to your whole family; not only to you. Conversations were seemingly lively except for the one with the boy sitting across from you which was very, very dead. You had both tried to start conversations but honestly nothing really stuck. You’re sure that if your parents weren’t there it would have gone better but that doesn’t change the fact that it wasn’t working out. 
Yet right as you think that dinner couldn’t get any worse the topic of comparison had landed right into both mom’s palms. This made things even more awkward for you and the older kid Suna, who you know as Rintarou now, who were already struggling to talk. How do you even talk to someone easier if your moms are asking you to tutor him and your mom is asking him to teach you to let loose. One answer: you can't. 
It ended up getting way too awkward for you to handle to the point where running away was your best bet. That means the bathroom was the perfect place to go. Which is where you are now.
Letting out a fairly deep sigh, you stare at yourself in the mirror before smacking your cheeks. Get your head into focus YN. It’s time to face the world. 
OH SHIT. Eyes widening and trying to hold back a deep breath, you feel your soul jump out of your body. Why was Suna Rintarou leaning on the wall outside of the bathroom door and why did he seem just as spooked at you. “I- Ahem. Why are you standing outside the bathroom?” Your arms are crossed at this point and you have an eyebrow raised, eyes looking him up and down. But maybe that was a bad idea because now you could finally take in him, and the situation, but mainly him. And his- stop.
“Well, whenever we have people over I usually show them to the bathroom and then wait for them so I can lead them back to the dining room but…” The black haired boy takes a pause and takes a good look at you before putting on an annoying smirk “someone decided to take ten minutes in the bathroom.” Ooh! The nerve of this boy. Huffing, you give back a very passive aggressive smile. What the hell was his problem? Were all damn middle blockers like this?! Right as you’re about to reply though he pushes himself off the wall and starts walking back to the living room. “Oh, ln-san, by the way your mom was right, you are smart. Maybe next time don’t wait in the bathroom for so long though.”  Ahaha. Actually die Suna Rintarou. You wanted to shove that stupid look off his face. Thank god you wouldn't have to fraternize with him too much though. Right...? Maybe not.
As you walk our of the door of the Suna household, your phone feels heavy as his contact was already in your phone.
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Notes !! : -> Episode two is done!! Woohoo!! -> I really couldn't decide whether to end the chapter after the writing portion but i feel like what i added worked fine -> Bro i hate writing the word smirked but knowing Suna bro does that shit often -> There there yn, i would get pissed off from Suna too -> Suna was actually waiting outside of the bathroom for 10 minutes scrolling on like idk tiktok -> His mom asked him why he waited for her since that wasn't something he normally did and his reply was a shrug and a "just felt like it" -> yn did not avoid the lecture and got one on politeness when they got home except her dad said "you shouldn't be shitting in other peoples bathrooms." she could not leave her room after that -> Theres two Nekoma closets and one of them is abandoned bc it was "haunted" and i really wanted to include that in this chapter and who better to get stuck in a closet that bokuto and kuroo -> Also im thinking about adding kuroo and kenma bc there isnt enough people here
taglist : open ! ft.ft. @lcvemiyuki @cannibalsrider @skazewrld @thvvluvr @snail-squasher @mfcherry @sereniteav @cocoforkuroopuffs @causenessus @yuminako @starsagainsthearts
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yanderespamton78 · 7 months ago
(please dont take anything said here personally i am tired and angry and i get so sososo worked up over this debate since Adi is very similar to a character ive been obsessed with for a year)
so after being in a sweet tooth fandom for a bit i found that much to my surprise (and distain) adi is actually a thoroughly hated character, which was surprising after coming from a fandom where the "evil child murderer" character is one of if not the most popular. And i feel that a lot of the people who hate adi do just see him as "evil child murderer" BUT HES MORE THAN THAT!!!! I PROMISE!!!!! get out of that echo chamber and open your mind to a new opinion (please i spent like 40 mins typing this out)
so firstly, adi was actually just a really nice normal guy before the crumble. he was a sweet man, he was a doctor, he was dad material. not a psychopath. he clearly isnt insane or murderous by nature. We can see his love for Rani in the first episode when he starts freaking out and barging past people just to try to keep her alive even when he knew the odds werent in his favour. he clearly loves his wife more than the world itself and would burn cities in her name. This is a man who Loves His Wife. After the crumble we can see that Adi and Rani are living a semi normal life. we see that all Adi wants is some normalcy despite the horrible situation he's been put into. And all he really needs for that is his wife. Evidently the rest of his family is already dead even if its not mentioned so this man is already under a lot of stress, also knowing that if anyone finds out that Rani has the sick he's screwed. but you know what? hes coping. hes living. maybe he's sometimes forced to be just a lil bit sadistic but its fine its fine its okay because Rani is okay. When he first sees Gladys's research he is horrified and refuses to do the things asked. he loves his wife but even he stops at the idea of killing children (like a normal person). When whatserface (forgot her name) is killed by the horse he is horrified but you can even see a bit of Rani's sadistic nature with how quickly she is to be like "right welp hide the body it was not our fault :)" while Adi is moritified but still helps her because shes his wife and she loves him.
In fact, even when abbot kidnaps him he doesnt want to kill the children. Why would he??? He kills them because if he doesnt Rani will die and all he wants is Rani to be okay. Put yourself in his shoes. your whole life was flipped upside down in the crumble and then your second chance at a mostly normal life was also torn away from you. Now the person dearest to you in the whole world (and also the only person you still have) is about to die at the hand of Doctor Robotnik, who is also trying to force you to kill children otherwise he'll kill you too. Adi is visibly shook after having to kill roy. He didn't want to. He even says in his little voice vlog thing that he has done something terrible (iirc). When Gus comes along he is desperate to have a reason to spare him and when Gus talks he is overjoyed that he doesnt have to kill another child. Sure he's kind of forceful and aggressive but my man is under so much stress and has been for the past 10 years let him be pissy. AND his wife is okay (for now)!! woohoo!!! When he finds the cure he is overjoyed. Sure he ignores his wifes wishes but at this point he is numb to the killing. IT IS EXPLICITLY STATED MULTIPLE TIMES DURING THE SHOW THAT HE DOESNT WANT TO BE A DOCTOR BECAUSE HE STARTS TO BECOME NUMB TO THE DEATH. he KNOWS that this whole doctor thing will start driving him a bit cooky and tries to avoid it but he's forced into it. and that is why he doesnt understand the true reason behind Rani's crying and begging. He doesnt fully realise how she feels at this point due to what he's been forced to do and thinks its too late to go back
He goes back into his laboratory and everything's gone. burned away. AND his wife left him. here is when i feel you can really see where he snapped. Everything he has is gone now. the only thing he could ever need, and the person who he did all those terrible terrible things for, is gone. It cant get worse now. He starts spiralling and going down a desperate path to redeem himself. At this point he is completely insane and broken. He really thinks with all his heart that the only way he can fix what he's done ad get forgiveness from his wife is by killing gus. he thinks its the right thing to do. He's delusional. he seems like a hollow shell of himself by the last season but you can still see little sparks of his old self occasionally. he betrays Gus and team because he thinks its the only way he can redeem himself. the only way he can get Rani to forgive him. But at the last second RIGHT before stabbing Gus he realises its not right and he realises that he's become a terrible person that his wife would be ashamed of. HE REDEEMS HIMSELF. HE SAVES GUS. AND YOU LOT STILL SEE HIM AS THE EVIL CHILD MURDERER. DIEEEEEE
anyways TLDR i love Adi a lot and he did the bad things that he did because he was sad and desperate and loves his wife a lot and anyone who thinks otherwise can go suck toes
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soupbabe · 2 years ago
Can I get Carrie White, Candyman, Martin, and RZ Michael comforting an s/o about being “too sensitive” thank you as always Theo
Slashers Comforting a Sensitive S/o
Featuring: Carrie White, Daniel Robitaille (Candyman), Martin Mathias, and RZ! Michael Myers
WOOHOO !! HAVEN'T HAD AN EMOJI ANON IN SO LONG !! Anyways thank you sm for the request!! <33
Tagging: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @devil-doll13, @bugginbeetlew
Carrie White
- She empathizes a lot with you, she's used to people poking fun at her for being sensitive too
- I think Carrie would have you lean your head on her shoulder and tries her best to comfort you with her words
- She loves you just the way you are, that people are cruel and if you don't mind her asking, who was it that told you you were too much?
- As calm as she's trying to be, there is a bubbling anger inside of her for your situation
- Carrie wouldn't tolerate her partner being insulted like that, it's okay to drop the names of the person that was being mean to you
Daniel Robitaille
- Candyman isn't always a constant figure in your life despite the relationship you built with him. There's always someone out there summoning him, keeping his legend alive
- However he seems to always appear when you need him the most, and this time was no different
- Thinking about a cold hook gently grazing the side of your face, momentarily distracting you from dwelling on an interaction you had earlier today
- Daniel is taken aback when you explain what's upsetting you, what do you mean "too sensitive?"
- He adores how emotional and sensitive you are, it's just something very human.
-You feel everything more intensely than he does, it can make you more open to other's feelings and he swears he can feel his heart beat again when you shine under his praise
Martin Mathias
- In general, I think Martin isn't the best at comfort. He sometimes panics and ends up making the situation worse
- So seeing you downtrodden and sad puts him off, might make him think he did something wrong
- He'll ask you what's bothering you, but he'll go quiet for a bit, unsure of how to comfort you at first
- Martin is very physical, he'd gently hold your hand and let you rest your head on him
- "They don't know what they're talking about. Maybe they should learn from you and be more considerate of others."
Michael Myers
- Is it too mean to say that while Michael can agree that you're too sensitive, but he still gets angry at who upset you?
- Michael doesn't pay a lot of attention to you when you're distressed, but if he gets the hint that someone else made you feel that way, he's instantly protective
- it gives very much "you're a sensitive crybaby, but you're my sensitive crybaby," y'know?
- Like?? Start talking or he will find out who made you upset
- The comfort only really comes in after he's gone out and taken care of the person
- He pulls you into his lap, still covered in blood, and just holds you there. He doesn't care if you talk or you two spend the moment in silence, it's his best attempt at calming you down
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year ago
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care for my kagepro au inspired by phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension where they hang out in a dark undisclosed location and they all have knives
this is extremely over the top and supposed to be funny btw. ayano's plot hole plan that makes no sense doesn't work but from another angle. she gets spit back from the daze in the same way it doesn't make sense for her to stay in there and she's still in THE AIR FROM JUMPING so erm she shatters a leg and maybe her spine too. fun times. she walks with a limp now
ayano in the daze's like. but i wanted this -> i deserved this -> im guilty i got what i wanted though -> i deserve punishment -> this IS punishment -> but i wanted this (restart) SO in this scenario where she survived she's still struggling with guilt because she DARED try to take the easy way out when she knew her siblings needed her. so now she's edgelord I must protect my siblings i dont deserve my cape (edgily puts scarf away) also the eyepatch is for extra edgelord vibes but i think it'd be cool if she can't control favoring because she's so all over the place so it's always active, and since she feels so much regret she can only project that one memory of her jumping to ppl. sad. so she covers it for the sake of everyone.
because of ayano's survival it's evident kenjirou is posessed so ayano+mekatrio move out immediately and are in actual hiding from him. that's why they're at undisclosed location. seto brings mary with them. so ayano's like ok, saeru wants all the snakes together, they're all gonna gather anyway it's better to have them all in one place and have eyes on them. so she starts the gathering process herself. in this saeru is extremely just Out There cartoonishly taking over the city style i told you this is based on phineas and ferb. i told you. btw the joke is that it's insanely over the top. i just find it episodic and joyful.
also ayano's cold to shintaro because she can't afford to have her feelings for him distract her, she has no right to normal teenage girl feelings like a CRUSH. but shintaro still believes kano as ayano saying IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT was the real ayano which matches with her new behaviour towards him so he's extremely pathetic about it. he's with her through her entire recovery and becomes her right hand man which the trio HAAATE bc ayano doesn't let them do anything but shintaro can always come<3 their missions go from buying groceries to saving haruka and takane from the evil lab to kidnapping hibiya and hiyori. shit like that.
they get hibiya and hiyori and it's their BIGGEST PRIORITY to protect them because they're saeru's next target and if they can avoid having all snakes out it's by making sure these 2 stay alive. erm they don't wanna be there though. it's dark in here and you're all weird as hell. momo is tasked with babysitting them. she's not happy about it.
momo never gets her money controlled, dropped out from school since day 1 and the fame got to her head so she's kinda awful. she's the only one allowed out of wherever the fuck they are because of work she's literally the one paying 4 everything. toxic yuri situation with kido who has one side of their head shaved. you know how it goes. also kido acts rly tough like they're out there killing thugs and goons but mostly they just make food
takane is the medic in the same way barbers used to be surgeons in the middle age which means everyone tries really hard not to get hurt so they don't have to go to her. also saeru's whole Experiments on haruka and takane thing is a lot more evil and ermmm she has one less leg and she's permanently connected to a reactor thing of sorts so she's also the team's tech! woohoo!! it's unknown whether she got opening eyes or not because she has no idea how to activate it which makes ayano rly frustrated. same goes for haruka who has not woken up since aug 15. which is the main reason takane started watching youtube tutorials on medicine. get you a girl who will take care of you if you're in a coma and there is no access to a hospital.
seto and mary wield weapons for one reason or another. kano is extremely guilty about shintaro's guilt but also hates him more than ever bc ayano won't trust him anymore and now shintaro's the one knowing everything. probably some doomed yaoi in there somewhere. this is my evil kagepro au
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wonderful-magician · 1 year ago
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More likely than you would think my friends.
Ok so I worked on the drawing above for maybe 10 hours and I'm very proud of it! And I felt like this post would be a good transition into elaborating MY VERY LONG LIST OF HEAD CANNONS for this rat.... Since he has very little backstory canonically similarly to most Kirby characters who have like a sentence of backstory. And unlike Meta knight or King DDD who have a general concept or idea. We know nothing about the silly rodents!! Nothing!!
So I'm here to basically write a whole damn book for these guys. But specifically daroach because... I'm biased. Lmao. SO I decided to give him something! The life of a poor child from 1920!! ....woohoo?
I believe I've said this before, and I don't think it's that crazy- but I enjoy playing with the fact these characters are for the most part from different planets and have different cultures and experiences because of this. And I love to write little things about it. And just like many others. We have no idea where daroach is even from in the first place.
I like to think the original species of squeaks/squeakers originated from the forgotten land. But at some point they all moved to different planets and locations. You can find them on different planets, and they have a unique culture to each other. The only thing they all share is the bells! Which I shared on my post all about the bells!!
Anyway I figured I would have two bulletin lists about the fun head cannons of mine! But put both of them here for simplicity. And I hope this is coherent and doesn't come off too ... Wow! Tragedy! Daroach is really a chill, happy guy despite some of the things that happened to him in my personal canon...
Despite the events I list here, Daroach actually has a very positive attitude and outlook on life! Despite how his homworld has shitty living conditions and child labor.
Daroach lived with his father until he was ten, when his father was drunk and shot by an officer for being openly against the current mayor.
Daroach never met his mother. But he worries about it little. He cared about it more when he was younger. He also has no known extended family.
Daroach had to live in the streets for a while because of this. Working as a newspaper boy.
He met Storo during this time. The two quickly became good friends. As Daroach was fast and Storo was ... Big. Even as the two were only 10-12 year olds.
The boys became familiar with a lot of the adults in town. Knowing the baker or the locals well. Storo liked to speak to a specific man named doc, quite often.
One harsh winter. Daroach gets sick. And Storo starts to feel under the weather as well. Storo, worried for their well being. Begs doc for help one morning. Doc, after seeing the full conditions of the two boys. Let's them stay with him.
While this was originally temporary, doc ended up enjoying their company. And the three live together like a family. But none of them want to call it a family.
Daroach starts working at a factory and so does Storo. Doc trying to revive his career as a scientist. ( and failing.. miserably. ) around this time doc also takes in spinni. Who's only 7.
Daroach starts to become a more intense thief. While he was always good at it, he did live on the streets for two years after all. But he gets... Very good at theft. For he learns how to float and teleport.
As they all get older. They form a early version of the squeak squad. But it's more like a group formed against the current situations and political climate. As a civil war is occuring in the country and the city is very divided.
Daroach gets himself into a lot of fights. But is both loved and hated by the press. For his hatred to the government but attractive looks by squeak standard.
After daroach is wounded in a fight. They get money, and leave on their newly made airship. Never to return to this planet. As it's just miserable there.
Ok that was a basic outline of his story on my end! Time for more basic head cannons that can be applied much easier !!
Daroach has been smoking since he was like 13. This was normal for his planet. But nowadays he mostly understands his mistakes. But he still smokes, even if he's polite about it and smokes outside it matters little. Meta knight likes to absolutely mock him for this...
Daroach hates being hatless for an extended period of time. It's just ...weird...
Daroach is the only squeak/squeaker to stand on his tiptoes constantly.
Won the triple star in a bet with a certain wizard who plays star stacker.
Used to have a alcohol problem, as his father originally did. But he did actually recover from this.
Dated meta knight for a couple months before they broke up with no explanation.
Nobody but them and galaxia know why.
At the age of 11 he developed a limp and still to this day he doesn't even understand how he got this mysterious limp.
Owns like three of the same outfit and does his laundry often. Pure comfort
Hates not being formal. You won't find this man in public wearing slides and a T-shirt. Must be a poet shirt. Or something alike that.
Totally not weird that he dated meta knights reflection. When he broke up with the real thing.
Okay this better post correctly 🙂
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thelunarfairy · 1 year ago
Hi, how are you? Look, this is not a question, but if it has to do with my last question, this is simply contribution to that post from my perspective. First I will talk about Hanako, clearly his language in love is with actions and physical contact, he cannot take his hands off Nene, he is always looking to touch her, hug her, feel that body heat that he does not have, he has not told her. Nene who loves her but we know perfectly well that if he does it for everything he does, he would literally make the world explode for her, this is a double-edged sword, he loves her very deeply, he likes everything about her, he has an intense desire for her, melts for her, Nene has pushed all her buttons and here we go to the bad. Among the buttons are his possessiveness, his jealousy and insecurities, he is capable of locking her up just because he saw fit, he does not tell her what is happening, he knows that he has made Nene suffer or that he could hurt her with his actions but since he was desperate to saving her anyway he did everything he did. Then he also seems to become obsessed with the people he loves, he is very dependent, he does think it is convenient to leave Nene, but Nene cannot leave him, because it would affect him too much. But leaving aside the negative (I was already getting depressed XD) what helps Nene is that it makes her feel protected, loved and appreciated, after a lot of people despised her, it feels good that there is someone who will always save her who can, who hugs her when she is terrified or crying, someone who loves her unconditionally. Now let's talk about Nene, her main love language is definitely time and words of affirmation unlike Hanako's heavy love, her love is soft and light, it is her free love, she would sacrifice herself for those she loves, but she would try not to hurt those people, she loves Hanako unconditionally, she knows that he is dead but she doesn't care, she knows that Hanako has a lot of problems, that she has done a lot of wrong things, but she still loves, She doesn't force him to tell her about his past, she gives him space when she needs it, Nene is the light, she is the star that Hanako needs, it is that sweet part that melts him, how can you tell Nene's love is definitely healthier than Hanako's, all of the above helps Hanako, who would not fall in love with someone like Nene. The bad thing about her is that she continues to feel attracted to other guys, which arouses Hanako's jealousy (which she sometimes does with that intention) and another problem may be her naivety that seems to sometimes scratch Hanako, but I feel that That naivety is sometimes also intentional to deal with the very complicated situations that occur, in addition she is also intense and who knows what actions she can take with the current situation.
I hope it helps you, thank you very much :)
Woohoo!!!! this is incredible!!! Thank you very much for sharing with me!!! It will definitely help me a lot, I need to review some things in the manga too before making the post.
And I haven't forgotten about you, I haven't made the post yet because I don't have time to develop large, analytical or theoretical posts, they are more small posts (which I leave scheduled to publish automatically).
*work T^T
But, I'll see if I can put together the post this week (let's hope I can) XD
Don't worry, it's still on the way. I've been trying to come back with longer posts for a while, I'll do my best
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emperorhyperi0n · 2 years ago
How Did We Get Here: Keiwa
*long exasperated sigh.mp4*
So since everyone seems to be taking part in the Keiwa Morality argument. Here's my two cents, dismiss it if you want.
Like. Look. Keiwa teaming up with the DGP to exploit Tsumuri's powers is clearly a crossing of the Moral Event Horizon. That's clear, and I don't think we can dispute that. What I'm having a hard time dealing with is that most people seem to be lacking an understanding of the "why" of his plan (rather than just going to Ace in the first place) and going straight to "the writers are bad/sabotaging his character/doing all of this for no reason" argument.
So: why is Keiwa doing his plan (which is roughly "vengeance, stop for brunch/kidnapping, and then reset the world to accomplish my original goal in the first place") in this way?
See, the thing y'all haven't noticed is that, number one, Ace and Tsumuri literally cannot just fix this themselves. It's been assumed by some that because of their godly powers, the two can just fix the problem instantly by bringing Sara back. But judging by the things we've seen in the show, there are way too many holes with this idea. Remember, Ace and Tsumuri have (somewhat) limits; Ace himself lamented that he couldn't do more with his power outside of giving everyone their DGP memories back, and that was with Geats MK9, and Tsumuri just learned that she has goddess powers like. a week ago? Unless she's been training, that kind of power has been shown to very rarely activate on its own volition, instead occurring under extreme stress. While using the power itself is reliable, the two people connected to it are not.
Speaking of: Keiwa's relationship with Ace is, naturally, strained at this point. There's the opinion that because of PunkJack's Wacky Woohoo Expository Conference back in Episode 37, that Keiwa was supposed to just. magically let go of his grudge for the Goddess and be on Ace's side again. And that's kinda weird??? I'm not going to go into it (this post is long enough), but one press conference that implies that "because Ace was born, the Goddess ain't evil and is being used", without providing a concrete thing of "oh hey, she's not doing this of her own free will", really doesn't resolve things for Keiwa's low opinion of... pretty much everything at this point. And with Ace being, as usual, pretty mum about the situation, Keiwa still holding onto the grudge, especially now that Ace appears to have taken her place, and having pretty much lost everything at this point it's not entirely hard to see why he's lost faith in him.
Which makes it so that his "best option" (which is really not that but Keiwa doesn't know that) is to team up with the DGP. He clearly doesn't want to considering all the bullshit they've put him through, but he's still locked in the opinion that the wish that the DGP grants is the only way to accomplish his goals, which is a point that also wasn't resolved during the previous arc, leading to how we got to this point. So, using Tsumuri's power, with a deal from the DGP, in order to revive everything after his Vengeance Tour 2K23, is hypothetically his best shot. Is this a good way to process grief? Hell no! But as long as this path is open, and that the dueling opinions of "Ace can't help me rn, so I have to do it myself" and "the goddess still needs to pay for her sins (<- doesn't know about the whole "trapped as a statue thing)" still exist, he'll still try and do it. As long as his sister is safe, regardless of the consequences.
Lastly, going into this Keiwa doesn't have a healthy mentality. At all. Keiwa was one corn chip away from having a breakdown several times before this, and losing his only family to the same fucking guy that killed him... yeah, he's very far from mentally stable at the moment. With Kekera egging his misery on from the sidelines, like, my guy has snapped, and making impulsive, selfish, not very well thought out (remember, he's teamed up with the DGP) decisions with the "best" intentions is very in-character for him, whether we all like it or not. All of the things I've said beforehand are, in Keiwa's really fucked up mental state, valid reasons to do this.
And you know what? Probably not valid! He needs to go to therapy, or something. But he can't (and not only because describing the DGP would make you sound insane), and he won't, so he's Lazer Focused on this instead.
It's... honestly kind of depressing when you think about it. But those are my thoughts on the matter. At the very least, it looks like his wish will result in a monkey's paw effect... and maybe that will snap him out of it. Maybe then he'll just finally talk to Ace and the others, and clear up the sheer amount of miscommunication at the bottom of the issue.
...we have at least 8 episodes left though. So I might not count on it though.
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zirkkun · 2 years ago
Reading ULR and I'm assuming that Chara has a Lust soul type because of their bloodlust; so how come Ace didn't become a murderous fellow when given the lust serum?
Because that's not quite how the Lust SOUL works! It's not related to bloodlust at all actually, but I suppose it can evolve into that if the owner of the Lust-trait SOUL has gained enough LV, now that you bring it up 👀 but that's for another time...
Each of the SOUL traits in ULR gives the owner a specific asset to their overall person that is intended to help them in life (but might not always do so depending on the person, their situation, and their relationship with said trait). Patience, for example, makes the owner willing to put up with a lot more than the other SOULs, whether it be wasted time, annoyances, being ignored, or even so far as consistent abuse without argument. This can be both an asset if they need to be in a place where patience is a virture, but it can also be a liability if they need to act immediately lest their life be in danger. It also tends to allow the owner to negate their emotions more easily and let them calm down faster.
For Lust SOULs, they tend to find themselves more attached to folks more quickly, not necessarily in a sexual or even romantic way, but more like how Asriel explains at the end of Undertale that you seem so quickly attached to the people of the Underground despite not knowing them for very long. Their added asset is having better fertility than other SOUL types, which is why Sage (Gaster) ended up being so exited about the fallen human possessing a Lust SOUL. Additionally, Myriad (Asgore)'s SOUL is attributed to Lust, so when even he and Ash (Toriel) couldn't bare a child, the whole of the ULR Underground began to lose hope for their future. (comic part where these are both mentioned)
The Lust serum was developed in order to restore the magic of the ULR Underground, because aside from not being able to have children anymore, they also are struggling to communicate, eat, and just generally survive. I guess you could think of it being one step away from a Horrortale situation, but that wasn't entirely my thought process while making the AU since I didn't know shit about Horrortale until recently. Sage wouldn't have developed the serum, though, if he thought it would make anyone go crazy and murderous since their species is already dying. If that happened, it would be entirely unintentional results. He sincerely wants to help.
When Ace took the Lust serum sample, the dosage was too high, causing his SOUL to possess more magic than it's supposed to and dyeing it red. As a result, he's overall having similar symptoms to monsters' heat cycles in this AU, which functions similarly to human menstrual periods but shows up differently due to monsters being made of magic instead of physical material. It didn't make him bloodthirsty more than it made his body overheat, bones become hypersensitive, and constantly trying to dispell the excess magic. He can only temporarily relieve this with various, as they say in the Sims, woohoo-ing acts, but again it is merely temporary. It also made him more emotional than before, since his normal assigned SOUL trait is actually Patience, and despite his grouchy outer surface he gets attached to people at the slightest bit of affection. And I mean attached, you are gonna want to do anything you can to get this lost puppy from clinging to you all the time if he gets to that point. (Not in a yandere way, he's not super jealous and more often than not doesn't like it when he gets jealous; but he will throw everything else away.)
I feel like I might have tangented a little from your question so if I missed something feel free to send an ask again, I'm more than happy to answer 😂 but I hope this explanation makes sense!
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changingplumbob · 10 months ago
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It's obviously going to be them. Reece Foster and Samir Hadji. They are besotted with each other. Longer explanation with discussions of their woohoo preferences below so, mature themes obviously.
I'm going to treat this as if you are completely new to my blog and have no idea who these fine fellows are.
On the left we have Reece. 3rd out of 4 children to two free range style parents. He has the genius trait as well as a lot of confidence which leads to him talking an excessive amount. However it's hard to be proud of your brain when your parents don't seem to care if you use it or not.
On the right we have Samir. Orphaned after his parents were killed, Samir was adopted alongside his non biological brother. While not recalling the event properly Samir has always felt the urge to control what he can in his life, and protect things he cares about. He has a lot of emotions below the surface and is reluctant to share them, normally choosing to not talk in social situations. People interpret him as moody.
In the high school football team the two collided and now live together in Moonwood Mill. Despite the outer appearances of the one who can't stop chatting and the one who hardly speaks, their woohoo life is a little different than other sims assume.
Reece is submissive. His genius brain runs at a million miles an hour. He loves when he can just stop making decisions and follow instructions, it's relaxing for him. Perhaps unsurprisingly he does have a praise kink after growing up hearing very little from his parents or older siblings. He also has a bit of a degradation kink because, and you should not be surprised at this point, he had no discipline at home.
Samir is dominant. When he was 5 there was nothing he could do to stop his parents being killed. He lived with the fear for a while but what got him through was figuring out what he could or could not control. Can you control if killers exist? No. Can you control where your partner puts their hands? If they consent, yes. Samir likes the feeling of being in control but beyond this he likes knowing he can protect his partner. A lot of this is done by prior research before letting Reece in on his ideas.
Together, at least in my mind, they've always clicked. Reece's golden retriever personality got Samir to open up to him, and he likes the idea of being prioritised. Reece remains the only one who can get more than a few sentences out of Samir, and trust me, during woohoo he gets a lot. Samir likes that he can get Reece to focus or completely zone out, he has fun with it. At the end of the day he knows he can keep Reece safe which is comforting for him.
So yeah while a dominant/submissive relationship doesn't make sense to everybody, it does to these two. End of the day, they're the ones in their relationship, and they both get comfort from their dynamic so they lean into it.
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deanoheartspie · 2 years ago
2 Different worlds- Chapter 2
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Paring: Mom! Reader x Actor Dean
“Heh... I swear I wasn't eavesdropping. Eh, I kinda was I can't lie. You're in a tough situation? I think we can help each other out.” He says stuffing his hands in his pockets.
You didn't know him, sure your children recognized him from a movie but what would he want with you? “I don't know you. No thanks”
The green-eyed man sighs as he sticks out his hand. “My name is Dean, what's yours?” he asks as he never once looks away from you, showing that he had his full attention on you.
After a few seconds of deep thought, hesitantly stuck your hand out shaking his rough hands, that we're far too large around your own. “Y/n. What do you mean help each other out? I don't even know you”
Dean smiled and gently pulled his hand away, sure he had a charming smile and good looks but what in the world does he need from you that he can't find anywhere else?
“So, I can help out you and your family, pay for whatever you need to get away from that jackass. I know this is going to sound wild and a little coo-coo, but I need a fiancee to show my parents and other directors that I'm not some playboy anymore not that I ever was.” he rambled on and let out a deep sigh once he finished.
You pursed your lips, as you glanced at your kids who were slowly getting rowdy and whiny. “I' don't know. I can't promise anything.” Dean nods and quickly fishes out his phone handing it to you, putting your number in as you opened the car door.
“Y/n. Please just think about it?” You give him a little nod and wave, as you get into the car heading back to the little motel that you guys had been living in.
Sure it was old and had a funny smell, but at least you were away from Jonathan and that's all you could've asked for. The kiddos were sitting on their one bed, distracted by the tv screen as they stuffed their little faces with chicken nuggets.
“Mommy, when do we get to go back home?” Emmy asks quietly as she plops herself next to you on the old couch. That sent a little pang to your heart, you knew they all missed home but it wasn't safe anymore... “Honey I don't know. Maybe tomorrow you can see Nicolette?” Nicolette was your long-time friend, who helped you through everything, she even put the motel in her name so Jonathan couldn't find you, so she was practically a aunt to the kids.
“Woohoo!! Finally, I miss Tia!” Cece your 6-year-old daughter shouted showing you an excited dance. Your eldest child, your son Daniel who was 8 always worried you, he kept to himself and didn't say many words but it shocked you when he ran up to a stranger saying he knew them.
Around 9:45 the kids eventually fall asleep, tucking them like a little burrito and pushing their hair out of their faces to give them a little good night kiss. Plopping yourself down onto the couch with a sigh as you glanced at your phone, seeing a text already from no other then dean.
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Dean: So. My dumbass realized I would need to text you first since you gave me your number.
Y/n: I kinda figured that when I was deciding if I should text you or not.
Dean: Ah, still deciding? I offering you money and a nice place for you and your children to stay. I only need to pretend for a month or so? My brother thinks I made a girl up, heh I kinda did huh
Y/n: How do I know you aren't some crazy person?
Dean: I solemnly swear I ain't a crazy person, That's what a crazy person would say. Shit help. How do I prove that? You can look at my records if you want.
Y/n: when do you need this arrangement to start? and how much are you offering?
Dean: Hmm, say this week on Wednesday, and 400 dollars an hour sound good to you?
Y/n: Dean. That's a lot of money and you don't even know me
Dean: I don't need to know you, to know that it'll help you'd kiddos get to do something fun on the weekends or save up for a new place. Just take it Y/n, and if you'd like to talk about the agreement more meet me at Cafe Bloom tomorrow at 2:30.
Y/n: Goodnight dean
Dean: And goodnight to ya sweetheart
You couldn't believe it, there was no way in hell that the green-eyed man was being serious about all of this. But what if he was? It'd be a mistake to not at least try right?
Guess you'd be going to visit the cafe tomorrow.
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xino-writes · 5 months ago
Whumptober 2024 Day 30 - "who said you could rest?" - sampo
[ao3 series link]
Sampo was tired, utterly exhausted. Some stupid mission he’d volunteered for had taken up too much of his time, and it’s still ongoing. He needs sleep, but this mission is far too important. Something something spy business. It was his decision, though, so he’s stuck here until whatever happens next. And he hopes that whatever happens next is something that will let him finally sleep.
He’s used to going hours without sleep, per se, but he also isn’t used to the amount of effort he’s having to put into this mission. Infiltration wasn’t easy, and then he was constantly assigned, ugh, jobs by these people. It’s not fun in the slightest, and he can’t focus at all with this newfound lack of sleep. Part of him wants to just.. nap and then leave, let the mission sit unfinished. 
He’s spent too much time away from home, and he’s getting restless. But that just might be partly due to his sleep deprivation, and the fact he finds himself falling asleep while sitting in place most of the time. He needs to move, not be stuck doing stupid office work as part of his cover. Being forced into an office job as his cover, and then having to spend nights searching through the building has sucked.. And that’s not only because of the sleep deprivation.
Frankly, Sampo misses his friends and family right now. He was instructed to drop all contact with the outside world for this mission, and being in Penacony alone is just.. not fun. There’s people he recognizes here, don’t get him wrong, and Sparkle’s company is.. Well it’s company! And he knows her! And can talk to her during his investigations! When talking isn’t too much of a risk, that is. He’s not ruining this mission because he’s starved for interaction. 
Besides, his ‘coworkers’ are tolerable. Some of them are clearly tied up in the deeper trenches, but the others are just.. unfortunate people caught in an unfortunate situation. And he has to figure out who’s who. Which means people watching. Which is annoying when you’re entirely bored of this stupid job and all these people that are surrounding you. But he pushes through regardless, and listens in different conversations.
It’s mostly gossip. Or maybe it’s all gossip. He at least understands the hierarchy of this little office now, at least. Most people seem to find him.. odd, and he likes it. It gives him a good cover that he doesn’t even need to build up by himself. Being the weirdo of the office lets him get away with some things, too. He can tap notes into his phone, all in a code he’d come up with as a child. (That only himself and two others know the cipher for. So it’s a good cipher, if he says so himself.)
And no one seems to suspect a thing, based on what he hears and the fact he’s still working here without being called out. Though, perhaps, it’d be more fun if he got called out! Because that way he can actually sleep! Because he’s been exhausted this entire time, and if it weren’t for coffee and caffeine pills he’d have passed out at his desk long ago. Man, call him a hypocrite, telling Gepard to actually rest when he’s.. Doing this. All of this.
It’s fine. He’ll be fine. Sleep deprivation can’t get to him if he’s stimulating his mind! Right? Right?? He’ll be okay! He just needs to finish this mission by listening to the most boring gossip in the world and by digging through paperwork when he sneaks in at night! Which is also boring! Because he’s made no progress since infiltration! And he feels useless for that fact alone! Woohoo!
He’s having so much fun getting nothing of importance done! He chose this job, this role, for the thrills, and he’s getting nothing done except for finding this ‘Sunday’ fellow realllyyy suspicious, but all of that investigating important figures is Sparkle’s job, so he can’t even do anything outside of this stupid ass office job while falling asleep at his desk.
And listening to music isn’t even helping! Hatsune Miku’s wonderous voice isn’t even keeping him awake! It’s making him sleepy! And he can’t have that, no! He needs to stay awake and get this all done! Because if he misses a night, there’s a chance he can miss everything! So it’s a diet of whatever food he can think of, caffeine pills, and coffee from now on! And occasionally an energy drink!
Speaking of which, he’s standing in the middle of the office he usually is working in, and he’s racking his mind for the places the most suspicious people would be usually. He’s already checked most filing cabinets, having picked their locks before deeming every file useless or uninteresting enough that he set them aside. And the only thing he’d found was a keycard, which he didn’t know the purpose of.
After all, in his infiltration, he never got one for this position. And, okay, maybe he should be sucking up to the higher ups to get into a trustworthy position for this. But, this is a far more fun alternative than praising people who don’t deserve it, so he’ll stick with his initial plan. He exhales and walks to the only other place he hasn’t checked. The ‘unused’ office that’s been locked since he began to work here at this location.
It takes him longer than normal, the exhaustion permeating his body as his hands shake. He’s tired, having almost passed out on the way here. He pushes the door open as soon as the lock clicks, and he exhales, looking over his shoulder for a quick moment. No one’s there, he’s just being paranoid. He shakes his head, and then walks over to the filing cabinets in the backmost corner. 
Screw being thorough and only taking what’s necessary, he shoves the files from the locked drawers into his bag, careful enough to not damage them, but still reckless. He’s tired and wants to get at least an hour of sleep tonight. He’s far more focused on the files, getting them together. He’ll give them to Sparkle later, because he enjoys inconviencing her more than most things. 
And then he turns around, and that’s when he realizes that he’s been caught. And there’s no getting out of the gun pointed directly at his forehead. He drops the bag, and steps backwards. There’s gotta be an escape route. He was reckless and stupid. He should’ve planned things better. He didn’t even disguise himself, he was just plain ‘ol Sampo Koski for this. And now he’s on the other end of a gun. 
He clenches his fist. No way out, not unless he fights. He lunges forward, drawing his daggers and going for the hand of the gun’s handler. He barely gets a slice in before he needs to retreat and then go again, this time hitting the gun, the screech of metal on metal worsening his sleep deprievation headache. He groans and then goes for the hit again and again and again until the other drops the gun and he can easily.. decommisson them.
He picks his bag back up, and he makes his way to leave the building. He really deserves that nap, now. Perhaps he’ll take off tomorrow, too. Hell, he might as well be fired, with how his face was clearly seen by the man he’d killed. And there’s no denying that he’s most definitely been caught by now. Guess he wasted his time by ‘doing’ paperwork. (He’d fudged it. Messed it all up intentionally. After all, if he and Sparkle didn’t get anything done, at least he could get them hit with fraud. Possibly.)
Regardless, Sampo’s gotta get home. He’s got a bed calling his name, and a series of texts to make. Screw staying without contact to those he care about, because even if his texts are watched, he’ll enjoy the pain that comes with witnesses Gepard’s oblivious to his flirting. He may be dating the most clueless man in the world when it comes to things like that, but he still does it. It’s funny watching the other realize that he was flirting after the fact.
Once out of the building, he pulls out his “mission only” phone, and sends a voice message to Sparkle.
“Cover’s blown. Dude saw my face. Got a kill onto my count, though. I’ll reach two thousand before you.” And then he shoves it right back into his pocket and continues his walk to his temporary home. He may be walking slowly, but he’s tired as fuck and really, just really, wants to go to bed. To just collapse into the mattress, ignore the pillows and sheets and blankets and just snooze away.
If only he didn’t have to walk there, and could just.. appear there whenever he wants to. Sadly, that’s just.. not possible. Not right now, at least. 
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resurrection-of-soul · 1 year ago
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 8
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Keito, Kaoru, Koga, Rei
Rei: (Ughhh… No way~ My former self is so embarrassing~) (What're you acting so cocky for? Be more honest!)
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: Minutes later.
Location: Inside the underground live house's karaoke room.
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Keito: What is this place?
Kaoru: What do you mean, what? It's karaoke, y'know? Karaoke. Mr. Honor Student, are you seriously so "all work, no play" that you've never been to a place like this?
Keito: No, even I know what karaoke is. What I'm asking is, why is there a place like this in the back room of a live music house?
Kaoru: My household's pretty strict in various ways, y'know? So I was like, let's give expanding the business a go~ I had soundproof practice rooms with full-scale professional equipment installed back here, but it totally flopped with the customers.
Koga: Hmph. 'Course it ended up like that. Yumenosaki students should be way more interested in a facility like that than anyone else, but none a' those assholes have any interest in makin' music at all.
Kaoru: Yup. That's why I decided to repurpose this practice room as a karaoke room, making it more accessible to the general public. It's a new feature at our store~
Koga: (Oh yeah, I remember this.)
Kaoru: (I totally put my blood, sweat, and tears into managing that business, y'know? I worked real hard to learn aaall sorts of things...) (But towards the end, we became like an emergency shelter for those who couldn't fit in at Yumenosaki, and those kids actually made use of the practice rooms for their intended purpose.) (So even though I went through all the trouble of renovating this room into a karaoke room, it wasn't long before I ended up having to put it back the way it was. We didn't have enough practice rooms, y'know?)
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Kaoru: (Ahh, this is so nostalgic... I really did give it my all, huh.)
Koga: (You shoulda spared some a' that energy for your studies n' idol activities. I pretty much never saw you at school back then.)
Kaoru: (Well, y'know~ I was like, totally not into that kinda stuff at the time ♪)
Kaoru: Hmm~? This is like, super weird?
Keito: What is it? Did you find something suspicious?
Kaoru: Nah, more like the opposite. Sakuma-san was supposed to be waiting for us here, but I can't find him.
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Keito: …Sakuma-san came personally? Just what does he want from me after all this time?
Koga: Oh, oh! I'm gonna get to see Sakuma-senpai! Woohoo, I've been waitin' for this! ☆
Koga: (…God, I was such a die-hard fanboy back then, it's seriously embarrassin'.)
Kaoru: (You can still be pretty embarrassing about him nowadays, y'know~?)
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Rei: Heeey. Kept you waitin', huh. My bad… I got caught by a scary guy, y'see~ I had to explain all sortsa stuff to get 'im off my back, but it ate up a lotta time. Man, it sure is rough bein' popular.
Keito: …...
Rei: Wow, you actually came, bouzu¹. What a law-abidin' citizen you are.
Keito: Bastard, you're the one who called me out here.
Rei: That's true, but… You've sure got some guts, showin' up in front of me again just like that. Aren't you embarassed? The other day, I thrashed you so soundly you'll never recover~ ♪
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Keito: …...
Rei: (Ughhh… No way~ My former self is so embarrassing~)
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Rei: (What're you acting so cocky for? Be more honest!)
Koga: (…Is that you, Sakuma-senpai?)
Kaoru: (Ah, just as I thought. Our real selves are totally following our past selves around, huh?)
Rei: (Indeed. 'Twould seem you two have already grasped the situation. At the moment, we are as like spirits, watching over our former selves.) (Alas, being forced to witness my past self's mortifying behavior from up close and personal is akin to being thrust into my own personal hell. What manner of sin have I committed to warrant such punishment?)
Koga: (Hah, this's your own fault. I ain't ashamed a' the way I live my life, so I've got no problem watchin' my past self behavin' like thi—)
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Koga: (......)
Rei: (What remarkable mental fortitude you possess, Koga… Seeing this, can you still claim to feel no shame?)
Koga: (IapologizeI'membarrassing)
Kaoru: (Woah, how rare, Koga-kun's speaking formally. I'm better off than you two at least, but I'd still rather not be reminded how immature I used to be.) (Why's all this happening? It's probably related to the AIIE experiment somehow, right?)
Rei: (Mm… Tis difficult to speculate much further than that.) (Were I to hazard a guess, perhaps our dreams have become intertwined due to our brains all being connected to the same device.)
Koga: (Does it really work like that? Ain't dreams meant to be more— more personal, or whatever?)
Rei: (Who can say? Tis new, untried technology.)
Kaoru: (It's way too late to say this, but I'm, like, totally going to regret agreeing to participate in such a shady experiment, aren't I?)
Rei: (What is done cannot be undone, for there is no way to turn back time. We should focus our attentions on adapting and responding to the current situation as quickly as possible.)
[ ☆ ]
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A term used to refer to buddhist monks, but also a somewhat old-fashioned, diminutive way of saying "boy" or "young man," kinda like calling someone "laddie."
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gwynsims3 · 1 year ago
— Ain't 'tis party a disaster!?
— Yeah, yeah
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So what the hell does it mean? It means this party's lit? This party's awful? Can't get this girl. I loath that I'm standing in this doorway watching other people getting on. Somebody's making out, somebody's playing the guitar so awful, but they just don't care at all. What am I to do here? Yeah, maybe beer at the bottom of the cup knows the answer. GULP
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— What a pretty lady dancing on her own! Wanna hang out?
— Maybe I do. It's inappropriate in this situation to leave a handsome man dancing on his own
— I dig your style
— Thanks. Are u really only wanna talk to a pretty lady about her clothes?
— Not only about her clothes, also about… KISSED… I know what I dig more than your style
— What is it?
— Your cherry lips
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— What the hell, Sam! Don't aim at me! Get your ass out of my sofa!
— Okay, okay! It's not your sofa, so I guess I just sit next to you
— Fairy enough
— Yeah, I see you're fairy now. How many cups have you had?
— 4 or 6
— Oh, so you're between being merry and being wasted I suppose. Wait! Did you see that sun is wearing sunglasses?
— Sun in sunglasses???? Are you for real?
— Yes!
— I must see 'em!
— Silly wasted boy, sun can't wear sunglasses, hahah. Don't take this joke serious. What's wrong with you? Why you're so sad at this party!? Boy, put this gorgeous smile back to your face. Get this party ass out of this sofa! Go and have some fun!
— I just wanna go home, I feel so wasted you were so so so right!
— Oh, look. Do you see that lad?
— With red hair?
— No, buzzcut
— Oh, I see
— I kissed him, we danced and then he said something like he doesn't like when it goes fast. Boringgggg
— You… ah… Ready to get laid after that Scott thing? Wanna talk about this?
— Nope
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— Damn! You and I've been friends since we were like… 3. So I can't get why you're so distant lately. Heart-to-hearts have turned to small talks. Please, sweet talk that shit
— You know sometimes you just need to be distant from people. Just to try to get used to that shit that hurts
— I see. By the way I look tired, aren't I?
— Yeah, you are, hhahahaha. Hey, what about you? How was your day?
— Um, let me think… I met a blue haired rebel today, got his number. Somebody sent me a ticket to this "secret" party because I painted graffiti on the wall in the bathroom in the university building. I ran away so no one would suspect me. Before that I hung out with this girl who was really nice, but she beat the shit out of me in the juice pong, and then this jock guy came up to me and said if I woohooed someone, he’d give me some money and I'd be famous. But it’s… I-don't-give-a-damn in the morning. I ain't sleeping with anyone. I'm not into anyone here
— Oh, shit, hahahaha. You've, my friend, got a busy day today, hahahah. Since when are you such a rebel, Rob, ahah? Graffiti on the wall is cool I guess. Just don't get caught. I'm not planning to wait on you throwing away all the orange out of your closet after years of wearing it
— Maybe I'm drunk. I didn't understand what you said
— Nothing. Less go to our dorm
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