#wonpil blurbs
jazziwritesthings · 19 days
Mooties and non-mooties can you please send the accounts that currently/actively write for DAY6??? I can't seem to get the right tags to see really anything and I NEED IT
Please and Thank you
Also love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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pesiko · 4 years
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Lavender and Midnight - fantasy AU [5k]
Band Sessions: Wonpil - he worries bc you’re clumsy [2.3k]
A Confession, of Sorts - he gets a little drunk [4.6k]
Anatomically Correct Heart Shaped Pretzel [1.6k]
Are You Asking Me Out - mafia AU, diamond negotions [1k]
Where’s the First Aid Kit? - “why does my heart hurt?” [1k]
Jelly Beans - diameter of the sun, ft Sungjin [.6k]
Of Opportunity - “in the movies they throw pebbles” [.5k]
Amethyst for anxiety
College AU Wonpil
[main masterlist] [day6 masterlist] updated 5-18-21
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basicallywhiterice · 4 years
wonpil + 11 (highschool!au) + “Stop running from this. I know I’m not the only one who feels it.”
warnings: lots of cursing
“Go shove your foot up your ass, Wonpil,” you grind out, wind whipping through your hair as you face off in the middle of the school courtyard. “Seriously? Am I a joke to you?”
The chattering of a few straggler students in the background fades away when he scoffs, the clear sound cutting straight through the air. “You think I would joke about that? Wow, great to know how highly you think of me.”
“Well, why else would you pull this kind of shit?” you ask, gesturing to the small bundle of flowers he tried to give you when you arrived at school minutes ago. “I don’t even fucking like flowers.”
“I heard you tell Jae you liked daffodils last week,” he responds, fiddling with the petals on the flower closest to him.
“Eavesdropping on my conversations just to use it to embarrass me? Get a life.”
“That’s not why! Can you just listen for a second? I did it because… I like you.”
Two years ago, when he asked you out in tenth grade, you were ecstatic to hear those words. Unfortunately, your bubble bursted mere seconds after when his friend walked up, slipped him a five-dollar bill, and told him “nice, dude, I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” This time, you just laugh.
“Not this again.” You turn, done with the conversation and ready to head to class, when his next words make you stop in your tracks.
“It’s real this time, and you know it.”
You whirl around, livid. “You must be out of your goddamn mind. Don’t fucking tell me what I do and don’t know.”
“Please,” he pleads, “stop running from this. I know I’m not the only one who feels it.” The worst part is, he’s right. Time seems to still as you try to think of a response, your mouth going dry. When an uneasy silence falls, his face slowly deflates. “Right?”
“Tell me no, and I’ll leave you alone. Please, say something.”
For the first time in your life, you’re at a loss for words around him.
You take a step forward, shifting until you’re standing eye to eye. He blinks. For a moment, you think he’s going to lean down and kiss you. For a moment, you think you’re going to rise up and kiss him.
Then the bell rings and you start, turning away to sprint toward the main building.
“Hey!” Wonpil shouts after you. “All you had to do was say no. I—I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I know you don’t…”
Against your better judgment, you pause to look back at him—slumped shoulders, downcast head, loose grip on the droopy-looking daffodils—before you spin on your heel and open the building doors.
At the very last moment before you step inside, you turn back for the final time.
His face falls, but he nods. “I understand.”
“No, Wonpil. That’s not what I meant,” you say, already turning around and closing off your tumultuous emotions. “I don’t think I could’ve said no.”
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mynctzenday-reads · 4 years
[1:12PM] Your intense study session is interrupted by best friend!Wonpil suddenly patting a sticker on your laptop.
“Did you really just give me a sticker of a bunny saying ‘somebunny loves you’?”, you lift your head to look at him after seeing what the sticker was.
He nods and smiles. Your eyesbrow raises at him.
“Well if you don’t wa-”, Wonpil walks back over to your laptop and reaches a hand out.
“No”, you swat his hand away. “Don’t touch it, it’s mine now”, you protectively put a hand over the sticker.
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smolbeanieee · 4 years
Wonpil x reader | College AU
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Genre: lotttttsss of fluff where the relationship turns from friend into lovers ♡♡♡
Wonpil is a shy yet charming keyboardist that ever exist
because he rarely talks in class
sometimes people wandered if he ever had friends or not
but!!! he usually talkative when he’s around his bandmates
but when he talks in class,,,everyone would paid attention to him
likes he talks in a small font!! 😻
which makes him shyly smiles and blush would creeps his cheeks
everyone in the campus knew him because he played in the campus band
little did u didn’t know what was is Wonpil acknowledge your bright presence
and to his liking,,,you’re quite charming and different from others girl he knew
while you just another ordinary yet charming girl that everybody wants to be friend with
you would radiates the positive vibes,,,the constant laughter,,,
where u just a social butterfly that likes to interact with everyone
perhaps,,,everyone in the campus had your instagram and twitter followed
sorry for the long introduction,,so let’s get started,,for real..
isn’t that both of u didn’t knew each other
it’s just u never had chance to talk with him
but that didn’t stop u from stealing glancing to Wonpil across the class
because his shy presence makes u even more curious about himself
when the lecturer assign a pair task to be done
both of you’re paired together!!
Wonpil’s face would go 😳 because he rarely talks with u!!
the social butterfly!!
he felt his stomach flutters!! like for real
over here,,,u tried real hard to hides your smiles
and blush!!
so after the class
surprisingly, THE kim wonpil came over your desk
making u lifts your head from stuffing your books into your bag messily
which makes u nearly chokes on your own saliva
because he’s so cute up close!!
whilst busying packing your things, u couldn’t hear about what he’s talking about
also he’s talking in smol font
“uhh about the pair task,,,is it okay with u? m-maybe u want to ch-?”
you interrupt him
“Nope,,,I’m totally fine pairing with u. or you have someone else in your mind?”
“That’s not what I meant. J-just to ensure” said Wonpil
blush creeps his cheeks as his hands softly rubbing his nape in embarrassment
making u chuckles
“cool! since we’re going to do task together, so we need to exchange number phone”
u said as u pass over your phone to him, beckon him save his number
so u gave a miscalled on his phone—signaling it was yours
and with that
u getting along with him as friend
both of u starting to talk more with each other
either in class
while on the phone—discussing about the pair task
u kinda loves his soft voice when he talks over the phone
it’s kinda soothing for u
while Wonpil loves how bright u are even when on the phone
like when you’re telling how u found a cat under a drain
when u rambles that u forgot your morning coffee
it’s just fascinating to Wonpil how outgoing and bright personality u have
he kinda amaze with you
one day,,,
“u like her,,isn’t it?”
Sungjin asked—noticing how Wonpil would stare and stole few glances of you over the cafe
“h-huh what?” making Wonpil flustered
“dudeeE, we saw how you treat her,,,when you talked about her,,god,,everyone could see how your face lit up” Jae said
Wonpil lets out a embarrass laughs
“ah,,,is it that obvious??” Wonpil asked—earning few playful slaps from his members
day by day,,,little did both of u know,, u got feelings for each other
this makes u nervous even more!!
sometimes u caught Wonpil stealing glances or staring at u while working together
but u just brush it off
maybe he’s was looking at the other classmates
‘there is no way wonpil has developed feelings towards me’
that’s what u thought
but his actions getting more bold
like he would bought your favorite morning coffee
lending you his hoodie when class gets too cold
subtly brushing your hand against his when walking together
which makes you cheeks tinted in pink
one day,,you’re in your train of thoughts while doing homework together under a tree shade at the park
you’re staring too much at Wonpil right now
‘but what he did all that because we’re friends right now?‘
‘what if he acted friendly towards other people too’
‘but he rarely talks to anyone!!!’
unconsciously, u leaned forward him—moving towards his lips
as soon as you felt his lips on yours
you automatically jump into reality—pulling back your face from Wonpil
Wonpil’s blank expression turns into to cheeky
“oh my god I’m so so sorry,,i-i didn’t mean-”
and with that, u felt his lips sealed again yours
leaving u froze on the spot
when he pulls back, he lets out a giggles
“I like you. I’m sorry for keep you wondering and uncomfortable but,,,I really like you,,,since we met. Would be my girlfriend?” Wonpil shyly confess—staring right at your face
looking for the answer
it’s took u second to process all the information
“ah kim wonpil you stupid,,,i also like you,,of course I do!!!”
you confess back,,,giving soft punches on his shoulders as if hiding your embarrassment
“you also stupid” replied Wonpil
as he pulled you into his embrace
making both of u laugh heartedly in the breezely afternoon
[a/n: i tried my best to make it fluffy and soft as it can!! and sorry the crappy ending!!]
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thewonandonly · 5 years
[10:54pm] wonpil gently covers your hands with his own while he leads you through the song on the keyboard.
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stayndays · 4 years
hmm #2 from the settings list with Wonpil please and thank you? ☺️🤍🤍
you got lucky anon!
you picked..
2. Restaurant!
The restaurant’s atmosphere was cozy enough to not make you feel out of place in your semi-casual outfit, yet had a dash of elegance both you and Wonpil loved. If you had to admit though, Wonpil looked quite handsome in his buttoned up shirt and casual dress pants, the colors matching well with your outfit as well.
The two of you thanked the waiter who brought your delicious plate of food, the smell of it rising to your nose as you couldn’t wait to dive into your meal. You took notice of Wonpil taking a sip of his drink before picking up his utensil. 
“It’s nice to take a bit of time off work and go on an actual date, huh?” Your partner stated after swallowing his first bite of food. You wiped your mouth with a tissue before responding.
“Yeah, it really is. Thank you love for taking us here!” 
You can tell Wonpil became flustered at your comment as he gently laughing and waved you off, going back to eating his food. Smiling a little bit brighter, you too went back to your food. 
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stray6ix · 6 years
[9:33p.m.] “Right again!” Wonpil cheered as you answered another practice question correctly. He was helping you study after you had failed your last test. Wonpil had reassured you that even though the next test wasn’t for a few more weeks, it was never too early to start studying! Knowing you sometimes lacked the motivation to study, he had come over to ask you practice questions himself. And you had to admit, it was a lot easier to focus on the material when it also involved focusing on Wonpil.
“Pillie~ Thank you for helping me study.”
“Of course! I’m always here to help you! And guess what, I think it’s time for a break!” He exclaimed. You couldn’t help but smile at how excited he seemed. One of your favourite things about Wonpil was how contagious his joy was. All he had to do to make you smile and forget your worries was to smile himself.
“Yay! A break sounds perfect! What did you have in mind?” You questioned.
“Cuddling!” Wonpil grabbed your hand and dragged you from your kitchen table to the sofa. He sat down and then pulled you onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He couldn’t have picked a better break-time activity. “(Y/n)~” Wonpil cooed, his voice much calmer than before. “You know that no matter what, I love you and am always proud of you right? And that the most important thing is that you always pick yourself up and try again?”
“I know Wonpil, and thank you for always reminding me! You’re constant support and cheering me on mean so much to me,” you said, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “I love you so much, and I’ll always try my best for myself, and for you.”
“I love you too (y/n). And I promise I’ll help you ace the next test!”
Requested by an anon~ 💕💕
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dawnpil · 6 years
[22:40] wonpil grins at you when you reach the arcade, his windbreaker neon under the flashing lights of the games. you laugh at the ridiculous faces he makes trying to concentrate enough to beat the high score on the pac-man machine, dance to the mtv videos blaring in one corner, let him slip his hand into the back pocket of your high-waisted jeans as he walks you home. he kisses you goodnight under the glow of your porch light before handing you a cassette tape with a heart drawn in sharpie for the label. “think of me when you listen to it,” he whispers, kisses you once more, and then turns to leave, silhouetted by street lights and stars.  
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glowonu · 4 years
Day6 as College Boyfriends because im soft and i love them. 
Sungjin: Always in hoodie and sweats, makes sure that you’ve eaten, brings you coffee, hugs you from behind, awkward yet cute dancing at karaoke, shares a foodstagram with you, walks you to the bus stop, calming smiles, Just a really big Protective Teddy Bear™.
Jae: Constant banter, knows when to be serious, clothes are always oversized, says he won't share but always orders the large meal for you both to share, hand holding but don't make it obvious, drapes his body over you when standing in lines.
YoungK: dressed fine af all the time, always has food, questionable if he will share it though, if you can't find him he's probably sleeping, likes to hold your waist, doesn't go to lectures but studies his butt off, over commits to everything but is somehow still laidback.
Wonpil: soft jumpers and sweaters all the time, #1 hype boy, cheek kisses whenever he sees you, smoothie dates, studies with you whenever he can, uses emojis abundantly, absolutely adores couple items, sends you encouraging messages each morning.
Dowoon: when was the last time he washed that shirt? He still be cute tho, flustered always, never PDAs in front of his friends, behind in his study but still gets good grades, subconsciously massages your shoulders if you’re sitting or standing in front of him, 
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simplykpopaus · 4 years
~ DAY6 MasterList ~
Bold = coming soon
Jae - [7:00 pm]
Sungjin [2:26 pm]
Brian - [8:10 pm]
Wonpil - [8:45 am]
Jay - Sungjin - Young K (Brian) - Wonpil - Dowoon 
Jay - Sungjin - Young K (Brian) - Wonpil - Dowoon
Jay - Sungjin - Young K (Brian) - Wonpil - Dowoon
Jay - Sungjin - Young K (Brian) - Wonpil - Dowoon
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nextchae · 5 years
day6 reaction — having a curvier significant other
You and your boyfriend’s relationship was built on trust and love. In fact your boyfriend loved nearly everything about you, and especially your body.
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Not to be too cliché, but Jae loved you for your personality and not just for your looks. Those were definitely a plus though.
Even after dating for a while and seeing each other without clothes, Jae would freak every time he walked in on you in anything less than shorts and a tee shirt.
“Oh, my go- Sorry!” He squeaked out, covering his eyes and refusing to move.
“I’m just in my underwear” you laughed looking at the already blushing male. “And, you know, you’re my boyfriend”.
He cleared his throat, removing his hands to finally get a good look at you. Your usual overly confident boyfriend was suddenly nowhere to be found.
“You look... good”.
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“Where are you going?” Sungjin asked, his tone unintentionally brash yet needy.
“The gym” You answered, though it sounded more like a question too.
“In that?” He continued, now standing from the couch to view your body at a different angle. You watched the way his dark eyes lingered over your exposed bust and down to your hips.
Looking down at your leggings and sports bra, a small smirk came too your lips.
“Jealous?” You asked. One simple word that set him off.
“Me?” He laughed dangerously, quickly shortening the distance between you two. “Why would I be jealous of something that’s all mine?”.
young k
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“Wow” your boyfriend whispered from the doorframe, but it was just loud enough to be audible to your own ears.
Whipping around to face him, a wide smile was already spread out on his lips.
“Hmm?” You hummed, curious of his actions.
“You are stunning” he answered shamelessly while running his hands along the fabric of your new dress that perfectly hugged your curves.
Rolling your eyes, but being unable to stop the blush from rising to the surface of your cheeks, you turned and attempted to ignore him.
“Oh, don’t mind me! I’ll just watch you finish getting ready” he spoke, completely unbothered, before hopping onto the bathroom counter.
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You couldn’t help but notice the way your boyfriend’s eyes were fixed on you as you two sat together on the couch. Because one: he wasn’t paying attention to the movie in the least bit, and two: his breathing would hitch every time you moved. More specifically though, his eyes were fixed on your neck down.
“Wonpil” you whined, playfully hitting at his chest. “I’m literally wearing an oversized hoodie and sweatpants”.
His eyes widened at your confrontation with him and he couldn’t do anything but smile. “I think you always look great, no matter what you’re wearing”
You laughed, though simultaneously cringing at his words.
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You thought it was sweet the way Dowoon would immediately just stop, stare, and smile at you every time he got a first glance at yourself. He wouldn’t ever say much about your body, but you could tell he noticed your curves.
His hands running along your sides as you laid in bed, Dowoon had believed you were asleep. To his horror, though, you slightly flinched at the touch and turned to face him.
“I was just-”
“I love you” you interrupted, his eyes widening even more in surprise.
“I love you too” he finally responded after a few seconds and soon his arms found themselves around your waist once again.
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virgoterritory · 4 years
Soft kisses with wonpil and slightly insecure reader
Oh god i’ll cry!! These soft kinds of kisses would be so amazing with him,just holding each other close as you press your lips to his,feeling the corners of his mouth turn up into a smile when you hold his hand! Can you imagine having some time to yourselves,like spending the whole afternoon inside playing games and watching movies and ordering your favorite foods. You’d both love spending time like this together, phones put away and no distractions from the outside world. Can you imagine clearing away the board game you had been playing, a small smug smile on your lips,happy that you’d finally beaten your boyfriend. He’d be watching you from his seat on the couch and would hold out his arms for you when you had finished tidying away. He’d pull you onto the sofa beside him and you’d kick your legs up behind you,letting him fold you into his arms. You’d lay with your head on his chest and you’d feel so safe and warm and so beyond loved. He’d be playing with your fingers as you enjoyed the silence before he gently lifted you from his chest so that he could look at you. baby would have the sweetest little smile on his face and you’d be giggling asking what was wrong and he’d be blushing telling you how pretty you looked. You’d brush him off with a chuckle telling him that you looked far from pretty with your messy hair and makeupless face but he’d be shaking his head telling you that you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. his thumb would come up to brush your cheek and he’d slowly lean in to press his lips to yours,,it really would be so soft, his touch would be light as a feather as he gently pulled you in to him,,your hand would find his and you’d hold onto it as your lips pressed against each other,you’d feel your heart start to swell as you processed his sweet words and you’d pull back from the kiss,a small smile on your lips as you told him that you loved him
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mynctzenday-reads · 4 years
[9:16AM] “Order for Wonpil?”, you walk around the cafe in search for the customer. 
“Here!”, a man holds up his hand. You make your way over to his table but unfortunately trip over the leg of another chair, causing you to spill the coffee on the man’s sleeve.
“I am so sorry!”, you rush to get some tissues for the customer you had just spilt coffee on. “This looks like a really expensive shirt! Please let me pay for the dry cleaning fees!”, you are more than apologetic.
“No! It’s okay, this shirt really isn’t that expensive”, he smiles calmly.
“Hell yeah it is, Jae’s gonna kill you”, his friend says.
“Dowoon!”, the customer named Wonpil looks at the other. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it”, Wonpil reassures you again but you still insist on paying for the cleaning fees.
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smolbeanieee · 4 years
Afraid | One Shot
Young K x fem!OC
Warning: Mention insecurities.
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Everything were perfect.
Young K treats with you so much loves and adoration for the 2 years till the point everyone in college is envious with you.  Every where you go, people would say you're lucky to have him as your partner.
But there's one time where you felt you're not good enough for Young K.  Ever since he got cast for college DJ radio, he gains so much popularity from his friendly and easy going personality.  Lots of girls has been crushing over him even though they knew Young K is already taken by you.  You could not help it but to feel jealous and insecure about it even though Young K has been assuring you almost everyday that he loves you the most, not the other girls.
However, you always find yourself comparing to other girls who you claims that is pretty than you, smarter than you, dress well than you and so many things.  It feels like you aren’t enough and suitable for Young K. 
It bothers you so much.
When the day you’re suppose to go out on date with Young K , you could felt that your insecurities sparks up.  You feel horrible going out with him.  So you lied to him , saying that you’re having discussion with your lab partner.  At first Young K didn’t notice on your changing behavior. 
For 2 weeks, you try hard not to cling on him as you just keep yourself busy with reports and assignments.  But then when you keep on cancelling the dates, avoiding him at the college, and slow reply to his messages, he sense something wrong with you.
“Where are you baby? Are you at home?” Young K asked through the phone when you picked up his call.
Your mind racking with so many reasons to lied to him again but nothing came up, hence you just tells him the truth “Yeah, I’m at my apartment.  Why?”  You bit your lips nervously, waiting for his answer.
“Nice. I’m outside.  I brought us dinner.  Could you please open the door for me? I forgot to bring the keys.” Young K said, you could feel his excitement through his voice—somewhat you felt guilty for pushing him away but your insecurity always eat you up whenever you with him.  
“Okay, just a seconds” With that you end call with him—checking yourself on the mirror just to ensure you don’t look like a mess when he sees you later with only the hoodie which eventually belongs to him and a pair of sweatpants.
As soon as you open up the door, Young K engulf you in his tight embrace “I miss my baby so much.  It’s been a long time we spend time with each other” He said, making your heart swells in ache as you look up to him.
You smiles as a response as he literally drag you along walking with him “What you got there? Let me help you with that.”  You tried to distract him as you take the plastic containing the foods from his hands.
“Let me help you too” Young K offers but you decline him, softly pushing him away with your hands.
“It’s okay.  I can do it.  Why don’t you go and pick a movie or something to watch later?”  You persuade him with determination on your face as Young K watch your expression carefully
“Really?” He asked as you nods your head as a response “Okay if you said so, I’ll wait you at the front”  Young K said, pinching your cheeks softly as you watch he walked out from the kitchen.
Your soft sighs didn’t go unnoticed by Young K as he silently you moves around the kitchen with tight expressions plastered on your face.  Young K thinks hard on what made you change your behavior and distant feelings between you and him this lately.  This is why he is at your apartment right now—to ask of what happened actually.
You watch the movie in silent even though Young K been commenting how ugly the male lead runs or how ridiculous the story line is.  Amidst the movie, Young K took your hands into his—his thumbs softly rubs your knuckles but you just nonchalantly ignore the skinship.
Young K looks at your face that focusing on the movie as he abruptly asked “Did I do something wrong?”
His straight forward question caught you off guard.
You nervously laughs at his question, eyes shifted towards your hands clasped together with him “N-No.  You don’t do anything wrong.  What with the question?”
“But why you’re avoiding me lately?”
“I’m not avoi-” He cuts you off
“Then why you're cancelling our dates? We barely talked or met up in college. If I do something wrong, tell me. I'll apologize.” Young K said, waiting for your answer as he looking at your face curiously.
“You didn't do anything wrong” You replied as you licked your dry lips nervously, avoiding his intense foxy eyes contact.
“Then what's wrong?! Why you keep pushing me away?” Young K accidentally raises his voice—his pent up frustration makes him exploded as he brush his hair to the back, letting out deep sighs past his lips. “I'm sorry I-I didn't meant to raise my voice”
You know Young K has been putting up with you so patiently but you couldn't do anything with your insecurities, it will just put burden on your relationship with Young K.
He deserves better than you.
“L-lets break up. I can't do this anymore” Your voice shaken when the words come out as you tried hard not to broke down infront of him
Your words makes Young K gasped in shock “What are you saying? Why this is so sudden?” He softy grabs your shoulder as he turns your body, facing him, demanding explanation from you
“I don't deserve you. I have lots of flaws and insecurities. I'm afraid this relationship will just put burden on you. You have lots of girls who been crushing on you which more pretty than me. I'm nothing compare to them.” You confess of what has been suppressed inside your head all this while
As soon as Young K heard about your reason, now he knew why you been avoiding and pushing him away. His heart wrench as your tears falls down like a waterfall in front of him. He know this must be hard on you since he started being the DJ at the college radio but you just keep it to yourself instead of telling him.
Young K's hand instinctively wipe out your tears from corner of your eyes, makes you sobs even harder “I'm sorry baby. I didn't know you're feeling like this. You're the best thing ever that came in my life.”
“But I don't dese-”
“Don't say that. It's me who don't deserve you. I love every of your flaws. That's what makes you beautiful. You know that?” He cupped your face in his right hand, thumbs softly caress your cheeks tenderly as you looks at him with watery eyes.
“I love you. We're in this relationship together and we'll get through hard times together too. Remember that” He said, looking at you with pleading eyes, his hands never take off fr yours as he continue to strokes your cheeks
“I love you too. I'm sorry for pushing you away” you cried even harder as you throw yourself into his embrace, hugging him tightly—it's feels like forever you didn't hug him
Young K lets out a giggles upon seeing you being yourself back. He softy rubs your back as you keeps on clinging on him—your sobs finally calm down
“If you're truly sorry towards me, can I get my kisses already? I'm barely alive without your kiss this past 2 weeks.” Young K tries his luck, testing the water if you're finally felt better.
You untangle yourself from his hug and as soon as you makes eye contact with him, you let out the giggles which Young K miss the most.
“Come here” you said, cupping his face in your palm as he came close, not leaving any gaps between both of you on the couch.
With that, you could felt your lips touching with his soft pair of lips—feeling impatient from the sensation. From there, you know both of you will catch up with things you miss for this past 2 weeks.
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ayayayayouch · 4 years
Rainbow (Wonpil Songfic)
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A scenario where Wonpil reminisce about her - his angel. Inspired by the song Rainbow - South Border. 
It was another day at his school's library for Wonpil. "I'm going now." He told his boss. "Brought back all the books in their proper shelves. Checked the due dates. All good."
Being a working scholar at his school's library helps him ease his mind a little because of what happened recently. But as soon as he walked out the library, it started to rain. This brought back all the memories and this feeling he can't quite point out — one thing's for sure, it's not a beautiful feeling.
"Oh. It's raining." Wonpil smiled. Back then, he hated the rain because he couldn't move freely. He was the type of person who never brings an umbrella with him so he ends up always drenched in rain. It would have been easy if he just checked the weather first before going out his home — but who does that anyway, he had always thought.
For him, rainy days meant he would be unlucky for that day. As silly as it may sound, he thought he had used up all his luck and rainy days are meant for his luck taking a day off or so.
Until he met her one rainy day because he forgot to bring his umbrella again.
"Why do you have to hate the rain so much?" Her question lingered on his mind. "Here, take my umbrella with you. Consider it as a parting gift. A memento. A representation of my love for you."
He didn't answer her question but rather asked her why was she being like that — as if she would leave him permanently — he didn't like it.
Alas, he was right. One rainy day, he received a phone call. It was her mother, crying on the other line. "She... she.. gone... accident... slippery road... Wonpil... I'm s—" her mother sobbed.
If only he knew. Then he would have not snapped back at her. He would have told her, whenever it rains, the mood was always gloomy for him. Wonpil doesn't like gloomy days.
He searched for the umbrella in his bag and opened it. Several feet away from the library, he looked up at the umbrella and was greeted with smiley faces.
"That umbrella has smiley faces on the inside... to cheer you up and remind you that rain is good." He remembered her laughter.
"Ah, I miss you." He reached out, letting the raindrops touch the palm of his hand. "It's not the same now that you're gone." He tried to stop his tears from falling. "I hope you're doing well up there... I love you... my angel." He whispered.
They say that there's always a rainbow after the rain—Wonpil, on the other hand, would prefer being soaked in rain until he's ready to move on—knowing she will never come back no matter how much he wants her to.
Even if there is pain now, he knows that everything will be all right. No matter what happens, life goes on and on.
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