#wonho really said one night stands
monsta-x-jagi · 1 month
Legal Affairs - Chapter 9
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Synopsis: Wonho gives you a massage and gets slightly jealous of your coworkers.
Word count: 2.4k
Hoseok was still holding your hand, swinging it playfully. You checked your watch for the time: 10:18pm. 
“I suppose I can stay a bit then go home?” You pondered aloud. 
“Do you want to work on the couch? I can get us some blankets? Pillows? Coffee?” Hoseok said excitedly and you couldn’t help but smile. 
When Hoseok let go of your hand, you brought your bag and laptop over to the couch. “Can I put my feet up?” Hoseok nodded and you made yourself comfortable. You balanced your laptop on your knees on the opposite end of the couch to Hoseok.
You eventually got lost in your work and didn’t notice that Hoseok had stood up and left until you heard him clearing his throat beside you. You almost jumped at the sound. Hoseok was standing holding a cup, probably the coffee he promised, and had several blankets and pillows tucked under his arm as well. 
You lifted your laptop up so Hoseok could lay the blanket over your legs. He placed the pillows down on the coffee table, together with the coffee cup.
“It’s still hot, give it a minute,” he said as he sat down next to your feet. 
You absentmindedly nodded and continued your work. Soon after Hoseok sat down, he scooted closer to you, until he could place your legs over his lap like he had done earlier that night.
“You really like doing that huh?” You chuckled without looking up from your work. 
“I could say the same about you. You’re so focused that I’m slightly worried,” Hoseok said as one of his hands squeezed your calf. 
“Why are… you… worried?” You asked slowly as you kept typing your report. 
Hoseok’s fingers started moving in a pattern as he began massaging your legs. “I was certain you enjoyed my company during dinner today, but this whole time you’ve been enamoured by your screen.” 
Hoseok’s tone was light, and you knew he was joking, but you lowered your laptop screen and directly looked at him. “Well, I am looking at you now.”
Hoseok smiled, but didn’t say anything. He reached over for your coffee cup and handed it to you. He spoke after you took some sips. “Do you like it?”
“The coffee? Yeah, it’s fine.” You drank it quickly. When you drained the cup, Hoseok stopped massaging your legs and reached out a hand to take the mug from you, but you refused. Instead, you got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. “Don’t worry, I’ll clean it.” 
Hoseok watched as you pushed up the sleeves of your jacket and rinsed the cup. He kept his gaze on you until you returned to the couch. You rolled your shoulders and picked up your laptop to start working again. This movement didn’t go unnoticed by Hoseok. 
“Turn around,” he said when you sat down the same way you were earlier.
“What? How?” You asked, twisting in your seat.
“Turn around so that your back faces me,” he said. He pulled his legs onto the couch and sat cross legged, waiting for you. 
“Uh sure?” You said and began turning around. You gasped when his fingers wrapped around your shoulders.
“Scoot back a little, it’s hard to reach,” he said. 
You wiggled your butt back a little. “Like so? What are you trying to do anyway?” 
“Shoulder massage,” Hoseok replied. The fingers on your shoulders began to move and knead at your skin. “You’ve been working like that for almost an hour now.” 
You hadn’t noticed the time until he mentioned it. “I just need to finalise my evidence summary, and I don’t want to wait till morning.” 
Hoseok hummed in acknowledgement and continued the swirling motions on your skin. Unknowingly, you let out some sighs as you felt yourself relax. Hoseok smiled to himself proudly when he heard them.
After a while, his fingers began slowing down. You were still silently working until he spoke. “Miss y/n, there’s something I need to ask you.”
You stopped typing on your laptop. “Miss y/n? It’s a legal matter then?”
Hoseok’s fingers had now completely stopped and were just resting on your shoulders. “No, it’s about the footage… how much of it will you be submitting as evidence?” 
You started turning around to face Hoseok. “Not a lot actually.”
When you turned around, you saw there was barely an arm’s space between you and Hoseok. If you scooted back a little more, you’d be sitting flush against Hoseok’s chest. If you were a couple, he’d probably circle his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder. 
You cleared your throat to stop your thoughts from running to other places and decided to explain more. “It’ll just be footage showing you weren’t involved in anything, and the footage of the secret meeting. Obviously, I’m not submitting footage with me in it since it’s not relevant to the case.”
Hoseok smirked hearing your response. He stopped massaging and let one of his hands drop. He trailed it down your back and placed it on the couch right beside your hip. You knew he wouldn’t touch you but you wished he would.
“Are you sure that’s the only reason?” Hoseok asked as he leaned forward to look at your face. He was just teasing, just like how he placed that hand right at your hip.
You eyed him questioningly. “Are you suggesting I send the prosecutor a video of me enjoying being kissed like that?”
Hoseok’s gaze darkened. “Did you? Enjoy it, I mean?”
You glanced around the room, slightly embarrassed, before answering. “Uh yeah, kinda, I guess?”
“Only kinda?” Hoseok asked.
He hoped you didn’t see his brow starting to furrow. Sure his previous partners said they enjoyed sex with him, but nobody had ever labelled it as “kinda” enjoyable like you did. 
“Well I mean we got interrupted, and it was dark and I was definitely distracted by my case.” You had completely closed your laptop now and placed it on the coffee table. He had your full attention.
“So, if you weren’t interrupted or distracted, would it have been better?” Hoseok asked.
“Yes, probably,” you replied, then scrunched your face in annoyance. “God why are we even having this conversation?”
Hoseok lifted both his hands in a surrender pose. “Hey just making conversation. You’re the one who brought up enjoying it.”
You repositioned yourself to face him on the couch. “Ok, let’s have a conversation.” You sat cross-legged and leaned your elbows on your knees. “Tell me Hoseok, do you know the person in the video?”
Hoseok leaned back against the arm rest, eyeing you amusedly. “Actually I do, and I am wondering how you didn’t recognise them.”
You laughed. “Now I’m wondering what the prosecutor will say if he sees that video.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened. “He? The prosecutor is a man?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, he actually went to the same law school as me.”
“Were you close?” 
“No,” you shook your head. “The closest we ever got was probably dancing together at a club once. We didn’t plan it, but I bumped into him there.” 
Hoseok folded his arms over his chest. “That seems awfully close.”
“Yeah well you and all your members also saw me get even closer with another man literally hours ago,” you retorted. 
“That’s not the same, you knew one of them,” Hoseok said, biting his lip. 
“Actually, according to you, I know both of them,” you countered. “If it’s so shocking I didn’t recognise who I was with that night, maybe I really should send the footage to the prosecutor. Ask him if he knows the man.”
You were joking, you never intended to send your colleagues footage of your one night stand, but riling up Hoseok was enjoyable. So you reached for your laptop, pretending to get ready to email the clip. But before you could grab you laptop, Hoseok reached out and firmly grabbed your arm. He pulled you back towards the couch and towards him.
“Don’t.” His tone was harsh and his voice was low. He wasn’t joking anymore. “Don’t even think about it.”
Hoseok’s face was much closer to yours now, less than 10 inches away. You were shocked by the closeness and couldn’t hide it.
In Hoseok’s eyes, something like fear flashed across your features, so he loosened his grip but remained close to you. His own features softened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You didn’t pull back. Instead you looked down apologetically, and said, “No, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have joked about exposing somebody else’s privacy like that.”
Hoseok titled his head and asked, “Somebody else? What about your own?”
You looked back up at him. “Well yes, that’s a concern too, but I just assumed you were angry because I’d be exposing someone who is supposedly a famous idol.” 
“Y/n, that was never my concern. It was only ever about you,” Hoseok said, searching your face for any signs of distress. He wasn’t sure whether to feel touched or frustrated that you would show that much consideration to someone whose identity you weren’t even sure about.
But Hoseok’s words made you smile a little. “I never thought a client would care so much about my personal life.”
You were still joking, Hoseok realised. He realised you didn’t actually think Hoseok was preventing that video from being shared because he cared about you. “Don’t joke like that, y/n, I was being serious.”
“Oh uh well then I am sincerely grateful,” you replied, blinking confusedly.
Hoseok used his grip on your arm to pull you in even closer. “I don’t think you understand. It’s not just about privacy, it’s about me not wanting some old fling of yours to see you enjoying yourself like that.”
“But you were cool with your members seeing that,” you said, twisting your lips in thought. “Plus he wasn’t a fling, we just danced once. We’ll be super professional tomorrow, I promise.” 
“And is that a promise to yourself or a promise to me?” Hoseok asked, exactly mirroring your thoughts. 
You didn’t really have an answer. Hoseok had lowered your arms down to the couch now, and pulled his face away from you. And for the record, he in fact wasn’t okay with his members seeing you like that.
“Well are you going to see the prosecutor alone tomorrow?” He asked, then glanced behind at the clock on the wall. “Or rather today?”
You sighed once you saw the time, and felt the tiredness of the day finally reach you. You didn’t have it in you to entertain his antics anymore. “Hoseok, you can come if you want. Like I don’t know why you’d want to, but you can come if you’re free.”
Hoseok’s face lit up. “Actually?”
You nodded. 
“Then text me the address, I will be there,” he said firmly.
Once Hoseok’s attendance had been settled, you yawned and got up off the couch to get your laptop. 
“Don’t tell me you still have work to do? It’s literally midnight,” Hoseok said as he watched you carry the laptop and USBs to your bag on the dinner table
“No, I am packing up actually,” you replied. 
“But it’s late,” Hoseok said.
“Exactly. I need to sleep.” You shouldered your bag.
Hoseok stood from the couch and walked towards you, blocking your path towards the door. “You could sleep here. And you can use the bed so you’ll be more comfortable.”
His comment made you smile. Sleeping pressed against him was nice, and even though you wanted to relive that experience, you knew you couldn’t. “But remember what my uncle said? My things are at home, and I need to look good for the meeting tomorrow.
“So? I can take you shopping in the morning if you want a new outfit or something,” he offered.
“Your schedule says you are busy the whole morning,” you replied. 
“Do you have that thing memorised or something?” He asked laughing, then continued. “But if I wasn’t busy, would you want to go shopping together?”
You played with the strap of your bag before answering. “Sure,” you said tiredly. “Not that I can afford the brands you buy, but I will keep you company.”
Hoseok didn’t reply. Instead, he reached towards your shoulder, and slipped his finger under the strap of your bag to take it from you. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay the night? It’s late.”
You let Hoseok take your bag. “I know. Which is why we both need sleep.” You let out a yawn for good measure. 
“You’re sleepy,” he said.
“Exactly. That’s why I am going home.” You walked past him towards the door, knowing he would follow you. 
“What if something happens while you’re driving?” Hoseok asked as he placed a hand on the door so that you wouldn’t open it. “You’re tired, what if you crash?”
You looked up and studied his face. His lips pouted, brow furrowed, he was truly considering your wellbeing and you knew better than to poke fun at him for acting this way. His sincerity was endearing.
“Won’t your members be annoyed if I stay over?” You asked. As much as you wanted to sleep with him again, you needed him to provide the excuse you would use to refuse.
“I’d be more worried they’ll annoy you. But if you stay, I’ll do everything to make sure you’re comfortable.”
You decided to keep searching for excuses because Hoseok remained leaning against the door. He would never hold you against your will but you were curious how good his arguments would be.
“But I don’t want to sleep in these clothes, and I need to wash off my makeup.”
“I am idol, I have a ton of skincare products you can borrow. And obviously there’s spare clothes for you.”
“What if my family worries when I don’t come home?”
Hoseok fully leaned his back against the door at that. “I think your family is the least of your concerns.”
“You seem pretty confident about that,” you replied sarcastically.
Hoseok smirked. “You uncle immediately knew you were sleeping at my place. And not only did he know, he found it completely normal.”
Hoseok actually made a good point. Even he looked impressed by his own words. 
“Ok fine. You win.” You turned away from the door and walked back into the apartment.
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3, 9, and 19 for Jonah for the nsfw asks, if you want to share! I love him haha and I hope you’re having a wonderful day 🥰💙
Hope you're having an amazing day too! <3 answer below the cut in case people don't want to see
3. Quickies vs Planned sex—thoughts?
He's up for both. He loves the spontaneity of quickies but very much likes taking his time, especially with people he's in a relationship with. He's much more likely to go for quickies on one-night stands. When in a relationship though, he likes quickies as a kind of foretaste to planned sex, like the morning/day before.
But he also really likes planned sex, because it gives them the opportunity to discuss trying out new things.
9. What's their favorite way to get in the mood? How do they set the mood?
TEASING!! Jonah is already a touchy person on a daily basis, but when he wants to set the mood, the touch becomes a bit more persistent and carefully placed to tease his partners.
But he also gets more teasing in his behavior. I have this particular headcanon, I don't think I've shared it here before, but when they got out, to a bar or something similar, Jonah sometimes flirts with other guys (it's all consensual with A and N, they've discussed it, Jonah can flirt as long as it does not go further, not that he would want it to go further anyways). So Adam and Nate just let him have fun, because Jonah is a confident flirt and it's kinda hot. It gets a little more interesting when Jonah purposefully makes eye contact with them while flirting with other guys because he knows what they think when he does that. He plays on Adam's jealous side and Nate's overprotectiveness to rile them up a little bit.
So yeah, Jonah becomes an awful tease when he's in the mood.
But the teasing also works on him. How many times did Nate rile him up by teasing him a little too much.
19. When they “dress-up” for sex, what’s their go-to outfit? Lingerie, suit, gown, etc.?
His typical dressing-up outfits is a suit, and it definitely enters the category of 'outfits I hope are going to get me laid' for Jonah. The one difference between dressing-up for an event and dressing-up with sex in mind is that the shirt will be tighter. He's making the buttons work real hard.
Another adjustment he makes to the suit is a vest corset. He knows it brings out his broad shoulders a little more and that it's flattering on him. Although this is 'ot something he does often.
When he's being less subtle about his intentions, he loves to wear really revealing clothes. Crop top, sheer fabric, open back, boob window. Name it, he's probably worn it. Best reference I have for that kind of clothing is Wonho, and particularly his stage outfits (see below).
And underneath it all, there is sometimes a leather harness.
Lastly, as I said above, he's not against trying out new stuff, so he's not above wearing something his partners want to see him in.
A little moodboard of his 'hoping to get laid outfits':
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nsfw asks
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t3kandson · 2 years
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Friendly comfort
Wordcount; 2,137
Fandom; Monsta X
Pairing; Reader X Yoo Kihyun X Reader X Lee Hoseok aka Wonho
Character; OT7
Warning; Angst, Teasing, Jealousy & Injury.
Notes; Chapter 3/8 of part one of Youth of No Regret, earlier chapters found here
You woke a couple hours later, the birds tweeting being your alarm clock, soon realising Kihyun and Hoseok was still clinging to you. You gently and slowly manoeuvred out between them, leaving there arms holding each other as Hoseok nestled in to Kihyun. A slight smile spread across his face, both of them believing they was still holding on to you. You couldn’t help but stifle a giggle as you turned to walk out the tent, Minhyuk was standing there having just woken.
“What’s up that’s got you giggling like a girl?” he asked rubbing his wearily eyes. You raised an eyebrow, “Minhyuk last I checked I was a girl,” you said shaking your head. “Your a woman not a girl, though happy to test that theory,” he winked nudging you with his usual flirting, as you swatted him making him chuckle. “Anyway you didn’t say what was making you laugh away,” he asked. You nodded your head In the direction of the tent behind you, Minhyuk taking a brief peek seconds later.
Soon followed by a click of what you was sure him photographing the two sleeping hugging friends of his. “Well that’s one for the album, I’ve seen Hoseok’s cute cuddly side but not Kihyuns,” he chuckled. “Maybe your just not his kind,” you teased winking at him as you walked towards the extinguished firepit.
“So if they was like that where did you sleep?” He queried following you. “We should get breakfast sorted for when they all decide to wake,” you said ignoring his question. “Nice try Y/N,” He scoffed, “I know from your giggle like a high school teenager, that you placed them like that,” he said crossing his arms pleased with himself. “Well aren’t you clever working that out,” you said sarcastically placing more wood in the Pitt. “And that it was clear for them to hug each other that they thought they was hugging you,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “Well you did say I was all woman,” you chuckled as you searched for the matches and firelighters. “So you was with both them all night?” Minhyuk said gasping in shock. “Yes Minhyuk, we was banging all night long, I’m surprised you didn’t hear us,” you said sarcastically shaking your head.
“Didn’t hear what?” you heard a voice come from behind Minhyuk. You froze coming face to face with Kihyun, who was looking puzzled at you both. “The snoring, Hoseok snores really badly,” you said smiling, Minhyuk folding his arms, his eyes smalling in your direction with a slight smirk. “Yeah he’s definitely a snorer but I didn’t hear him,” Kihyun said ruffling his hair before walking towards you both, reaching towards the items you was looking for.
“I didn’t snore did I?,” he asked as he stood up to look at you, his eyes twinkling. You couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked just risen from his sleep. “Well I’m sure Hoseok kept you up,” Minhyuk chuckled breaking your moment of trance at Kihyun’s beauty, earning you to blush. “What are you on about?” he scowled at Minhyuk. Minhyuk put his fingers into his pockets bringing his phone out to show him the image.
Kihyun growling as he walked towards his hyung as he giggled stepping backwards out of the annoyed Kihyun’s direction. “Delete that picture,” he cursed as Minhyuk turned to walk towards his tent, to Hyunwoo’s protection.
“I wouldn’t bother Kihyun, you know he won’t delete it,” you giggled. “I didn’t even realise I was hugging him,” he said scratching his head looking confused. “Look, there have there fun and forget it, but for now why don’t you come help me cook breakfast,” you said holding your hand out to him. He smiled taking your hand as you pulled him closer.
You and Kihyun was giggling as he was mocking your attempt at breakfast, his face so lit up you tried to remember a time when he looked so care free. He had taken the role as some form of mother to the group, that you hadn’t seen him show a side of a carefree young man. “Why you staring like that? Is there something on my face?,” Kihyun said reaching for his phone to look and check.
“No, no I was just thinking I haven’t seen you so carefree, it suits you,” you said as he continued to check his image in his phone. “Your fine Kihyun I promise, beautiful as ever,” you said stiring the rice. “You think I’m beautiful,” Kihyun asked blushing. “Well yeah obviously, you would need to be blind not to notice that,” you said blushing yourself.
Your comment seemed to put a sparkle in his eyes as he stood to come closer. “You know your not too bad yourself,” he said brushing your hair behind your ear. “Well when your not burning the food that is,” he chuckled as you bent over to stir the rice again. “I think that’s enough stiring,” he said holding out some camping bowls for you.
Your hands touched briefly in the exchange, hearing him gasp blushing in his wake made you smile inwardly. Red faced he attempted a smile before walking off to get the frying pan to make the eggs.
You stood thinking how the energy between you both had changed, how extra sweet he was being with you, it felt different to any previous times. You both was smiling at each other In silence as he fried the eggs. Helping him as you placed the peppers and fresh green beans on the bowls of rice as he worked at the fried eggs and mushrooms.
It wasn’t long before Kihyun was singing, you stopped to gaze at him as he sang his heart out to you. It was a song you hadn’t heard before and wondered if it was one that the group was working on. “Urrggghh really Kihyun, you trying to wake up the dead,” Hoseok said from behind you, cutting the atsmophere a little icy as Kihyun scowled at him. “Well I sound better then you look right now,” he scoffed, you turned to face Hoseok his hair sticking up. “I don’t know I think his bed hair looks cute,” you said smiling at him. “Bed hair,” he said brushing his fingers through his hair, smirking mischievously.
“Well you and Kihyun must have got kinky last night,” you scoffed to Kihyun’s groans and Hoseok’s confused look. “Really Y/N not you too,” Kihyun moaned back on mum mode as he placed the last egg in the last bowl. “Right you two need to wake everyone up,” Kihyun ordered as he looked around in the bag for spoons.
As you was quietly tucking into your breakfast you noticed Minhyuk and Hyungwon observing his phone. Smiles on both there faces as they sniggered shoving looks yours and Hoseok’s way. Hoseok noticed as he eyed their behaviour while polishing his meal off.
“So what’s the plans today then guys?” Hyunwoo asked as he went round the group taking the bowls from them. “Well I’ve found some climbing rocks that I want to try,” Changkyun said. “I plan to go fishing we could have them for supper,” Kihyun added, his eyes brushing over towards you. “I’ve got a boat that I’ve hired, I’m planning to do some kayaking near the docks,” Hoseok said smiling. “Oooh that sounds fun Hyung I’m in,” Jooheon said looking excited. “What about you Y/N?” Hoseok asked looking excited at you. “Don’t pressure her she might be more into something else, you know your welcome to come fishing with me,” Kihyun added smiling.
You suddenly found yourself stuck between them both and felt like you couldn’t choose in fear of upsetting them. “Actually Changkyun’s day plan sounds fun,” you said playing with your fingers. “Ahh Y/N your love it, I didn’t realise you liked Rock climbing,” he said as you saw both Hoseok & Kihyun look to the food looking a little saddened which hurt. “But Y/N are you sure that’s wise, you’ve never rock climbed before, you could get hurt,” Kihyun said looking concerned. “Hyung it’s fine, It’s not a dangerous setting it’s actually good for beginners, she’ll be fine with me,” Changkyun reassured him. “She better be,” Kihyun said frustrated. You couldn’t help but notice Kihyun and Hoseok’s quietness and slight annoyance that you didn’t choose the days activity with them, which made you feel a little weird.
You, Changkyun and Minhyuk was walking through the woods towards the location. “So Y/N, what’s the deal with Hoseok & Kihyun?” Changkyun asked. “You saw the pictures, you work it out,” you giggled. Changkyun stopped, “what pictures?” He asked looking puzzled. You rolled your eyes, as Minhyuk showed Changkyun, his eyes hovering with a smirk. “Ahhh that’s cute, I will never let him live that down,” he chuckled.
“However, I was talking about you with them,” he added. “She knows what your talking about she’s just trying to avoid the conversation,” Minhyuk said making you scowl at him in return. “No, it’s just there’s nothing to say, nothing is going on, they can’t even date so there’s no point,” you added sounded a little miffed at the No dating rule. “Who says we can’t date?,” Minhyuk scoffed. “Because of Hoseok’s past, that he had to act clean and avoid dating,” you said.
“Avoid, not do not date,” Changkyun said. “Your not like her, we know you wouldn’t be a scandal, I think you would be worth the risk,” Changkyun added. “What about Kihyun? Because I know we can date,” Minhyuk threw in. “Well he’s my friend, why would I risk that,” you scoffed, the thought of ever losing him was too much to bare the thought of.
“So you do like him then?” Changkyun asked slightly grinning. “He’s a good looking bloke, but I never allowed myself to think like that because we’re friends,” you said almost tripping on a tree root that Changkyun had to steady you. “You know he really likes you right,” Minhyuk said, “and not in a friend way neither,” Changkyun winked. “Look I’m not risking my friendship with Kihyun to even contemplate on my emotions for him like that. I’d also would never risk Hoseok having some sort of scandal or drama that could affect his career. Plus I hate that they’ve both started being awkward with each other as it is, I don’t want to make that worse,” you said catching a breath from your rant. “Oh don’t worry about there friendship, there old enough and ugly enough to sort it themselves,” Minhyuk chuckled. It was then you came to the cliff, the sudden sight unnerving you. You realised maybe you should have chosen one of the other two activity’s or just offered to stay back and cook.
You and Hyunwoo had got back from fishing and had started the fire prepping tea.
“Wonder when everyone will be back,” Hyunwoo said as he popped the potatoes he had cut into the boiling water. “Hopefully Hoseok drowned,” you muttered under your breath that you had hoped Hyunwoo didn’t catch, but his body stiffened told you he did. You cleared your throat, “I don’t know maybe you should ring them, see how long there be,” you said to Hyunwoo’s raised eyebrow. You felt guilty for the sudden jealously you felt of one of your closest friends. But every time you saw Y/N melt at his view, you felt saddened that she would never look at you like that. But yet earlier this morning she had, you loved every second viewing that affection. That look In her eyes that you always wished was there flashed right there, for you.
There was a chance that she felt something more then friendship, it made you more hungry in your desire to be more to her.
It was then Hyunwoo’s phone rang, his face looking serious as he listened to the caller. “Calm down Minhyuk, I can’t hear you.” He said looking like he was inwardly panicking. You dropped the pot you was holding as you walked towards the phone in Hyunwoo’s hand. “Where are you?” He said looking concerned. “Kihyun go get the car ready,” he said looking your way. “Is Changkyun ok?,” you asked but Hyunwoo ignored your comment as you ran towards the car.
“But is Y/N breathing?” you heard him shout out as he dashed towards the woods. Your body froze, something had happened to Y/N. You knew rock climbing wasn’t safe for her, your heart was thumping not knowing what had quite happened. But yet your body couldn’t move, stuck there In fear at every possible end to this pulsating through your mind. You was only brought to when Hoseok pulled up in the car. His face falling when he noticed the fear in your face.
Previous Chapter. Next Chapter
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misswoozi · 2 years
So i think that Bom would have considered having three partners before, but only decided to do it AFTER CL said she tried it. She'd ask a really similar group of people to help her with this but she'd also want them to be more gentle considering it would be her first time doing it and how someone as confident and sexually dominant as CL could barely handle it, so it would likely be Wonho, Shownu, and Jseph who she calls.
From there i think it would start pretty similar with them going to her place for drinks and finding out that she wants to try taking all of them at once but this time Shownu is the one to make the first move since he's done this before. He gets up, walks over behind Bom and starts to massage her to help her relax, rubbing her shoulders and then moving his hands around to play with her boobs while he starts to kiss her neck. Watching this and hearing Bom start to moan gets the other boys turned on, so when they join in Wonho goes to kiss her while J kneels down to kiss along her stomach and rub her thighs.
Between kisses, she tells them to help her get undressed and she is very quickly, but gently, stripped of her clothes and underwear. Everyone can see how wet she is just from the massaging and the kissing, but Bom knows shes not ready to start fucking the just yet, so she has them get undressed too so she can give them head to get them lubed up and because having something in her mouth will turn her on even more.
They all know just how good her blowjob skills are, so they'rebquick getting their pants off and taking out their dicks for her. She starts with Shownu and immediately starts to deepthroat him while she jerks off the other two. Then she does the same thing to Wonho before she pushes him on to his back.
Bom tells Shownu and Jseph to wait a minute while she starts to ride Wonho, getting used to feeling him inside of her. Then, she tells J to stand in front of her so she can suck him off like she did the others. After a few minutes of J and Wonho fucking her, Bom motions for Shownu to come over and put it in her butt. Everyone pauses while he gets down and slowly starts to push himself into her. She's already so sensitive and aroused that the feeling of taking him and being stuffed completely full sends her into her first orgasm. They let her catch her breath until she lets them know they can start moving, Shownu setting the pace that the others follow.
With all the boys being on edge, one by one they start fucking her faster to try and reach their own orgasms. This pushes Bom into her second orgasm, the feeling of which makes the boys cum as well. Jseph and Shownu pull out to cum on her boobs and butt respectfully while Wonho finishes inside of her. After catching their breath, the boys split up to help Bom clean up, get her food and water, and get her clean clothes to sleep in before cleaning themselves up and heading home. Bom herself is more than satisfied with how the night went, and might have even tried to keep going if any of them were willing, but if she were to do it all again it wouldnt be for another year. 🎮
first and foremost, I love the three guys she chose because I AGREE, she would choose three dudes who are patient and respectful and willing to do exactly what she asks (to the letter.)
I also love the idea of Bom getting this idea in her head and not being able to move forward until she tried it. ALSO??? good news for Shownu??? he gets to experience all these crazy things because he's every girl's first call when they need a super hot guy who they know they can trust??? (same w/ Wonho and J.Seph of course, they absolutely fit the bill, you made a great choice here)
all in all, as always, you've got my attention and changed my mind lmao you're amazing, my friend
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kandadiff · 8 months
Larger Than Life : New Years Kiss
11:50 PM
You looked at the long haired man you once called your partner and wondered if he planned all of this. You just found it funny how nearly ll the other men you showed any interest in, suddenly came down with a form of the stomach bug. GD, Wonho, Jay Park even jungkook. While conveniently Edward was the picture of perfect health drinking a beer while laughing with his friends.
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him and towards the huge TV mounted on the wall. Though we were in the snowy ski resorts of Vermont, the image of Times Square shone brilliantly on the TV. The large New Years Ball glittering under the shiny lights of New York. You thought of Kylie's words.
'Its totally bad luck not to welcome the New Years with a kiss from someone!' She insisted a couple of days ago. You agreed with her and planned on deciding at the party, but looking around you sighed heavily at your options.
"Did you pick yet?" Kylie grabbing your arm, made you jump and made her laugh. "What? Its only me!"
"You scared me, bitch." You laughed and turned to face her shrugging. "I don't know. Maybe I'll just grab someone random when the time comes."
She gave you a look and rolled her eyes taking your hand in hers. "No, Listen. When I found out your boys had a stomach bug, I called in a perfect friend for you to - you know - entertain you tonight."
"Its 10 minutes until the ball drops, Ky." You shake your head, you had been at this party since it started ... hours ago.
"Well, its snowing out and he had to drive here." She says as though it is obvious and you nodded. "Come meet him, I think you already heard of him."
You down your drink, letting Kylie lead you though the crowd. You could feel Edwards eyes following you and when you looked eyes with him you expected him to look away. He didn't. His same smirk painted on his face watching you closely. You rolled your eyes at him, through your glossy hair over your shoulder and let Kylie take you to your date, nervousness and excitement bubbling in your stomach.
You were disappointed and a little pissed at Kylie.
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Standing in the resorts doorways taking off his snow cover jacket and lifting but not removing his sunglasses (even though it was nearly midnight), 21 Savage looked you over. He smirked a bit as though he liked what he saw then gave Kylie a small hug.
"Hey 21!" She greeted with a big smile. "This is the girl I was telling you about! My best friend, Adi."
"Damn Adi" he bit his lip "She said you were beautiful but you are even more then I expected." You forced a polite smile and tried to give Kylie a look but she didn't notice. "Let me grab a drink then we can talk for a bit. I can't think of a better girl to welcome the new year with." he said looking around spotting the bartender., "You want one?"
"Sure." you nodded about to tell him your drink of choice but he just nodded and walked over.
"He's nice right?" Kylie smiled at you and you shot her a look pulling her to you angrily.
"Bitch? Really!?"
"What? Travis is cool with him and its not like hes in a relationship - hes single."
"Why do you think I would like him?"
"Um because all you did was date a wannabe rapper who you gave his loser stuff back last week and I found you an actual cool rapper!" She said obviously. "Just spend the night with him then talk to me in the morning - my friend hooked up with him and she said hes really good." You opened your mouth to talk but found you couldn't say anything because Kylie really did believe this was a good idea. She really thought this .... man .. was a good match for you. "Just have a good time tonight and we'll talk in the morning over breakfast." She smiled at you running over to her own squeeze of the moment and wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a wet kiss to his lips.
you rolled your eyes and looked over at where 21 was ordering the drinks. You thought over Kylies words then decided against it, shaking your head and deciding to head to your room upstairs. Fuck it, you'll welcome in the New Year yourself and a bottle of Jack Daniels.
You moved as quickly as you could to the elevator - that was taking way to long - then decided just to take the stairs and ran up it as fast as you could before the rapper could see where you went.
11:58 PM
You were out of breath by the time you got to your room and in a sour mood. You just wanted to take off your dress, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and drink your complimentary alcohol while watching Jersey Shore. "What a way to open the New Years." You murmured to yourself jumping when you heard a laugh behind you.
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Spinning around you saw the smirking face of Edward Styles. Amusement was clear in his face and that fueled the rage inside you even more. "Nice choice of a date. I didn't know you liked face tattoos now - Kylie really knows you huh?"
"Where the fuck is your date then?" You spat at him, stomping over to him and attempting to buff up to him. But he was a whole foot taller then you and you really only buffed up to his chest. "Oh right, you don't have one!"
"And you're hiding from yours." he chuckled booping your nose. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Shut up!" You spat pushing him away but he grabbed your arms.
"That wasn't nice, mama" he frowned "Is this how you really want to welcome the new year?"
You rolled your eyes and heard Kylie calling for you downstairs. Edwards smirk irritating you when you both heard it. "Go away." you sneered at him and he shook his head.
"Make me." He challenged you and when you went to push him away he grabbed your arm, pushing you on your door. You gasped, looking up into his michevious green eyes. You stood like that for a few moments, him looking down at you - daring you to push him away again. "Thats what I thought." Underneath your feet you both stated to hear the countdown to the New Year.
One of his hand pinned your hand to the door and pressed himself to you.
His other hand moved to the slit of your dress, pulling it slowly up.
You were loosing patience and with your free hand pulled his hand to your hip.
He laughed and you growled at him to shut up.
He unclipped the back of your dress, the material pooling at your waist.
You gasped at the cold air hitting you and looked towards teh staircase.
"Don't worry, mama." He growled deeply.
"It's only us up here."
"You're mine." His tone was possessive and demanding. Daring you to disagree with him.
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He pulled you up, your legs instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist and thrusting you against the hard wood of the door. his mouth attached to yours in a series of frenzied kisses that expressed how psosessive this man was of you. That he would always be - that no one would measure up to him.
The crowd below you was shouting happy new year to each other as your hand snaked to the doorknob throwing you both into the room to truly celebrate the New Year.
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justasouthernlady · 4 years
Breaks tumblr hiatus just for wonho.
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Stray Kids Bang Chan x Idol!Reader Summary: You're known as the gym rat in your group, and quite frankly, you only have two moods: shredding or chilling. This was why when you're not asleep in between schedules, you're spotted with a male idol you happened to meet in the gym you were at that day. It's a known fact though, that you and Bang Chan are gym buddies and each other's spotter. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Internet toxicity, sasaengs, vulgar language, sexism, misogyny, pining, fluff, mentions of Pentagon because why not <3, etc.
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A/N: Girl, i shouldn't do this but I did. It's so funny to me someone requested this cause I have recently become an exercise junkie lol. Also, if you can't tell, there is a pov shift after the cut so yeah. I also wanted to keep the reader gender neutral but I want to write about how psychotically different people treat male and female idols because that stuff aint it. It's most definitely not what anon was expecting me to write but I hope they enjoy it nonetheless.
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There's compilation in YT with growing parts centered around you flexing your physical fitness and prowess. It ranges from you affectionally touring your fans, which really meant the cameraman, through the gym, introducing your trainer, and doing your routine on camera, to your group (and others) both fawning and bragging about how strong and how hot you are.
CLIP #1: A scene from an interview of your group in Japan, struggling to talk about how you can do 40 straight push ups.
There was a male interviewer in a suit you could all faintly recognize was talking about your recent Instagram post of a gym mirror selfie.
One of your youngest members smirked and in broken Japanese, cutely said, "Wah, she does 100 push ups! Everyday, every night."
You snap your head to the maknae and raise your brows, "nani?" You begin to shake your hands in protest and begin to explain your truth, "absolutely not 100. Maybe around 40, but nooooo, not 100."
The interviewer and your group comically react in awe. The man in the suit urges, "can you show us?"
You give a face, "Excuse me, but I'm not getting paid to do that in this miniskirt."
Everyone, including the film crew, break into laughter.
CLIP #2: A scene from a variety show where you had to prove you were, in fact, yourself, by doing a shortened version of your exercise routine.
One of the hosts of the show asks, "Wait, do you honestly do all of this in your workout? Like you can do all of it?"
The list of your exercises were written on a colourful cardboard, held by the one who just spoke. It was a range of exercises in 10 sets, from jumping jacks to sit ups, to vague sounding exercises like crab pinches and robot arms.
You purse your lips at the last question asked of you, not really liking the tone in which it was asked. You answer quickly and nod proudly, "I actually do more, cause when I get in the zone and I'm already really sweaty, I feel like I should keep going until my whole body burns." You chuckle.
The older hosts, tilt their head and mutter lowly under their breath something along the lines of, "I'd rather die."
You finally do the routine, quickly, continuously, earning impressed reactions from everyone.
"That's hot," one of the hosts note.
"Ya, for some reason it looks easy to do."
The hosts begin to clamour at that statement, and force whoever said to do the exact thing you did. Clearly, they don't work out as much as you do and cannot even get halfway through it without stopping.
You break out into a breathless laugh in amusement of the comical attempt but then protest, explaining how bad it is to force yourself to do more than you can
CLIP #3: Pentagon, Hongseok especially, fawns over how fit you are
Trailing a conversation about how your group is close with Pentagon because your companies are situated closely to each other and you wind up eating together a lot, there is an anecdote about how there was a jar no one could open, no one but you, that is.
The interviewer asks no one in particular, "wah, none of you could open the jar? Really? Or did you all just pretend so she could open it?"
There is a chorus of answers concluding with, "no really, she was the only one that was able to open it."
The story is backed up by how the jar had a really small lid and some hands were too big. Then came an explanation how you were recently into the new rock climbing machine in your gym.
Hongseok speaks up, "I was invited to go to rock climbing in, like, an actual rock climbing place and I was honestly so surprised when she began to climb. She said she never actually tried rock climbing on a wall, but it seemed like she had been doing it for years."
Shinwon agrees, "Right, right. I was also really curious about what they did that day," he points to Hongseok, "that I joined them one time. I never felt so out of shape in my life. I just stayed back and filmed everything."
Pentagon laughs, and then agrees that you were exceptionally fast and just super fit in all honesty.
The interviewer catches Hongseok's expression then suddenly asks, "do you like a woman like that?"
"Yeah, I like my women strong."
Then came a lot of teasing remarks from Pentagon, and a plethora of complaints from delusional fans who did not want Hongseok to ever breathe in your direction again.
With all that's been said about that, in all the parts of this series floating around in the internet, one thing remained, there was a slightly larger population of impressed fans than the still large portion of antifans who wanted nothing to do with it and only came around to hate.
It's hard not to think about it, but even the slightest back handed compliment can sometimes linger in one's mind.
And right now, as much as I kept my mind on my counting as I finished my set high knees, I couldn't help but think of how much backlash I got from posting a post workout photo with my midriff exposed.
Apparently that was not only enough to merit hate for being both a whore and an attention whore, but people baselessly began to hate on my groupmates simply for being associated with me.
It's kind of sad really, how, say Wonho, can post a fairly exposed photo of himself and get so much praise for it, and yet I couldn't even do anything remotely close to that.
And I don't even mean to come at Wonho, we all know he's a beast at the gym and should be able to show as much of his hard work as he is comfortable in showing, but why can't I?
"Hey trooper. I thought you said you were only doing 80 counts?" a voice cracks me out of my train of thought.
I turn to whom spoke and chuckle at myself as I stop my leg raises, "ah yeah, I got lost in thought, and your really good song."
I pull on my earphones and give a lopside smile, "I love working out to God's Menu."
He gives a soft, "he he, thanks."
"No need for a thank you when I'm only giving my honest opinion, Chan."
"Yeah, well still, it makes my kokoro go doki-doki," he sniggers, crossing his arms and flashing a dimpled smile. I raise my upper lip and reel back, "EWWW!"
I playfully shove him. He acts hurt, "this is violence against children."
"Chan, you're literally older than me."
"That doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart."
"You mean, it doesn't mean you're not a drama queen."
"Hey, I have no interest in having a throne, my only interest is," he leans in and whispers, "you."
I feel my soul leave my body as he snorts to himself and runs away. I regurgitate in surprise, "YA!"
"You better do your next set properly," Chan says heading off to a cable row machine, "I'm always watching."
I try to ignore the blood rushing up your neck, "creep."
He shrugs, "rather that or have you get injured, sweet heart."
Yeah, Chan has saved me from a lot of injuries I could have had. It was a bad habit. It stemmed from the same thing that made me mess up my count a while ago, my overthinking.
Sometimes I thought of rather harmless things, but sometimes I began to fixate on the hate I received for simply being. I do a lot to get my mind to realize that they hated me simply because they could and because it was easy. Exercising helped tremendously, especially when I had someone fun to work out with, especially when I was with Chan. He just... made me feel safe, y'know.
But when the news of us being work out buddies surfaced, a lot of sasaengs came for me. Of course, a lot of Stays and my own fans were really kind about, speaking out that we were our own people and exercising together did not mean anything in particular really.
But some really went for it, and made it a hobby to comment on everything I was in that I was a slut for 'working out' with different men every day."
I let out a breath as I finish my routine. I catch my breath and go for a swig of my water. I take a moment then sit down by the mirror, which was near where Chan was currently working out.
"You're doing it again."
I turn from where I was blankly staring at turn to Chan who gave me a soft look, "you good?"
I release a sigh then purse my lips, "maybe."
He pouts, "what happened?"
I shrug and stand from where I sat, "you know, the usual."
Chan then comes up to me and takes my water bottle from me, "you know, no matter how much people say you don't need water to live, you can never change the fact that you are extremely dependent on water to live."
I look at him and half- heartedly point, "are you calling me thirsty?"
He begrudgingly groans and releases a chuckle. He calls my name out in a scolding tone. I feel myself relax, "I know what you're getting at Chan."
He nods, "good. I'll always be here to remind you of that."
I smile and feel an urge to hug him, "if you weren't so sweaty, I would totally hug you right now."
Chan then gives me a look then does not hesitate to crush me into his arms. I groan and whine in protest. He chuckles, "you literally just said you wanted a hug!"
Chan huffs and gives a wounded look, "hmp. You better spot me while I lift or else I'm unfriending you."
"Hmm... I think I'll be good without you as a friend."
I half expect Chan to whine about it, but he instead smirks, "ahhhh, you must want me to be your boyfriends so badly huh."
I- I mean...
CLIP #4: A crack edit of Chan when he gets asked about his gym relationship with me in Chan's Room.
He was looking through the questions and suddenly chuckles, his ears noticeably began to redden. Cue a zoom in of his face and his red ears. Cue a clip of Cardi B saying, "that's suspicious."
He says my name then continues, "am I close with her? Yeah. I would say I'm close with her-- and her whole group actually."
Captioned: Nice save, Chris.
"The kids and I are close with her group," he says, clearing his throat.
A clip of him clearing his throat is repeated about ten times.
Chan adjust the beanie he was wearing as he thinks of what he was going to say next, "we actually do work out together a lot because she's under a trainer that works with my trainer."
Captioned: Sure, Chan. That's the only reason, right?
Chan catches another question, "Is she a beast in the gym like Hongseok says?" He breaks into a laugh. He then rubs his cheek and grits his teeth.
A clip of someone saying, "Oh he's jealous," flashes on screen.
"Yeah," Chan finally says, "she's got a really high stamina."
Cue the clip, WHAT DID HE SAY?
Chan continues, "she can go between exercises without stopping. she doesn't even take that much time to catch her breath. In fact, she sings while exercising sometimes, which helps make her vocals stable."
Captioned: Queen Tingz.
The next thing that happens is Chan breaks into a laugh and begins to chuckle. He says, "Sorry I saw a funny comment."
Then came these comments:
They are dating period. prove me wrong. you cant
Chan literally blushes over anything, buT HE TURNED INTO A TOMATO WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HER BYE
if you hate on your faves loving each other, you most definitely need Jesus (:
Yeah... it's not been confirmed to this day.
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
sub drop — monsta x
request: Hey so I'm not entirely sure if you accept reaction requests if not then a headcanon is fine I was wondering how a male reader would take care of sub monsta x during a sub drop possibly a mix of for some it's their first ever sub drop and for others it's not, tysm n ily!!
a/n: sorry this took forever 😭😭 i hope you like it :,)
word count: 1.8k
content: sub!monsta x, none are smutty :), sub drop obviously, use of a safeword (minhyuk’s part), aftercare, just general sub/dom things,
son hyunwoo/shownu:
he can’t shake the feeling. he tries to just get over it, because while he obviously knows you care about him, he’s doesn’t want to let you know that anything is wrong. and he doesn’t even know what’s wrong with him.
it’s just that every time you’ve been holding him close, objectifying him in a way that he adores, making him feel like all he has to be is pretty to be worthy of praise, it doesn’t feel like it should. he’s so used to pressure, pressure, pressure. he’s used to high expectations, and he’s used to working hard because he can’t let people down. he’s always been adored, but with you, he doesn’t have to work for it.
and yet, it doesn’t have the same kick that it used to. he doesn’t get the high, airy, “in the clouds” feeling, at least not recently. he knows you can sense it, he’s a good actor but he’s not that good of an actor, and you can see it in his eyes. he’s getting uncomfortable and nervous.
“sweet bear,” you murmur as you wrap your arms around him, “what’s been going on with you? is everything alright?”
“i’m okay,” he responds blankly, but he holds you tightly like he doesn’t ever want to let you go, “i just haven’t been feeling great about… you know what recently.”
“ah, then that could be my fault. i need to take care of you better afterward. how about tonight we just relax, not as dominant and submissive, but just as lovers?”
lee hoseok/wonho:
you find him with tears on his cheeks as he cries silently. he either sobs unimaginably loud and buries himself into your arms for hours on end, or he’s quiet in your room with soft sniffles and hiccups heard from the other side of the door.
but he just lies there, crying. he looks so out of it, but in the worst way possible. he looks miserable, wallowing in the feelings that he’s silently submerged himself in hopes that you wouldn’t have to see him like this.
“hoseok, darling,” your words fill the room, and he’s suddenly so suffocated by all the darkness.
“please- i- please make it stop.”
you’re by his side in a second, “make what stop, baby?” he shakes his head, pulling you by your wrist onto the bed so you’re as close to him as possible as he cuddles and wraps himself around you like you’re a teddy bear, “sweetheart,” you say, running your fingers through his hair. he sighs comfortably with you close to him and playing with his hair always made him feel sleepy.
as the tears begin to stop, you lull him to sleep with little whispered nothings, “i love you, sweetheart. please let me know whenever you start to feel bad, okay? i want to be here for you.”
lee minhyuk:
it’s not like it never happens, but it’s still so unusual that it confuses him every time. it creeps up on him slowly until he’s lying beneath you, all dazed and under your control, with a sudden ache in his stomach. it’s anxiety and nervousness that he has no reason to be feeling, but he does.
he knows you wouldn’t want him to hide it, so he calls the safeword immediately, and the change in your expression and demeanor makes his heart swoon just a little bit. suddenly he’s free from the restraints and in your arms and you’re whispering sweet things to him, rubbing his chest to soothe the marks you’d left earlier.
“it's happening again,” he groans, “the thing we had talked about a while ago. when i started feeling bad all of a sudden.”
“ahh, okay. thanks for telling me, sweetheart,” you press a kiss to his forehead, “what i can do right now to help, besides the obvious aftercare stuff?”
“please just- tell me you didn’t mean the things you said to me.”
his plea makes your heart shatter just a bit, but you keep it together for his sake, “i meant none of it. you’re the most important and sweetest angel in my life, my darling sun. i could never mean it. you’re such a sweet soul, my perfect little vita-min,” he smiles softly, feeling so high and light, “i love you, min. don’t forget it.”
he's not mentally there enough to say it back, but you can feel it in the way he moves to hold your hand. you take it, and never let him go.
yoo kihyun:
kihyun is a good communicator… most of the time. he’s mostly gotten past the instinct to bury his feelings down and just deal with whatever’s happening because that had upset you in the past and he doesn’t like making you upset.
but he didn’t know how to verbalize these feelings that had slowly overtaken him. he’s never felt these paralyzing and hellish feelings before, they crept upon him, and the moment you were out that door, they hit him like a ton of bricks.
he wants to call out your name, he wants to cry, but he doesn’t. he can’t. he just lies there, swallowed up by the sheets as he suffocates on his own feelings.
“hey,” you whisper, catching his attention. he’s startled by your call, and you can see in his reaction and nervousness that he isn’t alright.
but he’s still kihyun, and this vulnerability he didn’t get to allow himself to show leaves him anxious, he doesn’t have a sense of control over his lack of control and it makes him uncomfortable.
“kihyun, baby, you’re alright,” you murmur as you kiss his forehead, “you’re okay. you don’t need to talk about it if you don’t want to, just tell me what you need. do you want me here with you? or would you rather me go sit in the other room?”
“with me,” he groans, offering up a spot on the bed next to him, “i want to hold you,” he says. he looks so small right now, especially because his fiery, intense, yet loving personality is just so big that you forget that he’s this fragile little thing sometimes. in that moment, all you felt like doing was holding him tightly and never letting go, protecting him from all the bad things and bad feelings.
but that wasn’t what he wanted. he’s still your kihyun, and this is his way of feeling better, “okay,” you say, “hold me close, will you?”
chae hyungwon:
hyungwon is naturally kind of embarrassed that he’s submissive to you. he hides it well, but he still asks that it not be brought up to any extent in conversation that involves other people. to the world, hyungwon is the one in control, and only behind closed doors does he fall to his knees for you.
but, still, that nervousness and shyness and anxiety eats away at him, makes him feel small and unconfident, and he starts to distance himself emotionally whenever he’s unhappy for any reason. you had done nothing wrong, but hyungwon still hasn’t found peace with the nature of your relationship.
it’s not that he’s deprived of what he wants, but being yours is what he wants, he just can’t stand for anyone else to know that.
and so these bad feelings manifest every now and then, but you and him are used to them. he gives himself a few hours to wallow in them, to truly feel them, and then he asks for a cute little date night as a reminder that your relationship is built off of love and not just dominance over him.
and of course, he requests that you sweet talk him the whole night, “i love you, wonnie. don’t ever believe otherwise, you hear me? you’re my perfect little butterfly, so tall and gorgeous and sweet and kind and loving and absolutely perfect. there’s nothing i don’t adore about you.”
it seems to do the trick.
lee jooheon:
he can’t tell when it happens, but you spot it every time. he becomes somewhat hostile towards you, of course, the feelings aren’t exactly what he wants to feel but he can’t help the amount to which he just becomes harsh and closed off.
but he still listens, still smiles faintly when you hold his hand, “jooheon, sweetheart, im sorry we’ve been neglecting your needs to the point where you feel this way, can you please just talk to me? can you tell me how you feel?”
“i- i don’t feel good. i don’t feel good about anything we do usually, and i’m stuck on why. i’m not hurt, you took care of me well after every session. and i’m just-”
he doesn’t finish his sentence, but you find the right words for him, “frustrated that you don’t understand your feelings?”
“yeah… yeah that’s about right. i’m not mad at you, i just- im mad that i don’t understand why i feel so bad right now.”
“joo, baby, this isn’t irrational or not normal. it’s completely fine to feel like this, and in fact, i’m glad you’re so in tune with your feelings that you’re really trying to understand and feel them completely. hiding them won’t do anything.”
“so- what do we do now?” he asks.
“whatever you want, my sweet bee. you come first tonight.”
im changkyun/i.m:
it had been days since the session, and yet the bad feelings wait to hit him when he’s making breakfast for himself, without you there. he’s not at home and won’t be for a while, and subsequently doesn’t have you there with him.
with the time difference that he forgot to take into account, you’re asleep when he calls. he tries to apologize heavily for waking you up, but since he woke you up, you’re not letting him hang up unless he tells you why he called.
“i didn’t feel well emotionally all of a sudden, and i just wanted to be with you,” he murmurs, and it shatters all of your tired little heart, “and this is the best i’ve got right now. i’m sorry for bothering you while you were asleep, my love.”
“don’t apologize for prioritizing your needs, kyun. do you want to talk?”
“not… really??”
“alright, then i’ll stay on the call with you. im gonna try to go back to sleep, but please let me know if you want to talk. no sleep is more important than my angel.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @multidreams-and-desires @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @domreaderrecs @mochi-ficz and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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colicotq · 3 years
the return of superman ( 1 )
pairing: lee ho seok x reader
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camera position
/ camera effects /
( dialogues )
* sound effects *
Apartment Building
( On a bright ordinary sunny day )
( let's meet the new family. )
Entrance, Living Room, Kitchen, Bedroom
/ pans into multiple photos hang up on the hallway, as well as the wedding photos, however, the face of the man seemed to be blurred out. /
( who could this be? )
/ zooms the different toys scattered all over the floor in the living room. /
Parents Bedroom
/ zooms into the large bed where a large blanket is taking over. then there's a sudden movement under the pile of blanket /
( they seem to be waking up! )
( eomma is the first person to wake up in the house! )
y/n sits up, letting out an audible groan as she stretches out his limbs as she pushes the fluffy blanket aside. then rolling over to plant kisses on the chubby cheeks of the smaller bodies still sleeping soundly beside her. then to the little one on the other side.
/ zoom into the little bundle sleeping in the crib / * coo *
( the little ones are still in deep sleep. )
"i need to prepare breakfast before they wake up." y/n mumbles to herself, with a slight rasp in her voice from just waking up, she gets from bed and heads onto the kitchen.
* confused * ( it seems like the new superman isn't at home. ) ( wonder where he could be this early in the morning? )
y/n moves about the kitchen expertly, preparing breakfast for everyone, making sure that your quiet and the pans aren't clanging too much that will wake up the kids.
/ pans to the food beautifully laid out on the table /
* amazement * ( eomma prepared so many nutritious, delicious foods for everyone to enjoy! )
( eomma made gyeran-mari, doenjang-jjigae and japgokbap. )
( of course, some fruits too! )
Parents Bedroom
a little girl pushes herself up, scratching the back of her head, the mess that is her hair stuck in every direction.
( oh! it seems like someone has woken! )
she looks around the room until her eyes lands on one of the cameras perched on the wall ( freezes ), she rocks from side to side making sure her eyes are trained on it ( flinches ).
( the camera follows her every movement )
she quickly crawls off the large bed and shuffles sleepily out of the room.
Kitchen, Living room
the little girl pauses ( startled ) cautiously she approaches the tent and peeks inside. she spots a man sitting inside clad in all dark coloured clothing. she bops her head ( nice to meet you ) as a greeting then carefully backs away.
"good morning, ha eun!" y/n greets her, as you got down on your knees and opening up your arm for a hug, ha eun runs into your arm as she buries her face in the crooks of your neck. you pressed little kisses on her temple. ( so much love in the morning ) * awe *
"good morning, eomma..." ha eun mumbles as she fiddles with the cloth of your shirt "did you have a good sleep?" ( so caring! this home really is full of love )
"yes, i did. how about you? did you get a good sleep?" you asked, running the palm of your over her ha eun’s hair to tame it down.
ha eun nods and swivels around pointing at the vj tent.
“eomma, there’s cameras.”
“yes, there is. can you tell me how many of the tents are in here?” you asked.
“there are three.” * cheers * * amazement * ( she can count at this age already? truly an amazing family! )
“good job! did you tell them your good morning yet?” you asked, ha eun shook her head, “can you tell them good morning and ask if they slept well?”
“yes.” ha eun scrambled to the furthest tent, pushing aside the flaps peeking her head in, “good morning uncle. did you have a good sleep?”
“yes, i had a great sleep.”
ha eun nods in satisfaction and quickly moves to the other tent. asking about their sleep. after that, ha eun walks over to the table and pulling on the high chair. carefully climbing and seating herself, watching you move about in the kitchen.
“ha eun, are you hungry?”
ha eun shook her head ‘no’.
“i’ll wait for ha yoon to wake up. i want to eat with her.” *coo * ( eating meals with people is satisfying and fulfilling rather than being alone. )
"where’s appa?"
"appa is at the gym right now. but, he'll be back soon."
"eomma, is the baby okay?"
( baby? what ha eun talking about? )
/ flashback to the kitchen earlier on / / zoom in to your growing belly / ( y/n is currently two months pregnant! ) * coo *
“yes, the baby is okay! are you worried about your little sibling?”
ha eun nods her head.
“i want them to be as healthy and happy as chin hae.” * coo *
( ha eun is definitely a caring and thoughtful noona )
Entry way
* beeping of the door passcode * * the sound of the doorknob turning *
/ slow motion, a figure approaches /
( who is it? )
"good morning." ho seok greets, placing his gym bag on the sofa.
( it's wonho a.k.a lee ho seok! ) * amazement *
ho seok: hello, my name is lee ho seok, but i am mainly known as wonho. nice to meet you.
/ photo of lee ho seok and y/n together / ( they have been dating since 2021) ( ho seok and y/n met through acquaintances who y/n met during her trip in seoul )
/ flashes their wedding photo hung up on their wall / ( they got married after 3 years of dating )
( then... )
/ a photo of y/n's ultrasound / / a video of y/n's bare swollen belly while ho seok ran his large hands over it / ( appa is very excited to meet them! ) * coo *
/ a video of their twin girls as newborn babies, ha eun being held by ho seok in his arms while ha yoon laid in the hospital bassinet sleeping soundly / ( they welcomed their baby girls after a year of marriage )
( ha yoon being 3 minutes older than ha eun )
( chin hae followed after ) /an ultrasound photo of chin hae / / the girls excitedly and patiently waiting for their little brother to come out, while talking to her belly /
( they are excited to become a noona! )
/ a video of ha eun and ha yoon placing a peck his chubby cheeks / ( sweet kisses )
/ video footage of chin hae being guarded by his noonas while appa and eomma are doing housechores / * coo *
( they seem really good noona's to chin hae! )
ho seok: i am a proud father of three beautiful children. 20-month-old twins, ha eun and ha yoon and 6-month-old, chin hae. say hello.
ha yoon: my name is lee ha yoon and i'm 20-months-old. *amazement*
ha eun: nice meet you. i am ha eun ( they speak so well ) ( they seem like a loving family )
ho seok: and this our youngest, chin hae. ha yoon, ha eun, how old is your little brother?
ha eun: 20 years old.
ho seok: 20? no, he’s 6 months.
( why did you decide to come onto the return of superman? )
ho seok: i have a hectic schedule. i come home everyday at really late hours, i only ever see them asleep. my wife stays and takes care of them and when i do get a chance to play with them and talk to them, it happens during in the morning. then i leave again. i want to be a part of children’s life and i want to be a good dad. i already cleared half of my schedule for them but i feel it isn’t enough. this show will definitely bridge the gap that is growing between us. so, please, enjoy.
“appa.” ha eun held out her hand, wanting to be carried by her dad, ho seok complies and hooking his large hand on her armpits and lifting her up. he lets her rest on his arm as he peppers her cheeks with kisses, ha eun rest her head on his shoulder.
“did you sleep well?”
“appa, i missed you.” said ha eun, not answering his question.
“did you miss appa?”
“yes. you’re always away.”
( how did it feel when ha eun said that?)
ho seok: it hurts a lot and it makes me sad. it shows that they’re always looking for me and i missed out so many things, they wanted to experience things with me. don’t worry, ha eun, ha yoon and chin hae, i will make it up for you. i love you.
Parents Bedroom
( shuffle ) ha yoon wriggles around the bed and rolled onto her stomach.
ha yoon sits up with her eyes closed, her face all scrunched up and hair as well as ha eun is sticking out in every direction. ( still sleepy )
“appa.” ha yoon calls out croakily ( did she wake up by the sound of her dad’s voice? )
“appa!” ha yoon calls out again, though louder than the first time.
just in time, ho seok walks through the door with ha eun in his arms.
( superman has come to save the day! ) * awe *
“i’m here, i’m here.” ho seok gestures for ha yoon to come to his arm whilst still holding ha eun. ha yoon carefully crawls over to the foot of the bed, ho seok leans in to pick her up carefully and shifting her in a comfortable position on his hip.
“ha yoon, good morning. did you sleep well? hm?”
ha yoon didn’t respond ( still sleepy ), leaning her head on the crooks of ho seok’s neck, warily watches the camera around the bedroom.
( spy, spy )
“ha yoon! you’re awake! ha eun was waiting patiently for you to wake up so, you could eat together.” said y/n as you take out their food bowls and training chopsticks, laying them out on their high chair table.
/ zoom into ha yoon’s sleepy face / ( thank you for waiting patiently for me ha eun )
ho seok carefully placed them into their high chair as you serve them their food. ho seok carefully gathers ha eun’s hair into a small ponytail and ties it with a hair tie he found laying around on the night stand that he now had around his wrists.
ho seok then proceed to place the bib around their neck.
/ zoom into ha yoon reaching for her training chopsticks and poking her little fingers through the plastic loops. / / zoom into ha eun who giddily watches eomma serve her platter while clutching onto the bright pink spoon /
“say thank you for the food.” ho seok request as he took a seat.
/ zoom /
“thank you for the food.” ha yoon mumbles before digging in to the doenjang-jjigae, taking a spoonful of it.
( ha yoon loves eomma’s doenjang-jjigae! she eats so gracefully! )
/ zoom /
“thank you.” ha eun says as she scoops some doenjang-jjigae into her tray full of japgokbap and mixing it around.
* amazement * ( ha eun definitely knows how to eat well )
/ zooms into ho seok who eats scarfs down a bowl of doenjang-jjigae /
( they got it from their appa )
/ zoom / ha yoon watches ho seok closely as he bring the edge of the bowl to his lips,
“appa, you eat so well.” ha yoon compliments.
“appa eats well?” ho seok smiles,
“everyone needs to eat well so they can grow up to be strong and healthy.” ho seok explains, sending the 20-month-old set of twins into deep thought.
“eomma, you need to eat too, you need to be healthy and the baby needs to be healthy.” ha eun orders,
( so thoughtful )
“eomma, if you don’t eat. the baby is going to be upset. right, appa?” ha yoon asked,
“yes, can you tell eomma to eat well?”
“eomma, you need to eat lots of food for the baby!” ha eun declares.
“yes, i will eat very well.” you say.
then the sound of chin hae’s cries resonated throughout the whole apartment.
“chin hae, appa is coming!”
ho seok immediately stands up and rushes to the bedroom.
Parent’s Bedroom
chin hae had tears running down his cheeks as he stood being supported by the railing of his crib. sobbing.
“it’s okay! it’s okay!” ho seok comforts as he bounces the little 6-month-old baby who calmed in the arms of his father.
( chin hae is the safest in his appa’s arms. )
ho seok peppers his hairy head with kisses.
“hm? did you sleep well? did you get scared because your noona’s weren’t in the same room?” ho seok asked,
( yes. )
Kitchen, Dining
chin hae is cuddled up against ho seok as feeds him baby food. his little boy would enthusiastically bang his tiny hands on the table whenever he sees ho seok dips the spoon back into the jar of baby food, the eagerly opens his little mouth when the spoon comes to approach him.
( chin hae eats so well too! )
( twins focused on their food )
“i have an announcement today!” ho seok says.
/ slow motion / ( what will the announcement be? )
( is it a new toy? )
“eomma is going out today. you will stay with appa the whole day! are you excited?” ho seok announced with a huge grin.
( quiet ) * laughs *
“are you not excited for appa?”
( quiet )
“appa, we’re eating right now.” ha eun says.
( how well will the day turn? )
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peachoony · 4 years
dusted feelings
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Genre: smut and kinda angsty but with a fluffy ending
Warning: oral (f. reciving), unprotected sex, overstimulation, multiply orgasm, mention of alcohol
Pairing: wonho x fem!reader
Word count: 2K
A/N: just wanted to quickly say that wonho was completely sober when he was driving so everyone, don’t drink and drive!
The bass of the music made the walls vibrate slightly as you poured yourself another drink in the kitchen all by yourself. Your friend Olivia’s cousin Jihoon decided to throw a houseparty and you were ready to finally have some fun after exams, but the moment your eyes spotted him your brain stopped working.
“There you are,” your friend Olivias interrupted your thoughts.
You looked up as she stood at the other side of the kitchen island.
“I wanted to refill,” you said, taking a sip from your red cup, the strong liquor slipping down your throat leaving a burning sensation behind.
“For the past 20 minutes?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, knowing exactly why you were here.
Okay maybe you took a little longer than you should’ve, but you were really not in the mood to see him again. All the feelings you tried to push away, that were in dust all these months crashed down on you the moment his warm eyes met yours. You wanted to hate him but when he shot you a smile, you could’ve crashed your lips on his.
You took another sip, stretching out the question.
“Is it because of Hoseok?” She asked and you almost chocked on your drink not expecting to hear his name.
“What? What does he have to do with me wanting a refill?” You mumbled.
“Y/n you were visibly having a great time, until we saw Hoseok and suddenly you went to the bathroom for 10 minutes and now the 20 minute refill. Seems weird if you ask me,” she stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest
You stayed silent, since she had a point.
“You’re right, I should just go home.”
“What? Y/n no! This is not what I meant.” She walked around the island, now standing in front of you. “Stop acting like a sulky toddler. You don’t wanna talk things out, even though he tried to approach you a bunch of times despite the fact that you guys were only friends with benefits, but you also don’t wanna be in the same room as him. Pick a side girl.”
You blinked at her words, before scoffing.
“Why don’t go be his best friends, since you wanna take his side anyways,” you said, making her roll her eyes.
“Here we go again. Y/n you either forget about it and we go out there and have a great night or you will go over to him and talk things out.”
You looked at her for a while before taking a deep breath.
“Let’s go, have some fun.”
Your eyes pierced into the back of the girl who was talking to Hoseok and surprisingly they seemed very close, just like you two used to be. You would be lying if you’d say she isn’t breathtakingly beautiful.
You gulped down the rest of your drink, before your eyes landed back on them.
“Olivia who is that with Hoseok?” You whispered, making sure no one would hear you on the table you were sitting at with a couple of other friends.
She followed your gaze, absorbing the both of them.
“That’s Yejin, I’ve seen her around a couple of times since she’s majoring in science, but she recently broke up with her boyfriend so no chance that they’re dating.” Olivia assured you.
A sigh left your lips after you looked away, not wanting to torture yourself more.
After a while you engaged yourself in the conversation to get your mind off him as you felt Olivia sit up next to.
“Hey Hoseok, long time no see.”
Your body froze and didn’t dare to even turn around. The person next to you switched seats, gesturing Hoseok to sit here. “Have a seat man.”
His cologne filled your senses, making your heart skip a beat and out of reflex you took a deep breath.
You turned your head and he gave you a little smile. “Hey,” he said and you awkwardly smiled back.
He was wearing his black pair of glasses and a leather jacket over hi swhite shirt.
The more time passed the more you felt your heartbeat fastened and it’s only been 5 minutes.
“I should get going, because I haven't really gotten sleep.” Your friends' eyes turned to you and Olivia raised an eyebrow knowing exactly what you were doing.
“Sure thing, thank you for coming y/n.” Jihoon smiled.
You grabbed your purse next to you wanting to leave as soon as possible.
“Isn’t it too late for an uber?” Olivia asked, frowning. “Someone should bring you home.” Olivia’s eyes darted to Hoseok who cleared his throat getting your friend’s silent message.
“I was actually thinking of leaving sooner or later, so I can drive you home.”
You blinked a couple of times, before speaking up. “No that’s not needed.”
“Yes, It’s needed. I’m not letting you leave alone this late.” Olivia gave you a warning glare.
You looked away from Hoseok, not wanting to argue in front of everyone and who were you fooling? You wanted his attention and being with him excited you more than you would have liked to admit.
The car blinked twice signaling you it’s unlocked now. The drive was silent and even breathing was hard. Scenarios from your last car ride flashed through your brain making you gulp.
“Are you okay?” Hoseok asked, breaking the silence in the car, making you turn your head. He looked down to your fingers digging into his seat, before looking back up to your face.
You placed your hands in your lap, after clearing your throat.
“Yeah why wouldn't it be?” You mumbled looking out of your window.
Silence took over as he drove through the empty streets in the dark, while the moon lit up the car enough. You took a deep breath as the car stopped in front of your apartment building.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, turning to the door, but when it didn’t open you saw the lock button.
“Can we talk?” He asked after a short silence and you nodded slowly.
“Do you...want to come in?” You asked hesitantly.
You rubbed your sweaty hands against your dress while his eyes scanned through your apartment.
“Everything is still the same,” he mumbled as his eyes met yours again. “Except for us.” You gulped at his words.
“You can’t avoid me forever.” He continued and you raised an eyebrow.
“Well, jokes on you Hoseok, I wasn’t avoiding you. I was busy with my exams.” You clarified yourself, scoffing at his words.
When he didn’t answer you turned your head into his direction just to see him staring at you with a challenging look.
“Oh really? Then why were you disappearing during the party, giving everyone excuses.” You blinked at him and when a small smile played over his lips you narrowed your eyes.
“Okay fine, I don’t wanted to see your stupid face. I dislike you.” You said in a boring tone, making him clearly angry.
“That wasn’t what you said a couple of months ago,” he said and you rolled your eyes.
“Feelings change. I don’t feel the same anymore,” you answered. “Now if that’s all, you can leave.”
You stood up, but he grabbed your wrist stopping you from leaving.
“If you don’t feel the same anymore then why did it affect you so much seeing me with Yejin?” You frowned at his question, clearly at the loss of words.
“I don’t even know who that is,” you scoffed pulling your wrist out of his grip. “You should leave Hoseok.” You sighed turning back around but his hands grabbed your shoulders pressing you against the nearest wall.
“Liar. You still love me.” His breath fanned over your lips and his cologne dominated your senses, making all the nights flash in front you where his cologne would fill your room. “You tried so hard to forget me, but look at you getting so weak for me,” he whispered into your hair, while his nose gazed over your neck, making you take a deep breath. “You don’t need any distraction, when I’m right here baby.”
When he started placing soft kisses down your neck you almost moaned out his name. His hands started wandering over your curves and a sigh left your lips moving your head to give him more room as your hands found his hair.
“Do you want me as much as I want you baby?” He asked you as his tongue gazed over your sensitive spot, making you moan out.
“Yes. Yes I want you so bad, Hoseok.” All that pride was gone and his touch made your brain shut off while setting your whole body on fire. This was all Hoseok needed and not even a minute later your back hit the mattress while his lips devoured yours in a passionate kiss as his tongue caressed yours. His hands lifted the edge of your dress softly rubbing your thigh before disappearing under the fabric as his mouth started traveling more south. His mouth placed wet kisses over the swell of your breast down to your hips and thighs. He looked up from between your thighs looking into your eyes as he slowly pulled your string down.
You grabbed the sheets when his tongue gazed over your swollen bud and you didn’t even notice how wet you have been until Hoseok pushed his finger into you.
“So wet and all we did was kiss, tctc!” He clicked his tongue, before he started lapping at your juices making you throw your head back into the pillow. Your chest was rising and falling so fast. You lifted your hips just for him to push them back down.
“Fuck d-don’t stop,” you stuttered when he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you while he sucked on your bud sending you to heaven.
You felt the knot build in your lower abdomen, after reaching for his hair pulling them as a moan left his lips sending vibrations through your body making the knot explode. You closed your legs around his head arching your back on the mattress.
“I missed seeing like this,” he said after placing a kiss on your inner thigh.
Piece by piece your clothes were thrown on your bedroom floor. He kissed down the alley between your breasts, before giving your nipple his attention. You felt his tip slide up and down your folds, coating his dick in your juices before he pushed himself in.
“Fuck, you take me so well,” he whispered against your lips, his dick pumping in and out of you. He grabbed your thigh pressing against his hip, his tip now hitting your g-spot making you whimper while your nails were digging into his biceps. He pressed his forehead against your.
“Look at me y/n,” he demanded and you obeyed, struggling to keep your eyes open while his dick was doing wonders.
“I missed ruining you like this so much.” He removed a couple of strands from your face while his eyes didn’t leave yours and you felt your heart skip a beat at the gesture.
“I love you,” he whispered and suddenly your eyes were wide open. You wanted to speak up but when his tip pressed against your g-spot again your eyes rolled back and a couple of thrust after you felt your high wash over you.
“S-stop.” You placed your hand against his chest signaling him to stop. “I’m almost there baby,” he breathed and you whimpered due to the overstimulation.
“Why do you look extra pretty today?” He asked more himself than you before he pumped his load into you.
You closed your eyes, calming down your breathing and racing heart before hissing when he pulled out. He cleaned you up and silence filled the room as he pulled you against his chest.
“Were you serious when you said it?” You asked after a while and he hummed. “I would never lie about something like that.” He sighed. “To be honest when you confessed I wasn’t sure about how I felt about you, but the moment you shut me out I realised how much it actually affected me, being away from you was horrible.” He continued. “I wanted us to do well on our exams so I thought it was better if we would concentrate on that and after that I could talk things out with you.”
You looked up to him as guilt started building up. “I shouldn’t have cut all contacts with you, I’m sorry. I couldn’t deal with the thought of getting rejected when you asked for more time, so I…” you trailed off and he pulled you closer giving you a short kiss.
“All that matters is that we resolved things,” he said and you hummed.
“So what do you wanna do for our first date?” He smirked.
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Monsta X “You grind against their hand
Monsta X Masterlist                                    Group Masterlist
Ask:  Helloo, you once did a reaction for iKon and I was thinking if you could do it for Monsta X (ot7 please). It's their reaction to their girlfriend grinding on their hand 😊 Thank you, love your writing 💕
A/N: I looked at the reaction that anon referred to and my writing style has changed sooooo much omg also, haven’t written smut in a minute
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Hyunwoo’s chest pressed into your back as you both tried falling asleep. It was late at night and sleep wasn’t coming to you as easy as you thought it would. You were needy and it was preventing you from sleeping, so you rubbed your thighs together in the hope to create a little bit more friction. 
However, Hyunwoo was oblivious and simply tucked his face into the back of your neck, his arm wrapping around your waist loosely. His hand was low and you were needy, needy for him. Grabbing his hand, you held it against your closed core and bucked your hips slightly. All in the hopes that he would pick up on the hint. 
You could feel him smile into your neck at your actions and fully grab your core, gently though. It was hard to hide the gasp that came out of you and the chuckle that came out of him as he massaged you gently. 
“Next time just ask me darling.” 
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Busy, busy, busy, that was one way to describe your relationship with Hoseok. Especially because of the idol life schedule, your sex life could be put on hold sometimes. But you didn’t mind, neither did he, it was just the way it was and you two still worked regardless. 
But now watching him get ready for the stage, you couldn’t help but get a little worked up. Thankfully he was done getting ready, just relaxing with you as the staff hustled around the room. You saw this as a perfect opportunity, to let him know just how you were feeling. 
You grinded against his hand, catching him incredibly off guard. Hoseok started laughing awkwardly, looking around to see if anyone noticed. His response made you laugh before wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close. Shaking his head at how mischievious you could be, he placed his lips by your ear. 
“Later when this is over, I’ll make up for lost time.” 
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You leaned over the counter, watching as he prepared everything to cook for the vlive that was happening later in the day. Kihyun’s sleeves rolled up as he finely chopped some of the vegetables that would be used later. 
You moved around to the other side of the counter, now standing next to him as he did cooking preparations. “What’s on your mind?” He asked, still chopping and only glancing at you. “Nothing much.” That was a lie, you were very much thinking about him bending you over the counter. 
Grabbing his hand, he let go of the knife and allowed you to guide him with a smile. Kihyun wasn’t dumb and especially not with the way you were watching him, or the way you placed his hand on your core. Bucking your hips to let him know exactly what you wanted. 
“I know exactly what you and if you’re patient, you’ll get it.” 
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He went over the mc cards for the millionth time, mumbling the words to himself. This was something you loved about him, he always put his all into every project he was doing but, sometimes you wished he could just be home. 
You joined him on the couch, your fingers instinctively finding his hair to massage his scalp as he read. Minhyuk hummed at the touch, holding the cards in one hand moving the other to your thigh to squeeze lightly. It wasn’t a secret that you were feeling needy, he just was busy. But now was a good of a time as any to show how badly you needed him. 
Your free hand moved to the one on your thigh, hiking it higher so that you could roll your hips against it. Minhyuk turned his head away from the cards, your fingers still carding through his hair as you looked at him with hooded eyes. He smiled before moving to lay light kisses over your neck. 
“Have I not been giving you enough attention? Let me fix that.” 
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The first thought you woke up with was need, need for Hyungwon specifically. So much so it was almost the only thing you could think of as he simply tidied up his room. Taking the moment to push his hair out of face every now and then. You placed your phone down, huffing loud enough for him to hear and prayed he got the message.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, sitting down next to you on his bed. “Nothing really.” You said, leaning forward to tug on his shirt and pull him over you. “Ahh, that’s what’s wrong.” Hyungwon smiled knowingly, hovering over you and leaning down to kiss over your chin. 
You hummed in satisfaction, grabbing his hand to place it where you really needed him. Bucking your hips at finally feeling some friction and making him nip at your skin. 
“You must’ve been really needy if you’re that eager.” 
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Lyric writing never stopped, but apparently neither did your need for Jooheon and as much as you didn’t want to bother him while he was in the flow for writing, you really needed him. 
But that didn’t bother Jooheon, the few times you did interupt him it was always worth it. He definitely wasn’t going to complain about the fact you had straddled his waist, getting quite literally between him and work. 
“You needy, baby?” He asked, hands holding your hips against his. You nodded, a soft smile on your lips at the slight pressure of your core against his. “Show me where you need me.” Jooheon said, not expecting you to grab one of his hands to grind against. 
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He wasn’t teasing you on purpose, or so you thought. But it was absolutely working, every little small touch and whisper was having a huge effect on you. 
And well, Changkyun was loving every second of it. He absolutely adored seeing you so worked up without being able to do anything about it because you were around others. It filled him with pride to see you squirming in your seat. 
But the second you had a moment alone, you pulled his hand inbetween your legs because you absolutely needed some friction aside from your own thighs. The action made him laugh, rubbing you through the fabric of your clothes lightly before pulling away again. 
“I know you couldn’t handle it.” 
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lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Perfect Girl~ Wonho Oneshot
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Warning: Suggestive, mention of dying?
Word Count: 1591
Wonho x female reader
Disclaimer: The picture used is NOT MINE. I found it on instagram from the artist @bre.lexis. You guys should totally check out her art. It’s my favorite ambw art :).
A/N: I based this one shot based off a dream I had the other day. It felt so freaking real like I even felt the kiss and for some reason that only happens when I dream about him and I. Some scenes were added but this pretty much how my dream went. I wasn’t able to find a photo that matched how I imagined Wonho and a brown girl. In the dream he was literally the same size as he is now and he was wearing that orange shirt from is live the other day... Anyways I hope you all enjoy!
It was a rainy Friday night. You had just left your coworkers at the restaurant you guys went to to celebrate the assistant principals birthday. You called an Uber to get home. Normally you would walk but you weren't in the mood to be catching a cold. The ride home wasn't too long since you obviously lived close by.
When you arrived you thanked the driver and exited the vehicle quickly. However, no matter how fast you ran to the building you still ended up getting soaked. As if it couldn’t get any worse, the elevator in your complex wasn't working so you had to prolong your torture by taking the stairs. 
You finally reached your apartment and immediately took your shoes off and headed for your bathroom. You put your clothes on a drying rack over your toilet. You turned the water on to the hottest setting and got in. The warmth of the water was welcomed and washed away most of the stress you've been feeling with work. But stress from the absence of your boyfriend of 4 years didn't go away. It wasn't as if he was in some far away place where you couldn't see or contact him. No, the problem was he was so busy with his comeback that he did not have much time to call you much less visit you due to conflicting scheduling.
At first, you didn't have much of a problem with it since you knew how important his career was to him. But it has been two months and the separation was starting to get to you. Even though you knew you shouldn't complain being lucky enough to even have a man as sweet as him, you were only a human in need of the touch of her boyfriend.
After you got out the shower you put on some mango butter to attempt to smell good while moisturizing and let your curls fall freely. You grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and put on the smallest sized hoodie Wonho owned. Being thankful he left this one behind since his others would've had you swimming in it.
You left your room and went to the kitchen to make a cup of calming jasmine tea (can you tell I've been watching atla alot hehehe). As the tea was boiling you gathered your students papers from your work bag and placed them on your coffee table. You turned the TV on and scrolled through the options. Finally settling on the 90s batman animated series as background noise.
You went back into the kitchen and poured the tea in your favorite mug. On the way to the living room you grabbed your phone just in case he called you. He may not have called you in the past week but who knows maybe today would be your lucky day.
Time went by smoothly. Surprisingly grading he papers wasn't too difficult since your students actually followed directions. Since it was easy to grade you decided to raise the volume of the TV and pay more attention to the plot of the episode. You were just about to finish grading the last paper when your phone started to ring. Had it not been on vibrate mode you would have never known it was ringing. When you looked at the caller ID your heart went pitter patter. It was Wonho. You obviously picked up the phone immediately with a joyful tone.
"Hey babe! How have you been? How's comeback? How does your shoulder feel? Are you eating properly"
"Well hello to you too baby, and to answer your questions good, good, good and of course!"
"Well that's good. It's been awhile and I was beginning to worry you forgot I existed."
"How can I forget about the shining light of my life."
"I mean with all those beautiful girls around you everyday it's not hard to think you might forget about an average girl like me."
"You're right."
"Wha- WONHO!"
You heard him laughing and knew that he did that just to get a reaction out of you.
"You know I would never. You're the only girl I have my eyes on."
"Hmph could've fooled me. Don't worry I already got my eyes set on another man." You said jokingly.
"Ya! I was joking."
"I know you dork."
There was a comfortable silence after you guys finished laughing.
"When do you think we'll be able to hang out?"
"Soon, I'm hoping. Everything is just so crazy that I barely have time to focus on taking care of myself. I'm honestly so sorry for not being able to call you. You must think I don't love you anymore."
"Wonho, I know I signed up for this when I first started dating you. You don't have to feel guilty for something you can't really control." You said trying to lighten the mood.
" I know it's just that I- I... I just want you to know that. (In Korean) I am the luckiest man in the world. I know you probably think I take you for granted but the truth is I could never love another girl like I love you. You said that you think I can forget about you easily an quite possibly leave you for another girl? When in reality everyday I worry you might just give up waiting for me an find another guy to replace me. You're my driving force in life. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much baby girl that I can't even find the right words to describe how much."
"...You know I hate you. I'm pretty sure you probably said the most beautiful words I will ever hear but I guess I will never know considering you just said it ALL IN KOREAN. Babe you know I'm not hat fluent. Now can you please tell me what you said again." You whined.
He chuckled, "I said, I am the luckiest man in the world. I know you probably think- ah forget it. You're making it so hard to surprise you."
"What? How? And what surprise are you talking about?"
"Turn around."
You quickly turned around almost giving yourself whiplash and that's when you saw your man standing there with a smile on his face and his arms opened wide.
"IT'S YOU!! YOU'RE HERE!!!" You said as you ran to him and jumped on him instantly grabbing his head to pull him in for a kiss. You almost cried tears of joys feeling his lips on yours after not being able to even touch in in 2 months.
You pulled away having the need to catch your breath. But you were still cupping his face with your hands, staring lovingly into his eyes. Eventually you went back in for another kiss but jumped at the sound of an explosion that happened in the show you were watching almost falling out of his grip. Wonho laughed at you while he gently placed you down so he wouldn't accidentally drop you.
"Heeeyyyy, why are you laughing? I could've died." You said while pouting.
"Sorry jagiya, you're just so cute I couldn't help it."
"Hmph. Nice to know you think me almost dying is cute."
"Dying? I'm pretty sure falling from that height wouldn't have killed you." He said amused.
"You don't know that. What if when I fell, I could have broken a bone and punctured an important organ and potentially bleed out."
"That sounds highly unlikely."
"Since when dud you become a medical doctor."
"Since the moment I started dating you. With the amount of times I've had to take care of you because of how clumsy you are, I'm pretty sure I can get a medical degree easily."
"If you say sooo."
You and Wonho couldn't help but laugh at the silliness of your conversation. However while you were still laughing, Wonho stopped to stare at you. The love he felt for you overwhelmed him in this moment. He wasn't sure if it it was because he hasn't seen you in awhile or if it was something else but all knew was he just realized how perfect you are. You noticed the look and asked what was wrong.
"Why are you so perfect?"
"I mean perfect isn't the word I would use to describe myself..."
"I mean it baby, what did I do to deserve you?"
"Hmmm believe it or not all you did was be yourself. I tired of guys who were fake and trying to be something they thought I wanted. You are the only guy I met who was himself and that's all I can ask for. Plus your really good looking."
"I do look good, don’t I?"
"You're supposed to say thank you, you ungrateful little-"
"Just kidding." He said as he put his hands up defensively.
"I'm still waiting."
Instead of answering you, he grabbed your face and pulled you in for a passionate kiss, burying his fingers in your curls.
.After 2 minutes you both pulled apart to catch your breath.
"How was that for a thank you?"
"Hmmm I think you have to do that again to make it a proper thanks."
"I can think of a better way that involves a bed and less clothes." He said as he picked you up and carried a flustered you to your bedroom. And lets just say that by the end of the night you he was able to show you just how thankful he is.
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neonacity · 3 years
Chapter 10: Clytemnestra
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
An NCT mafia AU with OT23. Summary: Working for the mafia comes with many layers. There’s excitement, violence, loss, and betrayals. Yet there’s also friendship, family, loyalty, and code. The last thing it needs? Love and all the complexities it brings.
TW: violence, death, mentions of sex, drugs, and other illegal activities. If you’re uncomfortable with any of these, feel free to skip. Author’s note: This is purely a work of fiction. In no way am I supporting all the illegal activities and behaviors that might be mentioned in the story nor am I implying that any member of NCT acts whichever way I may write them here.
Chapter 9: In Memoriam
Fic Trailer
Chapter Music: I See Red by Everybody Loves an Outlaw
"What did he say?"
My eyes scanned over the words written over the piece of paper for the last time. There isn't much there, but I feel like there's something crucial I was missing. I looked up at Taeyong and shook my head. 
"Nothing much. But he wanted me to meet up with him."
"Did he give you an address?"
"No. Which makes it all the more strange. Unless he is planning to send another letter?" I handed him the piece of paper which he quickly unfolded to read. A slight frown settled between his brows as he went over it. 
There were only two lines there, none of which really makes sense. 
I will be waiting. 
22:00. Black Daisies. 
"Do you have any idea what Black Daisies mean?" 
I shook my head, mirroring the same look of confusion on his face. I've been racking my brains about it for the past few minutes but couldn't think of anything that might be related to it. 
"I honestly have no idea. He wrote a time beside it… so I am assuming whatever Black Daisies is, it's a code for a place? I don't have any idea which location he is referring to though." 
Taeyong simply looked at me silently before finally folding the paper away. We were back in my room after he temporarily managed to save me from the barrage of questions I was sure the others wanted to ask when they found out the letter was addressed for me. 
Every day I feel like the line I'm toeing gets more and more dangerous. Like a high strung tight rope that's ready to give up under my footing.
"You're not going to him." 
I looked up to meet his eyes. 
"I wasn't planning to..." 
Taeyong's gaze didn't waver.
"Promise me."
"Because I know you'll change your mind in a heartbeat once he involves anyone you care about. So I need you to promise, even if he uses me or any of our friends."
My lips pursed and I evaded his gaze. I heard a soft shuffling of feet and felt my mattress dip as he sat beside me. Taeyong didn't need to touch me to affect me with his presence. After that brief moment of vulnerability that we shared earlier, something has shifted. I thought I will be able to put my walls up again just as easily as I took them down, but it seems like I was wrong. 
When he spoke again, his voice was lower. Softer. 
"Promise me." 
"Is that an order from my leader?"
"No, it is a request from a friend." 
I turned to look at him and cocked my brow to diffuse the tension in the air. 
"You're ordering your noona around?" 
His lips quirked ever so slightly into a smile. 
"You're only one year older…"
"Hey. Emergency meeting."
"And seven months. One year and seven months. Don't forget that," I said, looking away.
A sharp knock on my door got our attention at that moment and we both looked up to see Doyoung standing on the threshold. He looked grim as he moved his gaze from Taeyong to me. 
Jaehyun sat at the very back of the room that had filled up with all the members after Doyoung sent his urgent message. Everyone was scattered in the expansive space which seemed a little bit smaller now that WayV has joined, some sitting on the leather stools while others made do with the floor. Jungwoo and Taeil were deep in conversation beside him while Johnny and Yuta stood next to the door, flanking the entrance with their overwhelming presence. Being the main fighters of 127, it comes natural for the pair to be on the watch regardless if it's just an internal family meeting that's happening.
...Except this is not just an ordinary meeting. Jaehyun hasn't heard the full story from Doyoung yet after he came back from his business, but he has a pretty good idea of what the issue might be. Despite being just one of the crime families under the current Don's network, NCT does follow the traditional mafia ranking within its system. Doyoung works as the Consigliere to Taeyong's Capocrimine, taking over the responsibility of being the advisor and overall gatekeeper of NCT to the outside world. His connections give him access to normal society, which means if he calls for a meeting, it is probably an issue involving the "above ground." 
Taeyong walked in with an unreadable expression that made everyone fall silent in a heartbeat. He joined Doyoung in front of the room and looked over the crowd before finally speaking. 
"Has anyone here given any orders to their crew about stepping up any of our activities?"
The members exchanged confused looks between each other. Mark answered in lieu of Dream, Jeno looking just as confused beside him. 
"Not us. Why? What's up?"
Taeyong looked at Doyoung who grimly picked a folder on the table. The latter started reading the contents of it out loud into the room. 
"Heist in Dongjak district. The biggest bank there was ransacked last week. Cops also busted an illegal racing event last night. The other day, there was an ambush on one of the strip clubs at Guro. News came around that a new drug was being sold there after a rise of reported overdose deaths from it three days ago. Businesses that should be under our protection in Seocho are being ransacked despite them settling their tariff fees with us," Doyoung looked up from the paper he was reading and swept his gaze over the room. 
"That's just four of the 18 other cases that I got for the last week."
Everyone exchanged shocked looks with each other. Jeno decided to speak up, the expression on his eyes intense. 
"Hyung, it's not us. We haven't done any heists since you came back from Tokyo."
Doyoung gave a tight nod and looked over to Johnny and Yuta.
"The drugs in Guro?" 
"Not from us. The last ones we distributed are those we got from Japan and they're just psychedelic shots. They're clean." 
"We didn't bring any with us when we landed. Our jet can only fit the crates of armory we had to transport for you guys," Kun said with a frown. 
Taeyong ran a hand over his face and took a deep breath. 
"Taeyong, what's happening?"
It was Doyoung who answered for him. 
"There was a rise of undocumented cases that were being fed to the cops in the past weeks. According to the reports, they were done by us." 
"What? That doesn't make any sense," Yuta said from his position by the door.
"It does make a lot of sense, actually. Obviously, we're hands off from all of these so they can only be done by the smaller gangs that we don't manage. And it all started after that announcement was made."
"But those rats wouldn't have any confidence to go against us. They're too small and disorganized to do this. And to even claim that they're NCT? That's just impossible."
"It is possible, if there is someone bigger asking them to act up," Taeyong answered grimly. Jaehyun watched as the man's gaze quickly flickered over to the pale female face sitting on the couch between Chenle and Renjun. That's when it clicked. 
Of course, Jihoon wouldn't be too lax to actually lie low after the bombing of Anarchy. That was just the start.
"Are you sure this isn't Wonho's doing?" Ten asked with concern. "We just got word from our network in Beijing that he was peddling women from kidnappings."
Jaehyun's attention snapped to the boy then at Doyoung and Taeyong at the mention of the name. A heavy feeling quickly started to gather on the pit of his stomach as he waited for their answer.
"That's an entirely different case altogether. But you’re right. The feds caught wind that he was trafficking kidnapped tourists and now they're after his ass." 
"Did he claim his case to be connected to us, too?"
"No. But because of all these other things happening, the police are definitely pinning everything on us."
"Shit," Lucas whispered loud enough for the good half of the room to hear. Jaehyun mirrored the same internally, his hands clasped together tightly in front of him. 
Shit indeed. 
This was all supposed to be a no brainer. He only needed to help the asshole get out of the country and then he can brush him off like dirt from his hands after. Why didn't he do it before things hit the fan? Now everything has become so much more complicated.
"How bad is it?" Taeil asked from Jaehyun's left. 
"Bad enough for us to be in the 8pm news. According to our moles, the Chief of Police is going to announce the manhunt for us tonight."
The room has gone so silent and still that the air felt suffocating. If there is one thing NCT is known for in the underworld, it is the group's efficiency and cleanliness when it comes to its operations. Every job done is spotless, every loophole covered. Until now. 
"Can't we pay off��" 
"We can't. We already tried reaching out to all our associates within the force but they can't do anything about it," Taeyong answered before Taeil could even finish the question. "The cases have reached the public and now there's an outcry from the community. Even the police are pressured to do something."
A round of murmurs swept over the room. Finally, one female voice broke through it to ask the question nobody wanted to say out loud. 
"What are we going to do?"
Taeyong's jaw tightened and he unclasped his arms crossed over his chest. 
"We need to track all those gangs doing these activities and put them in their place. It's going to be difficult to hunt each of them down with their size so we will need to use most of our resources here. Reach out to all the connections you could think of. We don't need more crimes being blamed on us."
Everyone's eyes were on Taeyong as the group waited for what he's going to say next. He stopped for a bit before finally speaking again. 
"And we kill Jihoon. This isn't going to stop until he's gone." 
Glances were exchanged within the room as his words sank in. Jaehyun didn't want to break the silence but he knew that he didn't have any other choice but to ask the next question. 
"And Wonho? What are we going to do with him?"
It was Doyoung who answered this time. 
"We'll kill him, too. We've given him way too many chances already. Once we get rid of him, we take the credit and let the cops know about it. Take them off our backs for a bit. We'll take care of him this week." 
It was fortunate that Jaehyun has mastered the art of keeping an unreadable facade. In his head, the words of the woman he loves echoed once again as the consequences of the situation mocked him. 
"No betrayal… or death of a brother shall be held against any of you." 
Johnny threw his half finished cigarette on the gravelled road with a quick flick of his wrist. He scanned the length of the building from across the wall he is leaning on, gaze shadowed by the cap pulled low against his face. Of course, Jihoon would have the audacity and gall to choose a luxury apartment unit as his mistress' "hiding place" in Seoul. The motherfucker is one proud asshole, acting as if he owns any territory he steps on like the crazy psycho he is. 
He's not here for him though, no. Johnny isn't the type to act out on his own, but things are slowly starting to get messy within the family. People may always credit Taeyong for being the first one to step in the line of fire when it comes to protecting the group, but Johnny is a close second when it comes to his sense of loyalty. Ever since that day he was picked up and saved from that hell of underground brawls at 17 by Taeyong himself, he made it his personal promise to do anything to protect his home. 
That's exactly what he is doing now as he buried his hands in the pockets of his jeans, waiting for his prey. If his informant was correct, she should go out of the building doors any minute now. 
30 seconds. 40. 56. 
His eyes caught a familiar form slipping out of the main entrance of the complex. The woman was wearing more casual clothes now than when they last met at Anarchy, but Johnny knew it was her despite her hoodie shielding the good half of her face. His sharp eyes followed her, allowing her to put some distance between them before he finally pushed himself from the wall to trace her steps.
She had crossed three streets when he really started catching up with her. He waited until the traffic light turned red on the street she was about to cross before slinging his arm around her casually. 
The woman stiffened instantly in his arms and looked up at him in shock. Johnny smiled casually down at her and pressed the cold nose of the gun hidden under his jacket closer to her ribcage.
"If you don't make a racket, there won't be a need for a murder scene by this road."
She pursed her lips as anger flashed in her eyes. She gave a tight nod before directing her gaze back into the street ahead.
"Good girl. Go straight then turn left. There's an abandoned building on the third alley." 
The two of them immediately started walking, sides pressed closely together. She didn't speak, but Johnny could feel her anger just bubbling underneath.
He unceremoniously pushed her inside the abandoned shop when they finally reached it. She turned to him with a glare and he didn't hesitate to raise his gun to her face, cocking it slowly. 
The move made her brows raise. Instead of looking threatened, she crossed her arms over her chest. 
"What do you want?"
"Your boyfriend's head on a stick. When are you two going to leave us alone? Your lot is causing a lot of trouble for us already."
"Are you here to kill me then?" 
"Oh no. You're here as payment. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts after we mess up one of his own." 
The woman stared at him for a long moment. Johnny’s gun didn’t waiver during the stare down, his hand steady as their gazes clashed. Then, all of a sudden, she did something he wasn’t expecting at all. 
She laughed.
She laughed so hard her voice rang and bounced on the dusty corners of the room. Johnny reigned in the confusion that overtook him with a frown. Is she acting to throw him off track?
The girl straightened up and looked at him with pure amusement in her eyes. The smirk playing on her lips told him that there is more to this act than what he is seeing. 
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry. You stalked me thinking you’ll budge Jihoon by threatening me? That’s so, so, so amusing.” 
Johnny tightened his jaw but didn’t say a word. He watched as she started moving towards where he is standing, her eyes never leaving his. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she stalked him, and for the first time, he actually took a good long look at her eyes. What Johnny saw there hit him like a firetruck. 
Jihoon’s madness, exactly reflected in her own gaze.
She stopped an inch away from his gun. If she moved a little, the cold metal of it would have kissed her forehead. 
“You could kill me now or torture me to death and my brother wouldn’t bat an eye… In fact, he might even thank you,” she whispered softly, almost fondly. Johnny felt the hair at the back of his neck rise. His emotions must have briefly flashed on his face because her smile widened in amusement. 
“Here’s one thing you don’t understand about Jihoon. He absolutely doesn’t care about anyone else other than himself. All these things he is doing? They are all for his sick fun. He is mad. Inhuman. If you want to have any chance of winning this, you have no other choice but to play the game with him.” 
“You’re his sister.”
“Half sister. That doesn’t change anything. I’m just a piece on his chessboard. I would honestly let you kill me now if you want to, but I can’t. Not until I finish what I have to do.”
Johnny didn’t know what got to him but he found himself slowly lowering his gun. The two of them stared at each other, silent, for what felt like forever. Finally, she moved to walk past him. 
“If that’s all, then I’ll go ahead. I suggest you find a better informant next time. Jihoon doesn’t stay in my building at all. Even I don’t know where he is,” she said casually as she moved towards the door. 
“I have no other choice. But believe me when I say that I want him dead just as much as you do.” 
“If he doesn’t care about you, why are you sticking with him?” he asked just as she wrapped her hand on the door handle. She stilled, her shoulders stiff. Johnny is not an ace when it comes to psychological games but when she turned to look at him again, he knew for sure that her eyes were honest despite being devoid of emotions. 
That made him stop. Before he knew it, he was speaking again to ask the one question that he’s been trying to answer ever since they met at Anarchy.
“Why did you save me? Back in the club. I was standing directly above your bomb.” 
For a while, she didn’t answer. Johnny thought he saw a flicker of emotion pass through her eyes, but it was gone before he could process it. 
“I wonder why too.”
The door closed behind her, leaving him alone in the shadowed room. 
Chapter 11
Tag list: @hen-marks99, @negincho, @nctisthecity
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changkyunswifey · 3 years
a shoulder to cry on l lee hoseok (wonho)
wc: ~1,1k
request: can be found here!
genre: angsty at first but fluffy and lovely dovey afterward!
pairing: wonho x gn!reader
contains: wonho being your main support i’m crying
a/n: hey love!! i’m glad you liked what i wrote for your last request and thank you so much for sending another one ! it’s more than okay for your request to be really specific, don’t you worry about this! i hope it lives up to your expectations djdjdjd and thank you again for your lovely feedback <3
Teamwork was never something that worked for you ever since high school. You always ended up being the one doing all the work because others were lazy and sugarcoating the situation saying you should do it since you were the smartest one amongst the group.
And unfortunately, this pattern followed you even at work years later. Indeed you and a few of your co-workers were supposed to work on a big advertisement project for you company and much to your dismay, your oh-so-dear colleagues left all the work to you, as usual.
And having to do all the work - because of course, you could not bring yourself to stand up against them - brought you so much stress that just living life was overwhelming in itself. After hours of working your ass off on this project, it was leading you nowhere, you could not get anything done like you wished you could. So you decided to take a quick shower and dress in warm comfy clothes before heading to what you now considered a safe place : your boyfriend’s studio.
The both of you were so busy and got up with work that you barely had the chance to see one another in the past couple of weeks, you knew he was working hard on his music, even if that meant staying up late at night in his studio to get that one beat done. So you knew that coming over to see him would probably mean having to see him work all night long but you didn’t care, you needed to see him and to be with him to feel a tiny bit better.
After a quick taxi ride, you found yourself in front of the building, you decided to send Wonho a quick text to alert him of your upcoming visite even though he had told you an infinite number of time that you could come by whenever you wanted to. He did not replied but saw your message; which means he was probably busy but still wanted you to know he acknowledged you.
You softly knocked on his studio door before entering the room, your new presence causing your boyfriend to turn his desk chair around to face you, smiling brightly and opening his arms as a silent call for a hug, to which you more than thankfully answered, crouching down a bit so you could rest your head on his shoulder, melting in his warm embrace.
“I missed you..” he mumbled in your hair, his hot breath tickling your ear zs his words brought some comfort to your heart and soul.
“I missed you too” you said back, reluctantly pulling away from the hug only to place a chaste kiss on his lips, earning another smile between giggles from your sweet lover.
“I’ll be watching over you on the couch, okay ?” you said with a smile, wanting him to know you were here for him, cheering silently from afar.
“Come over there if you need anything, alright ?” Wonho replied, you nodded and made your way toward the small velvety couch at the back of his studio, ready to watch your significant other work his magic.
After a while, about an hour you guessed, you didn’t feel more relaxed like you thought you would, you felt like you were stuck in a bubble of anxiety that could explode at any moment and this moment came just because your ever so kind boyfriend turned to you to flash you a smile, attempting to check up on you but his smile quickly disappeared as you failed to hold your tears back from falling down your cheeks. The sight of his lover breaking down suddenly in front of him raised an alter in Wonho’s brain and he quickly got up from his chair to join you on the couch and hold you tightly against him, placing your face against his chest so you could find comfort in his warmth and scent as well as hiding your crying face from him, not wanting to make things worse for any of you.
A few minutes that felt like hours, you finally looked up to Wonho, only to be met by a worried expression painted on his face even though his eyes had an endearing hint within them. You saw how wet his hoodie got from all your tears as you let go of the soft material you had been holding tightly in your fists. “I’m sorry I got your sweater all wet..” you said in between sobs, “I couldn’t care less about this baby. What I care the most about right now is you. Do you want to tell me what is wrong ?” his kind and caring nature has always been something that made you heart swell with happiness and love and in this moment, this is all you needed, you needed your lover’s support.
“It’s just work... We had that group work to do for the company, a big project that our boss is really looking forward to get back, and my co-workers well, they left it all to me and I feel like it’s my fault for not standing up against them but all of this is just bringing me so much that I can’t even do anything right anymore and everything is just -”
- Hey baby slow down” Wonho softly said, cutting you in the middle of your rant. “You know, I understand how it is, I know how you are but you should not kill yourself working hard like this. Take a break, send an email to your boss to tell him about the situation and you will take it from here again, okay ?”, you nodded silently, “Now let’s just relax and forget about everything else. It’s just you and I, alright ?” he said reassuringly.
“Yes, it’s just you and I.” you repeated, looking up to him as he leaned in to kiss you gently, taking your breath as well as your worries away.
This is how you ended up cuddling up with him on his desk chair, your chest pressed tightly against his, your face nuzzled in the crook of his neck, feeling the softness of his skin against your, his delicate and home-like scent feeling your senses and he lovingly caressed your back while placing a few kisses on the top of your head with his upcoming songs playing in the background to keep you two in that little bubble you formed around you, shielding you from the outside world, you didn’t need anything else than this, your boyfriend and his music being the only things feeling like home and comfort.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Treat You Better/4
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Includes- Fluff
Series Masterlist
Inspired by song, Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes
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Joanne comes back today. I haven't spoken or seen her in two months. After that night at the party, she just disappeared. She didn't answer any of my texts or calls or any of the guy's either
I was really worried and I went to her apartment. She wasn't there. I checked everyday for a week and she never opened the door or came home. I went to her job at Starship entertainment. She's a makeup artist for Monsta X, which is how she met Wonho. I found out that she quit the day after the party.
I talked to Jin after that because I was so worried. He decided to call her sister, Kasey. Kasey told him that Joanne left Korea for awhile. She was visiting some family they have in New York and Texas in the U.S.. Kasey said she told her she had to leave and get away from everything to think.
Apparently she wasn't sure about how she felt about Wonho anymore but she wanted to give him one more chance when he promised he'd announce her as his girlfriend to the world. She thought that maybe he would change for real this time. She didn't want to throw a two year relationship away without trying this last time.
Kasey told Jin that Joanne was falling for someone else but she wasn't sure about her feelings. She didn't tell Kasey who it is but she assumes it's another Monsta X member. It probably is. She spends a lot of time with them. I bet it's Jooheon. The way he was arguing with Wonho at the party, it make sense that he'd like her. Or Changkyun. He's the maknae and she always tells me how funny he is. He's is also really good looking too
Kasey didn't know how long Joanne would be away but she said at least two months. When I heard that, I freaked. Two months without her? That's like when we go on tour
I tried to keep myself busy these last two months but she was always on my mind. I want to talk to her and finally tell her how I feel. I wanna do it before she acts on the feelings she has for this mystery guy. Maybe she'll forget him and give me a chance.
It's definitely over between her and Wonho. Of course pictures were taken of him flirting and getting cozy with Yeong. There was also pictures of him leaving with Yeong out the back door of the party when he went to fuck her. The same day he said that Joanne was his girlfriend. Of course the media was all over it.
Wonho made a statement when it all blew up. "Yes Joanne was my girlfriend for two years and we were together when I announced she was at the award show. But I messed up and I cheated on her with another idol. She caught me and she left. I haven't been able to get though to her to apologize. I love her very much and I'm so sorry for what I did. I hope she can give me another chance."
I snort at what he said. He loves her? Yeah ok. Fans we're split on the information. I saw some of their fans tearing Joanne apart and others tearing Wonho apart.. Wonho has actually managed to stay out of the media for these past two months. There's nothing about him and any other girl, no pictures, no articles. Not like I care. All I care about is her.
I gave Joanne two days back in Korea to get used to the time zone again. Now I'm walking up the stairs to her apartment. Jin finally gave me her address.
I'm terrified. What if she doesn't let me in? What if she refused to answer? What if she doesn't want to give me a chance? I'm trying to calm myself down. I can't think like this. I'll deal with whatever happens when it happens. Doesn't make sense to worry about it right now
All too soon I'm standing in front of her door. I take a deep breath and ring the bell. I wait five minutes before I ring it again
"Please answer. Please.", I beg quietly
I hear footsteps approaching, then the sound of the locks turning. The door opens and she's standing there surprise on her face.
I stare at her. I missed her so fucking much.. I just take in her face, her eyes, her.. She's more beautiful than I remember. She changed her hair again. Dark brown. Her natural color. I love it on her
"Jungkook, uh hi. What are you doing here?", she asks
"Can I, uh, come in?" I ask
Her face softens and she says, "Yeah, ok. Sure"
She moves aside so I can go in. I haven't been here in a long time. She usually comes to the dorm
"Uh, you want something to eat? Or drink?" she asks
"No I'm ok", I answer
"You grew your hair out huh? I like it.", she says
"Thanks", I blush
She nods and leads me to her living room. There's so much stuff here. Boxes and flowers
"You got a lot of stuff when you were in the U.S. huh?"
She snorts, "No, this is all from Wonho. He sent me things to try to win me back. But I wasn't here to get them. Kasey had to come everyday and put all this in here."
"That's a lot of gifts"
"Yeah. A lot of it is stuff I'd never get for myself. I'm not gonna use half the stuff I opened so far.", she frowns, "He really doesn't know me at all"
She sighs. "I'm so fucking stupid", she says sitting down on the couch.
"No you're not Jo."
"Yeah I am Jungkook. You were right. I don't know why I held on for so long. I knew it's was done by the first year but I stayed. I let myself get hurt over and over and I always took him back. Stupid."
"No Jo. You were in love. Not stupid. You just wanted it to work and kept trying. It's his fault for fucking you over so many times, not yours.", I say
"Love made me blind and made him think he could get away with anything. Which he did for a long time."
We sit in silence for a few minutes
I'm not sure what to tell her or say to make her feel better. I suck at this
"You know, this time I didn't even care that he cheated."
My eyesbrows shoot up, "You didn't?"
"I mean yeah I did but it wasn't the think that made me cry. It was anger. I was so angry at myself for believing he'd change. Angry that I stayed in that stupid relationship for so long. Angry that he made a fool of me, especially since he announced I was his girlfriend. He couldn't even wait one day. He cheated within hours.", she rages, "And I'm so angry for holding on to someone I didn't know if I loved anymore. I just wanted it to work that I ignored my feelings."
"You don't love him?" I ask, startled
I knew she had feelings for someone else but I didn't know she didn't love Wonho anymore. I thought she still loved him but felt something for someone else too.
"No. I stopped loving him months ago after he slept with a fan and it was in the media. I had enough but I wouldn't admit it to myself. I convinced myself I loved him.", she explains
"Does that have anything to do with the guy you have feelings for?"
She looks at me, wide eyed. "How did you...", she stops, "Fucking Kasey can't keep her mouth shut."
She glances at me, "No Jungkook, me not loving Wonho wasn't because of the guy. It was because he cheated and didn't love me. I fell in love with the other guy months after I stopped loving Wonho."
She loves this guy? Shit. I lost my chance. I'll never be able to be with her. That thought hits me in the chest like a brick.
"Is it Jooheon?", I ask, upset but trying not to show it. She laughs and I quickly look up at her
"Jooheon? No! He has a girlfriend for over a year. He's just a really good friend. He hated the way Wonho treated me and would always tell me to leave him. I don't see him like that and he doesn't see me like that either. His girlfriend is really nice and she's my friend too.", she explains
Wow. I feel dumb. But then who is it? I want to ask but I don't know if I should. Or if she would even tell me
"So uh, who is the lucky guy that you love?"
"Uh...", she trails off, "Doesn't matter. He'll never go for me anyway. I'm older than him. He'll want someone his age. I don't think I'm his type anyway."
"Then he's stupid", I blurt
She just smiles sadly at me, "No he's not. I'm just unlucky with this stuff. That's all"
"Maybe it's because you're picking the wrong kind of guys.", I suggest
"Maybe", she shrugs
She's not telling me who it is. I want to know, I need to know who I lost her to this time
"Can you tell me who it is? Maybe I can help?"
I don't want to but I will. I want her to be happy even if it's not with me. As long as the guy treats her well and loves her and never cheats on her, I'll accept it. And if I know the guy, maybe I can talk to him for her.
"Jungkook..", she says
"Please? I can help you with him", I say. She sighs
"Fine", she gives in, "But you can't help"
I wait while she takes a breathe
Then she says, "It's you, Jungkook. You"
I freeze. Did she...Did she just say what I think she said? It's me? This is too good to be true.
"Mm...me?" I ask
She nods, "Yes"
"Are you lying or joking? Because it's not funny if you are". I just can't believe it
"I'm not lying. It is you.", she replies. I just stare at her as she looks down and continues to talk. "I know it's not gonna happen ok? I know I'm too old. But I don't want this to ruin our friend-"
She stops talking when I reach out and lift her face up, catching her lips in a kiss. The second her lips touch mine, I feel my heart explode in joy and love. God, I love her so much. I pull her closer and this time she doesn't pull away
This time she puts her arms around my neck and comes closer. I lick her lip and she opens her mouth so I can slip my tongue in. When her tongue touches mine, it's like I'm in heaven. Her kiss is amazing
It's so much more than what I imagined. But I do know one thing. I never want to kiss anyone but her
When the kiss ends, she's staring at me wide eyed.
"What was that for?", she asks
She's funny. She still doesn't get that I love her
"I kissed you because you said the one thing I wanted to hear since I was sixteen."
"Uh what?"
"That you love me", I answer
"You...waited....wait....since you were sixteen?", she asks, shocked
"Yes. I fell in love with you when I was sixteen. When Jin introduced you to us and you started hanging around more. You're everything I could ever want in a girl."
Her mouth drops open. She's so cute
"I love you Joanne. For a long ass time."
"I...I....that's why you were fighting with me two months ago"
I nod, "Yeah. I couldn't stand to see what he was doing to you. It killed me to see you so sad and take him back everytime. I knew I could treat you better than he could. But I couldn't say anything. I was scared. And you loved him. I didn't want to come in the way of that", I explain
"But..you never dated anyone?"
I shake my head, "No one compares to you. So I just decided to wait for you. Because I know you're worth it."
"But I'm older than you. That doesn't bother you?"
"Nope. Not at all. Not when it's you."
"But you're only twenty four. You don't know if I'm right for you"
"I don't care that I'm twenty four. I've wanted you since I was sixteen and I knew from then that you're the right girl for me."
I take her hand and she holds on to mine. "Please Jo, be with me? I love you so much and all I ever wanted was you."
She looks at me and says, "Yes Kookie. I love you."
My face bursts into a smile and I pull her closer to me, kissing her with everything in me. And she kisses me back with just as much passion
I wake up with her in my arms. We left her apartment last night and she came to the dorm.
When we walked in holding hands, Jin said, "Thank Jesus! Now I don't have to see him mope anymore! Thank you Jo."
She laughed and I glared
"Good luck with him Jo", Namjoon said
"He's a pain in the ass", Tae added
"Yeah thanks guys", I rolled my eyes
"You are", Hobi agreed with the others
"Yeah yeah", I said and started walking to my room, her following me
"Aww is our Kookie gonna have sex for the first time?", Yoongi teased. I swear, he's evil
"Uh no, not with you assholes here", I snap
She giggled and I just smiled at her
"Hey! Watch it!" Jimin yelled
"Or what?" I asked
Jimin is all talk but he's such a softy. His threats go nowhere
"Jin will give you a lecture!", Tae answered
"Yeah ok, we're going now". I pull Joanne's hand and we go to my room
"Kookie. Have you really never had sex before?", she asked
Great. Stupid Yoongi
"Uh, no. I haven't", I answered
I'm fully aware how incompetent I am in that area. And I know she's had sex, so that makes me so much more nervous
"You haven't done anything sexual before?"
I shook my head. "Uh no. Does that bother you?"
She smiles, "No Kookie, of course it doesn't bother me. I don't care. But I don't want to force you to do anything before you're ready. Sex can wait. I just want to be with you."
God, how did I get so lucky? She's the best. I hug her tightly and kiss her
"What do you wanna do?", I asked
She smirked, "I wanna beat you in one of your video games"
"Ooo Jo, you can try but I don't think that will happen. Ever", I teased
"It will one day"
"Sure. Whatever you say. But just because you're my girlfriend now doesn't mean I'm going to let you win"
"I'd beat you up if you let me win"
I laughed. She probably could too
"Well? Put the game on! Lets go!"
"Ok ok", I laughed
We played games for awhile. And it was amazing to be playing with my girlfriend. It was getting late when she said she was gonna leave. I didn't want her to, so I asked her to stay. She agreed
I got to fall asleep with her and hold her all night.
@sweetonkookieandtae @gab7igot7
@momnomnom @batakookie
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kpurereactions · 4 years
I love your works, they’re beautifully written. 💯 maybe you could do a MX reaction to drunkenly confessing to their best friend and just being all cute.
When he walked into the restaurant he would be frantic. The voice mails you had left him while he was working late at the studio were nonsense and scared him enough to try to come find you. Hed take a deep breath of relief when he saw you with two of your friends, who were just as drunk as you were, giggling over something you said. Hed walk up to your table and sit next to you, taking your chin in his hand as he evaluated just how drunk you were.  “Is is my buhfrng.” You slurred. His eyebrows would furrow at your words. He wasn't your boyfriend.  “well,” You continued holding one finder up to your giggling friends. “Im wmbt him to be. But he doesn't love me back.” You said, swaying forward before clasping your hand over your mouth and giggling. “Why dont you want to be my boyfriend.” You'd ask sternly, sitting up suddenly and putting your hands on your hips. Hed chuckle, completely shocked at what it was he was hearing.  Hed put his arm around you and ask your friends if they had paid before making sure they had a safe way home. Hed help you stand up the best he could and lead you out of the restaurant with as little casualties to the plates on the surrounding tables. 
Once outside hed get you on his back. There would be no reason to even attempt to make you walk back to your apartment, no matter how short of a distance it was. Hed think about your words and it would bring a smile to his lips. “So, you want me to be your boyfriend?” Hed say softly, walking slow through the now quiet street. When you grumbled what sounded like a yes, probably already half asleep hed blush and look at his feet. Hed know this conversation would have to wait until the next day, but the idea of how mortified you'll be was enough to keep him giggling as he walked you home. 
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You usually called him drunk, so at this point in your friendship he knew if you were calling him, you were probably already in a cab on your way home, if not home already. Hed see your name flash across his screen at 2:30 am, and hed smiled. You were kind of cute when you were drunk.  “Youmb told me to call. When i got in cab. So i did well.” You slurred. Hed smile to himself. He did always tell you that when you get into cabs this late at night to call him so nothing would happen.  “Did you have a good time tonight?” Hed ask, throwing his pen on his desk and folding one arm over his chest.  “No.” You pouted.  “Everything okay?” Hed ask, now getting ready to get to you if you needed him.  “You hatme.” “I do not hate you, why would you say that.” “Because,” you said in a very matter of fact voice. “you wont lob me bak.” “I do love you!” Hed say, trying to keep you smiling.  “Not like I love you.” 
The phone would be silent and hed listen as you sniffled, trying to keep your tears back. Without truly thinking hed grab his coat and leave the building, hed run the few blocks to your apartment, still holding you on the phone and thankfully he got there right as your cab was pulling up. As the door swung open he heard you mumble “He hung up on me.” as your head hung.  When you finally noticed him standing there hed welcome you with a big hug and would lift your chin so you had to look at him, a smile plastered across his face. 
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Drinking together was a usual thing with you two. Usually all of the members would be present, but this time everyone seemed to leave early. You and Minhyuk would sit there, drunk and on the floor looking at one another. It was his idea to play a game of truth or truth, seeing as the two of you were both a little too drunk to add the dare part. You would catch him off guard when you asked him why he wouldnt date you.  “What do you mean?” “Oh come on, everyone knows I like you.” Youd say, and hed watch you intently as you took a deep sip of your drink.  “I honestly had no idea.” Hed say, smiling to himself as he thought back to all the things you did for him that he thought were cute.  “Okay, Y/n.” Hed say getting your attention. “Dare or dare.”  “Thats not the game. And you didnt even answer my question.” “Come on, dare or dare.” Hed say again, his cheeks slightly turning pink.  “dare.”  “I dare you to kiss me.”
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He was supposed to come over to hang out, but like most nights the two of you actually had plans to see one another something came up and he had to leave early. You didn't realize how late it had gotten or how many beers you had to drink until you stood for the last time to hit the bathroom and you stumbled into the chair next to you. You laughed. How cliche of you. 
Peeing seemed to only make you more drunk, so when you returned to your balcony and sat down you stared at your phone. Your head screamed to not call him, but your head also wasn't listening. You let your finger trace the patterns of the wooden chair you sat on while the ringing seemed to fill the night sky. 
When he answered the phone in a sleepy voice you exclaimed. You didn't realize he would already be asleep, so you brought your voice down to a whisper. 
‘Did I wake you?’ You'd hear him chuckle as he realized you were slightly drunk. He’d talk to you like you hadn't just woken him up, telling you about his night and answering all the questions you asked him with a soft voice. When you finally in a small voice told him that you were disappointed he had left because this was the night you were going to tell him you had a crush on him he would pause. He wouldn't say anything as he made sure what he had heard you say was what he really heard and when he realized there was nothing else it could have been that you said he would take a breath of a relief and tell you that he liked you too. 
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You didn't mean to get drunk at dinner. It was an honest mistake. You were too drunk, just drunk enough to say things you usually wouldn't. The boys all laughed at your goofiness. Hyungwon was nice enough to take you back to your apartment once you  all were done and tired from dinner. He didn't think much about the situation as you took his hand and let your head fall his shoulder. He’d listen to you mumble as you talked about the most random things there when put together. But when you softly said ‘And thats why Im in love with you. I really love you.” He’d stiffen. He wouldn't say anything since you continued to talk against his neck now that you've cuddled up with him. 
The next day when you woke up and everything came back to you he’d figured you would be too mortified to reach out. So by the time you woke up he made sure you would wake up to a text that asked you to dinner so he could tell you his feelings were mutual. 
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You and Jooheon usually had parties of two on the regular since no one liked to have as much fun on random week days as the two of you. This time it was a Wednesday and the only reason your hang out turned into a party of two was becuase a new commercial Jooheon did was airing. As the night went on you definently drank more and more and soon the two of you began to dance along to the songs that now played through the TV. You spun with a smile on your face, giggling as Jooheon clapped at your moves. Your arms went around his neck as he came closer to dance with you, but was slightly shocked at the sudden contact. You smiled at his arms that eventually wrapped tightly around your waist. “I really like you, Jooheon.” You said softly, quickly dipping your head into your arm that rested on his shoulder.  Your stomach dropped when he slightly pulled away, forcing you to look at him.  “I really like you too.” He said, even softer than you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he very slowly dips his head to kiss you softly. 
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The loud thumping music made it hard to communicate with the boys sitting around you, so as the night went on and the drinks continued to pour you kept scooting closer and closer to Changkyun and the rest of the boys to hear what they were saying better. Your group kept taking turns getting up going to the dance floor until it was just the two of you sitting at the large round table. The two of you sat close, Changkyuns arm draped over the back of the chair you sat in as he lent in to speak with you. For what ever reason your heart was exploading as he smiled and slightly licked his bottom lip, almost teasing you. Not caring who saw, he lent in and kissed your suddenly. Just a soft, three second kiss that made your eyes go wide and your hands move to cover your lips. You watched him stare at you with a smug smile, and softly asked him what that was for.  “Well since youve told everyone but me how youve been feeling I figured I’d help you out.” He said, all the teasing in his voice now gone. “Ive liked you for a long time.” You said, shyly, still in shock from the kiss.  “Me too.”
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