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teddybeartoji ¡ 10 months ago
hey mickey. after much needed thinking, I've decided to have a try at bringing to reality my silly daydreams. and I'd like to share with you a few lines of what I put together so far. it's about hunter yuuta and a vampire reader. im deeply embarrassed to share this because i never did this sort of thing, plus English ain't my mother tongue. but i believe your words will be kind to me.
yuuta tilts his head to the side to understand what is that creature on the floor before him. he's never felt this feared before and the noises it let's out makes his heart ache. it's so unbelievably human. how could it be? he's never wanted to inflict such fear. the tip of the sword reaches the fragile looking creature as if it's to break at the slight touch. his eyes are sharp, ready for anything that might come his way. he's been fooled once and shall not be twice. but instead, he's met with a pair of scared eyes.
"it's okay. no need to fear."
and he doesn't know why he's betraying his own kind by offering gentleness to a rabid beast. a demonic thing who feasts on innocent lives. yuuta's mind isn't working as it should. perhaps it's the need to care for something smaller that takes control of himself before he can stop it. it's embedded in his nature.
"it's so unbelievably human. how could it be?" "the tip of the sword reaches the fragile looking creature as if it's to break at the slight touch."
AND THE WHOLE SECOND PARAGRAPH!!!!!!!!!! HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHY HE'S REACHING OUT!!!! WHY HE WANTS TO HELP IT. THE VERY THING THAT'S KILLING AND MURDERING IS NOW PLAYING SOME KIND OF A TRICK ON HIM!!!!! he's forgetting everything, the need to take care is just overwhelming for him isn't it.... ohhh i love it i really love it momo!!!!!!!!!!!
i love how reader's eyes are scared but you still call them a "rabid beast" eeeeeeeeeeethat got me so giddy. it's like yuuta is trying to convince himself of it yk? he sees the fearful eyes and then in his head he's still going "a beast. a vampire. danger. bad, bad, bad.". but then... he's still reaching out bc he just can't help it!!!! AAAHHHHH I'M SO INTO THIS HELLOO???? FUCKK I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE ABT THEM MOMO!!!!! AND WAHH THERE'S REALLY NO NEED TO BE EMBARRASSED TOO!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS FUCKING GREAT MY LOVE!!! I LOVE YOU SOOSO MUCH AND I AM SO VERY THANKFUL THAT YOU DECIDED TO SHARE THIS WITH ME!!!! I AM KISSING YOUR KNUCKLES AND YOUR WRISTS IN THE MOST LOVING MANNER MWAH MWAHMWAHH!!!!
BTWW!!! do you have any songs for them in mind???? you know i love my personal soundtracks lmao so i am really curious as to what music you'd associate with them!!!! please do let me know!!!
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lostdrarryfics ¡ 1 year ago
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 2
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 2 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
2.1 I’m not confident if it was in portuguese or english. Harry was an auror and Draco was an unspeakable and they were together on a mission were eventually they were captured into a sex traffic scheme. It was HEAVILY angsty and I think they were rescued by Rabastan Lestrange (i’m pretty sure it was him, but I think that it may be Rodolphus instead). It’s been YEARS since Iast read it but it made an impression.
2.2 Fairly sure that the fic was on ao3 and a wip but could be completely off the mark. The only thing I remember is that at Gringotts: the Potters’ will is read and specifically both Lucius Malfoy and Snape’s presence is requested; which is questioned by others present at the time of the reading. The Potters are aware that there is a connection between Harry and Draco - I’m guessing soulmate, mate if creature fic hence the request of Lucius. Possibly anti-Dumbledore but again not positive. fic is not ‘And The Forest Met The Sky’ by Silverhood, The Black Star by Aileen Dickinson, or Lord Thanatos by wonderfulWonderful 505
2.3 veela!Draco fic. Harry is draco’s mate and is extremely unhappy about it. Draco keeps his distance and nearly die because of it (veelas, in this universe, die if they are rejected), and Harry makes a unbreakable vow (i think that it is with narcisa) that he will at least try to be around. They eventually develop a relationship and Harry starts to search a new house for them, but Draco thinks that he is been cheated and die because of the perceived rejection. Harry eventually dies because of the vow he made and they meet again in a kind of heaven, where they also meet Lily, James, Sirius, Severus, Remus and other canon dead characters.
2.4 could have been on Ao3 or Hexfiles. It’s Draco’s birthday. Harry’s pov. Draco is in love with him. They have been friends for some years (and secretly in love, even though it’s only revealed in the end that Harry fell in love too). Draco always dances with everybody at his birthday except Harry. Tonight they dance. At some point Blaise says to Harry something like he should let Draco go so he could be with someone. There are plenty of people interested in Draco. Harry is surprised someone has noticed something is going on between them. Harry is married to Ginny and has kids with her. He can’t leave her. His thing with Draco started many years ago at his birthday party, when they talked about the war in a rose garden. They suddenly kissed. My memory might be failing me here, but I think they started eating lunch together maybe every week. They became friends, but also coudn’t help falling in love. At the time of one Draco’s birthday party (in the past) Ginny was giving birth or just birthed her and Harry’s twins. Harry was at the party without her. The need between him and Draco got too strong and Harry gave him a blowjob in the bathroom. That was the only sexual encounter between them. In the end Harry maybe dashes out of the party and Draco follow and confronts him. Harry admits he didn’t fall in love alone. I’m not sure if it was a wip or oneshot. It was all angst and hurt with strong chemistry and longing.
2.5 Ron is toasting the happy couple, maybe at their engagement party or wedding. He’s giving affectionate anecdotes about Draco’s bad behavior at school. Like, “remember the time he challenged Harry to a duel in the forbidden forest and then didn’t show?” (Not the exact quote.)
2.6 probably (like 90% sure) on ao3, but I read it a long time ago so I can’t remember. The plot was basically Harry forced to be with Draco in marriage or partnership. Initially Draco was very abusive, but slowly warms up to Harry. Harry gets to know the reason behind Draco’s behaviours is Lucius’ child abuse. Draco has secret bondage dungeon. He also has a shrine of Harry. Harry gets pregnant. Lucius is the main villain here. Narcissa & Snape are also here, along with the Weasleys though the later don’t make much of an appearance. Snape is the one who supplied the pregnancy potion to Harry. In one scene Draco admires Ginny’s attitude thinking she would’ve been good for Harry. In another scene, Draco & Harry are having sex, and Draco is clutching Harry by his throat but Harry loving runs his fingers through Draco’s hair. When their child is born Lucius wants to take it away but the healer who helped deliver stands in the way. Earlier in the fic Draco forces Harry to take poly juice so he could fuck a girl. Lucius dies in a fire at the end. The fire is at Malfoy manor. Though I’m not sure, but I think they spent their Christmas at the Weasleys where Draco promises to gift something to Molly. The fic also had an Author’s note on how they’ve forgiven someone for doing something similar in real life, replying to comments on how Draco is abusive to Harry.
2.7 drarry little mermaid AU. It was a dark fic, based on the original little mermaid not the Disney version and it was dark and didn’t have a happy ending. I think Draco was an elf/fae rather than a mermaid
2.8 All I remember is that it was Draco/Astoria, Harry/Ginny. Before it becomes Drarry, it was 50 chapters, and complete, I clearly remember a tag that said everyone gets a happy ending except astoria in all lowercase letters.
2.9 What I remember of the fic is only one scene so bear with me, Draco and Harry are in relationship I think and Draco is also there when order members come to take him from privet drive. And he also attends Bill’s wedding but during the death eaters attack he gets caught and they take him away to the manor, Harry cries alot after that. I this is multi chaptered. In this fic Draco defected I guess and he attends the marriage and disguises like how Harry does, but he is revealed and he is taken to the manor. Harry is devastated and then he keeps seeing him through his connection with voldermort being tortured or something. They are already in relationship at this point. fic is not The Wrong Sort by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
2.10 harry is getting married to Ginny and he’s sorting out all of the things for the wedding and one of them is the cake. Draco works or owns the bakery that Harry is getting the cake from and they both start to talk and get closer. That’s when Harry realises that he’s not ready to marry Ginny because a certain blonde has his heart. I’m sure Harry, when ever he’s in doubt or just bored he apparates to the bakery and dracos always holding the daily prophet to see what the saviour of the wizarding world is up to.
2.11 it was on ao3 and i read it a long time ago (i wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t exist any more) but what i remember from it was pretty intense bdsm experimentation (between harry and draco) and they both started developing feelings but weren’t saying anything and i recall them fkin around in an abandoned class room? one scene i remember vividly is harry getting triggered by something draco says or did but it had something to do with his trauma with the dursleys and he calls out the safe word for the first time (which was snitch).
2.12 I’m looking for this specific drarry texting story I read on YouTube over 3 years ago. I think that it’s no longer on YouTube, but I wanted to know if it was ever posted on any other social media. The story goes like - Ron gives Harry the password to use the prefect bathroom where Harry stumbles upon Draco. Draco ends up doing some spells with the water (like a water snake like thing) and it fascinated Harry but Draco doesn’t really indulge in the conversation. When Harry tries to leave, Draco cages him and they end up having sex.
2.13 fic on ao3 where its set in 8th year and harry and draco are still fucked up meet up to (or just end up) fight(ing) a lot and one time harry takes it a bit too far and punches draco in the stomach, and draco throws up blood? And harry has to call madame pomphrey i believe. I dont think it was a particularly long fic but thats all i can remember.
2.14 harry and draco are twins but (i think) they were separated and then they got together like finding out they are twins and also dating lmao and okay then?? they became like rulers of the wizard world by making treaties and stuff w creatures and all that
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titan-god-helios ¡ 2 years ago
so for the nosy anons post, whats 20 for you?
probably that i just cant make or keep friends because it just exhausts me mentally so fucking much and then i end up with wonderfulwonderful people in my dms who i really enjoy talking to but i fucking cant because my brain says “no we have done so much today we dont have energy to utter a single word in a conversational format” and i end up feeling so horrible that there are a few people who actually want to interact with me but i just cant and then apart from those few literally no one else wants to be my friend and i dont want to be theirs but i want friends and just
tldr: im a shithead when it comes to talking to people and making/keeping friends
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pacifistcowboy ¡ 1 year ago
wonderfulwonderful i agree with this all ty. he is the specialist lil dude <3
📓 lil bee boy charmy?
My lil guy? My champ? Specialest little boy? His hobby is causing problems.
Ask game wheeee
I am definitely not the first to believe in Charmy iPad kid supremacy, but I do. I think it's so funny to consider that the Chaotix as well as other early Sonic characters were designed in the 90s of brickphones and bulky computers, but have not aged, and now it's 2023. I embrace this personally and believe that mobius has had a tech and culture boom partly due to the abundance of reusable tech and ideas that happen as a biproduct of Eggman. So, I think he has a very sticky tablet that's actually Vector's, and he does puzzles and games on it.
I actually think he's a bright kid, but he needs lots of stimulation to keep him from getting fidgety and destructive. So lots of his hobbies are very active, he's not a great one for colouring or playing with stuffed toys and telling stories. He likes stuffed toys, but that's because I think he likes to sleep like he's in a hive of lil fuzzy things.
Otherwise: we know he likes something in the library enough to be banned lol, but I don't think it's necessarily reading. In the library I went to every week as a kid, I remember they had posters of lots of interesting things accessible to children to buy for like 50p, and I remember one kid unwrapping and trying to lay out all the country ones based on another map of the world he had. I think that kid was Charmy. I met him. I'm claiming it.
I also believe he enjoys gardens. Not gardening, but being in fields for the joy of flowers, as well as just generally having an open space to be in so he can go where he likes.
I think he likes 3D playing more than 2D and prefers a block puzzle to flat ones, but gets bored of Lego unless he has a goal.
Further to above point: I think his role models are quite task oriented, so he sets himself challenges in everything he does: never just on the slide, he is going to set a reccord for fastest slide! He isn't climbing a tree, he's gping to climb with the least amount of jumps and not using his hands or wings. etc.
In general, I think he also just talks. That's not really a hobby more a habit, but I think he just talks and talks about everything he's doing, it helps keep him focussed and just generally makes him happy. Because his voice is pretty high pitched and nasal, I think his talking often blurs in with his wingbeats too, so its quite a drone that you have to switch off slightly. But when he's not doing it, it's unsettling and you should be worried: he's either really hurt or gone missing!
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youll-remember-me ¡ 3 years ago
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Happy 4th Anniversary to this Wonderful Wonderful photo. Bronnie love is real ❤️❤️ #thekillers #wonderfulwonderful #brandonflowers #ronnievannucci https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIu3_TFscM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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silentmike1701 ¡ 2 years ago
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@thekillers: #wonderfulwonderful (2017)…. Reposting this old lineup, I did at the sign. Comment and let me know what you think. #vegasgram #locationscouting #locationscout #filmlocation #filmscout #movielocation #movielocations #smilelikeyoumeanit #vegas #lasvegas #lasvegasweekly #scene #vegashideout #nvfilmoffice #nevadafilm #iphoneonly #hotfuss #battlebornstudios #battleborn #thevictims #markstoermer #music #nvfilm #filmnv #thekillers #brandonflowers #davekeuning #ronnievannucci #shareyourstudio (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkixQb7J5j0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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intermountainexile ¡ 3 years ago
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Where am I tonight? . . #thekillers #implodingthemirage #implodingthemiragetour #brandonflowers #davekeuning #markstoermer #ronnievannucci #hotfuss #samstown #sawdust #dayandage #battleborn #wonderfulwonderful #pressuremachine (at T-Mobile Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChvvxEHLRIF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thecornchips ¡ 7 years ago
*humhum* this is a callout post to uuuhhh @my-dark-words 
amazing 10000000000000000000000000000/10 bean i love
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veectorjay ¡ 4 years ago
Just can't get dis song out of my mouth #wonderfulwonderful by @nathanielblow @i_am_henryned @onepeterock @biola.the.queen @samduke_official @jesse_ibidun @joynneji70 @bassmatics @ultraglow_makeover @coremabuja @chidi_alexx @littlemrmissadorable_nig @george.josephine.5 @peter_ekienabor @23kudu @official_nkeyz @zichaelkid @debbieacheneje @oyeguncovenant @japhydavis @e_beny_ @zichaelmen @dejaks @zichaelwoman @jephthahimoedemhe @muson_school_of_music @emanuelsbrit @deitricktv https://www.instagram.com/p/CPOq0FEjvUa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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weare-toobusydancing ¡ 7 years ago
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Del nuevo disco de @thekillers , esta canción es mi favorita. Se llama Rut y le recomiendo a todos que la escuchen. 💛 #thekillers #wonderfulwonderful #rut #music #art #watercolor #lyrics #ilustracion #illustration #fanart
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rockartfashion ¡ 7 years ago
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Brandon Flowers -The Killers spectacular in Paris, Zenith - 03.03.18 #thekillers #BrandonFlowers #bestmusicphotography #concertphotography #live #rock #indie #poprock #paris #liveinparis #wonderful #wonderfulwonderful #lasvegas #singer #frontman #zenith #zenithparis #gig
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thekillersshows ¡ 6 years ago
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Throwback. Vancouver, Canada. Sep 9, 2018. #thekillers #skookum #skookumfestival #wonderfulwonderful #brandonflowers #ronnievannucci #tedsablay #jakeblanton #taylormilne #robertloud #daniellewithers #ericacanales #amandabrown #thekillersshows repost from @thephotoladies/photo by @moemyang (at SKOOKUM Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt2F5U_DHGU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12j3mj0xabo0m
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epicshangrila ¡ 6 years ago
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Beautiful morning ❤❤❤❤❤❤ wanna join for the tea or coffee? #TGIF #thankgoditsfriday ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#nepal #trek #trekking #mountaineering #mountains #wondermore #wilderness #wonderfulwonderful #expert #adventures #trips #explorer #exploremore #adventureenthusiasts #honeymoontrips #mtbforlife #loves_mtb #mtbholidays #mtbgram #mountainbike #mountainbiking #mountainbikinglife #tbt #throwbackthursday #mtbguiding #travel #explorer #exploremore #wondermore #mtbenduro #mtbenthausasts #guidelife #ridebeyond #ridemore #ridenowsleeplater #dhmountainbiking #dh #downhillride #downhill #downhillbiking #mtb_ #mtbtrails #epicmtb #epicmtbtours #himalayas #nepal #epictrails #epic #epicmountainbiking #lifebehindbars #mtbnepal Nepal www.mysticlandadventure.wordpress.com Australia www.weridemountainbikes.com Germany www.mtb-andikuhr.bike USA www.cali-exp.com https://www.instagram.com/p/By9oKD4nlGV/?igshid=23h2hiqxtwc8
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killersvictima ¡ 7 years ago
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#throwbackthursday to last August Lollapalooza Chicago... I had the best time and the show was amazing... can’t wait to get my share of the new era shows... I’m so ready, my body is ready.. #37daysandcounting #thekillers #wonderfulwonderful (at Grant Park)
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intermountainexile ¡ 3 years ago
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I’m ready now!!!!! . . . #artjournaling #thekillers #brandonflowers #markstoermer #davekeuning #ronnievannucci #victimsince2004 #hotfuss #samstown #sawdust #dayandage #battleborn #wonderfulwonderful #implodingthemirage #implodingthemiragetour #thecosmopolitan #pressuremachine #lasvegas #nevada #welcometofabulouslasvegas (at Barstow, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVqYbJJBHq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charliemcarthy ¡ 7 years ago
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Got my favorite bands new album 😍 #wonderfulwonderful #thekillers
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