#he’s just a lil guy!! who plays on his dad’s ipad and sleeps with a fuckton of plushies and will not shut up ever!!! and i love him for it!!
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pacifistcowboy · 1 year ago
wonderfulwonderful i agree with this all ty. he is the specialist lil dude <3
📓 lil bee boy charmy?
My lil guy? My champ? Specialest little boy? His hobby is causing problems.
Ask game wheeee
I am definitely not the first to believe in Charmy iPad kid supremacy, but I do. I think it's so funny to consider that the Chaotix as well as other early Sonic characters were designed in the 90s of brickphones and bulky computers, but have not aged, and now it's 2023. I embrace this personally and believe that mobius has had a tech and culture boom partly due to the abundance of reusable tech and ideas that happen as a biproduct of Eggman. So, I think he has a very sticky tablet that's actually Vector's, and he does puzzles and games on it.
I actually think he's a bright kid, but he needs lots of stimulation to keep him from getting fidgety and destructive. So lots of his hobbies are very active, he's not a great one for colouring or playing with stuffed toys and telling stories. He likes stuffed toys, but that's because I think he likes to sleep like he's in a hive of lil fuzzy things.
Otherwise: we know he likes something in the library enough to be banned lol, but I don't think it's necessarily reading. In the library I went to every week as a kid, I remember they had posters of lots of interesting things accessible to children to buy for like 50p, and I remember one kid unwrapping and trying to lay out all the country ones based on another map of the world he had. I think that kid was Charmy. I met him. I'm claiming it.
I also believe he enjoys gardens. Not gardening, but being in fields for the joy of flowers, as well as just generally having an open space to be in so he can go where he likes.
I think he likes 3D playing more than 2D and prefers a block puzzle to flat ones, but gets bored of Lego unless he has a goal.
Further to above point: I think his role models are quite task oriented, so he sets himself challenges in everything he does: never just on the slide, he is going to set a reccord for fastest slide! He isn't climbing a tree, he's gping to climb with the least amount of jumps and not using his hands or wings. etc.
In general, I think he also just talks. That's not really a hobby more a habit, but I think he just talks and talks about everything he's doing, it helps keep him focussed and just generally makes him happy. Because his voice is pretty high pitched and nasal, I think his talking often blurs in with his wingbeats too, so its quite a drone that you have to switch off slightly. But when he's not doing it, it's unsettling and you should be worried: he's either really hurt or gone missing!
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saleintothe90s · 6 years ago
384. “Mad About You” series finale (5/24/1999)
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So, I remember watching the series finale of Mad About You that night, but I haven’t watched it again since it originally aired. I do remember feeling let down at the end however. This is what I remember from 20 years ago, maybe I’ll remember some forgotten details once I re watch it...which I will after I make this list: 
- Janeane Garofolo was Paul & Jamie’s daughter Mabel all grown up and she had come out with a documentary about her life? Her dad’s life? The film was everything after 1999?
-Paul & Jamie bought the apartment across from them and merged it into theirs? Which didn’t make any sense. Everybody had to walk through P&J’s bedroom to get to the expansion?
-Paul & Jamie were pregnant again with twins but she lost the babies? I just remember the scene where Paul rushes into the apartment with a double stroller excited that he found one. He sees the message light on the answering machine and it’s Jamie. I was trying to figure out if this was early on when Mabel was still a one year old, and one seat in the stroller was for her, or Jamie was pregnant with twins. 
-Paul’s dad died real early on in the episode. 
-Paul and Jamie wonder who should give her the birds and the bees talk when Mabel is a teenager, but turns out they waited too long. When Paul sits down with her to discuss it, she interrupts him and says that she’s already had sex, or she was already on the pill. Paul decides to take Mabel out for bagels every Saturday morning so he can remain closer to her. I just remember them eating bagels and sitting on a stoop. 
- Paul and Jamie separate for realz this time. Remember when they temporarily separated but then got back together and Jamie got pregnant with Mabel?  
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[That episode is titled “The Finale”, please don’t confuse it for this one like I almost did. In case you’re wondering about my bitmoji dressed like a snail, our power went on and off the entire time I was writing this. I went ahead and used that save video me website so I could watch the clips offline.] 
- Jamie had become really cold at that point in her life and Paul had it. 
-The last scene was everybody watching Mabel’s documentary in a movie theater and P&J were a little embarrassed. Paul (almost crying) asks Jamie if she would like to go out for pie.
-Clearly they hadn’t shot enough because the last five minutes were “home movies” of the two and Mabel in central park. The montage seemed to last for-ever. 
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-Before I re-watch, I also wanted to mention that I hate the theme song! 
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I found the episode on DailyMotion, and the username of the uploader is “Magic School Bus” ... ms. frizzle is that you?  It also appears that Ms. Frizzle recorded this episode from syndication, so there might be a tiny scene or two missing. 
(part 1, part 2)
(Apparently it’s on the internet archive too, but it took forever to get the vid to play on my iPad. It has commercials though!) https://archive.org/details/MelrosePlaceHomeImprovementFinales1999 
So, Mabel’s film was titled “The reason why I am this way”. Maybe a grad school project?. Janeane looks grad school age here. 
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The film starts with Paul & Jamie’s anniversary when Mabel was 1 in 1999. I was right!
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A bird pooped on Paul! Nah, it was just Lyle Lovett the construction worker spilling paint. He married Jamie n Paul 7 years ago, but turns out he’s NOT an ordained minster, so they’re not officially married.  This is so dumb. Such a trope, right? 
Jamie is freaking out that they’re not really husband and wife. Paul is the rational one here, he says just go to city hall next week! Jamie is all “no, we gotta do it today, its our anniversary!”  So they go, there’s a chapel at city hall, there’s a lady named Phyllis there as a witness and who throws rice (25¢ a throw!)  
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Stupidly, however, Jamie runs away. I do remember this freeze frame from the episode.
There’s lots of jumping around through time while all this is going on, I forgot about that, I just thought it was a straight up timeline.
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We jump to 2005 where P&J are in therapy for the thousandth time, also when Paul goes in for a vasectomy. At first, I didn’t realize that Jamie was talking to her sister, Lisa in the waiting room since she had short hair. Jamie tries to explain to her that Mabel doesn’t need a sister, but Lisa guilt trips her. Jamie tells Paul that she thinks they made a mistake. They Michael Scott-eded it:
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It’s 2011 and P&J are trying to give 11 year old Mabel the sex talk.
In 2004 Murray (remember, the dog? Yeah, the dog got forgotten somewhere in the series) got a girlfriend and they had puppies!  There is the best scene ever where Paul teaches Mabel how to shoot video and Nat the dog walker (played by Helen Hunt’s then husband, Hank Azaria) does a play talk show with the puppies. IT’S TOO CUTE, I put it on instagram. I forgot that Hank was on the show. I still remember how heartbroken I was though when Hank and Helen broke up, though.
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There’s a real quick scene in the sports shop that Paul’s family owns (which I forgot about in the series). Jeff Garlin (who I like to call “Daddy Goldberg” since I love him on The Goldbergs) is teasing Paul for all his vasectomies. blah blah. You know what I noticed? That old Sketchers shoebox! Those ugly chunky metallic shoes they made in ’95 ’96 used to come in those boxes.  aw. ugliest shoes I ever had, they were most def. Airwalk Jim knockoffs. ANYWAY.
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Mabel’s first film “Stabbing Bob” comes out in late 2021 when she’s 23. The whole family is there, including Cyndi Lauper who married Paul’s brother  cousin Ira. The whole family tries to get Paul and Jamie to sit together, so obviously something went DOWN between 2011 and 2021. This is when the syndicated version cuts off.
Part 2 begins again with Mabel’s documentary and her asking “Who do you think was responsible for my parents breakup? The one who ran away from the altar and changed her mind three times about whether or not her partner should have painful private surgery … or the other guy?” So when this film was made, Jamie and Paul were still broken up? Mabel is really tearing Jamie up a new one here. Jamie is the devil.
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Back to 2005 and Jamie is pregnant, because Paul didn’t get that vasectomy. This is where everything is back on track with my memories of the episode. Except for those ugly ass pajamas. wow. Jamie is only supposed to be 42 here, the pajamas and glasses made her look 60.
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2012, Mabel is 14 and she never did get that sex talk…perfect tribute to Whitney though, considering she had recently died.
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Oh, no here comes the stroller scene in 2006. Paul is so happy, he says, “I found it! Last one in the city, and I found it! One big seat one little seat! 2 kids, one carriage! One big happy family. ” Uh, Mabel is 9.  The “one big seat, one little seat!”  makes me wonder if the writers forgot what year it was? Why would there be a big seat and a little seat?” Twins are the same size.  Those stroller seats look the same size. Paul finds a note left by Jamie, so it wasn’t an answering machine message.
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In early 2021 we see Jamie’s bff Fran, FINALLY. I was wondering where Fran was! She was married to Richard Kind and he left her so he could ride motorcycles like “Easy Rider”, (remember when Fran kept calling the movie “The Easy Rider” and it drove Richard crazy, he was like, “the name of the movie is EASY RIDER, NOT ‘THE EASY RIDER!”). Riffs is somehow still open, martini glasses are taller, forks have clear spiral handles, and Fran be looking like something that walked off the Enterprise.  
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Oh, and Paul left Jamie. Jamie now is wearing reading glasses around her neck. Oh, honey noo, you’re only 58.  Here is Helen Hunt in 2018:
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Paul said that Jamie is unkind and that was why he was leaving.  
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Aw, there’s my fozzie bear!
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Costume and Makeup got Paul Reiser exactly right though!
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After that, Paul & Jamie had to be straight with Mabel at all times. Ok, whatever:
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 So I was also wrong about Paul’s died dying when Mabel was little.
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On the way to the funeral, Paul’s mom encourages the two to pay a bribe so they can buy the apartment across the hall. She says, “Then Mabel can have a room.” …. Mabel didn’t have a room? She was 13 in the Murray’s not real scene. Where did she sleep?!  Now I remember thinking way back then that the episode left a lot of plot holes open, this being one!
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I remember feeling kind of turned off by this elevator scene with the sad music after the funeral. I didn’t know the phrase back then, but now I know that it feels so forced. We get it. Paul’s mom is alone.
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Casting didn’t do a good job with teenage Mabel, she’s supposed to be 18 in 2015 and it’s still the girl who played her when she was 12. w2g. I didn’t make a screen grab but I was right about Mabel having to cross her parents bedroom, and bathroom to get to her room. I was also right about the bagels! 
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It’s back to the scene in late 2021 where everybody is watching the end of Mabel’s movie, “Stabbing Bob”.  I guess she was trying to be a lil Tarintino. Why did I think they were watching the documentary? Ha, at the end, Paul’s sister asks the family if they want to go out for pie. Yesss, the pie scene!
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I did remember this from the pilot episode where Jamie kisses Paul on their first date when he turns to her. Jamie asks “buy me some pie?”, not Paul! I swore for 20 years I heard Paul Reiser tearfully saying, “I would like some pie” in my head!
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Oh, one plot point that did get patched up was that Paul & Jamie asked the guy from city hall to come over and marry them in their apartment six seconds to midnight.
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RIP, Murray the dog.
UGH, I was right about the long montage of the end that is just pretend home movies of the cast. It’s nearly four minutes long, and its set to country music. It’s hell.  I remember actually leaving the room during this part 20 years ago instead of just you know, muting the TV. It completely ruins the quietness of the episode. It’s total filler.
The ending credits are on Youtube, it’s adult Mabel giving a rundown of what happened to who.
More from the series finale series: https://saleintothe90s.tumblr.com/search/Series%20finale%20series
I was curious and went hunting around in google groups (which houses newsgroup archives) to see what people said about it online right after it aired: 
Someone wondered too about where on earth Mabel slept until they expanded the apartment: 
>2)  Where did Mabel sleep before they got the second apartment and >turned it into a room? Shared with mommy and daddy?? Or maybe that little space before the bedroom.  Did they convert the appartments into one or move to the other side? I was a bit confused about that.
>>I wish I had watched Ally (but that's just my
Trust me, if you've watched the show at all this season, you've seen this episode.  Ally is depressed about no man, elaine whips out the video camera, the biscuit bobs his head to Barry White, does a gymnastic dismount from the toilet stall, stutters like Porky Pig, and all of the same fucking things he does every single fucking episode.  I really liked this show at first, but I'm about to give up on it because the same shit happens week after week after week.  If David Kelley cannot think of anything new to do with this show, he should hire a writing team, because it it going nowhere fast!
To know that Paul and Jamie's genes resulted in that shrewish frump Janeane Garofalo was one thing.  But to be "previewed" twenty years of their misery resulting in Mabel's therapy for bad parenting was pretty unbearable.
Crap.  Not quite as crap as the Rosanne finale, but more crap than the last
Seinfeld episode. I knew they were in trouble in the very first scene where
they set up the premise for the episode. Lyle Lovett tells them that he
wasn't really an ordained minister when he performed their wedding ceremony
and that he was drunk when he said he was. (now there's an original plot)
One problem: Lyle isn't the one who told them he was a minister and everyone
was sober at the time.
Then they have Jannene Garofolo as their grown up daughter, recounting everything thing that went wrong in their marriage, another lame plot device.
There're also a few little slips, like Paul buying a double baby carriage in 2005, when their daughter would be 8 or so.
But, to get to the root of why the episode (and the last two seasons for that matter) failed: The whole permise of the show was that these two likable, but occasionally goofy or even stupid, people were so much in love that they would always be together no matter what. Corny, naive, romantic, but also endearing. It made for a nice, comforting 4 seasons or so, but after a while the formula gets old. So they started making the characters a lot less likeable. Paul Reiser turned into Homer Simpson and Helen Hunt became a neurotic version of Lucy Ricardo, until I had no idea why these two people were staying together.
They got back to the original idea of the series in the last ten minutes, but it was too little, too late. In the previous 50 minutes, their whole marriage went to hell. Not only didn't those two people belong together, they didn't even seem to care about each other. They did something similar a few years back (marriage goes wrong, they still love each other and stay together) but it was convincing and they didn't do the gimmicky jumping back and forth over 25 years thing. That was the perfect moment to end the series.
I agree. I watched with the series finale of MAY with the morbid fascination that I would have while watching a car wreck.  I didn’t *want* to do it, but I was drawn to it.  And what a car wreck it was.
The plot of the finale should have insulted every thinking person.  Did anyone accept the premise that two sophisticated New Yorkers could believe they were legally married without having a marriage license and certificate?  For those of you who have never been married, you absolutely need such documentation for your bank accounts, health insurance, social security, credit cards, mortgages etc.   The retroactive vitiation of the Buchman’s marriage is akin to the Bobby’s dream sequence on Dallas a few years ago.
Jaime’s jilting of Paul at the “altar” was vapid.  Tim Conway’s gag in being both the marriage clerk and the justice of the peace was predictable, and as predictably stupid as Conway’s similar gags on the now ancient Carol Burnett show.  The pronunciation of “Buchman” to explain why Paul and Jaime had the same last name may have been amusing to a ten year old, but I doubt it was funny to anyone more mature.  A justice of the peace would not play the wedding march with a dime store cassette recorder while demanding that a prospective bride walk down the courtroom “aisle.”  Couldn’t they have done something interesting with the marriage witness instead of using a stock character such as the disinterested, magazine-reading rice-thrower?  From a legal standpoint, Paul and Jaime’s marriage at midnight was as ineffective as “first” marriage because there was no witness (contrary to the dialogue, a baby simply cannot be a legal witness to a marriage).  Why would a justice of the peace make a house call to perform a civil marriage?
The whole vasectomy gag was asinine.  Have either HH or PR been in a hosptial?  Did they do *any* research before they wrote this gag?  Its pretty safe to conclude that a surgical nurse would *not* lead a post- operative vasectomy patient through a waiting room while he was wearing nothing but a robe.  Moreover, given Paul’s obvious pain from the first vasectomy, don’t you think that Jaime would have known that Paul did not go through with the second one?  Wouldn’t Jaime have asked Paul if he went through with the vasectomy before she purchased and used a pregnancy test kit?  Jaime’s miscarriage was telegraphed from the beginning of the vasectomy gag.
The makeup aging of the characters was amateurish at best.  The sex talk difficulty with Mabel has been done by every sitcom since Leave It To Beaver, and most have done it better.  What was the point of the puppy urination scene?
The breakup and reconciliation was sentimental tripe.  In the real world, people that fight as much as Paul and Jaime do not get divorced and then, with one magic kiss, make everything OK.
Was it necessary to introduce a new character in the finale to narrate the Buchmans’ life story? (As an aside, I hated the casting of Janeane Garofolo (sp?).  She looked like complete crap.  Can’t that woman ever look presentable?  Someone should have given her a mirror and a comb before they began filming the episode.  She is a second rate Roseanne knock off, and, judging from last night’s appearance, she is now attempting to catch Roseanne in the weight department as well.)
The closing montage attempted to simulate a home movie circa 1960s such as that used in the Wonder Years.  But why would Paul and Jaime, a 1990s couple, have used such a medium for their home movies?  Also, even assuming the choice of medium was justified, why did they wave in quick, jerky movements at the movie camera?  Has anyone done that since the 1960s?
In the end analysis, the MAY finale was incredibly lame.  I got home in time to catch the end of the Melrose Place finale, and, IMO, even that show -- as bad as it is -- has more entertainment value than MAY.  At least they don’t take themselves seriously.  I am delighted that MAY is now over.  I hope that the poor ratings associated with the show will cause some retooling at NBC, especially in its high profile slots.
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latesthollywoodnews · 7 years ago
Ariana Grande Already WORKING On Fifth Studio Album?!
Ariana Grande Already WORKING On Fifth Studio Album?!
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Ariana Grande Already WORKING On Fifth Studio Album?!, Hollywood Second Screen.
Top Rated Celebrities and Most Popular Celebrities, Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story Emily Blunt, Ariana Grande Already WORKING On Fifth Studio Album?!.
Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story Emily Blunt Best News Celebrity top Walt Hollywood Studios Home Entertainment (incorporated as Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Inc. since 1997 and formerly known as Walt Hollywood Telecommunications & Non-Theatrical Company from 1980 to 1987 and eventually Buena Vista Home Video until 1997) is the home video distribution division of The Walt Hollywood Company. Hollywood began distributing videos under its own label in 1980 under the name Walt Hollywood Home Video.
How was Bambi’s dad die?
 After the death of Bambi’s mother, the Great Prince finds Bambi and explains to Bambi what happened to her. He calls for Bambi to come along with him, revealing himself to be Bambi’s father. Later, when Bambi is a young adult, Man returns to the forest. After an incident with Man and his dogs, Bambi is shot.
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Who runs Hollywood World?
Robert A. Iger is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Hollywood Company. As Chairman and CEO, Mr. Iger is the steward of one of the world’s largest media companies and some of the most respected and beloved brands around the globe.
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Is Ariana Grande already working on her next album?
Not that we’re complaining — we will never say no to more music from Ari!
Ariana JUST dropped her 4th studio album, Sweetener, LAST NIGHT, and while fans are in the throws of processing just how incredible every track is — Ari reportedly already has her sights on what’s next to come!
Last night Pop Crave Tweeted QUOTE, “During her intimate Virtual Sweetener Release Party, @ArianaGrande confirmed that she will begin her fifth studio album next month.”
Um, what?! Ari not only JUST released her 4th album — she’s also got her ‘Sweetener’ tour coming up! Does this woman sleep?!
As for her tour, Ari is opting out of the usual stadium and arena session, and doing something a lot more intimate. Earlier this month she Tweeted QUOTE, “surprise. i’m doing a lil thing called the sweetener sessions to celebrate release week with @americanexpress…the first of the sweetener sessions will take place in New York after the VMAS”.
The three sessions will take place in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, on the 20th, 22nd, and 25th, respectively. So, according to that timeline, Ari could very well be headed back to the studio as quickly as next month.
Ari IS one of the hardest working woman in the music industry, and she’s admitted to being a workaholic and a perfectionist in the past, so we aren’t exactly shocked by this rumor. BUT, we also want her to revel in the excitement of ‘Sweetener’ being SUCH a huge hit, and to take some time for some well-deserved R&R with fiance Pete Davidson.
Alright guys now I wanna turn it over to you — are you shocked that Ariana might already be looking to get back to work so fast? Or is she just a perfect role model for how to put in WORK? Sound off with all your thoughts and feelings below.
Thanks for watching! Now please click to the right to watch another new Video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channels. As always I’m your host Erin Robinson and I’ll see you next time!
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Hollywood Film News, Hollywood Celebrity News 2018, Ariana Grande Already WORKING On Fifth Studio Album?!.
Hollywood was founded on October 16, 1923 – by brothers Walt Hollywood and Roy O. Hollywood – as the Hollywood Brothers Cartoon Studio, and established itself as a leader in the American animation industry before diversifying into live-action film production, television, and theme parks. The company also operated under the names The Walt Hollywood Studio and then Walt Hollywood Productions. Taking on its current name in 1986, it expanded its existing operations and also started divisions focused upon theater, radio, music, publishing, and online media. Hollywood Celebrities Recut Latest Story, Ariana Grande Already WORKING On Fifth Studio Album?!.
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axinorev · 7 years ago
1-99 u lil shit
lets get personal: send me a number 
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?A little bit of everything (live) by DawesGossamer thin by Conor OberstShooketh by Elijah and Christine If Winter Ends by Bright EyesPraying by KeshaLiterally any Sam Smith song 
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Sam Smith or Neil Hilborn 
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.If I Stay “twinkle, twinkle little star”
4: What do you think about most?Death or Willow or sleep 
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?Yeah - greg 
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?Depends on how cold I am, usually without 
7: What’s your strangest talent?My fingers are double jointed? 
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)Girls go to college to get more knowledgeBoys are stupider they go to Jupiter 
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?No?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?Literally do think I’ve ever done that lol
11: Do you have any strange phobias?Bats and rats. But have reasons tho 
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?A little bead. Was put in a straight jacket, Wild story. 
13: What’s your religion?Gay
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?Walking (to work, to home, to school)
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Depends on my mood
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?Conor Oberst/ bright eyes 
17: What was the last lie you told?I’m okay lol
18: Do you believe in karma?Yeah 
19: What does your URL mean?I love big boo, but I’m the biggest boo
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?I’m very emotional. People trust me?
21: Who is your celebrity crush?Sam Smith? Sarah Paulson 
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?NO BUT I WANNA 
23: How do you vent your anger?Lol
24: Do you have a collection of anything?Books I guess. Or my writings (unfinished)
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Video 
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?Yes and no. I wish I was happy. But I’ve come a long way 
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?Willow Crying. Willow laughing. 
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?What if I got help earlier in life 
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?YA YA YA YA 
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.Remote and baby 
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?Baby wipes 
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?That one place my car broke down at at 3am
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?Pacific Northwest 
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?S👏🏻A👏🏻M👏🏻S👏🏻M👏🏻I👏🏻T👏🏻H👏🏻
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?To leave a lasting impression 
36: Define Art.Something you love, displayed in a way only you can
37: Do you believe in luck?Yes
38: What’s the weather like right now?Fucking cold 
39: What time is it?7:31pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes I drive, not legally at the moment. And yes, that’s why it’s not legal 
41: What was the last book you read?the Perks of being a Wallflower 
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?Not really?
43: Do you have any nicknames?Ronii, Ron, bab
44: What was the last film you saw?I’m watching Charlie in the Chocolate Factory 
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?Ima say mono 
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?No :(
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?Sleeping lol
48: What’s your sexual orientation?Queer 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?Yes?
50: Do you believe in magic?In a young girls heart?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?LMAO
52: What is your astrological sign?Aries
53: Do you save money or spend it?Both?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?Probably food?
55: Love or lust?Love
56: In a relationship?I’m happy 
57: How many relationships have you had?5 
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Naaah
59: Where were you yesterday?Working lol
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?Everything is pink because of Willow 
61: Are you wearing socks right now?No 
62: What’s your favourite animal?Sharks 🦈 
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?I’m not sure lol 
64: Where is your best friend?In Arizona :(
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.IndependentgayStillpissedaboutplutoStardustkiwiK4ydenThebiggestboo
66: What is your heritage?White/Hispanic 
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?Sleeping 
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?😉
69: Biggest turn ons?Biting, kissing, being emotionally and physically attracted to me
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?Nah I’m too sad lol
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?Save the dog and look for a new job
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?I’d probably tell everyone. I’d travel or do reckless shit. And absolutely 
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.In a relationship sense, one cannot exist without the other 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?Shooketh 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?5195
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?Love and trust. Being funny doesn’t hurt either 
77: How can I win your heart?Have a pulse 
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?Absolutely. All the best people are insane 
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?Not kill myself or quit school 
80: What size shoes do you wear?9-10 depends on the width 
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?I just want a picture of guy Fieri 
82: What is your favourite word?Flabbergasted 
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.Blood lmao 
84: What is a saying you say a lot?“Willow don’t eat the FLOOR SCRAPS”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?Location 
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?Orange, sunset colors 
87: What is your current desktop picture? Sam Smith on my phone Sarah Paulson on my ipad 
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?I have 2 people in mind 
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Where do you see yourself in 5 years 
90: Turn offs?Being dead. Being an asshole 
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?Time travel
92: where are your parents from? Mom- New Mexico dad- Las Vegas 
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?2012-2013
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?S A M S M I T H
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?I feel like I’d go to Arizona. I just miss my friends so much 
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?Probably lmao 
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?Maybe when I was little 
98: Ever been on a plane?Yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say“Guy Fieri slathers bbq sauce on a bullet. He loads it, and puts the gun in his mouth. “One last trip,” he whispers “to Flavertown.” Thanks for asking, princess lol
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