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hamptrmaeda · 6 months ago
hmmm,, u dontseem to understand what imsaying. dou have any ideawhat this science is,, or what it will do,,? thatsnot to say that iknow either,,, but a lot of this seems,,,,,hmmm,, howmaeda put it,, lost in translation?
sure,,, ifwhat u were saying seemed 2 hav any sort of factual backingbehind it,,, natas hopecould shine even brighter. ahh,,,, what atruly wonderfulsight,,,, but at the risk of his life,,? different story,, especiallywhen we STILLdont know what this wholecause is, what it stands 2 achieve, why experminentation is the solution and iSTILL dont know who mandy is,,
whoevr mandy was,,, ihop she rests well 2,, howevr,,,
hey maeda,,i dont think we’ve met before!
ah,,, idont think we have,,,!
u alreadyseem 2 know who iam though,,, sointrofucing would b pointless. idont know who u r thougj,,
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pagheart · 5 years ago
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natdaranz-blog · 5 years ago
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This is my Tuesday outfit, I had a time out of photographs, here I'm again. This is the continuity in photos as when the movies continue. So... I admire solemnly in portraying this wonderful sight. Today's @duranduran song: A View to A Kill. I chose that song because the Eiffel Tower is admirable in the video. Also, I believe that @simonjclebon has more sensual vocal chords with respect to the first three albums. And Notorious album, the leveling of his beautiful voice is already noticeable in more depth. Anyway, I love classics, because the first impression is indisputable. Happy Friday! Kisses, love you my friends, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #TuesdayOutfit #WonderfulSight #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #AViewToAKill #ILoveClassics #FirstImpression #HappyFriday #LoveYouMyFriends // Este es mi outfit del Martes, yo me tomé un time out de fotografías, aquí yo estoy de nuevo. Esta es la continuidad en fotos como cuando continuan las películas. So... yo admiro con solemnidad al retratar esta vista tan maravillosa. La canción de Duran Duran de hoy: A View to a Kill. Yo elegí esa canción porque es admirable la Torre Eiffel en el video. Además, yo creo que Simon Le Bon tiene acordes vocales más sensuales con respecto a los primeros tres discos. Y en el disco Notorious ya es notorio con más profundidad la nivelación en escala de su hermosa voz. Anyway, yo amo los clásicos, porque la primera impresión es indiscutible. ¡Feliz Viernes! Besos, los quiero mis amigos/as, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #VistaMaravillosa #PrimeraImpresion #FelizViernes (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YZhStJa1s/?igshid=6i0lm3z1rhmh
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www-kemina0309-de · 8 years ago
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Missing this sight #oslo #norway #fjord #travelling #lovingit #journey #nature #wonderfulsight
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boldcastify · 6 years ago
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• Lions Fountain in Balis Park • 📍San Marco Square, South Jacksonville . . . #SundayFunday #themoreyouknow🌈 #aftervenice #SanMarco #SouthJax #mondaystarts #EnjoyTheLittlethings #wonderfulsights #Duval #BoldcastifyMediaCo #904 (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv-6eFFH--A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1awxz4kw0e4sw
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rlumkang · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @natgeotravel - Photo by @KristaRossow // Up, up, and away... The #Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta "mass ascension" of over 500 hot air balloons. There are few man-made experiences that can rival the wonder and awe I find in nature, but this is one of them. It is pure magic. #hotairballoon To see more from #NewMexico, visit @KristaRossow. #wonderfulday #wonderfulsight #whatawonderfulworld #bucketlist
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axisrevo · 8 years ago
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青ヶ島の尾山展望公園で360度カメラのthetaを使って夜景を撮ってみた。とても美しかった。3.19.2017 #青ヶ島 #火山 #火口 #離島 #絶景 #日本 #Japan #grandview #wonderfulsight #picturesque #volcano #crater #volcanicisland #island #Aogashima #doublevolcano #尾山展望公園 #beautifulplace #theta #theta360 #360 (尾山展望公園)
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wheretogofrmhere · 8 years ago
My Fave Videos of the FlickerSessions are from 'ThePsycholinguistic'. Because she filmed the whole Band all the time. Seeing Niall singing so beautifully (i am still shocked, even though i know that he is a great live singer *lol*) with his guitar, surrounded by his awesome band is such a wonderfulsight. They sound so tight, they match each other so perfectly. If you look at Niall and his band, it is as if they are already together since years. Amazing. Such great talent united on one stage.
that’s so awesome! i love his band, and yes they do seem like they’ve been together for so long!! they have a great bond and a great chemistry!
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axisrevo · 8 years ago
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尾山展望公園から見た青ヶ島 #青ヶ島 #火山 #火口 #離島 #絶景 #日本 #Japan #grandview #wonderfulsight #picturesque #volcano #crater #volcanicisland #island #Aogashima #doublevolcano #尾山展望公園 #beautifulplace (尾山展望公園) #大凸部
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gooddtimess-baddtimess · 11 years ago
Grandma walking my dad down the aisle 🎩#wonderfulsight
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