maeda pls i was just sitting in class and there was a FAT mosquitoi flying by my computer so i smacked my hands together ttrying to catch it and I ACTUALLY CAUGHT IT AND GOT FAT SQAUSHED BUG ORGANS ON MY HANDS i thought you would like to hear about this
couldyou not have given it a morepeacefull ddeafth,,, couldnt u hav jst eaten it
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ohndmy god tjecycle jst continuess,,,, ughhwwh,, ok ok,, maeda help,,,,,
huff,,,puff,,,,, movr,,, misdile toes,,,, come on,,, huff,,,
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nata,, pace urself,,,!!! ddont overexrt,,,
whymove missile anyways,,? v dangr,,, and why here,,,??
huff,,,puff,,,,, movr,,, misdile toes,,,, come on,,, huff,,,
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someone should do one of those “do you think we find each other in any universe” things with komahina where it shows like 20 different AUs where they’re still together in the same way but it has to have one drawing where they’re just hamsters with their human hairstyles. this is important to me
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okay well tjis is ironically the wring blog.
someone should do one of those “do you think we find each other in any universe” things with komahina where it shows like 20 different AUs where they’re still together in the same way but it has to have one drawing where they’re just hamsters with their human hairstyles. this is important to me
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well inmean i gotta cook
someone should do one of those “do you think we find each other in any universe” things with komahina where it shows like 20 different AUs where they’re still together in the same way but it has to have one drawing where they’re just hamsters with their human hairstyles. this is important to me
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quick what is this called
i reffuse to repeat the mistakes of younger humanmaeda,,,
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You've become a true champion of hope, and I'm proud of you
im a hamstr,,,,
ah,,, irrlyy wuldnt call myself tthat though,,,, maeda shouldnt b given a title as grand as thhat,,
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ssee,,? maeda isright 4 once,, ok? breathe,,, mhm?
bagpipes,,,,,,tttoo loud,, too much,,, too many bagpipes,,,, ggrumbl grunbke,,
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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nno no, not maybe,,, maeda is right 4 once,,,
jjust lik scotland isthe worst place on theplanet and im not stupid inthinking that,,,, this isnt something stupid to think of,, ok?
do u believ me?
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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wwell,, firstly,,, ofc people wuld care,, u hav ur partners,, u hav ur class of ultimats,,, u quite literally hav ur hamstr child thing that wentinto months long hibrnation,, we wuld care,,,, i know nata wuld miss u 2
tthings sometims dont last,,, and it happens,,, but do u think peopl wuld give up on u if somethibg went wrong?,,,, lik,,, nata has shhown me hhe wuldnt giv up on someone like me,,, hhe makes it rreally hard to put distance,, even if i wanted 2,,,,
im sure humannata wuld make it hard also,,
mmmaybe what u need is instead of leaving,,,, maybe u jst need tim 2 recovr,,, theres always light at the end ofa dark tunnel,,
hope always wins,,,, remembr?
ah,,, dddont bury urface away,, u bettr not cry bcsim gonna b real i wont kknow how to respond
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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imlliterally a hamstr and u r my dad,,, how muchweirder can thisget humanmaeda,,, what u say isnt ggoing to traumatise me anymor than almost dying of cancer. ihadcancer and im a fufucking hamstr humanmaeda ccome on,,, ttyhat makes no logistical ssense,,, ican handle it,,,
u can say it bcs its v clearly importanst if u tried to leave 2 go to scotland - the worst, loudest, most knifeccrime ridden place on the planet earth.
wwhwat made u wanna leav,?
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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wwhwhy r u still dodgsing my questions
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
#//call him sans undertale the way he will dodge everything#<- //GET OUT IMSOSBS IWBAHAHHA#komaedaverse#rp stuff
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pplease stsop dodging my questsions llike ttheyre bulletsffrom that gun in urdrawer,, yyoure like the otheryounger komaeda tgst ive never spoken 2 inmy long hamstr life,,
bagpipes r scare,,,sshuder
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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ssee? nno scotland endeavours ttoday,,,
ssisgh,,, hhhwo did this happen humanmaeda,,? wwhat led 2 this,,
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
#//loving that any and all harshness is now gone that hes confirmed that hes not leaving SOBS#komaedaverse#rp stuff
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wwwe can unpacsk that allin a second humanmaeda,,,, pls put the bag downfirst,,, wwont b convinced until u do,,
ur notggping to scotland
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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wwel i mean,,,
yyes,,,, kindsthhought that was the lead up ofthis im notgonna lie 2 u,, litteralsky why on earth r uttryna leav? uhav gud life,,, rright? gud relationship,,,, gud place 2 liv,,,, am i missing smth?
ah,,, suppose maedaddont exactly undrstand,,, wwhere do uevenplan 2 go,,?
andddont say scotland
I know I haven't been the best parent, but, ah... I wanted to tell you how much I care about you.
I love you, Maeda.
jjesus fuckcifng christ on a stsikc what onesrth prompted uto say somethdibg like thid to some1 lik maeda. wwhat happen,,, ppsuse,,, stsop the clcocks wwhat,,,,
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