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teipa-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Mi 14 de febrero! #losmejores #bestfriends #love #happiness #graciasportanto #family #mioutfit #testigodejehova #burgertown 💜❤️💚 (en Cine) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt_oEYYg0WO53sxrZ5A-6S8GxSAaIhocRhB9Oc0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5ohnwrfkl5xg
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odalis29 · 3 years ago
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Me en cuantas este vestido de la tienda @papayaclothing. #outfitoftheday #outfits #mioutfit #myoutfit #myoutfitoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CUFuVNfrGke/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thedollscabinet · 4 years ago
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#coffeetime☕ #coffeeplease #selfie_mania #horadelcafecito #lifestyleblogging #photodailydose #fotodeldía #mioutfit #purplehairdye #afternoonvibes #aesthethicgirl #lifestylefoto #lblogging #hotdays (at El Salvador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHjHK0Zj5sZ/?igshid=1jsjtxujc1mdz
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natdaranz-blog · 4 years ago
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This was my outfit for Friday, with my gray mask with sparkles. I was once again a glamorous young woman. I love my gray velvet blouse. @simonjclebon @duranduran's song: Pressure Off. Happy Saturday! Kisses, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #Outfit #Friday #Mask #Sparkles #Glamorous #YoungWoman #Gray #Velvet #Blouse #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #PressureOff #HappySaturday // Este fue mi outfit del Viernes con mi barbijo gris con brillos. Yo una vez más estaba una mujer joven glamorosa. Yo amo mi blusa de terciopelo. La canción de Duran Duran: Pressure Off. ¡Feliz Sábado! Besos, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #Viernes #Brillos #Glamorosa #MujerJoven #Terciopelo #Gris #Blusa #FelizSabado (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHjtoWIJBez/?igshid=10xdfiaufkyvc
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beautybyvalentina-blog · 5 years ago
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alexanderamijoyt-blog · 7 years ago
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Del baúl de la abuela 👵 #instachile #mioutfit #ilike #ff #miercolesdenegro #followforfollow (en Santiago Metropolitan Region)
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goldenhandsmidas · 6 years ago
For just $27.00 Handmade item Handmade summer bags. Wayuu bags are colorful and can be made in any size, this summer is also very fashion. The ropes used can be in various shades. The more vibrant and eye-catching the colors the more beautiful the bag will be. The advantages of knitting bag are light weight, washable and specially prepared for you. The choice of colors and patterns is entirely according to your imagination ız You should definitely get a mesh bag this summer, make sure you won't regret it, I hope you like my models. Backpack of knitted yarn on the shoulder.Composition cotton. Made of very durable material, chic & fashionable, above all practical & sturdy. Description Lenght 8 inch / 20 cm Height 10 inch / 25 cm Depth 3 inch / 7 cm Weigh - 31 oz / 870g I use high-quality Bobilon yarn. Knitting yarn is 100% cotton. Forms keep their shape well, as well as they can be washed Both manually and in a washing machine in a delicate mode 30 ° -40 °. Inside there is a lining with a pocket. Products are suitable for both themselves and as a gift. The color of the backpack can be any one of your choice! getgirlsoutfits mioutfit thestylishvoyager justinbieberoutfit outfitftheday outfitsfromabove arinclothes stylemusical newoutfitters stylecom outfitinpso trendywigs fashion_and_babies fashionfeen fashiongiveaway fashionfly fashionismydrug fashionselfie
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natdaranz-blog · 4 years ago
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This has been my outfit for Monday. I still look adorable with a black mask with glitter. And I chose that wall so that there is a contrast. @simonjclebon @duranduran's song: The Chauffeur. Happy Tuesday! Kisses, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #Outfit #BlackMask #Glitter #Contrast #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #TheChauffeur #HappyTuesday // Este ha sido mi outfit del Lunes. Yo me sigo viendo adorable con barbijo negro con brillitos. Y para que haya un contraste yo elegí esa pared. La canción de Duran Duran: The Chauffeur. ¡Feliz Martes! Besos, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #Brillitos #Contraste #FelizMartes (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHHqYhgJ6pz/?igshid=jtahbp1yea6h
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beautybyvalentina-blog · 5 years ago
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natdaranz-blog · 4 years ago
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This was my outfit on Wednesday with another more noticeable pink face mask. This is my postcard of this first week of October. Happy October! @simonjclebon @duranduran Song: Secret Oktober. Happy Thursday! Kisses, I love you, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MyOutfit #PinkFaceMask #MyPostcard #FirstWeek #October #HappyOctober #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #SecretOktober #HappyThursday // Este fue mi outfit del Miércoles con otro barbijo rosa más notorio. Esta es mi postal de esta primer semana de Octubre. ¡Feliz Octubre! La canción de Duran Duran: Secret Oktober. ¡Feliz Jueves! Besitos, los quiero, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #Rosa #Postal #PrimerSemana #Octubre #FelizOctubre #FelizJueves (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEq0-EJtUq/?igshid=1dp09ib1vcn3j
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natdaranz-blog · 4 years ago
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This was my outfit on Monday, with a pink plaid face mask. @simonjclebon @duranduran's song: Hungry Like the Wolf. Since my face covering reminds me of the tablecloth, just in case. I love being a pink woman. So cute! Happy Tuesday! Kisses, I love you my friends, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MyOutfit #PinkFaceMask #PinkPlaid #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #HungryLikeTheWolf #FaceCovering #PinkWoman #HappyTuesday #ILoveYouMyFriends // Este fue mi outfit del Lunes, con un barbijo rosa a cuadros. La canción de Duran Duran: Hungry Like the Wolf. Ya que mi tapa boca me hace acordar al mantel, just in case. Me encanta ser una mujer pink. So cute! ¡Feliz Martes! Besos, los quiero mis amigos/as, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #Rosa #TapaBoca #FelizMartes #LosQuiero (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3gSARJnDW/?igshid=ag1wxpr3cxom
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natdaranz-blog · 5 years ago
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That was my outfit for Tuesday, I bet again with my other pink face mask. I look so pretty in pink, I feel so feminine. @simonjclebon @duranduran's song: Electric Barbarella. Happy Wednesday! Little kisses, I love you and I miss you, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MyOutfit #PinkFaceMask #PrettyInPink #SoFeminine #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #ElectricBarbarella #HappyWednesday #LittleKisses #ILoveYou #IMissYou // Ese fue mi outfit de ayer Martes, yo aposté nuevamente con mi otro barbijo rosa. Yo me veo tan linda con pink, me siento tan femenina. La canción de Duran Duran: Electric Barbarella. ¡Feliz Miércoles! Besitos, los quiero y los extraño, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #Rosa #Linda #Femenina #FelizMiercoles #Besitos #LosQuiero #LosExtraño (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEn50Sdp2My/?igshid=42mo2eqcv5qj
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natdaranz-blog · 5 years ago
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This was my Friday outfit, and it's my weekend postcard. This time two songs from @simonjclebon @duranduran: Hungry Like the Wolf and Ordinary World. Since it is a mix for my wardrobe of this beautiful paradise. Happy Sunday! Little kisses, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #FridayOutfit #MyWeekend #HungryLikeTheWolf #OrdinaryWorld #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #BeautifulParadise #HappySunday // Este era mi outfit del Viernes, y es mi postal de fin de semana. Esta vez dos canciones de Duran Duran: Hungry Like the Wolf and Ordinary World. Ya que es un mix para mi vestuario de este precioso paraíso. ¡Feliz Domingo! Besitos, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #MiFinDeSemana #Paraiso #FelizDomingo (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9v7HM6JRC-/?igshid=1bnetrcs8mqe7
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natdaranz-blog · 5 years ago
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This was my Friday outfit, with background artwork, I love it! Today's @duranduran song: Come Undone. In case you have not noticed, my shirt is very similar to that of @simonjclebon in the video. Happy Sunday! Happy International Women's Day! By the way, the vocalization of the backing vocalist in this song is excellent. Kisses, I love you my friends, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #FridayOutfit #Artwork #ComeUndone #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #HappyInternationalWomensDay #HappyWomensDay #WomensDay // Este era mi outfit del Viernes, con artwork de fondo, I love it! La canción de Duran Duran de hoy: Come Undone. Por si ustedes no lo han notado, mi camisa es muy parecida a la de Simon Le Bon en el video. ¡Feliz Domingo! ¡Feliz día internacional de la mujer! Por cierto, la vocalización de la corista en esta canción, es excelente. Besos, los quiero mis amigos/as, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #FelizDiaDeLaMujer #DiaDeLaMujer (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9duixFpFnT/?igshid=1x58p6uadnr4z
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natdaranz-blog · 5 years ago
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This is my Tuesday outfit, I had a time out of photographs, here I'm again. This is the continuity in photos as when the movies continue. So... I admire solemnly in portraying this wonderful sight. Today's @duranduran song: A View to A Kill. I chose that song because the Eiffel Tower is admirable in the video. Also, I believe that @simonjclebon has more sensual vocal chords with respect to the first three albums. And Notorious album, the leveling of his beautiful voice is already noticeable in more depth. Anyway, I love classics, because the first impression is indisputable. Happy Friday! Kisses, love you my friends, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #TuesdayOutfit #WonderfulSight #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #AViewToAKill #ILoveClassics #FirstImpression #HappyFriday #LoveYouMyFriends // Este es mi outfit del Martes, yo me tomé un time out de fotografías, aquí yo estoy de nuevo. Esta es la continuidad en fotos como cuando continuan las películas. So... yo admiro con solemnidad al retratar esta vista tan maravillosa. La canción de Duran Duran de hoy: A View to a Kill. Yo elegí esa canción porque es admirable la Torre Eiffel en el video. Además, yo creo que Simon Le Bon tiene acordes vocales más sensuales con respecto a los primeros tres discos. Y en el disco Notorious ya es notorio con más profundidad la nivelación en escala de su hermosa voz. Anyway, yo amo los clásicos, porque la primera impresión es indiscutible. ¡Feliz Viernes! Besos, los quiero mis amigos/as, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #VistaMaravillosa #PrimeraImpresion #FelizViernes (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9YZhStJa1s/?igshid=6i0lm3z1rhmh
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natdaranz-blog · 5 years ago
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This is my Thursday outfit, I love this picture, because I was posing affectionately. For solar effects, I designed the photo, so... I didn't change the color of my hair. Anyway, the super cool finished design, the hairstyle in degraded in three color scales. @simonjclebon @duranduran's song: Perfect Day. Since... I love to remember the colors of the video, as dynamic as ever. Happy Friday! Kisses, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #ThursdayOutfit #Hairstyle #PerfectDay #DuranDuran #SimonJCLeBon #SimonLeBon #HappyFriday // Este es mi outfit del Jueves, yo adoro esta fotografía, porque yo estaba posando cariñosamente. Por efectos solares, yo diseñé la foto, así que... yo no he cambiado el color de mi cabello. De todas formas, el diseño terminado super cool, el estilo de cabello en dégradé en tres escalas de colores. La canción de Duran Duran: Perfect Day. Ya que... a mi me encanta recordar los colores del video, tan dinámico como siempre. ¡Feliz Viernes! Besos, Nat ❤️💋🐱🐈 #MiOutfit #EstiloDeCabello #FelizViernes (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Gy4uQpOqf/?igshid=1gqimi615vcie
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