#won't you stay with him forever? he's lonely player :)
mochawulfie · 1 year
Late night thought: I want to see Malleus completely break the 4th wall. I want him to scare the hell out of people and refer to them as their player name just cause lmao
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tainbocuailnge · 8 months
Another thing that's... kinda odd about the English translation is in the DRK quests, Myste says "A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely", which is a big line in basically a secret route of the browser game Fallen London. and yeah, it is a cool line and neat to hear it in FF14... it also doesn't really work for Myste? In it's original context, it's about the remains of a dead demi-god-like being, which was cast into a well, seeking a reckoning and leading the player down a route which will irreversibly destroy their character in pursuit of dark secrets.
Which is not what the Myste sections of DRK were about at all, lol.
oh I could rant for hours about dark knight translations. that questline is actually why I first went to scope out the german script, because I heard drk wildly differs between english and japanese and that german generally stays closer to japanese than english does. I translated some of the fray parts here actually, though you'll note I'm a lot more forgiving of the english script in that one because i hadn't reached sidurgu's parts yet löl
german fray and myste are just completely different characters from english. german myste is upbeat and energetic. he loves people who help others and feels a strong urge to help them in turn. he spawned from the dark knight crystal in response to the loneliness of countless dark knights stored within it so he could console them and be their friend, he's basically the will of the soul crystal itself. he tries to alleviate that loneliness by facilitating reunions with lost loved ones but grows frustrated that this only leads to more partings, so he tries to expand his powers to maintain his illusions forever, because more than anything he just doesn't want to leave his dear friends the dark knights alone. he represents the childish wish at the core of every dark knight for a world where nobody has to lose anyone again.
in the part of the quests where you take myste to the sea of clouds there's this bit where in english he talks about his guilt complex and lets slip that this is also your guilt. in german he tells you that he was always with these people who fight hard for others, watching from the sides, until one day he heard a cry of loneliness and since then he's been trying his best to help people too. that's the moment that for me really hammered it in that these languages fundamentally disagree on what it even means to be a dark knight.
in english myste is desperate to atone for everything he's ever done and fray is your self preservation instinct who is kinda mad that you let it get this far, but they have to forgive him because you're all you have as you walk this lonely and bloody path that you have to believe is right. in german myste is your ideal, the desire to comfort those who have no-one else, crying that maybe it's better to forget altogether if partings can't be avoided and fray is your human heart who agrees that parting will always hurt but that is exactly where you find the strength to continue the fight, because it is worthwhile even if it never ends, and the path may be lonely but you will never walk it alone when there are people who came before you and who will come after you who all share this same dream of a kinder world. of course you won't have to leave us, you're our ideal, you're what we do it all for, as long as we remain dark knights you'll be with us. this all flows very naturally into drk-as-shadowbringers-class and ardbert's deal too but since I haven't reached shb in german yet I don't want to say anything extensive about it yet
i still think english drk was cooking with even your repressed feelings being repressed + the part of yourself that wants to protect itself obviously trying to protect itself and thus not wanting to show vulnerability so en fray postures as the stronger one who will protect you instead, and that fray writing in the journal (and only being able to be honest in a place where you're unlikely to look unless you don't know where to go) is incredibly clever. but in the context of how english treats sidurgu and just the way they handle the entire rest of the game really i also don't think that they were intentionally going for this kind of subtlety, it feels to me more like they just thought sincerity is cringe like usual and decided to make everyone cool and edgy (and thus needlessly mean to each other) instead.
and yeah english fucking loves to just yoink lines from other media whether it's appropriate or not. they turned zenos' final words to wol into a hamilton reference in english, "my first friend, my enemy" is a hamilton line, he doesn't ever call you his enemy in any other language (in german he calls you his hunter though which yes is incredibly horny of him). I'll admit I'm not in a good position to judge whatever epic references the german script makes because I'm unfamiliar with german language popular media so I won't spot them unless someone else points them out but I do know that when german fray quotes fight club it just enhances their characterisation as trying to sound cool and intimidating but failing because they're really kind of lame and awkward and can't hide how stoked they are to hang out with you.
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Oh, request are open! Ok, so, long ago in one of the letters Malleus said he wouldn't mind if we ruled the Queensdom of Roses so how about in the self-aware AU the player goes and becomes the ruler there and maybe reforms the rules(laws?) so they make a little more sense and erase some unnecessary ones. Player decided to go there since Malleus is well capable of ruling Briar Valley without their help. How would Malleus, Riddle and Leona react to this event? Im sure Leona won't be happy...
Thankyou and I hope you have a nice day! 💕 ☺️
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsebility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, religion, imprisonment, manipulation, murder
Riddle Rosehearts/Leona Kingscholar/Malleus Draconia-Player becomes a ruling power
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I think he is happy... no, aggressive... happy? Agressive? I don't know...
When he heard that you had finally reclaimed your throne he was elated... although he did let out his anger out on some poor student under his care by colaring him
But why is he behaving like that?
Well imagine you have admired, no, loved a person for such a long time and suddenly they are disappearing from right under your nose
Mhm he might have also made a hedgehog hit a student in the face during their regualr cricket sessions
But at the same time, he is so happy he might start to scream out of happiness (not that he did… he totally did)
Finally he could laugh at all those that simply saw you as someone of the past
And why should he be against the changes in the rule? Times change and if you mean they were becoming too old then so be it
He will get to you though
What he will do is simply say that he is an old friend from NRC and with his mothers status this is rather easy
So no, this is no way to escape him
And he is also so helpfull
The fact that he is overworking himself so that you don’t make any more public apperances is of course unknown to you
Do not worry about less and less people coming to visit you, after all Riddle is here to make things less lonely
And if someone still dares to visit you they might have to flee the Queendom
Everything for your attention and eternal rule… under his guidance
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A new day, a new headache for Leona
He is not amused and when I mean “not amused” I don’t mean “Oh he is just annoyed” but rather “had to use his royal status to hide a poor pile of sand” not amused
You may place your bet who the unfortunate NPC was
Leonas home is a bit different than most places when it’s about you
Whilst you are a ruling figure, the wisest being that exists or in some cases even a god in some places you are more approachabe in Sunset Savanna
After all, who wouldn’t want to drink a cup of tea with the symbol of equality?
Now, you being so approachable isn’t exactly helping him in being happy enough to be approachable himself
There are just so many people around you… god, he just wants to rip them to… (walk it out Leona, walk it out)
How dare those pests take you away from him!
Leona doesn’t care that you are happy helping everyone out, all he wants is for you to stay by his side forever
So don’t be surprised when one day you wake up in a cage, remembering faintly how you felt something hit the back of your head before the world turned black
Can’t you see? This is all your fault! If only you had stay put in your place besides him he wouldn’t have to use such methods
But alas, you are a determined hebivore so there is no other way
What you don’t know though are the masses of people protestig in front of the palace, tellig their king he sould find him
But of curse Faranea knows what is going on and… Leona is his brother…his only, younger sibling that had already lost so much in life…
Safe to say you aren’t leaving
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Well uh… this is… a interesting situation
Usually it takes a bit longer to establish new ruling systems that are actually stable but… you just turned the Valley of Thorns into a theocracy within an hour
Now, the Draconia family will of course not loose all it’s power, they are just now ruling in your name
Oh, you wish to know what happened to you? Well…
When Malleus found out that his dearest Overseer had disappeared from NRC and reappeared in his home he might not have almost lit his dorm out of excitement into a huge bonfire
But here we are, you as their all knowing perfect God who just wanted to make sure everything was alright over there now seated on a throne
Other people outside of Lilia, Malleus, Silver, Sebek, our favorite oldest ruler currently living and the servants visiting you? Oh dear, you are making good jokes
You are aware that someone in your position needs to be protected, right?
And this has totally othing to do with dragons hoarding what they like. Mhm totally
Malleus will drown you in luxuries… even the plates you eat from are golden!
You would think that an old kind like the Fae would be a bit more against such a sudden swith in power but no, they are totally for your era
They have waited for so long! All those years of praying and being faithfull have finally payed off!
So if you hoped that some kind soul would have helped you escape after you realized how sick their affection for you is then I’m sorry but no. No one will help you
Back to Malleus, our dear Fae is happier than ever
Finally his greatest wish became reality! He always had dreamt about ruling under your guidance!
Now he just needs to make sure those pesky thoughts about wishing to leave finally leave your head… this is surely just a test, right?
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bisexualpluto · 12 days
sometimes you come across a song that reminds you of a particular character, and I kept finding myself being reminded of baxter! so here's my curated playlist of songs that remind me of jamie & baxter. it's kind of vaguely chronological, going from that first summer, to breaking jamie's heart, to the pain and the healing, the reunion, and the reconciliation. it's not all 100% accurate, sometimes it's just vibes, and mostly based on my personal player choices and feelings, but i tried to make it a LITTLE relatable to others haha. and it sort of goes back and forth between each other's perspectives.
also i'm so sorry that it's like half taylor swift if you're not a fan, but the songs just fit!!!
if you want to just go into it and feel things out yourself, please do! but below is each song and a short explanation for why I chose it. enjoy 💕
1. Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift - Jamie
It's cool, that's what I tell him / No rules in breakable heaven / But ooh, oh / It's a cruel summer with you.
And I snuck in through the garden gate / Every night that summer just to seal my fate / And I scream, for whatever it's worth / "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?" / He looks up, grinning like a devil.
baxter ward, your "suitor for a season". i think of this song as the beginning of the summer, when you meet and there's an instant attraction, and you know instantly you're in too deep.
2. Beach House by Carly Rae Jepsen - Baxter
I've got a beach house in Malibu / And I'm probably gonna hurt your feelings
baxter's had other relationships before, and it never gets that deep. this song is mostly just here for the vibes lol
3. Style (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - Jamie
I should just tell you to leave 'cause I / Know exactly where it leads, but I / Watch us go 'round and 'round each time.
you knew what you were getting yourself into.
4. Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - Jamie
And his voice is a familiar sound / Nothing lasts forever / But this is getting good now / He's so tall, and handsome as hell / He's so bad, but he does it so well / And when we've had out very last kiss / My last request is...
you have the time of your life with him, but you know it's going to end. you just hope he remembers it as fondly as you do.
5. The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski - Baxter
So I'll be the loser in this game / I'll be the bad guy in the play / I'll be the water main that's burst in flames / You'll be by the window, only watching / I'll be the only heartbreaker
and he knows he's getting in too deep, too. he wants to feel but he doesn't want to connect. he wants to connect, but he doesn't want to feel. he knows it has to end when it ends, and he's okay with it being his fault.
6. Leave Before You Love Me by Marshmello ft. the Jonas Brothers - Baxter
I'm so good at knowing / Of when to leave the party behind / Don't care if they notice / I'll just catch a ride / I'd rather be lonely / Than wrapped around your body too tight / Yeah, I'm the type to get naked / Won't give my heart up for breaking / 'Cause I'm too gone to be staying, staying
this one makes me think about miranda's birthday party, putting so much effort into a group of friends that he doesn't feel a part of and doesn't feel like he's allowed to be. the party is a microcosm of his entire existence in your life: a suitor for a season, a planner for a party. nothing more, nothing less.
7. august by Taylor Swift - Jamie
Salt air, and the rust on your door / I never needed anything more
Will you call when you're back at school? / I remember thinking I had you
Do you remember / Remember when you pulled up and said "Get it the car"? / And I'd cancel my plans just in case you called / Back when I was living for the hope of it all
truly just this whole song. the summer ends and baxter leaves, swearing you'll never hear from him again. and you know now just as surely as you did when he walked out of that cab onto your street, that you won't ever be the same again.
8. Hits Different by Taylor Swift - Baxter
Moving on was always easy for me to do / It hits different, it hits different cause it's you.
Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast / Now the sun burns my heart, and the sand hurts my feelings
Dreams of your hair, and your stare, and sense of belief / In the good in the world, you once believed in me / And I felt you, and I held you for a while / Bet I could still melt your world / Argumentative, antithetical dream girl
he's always been able to pick up and leave a relationship when it gets too close to real. he won't admit it to himself or anyone else, but this time it's different.
9. One That Got Away by MUNA - Jamie
I'm the one who opened up, ready for a connection / I'm the one brave enough to say how I was feeling
I'm the one who's crying over you in a bath on the weekend / But I'm the one who isn't scared to dive into love on the deep end
Now I'm the one that got away
so in the aftermath, you feel your first real heartbreak as deeply as it gets. you feel sad, and frustrated, and disappointed. you wanted to open up, you thought you'd had something deep and intense and real with him. the songs in this section are all in jamie's point of view, because baxter is gone.
10. Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan - Jamie
Long nights, daydreams / Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool / But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
you think you've moved on, but something always brings you back to those memories. vibes vibes vibes
11. Lost the Breakup by Maisie Peters - Jamie
I know I am obsessed, and / Right now I might be a mess / But one day, you're gonna wake up / And oh shit, you lost the breakup
sometimes you just gotta be petty about your breakups! you still have all your friends and family, and what does he have? some hair dye and a driftwood statue? and, you know. maybe you do fantasize a little bit sometimes about running into him and showing him how much better off you are without him!
12. Vertigo by Griff - Jamie
You're scared of love / Well aren't we all?
but over time, you heal, and you understand now. you understand that he was lonely and afraid of being vulnerable. it still makes you sad, but you won't let it ruin your life.
13. Closer by the Chainsmokers ft. Halsey - Jamie
Four years, no call / And now I'm looking pretty in a hotel bar
and then five years have passed, and you walk into a restaurant to meet the wedding planner.
14. Pink Light by MUNA - Jamie
So I'm living inside my mind / I keep retracing that storyline / Thinking if I start again / I can change the way it ends
you've been given a second chance. he's weird and cagey but he's here and he remembers. and slowly, slowly, you drift back to each other.
15. Seventeen by Sharon van Etten - Baxter
I used to be seventeen / Now you're just like me / Down beneath the ashes and the stone / Sure of what I've lived and I've known / I see you so uncomfortably alone / I wish I could show you how much you've grown
this song is baxter talking to his younger self. it's been five years for him too, and during that time he's started to change. or, at least, he's come to a place where he's willing to start.
16. The Archer by Taylor Swift - Baxter
Easy they come, easy they go / I jump from the train, I ride off alone / I never grew up, it's getting so old / Help me hold onto you
I've been the archer, I've been the prey / Who could ever leave me, darling? / But who could stay?
You could stay.
he's been given a second chance. he never believed before that people could really want to stay in his life, but here he is. and here you are.
17. Secret Heart by Feist - Jamie
Secret heart, what are you made of? / What are you afraid of? / Could it be three simple words / Or the fear of being overheard?
and just like always, you understand. simply put, he knew you would.
18. Nobody Gets Me by SZA - Baxter
Only like myself when I'm with you / Nobody gets me, you do
he knows what he lost, and he asks for you to give him another chance.
you do.
19. Walking in the Wind by One Direction - Jamie
You will find me / In places that we've never been / For reasons we don't understand / Walking in the wind
fate brings you both back together.
20. betty by Taylor Swift - Baxter
I don't know anything / But I know I miss you
at the top of a skyscraper, overlooking the city, he asks for your forgiveness, and you ask him to dance. this one is also mostly vibes rather than a one-to-one comparison of their relationship, but it's about a boy who knows he messed up and is asking for a second chance. that's as fitting as anything else.
21. This Love (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - Jamie
This love is good, this love is bad / This love is alive, back from the dead / These hands had to let it go free / And this love came back to me
self explanatory.
22. The Heart is a Muscle by Gang of Youths - Baxter
There will be no years of silence / In the shadow of regret / I won't let a soul betray me / Though my soul got used to it / I will look at love as more than just an instrument of pain / And will give myself completely, to the moving and the strange
The heart is a muscle / I want to make it strong
he wants to change and grow. and he wants to do it with you by his side.
23. Surrender My Heart by Carly Rae Jepsen - Baxter
But the benefits of all the broken hearts / That I broke before they could break me / Is a little bit of life regrets / I won't bring that mess to you when you're with me / And I want to be brave enough to show you my not-so-perfect family / And I want to be brave enough for everything
24. invisible string by Taylor Swift - Jamie
All along there was some invisible string / Tying you to me
when you were thirteen, you danced with a stranger at a soiree. when you were eighteen, that stranger walked out of a cab onto your street. and now, at twenty-three, he's not a stranger anymore.
25. Lover by Taylor Swift - Jamie
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? / With every guitar string scar on my hand / I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover / My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue / All's well that ends well to end up with you
i feel like baxter would cry hearing jamie say "at every table, I'll save you a seat". also the bridge has a very wedding-vow kind of vibe, perfect for our wedding planner boyfriend. feels like a fitting end to me!
i hope you enjoy this, it's been a labor of love but also just a natural progression of my obsession with him. i genuinely think baxter has one of the best romance character arcs i've come across, and i hope you love him as much as i do 💕💕💕
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fatedreamsend · 2 months
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The journal of Anise Greenleaf, Entries #33, #34 and #35
[Note from Anise's player: I started this as a writing experiment waaay back near the start of the campaign as a way to try to explore Anise's character a little and give her some backstory from before the started. I hand wrote it in an actual journal because I thought it would be fun. These are scans of the journal.]
Back to Entries #31 and #32
Transcription below the cut:
I miss the summer. Winter has its charms of course, but in the summer there are no bloody snow drifts. I can't keep myself busy with the garden, and there aren't as many customers either. I'm half tempted to turn this place into a coffee shop instead of a potion shop.
Auntie Marion is visiting right now. Which is great! I love her to bits! But Uncle Heath and the cousins are busy with her and since there aren't as many people around, well, I get lonely. At least Ignatius is here. And yeah, I guess this is a good time to stock up on the potions that don't spoil quickly. But, still. It feels like nothing is ever going to happen. It's so still, all the time.
I don't know why I thought that trusting Buck AGAIN was a good idea. But I did. He set me up on a date with another one of his tiefling friends.
I'll admit I could have tried to be in a better mood and I don't think I gave him a fair shot. But he came on way too strong and he was super touchy feely. He did eventually back off and apologize so there is that but just, ugh.
Buck, you need better friends.
I was also a bit cranky from having to tell so many dumb kids that no, I do not sell love potions and I cannot make them. The best I could do would be a potion to give them a little boost to their charisma. Little shits.
Maybe I should just stay single forever.
Business has picked up over the last week. I found that to be a little odd, to say the least, after the relative lull in business all winter - Valentines nonwithstanding. I'm making a bigger sign for next year. They probbly won't read it. Anyway, I finally decided to ask a couple of the Clock Tower mages that came in what all the fuss was about. Well, apparently some huge ritual over in Japan went horribly wrong and an entire town vanished last week. Not as in the people left or the town was destroyed - the entire town just vanished overnight. That's got all of Clock Tower in a tizzy, especially the Lords. And when people panic they want to stock up on supplies. The Botany department has been overrun with requests for potions, and so they are starting to branch out to other potion shops in the area. And wouldn't you know it, good ol' Sir Reginald recommended my shop. Yay.
On to Entries #36, #37 and #38
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hello, I'm the anon that had asked for self aware pla ingo (the one that called him the love of my life) and I just wanted to express how much I loved your response and all the similar drabbles that came after. Self aware Ingo has been living in my head rent free since then.
So I've been thinking about how far this self awareness reaches? Can he find his way to the internet and find out more about who he's supposed to be? I dont look for Ingo x reader smut on my switch so I'm thankful he wouldnt see that, but he can he see that I have 2,000 hours of play time in animal crossing?
The more important question though, can he read the code to see where the story ends? Does he realize that no matter what I as the player do I can't send him home? When I joke about catching feelings for Volo does he want to break the game to warn me? There's no doubt I love Ingo the most, but does he know how upset I was when Volo betrayed the player? How I was on the verge of tears while also making fun of Volo's hair? The way I almost moaned at how good the music was? How I asked myself why I couldn't be given the option to join him? I would make a whole separate save file to do it.
I like to imagine he might forgive me for saying that kind of stuff. I'm lonely and I was in my feelings. After the battle I wanted a hug and all I had for comfort at the time was my eevee plush. I asked myself if anyone would comfort my character just so I could feel some sort of closure about the whole thing. If Ingo had managed to manifest himself in my room I wouldn't have even asked questions I would have just assumed I fell asleep and was dreaming and just hugged him and begged to stay that way forever.
Hello again!! Your great idea has really blossomed out, hasn't it? And you're bringing more good food to the table!
I can see Ingo figuring out a way to expand from just his game. He can see there are other games here too, filled with grand things. Should they ever make a B/W or B2/W2 remake, he'll be deep into those, watching his alternate self go about the life he wishes he could live in, but he can't.
(if you catch him while he's "out of the game" he looks like a Clippy figure in the corner of your stream. He's there, fully rendered as himself, and reacting in real time with you. It's a little frightening at first)
With Volo, he knows Volo is trying to destroy everything, but he's not sure how to fix it. The game is designed so that you go and face him, and he fears ruining or god forbid deleting everything should he mess with it. He's not lonely now that he knows you're here, so he won't risk it, no matter how much it hurts to hear you coo over Volo. Your sorrow over the betrayal makes him regret everything, and by then he's too ashamed to face you
Should he manage to find a way out of the game, he won't hesitate to leave. He wants you, you know him, and he knows that in the game, he won't be going anywhere anytime soon. He has a real future with you, should you accept him. Your sleepy hug and begging only cement that this is the right decision, as he buries himself in your embrace
Of course, this makes for an awkward morning, but hey. Train hunk, at your service
I hope to see you again!
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butgilinsky · 4 years
prompt list!
a/n; i wanted to make a prompt list of some of the lyrics that inspire me/give me ideas that i don't necessarily want to mold into an entire fic. send in all of your requests w your fav himbo from the players i write for! if you can think of a lyric that i haven't listed that you rly want to see in blurb form, you can req those too and i'll do my best to do it justice. i'll get to every request as fast as i can but depending on how many there are it may take a while so bear w me(:
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Didn't wanna scare you, just wanted to be near you. Wanted you to hear what's in my head - Ruel (too many feelings)
What's the point in dressing up to be let down? - Alexander 23 (Cry Over Boys)
Aren't you tired of getting hurt? Aren't you sick of, of making it worse? - Alexander 23 (Cry Over Boys)
You're acting like we never changed and finally I can sleep at night, makes you wanna lose your mind - Tate McRae (r u ok)
I hope he treats you better than I ever could, 'cause you deserve the world times two and our simple sunday afternoons. - Clinton Kane (CHICKEN TENDIES)
I know it's lame but this is how I'm coping without you - Rosie Darling (Coping)
If this is the last time please come close. I love you with all my heart, you know. - LANY (If This Is the Last Time)
I would've walked through hell to find another way. - Anson Seabra (Walked Through Hell)
Yeah, you could say you miss all that we had, but I don't really care how bad it hurts when you broke me first. - Tate McRae (you broke me first)
Today I drove through the suburbs and pictured I was driving home to you. - Olivia Rodrigo (driver’s license)
But don't break your back for me. I'll put you out of your misery. - Post Malone (Stay)
You say that I won't lose you, but you can't predict the future. - Justin Bieber (Anyone)
I dont really give a damn about the way you touch me when we’re alone - Ricky Montgomery (Line Without A Hook)
Never make him love me - Frank Ocean (Bad Religion)
You never told me being rich was so lonely...hard to complain from his five star hotel - Mac Miller (Small Worlds)
Running from love, wish you were here - SZA (20 Something)
All these street lights, glowing, happen to be just like moments passing right in front of me - Daniel Caesar (Streetcar)
'Til fate brings you home I'll wait through your phases - PRETTYMUCH (Phases)
When I call in the morning without any warning I'll say all the things that I should've said - The Vamps (Waves)
I will give you all of me - Sam Smith (Leave Your Lover)
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you and you're beautiful. - Train (Marry Me)
Liquor was the only love I've known but you rescued me from reaching' for the bottom - Chris Stapleton (Tennessee Whiskey)
When I find my peace of mind I'm gonna give ya some of my good time - Red Hot Chili Peppers (Soul to Squeeze)
If I could find you now things would get better We could leave this town and run forever - Yellowcard (Ocean Avenue)
At times like this I wish I could have shut the door on you - Peach Tree Rascals (Violet)
I’ve never felt like this with you before - Collin Selman (dayDREAM)
The scars all on your body don't change the way I see you - Louie Duffelbags (Fucking For a Reason)
I'ma tell you something' you need to know before you make another move - K. Roosevelt (Feelings Don’t Change)
From the moment you walked in I knew right then you'd ruin me for anyone new - New Rules (Happy Ever After You)
I'd go spinnin' 'round the Sun with you again and again and again and again - Olivia Rodrigo (I Think I Kinda, You Know)
And I'm not scared to say those words - James Arthur (Falling Like The Stars)
Runnin' to the altar like a track star, can't wait another second - Justin Bieber (Holy)
I fell in love with a beautiful boy and you still take my breath away - Alex & Sierra (I Love You)
This feels like falling in love - Ed Sheeran (Kiss Me)
You're more than everything I need - Hunter Hayes (Wanted)
(i'm tagging everyone that's filled out my nhl taglist); @extratragic @babytkachuks @heybarzy @teenagekook @stfukie @smit41 @kiedhara @sadcupofcoffee @sidscrosbyy @rebel-without-care @golfergirl810 @baby-cat-nol-pat @c-hartsy @creator-appreciator @storiesbymads @aasimarr @bucky-ish @runninglownad @immmbabyyygraceee @neenaw-neenaw @shawnsreputation @pierreslucdubois @yungbeezy @tortito @dmonchld @beauvibaby @honeybearbarzal @oilers2997 @petey-patty @alphalib22 @cowboysarecool @nhlindblom
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crackinglamb · 3 years
You Have Chosen Nydha To Be Your Companion!
Hopping off @little-lightning-lavellan's idea to take a DA:I OC and turn them into a companion, may I present Banal'ras Nydha (from Hope Is a Fragile Thing) and her wiki page.
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Banal'ras Nydha looks human, although there is something that doesn't seem quite right about her. She has dark hair and skin and startlingly green eyes, and speaks with a low, raspy voice. It is often difficult to find her in a room. Nydha first appears, and is available to recruit, in the Temple of Sacred Ashes before attempting to close the Breach. She offers knowledge and combat tactics against demons. If dismissed, or never spoken to, she will then be spotted in Haven behind Solas's cabin. She will not be available to recruit at that time, although once the Inquisition is relocated to Skyhold, she will make an offer to travel with the Inquisitor. If dismissed again, she will become a non-interactive NPC in the Rotunda, usually found near the mural or atop the scaffolding. If she is never recruited, she will disappear from Skyhold after the final battle with Corypheus.
Nydha is not romanceable by any Inquisitor, but can engage in a relationship with Solas if a female Dalish Inquisitor has not done so. She is friendly and bonds well with most of the other party members, especially Cole, Dorian and, of course, Solas. She prefers diplomacy and tends towards mediation rather than confrontation. If a Dalish Inquisitor has romanced Solas, and has high approval, Nydha will offer comfort and sympathy upon termination of the relationship. If low approval, Nydha has nothing to say.
She has strong opinions on the plight of elves, slaves and mages. She is supportive of any measures that would improve the lives of them. Her early banter with Dorian revolves around debating Tevinter's practices and trying to get him to see a better way. She will also speak with Iron Bull about the shortcomings of the Qun, although never with the same level of disdain as Solas. While she never openly mocks the Chantry or Andrastianism, she isn't a strong supporter or believer and has no opinion on who becomes Divine.
In Haven, Nydha can be found behind Solas's cabin, usually in the darkest corner. Once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold, she can be found in either the Arcane Library or the Rotunda.
Nydha's approval level is based upon empathy. An Inquisitor who is helpful, respectful and curious will gain approval. Nydha has no opinion on quests such as Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts or the outcome of Here Lies the Abyss, but approves diplomatic resolutions to judgments. She will greatly approve allying with the Free Mages, and only slightly approve conscripting the Templars. Conscription of the Free Mages or allying with the Templars will result in full disapproval. She will greatly approve Iron Bull becoming Tal-Vashoth and keeping Cole as a spirit. Actions that are ruthless or cruel will lose approval.
A high approval Inquisitor will learn that Nydha was born in another world and 'crossed over' through the Veil when the Breach opened. She will tell the Inquisitor that her name was given to her as a gift from someone she met in the Fade. She does not, however, say that it is Solas (see below for unique Trespasser dialogue). She will say that her name means 'Shadow of Night', according to her translation. A Dalish Inquisitor can have special dialogue to recognize the name as being Elvish and can question how a human came to have it. Nydha will answer that it is because the native language of the Fade is Elvish, a remnant from when elves held all of Thedas before human arrival.
A low approval Inquisitor will not learn this part of her history and she will remain an enigma. If approval falls to zero, she will refuse to speak to the Inquisitor, although she does not leave and is still available as a companion.
Survivor In the Shadows – the quest for meeting Nydha initially at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. It begins upon speaking with her, and ends with either recruitment or dismissal.
From the Ashes – only available after either In Hushed Whispers or Champions of the Just, but before completion of In Your Heart Shall Burn, Nydha will ask the Herald to accompany her back to the Temple of Sacred Ashes to search for her few belongings. The Herald will find a journal, a bundle of unusual clothes and a single unmarked vial. Nydha will approve completing this quest.
A Better Form – Nydha will ask for help in stabilizing her corporeal body if Dagna is brought into the Inquisition. Resolution of this quest will involve having Dagna create a unique amulet that will act as a permanent grounding source, rather like a lightning rod. Components for this amulet are: 1 blank rune stone, 1 wisp essence, and either 5 dawnstone or 5 volcanic aurum (both imbue constitution bonuses). It will act as an Amulet of Power, granting Nydha an extra skill point. This is the only time such an ability will be available to her. This will also allow her to wear other amulets throughout the remainder of the game. She, and Solas, will greatly approve completing this quest.
Twice-Born – available during the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. Nydha, if in the party, will ask to speak with the Augur of Stone-Bear Hold once relations with the hold have been established. If she is not among the Inquisitor's party, she will be found in the main scout camp near Professor Kenric. What the two speak about will be unknown, but at the end of the quest, Nydha will inform the Inquisitor that she has been given the legend-mark Twice-Born from the hold's 'gods'. Cole will greatly approve completing this quest, regardless of whether or not he is in the party.
Note: This quest is not dependent upon approval, but is the only time she will speak with a zeroed out Inquisitor, should that level of low approval be reached.
Ability Tree/Specialization
Nydha is technically a rogue, and can utilize either a bow or double daggers. She has an autolevel preference for the Subterfuge tree, and has an additional, unique starting skill in Fade Cloak. This does not require further leveling to be active. It is the only skill that cannot be deactivated from her skillset.
She can specialize in either Tempest or Rift Mage, due to her nature as a being from the Fade. She is not otherwise a mage. Her decision on specialization can be influenced, as she will ask the Inquisitor's opinion. If no opinion is given, she will default to taking Tempest.
Combat comments
“Come get some!”
“Catch me if you can!”
(If specialized in Tempest) “Burn, baby, burn.”
(If specialized in Rift Mage) “Ooh, the stuff of nightmares.”
Kills an enemy
“Another one bites the dust.”
“Cool story, bro.”
“Then perish.”
Low Health
“This was not on my agenda today.”
“A little help?”
Low Health (Companions)
For all general companions: “I have your back.”
If in a romance with Solas: “Take a breather, fenorain.”
Fallen Companions
For all general companions: “I'll make them pay!”
If in a romance with Solas: “NO!”
Location Comments
Hinterlands: “Why is it so big? Why is everything so big?”
Fallow Mire: “I have mud in unmentionable places. Can we go now?”
Storm Coast: “I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky.”
If companions question her: “It's just from a poem I once read.”
Exalted Plains: “So much death. Can't you feel it?”
Emerald Graves: “This forest is old. Very old.” [laughs] “I always wanted to say that in proper context.”
Emprise du Lion: “Stay away from the bloody lyrium. And wear a hat.”
At Suledin Keep after Imshael, if Solas is in the party: “Ir abelas, lethallin.” (If romanced) Ir abelas, fenorain.”
Solas's reply (only translated if the Inquisitor is Dalish): “Ma serannas. Ea lam'an.” (It is in the past)
At the Pools of the Sun, regarding the trio of dragons: “Can't we just leave them alone? They really won't hurt anyone if we keep our distance.”
Hissing Waste: “You know, if you ignore the endless vista of sand, it's really quite beautiful. In a bleak kind of way.”
Western Approach: “Hot. Hot and blighted. I need a drink.”
Forbidden Oasis, upon reaching the second camp: “That's it, I'm never leaving.”
Arbor Wilds: “Mind your footing. This place is full of secrets.”
In Val Royeaux: “Pretty place.”
Frostback Basin: “I could stay here forever. Even with the varmints.”
The Descent: “Nice and dark, just the way I like it.”
At the Wellspring: “Wow...that's amazing.”
Trespasser: “Now it all ends, my friend.”
If the Inquisitor questions the statement: “You'll see soon enough.”
Companion/Advisor comments
Varric – Gotta watch out for Spooky, there's something about her I can't put my finger on.
Cassandra – She is an able fighter, but I would not trust her out of my sight, which is far too often.
Solas – She is secretive by nature, but I would assure you that she means no harm.
Iron Bull – She's a tricky one. Good fighter, lotta secrets. Good at keeping them too. I don't think I've cracked a single one that she didn't tell me herself.
Dorian – She's fascinating. I am not at liberty to say why, of course, if you don't already know.
Cole – Bright as the sun and scattered as the stars. She wants to help, just like I do.
Vivienne – She seems capable enough, my dear. But I would not dare to trust her. She is an accomplished player of the Game, for all her smiles and good cheer.
Sera – She's as bad as Creepy, although she's better at jokes. She's better at hiding than I am!
Blackwall – She knows something. She knows too many somethings.
Josephine – She keeps to herself and has caused no diplomatic incidents. I wish I could say the same for some of the others gathered here.
Leliana – I find it curious that I cannot find any solid evidence of her existence before the Conclave, but that does not automatically mark her a spy. However, her nature makes me no more inclined to trust her. I would be wary of her.
Cullen – Who? Oh, the...shadowy...person. I hear she can handle herself. I can't say I've spoken with her, so I don't have an opinion.
There is a unique dialogue tree available to the Inquisitor while speaking with Solas if Nydha was recruited as a companion.
“Did you know about Nydha?”
“Yes, I am the one who gave her her name. I found her while I yet slept, and she became corporeal after the Breach.”
(First branch) “Is she one of your agents?”
“No. She has only ever been my friend.”
(Special, if not romanced) “Your friend? It seemed to be more than that.”
“In another world, perhaps.”
(Second branch) “Is she joining you?”
“No, I would not wish her on this path.”
(Third branch) “She knew this whole time. Why didn't she tell me?”
“She had her reasons for not telling you. (If high approval) I hope you will not hold them against her.”
Regardless of approval, Nydha disappears after the Exalted Council. She settles in the Frostback Basin among the Avvar. A high approval Inquisitor will receive correspondence from her from time to time, but she will refuse to come back to the 'civilized' nations of Thedas, preferring privacy and isolation.
If in the party during Here Lies the Abyss, the Nightmare demon will speak to her in Elvish. Her reply is a scoff and nothing else.
Nydha can be a third option at the Vir'Abelasan if she is in the party. If she is chosen to drink from the Well, Abelas does not object, although he will still point out that she will be bound as they are. If Nydha drinks, she will summon Flemeth and work with the Inquisitor to tame the dragon for the final confrontation with Corypheus. If she is in the party during Trespasser, she will be able to provide the password to the spirit guards, preventing a fight.
If Morrigan is allowed to attack Abelas, she will attempt to defend him and will argue that the witch is not worthy of the knowledge she seeks if brutality is her only way to get it. If there is a peaceful alliance with the Sentinels and Morrigan is chosen to drink, Nydha will slightly disapprove but hold her tongue on the matter.
If the Inquisitor drank from the Well, and succeeds in finding enough clues to determine that Solas is Fen'Harel, Nydha will appear saddened when the Inquisitor rebuts to the Viddasala that they already know. She will state that this was what she'd been waiting for. The Inquisitor will have the option to accuse her of knowing the whole time. She will answer yes, but she won't explain.
If Nydha is never recruited, and remains an NPC in the Rotunda, one will hear her occasionally speak with Solas. These conversations range in topic from books they are reading to the mural. Never about Inquisition business. There is a slight chance to hear them speaking in Elvish, and their words are not translated, regardless of Inquisitor's race. Solas's replies appear to be noncommittal.
Nydha will remark upon the Inquisitor's romantic choices, usually with something supportive and a hope that they are happy together. She will also comment something generally pleasant about each companion if asked. The exception to this is if Iron Bull remains Ben-Hassrath. Nydha will caution the Inquisitor to be careful of telling him too much since his loyalty is now unknown.
It can be implied from various interactions and from high approval conversation that Nydha was in fact aware of everything that would happen during the course of the game. She never gives a reason for keeping her silence on matters pertaining to what foreknowledge she had, although any input given during the game events is sound and often given in such a way so as not to risk suspicion.
It can also be implied that regardless of what Solas says during Trespasser, Nydha has actually left the Inquisition to join his ranks, or at least does not stand opposed to him. This is not confirmed, however, and according to her epilogue card, she is enjoying a quiet life in the Frostback Basin with no intention of ever interfering with Thedosian politics or events again.
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borathae · 3 years
Tequila Sunrise, Chapter 2: ok this one is a long one, I'm sorry lol
🖤Sunflower - Pauline Zoe Park
Simply for the hobi appreciaton, if he wasn't human he'd be a sunflower/the actual sun. Love that you kept this vibe for him even in your story, can't picture him any other way tbh.
🖤...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift
Honestly I don't know what it is with me, Taylor Swift & your story but it just works. Usually I don't listen to her a lot. I digress, this one perfectly explains the first impression oc has of jk, thinking he's a player: "knew he was a killer first time that I saw him, wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted".
But also oc not wanting to give in to his games, not wanting to just be another night of fun for him & beating him with his own tricks: "but if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom, holdin' him for ransom".
This is exactly the kinda guy I picture him to be like (also in real life but not the point rn): "some boys are tryin' too hard, he don't try at all, though".
This one: "in the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby (mmm). In the middle of the night, in my dreams, I know I'm gonna be with you." At this point in the story I see both of them dreaming of eachother when they go to sleep. It's like unconciously they already know that they like each other but their awake brain would never allow them to think or aknowledge that so early in the story. In short, they are just meant to be, their hearts know it, their brains wont aknowledge the message yet.
🖤End of the Day - One Direction
"I told her that I loved her, was not sure if she heard, roof was pretty windy and she didn't say a word. Party dying downstairs, had nothing left to do, just me, her and the moon" I mean he didn't tell her directly and 'love' would be a big word especially since they don't know eachother that long yet buuut him really opening up to her meant obviously a lot to him.
Because kook ist afraid of feelings, falling in love, loss & opening up & being vulnerable. And when he felt for oc it hit him like a lightning. "I said you're on fire babe then down came the lightning on me. Love can be frightening for sure.
Also I love this part "she said the night was over, I said it's forever. 20 minutes later, wound up in the hospital. The priest thinks it's the devil, my mum thinks it's the flu but girl it's only you" bc after the whole tae incident she's probably like 'ok nights over I wanna leave' & then oc & jk have this really nice moment on the rooftop which could go on forever but then jk is like 'oh oh nonono wtf is this warm feeling?' and pushes her away. And it once again has taken such a quick turn from a moment they had wished would never end to a moment of hurt & confusion.
🖤Remember me - Boy In Space
"It's a ghost town but I pass through" this, I don't think jk expected to find anything special in ocs town, just another stop on their way. But he did & since we've already found out he's clearly afraid of feelings & possible dissapointment. He rather pushes them away instead of exploring them: "wish I left you in the dust to spend your time so there's no chance to run into you down the line. But when I think about you, I just get so high. I've had these dreams about you but I know they won't come true". But at the same time he literally can't help it with oc, he's just so curious, it's like an automatic reaction of his body: "oh, stuck in my head like melodies, can't get you out, no remedy. Wish I could wipe my memory. And I'll burn like gasoline just light the match, I'll be your fiend". And I feel like the last part: "and when I'm gone, remember me, remember me" is like him knowing he's not gonna stay forever but he still wants her to remember him after that.
Plus once again I can just picture him laying in his motel bed, especially after this night, thinking about her & what could be but then again being too afraid but also feeling lonely. "Empty room at a motel, four walls for me and I in an endless night."
🖤when the party's over - Billie Eilish
Once again just all his fears & worrys in a song. "Don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose you, can't afford to. Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' but nothin' ever stops you leavin." The first line ist really accurate & I think the rest just suits bc he's afraid of losing people he loves in general.
"Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own, I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that." This once again fitting the whole alone-at-night-in-an-empty-motel-room-scenario I've made up in my head.
These ones are also very obviously fitting: "don't you know too much already? I'll only hurt you if you let me" & "let's just let it go, let me let you go".
Also the songtitle, at this point the party is definitely over for both of them.
OMFG I almost missclicked and deleted your message brUH BYE I JUST HAD A MINI HEARTATTACK 😩😩 either way, let's get back to business
Sunflower - Pauline Zoe Park
hahahhah yes we stan Hobi appreciation. He is literally such a lovable cute bean in this story :(
...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift
okay first of all I really went o.O when you said that you imagine irl Jungkook to be a fuckboy, because he gives me the biggest "i am an introvert and hopeless romantic & therefore I am going to dream of my perfect lovestory while never really doing anything to find it because I don't wanna go outside or meet strangers" vibes 🤧
Also omfmgm this is such a good song to play when they are both grinding in the living room with the lights all dimmed and with the air filled with sexual tension. Like whenever the part with "in the middle of the night, in my dreams..." starts, it's him and OC noticing each other and for just a second time stands still & then the beat drops and reality sets in that he is still a fuckboy and she is not going to give in to him omfg 🥴
End of the Day - One Direction
Little fun fact about me and Tequila Sunrise? I mostly listened to 1D during my writing process and now I can't listen to their songs without thinking of the Cocktail Trilogy couple 😔 I'm not going to complain because those are such nice memories. Life was so much easier back then omfg 😔 also omfg I can imagine this song so well as it plays in the background when Kook teases and tickles OC on the rooftop and then for just a second they are staring at each others' lips and wonder if that feeling in their chests is just booze or their little soulmate strings intertwining 🥺
Remember me - Boy In Space
I don't even know what I should add because omfmgm you just painted such a perfect picture in my brain of Kook lying in his lonely motel room while imagining what he could have with OC if only he would get over his fears (ohohoho sweeet boy, do I have good news for you) 😔😔
when the party's over - Billie Eilish
NOT YOU HITTING ME WITH THOSE FEELS OMFGM 😭😭 like literally this is just Kook telling OC his fears. Just him being afraid of losing Taehyung to the drugs and OC to his own inability to commit to people. And he is so desperately trying to reach out for her and her comfort but when he feels it against his fingertips he flinches away, because that feeling still burns him unbearbly and holy fuck, he is so scared of the burn that he'd rather stay alone and cold than drown in her comforting warmth. 😔 this was like one of the most poetic things I have written in a while I- anonie you just did something to me omfg
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Thank you so much for those amazing recs and for your insights!! I really love you so much hehe 🥺😭💜💜
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