#won't attempt it again tonight I'm gonna sleep on it a bit and decide if I wana restart the battle entirely
loregoddess · 1 month
well I certainly made an attempt at the final map for Unicorn Overlord--had to go check a spoiler-free guide to see if there was some gimmick I wasn't picking up on (this has happened before to me) but no, there isn't, that fucker really is just annoying and hard to kill, so I might have to rethink my strategy a bit...
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imtryingmybeskar · 3 years
So I'm sure we have all seen Pedro in the overalls today and my beautiful friend suggested a farmboy fic and I couldn't rest until I made it a reality.
*Disclaimers* I know nothing about farming, nor am I from the US. I imagined him as having a softer version of the Whiskey accent.
18+ only! You know the drill. 3.9k words.
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The first time you saw him he was striding along the dusty road to your farmhouse, the sun at his back, his shadow stretching long ahead of him. Only someone looking for work and out of luck with it would be approaching at this late hour. From your perch at your bedroom window, you could look down and see the fatigue in the set of his shoulders, the dejection in the bow of his head. As he neared he stopped and dropped his pack to the ground before attempting to make himself presentable - raking his hand through his dark hair before setting his cap back on, dusting the legs of his overalls free of as much of the dirt of the road as he could, and finally straightening his back, righting his posture to make himself look strong, tall, not as hard up as he was. His rap at the door came as you were nearly at the bottom of the stairs and your dog, who had been peacefully sleeping at his approach finally woke and defended in a storm of paws and tail and barking.
"Hey! No!" you told her, and she quietened down and stayed where you told her to, in the line of sight from the doorway but no immediate threat to anyone on the other side. Opening the door you were greeted by the sight of a not-so-young-anymore man. Despite his efforts to clean himself up, his arms were streaked with grime and sweat and you could see the stains of his exertion under his arms and at his neck. His head remained bowed as he began to speak and you got the feeling he had replayed this spiel many times recently.
"Ma'am, I'm very sorry to trouble you. I'm here to see if you are lookin' to take on anyone at the farm at this time?" His voice was deep and rich with an enticing southern twang, sweet as honey whiskey.
"What kind of work can you do?" His eyes raised to your face and the hope you saw in their soft, dark depths almost melted you. As if he hadn't even gotten this far along with anyone for a very long time.
"Just about anything," he answered. "I can drive - harvesters, tractors. I can take care of all kinds of animals, muck 'em out, feed 'em. I've helped birth 'em too, though I know that time is passed for this year. I can sow and harvest by hand too if that's needed. And I can mend things, fences, roofs, you name it." Looking at him appraisingly, your curiosity got the better of you.
"Why are you on foot? Must have travelled an awful long way to get all the way out here." He looked down again, presenting you with the brim of his cap to look at instead and shuffling his feet awkwardly.
"I uh...I lost my own farm. Not too long ago. Sold everything I had to try and keep it afloat. Even my car."
"So, if I were to take you on-" his head snapped up eagerly again. "IF" you emphasised, "Would you be needing a place to stay as well?"
"If you had anywhere that could accommodate me, I would be most grateful for that, yes Ma'am."
"I want you to know that I've been out here on my own for a time. I know how to take care of myself. And I'm sure you heard and can see Tank behind me there." He was nodding as you spoke.
"I don't want no trouble. Just a job and a roof over my head." You eyed him for a few seconds more before stepping back from the door to let him in. He entered gingerly, staring around wide eyed as if he hadn't been inside a house for a long time.
"You hungry?"
"No...I mean, I don't wanna impose-"
"No imposition. If you're gonna work for me, you need feeding. Come with me." The dog whined a little as you approached, and you stroked her head. "Come!" you commanded the dog and she raced away ahead of you. Checking to see the man was following, you led him past the stairs and through the living area to the back. Here you had a small extension set up, with a bathroom and shower and a small room with a sofa which opened out into a bed, ostensibly for guests, though you hadn't had any for years. "You can get yourself cleaned up here. Any clothes you want to wash, you can do in the morning. There's no door to this room, so the only privacy you'll get is in the bathroom I'm afraid."
"This is...fantastic," he said in a low tone. "I've slept outside for a week or more, so this is just...Thank you ma'am," he finished, humbly. You left him to it and went to prepare him a plate of leftovers. When he finally emerged, scrubbed and fresh half an hour later, you bid him sit at the table and presented him with it. Without all that dirt streaking him and without his cap on you could finally see how good he looked and you had to tear your eyes away from the fullness of his lips before you went too far down that rabbit hole. The man was clearly desperate, hanging on to the shreds of the dignity of his old life by his fingertips. There was no way you were going to make him feel like he owed you anything by taking him in. You left him be until you heard him hum with satiated pleasure about ten minutes later.
"Better?" you asked.
"Better," he smiled.
"I see you've made a friend," you said wryly, gesturing to the large hairy head currently resting on one of his feet. You trusted your gut about this man, you didn't imagine him to be anything than he had said he was. But you had to be cautious for obvious reasons. The dog, however, had proved to be a truly excellent judge of character in the past and it warmed you to see her take to him so readily.
"I think I may have bribed my way into her affections. Chicken," he clarified.
"That'll do it," you smiled. He insisted on washing his own plate and then there was an awkward silence between you for a time as he stood in your living room, not really knowing what to do with himself. "Hey, you can sit and watch TV with me, or you can hit your bed if you want. I won't be offended either way."
"I...I think I will go to bed. I'm kinda lookin' forward to it."
"I can understand that," you said as you handed him pillows, blankets and fresh sheets to make it up with. "Just so you know, the dog sleeps down here too. She shouldn't wake you. And help yourself to water in the night, coffee in the morning. Whatever you want."
"Thank you," he said again, his eyes catching yours and looking happier than you had seen them thus far. "Goodnight."
The man worked like a machine. Having lived this life for many years, you were accustomed to being up before dawn, but he beat you to it the next morning, greeting you with a soft "Good morning," and handing you a cup of coffee that he had prepared. He kept up a pace all day, and you moved around each other around the farm, lifting your hands or voices in greeting when you passed. You couldn't help but notice how the soft cotton of his shirt creaked at the seams when he moved his broad shoulders, nor how deft his hands were at every task he set them to. The dog had begun to follow him everywhere and you found yourself liking that too, despite the mild sting of betrayal. He came in to help with lunch and after he washed up, set to chopping salad and buttering bread.
"This is gonna sound weird, but erm...your dog...she ain't partly deaf or anything is she?"
"No, why?"
"Its just, she comes when I whistle, but not when I call."
"Ohhh," you said, realisation hitting you like a wave. "Yeah, well, last night I might not have told you her proper name. I er...I wanted to make her seem a little more intimidating than she is. Just in case, you know. Hence Tank. Though she ruined that when she drooled all over your shoes." He gave a small chuckle, his eyes sparkling.
"So what is her name?"
"Cookie." At this, you heard the tell tale sound of Cookie's claws on the kitchen tiles. "Good girl," you threw over your shoulder at her.
"Well, that suits her a lot better'n Tank. She's so friendly."
"Only to the good ones. You should have seen her with the last man that came in here. She knew he was a wrong 'un. Took me a while to catch on, but I get there in the end." You turned your head to find him looking at you with sympathy and a touch of anger. "Like I said, I can take care of myself," you added and moved on with your day. In his first week staying with you he managed to do most of the little jobs that had been irritating, but not bad enough to address. The tap in the kitchen no longer dripped. All of the fencing was entirely without holes for the first time in forever. The roof of the chicken coop was renewed. You decided to celebrate by breaking out some beers in the evening and sat with him on your porch, watching the sky slowly turn from gold to apricot to scarlet. Once he had started to feel less awkward around you, you found him to be good company - intelligent and curious and with a good sense of humour and even your silences were now companionable, especially a few beers in.
"Need to plant some more things in the garden," he grunted, slurring a little. "Maybe some beets and some radishes?"
"That sounds good," you agreed, "but for tonight, just switch off a bit. Enjoy the beer and the view. You've more than earned it."
"Oh, I'm enjoyin' the view alright," he said. There was something low and sinful in his voice that made you turn your head to him in astonishment and definite interest, but as you did, his eyes grew wide and he started to splutter. "Oh God, I apologise. I haven't had a beer in months and I guess my tolerance ain't what it was. I...I didn't mean to offend. I didn't mean to say that."
"Didn't you?"
"No, I-I'm sorry." Putting your beer down, you came to stand in front of him, placing your hands on his knees and running them up his thighs.
"Are you sure you didn't mean it?" And suddenly the realisation of your own drunkenness came crashing around you. What were you thinking? You couldn't take advantage of him like this. He had nowhere else to go and he had said he wasn't interested. You straightened abruptly. "No, I'm sorry. This is wrong. I'm...I'm going to bed." And you did so, walking swiftly away before he could see the redness of your face.
The next morning, your coffee lay on the counter and you could see him outside the house pottering around. Berating yourself for an idiot for ruining the good feelings you had built up between you, you went about your own tasks in a crotchety mood. He didn't come in for lunch either, and you began to get a little worried about him. Deciding to tackle the problem head on, you brought him out a Tupperware with some food and some water. Eventually you found him in the barn, measuring some of the beams. He hadn't noticed you come in and you stood and openly stared for a moment at the sight of him with no shirt on under his overalls. It was pretty warm in here - you were starting to feel the effects yourself. His back was broad and muscular and his shoulder muscles rolled as you watched him reach up to measure something above him.
"Er...hi," you ventured, a little shyly. He whirled to face you, looking as if he had been caught doing something he shouldn't. "I'm sorry to bother you, I just thought you might want some lunch." You deposited it on the hay bale closest to you and carried on, keeping your voice light, "And to say that I'm sorry about yesterday. You said no and I shouldn't have pushed it. I don't want you thinking you have to do anything like that to stay here!"
"Thank you," he said softly as he made his way over to you. "But..I said no because we had both been drinkin' and because I didn't wanna take advantage of anythin' I wasn't bein' offered freely and honestly." His eyes raked over your face, black and piercing in the half light inside the barn. He was so close to you, you could smell the lemon scent of his soap and the musky smell of him underneath. There was a sheen of sweat across his chest and before you could stop yourself or think too deeply about what you were doing, your hands were upon him, feeling the taut, strong muscles of his pectorals. You bit your lip a little as you raised your eyes to his.
"You're not taking advantage," you whispered. "I want this." That was all the invitation he needed to crash his lips upon yours with a fervent desire. His big hands circled your waist and roved your back as his tongue begged entrance at your mouth. Your own hand moved down his overalls to where he was starting to bulge, massaging his length and making him moan into your mouth.
"Christ, I...I've not been with anyone for so long. That feels so good, don't stop." You heeded him, but also brought one of his hands from around your back to your breast where he began to knead it intensely and he groaned again, in between peppering your mouth and neck with kisses. "Fuck, you're so pretty. I thought so from th' first moment I saw you. I didn't know how to say..." For someone usually so reticent, he was on a roll now he had your tit in his hand and you were palming him through his overalls.
You snaked your hands up his body again and undid his overalls, letting them fall and pool around his feet where they landed. His body was gorgeous, broad and muscular with a little fuzz over his chest and running down his stomach. You ran your hands all over it, feeling the slickness of the sweat beading through his hair under your hands and feeling your own body begin to heat and respond in earnest, your clit throbbing a little between your legs. He kicked off his boots, and took off his socks and overalls in one swoop before taking you back in his arms and kissing you ardently again. His hand slid up your shirt and hiked it up, the sweat at your back making it stick to you a little. You broke the kiss to hurl it from your head and away, closely followed by your bra.
"Oh fuck baby, your tits are so beautiful. Lemmie taste you." He got on his knees in front of you and did just that, taking your nipple in his mouth and sucking on it harshly whilst rubbing your other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Exhaling a moan of pleasure, you tangled your fingers into his dark waves and pulled him even closer, feeling his smile against your chest as his free hand undid the buttons on your jeans. You could feel the wetness in your underwear now, the telltale stripe of moisture under your cunt as he coaxed that sweet feeling all through your veins with his tongue and fingers on your nipple.
"I want you to fuck me," you gasped. "Need you to fuck me hard."
"Oh don't you worry, baby, I'm gonna take good care of you," he murmured against your skin as he pulled the material down your legs. "Fuck, you're so wet already. I can see it on your panties. I wanna taste you there too. Can I?" His big dark eyes looked up at you with pleading and what you would have called innocence had he not already been flicking his tongue back over your nipple, making you squirm and huff with the pleasurable tickle of it. In reply you pulled the rest of your clothes away from you, but before he could reach his prize you took his jaw in your hand and brought his head up to look at you. He was instantly attentive and alert, looking slightly worried, as If you might have changed your mind in the few seconds it had taken for you to remove your clothes.
"You can taste me, if I can taste you afterwards," you offered.
"Hell yeah you can," he muttered appreciatively as he got to his feet and lifted you on to a haybale. The straw poked you roughly and mercilessly, but you forgot about that when he leaned over you and kissed you deeply again. "Gonna make you feel real good, honey," he promised again before kissing a path downward. He hooked your legs over his biceps and ran his forearms up to your breasts, teasing your nipples again before diving right in to lick warm, wide stripes from your cunt to your clit. It had been so long since anyone had been intimate with you, your head felt dizzy and overwhelmed, but he took it to another level with the enthusiasm he brought to the task. He lapped at you and what you were leaking as if he were a man starved, pushing his face into you, so you could feel his patchy stubble rub against your inner thighs, and sucking gently on your clit. It took an embarrassingly short time before your breaths came stunted and your voice rose in a wail of pleasure as he drove you to your peak, the red hot lava of it flowing from your core throughout your body. He ripped a second from you when he pushed two thick fingers inside and curled them wonderfully to strike against that part inside you that you yourself could never reach. His eyes glittered with lust as you came down from your high and you swore you could come again just from the look he was giving you from between your legs. He kissed your inner thighs and wiped his mouth as he came in for another kiss, your taste all over his tongue and lips.
"Your turn." you announced breathlessly, as you got down from the bale on shaky legs. Not breaking eye contact, you knelt in front of him, the straw on the floor not much of a cushion for your knees. He moaned loudly as you raked your nails down his side, catching them on the waistband of his underwear and pulling them down, allowing his cock to spring free and bob up toward his stomach. You had felt that he was well endowed, but seeing him was something else entirely and you couldn't help the hum of appreciation that escaped you before you leaned forward kissed the reddened tip, his precum brushing over your lips. You looked up at him as you licked it off and could see his breaths coming heavy and wild, his shoulders and chest heaving in anticipation. His hands came around to tangle in your hair as you licked a swirl over his tip before taking it in your mouth and sucking gently whilst moving down his shaft.
"Fuck, baby. You're so good. C-can I move?" You brought your hands around to the firmness of his ass and moved him forward a little to give him permission and saw his head roll back in pleasure. He seemed to not want to hurt you and fucked your mouth much more gently than you thought he would. Your head bobbed further and further down his shaft until he was striking the back of it, making you gag a little. Raising yourself back off, you pumped him with your hand while swirling your tongue over his tender head. When you brought your other hand to cradle his balls he trembled a little under your touch. "Honey, I do not want you to stop, but if you don't I won't be able to fuck you before I come." You removed your mouth from him slowly, hollowing your cheeks and sucking hard as you progressed.
He helped you to your feet and reached down to stroke your clit again while he kissed your lips, the taste of you both mingling in your mouths. Turning your back to him you bent over the hay bale, presenting yourself to him and you heard a guttural sound of arousal behind you before the head of his cock was notching at your entrance and pushing in all at once, stretching you and making you whimper as he bent over your back and kissed your shoulder. "Are you ok, baby?" he muttered. "Does this feel good?"
"Yes," you whispered. "Now fuck me hard."
He bit down a little on the meat of your shoulder and whispered a low "Yes, Ma'am," before standing fully and beginning to piston his hips into you with forceful, firm strokes, his cock pushing further within you each time. It was overwhelming and even more so when he pushed down on your back further so that he was fucking down into you and sliding over your spot with each thrust. The change in pitch of your gasping moans and the wetness that you could suddenly feel around the tops of your thighs encouraged him to fuck you even harder, his cock swelling as he got close to his release and filling you up beautifully. "Like that, honey? Right there?" he grunted as you started to feel yourself lose control around him.
"Yes, there, please, don't stop, please," you begged. He captured your arms and pulled you further back toward him, and suddenly he was striking something white hot and golden inside and you were gone, your cunt pulsating around him and flooding him with you. Your head was so dizzied that you only noticed he had pulled you flush against his sweat-sticky chest when his arms were around you, grasping greedily at your breasts and the hot breath of his rich, deep voice was beside your ear.
"inside." He drove into you half a dozen more times before he cried your name aloud and you felt him pulsate strongly within you, jettisoning his spend into you with groans muffled against your shoulder. As he withdrew, he held you up gently before turning you and lying you on the bale he had just taken you over, coming to lie down beside you with his big eyes searching your face and his big calloused hands stroking the soft skin of your belly. The sweet summer sun was slanting over his face, turning his black eyes amber in its glow and you felt a welcome twinge in your heart as you took his face in your hand and kissed him.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"the perfect excuse"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst mostly
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadowss @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s @andreaareynoso @georgeweasley19 @dianarte
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa
Warnings: language, drinking, makeout getting spicy
A/N: idk what happened here, this was not planned I'm just horny ig??? Anyway have this part that was definitely not meant to unfold like this but hey, I'm not mad, so enjoy <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part IV: wrong name
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I checked myself in the mirror one last time before heading to the kitchen. There was no actual need of dressing up nicely, since we both would be spending New Year's Eve at the flat, but since Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione were coming, we decided to clean up for our guests.
"Hmm, smells good." I leaned on the doorframe, observing George finishing cooking.
"These past five months' messes paid off." He joked, grabbing a kitchen rag to clean his hands. "Can you keep an eye on it while I go get read..." He trailed off automatically when his gaze landed on me. "Woah— okay." He cleared his throat, eyes slightly widened at my outfit, and I couldn't help but enjoy a bit too much his attention. "You look really good— is that the new blouse?"
"Yup." I replied, a coy smile dancing on my lips as I stepped to him and picked the kitchen rag myself. "C'mon, go clean up nice for our guests."
It only took him a couple of minutes, since he might have had his suit ready.
"Mind lending a hand with the tie, love?" He requested, stepping into the kitchen with his attention on the shirt's cuffs which he was buttoning up.
Damn, he looked so good; it wasn't even fair.
"Y/n?" He chuckled, finally looking up.
"Uh— yeah! Sure." I threw the rag over the counter and led my hands to the tie, taking my time to make the knot; maybe I wanted an excuse to have my hands on him.
We stayed in silence until I was finished; it wasn't an awkward silence, but it wasn't comfortable either— it was, in fact, stifling.
"There you go." I more like whispered instead of talking, sliding my hands down his chest briefly. His eyebrows were knitted, trying to decipher my demeanor; his hands caught one of mines before they fell limply on my sides, and for a second, I thought he was about to do something really stupid —something I had wanted to do for the last three months—, but then the bell rang and we stepped away from each other, going to receive Ron and Hermione as if that moment hadn't happened at all.
I took a sip of my brandy as we laughed at Ron's joke, my eyes drifting to Hermione and then to Y/n's lap, where Teddy rested, giggling and blabbering nonsense at George's hand movements and funny faces.
George had confided me quite ashamed that he fancied Y/n about two years ago, but I knew the looks he gave her were of something more than a little crush, if you may.
Had I not known Y/n, I would be worried she was projecting Fred onto the younger twin, but the girl knew better than that, so when we got to experience how their domestic life unfolded during New Year's Eve, I felt nothing but happiness at the way Y/n laughed at my brother's jokes, or how she stared at him in pure adoration as he played with Tonks's and Lupin's baby.
"You're getting him waaay too exited, mate." Harry chuckled, extending his arms for Y/n to hand him the toddler. "He needs to go to sleep."
Teddy, who we had put to sleep in Y/n's room shortly after dinner, had woken up right before the New Year came to us, and, since he refused to go back to sleep, Y/n took on the task of entertaining him. George joined as soon as he witnessed Teddy's hair going rainbow-like at Y/n's actions.
"Actually, I think we all need to go to sleep." I said, leaving the glass on the table.
"Boo, you're supposed to be the youngest!" Y/n whined, earning a laughter from the rest.
"Ginny's right, though." Ron stood up and all of us followed his lead. "It's really late and I don't want mum to see us drunk when she wakes up."
"Not a good impression to make on your future mother-in-law, oi, Granger?" George's tease made Hermione's cheeks flush, murmuring an 'idiot' before giving him a hug. "Take care, all of you." He added after he and Y/n had hugged everyone goodbye.
The five of us exited the flat and apparated in the Burrow's yard in silence until Harry asked, "are they together now?"
"We don't know." I confessed with a grimace.
"Well, together or not, they're definitely fucking."
"Ronald!" Hermione exclaimed, slapping her boyfriend's arm.
"I just said what everyone else's thinking." He defended himself, and none of us could deny it.
We began to pick up the dirty plates, glasses and cutlery in order to take them to the sink and leave them there to wash them tomorrow.
"Oi, look what I found." George wiggled a firewhiskey bottle at me from the living room.
Without thinking twice, I grabbed the half empty ice cream tub I had just left over the counter, a couple of clean glasses, and I made my way to George.
"—and that was only in our... Third- no- fourth! year?" He finished the story, joining me in the giggling; I didn't doubt the story was funny, but I was sure it seemed ten times funnier because of the alcohol. "Wait- where were you back then?" He knitted his brows in confusion.
"A year below you." I laughed.
He snorted. "Below me," he took a look at his empty glass before reaching for the bottle with a laugh "hell, I wish."
I couldn't help but laugh too. "Sure you do." I wouldn't have laughed if I were sober, but then again I highly doubted he would have said that if he were sober. "Y'know- you can have me below you anytime you want, Georgie." I replied between lazy giggles, leaning on him so he would pour more firewhiskey into my glass too.
A loud snort left George, triggering one of my own. "Sure, darling." He loosened his tie and tossed it to the floor. "Why's it so hot in here?"
"Mmm... Must be 'cause of you." I threw my head back to stare at the ceiling. "Or... maybe's just the alcohol." I groaned at the feeling of my head spinning, and sat upright again to chunk the now full glass in one go. "I'm hot too."
"Oh darling... You can't even imagine how much— I mean... Every day— but tonight you look partic... particular...ly? Dashing." George was leaning back against the armchair's feet, his eyes closed, his cheeks flushed and an amused smile dancing on his lips. "Why must you be so bloody perfect?" I found myself staring a bit too much at the ginger. "There's still a conscious part of my brain that knows I shouldn't be saying this shit." An idle chuckle left his chest and one of his eyes peeked open. "I'm gonna blame the alcohol, aight?"
Right, the alcohol —The perfect excuse.
I laid my glass on the floor and got up, stumbling towards him. "Oi, careful— you don't wanna trip and fall." He laughed, steadying me with his hands as I plopped down on my knees besides him. "We won't make it to St. Mungo—" With one hand on his shoulder and one on his cheek, I went for it, cutting him mid-sentece in the process.
It was one hell of a sloppy kiss, and I was so concentrated on doing it right that I didn't even hear the moan I sent into his mouth.
What the hell are you doing?, My mind screamed.
I attempted to pull away, but I felt George's hands on my sides, clutching my clothes in his fists to tug me flush against him. I took the cue and did my best to climb onto his lap and straddle his legs without losing balance.
What we were doing felt terribly wrong, and, the morning after, we would regret this little slip so much, but in that exact moment I could only think that his lips tasted like fire whiskey, strawberry and chocolate, and that the quiet moans slipping through them between the kisses were loud enough to quiet down everything in my head.
I stopped to take a breath, resting my forehead against his; our eyes locked, pupils blown out.
Heavy pants left our lungs, as if we had just run a marathon. It felt like the kiss had made a bomb go off, one that we had unconsciously been building up those past months.
It took an instant of looking at each other to know we thought the same; we wouldn't get this opportunity ever again, so at that point, we might as well carry on and pray for it not to be too bad in the morning.
This time it was George who smashed his lips against mines, teeth clashing and tongues going in each other's mouths. The situation was escalating quick; a tad too quick, I daresay.
He cursed and mumbled something about too many clothes, proceeding to pull his shirt over his head with my help, given that he could only do so much with that amount of alcohol in his sistem.
I could do even less, though. It was proven when I first attempted to get rid of my blouse.
I struggled to unbutton it, an awkward, dizzy silence falling among us before his hands travelled to mines "Wait... Lemme..." He frowned, finding that simple task as frustratingly difficult as I did. "Bloody..." A browned off grunt left his swollen lips.
"Tear it." I mumbled, letting my hands roam over his chest.
"You sure?"
I hummed, somehow impatient. "We'll fix it tomorrow." I captured his lips once more.
We'd fix it tomorrow.
I felt his hands fisting my shirt by the cleavage before giving it a firm tug, making my gasp; I wasn't expecting all the buttons to come off in one go, given his drunken state.
I didn't even have time to discard the piece of clothing before his lips attacked my neck, shutting my brain off instantly due to the sensation.
"You want this?" He whispered in my ear, his hands going up from my thighs to my back until they reached the clasp of my bra.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded vigorously, making the world shake around me so hard that I had to shut my eyes.
I felt a feather kiss on my shoulder and his fingers unfastening the bra; he was doing his best to be smooth, which wasn't a lot, but I could tell he was trying hard.
"You're so sweet." I blurted out as his fingertips ghosted over my skin while he removed the top from my body.
He tried to reply something, but articulating kept getting harder and harder as we went deeper into it, so he gave up on words and so did I; at least until his fingers slid between my legs and started to tease me through the fabric of my remaining clothes.
"Bed." I whimpered, unconsciously rocking my hips against George's hand whilst my own travelled to his crotch, feeling his erection and consequently earning a moan from him.
"D'you think we'll make it?" He inquired, already retreating his hand briefly so we could stand up.
Soon enough we were stumbling to my room, hands all over each other, bumping against the furniture and walls due to not being able to stand upright.
When we fell on the bed and tossed the rest of our clothes to the floor, it began to dawn on me how bad this was going to be.
My head was pounding violently in my skull; that's most likely the reason why I woke up. It took a moment for the blurry memories of the previous night to flash into my mind.
"You feel... so good..."
"Fuck- George— faster, please..."
"Y/n— I'm-"
"No." I shoot up, not acknowledging that Y/n was still asleep by my side. "Fuck no. Nononono." I ignored the terrible headache caused by the hungover and, grabbing my clothes, I exited the room. "No fucking way." I kept mumbling to myself, stalking to my dorm to throw on some fresh clothes.
I sat on my bed, my hands running through my locks, bringing back the memories of Y/n's tugs on them in the process.
"What the fuck did I do." I almost choked on the sentence.
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mightyavngrs · 4 years
don't do that again | poe dameron x reader
summary: a broken promise and a mission gone wrong
warnings: mentions of a panic attack (stay safe <3)
a/n: hope you guys had happy holidays! here's a belated christmas gift :)
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You laid silently in your bed, heavy eyes trained on the alarm clock that stood in your nightstand. 1:45, 2:36, 3:18... the time passed and you couldn't help the voice inside your head telling you that every hour gone by the probability of Poe coming back safe and sound lowered.
He was supposed to come back a week ago. Maker, you knew it. You knew this mission wasn't going to go well.
Your legs carried you through the resistance base as you furiously made your way to Poe's quarters. It was late and most people had already retired to their rooms but the few members in the hallways threw confused looks your way. As you got to Poe's room, closed fist ready to bang on his door, the thing opened before you revealing a very excited Poe Dameron whose smile disappeared the second his eyes met yours. You caught his wrist, pushing him back inside the room with you before closing the door.
"Y/n, what happened-"
"Tell me you didn't take that mission." you demanded, your raised voice unrecognizable to your own ears.
"Wait, what? This is the most important mission of my career i thought you'd be happy i-"
"Poe this is the most dangerous mission anyone in the resistance has been assigned in years."
"You think i can't do it? Is that what this is about?" he questioned in shock, failing to keep the disappointed look that formed in his face.
"No! Maker, Poe, you're one of the most skilled people this rebellion has seen but this mission could just be an ambush for all we know! I mean collecting intell in heavy-guarded enemy territory from someone the resistance hasn't even heard about? Do you realize how dangerous that is?"
"Yes, y/n, i do. You know i think you're forgetting i've been a part of this rebellion for far longer than you have." he snapped, voice dangerously low and your eyes couldn't help but widen at the hostility in his words.
"Why are you being so aggressive? I'm just worried about you." you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears already forming in your eyes. Your anger for his stubbornness now fully replaced by concern. "I know this is important to you and you know i wouldn't be saying this if i didn't actually mean it but i have a bad feeling about this mission, Poe. Please stay. Just this once." you practically begged, hand moving to cup his cheek before he harshly brushed it away.
"I think you need to go, y/n."
And with those words you were out the door and on your way back to your room. Although hurt, you weren't too worried about Poe's outburst. You guys had promised each other long ago never to leave for a mission without saying goodbye, even if you were mad at each other. He wouldn't break that promise. "Just needs to cool off." you thought to yourself before allowing yourself to drift off to sleep.
When you woke up the next day it took you a second to process what had happened the night before, but once you did panic filled your senses. You quickly got out of bed, clumsily getting ready before starting to make your way to the hangar, your eyes frantically searching for any sign of Poe or the falcon.
"Hey, y/n! What's wrong?" Rey's voice broke you from your thoughts as the jedi made her way towards you.
"Where's Poe?" the question left your mouth without hesitation and the look that formed on your friend's face told you all you needed to know.
"He left for his mission an hour ago."
"No. He wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye. We promised we wouldn't do that." you muttered feeling Rey's hand on your arm as she gave it a comforting squeeze.
"I'm sorry, y/n."
After hours of staring at the alarm clock you sighed. "No way i'm gonna get any more sleep tonight." you thought to yourself, swinging your legs over the side of your bed after deciding a walk through the hangar would be a much better waste of your time. The hallways were deserted and if all the equipment didn't look so modern you would've thought you were walking through an abandoned resistance base.
Finally arriving to the hangar you started your walk through the area before your eyes landed on a beaten up millennium falcon. You violently shook your head, figuring the sight was just another trick pulled by your tired mind to torture you a bit more, but when the image of the spaceship didn't disappear you felt your blood run cold.
And then you were running through the hangar and towards the beloved ship, quickly punching in the code to open its door and before you could call out for your best friend's name you were met by an obnoxiously loud BB-8. Between the mess that were the noises produced by the small droid you were only able to pick out three words. Ambush. Poe. Shot.
You only had time to scream for BB-8 to go and get help before you were sprinting through the ship. Once you finally arrived to the cockpit your eyes landed on your best friend lying on the ground. You fell to your knees by the pilot's side, releasing a shaky breath once you confirmed he was, in fact, still breathing. Tears were starting to cloud your vision by now, and you felt your chest getting heavier by the second. You tried your hardest not to let the panic settle in. This was most definitely not the time for a panic attack; Poe was injured. He needed you. He needed you applying pressure to whatever blaster wound those bastards had given him but your body was frozen, you couldn't move. You could only stare at your best friend's beaten up face as a pool of blood grew around his body. You don't know how many minutes had passed when you felt someone pull you away from Poe and against their chest startling you in the process.
"Y/n, it's ok. We got him, he's gonna be okay." hands you could now recognize as Finn's were rubbing your arms in an attempt to ground you and bring you back from your state of panic. This wasn't your first panic attack but you usually had Poe there to help. Stars, Poe. He always knew what to do; how to help you, and now you couldn't even help him. You closed your eyes, trying to avoid the sight of his bloodied body being carried away by the medics and finally, after a couple of minutes, you gained enough strength to get on your feet (with Finn's help), and start your walk to the medbay.
7 hours. The longest, most painful 7 hours of your life and you were finally let inside the room. A sweet doctor had come to get you letting you know that, although stable, Poe was still unconscious but she hoped hearing your voice could help him. After a quick nod of reassurance from Finn and a hand squeeze from Rey, who'd met you at the medbay only a few minutes after you'd gotten there yourself, you stepped inside the room.
Poe laid on his hospital bed, face still dirty from the mission he'd barely made it out alive from and a thick bandage on his torso. You closed the door behind you, moving to take a sit next to the pilot. With a sigh you brought your hand up to his hair, brushing the brown curls away from his bloodied face.
"If only you had listened to me just this one time." you mumbled with a sad smile, your hand now moving to hold his. "I'm sorry i couldn't help you. I tried to move but seeing you like that i just- i thought i was going to lose you and i couldn't focus and i-" and then you were choking on your words and there were tears running down your cheeks again and you couldn't believe you were this pathetic because if you couldn't even help your dying best friend then what the hell were you good for. Then you felt a squeeze in your hand.
"Please don't cry." Poe's tired voice filled the room and you couldn't help but do the exact opposite, lifting your teary eyes to meet his own.
"Poe." you were barely able to mutter out before you were engulfing him in a hug. The pilot ignored the pain in his abdomen, focusing instead on how warm your embrace felt and on how happy he was to be back in your arms. His favourite place in the galaxy. "I thought i'd lost you." you confessed just above a whisper, and he hated that he could hear how mortified you were in your voice. He hated that the tears now staining his shirt were a result of his stubbornness and most of all he hated himself for breaking your spirit like this.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." he muttered into your hair, trying his best to hold you as tightly as the pain would allow it. "You were worried and i snapped at you and then i left without saying goodbye and you were right about the whole thing. It was an ambush. Maker, y/n, i'm so sorry." he kept apologizing while rubbing your back, trying to bring you as much comfort as he possibly could. But you shook your head no before attempting to reassure him.
"You had no way of knowing. It wasn't your fault Poe just- don't do that again ok? Please don't ever leave without saying goodbye again..."
"I won't. I promise."
Poe had always found amusement in complaining about the resistance beds but now, as his bare back laid in fresh sheets for the first time in weeks, he couldn't help but sigh in content.
"Alright! You're all bandaged up." you exclaimed happily, putting away the gauze you'd been given before laying down next to the pilot. It'd been a few days since the incident and the doctors had released Poe from the medbay as long as he promised he'd change his bandage daily, job you'd gladly taken. "How're you feeling?"
"I'm happy i'm alive." he replied with a smile, staring at the ceiling above, but something about his tone of voice and the slight frown still visible in his features threw you off.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" you asked softly, bringing your hand up to caress his face when he flinched at your touch. "Look at me, Poe. Please." And then his eyes were on yours. You were used to hearing the fear in the pilot's voice, no matter how much he tried to hide it through his comlink you could always sense it but this... you'd never actually seen fear in his eyes like this. He was still terrified. Terrified that he wouldn't come back home one day. That he wouldn't come back to you.
"Hey, you'll always come back home." you assured him, and you sounded so confident in your statement, so faithful that, just for a moment, he allowed himself to believe your words. "You'll always come back home because you're the best pilot in the resistance, Poe Dameron. You'll always come back home because this rebellion needs you. I need you, ok?"
Poe swallowed the lump that'd formed in his throat. "Say that again." he pleaded and Stars you could never say no to him.
"I need you, Poe. I can't do this without you." Your fingers were tracing his skin in an attempt to get him out of his head. To get him to calm down so he would finally get some proper rest. But then he was scooting closer to you, resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you." the words left your mouth before you could stop them. You pulled away from the pilot, eyes widened in fear of the rejection you knew was to come but Poe's hands found your face and pulled it towards him closing the space between you. Your eyes fluttered shut and you ignored the tear you felt running down your face as they did so. It felt right. His lips on yours that is. And when you finally had to break the kiss for air he pulled you gently into his arms. "I love you. And i really can't do this without you either."
a/n: i'm so excited to finally post this! i've had this idea for a year now but my first attempt at writing it went so bad i gave up haha i think i've gotten a lot better ever since so hopefully you guys enjoyed! don't forget to leave feedback if you'd like and treat people with kindness <3
taglist: @buckysbeloved @justanotherblonde23 @lbuprofiend @etherealsanakin
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coldmilkcreamery · 4 years
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Luminescent Moonlight
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: nct dream x male reader 🥀🌹
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1862
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: y/n sneaks out of the dorms every friday night. the dreamies notice and follow him only to find out that…
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: degradation; swearing
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: uhh... idk how to feel about this? at first i was proud of it but now reading it i'm like... meh but enjoy ig ^^ this marks the last day of our launch week, which means we won't be posting daily anymore :(( we have 2 requests and we're working on them, if you have any feel free to drop it at the ask box !! good night <33
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Both hands on the clock point at 12 again, signaling Y/N’s departure from the NCT dorms. As their newest and youngest member, Y/N was thought of as the sweetest, purest, and on top of all, most respectable member of NCT. He graduated Neo High with honors, was friendly on campus and auditioned for SM only once, unlike the sea of trainees who had to audition for more than three times. Because of this, he was viewed as this innocent prince once SM told the boys that he would be joining NCT. But, just like any cliché scenario, none of them knew of what Y/N did in the dead of night, when the moonlight shone on the city and no one knew him, not even by his silhouette.
✦ 𝙨𝙞𝙭 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 ✦
“Has anyone noticed Y/N during the weekends recently? He usually isn't sleeping on his bed when he’s supposed to be.” Shotaro asks, genuinely worried about him.
“He probably just goes to the comfort room and stays in there for the whole night or something, no biggie.” Jeno says sarcastically, shoving a mouthful of popcorn into his mouth as he blabs his mouth.
“Hm,” Jisung mumbles, skeptical of Y/N’s actions, “there is definitely something up with him.” Jisung wasn’t one to get jealous often but with the addition of Y/N into NCT, the beloved, innocent, has-never-committed-a-sin Y/N, the attention wasn’t on him anymore. He was a tad bit jealous, but he would never admit that out loud.
“So what do you wanna do about it then?” Jeno replies, still staring straight at the television playing Titanic, “Confront him about it? It’s not like he’s gonna budge. What are you gonna do then, force him to tell you? Huh?”
“Quit being an asshole Jen.” Jaemin slaps Jeno sitting beside him, a frown on his face.
“How about we just, you know, pretend to sleep and wait till he gets up and leaves, then follow him?” Sungchan suggests, equally as worried as Shotaro. Both the former and the latter know how hard it is to be new members of a group that has already debuted. So, they felt the need to let Y/N know that he didn’t have to keep leaving the dorms, for an escape or whatever.
“Then it’s decided,” Jeno speaks up, finally peeling his eyes off the television, “tonight, we find out what the fuck Y/N has been doing for the past 6 weeks.”
✦ 𝙨𝙞𝙭 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧 ✦
Y/N rises up from his bed, making extra effort not to make a noise. He grabs the hickory duffle bag from under his bed and unzips it to check if he’s had everything for his night out ready. He zips it back just seconds after and drapes it over his shoulder, getting ready to leave. He pulls his hoodie up and ties his black converses before opening the wooden door and leaving the Dream Dorms, oblivious to the boys’ plans.
Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, Sungchan, Shotaro and Jisung are led from the warmth of their dorms into the cold autumn night as they follow the figure wearing a black hoodie in front of them. The 8 boys walk for what seems like hours, crossing street to street, going through alley to alley, main road to main road as they do nothing but stay in silence and tail the (H/C) boy in front of them. They don’t know how many neon signs they’ve passed by now, only noticing how red ones become more and more evident as they venture deeper into the city.
“I think we’re in the red light district.” Haechan blurts, being met with shushes from the 7 other boys he was with. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Y/N of course, who pauses and turns around, only to look at a dark, empty street behind him. Y/N furrows his brows, confused, as he resumes his amble towards his destination.
Hiding behind garbage bins, the 8 boys sit in disgust as they hide from Y/N, scared of being caught halfway through their stalking session. Haechan peeks his head out and speaks up once again, but this time quietly, “The coast is clear.” All 8 stand up synchronized, noses scrunched as they glare at Haechan.
“No shit sherlock,” Chenle whisper-shouts, hues of scarlet and crimson decorating his face, “it’s red everywhere! Of course we’re in the red light district!”
The others giggle as they stare at Chenle.
“No, you dumbass,” Haechan replies calmly, “a red light district is like a place full of clubs and.. you know…” He trails off as the other seven’s brows furrow.
“Let’s not jump into conclusions,” Sungchan cuts him off, remaining positive, “let’s just keep following him.”
They sneak behind Y/N once again, trying their best not to get caught. It was only a minute or two before they saw Y/N turn a corner. The 8 slowly creeped up on the opening of the alley, just in time to see Y/N enter a building with an indigo sign, which stood out in the sea of bright, neon red signs.
“You don’t think… he’s a…” Jaemin spoke up as all of them shared a glance. The eight of them stood in silence, too scared to speak up, under the illusion that Y/N may be a male stripper. That wouldn’t be a problem but he was… 17.
“Only one way to find out.”
The deafening music boomed from the speakers, resonating into the indigo aesthetic of the club. Contrary to the word, this side of the club was the opposite of aesthetic: sweaty bodies stuck together, giving the 8 boys an unsettling feeling. They had almost started contemplating on leaving the said club, but not before Jaemin spots a quiet section, free of the sweaty bodies grinding against each other. It wasn’t free of people, per se, as there were a few people making out here and there, but it definitely wasn’t as congested as the indigo dance floor they had previously stood on. They saw vacant seats at the bar and, just like anyone who had been walking and hiding for 30 minutes, took a seat. All 8 of them had their backs turned away from the bar as a familiar voice spoke up.
“What can I get for you?” Y/N asks, a smile forced on his face. Y/N’s blue velvet suit shimmers under the spinning disco ball, exhibiting various accents of blue. Azure, cobalt and lapis and sapphire compliment Y/N’s face as he looks down, glass in one hand and towel on the other, wiping. He’s wearing nothing but a blue velvet blazer as a top, chest out as if he was as the beach. The boys turn around, mouths agape and unable to speak. They lock eyes with Y/N when the latter looks up due to the long, uncomfortable silence, eyes wide open, his body frozen in shock.
Attempting to cover his exposed chest, Y/N drops the glass and immediately places his hands flat on his chest, the feeling of fear, embarrassment and surprise devouring him.
“Y/N what the fuck?” Jeno blows up, completely losing his self control, “What the fuck are you doing in this… this.. strip club? You’re sev-”
Y/N unsticks his palms from his chest and re-sticks it onto Jeno’s mouth, shushing the older. “Shhh. let’s…” he pans his eyes from left to right, staring into his hyung’s disappointed faces, “let’s talk outside. Wait for me.”
The boys head towards the exit as they pass by the cramped dance floor once again, the silver disco ball spinning endlessly above them. They exit the club, the chilly breeze of the autumn night slapping them on the face once again as they step out. They wait in silence, leaning on the wall, occasionally staring at the indigo sign above them. Just as Chenle was about to break the silence, the cushioned doors of the club open slowly, revealing a boy in a more decent outfit. Y/N steps out, head burning holes into the stone floor. As soon as the doors of the club seal shut, all 8 of them went into chaos.
“What the fuck?”
“Is this what you’ve been doing for the past 6 weeks?”
“What are you doing with your life?”
“I can’t believe you’re actually a fucking stripper. What made SM recruit a stripper?”
He let himself get scolded but got caught off guard when Jisung uttered those words. “Wait, stripper?” Y/N looks up from the now-molten floor, eyebrows furrowed, tears pricking the corner of his eyes, “I— how could you even call me that?”
“Don’t act like you didn't have your chest on display before we got there.” Jisung replies, disgust written on his face, “Is this really what you've been doing for the past month and a half? Whoring yourself out? I guess you love people’s attention on your body don’t you?”
The gates of the dam that had held his tears finally gave out, spilling endlessly as Y/N tried to find his words, “I— that’s just the uniform for us bartenders… I work in a club so… we’re required to—”
“Exactly Y/N!” Jaemin shouts, “You’re 17 for fucks sake, why the fuck are you working at a bar? You’re a fucking idol! You're going to be publicly announced as a new member next month! What if people start recognizing you, huh? Then what?”
“I-I’m sorry hyungs. I—” tears gushed from Y/N’s orbs, coating his face, “I just did this for money.” Disgusted looks turned to looks of confusion as the 8 boys stared at Y/N, puzzled.
“M-my mom is in the hospital, she’s dealing with stage iii breast cancer and,” Y/N says, shaking, unable to complete a sentence without stopping, “and my family couldn’t afford the hospital bills, and the company wasn’t paying me yet– and I– I couldn’t wait any longer so when I saw a poster one day, looking for a bartender, I applied and lied about my age. Hyungs I’m really sorry, I- I didn’t do it because- because I liked putting my body on display. To be honest I was really uncomfortable but– but I would do anything for my mom and—”
Y/N pauses as he feels a warmth envelope him, curing his heart’s hypothermia. “We’re sorry. You know we can always lend you a hand, right?” Jaemin says, regretting his thoughts. Renjun adds to the two boys hugging, then Shotaro, then Chenle, and soon enough, all 9 of them are one; all hugging it out in a giant fluff ball, in the aged alleyway under the moonlight.
“I’m sorry,” Jisung states, voice softer as ever, “for calling you that. And, I know your mom is strong, she’ll get through this.”
Y/N felt warmer, and suddenly, under the moonlight, all his worries and doubts vanished. Nothing was more calming than a hug from the 8 boys he loved the most. They stayed like that for as long as Y/N needed, the moonlight’s luminescence lingering in the air.
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.11.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 01.12.21
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After six long months, I present to you:
Tupelo Honey
Word Count- 3k
Warnings- language, angst, discussion of abortion
A/N- With help from familiar strangers, Honey makes a choice that will change Leon's life and hers forever.
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Chapter 4: Angel of The Morning
Late fall of 1968, Morning:
Honey clutched at the pillow as her hips flew towards the ceiling. Her back arched before she bent forward and twisted her free hand in Leon's thick hair. His name echoed off the bedroom walls as she came without caring if they woke Johnny this early.
Honey’s chest heaved as her body attempted to regulate her breath. Leon threw the sheets back and looked up at her. His hand absently ran up and down her stomach to her breasts and back.
“What?” Honey’s voice was sleepy as she met a green-eyed gaze. She propped up on her elbows when his brows knit together. “What's wrong?”
“Not much, love. It's just, your..” Leon's cheeks turned kinda pink, “stuff tastes different. You been eating anything new?”
“No? You mean it tastes different when I cum?”
“Just this time. You gonna start your thing?” He pointed towards Honey’s sex. “Period.”
“I don't think so. Should be around any day now though.”
Leon crawled up towards the pillows and laid down beside his girlfriend. His arm draped across her collarbone as he snuggled up to her shoulder. He nipped at the skin before kissing it. Then pressed his forehead into her neck.
Honey caught a scent of herself on him. “It even kinda smells different. I better get to the clinic just in case. I've not felt that weird other than that stomach bug.” Her nails lightly scratched Leon's forearm as she spoke. “I can't have an STI, since you went all mad and demanded my undying monogamy.”
Leon ignored her. “Maybe,” he yawned and stretched his impossibly long arms and legs straight out, “you caught a case of the pregnancy.” He sat up and leaned down to kiss her stomach.
“Don't say that!” Leon's familiar whine filled Honey’s own voice. “I won't keep it. That's legal here now.”
Leon stared back at her, “Just like that.”
“It's my body, Leonidas. Look at how short I am. Imagine this knocked up,” Honey waved a hand down the length of her naked self.
“I do.” It came out a whisper. Honey glowered. “Don't pull that face on me, Gracie. I know it's your body. We just ain't exactly safe with our shaggin’ are we? Leavin’ it up to chance. Then you get angry if there's one on the way. Keep it. End it. Give it up for adoption. I know it's YOUR choice. You tell me all the bloody time about it being your body. I respect that because I love you. Before you give me cheek, I think about having a baby with you loads.”
“Leon that's not what we want.” Honey sat up on her haunches beside him. “Look at us. We share a one bedroom flat with a ginger con man that we don't even sleep in half the time based on whether he wants to fuck someone or not. Our loo is literally a closet, and we have to shower at your parents’. There's one dresser and half a wardrobe for both of us. Where the hell would we even PUT a baby let alone afford to have one.”
“We've saved money! My parents would help us get a proper house or flat. Or stay with them until we could.”
“Oh sure. Us, your parents, your Yia Yia, one uncle and a baby. Sounds cozy.”
“I grew up in a place with more living there than that. We could get a loan.”
“What will we put down for occupations, Leon?!” Honey was losing her cool. A wave of nausea hit her, but she choked it back. “Occasional actor, waiter, and FBI fugitive?! I can't out myself like that.”
“We lie. I'm an actor. I'm sure you know loads of people who could fake it. Look respectable. I'll cut my hair and clean up my face.” Leon was equally annoyed, hands fidgeting in his lap. His legs started to bounce up and down as he reached, but fumbled with the nightstand drawer.
“Don't you fucking dare cut that hair. Who will we even pretend to be? Patti Boyd and fucking George Harrison? I'm an awful blonde and your hair would take hours to straighten. Leon we would have to fake marriage certificates. That's fraud. Real and proper, honest prison time fraud.”
Leon ignored her and finally yanked the drawer practically in half. The handle came off in his hands causing him to mumble under his breath and drop it to the ground. In a fury he tossed the contents aside in a search for something Honey wasn't sure of.
“If you're about to get high, I'll fucking leave you right now.” Honey got up and snapped her fingers in Leon's face. “We're not done talking about this.”
He looked up at her, his green eyes ablaze for the first time in their relationship. “I'm not GETTING high! Will you quit talking to me like I'm a bloody fucking child? You and Johnny always like I'm mad or deficient. I have a university degree from Cambridge, and I speak three languages. I'm observant not stupid.”
“That's.. That's not what I meant,” Honey bit her lip. “You are one of the smartest guys I've ever met. I just.. Worry about the amount of opium you started sneaking into your pot. You're working less and letting Johnny call the shots.”
Leon was lost in his search, “You’re just jealous of someone else pushing me around?” He waved his hand dismissively before Honey could answer. “I’m fine, love. I'm just a bit stressed is all. It helps me relax.”
“Leon, it's heroin. You know what happened to my uncle.”
He ignored her, “I’ll be swell. Promise. Plus I think this idea Johnny has finally.. DAMMIT WHERE'S THAT TOSSER OF A RING?!”
Something fell off the bed onto the wooden floor with a PING! Leon got down on all fours, stark naked and put his eye to the wood. His arm outstretched and came back to him with an object between his long fingers. He held it aloft towards Honey and took her tiny hand inside of his large one. Honey stopped breathing.
“It's not exactly proper, but you aren't exactly a girl into convention, are ya?” Leon smiled up at his girlfriend. He kissed the back of Honey’s hand. “You think better of me than I think of myself. I want to make you happy, and I want to be a good husband and daddy. If this meeting tonight doesn't go well, I'll stop acting. No more pot or opium or acid or coke right bloody now. I'll get a proper job and we can get a proper house and when the time comes, you choose whatever you want. Stay home. Go to work, I'll stay home. So you aren't loaded down by the patriarchy or whatever.”
“Leon,” Honey’s face was pale and she started to swoon. She saw the way his hand swallowed hers, and panicked. Her fucked up brain saw herself lost in Leon the same way.
“Even if we go to the court, just us. Even if we have to leave London because you're worried. I'll go with you. To India like you sorted out before we met. I don't want you to give up on any dream because of this baby. Or me.”
Before she could get any answer out, Leon slid the ring on Honey’s finger. It was stunning, carved marble and amethyst. She knew it was old, Grecian.
“It's purple because Dionysus cried and spilled his wine onto a maiden he offended by his drunkenness. Artemis protected her, turned her to crystal and she absorbed his wine. It sobered him. Your love, when I'm not foolish, will sober me.”
“Leon,” Honey said again, unable to say anything else.
“Will you please marry me, Gracie?”
The question was so pure. His eyes were so green and hopeful. Honey couldn't think or speak around the lump in her throat. But then..
“I can't,” she whispered. “I have to go to the clinic. You've got an early shift at the restaurant.”
Honey was numb as she pulled on some clothes and her coat. She left the flat and Leon naked on his knees in the bedroom.
Later that afternoon:
Honey stared straight passed the nurse as she explained exactly what would happen if she decided to not keep the baby. How they suggest she not be alone and to have someone willing to care for her. To make sure there's no infection.
“Ultimately, dove, it's your decision. Unless you're cold-hearted, it might do your head in. It's not as easy as you modern girls think. You might not regret it, but you might. You prepared? Is your husband keen on this idea too?” The nurse nodded at the ring.
“Oh.. we aren't.. I didn't really give him a choice?”
“Well let's see if you're even pregnant first. Then I want you to go back to your partner and have a good talk. Promise me you'll do that?”
The young woman smiled. It was tentative and nervous. “Yeah. Ok. But it won't change my mind.” She held out her arm for the blood draw and took a cup and left for the loo.
Honey sat on the stairs of the clinic and bent down in a wave of nausea. It was amazing that now she knew she was knocked up the symptoms seemed to worsen. Like how noticing a paper cut makes it suddenly sting.
Her breasts were swollen and a fire built in her chest and stomach every time she laid down. What was the absolute worst, she came to realize, how mean she had been to Leon. A total uncool bitch. Honey looked down at the amethyst on her ring finger and began to cry.
“Hey man, you ok?” a voice asked. American.
“Jesus, don't call her man! What is wrong with you?” a female American voice.
“Leave me alone! Last time I was here, I was in Vietnam. I'm freaking the fuck out, Sel.”
“weren't you a cu-”
“Uh!! This is about them, not me.”
One of them sat down next to Honey. “My brother is right, are you ok? Honey, right?”
Honey looked up to meet eyes that almost took her breath away. A young woman around her age smiled and it reminded her of Leon. Her shoulder length hair had soft waves and curls, but her eyes. Her eyes somehow looked like Honey’s.
“Do I know you?” she squinted her eyes and tilted her head.
“Not yet,” the woman’s cheeks pinked a little. “We're.. Leon's..”
“Cousins!” a male voice interjected.
“I didn't know Leon had cousins from- Fuck me on the tube.”
“Tempting, but I don't think Leon would be down for that.” The inflection of his voice, despite being yank, was so much like his.. cousin’s. “My sister and I have been looking all over this stupid city for you the last few days. To meet you before we left. Leon told my sister you were here. He seemed pretty pissed. This is an uh,” he gestured at the building.
“Abortion clinic?”
“You sure that's how you want to handle it?” the young woman questioned softly.
“Well I don't think Leon has the balls to push me down the stairs,” Honey shrugged.
Leon’s cousin, if that's who she was heaved a sigh. “I like to think I have a sharp tongue and a bit of a shrewd mind. I get it from MY mom. Can I be straight with you?”
“I mean I guess it's easier from a stranger?”
“I know for a FACT you won't be giving up on anything. You are already more involved in changing the world than most people your age. And that doesn't have to stop because you're pregnant. Activists can have children or partners. Take her with you! Take Leon! You come from a long line of shit kickers, right?”
Honey narrowed her eyes. She studied this woman’s face again. Her eyes. HER eyes somehow. But Leon’s features. If she had a daughter, this is who she would want her to be. Sharp, like herself, but optimistic like her daddy.
Daddy.. “Did you say her? How do you know any of this? I swear Leon’s family is here or in Greece. You've got to be close, this one is like fucking Patty Duke. Identical cousins. Man you sure you're cool?”
He scratched his body and Honey heard a tinkling. Then she saw the dog tags. “Yeah I'm gravy.” He looked the way Leon had when she rejected him earlier. It broke Honey’s heart all over.
He held out his tags and had this longing in his eyes, “Love.”
“You went to Vietnam for love?”
“I stayed for it. Hardest thing I've ever done besides sobriety. Having a kid and an old man is a fucking piece of cake. If you were gonna go through with.. Termination, I think you would've done it right?”
“I just don't know if I have good enough of a reason besides maybe it'll be fine. I don't know what is freaking me the hell out! We both have happily married parents!! And grandparents. But I've put so much on hold for men. I've let them.”
“Yeah but Leon’s not like that.”
“No. He's not. But the drugs and the hare brained schemes terrify me. My uncle, Lenny Bruce? He ran cons with his wife that he knocked up and they were just. Tumultuous. He loved heroin almost more than Honey and Kitty. It killed him in the end. I don't want Leon and I to be the fluke too.”
“If I tell you to say the FIRST thing that comes to your mind about Leon. No thinking, open your mouth and speak. What is the first part of him you think of.”
“His kind eyes. Your eyes,” she gestured towards the man. “Yours are a bit lost, but they're still just as gentle.”
He bit his lip. Honey noticed it trembled just a tad. “Same thing,” his voice hoarse. “What's the first thing that you would DO for him?”
“Be with him in every life we've ever lived and ever will.”
The woman beside her took Honey’s hand in both of hers. Her annoying familiarity forced Honey to listen to everything she was about to say.
“My parents came from a similar taboo situation. They were immigrants (my dad twice), during the worst war. Activists who got in a bit of a mess. They were separated for a while when my mom was pregnant with me. She had me alone. Yet they have been together for OVER 25 years.”
“I cannot imagine two people better suited for each other than my parents. They trust one another IMPLICITLY and are both still very attracted to one another. Trust me. It's gross.!
“Now they have a successful business. My younger brother and I have our own jobs to pay for ourselves, but our parents are paying for us to go to school. Marriage or partnerships are work, but I have seen that it's worth it. I hope I can be as fearless as they are one day.”
Honey took her hand back and rubbed her face. “Why are you two so hell bent on me staying knocked up? Like there’s something real heavy you're not telling me.”
“We're just like, REALLY invested in Leon’s happiness!” the woman exclaimed.
“Or we could just tell her? I saved Dave that way.”
Honey narrowed her eyes, “Convincing.”
“You and Leon and this baby are going to literally save the world?”
“Alright,” Leon's doppelganger decided to take a turn. “Someone took me away from our mom when I was just a baby. I was raised pretty abusively. But I found my parents, OUR parents,” he gestured at his sister. “They just.. welcomed me in, AND my other adopted siblings.”
“You are so, so much like her. You and Leon are like BOTH of our parents. Really we Kostases.. Kosti? We leap without looking. If we fly, we fly. So I know what Leon's decision is. You said it yourself, he's worth being with in every life you live. Isn't that your answer?”
Honey sighed again and stood up. She looked back and forth between the man and woman claiming to have her best interest at heart. The siblings with her eyes and Leon’s. “I can't just rush into this.”
“Says the woman who fell in love on the set of a porno film.”
Honey ignored him. Ignored how he knew that. She put her hand on her stomach tenderly. “I have to say, if we have this kid, I'm not sure why, but I hope it.. she's like you. What's your name?”
“Selina. After the moon.”
Honey smiled in a knowing way. “Stick around, I'm sure Leon would love to see you.”
“We can't, but you'll understand all of this one day.”
“I'll see you again?”
“I promise.”
Then Honey and the cousins parted ways. She and Leon had a lot to discuss.
Tag: @neuroticpuppy @elliethesuperfruitlover @messengeronthemoon @super-unpredictable98 @bisexualnathanyoung @forenschik @nightmonsters @firstpersonnarrator @rob-private @frogs--are--bitches @ghouls-buddy @a-ghoulish-tale @bwritesstuff @icecoffeegirl @070188
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Oh shxt I forgot!! (ft Vegeta&Bulma)
"So what do you think, sir?"
Vegeta gave a small smile and a nod. "It's perfect." He took one more glance at it before covering it up. Vegeta had been planning this for a while. He wanted this to be the best no threatening surprise she'd have that year.
After he's quick check up on his surprise he headed home. When he entered he was greeted by silence, so he assumed all the lazy bums he loved were still asleep. Not that it really mattered. It was 5am anyway. He crept into the room him and Bulma shared and couldn't help but smile when he saw her peacefully resting with drool running down her chin and messy hair and all. How could he love so many perfect imperfections.
Although Bulma wasn't much of an early bird, he did know that sleep was important to the woman so he decided to let her be.
"Hmm, she's been working hard yesterday on her projects and improving the gravity chamber.",Vegeta thought. "Just as well."
Vegeta moved her hair away then kissed her forehead before going down to the kitchen. He tried making her breakfast but ended up with a messy kitchen and broken eggs. Now he had to remind Bulma to buy eggs again. He was sure he made such a noise that he woke the whole neighborhood.
Trunks walked into the room and gave his father puzzled a look.
"Don't!",Vegeta exclaimed. Trunks raised his hands up slowly and backed away. Not wanting to be there during his father's frustration.
"Wait boy.",he said. Trunks immediately stopped. "Yes dad?"
"Clean this place up before you mother sees.",Vegeta ordered as he turned to leave. "I'll owe you one."
"Too late." The two jumped at the sudden voice. Vegeta slowly turned towards his wife.
"What the hell happened here?",Bulma questioned as her eyes scanned her ruined kitchen.
"Uh, you see. I was just trying to make you breakfast.",Vegeta explained, a bit embarrassed at his predicament. Bulma looked shocked, her eyes widened. "Really? That's so unlike you." She crossed her arms and raised her brow. "What are you up to? What's the occasion?"
Vegeta furrowed his eyebrows. "You would know. It's a special day today."
Bulma looked like she was even more confused. "What are you talking about?"
"You really don't remember do you?",Vegeta's expression contorted to slight anger. "I can't believe you. After I actually made an effort this time."
"Vegeta." Bulma carefully approached him and attempted to rest her hand on his shoulder. He immediately shrugged her off.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine!",he yelled and stomped out.
"What's he so mad about? He's the one that wrecked my kitchen."
Trunks held his chin and thought. He knew there was something special about today.
"Isn't today your anniversary thing?"
Bulma gasped as she realised. How could she forget? And how did Vegeta remember?
"Oh shxt I forgot!!",she muttered then quickly cupped her hands over her mouth as soon as she remembered that Trunks was in the room.
"Don't worry mom. I've heard that word before.",he assured her.
"Nothing.",Trunks quickly walked out of the room. "I think I hear Bulla crying. I better check on her."
Bulma groaned. "Oh, how could I forget our anniversary? I always bug Vegeta about it."
"You forgot your anniversary!?" Chi Chi stared at Bulma with shock. "It's not like you." But what shocked her more was the fact that Vegeta even tried cooking.
"Yeah, I was so busy with my current machines that I forgot completely."
Goku walked into the room, he actually heard enough of their conversation to know what was going on.
"Why don't you just say you were pretending to forget to surprise him?" The two woman stared at Goku like he was crazy.
"That's not a bad idea, Goku."
"Yeah. I've used that a bunch of ti–"he stopped as soon as Chi Chi sent him a glare. "I guess I'm just full of good ideas."
"Anyway gotta go. Bye Chi Chi, Bulma.",Goku said as he rushed out of the house.
"Grrr. Goku!" Chi Chi groaned then turned to her blue haired friend. Bulma got up excitedly, hitting her fist into her palm as a plan formed in her genius head.
"I got it!"
"You're seriously gonna do it?"
"Well maybe...but I'm thinking of getting him a large buffet of food. You know how these Saiyans love to eat."
"I guess. But just hope it's better than Vegeta's gift so he won't be too mad."
"I always give the best gifts."
"Hey Vegeta." Goku said as he descended next to the Saiyan prince.
"What do you want Kakarot?"
"Happy anniversary." He opened his arms attempting to hug Vegeta but he ended up with a hand on the face pushing him back onto the ground.
"Doesn't feel happy.",he grumbled. "How could she forget. After all my planning."
"Wow. What did you plan?"
"None of your business!"
Goku gave him a sheepish smile as he crossed his legs and scratched the back of his head. They sat in silence for a while as Goku looked up at the sky.
"Well anyway. I say you should still go ahead with it. I mean think of all the times she did amazing things for you. I bet she'd really appreciate this."
Vegeta just grunted. Goku took that as a bit of a sign and got up to leave.
"Well that's all I wanted to say. I better get going. I promised Piccolo I'd train with him."
And with that Goku took off. Vegeta thought for a moment about what he said.
"Not a bad idea."
The sun just started setting and Vegeta waited outside in his maroon suit that he didn't really like wearing but it was a special day and it did make him look good.
He had told Goku to bring her around and was getting impatient. What was taking so long?
"Goku. I have to get everything ready."
Goku tilted his head. "What exactly are you doing? Planning a party?",he said as he watched people take food and party supplies out of a bunch of vans. "Because you know Vegeta's not a huge fan of those." He chuckled.
Bulma hung her head. "Ugh, I know. I've been so stressed that I'm not even thinking clearly."
"How bout you just bring the food in and come with me?"
"Fine." Bulma told the workers to put everything back except the food. Once that was done, Goku scooped her up and took her where he agreed to meet Vegeta.
The sun had set and finally the two have arrived.
"About time.",Vegeta mumbled.
Goku let Bulma down and took off, leaving the two.
"Vegeta look I–"
She was cut off when Vegeta placed his finger on her lips then lifted up her chin. This was the first time she actually saw him properly or her surroundings.
"Nice suit.",she said. Looking around with awe she couldn't help the feelings of excitement and love clearly showing in her body language.
She was in her garden which was beautifully decorated. The lights placed around the flowers lit it up beautifully, even making the pond sparkle. There were fireflies bringing another mix of light into the jars they were jailed in. It reminded Bulma of when she'd go camping with her sister and father.
"Wow." Without saying another word, or any word since she got there, he took her hand and led her to the gazebo in the middle of the garden.
There was some of Bulma's favourite foods and a large bottle of her favourite champagne in a silver bucket of ice.
What drew her attention was the object concealed under a white tarp.
"Before you say anything.",he walked up to the objects. "I know I shouldn't have gotten angry this morning and that you've been stressed out lately. I'm sorry."
"It's fine Vegeta."
He took hold of the tarp. "I also hate doing this sappy stuff so..." He dramatically pulled it off. "Happy anniversary, my love."
Bulma was left speechless. She got closer and Vegeta watched with a smile on her face.
"What do you think?",he asked but he knew she loved it.
"I had it done by that artist you love so much."
In front of Bulma was a beautiful painting of her and Vegeta on their wedding day.
She trapped Vegeta in an embrace and he wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her closer.
"I love you."
"Love you too.",he mumbled.
He pulled out of the hug and pulled out a chair for her in the gazebo.
He looked at the amount of food he had prepared for tonight and frowned.
"There's no way this is satisfying me. Damn, now I'm starving for the woman",he thought. He's hunger must've shown on his face because Bulma gave him a knowing look and winked.
"Oh I got that covered." She took her phone out and dialled a number.
"Bring it in guys."
In a matter of seconds people were bringing so much food that there wasn't any space on the table.
Soon Vegeta was stuffing his face.
"Have I told you lately how much I love you?",he said in between chews.
Bulma giggled then looked over at her paintings.
"Yeah, you even showed me."
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Art by @lem0uro
Check her out ppl. She's amazing.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 9- Falling For You
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I finally got to this part. This will be interesting.
Comments are appreciated! Thank you guys for reading. Enjoy!
-Recap time!
-Previously, Yashiro, Kou, and Teru look for Mitsuba due to Kou worrying for him
-They found him safe and sound with Hanako who was disguised as Hana at the time
-Mitsuba's conversation with Hanako revealed a secret
-While Yashiro and Hanako decided to continue the deal they made, they both started feeling something for one another
-What will happen?
-Yashiro was still looking into Yako's case of Missing Misaki
-Yakoo and Satou were now reported as missing since there was no contact with them so far
-Other people seem to have been disappearing too and it was concerning
-As Yashiro was looking through the files at Tsuchigomori's detective agency one day
-Tsuchigomori suddenly told her that she was off the case
-Yashiro: "What?? Why?! Tsuchigomori-sensei! I can do this! I may not have found much so far but I haven't given up!"
-Tsuchigomori: "I know that. I've granted you permission but Yako-san had told me that there is a police detective who volunteered to help her out. I don't know much of the details but the detective was just recently discharged from the hospital. Since they're a professional, Yako-san put them in charge so I'm afraid you don't have much of a say. You're still an apprentice, Yashiro-san."
-Yashiro was not pleased.
-Yashiro: "Can't I still do something about the case though?"
-Tsuchigomori: "They will be coming here in a few days to pick up the case files so perhaps you could speak with them."
-Yashiro: "Alright!"
-The door to the agency opened at this moment
-Yashiro turned her head from Tsuchigomori to see her best friend Aoi coming in
-Aoi would come by the agency once in a while to check up on Yashiro
-Yashiro: "Aoi!"
-Aoi: "Nene-chan, I'm here to visit~! How are you doing?"
-Yashiro: "I've been pretty busy. Actually, this is perfect timing. I've been meaning to talk with you about something. Let's go grab a drink!"
-Aoi: "Oh?"
-Yashiro: "See you, Tsuchigomori-sensei!"
-Tsuchigomori did a nonchalant wave as they left the agency
-Yashiro and Aoi both went to a cafe outside to chat with each other
-Yashiro told Aoi what was troubling her and how she had been feeling lately
-Aoi: "You know what I think? You've definitely got a crush on Hanako~"
-Yashiro spat out her drink, choking a bit
-Yashiro: "WHAT?!"
-Yashiro's yell attracted attention from people around her and she quickly looked around and lowered her voice
-The people went back to minding their own business
-Yashiro: "How did you know I was talking about him? I didn't even mention his name."
-Aoi: "Who else have you been in contact with who has those traits and level of charisma? Nene-chan, I know you."
-Yashiro: "Indeed. You know me so well, Aoi"
-Yashiro put her head against the table as she internally cried
-Aoi: "Don't worry~ I'll keep it a secret ♡"
-Yashiro: "Aoi....it doesn't make any sense. He's not even my type."
-Aoi: "Hm that's true. But why not try confessing to him and see how that goes?"
-Yashiro flustered at her words
-Yashiro: "W-wait Aoi! You know what you're saying, right? I mean, he's a criminal."
-Aoi: "You don't have much experience with guys anyways. You always get fooled by a pretty face. I think it'll be good for you."
-Yashiro felt like she was getting stabbed in the heart by Aoi's words. She was spot on.
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Eah well you're not wrong...I wonder if it's too soon though"
-Aoi: "Grab the chance when you can, Nene-chan!"
-And with that, they started talking about other topics and catching up
-Akane was still as usual attempting to confess to Aoi
-The topic of missing people came up in their conversation
-Akane mentioned to Aoi that he hasn't been hearing from Yamabuki-kun lately
-He actually insisted on coming with Aoi to the agency since he was worried something might happen
-Yashiro: "Eh? So, where is Akane-kun?"
-Aoi: "I put him to sleep~"
-Yashiro: "You what now, Aoi?!"
-Aoi: "It's okay. I'll be back to see him before he wakes up. Hanako's escape tactics are pretty useful~"
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Aoi...."
-They finished up their conversations and drinks and headed off to their homes around sunset
-Yashiro was expecting Hanako tonight since a pink Mokke came earlier in the day
-She waited in her apartment until his arrival
-A knock at the window and Yashiro opened it up for Hanako
-Yashiro: [smiles] "You came."
-Hanako: [smiles] "Of course I did."
-Hanako hopped inside but he didn't sit down
-Hanako: "Hey detective, how about we do something different today?"
-Yashiro: "Different?"
-Hanako: "Let's go out."
-Yashiro fought her blush down as she realized he meant to go somewhere else
-Yashiro: "But isn't it pretty late to be going out?"
-Hanako: "Don't worry. I'm with you. And if anything happens, I'll protect you."
-Yashiro's blush surfaced from those words
-Yashiro: "Okay, let me get dressed first."
-Hanako waited down at the bottom of the apartment
-Yashiro finally came out and went to Hanako
-Yashiro: "Sorry to make you wait!"
-When Hanako turned to face her, the first thing he noticed was her hair
-Hanako: "You let your hair down"
-Yashiro: "You did mention it before. So where are we going?"
-Hanako: "I'll take you there. Follow me."
-Hanako took her hand and they started walking
-It took a while before they reached their destination
-The silence didn't bother each other though
-Rather, they felt comfortable in each other's company
-Hanako and Yashiro were now at the rooftop of a building, staring up at the night sky
-There wasn't really anyone around at this time
-Yashiro: "Wow, the stars are so pretty tonight."
-Hanako: "They really are huh."
-Yashiro: "Why this place?"
-Hanako: "You can see the stars clearly from here."
-Yashiro: "You've been here before?"
-Hanako: "Yeah, I held a heist here in the past."
-Yashiro: "Really?"
-Hanako: "Yep. I guess at the time, you weren't an apprentice yet. Detective Tsuchigomori was also at the heist. Good times~"
-Yashiro: "It sounds like you know Tsuchigomori-sensei."
-Hanako: "Haha I didn't mention it before but we had our own little conversations."
-A pause
-Hanako: "Hey detective."
-Yashiro: "Hm?"
-Hanako: "You're not seriously falling in love with me, are you?"
-Hanako: "I'm just recalling one of my conversations with the great detective. He told me once that if I kept up my behavior and actions, I may make someone seriously fall for me and hurt them, which is ironic since I'm a gentleman thief haha. Well you can forget that question--"
-Yashiro: "And what if that happened?"
-Yashiro couldn't keep her mouth shut
-Yashiro: "What if I really did fall in love with you?"
-Hanako's eyes widened in shock
-At first, his chest was filled with happy delight but dread quickly took over his body when his mind registered Yashiro's words
-Hanako: "...You're kidding."
-Yashiro: "I'm not! I think to Hanako-kun, I actually lo--"
-Hanako suddenly grabbed Yashiro by the waist and lifted her against his side
-Hanako: "A phantom thief and detective cannot be together. Not with me."
-Hanako started walking along the roof edge with Yashiro, the wind blowing in their direction
-Hanako: "Let the breeze calm you down. I'll let you down if you take back your words."
-Yashiro: "I won't! You said that you would protect me just earlier!"
-Hanako: "I did but--"
-Yashiro: "Is there a reason why you won't use my real name at all? I've told you before, didn't I?"
-Hanako: "I..."
-Yashiro: "Do you not love me back? ....You never really thought that I was cute?"
-Yashiro's tears were threatening to burst
-Hanako felt overwhelmed by the situation as he stared eyes wide at Yashiro's crying face
-His mind was in so much shock
-He accidentally let go of Yashiro
-And Yashiro
-She was falling
-Off the building
-A moment later, Hanako screamed in horror when he realized what he did
-Hanako: "YASHIRO!"
-He dived after her
-Yashiro was currently feeling like an idiot as she was falling
-She thought she got ahead of herself and confessed without thinking
-Yashiro snapped out of her thoughts to see Hanako reaching his hand towards her
-She was pissed that he decided to finally use her name after she called him out on it
-At this critical moment, she decided to be stubborn
-Yashiro: "NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!"
-Hanako was running out of time. They were about to hit the ground.
-Yashiro widened her eyes as she reached her hand up for him to grab on
-Hanako held Yashiro as they floated down safely using his fancy garment as a parchute
-They stayed in each other's arms once they were on the ground, Yashiro burying her face in Hanako's shoulder
-It really wasn't fair
-Mitsuba had returned to his apartment earlier that evening
-When he opened the door, he wasn't expecting Tsukasa to be hanging out in his room
-Mitsuba: "What?! What are you doing here?"
-Tsukasa: "Now now don't be like that, Mitsuba~"
-Mitsuba: "I don't have any photos for you. Wouldn't you rather hang out elsewhere like the news department or something?"
-Tsukasa: "Sakura and the other guy aren't there right now. I don't feel like sneaking in. Besides"
-Tsukasa peered over at Mitsuba with his eyes that seemed to be an endless void
-Tsukasa: "I know what you've been doing, Mitsuba"
-Mitsuba felt complete dread and terror
-How did Tsukasa know?! He left his phone off for a reason!
-He thought he wouldn't get tracked that way!
-Mitsuba touched his hair clip
-There could be a tracker in his hair clip
-Mitsuba felt like he was sweating his life away
-He was a fool to think he could get away from Tsukasa
-Tsukasa may have been spying on him
-Tsukasa: "You know..."
-Mitsuba snapped out of his thoughts to look at Tsukasa. To what he's holding in his hands
-Tsukasa was holding pictures of Kou that Mitsuba had taken before
-Tsukasa: "I noticed that this guy's important to you and he cares for you. Hey...what if he could experience what it's like to be dying?"
-Mitsuba flinched
-Mitsuba: "DON'T TOUCH THOSE!"
-Tsukasa stared him down
-Mitsuba: ".....please"
-Tsukasa grinned
-Tsukasa: "Don't worry Mitsuba! I like you! So that's why I got someone to make sure you stay safe!"
-Mitsuba: "What?"
-A person appeared behind Tsukasa
-Tsukasa: "Meet Shijima Mei! She's a police detective!"
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machineryfield · 3 years
At the Start of the World Chapter 2
Heading Out
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Fiora sits on the bench at Outlook Park, staring out at the Colony. Just a day ago it had been so peaceful, the threat of Mechon becoming more and more of a distant dream... But, like most good things, that had to come to an end.
She closes her eyes, remembering the scenes that had played out before her. People being eaten, Shulk being eaten. Stabbed cleanly through by that Mechon with a face before smaller ones descended on his body.
She remembers the cold rage that had seeped into her, the way she had finally found a weak point on the blaster armour of that thing and let the Monado cut deep...
The Monado feels so heavy on her back when Reyn approaches, and she forces herself to give him a smile when he sits next to her. "Hey."
"Hey," he doesn't even attempt to pretend to smile. "You doin' alright? I know you and Dunban went home last night... He say anythin'?"
"He tried to comfort me." She admits. "...It didn't really help, though. He just said what I expected him to say, really."
Words of moving forward, like Shulk would want. Firm looks and with an underlying insistence she returns the Monado to the Weapons Development Lab as soon as possible in his tone. She thinks of all he said and frowns. She decided then and there she wouldn't listen to him...
"I want to go out and find that Mechon," she says. "I want to make it pay for what it did to Shulk, and I want to understand why."
"Understand why?" Reyn frowns. "I don't get it..."
"I want to know why the Mechon attacked us, why they’re always attacking us, what made us their targets. I want to know why... why they eat us. Do they need to, or do they just take pleasure in it? Things like that..." She wrings her hands together. "But a piece of me just wants to make the Mechon pay. Not take the time to learn, as much as the questions eat at me."
"Sounds like that piece of you is me rubbin' off on ya,” Reyn rubs under his nose. "...If ya got that, I guess I should be the one to keep you on your path to learnin', right?"
"That piece of me is loud, just like you!" She giggles, before looking over at him. "Really? You're willing to let me try and find out why? Even though you just want to..."
"You're my friend, Fiora. You've got your reasons for wantin' to know, and 'sides, if we know, might be easier to take 'em down!" He nods with a grin. "So let's do this, yeah?"
She smiles and nods. "Yeah...!"
"So," he kicks his legs. "Guess we're not tellin' Dunban, yeah?"
"Yeah." She frowns. "He'd just try to stop me... We head out, just the two of us, tonight."
Reyn nods. "You got it, I'll meet ya at the entrance."
"Ready to go?" She asks, fixing the pack at her side.
She goes over all she has. Food for a few days, her knives in case she needs them, and the Monado. Not much, but enough to get them through Tephra Cave and the Bionis leg, at least. They could stock up at Colony 6.
"Yep." Reyn rolls his arm and smiles at her. "The Mechon won't know what hit 'em."
"Yeah," she nods. "First we go to Colony 6, then we head for Sword Valley. If we're gonna find that Mechon anywhere, it'll be there."
"Galahad Fortress," Reyn adds on. "If there's still Mechon, the fortress is probably still there. Buildin' up grunts for a year, I bet."
"Yeah, something like that." She cracks her neck and looks out towards the path towards Tephra Cave. This time, it'd just be the two of them. "Let's go, Reyn."
Fiora sees the door open towards Colony 6, once locked, and figures that's where the strange machines they fought earlier came from. She wonders, they showed up right before the Mechon.... Had they sensed the threat? Activated for that?
She shrugs off that thought, at least for now. Whatever those machines were, they were gone now. They could move forward without a problem, right? They just needed to get to Colony 6.
"You know," Reyn speaks, pulling Fiora out of her thoughts. "We haven't had any convoys from Colony 6 recently, have we? Y'think the Mechon got 'em, too...?"
Fiora frowns as they make it to the lit path. "I hope not. Maybe they just got delayed, or it was bad harvests this year."
She doesn't believe what she says, but she continues to hope, anyway. Maybe they did die, but maybe to natural wildlife. It was never fun to lose any of the few Homs they had left, but better to beings of the Bionis than the Mechon.
Reyn nods, frowning. "Sorry, I didn't mean t'..."
"Don't worry about it," she gives him a small smile. "I get the worry, really. We just... have to try and look on the bright side."
"Yeah... you're right."
They continue on their way for a while, fighting off the wild life and picking up knick knacks from the ground. It's going well, she thinks. Maybe too well... She doesn't like thinking that, but dread sits in her stomach as they walk along. What was this feeling...?
She tries to shake it off, at least, until they see dead bodies ahead of them. She feels panic wrack her body as they move towards them. Reyn is there first, looking them over with a grimace.
"Was it the Mechon...?" She asks as she approaches, voice shaking."
Reyn shakes his head, "looks like Arachno wounds, if y'ask me. Probably got ambushed on their way to Colony 9..."
Fiora frowns, she knows how Reyn feels about spiders and their bigger monstrous cousins. She moves to his side and places a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, there's some water, let's return them to the Bionis, then rest. We should think about our next move first if there are Arachnos ahead."
Reyn nods, clearly thankful for the idea. "Yeah. Let's do it."
Fiora's thankful that she and Reyn are both pretty athletic, all things given. It makes moving the remnants of the Caravan easier. There's not enough for it to have been the full group, and as bad as it sounds, Fiora is glad. That's less death they have to see right after what happened.
The bodies start to dissolve the minute they touch the water, and Fiora offers a quick prayer to the Bionis. Born of the Bionis and returned to it, the way Shulk didn't get to be.
She swallows down the bitter thought and turns to Reyn. "Come on, let's get some rest. You first, I'll take point."
A giant Arachno, Reyn surrounded by smaller ones. There's no where for him to run and Fiora isn't with him. She watches as it strikes out, he moves to block it, and dread settles in as it gives out. She watches the Arachno stab right through his chest. Watches him die, just like Shulk did.
Fiora blinks back to reality and sees Reyn walking towards her. "Your turn to rest."
"Reyn," she stands, shaky on her feet as she moves to him. "Are you okay?"
"'Course I am." He frowns, scratching his cheek. "Well, couldn't sleep a wink, but I feel alright. You look like you just saw a ghost, though."
"I..." She bites her lip. "I had another vision. Promise me you'll stay safe if I sleep?"
Reyn pats her back. "'Course I will, Fiora. We just lost Shulk, I ain't lettin' you lose me, too."
"Reyn..." She sighs and rests her head against his chest for a minute, tears pricking at her eyes. "You better stay safe, you big dummy."
He squeezes her into a tight hug then, a smile on his face. "Don't you worry about me! I can take a few hits... and if I need ya, I'll wake ya up, okay?"
"You better," she looks up at him. "No running off to play hero. No doing what Shulk did."
"None of that, promise."
It's foggy in Fiora's dream, she can barely make out where she is. It's a platform of some sort, that much she can make out. Looking around, she comes to realize she's high above some sort of water source…
There's not much else she can see, save a man in the distance. She squints, trying to get a better look at him and takes a step forward. He seems to realize she's there, but doesn't turn to greet her. He keeps his back to her, simply tilts his head back a bit.
"Quite the divergence, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't think the Heir to the Monado would fall like that." He says, voice sounding quite sad. "But now you are here, to take on that heavy title."
"Heir to the Monado..." She furrows her brow and doesn't even understand why she asks what she does. "Do you mean Shulk?"
He was the miracle child, after all. Found alive when everyone else from his colony -- pushing forward on an expedition to find any way to stay alive -- perished to the cold of Valak Mountain. The little boy, sleeping next to the mythical sword that saved the day so many times.
The man chuckles, and does not answer her. "I look forward to seeing what you'll do, now thrust into his place. I'm sure you'll make him proud, Fiora."
"How do you know my name?" She asks, stepping forward once again. "Who are you? What do you know about the Monado?!"
"All will be revealed in due time." He assures, but Fiora still feels unsettled. "Do your best, now, I'll be watching."
She opens her mouth and sits up from where she fell asleep, panting as sweat rolls down her brow. She turns to see if Reyn noticed, see if he has commentary for her, and her blood runs cold.
Reyn isn't there.
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"There he goes, hey are you seriously not gonna do anything?" Kagura glanced at the boy beside her, whose dark eyes scrunched as if to carefully burn the jumper's last expression into his mind.
"Doesn't matter to me, that's his choice. I've got no interest in changing it", he shrugged and walks towards the subway exit, with Kagura following suit. Behind them, surprised yelps of passengers came as blood splattered on the platform.
It really had been a normal day for Kagura, coming back from college to her small apartment. She lived by her own, carrying a packet of sukonbu with her from the local store, her personal comfort food as she walked by, one piece already in her mouth
Dragging herself back to her home, Kagura already had pictured herself falling down her bed, her tired blue eyes felt even more heavy at the thought.
It was nearly dusk, and soft red streaks of light illuminated her hair, giving it a bright orange hue. It reminded her of the time she stayed over at Gin-Chan's place during her school years, a bit nostalgic. Kagura sighed softly as she took out her keys and unlocked the door. Maybe she should go and visit her friends over the weekend, once she was done with her report. Being too occupied with herself, for she didn't notice the lady next door come out and say, "Excuse me..."
Kagura jumped, then narrowed her eyes at her. "What."
" Um, I just have a lot of stuff here tonight so, if you hear any noise, can you ignore it, just for tonight...?" , She nervously smiled, and Kagura couldn't help but notice her palms breaking into cold sweat, as she tried to wipe them off on the crumpled texture of her skirt.
" Yeah sure whatever, I was gonna sleep anyway ", she shrugged to the woman, who mumbled a small 'thank you' and went back into her apartment.
Letting herself into the comfort of her apartment, Kagura changed into a more comfortable set of clothes and set her alarm as she snuggled into her futon. The final red streaks in the sky had emptied out, giving way to a violet shade as the all the city lights lit up.
As she looked towards the window sleepily that opened towards her compact balcony, she took in the scenery outside- The high-rise buildings twinkling in contrast to the muddy sky, the sound of something being moved next door, and a blonde haired man in military uniform with wings floating near- hold on.
Kagura blinked twice, then pinched herself." Yeah its real", she thought crouching as she moved towards the balcony door to not get the person(?) 's attention. She grabbed an umbrella near the door as she opened the door.
The man glanced at her for a second before carrying on at peering into the window of the flat beside hers. But Kagura wasn't having any of that.
" You Fucking Stalker.", she hissed as she whacked the supposed criminal's head with the umbrella. His crimson eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed again as Kagura hit him with the deadly object again.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing bitc-ow!", he flew backwards so her weapon wouldn't reach him.
"What do you think you're doing you creep, stalking somebody like that? I don't care what trick you're playing floating like a fucking idiot but you need to get a life! "
" What do you mean stalking wait- how can you see me??", the man flew cautiously over her, and Kagura felt uneasy as his stare bore into her eyes. She just realized how real his wing prop looked, as if it was actually made by real feathers.
"...I see.., that's why.." he grinned, almost as he was lookin down on her. Kagura felt another wave of irritation go through and opened her mouth to retaliate but got interrupted as she heard a loud screeching sound next door.
"Oh", she heard him say nonchalantly," she's gonna start"
"Start what?"
The figure flew in front of her and stared again.
"Her suicide of course, its why I'm here".
Kagura felt her palms grow cold. She wanted to say its ridiculous but something in that strange person's tone told her he wasn't kidding. Wordlessly, she dashed through her apartment and started ringing the lady's bell.
" Hey, open up!", she banged," OPEN UP!!"
No answer
"Urgh..!", she heaved herself against the door, once, twice and it broke open. Sometimes low quality flats can have benefits too, I guess .
She ran towards the lady in a frenzied manner, as she lifted her up, then quickly stood on the wooden stool to loosen the deadly knot.
After then, Kagura's body went into autopilot. Using one phone to call an ambulance, she put the call on speaker as went to perform CPR on the unconscious woman. Her face had become pale with dried tear streaks on her cheeks, but she wasn't cold.
Kagura continued doing the CPR, pushing hard and fast, centering on the sternum.
Her ears rang and after what seemed like an eternity, the ambulance arrived, carrying the woman carefully on a stretcher, and taking her to the hospital after hearing the situation from Kagura.
"She'll be fine, it isn't serious", she heard one of the medics say, and she stood there with other people watching the red and blue ambulance lights fade out of her view.
Darting back towards her apartment and ignoring any other curious neighbors, Kagura bolted her door as she slumped into her futon.
Her head hurt from all the ringing. When she pulled the covers over her head, she found out she'd been crying too.
This was the worst day of her week, Kagura decided, and she wanted nothing more than it to be quickly over.
"She won't die", a familiar voice spoke up.
" You burst in as soon she kicked off the chair, I felt it, her life won't be fading out anytime soon now."
Kagura scoffed. Pulling down her covers, she sat up and looked straight at the mysterious boy who sat across her futon.
" Who are you even supposed to be? A grim reaper?? ",
The boy's left wing ruffled a bit in annoyance and he scowled.
" Don't be ridiculous, they're nothing but a bunch of old geezers with bad humor, I'm of a far better authority or well, I used to be.."
Kagura raised her eyebrow in response and the boy huffed. He leaned a bit closer, his jet black feathers seemed to grow wider and his eyes looked ancient. Ancient yet enough to send a chill down Kagura's spine.
"My name is... Okita Sougo.. and I'm a fallen angel".
(to be continued ?)
I hope you all are doing safe, and since its been quite a while, I may have gotten out of touch with how I used to write lol.
Stay safe and thanks for reading, hope you liked it!
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obsessivestar · 6 years
Steamy Love (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 7: ~You're Not Alone~
Summary: Tom Hiddleston fuckin' kissed you...but why?
Word count: 1'482
Read it on my Wattpad: @/HiddlesStar
Warnings: small fluff, mention of medication and withdrawl. Anxiety.
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife
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You really didn't know how to react to such a sudden gesture.
Tom's lips are literally on your lips! He's kissing you! Should you kiss back? Does he want you to?
Before you could even react, he had pulled away, still rather close to you before opening his eyes, looking at you for a moment.
Hello??? React! Say something! Do something! Your body was just...frozen. You weren't even sure what facial expression he was seeing on your face.
"I-I.." He stammered a bit before just pulling back and closing the bedroom door in front of him, leaving you alone to ponder what the fUCK just happened there.
You gently placed a shaky hand on your own lips, moving to lay your back against the door. He did the same from the other side, though you didn't notice.
You decided that you really needed to get some sleep now. You almost didn't want to believe that he actually did that, that it actually happened. Why would he kiss you? Did he like you? You're giving yourself a headache. You moved to the bed and got under the covers, a light blush on your cheeks.
Tom himself had moved into the kitchen, trying to wrap his head around why he kissed you. Well, he knew why, but why didn't you kiss back? Did you not like him? He probably needed to go lay down, too.
"....(Y/N)...(Y/N)?..." You heard a faint voice as you opened your eyes, seeing Tom from the side of the bed waking you with a hand on your shoulder. You sat up and stretched your arms out a bit.
"H-How long did I sleep?.." You asked, wiping your eyes a bit. "About 3 hours.." Tom admitted, sitting down on the wooden chair he bad brought in. "I was going to wake you earlier, but...I...got lost in thought."
You probably knew why that was.
"What time is it?.." You asked curiously. You looked at him, but you could tell he was avoiding eye contact sometimes. He seemed to be avoiding it altogether.
"Uhh...about 5pm. The sun has already begun going down.." He admitted, checking his watch before glancing down. You frowned a bit.
"Are you upset with me?" You asked, curling your knees up to your chest. Asking that made him finally look up at you again, rather quickly in fact.
"What? No, I--.." Tom winced a bit, a faint blush on his cheek. "I-If this is about...what happened, I'm truly sorry for making you uncomfortable.."
"You didn't make me uncomfortable.." You clarified with a cute little smile "It was a nice surprise.."
"You liked it?" Tom asked, his bright eyes almost gleaming. "Wh-Why didn't you, y'know...kiss back?"
"You didn't really give me enough time.." You chuckled softly
"I didn't?"
"No, the kiss lasted like 5 seconds." You let out a little laugh, seeing him give a confused expression, with a slight smile.
"It felt...longer. At least to me.." He admitted, a light blush on his cheeks. That was sweet to hear, at least to you.
"My only concern is why you did it.." You admitted with another smile, more bashful than the last one. In truth, he wasn't exactly sure, but he knew he could come up with something funny.
"Well, I figured....we'll have to kiss a couple times for the film. Why not get used to it?" Tom smiled. "It'll...improve our acting, in the long run.."
"So...you kissed me to improve your acting?" You repeated, raising a brow. He realized then and there how that sounded, making him sigh with a bashful chuckle
"...No." Was all he could say for a moment. "I-It just...felt right, in the moment.."
A soft smile spread along your lips, carefully getting out of bed and standing up. "I didn't even get my chance to kiss you back." You admitted, seeing his expression change once more, to a more hopeful look. He stood up from his chair, gazing down at you with his baby blue puppy dog eyes.
"I suppose you didn't.." He replied, his eyebrows curling upwards.
"So do it again." You smiled, tilting your head some. He gave a slight snicker, leaning forward, but not for a kiss.
"Perhaps, when you've earned it.." He purred. You tried not to visibly shiver from such a tone. Now he knew FOR SURE what he's doing to you. Maybe now he just got the confirmation to do it.
He moved out of the room. "I'm going to get dinner ready. I'll call you in about an hour.." He spoke before turning away, moving to the kitchen. All you could do is sit back down on your bed. He kisses you, then plays hard to get..
Perhaps it's time you made your own moves on him.
An hour later just as he was getting dinner ready, you went through your bags to unpack anything you knew you'd immedietly need, like your clothes and your medication.
Where the hell is your medication?
"Uhhh?.." Your breath got a little shaky, rummaging through your bag a little faster, your breathing picking up the longer you couldn't find that little bottle.
"Dinner is--" You heard Tom speak as he came back into the room just as you dumped your entire bag. "Hey, what's going on?.."
"I can't find my pills.." You admitted. "I-I thought I packed them in a little plastic bag, but it's not here.." You started to rummage through all of the stuff rather quickly, feeling your anxiety start to rise up at an alarming rate. You couldn't tell, but you had begun panting.
"When do you have to take it?" He asked, sitting at the edge of your bed.
"I-In a couple minutes!" You got a little loud, but only because you were scared.
"Well surely you'll be okay for a night, right?" Tom frowned a bit with a slight shrug. Usual medication works in a way where if you miss a day, it's still in your system for a couple days. With your specific medication, however, after missing your pill for about 3 hours, your body goes into a weird form of shock.
You explained this to Tom, your eyes starting to water a bit. "I-I'm not gonna be able to sleep if I don't take them. I-I-I'll have horrible anxiety, I'll shake, I-I might get sick.." You sniffled a bit. God, you hated this feeling. This fear. How the hell did you forget your pills? You know how important they are and you practically cleared out your entire room. How did you forget them?
Tom moved away from the bed to kneel down beside you. "Hey, its going to be okay.." He spoke, attempting to calm you.
"N-No it won't!.." You whimpered "I have to c-call the nearest pharmacy and then I'll have to w-wait until t-tomorrow to pick them up a-and--" You wrapped your arms around yourself in a little hug, holding your stomach.
"I can drive you to go get it tomorrow, if you'd like..." Tom spoke, placing a hand on your back as you wiped your eyes.
"I-I just fucking hate having to deal with this " You admitted, running your fingers through your hair. "I was stupid enough to forget them and now I'm gonna go through this painful withdrawl bullshit all on my own--"
"You're not going to be alone this time.." Tom reassured you. You looked at him once he said that, your eyes looking into his like before.
"I'll stay with you through this.." He spoke in a softer tone. "B-But I could end up staying up all night.." You admitted. You kept your eyes on him, but blushed when you felt his hand leave your back and move to your own hand, holding it fondly.
"I don't mind.." Tom replied. "I'll stay up all night with you if I have to. I'll take care of you tonight, and then in the morning, I'll go with you to pick up your pills.."
This man was such a sweetheart. You couldn't believe he was willing to stay up with you. He's one of a kind...
"Are you sure?.." You whispered somewhat, seeing a soft smile grow on him.
"I'm sure.." He gave a nod, gently kissing the back of your hand. That comforted you and even calmed you down. "O-Okay.." you gave a slight smile, carefully standing up with him.
"Now, are you going to join me for dinner?.." Tom asked you with a kind smile.
"Of course.." You gave a slight chuckle. Tom's smile grew before walking with you out of your room, your hands still connected. Maybe tonight would be a little easier. You were still scared, but at least you wouldn't be alone.
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teddybear-yn · 6 years
[all night - the vamps]
nct. jung jaehyun
last night’s craziness was just too much that some of it spilled onto the next morning
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It was 3:16 am, and I was still wide awake. Outside, it was dark and foggy. Typical winter weather. In my mind, it was a mess of disorganized haywires - the type you wouldn't even bother yourself to fix anymore.
I try to convince myself that I couldn't fall asleep because of the stupid red bull and jet black cup of coffee I drank earlier.
But in reality, I knew I couldn't because of a new number sitting in my phone of a new guy that was waiting for me to text him first.
It all happened last night.
My group of friends and I normally were the bunch of quiet weirdos in the corner that you swore could talk to each other telepathically.
We were always laughing though, sometimes got in trouble, and went way back. All the way in middle school is where we all met and decided 'hey you're kinda cool, I'll stick with you'.
So when we were blasting music and singing obnoxiously last night? It came off as a bit of a shock to the kids that lived in the college street we raided.
It was just a whim honestly, I swear none of us were drunk or high then. In fact, we were all completely sober. Some crazy remnants still made me giggle.
We started the music at around 9pm, at first we just wanted to drive around, admiring the pretty buildings. The stereo's volume was on 26.
But then by our 6th round around the block, I was sitting on the window with my phone's flashlight on, singing obnoxiously to whatever song came on.
My friend, with her window down, conveniently had one of those echo mics and was singing to the top of her lungs despite not knowing half the lyrics.
The stereo's volume was on 99 and the bass boosters were switched on.
There were college kids playing tennis by the park then. It was almost 12am.
When the attractive group of guys came up to us, laughing, inviting us to a club party, we thought 'hey we're already getting crazy, why not go the extra mile and get drunk on a Tuesday night?’
Little did I know that that night would be a rollercoaster of emotions.
We got to the club around 1:30. All dressed up, I was feeling pretty and confident. That didn't normally happen. I wasn't the pretty one of the group.
Everything was a blur, How I was sick of dancing in the heels my friend lent me, so after a few minutes, I was the first in our group to trudge towards the bar barefoot.
I sat there watching them dance with a goofy smile on my face. We always talked about how we would all go completely crazy someday. Guess that was today. But then again maybe there were more and crazier days to come with them.
"You made it. So can I offer you a drink?" One of the guys that came up to us earlier in that attractive bunch? He was right next to me, looking more attractive as he was dressed up too.
"I'm Jaehyun. You and your friends are being hunted down by the police for the ruckus you guys made earlier, did you know that?" 
Shit. I always thought how it was odd that nobody came out and screamed at us earlier for being a driving teen concert.
Guess they didn't bother and went straight to the police.
"There aren't any cameras around there, right?" I ask nervously. After a chuckle, Jaehyun merely shrugged innocently. He should know he lives there. I glared at him, knowing that he should know.
"Okay, fine. There are cameras. But the most you'll get is a night in jail." That rang in my ears, threatening to spill out in vomit. A night in jail? My parents will kill me.
Jaehyun seems to notice my distraught as he asks me again if I wanted a drink. "A cup of coffee will be fine. Black. And some red bull."
Now that doesn't sound at all appealing, but I figured if I was spending a night in jail, there was no way in hell I would fall asleep.
"You were quite interesting earlier, almost hanging out of the car window and flailing." He chuckles again, not really helping with my stress really.
"In Psychology you were like a mouse, spoke little next to nothing and there you were, all crazy." Did he say Psychology? So I had a class with him?
Great, so some of my other classmates recognize me too then. The quiet chick that went crazy that one night. They'll think I went high on PCP.
Really this information did nothing but add to my stress. Now I was on the verge of tears as I held my head in my hands, roughly scratching my hair. “Shit.”
Remember how I said it was gonna be a rollercoaster? And I haven’t even had any alcohol yet.
My mental breakdown seemed to catch Jaehyun's attention.
"Look if you're that stressed. My uncle's the head of this district's police..." He starts off.
"I can only ask him a few times, but I can ask him to waive you guys off." Sniffling, I looked up to him in broken hope. "Can you really?"
Next thing I know Jaehyun kisses my cheek and makes a call on his phone. As he was talking on the phone, I sat there like statue, mortified by the kiss. Did he normally kiss people he just met?
"I know, this'll be my last. At least for this semester. I know one of them, the one hanging off the window, yeah. Thanks, don't tell mom." After that, Jaehyun just looks back at me with a dimpled smile on his face.
"Now you won't have to worry about that anymore." He beamed. He was right, I didn't have to worry about that cause now, I had to worry about how much I owe him. And that kiss on my cheek, Jesus Christ.
I know how this worked, his favor wasn't for free.
"Your number." The phrase 'this'll be my last' particularly rang in my head, drowning me in guilt.
I was the only one whose face was caught outside the car, I could've turned myself in and not bother anyone, especially my friends.
"I said your number would make it up." Only then was I snapped out, when Jaehyun put a hand on my thigh. I flinched away from it. And he took the signal.
"If you give me your number we'll be even." Why did he want my number? Reluctantly, I gave it to him and he gave his. Not knowing where this was going I started to look for my friends in the crowd, to leave.
But before I stood up and actually leave, Jaehyun grabbed my wrist, the same dimpled smile on his face.
"I won't force you to talk to me, so I'll wait for your text first, okay? Just don't leave me hanging." He said and with that I walked away, grabbing all 3 of my drunk friends and driving us home.
His smile softened me a bit, with the two dimples that added an extra cuteness to his face. Darn he was cute.
When we got home, it was 2:48am. I got all the girls out of their clothes, forced them to shower and drink a full glass of water before doing so myself.
As I got out of the shower, I saw them giggling amongst themselves like teenagers, stopping when they saw me.
"What is it?" I walked up to them, drying my hair with my towel.
"When are you texting Jaehyun?" My best friend asked me excitedly as if she couldn't hold it in anymore. But her question honestly just reminded me about that incident. With Jaehyun.
"How do you know about that?" Brushing it off, it seems my attempt at changing the topic only made it worse. Now they started squealing while my best friend kept saying 'i told you so'.
"I told you he was into her! Why else would he go all the way around the car to ask us to his party. And through her! He was even leaning to her earlier." She said all in one breath, but not without emphasizing some specific parts.
It took me a while to realize what on earth she was talking about. And without my other friend's help, I wouldn't have.
"She's talking about how earlier Jaehyun and his friends were closer to the right side of the car and could've asked her if we wanted to go to the party because she had her window down. We all did.." I see my best friend nodding triumphantly.
"But he went all the way around the car to ask you on the other side and he was leaning in too. So we figured he liked you."
That's it? They were basing these assumptions out of that one small detail. Pssh.
"It's the small things that matter." They all tell me. Great, now I'm starting to believe it.
Just as I was about to delete his number and forget it ever happened too.
"Oh, let's all just go to sleep. We still have class tomorrow." I hurriedly downed a glass of water (but then remembering I didn't really drink tonight) and usher the girls into their rooms.
Now it was 3:16am and I was still wide awake. The past few hours felt like a dream. I held my heart and still felt the adrenaline of the party and us driving around college street with our volume maxed.
I held my phone in my hands, switched on and on Jaehyuns contact. Something in me wanted to see if he really wouldn't text me first like he said, but a bigger part was telling me to go and not leave the guy hanging.
Who am I kidding? He probably has a bunch of girls' numbers that's why he didn't want to text me first. Cause he was too busy with the others. I wouldn't be leaving him hanging.
But here I was, typing and erasing words in my phone repeatedly. A never-ending cycle. Again, a rollercoaster.
would you really not text me first even if you had my number?
My heart felt like it was stuck in my throat as I threw my phone to other side of my room. Only to stand up and pick it up as I hear the familiar ding of a new message.
honestly, I would have. but now I'm just glad you didn't leave me hanging.
A blush was creeping up my face as I read his text. He was glad I texted him.
I never really said thank you for getting your uncle to waive us. so, thank you.
God, I felt so cringey and strange.
you're welcome. just don't do it again because that was my last favor from him probably and you could've gotten hurt hanging off the car window like that.
Now, I really felt strange. It was something I couldn't explain, like I felt lured so much into this Jaehyun I just met. I didn't even notice the smile on my face that came up since his first text.
I'm sorry I took your last :( I'll make it up however I can.
you can make it up by eating out with me tomorrow after classes?
sure, I'll pay for wherever you want to eat
as a date and I'll pay. it's only right that I should
There it was again, the feeling where it felt like my heart was stuck in my throat. Anyone seeing me would think I was a maniac with how I was smiling so weirdly into my phone.
alright but you choose where to eat
I texted Jaehyun so that I could fall asleep, but now it was 5:12am and the sun was starting to rise. We basically texted each other for 2 hours straight.
I knew all these stupid facts about Jaehyun now too. About how he's a music major, he had a lot of friends - 17 of them and some were still in highschool, he lived in California for 4 years - or was that Connecticut, and how he actually legally changed his name to Yoonoh but just didn't use it cause it sounded like someone else's.
it's 5:30 already. when's your first class?
you should go to sleep now. wouldn't want you falling asleep in class, babe.
alright. goodnight, Jae.
goodnight, darling. 
Babe and darling. I just met this man last night, technically, this morning. But already, Jung Jaehyun was becoming the death of me.
A/N. so my friends and i did this crazy thing where we drove around a college district at 9pm on a tuesday night, with our windows down, volume on max, and bass boosters switched on. we got in trouble but it felt so...
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