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emilyredekerart · 1 year ago
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Commissions are open! Info here, message me if interested!
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finhabastos · 11 months ago
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"I had been lost to you, sunlight And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight"
- Sunlight by Hozier
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morethanaloveinterest · 1 year ago
A Meticulous Review of Rose's Costumes in TLJ
Let's talk about both of Rose's costumes in The Last Jedi and what they tell us about her character.
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Rose tells us she is usually behind pipes all day, and this outfit she wears for most of the movie reflects that. She has pockets for whatever devices she needs - or weapons to tase deserters. She has a utility belt and a plague presumably indicating her rank in the Resistance on her chest. It's a jumpsuit with a hood (they love hoods in star wars), and so it's perfect for her daily routine. I do wish we had gotten a dress-up moment on Canto Bight, though.
Female representation: 10/10 If you've read my Leia metas, you know I love a good jumpsuit. It makes perfect sense for her job and she still looks cute. I love her hair.
Practicality: 10/10 Obviously this is incredibly practical. Like, Leia on Hoth practical. It's great.
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This is the costume she wears to infiltrate the First Order toward the end of the movie. Before changing back into the other outfit; I do wish she had more than two but costumes were not a big part of the sequel trilogy. Still, it shows us another side of Rose and is quite flattering. I like that, unlike the Resistance, the rank is on the sleeve. The color is perfect on her.
Female representation: 10/10 Rose just knocks it out of the park, okay? And it's great that she and the fellas are we wearing the same thing (or her and the other FO ladies).
Practicality: 9/10 Presumably not as practical as the jumpsuit, but it's still fantastic. The boots and thick fabric keep her from injury in the fight on the Supremacy. Plus she looks great!
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If you enjoyed this, check out my Star Wars for the Girlies Series (New episode on Rose!)
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hummus-png · 4 months ago
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artphotographyofmen · 1 year ago
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Poe Dameron by Kevin Wada
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deepinthelight · 16 days ago
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Ben, Rey and Luke promo
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irrationalgame · 3 months ago
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djarinsphere · 2 months ago
no one can convince me the last jedi is a bad movie
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simply-reylo · 7 months ago
I think one of my favorite things about Rey's vibe in the reylo ship we know and love is simply this-
She just about tries to kill Luke immediately following the Smut Hut scene.
Up until now, Rey has tried so hard to feel only animosity towards Kylo...but the SECOND she finds out that Luke threatened and TERRIFIED him when Ben was young...and that his uncle turning against him played a huge role in Ben falling to the Dark Side...This girl chases Luke down, screams at him, and slices at him with that weapon like she's out for BLOOD.
Like...Rey thinks of Ben being betrayed and cast out by his own family - when she too was abandoned by her own family (I choose to ignore TROS so TLJ is cannon 😅 Rey Nobody > Rey Palpatine) - and she RAGES with the strength of a thousand suns.
Rey feels Kylo's pain and she wants to defend him. Because she sees how alike they are, deep down, and Rey also knows that she's drawn to him...no matter how hard she tries to fight it.
She then confidently tells Luke that she can bring Kylo back to the Light with the power of her love and scolds him for ever giving up on his nephew. I mean???
That moment is one of the times I feel the reylo REALLY pours outta Rey so I just had to give it another round of applause lol
Like, Rey, did you forget that you're supposed to hate him?? Hahhaha.
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vertigoartgore · 2 days ago
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“corporate needs you to find the differences between those pictures.”
Adam Driver as Ben Solo/Kylo Ren in Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson, 2017).
The Main Cast of The Breakfast Club (John Hughes, 1985).
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minamorsart · 1 year ago
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The way you got me dryin' out in the sand
Look at me, look at me
Take a good look at me
You've got me torn in the late night hour (x)
Ben and Rey dream of one another and share a vulnerable moment, only to wake up and realize that it wasn't a dream after all... ✨
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vickysomething · 7 months ago
The Acolyte cancelation reminded me how the Star Wars fandom is the most toxic I have ever seen.
I'm talking about these self-proclaimed real fans who will deliberately destroy any new SW project they don't like.
And the worst part is not all the hate they're spewing over the internet.
The worst part is that, at the end of the day, Disney always gives them what they want : they were butthurt after TLJ, Disney gave them TROS. They were butthurt because The Acolyte exists, Disney canceled it. 
You'd think the SW galaxy would be vast enough to welcome any kind of fan, but the truth is, it will never be !
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morethanaloveinterest · 1 year ago
A Detailed Review of Rey's Costumes in TLJ
Let's talk about Rey's costumes in The Last Jedi and how they reflect her character arc.
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I have talked about this outfit before, but let's put it in context of this movie. She wears this to leave the Resistance and go find Luke Skywalker. Presumably it is her own clothes (given her distinctive style) but for warmer weather. Maybe weather changes on Jakku sometimes?? So it fits with her desert outfit while having warmer details. It also lacks the gauzy fabric pieces, giving her a more masculine appearance. She takes off the vest and one layer on her arms to practice with the lightsaber and it emphasizes her maturity (uh, not in a skeevy way; just that she is an adult on a more mature adventure than in TFA). She also takes the vest off when she dives into the cave, and her hair comes down, which shows both vulnerability and an important step for her as a character.
Female representation: 10/10 Rey's outfits are great, what can I say. I love how they always have feminine elements (here, the neckline and defined waist) without drawing your attention to her assets. As with before, it easily translates to a costume for a child without infantilizing her.
Practicality: 10/10 Rey is nothing if not very practical, so it's perfect. Great for adventuring in a new terrain that is not the desert while maintaining her look.
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Rey wears this for the second half of TLJ, after she has confronted her demons in the cave. It is darker than anything else we see her wear to reflect how she is more accepting of her own dark side. Her hair is still down from her trial in the cave and is a welcome change from the buns that represent her childhood dependence on her parents coming back. She hasn't given them up entirely but she is starting to, and it's awesome to represent that with her hair. Otherwise, it is more structurally similar to original outfit, but now with long pants and a warmer tunic. The gauzy fabric is back so this is also probably her most feminine outfit, which is why it's my favorite.
Female representation: 10/10 As with her other costumes, it does a wonderful job being clearly for a girl (and an attractive one at that) without objectifying her in any way. Her hourglass figure is emphasized, but by multiple layers that draw the eye to that shape instead of focusing on her actual body proportions. It's great.
Practicality: 10/10 Again, Rey is very practical. She's not going to wear something she doesn't need; even the gauzy bits presumably has a purpose in the desert.
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If you enjoyed this, check out my Star Wars for the Girlies Series (New episode on Rey!)
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clqoo · 1 year ago
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back at it again
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hummus-png · 5 months ago
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darth-memes · 3 months ago
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