portraitsofsaints · 11 months
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Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Feast Day: November 17 (New), November 19 (Trad)
Patronage: hospitals, nurses, bakers, brides, countesses, dying children, exiles, homeless people, lace-makers, widows
Elizabeth of Hungary, T.O.S.F., was a princess of the Kingdom of Hungary, Countess of Thuringia, Germany, and a greatly venerated Catholic saint. Elizabeth was married at the age of 14 and widowed at 20.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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wcatradio · 11 months
In this episode of The Heart of Fiat Crucified Love, Catholic missionary and evangelist Mary Kloska presents the last chapter of her book, 'The Holiness of Womanhood', which is all about the saints as our ideals and Our Lady as the Masterpiece of Femininity (and holiness). (November 5, 2023) A great mystery surrounds the gift of womanhood that God wants people to treasure and protect. The Holiness of Womanhood is a spiritual retreat that describes the various gifts that God has entrusted to women (or more precisely has made women to be) and their role as helpmate, wife and mother. This book also touches upon God’s call to a woman in a specific vocation, her gift of purity, and her unique interior life as it relates to the Cross, the Eucharist, and Prayer. It culminates by reflecting on the examples of the saints and of Our Lady, who is God’s Masterpiece of Femininity. The Holiness of Womanhood by Mary Kloska | En Route Books and Media
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wakingeve · 5 years
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The Christian finds their meaning in Christ alone. Outside Christ nothing else matters. Inside Christ everything and everyone has purpose. You make a difference just by accepting WHO He is. You matter because HE LIVES. Your life has purpose because He LIVES in You. :: :: We don’t have to pursue happiness to find our purpose in life, we only need to pursue Jesus. :: :: Next time someone tries to console you with the words “whatever makes you happy” tell them NO, I don’t want to settle for that. I want “whatever makes me Jesus!” And don’t settle for anything less. In this small act of truth, you’ll have already made a BIG difference. :: #saintwisdom #sainthildegard #doctorsofthechurch #womensaints #wisdom #saintforourtimes #wakingeve https://www.instagram.com/p/B7FVtK_gDbW/?igshid=v9nyozn1s6cb
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ikonographics · 6 years
Sneak preview of one of the figures I'll be drawing in the next #patreon #iconographytutorial on #womensaints! The full tutorial will be released on 2 Feb! Sign up to support my Iconography Tutorials project on Patreon and get early access to all the tutorials.! Link in bio. #icon #iconography #byzantineiconography #byzantineicon #drawing #sketch #art #orthodoxchristian #orthodoxchurch #easternorthodox #iconographer 👩‍🎨 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_OXt1H5Iw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yjnx2fodxag6
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melanierigney · 5 years
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IMHO, one of the most underrated spiritual writers of the 20th century. Love her letters in particular. #catholic #saints #saintsquotes #rejoicebeglad #rejoiceandbeglad #catholicwomen #allyouholywomenprayforus #radicalsaints #writersofinstagram #21for21 #carmelitesaints #womensaints https://ift.tt/2vuHee6
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maxbrackett · 8 years
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#Repost @washarchdiocese with @repostapp ・・・ Reflect on the composition of the #Bible tonight! #ReflectwithMystics #saints #catholic #womensaints #catholicmystics (at La Fitness Miami - W. Flagler St.)
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mimivontease · 6 years
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Today’s woman crush is Blandina. 
Blandina (162 – 177) Blandina also died during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the city of Lyon in Asia Minor. Blandina was arrested along with other Christians. She was a slave and not a Roman citizen. This is important because if she were a Roman citizen her death would not include torture. A quick beheading should be her fate. Instead, she withstood so much torture that it is said the perpetrators became tired under her strength. Finally, she was taken to an amphitheatre and bound to a stake. Wild animals were let loose. However, they did not touch her. Days past and finally, she was killed by throwing her in front of a wild steer.
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lifestylebydesign · 8 years
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I am the third generation of having the Women Saints next to me every night! My grandmother had the Saints placed this way by her bed - she passes away, my Mother took them and placed them the same way next to her bed - my Mom passes away, I took them and placed them the same way at my bed side! #saintmotherteresa #womensaints #saintanne (at Lisbon Ct)
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portraitsofsaints · 10 months
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Saint Catherine Laboure
1806 - 1876
Feast day: November 28
Attributes: Miraculous Medal
Saint Catherine Labouré was the eighth child in her family and grew up on a farm in Burgundy, France. She entered the Daughters of Charity in 1830.  The Virgin Mary appeared to her 3 times during that same year. Mary showed Catherine the medal of the Immaculate Conception also known as the Miraculous Medal. Mary asked Catherine to have the medal made and spread devotion to it. It is worn by millions today.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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portraitsofsaints · 11 months
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Saint Hilda of Whitby
Feast Day: November 17
Patronage: learning, culture, and poetry due to her patronage of Caedmon. The National Cathedral School for girls in Washington D.C.
Saint Hilda was an English princess, who at 33, consecrated her life to God as a nun. St. Bede chronicled her life of virtue and intellectual brilliance. She was the Abbess of a double monastery of monks and nuns that was a religious center that revered Scripture studies in Whitby. The last 7 years of her life she suffered from a high fever that didn’t stop her from doing her work. She died peacefully in 680.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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portraitsofsaints · 11 months
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Saint Gertrude the Great
Feast day: November 16
Patronage: West Indies, travelers
Gertrude was a Benedictine nun and mystic writer. The characteristic of St. Gertrude's piety was her devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She showed sympathy towards the souls in purgatory and urged prayers for them. She is therefore invoked for souls in purgatory.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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portraitsofsaints · 10 months
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Dorothy Day
Servant of God 1897-1980 Co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement
Dorothy Day was an American journalist, social activist, and Catholic convert. In the 1930s, Day worked closely with fellow activist Peter Maurin to establish the Catholic Worker Movement, a pacifist movement that continues to combine direct aid to the poor and homeless with nonviolent direct action on their behalf. Her cause for canonization has been opened by the Catholic Church.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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portraitsofsaints · 10 months
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Our Lady of Kibeho
Feast day: November 28
Our Lady of Kibeho is the name given to Marian apparitions concerning several adolescents, in the 1980s in Kibeho, south-western Rwanda.  The apparitions communicated various messages to the schoolchildren, including an apocalyptic vision of Rwanda descending into violence and hatred, possibly foretelling the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Our Lady of Kibeho became the first and only Vatican-approved Marian site in Africa.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years
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Happy Feast Day Saint Emily de Vialar 1797-1856 Feast Day: June 17 Patronage: single women
Saint Emily de Vialar was born in France, to the physician of Louis XVIII. She cared for the children and sick of the town, trying to repair the harm done by the French Revolution, while also caring for her widowed father.  In 1835, St. Emily and 26 women took religious vows, calling themselves the sisters of St. Joseph “of the Apparition.” (referring to The angel Gabriels’ telling St. Joseph to flee to Egypt) By the time St. Emily died, 42 foundations were established all over the world. Four years after her death her body was found incorrupt. {website}
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melanierigney · 4 years
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The neediest among us may seem to have the most materially. Be merciful always. #catholic #saints #saintsquotes #rejoicebeglad #rejoiceandbeglad #catholicwomen #allyouholywomenprayforus #writersofinstagram #womensaints #radicalsaints #21for21 #fridaywisdom https://instagr.am/p/CBnsr_pDUZL/
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melanierigney · 4 years
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A go-to saint for me: after a devastating injury, Anna Schaffer realized she could be a missionary from her bed. #catholic #saints #saintsquotes #rejoicebeglad #rejoiceandbeglad #catholicwomen #allyouholywomenprayforus #writersofinstagram #womensaints #radicalsaints #21for21 #saturdayquotes #saintannaschaffer https://instagr.am/p/CBYLh1TDAu_/
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