#women's homeopathic doctor
Visit the Women’s Homeopathic Doctor to Help You Manage Pain and Hormonal Imbalance
A recognised naturopathic medical college provides instruction and training for a women's homeopathic doctor. By assisting the person's natural ability to cure themselves, they identify, prevent, and treat both acute and chronic illnesses to develop and restore optimal health. Naturopathic doctors seek to discover the underlying causes of sickness and create individualised treatment regimens to address them, as opposed to merely treating the symptoms.
Dosing for Acute Homoeopathy
The sepia remedy personality may be given to the patient right into their mouth in an emergency. Drop between one and three pellets into a litre of water if that is not possible or if you are uncomfortable using a dry dosage approach. Depending on how hard the pellets are, the granules could or might not dissolve; nonetheless, as soon as the solution is thoroughly shaken or mixed, this is irrelevant.
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Give the patient a dose by putting a small amount of the solution in their mouth or right next to their nose. It doesn't matter how exactly big it is. The objective is to apply enough volume to guarantee optimal mucous membrane contact with the patient. Their specialists determine the optimal sequence for applying all therapies to yield the maximum advantage with the least amount of risk.
Which Diseases and Ailments React Best to This?
Mixed scientific evidence exists. It seems that homoeopathy was no more effective than a placebo in several therapeutic trials. In other clinical trials, researchers thought they had observed advantages using homoeopathy.
Serious conditions including cancer, psychological disorders, and autoimmune diseases are treated by some expert homoeopaths. Numerous studies indicate that homoeopathy might help cancer patients feel better and manage their symptoms. A life-threatening illness should not be treated solely with homoeopathy. Always make sure your medical professionals are aware of the treatments you are taking.
Take Down Any Barriers to Health
Health is the "natural state" of the body; sickness is the result of impediments to health. Eliminating the things that cause health problems—such as bad eating habits, digestive issues, excessive and ongoing stress, and personal discord—is the first step towards being well again.
Based on a person's "challenges to health," natural health practitioners create a healthy regimen to alter and enhance the environment in which the sickness originated. This makes it feasible for additional medicines to achieve the most positive outcomes.
Clinical nutrition, herbal remedies, constitutional hydrotherapy, homoeopathy, and acupuncture are a few examples of these therapeutic methods. At this stage of healing, systems that require repair are dealt with.
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slicedblackolives · 1 year
im so tired
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diseases1 · 8 months
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healinghandss · 2 years
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Stay Well Despite the Weather with Homeopathic Remedies
In addition to treating specific symptoms, homeopathy can also help improve your overall well-being. For example, if you're feeling stressed or anxious, remedies such as Arnica and Aconitum can help promote relaxation and reduce feelings of tension. By addressing both specific symptoms and overall well-being, homeopathy can help you stay healthy and feel your best, no matter the weather.If you're interested in exploring homeopathy as a way to treat weather-related ailments, it's important to work with a qualified practitioner such as Healing Hands Homeopathy who can help you select the right remedies for your specific needs. With a commitment to natural, holistic health, Healing Hands Homeopathy can be a valuable tool in your overall wellness journey. So, if you're looking for a homeopath near you, look no further than Healing Hands Homeopathy.
Visit here- https://thehealinghands.ca/about-homeopathy/
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247homeopathy · 2 years
PCOD Causes, Symptoms, Reasons Homeopathy medicine and Treatment Hindi by Dr Ruchi
Know about PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) its Symptoms, Causes and effects on body. Dr. Ruchi explaining (Hindi) Homeopathic medicine to treat PCOD. Basically its a condition where the ovaries release a lot of immature or partially-mature eggs which eventually turn into cysts. For online consultation- ✅CALL: 7018689100
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How To Be a Safe Person to Menstruate With
You can be private without expressing disgust. Just step away politely or be honest that you are embarrassed. Neither of these choices shames women.
The reverse is also true. Like I said, just because someone doesn’t want to talk doesn’t mean they’re lame and ashamed.
Compliment girls wearing on their self-expression like red jewelry or watering a Venus flytrap with their menstrual cups.
There are lots of sustainable products now but accessibility is not equal. Not everyone has the water resources to wash reusable products so don’t get preachy.
If you shit on someone else’s choice of birth control, by God I will come for you.
Vote to protect birth control
Do not tell someone they’re gross for using pads and cups that require washing.
If you have found a trustworthy gynecologist, spread the word
If a woman tells you she feels ill, in pain, or like something is wrong believe her
Do not tell her to lose weight or consider therapy. If you do, I will hit you with a fish.
Take hormonal diseases seriously
When someone tells you she has endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, cancer, or PCOS, do not come at her with medical expertise you suddenly think you have.
Offer to buy pads and tampons but make sure to ask what kind — some have allergens.
You can always get someone a glass of water.
If it’s a trans guy you’re talking with, validate his body without treating him like one of the girls. If you don’t know how, just ask.
Do not try to guess if someone is on their period. That’s rude.
I have an alpha period. If we hang out, you will sync to my period and we can all be unhappy together.
If you bleed monthly and are talking to a woman who doesn’t, you aren’t better than her. You define your period. She can define hers.
If someone is confused because she started her period and got a positive pregnancy test, take her to the hospital and defend her with your life. She is miscarrying and needs an ultrasound. If a doctor dismisses her as just having a difficult period, make ape noises and then threaten him with arson.
If after all this you are still angry, DM me his name and I will personally come for revenge. I am pregnant and very powerful.
For that matter, my husband will sort him out for you.
Take black women seriously. Respect that WOC face medical discrimination and gaslighting on the daily.
Advil is valid. Homeopathics are valid. Do not assail your friend with essential oils when she’s asked for a Midol.
If your friend shares some concerning symptoms with you, do not freak her out with an armchair diagnosis.
But you should definitely validate her pain and encourage her to get help. Or even help her get help. Throw her in the car and personally drive her to the doctor.
If your friend confides in you that she has an STI or you are able to guess that she has an STI, be nice to her because if you don’t I will find you and I will yeet you away into the night like Batman.
Educate yourself about periods. Learn the correct anatomical words.
And for God’s sake, you still have to wear a condom.
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womenshistory · 3 months
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Cornelia De Bey (May 26, 1865 – April 3, 1948)
Suffragette, homeopathic doctor, labor advocate, and Chicago public school administrator.
De Bey advocated for major school administration reform, exposing corruption, more democratic decision-making, and the unionization of teachers. She was involved in the Settlement House Movement — a reform movement which prioritized women's involvement in Progressive Era reforms — and the Women's Trade Union League, and was a member of the Woman's City Club of Chicago.
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er1chartmann · 8 months
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This is Dachau, the first nazi concentration camp, timeline:
1933: Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor.
1933: The Dachau concentration camp open his doors with the arrival of about 200 prisoners.
1933: The concentration camp regulations were issued by Theodor Eicke.
1934: Dachau increased its importance throughout the Bavarian area.
1935: With the Nuremberg Laws, Dachau acquires the special legal framework that legitimizes its existence. New groups of German prisoners were interned in the camp and not only political opponents, but also common criminals, gypsies, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals.
1936: Work began on the construction of the new buildings which will transform the Dachau concentration camp into a huge complex, one of the largest in the Nazi concentration camp universe.
1938: The first prisoners from Austria recently annexed with the Anschluss arrived at the camp.
1939: The Second World War began.
1940: The control of the camp passed to the SS section that took care of the armaments and forges, carpentry and saddlery workshops were opened.
1940: Faced with the sharp increase in the number of deaths, it became necessary to build a crematorium in the tree-lined area adjacent to the end of the camp.
1941: An experimental station was created in the infirmary, which began its activities with homeopathic treatment on 114 patients suffering from tuberculosis.
1941: The Death Registry was established within the camp.
1942: Construction began on a new large brick crematorium, called Baracke X, which was built next to the first one.
1942: Large-scale experiments began and doctors were instructed to test the effects on the human organism of staying at high altitude and suddenly falling from a great height.
1943: Construction of more than 150 satellite work camps begins in the area surrounding Dachau.
1944: The gas chamber was completed.
1944: A brothel was created in the camp, with six women arriving from Ravensbrück. It was closed towards the end of the year
1944: A women's camp was opened inside Dachau
1945: The camp was liberated by the Americans.
1945: The Second World War ended.
1945: The camp was used as a prison for SS graduates and officers.
1965: 20 years after the liberation, the first large concentration camp memorial was opened on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Wikipedia: Dachau
Military Wiki: Dachau
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nothorses · 2 years
As an atheist who frequently despairs at the way progressive tumblr talks about us, I've loved reading your recent posts on the subject. You've articulated some stuff that bugged me but I could never quite describe, like how people think of atheism as some broken remnant of christianity rather than a valid worldview on its own.
But there's one thing you've emphasized repeatedly that I just don't think I can agree with: the idea that other people being confidently convinced of their beliefs means that we should act less confident of ours. Yes, I recognize that most religious people are at least as confident in their faiths as I am in my non-belief. But people are confidently wrong all the time, about all kinds of stuff. When anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, climate change deniers, homeopaths, astrologers, or psychics are confidently wrong, we don't take it as a reminder to humble ourselves in the face of disagreement, especially when it comes time to make decisions based on the facts at issue. Sure, we usually don't preach about it to strangers, maybe we decide it's not worth losing a relationship over, maybe we don't bring it up at thanksgiving, but we don't throw our hands up and declare it a tie because both sides wrote down an answer.
Like, let's be clear, this is a question of fact, just like any pseudoscience or conspiracy theory. The supernatural does not exist. Humankind has spent the entirety of our species' history looking for it, we would all desperately like for any of it to be real, and if there was anything there to find, we would've found something by now.
So why does the fact that a lot of people are confidently wrong about that mean that the ones who aren't have to act less confident than everyone else?
It's not that we need to be "less confident" in our beliefs; I have seen people argue that you can't prove a negative or whatever, there's stuff we don't understand yet, so we can't actually claim atheism is Definitely Correct. and like. I fundamentally disagree with that, actually. it's not something I want to get in arguments on tumblr about (can you fucking imagine) but I think the logical conclusion of "you can't prove a negative" is not "therefore, anything you can't prove isn't true is equally as valid". it's that demanding people to prove a negative is unreasonable, and the onus of proof in fact falls on the people claiming a positive.
this is also how things work when someone on tumblr claims I'm a sex freak who hates women and is also a TERF: it's not my responsibility to prove that whatever unhinged accusations some rando on the internet comes up with aren't true. it's their responsibility to prove that they are.
but here's the thing: it's not about who's right, here. that doesn't actually matter.
there are two things you need to consider here:
1. How likely this person is to listen to you
2. Whether the thing they believe actually has a notable impact on anyone else.
Anti-vaxxers believe something that directly and adversely impacts other people. Climate change deniers also do. Flat-earthers conceivably could be harmless, but the roots and execution of that ideology lead to a lot of harmful, antisemitic conspiracy theories that do harm to real life people.
But like, I don't care if Cindy from class thinks astrology is real. I don't actually have to worry about that unless she starts trying to discriminate against people based on their star signs (looking at you, white queer 20-somethings looking for roommates in Seattle).
I don't care if my mom thinks teatree oil is gonna help her... idk, whatever she thinks teatree oil does. She also takes the meds she needs and sees a doctor about stuff, and the addition of teatree oil isn't hurting her. I worry even less about adult strangers making medical decisions for themselves; that's their business, and their choice. I'll take issue with it if they deprive anyone else of necessary medical care on that basis.
#1 is harder to consider, I think. A lot of us want it to be the case that others will listen to us, and a lot of us want to believe that if our arguments are good enough and we're good enough at it, we can get through to anyone.
That's a fantasy. A very silly, very egotistical fantasy likely to drive you to frustration, and ultimately to isolation. The fact of the matter is that it's rarely about you; people decide to listen or not, and there's nothing you can do about it if they decide not to listen. Pushing the issue doesn't change that.
When people accuse me of unhinged shit on tumblr, I don't take it upon myself to prove a negative. I might address those claims in some way, and remind people to get proof of the positive first, but only if it gets to be enough of an issue that I feel I need to. Ultimately, I know the people making those claims don't care, and aren't listening; the only reason I address them at all is if they have an adverse impact on me or others.
People who believe in things we don't believe exist... well, first, they often do believe they have proof. That's just not a basis you're gonna win an argument about that on. And, also, they have no intention of listening to you- and that's fine. As long as their beliefs aren't causing them to hurt others, nobody needs to worry about it. And if they do, we can worry about the impact and the things directly relating to it instead of trying to convince every religious person with flaws to just stop being religious.
Some atheists are assholes because of what they believe. That's not a fact we can ignore, either.
At the end of the day, the goal is just to share space with others. We don't need everyone to agree with us, we don't need everyone to believe the same things, and it's a good idea, in fact, to look at those other beliefs/religions/etc. and see value in them- the value they add to the lives of those who are a part of them, and the value they add to others' through those people.
At a certain point, it doesn't matter if something is Objectively True. Oftentimes we don't know, or can't know- but that doesn't matter either. The obsession with objective truth is very much a white Western one, and it's done a lot of harm to people- entire cultures, even.
You can't be an econ major looking at this through the lens of hard numbers; you need to factor in human life, compassion, and context. It's not about who's right; it's about being a good person.
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I saw my Primary Care Physician yesterday. The appointment started as nothing unusual. She asked for updates on my health, updates on previous appointments, double checked my medication, and then she surprised me. My Primary Care Physician told me that she was gravely concerned over the amount of medication that I've been taking over the years. 
For context, for the past three years, I've taken around sixty different prescription medications. Of course, these were spread out throughout the years and weren't taken all at once. Currently, I take twenty-five prescription medications, not including tropicals. 
My doctor screened all of my current medications and determined that there were over 50 different, dangerous, chemical interactions, from taking all of these medications together. Here's the kicker: 
I have dozens of doctors that I see regularly. Every time I visit their offices I present my current medication list. NONE OF THESE DOCTORS HAVE EVER MENTIONED ANYTHING!
In fact, of these 50 chemical interactions, SUDDEN DEATH is one of the most common outcomes. 
Here is why I bring this to your attention: blind trust. Blind trust is the inherent relationship that exists between patients and thier doctors. Not necessarily between doctors and thier patients. But it's practically expected between patients and thier doctors. Like sheep to a shepard, patients blindly trust doctors to have our backs regardless of what takes place before or after the appointment time. Any change within the healthcare system or interpersonal experiences threatens the fragility of these bonds. 
Why is it expected for patients to trust their doctors? Yet they can distrust their patients freely? Why is it that trust is the defining line between accepting a doctor's advice and going rogue via homeopathic remedies and medicine men/women? 
The variation in how trust has been conceptualized and defined is partly due to the theoretical heterogeneity of the many academic disciplines, such as sociology and political science, that has performed research on trust in their domains. Some theorists consider patient trust to be a set of beliefs or expectations that a physician will behave in a certain way. Others have stressed a more affective nature of trust, identifying patient trust as a reassuring feeling of confidence or reliance on the physician and the physician's intent. Among the most commonly described dimensions of physician behavior on which patients are believed to base their trust are competence, compassion, privacy and confidentiality, reliability and dependability, and communication. Who else in modern human evolution has relatable behavior patterns built on inherent trust relationships? The answers are parents, teachers, police, firemen, emergency responders, politicians, and our grandparents (among many others). 
These relationships are built on interpersonal and social trust. Interpersonal trust refers to the trust built through repeated interactions through which expectations about a person's trustworthy behavior can be tested over time. Social trust, however, is trust in collective institutions, influenced broadly by the media and by general social confidence in particular institutions. Any consideration of patients' interpersonal trust in physicians must take into account the general atmosphere of social trust in healthcare institutions such as hospitals and HMOs. Theoretical work disentangling the webs that connect these different elements of trust has emphasized the vital importance of social trust in framing the traditional interpersonal trust between patients and their physicians.
Regardless of its origins. Patients reported physician trust as being substantially determined by their assessments of physician rapport, compassion, understanding, and honesty. 
Trust is considered to be an important outcome in its own right. Theoretically, patient trust should serve to reinforce the functioning of the clinical relationship as a health partnership, thereby increasing the probability of patient satisfaction, treatment adherence, and improved health status, while decreasing the likelihood of leaving the physician's practice or withdrawing from a health plan.
Above all one concept remains unwavering in all of this debate. It's one of the worst feelings a person could have. The feeling of doubt in something you thought was unquestionable. Patients blindly trust their doctors. If this relationship is broken regardless of fault (doctors not telling their patients that current prescriptions could potentially kill them for example). Because soon patients are forced to realize that we shouldn't trust what we can't see, even salt looks like sugar. 
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drpurishomoeopathy · 7 months
An infection in any part of the urinary system, the kidneys, bladder or urethra.
Urinary tract infections are more common in women. They usually occur in the bladder or urethra, but more serious infections involve the kidney.
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Healing the Feminine: Women's Homeopathic Doctor and the Power of Sepia Remedy
Women's health is a delicate and intricate realm, often requiring a specialized approach for optimal care. Homeopathy, a holistic system of medicine with a women's homeopathic doctor offers a unique perspective in addressing women's health concerns. Within this domain, Sepia, a powerful homeopathic remedy, stands out for its profound impact on feminine well-being. Let's explore the role of a women's homeopathic doctor and the healing power of Sepia remedy in nurturing and empowering women on their health journey.
1. Understanding Women's Homeopathic Health:
A women's homeopathic doctor focuses on the specific health needs of women, recognizing the physical, emotional, and hormonal intricacies that uniquely define feminine health and sepia remedy personality.
2. Holistic Approach to Healing:
Homeopathy is known for its holistic approach, considering the individual as a whole and addressing the root cause of health issues. Women's homeopathic doctors tailor treatments to suit a woman's unique constitution, lifestyle, and emotional well-being.
3. Empowering the Feminine:
Women's homeopathic doctors create a nurturing environment where women feel empowered to discuss their health concerns openly. The focus is on fostering a strong doctor-patient relationship based on trust and understanding.
4. The Power of Sepia Remedy:
Sepia is a well-known homeopathic remedy derived from the ink of the cuttlefish. It is often prescribed for a range of women's health issues, including hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, menopausal symptoms, mood swings, and more.
5. Balancing Hormones:
Sepia is particularly effective in addressing hormonal imbalances in women, helping to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, and alleviate discomfort associated with menopause.
6. Emotional Well-being:
Sepia is also beneficial in addressing emotional and mental health concerns such as irritability, indifference, and fatigue. It can help restore emotional balance and resilience in women.
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By embracing this holistic approach, women can experience true empowerment and find a nurturing path to well-being, both physically and emotionally, on their unique health journey.
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homeo-care-clinic · 1 year
How Does Homeopathy Helps in PCOD/PCOS ?
PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease) or PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects approximately10- 15% of all women, which are very commonly found in day-to-day practice and increasing nowadays. It interferes with their fertility during the reproductive years. There are multiple (‘poly’) cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries, on either side or both sides.
PCOD is caused by hormonal imbalance i.e. altered hormones.
1) Raised level of Testosterone:
A higher level of male hormone (Androgen Hormone). Normally androgen hormone is present in small amounts, but if the level increases then it leads to restricting the ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation) during each menstrual cycle.
2) A higher level of LH Hormone: –
A higher level of Luteinizing Hormone disturbs the ovulation during the menstrual cycle.
3) Raised level of Prolactin:-
Prolactin levels of between 30 ng/mL and 200 ng/mL are considered moderately high. This level of prolactin in the blood can have many causes. Conditions related to raised levels of prolactin include pituitary disorders.
4) A higher level of Insulin: –
The excess level of insulin affects the ovaries by increasing androgen hormone thus affecting ovulation.
SymptomsOther signs includeIrregular menses or No mensesHair fallExcess hair on face, Chest, Stomach.DepressionHair ThinningAnxietyWeight GainDifficulty in getting pregnantAcneMood swings
Homeopathy works on regulating hormonal imbalance, regularizing ovulation as well as maintaining a normal menstrual cycle. Homeopathy helps to treat other signs and symptoms also.
Homeopathy treatment varies from patient to patient. Homeopathic treatment is based on the extent of the problem, physiological and mental health of the patient. Homeopathic treatment is a holistic treatment. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary studies both the mental and physical condition of patients before giving any medicine. In PCOS there is careful observation of symptoms and regular follow up.
Dr. Vaseem Choudhary has been treating PCOS with homeopathy treatment for many years. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary is a well-known homeopathy doctor in Pune. His treatment is safe and doesn’t have any adverse effects on the patient. Homeopathy treatment for PCOS varies from patient to patient. Patients with PCOD may experience some complications like Difficulty in getting pregnant (Infertility) and another bleeding from the uterus can be successfully treated with Homeopathy.
A complete approach at Homeo Care Clinic is harmless. So, it’s very easy to completely get rid of the side effects of conventional medication, as homeopathy treats the root cause and thereby regulate hormonal imbalance and treats PCOS.
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diseases1 · 9 months
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Medicine & Treatment of Piles by Dr.Rajeev's Homeopathic Clinic in Ranchi with No side effects.
Haemorrhoids (piles) are enlarged blood vessels that you can get inside or around your anus (the opening of your bottom).
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redhatmeg · 1 year
I've got to the first "herbalist/homeopath thinking that they're better than doctor Ellingham but making things worse" plot and I realized something:
It's always women who do that. I don't remember even one episode when there was a male herbalist, charlatan or medicine-man.
The worst part is that in later seasons, when Louisa gets pregnant the one who fills this role is a midwife... who makes some valid points about male medical professionals having gender-based bias while treating women. But in the end the midwife is presented as misandirst who doesn't know what she's doing.
I also don't remember a female doctor being portrayed positively. Maybe aside from Auntie Ruth.
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deepikashomeopathy · 3 days
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Homeopathy Doctor for Gynecologist | Gaur City
Need a homeopathic approach for gynecological care? Our gynecologist in Noida provides natural, tailored treatments for various women's health concerns. Book a consultation to find out how homeopathy can help you.
Visit Us :- https://posts.gle/LxELn1
Contact us: 7652005589
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