#women survivors
anthroxlove · 1 year
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Amazing support for Amber in Paris, France this week.  The two phrases in French read “Support for Amber Heard” and “Amber Heard, you are not alone”.
(credit to the amazing people at NousToutes)
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Aw fuck, guys I get that it sucks Neil Gailman is accused of SA. But it’s not about him, it’s about the SA survivors. If you are withholding judgment or waiting for more evidence, or for more to come out, then ok fine. But it is NOT ok what so ever to ethier act like the SA survivors are ‘ruining your fandom’ or ‘probably liars for terfs’ (actual thing I’ve seen). Can you fucking imagine how horrible it would be to bravely come out like this against your abuser (who has adoring fans, and if more powerful than you), only to be met with people etheir theorising you may be a transphobic plant or making it about them and how your trauma inconveniences them. This is about THEM, stop making about how much this hurts you. These are real people. If the allegations turn out to be false, ok, THEN you can say whatever you want. But until then let’s treat this with grace and NOT fucking victim blame them. Our hearts need to be with the survivors of SA at the moment, remember that, these are real people.
Also, again, stop making it more about fandom than the SA survivors. Please.
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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In Paris, France, a person (or people?) have written "wife beater" on a poster of Johnny Depp that is framed on the outside of a bus shelter. It is for Dior's fragrance "Sauvage." For folks who I am sure are aware, there is massive documentation and personal testimony from Amber Heard about Depp's abuse and violence against her. As the person wrote in response to this, I also love to see abusers being called out for the trash they are.
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kakyogay · 1 year
so uh
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eschergirls · 2 months
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milkawa-and-co submitted:
"Don't you hate it when zombies attack during your bunny dance reharsal ? Ad for Doomsday: Last Survivor by IGG.COM. They have so many ads of sexy girls in weird outfits"
Zombies are so rude.  But also polite because they seem to be letting her get away despite her not very efficient running style.  I'm going to assume they probably have her in heels or something below frame, if this game even exists in any way below this very specific frame of ad space which it probably doesn't.
Incidentally, you know all those terrible mobile game ads that we see with fake games that aren't at all what the games are like.  Apparently somebody actually turned them into a collection of games.  So if you've ever actually wanted to play those weird games, they exist now! (this is not an ad, i just think it's funny)  I don't know if "prancing away from zombies in my bunny ears and yoga pants while pushing my butt out" is a game in that collection though.  Maybe the next one...
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heelrollins · 10 months
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WWE Survivor Series: War Games 2023 - The Babyfaces
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lostinsidelostoutside · 4 months
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This comes from aish.com and I love it 💙
These are very brave women and more important they are survivors.
Yaffa Adar survived the Holocaust and Hamas 💙
Rachel edir distracted the terrorists for 20 hours saving herself and her husband 💙
Adina Moshe a hostage ,helped kids and others in Hamas tunnels 💙
Rimon Kirsht Stared down her Hamas captor while keeping her arm around meirav tal 💙
The all female Tank crews from the Paran Brigade eliminated over 50 Hamas terrorists 💙💙
Amazing 💙
These women are strong , courageous and brave and an inspiration in courage 💙
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bossymarmalade · 1 year
- september 30th, national day for truth and reconciliation -
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Survivors experienced horrific atrocities while prisoners in these institutions. It is important that this image show the love and strength that colonialism tried to steal from us. Despite genocide, we are still here – still fighting for justice and restitution, as true Warriors. - Dorene Bernard, Mi’kmaq Survivor who attended Shubenacadie Residential School
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kanna-ophelia · 13 days
GO Season 3
I feel a massive surge of relief at the news GO3 has been halted. I didn't even realise I was carrying so much stress over it.
I'll be blunt here:
Season Three continuing as normal was the worst possible scenario.
Best scenario would be That Person ejected as showrunner and being exiled from SFF and the media industry forever, while GO continues in new hands.
But being cancelled is second best.
This is what continuing as nothing would do:
It would send a massive fuck-you to the specific survivors of That Person's abuse and abuse in general
It would send a massive message to NG and other powerful men that they can rape, abuse and exploit with impunity as long as they make things people like. That everyone is still happy to work with them.
The stakes are much bigger than one production. The stakes are whether we promote and support rape culture in the media, or oppose it.
We don't get to be rape apologists just because we want to see Crowley and Aziraphale kiss onscreen.
Are you mad that S3 is in doubt? Great.
Get mad at rapists and rape culture and misogyny and the world they have given us.
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bsof-maarav · 5 months
Editor’s Note: Sanne DeWitt is a microbiologist, geneticist, researcher, and author of a memoir: “I Was Born In An Old Age Home”. She has lived in Berkeley, California since 1957, where she moved for advanced studies in microbiology and genetics, and worked there until her retirement. The views expressed here are those of the author. View more opinion on CNN.CNN — 
In 1957, I moved to Berkeley, California: a bastion of American liberalism that squarely aligns with my progressive values, and a hub of American scholarship that nurtured my academic quest and professional growth. I came here for advanced studies in microbiology and genetics. Since then, I have lived, worked as a scientist and retired in this community.
Over the 65 years that I have called this beautiful area home, I have occasionally encountered antisemitism, but these one-off incidents never succeeded in destroying my spirit. When I was four years old, Nazis burst into my bedroom and sent me and my family to Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp. We were soon released and I was smuggled out of Germany by a Christian woman. After this harrowing experience, not much in the Bay Area could scare me.
But since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, the hatred towards Jews that I have seen in Berkeley terrifies me more than anything I have experienced while living here. I am still reeling from being called a liar at a Berkeley City Council meeting, where I asked for a proclamation to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day and spoke about October 7. The Jews at that meeting were circled and called “Zionist pigs” by menacing protesters.
We are approaching the holiday of Passover, which commemorates the freedom of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery and our formation as a free Jewish people in our own land. But this Passover is like no other in recent history, with scores of hostages still held in Gaza and Jews worldwide fearful for our future — including Jews in the US. We are facing the worst global antisemitism since the Holocaust and while it is not state-sanctioned as Nazism was, it is a threat going unchecked in California’s East Bay.
It is incredibly painful to see my neighbors vilify Jews, tear down posters of Jewish hostages in Gaza and not believe Jewish rape victims. In this hotbed, hatred and hostility have become normalized. Families have moved their children out of public schools. Jewish businesses have been vandalized and boycotted. And lies about Jews and Israel have gone unchecked and unchallenged in our public forums. Our local Jewish community is both horrified and petrified.
This onslaught of Jewish hatred cannot become the new normal. This epidemic must be treated as seriously as all other hatreds that our society is confronting, such as racism and homophobia. We need more education about Judaism and how the long, sordid history of antisemitism ties into other forms of hatred in our public schools.
We need colleges and universities to unequivocally denounce hate speech and actions directed at Jews. We need public officials to urge mutual respect, understanding and civil discourse during city council and town hall meetings.
I have seen where unchecked antisemitism can lead, when people will do nothing — or worse, join the mainstream, such as our German neighbors during Nazism. This Passover, I resolve with whatever time I have left in this world to fight for the safety of the Jewish people, in Berkeley and around the globe.
During Passover, we are commanded to tell the story of the exodus out of Egypt to our children. We believe in the lasting power of sharing this history with younger generations and reflecting on this hopeful new beginning. There is also lasting power in sharing my history as a Jewish refugee — and I invite my Berkeley neighbors to hear my story. Without understanding and acceptance, we are enslaved by our biases.
The hatred, violence and bigotry against the Jewish community cannot continue — for our shared future, we must confront it and root it out.
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xoxoxogirl69 · 10 days
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You like pink?💖
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ripleyfilms · 10 months
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# me after she squashes zoey tonight at survivor series
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were-wolverine · 4 months
headcanon: dick actually prefers wearing baggy clothes in public and is way more comfortable in them because nobody comments on his body when he’s not in form-fitting outfits
and it sucks because he actually really enjoys wearing form-fitting outfits and feels good in them, but any time he does people stare or catcall or even grope him and he just. can’t handle that after everything
plus the villains kissing him as nightwing thing has gotten so bad that he’s genuinely considering getting a mask that covers the lower half of his face
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alicentflorent · 3 months
HOTD showrunners: “Alicent lied about being attacked and held captive as her 6 year old granddaughter being threatened with rape and her daughter being psychologically tortured by being forced to choose a child to be butchered. She lied about being a victim of gendered violence full stop!
"call it propaganda against rhaenyra, what is the most awful version that alicent would have recounted to historians" - Ryan Condal (direct quote)”
HOTD showrunners: “Aegon may be a rapist but he was never taught consent so he doesn’t understand that his actions (raping a servant girl who likely would not be believed because of class status) actually hurt someone :(
it’s more complicated than “he raped someone end of story” - Sarah Hess (direct quote)”
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
It's weird how people paint "daddy issues" and even "mommy issues" as, like, a joke or a failure on part of the person who has those issues, rather than recognizing that daddy and mommy issues stem, for so many people, from abuse. What this all is is just abuse apologia, and nobody seems to either notice or maybe even care.
When somebody with daddy or mommy issues opens up about the "why," I can't ever seem to shake the fact that they tend to have gone through a ton of abuse and bullshit as a child. It's just crazy that other people would look at that and see a joke or a failure of the once-child who was abused.
#abuse#abuse tw#abuse mention tw#child abuse#child abuse tw#mental health#it really goes to show (to me) that people either can't or don't WANT to acknowledge that parents can be the ones to have fucked up#if all the blame is placed on their child/ren then you can maintain the illusion that the parent is always right...#...that parents know what is best and they will always do what is best for their child/ren#it's just weird to be somebody with parental issues and all that gets steamrolled into 'mommy issues' that then become a Big Joke...#...especially because i'm a man (and because people are misogynists who think it's just so funny that women are people)...#...i find that my own issues are expected to be treated as a joke or a punchline or something i must whisper in the dark...#...so that others may have the luxury of pretending to not hear it or to have the luxury of forgetting in the morning...#...and it just sucks because that leaves me to remember and grieve and doing that with the knowledge that my abuse Is A Joke at My Expense#if you wonder why so many abuse victims/survivors become unsavoury: this is why#i'm too bitter about this topic specifically to care about the comfort of people who don't get it and don't WANT TO...#...because it is THEY who are uncomfortable with the very NOTION that abuse happens#if you can't acknowledge that abuse happens WITHOUT downplaying to for your sense of comfort you will NEVER help abuse victims/survivors#you will find that you start prioritizing YOUR sense of comfort over the safety and continued survival of victims/survivors
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heelrollins · 10 months
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WWE Survivor Series: War Games 2023 - Damage Ctrl
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