#women aren’t allowed to want something for themselves and use their leverage to their advantage i guess
alicentflorent · 3 months
If I was Rhaenys I would only agree to fight in Rhaenyra’s war if she now supports rhaena’s claim as lady of driftmark in her own right, securing the future rhaena was promised and has been preparing for since she was betrothed to Luke.
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nellie-elizabeth · 5 years
The Handmaid's Tale: Household (3x06)
This episode was... well, it was something, alright.
I really did like it, just like I've liked every episode of this show. It was powerful and well-made. But I will admit, for the first time in this very symbolism-heavy show, I was a little put off by how much symbolism there was in D.C. Like, I get it... this was the capital of the USA, and now it's under Gilead's control. It's supposed to be this terrifying dichotomy between the former "land of the free" and what we have now. But the contrast didn't quite work because we know it's not a matter of black and white here. It's usually a lot more of a gradual slope. This was maybe an example of less being more. We have the mouth rings for the Handmaids, which is obviously chilling but also a little bit impractical... how do they eat? We have that obnoxious shot of June standing in front of a statue so it looks like she has wings. What is this, Game of Thrones? Those shots are certainly artistically cool to look at, but it's putting things on a bit thick, don't you think? Same with the shot of the Lincoln Memorial with the top of it blown off. Heavy-handed comparisons between slavery in the U.S. and slavery in Gilead are all well and good, but we have to admit that the way race is handled on this show is clumsy at best, so... not sure they want to draw such stark attention to themselves there.
I'm obviously reserving judgment about Nick, because like everything else in this show, there are complexities there. He seems to have tried to help negotiate with the Swiss, but maybe he chickened out, or they wouldn't accept his information, or he wasn't willing to go far enough... and then we get the revelation that he was part of the "holy crusade" that brought about Gilead in the first place. This is brand new information to June, and to the audience as well. The thing is... it doesn't quite track with Nick as a character thus far. If he was an opportunist who, whether he believed in the system or not, decided to keep his head down and accept his fate, then why was he involved in the resistance, even before he fell in love with June? And if he was forced into all of his actions, and has always been a rebel at heart, why is he stopping now? I don't think Nick's characterization thus far is a problem for the show, or at least not a problem that they can't easily rectify. It's just a little unclear to me right now exactly where they're going with this, and I'm starting to get nervous that I won't like the end result.
There was one piece of overwrought symbolism that absolutely worked for me and knocked me on my ass, and that was the sight of the Washington Monument turned into a giant cross. I think the reason that this worked better for me than some of the other D.C. imagery was that it was about re-purposing and distorting the meaning of an existing piece of art, instead of just destroying it. Gilead has left the rubble of the Lincoln Memorial there for all to see. They're not trying to hide the fact that they destroyed something. But with the Monument... they didn't shear it in half, or knock it over and leave it lying there... they built from it. They warped and twisted it, and if you didn't know what the Washington Monument was, you'd never know there had been anything different there before. That's the chilling thing to me. Warping history, erasing the past, so that there could conceivably be a future, not so distant, where nobody alive remembers things the way they were.
As always, I want to discuss Serena. For the past couple of reviews I've been noting how interesting it is to have a performance so well done that you feel a bit of sympathy for Serena's plight, despite her despicable actions. This episode continues that thread. Serena Joy really is one of the most interesting villains I've ever seen on any TV show. The moment I want to focus on is when Mrs. Winslow tells Serena that she liked her book. This is taboo, since of course the women aren't allowed to read. But it is also a stark and important reminder that Serena helped to shape this world. I'm not saying it makes her culpable for everything, but she was an evangelical Christian extremist who wrote a book about how women were meant to stay in the home and take care of the children. She did that, and the result is plain to see.
Mrs. Winslow was fascinating to me as well, because she thanks Serena for helping to change her life - she used to work at a law firm, and she and her husband had no time for a family. But look at them now! Six children, and they still have a Handmaid. The privileges of rank. That's an important point to make here - Commander and Mrs. Winslow are both seemingly a bit more casual and down-to-earth than a lot of the other Comamanders and Wives we've seen. They have openly affectionate and goofy relationships with their genuinely happy children. They offer their first names to their guests. Mrs. Winslow hugs Serena and hands her a baby when first meeting her. It's all quite... normal. It reminds me that oppressive systems do not oppress equally - that if you're in a position of power, even as a member of the oppressed class (women), you are given more leeway. I as a white woman still have to deal with the effects of sexism on my day-to-day life, but I have the privileges granted by my whiteness and many other privileges besides.
We should also talk about Fred Waterford. He's such a weak-willed man. He's slimy and annoying and only scary because of the context of this society. As a man, he has so much power. As Fred Waterford, he doesn't know how to actually properly take advantage of that. I think you can see that in how he interacts with Commander Winslow. He's just so desperate for a chance to improve his prospects, and his brown-nosing is really pathetic. I think Fred Waterford is just as interesting as Serena in some ways, although the type of villainy is very different. You don't get the sense that he really cares all that much about Nichole, in the long run. He wants to leverage a personal tragedy for professional gain, and despite some moments of sentimental bonding between husband and wife, I'm not sure Fred and Serena are ever going to repair any sort of healthy partnership... that is, if they even had one to begin with.
To continue the trend of interesting villains... we see that Aunt Lydia is very shaken by what she sees in D.C. I liked the moment when June asks her if she wants them all to be silenced, and Lydia immediately says that she does not. Lydia is one of the more terrifying figures on this show, because unlike Fred, who I really do believe to be just an opportunist, Aunt Lydia seems to have a genuine desire to help people. Her harshness with the Handmaids is in some way an attempt to protect them from even worse punishment. That excuse is flimsy and does not hold up under even the smallest amount of pressure, but it makes for a really complicated portrait of this woman, who could beat Janine one week, and then be genuinely sympathetic to June, and be horrified by the oppression she sees around her. Again, like with Serena, just because I can understand and untangle some of her twisted motivations, doesn't mean I'm on her side or that I forgive her for her monstrous actions.
I liked the idea of the Swiss being neutral negotiators here, because it's another chance to get some hints about world politics. Gilead is enough of a military threat that Canada doesn't want to provoke conflict. And yet Canada has been offering asylum to refugees from Gilead. We know that the gender politics of Gilead seem to be restricted to just Gilead, because we've seen women in positions of leadership in every other country we've interacted with. I'm so interested in how the rest of the world reacts and responds to Gilead. It's sort of a chilling reminder of how much power the United States has, that other countries kind of have to let us do whatever we want, in a really messed up way. When I think about the endgame of this show, of how it's all going to wind up, really the only thing I can imagine is a widening of the scope - does this show end when Gilead is destroyed and balance starts to come back to the world? What does that look like? I don't know, but I want to find out.
So that's that - again, a wonderful episode of a complicated, difficult television show. I had some qualms about the over-abundance of symbolism, because I guess even this show can go too far sometimes. But still... this was great!
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puwunyboba · 4 years
You don't have to make romantic advances or date women to love and support them.
With that said, if anyone pressures, or coerces you into something you aren't comfortable with, weather you set a boundary or not.
Someone who loves you wants you to be comfortable, wants you to feel loved.
Real love doesn't use and hurt you, and you are worthy of the love that shows you the difference.
Every person is worthy of patience and mindful attention to their psychological well being. People who are abusers and use you will ignore this, and those who enable their gas lighting and victim blaming have intentions of their own when they bully victims into silence.
Victims see that behavior too, this also being exactly why many don't come forward especially if they feel they are alone, or people openly encourage others to attack them.
To be condemned by those who would call them liars without any consideration, is devastating btw- and there is also a very specific reason for that too.
The important thing to take from this, is not to encourage or internalize the aggressive projections, or character assasinations from abusive people onto victims speaking the truth, this is wrong, because victims don't deserve that in the first place.
This causes nothing but harm.
Those who truly care about finding a real solution should pay close attention to where this aggression is coming from, study it well, because it is telling, in context with how it is weaponized against a victims own liberty.
Abusers do not feel remorse for their behavior, those who enable their behavior make it that much more difficult for victims and witnesses to stand up for themselves or advocate for other victims who are not brave enough to come forward.
Be careful what you allow, because those who haven't come forward are listening. We live that every day. The backlash, and the stigma from rape culture is everywhere.
Just because you can convince yourself of a false paradigm for your own sense of comfort doesn't mean the truth is just an accusation.
However, the logic prevails, unchallenged.
Cutting contact with rape apologists might surprise you, who would let people abuse and use others just for their own sense of comfort.
For it to be at your expense is painted as playing a victim role when in reality this forces the narrative that your trauma is no more than theatrics, this hurts everyone.
If we can't look at these things with compassion we will only continue a cycle that just festers further- poisoning the macrocosm as a whole, in every community over time, as it continues from each person that encounters the very real power dynamic. An impression is left regardless of narrative or opinion, and it is usually unpleasant and hard to cope with.
This is only further aggravated by circumstance- especially with people who traumabond based on their needs, an abuser can leverage this, it can be used to abuse and manipulate victims and coerce the power dynamic further.
Sometimes, it may even feel like there is no safety anywhere unless you do everything right. The worse you cope the more you complete the role you become forced to play, every mistake you might make, weather ur trauma is legitimate or people ignore this, it may start to feel real. Even if it isn't the truth. This narrative can be weaponized against you at the expense of others, or when you reach your limit and fall apart and give in.
Not knowing what to do, feeling like there is no way out, that is not your fault.
You might pretend you're okay with becoming the mascot of a smear campaign, just to cope, and if you're creative you might even reclaim your role because you crave closeness.
Someone taking advantage of your trust is never your fault, some people are not as equipped to perceive these threats or red flags.
Even if thats what your reputation is, despite a very real stigma, the truth is you deserved better, the actions of those who keep rape culture in place are wrong, for the simple fact that they cause harm, to everyone, and you.
To allow it to continue is to be complicit to an evil that will make its way to your doorstep in the most insidious of forms, and the most benign.
Prevention and resistance is not a lazy endeavor, it requires relentless diligence.
That is a valid fight, and its a irl canon quest line we encounter every day, and we may not even see it, until it is affecting us, or someone we care about. This sort of evil, is very real.
That is worth fighting for, to stop this cancer in its tracks is our birthright, but rape culture has pit victims against eachother to prevent that very real solidarity we have.
That in itself is intimidating to those who are determined to preserve that dynamic- no doubt for their own benefit.
If it is something that can be dismantled
(rape culture)
then one must b just as relentless. We must accept what we cannot change, but change what we can't accept. Morality is not easy or pleasant. Hence it is the road less traveled, and sometimes it makes more enemies than friends, but the truth is real, and true freedom is knowing morality, and the change it manifests.
However, this also makes sense. Especially when you consider how intimidating a sense of morality within each of us, will always be what makes us intimidating to those who have depraved intentions, weather they intend to imply it or not. It is up to us to be brave enough to fight it in every form it takes.
If we can free ourselves from this nightmare, then we will be that much more equipped for bigger battles in our future. However, when we stand together, we make history- much like the people who lived before us, who knew how powerful it was to care as one.
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republicstandard · 6 years
Clout and Conscience
A Practical Application for Using the Aristocratic White-Lady Voice in Real Life
I've joked for years that my porcelain complexion is really just brilliant, aristocracy white. Until about a year ago, that would have been the extent of discussing my race amongst mixed company, or even in the presence of other whites. After finding the alt-right in the wake of C-ville, I've learned a tremendous amount about what internalizing and projecting white identity really entails. This knowledge has motivated me to do my best to change what I can when I can for fellow whites who aren’t consciously aware of the calculated demographic displacement that has been accelerated since the Obama-Era.
Most notably, in the last 6 months or so, I’ve started leveraging my woman status and utilizing what I call “my aristocratic white-lady voice.” I have found that it is an effective way to challenge friend, foe and stranger alike to think outside of the safe zone they’ve been duped into believing is truth and in turn, shed light on where they can really find safety.
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I have some insights to pass along to others in our movement who want to adopt the challenge to make IRL outreach a daily goal—to constantly have that sense of agency at the forefront of our minds and for our people. . .
Here's my story.
My first bit of advice is to become known as a source of information for normal people around you, even if you think you can’t possibly keep up with everything relevant (let’s face it, you can’t, but try, and don't make excuses).
Being known as someone who is well-informed (with regard to often misconstrued historical “facts,” as well as current events)—someone people ask questions of, seeking answers about what is happening—sets us up to be people that, by nature, can be very un-confrontational in low-key redpilling.
When I say I leverage my woman status, I mean people naturally find me less threatening when venturing into topics that may otherwise come across as taboo. The reason for this may be that—either by their perception that I am not likely to be well-informed, or that I am not a confrontational threat because I do not have a vested interest in politics or current events—the bias exists even with other women.
Either way, I use this leverage—whatever the reason I find it in my tool kit—to my advantage and always think of myself as starting with the upper hand. However, this same leverage is the very reason why I have taken a keen interest in helping others—women in particular—see things in a new way. It is also why I am so careful to view this as a process. Most importantly, it is a process that can be used by both women and men in our movement to reach out to our respective normals.
Ultimately, if we can start discussing topics inside of the mainstream media, the NPC media, or even those that make it to the proverbial “water cooler,” and push the conversation outside of those basic talking points to begin providing alt-right takes on them, we have the opportunity to start doing real footwork in our daily lives and making inroads with people we can pull over to our side.
A real-life example of this in my recent daily life was with a co-worker who mentioned they saw something about the leave statement from Gen. Mattis. This person hadn’t made time to read all of the article but had only seen the headline. They asked me what was going on “because they knew I would know” - so a sense of trust had been established with this person, giving me the opportunity to break it down into manageable parts and with a viewpoint they would not have gotten from any news article - but a viewpoint that doesn’t immediately alarm this person that I’m a white nationalist. In this case, we talked through, but ultimately the bottom line they walked away with was knowing that Mad Dog was pissed Trump withdrew from Syria.
I was happy I had been able to get those thoughts out there and have them received so well because it opened up a decent conversation about why that was a good move and why we need to continue to withdraw from the area and let (((our allies))) manage their own business.
2018 gave us several prime opportunities to open discussions in this way, and I think one of the best had to be the NPC meme. It was great for a number of reasons, but one thing it's helped me to understand is that even we have over-generalized normies. There's a sort of caste system inside of the normie world. NPC has helped corral some of those sheep from the flock, and better identify whites that are open to finding white identity for themselves - but there are some that are on the precipice of being "minutemen ready” while there are others who are just frustrated and realizing this nice normal PC world they have always known is gone, and it disgusts them. Others are so low-info that they don't even have any idea just how much danger they are in, or if they do suspect it, they are choosing to live blind.
These are some very basic-bitch points to explore in a deeper delve later on, but to be really effective, I think we have to know what approach to take with each one of these types of people. Some in our movement have just blanketly said that we need to be more direct without caution. While I understand the urge to “confront” these people, I think it is more important to keep in mind that the message of the left is now explicit incivility, and even a mild perception of pushing a little on these people isn't going to resonate well with them (this may be where we saw a decrease in the white women’s vote in the midterms). We ought naught fight fire with fire in that way; at least not with those that will be most effective in increasing our numbers. The fact is, these folks are not likely to confront the fight on their own, so we bring the fight to them and give them the confidence and knowledge to know how to fight back and most importantly, permission to do so.
Let's talk about confidence first and how that relates to knowledge in a symbiotic way . . . This, of course, requires an honest examination of one’s own strengths and weaknesses. We need to play to our strengths and counter-balance our weaknesses. What I specifically mean by that is recognizing that there are 2 primary types of intelligence; those who are knowledgeable and those who are logical. These two are not mutually exclusive, unfortunately, as I am sure most of you already are aware. . . .we all know people who have a vast accumulation of knowledge but really lack the ability to apply that knowledge practically or in any meaningful way. There is a good majority of people who aren't big brain intellectuals on politics, history, or current events, but most whites have street smarts, common sense, or whatever else can be said of being able to think and reason.
There are a select few people who have a high degree of both, and in my experience, these folks also often have a third component that comprises of high emotional intelligence. They are naturally confident, active-listeners and intuitive in understanding the thoughts and actions of others. These are our movers and shakers. These folks have energy and a lot of it. Think Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson.
Of course, the daily reality we encounter consists of people who are made up of different combinations of these types of intelligence to varying degrees on the spectrum. However, raising our self-awareness and knowing where we fall on that spectrum can provide us with motivation to not only become more knowledgeable through independent study, but in dealing with others, it is vital to find common ground and not let ourselves venture in to arenas we aren’t as well-equipped to handle (namely, because it is counter-intuitive and can actually deal damage by taking non-confrontational talking points and making them forced but unsupported – with regard to voicing alt-right tenets in daily interaction or as commentary).
I always like to keep in mind a phrase my dad began telling me when I was very young: "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." My point being, that once we zero in on those individuals we need to engage with in order to keep the collective “us” moving forward, our credibility will remain delicate while trust is being built because of the doxa that surrounds a very new and “mysterious” movement to people who are just becoming comfortable with being conscious of white identity as a concept. We must manifest and/or amplify confidence to accurately represent our ideology, and that starts with knowing, accepting and profiting from our strengths and deferring our weaknesses to resources that can cover our personal deficits. That is how we will pass along our knowledge of the truth.
Knowing and accepting where we fall short also allows us to line up people in our corner who are made for those tasks, and we can point our friends in the direction of those people (and their works, ideas, even something as simple as sharing memes - thanks to @petercozy for all the great Graham clips during the Kavanaugh hearings).
The second thing is to keep a healthy perspective on where we ourselves started and where we have progressed. I think most of our alt-right leaders do an excellent job of reminding people to not be too judgmental or black-pilled about those still not awake. . . give them a little bit of rope, so to speak. But rope to tie around their waist so we can pull them out of the well of shame they no doubt have been cast in to.
What we want to be always leading up to, is permission to think outside of the conformed safe zone . . . I was always right-leaning growing up, and I cast my first vote for DUBYA, but by the time he finished his first term, I described myself as a "registered Republican, who could really better be described as more of a Conservative” . . . AS IF there were really a distinction to be made. This was my own intuition subconsciously recognizing I wasn’t all the way in with the GOP, but still too low-info/energy enough to not yet know that the neo-cons, paleo-cons or civ nats weren’t really going to offer me anything better.
I had a very brief period as a Libertarian and even considered voting for "what's his face"** but ultimately made my way to the Trump train and in-line with the rest of my cohort, the 53% of college-educated white women. (**I intended to look up the name of this candidate but I have decided to leave it as is because it is a literal testament to how low-energy and ineffective the Libertarian movement is).
I started looking in to the alt-right after C-ville, mostly as a morbid curiosity (how could I have NOT known about these horrible, monstrous people) and then the more I listened, the more I read, I eventually stopped fighting the notion that there wouldn’t be “just one more podcast,” but rather, maybe this was where I belonged. I remember hearing certain things about race, IQ and especially the JQ that left me with a physical feeling, a burning feeling almost.
Looking back on that now, I consider it my “un-shaming.” A literal shedding of white guilt. At times I disgusted myself, I worried what it meant for my soul to find refuge, relief, a sense of homecoming and purpose in ideals I had always been taught were inherently evil. This must be reconciled before we make the choice to be open with our beliefs or try to bring our people to our side because we will continue to be told that, and it takes great resolve to not only know that you are still right but to still like yourself at the end of the day.
I share my experience because as part of the 53%, I feel a keen sense that there are even more women in my position who agree but haven’t recognized that the consequences of the outcome of NOT trying to progress the white identity agenda are far worse than that first time of being called a racist or Nazi. Again, the first few times this happened to me, it stung, and I use that word because in terms of a physical feeling. That is literally what it felt like. I’m not one to kowtow easily, and I recognize that can be uncommon, but I don’t think I would have the fortitude to withstand this fight confidently without the alt-right as a movement, the knowledge it's given me, and the hope in knowing that I have a people behind me. My people. My white people.
I also want to be clear that I'm not making the case that swinging all of these women to the alt-right is going to be what takes us to the next level, but I am pointing to my experience because as a woman, presumably, we are raising the next generation (if the better part of this number haven’t bought into the fun, hip childless lifestyle). I also think that we don’t need all of these women to go all the way to the right in order to see success more clearly defined, but they do need to internalize the risks and promote the benefits that can be gained from a mindset rooted in white identity, if only in the periphery.
We will make great gains if they are on board with the idea of a perfect symbiosis. Then, if they aren’t willing to risk IRL outreach, we need them at least to support the men in their lives, so that they can return that to us - confidence, knowledge, and permission, which are all facets of safety. Women inherently need to feel safe, and we need our up and coming generation to feel safe and embody these same traits. Unfortunately, most of them just don't know how dangerous the circumstances have become. My desire to push the alt-right mindset into the mainstream is a direct result of exposing the danger of the current path for our young men and women.
I’ve accepted that a good portion of my white friends are not going to make it all the way across the Rubicon, but I nonetheless will never tire of leading the fight to them and helping them to unshackle themselves from the chains of white guilt.
Lastly, I would say that we cannot be bound too tightly to rules of engagement, in terms of tact. For example, to make an effect, we don’t always have to directly call out race, but can do so implicitly. There was a cute, young, white couple in the grocery store last week who saw some crazy group of kids running and blocking the aisleways, bumping into display kiosks while their grippos-and-gubment-cheese mother loafed casually on her phone. She was also obviously holding up the aisleway. We were about 10 feet away, and the guy turns to the girl and says, “We ARE NOT having kids.” As she was laughing and agreeing with him, I leaned in, put on my aristocratic white lady voice and said,  “Oh come on, don’t let poor choices and bad parenting from our neighbor here scare you off from the joy of becoming a great mom and dad.”
They were taken aback a little, as most people I encounter are when you even say the word “white” or “black.” In those instances, they immediately bristle and look around to see if anyone else was listening, and this wasn't any different except that I didn't say anything about race explicitly. They still seemed to understand knowingly, and ultimately they light-heartedly laughed, smiled politely and continued to shake their heads in a sort of dumbfounded way as they went around to another aisle to bypass the chaos.
I would never have been so bold a year ago. But today, I know what is at stake. Today, I accept that if I sit back and just watch, the great world my white ancestors built will crumble and burn - more than it burnt inside to know that the bitter lies I had been lead to believe were just a cloak of shame. Today, I know where I stand in my abilities. I am confident with the resources I have at my disposal in the areas where I am weak. But most importantly, today I have permission to have pride in my race, culture and to succeed in promoting the real values we want. Even when I fail, even if we all fail, I know where my people are and who really has my back.
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I do not think we will fail. I think this is just the beginning, and there is much work to do. We've already won in so many ways. However, the last thing I would say (and it is something I still struggle with) is the extreme sense of loss and sadness that is inevitable once you’ve noticed things enough and felt the despair that comes with acknowledging the very real risks at hand. Very few things in life have been able to zap my joy, and I do still find happiness and love in my personal life; but after we reach a point where embarrassment becomes one of the last raw emotions we feel – I think the reluctance of some of our more capable people (to risk their reputations) stems from that progression of seeing the truth, being black-pilled by it, so jaded and dejected that anger is only a reaction in rare personal exchanges.
I know where this weed has sprung forth and exactly where we cut it at the root. I’ve lived long enough to see “political correctness” morph from a mere zygote of the last era of civil discourse to the fully fledged rebellious teenager that screams “silence is consent, and you should tell everyone of your racist, bigot Trump supporting relatives that over Thanksgiving dinner.” But it scares me that our women aren’t afraid that this is the kind of thing their sons and daughters will hear. The kind of world where this is the new normal. Women who don’t fear to break away from traditional mores opens the door for Woodrow Wilson’s dream of self-determination to take full root. These women will instead look to other women, emboldened with the centurion-like spirit of the Pussy Hat Brigade, instead of the men who were by the laws of nature designed to keep them safe. They will not raise men who, if they were that young man at Kroger, would have turned to his wife and said “We WILL NOT ignore our children and permit them to behave that way” and feel safe saying it loud enough for anyone to hear.
I propose that our stance as a people, a new people, be that of the New Aristocrats - not a reversion back to the pre-1900’s world of Aristocracy. There were obviously problems with that particular era of sovereign rule, but I find divisions in our movement most apparent when we argue about which past history or ideology we ought to seek to resurrect. None of them, in their entirety . . . perhaps we borrow pieces here and there, but we are in a brand new era of technology and that means we need a new era of sovereign rule - New Aristocrats. All of the previous ideologies are but pieces of yarn, for a new tapestry that must be woven to represent a new age, but with a proven mindset and insights gleaned from generations before our time.
I am not a policy, ethics or philosophy scholar, so I leave that debate to those who have invested more time in exploring those realms (challenging both myself and others to become more well-versed in those areas). For me personally, I think in terms of the front line I am capable of dealing with - the logic to be had with people like myself, who are just now awake, raising families, slaves to jobs they hate and so with that, perhaps my main point is that it just starts with a daily attitude. A uniform of personality, if you will. Encouraging the meek to not bow their heads down and try to engage a warm and fuzzy smile to be returned when they see a POC looking down at them, dead-eyed - instead, return that cold-blooded stare with the Aristocratic and strident flare that emanates a position of authority - one that is a result of knowledge, confidence, and permission to embrace white people, white culture and white identity politics.
It is the same in love as in war; a fortress that parleys is half taken. ~Margaret of Valois
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2EPyzDy via IFTTT
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wintopcapital · 7 years
The Upside to Singapore Fund
There weren’t any export duties. Singaporeans, particularly women, are searching for a normal stream of income for a hedge against the industry volatility and global uncertainties. It has put in place a number of schemes to encourage the development of the fund management. Even though it is halfway across the globe, it is easy for US investors to invest in the country’s growth through the iShares MSCI Singapore Index Fund (EWS). It offered the ideal location. There was a Chinese saying it isn’t easy to conquer a nation, but it’s harder to safeguard the nation.
The nation isn’t democratic by any means. Both countries have observed trade, especially in startups, expand in 2016. The government will also allow individuals to earn some lump-sum withdrawals as soon as they have retired, in place of receiving only incremental payouts. Fundamentally it’s one of the quickest growing economies in Asia.
Something similar amplifies in investment when our hard-won money is involved. The significant sort of global investment is the investment fund. There are several types of funds out there. As an additional advantage, index funds are usually low in expenses in comparison to Mutual fund. Many funds are wanting to earn a name for themselves inside this sector and to make the most of the superior growth expected during the next few decades. There are lots of people funds to choose from.
Home ownership has become a considerable aim of the Singapore government. Some believe that it’s impossible to pay less interest for Housing Loans dependent on the identical amount borrowed and rate of interest. The equity shares are acquired through open industry. It’s fine to bring profit and it is fine to have a loss. Additional in regards to fat dividends, there are many Singaporean REITs that is likely to make dividend-loving investors drool. Dividend payouts aren’t very consistent initially. Then there’s the attractive dividend payout provided by blue chips here.
The fundamental rationale is they lack a trading program. A trading program should have these components. At first, an endowment plan looks like a savings account. You are able to choose to re-invest this amount in different plans, or use it in order to meet different financial needs. In addition it’s important to get a plan which is well-tested and proven to make sure you are financially successful trading the markets. Terminating a plan before maturity can cause a loss, particularly in the early decades. You should be flexible to modify your strategies if the desired result isn’t achieved.
Many other investment businesses notify you you could make the exorbitant quantities which you’re dreaming of. It’s a true business which requires skills, wisdom and discipline. Although this services can be quite eye-catching it’s not free. Services offered by Hong Kong service providers wouldn’t attract GST, since Hong Kong is among the few nations within this region which has not introduced GST. You ought not act upon information inside this publication without seeking skilled advice.
150 new jobs might be on the way as a result of an industrial construction business in Cork. As a means to completely maximize the feasible profit, fund managers will likely include things like lots of highly leveraged items like futures and high-coupon, very low top quality bonds with significant credit risks. The manager also has to be deemed to be good character, along with being fit and proper’. FoFH Managers need an extra 3 decades of FoFH management experience. The right tax advisor needs to have the ability to aid you reduce your taxes. It enables members to remain in the pricier wards. All members that are at least 21 decades of age are entitled to participate.
The bank did not want to give loan for him. It is possible to find the correct personal loans at Singsaver.com.sg. Insurance is thus a vital component of your financial wellbeing.
No minimum sum of RA savings will be necessary to join CPF LIFE, no matter how the month-to-month payout is contingent on the RA savings. There wasn’t any capital gains tax. For instance, if you’re tax 20% every year and you’ve brought a house of $1m dollars. From 1981, CPF savings could be employed to finance buying private property.
Some believe that It requires Money to earn money. Some think that it’s impossible to earn money from the Internet that isn’t accurate. Money flowed from Japan-stock ETFs in the very first half of this past year, the moment the yen was. Investing in the stock exchange appears deceptively simple but the truth is that the majority investors get rid of money. Should you happen to need more income than you’re able to withdraw, then you will need to appear towards other avenues, like a personal loan or a credit score line. You’ve an excessive amount of money and wonder what things to do with them. Indeed, you’ve too much monies which you are thinking of giving some away to charity.
The post The Upside to Singapore Fund appeared first on Wintop Capital.
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