#wolverine pov
corawithfanfiction · 2 months
The Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf And Polaris
When I get messed up at the party (Episode 4)
episode 3 - episode 5
The team regroups and prepares for a new mission. Logan begins to learn Lorna's true identity.
warnings: heartbreak, language, crying, anger issues, suicide planing
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Five years later, Lorna woke up to perhaps the most eventful morning at the Academy. There was a little hustle and bustle, and a little excitement at being together again.
When she came downstairs, she heard Raven's voice.
“Logan talked to Betsy. She'll take care of Jubilation. I'm going straight to Kitty as we discussed. There's no change to that plan,” Lorna saw Raven talking to her uncle when she walked in. “After I pick up Kitty, I'll stop by Bevery Hills, pick up Betsy and Jubilation and return to the Academy, I'm guessing Emma and I will be here at the same time.”
Charles nodded his head in satisfaction and said, “Be careful. In case something goes wrong,”
“It's going to be fine, Charles, rest assured. But if things don't go our way, don't worry, I'll call for backup without delay, as we discussed!” Raven interrupted. Charles nodded as if convinced.
“Is Legion the backup team or me?” said Lorna, leaning over to plant a kiss on her uncle's cheek.
“Too bad we didn't think of you two troublemakers as backup, honey!” Raven said with an exaggerated gesture, rolled her eyes and left the room, saying she was going to get ready.
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“Let's go over it one last time!”
“Logan, if we go through this one more time, I'll kill you and go alone! For God's sake, enough!”
“You're already used to it Lorna!”
Lorna and Logan were to leave for the All - In Casino in the evening. Anna Marie was in trouble with Bella Donna. Lorna had an old acquaintance with Bella and had specifically asked to go on this mission. She had just stabilized her powers, but that didn't stop her from settling her score with Bella. On top of that, if Bella was there, Remy was there. And since the 'Avengers' had brought back half the universe, Lorna absolutely had to talk to Remy.
Besides, their destination was the All- In Casino where Lorna used to work and even live. Before her uncle found Lorna and took her in, it was the All-In Casino, not the Academy, that Lorna called home. Lorna had never been proud of what she had done there, but she had never denied it either. She was a young woman trying to survive. On top of that, her father was the very famous Magneto. This had never made things easy for Lorna.
When she went up to her room to rest, Lorna was studying the files in her hand. It was only ten in the evening. In two hours they would be on the road. After a forty-five minute drive, they would be at the All-In Casino. Lorna would then use a code to let Logan and herself in as if they were there to gamble. After a round or two in the casino and gathering enough information, they would request a meeting with Bella and leave with Anna.
Of course this was the most positive scenario. Lorna knew that things would definitely turn ugly and it wouldn't be that easy. She had spent years in that shithole. And the most dangerous, filthiest people in the world would come and hang out there like it was legal. It was a casino for so-called anti-heroes or just bad “guys”. But there was a lot more going on inside than that. That's the way it's always been. That's what it was set up for. In the so-called casino, people were sold, states were divided, who would win wars was decided. Who would be the next president or who would be the “new Captain America” was decided there. Absolutely nothing was recorded. No cameras or microphones. There would be no need for them.
Since she had two hours to kill, Lorna thought, I'll get some sleep and then take a shower and get ready. After taking a nap for about half an hour, she got up from her bed to get into the shower. As she walked to the door opposite her bed, she remembered what had happened a few weeks ago.
As her thoughts raced through her mind at the same speed as the water flowing through her body, she shuddered at the breath she felt on the back of her neck and quickly turned around. Her body still hadn't gotten used to such sudden movements and when she grimaced in pain, the huge body behind her enveloped her and waited for her to calm down.
“I didn't mean to scare you. I came to see how you were doing.” He stroked her hair and placed a small kiss on her left shoulder.
After a murmur of understanding, she turned her face fully to the man behind her and nuzzled between his broad shoulders.
They listened to the silence for a while.
There was only the sound of running water and the faint sound of breathing.
Only for the woman, of course.
He heard much more, but all he cared about was the sound of the heartbeat of the body in his arms.
Remembering his fear when he couldn't hear them and couldn't feel her breath, he hugged her tighter.
“I'm sorry.”
“What? Why?” he couldn't hide the surprise in his voice.
She kept her face buried and continued to speak in a hoarse voice.
“For hurting you.” He let out a deep breath and pulled his head back.
"And for getting you wet.” She looked into his eyes with a small smile on her face. Seeing pain in those eyes was the thing he hated most.
“I guess I shouldn't have hugged you while I washed, Logan.” As her smile grew a little wider, he took the towel off the hook and wrapped it around her body, turning off the water, then lifted her out of the tub and carried her to the bed.
“Get ready, I don't want you stuck in this room any longer and the next time you want to bathe, let Raven know, you haven't fully recovered yet, what if you had blacked out and fallen! God Lorna!” the man breathed angrily, but his voice was too calm. Not what one would expect from him.
She stood up from her seat and placed her hands on his face. With one hand she played with the hair on the back of his neck and with the other with his beard.
“First of all, I got out of bed on my own because I was sure I wasn't having a seizure anymore.” He lingered in the man's eyes for a few seconds and then continued. “I can't call Raven every time I want to take a bath, everyone has a ton of work to do and I'm fine and you were here and as you can see I'm completely fine.”
“I'm here because I wanted to check on you because I felt like you didn't have anyone with you.”
“You're the only one I need to be with me, Logan, like you're the only one I want to feel.”
The young woman left a small but juicy kiss on the lips of the man whose arms she had wrapped around her. She felt him relax as the arms around her waist loosened. She continued to hate herself for the painful moans that escaped his lips as he returned her kiss.
He couldn't help but wonder when all this had happened in between. It felt like centuries had passed. After taking a quick shower, she sat on her bed in her bathrobe. After carefully combing her hair, she applied care oils and moisturizers. After quickly putting on her black lace underwear, she put on the dress she had arranged beforehand. After carefully drying her hair without fluffing it, she made the bun she wanted. She carefully pulled her bangs out of her bun. It took some effort but she was happy with the result. She quickly put her watch on her left wrist without forgetting it. They couldn't bring any tech gadgets in, so she couldn't check the time on her phone. Accurate timing was crucial to keep the plan on track, so she congratulated herself a few times for wearing her watch without forgetting it. She sat in front of the mirror and looked at her makeup. Normally she didn't wear a lot of makeup when she was at the Academy, but if she was going to the All-in Casino, she thought, I might as well reminisce a little about the past. After carefully applying her eyeliner on her eyelids, she thought for a moment. And then she drew a thin line on her lower eyelid. After looking at it for a while, she was absolutely satisfied with the look.
She quickly applied her gloss and mascara as Logan's voice reached her ears. After putting on her boots, she put on her rings. As she put her glasses in her bag, she was about to leave the room when she realized she wasn't wearing her necklaces and quickly grabbed the chains from the busboy and put them around her neck. It was five minutes past twelve when he descended the stairs with small but quick steps.
“Be late-” Legion was about to rub the five-minute delay in his face,
“Is that how you're coming?” interrupted Logan.
“Wow, L. You look just like you do,” Legion couldn't hide his admiration. “What?!” Lorna giggled, raising one eyebrow questioningly.
“Like the old Lorna. You definitely look like the old Lorna.” She took a step towards her sister, took her by the hand and spun her around. Legion continued to praise his brother, making noises of approval.
Logan was obsessed with one thing, the old Lorna.
Inside, Charles read the report one last time before the two left. There was no means of communication inside. And if Lorna's prediction was correct, they wouldn't be able to talk to Charles telepathically either. So everything had to be manual.
“-grew up alone and spent his childhood on the streets of New Orleans. He made his living as a thief. Despite this hard life, he managed to survive. Remy, who played a trick on almost everyone he came across and knew no limits in theft, one day tried to rob Jean Buc Beau, the leader of the Thieves Guild of the city of New Orleans, and Jean Buc Beau was very impressed by the little boy's captivity and self-confidence, as he took this job, risking that this attempt would end in failure.”
Logan was putting all the necessary equipment in the car while Charles was meticulously reading the information. Legion's eyes were on his sister.
“Remy has suffered so much in his life,” Lorna interrupted her uncle.
With that outburst, Logan stopped what he was doing and focused on the woman standing in front of him. He was looking at the old Lorna.
“Jean Buc's adopted Remy and gave him her last name. With that, Remy is now under the protection of one of the most dangerous underworld gangs in New Orleans.”
Unable to understand why the woman across from him was describing the life of a thief with tears in her eyes, Logan broke his own silence and spoke. “And what does this little orphan thief have to do with Anna or Bella that we've been hearing about his painful life all morning?” Was Logan jealous of Lorna? Maybe. But the young woman was too engrossed in her memories to realize that right now.
“You would have known if you'd bothered to listen to me! They filled not only your skeleton but also your brain with that metal junk, didn't they! Oh God!” Lorna slammed the car door in anger and slammed her heels hard on the floor as she went inside to retrieve the last bag.
Charles picked up where he left off.
He was aware of what had happened between his daughter and Logan, but he had never said anything about it. He knew there was no mad love between them. Even though Logan was a dear friend and Lorna was his daughter, they were good for each other, so he kept quiet about this 'thing' between them. Even though they had spent more time together over time, they had never said they were together. Lorna even had other boyfriends from time to time. Logan was more of a safe haven, a safe arm. Or just a skin match.
“As Remy's life began to improve, he quickly rose through the ranks of the guild. In New Orleans, in order to keep the peace between the Thieves' Guild and the Assassins' Guild, the greatest rival of the Thieves' Guild, it was agreed that Remy would marry Bella Donna Boudreaux, the granddaughter of the leader of the Assassins' Guild. However, Bella Donna's brother Julien opposed the arranged marriage and challenged Remy to a duel. At the end of the duel, Remy, trying to defend himself, killed Julien,”
Logan frowned at what he was listening to. He hadn't expected Remy to turn out to be Bella's ex-fiancé. Still, he didn't understand what this had to do with Anna.
Lorna came in and responded as if she could read Logan's mind. His anger seemed to have passed. At least a little bit.
“As much as the Assassins Guild wants revenge on Remy, Bella is still in love with Remy. She agrees to spare his life in exchange for their marriage. But Remy has never loved Bella. Remy and I at the casino,” Lorna tried to make sure she was choosing the right words. As bad as things were between her and Logan, she didn't want to break his heart. On top of that, her uncle was here. Even though he could look into the darkest corners of her mind, she didn't want to talk about it in front of him.
“You're ex-lovers, you had a great and undying love between you. So much so that the whole casino was talking about the passion between you,” Legion interjected without letting Lorna speak, and there was a small silence.
Logan's mouth opened in surprise at first, then he clenched his jaw and tried to hide his anger. Why was he getting angry? Did he have the right?
Charles was disturbed by Legion's intrusion into Lorna's mind. Even though he knew about it, he didn't like to hear it. Lorna was still a little girl to him.
Lorna raised her right hand slightly and wiggled her middle and index finger. A very thin green light came out of her hand. The light first reached the chain around her neck and then, in the blink of an eye, it left her neck and enveloped Legion's neck. Lorna's necklace was wrapped around Legion's neck with a beam of green light around it.
“If you try to get inside my head again, you dung beetle, I'll blow your ugly head off! You hear me!”
“S-sorry! Oh, my God! It's definitely the old Lorna back! You crazy bitch!”
“Watch your mouth, Legion!” Charles warned his son. Normally he would have strongly objected to what Lorna had done, but it was okay for Legion to learn a little lesson.
As she and Logan got into the car and drove off, Lorna rolled down her window and called out to her brother standing behind the car, referring to his action earlier.
“You didn't see that coming, did you?”
Smiling slyly, he entered through the window and leaned back
As he reached for the radio, he gave Logan a look as if to ask if it was okay. He looked at Lorna for a brief moment, shook his head 'no' and then turned back to the road.
Lorna smiled and sang along with the song as it came on. As they walked out of the gates of the Academy, she began to make her way home, leaving her house behind.
Logan kept thinking about what the old Lorna had been like.
"Maybe I should count my blessings That you're just that type So call me masochistic But sometimes, I want to fight (rah)
Every time I leave, you pull me closer I hang up the phone, you call me back Why don't you mess me 'round like you're supposed to? You're turning me cruel 'cause I'm just wanting you to react"
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yumishisu · 15 days
logan degrading calling him everything but wade (p1)
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rodolfoparras · 1 month
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Four in the morning ( when you creep back into bed )
Pairing: Wolverine x Top Male Reader
Cw: 18+, fingering, anal sex, sub!wolverine, dom!male reader, fwb,
Thinking about Wolverine who’s always so impatient to wind down after a long day, calls you over to his place with someone else’s blood and guts still caked onto him.
He hasn’t even finished up the call when he’s stripping the clothes off of him, before pushing strong thighs up to his chest, spit slicked fingers working on loosening the tight ring of muscles, all while counting down how long it takes for you to get there, silently wondering if he should have someone else finish up the job instead.
By the time you arrive, he’s already driving three fingers up inside his tight wet hole, the muscles in his wrist flexing with how hard he’s going, angry red cock uselessly slapping against his stomach as he fucks himself down onto his fingers , all while frustrated noises roll off of his tongue because of course this isn’t enough to make him finish
The frustration only grows when he sees you standing motionless at the door, and he’s quick to tell you to hurry over and fuck him already, even huffing and puffing as he proceeds to turn over and present his ass for you because fuck does he have to do everything around here?
“come on come on come on” he rushes out, hand parting his cheeks to show you his hungry cunt, momentarily wondering if he should just tie you up and use you however he wants.
But just as the thought strikes his head he feels your cock brushing up against the furls of muscles, and a sigh of relief escaping his lips as you finally slide inside him.
Despite the amount of prep there’s a slight burn that comes with the stretch, muscles reflexively resistant as you sink further into him, but he happily welcomes it; toes curling, clawed nails threatening to poke hole in the sheets, as the pleasurable flames slowly but surely engulf him “mfp - ah fuck that’s it yes yes yes, took you ah took you long enough,”
He steadily takes you inch by inch till you’re buried to the hilt; ass flushed with your hips, pressed so close he can practically feel your heartbeat against his skin, even feels himself going lax in as if you’ve finally quenched the fire that’s burning inside of him.
“Couldn’t exactly teleport here now could I?”
Just as he’s about to retort with something sarcastic, you give an experimental roll of your hips cock head brushing up against the wall of nerves that knocks the wind out of him , desperately gasping for air when he demands “Fuck!, oh -oh need more come on, please!!”
“Easy there , going ah- to hurt yourself,” you splurt out , fingers digging into his hips as if to prevent yourself from ramming into the man.
Logan however couldn’t care less, uses his hips to push himself back down onto your length, body shuddering and groans escaping his lips as he starts fucking himself on your dick. “I’ll - ah - I’ll heal,”
That’s when he feels your fingers yank at his hair, pulling him back til his head is resting on your shoulder before driving up into him at a relentless pace, all while keeping a sturdy hand on his hip, turning and twisting his body as you please- as if he weighed nothing .
“This what you wanted huh?” You breathe into his ear while continuously slamming into his hungry cunt.
For a moment he’s unable to muster up a response, lost in the way you’re slamming your hips into him so hard it almost hurts, stretching his body in ways that makes him feel like he’s being split in half on your cock.
But the constant jabs to his prostate eventually coaxes the words right out of him “Yes! Yes! Yes! don’t stop fuck!” He gasps out feels himself already inching closer to his orgasm, and maybe he’d be embarrassed about it if he hadn’t been worked up for such a long time. All he can do now is keep a vice like grip on your cock fearing you’d be cruel enough to pull out when he’s so close to cumming
Fortunately for him you don’t do any of that, instead you continue ramming straight into him til the tension in his balls grow unbearable tight and he’s withering in your arms.
“Cum-cumming-“ is all he manages to blurt out, body tensing for a moment before spurting ropes of cum all over the mattress. “Mph fuck!” He cries out, , world blurring, ears ringing as he continues rides out his high in your arms.
Eventually he stops shaking in your embrace and upon catching his breath he’s hit with the smell of a coppery scent, one heavy eyelid prying open just to be met with the sight of his claws digging into your now bloody hands. A wave of panic rushes through him, and he’s quick to retract his claws before he goes to say something. But just as he’s about to speak you interrupt him “it’s okay”
He doesn’t say a word as he brings your hands to his lips, tongue slipping out and lapping up the bloody mess on your skin.
“Jesus Christ Logan,” you wince out, head dropping into the nook of his neck as he cleans you up, swears he can feel your cock twitching inside as he continues on with his task , his lips all bloody and smiling ear to ear when he says the words “Another round?”
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sun-snatcher · 21 days
summ. You and Remy slow dance. It turns into a walk down memory lane. Maybe more? ( an audio imagine, established in #WELUCKYFEW )
IT’S PROBABLY AT YOUR FIFTH yawn that Remy settles he’s had enough of you dozing off.
“Chèr,” he calls. You barely respond. “…Chèr.”
“Chèr— Lord, this woman— Stray!”
You flinch awake, paper scattering. “Jesus, Remy!”
Something rolls at your feet, purple glow fading. “Did you just charge a plastic cup—?!”
“An’ nailed y’at your dome? Oui.” 
“Was the closest thing t’me, an’ you was ‘bout gon’ pass out on that damn table, you,” he snorts, rounding the kitchen island. “Told y’not t’make dodo out here, chèr. That couch can break a back, Remy tellin’ y’now.”  *
“First of all, ow. Second of all, I know.” You rub your face with your palms, try to rub the gossamer of sleep in your eyes. “I’m almost done. These papers aren’t gonna mark themselves, and the students were expecting these yesterday—”
“Chèr,” he interrupts, gently. “Dance w’me.”
You blink, completely diverted by the non sequitur. “…What?”
“Y’heard me.” He’s sauntered over to the record player at the corner, loading in a vinyl with a click and a careful drop of the needle. “Since y’aint wanna sleep, anyway, y’tête dur.”  *
Some melodic Blues album fills the room. Louis Armstrong, you recognise.
The absurdity of it all has you letting out a bewildered laugh. Maybe that cup hit you harder than you thought. 
“These songs alone can put me to sleep— no, Remy, not in that way, before you charge a record at me this time— I mean it’s… it’s a slow song. Kinda defeats the purpose, don’t you think?”
“S’worth a shot,” he shrugs, nonchalant, and your nerves feel like they shrink as he shuffles towards you with a quirk on his lip and that look in his eyes; stubborn resolve. “Come see.” *
He bows with theatrical flair, and catches your hand to hold with cordial permission. “I know ladies like t’be axed properly, so.” 
Remy smiles. “How ‘bout a dance, chèr?”
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It works, surprisingly.
Or, perhaps, unsurprisingly, considering this is Remy LeBeau. The Gambit. Le Diable Blanc. His devilish charisma comes naturally; it doesn’t take that long before banter and inanities has you ducking your head to hide your frazzled giggling over your tripping feet and dramatic dance dips and—
“Mais la, your hands are cold cold.” He laughs like it’s been punched out of his gut. “Y’got the frissons, chèr?”  *
“I’m nervous!” You yelp out when he spins you on your heel, and catches you again. 
The next song plays.
It’s one you’ve heard being hummed under Remy’s breath as he moved around the house, absent-mindedly, or whenever he fidgeted his restlessness away with his deck of cards: Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans? 
The melody lulls the both of you into an easy, gentle sway. Remy’s hand rests on the small of your back. The palms of his hand are smooth; warm, like always. It’s comforting.
His mouth ghosts against your temple. You can feel his cheeks raise. “Why?”
“‘Cause I’ve stepped on your feet like, five times, now, Remy.”
“Mais, don’t be honte. S’just me, chèr.”  *
He winks. Bumps his forehead to yours, where you shoot him with a playful eye-roll. Remy considers himself a lucky man that you’d even acquiesced him anyway; relented and let him curl you into his arms, laid your head to rest against his shoulder. 
And then, out of the blue, between the crackle of cantabile trumpets drifting in both of your rundown New York apartment:
“Exactly,” you say, cadence impossibly soft. “It’s you.”
A petal of an admission. Feather-light. You lift your head to meet his gaze.
If it had been any other person he might’ve permitted himself to read it as something romantic.  
…Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?
And miss it each night and day?
“You miss him.” He exhales as if he’d been disarmed. “When you look at me.”
It’s a statement, not a question. There’s no point in lying. 
You nod near-imperceptibly. Had you spoken, your voice may have failed you.
Something passes in his eyes. When he unravels you into another gentle spin, then back, it’s gone before you get the chance to decipher it. A calculated move, you realise. There’s a gap between the both of you, now.
“Though—” you begin, tentatively. “There are differences, still.”
Rain drums against the window. In the distance, the sky drawls threat of an impending thunderstorm. Remy’s gaze is rapt.
“You can play the guitar,” you say, fond. That had been a discovery on an early Saturday morning— the first night you and Remy had arrived in Wade’s universe and slept over at his place— where you awoke to Remy’s singing and acoustic strum of Footloose, drifting between a breakfast-ruckus rioting in the kitchen.
He’d apparently learned to play during his years in the Void, so he could pass the time.
“Handle your alcohol better, too.” You muse. Probably honed from the Void aswell. “My Gambit was a chainsmoker. But he quit for his three cats. And Rogue.” —Even though I told him years before to quit, you don’t add. It would’ve been pointless anyway.
“Three minous?” An amused laugh. “Huh. I feed 3 strays makin’ a pass to Wade’s sometimes.” *
Multiverse is funny like that. “Some things never change.” 
He huffs out a wry laugh mid-sway. “Mais, s’pose so.” 
“And…” Your eyes flicker to his lips. 
He notices. 
“...My Remy had a scar.” Your hand slides off his bicep, floats up to his face. “It cut deep. Right above here.”
…moonlight on the bayou; a creole tune that fills the air.
You rest a thumb at the edge of his lip.
His heart stifles. 
“Gave it to him in Madripoor,” you recount, distant, and when you meet the questioning look in Remy’s gaze, answer humorously: “Let’s just say we… got off the wrong foot the first time we crossed paths. ”
…dream about magnolias in bloom and I'm wishin' I was there.
Remy barely laughs— too distracted with the nebulous presence of you. His hand on your waist squeezes.
“S’it ever hurt you?” Quiet. Touch soft. An ocean-in-a-seashell murmur. “That I ain’t him?”
…Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?
This time you don’t miss the lightning resignation in his eyes. The thumb he’s pressing at your waist vanishes. He has half the mind to let his hands slip away.
“An’ what ‘bout right now?”
Your head is shaking before you even register it. You move to shift him back close; afraid he’ll pull away before you can answer. “No. All I see is you. Only you.”
…When that's where you left your heart?
The air is tense. The proximity isn’t helping. Was it concession, what you said? His nose grazes yours; he’s watching your lashes fluttering—
He won’t. He won’t kiss you. He can’t. 
It’s a gamble the Gambit can’t bet on. 
Not when his mere existence alone is like pouring salt to an open chasm in your heart; like picking at a scab: wounds fresh, old memories clearly— somehow— even fresher. 
It would be unfair to you. 
Gambit is a gentleman, after all.
And so Remy noses against your cheek. Nudges at your temple and presses his chin at your hairline, tries not to stoke the tumid yen clawing in his chest. Both of you have been dealt a bad hand. If there’d been dismay in your eyes, he didn’t see it.
You feel his lips ghost against your hairline, again. 
His breath is flushed warm. You want to tip-toe and meet him halfway. Taste the burn of whiskey neat on his tongue. Carve yourself an enclave into his heart only you could fit in.
To be surrounded by him. Sheltered. Kept.
But it wouldn’t do. It’d be unfair. To inadvertently use him as a remedy, to look at him and feel like you’re using him as a crutch to your past; 
All because your foolish little heart can’t differentiate what your mind can clearly see— that this Remy isn’t yours.
You duck your head back to his chest. The song croons to a close. 
…And there's one thing more;
I miss the one I care for;
More than I miss New Orleans.
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*Cajun footnotes
Make dodo — to go to sleep Tête dur — stubborn/hard-headed Come see — Cajun way of saying "Come here." Frissons — to feel chills Honte — embarrassed Minou — cat Make a pass — to stop by
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jen-with-a-pen · 1 month
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(In Your) Arms Tonight - 1/2
summary: Hypothesis: If he (Wade) turns off the AC, then they (Wade and Logan) will have no choice but to strip naked and end up sticky and gross and hard together!
That's what he was taught in middle school, right?
pairing: Logan Howlett x Wade Wilson / Worst Wolverine x Deadpool
word count: 1.3k
warnings: MDNI 18+, Wade's POV-ish, blood mention, knife mention, beer mention, Wade's fuckin horny and thirsty y'all, pining, cursing, claws, Wade is looking ✨respectively✨, crude humor and language, slight Deadpool and Wolverine spoilers, no smut (yet, sorry)
a/n: AUGH DONT LOOK AT ME (actually please do I cannot hold this in any longer.) currently part one of two parts. posting the first one now as I am currently traveling for work and won't be back until beginning of September and then part two will be out when i either A. Get home or B. Finish it and format it in between running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Please be patient with me! I will not tolerate "whEreS PaRt Two?¿??" when I literally just told you. Hope y'all enjoy one of the many products of my brain rot. More to come in due time ✨
Not beta'd. Written on my phone and edited via gdocs. Post formatted on mobile because I don't wanna use my work computer lmao
Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!
If I've missed any tags, PLEASE let me know!
gif by @tomshiddles | dividers by @saradika-graphics | warning banner by me ❤️
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❤️ Reblogs and comments are appreciated, as always ❤️
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The abs are great. More than great, actually. In fact, they're all Wade thinks, dreams, and fantasizes about. All day, everyday, non-fucking-stop. The moment replays over and over in his fucked up noodle brain like a scratched record. He knows muscle memory is a thing, but what about salivatory memory?
Christ. He's gotta get a grip instead of getting hard.
But what about when Logan isn't flexing hard enough to rip his goddamn suit off?
Wade notices Logan becoming more relaxed around the apartment as the days pass. Adjusting to his new life, coming out of the bedroom earlier than he has to on days when he gets a turn to sleep on a real bed. It's Sofa City most of the time– which he really doesn't mind, he almost prefers it most of the time (since it's in clear sight of the front door) but Wade more often than not likes to insist they share his 'much-too-big-for-lil-old-me' twin XL mattress that's seen more stains than sex in the last year alone.
Logan's compromise is he'll take the bed and Wade the couch half the time. Alone. They're still working on the negotiations of said compromise, but the jury– Blind Al– is still out on recess.
Once he's more settled in, Logan learns that it's okay to kick off his boots and put his feet up. It's not often, but enough that Wade silently wishes he'd rest those big meaty calves on his lap instead. He's been needing a new weighted blanket and Adamantium-coated tibias and hairy legs are so in right now.
Logan doesn't know it, but Wade secretly plays 'ohmygodhetotallylookedatme' whenever he so much as catches a glimpse of Wade oggling at him in his peripherals. Wade can't help it when Broody and the Beast's ribbed white muscle shirt pulls taut against those deliciously plump pecs that he silently prays it'll burst off again. Or he'll rip it off. Or Logan will rip it off. For him.
A boy can dream.
It's especially hard to win at 'OMGHTLAM' when Logan accessorizes– AKA throwing on whatever flannel is in rotation out of the several he finds at the thrift store a few blocks over. Wade feels his throat tighten like his jeans do when Logan wears the forest green one. Really brings out his eyes.
And smile. And lips. And–
It's still summer, so on the hotter days, when sweat glistens on his brow and Wade desperately wishes to be the back of Logan's hand, the tank top comes off. All Logan's sweaty, gloriously muscular body has on is a wonderfully worn-in pair of jeans with the hem of black briefs poking out behind the denim waist.
Do they have AC? Yes. Because Wade would have to plan a funeral for Al if they didn't.
But when she's out and about, he likes to turn it off and let the New York heat wave run its course. Sure, it leaves him sticky and gross, but he'd rather be sticky and gross and hard when he can help it.
Luckily, Blind Al is gone for the whole weekend. Some girls trip or a drug mule job. Same difference.
Hypothesis: If he (Wade) turns off the AC, then they (Wade and Logan) will have no choice but to strip naked and end up sticky and gross and hard together!
That's what he was taught in middle school, right?
With the push of a button and a sprinkle of patience, Logan is splayed out on the couch in a matter of hours with a lukewarm beer in hand while fighting his eyelids from dozing off to some random war documentary. Sweat beads on his temples and there's a slight sheen to his skin from his biceps to the lower V pointing down to between his thighs. He chuckles every so often, mumbling things to himself between swigs of beer and shaking his head when the narrator gets something 'wrong.'
Wade busies himself in the kitchen but his eyes are permanently glued to his roommate. He doesn’t miss the way Logan's stomach rises and falls gently, the rock-hard six pack softening into rolling hills of muscle with a layer of dark hair covering as much surface area as immortal-like hormones will allow. Grown out beard, chops, and messy hair really throw the whole look together; very 2000s, if you ask Wade. His pecs look just as soft as a pair of titties, if not softer, and Wade knows it. He'd do anything to lay his perfect little head on Logan's chest. Maybe lick it too, if he's a good boy. 
Logan perks up suddenly from the couch.
Oh God did he say that out loud?
Wade doesn't hear him. Can't hear him. Half-refuses to hear him, honestly. Daydreaming takes up a whole lotta brain power and this show isn't running itself. Economy, budget cuts, unprecedented times. You know the shtick. 
Nothing but a bead of drool comes out of Wade's mouth. 
Suddenly, there's a crash right behind Wade's head and now he's awake. He whips around to the ale-spattered wall behind him and back to Logan, who's now standing with claws drawn and chest heaving.
Wade swears he's blushing. 
Eyes wide and brow standing up straight like his good little soldier, Wade looks down at the counter before him to find a bloodbath of a scene: one hand's on a knife while the other spews blood all over the yellowed counter tops; there's remnants of a carrot that was finished five minutes ago, followed directly by remnants of fingers cut down to the last fucking knuckle and slice marks beginning down the back of his hand.
Wade holds up his spurting stump, gashed artery doing a spot-on impression of Ol' fucking Faithful.
"Oh. Huh. Thought I smelled something," he says, staring at his now-tingling hand. Baby fingers for the rest of the night were so worth the staring contest with Logan's beautiful body.
"Fuckin' idiot," Logan mutters, sheathing his claws and striding over to the hall closet to grab a towel. Wade's already stopped bleeding, but just because they might be immune to bloodborne pathogens doesn't mean Al is.
"Gah– get back, damn mutt." Logan shoos Dogpool out of the kitchen to prevent her from lapping up her papa's bodily fluids. He throws the towel in Wade's face and goes to grab the bleach out of the cupboard under the sink. Logan learned very quickly where to find it the first time this happened a month or two ago.
"Sorry baby, Mommy's got a boo-boo and Daddy's just trying to help," Wade coos at Dogpool. "You're too good to me, peanut. Someone oughta wife ya up before I do."
Logan responds with a scowl as he tosses the carrots out and tries to keep the counter from staining. "Why th'fuck did you do that?"
"It was time for a new hand. Old one was so last season."
Wade mops up the blood from his arm and wraps the towel onto his head like he's just gotten out of the shower. Holding up his regenerating stump, he poses like a cover model for Vogue.
"Whatcha think, peanut?" He strikes another pose. "Is this doing anything for ya, big boy?"
Logan grunts as he tosses a wad of paper towels into the trash can. He turns to leave the kitchen, eyes flicking to Wade. It's the quickest once over ever, but Wade sees it. Commits it to memory while he pulls a Flashdance in a chair from the kitchen table and follows Logan's denim-clad ass as it sways off to the bathroom. 
"'M gonna go shower. Don't wait up,” Logan calls before shutting the door and locking it. 
Sighing, Wade looks down at his crotch, pants tent pitched higher and tighter than a first-timer on Everest.
Good thing he's ambidextrous.
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isthemedia · 18 days
Poolerverine-Yoink! (1/2)
Since Ao3 is down for maintenance right now.
Here it is! Part One of two. Ao3 link to come when it's up and running again!
(Since ya'll left comments figured to tag ya)
Logan thought he had an idea of how Wade’s moods went. Sure they were sporadic and nearly unpredictable. The keyword being ‘nearly’. There were little tells Wade had, probably just natural instincts and habits his body did. Despite the constant dying and regenerating Wade’s body did-a story Logan STILL isn’t sure he was ready for-it seemed that there were just some things that always came back to Wade. 
The way his hands would twitch when he’d be on a short fuse, ready to fight or maim or pull out god knows what kind of weapon from who knows where. Luckily Logan knew how to take a hit. He also knew just WHERE to hit to get Wade somewhat under control. 
How Wade’s leg would bounce from being cooped up for too long-sometimes five minutes would be too long. Logan needed to yank him by the hood of his sweater as he tried to climb out of the window to the fire escape cause he needed out ASA-NOW. 
How some nights, when he’d be jolted awake from his own nightmares and warped memories to see Wade also up on the pull-out. The glow of the tv casting an eerie blue glow over him, as he’d just watch whatever was playing…without a word. At least Logan thought Wade was watching what was ever on during the first few times it happened. However, once he’d get a better look, he could see Wade…well, how did that saying go? Lights are on but nobody’s home? Something like that. Those times, well, those times were the ones he didn’t really have an idea on how to handle. 
Logan figured he learned enough of those cues and habits that nothing could really surprise him with Wade anymore. 
But it was just like the fucker to come up with something new. 
Which is where Logan was now. Staring at the lump in the middle of the pull-out’s mattress. Just what the hell was Wade doing? Sure the man could be lazy, but this was something else entirely. 
“Come on!” He gave a kick to the pull-out, jostling it somewhat. “Get up! This thing takes up enough space as is!” 
Wade refused to move. Hell, he wasn’t even saying anything. It was actually pretty damn quiet, that the familiar snikt sound seemed almost too loud. “Wade, ya know I won’t be afraid ta force yer ass out.” 
No response. 
Not even a snark.
And that was pissing Logan off the most. 
That does it! Raising his claws, ready to--
A knock came on the door. 
The sound was enough to knock some of the fury out of Logan. He couldn’t quite stop the growl that left him as he turned away from Wade, claws sheathing back, and stormed over to the door. He nearly tore it off the hinges when a second round of knocking started up. “WHAT!?” 
“Huh, you do have fangs.” 
Logan faltered some. Embarrassment was quickly quelling most of the boiling rage. “Ah--Vanessa, um…” 
Vanessa smiled sweetly. “It’s fine. I had worse greetings-and most of those came from Wade. Which, by the way, gotta call from Al,” she continued. “Mind if I step in?” 
“Huh? Ah, yeah sure,” Logan stepped aside and let her in. He noticed she had a canvas bag slung over her shoulder. Figured she was out doing errands. Even though it didn’t work out between the two of them, Logan could still feel how much the two loved each other. That both would drop whatever they were doing if the other needed help. 
Vanessa made her way over to the pull out and knelt down. “How long has he been like this?” She asked. 
“Hm? All monrin’.”
“Ahhh,” she sounded like she knew exactly what was going on. Probably did, she was with him long enough. 
“He’s done this before?” 
“He has, but it’s been a while since the last time,” she set the bag down and started digging through it. “He’s not gonna move for a while when he gets like this. Well, at least when somebody can see him.” 
“Gonna fill me in on what’s goin’ on?” Logan asked as he made his way over to her. Peering over he could see the bag was filled with…quite a bit of stuff. And all of it was stuff Wade liked. Snack, drinks, shit he saw a couple of toys in there too. Looked more like something you’d bring for a sick kid.
“Hard to explain,” Vanessa said as she pulled out a small Hello Kitty plush toy. “But you know how some people just, shut down sometimes? Burnout? Crash?” 
“Yeah?” He knew that all too well. “Wait, is that what this is?”
“Kinda?” She said. “It kinda is, but kinda isn’t.” Logan huffed. These answers were getting him nowhere. “You know about his cancer, right?” 
“Y-yeah.” He kinda felt like an asshole when he decided to ask what happened to Wade. He thought all that scarring was from like a fire or a chemical spill-or maybe his mutant gene just made him look like at. It wouldn’t be out of the possibility-hell he knew Beak. He didn’t know that Wade had cancer-STILL has cancer. That his healing factor wasn’t healing that cancer, just kept replacing it. That those scars were from it. That he’s constantly dying and regenerating. 
“Well, some days that pain gets to be too much,” Vanessa continued. “Says that even the voices in his head get too grating to listen too. That everything feels like static cause he’s being watched. Like sticking your tongue to a 9 volt battery, kind of static.” 
Well now he really felt like an asshole now. Dammit. He shoulda realized something was bad when Wade stopped being so damn chatty. “So what do we do when he’s like this?” 
“Not much,” Vanessa said. “Just time, and just making sure he’s alright,” she added with a slight grin. “Watch this.” 
Logan wasn’t sure, but that grin Vanessa had reminded him of Jubilee’s when she managed to steal some snack from Hank’s hidden stash in his lab. She always managed to somehow just pull out the good without knowing. He watched as Vanessa set the plush toy on the edge of the pull-out. She slowly inched it closer to the mound on the bed. She got about three inches away, when--
Logan blinked. 
It happened so fast he wasn’t sure just what he saw. Vanessa was too busy laughing, the plush toy gone from sight. 
So he did see that right. Wade snatched it and took it under the blankets with such speed it was almost cartoonish. 
“That-is what I call the Yoink-Zone,” Vanessa explained. 
“The what?” 
“Yoink-Zone,” she grinned. “It’s hard to get Wade to come out from under the covers like this-cause again static feeling. So I had to find some way to make sure he ate something. Found this out through trial and error,” she explained as she pulled out a small pack of fruit shaped marshmallows. “It’s dumb, but it works.” 
“I guess,” Logan heaved a sigh. 
“Here, your turn,” Vanessa said as she handed him the packet of marshmallows. 
“The fuck you mean, my turn?” 
“Hey, you live with him now, so that means you gotta take care of him.” 
Logan wanted to argue with her. He didn’t need to do shit.
But that wasn’t true. Hell, if this was all it took, it was the least he could do. Wade did more for him and dealt with his nightmares. Taking a set of claws to the gut. Needing to calm him down from his fight-or-flight response. Hell there was one time he bit off two of Wade’s fingers cause he got too close to his face. And the asshole had the gall to tell him it was all alright. 
This was less destructive at least. 
Logan slid the marshmallows towards the lump of blankets, and again, lighting quick they were snatched up. “...yeah this is dumb.” 
Vanessa laughed and smiled warmly, before inching her hand towards the ‘Yoink-zone’. Instead of getting snatched violently, Logan watched as Wade reached out and took her hand. Fingers threading together, and just holding her hand gently. “Things are gonna be alright Wade,” Vanessa said softly. “I’ll stop by later on if this keeps up, but Logan should be able to take it from here then. That's alright?” She felt him squeeze her hand softly before letting go, giving a thumbs up, before disappearing underneath the pile of blankets. 
She got up, one of her knees gave a pop while doing so. “Got a couple of snacks and drinks in that bag,” she gestured. “I’ll take it back next game night.” 
“Alright, ah…thanks Vanessa,” Logan nodded as he walked with her back to the door. 
She took his arm and patted it. “It’s no problem. I know Wade can be…well, Wade…but I know you’ll help him out with this.” 
“Yeah, I got it,” he nodded. They shared their good-byes and Vanessa was on her way. Logan leaned back against the door and heaved a sigh. This was probably going to be a long week. He hoped it wasn’t going to last long, but then again Vanessa made it seem like there was no real time frame for how long this thing lasted. 
He made his way back over to the pull-out. Mary-Puppins was now beside it, whining as she stared up at the edge that seemed to be too far out of her reach. 
Alright, this could be a bit mean, but then again, Wade loved the ugly thing. So maybe it wouldn’t hurt. Logan scooped her up and set her on the bed. Watching as she sniffed and toddled closer to the pile of blankets. When she was near that space-yoink!
Mary yelped as she was pulled under. Logan heard concerned shushing and small mumbling-Wade absolutely trying to appease the dog he probably spooked like that. Logan couldn’t help but laugh at the whole thing. He only proceeded to laugh even harder when one of Wade’s hands snuck out from under the blanket to flip him off. 
It was only the second day of this mood of Wade’s. Logan had to go out and restock on things for the merc, since the bag Vanessa brought was emptied before noon. And to be honest, Logan needed that time to be out of the apartment. 
Some thoughts were starting to rear their ugly heads again. The more he tried to push them back. Or cut them off-only to have two more replace them. Fucking hydra analogy, like the actual hydra and not the organization…though isn’t their motto something like that?
He sighed as he roamed the aisles. Maybe after this he should start thinking about moving out. It’s not like he wants to-well not fully. It’s cramped, three adults and a dog all staying in a one bedroom apartment? Two over six foot men sharing a pull-out? The apartment itself definitely has seen better days-hell seen better years with the upkeep. 
Sure they could probably move-Althea included, he knows Wade wouldn’t want to leave her behind. Despite their sniping back and forth, and that godawful namesake Wade gave her, he did care about her. Shit, Logan did too. There was something about her…she wasn’t Chuck, that’s for sure. But there was just something about her. Something comforting and welcoming. She definitely filled a gap that was missing for him. 
While all moving out together sounded nice-well, alright that was the problem. It was a nice thought. A nice idea for a nice, somewhat domestic, somewhat fucked up future. 
But, if there was one thing Logan learned in his long life was this: Logan Howlett doesn’t get a nice life. 
That’s just how it was. That was why he seriously needed to think about moving out, and away from them. Because he was getting too accustomed to the idea of living with Wade. Too comfortable with the other man laying right by him. Being a constant in his day-to-day life. 
Great so much for escaping those thoughts. 
He wasn’t sure what it was with Wade, but there was something there. Something he’s been missing for years. The lines between companionship and desire were starting to blur. Fuck he’s been alone way too long to think of Wade like that. 
Then again, it isn’t just because he’s been alone for so long. Wade was different. Different then a lot of people-and he wasn’t meaning his looks or that weird quirk of him making comments to someone he couldn’t see. Wade sorta just, accepted him. The good and the bad. Wade didn’t try to change him, or make him more suitable for living with him and Althea. 
He didn’t need to be a ‘good guy’ to bring home. To Wade, Logan was fine just as is. PTSD, anger issues, alcoholism, and all. It was something Logan never even thought possible. There was always SOMETHING about him people needed to change. But not for Wade. 
So when was the other shoe gonna drop? It was gonna happen, he just knew it was. That’s why he had to be far away from Wade when it did. 
He sighed as he made his way back to the apartment, bags in hand. Well, that can be something to go back to worrying after Wade gets over this mood he’s in right now. Couldn’t last that much longer, could it? Maybe he should call Vanessa. Get an idea on how short or long this thing lasted. 
Entering the apartment, he could see the lump on the pull out hadn’t moved, but Mary was laying on the mattress just slightly out of the ‘yoink-zone’. He made his way over and sat on the edge of the bed. Mary whined, and he just gave her a quick little pet before digging out a bag of chips. 
He slid it close to the pile of blankets. It was getting easier to catch it. Wade’s hand shooting out from under the pile to grab whatever there was, and back under again. Logan chuckled softly and shook his head. 
Wade was absolutely ridiculous sometimes…and he was getting used to it. 
Mary made a small sound before she settled onto his lap. Welp, looked like he was stuck there for a bit. Could be worse. He knows he shouldn’t, but to hell with it. He knows he’s gonna need to abandon ship sometime, but for now he could enjoy this for a little bit. 
He absentmindedly pet Mary, his eyes slowly trailing back over to the pile of blankets. With his other hand he slowly slid it across the mattress. He was expecting Wade to just snatch it when it was close enough-but that didn’t happen. 
Like with Vanessa, Wade reached out slowly. Placing his hand over Logan’s. Wade’s hand was cold, despite being tucked under that pile of blankets. It wasn’t bad…it actually felt kinda nice. Logan ran warm anyway. 
“Yer gonna need to let go or I’m gonna need ta stop pettin’ Mary if you need somethin’ else,” Logan said. Wade gave a soft pat to the back of his hand before giving an ‘okay’ gesture, and retreating back under the blankets. Logan laughed and looked down to Mary. “You get so damn spoiled.” 
Laura and Vanessa were over. Day four of Wade’s mood. Laura got a first hand experience and witnessed the ‘yoink-zone’. She actually jumped-claws shooting out and everything. 
“Just so you know, he’s not gonna shut up when he’s over this,” Vanessa warned. 
“How is that different from normal?” Logan asked. 
“You’re mean,” Vanessa teased. “I mean that he’s gonna be dumb and talk himself dry,” she explained. “He’s a bit, out of it for like a day after all this. So just keep an eye on him, alright?” 
“Been babysitting him for four days already, shouldn’t be a big deal if another gets tacked on,” Logan shrugged as he leaned back on the bed slightly. 
“You miss him talking, don’t you?” Laura smirked. 
“Dunno what yer talkin’ about,” Logan grumbled. 
“Suuuure you don’t.” 
He huffed and shifted slightly. He was about to say something else when--
“SHIT! I forgot!” Two, scar roughed hands grabbed onto his arm and pulled-HARD. He toppled back and found himself partially under the pile of blankets. It was dark, but he could mostly make out what was in front of him and well…over him. 
Wade had this almost soft, fond looking smile on his face. The same one Logan always saw him give Vanessa-but there was something just slightly different with this one. “Got too close there Peanut,” Wade’s voice was hushed. A bit raspy from not being used for a few days. 
“Yeah, figured,” Logan said softly. “Better?”
“Hmm…a bit,” Wade murmured. “Gonna talk your ear off, cause I had a lotta thoughts goin’ through my head during all this.” 
“Yeah,” the smile stayed on Wade’s face as he leaned down. 
It was obvious what was going to happen, but still Logan felt his breath hitch. The position was awkward, but not the worst kiss he had. Wade’s lips were chapped and scarred-but felt so right against his. He almost wanted to chase after them when Wade lifted his head. 
“...ready ta come out? Say hi ta Laura and Vanessa?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, ‘m pretty sure I’m good,” Wade nodded. 
Logan shifted and pulled the blankets back and off of himself as he sat up right. Wade pulled them back as well, but still remained cocooned in them. He shifted and shimmied across the mattress till he could comfortably lean against Logan. 
“Hey,” Vanessa greeted softly. 
“Hey,” Wade gave her a soft smile. 
“Missed ya,” she added. “Logan did a good job at taking care of ya.” 
“Hmmm he did…thanks Peanut, I owe ya.” 
“Nah,” Logan shrugged. “ Deal enough with my shit, the least I can do.” Yeah, sure, maybe this was a bad idea. Logan’s all too familiar with bad ideas. He knows that there’s gonna be a consequence for this sooner or later. But that can wait. 
Wade hummed as he felt Logan’s hand slide under the blankets. Feeling around, until he reached Wade’s hand. “yoink,” Wade said softly as he took Logan’s hand, threading their fingers together.
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Save a horse...
(SFW, Read the tags. 1/2
Promts: One's on purpose. The other is oblivious. Can you guess which is which?
"..I didn't know that was a gay bar.")
Pov, you're currently a drunk and slightly nervous Wade Wilson - Not Deadpool. Wade Wilson. You know, that guy who's so insecure about his entire body that he covered 100% of it and often times has multiple costumes/masks on because it's a metaphor for how he actually feels on the inside? Yeah. Him.
You are also currently sitting in a midwestern country bar with a shitty luke warm beer waiting for your 'Room mate' to say he's ready to come home. Watching how lit up he gets when around ranch hands and hard whiskey makes you tip your hat in fear you might actually look like there's pepperoni on your face from how red it's getting.
Slouching into your chair further, you start grumbling how the joke wasn't even that funny and that you could make a joke 10 times funnier, but you promised previously to behave yourself. Plus, you weren't doing so hot anyway. This was your 8th one as it was, and already you were watching his every move. How his canines sat when he smirked, how his arm hung over the back of his chair, how his boots crossed under the table, how he used the bottle in his hand as almost a speaking point, making geastures with it as he litsened, responding to their stories with his own. Right now the topic was about fixing fences and Horses escaping, riding horses, etc.
Honestly, he's heard worse. Ten year old girls talk more seriously about horses than these 4 rugged grown beareded men.. it seemed so boring..
Oh god. At this point, you're wondering why you even came. You clearly didn't fit in here, and these jeans did NOT do you any favors in the front. Was this why he was always so bitchy? Because his balls were getting strangled together by denim all the time?
It's not until you hear something in which you perk up. "Wade. Wade! Come're! Tell'em bout tha' there one time, will ya?"
Blinking, you wondered. Did you hear that, right? That beautiful draw and slur in his words calling for YOU of all people?
"Come on boy! We wont bite!" One of the men laughed. You could of sworn you just heard Logan chuckle and say "You better not.." in a tone that was... not firmiliar.
Slowly, You get up and stagger over only to be grabbed by the massive belt buckle and pulled close. His arm wrapping around your waist as he looked up at you with such shiney yet hammered eyes. "Tell'em!"
"Tell them what?"
"Bout the thing."
"Which thing?"
"Ya know the- Oh wait ya weren't there for that. Well shit, sorry...Oh! Wade, thi's Buck, Cletus and Mark. Have a seat."
For a moment, you blink as if he's gone mad. There were no seats left. Only 4 at one table. And as much as you'd love to just sit on his lap, there's no way he'd allow that. Not in front of these guys. Manly men didn't let other men sit on their laps in public. He's learned that the hard way.
"How much have you had, Wolfie?"
"Ah! Nevermin' that! Sit!" As if God himself awnsered your prayers he dragged you down into his lap, keeping you sat sideways and with an arm around you for no reason at all other then to claim dominance? Territory even? Just.. cause?
Either way, you find yourself a bit too shocked to speak, but let's be honest, that never lasts long. Trying to hide your face, You mutter;
"So...new friends of yours?" You ask the beast of a man who's locked his arm onto your hip.
"Cowfolk are usually quite... fond.. of one another." Buck says as if trying to tell you something, but you were far too knackered to get it the first go.
"We got a way of finding each other." Mark speaks up.
"Oh, do you now?" You ask, sounding intrigued.
It was now that you understood FULLY why he brought you to this bar specifically. Or was he even aware? No he couldn't be that dull- well...
Suddenly, you relaxed completely into his arms, wrapping an arm loosely around his neck, fitting into him like a puzzle piece. Like a wave of relief that you could infact show affection in here. It made you wonder if that was why Logan was so handsy or if he was just three sheets to the wind.
"Mmh. It's how we found ol' Logan here." Cletus made the mistake of saying and smiling at the muscly hairy man in a way Wade knew far too well.
Giving a quick, threatening glance, you take off your hat and put it on top of his head while staring them dead in the face. Howlett wasn't the only one who was territorial..
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fandom-trash-247 · 1 month
Parents (In Training)
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Logan Howlett, Wade Wilson & College Kid!Reader with female pronouns/general descriptors
Requested?: No 2.6k words I've never written for either of these two before, so I'm sorry if it sucks. ______________________________________________________________ It all started for Logan the day after the get together Wade had when the two of them had returned from the TVA and saved the world.
A new timeline meant a new life for him, and that meant meeting new people whether he liked it or not.
He woke up in the morning, had got up from the couch that he was frequenting for the time being and made his way to the kitchen. Not everything from the party had been cleaned up, but that didn't bother him so long as he had a bottle to look forward to and a place to drink it.
He grabbed one of the half empty bottles of alcohol available on the counter, opening the top with practiced ease before bringing the mouth of the bottle to his own.
Or, rather, tried to.
Knock, knock, knock.
He looked at the windows, the sound of something knocking on glass alerting him to someone being outside. Maneuvering himself from around the counter, he checked the windows by the fire escape, seeing a young woman perched outside. Her hair was kind of messy, and she had a tied off plastic bag in her right hand. His brows furrowed as he looked at her. Who the hell was this? She wasn't at the party last night. He supposed she might've been one of those college kids coming home from their walk of shame. "You've got the wrong spot, bub. Go home." She gave an irritated glare at him before more insistently knocking at the window, maintaining eye contact. He gave an irritated growl, the sound starting to piss him off. "Let me in! I'm supposed to be here." the woman called from outside, her voice somewhat muffled by the glass. He shook his head. "I'm not falling for that. Get out of here!" he called back, gesturing with his right arm to shoo like a giant bug in his face. Then suddenly he saw her irritation turn to disappointment, and at first he thought he'd successfully got her out of the fire escape and out of his life. "My sweet Papaya!" Logan's teeth had grit from the sound of his roommate's voice. Shit.
Wade quickly scooted to the window, unlocking and opening it from his side and quickly moving aside, letting her in. "Hi Wade." she said with a smile that Logan could only describe as tired. "Hey, sweetie." he replied, pulling her into a hug, which she relaxed into, the bag she had in her hand thumping against Wade's back due to the momentum. Pulling away, she turned to look at the stranger in Wade's home. "Who's your boyfriend?" she asked the burnt man. "We're not boyfriends." Logan firmly denied. "Okay, lovers, husbands, friends with benefits, I don't care. Who are you?" "That, Papaya, is Logan. More people know him as Wolverine, to strike that bell in your head." Wade said before seemingly looking somewhere entirely away from her and Logan for no reason. "Quite the well known household name, one could say." She looked at Logan and gestured to Wade with furrowed brows and a tilted head of confusion. He merely shrugged in response, lost himself.
Wade looked back at the two before looking at her bag. "What's up with the bag of secrets?" She gave a groan before ripping open the top of it, revealing a carton of eggs, a deli container of ham, half an onion, and sliced cheeses. "I was going to surprise you with breakfast this morning, but your guard dog wouldn't let me in."
Wade gave a gasp of delight at her words. "Special breakfast for me? Marvel Jesus? Aw, you're my favorite disciple!" Her confusion only grew. "What Jesus?" she asked before she looked disappointedly at him. "Did you do coke with Al already?" "No, no! I've already established with people that Disney won't let me." the talkative man said, pushing her towards the kitchen. "Don't worry about it, just make us some of those sexy ass omelettes!" he said, giving a final push to have her pass the threshold of the living room/dining room to the kitchen. From inside the kitchen the two men heard her call back. "I don't like your funny words, magic man!" "Just cook!" Wade called back as he wandered back over to Logan, who looked at the other man with disapproval. "Who is that?" Logan asked. "That's the college girl from two floors up. I call her Papaya. She made some ice cream with it and shared it in the communal kitchen on the ground floor, and agh, it was stellar. She comes by and hangs out with me and Al when she has free time." Wade replied before turning his attention to the kitchen's door frame, pointedly speaking louder so she could hear him. "You would've met her last night had she decided to be social!" "Fuck you! I was up til midnight in the school library trying to finish a final that was due!" was heard in rebuttal from the kitchen.
"Yeah, yeah, just say you don't love me anymore. It would hurt less." Wade called back. "Hey, I can stop cooking!" she playfully threatened. He in turn gave an overdramatic and well chastised gasp, hand clutching his imaginary pearls and everything. It caused Logan to roll his eyes and finally start drinking from the bottle he'd opened up minutes ago. Felt more like years at this point.
Having seen the response, Wade felt the need to clarify. "No seriously, she has a gift. Her food? Almost better than sex." "Almost?" Papaya called from the kitchen. "I've had lots of great sex, girlie, I think I'm gonna need you to cook for me a few more times before I can say anything with certainty." he teased. "Ha, ha." was the final response for a little while, and while it wasn't completely silent due to Wade still running his mouth when he could, the sounds of what the woman in the kitchen was cooking, and the music she played while cooking, it was as close as Logan knew he could get for now. Admittedly, from his spot on the couch he couldn't help but think that it was almost nice. When the food came out, the three of them each had a plate of an omelette and some toast. Wade was the first to take a bite, releasing a pornographic moan and practically melting. It caused Logan to look at the other man weirdly, and it seemed the woman wasn't thrilled with it either, as she smacked him in the shoulder. "Dude, you're gonna ruin my hard work doing that. You're not a judge on Food Wars, no need to sound like you're gonna bust." "Not my fault you make nothing less than sexy food." Wade replied as he cut off another piece and continued to eat. Logan bit a piece of his own omelette and had to admit, it was good. Very good. The talkative man at the other end of the couch wasn't kidding. This was one of the better omelettes he'd had in his lifetime. _____________________________________________________________
And so it went from there.
Every so often she would come around and spend time with them, usually at least once a week. Sometimes she'd be able to spend time talking to them or showing them a new video game or some other interest she had that she wanted to share, other times she would be stuck in her textbooks and her laptop, needing to focus but also wanting company. As her laptop sticker said: home is where the wifi is. The days turned to weeks which then turned further into months and years. Before any of the three of them knew it, she was graduating at the end of this semester. The ceremony wouldn't be for a few more weeks, but there were some events on campus that the school was hosting to celebrate those who had put in the hard work to graduate. A few had passed by already; a barbecue yard party here, a dip and sip gathering there, but nothing really big. At least, that's what Logan thought. He had been making himself one of those seven minute flavored rice packages, having tossed the parcel away when he'd put the rice into the boiling water. But now he needed it again, so he was searching the trash for it, the package seemingly disappeared from the top of the garbage. He thought he had it, but he'd pulled out something else. A small paper poster. Graduate's Parents Gala Come enjoy your success with the people who support you as you prepare for your finals, and dance the night away! Hosted in the Performing Arts Center Starts at 9pm
It caused him to furrow his brows as he gazed down at the poster. Why wouldn't the kid tell them about this event? They'd told them about the other ones. Always stopped by, letting them know what the event was, and when she'd be back. But not this time. He checked the clock in the kitchen and saw that it was now nine. Briefly Logan wondered if she'd decided to go, and if she did then if she had made it there okay. Over time he'd come to care for the silly but serious woman who was doing her best. At times it even felt like she was his own kid. Well, his and Wade's, he supposed. There was a hiss behind him and a quickening of steps. "What the fuck, Richard? I know you're still getting used to this timeline, but cooking flavored rice can't be that much different between worlds." Wade said, turning off the stove top, the rice having had begun to boil over while Logan was preoccupied.
"Did the squirt tell you about this?" the adamantium bladed man asked, handing Wade the poster. He skimmed it quickly before looking at the other much more ripped man. "No. Maybe she decided not to go." Logan shook his head. "Nah, she told us she was going to all of the events just to say she did it, remember? She went to this." Wade looked at the poster, then looked Logan up and down before making eye contact with him, causing the latter man to stiffen up in discomfort under his gaze, knowing nothing good could come of this man. "No." he told the burnt man firmly.
Wade merely nodded, a smile growing on his face. "No!" Logan replied, glaring at him. However, as Wade pulled him away to the front door, he didn't put up much of a fight. ______________________________________________________________ Meanwhile at the gala she was sitting on the sidelines watching the many families enjoy themselves. She'd been spending time with her best friend and her father during the night, and the two girls were taking a moment to drink some of the punch as one of the slower dance songs played. "Are you sure? I can stay you know, if you want." her friend said. "I'm sure. Your dad came all the way from New Mexico to be here for you, go dance with him for the parent dances. I'll be fine. I'm not much of a dancer anyway." she replied. "But-" "Go dance with your dad or I'll fuck him and make you my stepchild." she playfully threatened, causing her friend to laugh and concede. "Alright, alright! Just...have fun okay?" her friend said. "Sure thing. Now get going." "I'm serious, girl. Just because your dumbass parents decided to suck doesn't mean you can't have a good time." Once her friend left she sighed, pulling out a flask and pouring some of the alcohol inside into her punch. She just hoped that Logan wouldn't mind. Putting the flask back in her bra she took a good sip of the mixed drink. Her gaze fell to the clock in the room. It was ten-thirty, and the event ended at midnight. She supposed she could always go home early, but she wanted to see all of the graduatory events through. When would she be able to do something like this again? "Now what's a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?" she heard a familiar voice say. Looking to her right she saw both Wade and Logan, dressed up in tuxedos. Wade's was the more vibrant of the two, with suspenders and a bowtie adorning his black and red color schemed suit, whereas Logan's was more of the standard suit type in dark blue with a yellow pocket handkerchief. Her eyes widened. "Guys! Wh-What're you two doing here?" she asked them, surprised to see that they were with her. "Well, a little birdie told us that there was an important event going on," Logan started. "And we'd be stupid to not take advice from birds." Wade finished. Logan smacked him in the chest, causing Wade to wince and rub at his diaphragm. "Sorry to disappoint you guys, but this is a parents event. I have parents." "Yeah, us." Wade said, sitting down next to her. "Look, I know you were probably holding out hope that mommy and daddy were going to walk through that door and apologize for all of the shit they'd put you through throughout the years, but Papaya, honey, sweetheart, light of my life...it's not happening. They're not coming." She looked at him with a sad glare before hitting him in the chest, causing him to groan and rub at it again. "You're so much like your father." he muttered, keeping up the charade.
Logan stood in front of her, looking down at her sitting form. "Hey Bub. I know I'm not your dad, and I know Wade certainly isn't mother material, but tonight isn't about us. It's about you." he said, handing her a piece of paper. Opening it up, it was the poster for the gala. 'Come enjoy your success with the people who support you' was highlighted. She looked at the poster, then up at him with a small smile tugging at her lips, and slightly teary eyes. He held his hand out to her. "What do you say, kid? Care to treat an old man to a dance?" It was then that the slow song was winding down. "But the song is over." A lively pop song started to play right after it ended, and Wade popped up. "Slow songs are boring to dance to anyway, come on let's have some fun!" he said, he and Logan each taking a hand and leading her to the dance floor. The dance floor came to life with the change in song, and the trio were no exception. With well crafted and improvised timing the two men danced with the woman they'd come to think of as a daughter, passing her back and forth between them as the songs went on. Even once with some help from her friend, she'd gotten the two of them to dance together without her. Then as the night waltzed on, the two were back against the wall with the chairs where they'd met up with their Papaya, watching her as she danced with her friends with a smile on her face and her eyes gleaming. "We did good, Peanut." "Yeah. She certainly seems happy." Logan replied, taking a quick sniff of her drink before huffing in mild annoyance. "Brat stole some of my whiskey." "Is that what you call it? From what I remember, you left it out on the coffee table, bottle opened but nothing drank." Wade said, calling Logan out on his facade. "Tch, whatever." "Oh come on, you can't tell me that seeing this doesn't make you happy." the red tuxed man said, gesturing to her with her friends. Logan's gaze softened as he watched them before reluctantly nodding. However, the peace couldn't last forever. "Do you think she'll call me dad now?" "Don't push it." "What about papa?" "No way." "I would ask about mom, but I think that's you. You have the bazongas for it." An annoyed growl, and the sound of metal. "Wade." "Just asking! Sheesh."
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joykai · 9 days
okay so here it is: (also wade and logan aren't dating yet because wade is scared logan doesn't feel the same and logan is scared he'd loose wade and frankley doesn't know if they'd last as a couple and if they are even compatible…yeah the man is knee deep in denile lol)
Logan is used to this being dragged into another universe shit, it happened with wade and now that he works for the TVA on a steady salary to fix shit in other universes (I guess saving the multiverse makes you qualified for that kind of shit) he was desensitised to dropping into a random universe to do some shit…but never one where he already existed. He woke up tied up to a chair with adamantium chains so he couldn't escape, whoever kidnapped him sure knows who he is. He ends up figuring out that his kidnapper is him from another universe, and the other logan is chatting the most shit and talking bout how the TVA fucked with his timeline and are gonna fix it if they want their precious wolverine back. Our logan tries to explain how the TVA can't just do that, and the other logan smirks and says "oh my darling will make sure they will" and turns to the door which now opens, our logan half expects either jean or scott to enter but low and behold it's wade, he walks in with a smirk and the other logan wraps an arm around his wade's waist and kisses him, they are perfect for eachother a genuinely good and manically evil couple.
Our wade ends up busting in to save the day and knocks out the other wade and logan giving him enough times to undo the chains and break logan free, they run but have no idea where they are going so they end up hiding in a broom closet as the other logan and wade run after them. Logan confesses and they have this sweet moment, then they decide to kick the other wade and logan's asses and take them back to their own universe themselves. They corner them and it is logan vs logan and wade vs wade. Suddenly the TVA bust in and hit logan with this dart that dulls his powers as our logan swipes him across the chest meaning that logan is loosing a LOT of blood and will die, that wade is begging and pleading for them to fix this and that he is so sorry and wants his logan back, like full on sobbing and wade sees that these are just two lost and broken souls that had nobody else but eachother so he asks the TVA if they can do anything and they say yes, they end up saving the other logan and all is well, that wade and that logan go back to their own universe and swear to keep the peace in their timeline.
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gnarkillaz · 1 month
knee deep in the honda odyssey while ur stabbing me in the ribs
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World's Worst Wingman Chapter 2
Ooh a new chapter so soon after the first! How fun. :-)
I just made some bath bombs to test out a recipe for potential holiday gifts, and my head is hurting from the chemicals I used, so I'm not going to take too long here. This chapter just introduces Vanessa to the scene, with a brief Laura cameo for funsies. :-)
You can find the chapter here
After seeing how supposedly heartbroken Wade is after Vanessa still doesn’t take him back, Logan decides to act as his wingman to help him in whatever way he can. It’s just too bad that he doesn’t seem to realize just how unnecessary his services really are.
Chapter 2
From the beginning
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corawithfanfiction · 2 months
X-Men Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
 I will stay and well throw it all away (episode 3)
episode 2 - episode 4
Lorna learns to use her powers and the team plans for a new mission.
warnings: heartbreak, language, crying, anger issues, suicide planing
Just tonight I will stay and well throw it all away When the light hits your eyes Its telling me I'm right And if I, I am through Then its all because of you Just tonight
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Lorna had begun to train, although she could not get over the weight of the events that had taken place. Her only hope was that if she devoted all her anger to her powers, she might be freed from her thoughts.
She was thankful that she had suffered twenty-six years of her life for the mother she did not know. She slept peacefully every night because she did not carry the slightest part of the man she hated.
However, now all this was far away.
As if she had never tasted that peace before, she left her thoughts aside with hatred and anger and focused on the metal drums in front of her.
One by one, he lifted them up into the air and put them back down one by one. With Raven's instructions, this time he lifted them all at the same time and started to rotate them in the air.
She was distracted by the sound of the engine coming from outside and dropped all the drums to the ground.
"Focus Lorna!"
"Sorry, I got distracted for a moment. I'll try again."
"That's enough for today, L. It might be good to rest a little. We'd better listen to what Logan has to say." Legion, who was walking towards them in the garden, spoke while hugging his brother.
Raven raised one eyebrow sceptically and said, "I'm guessing Logan just rode the bike into the garage, Legion, and since you're here, I'm honestly wondering when you were talking!"
"Well, it was a little too noisy, mind. I had no intention of reading it. It was just getting on my nerves."
"I thought you and Charles agreed on mind reading, Legion."
"Don't worry, Raven, I don't give a damn fucking shit what you or anyone else here thinks when they get inside your mind, I don't give a damn what you think about the assassinations you made years ago or the nights Lorna had sex with Remy or Logan or anyone else whose name I can't remember. I don't give a damn about the past that the metal-transformed senile can't remember. It's only when you can't control your thoughts that it's an ordeal! For God's sake, would it kill you to calm down? I haven't slept a goddamn night since the humans came back! Because you know why, Raven, I don't give a damn about the mistakes you've made in your bloody past and how catastrophic they've been in your five-year absence. So please. Just please! Stop thinking about it and let me have some peace!"
Before Raven could say anything after this absolutely unexpected exit, Legion had already left his brother and Raven there and left the garden with quick steps.
"Damn it." Lorna muttered to herself as she quickened her pace to catch up with her brother, shouting after him "Legion! Come on! Hey can you wait for me please! Legion!"
Lorna stopped when she saw Logan as she quickly stepped into the living room after her brother. It had been five days since that day. The day she had deliberately hurt Logan. They hadn't spoken again after that. She didn't know what had happened anyway. She didn't know who had taken Logan's lifeless body from there or who had carried the unconscious Lorna to her room. All he knew was that Logan had gone on a mission when he woke up. And since he returned five days later, he had fulfilled the reason he went and succeeded in the mission. Otherwise, she hadn't expected him to return so soon. The reasons for returning early from missions were obvious. Either when they failed or when there was a risk of their identities being revealed, the mission was cancelled and they returned to the academy early. But Logan had been sent on the mission in question, and that meant that he had not returned early because it had ended in failure. These five days seemed like a lifetime to Lorna.
In the evening of the day after he came to his senses, he texted Logan. At first he had thought of calling, but he couldn't find the courage to talk.
'I apologise.
'Don't apologise'
That was it. When there was no answer even though she knew she had read it, Lorna accepted that something was really over.
I lost him, she said.
I lost Logan.
It's all my fault.
It's all my father's fault.
You promised yourself I wouldn't call that man Dad, Lorna!
And you promised you wouldn't hurt anyone. But what else do you do but hurt the ones you love?
You said you wouldn't be a murderer. You said you wouldn't be that man's daughter, and within minutes of saying that, you killed the man you loved!
You're pathetic!
What if you didn't have the power to heal!
What if at some point that ability ended?
What if Logan was gone forever? Because of you!
You're the murderer of the man you love!
The sun began to rise slowly as he watched the pencil work on the ceiling at night when he couldn't sleep. When he thought that it must be past five o'clock, he got up from where he was lying with the sound of the phone and reached for his phone from the commode next to him.
One word,
Six letters
That's where she died, Lorna.
He was now sure that he had killed the man he loved not only physically but also spiritually. Once again he cursed his whole life, self and the universe.
As soon as he woke up the next morning, he started training with Raven to control his strength and devoted all his hatred and anger to controlling himself.
Now the last person he could stand to see hating him for five days was standing right in front of him.
"We need to talk, I'm going to call Charles and you call Raven. I have something to tell you!"
When he left her without waiting for her to answer, Lorna let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding.
After taking a few deep breaths, she went to Raven.
After everyone had gathered, she listened intently to Logan. He had gone on a five day mission to find the rest of the team and Lorna was only finding out after he returned.
Of course, she didn't expect the man she had killed to come and tell her the details of the mission, but Legion or Raven might.
"Ororo was among the missing. However, upon her return, she was unable to engage the people of Wakanda in battle with the Avengers, was badly wounded while she was in the dust, and was admitted for emergency treatment when she returned."
"How is she now?" Logan asked without looking at Lorna.
"With Wakandan technology, he regained his health very quickly. But before he could return to New York, he had some business to take care of in Sokovia."
"Sokavia? Isn't that the country Ultron blew up in 2015 and then the Avengers destroyed?" Legion asked. Raven answered his question.
"Yes, that's exactly where it is. Exactly one year after the destruction of the country, a treaty of the same name was drawn up by the government, which the 'superheroes' were required to sign. Those who didn't sign were declared outlaws and sent to the Raft. God, I wouldn't wish my enemy to go to that shithole in the middle of nowhere."
"How did you escape the Raft if you're not a good swimmer, Raven?" Legion Raven could only roll his eyes when Raven asked a new question. Then she gestured for Logan to continue.
"Emma and Charles have already made contact. They're coming here in a week with Summer. Where are they right now, Charles?"
"Emma went missing during the blip. She was in Japan at the time. Whatever her reason for going there, I know she won't come back until it's been five years. She said she and Alex would be at the academy next week." "And that's enough information for you, come on dad, we need to know the details!" Logan's voice silenced Legion's reproach.
"Raven, you'll take care of Kitty Pryde. I've transferred her location and details to your car, go and get our little Kitty back." After Raven indicated that she understood, Logan continued.
"I'm going to Bevery Hills too. I spoke to Betsy and she's ready to come back. But Jubilation Lee's in trouble. After Betsy and I sort that out, Jubilee and I will come back here."
"Is that all?" asked Lorna.
"We've got one more contact. Legion will take care of it." Logan spoke again without bothering to look at Lorna.
"Who did you reach?" he asked, his eyes still on the man who refused to look at him. "And what field assignment has Legion ever been on that you're assigning him to now?" When he turned to his brother and said, "No offence," Legion shrugged his shoulders as if to say he knew.
"Anna Marie is very unstable right now and we don't have any other members of Legion to send into the field yet!"
"I'm still here!"
"Your powers are more unstable than Legion's!" this time he looked her in the eye. Then he turned to Legion and said "No offence" and Legion responded with the same expression.
Raven, who was watching the argument between the two, was bored with the situation and wanted to take a hand in the situation, but Logan continued.
"Anna Marie is currently in an underground swamp and is in trouble with a woman called Bella Donna. That's why-"
"Wait, wait, wait a minute," Lorna stood up from her seat, "Did you say Bella Donna? Oh honey, I'm sorry, but Legion is definitely not going on this mission." Charles joined the conversation with scepticism when she started laughing sarcastically.
"Lorna, what's on your mind?"
"If he's in trouble with Bella, it's Remy." The smile on her face grew. "And that underground dump you mentioned is none other than the All-In Casino, am I right?" it wasn't a question because Lorna knew the All-In Casino so well. Oh sweet Remy, she couldn't help thinking.
"Y-yes, but you, how?" Logan was surprised. This time it was Lorna who didn't look at him when he spoke. He turned to his uncle and said, "I'm taking this mission from the Legion, Uncle. If anyone is going to go there, it's me. Anyway, even if someone other than me goes in this room, he can't get in. I guess you won't object, will you?" He already knew the answer when he raised one eyebrow and smiled sweetly at his uncle.
"If you're sure you want to go back there again, fine." When Lorna nodded, Charles continued. "On one condition." When Lorna raised one eyebrow in scepticism this time, Charles turned to face Logan behind the woman he was talking to.
"Logan, call Anna and find out if the situation is urgent. Plan Bevery Hills accordingly." This time he turned his face back to Lorna, "You can go there, you have the mission, but you still don't have full control of your powers. Logan will go with you." Lorna was about to protest when he said, "And that's non-negotiable, young lady!"
Seeing Legion amused by the situation, Lorna rolled her eyes and called out to her uncle who was on his way out the door, "If anyone's coming, let it be Raven. Besides, I've been working with her for days, and I won't hurt Logan if I lose control, again," the young woman's voice had turned to a whisper by the end of her sentence. She bit her lip as her eyes began to fill with the memories that came to mind and she lowered her head in regret.
"Good, then you won't lose control, my beautiful girl. Get a good rest, tomorrow we will make preparations and then you will start to set off. Sleep well all of you." As Charles left the room, Raven called out to the man in the wheelchair and they left the room talking. Legion shouted to Lorna and Logan as he said he was going to go to his room with a chronic headache that came in the evening. "GOD! Keep your thoughts to yourself! Agh!" he had already reached the stairs.
Logan broke the silence of the two alone in the living room.
"It's been a tiring week, I'm going to take a shower and rest. You must have been training all day, sleep, gather your strength." Under normal circumstances, this sentence would be like, "I'm going to take a shower, will you join me? But Lorna was not under normal conditions since she regained her powers. "Sure," she whispered quietly. She couldn't even hear her voice herself. But the man who had already reached the corridor heard the whispers of the young woman he left behind like a scream.
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"Do you understand who I am? Do you want to know? Do you want to see the real me now? I'm about to leave
But I can't just leave tonight I lie and you believe me. I'll only see it tonight This is all my fault! I'll just stay the night And we'll throw it all away. When the light shines in your eyes Tell me I'm right. And if, thanks to me. This is all your fault! Just tonight, darling."
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maroonmused · 1 month
call me when you’re ready to be real (logan howlett/wade wilson) – chapter 5
“We need to get you checked for a concussion.”
“Would that be a full examination, Doc? I can open real wide.”
Wade flinches like he tried to bite that last sentence back but it spills forth regardless. See, Logan thinks to himself, amused, as I said. Cork in a fucking geyser.
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 months
I find it odd that people will automatically think of a horrible term to use just because you don't ship-ship certain Marvel characters together it's like not everyone has to be in sort of a "romantic" relationship there are m|f of the Marvel world that I don't ship does that make me hate all hetero ships
Instead of assuming that one is something of a phobia why don't you ask them what ships one may do or even not just ships but think about asking of their views on the characters and their dynamics not everything has to come down to couples there is more to enjoy characters without going becoming a shipping topic this includes with DP and Wolv
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katsuko1978 · 1 month
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jen-with-a-pen · 11 days
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(In Your) Arms Tonight - 2/2
summary: Wade tests out his previous hypothesis with great success. Might experiment more later.
pairing: Logan Howlett x Wade Wilson / Worst Wolverine x Deadpool
word count: 3.6k
warnings: MDNI 18+, Wade's POV-ish, blowjob, itty bitty blood mention, slight angst, nightmares/PTSD, pining, cursing, claws, crude humor and language, fluff, touching, *cue start of something new from high school musical*, Wade's a little shit, cum drinking bc i guess that's what happened, deepthroating, lowkey face fucking, bad flirting but it's kinda reciprocated, wade is the throat goat next question, wade kissed his roommate and they both liked it
a/n: here she is :') thanks yall for the patience and all of the magnificent love and comments for part one ❤❤❤ means the world to me, especially since it's my first time stepping out of stucky territory as a whole. also got a little away with the tags 😅 hope yall enjoy this !
Not beta'd. Half-written on my phone, edited and revised in ellipsus + gdocs. Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!
If I've missed any tags, PLEASE let me know!
gif by @tomshiddles | dividers by @saradika-graphics | warning banner by me ❤️
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Read this fic HERE on AO3
❤️ Reblogs and comments are appreciated, as always ❤️
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Wade forgot to turn the AC back on. 
It's his turn to sleep in bed tonight and he's got the worst case of swamp ass you can get this far from a fucking swamp. He's already thrown the covers, sheets, pillows, and his boxers off; he swears if he gets up there will be a sweaty version of a goddamn chalk outline on his mattress. 
He stretches. Notices he can feel both hands now, fully grown and everything, fingernails and all. Smirks to himself as he flexes his new fingers before reaching over to the nightstand– it's actually a really sturdy cardboard box, but it works just as good– for his phone. The screen responds with a bright 3:02AM overlayed on a photo of him and Vanessa. 
There's a pang in his heart for a moment. The same type of twist and pull he felt when Logan got up to leave after their big adventure (AKA saving their universe.)
“See you around?”
Wade tried to swallow the hard lump of desperate hope that had been bubbling inside of him the entire time they ate their shawarma. Hopes it wasn't obvious in his voice. Not a total cry for help, but definitely more of a solemn whimper and puppy dog eyes.
No matter how many times he was used to it– the people he loved leaving or dying or what have you– it still stung like a bitch. 
“Probably not.”
And Logan didn't mean for it to come out so harshly, but that's what happened when– and if– he got too close. To anyone. To everyone. 
With that, Logan rose from the bench, gathering his cowl and TVA jacket up from the place on the bench separating him and Wade and started walking. Dogpool whined and scratched at Wade's arms to chase after him. 
Wade had to do something. Anything. He couldn't let this one– this Logan. His Logan– walk off into the sunset.
Not without him. 
And then he turned around. 
And now they're here. 
He feels a similar yank and tear elsewhere in his body– lower belly, groin area– whenever thoughts wander back to that glorious time in the Honda Odyssey; Adamantium stabbing in and out of his chest cavity, puncturing his lungs and literally taking his breath away. The tight feeling of multiple seat belts holding him down to the second row passenger seat and the sickeningly happy grin adorning Logan's face when he tied the last knot. Wade remembers smiling just as bright under his mask.
That one definitely got filed into ye ole spank bank for safe keeping.
Sighing, Wade remembers he's sweating like a hog and drops his legs over the edge, planting two clammy feet onto the creaky floorboards. He throws on his previously discarded pair of boxers just in case Logan has a case of insomnia. Gotta take a man out to dinner before you show him your dick, like a gentleman. 
Wade peaks his head out into the living room, TV glow assaulting his pupils like a flash bang. The door creaks open wider and Wade steps further out. He doesn't want to wake either furball– you'd be surprised how grumpy Dogpool gets when she doesn't get her beauty sleep– as he tiptoes out in front of the couch. 
His breath catches in his chest. 
Logan lies propped up on the couch, head resting on the arm with a throw pillow behind for support, arms crossed over a bare, hairy chest rising and falling slowly. A sheen of sweat coats his skin that reflects the changing colors of the TV. Half a snuffed cigar smolders on the coffee table ashtray. The semi-permanent crease between his brows is softer, perfect pink lips parted as he snores quietly.
And to top it all off, he's in his fucking boxers; his jeans are discarded on the opposite end of the couch, kicked off in his sleep to beat the heat.
Wade can't breathe. He can't help but stare, committing the heavenly scene to memory. A knowing smile slowly spreads across his chapped lips.
He's happy. Happy at how peaceful his roommate looks. Happy that Logan is finally feeling safe enough to sleep here. Genuinely. Wade knows first hand what it can be like to be constantly on the run, chasing peace and release, rest and safety. 
Tip toes make way to the thermostat, Wade presses the 'on' button to the AC when there's stirring behind him. Head turning slowly, he catches the tail end of Logan mumbling something in his sleep. 
“...Wade, please.” 
Wade freezes like a carjacker caught in an impound lot. Surely he didn't hear Logan, his roommate Logan– The X-Man, The Wolverine– fucking whining Wade's name in his sleep. 
What were the symptoms of heat stroke, again? 
Wade shuffles back over to the couch. Feels like a creep watching his fucking roommate sleep, waiting another moment to see if he needs to take a power drill and give himself a DIY lobotomy or not. 
“Mm… No, Wade…No, please, don't–” Logan murmurs softly. Struggling, brow furrowing, Adam’s apple bobbing. “Ngh… Don't hurt ‘im… please.” 
Logan begins to shake. His head whips from side to side against the pillow, hands dig into the couch cushions, grunting, fists clenching as his claws itch to defend from the phantom threat. Muscles tensing and chest heaving, his breathing grows harder, faster, more frantic. 
He's having a nightmare.
Wade recognizes the signs immediately. He knows where Logan's at: some distant memory with talons and sharp teeth assaulting his brain without him knowing. Hell on earth on the worst nights, a light ego beating and insomnia on the better ones.
Wade knows– his stopped two months ago. When Logan came home.
Without another thought– one in which he probably should’ve given– Wade climbs onto the couch to straddle Logan’s hips in the most non-horny way he can make it. Hands press into the center of Logan's chest. He gently calls his name, preparing for the sharp stab of Adamantium through an appendage and/or organ. Nothing he isn't used to at this point, but he secretly prays it isn't something totally major.
“Logan. Peanut, hey,” Wade whispers. He presses further into Logan, heat radiating off rough, hairy skin into Wade's tingling fingers. “Logan, it's me, Wade. You're having a nightmare, you’re scaring the kids–” 
SHNK. Intestines. Ten or fifteen points, depending on if it's big or small.  Wade's thankful it wasn't a kidney or his stomach– those are a bitch and a half to grow back.
“Okay– that was maybe warranted,” Wade grunts. Both sets of claws penetrate straight through his lower abdomen as Logan jolts awake, sitting up as much as he can while pinned under Wade. A gnarled scream catches in his throat. White-hot knuckles graze the skin of Wade's stomach, who is really, really trying his hardest not to get a boner right now. 
“Th’fuck's goin’ on?” Logan slurs, face inches from Wade's bare chest. He blinks. Once. Twice. His brow returns to its permanent crease as he adjusts to the scene before him: bright TV glow contrasts with dark shadows Wade casts over him.
Wade is on top of him and his claws are inside of Wade.
Face scrunching– not inherently in disgust, Wade hopes– claws retract with a muted grunt. Wade can breathe again while his body begins repairing itself. His hands are stuck to Logan's heaving chest, fingers fanning out over each delicious pec. Thick arms rest on either side of him, elbows bent and resting on Wade's thighs.
Wade swallows, praying the man currently underneath him either A. doesn't know where his hands are at the moment or B. this is going exactly the way he wet-dreamt it a few weeks ago. Completely unprompted too, by the way– he's no stranger to the sick side effects of PTSD, he wouldn't knowingly exploit that in order to get into his roommate's pants. He's got more class than that.
Well, most of the time, that is. Again, completely unintentional. Coincidence, if you will.
Maybe he does need that DIY lobotomy.
"Where th'hell am I?" Logan asks, voice less threatening and more alert. His eyes flick from the TV and travel up Wade to meet sympathetic chocolate eyes already on him. Wade peels each finger off Logan's chest and sits back on his knees. Gaze softening, hands fall into his lap inches above the chiseled V pointing to down under Logan's boxers. He doesn't dare move a fucking muscle.
His pinky finger twitches.
"You're okay. You're here, in my world, Peanut. Twenty-first century. New York. We use fifty-cals now, not muskets. You were having a nightmare–"
Wade's throat hitches. He's not gonna cry, no– he's not that much of a fucking empath, for chrissake– but what he wants to say versus what he probably should say get lodged together on the way down to his mouth from his brain.
"I– I did the pressure thing Dogpool does with me, sometimes. Except I thought you'd wanna wake up to this pretty face 'nd not one with drool."
Logan looks skeptical, searches Wade to see if he's actually telling the truth for once, features relaxing once he mulls it over in his head. Wade's gnawing at the inside of his cheek when Logan's thumbs subconsciously start rubbing slow circles over the toughened skin of his upper thigh. Upper-outer, to be exact, but right now Wade doesn't really want to dwell on the minute details.
"So," Logan starts, "you woke me up… 'cause I was havin' a nightmare…?"
"Well, not exactly because you were having a nightmare, no." Wade runs a hand over the top of the couch, distracting himself. "Al really likes this couch. Antique, actually. Vintage find. Be a shame if some man with claws–"
Logan's palms press into Wade's thighs. A warning.
Wade sighs. Hands fall into his lap once more and he is absolutely not fighting to gawk at Logan's V that lights up like a road work sign pointing to a detour. The semi-hard abs just above definitely do not make him want to run his fucking tongue across them like a cheese grater.
He looks back to Logan, clears his throat. "Look I– I've been there. Am there, honestly. Didn't want you t'be alone whenever you woke up, but I also know how hard it is to wake up. So," he shrugs, voice lowering, "thought I'd help. Help you come down from it, I mean."
Logan stares back in response, eyes trained on Wade like a hunting dog and a downed fox. Wade swears the corner of his lip twitches along with the meaty hands on his legs.
He's gotta get the fuck out of here.
"So!" Wade starts, "Seems everything's in working order. The doctor will be in soon–" Wade starts to scramble off before realizing Logan's holding him down. Sharp claw stubs poke into scarred skin and a deep growl rumbles out of Logan's chest. Not necessarily threatening, no, more of a 'you're not goin' anywhere.' Wade gulps, hands raise up jokingly, forcing his racing mind to think of a naked, cross-country skiing Al to stave off the blood violently rushing to his stubborn cock.
Logan sits up, closing the space between him and Wade. Hazel eyes study wide brown ones. Logan takes a breath, shaky but sure.
"Don't want y't'go. Not– not yet."
It's hesitant. Unsure but curious, quiet enough Wade thinks he's hallucinating again. Wade mulls it over, leans forward with hands back on Logan's chest, skin and muscles taught underneath with tactile tension.
Wade sucks in a breath, moves his hands higher to Logan's collarbone and it's grossly apparent how tense Logan is. Hostile to any sudden movement, untrusting of touch to the point his fists shake against Wade's legs. A slow, tender hand inches up Logan's throat and onto his cheek. Wade feels through the rough facial hair and unkempt stubble, a thumb finds the shaved spot at the point of Logan's chin and strokes gently. Fists start to unclench, but there's a hesitancy still lingering in the air, under Logan's skin. Wade thinks it smells like fear. Inches away, face to face, breaths fan eachother's faces.
There's a shift in the air and Wade leans forward.
Logan doesn't stop Wade from connecting them together, lips touching lips in the softest manner possible. Almost feels like there's nothing there, Wade's too gentle. Nobody moves, breathes, at first; they're each trying to make sense of what the fuck exactly is happening. Logan isn't saying no, isn't sawing through Wade's skull and Wade isn't pushing himself on Logan.
Okay, maybe leaning in to kiss his roommate might be pushing himself on Logan to the logical bystander, but in the moment it just felt right.
To Wade's surprise, Logan's the first to move.
His lips start molding into Wade's. There's pressure, a little pushing, chapped skin and the remnants of tobacco on his breath when his lips part and his tongue pokes ever-so-slightly through. Wade pushes back, hoping his breath isn't as abhorrently delicious as leftover cigar. He tilts his head, nose poking into Logan's cheek as his does Wade's, and lets his tongue explore a little more. Logan allows him in, meeting him at the tip and hungrily welcoming him. Breaths turn heavy, panting, while hands begin to roam, more comfortable now that they've crossed the line into 'spit swapping' territory.
Wade drinks him in. Greedily swallows the choked-back groans Logan keeps holding in his throat that come out as muted mewls. Fingernails wantonly dig into one another and leave temporary marks that disappear under rapid replacement cells.
It feels like forever when Wade finally comes up for air, unable to focus with the growing hardness digging into his thigh.
"I–fuckin' shit– I think I have an idea." Wade pants like a dog in heat– and fuck, he might as well be at this point. Logan pulls back with lidded eyes and kiss-swollen lips.
"'s that?" He's hesitant. Hands tense slightly over Wade's back, his whole body stiffens.
"Do you– do you trust me?"
Wade holds his breath.
Logan only nods. Adam's apple bobbing, lips part in anticipation and curiosity.
Wade strokes Logan's cheek in reassurance, shoots him a wink before shimmying down his body to the other end of the couch, keeping Logan's legs in between his thighs. Fingers hook around Logan's boxers, in turn causing Logan to jolt up immediately. A set of claws unsheathe an inch away from Wade's throat.
"Th'fuck are you doin'?"
Wade only smiles, taking a hand away and kissing the tip of the middle claw, gently pushing it back into Logan's fist and coaxing him to lay back down. What he's about to do would be easier with an in-tact esophagus.
"Relax, Peanut," Wade coos, "'m not gonna hurtcha."
Logan stares at Wade. Eyes pinch, still suspicious.
A sharp pang ripples through Wade's heart.
Logan hesitates, relaxes, gives another go-ahead. Wade's fingers curl once again around the waistband of his boxers and slowly, but surely, pull them down and off him. He can't help the immediate salivatory reflex upon seeing Logan in all his glory; the deep V lights up like a fucking Vegas sign pointing straight to the jackpot.
Logan's big– like, big big. Biggest Wade's ever seen (and Wade's seen a LOT.) An automatic response, Wade's asshole clenches, mistakenly preparing to take Logan. Wade forces himself to relax– that's not happening tonight. He promised Logan he'd go slow, no surprises, no whipped cream or leather cuffs.
Not yet, at least.
His own cock weeps happy tears through his briefs. He cannot believe how perfect– how beautiful– how fucking huge Logan is.
"What're you gonna do?" Logan whispers, hesitant eyes hooking on Wade and every little movement he makes.
"If it's alright with you, 1972 Burt Reynolds, 'm gonna suck every ounce of tension out of your perfect, hairy body and make you feel the best you've felt in a looong time."
Logan scoffs a laugh, brow furrowing as he shakes his head slightly. "Don't know who–"
Wade shushes him. "Don't worry, baby girl. I'll be your Sally Field."
Wade smirks at Logan's confusion and mentally makes a note to his future-self to show Logan the glory that is Smokey and the Bandit.
A gentle hand steadies the base of Logan's cock while another slowly wraps around his stiffness, standing at attention and beginning to cry, begging for Wade's touch. Heavy breathing and bitten-back grunts fill Wade's ears. It's a heavenly symphony he's lucky enough to have a front and center seat for. Free ticket, too.
"Ngh– Red, whatever you're gonna do– ah–!"
Wade presses his lips to the base, bush of hair tickling his nose and lips while he kisses his way up to the head, tongue poking out to lap up the precum. Before siccing his lips around Logan, Wade looks up once more, mostly searching for permission to help him feel pleasure for once instead of pain.
Logan reads Wade's mind and sends a small nod in response.
With a shit-eating smirk, Wade welcomes Logan into his mouth, flattening his tongue and curving his lips over his teeth so as not to scratch the sensitive, velvety skin. Drool spills out the corners of Wade's mouth and swallows a gag when Logan jams into the back of his throat, digging into his uvula. Squeezing the base and cupping the balls, Wade begins to bob his head to the rhythm of Logan's mess of 'fuck's, 'shit's, and–
"Mmm–Oh–oh, my god," Logan moans. A calloused hand runs over Wade's bald head, scars and grafts rippling under his touch while another hand grips tightly onto the side of the couch. Wade slurps up every drop of precum, relishing in the sweet musk of Logan's scent, head bobbing and tongue swirling in tandem. Logan's hips buck up into Wade, fucking his throat without meaning to. No amount of lozenges or peppermint tea will be able to cure the sore throat Wade knows he'll have come morning.
"F–fuck, Wade, baby– shit– that feels so–!"
Another lengthy dive down onto Logan hits the very back of Wade's throat, pulling a long, strenuous 'fuck' from the deepest part of Logan. He bucks harder into Wade who stalls, choking on Logan's cock while his own strains against his briefs. Another swipe of tongue, another gag and seeping drool, and Logan is officially done for.
"F–fuck! Motherfucker! Oh my, god, Wade–!"
Curses and chants and shaky breaths fill the living room as Logan spills into Wade with an 'O' on his lips and a hand on the back of Wade's head. There's a sharp shngk and a sting at the tip of Wade's ear as red warmth drips down onto Logan's thigh; his claws unsheathe into the couch this time, not Wade, who slurps and sucks every last drop of mutant cum from Logan's softening cock like it's the Fountain of fucking Eden.
He comes up for air, finally, lungs gasping against a swollen, fucked throat. He sits back panting on his thighs and Logan's legs underneath, a mix of cum and drool and the slightest bit of blood running down his cheeks and neck. Wiping away the mess with the back of a hand, blurry vision focuses back into reality and onto his roommate.
His roommate. Logan. Wolverine. Who's dick he just sucked the ever-living hell out of.
Well this is awkward.
Wade swallows, offers a crooked half-smile to the man who he just sucked, fucked, and milked dry.
"How 'bout them Yankees?"
Logan barks a laugh. A real, genuine laugh, one with teeth and spread lips and legitimate amusement. Wade preens.
"That was–" Logan wipes beads of sweat off his brow, "Fuck it. That was fuckin' amazing, Wade." He stuffs a hand behind his head, blinks a couple of times to recalibrate. "Didn't know that mouth did anything else 'sides talk."
Wade shrugs cutesily. "It impresses me sometimes, too. Helps when I have a willing participant. Just hope you signed the paperwork."
Logan shakes his head. Arms reach up to grab onto Wade, pulling an ear to Logan's lips.
"Now how 'bout we take care of you next, baby? Hm?"
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/
Morning sun and a weight on his chests wakes Logan from probably the most peaceful sleep he's had in… well, ever, honestly.
There's a wetness and mix of smells wafting into his nostrils that make him stir next; combination of what feels like a tongue on his cheek making way towards his lips, dog breath, and the sweet smell of something cooking in the kitchen. Eyes fly open when a whine vibrates on his chest, finding himself greeted by Dogpool wagging her rat-tail with eyes bugging out of her little head.
"Gah– get off me, mutt," Logan scolds, sitting up and gently shoving Dogpool onto the couch cushion next to him. He runs a hand over his face and into his hair, the crick in his neck a little less noticeable this morning.
"Gooooood morning, sunshine!"
Logan looks up with tired eyes still adjusting to the morning light to find Wade in his robe covered in flour with a mixing bowl cradled in his arm as he stirs. Last night comes screeching back to Logan as soon as he locks eyes with his roommate, mouth going dry and dick twitching in his boxers.
Wade only smiles, not at all hiding his obvious glance at Logan's crotch. "You want chocolate chips or blueberries in yours?"
Logan shakes his head. "In my what?"
"Pancakes, Peanut. In your pancakes."
"Oh. Yeah." Logan blinks, then scoffs a laugh to himself. "Yeah, Mouth. I'd, ah– blueberries. I'd like blueberries."
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