#wolfstar podfic
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itsaash · 1 month ago
[podfic] Vaincre, by lumosinlove
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The day has finally come!! I've posted chapter 1 of the vaincre podfic!!
all credit to @lumosinlove, who has created a remarkable universe, and making hazel-verse podfics is truly the nicest hobby.
I am hoping to release new chapters every Friday, but later chapters are not quite fully finished, so I'm afraid I can't commit fully to a release schedule. Related, there are around 30 voices in this podfic!! If I missed anyone or didn't know someone's tumblr, please let me know!
Cover artist: @marmarifer Alex O'Hara: @bkfstclubmember Celeste Dumais: Ami Cole Reyes: @girlwithcurls96 Dean Thomas: @noblecorgi Evgeni Kuznetsov: @greendrawer Fan at the cup parade: @platonicmoonwater00 Finn O'Hara: @arrowofcarnations Haley O'Hara: @veryspacecowboy Hannah: @emjayeingray Hope Lupin: @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty Jack Archer: to come James Potter: @orionsgirl7lovegoodravenclaw Kasey Winter: @fruitcoops Katie Dumais: @kindofspecificstore Kota Takahashi: @campfire-tales-bound Lars: chickens Layla: @literarion Lee Jordan: @micha-making-podfics Leo Knut: @heyitssmiller Logan Tremblay: @peggyrose19 Luke Deveaux: @noopienoopiernoopiest Marlene McKinnon: @imjusthereforwolfstar Natalie Darcy: @girlwithcurls96 Noelle Tremblay: AHelplessBookworm Olli Halla: @heyitssmiller Percy Marshall: @cr-amber Prim: @imjusthereforwolfstar Regulus: @veryspacecowboy Sebastian Montague: to come Sergei Ivanov: Kealer Thomas Walker: @hihimissamericanbi Will Morgan: flame
THANK YOU to everyone who helped me make this!! I literally couldn't do it without you
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sweatersinthesummer · 5 months ago
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It's my 100th work on ao3! I needed to do something special, so I recorded this gorgeous, poetic, melancholy (with a happy ending) wolfstar fic by @steelycunt. (My first wolfstar pod!)
[Podfic] the son and heir of nothing in particular by aeridi0nis (E, 2.5 hours)
Remus is nineteen and tired, now. And he knows that if he and Sirius were ever going to become anything—if Sirius loved Remus the way Remus loves, and will probably always love, him—it already would’ve happened.
Listen and remember to always leave kudos on the original work!
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burningaurora · 3 months ago
[Podfic - TTS] How to Succeed in Business by @heartofspells
day 4 of the 12 days of (pod)ficmas | Length: 29:05 | Rating: E
Sirius, being Sirius, returns home drunk and fills out a fake application for a job. It's all fun and games until he sends the wrong file to one Remus Lupin. Then the fun and games really begin.
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
Composed by: @burningaurora and @flowerhawk-highinthesky
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hp-fanfic-archive · 26 days ago
Game Night [+podfic] by @writer-or-whatever Pairing: Remus/Sirius Rating: T Word Count: 1k The one where Remus is pining and there’s alcohol and monopoly involved and Things Happen.
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For Whom The Pants Toll
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you guys!! incredible news!! the wonderful @illustriousday has made a podfic of hey sharpshooter and the first chapter is now available to listen on ao3 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 and they were very kind and let me make this little cover art for it inspired by the original likeafunerall art that the fic was based on!! 💕
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give it a listen!! and leave lots and lots of kudos and comments!! bc that fic is stupidly long & the time and effort and work that went into this podfic is INSANE!! 😭😭😭💕💕💕
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meowyjean · 5 months ago
i adore imsiriuslyreading's narration of tcoptp because you can hear her smiling and giggling through it and suddenly i'm reminded that there's real people out there in the community who love the same things i love
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glitchedcrows · 2 months ago
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I knew I wanted to draw my own cover for the crimson rivers podfic which resulted in this 👀 and I keep going back to look at it cus it’s honestly one of the best things I’ve drawn in a really long time.
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imsiriuslyreading · 7 months ago
i just discovered your Cadence of Part Time Poets podfic and I’ve been listening to it nonstop for the past few days! I absolutely love the way you narrate this fic. My favorite parts are when you laugh a little bit when reading a funny line or when I can hear you smiling as you’re reading, it really makes listening to this fic feel like you’re reading with a friend which I don’t see a lot in other audiobooks/podfics. Thank you for making this and I can’t wait to catch up to your lastest episodes! <3
hiya good morning!
oh well this is the loveliest thing. oh my goodness i’m thrilled you don’t mind the laughs because i’ve gotten to parts i’ve never read before now, so as i read what these ridiculous, beautiful boys are up to, every single thought and emotion i have FIGHTS it’s way out of me, catching me off guard immediately.
that one part where remus pushes sirius over? i had to pause the recording to absolutely CACKLE oh my god.
thank you so much for your kind message. i really really hope you have the best time listening. it’s just one of the best stories on the planet.
lotsa love xoxoxo
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engie-ivy · 2 months ago
A Windows of Oppertunity now available as podfic!
There are only a few days between Remus’ seventeenth birthday, and the implementation of new legislation forbidding Lycanthropes to marry. Sirius has a small window of opportunity, and Sirius Black has never been one to waste an opportunity.
So honoured! Thank you!
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itsaash · 3 months ago
[podfic] I'll Be Home for Christmas, by msalexwp
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I'm so excited to share 8 days of Christmas podfic! written by the glorious Alex (@languagelessonswolfstar). This fic is heartwarming and hilarious and I hope other people get as much joy from it as I do. THANK YOU, Alex, for sharing your amazing writing!!
Listen on ao3 Here and oodles of thanks to the people who help me make these multivoice pods happen <3 This time the lovely: @girlwithcurls96 @noopienoopiernoopiest @orionsgirl7lovegoodravenclaw @flowerhawk-highinthesky @platonicmoonwater00 😘
Chapter 1 is out now, and if all goes to plan there should be a new chapter daily for the next 8 days, and the total run time will be about 4 hours.
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badhairred · 1 month ago
I might have started a recording of Godlight because I wanted to edit the work so had to read it anyway and if I edit I read it out loud to myself so... why not record it. I feel a bit weird about it but yeah, so, Godlight podfic coming, I guess?
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janeiscompletelyfine · 1 month ago
We need Marauders Oscars. For those of you outside of the US who might not watch those it's, like, the pivotal awards for movies and films each year. Everyone famous comes together and there's a bunch of funny hosts and guests who introduce each award and there are a million different specific awards.
(We also have Grammys, Emmys, and Tonys for Music, TV, and Musicals respectively, but the Oscars is similar to what I'm thinking)
(You might know the thing about Will Smith hitting Chris Rock on Live TV (Keep my wife's name out your motherfucking mouth ring any bells?) but that's not at all what I had in mind for our thing..... well hopefully)
The Oscars has all kinds of specific awards (Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress, etc., etc.,) and then it has the big ones (Best Motion Picture, Best Actress) and we could have categories similar to that, too. There's a Committee who choses what movies win by watching them all and voting together, and we could do something similar.
Some Ideas of Categories I Had:
Best Fanfiction
Best New Author
Best Hot Takes (lol)
Best Fanart
Best Fanartist Overall
Best Rp'ers
Best Supportive Moot
Best Beta Reader
Best Rant-poster
Best At Showing the Love on Fics
Best Anon Blog
Best Marauders Aesthetics
Best Playlist
Best Playlist Artist
Best Podfic
Best Wolfstar Fanfic
And there are so many more ideas! Around 23 Oscars are awarded each year, but there can be almost 800 Grammys so.... we have options. Idk if this idea makes any sense at all but I got excited about and I wanted to share. Let me know what y'all think and if you'd want to be on the Committee (I mean, we could do polls for the Commitee since fandoms are about everybody being equal, but at the same time the dedication to go through each blog isn't for everyone....). If you have more category ideas or nominations, let me know!
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burningaurora · 2 months ago
[Podfic - TTS] check me out by @kaaaaaaarf
day 5 of the 12 days of (pod)ficmas | Length: 29:48 | Rating: E
Remus is suddenly sweating—not just because the library aircon seems to be broken, or because he has an eleven page paper that's due next week that he's pretty sure he’s getting zero help on. He's sweating because Sirius keeps looking at him like that—smirking at him from under his eyelashes, a feral spark to his eye like he's starving and Remus is a particularly appealing meal. He’s sweating because this gorgeous, frustrating man has just offered to suck him off in the middle of the library and he can’t think of a single reason to say no. He should be able to think of a reason to say no. He’s not gonna say no. “Uh, yes please.”
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
Composed by: @burningaurora and @flowerhawk-highinthesky
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hp-fanfic-archive · 1 month ago
For Whom The Pants Toll by SullenSiren Pairing: Remus/Sirius Rating: T Word Count: 4k Podfic available here Read by: mycherbebe Length: 30-60 minutes "He was like an idiot savant when it came to mayhem."
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