#wolfstar mod squad
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Anon Master List
Below you will find an anonymous master list of this year's Wolfstar Games works, sorted by team.
Voting will close at the end of this week, so if you plan on voting please go and do so.
Reveals and the winners announcement will go up towards the beginning of next week. Please note that we don't have a specific day for that, as we will need to see exactly how many votes each work gets to know how much work tallying up the winners will be. Please be patient with us and just watch this space for those posts next week.
Team Land
Come and Find Me—Lying in the Bed I Made Easy In Essence Rumble That’s not a bird The Never-Ending Cycle
Team Sea
A Natural Home all that's beautiful drifts away, like the waters Connect Desiderium Good things come to those who wait nightmares don’t do gravity water language
Team Sky
Changing Skies Far Above the World Get Away, Come Out The Magic of a Layover Undone Up in the Air
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Pairing Announcement!
Hello lovely participants!
If you are signed up for this years Wolfstar Big Bang please check your email for your pairing.
And as always, if you have any questions please contact a mod.
The Mod Squad
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Microfic May 2022: Final Roudup
We are sad to come to the end of an era. Thank you everyone for a FANTASTIC month of Microfic May! We've had over 1,100 microfics submitted by a total of 60 creators!! The AO3 Collection will remain open until June 10 to allow any last-minute submissions to be included.
🚢 - Our top ships have been: #Drarry, #Wolfstar, #Dramione, #Snarry, #Harrymort, #Snamione, #Flintwood, #Romione, #Ginsy, and #Blackcest
📚 - Some other A+ tags: #gen, #hp femslash, and #hp rare pair
🎨 - See the art tag here: #hp fanart
🔠 - Works in other languages: #Hindi, #Chinese
📜 - Even more works: Collection on AO3
#MEGA CHALLENGE: Our winner is @mkaugust with their impressive 50-word story where they used 24 prompts in one microfic! Congratulations!
And that's it, everyone. Thank you to our wonderful creators (complete list below)! We hope to see you all again next year. Peace and love from the Microfic May 2022 mod squad ✌
@lumosatnight, @crazybutgood, @sugareey-makes-stuff, @rei382
🖋️ Creators 🖋️
@acnelli, ADDButterfly, @badwolfblues, @behold-the-infinitum, @cheyla-v, @curlyy-hair-dont-care, @diangelofan, deliciousblizzardshark, @ellionne, @fantasyborn, @flavorofmelodrama, @fleetingdesires, @fluxweeed, @girl-with-goats, @givereadersahug, GlitternGlow, @hermioneclone, @herochicklyrrie007, Indigo_Scarf, @insert-keyboard-spam-here, @itsaperiwinkleworldv2, @ladderofyears, @ladyofboneandivory, @ln4747, @makeitp1nk, @malfoylestrange, @maziktheli, @mcxi1, migrating_coconut, @mileanne-malfoy-potter, @mkaugust, @moonwalker94, nemaidpyre, @northstar-ofdraco, @ohmygodshesinsane, @oknowkiss, @ordinarylittleme, @paulamcg, @pekeleke, @phoebe-delia, @professordrarry, RavenclawGreen28, @regretful-prince, @rosevalleynb, @screamingfae, @shupadoop, Slytherinbabe40, @tenthousandyearsx, @the-francakes, @theselittleponders, @the-starryknight, @the-toughestest-hufflepuff, @tontonguetonks, @ultimateundesirable, @vdoshu, @waterfalls-moon
🖋️ Works Sorted by Prompt 🖋️
#Day 1: Ignite
#Day 2: Villainous
#Day 3: Heartbeat
#Day 4: Solitude
#Day 5: Lost & Found
#Day 6: Survive
#Day 7: Irresistible
#Day 8: Expectations
#Day 9: Ferocity
#Day 10: Black & White
#Day 11: Balance
#Day 12: Radiant
#Day 13: Symphony
#Day 14: Inquietude
#Day 15: Fire & Ice
#Day 16: Remember
#Day 17: Decadent
#Day 18: Secrets
#Day 19: Humbug
#Day 20: Sand & Sea
#Day 21: Promise
#Day 22: Invincible
#Day 23: Progress
#Day 24: Serenity
#Day 25: Pain & Pleasure
#Day 26: Wander
#Day 27: Hopeful
#Day 28: Epilogue
#Day 29: Saturninity
#Day 30: Wax & Wane
#Day 31: Why?
#Alt 1: Hesitate
#Alt 2: Crisp
#Alt 3: Train Tracks
#Alt 4: Open the Door
#Alt 5: Young & Old
← Previous: Mega Challenge
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Hi, do you or maybe your followers know if there’s a masterlist of all wolfstar fests? Just a list with the names and when they run. (While I’m here, big thank you for this blog - your contribution to wolfstar fandom is invaluable!)
Thank you, anon! I actually started making a calendar last year before I saw that the Wolfstar Mod Squad, which hosts a few of these fests, created a much better Wolfstar Fest Master List and Calendar which you can find here. For 2020:
@rsfiresidetales begins posting in February
@remuslupinfest begins posting March 10th
I know @wolfstar-bigbang won’t be posting in 2020. I’m not sure about the exact timelines on these fests, but you might want to follow them for updates:
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And here are the reveals! Check out who created all the works you enjoyed this year!
Come and Find Me—Lying in the Bed I Made - by femme_de_letters Easy - by autumnal_arcana In Essence - by acertainslantoflight Rumble - by BlueEagle That’s not a bird - by Anemone_nemerosa The Never-Ending Cycle - by mean_whale
A Natural Home - by maraudersaffair all that's beautiful drifts away, like the waters - by aryastark_valarmorghulis Connect - by AllAboutTheDrama Desiderium - by maraudorable Good things come to those who wait - by Alittledeal nightmares don’t do gravity - by girlwithacrown water language - by WanderingBandurria
Changing Skies - by LuminousGloom Far Above the World - by EverythingButColdFire Get Away, Come Out - by PaulaMcG The Magic of a Layover - by MoonCat457 Undone - by Notmycatsname Up in the Air - by RealityShowJunky
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It's that time! Time to announce which team won this year's Wolfstar Games! Please note that winners were decided by average scores, first in each category, and then by totalling the categories for a total team score overall.
Before that, though, the mods would like to thank everyone who participated. These events can't happen without you guys. So if you created, hyped, read/viewed, voted, thank you!
And now, the winners!
For the second time, we had one team each win each of the three categories! Which means, great job everyone!
In the category of Representing the Theme of the Fest (Nature) TEAM LAND won!
In the category of Representing the Theme of the Team TEAM SEA won!
In the category of Best Use of Prompts TEAM SKY won!
Great job!
The Grand Winners, with the highest total score when all three categories were added together TEAM LAND!!!
Congratulations to Team Land, and to everyone else! Amazing job this year guys! Up next, reveals!
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Coming Soon
Wolfstar Games 2021 is coming soon!
What is it? A prompt-based fest where participants are split into teams to engage in some fun-spirited competition as they create
How does it work? Each team member will create a work, either fic or art, inspired by a prompt, for their team
Is there a theme? Yes! The theme for this year is NATURE. The Teams are LAND, SEA, and SKY
When is this happening? Sign Ups begin on June 14th and run through June 27th
How long do I have to create something? Works will be due October 24th
And if I want more information?
Just keep reading below!
The Basic Rundown
There will be three teams based upon the fest theme. Participants will be given the chance to request a team upon sign up, but we make no guarantees that you will receive the team you requested, as teams need to be at least relatively even for voting purposes. This is, in fact, a competition, but only in the spirit of pushing each other further to create better works for this ship we all love so much.
Each participant will create a work, fic or art, based upon not only the theme but a prompt. Details on the prompts as well as how to claim them will be revealed after the teams are solidified. Then, those works will be revealed and voted upon in a blind vote to determine how each team did.
During the creation time there will be both team and inter-team activities. These will all be low key and completely optional. They’re just a way to spend some time with your team/fest participants and have a little fun to keep tensions low and promote a friendly sort of competition.
Once posting begins there will be a poll attached to each work, which will be posted anonymously, for readers/viewers to vote on how well the piece fit the theme of the fest as well as how well it fit the prompt. Those votes will be averaged for a total team score at the end of posting. Please keep in mind that these works are not in direct competition with each other. The voting is not meant to compare works. There will simply be a representative work from each team. Please be aware that team participants and mods will not be allowed to vote, for fairness purposes!
As this is a scored fest please keep in mind that all works are to be anonymous. We understand that this is slightly difficult for artists as style may be recognizable, but please do your best. This means that you may not share any snippets, anything more than very vague ideas, or any pieces or bits of your creations until after the reveals when the work is wholly yours to do with as you wish. We do understand the concern about posting unsigned art, so we will be providing a Wolfstar Games watermark for any artist that wishes to use it. And if you have any concerns about this please contact a mod and we will see what we can do for you.
Just remember, Wolfstar Games is about having fun and creating more content for our favorite boys, not about winning or losing. And most importantly, it’s about having fun!
This means any way you want to interpret nature. It could be a story about taking a walk through nature, or about mermaids living in the ocean, or playing a Quidditch game in the air. There are lots of ways to interpret the theme.
Time Line:
Sign-ups begin on Wednesday, June 17th and last through Sunday, June 27th, ending at 11:59pm Eastern time (GMT-5). Sign-ups will happen via google form, so please watch this space for that to go live.
Teams will be announced on Friday, July 2nd. so please watch this space for more info.
Prompts will be available for viewing only on Friday, July 2nd.
Prompts will be available for claiming on Monday, July 5th and will close at 11:59PM EST (GMT-5) on Sunday, July 11th. Prompts will fall into three categories: Word based, Image based, and Audio based. Each prompt will be available only one time per team, so the sooner you make your selections the more likely you are to get the prompt you want. If, for any reason, you are not available during any of the claiming period please contact a mod and we will make accommodations for you.
Works are due by 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 24th EST (GMT-5). As always we want this to be fun and low stress, so if there are any problems with finishing please just contact a mod and we will work with you to see what we can do. As this is a team competition there may be a small points penalty incurred for late works, however, so please contact a mod as soon as you can if there are any difficulties. There will be check ins along the way to see how everyone is doing and make sure there are no issues, but if something arises please don’t feel the need to wait for a check in to talk with a mod. That’s what we’re here for.
Posting begins Monday, November 1st and runs until we run out of works.
The winning team will be revealed once posting is complete and the mods have had a chance to tally the votes. Keep watch on this space for more information on that further into the fest.
Rule & FAQ
What sort of content am I committing to if I sign up?
For fic, the minimum word count will be 1000 words. There is no maximum, however, please keep in mind that ease of reading, which unfortunately sometimes includes length, will have an impact on how the voting goes. We would never dare to stifle anyone’s muse, so please write as the whim takes you, just keep that in mind when you’re creating.
There is no minimum size for art, but we would request that the maximum size be something that is easily viewable on a single screen. Again, we don’t want to cramp anyone’s creativity, but for voting purposes it’s helpful to be able to see the entire work at one time.
What sort of artwork is acceptable?
All art must be visual, original art. By original art, we mean that the final product must be an original product of the artist. Using photos for reference is fine, and you can use whatever traditional or digital medium you require, so long as the art starts and finishes as your own product. Photo manips are not allowed. Hit up the mods if you need clarity on an idea.
Can I use a work that I’ve published previously, or that’s been sitting in my drafts?
For this fest, we need all original content, none of which has been published previously. Since this is a theme and prompt-based fest, all creators should plan on starting new projects so they can be fully inspired by their chosen prompt.
Is there an age requirement to participate?
All ages are welcome! However, if you are under 18, your creation must be rated G or T on AO3.
Are there any other restrictions on creations?
This is a Wolfstar-centric fest, so we do ask that your creation focuses on Remus and Sirius’ relationship, though other pairings are welcome. All fics must be properly tagged with the appropriate content and trigger warnings on AO3. All fics must be edited, beta read, and legible.
Will I need to be signed up for any specific platforms to participate?
You will need an AO3 account for posting purposes. All fest info will be shared on Tumblr. A Discord chat system will be set up as well. All of these platforms, other than AO3, are optional.
Can I share snippets of my work on my social media?
Since this is an anonymous fest, we ask that absolutely no snippets or hints be shared during the run of the fest. Once the fest has concluded, you may post whatever you like to social media.
I can’t sign up, but I still want to participate, what can I do?
No worries, there are lots of ways for you to help support WSG! Follow us on Tumblr; reblog, comment, and share our posts to spread the word. We’ll also be asking for help with beta reading, pinch hitting, and other cool ways for you to get involved!
I’ve got more questions, help!
No problem, we’re happy to hear from you! Ping us on one of the social media sites above, or email wolfstargamesmods at gmail dot com.
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The End of Posting
Tomorrow will be the last day of posting for this year's Wolfstar Games. Because of slightly uneven team numbers there will only be two works today and tomorrow.
Once posting is over we'll give it a couple of days before we post the anonymous master list. Voting will stay open for a while longer, to give everyone a chance to get caught up.
Voting will close sometime in the middle of next week and then at the beginning of the following week reveals and the winner announcement.
Please enjoy the last few works from this year's wonderful creators!
The Mod Squad
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This is a hard annoucement to make. But your Mod Squad has decided that with all the stress of the past year, and the number of events that we host, that we need a year off
There were a great many factors that went into this decision. But ultimately we simply need a break.
Please don't worry too much, we will be back. There will not, however, be any events that are run exclusively by the Mod Squad running in 2022. That means not only Wolfstar Games, but Wolfstar Big Bang and Fixit Fest as well.
We hate to have to do this, but we simply need some time to regroup. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
See everyone again in 2023!
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Posting Delay
This is a quick note that, due to some scheduling difficulties and a few more extensions than most years we have made the decision to push the start of posting out by a week. Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to posting beginning tomorrow. We should be starting a week from tomorrow, November 8th, instead.
Thank you for your patience.
The Mod Squad
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And at long last, creator reveals!
as real as a wolf's teeth, or a wolf's smile - by mustntgetmy Behind the lights - by Ravendor_Neera Billet-Doux en Noir et Blanc - by MoonCat457 Blind Impressions - by nagemeikenu Blue - by BrujaBanter Death’s Silver Lining - by justtoarguewithyou Deeper Waters - by swottypotter Definition of oblivious idiot - by moonagestar Echoes - by AllAboutTheDrama far above the moon - by svpportive Further Sound - by PaulaMcG Getting Through - by rondoyoyo If You Have An Important Point To Make - by dagobletofiyah i just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way - by creamsodaplease Invisible - by sunflower_swan I reach for the sky (your heart is my sky) - by pan_and_ready_to_stan Killing Me Softly - by WeirdFangirlingPersona Left and Leaving - by sqvalors Lightning in a Bottle - by captainegg Moondance - by vailann Mud equals Happiness - by Anemone_nemerosa not alone (in being alone) - by cjmasim Payphone - by mlim8 Prelude in Deep D - by Kattlupin Rourke - by sreka Self-Portrait of a Boy on Fire - by mean_whale Sometimes When We Touch - by MoonytheMarauder1 Talk - Slytherin_Sweetheart The End of the Story - by toyhto The Eyes of Love - by TheHufflebean The Soulmate Duet - by PhlamingFeonix The Warmth of Your Hand in Mine - by Coyoteclaw11 The Zen of Cutting Carrots - by Starstruck4Moony Under the Full Moon - by NeonDomino Waves Crashing in the Middle - by FaeOrabel Who But A Monster? - by GuardianOfYggdrasil You Hold The Key To My Heart - by dannikathewomanika Your silence is that of a star - by greenforsnow
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Hello everyone,
While we wait for Wolfstar Games 2020 to begin posting, the Mod Squad presents the Wolfstar Games 2020 Bingo Challenge! Just pick any 5 in a row and write or draw something with the five words.
Or you can be gutsy and do blackout. No one will stop you. LOL
This challenge will continue until November 30. Tag @wolfstargames and #wolfstargames2020 or #wsg2020, so that we can find you and reblog as well.
This challenge is opened to everyone, participants, voters, and all!
Wolfstar Games Mods
#mod post#wolfstar mod squad#wolfstar games 2020#bingo challenge#r/s#wolfstar games#wolfstar#wolfstar fest
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hello i just saw your post about wolfstar games and i really want to vote but i can't seem to find the link. i tried going on a couple of different works but i cannot find the voting link at all. please help me out :( hope u have an amazing day/night
Voting closed on Friday, November 26th. There was a post about it closing at the end of the week a few days before it closed. Apologies if you missed it this year.
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Wolfstar Games 2020 Sign Ups Are Open!
Sign up here or check out the Rules & FAQ here and Schedule here!
Sign ups will remain open until 11:59 PM EST on Sunday 19 July!
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Looking for Some Help
Does anyone know how to get in touch with AO3 user thebestofallmydays? They signed up for this year's Wolfstar Games and the email they signed up with doesn't work. As that was the only method we were given for contact we can't reach out with the prompt list, or to get them their team information or anything else.
If you DO have some way to reach them please email the fest account at wolfstargamesmods @ gmail . com . Tumblr is not the most reliable method of contact.
Thank you! The Mod Squad
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Winner Announcement!
Hi everyone! Your Mod Squad would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Wolfstar Games. This couldn’t happen without all of you. From creators to readers/viewers, and everyone who promoted, voted, or just hyped the games. This happens because of you!
And now, the thing we know you’re really here for. The Winners!
For the second year in a row, each team managed to win one of the voting categories. Team Sight managed to take the category for best use of the fest theme of communication. Team Touch won for best use of the team theme, and Team Sound had the best use of their prompts! Congrats to everyone!
And the overall winner for the 2020 edition of the Wolfstar Games is: TEAM SOUND!!!
Winners, check your emails soon for a surprise.
Nice job everyone who participated!
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