#wolfe kristoff de rolo
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prankprincess123 · 5 months ago
We know Gwen is 'Daddy's Little Princess' type close with Percy, and that of all their kids Vex is closest with the twins, and its really not hard to conclude that Vex is also a bit more affectionate with Vax'ildan II as he reminds her of her brother, but I also really like the idea of Vesper being a bit of a 'Daddy's Girl' too. Just picture a peaceful afternoon in Whitestone, Percy reading in the library with their bookend babies curled up on either side of him, while Vex and their wild middle children teasingly track eachother through the woods in some sort of game.
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demisexualemmaswan · 4 months ago
modern au percy definitely becomes tiktok famous for being “stoic dad at the Taylor Swift concert” while his kids are having the time of their lives
like vesper buys the tickets for her and her siblings and vex can’t go so she invites percy and surprisingly he says yes
he just nods approvingly when he’s into a song
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cobaltsoulsearcher · 5 months ago
All five sit carefully, close enough the stack of game pieces is easily in reach but far enough a sneeze won’t topple it. 
Gwendolyn sticks her tongue out at Vax’s safe move and pokes at a side piece. It wobbles theatrically, but doesn’t fall. 
“Nice,” Vesper mutters, taking a piece from the only untouched row. 
Leona tilts her head, as if a different angle will tell her the ideal block to pull, before collecting the piece opposite Gwen’s and nudging her twin. 
He barely even touches it before it falls. “Chenga!”
(A corridor away, both their parents shudder at once.)
Day 4 - Stack - @thedrabblecollective
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drowningkeyborad · 5 months ago
Another lil De Rolo kids hc of mine—
Yk how Vex has more of a tan than Vax bcuz she spends most of her time outdoors while Vax is more so in the city?
Yeah, flash forward 30+ years to Leona De Rolo dragging her twin brother Wolfe outside to the yard for his “mandatory outdoors enrichment time.” The girl refuses to let him get as pale as death from being holed up in his workshop.
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burr-ell · 5 months ago
@pagerunner-j replied to your post “i cannot believe perc'ahlia nation thought vax II...”:
To be fair, going by the portrait that they put in the campaign book, Vax is the young one sitting on the floor with the bear cub and Wolfe is the teenage shit messing with his twin. They aren't even tracking with their own officially released material. Personally, I'm choosing to keep filing it under "Matt is not generally great at playing kids."
​hey it's been like seven years since that portrait, some kids just become goblins. wolfe's prolly like 'i can't BELIEVE i was so pompous, muuuuum have them take it down' not knowing he's only 20 and will spend the next decade finding new, ever more inventive ways to be cringe
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littlebosslady7 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot, Zahra Hydris/Kashaw Vesh Characters: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Vesper Elaina de Rolo | Percy and Vex'ahlia's Child, Cassandra de Rolo, Wolfe Kristoff de Rolo, Grog Strongjaw, Leona Pike de Rolo, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Vax'ildan Frederick de Rolo, Keyleth (Critical Role), Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie Von Musel de Rolo, Zahra Hydris, Kashaw Vesh, Deanna Leimert, Wilhand'ildan Shorthalt, Juniper Shorthalt, Velora Vessar Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Temporary Character Death, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Humor, Minor Original Character(s), Lifespan Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Fluff and Humor, Spoilers for Campaign 3 (Critical Role), Minor Spoilers Series: Part 36 of D's Critical Role Stories Chapter Summary: Percy decided to hang up the Plague Doctor Mask in his office at Castle Whitestone. He did so with Vex and Vesper at his side. The de Rolos rediscovered how places and things could take on different meanings over time.
For @percahliaweek Day 3- Mask
Vex took two long strides over to her husband. Her eyes scanned over him from head to toe. Nothing seemed amiss, though his white beard was a tad scragglier in these later seasonal months. “Percival, darling, how are you?” He shrugged, brow crinkled at her odd immediate concern, “Fine. What has you so worried, Vex’ahlia?” She stood up on her tip toes and asked in a whisper only audible to him, “It’s just the reveal of that horrid mask that gave me quite a fright. Does a demon have possession of you again? Orthax or-or Ipkesh?” Gods, her husband had a wretched penchant for making deals with creepy dwellers in numerous levels of the Hells. Percy vowed, “The sole beings, who are allowed to have possession of my heart and soul are your and our children, Wife. I swear to you.”
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tiefbeef · 3 years ago
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I just really love the hair things that are going on with the de Rolo children? And I’m surprised no one’s talking about it?
Vesper - white hair, like her father
Wolfe and Leona - brown hair, like their father and Aunt Cassandra were born with
Vax’ildan - black hair, like his mother and his namesake, Uncle Vax’ildan
Gwendolyn - black hair like her mother and Uncle Vax’ildan… and the ends are the same white of her father’s hair
There’s just something about Gwendolyn being a tiefling looking like neither of her parents and yet having BOTH of their hair colors that’s so pleasing to me.
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midnight-dice · 3 years ago
De Rolo Children as a Party! I did this before they were confirmed, but now I have more ideas!
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Vesper Elaina - Protector Aasimar gunslinger fighter. Maybe multiclasses into paladin. Definitely sentinel feat.
Wolfe Kristoff - Half-Elf Inquisitive Rogue/Eloquence Bard. He's the politician and the scoundrel all at once.
Leona Pike - Half-Elf Pact of the Blade Raven Queen Warlock. She grew up hearing a voice when she spoke with the ravens. He called himself her uncle Vax.
Vax'ildan Frederick- Half-Elf Drakewarden Ranger (plus his companion, Charlie!)
Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie - Tiefling Peace Domain Cleric/Eldritch Knight Fighter
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bixbiboom · 3 years ago
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[ID: A portrait of the De Rolo family of Whitestone, and an image of a placard naming each person in the portrait, each done by artist Jessica Scates. Vesper Elaina de Rolo is the oldest child, with white hair like her father’s worn in a long braid like her mother’s. Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie von Musel de Rolo is the youngest child, and a red-skinned tiefling with black hair. She’s clutching an owlbear plushie in one arm and holding her father’s hand with the other. Percy has reached middle age. Vex is seated regally in a chair and looks virtually unchanged from the Vex we came to know during the campaign, if perhaps a touch older. Wolfe Kristoff de Rolo is one of the middle children, and posed in a way that suggests he’s inherited his father’s penchant for pompousness, but Leona Pike de Rolo standing next to him is poised to give him a wet willy. Both of them have dark hair and are dressed in similar styles of tunic and breeches with tall boots. Vax’ildan Fredrick de Rolo is sitting on the floor; he’s also a child somewhere in the middle and looks to be younger than the twins. A bear cub, Charlie, is in his lap, while Trinket lays placidly beside them, on the floor alongside Vex’s chair. The portrait is dated 832 PD. /end ID]
The fact that Trinket has a baby and they named them Charlie, after Laura’s beloved dog who passed away a couple years ago, is ending me. 😭
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years ago
Hi! Could I request a story in the CR world where Vex and Percy have to deal for the first time with their eldest teen acting a bit out?
i love this idea! i'm not gonna make it their eldest teen bc honestly i hc vesper as a goody-two-shoes but you just know the twins are lil shits lmao
It isn't until the twins turn fifteen that Percy comes to understand how easy they had it with Vesper. Her big teenage rebellion was staying up until all hours of the morning reading by candlelight, which, while not ideal for getting enough sleep, is hardly something they could discourage too harshly.
The twins, however, seem to specialize in causing as much mayhem as their gangly teenage limbs can manage. There are arrows sticking out of every horizontal and vertical surface, their tutors are constantly reporting that their lessons have been skipped or slept through, and their never-ending competition of mutual thievery results in periodic outraged shrieks echoing through the castle. Percy never thought he'd miss the terrible twos, but as it turns out, two chaotic teenagers are even more difficult to wrangle than a couple of toddlers who can't run without tripping on the carpets.
Things come to a head when Percy is informed by Caption Leore that in the morning count of the Rifle Corps's inventory, a single pistol came up missing. All of the Riflemen's homes are immediately searched, but the weapon isn't found, and Percy's blood turns to ice. This has always been his greatest fear, that these tools of destruction that he built would leak from Whitestone like gas from a pipe, seeping out and poisoning the world with the evidence of his depravity.
Vex'ahlia, genius woman, is the one to figure it out. She casts locate object, having seen these weapons a thousand times herself, and by luck, she does so in their chambers, having just finished dressing for a hike around all of Whitestone. She wouldn't need to go far; the spell tells her the missing pistol is just in the next wing of the castle.
Percy dismisses Captain Leore, tells him he will personally return the pistol to the armory shortly. The captain seems eager to be far away from whatever is about to happen, so he ducks his head in a deferential bow and scurries away. Vex warns him to watch his temper, but he is far beyond temper. He doesn't even remember the walk to his son's door, seeing nothing but a haze of red, but there he is, slamming it open to reveal a startled Wolfe, half-falling out of bed at the sudden intrusion.
"Where is it."
Wolfe blinks rapidly, his floppy curls in his eyes. He looks so much like Vax in the morning, bleary-eyed and aching for more sleep. "Dad, what..."
"I will not ask again, Wolfe Kristoff de Rolo." Percy's hands are shaking. He has enough wherewithal to shove them into his pockets.
The full name at least shakes Wolfe out of his stupor, and he sits up. Percy watches him fight the guilt creeping into his eyes, but this is his kid, and he knows when he's been caught. Still, he juts his chin out defiantly. "Where is what, Dad?"
"You want to play that game?" Percy strides in, rips open the the first drawer in his bureau. Wolfe yelps, but Percy ignore his stutters of protest as he yanks open the next, and the next. When all those drawers are open, he moves to the armoire, whipping the doors open to reveal the bulk of Wolfe's wardrobe.
"Dad, stop!"
"What's going on?" In the corner of his eye, he can see Leona rubbing at her eyes as she yawns. "Why are you tossing Wolfe's room?"
"Tell me you had nothing to do with this, Leona." Percy's voice is strange to his own ears.
"Fuck, Wolfe, what did you do?"
"Nothing!" Wolfe insists, still locked in place on his bed. The tone is one of indignation, but Percy was there for his first words—he can hear the shame in his voice.
Having completed a haphazard investigation of the armoire, Percy wheels on his son, who shrinks in on himself. "You have five seconds to tell me where you hid it, or so help me, Wolfe, the Dawnfather himself will not be able to save you."
There is a stand-off, a long beat of silence whether neither of them will break the other's gaze. Percy sees him struggle, sees the flashing in his eyes as he rifles through all the ways he can get himself out of the hell he's found himself in. The fight leaves him in a sigh, and Percy lets him get up and walk over to his quiver, leaning in the back corner of the room. When he puts his hand on it, Percy barks out, "Don't move," and Wolfe freezes at once.
Percy takes slow, careful steps over to his son, whose shoulders slump in as he approaches. Percy picks up the quiver and looks inside. Nestled among his arrows is a familiar metallic gleam. He carries the quiver back to the other side of the room, reaches in, removes the gun. Upon inspection, there are two bullets loaded in the chamber, which is two more than the Riflemen keep in when storing the weapons at the end of their training. Percy pops the bullets out and pockets them, gripping the pistol as he turns on Wolfe once more. "I want you to think about what kind of conversation we'd be having right now if Gwen had found this."
Wolfe's face goes pale, and Percy can see Leona cowering behind the door frame in the hall. "I...I..."
"Fifteen years you've lived in this house. You know what the rules are, and you know why they're in place. I would very much like to hear why you believed yourself to be above them."
Wolfe doesn't answer. He stares down at this hands, tight and shaking in his lap. Percy wants to storm over to him, shake him until his head snaps back and forth, until their eyes meet and his son can understand his fury, his outrage, his terror. How does he not get it? How could he have grown up in these halls and not get it? What is it going to take, how much blood does Wolfe have to see before it sinks in, before he learns that these creations are good for nothing but violence and death?
He hears Vex's warning in his ear, a caution about his temper, and he stands where he is, chest heaving. "You are an extraordinarily lucky young man. Until I say otherwise, every day, when your lessons are completed—and they will be completed, if you ever wish to see the outside of these walls again—you will go down to the Rifle Corps training ground and you will do whatever they ask of you. You will clean, you will organize their equipment, you will sit in on their lessons—you belong to them. The only thing you will not do is lay a finger on any of their weapons. You will never touch one of these—" He grips the pistol tightly. "—without my express approval again. Have I made myself clear, Wolfe?" Wolfe's head trembles into a nod. "Good. Now I'm going to go tell your mother what you've done, and may the gods have mercy on your soul when she comes to deal with you herself." With that, he spins on his heel and strides out of the room.
It takes Vex a solid ten minutes to talk Percy down from the precipice of his anger. His hands shake as she takes them in hers and squeezes them tight. His mind replays for him all of the worst case scenarios—Gwen, the blood almost invisible on her skin, Danny, a gurgling hole in his throat, Wolfe, on his own bed, the shock of it still on his unmoving face—but Vex ushers him up, tells him to go take a walk down to the armory to replace the weapon and clear his head. He does, but on the way he stops just down the hall from Wolfe's still-open door, where he hears Leona chewing him out for his recklessness. Perhaps, then, the twins will have to keep each other in check, as their mother and uncle did for so many years. Percy silently makes his way toward the armory, and he prays to the Dawnfather that his worst legacy never catches up to his greatest one.
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demisexualemmaswan · 5 months ago
idk if zhellers is here on tumblr but it's been like 3 hours since I saw their "whitestone endures" art on twitter and i'm still thinking about it
it's so good
look at these grown perc'ahlia babies in as their parents head off into danger
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mrenkelherlig · 3 years ago
This fits nicely into my headcanon that Leona and Wolfe are the de Rolo children that follow in their father's footsteps and learn to use his guns! If Leona learns about the Everlight from Pike, she can take some levels in War Cleric and use War God's Blessing to act as a spotter for her twin brother (in my mind, Wolfe is the first person capable of effectively wielding Bad News since Percy used it decades ago).
Headcanons for how Pike reacted to Percy and Vex naming their kid after her?
She cried a little bit and them immediately instated herself as Leona and Wolfe's godmother. listen, pike loves all of Vex's kids but there's something extra special about sharing a name with Leona. From a very young age, Leona attaches herself to her auntie Pike and gets very upset when she grows taller than the gnome. Unlike most of her siblings (not including Vesper) Leona finds herself drawn to Pike and to Sarenrae by extent. Vex and Percy can't figure out if it's simply because of her namesake or something greater, but before long, Leona finds herself blessed by the same goddess that gave Pike her powers. From there, Leona starts spending more and more time with her aunt, learning about Sarenrae and her new powers
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cobaltsoulsearcher · 5 months ago
Like her uncle, Vesper’s solemnity and wit not only coexist but intertwine, leaving her equal parts charming and responsible. The only true adventurer of her generation–she maintains that Gwen just likes getting into trouble–she seems, more specifically, to have inherited the unfortunate habit of flirting regardless of sensibility.
Her diplomatic filter is firmly on in most circumstances, but sometimes she truly can't help herself. Cerkonos definitely fell in that category, as did far too many of her "rivals". Honestly, she doesn’t have a good excuse for the vampire. She’s fairly certain she wasn’t charmed, and she needed a minute to think of her next move, and he had said she looked ravishing, and calling him a dozen synonyms for handsome was the first thing she thought of. Apparently, that particular stupidity runs in the family.
She’s also the only one to have met her uncle–twice. The first occurrence even Vex can’t be one hundred percent sure, but they both want to believe the specter that appeared to her in the afterglow of Vesper’s birth was her uncle, sharing, for a moment, in that joy. The second…well. Vesper has only been resurrected once, but it wasn’t pretty. It took so long for her to die she assumed he was just another hallucination, at first, at least until the pain and cold subsided and her vision cleared and he was still there. He held her gently, shaded by the arc of his feathers, and talked about tradition and divinity and flowers and a hundred little stories they would have shared, had they been alive at the same time. He stayed with her the entire three days it took her team to find and resurrect her. His words have never left her.
Like her uncle, Leona Pike De Rolo hates having her hair in her face, but can’t stand to have it completely pulled up and bunched away. She’s the older twin–by twenty-one excruciating minutes–and her preferred weapon is throwing knives. She doesn’t care what kind of blade, really, she’ll throw an ax if she has to–but still, close enough.
She’s also the one who talks to ravens. Wolfe likes to joke that she is a raven–a petty thief, always attracted to gears and widgets and other shiny things–but he’s the only one that says such things, and only in carefully chosen company. At first Vox Machina thought this might be her way of showing some druidic inclination, but the reality is much simpler; she hates being alone. When her twin huffs off in impatience, or her father delves too deep in focus to be disturbed by conversation with an amateur like her, she prays under her breath and sooner or later a bird tends to appear.
Like his uncle, Wolfe Kristof de Rolo is incorrigible to everyone except Vex’ahlia. The male twin of his (almost) matching pair, he finds himself liable to teasing for being prissy and vain; those that tease him too incessantly find themselves liable to bloody noses and crushed fingers, dealt by either twin. And yes, Leona may be a far better hunter, but Wolfe fights dirty, when he deigns to fight. He fights quick and decisive and disappears as soon as he’s dealt his blow. He fights like his uncle.
He’s also the only one as fearless as Vax was. He climbed a tree in a lightning storm to carry down one of Cassandra’s kittens at twelve years old; at twenty, he swam a mile and a half through floodwater. He’s not as brave as Vax–bravery implies an end goal–but he is every bit as selfless and reckless and unswayed by fear. It’s part of why the twins take their mother so seriously; she's the one who taught him such things, after all.
Like his uncle, Vax’ildan Fredrick de Rolo has dark hair, darkvision, and a dark-and-stormy disposition. The most obviously elven in ancestry, at least by Syngornian standards, he’s also the bearer of the most obvious inheritance. Vax’ildan isn’t a common name, especially since the second root derives itself from an ancient drow war hero, but it is a name that is commonly known, like those of all of Vox Machina. Vox, Vax, Vex…he almost named his bear Vix, to complete the set. He didn’t, only because Cassandra put her foot down at having a “Vax” and a “Vex” and a “Ves” and a “Vix” in one household.
He’s also the one who has never felt at home. It’s irrational, maybe, but anxiety is rarely rational and he is an extremely anxious child. He is slow to learn to walk, to speak, to make his first friend; there is a reason he bonds so thoroughly with Trinket and Charlie, and not another child. Besides, the twins are clearly Vex’s favorites, and Gwen is Percy’s from the moment she’s born; Vesper is gone a good portion of his youth, already an adult herself. He’s not smart or brave or charming like the rest of them, he's just him. He knows he’s loved. He’s the black sheep anyways.
Like his uncle, Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie von Musel de Rolo is the sneaky sibling. She loves growing her skills in shadowing and stealth, and taught herself to write at age three by making (terrible) forgeries of her father’s sketches. She’d rather stab a sparring partner’s armor through the back than lose following conventional chivalry, and she’s as quick a thief as she is a runner.
She’s also the first of her siblings to die. Tieflings don’t live as long as half-elves or the celestially blessed; rogues and wizards don’t live longer lives as they advance in power. They bury her with her father, adjacent to an empty, ceremonial, tomb.
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drowningkeyborad · 4 months ago
Another De Rolo Kid(s) Headcanon
Hear me out...
Post-C3 EP114, Fight For The Bloody Bridge, since Vex and Percy definitely fucked nasty-
Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klowolski de Rolo IV is born.
Gwendolyn is no longer the baby of the family, and she definitely feels some sort of way about it.
Wolfe and Vax'ildan ll (Dannie) absolutely ADORE their new little brother for taking the 'curse' of their father's name for them.
Leona is excited to teach him all the cuss words that will have their mother wrinkling her nose in disapproval.
Vesper loves her new younger sibling, as she does with the rest, but something about him feels different... She chalks it up to the age difference between them.
Back to Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klowolski de Rolo IV; I imagine him to be a Monk. Specifically a Way of Mercy Monk or a Way of Long Death Monk (The never ending connection this family has to the Raven Queen and all...). The family calls him "Freddie" and "Sixer".
He and Dannie would have a close relationship. I see them both moving to Vasselheim together when Freddie is about 18 years old. He takes up residence in the Temple of Kord, while Dannie takes up residence in the Raven Queen's Temple. Both are well known and welcomed amongst their respective deity's places of worship. War and Death go hand-in-hand.
Wolfe takes on more of a 'father' role to Freddie than Percy actually does. Not by any failure on Percy's part, but he's getting older, and Wolfe has always wanted kids anyway; so he might as well practice on this one.
Freddie jokingly calls Wolfe 'Dad' and Leona 'Mom'.
I think he and Gwendolyn would have a 'weird' relationship. Not anything outright venomous, but I don't think Gwendolyn would take kindly to no longer being the baby of the family and having her father's undivided attention. And Freddie having their father's namesake definitely wouldn't help those feelings.
He's not really close with either Vex nor Percy. He sees them as his parents, of course, and loves and respects them as such; but he would be more inclined to listen and go along with whatever his siblings say/do. Especially anything from Wolfe.
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natp20 · 3 years ago
de rolo kids, in the most likely order:
vesper elaina
wolfe kristoff & leona pike
vax'ildan frederick
gwendolyn zahra melanie
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littlebosslady7 · 2 years ago
Happy @percahliaweek! - Chapter 1- Treasure
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot, Zahra Hydris/Kashaw Vesh Characters: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Vesper Elaina de Rolo | Percy and Vex'ahlia's Child, Cassandra de Rolo, Wolfe Kristoff de Rolo, Grog Strongjaw, Leona Pike de Rolo, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Vax'ildan Frederick de Rolo, Keyleth (Critical Role), Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie Von Musel de Rolo, Zahra Hydris, Kashaw Vesh, Deanna Leimert, Wilhand'ildan Shorthalt, Juniper Shorthalt, Velora Vessar Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Family Feels, Temporary Character Death, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Humor, Spoilers for Campaign 3 (Critical Role), Minor Original Character(s), Minor Spoilers, Lifespan Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Fluff and Humor Series: Part 36 of D's Critical Role Stories Summary: Lord Percival and Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo had carved quite an exciting life for themselves post thwarting Vecna's ascension. Join them, their children, and their found family in Vox Machina in times of bliss, grief, surprises, and fun adventures.
"I appreciate you. However, that doesn’t mean I require assistance with every small task.” “All right. I’ll ease up a little bit.” Vex shot him a knowing glance. “Very well. I’ll ease up a lot. I do have to go to work anyway.” “Wait!” She insisted, grabbing him by his dapper blue coattail, “Don’t go yet.” Eyes wide with worry, he fretted, “What’s wrong?” “You didn’t kiss me goodbye,” pouted his wife. Percy obliged her multiple times over kissing all over her face and the swell of her belly twice. She giggled at his overt displays of affection.
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