#wol x everyone basically
noodlingway · 2 years
This was too many images for one post and I'm trying to do this on my phone so hopefully it's still legible!
Happy All Saint's! Just a week late, whoops!
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agent-jaselin · 6 months
L’calem has the echo cause Warrior of Light and it’s fun in the context of Baldur’s Gate because it means getting to get in both non-infected people’s heads and in the other tadfools heads without them knowing. The catch being he has no control over it since it’s just the echo going “hey what if we had you experience their worst moments personally” whenever they do their exposition at him.
Meets Halsin the first time and gets flavor blasted with the origins of the shadow curse cause that’s definitely what he’s thinking about even as he’s telling you about everything else . Like that’s why he went to the camp. In part.
Halsin moves to ask about it later and Calem just cuts him off like “you’re going to ask about the shadow curse thing right? Yeah I’ll help it’s on the way.”
Though bonus it would be terrible for their relationship because he just assumes halsin sees a high stakes errand boy in Calem like everyone else on his home planet
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lilas · 4 months
dawntrail and the theme of duality and unity through visual motif
Hi, thank you for coming to my MEGtalk presentation, aka I’ve already yelled about this to my friends but they’re not as into theorizing as I am so I’m throwing this out to fellow theorists on tumblr dot come.
I want to discuss the motifs we’ve seen of Dawntrail so far, specifically evidence pointing to the theme of duality, unity, and two becoming one.
Discussion of live letters, marketing materials, teasers, trailers, and theories ahead.
reflection, parallels, and the motif of two and connection in official materials
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Starting with Dawntrail’s poster, we immediately see reflection, pairs of two, and the idea of symmetry:
There is a sense of symmetry in the composition, where you can clearly mark a vertical line down the center of the poster
One side faces left, the other side faces right, visually separating Team WoL and everyone else/our rivals at least in the beginning
Gulool Ja Ja, the Dawnservant, is divided by the imaginary center line, with one head falling on either side of the composition
NOTE: Mystery woman at the top facing left towards Team WoL, foreshadowing her involvement with our success?
Twos throughout the poster design: Gulool Ja Ja’s two heads, his two swords, everyone placed in a pair throughout the composition (Erenville and Koana, WoL and Urianger, Krile and Thancred, Wuk Lamat and Mysterious Mamool Ja)
I’m not sure if this implies a parallel of character arcs in the story, but it is worth noting and revisiting after Dawntrail releases
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The teaser for the main menu screen was released last week, and builds upon the visual motif from the poster:
Tuliyollal is reflected in the water
Clouds are reflected in the water as well as reflect across the imaginary center line
Looking at what I assume is the palace and home of the Dawnservant, its design is perfectly symmetrical; I believe this is the first straight on view we’ve seen of its architecture
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As we see in the full trailer for Dawntrail and in the new world map, there is an extremely long bridge that connects the two halves of the continent:
On the map, we can clearly see a giant chasm physically separating the two halves of the continent
In the trailer, we see extreme visual differences between the two halves of the continent; one full of color and flora and the other an arid desert
They are two distinct halves of a whole
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Even the new DPS job, Viper, Meteor’s assigned job for this expac and the newest job completely unique to FFXIV uses dual swords that can be apart or combined.
what we know about the story so far, from fanfest, live letters, and msq (sources to be added)
Multiple comments have been made about basic elements of the story:
Gulool Ja Ja is blessed with two heads, an auspicious sign
Gulool Ja Ja united the disparate peoples of Tural under the one unifying nation of Tuliyollal
To further signify the union of the people of Tural, Gulool Ja Ja adopted four children; several races under one household
Bakool Ja Ja is a contender for the throne; he is not royalty but has two heads like the Dawnservant
Yoshi P has made comments about the two halves of the story feeling very distinct
concluding thoughts
It’a clear to me the idea of duality and two becoming one is an underlying theme of this expansion:
Dawntrail’s poster child DPS job being built around two swords becoming one
Gulool Ja Ja’s two heads, one body
The bridge connecting two halves of the continent
There is also symmetry and parallels seen throughout available marketing materials. From this motif I suspect a few things to happen in this expac:
There will not be one ruler, but two governing heads of state, ruling as one
Tuliyollal and Solution Nine, both confirmed to be hub cities and potentially previously unknown to each other, will form a relationship or partnership; perhaps a story beat will be navigating the unease and awkwardness of this new political alliance
A major plot point during the 6.x patches was bridging the Source with the shards for traveling between worlds; I suspect some development on that front especially with Y’shtola’s involvement
Regardless of where the story takes us, I’m so excited and interested in what they do with the theme of duality and connection that they’ve primed us for, as it keeps popping up again and again in everything they show us and tell us.
please let me know your thoughts!
Did you notice these same things? Was there something I missed? Do you have new thoughts or theories based on this theme of duality?
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abimee · 7 days
what is pocket lint and what would joining it entail ? :0
Ardbert's Left Pocket Lint is a small (18 person) FFXIV server run on gasoline and paint thinner where we basically just hang out and do content together
Pocket Lint has a mystery beginnings but it ended up becoming a server where we (the people in it) can run unsynced extremes/savages and normal/side content together without the expectations that PF brings, such as reading/understanding guides, parsing, doing specific tricks/skipping specific parts, etc. PL is basically a place where ''raider brain'' isnt allowed and instead we focus on bringing an enjoyable experience to running content where nobody feels left out/incapable of doing things.
Therefore our only two hard rules are as follows: - We do not allow any sort of advertising of static forming, raiding, etc. No "does anybody wanna come join my static?" or "does anybody wanna run [current savage tier that cant be unsynced]?". anything that happens in pocket lint should be done With the people in lint, and nobody should feel left out - we go into content prioritizing fun over optimzation, and dont allow others to put people down for their abilities in the game or to feel superior (no X legend btw type behavior, no ''you should switch to X job'', no ''pure essence no healer DR'' run type stuff. Everyone is allowed to play what they want how they want in content as long as theyre playing the game at all). We wanna have FUN
we also do lots of other stuff to encourage friendship and comradery. we play jackbox games and watch movies rogether and we have plans for stuff like:
among us
lethal company
roblox experiences (we played dress to impress in private lobbies, and fishing simulator together)
we also do WOL AND TELL, where people make a presentation of their WOL/ff14 oc's story and present it! we also have channels for everyones characters to put memes, lore dumps, etc
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heres our current list of Things We Wanna Do Soon, were in the middle of trying to prog p4s unsynced and we've gotten to 40% of the second phase (around the third part of it iirc???) and we're always down to have more people join us and come experience a really funny(?) prog for clear/farm
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in general pocket lint is (TO ME) the best ff14 server you can join. imo. we're also normal people who think Dawntrail was an amazing expansion, we're not weird about the twins, we're all LGBT adults and we're super friendly. If you wanna join we're always looking for more to join and become lint with us :]
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xiv-wolfram · 4 months
XIV Rarepair Week: Star-Crossed (Day 1)
WoL x Raubahn Aldynn. A look into Wolfram's thoughts after returning from Elpis in Endwalker. It starts out dark but shows how he's already started rewiring harmful thought patterns and taking positive actions in his journey of healing. 🙂 Probably more interesting for folks who know his basic backstory. (Vague mention of past suicide attempt.)
As Wolfram approached the glowing tower he spared a moment to look up at the starlit sky hanging over the Crystarium. Everything on The First had been odd…
In his world, the night was a time of danger. When the horrors of the void felt just that little bit closer. When beasts stalked their prey. When he'd committed his first sin…one of many. For hadn't he thanked the shroud of night as he crept through the ruins toward that cursed book? Hadn't he been grateful for the silence in that temple-turned-tomb making the sounds of his chanting all the clearer? Hadn't he begged for the shadows that had crept forth from the portal? He thanked that darkness for allowing him to avenge whilst claiming he wished only to protect. Was that very lie why the shadows turned on him?
There had been a time - let's be honest, many times - when the Warrior of Darkness questioned his place in the world. What right did he have to exist when he'd watched his own tainted hands shred the flesh of those who had given him life? He had believed himself the vessel of a voidsent and rather than end himself to protect others he'd stepped away from the literal edge. Selfish. Even free of the hellhound’s control he'd continued to kill. Gleefully even, when he felt they deserved it. What he deserved was far worse.
So many times he thought he'd changed - when he met the love of his life; when he chose the hero's path; when he'd been made humanity’s champion by a goddess.
No. A bloody Primal.
“Remember what she is - a lying bitch who killed my friends,” Wolfram muttered through a clenched jaw, shaking his head to clear the image of Venat from his mind. Venat… walking the fields of Elpis with that lovely smile and easy laugh that had made him feel at home even in the past he shouldn't have seen. Who had casually mentioned Azem’s partner while giving him a knowing grin - surely hoping his curiosity would override his desire to hide his identity. In the end, it mattered not. Whoever they were, they died along with Azem and the rest of their society.
Should he have listened to his instinct? Spared everyone their future right then and there. That instinct had been to kill. Kill Meteion to stop the pain inherent in her abilities - he knew better than any the agony that empathy can bring. To order Hermes to bring back her sisters so he could grant them mercy too. To kill the future Fandaniel, a man whose morose feelings mirrored his own, for giving life to such creatures whose only purpose was to meet a cruel fate. Somehow find a way to kill every one of the ancients, no matter how much inexplicable kinship he felt for them, for creating a false utopia where that corrosive pain was allowed to take root and spread its rot. Wolfram’s instinct was to kill in order to protect… and avenge. Further proof that after two decades and countless adventures - he hadn't truly changed.
Wolf’s instincts hadn't changed… but he also hadn't acted on them. Was that for good or ill? He could have spared all those fallen stars… maybe they could have recovered without the entelechy’s interference? Etheirys, even in its emptiness, would have been better off. With no ancients, there would be no Primals. No Allagans. No Garleans. No Calamities. Even he wouldn't exist. His pain wouldn't exist. His sickness. His darkness…
…Wolfram's friends wouldn't exist either. His love would have never been born… Were his intentions even noble or had his selfish instinct simply won out? Perhaps his instincts to protect others versus himself would now be at odds with each other. Perhaps that was a good thing? Perhaps he was being too hard on himself…. and ‘overthinking’. Hells! Hadn't Rau accused him of that too?! Just days ago. One night as Wolfram was a sobbing mess fighting the transformation into blasphemy as his friend tried to break through his haze of misery to convince the mage he was loved, pleading for his continued existence. And again the next night... as he was a grateful lovesick fool thanking the gladiator by falling into his bed with recklessly impulsive enthusiasm.
Wolfram had finally allowed himself something good. His far more honorable friend deserved whatever he desired - if that was a scarred mage with a broken mind then Wolf would stop fighting the undeniable fact that they belonged together. He had never considered himself to be the sundered Azem before visiting Elpis so why should anything change now? Why should he bother his mind with the fates of the dead? His soul didn't belong to Azem - it belonged to Raubahn Aldynn. The kindest, most courageous man in Eorzea trusted him with the fate of their people. That passionate night in Ala Mhigo - every kiss, every caress, was a promise to the Commander that he would save them all. Fuck the ancients. This was their time.
He chuckled at himself, grateful as ever that only he was privy to his innermost ramblings. The Warrior of Darkness lifted his eyes back towards the dim heavens. Looking up at this dark glimmering shroud blanketing the land in its comforting embrace… It felt odd, even after so long, to think that he was responsible for it. A man so full of his own darkness that it had warped his very grasp on reality - he'd been the one to return the night to this painfully bright world. Odd yes. Oddly fitting. Rather than fear his darkness… maybe it was time to truly embrace it. He had been the perfect person to save this world - surely he could save another.
Wolfram continued to the tower with a confident smile.
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
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Hey everyone, this post might be a bit long, as I’m just wanting to get my thoughts out on stuff. Feel free to ignore it and skip. I might ramble a bit, so I apologize in advance! But first, an Aymeric dote for a much needed serotonin shot! 😘
I wanted to thank everyone who sent well wishes for my son! He just has the common cold, but since he’s special needs, it is really hard on him, and he usually has meltdowns whenever he gets sick. Needless to say, I’m exhausted. I’m exhausted to the point that I had an asthma attack earlier and I’m just now getting to relax. But don’t worry, I’ll be alright.
Along with my son being sick, it’s been hectic with IRL stuff as well. Not getting into too much extraneous detail, as it’s not important to the main point, but it’s been hard just finding the time to get gposes or any writing done with everything I have to do IRL.
Because it’s been so difficult getting anything accomplished that I already have on my WIP List, I know that I just don’t have the time or the energy to do Lalapril, or any other event for a while. I’m hoping to do Wolmeric Week though, which is the first week of May. I think that will give me the time I need to plan ahead what I want to do for it, and since it’s only a week, I think it’s pretty manageable next to a whole month for Lalapril. It will also be something of a present to myself, as my birthday is at the end of April after all.
What I can do, however, is support my fellow lala peeps out there, and cheer you all on if you are planning on doing Lalapril, or if anyone else is doing one of the other April events (Why there’s a million events just in April I have no idea…)
This next point might not be much of a surprise, as this has been kind of a thing for a few months already, but I’ve decided to put my first WoL OC Yume on hiatus for a while. I’m NOT getting rid of her, and I’m still insanely proud of the years of work I’ve put into her story and development. However, I haven’t had inspiration for her for a while now, and it is bothering me that she’s still prominent on my pinned post when all of my inspiration has been for Hali ever since I created her.
I know this might be a disappointment for those of you who have followed me for years and/or those who followed me for Yume or Yume x G’raha. But I need to do what makes me happy, and Hali makes me so happy that I want to pour my limited energy reserves into her. If this makes me lose some followers, then so be it. It can’t be helped.
But what I will do is I will make a Masterlist of all of the important Yume info, basically everything that is on my pinned post right now, and put in on a separate post. Then I’ll link that Yume Masterlist onto my pinned post instead, so that Yume’s info is still easily accessible to everyone who is curious to read it, but it’s not as misleading as it is now.
I think the last thing on my mind is the live letter, and that I’m super excited for the end of Pandaemonium, but I’m still iffy on the MSQ, as I just haven’t been that invested in it since 6.1. I am hoping that this all ties into 7.0 somehow, because right now, it is feeling like the filler arc in an anime, and I’m just ehhhhh. I don’t know if that’s part of my problem with my lack of inspiration for Yume, but it might be. I’m not sure anymore.
Anyways, if you’ve actually read all this, I thank you dearly for putting up with my rambling. I hope you all enjoy your weekend! Love ya! 💖
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tcfactory · 5 months
I would absolutely read that ffxiv x svsss fic if you ever did it! I love the world building you so would love to what would when you smack them together!
I don't have anything really defined as far as ideas go, but dropping someone on QCMS for a while would be really funny I think because like
Compared to whatever is the norm in the SVSSS verse, people on Etheirys (the world ffxiv is set in) are practically made of qi. Or have so much of it anyway that they might as well be made of it.
Which, as far as I can tell, is extremely not normal in a cultivation setting. Even the Garleans are made like that, they just can't control the energy. Imagine a person with more qi than some cultivators ever amass in their entire life who at the same time can't even circulate it. They are capable of manipulating it in other objects to a degree, but their own boundless qi? Completely inaccessible to them.
Also just asking anyone to talk about where they come from would be a trip. "One of our moons fell, the dragon imprisoned in it got out and wrecked shit, caused wide-spread environmental destruction and now one of our city states is stuck in permanent winter and this is just a thing that happens every now and then" would be wild to listen to for someone who is not used to the concept of Calamities.
Or take "well we don't actually know if our gods even really exist or not in the form we worship them, because when we try too hard to commune with them all we get are fakes that enslave the minds of people and drain the land dry".
Lots of very wild concepts in ffxiv that would make MQF think that he must be having a qi-deviation or a fever dream, because there's no way this person (demon??? most races would get mistaken for one. oh god can you imagine an Au Ra or a hroth or god forbid a lala getting dropped in there) is actually saying all these things with their full chest in complete sincerity. You don't even need to bring the WoL ("Hi, so my dayjob is to fight and kill fake gods?"), basically anyone would cause A Stir.
Like, the opposite of it would be less funny I think, because whatever a cultivator can say would probably go the way of "huh, there sure are some strange things in those far eastern lands" because you need to go very far to hit the threshold where things start sounding a little implausible for a better traveled person in the ffxiv universe. And even then if you get someone who's fully informed they might just break out the "have you considered you that might hail from another planet altogether?" and yeah no, that's not better at all.
A cultivator might get sick from all the aether all around too - it's Lingxi caves turned up to a hundred, in everything and everyone, without any filter on the energy. And as of Endwalker, we have Dynamis, which is a force that acts in the absence of aether and reacts very strongly to emotion...
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you mentioned your wol is cis(ish), what does that mean? (/gen)
(In relation to my WoL post) Sorry this took too long to respond to, distracted by stuff
Short answer:
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Long answer under the cut, but probably not as interesting as you might be hoping. But also deeply personal. Mostly a recap of the stuff in that thread, with a bit more context from my personal life and my evolving feelings of gender involved.
But if you don't wanna read all that, its basically "She is a in-universe fantasia addict and has no real attachment to her physical body, and that includes her genitals."
Read More
Language is going to be a get tricky in this one, given we are talking about a setting that may not have the same views of gender as we do.
She is Cis(ish) simply because she is an afab woman who treats gender like just another part of her dresser. Were she educated on the topic, she would probably consider herself either genderfluid or agender. She is always a girl, but rarely 'just' a girl.
T'sraetn is my main. All of my characters are some reflection of myself, but as my main, T'sraetn is more myself than anyone. As such, many of her changes throughout the years are based on my own changes.
She started 1.x as just an afab miqo'te, because at the time, I was a trans woman and T'sraetn represented who I wanted to be, and remained that way through ARR. By the time Heavensward had launched, I had grown more comfortable with being trans, and fantasia'd T'sraetn into a trans Au Ra girl.
I know "Are fantasias canon?" is a very contested question in the fandom, but luckily I don't give a fuck about other people's opinions, so I don't have to care about that. And the fun thing about treating magic gender/race change juice as canon, is it vastly increases the number of options for gender presentation.
T'sraetn became an Au Ra cause she thought horns and scales were cool and wanted some. She stayed a girl cause she viewed herself as a girl and wanted to remain that way. She got a penis cause she wanted one. It was really that simple.
Just before Stormblood I... changed her back to Miqo'te. I didn't really do it cause I wanted to, I did it because I was in a really shitty relationship and the person I was with at the time wanted me to. Shortly after Stormblood launched, I stopped playing her as that person turned into a stalker, and started playing a new character, T'alia.
T'alia was kind of built on the loathing I had for T'sraetn at the time. How I felt she wasn't mine anymore, so I made a bastardized version of her that I justified as being her mom. I joined another FC, and got to start roleplaying as this character and fleshing her out more. I filled in the role they needed of a central antagonist, which fit in with the loathing I had built the character on. I built a few other characters to play as when we didn't need a central antagonist that week. But as Shadowbringers drew closer, I noticed a problem. In order to do any RP's in Shadowbringers areas, I'd have to do the expansion a second time in order to get there. I'd have to unlock flying, and do all that other bullshit.
I didn't want to, so I introduced a new character: T'alia. Or more accurately, a clone of her, which the FC affectionately named 'Tali' to tell the two apart. This new version of her rejected T'alias goals for her, and wanted to be her own person. Someone fighting along the FC. However, she had cybernetic enhancements that allowed T'alia to control her body and keep her from fighting back. Now I had an excuse to be on either side of a fight, without it being a question of "Why do you go missing every time we fight this one specific bad guy"
I made a central part of Tali's personality her crisis of identity. She didn't want to be the person everyone told her she was. I uh... I was not that subtle about it being a metaphor for my saltiness over that ex who's FC I was in. She was constantly modifying herself, trying to replace her cybernetics or alter the organics of her body. I only *actually* fantasia'd her twice, first time into a Viera, but I imagined she was changing up her body pretty regularly, trying to find the one that actually felt like "her".
Eventually, I got kinda fed up with the limitations of Viera in the game, specifically after one of the holiday events where Viera couldn't even wear the reward from it. So I decided I was going to fantasia her again when I had the chance, and worked it into the RP. I had worked a lot of frustrations about my own mother into the character of T'alia, and so I had known for a little bit before hand that Tali was actually T'sraetn, and had dropped a few hints in RP about it (mostly referencing past stuff with other FC members who came with when leaving that old FC). Stuff the players would go "We sure did that together, yep." while being subtle about the fact that my character absolutely should not remember that.
Eventually, I did the big reveal in RP, changed my characters name back to my old main, and reclaimed my old character. The ACTUAL old character became Gaelicat. That... is not canon to T'sraetn's story (unless... hm...) I decided to leave in the love for changing up her body she had acquired as Tali. She still had the cybernetics at this point, and it was a recurring joke in RP that her arms would fall off in every fight and she would have to find someone to fix them. Even once she had her cybernetics removed, she still retained the same attitude of having no attachment to her body. It could be changed and altered, maybe not easily, but it was certainly possible.
So she has no real attachment to her current form anymore. She looks that way just cause that's how she wants to look. She might see a pretty hrothgal and decide to be one of those for a bit. She might want to go for a (slightly. very slightly) bit more of a masculine look for a bit and become a male viera.
Ultimately it boils down to... it doesn't matter what configuration the parts of her body take, its just a fucking body, and it can and will be changed on a whim with this handy blue drink.
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
Trigun Stampede (+Milly) x FFXIV rambles
Preferred job type: Healer (Sage)
DPS: Machinist
Tank: I'd say Gunbreaker but I think he'd be drawn to the Paladin vibes ngl.
(the rest under the cut, this got LONG)
Viera, talks like a sprout/newbie even though he's been here forever. He's just so friendly!! Says hi!! And does a funny dance when queuing into any instance!! Always resurrects a downed party member, regardless of if they got there by being stupid or not. No matter how many times they die. He WILL raise them. He also maybe cries when someone falls off the stage (while everyone else laughs). Excellent healer, very attentive and knowledgeable about mechanics. Very encouraging!! Might get overwhelmed, even if very good at adjusting. Do Not Yell At Him He's doing his best.
Insanely good at DPS for some reason. He never wants to be the DPS. Heck if there wasn't a JOB depending on damage to heal, he'd do no damage at all. :/
Preferred job type: DPS (Monk. Punchy. Also Black Mage.)
Healer: Sage (she's WAY too big on the DPS part. Opposite of Vash where if this didn't heal she'd do no healing....)
Tank: Warrior (so powerful, basically self sufficient)
Miqo'te Keeper of the Sun or Lalafel. Not sure, LOL. Always down to raid, especially if it's with friends!! Tends to jump the gun and trigger boss fights before tank is ready. She's lucky her tank (Milly) and Healers (Vash, sometimes Roberto) go with her anyway and don't let her die (like I would kJHSJDKLHF). Vash will start explaining mechanics and she'll just YEET into the room. Mechanics are for cars!!! Healers have to use Rescue on her alot....
She is, while blunt, still very kind to new people. She’s also always worried she isn't doing enough, so she throws herself into another fight before ready, MERYL NO-
Preferred job type: Tank (Paladin, Gunbreaker)
Healer: White Mage (simple, extremely effective)
DPS: Bard or Summoner (she loves playing the instruments! And the little friends from summoning :>)
Highlander Hyur. Always there if anyone wants to do anything, very easygoing and vibes with many different parties. She’s not....the fastest Tank (she’s not one to pull mobs from wall to wall) but she’s good at getting between the threat and her friends, and that’s what matters. As a tank she’s supposed to be leading but when Meryl’s in the group, she’s usually seen closely tailing her instead....also keeps putting the “Cover” spell (Take all damage intended for another party member as long as said member remains within 10 yalms.) on Vash even when he insists he can handle the damage.
PLEASE (politely) remind her to turn her tank stance on. She will forget.
She might get a little lost in admiring the scenery of the dungeons, or. Lost in general (as I have done hhhsdkj). Gently redirect her and you’ll be fine. Doesn’t quite know the mechanics but somehow does a great job anyway!
Preferred job type: Healer (Scholar. His weapon is a freaking newspaper.)
Tank: Gunbreaker (please don’t make him tank, he is very slow, you’ll be there all day)
DPS: Black Mage (don’t have to move much, better on his back, big damage)
Highlander Hyur. Grumpy healer!! Very tired, but still very good at his job, always there when the going gets tough, no matter how much he complains. He’s given up on resurrecting downed party members when Vash is in the party because that kid is always on it. SOMEONE has to cover the healing when Vash inevitably runs his mana reserves dry doing this. Says he’s too old to raid, and yet has a surprisingly solid grasp on the mechanics. He does his research. Whether he takes the time to explain them though is another issue entirely....he will do callouts if needed.
Also has Rescue on a hotkey for Meryl, sometimes Vash. Will make fun of people for dumb deaths, might play limbo with health sometimes, but he’s reliable. He’s alert, and there are very few deaths on his watch. (Mainly because they don’t want his world-wary lecture, but shhhh)
Preferred job type: DPS (Reaper. because Undertaker. get it? haha. ha.)
Tank: Dark Knight (giant unweildy weapon?? Angsty origins? Eyup.)
Healer: White Mage (He sucks at it, don’t make him heal. He just keeps using Glare and Holy.....)
Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon. Used to be a tank main (and really enjoys co-tanking with Milly!!) but found Reaper worked for him really well. He’s the type to keep an eye on the healers, and is the first to run down wayward mobs that escape the tank’s notice. This is especially important with Vash, who gets so focused on healing he doesn’t realize he’s getting hurt. Plus, the faster they can kill stuff, the safer everyone is. Win-win.
Likes to pull crazy stunts, has accidentally Engressed off the stage. Several times. Sometimes gets the Rescue Leash (just not as often as Meryl). Constantly bickering with Meryl over everything, who did the most damage, annoyance for running ahead (when he’s doing the SAME THING), scuffed mechanics, etc. Thinks stupid deaths should be left alone but....
“No Needles they need to learn their lesson, leave them-”
-rez sounds-
Preferred Job Type: DPS (Ninja, Dancer. Both throw very sharp objects. I think Dancer would be nice for him since it deals with Dynamis, and expressing emotion in alternate ways, etc. Bard for the piano playing.)
Tank: Dark Knight
Healer: Astrologian (He likes the strategy of it.)
Viera, very rarely talks in chat. Does not emote often, but when he does it’s....rather extreme. Vash does alot of talking for him really. (”Nai said thanks!” “......”) Just wants to get the duty over with. Honestly doesn’t show up often but when he does, it’s clear he’s done extensive research so he does it near perfectly every time (he got lost in a beginner dungeon ONE TIME....). If someone fails a mechanic and dies they deserve it. As healer, plays limbo with the tank HP (unless the tank is Vash).
Do Not get between Knives and his uptime. Just don’t. He knows what he’s doing (Milly as healer used Rescue on him ONCE before he was ready, and he’s never forgiven her lmao. Then there’s Wolfwood and Meryl who do it on PURPOSE...please don’t make them heal). 
He has entirely too many weapons. Millions, you could say. His glam chest is FULL of them.
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noodlingway · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022
I've been having a great time with the prompts this month! So far (knock on wood) haven't missed a day. Although there's some haikus and a limerick in there.
If you'd like to check it out, here's the link to ao3. Still need to update the table of contents and the tags up top, but there's CW and notes at the top of each chapter. There are some Mature and Explicit chapters, and they are marked with a rating in the top notes.
I was all over the place with different ships, time periods, and AUs. Here's some relevant gposes in no particular order. :)
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pebsterino · 2 years
Honestly I feel you on the ocxcanon. Who cares if people ship it as long as everyone is having fun! People are allowed to diverge from canon and make their own "timeline" or multiple of them. Draw all the ocxcanon stuff you want, I think there's more people who support it than hate it.
Absolutely! But that’s the thing for me this is basic knowledge but apparently lots of wow players don’t get it or it’s weird for them. I’ve encountered a lot of hate and weird messages when I was younger for shipping oc x canon ships from wow. And till this day people are weird ab it. I don’t know in ffxiv this problem do not exists, everyone ships their wol with lots of npcs. People support and encourage each other to keep creating. I just want to have fun and share my ships 🙏😭.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
All the fandom questions! <3
In what fandom did you start?
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
Is there any fandom you regret exploring?
Have you ever developed an OC for a certain fandom?
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1.I started writing in the Danganronpa fandom, I do love the characters and series a lot and at the time I was mostly writing for an oc and a few canon characters. I do have some on my carrd still but it’s not one I am that active anymore. At the time, I didn’t know if rping was for me so, it was definitely a testing the waters.
2.That’s so hard because I do love a lot of fandoms that I write for but at the moment it would be a tie between Resident Evil and Final Fantasy. I feel like both fandoms are ones that I’m super passionate about and the kind people I have gotten meet through them is what has kept me writing in both fandoms. I wasn’t sure how well my Ffxiv muses would be received but I am happy that so far it has lead me to meeting new friends too.
3.I do regret exploring the Danganronpa fandom..at least around the time I was writing. There was a lot of drama;; plus I was harassed by a group of people for almost two months. It was bad. I think if maybe I had started rping on here maybe that would’ve turned out differently but please don’t use amino. I still love Danganronpa series but some of the experiences I had definitely made me nervous to write any of the muses I can for it. They are still there on my carrd but I do get a little anxiety with it. Hopefully in time that will go away since I don’t want bad experiences I had there to impact how I feel about a series.
4.Yes, I have a few two are oc’s for Final Fantasy XIV. They aren’t warriors of light but connected to my Wol Stella and G’raha Tia. There names are Mako and T’sori. I do want sit down and write out a background for them soon but basically Mako is the ancestor of Stella. She was a Paladin and personal guard to T’sori, heir to the allagan throne. The characters are ones that existed long before Stella and G’raha but connected back to the two. I do also have oc in Dangranonpa Fandom but haven’t touched her in a bit due to the reasons stated above. I’m the type of person that enjoys developing characters and I know not everyone is a fan of it but I do love oc x canon ships. As long as you put thought into the dynamic and story and it makes sense let people pour their hearts developing those dynamics.
I’m a huge oc lover and have friends that have created such beautiful and in-depth oc’s too. It makes things more fun sometimes too when you can take knowledge you have of canon lore and work it around so it makes sense for your character to be there.
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turnsorrow · 2 years
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okay but real talk ALISAIE + PTSD  :  she starts showing symptoms of ptsd around the shadowbringers era, prior to the wol’s arrival but worsened once they’re there by the events of tesleen’s death + holminster switch. her most intrusive symptoms take the form of nightmares and extremely severe anxiety. basically, alisaie really isn’t, like, sleeping, after holminster. she has panic attacks, but because she keeps her mind so occupied, these usually only happen if she lets herself spiral : ie / alphinaud witnesses her in distress more often at night when they retire from everyone else, making this a rather private issue between the two of them. her emotions do start getting more erratic towards the end of endwalker specifically as paranoia + her fears start ramping up, but she really is the type who buries this stuff so deep that nothing ever really shows until she literally cannot handle it on her own anymore.
basically, individual interactions aside ( it just depends on how much x muse pays attention to her or how their relationship develops ), no one would really know how much alisaie has been struggling until after endwalker if at all, except for alphinaud. she especially wouldn’t want her father or mother knowing, estranged with them as she has become.
as a note, despite this starting to manifest from the trauma she experiences in the first / shadowbringers, the nightmares and behavior tied to the ptsd extends to more than just her trauma with tesleen. she has nightmares of her grandfather’s / phoenix’s “death”, she pointedly gets really distressed and agitated whenever he’s brought up, she avoids fourchenault and sharlayan as much as she believably can during endwalker because they’re reminders, she sometimes completely backs out of conversations when the events of the first are brought up without warning, etc, etc.
emotionally, she's always on her guard for danger, her insomnia is at an extreme level to the point it's hypocritical whenever she chides others for not taking care of themselves & furthermore is a cause for finding her passed out at random places during random times of the day, she’s constantly overwhelmed with her fears of losing those around her, has angry outbursts whenever she gets upset... gestures vaguely.
and like despite the hopeful ending at the end of it all, the events of ew with endsinger make this all a million times worse bc she 1. literally dies, 2. also literally watches the second person she cares most for in the world wake up from being a singular breath away from dying.
she’s still adept at holding herself together when need be, but ptsd + abandonment issues + attachment issues = alisaie’s going through it in shb/ew, but she’s going through it behind closed doors mostly with alphinaud because she doesn’t want to acknowledge it or deal with it. quite literally, she just wishes she could ignore it and it’d go away. not the best coping mechanism !
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wanderersoflight · 2 years
Hello everyone! This post has been a long time coming and we didn’t really expect to get as much traction as we have, but since we’ve managed to accumulate a few curious folk, we wanted to shed some light on this little AU for some of y’all who have questions but don’t know how to ask. The goal of this post is to answer a few basic questions for folks across the fandoms we tag so that there’s a bit of clarity around what the heck we’re doing here.
So without further ado, let’s begin!
Wanderers of Light is a crossover au between two Moomin characters and the world of Final Fantasy XIV. It is an AU started by siblings who play two of our favorite fictional siblings going through the main scenario quest (MSQ) together. There is a bit of lore as to how these two started their adventure, but essentially, we're taking Little My and Snufkin from Moomin valley and transport them to Eorzea, Narnia style.
We go through the MSQ together, while also pulling shenanigans on the side. So if you like Moomins x high fantasy adventure setting, have a soft spot for sibling adventures that sometimes get a little TOO adventurous (think saving the world, killing corrupted authority figures, fighting wars, and leading revolutions among other things), or you're a FFXIV player who likes to see what other players are doing with their downtime bc oh look! G-poses, drawings, stories aside from the msq??? If you're any of these things, we welcome your follow and added interest!!
Yeah! So FFXIV is an open world mmorpg where you play as the "Warrior of Light" aka your super customizable main character that can be of any of the playable races who work under any classes of your choosing.
Already lost you? Ok so take Little My, she's a Lalafell who's a warrior class, so she's the smallest race available who swings a big froggin axe! And Snufkin's a Miqot'e bard (but started as an archer!), so he's a cat boy with a bow/arrow and an array of instruments at his disposal.
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(screencap courtesy of our friend, Tristan)
Back on track, as the Warrior of Light (WoL), you start out as an adventurer with the class you've picked in character creation. Depending on how you want to play the game, you can follow the msq where you meet a cast of lovely characters with a storyline that packs some heavy punches in each arc--or as we call expansions, which our pinned posts are made to indicate where we are in the story so as to let people know not to mention spoilers. You can also play the game for completely different goals, like g-posing (essentially playing dolls with your characters and posing them for pretty pictures), pvp fights, Dungeon crawling/Raids with friends and complete strangers, home decoration, crafting up clothes, AND SO MUCH MORE! But for most things available, you have to unlock via msq, so be ready for that!
The community is full of friendly people who LOVE new players!!! Like if you enter a dungeon with a party of strangers and you tell them in the chat that you're new, they will be SO patient and supportive bc generally everyone wants you to have a good time here.
The story of the game revolves around you, the WoL, having time-traveled 5 years into the future from the original upload of the game where a great dragon, Bahamut, destroyed much of the world of Eorzea, and you--along with your friends, the Scions--are helping the land recover and rebuild after the Calamity.
HI!! Welcome! So, I could go on about Moomins, in fact I don't think I could do much justice in a couple paragraphs. But for this au, I can give some brief explanations.
So if you google Moomins, you'll find these little white plump creatures that look so pleasant, right? Those are the titular moomintrolls created by the lovely Tove Jansson in her Moomin novels in the mid-1900s that have since expanded and exploded into a world-wide phenomenon. You have the books as well as the comics Tove and her brother created together, as well as multiple film/tv adaptations of the characters and stories. Some of the most well-known tv depictions are the 1990s anime and the 2010 Moominvalley, but there are also gems in the fuzzy-felt version, other stop-motion, and even live-action adaptations! The Moomin stories cover subject matters regarding love, loneliness and aloneness, family, friendship, growing up, and freedom among other things. It’s definitely something much deeper than what it seems on the surface!
Anyway, as you google the Moomin family, you’ll notice that among their cast of characters, you'll find an angry little girl in red and a polite looking fella in green:
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Those are our siblings! Half siblings, actually, which is why we've given them different races because Snufkin's papa (The Joxter) is often depicted as a cat-like creature, so he mostly takes after him.
Little My is the smallest of mymbles (which is commonly believed to be her race/species type?) who is known to be the mischievous, not afraid to speak her mind, and has an honesty in her that sometimes people don’t want to hear. She's also Snufkin's older sister. Snufkin is the baby younger sibling of the two and arguably the wisest of their friends. He's well-traveled and loves his alone time, but is a friendly fellow to find on the path. Both value their independence but usually make a great team, especially when wreaking havoc together!
So that should be a fair introduction! If you have any questions, we welcome asks and may even draw them out if the mood suits us. But yeah, this is basically a self-indulgent au between us that we wanted to share with the communities here. Hopefully this explains why some of y’all keep seeing them in certain tags, and let us know if you’re interested in either of the content this post has enlightened you about!
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teawithaphd · 2 years
It's a Date... wait
(named)WOL x Crystal Exarch
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A Day in the Life of Eorzea University
Ch. 3
Panne goes to meet up with her mysterious study partner at the library—and this time, no one’s got a levitation spell.
The library is just what she expected—not for someone like her. Bookshelves almost reaching the ceiling line the room, all filled with books upon books of all shapes and sizes, filled with knowledge Panne will never find herself looking for, lest for a situation such as this..
The click of her shoes echo on the baroque marble floors as she strolls about the utterly gaudy-looking library, looking for the partner she reluctantly agreed to meet with on this quiet morning. She stops and looks down at the time on her tomestone, affirming that she has, surprisingly yet again, made it in time. I guess Alphinaud’s been rubbing off on me…
“Ah, there you are!”
She turns to see the large grin on her partner’s face while he approaches her, noting how he’s wearing the same gold-adorned hood over his head as usual. Deciding to push away the urge to ask why he keeps wearing it like that, she greets him with a chaste wave.
“Good morning, my friend. I pray your day has gone well thus far?”
Her tomestone buzzes, causing her to look at the message just sent to her.
barista master™️ Have fun on ur date~😘😘  
With an irritated puff, she shoves it into her pocket.
“Is aught amiss?” Her hooded partner asks with his voice raised in concern.
She crosses her arms and looks away from him to shake off the sudden tightness in her chest. “Oh, it’s nothing.. just my coworker being a pain in my arse.”
“Coworker? This means you have a job, then?”
His question makes her ears twitch, and she twists her head back to him, “Yeah, I work at a little coffee shop called the Scions Cafe.”
His lips part for a moment before being pulled into a smile.
“Ah, yes I have heard of it. I have read wonderful reviews, and others have told me that a certain Warrior of Light who works there makes the absolute best freshly brewed cup of Mor Dhonan drip coffee.”
“Oh, my coffee making skills are hardly the reason why the cafe holds such good reviews…” The Keeper sheepishly rubs the back of her neck as she continues, “That credit should go to everyone else’s hard work. I’m just a waitress who makes basic black coffee when you ask…” 
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Panne.” He sees her eyes suddenly widen in response. “I may not have tried your coffee myself, but I always hear how much those who travel there look forward to you serving them. And besides, sometimes it is the simplest of things that brings joy to another’s day.”
Her lips are pulled into a small smile before looking down and whispering, “thanks.”
Silence between them goes on for a beat before Panne speaks up again. “Why… don’t you come sometime, then? If you haven’t gone to the café, I mean.”
What am I saying?
“Our barista, Thancred, makes all the fancy coffees and they always come out looking picture-perfect. We’ve got a mean cook too…Urianger makes the best omelets, just ask and he’ll make one for you. And while Alisaie may not look like it…she’s really great with the customers!” She puts a hand to her chin in thought as she goes on, “Though for some reason they often give me the better tips…And then there’s Alphinaud. He runs the café now, and has worked so hard putting it back together ever since the last owner…” she trails off for a second before raising her voice again, “so if anyone deserves credit the most, it’s him.”
The hooded man goes quiet, sending the Keeper a sudden burst of regret. She feels her thoughts spin, rethinking if it was wise of her to share so much to a man she barely knows and hasn’t even seen the bloody face of…
She turns away from him and mutters an apology under her breath before pulling herself together, facing him again with a pointed finger in his direction. “But before you accept that invitation, you haven’t told me much about yourself.”
He’s taken aback by her sudden accusation, but keeps his voice steady despite his now-sweaty palms. “What would you like to know? I unfortunately am not nearly as interesting a person as you, Warrior.” 
She takes a moment to think before answering, “Why have you been following me around?”
The man abruptly coughs into his hand before looking back up with a lopsided smile.
“T-That is…oh but, it’s not…I haven’t…Ah, look over there!”
He abruptly sprints towards one of the shelves—leaving Panne to blankly stare out in confusion. After an exasperated sigh, she follows after him. 
He stops at the shelf further down the library that piqued his interest when he spotted it from the corner of his eye. Panne arrives and stops several fulms away from him soon after with a light jog.
“The hells was that—“
“I believe I have found a book that may be an integral asset to our repertoire of studies for the project.” He turns to her before asking, “we agreed to have our political figure of choice be Emperor Xande, correct?”
Slightly irritated from his swift avoidance of her prior question, she shrugs. “You’re the expert, so I left that for you to decide.”
“Excellent.” He cranes his neck up to take a good look at the textbook he mentioned high up on the shelf, nodding to himself. He takes a few steps back before running to jump up and reach for the book—leading to failure as he ungracefully slides down to the floor. He clears his throat and he dusts himself off, then prepares to jump again, goes, and slides down the shelf again. He repeats the process several more times before the bewildered Miqo’te beside him decides to speak up.
“The hells are you doing?”
The man looks at her for a moment before an idea pops in his mind. 
“I need you to get on my shoulders.” The sudden seriousness of his tone startles Panne, only adding to her utter confusion.
“Get on my shoulders, I’ll hoist you up to the shelf.” He jerks his head to the point he was trying to reach earlier.
“You’ll do what now?”
He fully turns himself towards her and meets her eyes with an intense gaze, hoping the gesture will convince her—despite his eyes being obscured by his hood.
“Don’t worry, I will not allow you to fall.”
She goes silent before slowly looking around them. Not seeing anyone that could possibly yell at them or report them for…what ever the hells they’re about to do, she sighs before removing her shoes and walking right up to him.
“Look up my skirt and I’ll kill you.”
He turns around and kneels down, allowing Panne to hover her hands around him, trying to figure out a place to anchor herself before landing on the top of his head. Ignoring the feeling of two bulges that feel almost like Miqo’te ears beneath the hood, she places nervous feet one at a time on each of his shoulders, then hoists herself to a stand. He whispers “ready?”, and she simply grunts in response before he slowly stands to full height. The Keeper begins to wobble along the way, leading him to quickly wrap his hands around her ankles and hold on tightly to keep her steady.
“Are you alright?” his tone raises in concern.
She answers with a shaky breath above him, “Im f-fine.”
“Good. Anyroad, the title of the book you’re looking for is ‘Memoires of a Conquerer: A Compilation of The Life and Confessions of Emperor Xande of the Allagan Empire’.”
She scoffs, “you think I know what the hells that is? I’m not gonna spend all day on your shoulders sorting through all these!”
The comment gets a chuckle out of him. “My apologies. Alright then, it should have a red cover…”
“…Most of these have red covers…”
“With gold writing in the front? If I remember correctly it has Emperor Xande’s insignia on it and pray…do not be upset with me, but I believe it may be near the very back of the shelf.”
He hears her let out a groan under her breath. “Seriously?”
“I sincerely apologize…I would have had an easier time grabbing the book myself but…you saw how well that went. And I did not want to be the one to get up on your shoulders instead…”
She giggles, making his heart beat just an ilm faster. “Ever the gentleman, aren’t you? Well, I’ll reach back there, but you better not let me fall.”
“I promise I won’t.”
She gives him an amused ‘hmph’ before leaning forward to reach for the biography. He waits a few minutes while hearing her rummage through the neatly lined stacks of books and grips onto her ankles just a bit tighter—both to keep her and himself steady. He focuses on the calming sounds of books shuffling and the feeling of her warm skin beneath his hands, making him smile to himself at the fact that she really is here. How long has it been since…
“What’s your name, by the way? Just realized I never asked.”
Her voice pulls the man out of his thoughts. “Sorry?”
“You seem to know a lot about me, but I don’t even know your damn name. So what is it? Don’t tell me it’s something embarrassing…”
“Uhm…” it was sheer luck that their first class didn’t have any sort of role call. If they had called him by name, Panne would have known right away and would go shooting him with questions—and would most definitely give him a curse-filled fit of epic proportions... He shivers at the thought of facing her wrath…but he must not let her find out about his identity. Lest he wants to bring up her past and bring her heartache with all that’s happened then…
“They call me…the Exarch…”
She sneers, “Exarch..? You got a stick up your arse or something?”
He bursts out in laughter, causing the Keeper to wobble slightly from it before steadying herself again.
“What? Only some pretentious dickwad would call themselves that.”
He calms his laughter down and wipes a tear from his eye. “Oh please, I would never do something like that…I belong to, or er, used to belong to, a club in the school called the Crystal Tower club, and because I, according to the rest of the members, built the best replicas of the spire, and was the oldest standing member of their quarry, they had dubbed me the ‘Crystal Exarch’. They wanted to call me the Crystal King or Emperor, but I thought of those titles as too flashy, so I settled for Exarch instead.”
She smiles to herself and chuckles lightly, “Makes sense. What did they even do at your club? Just build Crystal Towers?”
“Y-yes…well, that, and we did some research on it when time permitted…” he looks down shyly.
“Huh. I would have joined if I could, but I can’t make things like that for shite.”
He quietly chuckles, “would you have joined, I would have provided whatever assistance you required. With proper guidance, I’m sure you would have picked things up swiftly along the way.”
“That sounds nice…” her smile goes into a smirk, “but you still didn’t quite answer my question, Exarch of the Crystal Tower Club. What’s your actual name?”
“U-Uhm, I—”
Just as Panne grips what looks to be the book they were looking for, the loud voice startles her enough to make one of her feet slip out of her partner’s grasp, getting a yelp out of her.
“H-Hey! I told you not to look up—“
He clings to her ankles as a desperate attempt to keep her from falling as her weight goes backwards—causing them both to tumble to the ground with a yelp.
The Keeper groans as she sits up, clutching her shoulder that took the worst of the fall. She looks up quick enough to see Alphinaud get pulled out of sight by a red-clad hand before hearing two sets of feet scurry off.
—- Earlier that day —-
Alphinaud and Alisaie quietly enjoy their breakfast in their shared apartment. It’s as Alphinaud takes a sip of his tea that Alisaie interrupts the silence.
“I asked Panne last night where she’s meeting her study partner, and she said that they planned to meet in the library at 10 tomorrow.”
Her twin raises an eyebrow as he sets his cup on the table.
“And I say we should follow them.”
“Follow them? Have you lost your mind?!”
Alisaie puts on a smirk as she leans across the table to meet her brother’s eyes. “Mayhap, but you can’t tell me you’re not at the very least curious…”
“Well…” realizing what she’s trying to do, Alphinaud stands up and turns away from her. “No. Absolutely not—we are not doing this.”
He starts walking to his room when Alisaie calls from behind him, “But brother, aren’t you worried about our dear friend? We can just go to make sure nothing goes awry on her date. After all, this study partner of hers does sound awfully suspicious… and you wouldn’t want to leave our Warrior alone with a stalker, would you, dear brother?” 
Alphinaud stops in his tracks. After a pause, he turns his head very slightly to his sitting-all-too-comfortably sister at the table. “…I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.”
She snickers before standing up herself, going into a wide stretch of her arms before making her way to her room to get ready for their little espionage mission.
Dressed in their University uniforms (instead of wearing camouflage head to toe as per Alisaie’s suggestion), the twin elezens walk down the large library, just a couple minutes prior to the time of their friend’s meeting. The two look around until Alphinaud spots a head of familiar violet-and-blonde hair and down-turned ears in the distance.
“There she is!”
Alisaie turns her attention to where her twin is looking and notices Panne walking while observing her surroundings in the opposite direction of them.
“It seems her partner hasn’t arrived yet.”
“Shhhhh Alphinaud, lower your voice!”
They spot a hood decorated with gold heading their way.
“That’s the partner! Quick, we can’t let him spot us!” The two take cover behind a different aisle of shelves and observe as the man makes his way to their friend. They begin to have an exchange, which Alphinaud and Alisaie are barely able to hear, but as they observe, they notice the change in body language of their friend as she slowly goes from being closed-off and almost hostile, to a more relaxed, open position. Alphinaud mutters an involuntary “oh no,” as Alisaie finds her smirk growing wider.
Suddenly, Panne’s partner darts towards one of the shelves, leaving the Miqo’te with a confused expression before running after him. Not wanting to miss out on the action, the twins follow after the two from down their aisle, the end of it luckily being just a few yalms from the spot where the man stopped.
Being closer and more clearly able to listen in on the conversation, the twins lean against the shelf behind them and hear the rest of how the exchange goes.
“—but you still didn’t quite answer my question, Exarch of the Crystal Tower Club. What’s your actual name?”
Alphinaud feels the need to peak out at what’s going on now, verily curious by what this Exarch will reveal about himself as if watching one of those mystery dramas on TV. Despite Alisaie’s whispers of protests, he inches his head out into the open. The sight that greets him makes his face contort into an expression of utter horror. He gasps as he looks on, and both his protective-brother mode and A+ student-who-sees-a violation-of-rules mode go into overdrive, leading him to jump out of hiding and yell at the two.
He freezes in place as the pair goes tumbling down to the floor, jaw almost having dropped to the floor with them. Before Panne could see them as she slowly sits up, Alisaie pulls her brother with her as she sprints and gets them out of the library. When they make it to the school courtyard, she stops and looks to her brother with a scowl.
“You idiot, you blew our cover!”
He pants heavily with his hands on his knees, not expecting the sudden workout. Having caught his breath enough, he looks up,
“Well, did you see what they were doing?! That was absolutely foolish and dangerous… heavens forbid if any of the library staff caught them, they both would have had to face awful consequences for their actions…”
“Well you certainly made things better for them when you yelled out and made Panne fall..” his eyes widen while remembering the sight, and he straightens himself up.
“And she could be hurt! We have to go back there, Alisaie! With my knowledge, I can patch her up, or at least take her to the nurse’s office with preliminary treatment…”
He begins marching his way back to the library before Alisaie catches his hand.
“Let the Exarch take care of it, they’ll be fine…”
Alphinaud stops and turns to his sister, “But… fine…”
She looks away and quietly snickers.
“Always such a worrywart, dearest brother mine…”
“You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?”
Panne’s attention turns to the man in front of her, who’s already standing and holding a hand out to her (is that blue paint on his arm?). While most of his face is obstructed, she can almost imagine the worried expression on him. 
“No, i’m alright..” She raises a hand to smooth down her hair, wincing as a shot of pain hits her shoulder. The man in front of her moves an ilm closer in response, mouth slightly open in shock.
“Your shoulder! Are you certain you didn’t injure it?”
He grabs her uninjured hand and pulls her up to a stand. The Keeper holds her shoulder and attempts to roll the joint, causing her to hiss in pain. He places a gentle hand on her arm out of concern.
“It looks injured…here, let me take you to the nurse.”
She sighs, “It’s alright, I can walk there myself…”
“But please!” His outburst takes her aback, giving him a sense of guilt before lowering his voice, “at least allow me to lead you there. It’s the least I can do after failing to fulfill my promise and letting you fall…”
She hears the guilt in his voice, sending an odd tightness in her chest, and gives him a small smile.
“I said it’s ok, Exarch. You’d be surprised to hear that the nurse’s office is one of the few places that I can actually get to with no problems in this bloody convoluted school.” She looks down to his hand on her arm and then up to her injured shoulder, “besides, it’s probably not that bad anyways, just might be a little sore for awhile.”
He pauses before finally sighing, and smiles while he releases his grip.
“If you are certain…ah, but wait, before you go—“ he grabs a slip of paper from his pocket along with a pen and begins scribbling something down on it, using his knee as a surface, before handing it to her, “Here, call me if anything happens, alright?”
She looks down at the paper, noticing a somewhat messily written number.
“Oh, and next time we meet…” she looks up again and notices the man’s smile having gone warmer, “let’s do this over lunch instead. I’ll bring it, as payment for breaking my promise.” 
A chuckle comes out of her before she answers to his invitation, “That’ll definitely beat reaching for books in a stuffy library… but didn’t you need that book I was grabbing? Oh, which speaking of—“ she grabs it out of her bag and hands the thick textbook to him, “here, I managed to grab it before we fell.”
He holds it to his face to observes the cover for a moment— before his head droops lowly.
“Panne…” his voice raises to a whine before showing her the cover, making her jaw drop.
“This is a book on Allagan…botany…”
They pause before erupting into a fit of laughter to the point of almost going back to the floor again just to both laugh and cry at their situation.
“Shite…then all that was for…nothing!?”
“It helped break some of the ice between us, I hope?”
“It definitely broke something, that’s for sure…”
His audible gasp causes Panne to chuckle again before waving her arms, “I’m kidding I’m kidding—ow.” She clutches her shoulder and mumbles, “probably shouldn’t have done that…”
“You really should get to going to the nurse, lest I drag you there myself.”
“By what, my left arm? Or my ears?”
“Don’t give me ideas…”
“Very funny.” She turns around to face the exit, with her head tilted slightly towards him with a smirk, “Fine, I’ll start heading there.” She starts walking out when the Exarch’s voice stops her.
“Just a moment, Panne?” The sudden calling of her name makes her turn around to see the Exarch look at the ground with a sheepish smile, shuffling in place.
“Message me after your visit with the nurse? Just to—make sure everything is alright.”
She blinks before smiling, “since when did you become my damn mother.” She then gives him a wink before turning around, “but alright, I’ll text you.” 
The Exarch watches her tail sway as she walks out of the room, clutching his chest a little tighter to feel it fluttering.
—— Bonus ——-
Breathing a sigh of exhaustion after a long day, he closes the door to his dorm and pulls down his hood, finally allowing his russet ears to be free. He wiggles the numbness out of them before pulling his tail from out of his shirt, flops onto his bed, and stares at the ceiling. Along with the pure glee he feels having gotten to spend some of his otherwise boorish day with the person he’s yearned to talk to for years, the anxiety of both finding out the extent of her injuries and getting a text from her leaves him restless. The vibration of his phone causes him to abruptly sit up and grab the tomestone beside him. He swipes up and sees the message on the screen:
Unknown Number Nurse said I just sprained it, but my shoulder’s ok other than that 👍
He breathes a sigh of relief while making a contact out of the number before sending a message back:
Me: Thank the Twelve!
He places the tomestone back on the bed and smiles to himself, feeling like a giddy schoolboy texting their crush in junior high. When he hears the tomestone vibrate again, he practically leaps forward it in excitement:
Panne: Yep. U owe me lunch though 😜
He quietly chuckles before typing:
Me: Let me know when ur available, and it’s a date! 😊
He settles his tomestone neatly on his bedside table this time and pulls the blankets over his head to sleep, but spends the rest of the night tossing and turning with a smile wide enough to hurt his cheeks all night. An idea occurs to him before his consciousness finally fades to black.
Mayhap I should go out for coffee tomorrow…
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black-novas · 1 year
Tell me abt your ocs !!
ok so I have a lot lmao
I have some ffxiv chars that actually are a party in my head and they accompany my protag (commonly referred to as 'wol' = Warrior Of Light) all the time. I commissioned my wol and am excited to get the artwork :) but I definitely love the others just as much. one of them (the healer) is his childhood bestie, the other (his fellow damage dealer) is his husband, and the last one (the tank) is an incredibly troubled and emo bunny girl with a huge sword who doesnt like talking about herself. my wol is a big middle aged cat man who loves traveling and exploring. he is a huge fan of the beauty of the world he lives in and basically started out as a druid in the forest, though he is versatile and in the progression of the story tries out other ways of protecting what is important to him. he grew up in an incredibly strict household that had a very strict path foreseen for him and only in breaking out and travelling on his own for a while was he able to truly discover what he wants
In the Sims 4 I have a werewolf x vampire couple. the species hate each other in the game and because they live in a neighbourhood full of werewolves, the vampire has some trouble making connections. He works as a doctor and is a vegetarian so he makes all his food from fruit (his husband offered him his blood once but according to the game it tastes like dog water so they don't do that anymore). His husband is a shy guy and while his lycanthropy would grant him easy access in the neighborhood, he is very socially awkward and also everyone hates his husband. oh and the vampire got pregnant accidentally and i'm very excited about that
In DnD I currently play a neutral centaur sorcerer. Not gonna say too much bc I have mutuals who are in that campaign as well and they don't know her entire backstory but she crossed over from the Feywild and spent a significant amount of her teenage years with a human woman who treated her like her daughter and taught her a lot about their world. At some point she (the woman) got killed by an elemental which got my character to leave and travel the world. She's in Icewind Dale with her party now and kind of has a crush on the cleric of the town, the woman who also inspired her to pick up that class herself and build a connection to the God Amaunator. my character is very impulsive and can make some tough (and sometimes cruel) choices if necessary but she is trying to treat every creature with respect and wants to learn the peaceful approach.
I have more (especially from original story ideas and just. from my head in general) but i don't want to spam haha
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