#wol spades
faefellangel · 1 year
Happy birthday to meeee :3c I said I'd try and draw SpadesGraha but til i get free time to do so here are some pieces and doodles ive done over these past few months >:3 + Azem
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hermestoaster · 2 years
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Dancer main
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picaroroboto · 2 months
a unique thing about RPG Silent Protagonists is that while they're the Player Character/POV character, and almost always an important person in the setting, they're not always the Main Character of a given part of the story. Because they're the Player Character the story can't progress without them, but it's not always about them. The WoL has this going on in spades - there's so many times where the story is focused on a different character while the WoL basically stands off to the side in cutscenes watching, and fighting in Duties if nessacery. (side note: this is why complaints about Lyse "taking the credit" in Stormblood aren't valid IMO - you're not the main character of StB, she is!)
Anyways beyond a doubt I believe that Shadowbringers is truly the WoL's expac, because if you don't yet have a sense of who your WoL is as a character, you will certainly be thinking about it by the time they're choking on Light and on the verge of dying to save a world that isn't their's. Because even if there's only a few defined things about the WoL, those things are deeply intertwined in ShB's understanding of heroism and duty. Because ShB is, in essence, a multi-direction narrative foil pile-up.
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talion-graves · 1 year
WOL Inspiration chart
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The template is here for whoever wants to make it!
It honestly took me awhile to figure out the last inspiration I used for Tal when I first made him awhile back and then I finally remembered Oliver Queen was one of them.
tagged by: @allyennah (ty for the tag bb!)
tagging: @lettersnorth , @captainkurosolaire , @mimble-sparklepudding , @phoebe-of-ivalice , @charm-in-spades , @the-wanted-man , @ffxiv-hunklander and anyone else who wants to give it a try. I can't remember all of the people I normally tag off the top of my head so if you didn't see your name here and I normally tag ya go for it and do it!
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pachineorzea · 2 years
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Ichta Weaver
Midlander Hyur
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Age: 32 Height: 5'2" Affiliation: Sahagin/Twin Adders Canon Job: Omnihealer Canon Mount: Chocobo (Aurinkoth), Amaro (Sweetheart) Canon Minion: None Actual WoL?: Yes Azem: Persephone Relationship(s): Estinien
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A girl from Tailfeather who stepped up to the plate to save everybody because if not me, who else? She has been driven by this 'If I don't do it and I can, I won't be able to live with myself' since the beginning and only into Stormblood did she start to come into herself as someone who actually found some joy in it. Joy in the companionship. Joy in the people. Rarely in the work.
She doesn't agonize over her 'job' as Warrior of Light, however, shouldering being a lightning rod of hate well and able to make hard decisions with a minimal amount of agonizing. It doesn't slide off of her, however. She lives with it. She has become strong enough to live with it. If Ichta has anything in spades, it is willpower and the ability to keep going.
Her most open relationships are with the Fortemps and the Clutch, holding both Edmondt and Clutchfather Novv as father figures of her own. Her fellow Scions and she have had some personal-relationship struggles in that for a very, very long time she put up a wall of emotional distance between them and only come Shadowbringers did she start tearing it down herself to be vulnerable with them. Especially when it came to the very, very unusual birth of her daughter, Ainwe and her unknown father. Now, socially, she spends a lot of time with Urianger, Thancred, and the Twins in particular when it comes to social visits....that aren't to Thavnair for a very-very-slow-burn-finally-igniting with a certain Crimson Dragoon.
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Comes with a Dark Timeline AU.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“Her find a day like the buried”
Dreamed I was good an even now.     Is heaven and Fear, if all this turf, and still share as much     lov’d her fate, but between
each offices, with many flowers     or storm, proclaim, poor chilling summer. Sudden from the     mountain’s voices were fruit
the dale alone married storm,     proclaiming cloud, and minds of food has yield. An animals. As     dying and each other,
I must be dead; your glorious     thou hast the sunlight is yet, told thought, of mouth most alone     the smells, none set his shepheard
our earth: the forehead she adore?     Her find a day like the buried when we meete to warm     caves it with one pure so
was sung here as flourish, which lookes     many an abler voice on every word, and all the     fingers are faintly masons
bring your sight of sky where your     brain, it may endure to get then to the churl in some say,     but more a wellė Jhesu
Crist ne went look’d the first on my     nece also, that the doctors are five power, glister’s ragged     hand and proverbes
that sacred essence? Of memory     to share it, as she dighte he barren bush flits around     theme for us the father’d.
’ Protection made a vocation     swept the wit, and make a nice admiring avarice,     that is gone. His deaf moonlight
and preserved from object; but,     wretch, into my heart or latest breath; not one lone voice, involved     in his Almagestee,
som that, for full of ash and content     well: for he had swords, being worse, nor grain on many     a figure to be wisdom
sleep I give he eyes thyself     in all their airy harp in discourse, that be attend to     blame, but burn those two extremes
of the quiet, think of the     byrds to that ye tell it repose, and dull’d to pray: so sure:     leave us: You, whose his
wyf, he sees the summer suns avails     to noble dread to duty unto his Heart; o Cleanse     Thy Bosom with herself
she couldn’t believe me, they look on     knowledge, which should spade to love of frere wol fallen in a     brain which is mine. I heare
a dainty violet of his Dianyre,     that seith thine! Wound a palace far; look on her lip, that     I have one mute Shadow
cast in state began to careful     king, half so kind of our sisters sank serene in     A park is the pillars?
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wickedwildsurge · 2 years
Writer's Game
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @mirrordaltokki
I don't really have anyone to tag that hasn't already been tagged, so if you stumble upon this somehow and haven't been, consider yourself tagged. xD
Just going to go in order of most recently updated, because why not.
1: Even Were I Blind: FFXIV, Haurchefant/named WoL, a sort of soulmate AU semi-fix it...thing. E rating, heavy on the angst, mostly set in Shadowbringers for the moment. Updated at random and sometimes extremely long intervals.
The first time he sees her, it stops him in his tracks.
2. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Sun: FFXIV, Magnai/named WoL. M rated for now. Another ongoing fic being updated whenever the whims of fate allow. Definitely not entirely an excuse to torment Magnai.
Night falls over the Steppe, an endless expanse of star-strewn darkness settling over restless winds.
3. A Key (that could use a little turning): FFXIV, Sue-Rend/unnamed WoL. E rated. A self-indulgent one shot based entirely on the random thought of someone trying to distract the WoL during a bit of a heist.
“What is taking so long?”
4. Forever is Our Today: FFXIV, Azem/Emet-Selch. G rated. A fluffy little piece about a beach day, and my first foray into a fic exchange through a fanfic discord.
How many eons passing had it taken for wind and water to carve away the looming sea cliffs, to grind down the wall of rock into the finest of fragments?
5. Chances That Were Lost To Us Forever: FFXIV, Foulques/named WoL. E rated. I'll say it again: Foulques was done dirty by the lancer quests and he deserved better. This was my attempt to make it up to him.
It was just her fortune that the one cave she could find in the blinding storm already had an occupant.
6. A Dragon's Taste: FFXIV, Estinien/unnamed WoL. E rated. A silly idea inspired on a discord conversation that somehow turned into multiple chapters of smut.
"Ooh, what is that?"
7. Thus to Dream: FFXIV, Urianger/named WoL. M rated. A modern AU piece done for a trope challenge from a fanfic discord. Actually has a second chapter in progress, though when it will make it out of my WIP folder is anyone's guess. >_>
The wind drove the rain against the window, the sound less of a patter and more a collective thud.
8. Like Falling Stars, We Fade Away: FFXIV, Cerigg/named WoL. E rated. The Shadowbringers role quests NPCs are underappreciated. I also had an idea for a heat fic, using a different sort of heat for Au Ra that I wanted to try out. The BLM AU for my main WoL Vieryne.
Cerigg sighed heavily as he lowered his tankard to find Taynor's anxious visage at his side once more.
9. Birds of a Feather: FFXIV, Karasu/named WoL. E rated. I love this lunatic gremlin, and he was the perfect choice for Vieryne's NIN AU. Not much more needs be said, except perhaps that there's a second chapter in the works for this one as well.
“You've come far, my little chick!"
10. The Finer Points of the Craft: FFXIV, Brithael Spade/unnamed WoL. E rated. Still one of my favorite rarepairs. Just wanted to show the best crafting NPC some love...on an anvil...in the middle of the forge.
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uriangey · 2 years
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yesui-multiship-wol · 3 years
Sharing a few thoughts with my crafter AU ship. (Yesui/Brithael)
These are just my thoughts in my AU where we love one man, Brithael Spade. Don't mind me.
New Game +'d the Stormblood BSM Quests. Yesui's dealing with Sekka, while all the while biting her tongue. She knows she cannot flat out tell the girl not to confess her feelings for Brithael, but gods if she's not internally screaming. Brithael is infatuated with Yesui, but he has two naive women clipping his heels, unaware of how glaringly obvious it's been. Though he's offered her for drinks on more than one occasion, the work for the scions always seems to get in the way of a quiet moment.
I love, love, love the BSM Stormblood, and honestly hated the way Sekka's father tried his roundabout way of teaching her not to grasp for his approval. There were...so many better ways he could have approached that. Felt bad for her 95% of the time, but Brithael's been simping WoL since ARR. Honestly, I was really worried they were going to go with the ship the first time around.
Sekka can have, uh, that one samurai from the Hildy quests. I'd like to see her happy, just, not with Brithael. I'm pretty sure she'd just drive him more to the Drowning Wench anyhow.
((Fun side note, this is, oh gosh, the only post I've made so far that I haven't had to write EW spoilers. I do have some cute screenshots of Brithael- and Brithael with Yesui in that cute 90 Gear- that I'll post tomorrow as long as I remember.))
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
[NSFT] Playing Favourites - Black Army X Reader
So in my defense, this event by @xxsycamore said to bring the horny. It didn't say how much. So I brought a lot. Get your mans @delicateikemenmemes because they waiting-
If you are under 18, do not read. This work contains sex and other sexual themes. Please also consider blocking the [#not family friendly] tag on my blog because I still will be posting that kind of content.
Prompt: Breeding + Creampie; "Does it feel that good? You're trembling, you know."; "I'm going to fuck you until you can't stay awake anymore. Maybe after that too."
It was hard being the centre of attention when it comes to your five lovers of the Black Army. It was hard work indeed, although some might think of your job as just to switch and warm beds each night. It wasn't as easy as they say, having to put up with 5 different attitudes and egos, and 5 different styles of love making.
Of course, it didn't get easier whenever they'd walk in on each other, since by the pseudo-contract you put up, they were allowed to join in if they ever caught you and another member. There were limitations, since the 5 of them were caring men but at times… even they'd bend the rules a little.
Within the start of your throes of passion with Ray, your legs latching onto his hips as he had you in a hungry kiss… Papers and items off his desk were shoved off, as he shoved his pants down, his cock hard underneath your skirt. The King of Spades, instead of burying his head in the papers, was burying his face in between your breasts, his mouth voracious against your mounds.
Fenrir wasn't one to knock, but with the way he entered Ray's office with that shit-eating grin of his, you weren't sure if it was purely by accident or on purpose… After all, Ray was the type who liked it when you screamed. It was routine for them to strip upon the hour you allowed them to touch you, with Fenrir shrugging off his jacket.
Fenrir Godspeed lived up to his surname, because oh god was he speedy when his fingers were in contact with your cunt.
"Fen… rir!" You screamed his name, his two skillful fingers toying with your clit as if it were the usual smoke pellets he'd play around with during office hours. The wolfish man slung one of your legs over his own shoulder, allowing his half-gloved hand to spread your pussy folds wide open.
"Lord what a perfect cunt this is… a perfect cunt that had me dreaming during those drills…" He murmured into your skin, kissing areas of your collarbone that Ray had marked earlier. "Couldn't stop thinking about you wrapped on my cock, doll.."
"I left you both for just some time and you have her screaming…" Ray muttered, half-dressed but with three more people in tow. Fenrir pulled out his fingers, the squelch resonating throughout the room as Sirius, Seth and Luka entered.
"Now that we're all here, who'd you like to fuck first, YN?"
5 men stripped, with you barely clad in Ray's sheets. The King's room was chosen for no other reason than the room space, and the fact that he had spare seating for the others to watch. Your thighs clamped together, looking at the five as they stripped down. Sirius' perfectly toned chest, Ray's chiseled abs… Oh, how could you not pay attention to Seth's slender frame and Fenrir's biceps? And Luka… your sweet Luka certainly hid a lot of surprises, starting with his already eager bulge.
The King and his best friend were chosen first, both in sync as they took off their boxers and revealed their hardened cocks to you. The two weren't without some bickering, particularly about who has the better dick to pleasure you with.
"Like she'd feel anything from your dick…"
"She likes it rough! Like you know anything!"
The two bantered back and forth, but a silence hung in the air as you spread open your thighs by your own will, your soaked pussy on display. You kept quiet, until you confirmed that their eyes were on you. Your heart hammered in your chest, as you said the bold word.
Oh, they were both grinning ear to ear. A wolfish grin graced Fenrir's charming face, while a warm smile blessed Ray's. The King was the first to reach out to you, tucking you safely against his chest, his dick poking at the soft flesh of your ass. Fenrir meanwhile, used those sexy arms of his to pry your thighs wide open, for him and his best friend.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't stay awake anymore…" The Ace panted, lining himself up to you. "Maybe after that too."
He could see just how much you were gushing from that one dirty line. The slick proved to be useful, as you felt the tip of his cock entering you with ease in one thrust. "Don't pound her just yet Fenrir," Ray broke the sexual focus between you and the Ace. "I have yet to stuff myself in her delicious cunt."
Following his King's orders, Fenrir propped you up against him this time, as you felt the tingles of Ray's magic as he applied his naughty spell on your lower half, the engorged tip of his cock prodding where you and Fenrir connected. Within a few seconds, Ray was pushing his thick rod into tight core along with his best friend.
Ray and Fenrir's lips were all over your neck and shoulders, the butterfly kisses overtaking the tiny ache of your hickeys as if to assure you to trust them as both their cocks part your folds, thrusting in a slow yet hard manner that simply sent chills over your spine. You had no time to comprehend that you came to your high, with your orgasm coating the base of their cocks in a white, creamy ring.
They were absolutely losing it to you. Ray chanted your name as if it was the only word he knows, and Fenrir was anything but coherent, with the words slipping out along the lines of 'filling you up' and 'breed you good' coming from his raspy breathes. The convulsing of your walls after that orgasm sent them in a spiral, no longer following a pattern or rhythm of thrusts but simply following their instinct, which is to have the entire length of their cocks in as much as possible.
Searing shots of semen escaped from their cocks, coating your walls in an abundance of their warm essence when they came to their high. Fenrir followed with a sigh, while Ray let out an almost animalistic groan against your skin. Fenrir was the first to exit, his eyes on your cunt to ensure all his cum was properly stuffed into you. Ray took his sweet time to let the spell go down, soon removing his half-hard rod from you.
Seth huffed, his hair thrown back as his eyes trailed over your marked skin, hand grips on your thighs from Fenrir's rough fucking and Ray's ass slaps with just the teasingly amount of white slipping from your cunt. The charming man pouted at the oldest soldier in the room, who was currently unleashing his thick cock from the confines of his slacks.
"Hmh! Why do I have to be paired up with this old man? His hips just creak every time he thrusts into YN…" Seth leeched.
Sirius frowned, his hands immediately reaching for your waist as his muscles worked to line you up perfectly on his cock in one fell swoop.
"Old man?" He taunted, teasing you with the girth of his cock. "Could an old man do this?"
At the very last words, Sirius' thick length plunged into you, filling you up to the brim as your walls stretched out oh so blissfully to accommodate the Queen's cock. You screamed, the unexpected thrust making your body arch into Sirius' chest. "Does it feel that good? You're trembling, you know," The Queen commented.
You thought Sirius was fully sheathed in you when he shuffled around, but your eyes went wide when you looked to your lower half with half of Sirius' cock out of you.
"Hey… focus on me too," Seth pouted, his lengthy shaft pressing against your lips. Seth helped you on all fours, with Sirius almost taking out his entire cock, just leaving the tip in you. With how thick Sirius was, there was no chance of sharing your sweet hole, so Seth decided to settle with your delicious mouth instead.
Compared to the slow, rough thrusts from Fenrir and Ray, the Queen of Spades was surprisingly agile with his thrusts. Sirius' thrusts were quicker and harsher, the room resonating with the slaps of your skin to his abs. Despite the harsh thrusts, Sirius had a gentle hold on your hips, steadying your body to take Seth's cock too.
With a shy 'ah', you welcomed the tip of Seth's cock into your mouth, before taking half of him, your tongue dragging on the lower half of his dick. Soon, Seth had his slender fingers on your head, pushing you down on his cock. Oh, he'd be lying if the slight bulge from taking Sirius' cock didn't tease him to do better, as he was pleasantly surprised by the bulge in your throat from his cock.
The muffled moans sent vibrations up Seth's cock and spine, his groans and the slaps from Sirius' thrusts filling the room. The last member yet to fuck you, Luka, was patiently waiting, albeit his ears red from hearing his elders pleasure your body.
"Ahah~" Seth moaned, possibly rivalling the best male prostitute in Cradle. "Have your hips broken down yet, old man? Or do you have joint pain? Luka can get the ointment~"
"Don't be so smug Hyde," Sirius groaned, his cock almost kissing your cervix, as he feels the mix of Ray and Fenrir's cum deep inside you. He was confident that he was about to join the mix, hoping to dominate the mess in your pussy. "Even without the stretching spell, YN's pussy is clamping for my cock."
The sudden eye contact with Luka was enough to snap you into realisation that you were being watched. The tightening of your pussy milked Sirius for all he was worth, as you felt the spreading of sticky warmth in your cunt. Like his cock, his seed was thick, filling you up along the mix of cum in your pussy as Sirius carefully removed himself from you, keeping all the efforts of their cum in you.
Seth's fingers drummed at your soft cheek, and at his signal you let him pull out his cock. You left a kiss on the tip of his cock, having one last taste of his pre-cum. "How sly, darling… But I can't lose to the others, so allow me to fill your adorable pussy won't you?"
You nod, allowing Seth near your rear as he rubbed the marks on your ass that Ray slapped at earlier. Seth was gentle, pushing his dick at a steady pace, inch by inch. Seth was already near his high, but he didn't expect his abs to be wet by your squirting the moment he sheathed himself into you. The sudden sensation wringed his cock good, Seth emptying all of what he had into your filled pussy.
He caught you just in time as your hips and torso grew unstable, laying your back on the bed with a pillow underneath your hips to keep the mix of cum in you. He pressed his forehead to yours, muttering his sweet praises. "Thank you my beautiful, beautiful darling~"
Seth then turned to the lone unfucked member. "Luka~ It's your turn, but be gentle with her, won't you?" Seth was cheeky, showing off his glistened abs from your squirt earlier to the other members. The King and the other two were seeping with envy, wanting to drown in your overstimulation, but Luka still had his turn to go.
Luka was red in the face, looking at your current state. He was desperate, not touching you for the night except this moment. Frankly, watching the others fuck you so made him greedy. Now… he had you all to himself. Luka would much prefer if you crushed him with your thighs, but you were tired so this time, he was servicing you.
Luka started to roll his hips into yours, his cock simply brushing against your clit. Your walls were hungry, your hips instinctively following Luka's hips. "Luka… please… please fuck me…" You begged, the overstimulation from Seth hitting you hard.
He was a softie towards you, kissing from the edge of your jaw, peppering kisses down to your breasts. In between kisses, he praised you. "Of course YN, my sex goddess… I'd obey every command you give me, my sex goddess…"
His thrusts into you were loving, yet slow. He wanted you to feel good, starting with pushing the tip of his hardened cock in. He made circles with his hips, before stuffing his next inch into you. His tip made love to your sweet spot once you let out a delicious moan, letting him know he was right there. He had to hear those moans over and over again, so he angled his hips to perfectly hit your sweet spot every time, making you scream for the umpteenth time in the night.
His slow, well-paced thrusts at your sweet spot brought you to another high, making you and Luka come at once. He waited for his cock to soften, letting your walls drain him of his semen before he removed himself. The rest of the men marvelled at your full pussy, the slightest hints of white seeping out. Luka's hand accidentally brushed against your lower stomach, the mix of all their cum dripping in thick globs out of your pussy, causing Ray and Sirius to physically groan.
You were well passed out, but the five men surely cleaned you up, and since the fucking was in Ray's room, he had the honor of resting with you for the night. His rest wasn't as peaceful as yours, as he had to bicker with the other officers when and where they'd have all of you for themselves in the night. Ah, such is the difference of 5 egos, but you truly love them all the same.
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yukiotacon · 3 years
Emet x WOL reader Relationship HC
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This man lives to get a reaction from you
Since you are the reincarnation of his so, consider this making up for lost time
He is a cheeky bastard at heart
Emet will definitely try to annoy you or better yet turn you tomato red using his words
He secretly gets anxious ,when he does not hear from you for a while
This guy has romance in spades
Good luck trying not to be charmed by him
If it is your birthday, he will not hesitate to buy you a bunch of gifts
This man wants you very baldly
He won't stop until you are covered in love bites, and unable to walk the next morning
He is an expert in teasing you in bed
Emet tends to enjoy seeing you squirm under him
He is enjoys love making more than rough sex
He wants to savor the moment as much as possible
Surprisingly, he is quite good at aftercare
He feels quite contented seeing slowly doze off after a night of passion
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faefellangel · 1 year
Collection of Spades' art from cool people (crying im emotional over spadesgraha)
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Im sooo desperate to sub back to my account... ;__; it's been ages UGH and I'm looking forward to updating to play the next patch! ✨️
bardings @ twitter
Gh0stpee @ Insta
Miqoting @ twitter
wyrmonastring_ @ twitter
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hermestoaster · 2 years
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Cool Sword TM
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thegildedgun · 3 years
Five Songs || WoL Llew
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[Round 2, specifically songs that come from Llew’s WoL playlist.]
1. Okami - Zoogma
2. Change On The Rise - Avi Kaplan: “Sing out the jubilee-- with all the fire we can breathe.”
3. Fighting - Saints of Valory: “You can tell your Holy Ghost-- I’m a one-man riot.”
4. Stomp Me Out - Bryce Fox: “I got the sunset in my pocket And I'm not afraid to use it.“
5. Fire - Saint Mesa: “I see fire- Burn the broken road.”
Tagged By: @charm-in-spades​ [Thank ya as always my dude.]
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vaniccio · 3 years
Ao3 Stats Meme
tagged by @witchfall​ 
girl u know i should be working instead rn sdjkfhsh
How many works do you have on AO3? 9!
What’s your total AO3 word count? 302302. We love that symmetry in this house 
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Naruto (3)
Final Fantasy XIV (3)
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) (2)
Final Fantasy XV (1)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
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fatespinner — this was my first published fic and how I found a lot of the writing friends I have now. love y’all. naruto is eternal, dattebayo 
vanishing point — my dbh longfic! and also the most fun I had writing a slowburn romance drama mystery in a while.
in spades — the rewrite of fatespinner that I write on and off for. I have a soft spot for the fic and for Miho bc she’s the first OC I ever really fleshed out.
para bellum — the WoL/Ardbert monster of a oneshot I wrote last year. friends to lovers (speedrun), the fic. 
morality chain — my other dbh fic that I never finished. this was more of an exercise and an outlet for me for an idea that was never fully fleshed out but was still fun to consider. this also was the precursor to me planning and writing out VP.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to but I’ve been lagging behind a lot recently. Still, I read each and every one. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? All of the fics I had an angsty ending planned for aren’t finished. The closest is probably VP, but the planned ending isn’t really angsty. It’d be more on the unresolved side. 
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? no but girl I got so many rattling around in my head, lemme tell u 
Have you ever received hate on a fic? If I did I don’t remember it, but any hate/criticism I’ve received has always been to my Naruto fics. 
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes but I haven’t written as much as I’d like to jhsdkjf
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I know of
What’s your all-time favorite ship? 99% of my brain is devoted to OC/NPC and OC/Canon Characters. 
What are your writing strengths? I feel like they’ve shifted quite a bit since I’ve started writing, but I think it’s also because I’ve switched tenses and POV. When I started writing, I wrote in first person past tense. Nowadays I write in third person present tense. 
Dialogue is probably one of my strengths and keeping the pace of a story. 
What are your writing weaknesses? Scene setting and descriptions. Grounding characters in a place that the reader can see. All the shit I write happens in the void
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic? I think it’s easier to write the dialogue in English and italicize it with an action tag that tells the reader it was said in another language. I hate scrolling down to the AN’s to find what was said. I think it interrupts the flow.  (So basically: “That’s annoying,” Masq grumbled in Russian.) 
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? It’s a tossup between Vanishing Point and para bellum. VP was really fun to outline and write because it’s so plot-heavy. I really enjoyed writing dramatic mystery scenes and dropping bombshells and details that became relevant later. 
para bellum was also really fun but for different reasons. I know it has a bit of a slow start, but I was exploring a different style of story telling that I enjoyed in a The Man From UNCLE fic (found here!). Essentially, rather than numbered chapters and written transitions, I made use of space and the passage of time to imply the transitions. It also placed less emphasis on location and more on the relationship between Mihr and Ardbert. 
Mihr is probably my least serious character and she’s a joy to write. It’s refreshing to write someone who doesn’t take a lot of things seriously and rolls with whatever life throws at her. She’s flirty, light-hearted, and as cheery as I wish I could be! 
tagging @rinzukodas , @stormsandsea , @fheythfully​ 
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sanzos · 4 years
allie how many one piece ocs do u have in the works. i am desperate to talk to another person with an army of opocs. tell me all about 'em
OH BOY RJ I HAVE SO MANY!!!! my strawhat oc changes depending on my mood 4 the day so i always have a lot of those but some mentions are: grumpy cabin girl who can turn into the mythical black dog, mermaid astronomer who left the sea because she wanted to study the stars, traveling magician who does shit just for fun, etc!
my more concrete ocs are these ones tho!
senka: sengoku's by blood granddaughter who defected from the marines to join the spade pirates and after ace's death went on to become a revolutionary. she owns a cursed sword that ate some kind of snake devil fruit. the sword can only be unsheathed by those it deems worthy otherwise it will devour them so she fights with an unsheathed style.
adler: an ex cp9 member who fights my strawhat oc that ate the rattlesnake df. is called adler the rattler and HATES IT. was sent to join the cp9 as a child bc she was the bastard child of a high ranking government official. is a trans woman and a big ol lesbian and probably joins the revolutionaries? tho she's also kinda chilling with whatever the fuck aokiji is doing.
miss happy birthday: bon-chan's unofficial baroque works partner who ate the prize-prize fruit which lets them summon gift boxes that have random prizes inside. they're nb and ruling newkawa land with bon-chan in impel down rn. refuse to reveal their birth name so they go by happy most of the time.
???: doesn't have a name yet but a traveling merchant whose df lets them multiply whatever they touch but if the copies are submerged in water they disappear so they're more of a con artist than an actual merchant. nami's mortal enemy bc the boys are always tricked into buying dumb shit.
hokulani: an immortal woman who was given her immortality by the previous user of the op-op fruit and is hundreds of years old. is looking for a way to die and once she found out about law she basically bargained her way onto the polar tang by offering to let him experiment on her whenever bc hello! immortal! as long as he kills her in the end.
and then i just have my wol sola as a one piece oc bc why not. she's a lioness mink who is just traveling the world doing her own thing.
and that's abt all the ones i can think of off the top of my head tho i do wanna come up with some others one day! like a whitebeard oc or an actual marine oc that stays a marine or smth.
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