#woke up inspirational story
monicascot · 1 year
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From Ghetto to Glory: Inspiring Transformation by Author Latanya 'Epiphany' Richardson | Woke Up
Author, Latanya "Epiphany" Richardson has a miracle story. She was born and raised in Philadelphia Pa in one of the roughest, poorest, violent, ghettos. Growing up, she was told she would never amount to anything.
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myokk · 4 months
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“She’s tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me”😤😤😤
(Regency AU with Eloise and Sebastian inspired by my slow trek through Bridgerton these days & @bassicallymaestra ‘s AMAZING regency inspired art😮‍💨😇🙏)
#I just have a love of big regency dresses what can I say😔🙏#if you haven’t seen them yet this is a study of the GORGEOUS P&P illustrations from the 1890s by Charles Brock#they are all just so spectacular & I stare at them alllllllllll the time wishing I had an ounce of his talent🙏🙏🙏#so I do these studies to pretend even though I change some things😅😅 bc these studies is the best way to improve imo🙏#but I remembered halfway through why I rage quit trying to draw with my fountain pen a year ago😂😂😂#that thing is amazing for writing and I love it like a child#but drawing?! tbh I should have used my drawing ink pen but whatever#I woke up with a hankering to do some crosshatching (which I hate) in an attempt to get over myself#also!!!!!! when Mr Darcy says something like that it’s no wonder Elizabeth jumps at the bit to believe every awful thing she hears about him#it’s like Mr wickham’s dumb stories that nobody else in their right mind would believe#are speaking right to her soul. like OF COURSE that asshole from the assembly would do all of those things😤😤#he called me ugly so OF COURSE he would deny mr wickham his living😤😤#(I don’t blame her I would do the same🤝🤝)#ALSO why tf did he even say that when he’s clearly smitten from the beginning#I’m sure if he knew that she heard him he would simply perish from mortification#well thst is my p&p - inking horror - inspiration rant of the day🙏🙏#(I read p&p at least once a year & it is the only fanfic I really read😅😅😅)#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanart#hphl#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#eloise#eloise babbit#regency au
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zaphiyy207 · 11 months
"Every life changing events, there's no doubt we'll change."
"But one thing I wanted to stay unchanged is being beside you...so.."
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"If there's a next life, let me be reborn with you."
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peepee-magee · 5 months
I want a theft game event where everyone tries to steal things from the castle without getting caught by Barbados (like fr can get away based on your choices not just auto caught-victory can be random generated for the npcs) n whoever steals the most impressive thing gets an irl prize from Diavolo
The only rules are: 1. Everything must be returned in the end. If you pawn or steal it’s a disqualification n immediate treason charge is placed upon you. 2. No teams larger than 3 (one player picked another randomized), separate teams cannot help each other. 3. No spells outside of what’s required to safely get past/handle any magic already in place around the castle for security purposes/handle cursed objects (so no teleporting, no weather magic, no pact manipulation etc.) A true ‘shove it down your pants n walk out’ sorta game
It could kinda be a march madness style setup where whoever steals the best/most moves up a round n then based on results the actual leaderboard gives you a random specialty prize based on your initial play-through. Like a unique banner that goes around your profile pic for the duration of the event. Everything else would work kinda the same
Imagine a game where Luke is the winner cuz no one expects him. Or Belphie wins cuz no one expects the sleeping corpse to slug 200 grand worth of historical objects out under his blanket while never getting up off the floor. Imagine if we win n our prize is getting to choose between irl energy or devil points. Ik it’d be a lot of work to program all that but once the works done imagine how many other events you could apply it to. Could be extra interesting in the beginning of the game to if random outcomes are influenced by your heart connection to some degree so they actually matter beyond phone calls
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peteytheparrot · 21 days
Literally every single story I’ve been infatuated in some way was a mystery,,, I love mysteries,,,, why aren’t my stories MYSTERIES-
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n0tamused · 2 months
Headcanon(it's canon) but when she's extremely exhausted Jien kneads like a cat in her sleep. Doesn't happen too often or for too long. But she kneads.
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athousandbyeol · 5 months
run away, before it's too late. [singha x thup fanfic]
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it's always a matter between life and death, the unseen and the tangible. thup stands in the middle, anxiously anticipating their next step. because he's always so red—never a different colour, never another shade of resentment, fear and revenge. and thup wants this to stop.
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Prompt #16
The hero smiled softly, while walking to the sleeping body on his couch. His hands held a soft blanket, imprinted with little lions and tigers. He draped it over the villain, gently. The villain instinctively turned towards him in his sleep, cuddling up in the comfort.
The hero gave a quick kiss to the villain’s forehead, and went to make cookies for when the villain wakes up.
❌Please credit me if use this in your writing❌
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skylar-jay · 9 months
You have Cat Quest aus?
I do! Well, just one lol
I call it the Second Chance AU It's specifically for Cat Quest 2
Basically the two protagonists are sent back home, but instead of losing all their memories they keep them, and are forced to figure out how to fix things before both fall into all out chaos.
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harpieisthecarpie · 2 months
I need a fantasy story where the main character goes to a Magical School, but as the sole custodian or a slightly underqualified guidance counselor.
They can be magical or not, but absolutely under no circumstances are they allowed to be a Chosen One.
At most they have to deal with cleaning up ground zero after Chosen One plot happenings, or trying to convince prominent characters to fill out important paperwork and go to therapy.
A queer breakroom romance is allowed, but it has to be as undramatic as possible. More aiming for the descriptions "kind of boring" and "mature romance in the way they talk about personal finances and split the Magical newspaper every morning".
Alternatively, forbidden romance with the magical OSHA inspector or internal investigator that's close to shutting down the school. They don't try to affect the love interest's ruling, but it's definitely a conflict of interest.
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itstimeforstarwars · 6 months
Woke up, rolled out of bed, added two pages to the kix and elmga story, now im gonna watch a video and make breakfast before my power goes out.
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freedomforthewin · 10 months
“Theseus, honey!” Mrs. Scamander called from the staircase. Theseus, who had been watching TV in the living room that led to the staircase, looked up at her.
“Newt’s awake,” she smiled knowingly.
“Newt’s awake?!” Theseus stood up. “Yaaaay!” He ran up the stairs and tripped.
“Careful, honey!” Mrs. Scamander laughed.
Theseus picked himself up and straightened his clothes. He speed walked the rest of the way to Newt’s room and opened the door.
Newt, who was standing in his crib, turned towards the door. His lips curled into a big smile when he saw who was there.
“Hi, Newt!” Theseus said happily as he came closer to his baby brother, who giggled.
Theseus got the step stool that was next to the crib and positioned it in front of Newt. Theseus climbed on it and then looked at Newt.
“Ready to play?”
Newt’s arms waved up and down.
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theoriginalladya · 10 months
Sunday Snippet
So, I woke up this morning to an idea I've had percolating for the past six years. The muses finally had me drabbling a bit of early stuff just for kicks. Not sure when I'll get back to it, but enjoy. :)
Decontamination procedures delay the reunion momentarily, but as soon as he steps inside, he’s greeted by the warmth of an old, familiar voice.  “Shepard! Good to see you.”   Cullen takes the hand offered and shakes it as they start walking deeper into the frigate.  He is mesmerized by what he finds there.  His orders had mentioned a “prototype” warship, but until this moment, he hadn’t realized just how experimental it was.  And while it has some of the basic layout of an Alliance ship, he can definitely identify other influences. “Hehehe.  Like it?” Though still in dock, the CIC hums with activity. But it's the design of it that leaves Cullen staring, half in disbelief and the other half in delight. “It’s so…different.“ Anderson claps him on the shoulder.  “You’ll get used to it.  Come on.  I’ll show you to your quarters and then introduce you to your head of marine detail.” It's a fight to pull his attention back to Anderson. “Are they responsible for the squad on duty outside?” “Liked what you saw?”  Anderson’s smile becomes a full fledged grin.  “Yeah, he's responsible for them, and I think you two are going to get along just fine.”
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clowndensation · 1 year
charoum is so funny to play after playing zesek tbh. sometimes after being a horrible person you have to be a funny little wiseguy who refuses to shut up and doesn't understand what a secret is. "hi it's nice to meet you! :) what are your hobbies? i have an insatiable lust for blood that grows harder and harder to contain every passing day btw. and i'm a dog person :)"
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batteryrose · 1 year
Hello Devon! I was wondering what, if any, works/books/movies/etc. inspired you to write On Violence? Or if you referenced any works in particular? The writing is stunning, but the dialogue is astoundingly good in its own right. You've done a brilliant job, as always.
Hello atelier. It's been a while since I wrote On Violence (oops) so I have to rack my brain I little
The overall themes: colonialism, indigenous tribe struggle, and military shenanigans, are inspired by Golden Kamuy. It's a historical seinen manga/anime about the post russo-japanese war era and ainu people. I was watching the anime when I started writing
But the story is ofc just mostly inspired by Ikepri itself. The lacking in worldbuilding just makes me want to expand it more. Combined with my nerd 18th century military stuff knowledge, my own country's narrativised history, and some (very little) leftist shit I've learned, I decided to have fun with it
What can I say... at base level I just really like talking about early guns and artillery.
As for the format, I took reference from a Breaking Bad pilot episode script I found on the internet. I was watching the show too back then, and lemme tell you the script itself is written like a novel istg. I would love to read the entire show in script form if it's available. But anyway, I could've read more scripts to broaden my reference but I just keep reading this one over and over instead.
So um yeah, breaking bad, and golden kamuy. What the hell is this
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sergeantpixie · 9 months
But I need to know everything about all the wips 😭😭
Tell me everything about St Augustine pls
Maddie pls you know I would tell you literally anything you want to know!!!
St. Augustine omg ofc you'd pick that one. There are so many things you know already, it's The Elena outtake for Addendum: Outtakes. It's got like 5 alternative titles including:
how does a girl like elena become a girl like elena?
the training montage
when elena stopped straightening her hair
sweet melting little girl dreams
the grass is dead & barren
While each chapter of the outtakes is named after where they are set St. Augustine isn't just set in St. Augustine, Florida, it's also set in Mystic Falls and at a cheer camp in Trinity, Texas. However, St. Augustine was picked for the title because it's A) the final location, and B) St. Augustine of Hippo is the saint famous for helping to formulate the doctrine of Original Sin.
Largely the point of this outtake is talking about what it's been like for Elena to be objectified by men to the degree she's been objectified her entire life and how that comes to fuel her desire to be a hunter. Addendum spends a lot of time talking about how Elena is irresistible to people, especially men, and I think if you're gonna talk about that a lot, at some point you have to go back to when that all started. At some point, Elena constantly being objectified was genuinely traumatizing to her, so how did she get to the point where she's willing to use it to her advantage? That's what St. Augustine is about.
Also any opportunity to talk about the ugliest realities of girlhood.
When it comes to being looked at, Elena could choose to be an object, or she could choose to have some semblance of control in an unavoidable situation. She could ignore them or encourage them; she had no power to stop them. Elena does what she can live with.
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