#woke up in a cold sweat had to go to my drafts
mollyrolls · 16 days
i have not talked abt akaashi enough recently. i need to remedy this immediately
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doggone-devil · 7 months
How (Not) To Summon a Demon: Chapter 2
I may have stayed up a little late into the night writing this. And by late, I mean it's morning now. Worth it. Anyways, chapter 2 to my first fanfic! Hope ye enjoy! Alastor x fem!Reader, she/her pronouns
Also for those of you who would rather read on Ao3, I now have the first and this chapter posted there! I'll be updating on both as I write.
Feedback always welcome! Thank you! <3
Come six in the morning, you’re laying wide awake in your bed, staring at your ceiling in anger. You had barely managed an hour of sleep, spending most of the night tossing and turning, waking up in a cold sweat from shadows wrapping around you in your dreams. It was the same, over and over and over. You’d drift off and be plunged into darkness. You’d scream and flail around, trying to find something solid to stand on, but the shadows would devour you, pulling you down to something you couldn’t see.
Somewhere between the eighth nightmare and 3AM, you gave up on trying to sleep.
Rolling over onto your side, you glared at the clock perched on your nightstand. The red neon numbers seemed to mock you, laugh at your misery. Your glare hardened and you harshly turned over to your other side. Now your gaze met a wall. The neutral grey staring back at you was soothing, but not enough to help your eyes close. You look over to your window, noting the faint, blue light starting to creep in as a sign the sun was soon to follow. The transparent white curtains drifting ever so slightly, moving with a wind you couldn’t feel. That’s odd.
You shift upright, lifting your arm up into the air. There’s no breeze, no draft that blows on your skin but the curtains continue to gently sway. Maybe the window was cracked? You groan, hoping not so you go to check, pushing the cover off you. Your fingers press on the frame, pushing down but it doesn’t move. It’s clearly shut, no breeze. You watch the curtains but they’ve now stilled, no longer moving.
“I’m too tired for this shit,” you mumbled, shuffling back to your bed. You just want at least another hour or two for a chance at sleep, to succumb to the exhaustion you felt. Yet fear kept you from nodding off, too scared to return to that plaguing nightmare.
You blame that stupid book. If you hadn’t entertained the idea and did the stupid ritual, you wouldn’t have spooked yourself. Deep down, you still can’t explain really what had happened after. The candles, the lights, the voice. It all felt so real, but then Veronica came home and it was like nothing had happened. You shudder, feeling your skin crawl. Thinking about the paranormal with sleep deprivation was probably not the best idea right now. You needed to distract yourself.
Reaching for your phone on your nightstand, you let your thumb swipe mindlessly over apps until something catches your eye. Your happily lost in the content until something moving in your peripheral pulls your attention away. You try not to look at first, but it’s there, just out of sight. It’s tall, dark, and you swear it’s moving closer to you.
You snap your head up and it’s gone. No moving shadow, just an empty corner of your room.
“Calm down, calm down, calm down,” you whisper to yourself like a mantra. It’s just because your tired, there’s nothing there.
Taking a steady breath, you return to your phone and, there! It’s back again. It’s closer, too. You swear it’ll touch you in the next few steps. You feel yourself starting to sweat, your heart beating fast. Anxiety grabs hold of you, making it hard to breathe. Again, you look, your head spinning from the whiplash of how fast you turned.
You fall back off your bed with a loud thud when you come face to face with red eyes in the darkness.
Somewhere in the distance, you can hear your name being called, no doubt from Veronica. You had hit the floor hard enough, you’re positive you woke the neighbors as well, but all of that was lost to you as you try to sit back up. The eyes are gone, as is the shadow.
Veronica steps into your room, staying by the door. “Are you alright?” she asks, voice laced with sleep. You slowly nod your head.
“Y-Yeah, just… got startled awake. Sorry,” you apologize. She seems ok with your response and leaves, shutting your door.
You groan, rubbing your face with your hands. “I need to get it together,” you speak into your palms. “Gonna start thinking I’m going crazy.”
“No need to think it since you are.”
“What does that mean?” you ask the voice.
Your body freezes, your hands staying on your face. Your breath is caught in your throat.
That was a voice. A random voice. In your room. It talked to you and you replied. What the fuck is going on?
“W-Who’s there?” you ask quietly, too afraid to remove your hands in fear of what you’ll find. You’re starting to think it’s not some intruder, but something far more sinister. Something…otherworldly. You shouldn’t believe in it but, what else could it be?
“Really,” you hear the voice scoff. “You had the gall to summon me then ask who I am? The nerve of mortals.” The voice is filled with static, like something you’d hear from an old radio station. It’s also dark, deep, sending chills of fear up your spine. Your hold body was alert, your head screaming at you to get out, to run. Flee while you still can.
But…curiosity had it’s iron grip on you.
“A-Are you a d-demon?” You mentally curse yourself for stuttering so much.
Anther scoff, this one sounding a bit more amused. “If that’s what you want to call me.” You hear something shuffle around, your bed creaking under a foreign weight. Whoever or whatever it is, is now sitting on your bed. “Now answer me, my dear. How come you sit over there with your eyes covered?”
You feel like laughing, like crying, like screaming and running. You felt like you were going insane. Logically, this is an intruder, the same one from the night before. Whoever it was had hid in your room, in your closet, and waited for the opportunity for your to let your guard down. It wasn’t a demon, and yet, that made this scenario somewhat scarier. An intruder meant a human, someone unpredictable. You felt tears build behind your eyes.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you found yourself whispering, a little plea to whoever was there.
“Hurt you? Now why would I do that, hm?” the voice asks. “That would be bad business, wouldn’t you agree?”
Business? What was he talking about? “Business, what business?”
“Why, the business we have, my dear! You summon me, I grant your wish, and in return, I get your soul. Honestly, did you not read the book properly?” The question fell on deaf ears as you tried to process the other part of his sentence. Summon, wish, soul. Holy shit, this was a demon.
You needed to look now, to confirm what was there. You gulp, hands shaking. You repeat to yourself not to scream as you slowly pull your hands down, peeking your eyes open. There, on your bed, leaning over to look at you was a tall, very real, demon.
You really tried not to scream, honestly, you did.
As soon as the first sound of the scream passed your lips, a large, gloved hand grabbed your mouth. The scream stopped in your throat, your breath coming out in hard exhales through your nose. You look up, horrified, at the face looming over you. Sharp teeth glinted in the dim light, red eyes glaring at you like a warning. Don’t scream.
Once again, you hear your name from outside your bedroom door. It’s Veronica. “Girlie, you alright?” This time, she sounds more awake, like she’s been up for a while now. You glance at the door, then back at the demon. He’s watching you like he’s waiting to see what you do next. He seems satisfied with your choice cause his hand is gone and you take a big, much needed inhale.
“Y-Yeah, I’m good. I, uh, stubbed my toe!” you say loud enough so she can hear. You hope she won’t come in, not wanting the demon to even go near her. He was here from your doing and you’d be damn to drag her into this.
“Ok, well, I’m heading off to Josie’s. I’ll be back later!” she informs and you hear the front door shut.
Oh no.
“Well, now that we’re alone,” the demon says, leaning back onto your bed, crossing his legs. “Shall we get started?”
You blink.
The demon stares at you, looking annoyed as you sit in your knees.
You blink again and he’s still there.
You start to giggle, then laugh as you hold your stomach. You laugh and laugh until the world starts to feel dizzy. Just as you slip off the world, you feel strong arms wrap around you. Somewhere in the haze, before darkness consumes you, you can hear the demon speaking softly.
“Just what have you gotten me in to?”
Irritated with you, Alastor placed you on your bed. He knew you were tired from watching your restless body all night, but this was ridiculous. Rude, even. Here he was, called forth by your amateur ritual, and you had the audacity to not only insult him, but laugh in his face before fainting! Just what kind of mortal were you?
Alastor paced your room, his shoes clicking against the hardwood floors. His smile was strained, gums peeking through. He couldn’t figure out how this had happened. Sure, he heard the tales during his earlier days in hell, mentions of demons being summoned above to do the bidding of the living. He even waited for his turn, knowing a bit about voodoo and magic from his days spent alive. Yet nothing ever came and, slowly, talks of summonings died down as humans slowly forgot. He assumed his sigil was just never discovered and went about his years in Hell in peace. He rose to great power, becoming an Overlord, and even recently took up a project with the daughter of the devil himself.
He had actually been at the hotel, talking to Charlie about a new development for the building, an addition to the south wing. He was just about to ask her a question when bright, green light flooded the room. It surrounded him, swirling angrily before pulling his body upward. Charlie had looked terrified, trying to grab his hand, but it went right through. His body seemed to lose it’s tangibility as he floated towards the ceiling. Then, in a flash, he found himself standing in a darkened room.
In front of him sat a young girl, holding her knees to her chest. When he saw the candles and the book laid out on the table, his sigil clear as day with blood staining it, he knew what had happened.
“This isn’t funny,” the girl had whispered and Alastor wanted to laugh. Almost. If he wasn’t seething with anger.
“Oh, darling, I can ensure you I’m not laughing,” he had spoke to her and she had screamed. The fear rolling off her as he watched her fumble around was amusing. She even threatened him and Alastor wanted to prolong it just a bit, tempted to scare her further, but then someone came in and he retreated to the shadows.
From there, he had watched the two girls interact, the new face obviously concerned for the one who summoned him. They disappeared into a room and Alastor followed them. After that, Alastor just watched from the shadows, trying to see what the girl would do next. She had a sleepless night, it seemed. He knew his presence was giving her nightmares, but he couldn’t leave.
Alastor’s frown deepens. He can’t leave. Not until you wake up and make a deal with him. That’s the whole point of the contract you started. In return for your very soul, Alastor would grant you whatever your heart desired. Fame, fortune, it didn’t matter. Alastor had enough power to grant it all.
Looking back towards the bed, Alastor studied your face. You seem peaceful this time, no issues staying asleep like earlier. Your features are soft and Alastor moves closer. It’s been decades since he’s been up here, in the world of the living. Decades since he’s touched human flesh. Warm, soft, delicate flesh. His mouth filled with saliva, threatening to drool over. His stomach hungered, growling low. His jaw tightens and he moves away from you.
You were a foolish mortal, playing a dangerous game, and Alastor couldn’t wait to ruin you.
Masterlist , Ao3
taglist: @girl-nahh-two,@adeadreader, @@i-like-potatoes12533, @mcntsee, @projectdreamwalker, @sassmasterxx, @alsemain, @yunimimii
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Would you mind doing prompt 18 with either Jake Lockley or Santiago Garcia? I couldn’t decide which one I wanted more, so I’ll let you decide ❤️
Erase it (Santiago Garcia x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be tagged?
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Prompt: they’re teasing each other when one character goes “then kiss me” and is surprised that the other character actually does it
Word Count: 2.6k A/N: Fun fact! This period fic was just sitting in my drafts for a while but this prompt inspired me to add a lil something hehe. Enjoy <3
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, fingering, unprotected p in v sex (doesn’t matter if you’re on your period, WRAP IT UP), i'm back at it with the idiots in love trope <3
You couldn't decide whether mother nature had decided to play a nasty trick on you or had blessed you with a chance when your period had made its uninvited appearance. It was an unusually cold night in Bogotá but you woke up sweating, pure pain radiating from your lower abdomen, edging itself towards your lower back. You panicked slightly when you turned, feeling a wet patch under you. 
“Shit …” you mutter as you scramble to get out of bed to turn on the lights.
You were right, you had bled through your pants onto the bed below you as you slept. The past few weeks have been absolute hell, you and the boys have been out and about. Today had been the day where they checked into a hotel and you guess that your body decided to let go of all its stress that it was holding and push it out of your uterine lining. Your period had been late and your flow was heavy despite it being literally the first day. The cramps were biting into you, making you curl your body forward each time another wave hit you.
You ransacked your bag and the hotel room, but found no pads or even tampons. Part of you was ready to just free bleed but the other part of you just wanted to cry. All you wanted was a hot cup of chocolate and a large pad but you couldn't go and get it yourself, not in the streets of Bogotá at 2 am in the morning. You bit your lip and decided to admit defeat, walking out of your room and padding sadly towards Santi and Frankie’s room. You hesitated slightly before knocking their door.
Santi flung the door open and squinted down at you warily, sleep heavy in his eyes. His curls were astray and he was pulling down his sleep shirt, exposing some skin that made you blush a little. His eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled, a warm feeling coursing through you at how genuine he looked. 
There's no way that this man could look this good even when he slept.
You were pretty sure you looked like a gremlin in your oversized t-shirt and blood covered shorts. 
“Everything okay?” he mumbled, sleep coating his usual gruff voice, softening out its edges.
To put it plainly, his voice sounded like it had been touched by a siren. 
“Uhm, yea kinda, but also no.” you look downward, shifting from one foot to another. 
Santi raised an eyebrow but let you continue.
“Sorry for waking you Pope, but I need a little help.”
“That’s alright, querida. Name it, I’m at your service.” he said bowing a little, making you giggle.
You hugged yourself, feeling very vulnerable as you bit your lip
“I started my period.” you whispered
Santi gave you no reaction to what you had said and you wondered whether he had fallen asleep with his eyes open and standing up.
“Okay, need me to get you anything?” he said, instead giving you a small smile.
That took you aback slightly, no one had said something like this to you so casually. Normally men would lean on the extremes, either making it a big deal, as if you were on the verge of death or downplaying it and making you feel small
“Yes, please. I just need pads, the biggest ones you can find please and something for the pain.” you meddled with the edge of your shirt, twisting it in a comforting pattern. 
“Alright, lemme just get my wallet. Wait for me in your room, okay?” he said cupping your face with his hand, an unusual act of affection from him.
“Okay. Thanks, Santi.” you smile, forcing down your tears as you look away from him
You went back to your room and took a nice shower, letting the hot water soothe your body. You heard a knock and you shut off the shower, pulling a fluffy towel around you before letting Santi in.
“I- oh.” Santi said before turning around when he realised you were only in your towel.
“Oh, it's fine. I’m decent. I mean the towel is long enough.” you laughed a little awkwardly.
Santi set the big bag of things he got for you onto the bed. He pulled out a packet of big pads, several of your favourite chocolate bars, pain ointment, painkillers, a hot water bottle and lastly a pack of cotton underwear. You didn’t realise you had a hand on your mouth as you watched Santi pull out the stuff from the bag
You were absolutely flabbergasted
“Fucking hell, Santiago Garcia.” you breathed. 
You stepped closer to him and grabbed the pack of pads, examining it with a smile before turning to face him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. When you pulled away, you noted how red his face had gone, and the dopey expression that lined it. You thanked him profusely and rushed into the bathroom to get changed. 
You finally felt nice and fresh. You came out to find Santiago laying a towel on the soiled part of your sheets and you started to tear up. You sniffling made him look up and he just opened his arms out understandingly. You almost run to him, letting him envelope you in his warm, comforting embrace. 
“How do you feel?” he murmurs into your hair. 
“Much better, thanks Santi.” you say into his chest, breathing in his soft scent as your tears get caught in his sleep shirt. 
“Alright, I’ll let you get some rest, okay?” he said before slowly pulling away. 
You were rendered confused, and he didn’t even get to put his hand onto the doorknob before you grabbed onto his wrist. His confused stricken face made you blush and drop his hand.
“Could you maybe stay?” you ask, slightly bashful.
Santiago just smiled at you, studying your face. 
“Sure, I’d love to get away from Frankie’s snores for a while.” he said after a few seconds, making you snort. 
He grabs a few of the chocolate bars before he leads you to the couch. You open one of the bars and break it into half, giving the other half to Santiago. The both of you nibbled on the chocolate and laughed about old memories. 
You watched as Santiago animatedly tells you about the boys and their shenanigans. Oh, to be Santi’s girl. You would be treated like a queen, forget it, you would be treated like a goddess, mainly because this man had the heart to be absolutely head over heels over someone. 
“There was once where Benny tried to pet a dog, it was a calm dog, for your information, and the dog lunged at Benny so fast that all we saw was Benny’s rifle flying 30 feet away in one direction and Benny running as fast as he could in the other direction.” You laughed a little too hard and felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, making you double up in pain. 
Santiago held you and pressed his hand over yours on your tummy. For the first time panic flashed through his eyes, not knowing whether this was a normal thing. 
“Ugh I hate taking pain killers, it's not like they work anymore.” you straighten your back as the pain ebbed away. 
Years of chronic pain have made painkillers essentially useless for you. Santi nods understandingly, rubbing the back of his neck. Suddenly a sheepish look settled upon his face.
“What?” you say squinting at him
“It's nothing.” he said and you swore you could see a tinge of pink upon his cheeks. 
“I demand you to tell me, I'm the one in horrendous pain,” you winced.
Santi settled back onto the couch and pulled you down with him with a sigh. 
“Remember when we were small and our mom’s would take care of us?” he said softly.
“Of course.” you said, snuggling a little closer to him.
“You know when you would fall down and your mother will always have that one special remedy?” his voice edged into a whisper.
“Hmm? A bandage and some tylenol?” you say back, totally oblivious. 
“No, I mean what comes after the bandage and the tylenol?” he says a little exasperatedly now. 
You look up at Santi with a pout and shrug. He sighs again, this time with a small smile on his face as he brushes away a wet strand of hair from your face. 
“When they kiss it all better?” 
It took you a while to process what Santiago was trying to tell you. Suddenly it clicked but you didn’t let it show, masking your shock at what Santiago was implying with confusion to divert him.
“You wanna be my mom, Santi?” you feign confusion and he rolled his eyes.
You sit up slightly and press your lips together, trying to keep your laugh in. 
“I’m just playin’, I’d love to kiss me all better, not that you’d know where to kiss-.” 
His lips caught yours before you could finish your sentence. He sighed sleepily into your kiss and caressed your cheek with his knuckles. You smiled against his lips and anchored yourself against his chest, fingers feeling up whatever was under his sleep shirt. 
He pulled away and smiled at you, a boyish smile that made him look several years younger. His fingers were at your chin and he turned our face so that he could plant another kiss onto your cheek before pulling you down onto his chest. You groaned again and clutched at your stomach as another wave of pain crashed through you.
“Guess your remedy didn’t work.” you mumbled sadly into his chest as his hand kneaded your lower back with soft pressure. 
Santiago stayed silent for a while and you slowly felt yourself getting sleepier with his presence but a few biting cramps kept pulling you out of your relaxed state. 
“I… umm… heard somewhere that there is a way to take the pain away.” Santiago stuttered a little, a little unusual for someone who was usually so calm and collected.
“I’ll do anything.” you muttered again.
“Well not do hard drugs but you know, yes anything.” you sigh. 
“It involves coming.” Santi says after a few seconds of silence
“Going where?” you said without missing a beat, the pain clearly making you stupid
Santiago’s nervous expression shifts to a blank one as he stares at you incredulously
“Pope, what?” this time you were genuinely confused as you stared at his face. 
“I mean, like, ORGASM!” he whisper-shouted.
 Now it was your turn to be nervous. You eyed Santiago and picked at a hangnail on your finger. 
“Let me take care of you.” his voice dropped to something more sultry and you felt your insides swim with desire. 
“How?” you whispered. 
Santiago wanted to buy his time by whispering all of the sweet and sacrilegious things he had been meaning to do to you but in your current state, he would rather just blatantly tell you before he made a fool of himself.
“Let me touch you and help you relax.” his eyes were so soft when they met you and you found yourself trusting him entirely.
With your confirmation, Santiago scooped you up and walked you to the bed, laying you down on the towel he placed there earlier, before pulling his shirt off and crawling beside you. Your heart thudded in your chest as you pressed your legs together and stared up at Santiago. You’ve never seen this look on his face before and he was studying you, his eyes scanning your body as your breath quickened. 
“Relax, querida, I’ll take care of you.” he said, pulling your oversized t-shirt up slightly before hooking his fingers at your shorts, tugging them down gently, easing your legs apart. 
The cold air on your bare pussy made you shiver and he eyed your core in a way he’s never looked at you before. You let yourself sink down at his soft touches, his fingers kneading gently at the skin of your thigh as he kissed your knee. He kept his eyes on you as his fingers found your clit and you squeezed your eyes shut at the soft pressure. Silently, he began to softly rub at your clit, easing out soft moans and whimpers from you. You felt the tension in your abdomen pull away as it is replaced by another sensation, one that was egged on by the attractive man who was hovering over you. 
“How do you want me?” he asked softly over your whines. 
“Anything you can give me.” you breathed back, and instantly, he slipped two of his fingers inside you, making your head drop back with a delicious moan. 
He started pumping his fingers in and out of you, and you started whispering his name like a prayer almost like you were pleading for him to not stop. His thumb swiped at your clit when your walls started to get tighter around his fingers and the band that he was building instantly snapped and your back arched off the bed as you came with a gut wrenching moan. 
You dropped back down onto the bed and caught your breath, your vision swimming as you vaguely heard yourself thank Santiago. You felt the bed dip around you and your eyes dropped down to where Santi’s hand was. He had rid himself of his pants and was gently pumping himself up and down, smearing your blood on himself, eliciting a string of curses from your own mouth. You dropped your knees open and he pushed himself in, filling you up to the brim as you gasped at his size. He dropped himself onto his forearms, caging you as his lips whispered soft nothings into your ear.
“So wet and warm… Still so fuckin’ tight…” he started pistoning his hips pulling out moan after moan from you again. “Fuck, you feel so good, I need to make you feel good.” 
He was making you feel good. All of the pain had vanished and was replaced with quaint pleasure coursing through your veins. The intimacy of it all made you feel so vulnerable yet safe. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, letting him drop his head against your shoulder as your pussy started to grip him with absurd strength. 
“So close…” you managed to breathe and Santi nodded, unable to form any words.
His fingers dropped to your clit once more and it didn’t take much for you to snap again, Santi spilling into you with a sharp moan to the column of your throat. He slumped against you and your hands lazily scraped at his scalp.  All of your muscles were relaxed and it was replaced with soft clouds of pleasure that turned your mind hazy. You kissed Santiago’s temple and thanked him over and over as he soothingly kissed your neck.
“Better?” he mumbled into your neck.
“So much better.” you breathed, sleep pulling your eyelids over your eyes.
“Shh, rest, I got you baby. I always got you.” was the last thing you heard before you succumbed to the powerful callings of sleep. 
You woke up curled up against him, his hand pressing a now lukewarm hot pack to your abdomen as he cuddled you close. While you were asleep, he changed you, and made sure you were comfortable before settling to sleep. His nose now was buried in your hair and your back was flush to his chest, impossibly close. 
You held on to his arms and you pulled him closer, praying that he would never slip away, knowing that he’d be able to erase everything that could harm you. 
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~~
Tagging: @in-between-the-cafes @bodhisattva11 @marc-spectors-wife @nyotamalfoy @steven-grants-world @whatsliferightnow @minigirl87 @alexxavicry @autismsupermusicalassassin @flordelalunas @lia275 @euphoricosmo @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @sugarpunch-princess @swiggy-needs-mental-help @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @melodygatesauthor
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gh0stsp1d3r · 9 months
A/n- This is a draft from like 2 years ago 😭 so definitely not the best of my works
Warnings- gn!Reader, mentions of nightmares, blood yknow the usual hannibal stuff
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It was often Will had these nightmares. It came with his wild imagination.
You were the one person he could stand, the one person he came back to every time, the one person he loved, you were his anchor.
You put on his little nightlight that you got for him, insisting on it. You wrapped your arms around him and he put his face in your chest.
You ran a hand through his hair, and he felt safe for once,
“Goodnight.” You spoke quietly.
“Goodnight.” He mumbled back, beginning to close his eyes, relaxed at the feeling of your body against his.
Hours later, his nightmare had led to him mumbling something to himself and sweating as he usually did. He moved around, and that’s when you woke up.
The blood was everywhere. On him, and on everything else-
You sat up quickly, you gently shook him awake, mumbling his name.
“Will. Will.” You said, and his eyes flew open, he looked confused as he stared into your eyes.
“It’s okay. It was just a bad dream.”
He didn’t say anything, and you looked down at him. He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed and putting his face in his hands.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. Sorry.. for waking you up.”
“It’s okay.” You responded, you helped him take his shirt off and went into the kitchen, grabbing him a glass of water.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, downing the cold glass quickly.
You sat next to him, rubbing his back and trying to get him to relax.
“Maybe… you should take off of work today..?”
“You know I would, but Jack-“ he rubbed his temple.
“Don’t worry about Jack. You need a break, you’ve been working so hard. I think that you deserve it.”
He thought for a moment, looking at you.
“Okay. I’ll call off later.” He gave you a small smile.
You smiled back, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. I think we’re gonna go out then.”
“Oh, yeah? Where?” He asked, you both laid back down now, looking at each other.
“Out on a walk or something.” You shrugged, “Maybe fishing?”
God did you know how to win his heart.
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Nightmares and Nosebleeds
Pairings: Weems x student!Reader (Platonic)
Word count: 3.3K
Summary: you have been having trouble sleeping and weems helps you get some much-needed rest.
TW: mentions of past abuse, mentions of childhood trauma, nightmares, blood, exhaustion, crying
A/n A fluffy fic for all my traumatised beans who need some motherly weems comfort. You are loved <3
Exhaustion seemed to settle in between the cracks of your mask.
It was hard to pretend you were ok. As if all you wanted to do wasn’t to take a nap in the middle of class. But you couldn’t. You couldn’t sleep. Not here. Not in your dorm. Not anywhere.
Nightmares plagued all hours of your unconsciousness and you had done everything to fight off sleep for the better part of a week now. Sure, you had failed at times and succumbed to the much-needed rest. If you could even call it that. But after a lapse in sleep, you needed more. You craved sleep. But it was awful. You thrashed, mumbled things even screamed or yelled sometimes in your sleep. You would wake up damn with sweat and somehow more exhausted as it took an emotional toll as well as physical. Sleep was broken after you woke from each bad dream. Eventually you simply gave up.
It was around two am on a random Tuesday and after about an hour broken sleep, you woke up for the fifth time.
You sighed annoyed and threw off the sheets. Maybe if you went for a walk around the grounds, you may be exhausted enough for the subconscious to lack the energy to cook up more horrors.
Nobody should be awake at this hour anyway. Anyone who would have been sneaking out would have tried already and been caught. You threw on a hoodie over your PJs not bothering to change.
Slipping out of your single dorm you trudged through the halls. You walked through the quad and eventually found the room you had been looking for. Pulling the lock-pick from your pocket you slipped into the classroom.
It was the only one you ever broke into, and you only ever did it for one reason. The window. There was a window you could pry open and climb out to sit on the roof. It was your safe space.
You locked the door behind you and climbed through the sill. Folding your legs to your chest to curl up into a ball, you rested your head on your knees and wrapped your arms around them. The night was still, and the half-moon lit up the grounds.
You looked up at the stars and did your best to name as many constellations as you could. Which wasn’t many but it was more than the average person may know.
A single stray tear escaped, and you rubbed it away and you cursed yourself. If you began to cry you may never stop. It was a road you did not want to try.
Larissa had been sat in her office, nursing a glass of whisky and trying to get through the excessive amount of budget cuts from the school board.
After about three hours she had moved to her spot by rage window and gazed out at the stars.
Her window overlooked the grounds and she frowned at a lump on one of the roofs. Making sure it wasn’t some creature that could be a threat she grabbed her binoculars to take a closer look. She frowned at what she found.
As far as she knew all the students were asleep. Nobody should be up at this hour apart from her or the odd stray teacher. She sighed and donned her coat, knowing exactly which classroom it was she needed to go to.
She made her way down the halls until she stood outside the classroom in question. She pulled her keys from her pocket and fitted them into the lock. Turning the door handle and pushed the door gently it swung open.
The window was still wide and ajar, letting in a cool draft as she crossed the room. She was surprised you didn’t react to the sound of her heels. But she noted you seemed lost in thought. She stopped at the window taking a moment to observe you.
You were slouched and clearly fighting sleep. Your shoulders were slumped, and you looked ready to cry. You shook slightly from the cold, and she noted the lone tear track down your cheek.
She knew she was going to have to be gentle with you tonight as you were so lost in your own mind you still hadn’t clocked her presence.
“Ms L/n is there a reason you are out of bed at this hour?” She said her hands flying out to catch you by the arms as you startled and lost the hold on your knees.
After a second, she removed her hands from your arms, and you sniffed still looking at the stars. You brought a hand up to scrub at your cheek before glancing at her.
You looked exhausted. She made note that you must have been covering up the darkness that rested under your eyes with makeup, as it was far more prominent than she had ever seen in the halls.
“Come back inside you must be cold” she said gently, and you nodded, a faraway look on your face, as if you were only half here and heard her voice as though it was muffled by water.
You roll over onto your hands and knees and crawl like a baby back through the window. Once you were through, she offered you her hand to help you down from the table and you hesitated but took it. She sucked in a breath at the contact due to how cold you felt, and turned to close the window once you were down and inside.
“You're freezing.” She said sounding mildly peeved. You stood off to the side awkwardly as she turned around to face you now she had shut the window. You shifted your weight from foot to foot and avoided looking her in her eyes.
She carefully removed her coat and placed it around your shoulders, not in how you flinched slightly at the contact. The fabric was warm, and you pulled it closer around you.
“Thanks.” You mumbled and she nodded.
“That’s quite alright. Now please, come with me.” She said and turned to leave; you followed a half pace behind her. As you walked through the halls your face crumpled as you realised you were not setting out to return to your dorm. You hesitated but asked anyway.
“Um Ms weems where are we going?” You said softly and she turned to look at you.
“My office I don’t think you should be alone tonight.” She said with a very gentle look.
You were too exhausted to comprehend what that really meant and even more exhausted at the simple notion of arguing with her.
You gave a small nod, and she returned one of her own, and placed a gentle hand on your bicep to lead you back to her office.
Once she arrived, she let go of her grip and slid in the key and opened the door ushering you inside.
You stood awkwardly in the big room, unsure of what to do. Still wrapped in the principle’s coat.
“Come.” She said and waved you to the door at the back of her office.
You followed and you walked into what looked to be her privet quarters. You felt uneasy in her personal space.
“Ms Weems?” You asked.
“If you would rather sleep in my office, I cannot say it will be a very pleasant experience, and staff may enter at random and disturb you.” She said and you nodded still too tired to be thinking of any possible consequences.
She steered you by the shoulders to a large room which was ornately decorated in her personal style, and you clocked that this was her own bedroom.
“Ms Weems but you need to sleep too?” You said uneasy.
“I assure you darling and I quite well and good. I have some work to finish regardless. Plus, I am more concerned for you, than myself currently. Now I won’t press you to tell me what’s on your mind, but do know I am here, if you want to talk.” She said and you fought back tears. She laid a soft hand on you shoulder and looked into your eyes.
“I’m fine” you mumble softly.
She gives a noise halfway between a snort and a chuckle, an undignified noise to say the least. Her hand flew to cover her mouth before she regained her composure. Your cheeks heated slightly despite the cold.
“Not quite darling. Don’t lie to me. Take your time to speak about whats bothering you, but please don’t lie to me.” She said and moved behind you to take the coat from you.
“I’m sorry” you said softly and let her remove your arms from her large coat.
“No need for apologies darling, it’s quite alright “ she said.
“Thank you” you said barely audible, and it was likely that if she weren’t a shape shifter, she would have missed the sound altogether.
“You're welcome now get some sleep” she said moving over to guide you into the bed and tuck the sheets around you.
“Goodnight Ms Weems.” You said.
“Goodnight darling. Now hush, no more chatter. I’ll be in the next room if you need me. Don’t hesitate to shout.” She said halfway to the door already.
You nod despite her turned back and rolled over away from the door.
She turned back at the light switch to smile at you as she turned out the light.
The door was half shut when she heard you speak again.
“Ms Weems?” You voice sounded small and hesitant. She stopped and looked back. You had half rolled over to look at her over your own shoulder but made no move to speak again. After a beat of silence, the principle spoke.
“Yes darling?” She said, ever patient.
“I just thought you should know I make a lot of noise in my sleep… nightmares.” You explained.
She softened.
“Thank you for telling me. I’ll be sure to leave to door open so I can check on you if anything’s wrong in the night.” She said and you felt the redness flood your cheeks again at her kindness. A kindness you were unused to.
“Thank you.” You said.
“Hush now. Sleep. For real this time.” And with that she left the door slightly ajar, and you failed to fight sleep any longer.
Weems returned to her office and sat back down at her desk. She made it habit to check on you whenever she could and after around an hour, she heard movement through the cracked doors.
She set down her pen, which had been signing documents and rolled her wrist to loosen the sore muscles before she stood to check on you once more.
Making her way into her room she peered in to see you tossing and turning and mumbling something with a concerned look on your face, eyebrows screw together to cause a crease in your brow. You almost looked like you were in pain, and it broke the woman’s heart to see you looking so distressed.
She made her way over to the bed and squeezed your arms lightly saying your name to try and wake you up. She hadn’t expected what came next, however.
You sat bolt upright, and your face connected with her chin. Luckily, she wasn’t injured as she had time to half turn away.
When she looked back at you your hands were cupped under your face and she noted in the low light a small dark trickle running from your nose down your top lip. You looked slightly dazed, and she watched in horror as the blood dripped into your fingers and spread through the creases in your palms.
“Come darling.” She said, throwing back the covers to lead you to her bathroom.
You startled again like you had back earlier on the roof, and she was glad none of the blood ended up on the sheets as you flinched. She supposed she could always get new sheets and your reaction was clearly an involuntary one at that.
“P-principle weems?” You said and she grew concerned as you seemed to scan the room disoriented before she watched the understanding flood into your features and your eyes seemed to stop scanning the room and settle on her.
“You're alright darling,” she said kindly “Now come with me. We need to deal with that blood.” She said with a nod towards your cupped hands.
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, hands still under your chin as you stood. She guided you by your shoulders to the bathroom and gently let you hang your face above the sink as the red dripped onto the porcelain.
She frowned at your seemingly unbothered nature of the situation.
“Darling, if i may ask… does this happen often?” She asked gesturing to your face. You sighed.
“Im afraid so. I’ve always gotten nosebleed, especially as a kid. I never knew why; they were just always a feature in my life. It got me out of class a lot at my old school. I'd have about one every two weeks or something.” You said and weems frowned.
“I’ll be sure to add it to your file, should this or something similar happen again.”
“Oh, it will. If there’s one thing I can count on, it's my nose bleeding.” You said with a laugh. The principle, in turn, gave a half huff, failing to see the humour of the situation and mildly worried at how desensitised you seemed about it all.
You realised your nose hand stopped bleeding now and turned on the tap, guiding the water to clean the sink of your blood. Whist you did that, Weems turned around and grabbed a rag before turning back to you. She let you wash your hands clean before she gently took your cheek with her hand. You went to protest but she spoke before you did.
“Let me darling.” She said and you relaxed slightly, she brought the damp and slightly warm cloth to you face and began to gently clean the blood from your chin and top lip. Once she had finished, she ran the rag under water again and wrung it out before setting it on the edge of the bathtub to dry. She extended a hand to you.
“Come.” She said and you took it and silently followed her back out and into her office. She made the two of you some tea as you sat and watched.
When she returned with the two mugs you thanked her as she sat down opposite you. It was a comfortable silence, and you felt no pressure yet found yourself itching to tell her everything. She made note of your fidgeting but refrained from commenting. After a moment you sighed and stilled.
“I-it's just always there.” You said and paused, waiting to see if she would interrupt.
She simply nodded and took another sip of tea, not pressing but leaving you to continue if you wanted to.
“The nightmares. I had … a rough childhood.” You chuckled humourlessly. “I guess thats putting it nicely.”
You looked away and picked at the skin of your thumb and she made no move to stop you. You glanced at her and moved to sit on your hands. She frowned at the gesture.
“Sorry.” You spoke. “My mother hated when i fidgeted, she always told me to sit on my hands.” You said with a fragile smile and glossy eyes at the memory you seemed to be drawing on.
“I do not mind. If it soothes you, continue. But as long as it's not damaging.” She said, referencing the earlier action.
You nodded once but stayed sitting on your hands making no move to change your position. You sucked a breath and let out a slow sigh before continuing.
“My dad wasn’t very close with me. My mother and I were inseparable but that changed.” You paused for a beat.
“Im not sure why but the love was different, more sour, less pure. I lost out connection over time. They were … i don’t like to say abusive but i guess if the shoe fits.” You shrug.
“The nightmares are a mix of things. Them. My fears. My mind making up horrors that never happened. It's almost as if my body enjoys torturing me in their absence.” You said giving another dry laugh that made weems skin crawl.
“I just want to sleep. Im so tired. But the nightmares just leave me feeling worse.” You sighed and picked at the seams of your sleeve as your hands escaped their position under your thighs. You averted you gaze to the fire which crackled softly.
Weems sensed you were done and set down her tea on the coffee table.
“If you need someone to talk to.” She paused mulling over her words.
“Or if you just need somewhere to rest. If you need a hug or anything at all, even to vent; I’m here.” She said and you felt the tears congregate on your waterline.
You gave a nod and watery sniffle looking slowly over to her. She patted her lap.
“Come here darling.” She said and you threw yourself into her arms. Her embrace was strong and grounding. Just what you needed as you sobbed into the neckline of her dress.
She held you tight and for the first time in a long time you felt safe. You relished in the warmth of the feeling and soon were breathing softly and deeply, as you feel asleep in her arms, your face buried into her neck where the scent of her faded perfume was strongest.
Weems sat with you in her arms for the while looking into the dancing embers before gently laying you down on the sofa and covering you with a blanket to keep warm despite the ever-present heat of the fire.
Here she could keep an eye on you. Here you were safe. And she meant what she had said. And for the first time in months, you slept soundlessly under her watchful gaze as she worked at her desk, her mind never fully straying from your as you remained steadfast in her thoughts.
The night seemed to pass quickly, and she didn’t disturb you as the early hours of the morning came.
You clearly needed the sleep. She had already planned to excuse you from classes based of how well you had been sleeping now. It was still early morning, still before sunrise and still before the school awoke. And she had ample work left to do.
She was the only one awake on campus and she basked in the early morning silence of the school. This was her favourite time of day. When the world seemed to still and she could almost pretend it had stopped, just for a moment.
She cast her gazed back to your sleeping from and wrote a note to herself on a yellow post it to remind her to also retrieve breakfast for you as well when she went later.
Turning back to her work your soft snore made her heart swell. She loved all her students. But you, you held a safe spot in her heart that seemed to keep it warm with each beat. And she swore then and there to protect you with her dying breath. A student she loved with motherly compassion. As a teacher you saw as a mother.
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64yrsold · 1 year
ACHES 24. alright
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18+ (please see masterlist for cw) aches masterlist previous (23)
The sun seemed closer today. It also seemed to be following me, seeking me out and prying me out of the shade. I sat on the front porch, listening to the hiss of sun on pavement. I rolled one of his cigarettes between my fingers. Although my skin was overheated and reddening, the chair was comfortable as I reclined and stretched out my legs. I fell into a hot, still sleep, just below the surface of unconsciousness. 
His face came to me quickly, not in full color, and with blurred edges around his features. I searched for the downwards flick of his lower lashes, for the flecks of amber in his brown eyes. For a mole, for a gray hair at his temple. But I wasn’t offered these details, and settled for the radiating comfort of his presence. 
“Lay down,” he was saying, over and over. He was whispering, calm and gentle. “Lay down.”
My back was flat against some endless, cold surface. I was naked. No matter how far I stretched out my hands, I felt no edges or familiar textures. It was dark around him. 
“Lay down, sweetheart.” I jumped when his lips brushed my ear, right there, with me. He was right here. His hands were on my neck, soft as mist, just to feel my skin. He was cold, and I turned my head, restless. I couldn’t tell if he was cold or wet.
He shushed me, “Lay down, you’re alright.” I took a deep breath, and let his hands slide over my collarbones. They left behind a slick trail, prickling my skin. I was mumbling, tension between my eyebrows, trying to calm myself. His mouth met mine, and the taste cleared my mind. I took easy breaths, the air cleaner and colder as he took my lip between his teeth. I moaned loudly, echoing into his mouth, making him chuckle. 
“You sound so pretty,” he was gasping into me. “Lay down.”
He took two wet fingers, pressing them to the side of my neck. He traced down between my collarbones, over my dewey sternum, finding a spot just above my bellybutton. His mouth was consuming mine, cutting off my breath, replacing it with his sweetness and sweat. I was overwhelmed as he pressed me into the ground, feeling deliciously restricted. 
“Lay down,” he groaned, panting. “Lay still.” He pulled back, kneeling over my thighs. He took his hands, gently pressing them along the angle of my hips. He held them there for a moment, keeping a steady pressure. When he lifted them, my hips were cold and catching the draft of the room. He swiped his thumb under his lip, leaving a red streak. He frowned, looking down at his hands. They were covered in sticky, blotchy red. 
“You’re bleeding,” he murmured, holding a hand to my neck. I looked down at myself, his handprints covering my torso. I was breathing faster, and he applied more pressure to my neck. Thick warmth pooled down my neck. “Lay down.”
“It’s paint,” I told him, and woke up.
I sat up, grabbing my neck before I had opened my eyes. I was breathing in shallow, panicked half-breaths, watching the sun sinking down, down, down. There was no breeze, just the afternoon heat dissipating into evening humidity. When my heart slowed down, I smoked one of his cigarettes, tears wetting my cheeks. 
I called him, sobbing and choking on smoke. 
“You have to come home,” I told him, as soon as the line stopped ringing. I exhaled, slow, trying to calm down. 
“I’m about to get on a plane, sweetheart, but–” He was worried. Someone shouted at him in the background, crackly and far away.
“I’m sorry,” I cried. “I had a horrible dream, and… I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he soothed, “Are you watching the sunset?”
I paused, caught off guard by his question, “Yeah.”
“We’ll watch the next one together, okay?”
I swiped a tear off my cheek, “Okay.”
“I’ve got my hand on my heart, darling. I promise.” Another yell. “You gonna be alright?”
“Love you, sweetheart. Go to sleep, alright?”
I watched the sunset, motionless and numb.
-> next (25)
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bloodyknucklesforme · 4 months
I Know I've Kissed You Before | Carnal XVII
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Carnal (adjective) : relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites
The aftermath of the hunt
CW: cannibalism, rape mention, smut
This is very much a horror fic mostly based around the films Raw (2017) and Bones and All (2022), if you sit through those you should be good here. This is my first horror fic.
Chapter Title Credit: Pink in The Night by Mitski
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In his dreams she was a rabbit and he was a dog. His mouth clenched tightly around her neck. She was screaming and fighting, kicking at his chest until she could do nothing but twitch. Blood dribbled from her mouth and onto the stone as he dropped her at Simon’s feet. 
“Good boy.” Simon patted his head before scooping her up with a tea towel. He followed inside to the kitchen where he laid her on the butcher block. He drooled onto the floor as Simon snapped her neck and began to dress her, loud tears as her fur and skin was ripped from her meat. When he cut her open it wasn’t the normal mess of organs, just a constant flow of warm, red blood. It flooded over the edge of the block and onto the floor where he hungrily licked it up. It tasted like vanilla. 
He was alone when he woke up. The rest of the bed empty and made. Simon’s doing. The room still smelled like him and Nina. Sweet and woody. He got up and found a pair of sweats before making his way downstairs. He could smell tea - black and sweet. 
Downstairs had a cold draft, he followed it outside where Simon sat on one of the iron patio chairs with Nina tucked into his lap wrapped in a quilt. Her blonde hair stuck out in messy tangles. She was taking small sips out of a steaming mug while Simon’s sat on the ground beside them. They weren’t talking. Simon stared out towards the garden and field into the woods. . It was barely dusk and the first snow of the season had started over night leaving a dusting of white over the browned landscape. 
“Good morning.” Johnny said to announce himself. Nina perked up and reached out for him. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. Her face was more scratched up than he noticed last night. There was still a smear of black makeup around her eyes. 
Guilt gnawed at him. He shouldn’t have let her go alone. He should have gone looking for her sooner. The rage he felt when he turned the corner, saw the man from earlier and smelled the blood. He was at the end of the hall faster than he could think, a knife pulled from his pocket. He’d been trained to kill. He was a soldier. His speciality was clearing buildings, fast and cleanly. He shredded that man. His hands were shaking. If he had more time he would have torn him apart slowly, ripping skin off with his teeth . He only stopped stabbing because the blade broke off. 
Simon was the one who rescued her. He had the sense to open the door and find her. Seeing her face down on the ground, made his stomach twist. He thought he was too late. He could still smell the blood on her. On all of them. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked. Simon’s free hand had found itself on the small of Johnny’s back, pulling him in closer till the iron arm of the chair dug into his leg. 
“I’m okay.” She said softly. “Tired still.”
Simon pulled her closer to him as well, letting her head rest against his shoulder. Johnny leaned against the chair, his hand holding the base of Simon’s neck. It felt natural for the three of them to be like this, holding onto each other. 
He couldn’t say he was a good partner. He must have done something wrong for Simon to leave him or to make Nina think he’d leave her. He tried, was attentive, empathetic, dedicated. Maybe loyal to a fault. He’d followed Simon around like a dog for those Spring and Summer months. Got kicked like one too. 
He wouldn’t let her hunt again. He didn’t want to make rules for her after his injury and what happened last night, Simon seemed to be the only one fit to do it. His grip on Simon tightened to steady his shaking hand. He didn’t want to lose either of them. 
“Let’s get you inside.” Simon said not to either of them in particular. “Johnny grab the tea.”
He carried their mugs inside while Simon carried Nina. She was wearing some clothes at least. Looked like his boxers and a sweater. Simon was only wearing boxers. Crazy get. 
They set her up on the couch in the living room. Tea in arms reach. 
“Johnny and I will make breakfast. Call if you need anything.” Simon rubbed her cheek with his knuckles. A couple days ago he would have gaped at this show of affection, now he felt like Simon was the only one worthy to give it. 
Johnny sat at the little table, staring into his tea. Scottish breakfast with cream and honey. Simon was always good at the little details.
Eggs and what looked like bacon were cooking on a pan on the stove. 
Two hands laid on his shoulders, rubbing the muscles. 
“How’s my boy?”
“Not well…” Johnny admitted. His hands were shaking again. Residual rage coursed through him thinking about how that man was in the basement, locked away in the freezer. He couldn’t hurt her yet he still wanted to cut him to pieces. Make sure he could never come back. Burn it all, let the wind take it away. 
“She’s safe now.” Simon cupped Johnny’s face and turned to face him.. “We protected her. We got her home. We killed the cunts that hurt her and we’ll do it again if we need to.”
Johnny pressed his forehead against Simon’s. He didn’t remember the last time they touched like this. That cottage by the sea, blood still on their lips with Simon slotted between his legs. He wanted to crawl back into bed with Nina at his front and Simon at his back. He wanted to taste them both at once. He wanted to keep Nina and take back Simon. Eating his cake over and over again.  
“The food’s burning…” He choked out. He wanted to kiss him, let him fuck his worries away. Johnny’s hand was on Simon’s chest, palm over his heart. 
“Go keep her company.” He nodded. “I’ll bring breakfast in a bit.”
She was still curled up where he left her - knees tucked to her chest. Johnny sat down next to her and helped her into his lap. His hand rubbing her back under the quilt. He kissed along her hair line. “I got’cha. Not letting go.” 
Her quietness stung. She was never chatty like him but she’d whisper and giggle to him. He would mould himself to her, wrap himself around her to keep her safe and warm. Hand feed her, breath from his mouth.
She turned and hugged him, legs around his waist and her face in the crook of his neck. He pulled the quilt over both of them.
“We won’t leave ya, Neen. You’re our girl.” Our girl… not just his. His and Simon’s. Their girl. 
Simon brought breakfast in on a tray. 3 plates with eggs, bacon and toast. Johnny fed Nina, letting her relax against his chest. Simon fed him, sat next to the two of them, resting his free arm along Johnny’s shoulders. 
“I want a bath,” She said untangling herself from him. Her legs were covered in bruises. Johnny wanted to kiss each one, a healing touch. 
“I’ll clean up.” Simon said, gathering the plates. He nodded his head for Johnny to follow her. 
She liked the water hot and he winced as he got into the tub with her. His legs stinging. 
“You’re gonna cook us both.” He chuckled, kissing her shoulder. 
“Simon…he kissed me last night or this morning. I don’t really know what time it was.”
“Oh…err… did you want him to?” He tried to overcome the wave of nausea that hit him. Not out of jealousy, worry maybe. 
“I guess… I wasn’t really thinking about it. I couldn’t sleep so he took me downstairs and I ate and then he kissed me. I was worried you’d be upset… I don’t really know what we all are.”
It was a good question.
“I think if we want, the three of us can be something together.”
“Is that something people do?”
“We’re the only people like us so I don’t think it matters what other people do.”
“I think I’d like that. Being with both of you… up until last night I thought Simon didn’t like me very much.”
“That’s just how he is. Took us almost dying for him to admit he liked me.” 
She giggled at that, leaning back against his chest. He washed her hair for her. Washed her face and body. He piled bubbles up on top of her head just to make her smile. He helped dry her hair and wrapped her in a towel. Got new clothes for her. His shirt and her panties. He tucked her back into bed. Rubbed her back until she fell asleep. 
Simon was watching from the doorway. 
“Thought she’d be worse.” He said, shutting the door behind Johnny. 
“She’s tough.” He said. “Wish I’d done more to protect her.”
“We won’t let it happen again.” Simon took a step forward, backing Johnny against the wall. “You ripped that cunt to pieces, Johnny.”
He closed his eyes and breathed Simon in. Cedar swirling around in his head like a boa constrictor.
“You kissed her?”
“Of her.” He admitted. “I miss yo-”
Simon’s mouth was on his. Commanding and all consuming. Memories of this time last year flooded his head. The two of them in dive bars and club corners. In cars and alleyways. Simon inside him. Johnny in his mouth. 
“What did I do wrong?” He broke, holding Simon back. “Last Summer. What did I do?”
He wouldn’t fuck it up again.
“You didn’t do anything, Johnny.” Simon kissed him again. It didn’t settle his soul. Johnny was a weak man though, he knew that much, because he ignored it and kept his mouth on Simon’s. He missed the taste, the feel, the warmth. 
“I want you.” He breathed. “I want you so much.” 
He might cry if he was rejected now. 
“Not here. Don’t want to wake her. We’ll go to the stables.”
Johnny nodded. 
Simon having lube on hand didn’t surprise Johnny. He was moaning shamelessly, bent over the counter of the tack room. Simon had already worked two fingers inside of him. His legs were shaking, Simon was pressed against him, hunched over his body, grunting dirty things in his ear. 
“Tight as ever, Johnny.” 
“Pleasepleaseplease,” he prayed. Simon’s fingers scissored inside him, gently stretching him open. Almost four months without. He would have treasured their last time if he knew it was the last. In the sand, at sunset, on the beach down the trail from their rented cottage. Romantic actually. More than this was. 
“Missed this.” Simon breathed, nipping at Johnny’s ear. “Missed splitting you open.”
Precum dripped against the front of the cabinet. He was glad Nina never came in here. Less worry for cleaning up. His mind still floats around her. He’d like to have his head between her thighs right now. It might be the only thing to make this better, trapped between the two of them. 
“Where you drifting off to, Johnny?” Simon tugged on his hair. It was longer than he preferred but Simon always liked something to hold. “You thinking about her?”
“Yeah…” He shuddered. Simon’s hand wrapped around his cock, pumping him teasingly. 
“You wish she was here too?”
Simon lined himself up with Johnny’s hole. Drool ran from his mouth onto the counter. He was white knuckling the edge. He needed this more than air, more than meat. 
“Close your eyes, Johnny. Think of Nina.” He licked behind Johnny’s ear, melting him. It burned in a familiar good way like holding your hand too close to a fire. 
“Fuc…k simon. Fuck please.”He keened. 
“I got you, Johnny. Just relax.” He pumped him faster, timing it with his thrusts. “I’ll take care of you.”
Johnny’s eyes rolled back into his head, letting Simon take control of his body and mind.
It was almost lunch time when they got back to the house. Nina was still asleep. 
“Clean up. Then bring her down for lunch.” Simon said, kissing his temple before disappearing downstairs.
“Hey, love. How are you feeling?” Johnny brushed the hair out of her face. She blinked up at him with a frown.
“You smell like Simon.” He turned red. She cupped his cheek. “You’re pretty when you’re embarrassed.”
There was a torso sitting on the butcher block in the kitchen. Simon had his usual array of knives sitting out next to it. Nina leaned closer to him. 
“C’mere. Both of you.” Simon nodded. 
Nina stood between them, a hand in each of their pockets to steady herself. 
“It’s okay.” Johnny cooed, rubbing her shoulder.
“Cut it, Nina.” Simon offered her the knife. 
“No,no, I… I can’t.” She was blocked from moving by Simon’s arm gripping her waist. He leaned over her, their foreheads almost touching.
“You can and you will. This is your kill. You took the first bite. You need to do it. There’s no difference between this and what you did last night.” Johnny wrapped his arm above Simon’s and kissed her shoulder. “He was going to rape you, Nina. He was going to rape you and then gut you.”
She held back a gag and turned away, tears pricking her eyes. Simon grabbed her chin and forced her to look back at him.
“I ate the men who raped me.” Johnny bit his tongue to hold back any look of shock or horror at Simon’s words. “Animals get treated like animals. Cut him and eat.”
Nina took the knife in a shaking hand. Simon held his hand over hers to steady it and motioned for Johnny to do the same. He’d seen couples do this to cut cakes at weddings. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“You can do it,” Johnny soothed. 
They followed her hand as she cut down into the muscle.
“There you go,” Simon cooed, kissing her tears away.  “I need to know you’ll be able to take care of yourself when we’re gone. My brave girl.”
Nina’s tears were replaced with an angry frown as she cut. A righteous anger that steadied her hand.
They butchered him together. Till the torso was broken down to pieces, wrapped in paper and twine with Simon’s handwritten labels. 
 When it was done they sat together in the living room. Nina’s head in Johnny’s lap and her legs in Simon’s. He pet her hair while Simon rubbed her legs. 
“I’m sorry, Simon.” She said softly. “I didn’t know.”
“No one does…did. Just you two.” He shrugged. Johnny leaned his head against Simon’s shoulder, nuzzling him. Simon wrapped his arm around Johnny. “You’re a fighter, Nina. You have to be.”
It started to snow again. 
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Tag list: @gogh-with-the-flow @queen-ilmaree @cathnoneofyourbusiness @pssytrux
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kira-broflovski · 2 years
Realistic || Kenny McCormick x Reader
note: there is mention of death during a nightmare + characters are in college
"I'm gonna go up to bed, Kenny. I love you." You stated before pressing a kiss to your boyfriend's cheek, who sat at the kitchen counter typing up some sort of essay.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He smiled up at you. "I'll be up soon."
"Good." You partially joked.
Making your way to the shared bedroom, you didn't realise how tired you were as you yawned and stretched. As soon as your head hit your silk pillow you fell asleep.
Kenny continued to silently write the rest of his essay, but he eventually realised he couldn't concentrate with the thought of you sleeping alone. He skimmed back over his work to notice that his most recent paragraph didn't make any sense, so he decided to just save the draft and call it a night. He didn't recognise how tired he was before.
Sluggish, he dragged his feet towards your shared bedroom like you had approximately an hour ago. He heard you tossing and turning, so maybe you were still awake.
"Can't sleep?" He whispered, but he got no response. Maybe you didn't hear him so he repeated himself, but a little louder this time.
When he still didn't hear a response, he sat on his side of the bed next to you before turning on his lamp on the lowest brightness.
He noticed that your eyes were shut, but were moving rapidly, and your eyebrows were furrowed.
"Y/N?" Kenny didn't like what was happening but he would rather wake you up and make sure you were okay, than see you like this.
Once again there was no response.
"Y/N." He called out.
Suddenly, you had started hyperventilating so he said your name again. A soft whimper left your lips, making his protective urges spring into action.
"Y/N!" He cried, putting his hand carefully on your shoulder.
You finally woke up and you jolted up in your cold sweat, trying to catch your breath. Gulping, you looked over at your boyfriend.
"Kenny, oh my god." You whimpered again and dived into his arms, needing to feel he was still alive; needing to feel his heartbeat. "Kenny." You cried into his chest.
"I'm here, Y/N. I'm here." He mumbled. Effortlessly, he pulled you on top of him. Your head still buried into his neck as his calloused hand supported your head, his other hand slowly rubbing your back for comfort. "We're okay."
He figured you had a nightmare, and you did.
"I saw you die right in front of me, it was horrible!" You started. "Then it kept happening: you kept dying in front of me, in so many different ways. It felt way too realistic."
Kenny felt his t-shirt getting soaked with your tears, but he didn't care. He only cared about your wellbeing as this sight was heart-breaking to him, especially because it could happen one day.
You have never seen him die before, that fact he was thankful for, but what if you do? Will you remember it happening? Ever since the two of you started dating, he made sure to not die. Or at least not die in front of you.
He couldn't bring himself to tell you at the moment, so he continued to cuddle you and reassure you it's never going to happen.
"I'm always going to be here for you, Y/N." Kenny mumbled as he gently raised your head up.
Your tear-filled eyes only made him all the more protective of you. He cupped your cheek and sweetly kissed you.
"Everything's alright. I love you."
"I love you too, Kenny."
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
lovely boy.
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gareth emerson x gn!reader
word count: 1,565
warnings: swearing, smoking (don’t even think about it), mentions of anxiety and insecurities, comfort and fluff
a/n: hi! this has been in my drafts for months. but alas, i have finished it. read it, don’t read it, that’s up to you. i’ll love you either way <333
Gareth had you sat on the couch, leather cool against the bare skin of your thighs.
He was across from you, settled on the ottoman. His leg was bouncing, his hands rubbing against one another.
You weren’t sure what was going on, but you didn’t like it. For the first time in your entire relationship with Gareth, you felt unwelcome. Like you weren’t meant to be here. Like you’d done something terribly wrong.
He almost looked mean.
Eventually, he broke the silence in the room.
“I think we should break up.”
Your stomach dropped out of your ass.
What? Break up? Why?
You felt your palms go clammy, and a chill ran down your back. You were starting to panic.
You locked eyes with him. “Um—” you were struggling to get your thoughts in order, “Can you tell me why you think that? Maybe keep me in the loop here?”
Gareth coughed, ran a hand down his surprisingly stubbly face.
“It’s you, really.”
His words were laced with venom. He’d never spoken to you in this way before, in that tone. Like you were something nasty.
“You’re so…so whiny. You’ve been so fragile, lately? And you’re so anxious, all the time, always worried about every little thing. Frankly, I’m just sick of hearing about it, of having to comfort you and pretend I give a shit.”
Your eyes filled with tears, your nose started to sting. Why was he being so mean to you? Your Gare, was treating you like a nuisance.
“I have to order for you.” He held his hands up, starting to count off reasons he was done with you, apparently. “You’re always hanging on to me, like I’m a fucking lifeline or something. You overthink everything. Not everything has to be a fucking ordeal, you know.”
“Don’t get me started on when we have to go to sleep. I just—you’re a burden, Y/N.”
Gareth stood up, walking up to you and bending at the waist in order to be level with your face. He wiped a tear off your cheek with his thumb, his brow furrowing as he did so.
“The thing is, sweetheart, I don’t love you anymore.”
Your breath hitched and you pushed Gareth’s hand away from your face, but that only made him smile.
He was fucking grinning, and it was full of malice. It was like he was getting off on hurting you.
You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Gareth was your world, your everything, the only person who’d ever provided you with such support, and now he was telling you that it’d been an act?
Shit, you were gonna be sick.
And then you woke up.
It had been a dream. A nightmare.
But the feeling of almost being sick was real, and it was what had woke you up. That dream had really put you through it.
You were sweating, legs stuck to the sheets, everything sticky. Your heart was pounding, your head throbbing. You looked over, realizing you were still alone in bed.
Gareth hadn’t even come to bed yet.
You realized that it was one in the morning, and you’d only been asleep for about an hour. Tonight Gare had the boys over for band practice, and they usually stayed over super late catching up and smoking. It was their certified “guys night,” not that they ever called it that, and it certainly didn’t have any rules.
You’d eaten with them, listened to most of practice, but you’d had a long day, and couldn’t stay up anymore, so you went to bed. None of them minded, Gareth evening venturing down the hall to talk to you as you got ready for bed and give you a sweet kiss before he went back to his friends.
But none of that mattered now. You were hurt and upset, even if it had just been a fucking dream.
Your hands were shaking as you threw the covers off of yourself, the wood floors cold on your feet. You stood, wrenching open the bedroom door and walking down the hall.
Your eyes scanned the counter for the cigarettes you knew Gareth had left there, and you swiped them, along with his Zippo, before making your way outside, accidentally slamming the door shut a bit harder than you’d meant to.
The little apartment that the both of you were living in wasn’t very big, and the only reason you had two bedrooms was so there’d be a place for Gareth’s drums. It did have a little patio, though, which is where the boys were currently sitting.
They heard the slam of the front door as you plopped down on the stoop, and all four of them silenced—listening. Eddie raised his eyebrows, looking at Gareth who shrugged.
The patio was on the side of the apartment, not far from the front door, which didn’t make eavesdropping hard. They were quiet enough that they could hear you flick the lighter open and shut.
Gareth’s brow furrowed, and he handed the remainder of the cigarette he was holding back to Jeff, who he’d been sharing it with, so that he could finish it.
“Something’s wrong. They haven’t smoked in months.”
Eddie nodded, clearly worried about you, since you’d been fine enough to argue with him about Metallica songs earlier in the night.
He stood, and the rest followed, heading out. Gareth rounded the corner of the apartment, making his way to you on the steps. You were halfway through a second cigarette.
He stopped in front of you, looking over your body for any sign that you were hurt. It was when his eyes made it to your face, where tears glinted in the outdoor light that he got scared.
He squatted, leveling himself with you. Just like he had in your dream. It made you jump, and he caught the movement.
“Hey, sugar what’s the matter, huh?” His hands found your bare legs, rubbing up and down to try and warm you up. Now wasn’t the time to scold you for sitting outside in the cold with shorts on. If he could feel the tackiness of sweat on your thighs, he didn’t say anything.
You finished your cigarette, snuffing it out against the concrete of the stairs.
You shook your head, and as you blinked, more tears slipped down your cheeks.
“You can tell me, Y/N, it’s okay, I promise.”
You tried to breathe.
“I had a nightmare.”
He nodded, thinking it must have been pretty damn shitty for you to be in this state. His hands were rough on your legs, still rubbing away. “You wanna go inside and talk about it? It’s cold out here.”
He leaned in like was going to tell you a secret, “And I don’t know if you noticed, but you haven’t got shoes on.”
That got the smallest of grins out of you, enough for you to allow him to pull you up and take you in, finding refuge in your warm living room.
Gareth sat cross legged on the floor in front of you, waiting patiently for you to relay what was upsetting you.
“I dreamt that you wanted to break up with me.”
His breath hitched and his cheeks flush in worry, but he didn’t say anything, allowing you to continue.
“Everything that I’m insecure about, you told me made me a burden. All those things you help me with? Ordering and anxiety and overthinking? You said I was too clingy, too fragile. Too everything, really.”
“You said you didn’t love me anymore. And you didn’t care that I was upset. You were being so mean. It was like you were enjoying treating me that way. And then I woke up.”
Gareth took a deep breath and moved to sit next to you on the couch.
“What an asshole.”
That made you laugh. “You’re talking about yourself, you know.”
“I know. Nightmare me is a total dickhead. He’s fucking horrendous.”
Gareth planted a kiss on your forehead, but as he pulled away, he looked a little stressed. “You okay?”
“I’m okay. Just upset. You, my lovely boy, turned into my big insecurity monster was not enjoyable.”
He ran his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “Bad dreams suck, baby. I’m sorry about this one, especially since it was me. But I want you to know that I’m right here. I want you. I always want you. I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”
“And I love all the things about you that dream me didn’t.” He tapped the tip of your nose, making you scrunch it in response.
His big Gareth smile was always enough to almost bring you to your knees.
Your teary smile almost did the same to him. “Thank you for putting up with me. For taking care of me and making me feel safe.”
You sniffled and he kept smiling at you. He looked absolutely lovesick. Over the moon for you. “I love you too, Gareth.”
“Right back at you sweet thing. Now, would you like a piggyback ride to bed?”
You grinned excitedly, standing up on the couch so you could hop on his back. He positioned himself in front of you, hoisting you up by your thighs to get you settled.
Halfway down the hall, he said, “You called me your lovely boy. I quite liked that. You should do it more often.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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keffirinne · 3 months
Please do post the rest of what you wrote for please not him!
I think you wrapped up the story in a really nice way, so you could even post these as a separate thick, like a companion piece or separate one shot. But please do post them! I want to read everything you’ve written for him.
Hi anon!
Sorry it took me so long to reply, wanted to wrap it up in a finished, short oneshot for you!
So happy you're still interested in my Roman's fics :3
It takes some pressure off me when I have the whole piece completed and can just post something whenever I feel like it, like this.
I mean, I can do it all the time, but my project management skills turn on, when I have unfinished stuff, waiting to be ended xD
Maybe not everything I have in my drafts I find suitable for posting, definitely not in the form I have it there right now, but your comment really motivetes me to go back to these ideas, rethink and rewrite them.
So here you have it!
Bad dream
Roman Sionis x Reader
#Reader's traumatic experiences from the past #Roman's shitty attempts to comfort the reader #he has no empathy so it is a golden star for him anyway #based on true story when I had a bad dream and started screaming in the middle of the night, waking up myself and my boyfriend (now fiancée). He reacted way better than Roman did
The musty smell of mold settled on your clothes, eating into the fabric. The walls of the cramped room with torn, faded wallpaper were like a prison, surrounding you on all sides, unabling the escape. 
In your throat you felt a bitter, iron-like taste of terror.
You were suffocating.
Your lungs constricted in burning pain from lack of oxygen and every desperate attempt to take a breath ended in nothing. You were opening your mouth wide open till your jaw hurt but it was as if there was no air at all.
And you needed air to scream. 
You needed to make a sound to cry out for help. This thought like a slithery, cold worm crawled up your back, making you realize that no one knew where you were. And no one would come here to help you.
And there he was, coming right at you. His face blur, yet you knew he had this filthy smirk on his face. His approaching figure, like a walking nightmare that you couldn't withstand.
Again, in a hopeless attempt to save yourself, you opened your mouth with all your strength, but no sound came in.
He was only a few steps away from you. Curled up on the floor, you hid in a corner of the room, dug your nails into the rotten wood leaving red marks on the floor.
If only you could scream, call for someone to stop this. To stop him.
You knew what was going to happen, you saw it too many times before, yet every time you wanted to believe that maybe, now, it would be different. And despite it, you were never prepared for the inevitable culmination. 
Every time it felt like the first time.
Your tormentor was towering over you, doing nothing about your vulnerability. You knew that on one hand he had this disgusting salamander tattoo. A design that will be forever remembered. As he was strangling you, the amphibian stared straight into your eyes without any act of mercy. Cold, rough hands were clamping down on your neck, and all you could feel was that burning pain and fear. The body that still wanted to fight was being forced to give up.
Suddenly you heard someone calling your name. The voice was quiet, like coming from afar. It was so indistinct that at first you weren't sure if it didn't just was in your head. But the longer you began to focus on it and listen into it, the image of your tormentor began to blur. The death grip on your neck eased and the room began to disappear. The voice was getting closer. It was calling you. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop screaming, woman!"
You woke up still screaming when someone strongly tugged on your shoulder. 
Your whole body was covered with sweat and the heart was pounding like it was about to pop out of your chest.
It was still dark, but you weren’t any longer in that room, your tormentor was gone. You bluntly looked around to recognise that it was Roman's bedroom. The memory from a few years ago was still alive in your subconscious, unlike the man who caused you so much harm. In the shapes in the darkness, you recognized the silhouette of Roman sitting next to you with an expression of angry concern on his face. He was clenching his fingers tightly on your shoulder, staring at your apparently confused face. 
It was just a dream.
The images, as real as the bed you were lying in and the window through which the moonlight was now casting, laying in long, white stripes on the floor. 
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." you hid your face in your hands as the wave of embarrassment started to take over the overpowering feeling of terror from which your heart was still pounding. 
"Fucking finally." Roman grunted and let go of your arm.
He rubbed his face with his hand and leaned against the headboard. He was looking sleepy and tired, which was understandable when he had just woken up in such a violent way in the middle of the night. Crossing arms on his chest, waited for a good explanation why you decided to interrupt his eight hour beauty sleep. 
"You probably think I'm nut." you started, trying to calm down your heartbeat.
"What the hell happened? You just started screaming like a total kook."
"I had a bad dream. A memory actually. Sorry."
Your breathing slowly began to calm down, absorbing the reality that surrounded you. The traumatic experiences from the past began to retreat, hiding in that  corner of your mind where it was probably destined to stay forever.
"I thought someone was murdering you or something." he said reproachfully. 
He wasn't far from the truth. 
"I know, it felt very real. I'm sorry."
"You said sorry already three times."
Not knowing what to answer, you lay down on the pillow. To reclaim the composure you started studying the furniture in front of the bed. It was a trick to focus on a few objects that you learned to calm yourself down. Roman wasn’t saying anything, you thought that he got offended, like he often did for no reason or just went back to sleep and you were embarrassed enough to not speak up first. So when you heard his voice again, not so angry as before, it surprised you. 
"What was the dream about?"
There was something extremely intimate about this question and somehow reassuring. Yet the last thing you wanted now is him to feel pity for you. 
“Old memory. The not-so-good ones.”
He muttered in response as if he understood what you meant by that, but he didn’t insist on more details.
“And FYI, I don't usually act like this.” you added in an attempt to deflect the topic.
“You don't usually scream in the middle of the night as if you were fighting for your life? Good to know.” his sarcasm was back.
Roman settled down on the pillow next to you.
“Next time you want to wake me up with your mouth, there is a better way.”
Not sure if this was his attempt to defuse the situation or was he actually asking for a blowjob, which was also highly likely, you appreciated the humor.
“Very funny.”
Covering yourself tighter with the sheets you lay yourself down to sleep. You closed your eyes, but after a while you opened them again. Staring at the ceiling you started to contemplate the situation. It's not like you expected any sort of compassion from Roman, it actually surprised you that he didn’t kick you off his bed. You turned on your side, so that you were now looking at his face in profile. His eyes were closed and his chest was rising steadily under the thin silk.
“Roman?” you asked quietly.
He grunted without opening his eyes.
“Good night.”
In response, he muttered something that sounded similar to "good night." 
You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep.
@thegreatwicked @daenerys-skywalker @supernatural-lover @hereticpriest @creativelyquestioninglife
In case you want/don't want to be tagged, let me know! No pressure ☀️
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
A Day Made Better
Type- Blurb
Verse- Marvel-Actress!Y/n x Marvel-Actor!Harry and Marvel-Actor!Tom Holland
Warnings- None that I can see, but please do tell me if there's any I should put!
Word Count- 912
A/N- I'm slipping back into writing a lot now. Like, I've literally got two more fics saved up and ready to be posted in my drafts and I'm onto working another one. You believe me now? Good. I hope you enjoy reading this <3
Description- Y/n isn't having the best day of her life, Tom can't seem to stop falling and Harry is just too good at making people happy with his little jokes.
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It'll be a lie if they were to say that they 'didn't even try' to keep Harry from joining the duo of Tom and Y/n.
Cause they did, they really did try their best. Alas, sweat broke on their foreheads as they lost the unconfirmed battle. But that doesn't mean they are at peace now, oh that's such a no. Perhaps that's why they were gatekeeping Harry, to save them from any greater number of chaotic plans plotted against them.
Every morning, Harry is the first to arrive at the set. Followed by eating-something-Y/n and then a disheveled Tom. And everyone loves their presence but somedays they want nothing more than to tie the three up and throw them in some random deep pit.
Today, majority of the marvel actors are on the set because of some random interview filming which apparently required to them to be on the set. This made the lot who wasn't in the camera view feel annoyed- not sure with the interviewers or with the ones who are being interviewed.
Whatever the option, Y/n is most definitely annoyed with both.
She's been asked to come on set at 5am in the morning, since the last two weeks. Well, everyone has been. But today wasn't like just any other days, no. She had gotten her periods last night, which she blames to make her cry last night. In the morning when she woke up, she was met with her unpleasantly puffed-up eyes, causing her to cry almost again especially when her hair wouldn't get in a proper braid.
At the end, she washed her face with cold once again, looked away from the mirror and threw her hair in a hand curated bun. And, as expected, it looked better than anything.
Then when she arrives on set, she sees Tom on the ground looking like an embarrassed five-year-old, and Harry who's standing right behind him, clutching his stomach and laughing his lungs out while providing his friend with his arm for support.
That did turn the corner of her lips up a tad bit. But when she was told how there wasn't going to be any shooting done today because of interview she and the other two are not a part of, she felt like ripping her hair off her scalp.
She had asked if they could go back then, but the answer she received might be the reason she's sitting in a corner as she registers the fact that this day was going to go down the sink of moodiness.
"Let me tell you a joke," Harry came to sit down beside her, his thigh touching with hers and y/n's not sure if it's because his love language is physical touch or just an unintentional thing. Either thought makes her smile a little. "But you'd have to participate in this one- just once!"
"So, a papa tomato, a mummy tomato and a baby tomato were walking down the street. The baby tomato was walking too slow and got a little behind the parent tomatoes. That made papa tomato mad, and he squished the baby tomato, telling him to: 'ketchup!'" Harry shrieked at the last word and started giggling himself before fixing his eyes on y/n's mouth to see if it made her smile even.
It's like she's laughing, but she doesn't want to laugh- like she wanted to remain sad. Which makes Harry bump his shoulder with hers and laugh along.
Y/n feels something brush on her back before the third musketeer's voice follows. "What's so funny, eh?" He asks as he tries his best to sit down in his kinda tight skinny jeans. "Tell me too, my day hasn't been very heartful either. It's been rather hurtful," he continues himself, squeezing out an unexpected laugh by the other two.
"He's been falling on his ass all morning long," Harry tells y/n as he calms down, still giggling every once in a minute. Though when he sees y/n frown in amusement, he goes on full tryna-convince-her mode. "Like literally!"
"I've fallen what, three times? And what did you do about it, other than wheezing huh?" Tom defends himself from the other side.
"What else could you expect me to do? Massage your arse??"
This snatched a wheeze from y/n's lungs as her body shrinks down. Clutching her stomach, she rises back up and starts to clap while still laughing hysterically.
"Shut up," Tom mumbles, the tops of his cheeks reddening as if someone pinched them.
Harry sputters out laughs as y/n and Tom tell him more about the pranks they have pulled on the rest of the cast members before. But none of them pulls a laugh as loud as the can toppled over Tom's head does.
"Should I throw the other two too, or are you guys coming here to get them?" Sebastian shouts from quite afar with two more cans in his hands.
"No wait! We're coming!" Y/n manages to string the words together in the middle of another wheel of laughter, all while Harry helps her up and Tom cusses out Sebastian.
With the cans finally in their hands, they come back to sit back at their spots. The time followed by goes like that, Y/n spilling her drink as she opens her can, Tom almost slipping over the same drink as he stands up to enact a scene from his favourite movie he was describing and Harry throwing lame jokes here and there.
Tagging- @onecrazydirectioner @tatehuxley222 (you both requested for a part 2 :)) | @marvel1dhp @eloquentree (you both asked to be tagged in all the works <3)
Feel free to reply under any of my original posts or send in an ask requesting to be added in the tag list <3
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Push my Nightmares Away
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki has been through a lot since the Bifrost. Even with his freedom earned, it still manifests as nightmares. But now he doesn't have to face it alone.
☆ Word Count: 2,921
☆ Notes: Cheer up tickles, established relationship, Loki being a major lee and touch-starved because it's my fic.
I had this in my drafts for a while, it's a bit shorter than I'd like it to be but I'm having a major breakdown, so... if someone else is going through the same thing... I hope it helps.
☆ Warnings: Loki has a panic attack, mention of Loki's sources of trauma. Cheer up tickles are not encouraged without consent, but again, my fanfic, my rules.
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You woke up to the feeling of something shaking your bed, or rather… someone. Loki was shivering, given your groggy state you instinctively thought he might be cold, but Loki was never cold, so when your eyes settled a bit more to the darkness you noticed he was sweating.
Loki often had nightmares like this. When he felt more comfortable about it, he started talking about the sources of his bad dreams: his time under Thanos chains, the Battle of New York, Laufey and his true heritage, the nights awake when he feared Thanos would go for Asgard when Loki failed, the attack of the Dark Elves when he lost his mother… the list was long.
“Loki… Loki, my love I’m here, it’s just a dream.” You whispered, “Wake up.”
Despite how gentle you tried to be, he still jolted when he opened his eyes. He looked at you with confused eyes, barely holding back the tears.
“It’s okay...” you whispered, “It was a nightmare.”
He looked around and then back at you, breathing heavily. You moved your hand slowly to hover right over his, but stopped it before you could touch him, to him a look that asked for his permission.
His eyes said it all, and you grabbed his hand gently, caressing his knuckles to help him relax.
“I’m here, you’re here… we’re safe” you assured him. “Nothing will happen, I promise.”
Loki let out a dry chuckle. On times when he’d woken up with more energy, he’d make comments about you not knowing that for sure or that he should be the one to protect you from the dangers he caused. Tonight, seemed like a bad night, given how he limited to nodding or communicating with just a stiff body language.
“Can I…?” you asked, opening for arms for a hug, wanting to leave it up to him if he wanted to be touched or if he needed space.
His response was limited to scooting closer to you, and you corresponded to give him a proper hug. At least with this, you could discard his Jotun nature and his Frostbite touch as the source of his fear tonight. So, you pulled him closer and offering him your chest as a pillow, and he accepted reluctantly as he laid down on his stomach to be as close to you as possible.
Loki was in general the protective one, he treated you with utmost respect (flirty banter and sarcasm aside) and he didn’t allow anyone to even raise their voice in a wrong way at you, instantly walking to place his arms on your shoulders to let you and whoever wanted to intimidate you to know that you were not alone, whenever you cuddled he would wrap his arms around you and cover you with his cape if he was wearing it to have you as least exposed as possible, and at night he embraced you to keep the world away and you safe.
But the real threat was inside him all the time, he had seen so much horror, and he had made so many mistakes which he still felt terribly guilty about, that more often than not he would wake in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, terrified of the visions that hunted his sleep. And you made it your mission to make sure you made him feel as safe as he made you feel.
A part of you wished the world knew of this side of Loki, how vulnerable and small he could be, like a little kid, a shivering victim of his own thoughts, how even at his worst he’d had a good intention and the way he hid in you like a lost kitten. But you knew it was for the best, the world was unforgiving, and the last thing Loki needed was someone taking advantage or mocking him for this.
Not you though, you wouldn’t make him feel worse, so you just scratched his back to soothe him, tracing your fingers up and down his back as you hummed slow songs until he stopped shivering, occasionally interrupting yourself to plant soft kisses over his face. Although, when your hand scratched a particular spot by his shoulder and his breath hitched with a shiver.
“Sorry…” you giggled knowingly.
He didn’t respond, but his breath calmed down as shifted into a more relaxed position against your chest as he slid his arms below you to hug you properly, which made you smile fondly.
“My sweet prince, how you let your brilliant mind torment you…” you whispered as you caressed his head. “How I wish I could take all the hardships that trouble you and fight them for you…”
It had seemed to a very poor choice of words because Loki immediately began shivering again, clinging onto you. At least he regained the ability to speak.
“In t-the Statesman… the B-Black Order… Thanos. And y-you… I… I– I couldn’t– I was–”
It was a secret for most (despite it being so logical), but Loki was terrified of the Black Order. Despite his biggest source of trauma and fear were the Chitauri and especially The Other, Loki knew of the Black Order enough to be afraid of them. And of all in the Sanctuary II he was terrified of Thanos the most, more, so after he annihilated most of the already few remaining Asgardians and almost Loki himself…
And his dreams often included you, falling victim to the same things he blamed himself for, sign of his subconscious wanting to torture him further.
He claimed those nights were the hardest.
“Don’t do this to yourself, please” you begged him, “I wasn’t there, and they’re gone now, none of them will hurt you ever again…”
“I can’t help it, love…” he sighed, “I… I just…”
“It’s okay… just breathe, honey… No harm will come to you anymore” you assured him, as he took in deep breaths, “I will protect you from your monsters.”
“Will you?” he chuckled weakly. “How do you intend to do that?”
“I will tickle them away” you said in a playful evil tone.
That stupid joke seemed to be enough to make Loki chuckle softly, which you smile proudly at, seeing you had made him feel at least a bit better. He shuffled in his place and pulled you tighter and nuzzled on your shoulder.
Loki mumbled something you couldn’t catch, unlike the hot pink blossoming on his cheeks.
“What was that?”
“… Could you…?” he asked softly.
“Whahat?!” you asked with a surprised giggle.
Loki just shoved his head further in your shoulder with a groan, clearly not wanting to repeat himself…
“Wait, you mean— like, like… you actually want me to…?” you asked as your face turned red, “Really?”
Now, this was a first. In the time you’d been with Loki had not been one to actively ask for affection, reading his mood was one of the things that made him originally attracted to you and what made the relationship work so well, a little pout or a dejected look to the floor, and you were ready to shower him with affection.
If anything, he was the kind to offer affection whenever you asked, never one to deny you a hug or a kiss, despite the jokes and comments from everyone else about being completely tamed. But Loki didn’t bother protesting, arguing back was something you took care of just fine.
Tickles were also arguably common in your relationship. Given Loki’s playful nature, he often satisfied his desire for chaos and mischief by tickling you silly, which… Everyone agreed it was a better option to have him mess with Tony’s boot repulsors or cast illusions of doors to make people slam into the walls, and since you liked it too, it was a win-win situation for everyone. But most of the time, it was Loki who was on the giving end, or at most you’d have it two-sided.
Him asking specifically for tickles surprised you, to say the least… not even you, who he knew liked it, were bold enough to ask for it. … But if he had managed to ask for affection in such a moment of vulnerability, the least you could do was provide.
“W-Where do I…?”
He grabbed your hand gently and placed it over his back, right on that spot that had tickled him earlier. You smiled gently, tempted to tease the God in your arms, but tending to him seemed far more important at that moment.
So, you began gently scratching at the spot on his back, making Loki stiffen immediately, his breathing got funny, and his lips began twitching upwards.
Oh, how bad did you want to tease him about it. Biting your tongue, you just saw him snickering as you lowered your hand onto his lower back, causing him to unconsciously clench onto the sleeve of your pajamas to hold back his laughter.
“Is thihis okay?” you asked shyly.
He nodded as he bit back a laugh when your hand sneaked to give his lower back a teasy scratch.
“You’re awfully cute...” you smiled honestly.
“I’m nohot!”
You had to bite your tongue to hold back an actual tease, you weren’t sure if he’d take it well, since he wasn’t feeling too good not long earlier. So, you continued tickling him in silence, bitting your lip to hold back laughs of your own so Loki could giggle without feeling embarrassed... not that he did. He seemed to be having such a good time, but he still refused to laugh out loud, reduced to silent shaky wheezes.
It wasn’t until you traced over his shoulder blades that he let out a snort.
You knew, that was it, you couldn’t do it anymore.
“Loki, you know you are allowed to enjoy it, don’t you?” you smiled playfully, sneaking your fingers towards his ribs, “it’s okay that you laugh, that may or may not be the whole point of tickling you silly.”
He let out a little yelp as the chuckles began flowing past his lips.
“Oh, there we go…”
Since he was already laughing a bit, you decided to tone it down, since overwhelming him would not help him at all right now… that and that if you actually made him laugh out loud you risked waking up someone else. Besides, light tickling seemed to be doing just fine, reducing him to a puddle of sleepy and soft giggles.
“Hehehey!” he protested, “Nohot the-ehehehe-re!”
“Why, does it tickle?” you smiled smugly.
He could only breath out a «yes» between his airy laughs.
“I still can’t believe that anyone feared you, ever” you teased him. “I doubt they could fear someone with a giggle as cute as yours.”
“I dohohon’t gi- hehehehey!” he yelped as you sneaked your hand to his ribs once more.
“You were saying, baby?” you smiled.
“Thahahat’s so cruehehehel!” he protested.
“You literally asked for this.”
“Ohoho, reahal funny” he whined.
“It would seem so, given I have you in hysterics” Loki just missed the smirk on your lips due to having his eyes shut.
The little game went on and on as you teased him to his (and yours) heart’s content. Lovely as weird of a sight to have the God of Mischief melted to a puddle as he squirmed and squeaked like a toddler, you new he would either tire out or grow to embarrassed to have this much longer. So you started easing out, making the traces on his skin much longer and a slower, eliciting a couple of shivers that caused more pleasure than amusement to the prince.
“You’re vicious” he teased you with a smirk, “I’m very proud.
“Thank you, love” you responded as you imitated the grin on his face, “I learned from the best.”
“Did you now?”
“Yes, it wasn’t easy, given how distractingly beautiful my teacher is” you smiled, “But I managed.”
Not many people could get the god of mischief to blush, but then again, not many people could tickle him silly without any consequence and even more, be rewarded with a smile like the one that now danced on his lips.
“Would you like me to try something new?” you asked gently.
He raised an eyebrow at you as he dedicated you one of his signature seductive smirks. You really should know to phrase things better with Loki, but it was good to see him well enough to be inappropriately playful again, so you just rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Lend me your hand” you commanded gently.
He was confused about where this was going, but if he trusted someone in all the 9 Realms, that was you. So even without the knowledge of what you would do, he complied shifting on the bed to get a more comfortable position, laying on his back once more, right next to you, placing his hand onto yours, with the back of his hand against your palm, as you cupped it to press a little kiss against it. He smiled lovingly at you, letting his guard down enough to startle him when you used your free hand to trace soft patterns along his palm.
He immediately felt a tickly tingle running all the way up his arm, making him shiver and stifle a laugh. He felt a bit embarrassed, but the way you giggled let him know that his reaction had been exactly what you had hoped for. Still, he couldn’t keep his hand in place, jerking it back as he scratched his palm to rub off the sensation.
“Tickles?” you smiled.
“Considerably more than I would have expected” he admitted. “Where did you learn that?”
“Wanda wanted to see if her powers could make her actually read hands, and I was the guinea pig... she had more fun tickling me silly.”
“Did she now?” Loki mocked you, enjoying the shade of pink dusting your cheeks.
“Do you want me to…?”
He looked at you for a moment, trying to figure out if there was a secret ploy in all of this, but as usual with you, he sensed not a single trace of dishonesty, so he nodded to give you permission to proceed with your experiment. The light tickling made the former prince smile and bite his lips, occasionally having to muffle a soft laugh. But the sensation, gentle and slowly proved to be more pampering than torturous so he allowed himself to close his eyes and relax.
A rather mean idea popped in your head as you switched to your side and sneaked your free hand to scribble gently over his lower stomach.
“AHA- HMPH!” his laugh was quickly muffled by your hand over his mouth, while the other one still scribbled over his bare abdomen.
“Baby, shh, you’re gonna wake everyone up” you teased him.
You removed your hand from his lips, and he just clenched his jaw trying to hold back what you were sure were hysteric laughs. The trickster was doing an impressive job holding back, he was smiling from ear to ear and face red like a tomato, but he wasn’t moving an inch besides the spasm from silent laughter humming from his pursed lips.
It was very impressive, until your fingertips scratched his lower stomach, and with a snort, he grabbed your hand to gently push it away from him and regain some composure. You just smiled lovingly as he breathed out and the final soft laughs died down.
“Sorry, I may have gone a bit overboard...”
He chuckled as he shifted to his side, leaving you both face to face.
“A bit?” he grinned raising an eyebrow.
“In my defense, you A) literally asked me to tickle you, which was delightfully surprising by the way, not complaining B) know I can’t resist that pretty laugh of yours so that’s on you as well” you stated firmly. “And C) could’ve fight me off any time.”
“No, I couldn’t” he retorted dramatically.
“Yes, you could’ve!”
“My, darling…” he hummed contently as he pulled you against his chest, “In all my years, I had never met anyone god or mortal that could render me helpless the way you do.”
“That’s just a cheap excuse so you don’t admit that you loved getting tickle silly” you mumbled through your embarrassment.
“Ohoho... you’re a cheeky bratty impishly devious minx...”
“I take full pride in it, Mischief” you smiled, tapping his nose. “But you know, it makes me think that Kate’s right and I should name myself The God Conqueror.”
Loki let out a genuine laugh.
“That’s the worst hero’s name I’ve heard from both of you so far.”
“Now that’s rude,” you grinned stupidly unable to feign indignation. “But I did make you laugh, so the ridicule is worth it.”
He shook his head and pulled you closer into a tight hug.
“Thank you, my love” he whispered in your ear.
He pulled back to get a better look at your face, which meant you could do the same, seeing his tired eyelids fighting his own exhaustion, the peaceful smile on his face only interrupted by a yawn escaping past his lips.
“Would you like to sleep again?” you yawned.
He growled as he rolled on top of you, straddling you with his legs and arms, successfully trapping you in bed.
“Later, my darling” Loki smirked as he lowered his head to your ear to make you shiver with his breath, “But I would like my revenge first.”
Masterpost | Part 2
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Jo, my love 🤍
For a little Heaven/AASB prompt: A Nightmare on Elm Street
Chelsea my love 💜 This has been sitting in my drafts for so long. (The last blurb game I played.) I love you and know you needed a little time to feel better, but hopefully this can make you smile a little. Sorry this is so late, I am TRASH.
Haven't ready Heaven yet? Find it here. And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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December 1984
It had been a month.
A month full of nightmares and worry and tentative touches.
Eddie walked on eggshells around you, making sure you knew how much he cared about you—how much he loved you—while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, hoping to soothe whatever demons lurked just beyond your consciousness.
But he couldn’t deny it anymore.
You lied to him.
And he needed to confront you about it.
“You saw Nightmare on Elm Street without me,” he exclaimed as you opened the door to greet him, ready for a night in.
Your previously excited expression fell.
“Eddie, I—”
“Nope,” he interrupted and pushed past you into your apartment. “I don’t wanna hear it. You said you didn’t want to go with me and you went anyway.”
After the whole incident that night in November—the one that had you practically clawing at his door, covered in soot and muck and smelling like smoke—he had treaded carefully. You had put on a brave face but he knew that you weren’t ok.
You flinched when he touched you if you didn’t expect him to. If you spilled any gas when you went to fill up your car, you’d scrub and scrub your hands until the skin was raw and throbbing.
However, the nights where you stayed together—whether at your apartment or at the trailer—and you woke up panting and in a cold sweat were the worst.
Which was why he didn’t protest when you turned down seeing the movie with him, despite having been excited several weeks before when you’d seen the preview for it on tv.
“That looks absolutely amazing. I can’t believe they’re waiting for November. They should have released it for Halloween!” You gushed.
“Listen, that Terminator movie seems pretty cool too,” he justified. “We’ll just have to wait.”
So the two of you waited, and Eddie waited even longer, it seemed.
He didn't bring it up when the Hawk began advertising it on the marquee--he thought he was giving you time before springing a nightmare monster on you--but at Thanksgiving, Wayne had mentioned it after the commercial popped up during dinner and you immediately became flighty.
"That the movie you kids were thinking' of seeing?" he asked around a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"Yeah, we need to get tickets before the Hawk features another show." Eddie turned to you. "How 'bout it, angel? You're off tomorrow."
"Oh, umm," you pushed your fork through your macaroni and cheese and shrugged. "I'm kind of...tired. I was just gonna stay in, if you wanted to just come over and watch movies with me there."
Eddie agreed, of course. Not only was he eager for any amount of time he could spend with you, he just...didn't want to push you before you were ready. He also didn't want to be the kind of boyfriend who steamrolled you just because he wanted to do something.
He'd been around enough assholes like that and he knew, whether you explicitly said it or not, that you had been too.
Still...he really didn't want to wait until Family Video had the tape for rent.
So on the last day that it was at the Hawk, some dull little Wednesday at the beginning of December, he went. Brought Jeff, Gareth, and Dave under the guise of it being a treat for a great set the night before. (They really had done a good job.)
And on the way out, he noticed the poster still hanging outside of the box office. The creepy claws, Heather Langenkamp's petrified gaze. Maybe seeing the movie would be too much for you, but the poster would look really good on the otherwise-barren walls of your little apartment.
So told the boys to wait in the van so he could beg and plead and possibly bribe the theater manager--one of Rick's fishing buddies--to give the poster to him.
Imagine Eddie's surprise when the older man pulled a post it off the side of the cash register and said it was already spoken for. That surprise only increased tenfold when he recognized your name and phone number scrawled there.
Eddie asked when you'd claimed it.
"Yeah, a big group from Bradley's came by right before Thanksgiving" the manager shrugged. "You know old Tim likes to do...what do they call it? Team building? Whatever new fangled ways that you get out of paying out a holiday bonus."
Eddie didn't know how to feel...he knew you kept secrets...he did too. It wasn't that the two of you were lying to one another, per se...this certainly felt like a lie though.
Why wouldn't you just tell him you had seen the movie?
The two seconds it took for the theater manager to take a breath and get to his feet were an eternity for Eddie, and in that eternity, he spiraled in insecurity. His doubt in you, in your relationship, in himself.
He didn't want to do it. Didn't want to be this way. But what else should he think--could he think--but that it was his fault when everyone left?
The theater manager exited the box office and walked over to the poster display. He fished keys from his back pocket and unlocked the little window, then pulled the poster out and handed it to a numb Eddie, oblivious to his internal conflict.
"She said it was some kind of surprise for her boyfriend," the manager explained. "But...you're practically Rick's kid. I can't say no to you Ed. Just don't tell anyone where you got it. I don't want to get some kind of phone call saying I'm...out to destroy young love or something."
Just like that, all of the doubt exited his body.
Now here he was, standing before you as you stammered and tried to explain, as you tried to say that you had no choice. You paced and worried your fingers together and he knew he had to stop you before you got too caught up in your guilt.
He pulled the poster out from where it was tucked inside of his jacket and held the roll out to you.
"What's this?" you grabbed it from him with a frown.
"The scroll with the instructions for the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch," he grinned and urged you to look at it.
You unfurled the poster and the tension in your shoulders dissipated.
"You could have just gone with me again," Eddie offered. "I wouldn't have minded."
"I just...didn't want to be a disappointment to you," you sighed. "I know you were looking forward to it. You always cover my eyes during the jump scares. That's your favorite part."
"No," Eddie shrugged. "My favorite part is making out with you during the credits."
You rolled your eyes and rolled the poster back up to hit him with it.
"Hey now, don't damage the goods," Eddie laughed and grabbed you by the arms to stop your playful abuse. "It took a lot of work to woo old Bill into giving me that poster."
"I wanted to surprise you," you scoffed. "I was even gonna give him $20!"
"You seriously underestimate my ability to charm people, sweetheart," Eddie teased. "Hypnotize them, get them to fall for my devastating good looks."
"I guess I'm just immune to that charm," you snarked and he shifted his hands quickly to your waist tickle you. "Ah no Eddie!"
You shrieked and squirmed until you started to go limp in his arms, unable to withstand the assault any longer. His fingers slowed down and he took the opportunity to smack a kiss against your lips.
"Just you wait. One day I'll find the right words, the right enchantment," he vowed in a faux menacing voice. "And you'll never escape my spell, ever again."
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cutiejihyo · 1 year
3mix au sickfic i was planning on keeping in my drafts
this sickness came out of nowhere. it started with jeongyeon staying home from work for a day or two because of a particularly bad cough, and then jihyo woke up one morning wheezing and with a stuffy nose. it was just the flu, and would pass soon.
jeongyeon wasn’t sure how much longer she could handle jihyo breathing right in her face. the poor little was congested to no end, so she had no choice but to breathe through her mouth. the only reason why jeongyeon was the one taking care of her was because she didn’t want nayeon to also get sick. she also loved her a lot, and could tell jihyo needed her more than anything right now.
the older woman was getting hungry but she didn’t have the strength to move jihyo off of her or to even get up. she felt bad bothering nayeon, even though she offered to help if jeongyeon needed it. jihyo also probably needed a change, which once again jeongyeon did not have the strength to do.
eventually, nayeon came into the living room, where jeongyeon and jihyo resided for the day, with soup for both of them.
“babe, can you get her off of me? i can’t breathe with her on top of my chest” jeongyeon asked, feeling bad that she was practically begging to get the sick little off of her, but she felt like her lungs were about to collapse. nayeon nodded, putting down the soup and going to pick up jihyo. the little whined, wanting to be put back down.
jihyo hated the feeling of being sick, and all she wanted was to snuggle with her mama. she was too weak to protest against nayeon’s actions though, so she simply complied with only a few whines. “i think you need to change her as well” jeongyeon wheezed, her throat burning every time she spoke. “i could tell..” nayeon raised her eyebrows and walked away with jihyo in her arms. that’s when jeongyeon knew her sense of smell was messed up, she couldn’t even smell the steaming bowl of soup that was on the end table next to the couch.
jeongyeon eventually got up with weak muscles and got her soup. she laid it in her lap, blowing on each spoonful before eating it. the relief of the warm liquid going down her throat was amazing, feeling somewhat better than earlier.
nayeon came back with a clean jihyo, opting to hold the girl in her lap and feed her the soup that way. jihyo fussed each time she swallowed, obviously her and jeongyeon had very different opinions on the soup.
later at night, jeongyeon had already fallen asleep on the couch. she was exhausted and needed the rest, giving up trying to take care of jihyo and just letting nayeon handle her.
nayeon let the sick little sleep with her in her and jeongyeon’s king sized bed. except, there wasn’t much sleep going on. jihyo was refusing to sleep, even though she was obviously tired. her coughs sounded so painful, nayeon wanted to cry. she hated seeing her little girl be in so much pain. all she could do was be there to comfort her.
jihyo snuggled close to nayeon, watching ben and holly’s little kingdom on the tv in front of the bed. nayeon would make her blow her nose every so often, not wanting to get snot everywhere.
the poor little was miserable, she felt hot and cold at the same time. she was sweating so much that nayeon decided to leave her in just a diaper, so she wouldn’t overheat in her regular pajamas.
jihyo didn’t end up falling asleep until around 1am, but her loud breathing kept nayeon awake for a bit longer.
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sea-of-dust · 2 years
hey!! <3 can i get headcanons of yukina with a s/o who loves to compliment her and is totally head over heels for her ?? 🥹🥹
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You praise me too much
Yukina with an s/o that praises for her
Notes: Thank you for the request! I open my requests after I realized my drafts weren't gonna work 💀. Istg bandori annons are the fastest people I've ever seen. Bandori annons are probably so fast they can rewind time 💀
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Why do you praise her so much. She doesn't find herself worthy of it to be honest. Someone so loving as you...she can't take it but she can't say no to it either
Winter was getting especially chilly out she was going to leave but you were like "no" as She got to circle freaking sweating. "YUKINA?! YOU FEEL LIKE A HUMAN HEATER!!" "Thank you ako.." The Roselia practice was canceled as everyone was enjoying yukina the human heater
Admittedly she wakes you up in the middle of the night to tell you the most important of things. "I'm cold" suddenly you're so active you simply become a Gatorade jumbo bottle. You get 2 more blankets and put them over her you don't need a blanket she does! You ended up sleeping without a blanket waking up seeing the cat blanket she brought on your lap
If you were at her place and that was to happen...why you simply have to become the blanket yourself. Holding her in your arms and dozing off to sleep.
She would show you her outfits before shows. You would always cover your face and look through your fingers "you look amazing my dear" you manage to mumble out.
She would never hear the end of your consistent love for her even if she would be mad at you she can't resist you. Afterall you know her better than she knows herself. "Yukina!" "..." "Don't give me silent treatment for not letting you pet a cat! How about this I'll take you to a cat cafe this weekend" an offer she can't refuse. "Fine" "Yay :D"
Whenever she compliments you, you always fluster up an complement her too. "I may have beautiful eyes to stare at but you'll always be the apple of my eye dear" calling her dear is gonna have her flipping and flopping internally
Your friends decided to test you and played only a second of a Roselia song. You answered them all correctly without hesitation. "Yo one of them barely had any sound-" "I recognize that iconic key of black shout" "HUH-"
You were at your job and they started playing Roselia. You could barely do your job thinking of Yukina. They had to put you in the back to wash dishes...
You wouldn't live with yourself I'd yukina had to lift anything to do anything. "Y/n why'd you stop me-" "I refuse to let you open a door" "what-" You opened the door holding it open. "Enter please"
You love seeing her after concerts. "YUKINAAA" You're almost crying twirling her in your arms. "That was *sob* beautiful *sob*" Shell never get used to how your able to lift her so easily
Yukina likes bringing up past memories with you on night when you two are about to sleep. "Remember when you asked me out? You nearly ran out of the stage." "You saw that-" You two giggle a bit "remmber our secound date? With the roller coaster?" "You screamed in my ear the whole time" "you shook me just to tell me about a cat-" "...it was cute" "cute than me?" "...." suddenly she's asleep
Speaking of lifting things easily you where helping her do groceries and told her to unlock her door. As soon as she turned around she saw you carring all of the bags in both hands. "Why your hands shouldn't be foiled by these bags" you say fleetingly "can you open the door-" "oh"
If she ever where to sleep on you you're suddenly canceling your plans for the day. Blush all over your face you're not allowed to move. For now on you're a rock. Unmoveable unless there were an outside force. You didn't wanna leave her but you had plans..."I'll do em tomorrow...but I can't wait for tommrow it's Monday tommrow...hmmm" so you desperately pulled off a Indiana Jones, you tried to replace yourself with a pillow. She woke up on a pillow with your face drawn on a piece of paper attached to it. "Sorry I had to go" posted on it.
Sometimes you would stay over and she would wake up to breakfast in bed. You somehow know she's awake and nearly run into her room with a small table in hand "Well I see you're awake I made pancakes with cat-shaped printings" You place down the table and go to grab a glass of water yukina basically stunned by the cats. How is she gonna eat it?! It's....it's too cute... you come back it and she hasn't touched them just staring. "Do you not like my cooking that much? wait you didn't even try them-" That morning she did eat the pancakes after thanking you she left the cat parts untouched tho...
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uozlulu · 2 years
Finally FINALLY think that I’ve figured out what I’m doing with that IwtV AMC fic where when Armand took Daniel’s memories, Daniel’s brain created his first wife (Alice) to make sense of the gaps in his memories (an Armand is Daniel’s “first wife” fic, if you will).
Or at least I’ve managed to get over 1,100 words so far, which makes it more viable than any other writing idea I’ve had for this fandom so far
Anyway, putting the first draft here. I think I’ve got one or two more scenes to it depending on how things go
Cold fingers slid along Daniel’s face, following contours that no longer existed. A shadowed figure surrounded by Christmas lights smiled. “When you are dying, I will return.”
 Daniel’s eyes opened. He was in Dubai and the dream already began to slip from his mind. Curtains and shades kept daylight from his room. His phone said it was well past two in the morning in New York, which made it almost noon in Dubai. This was the second time he woke. He would probably sleep and wake two or three more times before giving up and calling it “morning.”
 What was he dreaming? Alice? No. Yes. A figure standing amidst Christmas lights on a street in New York returned to him. That figure were tall like Alice. Their eyes were brown like hers. Their fingers… Their voice….
 Daniel could not remember what Alice sounded like. He could remember the lights strung up overhead at a café where they had that dessert Louis presented him with early in the second interview. He could remember attending university dance recitals to watch his second wife perform back when Alice was her patron. There was always a new kitchen gadget, always a film camera. Art, theater, blood.
 Daniel’s eyes closed. Exhaustion claimed him just as his brain questioned why there would be blood.
 He woke three more times before deciding it was “morning” enough. He set about his day. There was breakfast, coffee, and strategizing for another session with a vampire who could not pick a healthy partner to save his death and his current lover lurking at all times. The sun began to set. His attention drifted towards it. The sky turned a brilliant orange that filled the room. At its core was a pale yellow. It reflected off the buildings and across the clouds.
 Cold fingers grasping his hands under a similar sky flashed through his mind. Hair tickled his face. The buildings of Greenwich Village stretched to the sky. The ducked down a staircase and a stolen kiss nipped at his lip. It tasted faintly of blood, but it was not Daniel’s blood.
 Daniel blinked and his mind returned to the present. The sky grew dark.
 “You are my mortal lover,” a phantom voice from his memories seemingly whispered in his ear.
 Daniel looked around but there was no sign of anyone else. It did not feel like mental communication either. His lips pressed together and then he gathered his things and prepared for the start of the next interview session.
 Sharp nails sunk into Daniel’s skin. As fast as the pain erupted, someone threw themselves between him and his adversary. Hissing and shrieking ensued. Someone kicked Daniel so hard that his back hit the door.
 “Go!” a voice sounded his head clearer than any dream.
 Daniel ran, weaving through the alleys of San Francisco until he could no longer breathe. He rested his hands on his knees, bowed his head, and gasped for air. Blood dried on his arms. Sweat dripped from his face. He reached into his pockets. He did not have the energy to curse aloud. He no longer had his tape recorder.
 Two feet gently landed beside him with barely any noise. Daniel held Armand’s gaze.
 “Come with me,” Armand said.
 “Give me my tape,” Daniel said.
 “Louis has the tape,” Armand said. Cold fingers grasped Daniel’s wrist and urged him to follow, slipping away once Daniel began to walk. “He must not find you.”
 “But –” Daniel followed Armand into a crowd of people exploring the city’s nightlife.
 “He will kill you if he finds you,” Armand said. “He denies his nature until he can no longer contain it. Someone will die tonight. Don’t volunteer.”
 Daniel frowned. They approached a condominium complex that was much nicer than the complex where the interview went sideways. “Why not let him eat me?”
 Armand paused before they reached the door. “Why let him eat you?”
 “Answering a question with a question is a dick move,” Daniel said. He followed Armand inside.
 The door closed and Daniel’s eyes opened. He was in the present in Dubai. Once again he fell asleep during a lull in the new interview. He rubbed his face and sighed. Another dream that felt more like a memory. His eyebrows furrowed together. He knew that condominium complex more than he knew this memory.
 A cup and saucer clinked gently when they touched the table in front of Daniel. Daniel lifted his head slowly and he looked at Armand. His eyes slowly scanned the rest of the room.
 “Louis is resting. Recalling Paris is always stressful,” Armand said.
 “I would think it would be with the vampire who killed his daughter always lurking nearby,” Daniel murmured. He accepted the tea.
 “He knows my reasoning and still chose to become my lover,” Armand said.
 “He sees a set of beautiful eyes and loses all reason,” Daniel said. He set the tea down. “A man who flung him from a building and a man who can’t let him answer questions in peace.”
 “I could give you peace,” Armand said and held his gaze, “but as Louis said earlier, he hasn’t killed in twenty years.”
 “I thought you said you weren’t going to save my life this time,” Daniel said. He did not look away.
 “I won’t save your life,” Armand said as he leaned forward and placed his cold hand on Daniel’s tremoring hand. He lowered his voice until it existed only in the space between them. “You are going to die. I am going to save your death.”
 Daniel did not move and neither did Armand. His hand continued to tremor even with Armand’s hand clasped firmly on top of it. “And if I refuse?”
 “Will you refuse?” Armand asked.
 “Answering a question with a question…” Daniel’s voice trailed as his brain recalled the memory he just dreamed.
 “‘…is a dick move,’ Armand finished. After a beat, he asked as Daniel might repeat an interview question, “Will you refuse?”
 “Give me back my memories,” Daniel said. “No more teasing. All of them.”
 Armand leaned closer. His breath was cool. “You have them.” His fingers traced the side of Daniel’s face, learning the new contour. “You compensated for their loss and now you must forget the filler.”
 Daniel frowned. Before he could speak, Armand’s fingers stilled and his thumb rested against the pulse point in Daniel’s neck. Daniel swallowed. Again, that phantom voice echoed from the back of his mind, “It’s not your time yet. Not here. Not now.” It came from the same place as the earlier voice. It did not feel like the other times vampires directly manipulated his mind.
 Daniel searched Armand’s eyes and then leaned back, hitting the sofa behind him.
 Armand retracted his hand and straightened his posture.  
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