#wjsn: eunseo
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Sunday Best (w/ Eunseo)
male reader & wjsn eunseo
fluff & smut, 3k words

As far as you’ve rationalized, it doesn’t make any sense.
For starters, you and Eunseo have been together since high school, and this is far from the first time she’s been in your apartment.
The first time, hours after a mutual friend’s birthday party gets cut short, Eunseo’s throwing up in your bathroom. It’s a tale as old as time: the Friday night of a long weekend, way too many groupchats, high school bravado kneecapped by Fireball shooters — it’s messy, and senior year. You get you’re her boyfriend’d into nursing her back to life, and one grueling night shift later, she’s under your covers while you’re trying to get comfy on your small-for-sitting futon. And despite how early she’s up the next morning, between the still warm almond croissants on your countertop, the deep hug she pulls you into before you can drum up anything sarcastic, and how much better your basketball shorts sit on her waistline — drawstring double-knotted, waistband rolled all the way up — it’s hard to stay mad.
Another time, you’re coming back from date night, and before the front door even closes in on you two, she’s walking your apartment’s perimeter, pulling out supplies from a backpack. You’re trailing her, trying to simultaneously close the distance she covers and read the tiny labels on household items she leaves in her wake. Before long, there’s not a countertop unmarked by these tiny rubber characters (“They’re called SMISKIs”), all of your spaces start to predominantly smell like daisies, and you don’t recognize half of the brands in your bathroom. Any other time: you’d say something. Any other time: you’d stand up for yourself; puff your chest into the slight height difference. Any other time Eunseo wasn’t reappearing from your bedroom in a tiny cotton shirt and all eight inches of these plaid blue pajama shorts: yeah, you’d draw your boundaries.
Sometime after that, in the lull of quiet comfort and work from home, her legs are in your lap as you both bat away questions on individual video calls. Difference couldn’t be any more stark. Twelve minutes into your morning meeting, in between unmutes of your desktop microphone, you’ve tallied up a total of twenty words, and have entertained a serious-and-three-quarters imagination about where else you could call into this — your camera’s off, after all. Eunseo’s your in-office foil: her chocolate hair freshly straightened, her baby blue button up perm pressed, her small talk status quo. Eunseo’s full of shit. Just off camera, unobvious in her digital four walls, she hasn’t changed out of your heather gray boxer shorts she wore to bed.
So, really:
It’s not the first time you’ve seen Eunseo wake up in a pair of shorts.
It doesn’t make any rational sense how much it still gets a reaction out of you.
Granted, it’s an unreal view.
The sun hurries through your curtains to pool around her feet, daybreak serving as stepping stones as she pads to your en suite. Golden yellow melts into her milk chocolate hair, spinning already light browns into shades of almond and sand between sunlit highlights. A breeze picks up through the fabric, and the light breaks. One moment she’s haloed, cast in sunlight, all of her curves etched in radiance; the next, momentarily obscured, a dream in soft-focus, half-glimpsed and inviting whole-yearning. From where you’re propped up on your elbows, she flickers in and out of reality and reverie, real-deal and daydream. She’s a light show in slow motion, superposition between technicolor and transfiguration; sunkiss and shadow in perfect ballet, catching an everyday angel between the light that loves her and pockets of beautiful mystery that make her all the more alluring.
All of this to Eunseo: her morning routine.
She walks without hesitation. Even when it’s mundane, there’s a tangible confidence in the way she sprays sea salt into her hair, carding her fingers through her roots.
It’s the one thing that threw you for a loop about her, really: for a long time, you were waiting for the character to drop. Blended between candor and how you’d be able to read anything just off of her facial expression, Eunseo was headstrong, and always heart first. Early into your relationship, it was unnerving. Younger yous bounced between bouts of ‘wow, that’s frank’ and ‘what are you compensating for?’. You got where you were in life — to you: where most people didn’t — by never playing all your cards, and here Eunseo was all the same, hand face up on the table.
Though it doesn’t take you too long to eventually admit that forward is sexy.
It’s in the way she asks for what she wants, unbothered by the answer, discarding pretense and step-by-step; it’s in the way she’ll take the lead without warning, showing up after work at your lobby to take you on a night she’s pre-planned; it’s in the way that — because on the weekend, you wake up on her time — she’s six feet away from you, tip-toed, peeling at the curtains: all the way stretched out.
And outlined in daylight, you don’t miss a detail.
For starters, her shirt’s way too small. It’s this light material: cheap white cotton that curls in on itself at the hem. And as she reaches out at the Roman shades, revealing more and more skin, you can explore all the small of her back, run imaginary hands along where her shirt stops, down the soft line where skin kisses spine. You can trace your thumbs at the space just above her hips, skirting shapes at her waistline, dancing just above the navy soccer shorts Eunseo wore in tenth grade, faded far from school colors, and tiny as hell.
You could sit there for hours — you’d find new angles to obsess over.
You get half a beat.
“It’s rude to stare, you know?”
And in one motion, Eunseo closes the distance between where she was and where you sit, quickly cross-legged on your comforter.
“And even ruder to have fun,” she starts, patting the blankets grouped around your waist, “all by yourself.”
“Fuck off,” you spit, batting away at her forearm. The blood runs to your cheeks, and your ears are hot. “You might as well be wearing nothing — what am I supposed to do?”
Looking at you through her fringes, the edges of her lips pulling into the start of a smile, she doesn’t need any words — it’s a brutally honest admission.
“You’re saying,” she whispers, “it’s these you like?” Both of your eyes flick to where her hands find the trim of her shorts, tracing the stitching at her thigh, following a runaway stripe with a fingernail — matte white, all insidious, and teasingly slow.
“Eunseo,” you try again flatly. “Fuck,” and there’s a pause here, implicit now anything but, “off.”
Which would be half convincing if you could take your eyes off of her legs.
You’re tracing her thigh in your head, filling the toned crease with your gaze, painting Eunseo’s legs with attention.
She leans into you, and makes it hard to think. Your thoughts are cloudy; in the moment. Nothing becomes more top of mind than the smell of daisies.
There’s a half beat.
Then a whisper against your lips: “Tell me what you like.”
Forward is so fucking sexy.
Kissing Eunseo is like fire: hot, and all at once. She’s running her hands under your shirt, snaking her legs under your stomach; she’s whimpering against your bottom lip, redirecting your hands onto her chest; she’s running her tongue against your teeth, wedging herself square in all of your focus — you’re trying to keep up.
You’re kneading at her chest through cotton, creating new creases, feeling the bud of her nipple get hard in your hands.
You’re tugging at her t-shirt, stretching fabric out of form.
You’re molding Aphrodite — palming, gripping, shaping. Sculpting divinity on earth called for hours of sanctification, and you were here to worship.
Eunseo’s like putty to it all — so sensitive, and pliant at your fingertips. She’s moaning at your mouth, then whispering praises. Hushed against your lips: more, more, more, more, more.
You blink life back into your eyes, and magnetically, inherent like gravity, they fall onto hers. Filled with the night sky — wine-dark, galaxy-wide, abyssal, fully oblivion — even now: hooded, sultry, and all shades of dangerous, they felt inevitable, like they were where yours belonged. They beckoned — like they were written in all of your universes, like all the right roads led back to them.
And it’s like Eunseo reads your mind, because all of a sudden: she’s scarlet, a very red blush dancing across her cheeks.
“Okay, pretty boy,” she starts, catching her breath. Then, gathering her hair into a ponytail: “I’m going to blow your mind.”
And without hesitation, because you’re still stuck in ten seconds ago: “You look so cute.”
And because now she has to: “I’m already going to put you in my mouth, you don’t have to flatter me anymore.”
Eunseo’s flipped over, her cunt inches from your lips, drawing lines along your length with her tongue. And you’d return the favor quicker, if not for how mesmerizingly methodical she was. You’re catching glimpses of bits and pieces in the negative space between your bodies. Through her t-shirt: a flash of the flat of her tongue as she reaches the tip of your cockhead, her white nails replacing her mouth around your shaft at the top of her dips, her pretty pink pout — how they all disappear as she takes your cock down her throat. She knows all your soft spots — what you like; where you like it — and always gave you what you loved.
It feels like it all makes sense -
Your hips bucking into her mouth on her downbeats, the saccharine song she starts humming mid-bob, the precum-stained kisses she’s leaving along your length in legato, the half-notes they send across your nervous system -
- all of you feels like it rhythmically belongs together.
“Eunseo,” you manage to grit out, and you feel her smirk against your cock.
You can narrate it in your head. Hm? she’s goading, minxy moxie maxed out. This is all it takes to make you cum? There’s a half-choke — a rough buck of your hips. Fingers curl around your shaft — the hum she has in the back of her throat picks up. A little bit of your cock in my mouth? You’re like a tuning fork to it all. You’re dizzy.
And you’d probably die then and there, if not for the last resort of your tongue on Eunseo’s cunt.
It’s one of the only things that levels her, really.
All the build up is cut in half, tempo slowed down to a grind as you swipe long, breathy flicks of your tongue on Eunseo’s pretty pussy. You’re pacing yourself against a water droplet–rhythm in your head. Arms hooked around her thighs, thumbs tracing circles counterclockwise on her skin -
It’s unholy the noise she makes next.
Too adorable to just leave hanging.
“Look at you, Eunseo,” you taunt, where the start of a stanza would go, and then drop back into cadence — no air for her to respond — tongue back on her slit.
And against against your mouth, it’s almost like all of the candor is causal — all the forwardness just carefully-crafted camouflage to get you on her cunt — because reduced down to a mewling mess, white-knuckle around your bedsheets, spine arching to get even closer to the flat of your tongue, there is no back talk. Eunseo was yours, her cunt was all yours, and she was so willing to follow.
Doubling your efforts on her heat, lapping against her little pussy, tracing a thumb around her clit -
“Baby,” she whines.
- Eunseo knows she’s coming undone.
And in this full-on, two-part second that you’re completely lucid to -
- she does.
At first, it’s like time’s frozen. You can feel her tense up under your breath, cheat one last gulp of air, tighten her thighs against your forearms.
Then, everything’s in fast forward. Eunseo unravels. She’s scrambling on polyester, looking for a hold, any grip to support her through how hard she’s cumming on your tongue. The words caught in her throat catch up to her, and all the way through her high, she’s conjoining cuss words, peaking into falsetto as you line kisses along her cunt. Son Eunseo melts against you, onto you, unwound and fully fucked.
But never enough to return the favor.
Gracefully sensual, she straddles you, catching herself on your chest, sitting square on your hips, parking up against your length — you’re caught off guard by the sharks.
Plastered against Eunseo’s shirt: an elementary guide to enough shark species to line anyone’s trivia back pocket — Whale, Great White, Mako, Tiger, Basking -
And because now she has to: “My eyes are up here, perv.”
And without hesitation, because this time that’s genuinely low: “Oh, fuck you.”
And not a beat after that, right against your lips, and riding further up your cock: “You only wish.”
Eunseo’s mouth is on yours, and then so’s her tongue. And as she’s exploring your chest with her palms, thumbing at your nipples, you can only smile. You don’t know why you doubted yourself: with Eunseo, there’s no way anything’s a character.
There’s a beat that you both take, and in the next, there’s a shirt over your face.
You’re blinded, covered in SHEIN sheer, and — instincts taking over — you reach your hands out to grab at anything.
You find Eunseo’s waist as she takes you in her pussy.
It’s hot, it’s tight, it’s needy. She’s getting you both back on beat, picking up the pace, up-and-down on your cock, side-to-side on your hips — you’re trying to keep up.
Your grip tightens, and it’s downright unholy: your thumbs touch at her belly button.
She’s so small, so tight, so in your hands, and so fucked, so fucked, so fucked -
“Cum in me,” Eunseo exhales, then suffixes: “in me, in me, in me.”
Your head goes into overdrive — it’s a time bomb: pulsing, racing, tensing; it’s a million miles a second, and so fucking dangerous. You’re gritting your teeth, crushing her waist in your grip -
And because now you have to, and in lossless lucidity: “Eunseo, fuck off.”
She’s so fucked.
And you know in the moment that follows -
How quickly she finds her place under you, picking up where her fingers were last on your cock — kissing, twisting, sucking, her matte white fingernails hypnotic up and down your shaft -
How guttural the moan you let out feels, like it comes from your tailbone -
How hushed the holy shit is on your lips as Eunseo swallows load after milky load -
- how fucked you are, too.
(You always will be.)
There’s a little song and dance you play after Eunseo pops back out of the bathroom.
Again: it’s not either of your first times with each other, but like routine — still and forever — you’re falling into characters you know and love.
Eunseo’s laying it on thick, walking like a textbook taught her how to: drummed-up and exaggerated, heel-toe, heel-toe. Hands folded behind her back, she’s in this half-bend, lips pursed, eyes wandering: suddenly fascinated in the brushwork on your walls or how light catches random trinkets, bending over to the left, the right, and just under to make sure their shadows are still there. It’s all but complete, just missing a laid back whistle; it’s all comically stupid, just always the most adorable thing.
Of course — and only after two full minutes of the charade, drawn out and profusely slow-burned; only after you’ve rolled your eyes so hard they might stick, tension just under boiling point — her little exploration leads her to your bed.
And with that kind of setup: anything she said would’ve landed.
So “... you don’t want to put a kid in me …” absolutely does.
Her head’s in your lap now, face cracked in this darling half-giggle.
Outwitting Eunseo is a losing game. You never win. Not against the air that lingers around her, peppered sweet and spicy, intoxicating even when you were both sober. Not against her expert balance of prickly and precious, cutesy-cocky carefully-crafted. Not against the crescents in her eyes when you’re this deep into a bit. You don’t really have to.
She kisses you, and it tastes like the promise of time: that you’ll always have more.
It’s pre-teen sweet, spiked with hands brushing soft spots: it’s goofy, it’s whole, and you’re both giggling — trading tender breaths, sharing secrets in the exhales, melting smiles into each others’.
Here — in between the playful banter, nose-to-nose with Son Eunseo — you’re complete.
“Want a coffee?”
(And it’s probably the only thing you’ve done once and only once. You should make the coffee.)
“I’ll make us two.”
feel like everything's been fast paced recently, so hope not cringe to say that this has been a serious refuge for me. domestic... interplay (?) is so fun to explore, and i could probably tease out established relationship footsies switchy blurry lines forever — hope you enjoyed!
thank you @majorblinks for the beta (my twin flame and no one is ever going to do it like us), @chunksworld for giving me the push to write eunseo (guys girl enjoyers!), and @passingnotions for everything in between (u next.)
#kpop smut#kpop fanfic#reader insert#idol x male reader#idol x reader#wjsn smut#eunseo smut#kpop fluff#wjsn eunseo
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🐰᭔᭄ㅤฺฺ໋ׅ⡅。 𝒩ostalgias ▫️᭮

#͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏#son juyeon#wjsn#cosmic girls#eunseo#eunseo icons#eunseo lq icons#eunseo messy icons#son juyeon icons#son juyeon lq icons#son juyeon messy icons#wjsn messy icons#wjsn lq icons#gg icons#gg lq icons#gg messy icons#kpop lq icons#kpop messy icons#kpop girls icons#kpop gg icons#kpop gg lq icons
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eunseo ♡ last sequence (220714)
#femaleidolsedit#femaleidol#wjsn#eunseo#by us#bella*#ninqztual#forvy#useroro#useranusia#korimilook#danablr
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send me an idol and era ↳ eunseo + happy era for anon
#002#*eras#wjsn#wjsnet#eunseo#femaleidol#forvy#useroro#niniblr#userdoyeons#oorieri#eritual#sophiesee#hennatual#vivitual#awekslook#leksietag#heyteo#mg:wjsn#m:eunseo#flashing tw
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⋆ ֵ⠀ׂ⠀♡ં⠀ ּ 𝗅݀ᛧׅ𝗄ׄᦸ ֵ⠀ໍ⠀ּ᪈ฯ⠀ ׄ߭ฯᦸ𝖻𝗅݀᪈𝗀 ִ࿓⠀ׁ⠀۪
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ׂ⠀⠀࿙ ִ⠀⠀⠀ׄ⠀⠀⠀⠀ִ⠀⠀︶ ͝⠀ׄ⠀⠀⠀ ִ ⠀⠀ׄ
#alternative moodboard#amino moodboard#kpop#kpop moodboard#messy#messy moodboard#rp moodboard#soft moodboard#gg icons#gg moodboard#kpop gg#kpop icons#wjsn#cosmic girls#wjsn eunseo#eunseo wjsn#cosmic girls eunseo#eunseo cosmic girls#son juyeon#eunseo moodboard#eunseo icons#wjsn icons#wjsn moodboard#cosmic girls icons#cosmic girls moodboard#badtz-web
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Anyone still remember her?
I miss her so bad actually 🥲🥲
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Selected Works & Projects: Dec. 12, 2021 - Jan. 21, 2025
#selected works#femaleidolsedit#femadolsedit#femaleidol#kpopedit#idolady#wjsnedit#dailywjsn#kim hyunjung#seola#lee luda#luda#son juyeon#eunseo#cheng xiao#wjsn#cosmic girls#gif animation#gif#graphic design#gfx
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#cosmic girls icons#cosmic girls edits#wjsn icons#wjsn edits#lq wjsn#lq wjsn icons#wjsn stuff#exy icons#exy edits#seola icons#seola edits#bona icons#bona edits#lee soobin icons#lee soobin edits#luda icons#luda edits#dawon icons#dawon edits#eunseo icons#eunseo edits#yeoreum icons#yeoreum edits#dayoung icons#dayoung edits#yeonjung icons#yeonjung edits#kpop icons#kpop edits#girl groups icons
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EUNSEO for Y Magazine vol. 13
#my wife btw#eunseo#son juyeon#wjsn#forujung#femaleidol#femaleidolsedit#kflops#useroro#aleksbestie#dearestmillie#oorieri#userdoyeons#♡
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(⁰∽⁰) ⁾⁾ if reposted please give me credit ± tysm for the req
#kpop gifs#kpop#kpop locs#gg gifs#ggnetwork#ggnet#female icons#gg moodboard#girl group#femaleidolsedit#flashing tw#wjsn edits#wjsn gifs#wjsnnet#wjsn#soobin#bona#eunseo#yeoreum#soobin gifs#bona gifs#eunseo gifs#yeoreum gifs#wjsn the black#wjsn chocome#cute gifs#gg packs#dazzlingidolsedit#femaleidoledit#gg layouts
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eunseo — sequence making film
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EUNSEO Last Sequence (220722)
#for vy... and to honor bella & i making a wjsn net#002#wjsn#eunseo#cosmic girls#wjsnet#femaleidol#femadolsedit#forvy#ggnet#aleksbestie#useroro#niniblr#userdoyeons#tuserflora#oorieri#eritual#heyteo#mg:wjsn#m:eunseo#flashing tw
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ᨳ̲ eunseo ( wjsn ) lockscreens

#wjsn eunseo#eunseo icons#wjsn moodboard#wjsn lockscreen#wjsn layouts#wjsn icons#wjsn wallpaper#wjsn smut#ask#lockscreens#wallpaper#kpop lockscreen#wallpapers kpop#kpop moodboard#gg wallpapers#gg kpop#kpop gg#gg moodboard#gg imagines#gg icons#gg layouts#gg lockscreens#gg lq icons#gg long locs#gg low quality#gg messy moodboard#gg messy icons#gg messy layouts#gg packs#gg personalização
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