asunafairy-blog · 9 years
Stop the Joel Crawford Hate: WH+
I love the WH fandom and really am not liking the hate on Joel. 
I know he did the wrong thing in the unhappy ending, but it is understandable that he did what he did because he does not want to hurt her like he had when he had to leave.
Even in Vincent’s route, it ties in well with his own story and I can understand the frustration that he is feeling when he has waited so long to see the love of his life to have feelings for someone else, and realising that he had made a mistake, possibly, all those years ago. 
Yes, MC is hurt by his actions but he too is hurting and is probably bitter the way he is because of his actions that he can’t forgive himself for. Even in his route where she loves him, you can tell that he doesn't forgive himself for what he did through his constant promise that he’ll never leave her again. 
But, here’s the thing. Joel had to leave her when he was a child and the fact that his leaving was around the same time her parents died, he wanted to make her pain a lot less. That is understandable, because he loves her.
When you love someone there is no limit to what you’d do to ensure that they never feel pain. You never want to see the tears of the person you love, and this is proven in Vincent’s route. People say that he’s being dramatic, but put yourself in his shoes - I’d be pretty upset too. Everything he has done, is because he does not want to see her in pain.
So please, stop hating on Joel. He’s not a bad guy, or an asshole that some of you are calling him. He’s a guy in love, give him a break. 
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