#wizard x mr. qi
lily-alphonse · 8 days
Maybe. Just maybe. The wizard x Mr. Qi? I’ve seen it before and it sounds interesting
I searched and searched because I could have sworn I had an idea for this a long time ago and it was in my discord chat with my friend @ao3-totallyhumanexe
May 22nd 2024:
>Is Wizard and mr Qi a ship? >Theres so much potential there Idk If they are I want to be between them Rivalry style Not poly But with both men being so powerful and crazy I really want to see them duke it out
>I do wonder who's more powerful
>For real yeah Mr Qi is very mysterious almost cryptid I think ppl headcanon them not liking each other
Battle of the cryptids.
They both think the other is foolish about their power. Qi is essentially a demigod, because he did a Forbidden Thing that would allow him to become one. Rasmodius could also do this Forbidden Thing if he wanted to, but prefers to hold on to his humanity and obtain functional immortality through magic anyways.
Qi is older and wiser than Ras, but through demigodhood has adopted the petulant attitude of a god. The world is his playground, and Rasmodius is kind of annoying because he can't be controlled as much as the other pawns in his game (because magic).
They need to be forced to work together somehow, the enemy of my enemy style. I have a few ideas for this one. I'm just gonna list them and not go into a full fic preview rn just because I don't want to pick one yet if anything you guys can pick it for me, if this wins the poll.
Incorporate the Ferngill Ministry of Magic from the expanded mod. Ras is in service to them. They do something so heinous that it finally crosses the line for him, and he needs Mr. Qi's help to resolve it. Probably something with Abigail, maybe bringing her into a life he never wanted for his illegitimate daughter.
Maybe we just bring back the vampire!Abigail idea for this one too? I love vampire!Abigail lmao what can I say. Mr. Qi pls save my daughter pls thx
The cryptid farmer is becoming too powerful and is going to do the Forbidden Thing but Qi knows it will end very badly (because the farmer is an agent of chaos). Qi wants to be the only demigod of chaos round these parts thank you very much. Ras would be kind of a double agent torn between sides for a while until eventually realizing he is right and they need to stop the farmer. Yes the farmer gets to play the villain how fun is that? Maybe they could even be stuck in a timeloop because of the game.
Using the ministry of magic again, they have found a way to make Qi mortal again and are coming after him. Ras is his only hope. It takes a lot of convincing that this would even be a bad thing in the first place, but maybe the issue is that the lead magistrate would take his place as a demigod and end up causing way more damage than him. That may or may not be a lie! Also! Maybe Qi just says that because his life is at stake because he's way too old he would die immediately if his mortality catches up to him. By the time the wizard finds out though he doesn't want Qi to die either but he lied to him in a major way so DRAMAAA
No matter what, this ship needs adventure. It's plot-driven and complicated and slow burn.
In the ones where Abigail is involved, Qi has kind of a shock of the kind of life he's given up by forsaking his humanity. But Ras has given that up too, to live as a wizard. It's an interesting dynamic.
Themes of humanity and meaning of life and all that, too. This would be a fun one fr
This ask is a part of the (now closed) SDV Rarepair Challenge! Check out the other answers here, and make sure to boost your favorite so it can appear in the final fic poll! More info on that here.
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sdv-polls · 11 days
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Tumblr media
I make mini-comics and art of Stardew Valley characters!
(animations and writings too if I'm up to it)
I post art on Monday and Friday and Wednesday is for everything else!
All my art will be tagged with -> #SDVBID art
QNA stuff and Answer archive!
inbox answers are tagged with #ask if you want to look through that!
Templates I use
Below is my Comics, Art, Doodles, and everything else organized and labeled with specific character appearances, enjoy!
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Vulnerability- Alex, Me???
A little jealous- Rasmodious, Farmer
Gossip- Caroline, Abigail, Pierre, Rasmodius, Farmer
"Experimental noise" they said.- Sam, Abigail, Sebastian, Farmer, Jodi, Vincent, Leo, Linus
Bots- My chicken
Golden Scythe!- Farmer
Hair cuts!- Marnie, Shane, Emily
You weren't supposed to do that- Elliott
Two types of winter players: Farmers
Double trouble bubble brew!- (part 3) Penny, Alex, Abigail, Farmers, Harvey, Maru, Sam
Trouble continues to brew!- (part 2) Harvey, Maru, Abigail, Alex
Trubble in the Spirits Eve Maze- (part 1) Abigail, Alex
A different point of view- Leah
A head cannon of mine...- Farmer
Stalker vibes- (2 panell) Farmer, Sebastian, Robin
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Happy 1-year anniversary/birth to me!🎉
Salad and Steaks- Farmer, Alex
Lewis in gold
Let me in! (animation)- Demetrius, Farmer
Marlon headcanon art
He would NEVER!... or would he?- Mr Qi
Harvey and his planes
Happy Valentine's Day!- Krobus
Not Invited- Pam, Willy, Marnie, Lewis, Robin, Gus
Haley's material girl arc
Here's a chicken animation I made- Chickens :)
High Score- Sam, Sebastian
Feast of the Winter Star- Jas, Farmers, Lewis, Abigail
Emily's old hairstyle
A pirates wife- Birdie
Say cheese!- Krobus
Scarecrows and Rarecrows- Farmers
Harvey- with bonus one pannel comic- BLOOD
Winter Jas
3rd time's the charm!- Farmers
Favoritism- Farmers
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How the Farmers Heal- Harvey- BLOOD/CUTS
Controversial Alex opinions
Emily in a jester outfit!
Favorite and least favorite- Krobus, Bouncer guy
SHADOW WIZARD MONEY GANG- Mr Qi, Rasmodious, Grandpa
Who has the longer hair?- Elliott, Farmer
Sam with check it face meme
Family Dinner night- Sam, Farmer, Vincent, Jodi
Shane's canonical birthday
Sick farmers characterization
He's just standing there...MENACINGLY- Sebastian, Jas
The smallest :)- Harvey
8th anniversary of Stardew- Junimos
Haley x Femm Farmer
Farmer Grandpa phone doodle
Haley holding lesbian flag
Mask Farmer doodles
Abigail bonus doodles
Halloween Ref for comic- Penny, Harvey, Maru, Alex, Abigail, Sam
Mr. Qi ref
Rasmodius ref
Shane ref
Penny and Abigail ref
Maru, Leah, Farmers, Harvey, Elliott, Alex, Sam ref
Old base farmer ref (Fem)
Old base farmer ref (Mask)
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Hello! Can you write a small fic about Mr. Qi falling in love and proposing to the Farmer pretty please 🥺
Sure thing, dear anon! Have some Mr. Qi x Farmer one shot! Enjoy 💕
Of all Mr. Qi's quests and tasks that Farmer had ever received, this one was the strangest. And it was so because... well, there was nothing strange about it, which was rather atypical for the mysterious blue man. No descending into Skull Cavern under any conditions, no growing blue fruit with a funny face and sunglasses. Nothing like that, the paper of the letter they pulled out from the mailbox in the morning simply had only one sentence written on it, "I'm waiting for you at my casino today. Don't make me wait, dear."
"Dear"... If Farmer had told anyone that the man who for a year and a half had given them the most extraordinary tasks for generous and interesting rewards had become their lover, no one would have believed them. On the other hand, the people of Pelican Town are no longer surprised by the deeds of "The Hero of The Stardew Valley," "The Most Chaotic Farmer in the World," and "The One Who Drank a Jar of Mayo on a Bet" (Farmer definitely had a few more nicknames, but can't remember them all anymore). So if they introduce Mr. Qi, an unusual wizard and demi-god, as their partner, it'll be just like a normal Tuesday for the locals.
Hmm, no specific date was written, but Farmer's curiosity was as immense as their determination and stubbornness. So quickly rearranging farm chores, they changed into clean clothes and headed for one of the four teleport obelisks. A simple touch of the huge structure with their fingertips and in the blink of an eye, instead of blooming field of crops, the Calico Desert appeared before Farmer's eyes, with its relentless heat, palm trees, cacti, and of course, the Oasis.
Reaching the shop door, Farmer was greeted by the cool air conditioning and Sandy's warm smile. The shop owner always welcomes guests, especially guests like Farmer (best friend and good customer!). They handed the girl a bouquet of daffodils they had managed to pick before teleporting to the Calico Desert, at which the girl's smile grew even wider. Sandy offered Farmer a cup of cool milk, but they politely declined, heading toward the door to the Casino while the girl accompanied them with an interested look. Standing like an unshakable rock, the perpetually serious-faced Bouncer silently stepped aside to allow the club member to pass. Farmer nodded their thanks, and without wasting a moment more, entered the dark room.
The sounds of slot machines, the clinking of glasses with expensive cocktails, the smell of cigars, someone's loud laughter and a voice full of disappointment at the lost amount of money... Everything sparkled with gold and diamonds, luxurious carpets and expensive furniture, and even being an honored guest of the Casino, Farmer felt a little uneasy. All the noise reminded them strongly of the city environment they had lived in before. It was not bad here, but the wooden house, cows and and forest were more dear to their soul.
"It's good to see you, darling." Thankfully, Farmer didn't have to wonder for long what to occupy themself with until Qi met them.
They turned back around and their gaze softened at the sight of their favourite person. Still the same familiar black clothes and hat adorned with gems shimmering in different colours of the rainbow, still the same round purple glasses and still the same enigmatic smile.
Mr Qi stepped closer to Farmer so they could hear him better amidst all the noise in the casino.
"I knew you'd come as soon as you read the letter."
"You always know how to keep me intrigued." Farmer smiled slyly. "Though this time I'm all guessing as to what the assignment will be."
"Does it have to be another assignment? Isn't just spending time together an good reason to meet?"
Farmer also shortened the distance, almost walking right up to Qi, gazing into his face.
"Of course, it's a great reason too. Especially since I was starting to miss you," if they weren't in the centre of the room, surrounded by people, Farmer would have taken off Qi's glasses to see his beautiful, cosmic eyes. "It's just that usually on occasions like this you turn up on your own, rather than sending letters."
He chuckled. "True. And there is a reason for that, my soul. There is something I must show you. But first...
We need to move somewhere a little more... private."
The snap of Qi's fingers echoed loudly in Farmer's ears, and the world before their eyes faded into darkness. The background noise of the casino was gone - no more clinking of coins or chattering of club members. Before the young farmer could worry, the entire black space was filled with the glow of a thousand stars, as if they were in outer space. Qi's figure stood in the same place where it had been when they were in the Casino, still smiling mysteriously. Except that the blue man's gaze, hidden behind a thick layer of glasses, was full of love at the sight of his beloved Farmer and the thought of how beautiful they were, surrounded by lights in the pitch darkness. As they gazed with delight at the space into which Qi had transported them and himself - after all, he always knew how to surprise them!
Raising his hand upwards, Mr. Qi's palm was enveloped in threads of his magic until an object materialised a few seconds later. Farmer's eyes, mesmerised by the stranger's magic, nearly flew in or out of their orbits when they realised what their mystical partner was holding.
"I guess I don't need to remind you of the traditions of your cute little town," Qi rubbed the Mermaid pendant between his fingers, the material was smooth and pleasant to the touch, "though I think you deserve a whole world more than just this pendant."
Qi had planned this moment in advance, choosing the right words and the right time. However, the speech he was about to make was interrupted by Farmer's abrupt embrace and a passionate kiss. Not even the great Qi could have foreseen such a thing.
"Tut-tut," although he tried to look like he wanted to lightly scold Farmer, there wasn't an ounce of annoyance in his voice. "I've prepared a whole speech, dear. It is not very polite to interrupt your interlocutor so rudely-" but even here Farmer did not let him finish, but once more touched Qi's lips with their. The man himself didn't seem to mind any more - it was at least a little different from what he had planned, but hearing the quiet and happy "I accept" from his lover, Mr. Qi no longer thought of going according to the script.
It had turned out even much better than that.
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Masterpost for My SDV Headcanon & Original Fanfics (WIP)
I had some difficulty logging everything here, so I’m redirecting to my hashtags. Since I wasn’t consistent in the beginning, I included multiple hashtag links below. Most posts will be the same on the pages, except for my early days. 
Original Headcanon 
Making Beds - SDV version - SVE version
Weeding the Garden - bachelors - bachelorettes 
Justice for Stardewies (includes other townies)
Friends (Shane, Elliott, Leah) 
Traveling Cart (bachelors) 
What each Townie adds to the Community Center once complete 
Flower Dance (Emily) (Haley) 
After Christmas Sales (SDV + SVE) 
Do they believe in Santa? 
Christmas Cookies (Abigail and Alex) 
First Day of Winter 
Favorite Holiday Treat
Favorite Holiday Movie 
Favorite Holiday Tradition 
10 Birthday Headcanons for Sebastian
Favorite Christmas Carol 
Favorite Christmas Ornament 
Adulting (bachelorettes only)
What would the Stardewies/Stardudes be doing instead of sleeping?
Auctions (Gunther & Olivia) 
Stardewies as kids (Abigail)
Black Friday shopping (SDV + SVE)
Thanksgiving (SDV + SVE) 
Shower Thoughts (SDV + SVE) 
Shane sings 
Misc thoughts (includes townies) 
Random Saturday morning headcanons (includes townies) 
When they were younger (Marnie) 
National Philanthropy Day (SDV + SVE)
National Pickle Day (Harvey + Farmer) 
Stardewies Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Veterans Day headcanons (includes townies + SVE) 
Amusement Park Dates with Stardudes (includes SVE) 
How do the Stardudes react to getting injured 
More random Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Favorite Halloween treat (bachelorettes only, includes SVE) 
Social Media 
Random Pam headcanon 
Stardudes Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Some SVE headcanons
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (includes townies) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelorettes) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelors) 
Stardewies at their time of the month
Happy International Archaeology Day (Gunther) 
Villager vacations (includes townies) 
Stardew Valley Neighbors (Part 2, Part 1) 
Date Night with Bachelorettes 
Elliott’s Fall Birthday 
Teach Me (Elliott, Sebastian, Sam, Abigail, Harvey) 
Favors for Farmer 
Favorite tools 
Stardew Valley Coffee Shop
Dates with Bachelors 
First Day of Fall (includes townies) 
Random headcanon 
St. Paddy’s Day
Random Haley headcanons
International Women’s Day (includes townies)
Going to Zuzu City (bachelors/bachelorettes) (townies)
Random headcanons (includes townies) 
Game Night 
Social Media platforms
Haley headcanons 
Random headcanons (includes townies)
Harvey B-day headcanons
Elliott headcanons
Sam headcanons
Original Fanfic Stories 
First Kiss with Shane
First Kiss with Harvey
Alex and Abigail 
Sebastian x (easily blushing) Farmer strolling through the snow
Gus gives Pam a job 
Alex and the Ice Cream Stand
SDV + SVE Pairings 
In defense of Sam Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 
Would you rather? (bachelorettes) (bachelors) 
Linus’ conspiracy tent theories
The leaking roof 
Stray thoughts about Mayor Lewis
For all posts about a specific bachelor/ette or townie, you can find their links here: 
Abigail | Alex |  Elliott | Emily |  Haley | Harvey |  Maru |  Leah |  Penny |  Sam |  Sebastian | Shane 
All Tags:
 Caroline |  Clint | Demetrius | Evelyn | George | Gunther | Gus |  Jas | Jodi | Kent | Leo | Lewis | Linus | Marlon | Marnie | Morris | Pam | Pierre | Professor Snail | Mr. Qi | Robin | Sandy | Vincent
My TS4 Remakes (and HC) 
SDV: Abigail | Alex | The Bouncer | Caroline | Clint | Demetrius | Elliott | Emily | Evelyn |George | Gunther |  Gus | Haley | Hat Mouse | Harvey | Jodi | Kent | Krobus | Leah | Maru | Mayor | Mr. Qi |  Linus | Pam | Penny | Pierre | Robin |Sam | Sebastian | Shane  | Vincent | Wizard | UPDATES 1 
Claire | Jadu | Lance |  Magnus/Wizard | Olivia | Sophia | Suki (Traveling Cart) | Victor 
See also Master Post for Borrowed/Adopted/Altered HC’s written by others 
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pinewae · 6 months
jade.. jade can I tell you about the silliest crossover ever?
y’know how stardew valley has magic and stuff? like, there’s the wizard, the junimos, the mines, mr qi, krobus, and all that obvious stuff. and then other things like oh they never age, oh the player is kinda like a cryptid compared to the npcs, etc.
well, that’s all very interesting stuff. so, here me out: fox mulder and dana scully going to investigate pelican town.
this is not fleshed out at all I just think scully being like “I don’t know, mulder. they seem like regular people who live in a small community.” meanwhile mulder has already disappeared into the mines or smth is just, like, a really funny concept to me.
ohh my goodness mulder would love pelican town. there is so much there that is undeniably magic but you generally have to seek it out yourself. i bet he would chase rumors of unusual or unexplainable happenings at the town hoping to find evidence of aliens, only to discover the supernatural. maybe it would barely even faze him. solar essence? he's seen that written in an x file somewhere..
scully at first would simply think of the off vibe or strange behavior from residents as something normal for a little secluded town. she would dismiss things like the wizard or the implication of monsters as obvious community myths that have been passed down. that is until they notice a player going in and out of the sewers a whole lot, that's a bit suspicious... so they give in to curiosity and investigate and surprise, friendly shadow guy named krobus :D! and he sells things? i think this would have to be another case of reluctant acceptance of the supernatural from scully, unless she comes up with a perfectly rational scientific explanation for why they might have hallucinated a shadow man in the sewer (using words i have to pause the episode to look up. lol)
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all-things-sdv · 1 month
Stardew Valley Municipal Office
Welcome to All Things SDV! This post is your way to navigate all the tags and links and other shenanigans that happen when you visit my page.
About Me:
My name is Cam and my pronouns are she/her. l got into Stardew Valley this past fall on my Nintendo Switch and ended up buying it for my laptop so I could play with mods (specifically, wanted to checkout Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village).
My favorite LI in the game is Haley, and I am currently writing a Haley x F!Farmer fanfic that I would love to have a beta on if anyone is interested!
My main blog is @crookedsailing, so feel free to give that a follow if you want (warning: it’s an ~aesthetic~ blog, so it’s very superficial).
The Valley Times
Continuity Catches
Deep Dives
Fan Art
Fan Edits
Fan Reviews
Incorrect SDV
Marriage Candidates:
Pelican Town:
Calico Desert:
Ginger Island:
Mr. Qi
For the Press:
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beanskelly · 5 years
In which Dobson appears again and Rasmodius begins to regret Also Mr. Qi is an asshole
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this one is pretty generic but may i get a farmer with strong arachnophobia (phobia of spiders) who's either dating or married to magnus?
Sure, dear anon! Thank you for the ask 💕
Magnus x Farmer with arachnophobia.
By coincidence, while fulfilling Mr. Qi's quest, one day Farmer explored Mines to learn more about a new monsters, to reach the bottom of the Mines again and to collect the rarest radioactive ore. And what a relief that Magnus was with his spouse that day, because on level 61, Farmer met enemies that would not have been able to cope with themselves: spiders. A whole horde of spiders. And not just small domestic spiders, but monster spiders the size of an adult dog.
Razor-sharp jaws, nasty, long hairy legs, eight eyes that stare straight into your soul.... No creature in the world would cause Farmer as much terror as spiders. When several arachnids were about to lunge at Farmer, who was frozen with fear, Magnus flicked the monsters away with a flick of his fingers and teleported Farmer and himself to the surface with another. The wizard immediately began to calm his trembling lover, but since words didn't help, he quickly gave them a calming potion. Having calmed down, the Farmer was now trying not to cry.
Farmer felt disgusted. And the fact that it had all happened right in front of their husband was even worse. They had been scared to death of arachnids, even pictures of spiders made them anxious and shiver. And now they - the adventurer that had fought a hundred serpents in Skull Cavern, the hero that had crushed Apophis in Crimson Baldlans, stood like a frightened child because of some pathetic spiders? They were ashamed. Magnus would surely consider them cowards. Or even banned from going on adventures, since the Farmer apparently can't stand up for themself.
But Magnus just hugged them and ordered them not to dare think of themselves as coward. Everyone has irrational fears, and there's nothing wrong with admitting it. Magnus, for example, used to be afraid of water, as he had almost drowned several times in the past. Now, however, he has no problem going down in his magic bubble to the depths of the ocean, as he did on their date after their wedding. He is their husband and he will always support them and help them overcome their fear. Farmer is the bravest and most beautiful man in the whole world and no one dares to say otherwise.
Oh, and don't let him worry if any of the other adventurers or wizards tease them about their arachnophobia. Any not-so-smart mages who gets the idea to conjure spiders near the Farmer will be immediately disintegrated by Magnus. And this will be the first time he will reprimand Camilla with all the fury he can muster (if she does, of course). Because making fun of people's fears, especially people close to Magnus? His dear spouse? Oh, Magnus has a couple of trump cards up his sleeve too, and he won't hesitate to use them against those idiots. Even Camilla would think twice before making fun of Farmer.
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lily-alphonse · 12 days
SDV Rarepair Challenge Update ✨
I am closing submissions! It's about time I think, I've been at this a couple of months and got a TON of responses. The masterlist is insane.
What happens now?
I have 10 more asks in my inbox to get through. Once I get those posted, I will put together a poll with the top pairings by number of notes. If you want to see a particular pairing on the poll, make sure to like and reblog! I'm currently thinking I will do 2 rounds of polling, unless the voting is very obviously pointing to one. Here are the ones I have already done:
Alex x Elliott
Alex x Haley
Alex x Leah
Alex x Penny
Alex x Sam
Alex x Sebastian
Alex x Shane
Abigail x Haley
Abigail x Maru
Birdie x Willy
Caroline x M. Rasmodius
Elliott x Emily
Elliott x Gus
Elliott x Harvey
Elliott x Penny
Elliott x Sandy
Elliott x Sebastian
Elliott x Shane
Emily x Leah
Emily x Sandy
Gunther x Willy
Gus x Linus
Gus x Marnie
Gus x Willy
Haley x Harvey
Haley x Leah
Haley x Maru
Haley x Penny
Haley x Robin
Haley x Sam
Haley x Sandy
Leah x Sandy
Leah x Shane
Linus x Rasmodius
Marlon x Marnie
Marlon x Rasmodius
Maru x Sam
Morris x Shane
Penny x Sam
Penny x Sandy
Penny x Shane
Sam x Shane
Sandy x Shane
Sebastian x Shane
Shane x Mr. Qi
And the ones I still need to get to:
Dr. Harvey x Shane Wizard x Mr. Qi Morris x Pierre Haley x Sebastian Elliott x Willy Haley x Shane Emily x Penny Clint x Sandy Emily x Shane Sam x Elliott
I am so sorry if your favorite isn't on this list! But 55 is already well over what I can include in a poll anyway lol.
If your favorite is in my TBAnswered list, you can check back within the next few weeks for that. I have the masterlist linked in the pinned post on my blog, I update that with fresh links every time I post a new one. Honestly though, if you are dying for one in particular that's on the TBA list I could just tag you, let me know in the comments and make sure your tag is enabled.
An additional note about the poll: I will not be writing for a pair that I have already written in the past, such as Sambastian and SebAlex. Click here to see a list of all of my Stardew Fics . SAM X ALEX IS ALREADY WRITTEN AND COMING SOON TO AO3.
The winning rarepair will get a oneshot fic that will be a direct expansion on my Tumblr post. The poll will be posted a week after I respond to the last ask, to give it a fair chance with notes.
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✨General Stardew Valley headcanons:✨
Last update: 18.09.2024
SDV bachelors reacting to Farmer trying to rekindle their relationship post divorce
SDV bachelors x Farmer with PPD (Postpartum depression)
SDV/SVE bachelors accidentally discover that Farmer is secretly half sea creature:
SDV bachelors and their Fall date ideas with Farmer
SDV bachelors reaction to Farmer being upset/mad because they forgot relationship anniversary
SDV spouses react to Farmer whom had a gentle personality, is actually a seasoned fighter in an underground boxing match
SDV bachelors with Farmer who has a plushies collection
Some romantic SDV bachelors x Farmer headcanons
SDV bachelors react to the Statue of Perfection
SDV bachelors with Farmer w anger issues
SDV bachelors and upset Farmer
SDV bachelorettes trying to make Farmer blush
SDV bachelors react to the Qi fruit
SDV bachelors/ettes can see an army of juminos recolting crops
SDV bachelors propose to Farmer
Part 2 for "SDV bachelors x Farmer choose to be child free and adopting a pet" headcanon
Bachelorettes writing and sending a love letter to the Farmer
SDV bachelorettes regretting rejecting Farmer at the flower dance after realizing they're in love with them
Favorite singer and song of the sdv bachelor/ettes
SDV bachelors/ettes discover that their s/o!Farmer is a werewolf
SDV bachelors react when they found out Farmer turned their kids into pigeons
SDV bachelors x Farmer having a date night
SDV spouses react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
SDV bachelorettes react to the Farmer catching them in their clothes
SDV spouses react to the Farmer introducing them to the raccoon family
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship
SDV bachelorettes with a clingy Farmer
SDV bachelors react to the Dragon!Farmer
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer when they said they wanted to adopt a dog/cat/other pet instead of having a children
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer who gives them clothes with boob window
SDV bachelors as a transmascs/transmen
SDV bachelors/ettes worries that Farmer didn't return last night
SDV bachelors/ettes asking Farmer to be their dance partner at the Flower Festival
SDV bachelors with AFAB!Farmer spouse who suffered a miscarriage
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer spouse calling them DILF
SDV bachelors with a cryptid Farmer
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer that wears Lolita/Ouji outfit
SDV bachelors/ettes with the Farmer that dresses very fem
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer who mentioned Mr. Qi
SDV bachelors reacting to a Farmer rejecting their dance proposal, then saying it's a joke
SDV townies with the cottagecore witch/wizard
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer who flinches from their partner's sudden movement
Farmer with SDV bachelors' make-up
SDV bachelors with Farmer's make-up
SDV bachelors react to the possibility that their child could be taken away by the Ministry of Magic
SDV bachelors (+ Krobus) react to the Farmer after Mr . Qi Mature event
SDV bachelorettes suddenly remember some of their erased memories
How well SDV bachelors/ettes flirt with Farmer
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer when their child call them mom/dad
SDV bachelors react to Farmer who are into entomology, herpetology and other creepy creatures
Some SDV people react to the Farmer finally snap
SDV bachelors react to the gay rooster joke from the Farmer
Townspeople react to the Kittyfis (SVE fish)
SDV spouses found out Farmer near the pond, unconscious
How quickly SDV townies become friends with shy!Farmer
How SDV bachelors/ettes good at dance?
SDV townies react to a non-human Farmer (alt. version)
SDV bachelors/bachelorettes as a horror movie characters
SDV townies react to the Farmer having a baby
SDV townies react to Farmer's death
SDV townies with the Farmer who constantly with Junimos
Old villagers react to the Farmer called them dad
SDV townies react to a non-human Farmer
SDV bachelors/ettes and townies react to the durian
SDV bachelors/bachelorettes react to the very emotional Farmer
SDV townies react to the Farmer who despises Joja
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes react to not having their feeling reciprocated
SDV bachelorettes when they found out Farmer turn their children into the pigeon
SDV townies biggest fear
Drunk SDV villagers
Bachelors and PDA
SDV bachelors got cheated by the Farmer
Townfolk react to the Farmer having magic
Bachelors with the Farmer who has a coeliac (gluten intolerance)
SDV bachelors with the Farmer on the jungle adventure
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes: pinning, courting or flirting
SDV characters give dark chocolate to the Farmer, but they are allergic to it
SDV townspeople's reacting to the Farmer calling them babygirl
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes with the Farmer on the first date
SDV townspeople's reacting to the news that Farmer has joined the Adventurer's Guild
SDV bachelors found out their kid was being bullied
SDV bachelors with the Artist!Farmer s/o
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes with the Farmer who has a young brother/sister
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes receiving a drawing of them from the Farmer
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes file a divorce from the Farmer
SDV bachelors meeting their son/daughter for the first time
Protective SDV bachelors
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer using return scepter/warp obelisks
SDV bachelors random HC with Farmer s/o
SDV bachelors with the Farmer who has tic disorder/Tourette's
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✨Specific Stardew Valley headcanons:✨
Last update: 11.09.2024
Asking going out with the Farmer on Valentine's Day | First date with the Farmer | Sebastian's thoughts about asexual Farmer | Sebastian's feeling about fem!Farmer who remind him his late mother | Sebastian with Farmer who's allergic to nicotine
Elliott with the Farmer s/o being silly | Elliott with s/o who is struggling to remember eat | "let's date!" "... Weren't we dating already?"
Leah with the Farmer so being silly | Leah slowly fell in love with the Farmer
Shane, when Jas grows up | Shane's thoughts about asexual Farmer | "let's date!" "... Weren't we dating already?"
Asking/going out with the Farmer on Valentine's day | First date with the Farmer | "Let's date!" "Weren't we dating already?"
Farmer cheers her up after bad day
Harvey react to the Farmer who's "eating a books" | Harvey with tall Farmer s/o | Harvey has a dream in where Farmer is seriously injured | Harvey x Farmer with glasses | Tired Harvey with his caring husband Farmer
Haley's thoughts about asexual Farmer | Haley with genderfluid Farmer | 'Her gaze softened' | "Haley react to "I love you" from the silent Farmer | with the Gentle giant!Farmer | "Let's date!" "Weren't we dating already?"
Farmer cheers him up after bad day | "let's date!" "... Weren't we dating already?"
Maru's thoughts about asexual Farmer
Wizards/M. Rasmodius
Some random HC
Abigail meets ghost!Farmer | with the Gentle giant!Farmer
Gus x Farmer headcanons
Mr. Qi:
Mr. Qi x shy!Farmer | Mr. Qi with injured!Farmer (platonic) | Mr. Qi with injured!Farmer (romantic) | Mr. Qi with aromantic Farmer | Mr. Qi with Farmer that's initially scared of him
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beanskelly · 5 years
Spencer’s greenthumb fails him
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