#without a shred of conscience--
ivvwwwwwi34 · 9 months
a little late-night sketch inspired by this song
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
I was wondering if you have any fics about jesus and the second coming so a continuation of season 2!
Ive been trying find a tag for it but I cant fine any unfortunately
Thank you!
Hi! Tags on ao3 I'd suggest are The Second Coming (Good Omens) and Jesus (Good Omens). We also have series three speculation fics here. Here are some more fics for you...
Fallen from the sky-The Second Coming by Bucky1984 (M)
After the abandonment of Aziraphale, Crowley struggles to reinvent himself and finds comfort in the daily lives of the inhabitants of Soho... Meanwhile, the new Supreme Archangel has been entrusted with the new phase of the Great Divine Plan! Determined to use his new influence to save humanity from the worst, Aziraphale is torn between trust and conscience. When Good and Evil become diluted, there is no longer black or white. Only grey remains...
Once for the Devil, Once for Christ by Eighty_Sixed (G)
During the Second Coming, Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves on opposite sides. Meanwhile, the newly returned Jesus Christ isn't quite what everyone expected.
Falling with Style by NooRose93 (E)
Aziraphale is having a difficult enough time averting the second coming without an amnesiac demon to look after, thank you very much. Crowley has always been the one to rescue Aziraphale, will Aziraphale be able to save Crowley's memories before the end of the world?
I am with you always, to the very end of the age. by garlicpasta (NR)
Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Or maybe not. Aziraphale and Crowley get together after they last saw each other to save the world once more. But working together won’t be easy if they don't stop arguing every five seconds. Will Muriel and Jesus Christ be able to save their marriage, I mean, the world? Saving the world was never this fun! –Muriel I just want to get over with this already so I can see Hozier live. –Jesus I think everyone should just die. –Michael
Demiurge by PanderrynRose (E)
As the dust settles, Crowley drives. Away. Away from everything. He can't stay, not now. Not when warm memories have frozen into icy shards that shred his heart and lungs every time he sees something that reminds him of everything he's lost. But just as he can't stay, he also can't stay away from those who need or ask for his help. Earth--for all intents and purposes--is his home. And he can't leave the planet to the whims of the same bureaucracy and being that harmed him.
From Foxclere (with love?) by Bohemia (T)
There, in the small space between the dessert bowl and Crowley’s coffee saucer, was a partial map of the cosmos, rendered delicately in Châteauneuf-du-Pape. “How’s your mythology these days?” Crowley asked, head bent down, keeping the conservation cloistered without any need for a miracle. “As good as it always was, thank you,” Aziraphale replied primly. ---------- Wherein Crowley restores himself to the Court of Hell, Aziraphale just wants to Do The Right Thing, and they are still very firmly Not Talking. An imaginary Season 3, featuring terrible choices, heartbreak, ridiculous situations, Jane Austen, Greek Mythology, a hefty dose of plot, and perhaps a long overdue Conversation.
- Mod D
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A massacre is unfolding in Rafah, where the population of two-thirds of the besieged Gaza strip—over 1.5 million Palestinians—has been forcibly displaced. News that the Egyptian state is building a prison camp to receive Palestinians, presumably after the impending Israeli ground invasion will have shocked the conscience of many, while footage already emerging day after day is harrowing: body parts strewn on the road; families, their homes, and a mosque burned to piles of ash; the shredded corpse of a young girl hanging off a wall, where it had been thrown by a blast. For Palestinians across the globe who are waiting, watching, and hanging on every moment, the feeling of dread suffocates us—we realize fully the simple fact that nobody is coming to save us. Meanwhile the colonizers post videos of themselves smiling while blowing up our homes, cook meals in our occupied kitchens while starving us to death, pose with our undergarments as trophies while calling us whores, and dance in merriment alongside a line of our blindfolded prisoners.
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billyrussoapologist · 4 months
Challenging Challengers - why one of the most popular films of the year is also one of the most divisive
I don’t get the criticism for Challengers. I get just disliking it, that’s valid, personal preference and all. But some of the hate is so bizarre. I’ve seen people saying it glamorizes cheating (considering all three characters are miserable, pretty objectively terrible people, I don’t see it), that it’s gay p*rn (there’s not a single s*x scene in this movie), that the character arcs are incomplete (those last few shots say a lot. Besides, it’s not like they were suddenly going to become great people after being toxic for so long).
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The most baffling criticism I’ve seen is calling this movie a chick flick, geared towards women, a woman’s fantasy. I can assure you that no remotely sane woman is watching this film and seriously wants to be like Tashi. The characters are complex, the cinematography is insane, the score is the best I’ve heard in a while. It’s not even like the central protagonist is a woman (although even if that was the case, I don’t see how that would automatically make it geared towards women). While all three are main characters, I would argue if there was one central protagonist, it would be Art. The movie starts with his daily routine, seen through his lens. Although they’re all morally questionable, he’s arguably the most relatable and has the strongest conscience. Also, both of the male leads are attractive, but in a realistic way. Sure, they’re shredded, but that fits in context with their characters as professional athletes. Otherwise, they’re attractive in a very real, obtainable way, which is nice to see. If this was a “woman’s fantasy,” then surely they would have the more stereotypical razor sharp features of types like Rob Lowe or Zac Efron. There are films with similar relationships that aren’t seen as strictly “for women.” Match Point, Vicki Cristina Barcelona, Y Tu Mama Tambien, The Dreamers (which contains explicit scenes of incest in addition to the threesome relationship), all of which are heavier on the s*x/romance than Challengers, and none of which are seen as geared specifically towards women.
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So why does Challengers get this treatment? As far as I can tell, it’s just because a lot of young women have very vocally praised this film. When women, especially young women it seems, latch onto something, the perceived total value goes down. It also raises the question of why it’s seen as an insult that a movie would be geared towards women, like it’s somehow inferior and less prestigious than movies geared towards men. I believe a lot of men have watched women latch onto this film without knowing much about it or understanding it much, and think that women must be glamorizing cheating or leading men on. When in reality, women just love a great movie.
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If you read some of all of this post, thank you. It was lengthy, but I had to get this out. I’m always up for a discussion, if you agree or disagree, feel free to share. Just please keep it civil and polite.
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pixlokita · 5 months
Once, when I was little, I was eating one of my favorite frozen dinners by myself in the kitchen/dining room, one that had fried potatoes in the shape of smiley faces. For some ungodly reason, presumably bc children are all sadistic little freaks in some ways, I was pretending that the smiley faces were babies, and that I was eating them, complete with making lil pretend baby cooing sounds- but I don't recall making any screaming or crying sounds, thank god. Which makes what eventually happened even stranger; for some reason, staring at one of my hapless victims, I suddenly grew something like a conscience and started to cry.
So basically sometimes moods do weird things, especially depending on outside factors such as hormones or tiredness (or both), and sometimes seemingly without any determinable reason at all; and you may find yourself anthropomorphizing random food products that have even the vaguest approximations of a face. Don't feel too badly about the sad croissant.
Oh ivfnkdbdkdkkrf nah you’re so real for that tbh 🙏😔 one time me and my cousin were making chicken fried rice and while we were shredding the chicken I mentioned how it probably had a family wondering where it went and we both started crying so hard we couldn’t continue and my aunt just walked in on us sobbing while preparing the rice 🧎‍♂️
It do be like that sometimes xD but yeah specially anything tiny that looks sad (・´ω`・) that’s why I just take small objects that are abandoned or look sad and keep them or put them in a better place which makes =w= no sense it’s just sad to leave them there
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pathetic-gamer · 1 year
okay wait, the absolute confidence and recklessness with which Conrad - the small, insecure, deeply frightened conscience who has been afraid to speak up or take on any kind of responsibility or control in YEARS - drives is a very funny bit but also as a character choice it's like. he's taking control?? he's literally in the driver's seat?????? he's blazing down city streets without a shred of fear. he stutters his way through everything he says and tries so hard to convince people he doesnt deserve to be listened to and then he gets behind the wheel drives directly through the door of the mayor's office with no hesitation
anyway, all I'm saying is give Conrad ALL of the switchboard keys
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thebemoon · 3 months
For ‘the darkwood wand’
5. What was the hardest part to write?
The darkwood wand is one of my favourite Dramione fics so I would read your answers to literally any of the questions haha
In "The Darkwood Wand," the hardest scene to write was a dark one, where Draco does something extremely morally grey (you could argue even dark.).
I'll try to identify the scene without spoiling it and will XXXX the other character. Draco is in the infirmary and is presented with an opportunity. The chapter is simply titled "Pain" and contains violence, references to sexual assault and dark themes related to mental illness. I don't usually use a beta, but I made a very rare exception for this chapter because I wanted to ensure I succeeded in what I wanted to convey.
In this scene, Draco is trapped mentally in a debate between his Malfoy side, his Black side, and his newly awakened conscience. An opportunity lies before him and he must decide how -- and whether -- to take it.
Here's a quick quote that gives you a sense of this chapter.
This time Draco found a windswept landscape, barren and abandoned. Just misty, swirling shreds of dark thoughts and feelings. Pain without purpose, too weak to hold. XXXXs few remaining thoughts were scattered, unfocused, like scraps of parchment. Hot fire and blood. Slavering fangs. Sobbing. Soft, dark curls and wide golden eyes.
It's rather unlike my usual writing, which is usually energetic and often comical. But I found exploring Draco's character very satisfying.
This scene also felt very appropriate with this fanfic about Draco's character journey, which opened with a quote from Dante's "Inferno":
I found myself within a forest dark,     For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Pairing: Mafia!Lee Jeno x Florist!Reader
Trope: Grumpy x sunshine
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Word count: 1.2k
Lee Jeno is a dangerous man. From going on k!lling sprees for fun to torturing and k!lling his own father. He does it all. In short Lee Jeno is the devil.
Y/N is a florist. She's as pure as they come. Nothing exciting ever happens in her life and she’s okay with that. In short Y/N is an angel.
He was bad and she was good. They were complete opposites.
…Or so they thought
Get your tissues for this one. It's gonna be one hell of a ride
*((((A/N: words in bold are her conscience and words spoken in Korean are in italics ))))*
taglist: @scuzmunkie @devinitysann @luvrboyjeno
@painted-hills @mings-cafe @dreamie-jisung
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There is no FLOWER OF THE DAY for this chapter. Instead, a riddle shall take its place to prepare you for the things you are about to face.
RIDDLE OF THE DAY: “I am fear, and I am pain, I am the sorrow on your face. I am the burden you carry and the future you brace. But I am the friend whose hand you shall take.”
Once upon a time in a small town, there lived two siblings. An older brother and his sister. They were raised in a loving family, but as they grew older, it became apparent that, the brother, had developed a disturbing and unpredictable behaviour.
His behaviour became increasingly erratic and unsettling as time went on. He would often exhibit signs of paranoia, believing that he was constantly being watched and that everyone around him was conspiring against him. He would lash out in fits of anger and aggression, causing harm to himself and others.
The younger sister was deeply concerned about her brother’s well-being and the impact his actions had on their family. She tirelessly sought help, consulting various doctors and psychiatrists, but finding a solution proved to be challenging.
The younger sister, torn between her love for her brother and the need to protect herself and their family, faced an immense emotional burden. She grappled with feelings of guilt, wondering if there was more, she could have done to prevent her brother’s descent into psychosis.
As the years passed, her brother’s condition worsened. He became increasingly disconnected from reality, living in a constant state of fear and anxiety. His once-promising future turned bleak as he struggled to maintain relationships, hold down a job, or pursue any semblance of a normal life.
After the brother’s diagnosis the family was torn to shreds. The father became a drunkard, the mother, crippled by her guilt sat and did nothing all day and the brother was well…psychotic.
That left the younger sister. Neglected and later…abused.
Despite the hardships, the younger sister never gave up on her family especially her brother. She tried to be their pillar of support, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. Even though her skin would always end up bruised and her bones broken. She advocated tirelessly for her family’s mental health subsequently forgetting her own.
However, the sister’s unwavering love and determination eventually led them to a breakthrough. Through a combination of therapy (Allowing her body to be used as a punching bag), medication (drugs and alcohol), and a supportive network of professionals (the police who were often called as the neighbors grew concerned about the bruises on her skin), The brother began to stabilize.
While his recovery was slow and not without its setbacks, The brother gradually regained some sense of normalcy. With time, he was able to rebuild trust with his family- mostly his sister- and reintegrate into society, albeit with ongoing support and understanding.
The sister’s devotion and resilience had played a pivotal role in her brother’s healing process. The bond between the two grew even stronger as they faced and overcame the immense challenges together. Or so she thought.
“Mom and Dad are dead”.
Two months after the brother’s recovery the siblings’ parents had died.
No cause of death
No weapon.
Not even the bodies were left.
Just the wedding rings covered in their blood.
The words ‘A love as peaceful as a dove’ were engraved in their parents’ rings.
The sister grew depressed and just as she was there for him, her brother was there for her.
He didn’t cry at the news or the loss.
She thought he was strong and brave.
She adored him.
Pity, the brother would think.
His little sister didn’t know that he had simply become better at hiding his crazy.
Even before his descent into madness the brother was always known to be cruel, dishonest, aggressive, selfish, and manipulative to everyone but his little sister.
He loved her dearly.
 ‘Dove’ he would call her as she was known for her kind heart, intelligence, and a creative spirit that set her apart from others.
He loved her like a brother should love his sister.
Or…he wanted to…
Unfortunately, fate had an unexpected twist in store for him, for it led him down a path of forbidden love that would test his sanity.
A test that he would fail.
Every night after their parents died the brother would lie in room and think about his 'dove'.
In the very next room, was his sister and the love of his life.
He knew that she didn’t love him the way he loved her.
And even though she would resent him for the things he planned to do, now that their parents weren’t here…he decided he had to have her.
By will or by force.
Every night after his decision he went into her room.
And every night His sister lost a piece of her innocence.
Unfortunately, by force.
She would fight him.
She would scream.
She would cry.
Yet in his eyes she was just being a brat.
‘Dove’ He would call after her smiling as he pinned her hands above her head ‘Don’t try to run from me’.
Before the sister knew it, she had spent her days trapped in a home filled with fear and pain, enduring the relentless abuse inflicted upon her by her own family.
She became desperate for a chance at freedom, she made a brave decision to escape and forge her own path.
One moonlit night, as the stars twinkled overhead, she gathered her strength and resolve. With a small bag containing her most cherished belongings - a dog-eared book her mother loved and her savings of 200 dollars- she tiptoed out of her room, careful not to make a sound that might alert her tormentor. Every creak of the floorboards echoed like a symphony of trepidation, but she knew that the risk of staying was far greater than the fear of leaving.
Her heart pounding, she slipped out into the night, guided only by the light of the moon. And the scent of roses from the neighbouring houses
Oh, how she loved roses.
She ventured into the unknown, her footsteps carrying her away from the place she had once called home. Fear and uncertainty gripped her, but the glimmer of hope illuminated her path.
As she walked, she encountered a kind stranger who offered her a job and shelter.
 The stranger recognized the pain in her eyes and extended their compassion and support. With their help, she found temporary refuge and a respite from the horrors she had endured.
But she knew that her journey was far from over. She needed to find a place where she could heal and build a life free from the shackles of abuse.
With determination etched on her face, she pursued education and learned new skills, determined to create a better future for herself.
As time passed, she flourished. She pursued her passions, - working with flowers and learning all about them- embracing the power of her voice and using it to advocate for others and herself.
However, as new as she tried to make her life out to be…she knew that one day, her brother would find her.
With fear living in her heart, she decided that she would not give herself to any man. She feared that they would take advantage of her like her brother did.
However, she met someone.
He made her feel things.
He made her do things she never thought she would.
He was a dangerous man who ironically, made her feel safe from danger.
He was her safe heaven.
And he called her ‘Flower’.
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Resurrection Round Part 1!
Hi! The winner of this poll will proceed into the final poll to face off against the other Resurrection Round poll winner, Polymechs And Lyf, and the HNOC trio. This will only run for one day. Hope you all are ready!
link to the other poll
Propaganda under cut:
So perfect and immaculate that they’re **canon** and I love them so much <3333
them <3
lesbian machines. thats it.
They're girlfriends!!!!
Funniest line in OUAT(IS)
what if your girlfriend was the ship of theseus and you were a princess who got revolutioned and love just wasn't enough in the end. what then.
them <3
https://themechanisms.com/fiction/ghost-in-the-machine/ (via @wormsontoast)
women in stem no further questions.
A.K.A. Two of Hearts. They're inversions of each other - one driven by a moral compass he doesn't quite have any control over, oscillating wildly between atrocities and regret as the last shreds of his humanity demand a conscience out of him; the other without any morality at all, committing any crime he finds amusing for the hell of it with no regret at all, yet with a kind of external fascination for stories with love in them, even (and especially) though they all end badly. They can fill in each others' gaps and provide what they lack. By their powers combined they make one barely functional human being.
they complete each other. anatomically.
Brian/Lyf QPR:
Look, them as a queer platonic partners just does something to me. They both spend a lot of time isolated in space and very likely have some form of trauma from it. Just think about them sitting together looking out at space trying to do exposure therapy n all that, or hell even them sharing about how being alone in space effected them and being there for each other because they /get it/. It does something to me every time. Like they could be romantic but also the idea they are qpp's makes me happy too.
My loves <333333 (sorry for being gay on your form it may happen again)
Guys please just imagine it. Lyf makes it a habit to join Brian when he has to pilot Aroura and then they get to just, sit in each other's company because they aren't alone. And they're safe together. Like come on chat please it's so good. It's so sweet and fidgekdbjr #again PLEASE VOTE THEM!!#i will be more motivated to write the fic sooner rather then later#i will put off the other prison mechs + lyf fic i have in the works for this PLEASE (via @moons-br)
gay people
#they played tsuru+spouse and hatter+hare (tags via @majorshatterandhare)
my propaganda for raph and Marius is one of my fav fics ever “make me mended” on ao3. Raphaella picks up Marius and mechanizes him. both are starved from human contact. you can imagine the rest
#the prettiest most insane intelligent woman and man who falsely calls himself a doctor#theyre hilarious to me and i adore them (tags via @l3monbunny)
#please please please vote marius/raphaella they mean so much to me#it’s about the vivisection the malpractice the constant violations of scientific and medical ethics (tags via @asthe-crow-flies)
#please vote marius and raph#i think they do cute couple things like removing other people’s organs together and testing poisons on each other (tags again via @asthe-crow-flies)
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dailyanarchistposts · 24 days
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The Society of Masterless Men
When I began thinking about outlaws and outlaw history I realized that if outlaw just means one who breaks the law, then I could write about the lives of nearly every citizen. So I define outlaw as one who not only breaks the law, but who survives by breaking the law or essentially lives outside of it. And the more I delve into Canadas past, the more outlaws I discover, and many of them are worthy of our attention. As an introduction to Canadian outlaw history, here is the story of a group of Newfoundland rebels who survived without masters for half a century.
The story of the Society of Masterless Men, which included women and children, begins in the 18th-century settlement of Ferryland, in Newfoundland. In order to colonize Newfoundland, The British Empire created plantations. These were settlements of primarily Irish indentured servants, many of them very young, (thus their name: the Irish Youngsters), abducted from Ireland either by force or guile and brought to the South Shore of Newfoundland where they were literally sold to fishing masters. Their price: $50 a head.
These village plantations were primarily set up by consortiums and cabals of wealthy merchants in England. The fishing masters were essentially the Lords and Ladies of the villages, living in luxury and security while surrounded by dozens, even hundreds, of indentured servants who fished and labored in the camps processing the fishing catch. British frigates were stationed in the harbors and marines patrolled the town. Because there wasn’t a local police force, the Navy helped reinforce the authority of the local fishing masters.
The workers in these fishing villages were barely a step up from slaves. Corporal punishment was routinely used and everyday life was harsh and brutal. In the small settlement of Ferryland, for instance, there were a gallows and three whipping posts, in separate regions of the town. When a man was sentenced to be flogged for stealing a jug of rum or refusing to work for one of the fishing masters, he was taken to all three posts and whipped so the whole town would have an opportunity to witness the punishment as a warning.
The settlement of Ferryland was founded by Sir George Calvert around 1620, and was partly intended as a “refuge for ...Catholics.” It’s not clear ifthere were any “free” Catholics, or only Catholic servants. This was a time of penal law and repression of Catholicism in Britain and at least some Irish Catholics voluntarily came to the New World to escape persecution. Unfortunately, the laws in Newfoundland were the same as in the Old World. The orders given to the governor from 1729 to 1776 were: “You are to permit a liberty of conscience to all, except Papists, so they be contented with a quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the same, not giving offense or scandal to the government.”
This order wasn’t always strictly followed and around the mid 1700’s there was a crackdown on Catholicism. In 1743, the governor of the time, Smith, wrote to the magistrate in Ferryland, John Benger, instructing him to be mindful of the “Irish papists” in the area. William Keen, the chief magistrate of the city of St. John’s was killed by a group of Irishmen in 1752. Following this assassination, penal laws were strictly enforced for the next thirty or forty years.
Life wasn’t much better for those in the British Navy patrolling the area. The Navy wielded its authority over its seamen with zero compassion and nothing but discipline enforced by abuse and violence.
Food rations were slim and flogging was common. For instance keelhauling - dragging a seaman on ropes under the keel of a ship, thereby shredding his flesh on the sharp edged barnacles- was still a legal punishment even though it frequently resulted in death.
Some refer to the Society of Masterless Men as lore or a traditionally told story, one for which there is little documentary evidence. But there is a fair amount of facts that are known about the Masterless Men. And, as a matter of context, we know a lot about the injustice of the British Empire and of the cruelty of many of its managers and henchmen. We know that indentured servants were brought to Newfoundland and treated with brutality, as were the seamen in the Royal Navy. We also know that one Irish-born Peter Kerrivan was among those young indentured servants and abused seamen. It is largely believed that he was a reluctant seaman, having been pressed into service.
Some time in 1750, while Kerrivan’s ship was docked in Ferryland, he escaped (historians usually choose to say “deserted”). Together with two or three escaped indentured fishermen, he helped establish a lookout and base in the Butter Pot Barrens, a wild area of the Avalon Peninsula, for outlaws. This was the beginning of the Masterless Men.
Hunted by the authorities, the Masterless Men soon learned a way of life based on subsistence and sharing. They came into contact with Newfoundland’s aboriginal peoples, the Mi’qmaq and the Beothuk, who taught the rebels survival skills. They learned how to hunt for food based on the caribou herd on the Peninsula.
At the time, one could be hanged for running away. Nevertheless many young men escaped from the plantations and tookuplives as outlaws. In 1774, for instance, a petition written by Bonavista merchants, justices of the peace, and others, was sent to Governor Shuldham to complain of a number of “masterless” Irishmen who had gone to live in a secluded cove and “were there building fishing rooms.” But Kerrivan’s band of young companions were among the luckiest and best organized.
Word of the well organized free men spread and fresh runaways from coastal settlements came to join them. Eventually their numbers swelled to between 20 and 50 men. There were also women, but their numbers are unknown. The literature I found mention the women simply as “wives,” although I imagine them as strong, rebellious women sickened by the misery and cruelty that surrounded them who also yearned for a freer and better way oflife and whojoined their outlaw husbands voluntarily.
After a while, the group of comrades began trading caribou meat and hides with allies in the remote villages, receiving supplies such as flour, tea, and bullets. They also organized stealth raids against the fishery plantations.
By this time the British authorities, without a police or militia of their own, were beginning to fear that this group of anarchic rebels would inspire too many others to desertion and ordered the Navy to track the freedom-loving band down and make examples of them. Some years passed before the first expedition against the Masterless Men was organized and, by then, the rebels had become skilled wilderness inhabitants. Anticipating the attack or somehow being forewarned, Kerrivan and his comrades cut a series of blind trails which confounded their pursuers. The party of marines sent to capture them often found themselves lost and dumbly led into bogs and impenetrable thick bush.
Eventually the Navy did manage to close in on the rebels’ camp near their lookout, but they found the log cabins deserted, “with every rag and chattel removed”. Taking advantage of their pursuers’ confusion, Kerrivan and his friends had moved off towards the north and west. The navy set fire to their little village but had to return to their base without any prisoners. The Masterless group rebuilt their cabins and the Navy burned them down again. Over time the Navy burned down their cabins three times and each time they were rebuilt.
Two of the rebels were captured and hanged, but the state never did succeed in destroying the Society. In fact, the captured young runaways had joined the band only a few weeks earlier and had been taken by surprise away from the main body of the rebels. They were hanged with great dispatch from the yard-arm of the English frigate in Ferryland. No other Masterless Men were ever captured after this incident, presumably because this only made the outlaws more cautious. Some of the tracks that had been carved partly to support their wilderness ways and partly as subterfuge became Newfoundland’s first inland roads. In fact, their road system eventually connected most of the small settlements of the Avalon Peninsula.
For more than a generation the Masterless Men roamed free over the barrens! Over time, perhaps as military rule began to relax or for reasons unknown to this author, their ranks began to dwindle. In 1789, 39 years after escaping, four men gave themselves up on condition that their only punishment would be deportation to Ireland, which was agreed upon. Many of the other rebels settled in remote parts of Newfoundland’s coast and survived as independent fishermen. Kerrivan, who was never captured, is said to have had a partner, four sons and several daughters and is believed to have remained on the barrens well into old age, never returning to civilization.
The children of the Masterless Men gradually drifted out to the coast and settled down in small coves never visited by the navy. They married the children of other outlaws who had settled there generations earlier and together they raised families.
The story of The Society of the Masterless Men is inspiring because they succeeded. A group of people voluntarily joined together in common cause and broke free from their masters, most never to be captured or to return to their work prisons.
Alexina Reid from The Newfoundland and Labrador Archives Newfoundland by Harold Horwood
SecretMasses at Midnight: The Legend of the Grotto in Renews, Newfoundland by Tammy Lawlor
The Canadian Encyclopedia Hurtig Publishers
“The Unshackled Society” by Paul Butler, originally published in Saltscapes Magazine
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
Loving the Dave York apologies all day every day obvi ✌️…now consider this your invitation for a teeny tiny jack rant? One headcanon you can’t live without?
Oh god you just opened pandora's box because my rant about the movie doesn't end with Jack it's for the entirety of Kingsman 2
buuut I'll just keep my rant limited to Jack. Spoiler alert, I'm a jack apologist as well, fight me
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First of all, I'm still confused as to when Jack decided to let every drug user die. But from what I understand he just decided to switch during the snow scene since there was no indication in the movie that he was plotting with Poppy all this time
That man did not deserve to DIE, LET ALONE GET MINCED
I get so so mad that they just decide to shred him. Especially when Eggsy just brushes it off by telling him to "put jel on it now"
As if Eggst didn't kill Charlie moments ago for vengeance
It's dumb that eggsy has 0 conscience there. They could've just sent him to statesmen prison or something. And I like the kingsman franchise, I had fun during the first movie (tho very salty about how they treated roxy which is my second reason why Kingsman 2 just rubs me the wrong way) but the writing for the second one is just not it. I hate shock-value death.
But loved the fight scene. Like can I point out just how skilled Jack is. He went head to head with two kingsman agents TWO
I know Jack was "the asshole" of the statesmen but no one questioned his death. Just how big of an asshole was he????? We don't even get much clarity about why he doesn't want Ginger to be a field agent, we're just left to assume he's either misogynistic or just jealous Ginger might do well or---which is my personal take on it; he was just worried for her. In my head I have conducted an entire angsty story about those two and why their relationship is strained
But long story short just like with Dave, Jack did not deserve to die like that. It's not like he was straight-up evil. Man was grieving, throw him a bone for christ's sake lock him up or something
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alipeeps · 3 months
Episode 36
Li Jin looks like a man on the verge of an aneurysm.
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Power move by Wanning tbh to bow so much lower than him, making him have to adjust and bow even lower.
The way papa Li's smile fades and his shoulders just sag as soon as they leave the room.
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Anyone else feel like this man is a matter of hours away from becoming a victim of spousal abuse?
Oh ok, I stand corrected. It didn't even take hours. Yikes.
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Ohhoho and look at Yurong. He's so fucking smug and proud of himself. He thinks he's the *best*- he escaped the traps set for him and turned it into an opportunity to entrap the princess instead. He's so smart! He's drawing spiderweb fanart to celebrate his clever clever cunningness and actually smiling at his family.
Yeeeeah that was a foregone conclusion that emperor of Zhao's condition was going to be that Xiao Heng marry Jiuyue.
Please tell me she's more sensible than that? Please tell me she would have the sense not to want to marry a man who she KNOWS doesn't like her that way, who she KNOWS loves someone else. That's never going to work out for her. She sees that, right?
Okay so she IS stupid (childish?) enough to want that. Thankfully Xiao Heng is cleverer and used her crush against her - I won't marry you so whether your brother gives me troops or not depends on if you reject the marriage or not. If he doesn't give me troops, I'll die in battle. If you won't reject the marriage, guess I'll just die. 😂
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Maaaan it must suck to have been raised in a society and family where men hold all the power and get to be in charge of their wives... and then find yourself married to a woman who outranks you socially and politically and therefore actually holds all the power and you can't do shit to control her. 😁
Ahhh she was so excited to see Xiao Heng again!!And instead she got Xiao Heng's asshole grandpa. 😂
Ahahahaaaa look at his pouty little face!! "They wanted me to marry Juiyue"...
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He's fishing for affection, for her to be horrified at the thought of losing him and she just sees right through his ploy and tells him to "Just go then. I'll find you a fast horse." Ahahahahaaaaaa i love them so much!! 😂😍
What was the "other method" he used to get them to agree to send troops, I wonder, once the marriage idea was off the table.
Oooh Yurong is researching into rare herbs. Does he suspect the pregnancy was fake?
Mmmm how exactly are the bad guys getting to witnesses like the armory dude and bumping them off with fake suicides before they can be arrested? Is there a leak in Su Guogong's department?
I'm not quite sure why the princess marrying Li Jin would mean her moving into his marital home? She's a princess and he's her prince consort. She holds the title and he is her consort - shouldn't he be moving into her palace?
Oh my fucking god, that look into camera as his smile falls away? Dude has gone full psycho.
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Yurong is no longer holding onto any pretence of a clear conscience. He is now plotting and scheming on his own behalf without a goddamn shred of guilt. He has entirely become the thing he hated.
Uhhhh isn't this open fucking insurrection to take your imperial guard to surround the home of the investigator appointed by the emperor to look into things?!!
Okay so the emperor is a fucking idiot. Dang. Up until now I had thought he had a bit of a brain at least...
Chances that shit is gonna go down and Lord Cheng attack whilst Su Guogong is confined to his residence? Pretty darn high.
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Why is there marching in the streets to support Hamas, a terrorist organisation that seeks to destroy the west, the way of life that enables these students to be able to go out in protest and to make these statements and to do these things. I wonder if the students understand and recognise that they would be the first to be tamped down on if Hamas had its way,
When we see the destruction of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, the one place where you can be yourself, where you can be an Arab Israeli, you can be a Mizrahi Jew, you can be an LGBTQ+ person freely, without being beheaded. But yet, we see these students holding up banners that say "Queers for Palestine." They would be beheaded in an instant. They would be despised. They are considered despicable.
Why is that taking place? What has happened to our educational system when we see our students out there promoting anti-American sentiment and supporting terrorism? What are the dangers to us as a result of that as a society? Where are we heading with that, and why? And how has it gotten so far? It used to be a fringe thing, but now this is mainstream and students are being told that this is been normalised, the support of terrorism.
That concerns me a great deal because I’m someone who, I love our country, and I love this nation, this is a grand experiment. It’s not perfect. We have things to work on and we always will. We’re human beings you know, trying to realise these aspirations that were set out in the founding documents. And some people want to destroy and shred those documents and lead us into what? What kind of system will we be in when the republic is destroyed, as so many people are calling for.
I can’t support that in good conscience. It’s something that worries me a great deal, and I don’t think we understand the danger of embracing these kind of ideologies. This is everywhere. It’s at our doorstep and we all need to take a look into what’s happening in our schools. Those are the breeding grounds for many of these toxic ideologies.
The people who wail about the imaginary "trans genocide" support a terrorist militia who not only wants to murder them, but plans and eagerly anticipates the day they'll get to do so.
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skylarkking · 8 months
"One In The Same"
A TFA Blitzwing x Mech!Reader
Word Count: 1k
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Chapter 6: Enigma
"Kid, you don't want to know who Enigma was." Ratchet said as we settled down in the main area of the base, the other Autobots and myself giving him a curious look.
"This is the first time I've heard of a bot named Enigma." Optimus said.
"And it's better if it remained that way." Ratchet huffed defensively. "Enigma was a Decepticon that rivaled the rest. Designed to kill any soldier that stood in his way. He was a monster."
"If there was a Decepticon that horrible," Bumblebee said. "We would have known about him, wouldn't we?"
"The reason you young bots don't know about Enigma was because he disappeared during the war." Ratchet said.
"So who was he?" I asked.
"Who. Was. Enigma?" Ratchet and the others were surprised by how stern I was, their expressions almost appearing as if they were afraid of me.
"Enigma was... a bot without a conscience." Ratchet said. "A brutal soldier who has taken more lives than anyone else. A lot of battles that were won by the Decepticons were because of Enigma, but the credit was always taken by Megatron. A cold forged, cold fueled, cold sparked killer."
"Why would Starscream call Y/D Enigma then?" Bumblebee asked. "Hes norhing like that bot!" Ratchet stiffened at the question, and I knew then and there that he knew the answer.
"The cadaver that was used to make me," I said quietly as I looked up at Ratchet. "Was Enigma, wasn't it?"
"It... it was." Ratchet said barely above a whisper. "But none of us knew it at the time of your creation."
"I... I should be destroyed." I whispered as I scrunched up into a ball. "I should have been destroyed right when I was created! I should be destroyed right now!"
"Y/D," Ratchet said as he sat next to me on the makeshift sofa and pulled me into a hug. "Don't say stuff like that."
"But I'm a monster, Ratchet!" I sobbed. "I-i-I."
"Shhh, shhh." He hushed as he held me tighter. "You are not Enigma, you never were. Your spark is kind, and you mean well." He gently held the back of my helm and kissed the top of it like a sire would to comfort a sparkling. I ended up sobbing myself into recharge against the medic, and Ratchet gently moved me so I was lying on my side.
"Ratchet," Optimus said quietly. "If what you say is true, does that mean he can remember what Enigma did?"
"Unlikely." Ratchet said. "His memory core was purged before the cadaver that makes up his base form was found. Unless somehow a backup memory was created and remotely fed back into his processor, he shouldn't remember any of that old life."
-with the head of Megatron-
"So, the memory transfers are successful." Megatron muttered to himself as he accessed my recharging form. "But it seems I can only do this when his main consciousness is powered down. Poor little thing. Although... it would be useful to have another triple changer for the Decepticons. Especially one that is far more stable than that bumbling fool Blitzwing. But it seems I'll have some more work to do before any of my Decepticons finally bring him to me. Starting with reminding him of who he really is."
-with Y/D-
As I lay there in recharge, I had another dream, this one far more horrific and terrifying than any other.
I was in the middle of a battlefield all alone with swarms of Autobots desperately trying to take me down with a barrage of blaster fire only for me to dodge almost every shot as I attacked. My claws ripped bots nearly twice my size to absolute shreds, energon and oil flying in the air followed by the screams of snuffing sparks.
"WE CAN'T BRING HIM DOWN!" One of the Autobot commanders yelled only to get silenced by my claws.
"Leave no survivors." I muttered. "All Autobots shall be erased."
"CAPTAIN!" Another Autobot shouted just to get slaughtered by me. There was no stopping the carnage. There was no stopping the monster that I was.
When the last autobot on the battlefield fell to my claws, I stood alone drenched in energon and oil with an emotionless expression.
"Excellent work, Enigma." I heard Megatron say as he, Lugnut, and Starscream landed bot far from me.
"Enihalation of Autobot soldiers: 98.3%." I reported.
"You let some escape?!" Starscream snapped.
"1.7% predicted surviving Autobot forces. Current whereabouts: unknown." I said.
"It does not matter." Megatron said. "With the perfect war bot under my command, norhing will stand in my way from taking Cybertron for the Decepticons."
"Bah, if this Enigma project is so deadly, then why hasn't it destroyed the old senate yet?" Starscream huffed. Megatron grabbed Starscream and hoisted him up by the neck with a scowl.
"Because I didn't command it." He snarled. "Enigma is a weapon, not an assassin." Megatron tossed Starscream aside and focused his gaze on me. "But it may be time to use that weapon for a more... high valued target."
"And what target would that be, oh great Megatron?" Lugnut asked.
"Crystal City." He said. "The Autobots have the Allspark hidden there."
"Why bother with it?" Starscream rasped as he finally managed to get his voice box working again.
"Enigma wasn't just built to be an unstoppable force of pure, cold terror. He is capable of doing so much more."
"I... don't follow."
"With the Allspark, Enigma will become the ultimate weapon where not even Unicron himself could stop him."
"And what's to prevent him from betraying us?" Starscream hissed.
"He is programmed to have no remorse, you fool." Megatron growled. "He feels nothing. There are no thoughts, no emotions, no individuality. His will is mine and mine alone."
With those words, I awoke with a gasp, my frame jolting upright with coolant dripping down my forehelm like morning dew. My vents were strained, and my frame shook slightly, the sound alerting Ratchet from a nearby work station.
"Kid? You alright?" He asked.
"Just... just a bad dream." I said. "I'll be fine."
Little did I realize that, with the coming days, I was not going to be fine.
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muses-inn · 2 months
Embrace // Do they fully embrace their moral complexity or do they loathe themselves for it? Can they commit to questionable acts without hesitation? { For Leck }
@mcltiples / meme
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Leck fully embraces being an eliminator. He has no qualms at all in taking lives and feels no shred or doubt or regret about his deeds either. Executing shady jobs is how he earns his bread and butter, and that is maybe the one point that bring him close to Ferengi antics. He is fierce about his job. And he doesn't like being lied to.
The difference between him and other Ferengi upon being screwed over is, he doesn't get angry about not being paid, he gets angry about the act of being lied to itself. Basically, he could care less about taking lives or stealing documents out of high-security archives, but he gets angry when lied to. He as his own principles, but having a conscience is not part of it.
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audi0med1c · 11 months
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Out-of-Context Snippets of my fanfic (4):
It's shredding Lexa's conscience to pieces wishing she could go back, go back to that night Clarke snuck into the tower, so she could tell her to come with to Arkadia. Or to direct her stay in the tower until she was back. Anything but sending her back to that cabin.
She just needed to know.  Anything.  It was driving her crazy and she was caught between assuming the absolute worst, and in denial that perhaps it wasn't so bad and (*spoiler*) was just saying whatever would get under her skin. Clarke might just need a little more time.
Clarke's comment to her this morning is preoccupying her as well.  Just the thought that Clarke was under some impression Lexa had intentionally not gone to look for her right away...the commander balls up her fists and almost punches the shower wall, instead she places her hands out in front of her, leaning against the wall as the water continues flowing down on the back of her neck.   
When she finally gets out, she doesn't bother drying or braiding her hair. She dresses and takes the elevator down one level, where she paces the long hallway, working up the courage to go all the way to the door at the end of the hall.
Lexa hovers without touching the door, straining to hear any noise coming from inside.  She just barely tries the handle enough to discover that it's locked, hoping it goes unnoticed if Clarke is in fact awake inside.
Just let me in, Niron.  Please. 
Please just let me in.
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