#with the help of the party he'll be able to work though it
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berrywinkle · 6 months ago
My Vincent Valentine headcanons: upsetting edition
He's narcoleptic
He has an eating disorder
He uses self-neglect and his nightmares as a form of self-harm. (sleeping so he'll get nightmares and continuing to open his emotional wounds and relive his traumas again and again to punish himself is self-harming behavior)
His body is littered with surgery scars. He feels ashamed of them, and that's why his clothes cover his whole body
he would have problems saying 'no' in a romantic relationship because he'd prioritize his romantic partner's wants above his own comfort
Would generally have a hard time communicating when he's uncomfortable or hurt, prefers to suffer in silence
Immense medical trauma from being experimented on
He gets intrusive thoughts when he is close to a limit break transformation
Depending on which limit break these intrusive thoughts can vary. Galian beast is more animalistic instincts, Hellmasker and Chaos give violent urges. Death Gigas is more defensive, but still violent.
When the party finds him in OG he looked like a living corpse. As the story progresses he starts looking healthier
Contrary to popular belief, is not Sephiroth's father and would not be a good guardian
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 1 month ago
the 26 y/o versions of the first years warmed my heart. do you have any thoughts about the second years, miss raven🥹🥹🥹?
[10 years later headcanons for the first years here!]
What comes after Ever After?
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Like Mrs. Rosehearts wished, Riddle has gone on to become a medical mage, just like his parents. More specifically he is a pediatrician (so he works closely with children) and even leads community classes to promote health literacy and independence among the youth. His temper has mellowed out with time, and most patients report that Dr. Rosehearts is stern and by-the-books, but very patient and caring.
As it so happens, he also has a paralegal certification--something he earned in his free time just because there's still a part of him that's so fascinated with the law. Riddle uses that certification to help the hospital he works at navigate complicated cases such as medical malpractice, malfeasance, and negligence--he'll ensure that the perpetrators get their just desserts!
Though unintentional, Riddle ends up being the kind of adult that his young patients can genuinely look up to and confide in. They tell him all kinds of things, like bullying that happens at school, self-esteem issues, uncertainties about the future, or their parents not getting along. He listens and reassures them with a smile, a sticker, and the advice they need--some of these things, he is quite familiar with, and he speaks earnestly and from his own heart.
He has gone low contact with his mother. She threw a hissy fit about it (which scared Riddle and almost made him walk back on his decision), but he was able to move forward with the decision thanks to backing from Trey and Chenya. Riddle still a lot of complex feelings to unpack, and he feels he can better achieve that by living on his own, without his mother looming over him.
Riddle's slowly learning every day, from little things that every adult does to look after themselves (cooking, cleaning his apartment, etc.) to recapturing lost bits of his childhood (gaming more often, having the freedom to meet up with his friends when he wants to). He feels like... with each passing day, he is discovering new sides to himself--and there's something nice about that.
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With glowing references from the second prince of the Sunset Savanna himself, Ruggie has the ability to go practically anywhere. He ultimately settled for hospitality--cuz hey, it's a blend of many of the talents he has accrued over the years, and he's got plenty of expertise in looking after others. Ruggie's not just any general manager either, but the general manager of the Sunset Villa, the luxury resort in Dawn City that hosts royals and important guests from all over Twisted Wonderland.
He has this running joke where he pretends to be meeting Leona for the first time ever if he happens to be staying at the Sunset Villa for an event. Ruggie will address him as "stranger" all while shooting him a very knowing look. It mildly annoys Leona, but he lets it slide because, well... it's his old pal Ruggie.
He's the kind of boss that his employees love. Having been at the bottom of the social rung before, Ruggie's known to treat his workers well (free food at the holiday parties!) and is understanding when an issue comes up. If the season is particularly busy, he'll even roll up his sleeves and join them in doing the dirty work himself!
With the fat paycheck he earns, Ruggie is able to reinvest that money into his family. Granny Bucchi has been moved into a nicer house, has a car and walker to help her around, and never has to worry about the fridge being empty ever again. They even hire a housekeeper to do the chores, so Granny Bucchi can happily retire.
Ruggie pours his money back into the community too. The slum children are frequently over for meals or enjoying the new amenities provided for in part by his donations. A new park, a library, a soup kitchen... He's lauded as a local hero, and he deserves every bit of that praise.
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Azul has basically double majored in business and law. He now works part time as a partner at his stepfather's firm, but focuses his efforts serving as the CEO to the ever-expanding Mostro Lounge chain. It started off as one location on NRC campus, but there are Mostro Lounges all over Twisted Wonderland now.
Azul likes to humble brag about how he's "self-made", all while not-so-subtly adjusting the expensive watch he wears on his wrist. His insistence on maintaining his appearance and polite person carries over to adulthood. Azul has strict rules about how his hair should be worn, how his clothes should be tailored, and even what kind of cologne he should wear when greeting clients. That meticulousness has played a large part in his booming success.
He's frequently away on business trips to speak with investors, check up on individual locations that may not be performing so well, and to do market research. Azul's always looking for nice cutlery or fancy furniture to furbish his restaurants. Sampling food abroad also grants him the chance to be inspired to introduce new dishes to the menu.
... Still a mama's boy. Behind his tough businessman attitude, Azul's still a family man. He cherishes the precious time he spends with his mom, stepdad, and grandma and is more than happy to share the fruits of his labor with them. His mom will tend to retaliate with piles of his favorite dishes, which Azul finds difficult to refuse.
Azul has Jade and Floyd's contact information in his phone, but he'll deny it if you ask. He only views them as business partners, you understand? Business partners! They only ever talk for important matters. (That's an obvious lie. You can tell from his sudden defensiveness, how he stutters when he speaks his words--and how his eyes light up when he received the notification of a text message from one of the twins.)
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Jade tells you he is an “informant” for the Leech family business (which, to this day, remains unspecified). He describes the job to you like that of a private eye—he snoops around, collects information, and solves harmless little mysteries. You see? Nothing suspicious here :))
If NRC Jade was a knife, then older Jade is that same knife but sharpened to a fine point. He seems to be slicker somehow, polite and poised as he was before, but having perfected the art of deceit and able to chameleon his way into any situation as needed. You don’t know if you can fully trust him, not with that smile.
Jade has turned his interest in flora into something… practical. Are you aware that this fungus can be manufactured into a deadly poison? A single drop of it can stop an elephant’s heart. He knows how it is done—would you care for a demonstration?
His wardrobe is a lot of... black? Jade laughs it off and explains that black is simply easier to maintain, as "the stains" don't show as easily. "What stains?" you ask him, but all he says is that "cleaning up" can be such a mess sometimes, especially if Floyd is feels like he doesn't want to help. Is he talking about laundry...?
He keeps a busy schedule (so many clients to meet and greet, you know), but he reserves the same slot of time every few weeks for him and Floyd to reunite with Azul a “special” acquaintance for an octopus dinner. Jade makes it sound so ominous, but it’s also perhaps the most sincere you’ve ever heard him.
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Floyd calls himself the “muscle” of the Leech family business. Again, what they specifically do is never quite defined. He says it’s like being a bodyguard; he’s paid to be beat up people that threaten their operations. Just don’t ask what those operations are and he won’t have to squeeze you too! :))
He retains the same flippant attitude he had in his student era. Floyd never quite settles or plants his roots, he just hops from place to place, partakes in whatever interests him, then peaces out to the next exciting thing. And if anyone gets in his way?? Well, I hope they’re prepared to deal with one angry eel. It’s like he hasn’t matured much from his school days 💦
Some days Floyd doesn’t even bother showing up for work, meaning that Jade (whom Floyd works with) has to dirty his own hands. He gets a scolding for it later, but it doesn’t really bother Floyd. It’s not like his job is in danger, no matter how many times he flakes. (Perks of working for his dad, lol)
There’s a strange rack of shoes in Floyd’s room. None of them match, and they’re of varying sizes too. Surely they’re not his? Floyd claims it’s a miscellaneous collection, kind of like a trophy case to keep a record of all your wins. He doesn’t elaborate further when pressed about the matter.
For his special dinners with Azul and Jade, Floyd likes to make them play Russian roulette with him! He’ll prepare takoyaki with mystery fillings and then bring them in, daring the other two to take turns eating them until they come upon the one with the ghost pepper center. These nights are frequently filled with thrills, chills, and borderline kills—he looks forward to them!
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In the past several years, Kalim has been working hard to help with the daily operations of the Asim trading company. Through this, Kalim has wizened up and developed various skills: negotiation, hosting, general business acumen, etc. Now he has succeeded his father as the president of the trading company.
Getting out into the real world exposes Kalim to many harsh realities. Poverty, illness, death. It unnerved him at first, made him want to pull away—but he forces himself to stand his ground and look. These experiences have shaped him to be less extravagant and more mindful. Parades just to share wealth, sneaking out in a worn shawl to buy bread for the local children, etc. He’s never really come to terms with the wealth disparity that exists between him and others, and all of that is just now hitting him. (Quarter life crisis?) Kalim teaches his siblings about this too, hoping that they'll show the same kindness to the world when they're his age.
Life somehow has still not managed to squeeze the cheer out of Kalim. He's still as sunny and as trusting as ever, but now that upbeat disposition and slight airheadedness belies such a sharp mind. Kalim knows how to wield his empathy well, using it to easily worm his way into people's hearts and capture them. Soon you'll find yourself laughing with him, cup of tea in hand, and nodding along to his proposals.
He tries his very best to be more independent! In his free time, he's heading out to try new things or to hone skills to take better care of himself. One day, Kalim would like to be self-sufficient! Cooking, cleaning, shopping, budgeting... These are all things he wants to be able to do for himself!
Kalim’s not so foolish as to believe he can free the Vipers as soon as he steps into power. A generations-long relationship like theirs can’t be dissolved overnight, and certainly not without facing opposition from both sides. Instead, he and Jamil reach an agreement to work together and gradually sever the ties between their families. Little by little, they'll drift apart... until, at long last, that bond snaps. If I really care about him, I'll let him go, Kalim tells himself.
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For now, Jamil continues to serve as Kalim's personal attendant and aide. (And taste tester... and chef... and bodyguard... and...) Of course, if he had the choice, he would have ditched the Asims as soon as possible--but he's not so stupid as to do such a thing. He has a plan, but it's steady like poison slowly releasing in his veins. Tough it out now, enjoy the freedom later.
He's even more protective of Najma than ever. She'll remind him that she's not a little kid anymore, but Jamil can't help but still "mom" her... especially now that she, too, has joined the family trade of looking after the Asims. When Jamil looks at all, all he thinks of is their parents and all the Vipers before them. It reignites that fierce fire within him to not allow himself and his sister to fall to the same fate. (He communicates none of this to Najma.)
With Kalim gradually becoming more independent and throwing more restrained banquets (they're more elegant, formal affairs, not wild), there's less work for Jamil to do. These days, he mainly manages the main Asim household and accompanies Kalim on outings (since he can't be left alone). It's a quaint, domestic life--except, you know, those continued attempts on Kalim's life.
In his down time, Jamil finds himself admiring the patterns in the clothing and tapestries around the Asim manor. He sometimes daydreams about being a merchant that curates fine fabrics, or perhaps a stylist who tends to hair outside of his own. There's many what-ifs to fill in that space between this day and the next.
Jamil has the opportunity to travel abroad on several occasions due to Kalim's business trips. Kalim tends to bring others with him in his entourage (including the Viper parents), then dismiss Jamil early claiming he "doesn't need his services" at the moment. Really, that's just Kalim excuse to grant him free time to explore the local area. Jamil at first insisted he didn't need this "charity", but eventually he decided to just take advantage of it. It's time away from Kalim, time to clear his mind, time to do all the things he wishes he could.
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Like Sebek, Silver has been sworn in as a knight of Briar Valley and serves as the other half of Malleus's personal retinue. Silver is also a foreign emissary. He works wonderfully as a peacekeeper between fae and humans.
There was outcry from the senators when Silver was recommended for such important positions. Sebek at least has fae heritage, but Silver? Silver is 100% human, and the adopted son of that accursed Lilia Vanrouge!! It took a heartfelt speech from Silver, shouting from Sebek, a stoic defense from Lilia, and the icy insistence of Malleus to get Silver pushed through. He doesn't hold any ill will toward the senators--Silver just looked them all in the face and swore that he would do his best to earn their approval.
He puts his natural affinity with animals to good use, establishing Briar Valley's first ever animal battalion. Silver trains woodland critters that are willing and able to aid their efforts: avians that transmit letters over long distances, horses for riding into battle, deer, rabbits, mice, bears, and more to chomp and bash their way to victory in a fight.
Silver has formally taken on Lilia's surname as his own. They signed off on the official documents and everything. (Please call him Silver Vanrouge from now on!) At this point, Lilia has retired and lives far from him, but Silver makes it a point to speak with him as often as he can, whether it's via call or text. He has to remind his father how much he loves him. Once a year, Silver embarks on a trip to the abandoned Castle Wildrose to pay respects to where his biological father fell. He brings flowers with him and stories of how fae and human relations are progressing. He’s sure the Dawn Knight would be pleased.
The magic-induced narcolepsy that plagued him in his youth seems to have worn away with time. True love broke the spell... Now it only ever really hits him when he's already feeling tired to begin with or under some intense stress. Silver's able to go about his daily life and patrol without a problem!
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nuhuhwinniethepooh · 7 months ago
Thinking about (Series)
God Gojo who couldn't care less about the mortals and Goddess Reader who couldn't care more about the mortals.
God Gojo who considers you a friend, maybe more he's not sure and he doesn't want to be sure. If his feelings for you was love then it'd be a taboo, you only see him as a friend- he's not in love, that was just a hypothetical situation. The uncomfortable, bubbling in his stomach when he sees you cheerfully talk with other Gods wasn't his problem neither was the tiny clench in his heart at the sight of your smile.
God Gojo who's actually worried about the mortal realm this time because the situation was going from bad to worse, the drought on the mortal realm was killing everyone and everything. A disruption in the balance of life. Though omnipotent Gods they were, they needed worshippers.
Worshippers that were rapidly decreasing.
So he watches in horror as you volunteer to be the sole individual to go down and save the remaining mortals, your kind heart no longer able to ignore their prayers and cries.
"Your golden blood is hardly fit to step on that defiled land." He urges you to change your mind but all you do is shake your head with a smile.
It was your duty you say, your responsibility as the Goddess of Life and that he should know better as the God of Heaven and Earth to stop you.
God Gojo who gives in reluctantly, unable to refuse your plea to do your job, it was only right.
So he grasps your hands in his as he makes you promise him to come back. Back to him once everything was done and over. All he remembers is the adoring smile on your face, the squeeze of his hand and the two words whispered back to him before he watches you descend. Your back towards him and the scent of life fluttering in the air, the cheers of the crowd all but silent when your presence finally disappears from the ethereal abode.
God Gojo who can't help but smile to himself when he sees the dying earth blooming with life again after a few decades. Living up to your name as you single-handedly bring forth the very thing you were sent for, speckles of pride blossoming in his chest when he hears praises of your name resounding from every corner of the the once dreary place.
New temples erecting in your name, the population growing ever large and kingdoms rising to it's fame again. All he can do is excitedly wait for your return and perhaps start preparing a small welcome back party? Nothing grand, of course. He'll just invite half of the heavens and maybe some more. It'll be very small. A very, very small gathering.
God Gojo who can't seem to sit still, tossing and turning in his seat uncomfortably in the middle of his work as his heart clenches painfully- too painfully. His skin crawls with invisible bugs and dread as his assistant, a lower God in-training, hurriedly rushes in.
The mortal abode was no longer occupied, he says breathlessly. Worry etched in his face at the sight of the stone-faced God in front of him.
"The mortal abode is available to be entered again, the Goddess of Life's presence is no longer"
God Gojo who doesn't wait for a moment longer, pushing past everyone as he rushes towards the gate separating the mortal and ethereal abode. Their screams to stop all but a buzz as he crosses the gate, quickly falling down to Earth with his heart in his throat as his feet touches the soft grass beneath him.
He needs to find you. You're either dead or in the demonic realm, dead or kidnapped. He wishes for the latter- exactly who does a God pray to? He doesn't know but he prays, he hopes, he wishes that you're anything but dead because he'll come to save you then, even if it means war.
God Gojo who wanders the mortal abode in a human form for a year, searching the ever changing gate of the demonic realm only to hear of a King who struck gold. Enough gold to last him till generations forgotten, they whisper, which was impossible.
He knows every gold vein, had personally counted the amount of gold deposits in the mortal abode, that shouldn't be possible unless-
God Gojo who can't believe his eyes, his six eyes not doing justice to the sight in front of him as he stumbles forward to your ancient temple's courtroom in the far end of the world. His body weighing heavy at the sight of your lifeless body hanging upside down, hands tied behind your back and feet binded by coarse ropes to the ceiling, hanged like butchered meat for sale- drops of your sacred golden blood splattered below you and on rusty buckets besides you.
All life drained from your body. All blood drained from your body. Your beautiful blood of gold, the rosiness of your cheeks, the large slit in your neck- all he can do is shakily claw at the rope with blurry eyes, desperate mutters of no's pouring out of his lips as he hugs your cold body and presses his face against your stomach.
Gently undoing the ropes and bringing you down, he traces the indented marks in your hand as he brings it up to his lip. Kissing it and quietly curling into a ball with you on the cracked marbled floor- he doesn't know for how long, he doesn't care. All he can do is mutter gentle incoherent words and caress your bluing cheeks.
All humans have two choices when they die, the demonic realm or the ethereal abode but what about a God? Where does a dead God go?
God Gojo who finally brings your body back to the ethereal abode, placing your body in a glass case between the Calla lilies and chrysanthemums in his castle's garden - away from eager eyes to see an actual dead God. He personally sees to the appointing of the new Goddess of Life who suspiciously resembles you- no one dares to point it out, his mood is bad enough as it is.
God Gojo who declares war against the mortal and demonic realm, dead set to personally see to the extinction of your murderers and instigators entire bloodline.
Blood for blood, no drop will be spared.
Tryna get my groove back 😔
Masterlist ♡ Serieslist
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himezoro · 1 year ago
roronoa zoro's guide to relationship
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before anything : tysm for your support on my first post!! i'm working on a long piece to celebrate starring the loml here. feel free to request anything your heart desires, i'll be happy to oblige ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
here's a headcanon of what a relationship with roronoa zoro would include in my opinion.
warning: gn reader, use of "you" and "them", sfw, but sexual intercourses implied! i'll write a dedicated nsfw one if you want to ;)
wc : 1,070k+.
being in a relationship with roronoa zoro would include :
being used as a body pillow. zoro is a heavy sleeper, and his s/o would be the best body pillow ever. he won't admit it, but he feels pretty sad when he's on watch duty and can't sleep alongside their s/o in their shared bed. if his s/o complains about being too hot, he would much prefer pouring an ice cold buck of water upon them rather than moving his body a little. his giant body won't move.
being teased about your habits. zoro is observant and likes a good laugh. so, he would pick on all the small (cute) things his s/o does that feel funny to him. you're sleeping with a stuffed bear ? he would tease you by arranging it in the most deranged scenes ever. you're hugging any of your newest purchase after buying them ? he would tease you by mimicking you with his bottle of sake. be prepared to be constantly teased on.
however, this man won't let anyone make fun of you, and would always defend your honor (even if that third party would make fun of the same things he teases you about). he would yell at luffy and usopp so bad if they dared pulling the smallest of prank on you (remember that scene where he makes luffy drink a whole glass of water at the baratie ? yeah he'll make him drink the whole ocean this time lol)
having his hand on the small of your back while you walk. when a crewmate mentions it to him, he just huffs and acts like "it's nothing". actually, he didn't even notice it himself, but the way his hand falls on your back so naturally is beyond any scientific reasonings. this gesture alone speaks volumes about his love and affection.
making you talk about the smallest of things. roronoa zoro is not the most chattery in the whole crew, but he lives for listening to the voice of their s/o. he would ask you to read a passage of the book you're reading, talk about what you liked and disliked for hours, the latest gossip on the Sunny, anything would make him happy. his head would naturally fall on your lap as he daydreams while rocking on the sound of your honey-like voice. (he would love hearing your voice in bed)
being trusted, valued and respected. zoro would give his all to his s/o. this man is so focused on his dream and his loyalty to luffy would mean so much, that choosing commitment means he would respect and value his s/o for their personality, experiences and ethics. the second he decided it was the right decision, after a lot of introspection, his heart would be left into your hands for you to do as please. he's also really careful as to not push your boundaries, and always asks for consent for anything. anyone with eyes can see how much he adores you and values your existence.
being constantly protected. even though he respects your abilities, he cannot help but keeping an eye on you anywhere, at any times, even when you're not around. he's on high alert, constantly on watch. during combat, he would go rampage if someone dared to touch you, and i'm not talking about being hurt. if that were the case, zoro would not even be able to look at you (in scared of being too "softened") before destroying the enemy with pure sadism.
being kissed all the time when you're alone. this boy hates PDAs, which could be one of the reasons why his has his hand on your back so no one can really see lol. that does not mean he won't look at you with love and adoration in public, offering you a quick and genuine smile or wink when your eyes lock. but when alone, zoro reveals himself as a passionate lover. he would kiss you endlessly until your breath runs out, and would kiss you again when he's given the "go". his kisses would be long, and he would trap you in his huge arms the whole time, running his hands through your waist, hips, legs and ass. he won't say it, but he loves it when you cup his face during the kiss or run your fingers through his green hair. bonus if you grip on his shoulders during intimate moments, where he would kiss you harder and a tad rougher. with him drinking a lot, be prepared for some amusing kissing sessions where he could kiss you with his mouth full of sake (unless you're not drinking, which he would totally respect!!)
him showing off to sanji just to fuck with him. hell, he would lick your whole face in front of the chef if that could set him on fire. that would make him laugh his ass off.
having heated arguments. zoro is stubborn and can be impulsive. if he's in a cranky mood, he may raise his voice at his s/o for nothing important, but he would be feeling so sorry after that. he would shyly apologize in what feels like a whisper, but he would give you some space for a little time before doing so.
being told "i love you" when he thinks you're sleeping. zoro is not chatty, and again, you know he loves you, and he knows he does. anyone with eyes can see that. but sometimes, when the rythme of this life gets too crazy, or when he feels the need for you to hear these magic words and for him to vocalize his feelings, he would say "i love you" in the most intimate way possible, in the crook of your neck when you're sleeping, before pressing a kiss to your temple. little did he know, you heard it every single time. he would also say it during really intimate and slow make out sessions and intercourses. however, he would often thinks "i love them", at the most random times when he's looking at his s/o : seeing them eat ? shower ? dance ? reading ? he's loving them all the time. 24/7. (he just needs the courage to say it each time he thinks it, but then he would look like sanji and he can't have that)
being his. zoro won’t admit it but he loves knowing you’re his, and having the others know it as well. he is so proud of you, and proud to have such an amazing partner. and he would have no shame in saying he’s yours.
don't start me but zoro would be the type of guy to say "i'm not taking a shower unless it's with you" lol.
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whore-ibly-hot · 6 months ago
How would Mr. Critch, Mr. Murphy, Evan, and Carter react to Y/n getting sick?
(love your boarding school btw❤️)
(also I'm sick with a cold😫)
Mr. Critch: He'd be extremely cross with you, what nerve of you to skip his class, is it because you think your special, being the head masters kid? He pulls Harrison aside, and demands the boy tell him why you aren't present. When Harrison explains, he scolds him harshly for not having you 'quarantined'. He quickly moves you to the nurses ward, wanting you to be away from contaminating others and full focused on making up the work you are missing. Still, he's oddly doting. He makes sure you're eating healthy, checking your fever and assuring you stay alongside him. He wants you obedient. He knows what's best, just let him treat you. He'll keep track of all your medicines, and the moment you're better he promises you can go back to your room with Harrison. He enjoys this quiet time with you, and a part of him, the one who reads to you while you try and sleep, wishes to imagine this moment as domestic.
"The fever should be breaking soon, it's okay." He dabs at your forehead. "I'll find a way to get you cleaned up after. I promise." He assures.
Carter: Much like Mr. Critch, he's strict about what you can do. As class president, it's his duty to prevent an outbreak. He'll bring you to the nurses office, and ensure you keep up with your studies. He's more condescending, constantly reminding you of how kind he's being, taking time out of his day to care for you when he could be working. You should be able to care for yourself, he'd say, but when you'd send him away, he'd refuse to go. He takes a little extra time 'diagnosing' you, it would help him for biology class, he claimed. He'd run his hands over your neck and shoulders, touching your chest and working his way down. He'd gently feel your head for fever.
"What?" He scoffs, looking at you with annoyance. "The nurse is far too busy to give you the treatment you need, I'm making sure you aren't worsening. Lift your shirt a bit, let's just continue the exam."
Evan: He's pissed. He just got out of a great fucking game, and you weren't even in the crowd, not even for Harrison. His cock was aching, he'd planned to drag you to the after party and get his dick into you, but you didn't show. He'll practically kick down your door, and he's quick about it once he realizes you're sick. He doesn't want Harrison being a bitch and trying to keep you in his room. He gets you to his dorm, gives you some cough syrup and an edible he snagged from Pez, to keep you mellow. If he can't fuck you, he's at least going to keep you around. You're still got, even with a red face and stuffy nose. He won't exactly be doting, you'd have to ask two or three times before he'd get you anything but water, but he does like the feeling of control he's got over you. He'd put on a movie and keep you on his lap, assuring you he's not gonna get sick. Let him kiss you while your sleepy, let him grope you while he changes you from your uniform to one of his oversized jerseys. And most importantly, he expects you to care for him when he gets sick from swapping spit with you.
"God, you're burning up. Good thing I brought you in here, huh? Wouldn't want that shit head roommate leaving you to suffer alone in your room when you got a big strong stud here to look after your sick ass." He groans, adjusting you so your head lays across his chest.
Mr. Murphy: Absolute caring bear man, you're immediately moved to wherever you feel safest, preferably his apartment at the school, but the nurses office or your own dorm works. If you choose his apartment, he'll be thrilled at spending the time with you, even though seeing you as a sick little thing makes his chest ache. He'd stand over the stove for hours, digging through old recipe cards from his mom. He's usually more of a meat and potatoes guy, but he'll try his mommas soup and roll recipes, just for you. He makes sure you take your medicine, but nothing you don't want to take. He refuses to let you think about your school work, and insists he'll excuse you and talk to Critch (he thinks that guy has a major stick up his ass). He's got the coziest place by far, thick quilts and a cozy plaid couch.
"Easy, kid, easy." You're desperate to chug down the soup, but he's pacing you. "If you do throw up cause of this bug you've got, that's fine, but I'd rather my cooking not be the cause. You've got all the time in the world to eat it, and I'll always make more if you want." He takes a spoonful from his bowl. "Don't make me feed ya now." He teases.
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o-sachi · 6 months ago
Rayne Ames Relationship Headcanons
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ᯓ character; rayne ames (mashle) ᯓ tags; fluff, sfw, gn reader, no y/n
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— He was pretty cold to you before you started dating. He was respectful at least, but you couldn't help but feel like you were just air around him. So when he eventually confessed, it was the biggest surprise of your life.
— He's still kind of aloof though. Like he still won't talk much. HOWEVER, Rayne will spend lots and lots of time with you. He'd appreciate it immensely if you were able to handle long periods of (comfortable) silence with him.
— But maybe down the line, he'll learn to accept that having another person around means that it won't be so quiet anymore. He'll definitely still be the listener while you're more of a yapper. In short, both of you have to reach a specific balance between silence and talking so that both parties can be happy.
— The love language that he likes to give would be quality time. We all know he's busy with a lot of things. So for him to set aside time for you is a HUGE deal. He's definitely the type of guy to downplay his hectic schedule so that you won't worry about him too much.
— The love language he would like to receive would probably be words of affirmation (believe it or not). It's just that—he's not too big into communicating. There are many things he leaves unsaid, so there are things unheard. When you sincerely tell him sweet and thoughtful things, it absolutely blows his mind.
— You're the only person he feels safe to share his secret with... The secret being his love for cute bunnies. He made no effort to hide it even in the early stages of the relationship because he wouldn't be in a relationship with someone he doesn't wholeheartedly trust in the first place.
— That being said, he will get you a lot of stuff with bunnies on it. Pajamas, mugs, stationery, memorabilia, etc. Secretly, he's glad that he has you now so he has an excuse for being these "overly cute" things without tarnishing his tough guy act.
— Rayne enjoys sewing in his freetime so he has definitely made you a piece of upcycled clothing before. He'll also happily mend any of your clothes that need fixing.
— Similar to how he treats his brother, sometimes he can be emotionally constipated with you as well. There are instances when you'll misunderstand his words or intentions and it might lead to a fight. It takes every ounce of power in him to let go of his pride and correct his mistakes. Though he is a bit more softer with you compared with his brother (he is ruthless with Finn sometimes, sob).
— Rayne isn't a man of many fears. He believes that the strong do not have to be afraid of anything. But once you came into his life, suddenly he was scared of many things. What if you left him? What if his pet bunnies don't like you? What if you get hurt while in battle? A lot of things, really.
��� As much as you need assurance, this man needs it too. In fact, he'll feel a lot closer to you if you do. Remember, words mean a lot to him just as much as actions do.
— All in all, Rayne is a super sweet guy who's just EXTREMELY emotionally constipated. As his partner, you'll need plenty of patience and understanding. But rest assured that he'll payback that love tenfold.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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dialovers-lover-xoxo · 1 year ago
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Sakamaki Brothers as Dads Headcanons!
This is in the context of their character development in later games, but I'm still going to try to be accurate to their personalities and try not to over-soften or idealize them
- Shu struggled to find a balance between gentle discipline and guidance and freedom for his kids, he didn't want them suffocated like he was
- While he's there to help and support, he believes they should learn to work things out on their own. He's not neglectful of their problems but he's a little less hands-on in that regard
- Instead of solving things for them he works with them so they can learn to solve things on their own
- He keeps an eye of them without getting too involved physically like while they're playing or in public
- Though he'll love all his kids equally he really wanted a girl after centuries of being the older brother to 5 brothers
- Though he wants them to be able to take care of themselves, Shu is very protective of them
- He's generally very calm, even when angry
- He'll probably adopt a kitten or puppy for them to raise with him
- When they're young he lets them nap on his chest
- Strict, but warm and gentle
- He makes sure to give each of his kids equal attention as to not let history repeat itself
- He also wants to prevent his children from having that same animosity and resentment he felt/feels with Shu
- If he managed to make some sort of peace with Shu he'll be okay with them interacting
- He'll take them into the woods and help them take care of and interact with animals
- He's adamant that they'll be vampires, not half-vampire, half-human, so he will absolutely turn his s/o into a vampire. No discussion
- Teaches them what he knows but also helps indulge them in their interests
- Kisses their forehead or heads
- Will check for monsters under the bed or in the closet, but won't let them sleep in bed with him and his s/o, he'll just reassure them there's no monster and give them a nightlight
- They can still hang out with him and his and his s/o's bed just not sleep there overnight
- He's the fun dad
- But also sometimes the really embarrassing dad
- His son's playing a sport? He's losing his mind in the stands
- His daughter's the lead in a musical? He's clapping obnoxiously and bragging to EVERYONE
- Literally brags about every single one of his children's achievements
- Also the parent with the belief of his children can do no wrong. Like he'll argue with the teacher if one of his kids gets a bad grade
- He was really excited when you got pregnant
- But was secretly really worried
- He kind of idealized it at first, underestimating the difficulties of raising a kid and how much work infants are
- Was legitimately surprised at how long it would take for them to walk or talk
- At first he was entirely against any sort of discipline because he didn't know what discipline was, he didn't know you could be a good loving parent and discipline your child without mistreatment or abuse
- As far as he knew, discipline was abuse
- Very protective and possessive, especially with his daughter/s
- Sometimes fights with his kids over his s/o's attention or the last bite of food
- He'll always give them to last bite of food
- He loves them the way he loves his s/o, it's genuine love but it's also very possessive love. He loves them as possessions
- Kanato can be surprisingly verbally loving in the games so he'll be like that with his kids, giving them compliments and telling them how much they mean to him like he does with Yui
- He'll stroke their hair and have tea parties
- They can't have Teddy but they can touch and talk to him
- He'll make them their own stuffed animal and they'll be allowed to name them Teddy Junior if they want to
- Kanato really likes dressing up his daughter/s like pretty dolls, he'll get disappointed if she doesn't like it but may come to tolerate/accept that's not who she is
- Not very interested in changing diapers, but will be present there, just not doing the actual action, more support and company
- He does hold them and rock them and he will take over so his s/o gets rest
- Extremely possessive. They are his and s/o's only. He's not even happy that they're related to his brothers
- If he has a good enough relationship with his brothers though he may tolerate them interacting
- He was excited to be a dad, but really worried
- Laito was sure to properly teach his children love
- Laito was really wary of who he allowed his kids to be near or alone with. He got it into his head that any adult might try to hurt or abuse them and for a while he was insanely over-protective
- He hated letting them out of his sight and even into their teenage years he had familiars following them
- A really playful dad
- Surprisingly good at discipline. Never in an abusive way of course, but he's surprisingly good at it and willing to teach them to behave
- Hates the idea of his daughter/s getting a boyfriend
- He will allow his children to play dress up with him, paint his nails, etc
- He'll play toys with them
- He's actually a very responsible father and all his brothers were really surprised
- Subaru started out TERRIFIED
- How could he possibly be a good parent? His parents weren't and he still thinks he's a horrible monster
- Finally agrees to get therapy for his anger issues
- He was at first terrified to touch or hold his first child after they were born because he was scared he'd pollute them
- All his kids after that he was able to hold and interact with because he was able to get over that fear
- He turned out to be quite the natural
- Fiercly protective
- Still a bit of a tsundere, but is very open with his love
- Can barely resist their begging or cute little pleading faces
- Like Laito he often sends his familiars after them and doesn't like them being out of his sight, especially as children
- Loved taking care of them as babies, he found bathing and feeding and rocking them really relaxing
- It reminded him of all the good and love in the world and he never wanted his children to feel unloved by him
- Lets them cling onto his arms and he'll lift his arm to hold them up
- Puts his hand on their heads affectionately
I hope you like this!
Reblogs and feedback are always appreciated my loves ❤️❤️❤️
Mukami Brothers Version 👇🏻
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cozymoko · 7 months ago
Ohh!!! Can i have fruitykawa with a reader who's kind of insecure about their relationship with him? Like,yes she's aware that they are married and all,but Fruity is such a wealthy (and handsome) man that surely there are alot of women around him. It makes her feel upset and tries to distance herself from him.
🌕 anon
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It's been a while since I updated. Shoutout to my homie, 🟡 anon for this request. Kinda got burnt out at the end, but I tried my best. Enjoy~!
Pairing: Hachiro Furukawa x Female! Reader (1.9k words)
Format: Headcanons, mini scenarios
WARNING(S): yandere themes, jealousy, insecurity, mentions of cutting (plastic surgery).
Synopsis: Hachiro Furukawa, my oc, with a wife who's insecure due to him being so handsome! (≧∇≦)/
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Being WEDDED to the BEST is not for the weak-spirited. You had to appear stronger — better than the average woman so that they wouldn't dare question the legitimacy of your place. With your status, a ring costing nothing less than a fortune would never be enough. 
Your marriage had become public only a few years ago. Due to Hachiro's wishes. Yet that didn't seem to stop many promiscuous women from testing their luck. You bit back the unladylike words bubbling in your throat as they approached him. Fluttering their long lashes and flashing their pearly white teeth.
Models, lawyers, entrepreneurs: the party was bustling with so many. For a moment, you felt like nothing more than a pretty little accessory.
“Mr. Furukawa, how nice of you to make an appearance!” The host's eyes shift to you, thick and clouded with disdain. “It's a joy you brought the misses with you this evening.” The snarkiness of his tone was palpable. It seems the host wasn't exactly a fan of you, but then again, who was? After all, no one bothered to hide their curious gazes when Furukawa was not within earshot. But all you could do was hold your husband's arm just a little tighter.
The women especially.
"Is that Furukawa? Isn't he just dashing!"
"Wah~! He's even taller than I imagined!"
"Do you think he'll drink with me?"
Tightly sewn dresses, embracing the ladies that adorned them. Various warm shades painted lightly across their lips. Bouncy twists and swirls curled into their hair. Bedroom eyes peering over the many men scattered across the room; married or not. It's safe to say you weren't exactly pleased that your husband was one of the few.
You often hid yourself behind layers of lovely fabrics and excellent posture, in hopes of maintaining your modesty. In your eyes, it only seemed right that you matched the appearance and aura of that of your Husband. Though it seems each and every day was a torturous test of your self-restraint.
Nonetheless, you were never one to lose your composure. A straight face was essential in any type of business setting. Sure, you weren't as deadpan as Furukawa, but you could definitely play the "cold wife" role perfectly.
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RECENTLY, you've had QUITE THE OBSESSION with FASHION. You have encountered plenty of upcoming entrepreneurs, many of who you've managed to befriend. One of your closest ones is a fashion designer.
She would soon be introducing her new line of work after months of a troublesome hiatus. So, after pulling a little bit if strings, you were able to help her out. By strings, you mean asking Hachiro for some assistance. With his support of the project, people were bound to come and see the clothes. Granted, he was skeptical of your request, it didn't take him long to break and give you what you want.
That evening, the two of you attended an induction ceremony for the company's new clothing line. Hachiro had no reason to attend, but the grin on your face was much too difficult to resist. Just knowing that he made you happy warms his heart immensely. You were the cutest.
But, all good things, of course, come to an end.
“Oh, my! Look who decided to grace us with his presence.” A woman with rosy lips approached the two of you, swaying her hips a bit too much for your liking. “Hachiro, dear, it's been so long since I've seen you!”
Even other women didn't dare to acknowledge you, especially in the company of Hachiro himself. He didn't take kindly to people dismissing your presence. But this girl, definitely had some guts.
“Inoue,” he hums languidly, watching her in masked disdain. “I'd rather you not address me so informally in such a public setting.”
That's right, KAMIKO INOUE, one of the top models that had recently taken Japan by storm. You were expecting her appearance after Hachiro's announced sponsorship, but her rudeness surprised you a bit. Especially her addressing your husband as though they were closer than friends.
You scoff, looking away from the two. Seeing how you'd much rather watch them set up than listen to Inoue's mindless flirting. Hachiro placed his hand on the small of your back, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. But you couldn't dare look into his tender gaze, knowing of the possessiveness bursting within your chest.
She giggled, “How silly of you, Hachiro!” She reached her manicured hand out to grab his free arm just for him to grab her by the wrist.
“Please refrain from touching me so familiarly, Inoue. I'm a married man, and I'd be simply overjoyed if you would respect that.” He gave her a smile that didn't quite reach his steely eyes, before pulling you flush against his chest.
A bright red bloomed across your skin at his affection. Hachiro never showed too much PDA. "You have a photo shoot to attend to, no?" He asks coldly. "Me and my wife will be sure to cheer you on from the sidelines.
That soiled your mood for the evening. Snatching the genuine smile from your lips and replacing it with one faker than the plastic on that whore's skin. For once in your life you were truly feeling vulnerable.
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YOU had CONTEMPLATED GOING UNDER the KNIFE more times than YOU CARE to ADMIT. Not for your own pleasure, but the sake of your sanity. You didn't know what you'd do if you saw another beautiful woman talk to your husband.
Even in your youth, he was the center of attention. He had captured the hearts of many girls from various levels of wealth. You would know as you were one of them. But you were in no way richer or as elegant as the others who approached him. So why did he choose you? You asked yourself.
That night you had taken the guest room. It felt cold and quiet. Absent of the usual scratching of pens and occasional shuffling of papers you had grown accustomed to. The pleasant rumble of his chest as he attempts to entertain you whilst working. But you couldn't bring yourself to lay by his side with such heinous thoughts roaming your mind. You were able to fall into a long, dreamless slumber. But not without the company of a few heavy tears and a single question.
Were you selfish?
From that day, you didn't bother answering his calls, whether it be morning or dawn. You didn't bother visiting him during those long hours he slaved away at the company, though many times you truly wanted to. You didn't bother to allow your personal driver to pick you up, and if he tried, you merely snuck out of the house.
Any and everything reminded you of him, and that alone rendered you to tears. While he was away, you didn't allow yourself to be another burden pestering him on his business trip. You couldn't allow it.
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THE FLIGHT HOME was DREADFULLY SILENT. Aside from the tapping of someone's sleek dress shoes. Hachiro had not so much as uttered a word since boarding the plane, nor did he intend on it. For if he did, nothing kind would leave his mouth. Perhaps a, "hurry up," or two — or three. But all of it was for the sake of his sanity.
Hachiro needed his wife, desperately.
You slip through the large double doors, entering your bedroom with wary steps. It was quiet, as expected, and without your presence, it felt almost dead. A week had passed since you last drowned in the warm duvet. A week had passed since you relished in his scent nestled deep within its silk. And oh how you missed the smell of him. Finally, at peace, your shoulders dropped. You took a seat on the edge of your bed. Under your confident front, you were only one person. One person with one mind; though you usually had two. Hachiro and your own. But your pride didn't allow you to confine in the man you loved. What were you scared of? Being shamed, or perhaps laughed at — scolded? Though none of it seemed likely, you could not shake the feeling of embarrassment that held you on a tight leash. CREAK! You jumped, startled by the sudden weight pressed against your back. "Thank God you're safe," your heart swelled at the sound of his voice. The voice of not a stranger, but a lover — a partner. Hachiro grabs you by the chin and lifts your face up. You quickly recoil away in shame, praying he didn't get a peek at your messy face. The need to prove yourself had increased tenfold, you couldn't allow yourself to falter in his presence. “look at me, [Name]," he whispered softy. Hachiro lifts your head once more, swiping away the tears rolling down your cheeks. "You're crying? Tell me what's troubling you. I can help you, [Name]."
And just like that, you broke. Loud, anguished sobs tore through your throat. Your stomach fluttered at the familiar smell of citrus and mint. You couldn't get enough of it. His arms were warm and comforting, and you couldn't deny the safety you felt by his side. His embrace was stronger than anything you've ever known, as if holding him wasn't enough, you held him as though he were your lifeline. It wasn't your intention to tell him, but you just couldn't help it. Each and every thought was placed on the table. The insecurities that you felt bestowed before him. The people you despised and envied slipped past your lips without thinking. All while Hachiro cooed sweet nothings in your ear, promising you his loyalty until his last breath. “God, you're so beautiful,” he whispered, running his thumb through the swollen flesh of your eyes. His usually cold eyes burned with something you couldn't possibly describe. “I can hardly control myself sometimes.” You stared at him dumbfounded — in utter disbelief. His glasses must've been dirty, you thought. Your hair was a literal wreck. And the past couple of weeks had not been too kind to your skin. Small breakouts peppering your cheeks from stress; bags that could carry at least a ton of sorrow nestled beneath your eyes. Surely his vision was just a little blurry. But upon further inspection, you couldn't spot not a spec of dirt on his lenses. Upon your lack of response, he hums, leaning in a bit closer. “I'm serious, dear.” You huff, burying your face into his neck as your skin takes on a feverish shade of red. Damn him for being so attractive. You felt like a high schooler all over again. Smiling softly, you held him closer. “You're the best, Hachi.”
Hachiro sat awake by your side, gently stroking your back with easy motions. His lips had found themselves on your warm skin. And his heart beating vastly at the things you had confessed to him. The possessiveness you had experienced for him. The jealousy and anguish that had consumed you on his behalf.
Of course, he never wanted to see you upset, but seeing how you value him makes him a bit selfish. Just seeing you made him snap a little on the inside. His rational mind fought for control over his need to have you, to prove his love to you. But he decided against it. He would be sure to show you how deeply his love runs on a later occasion. But for now, he settled for cradling you in his arms. Promising to take all those bitter emotions away from you.
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“Good morning, Japan!” Shouted the host. “It's come to our attention that Ms. heartthrob Kamiko Inoue has quit the modeling industry after a life-threatening accident!”
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©CozyMoko, all rights reserved. Don't repost my work on other platforms.
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thezombieprostitute · 4 months ago
Tech Tuesday: Steve Rogers
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Summary: It's only your first day on the job. That's way too soon to have an office crush. Right?
Warnings: Workplace stress and bullying. Please let me know if I missed any!
A/N: Reader is female. No physical descriptors used.
A/N2: Shorter chapter but it does move the story forward, I promise!
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
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True to his word Steve refrained from overtly interfering with your boss again. Instead he switched to more covert tactics, building a case to take to Nat in HR. Not just the excess time Margaret spent on things other than work but also the emails and messages that could be construed as threatening or bullying.
He was relieved to see you had made a couple friends. Blossom and Spitfire definitely took good care of you. They were also a good excuse to not talk to you. He didn't want to disturb you and your friends. At least that's what he kept telling Bucky whenever you were brought up in discussion.
But Bucky wasn't having it. "Look, let me and Sweetie help you, okay? I'll ask her to come to the party and we can be your backup, okay?"
Steve's face is pink with embarrassment. "I shouldn't need help. And you should focus on having fun with Sweetie."
"And yet," Bucky shakes his head, "you clearly need the help. Just make sure to wear a better costume than last year, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," Steve nods. "I'll wear my biker gear, okay?"
"Excellent choice! We'll have the two of you exchanging numbers in no time!"
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The party couldn't be going worse. Steve had been maintaining his distance, just watching you have fun, while everyone except you tried to flirt with him. Then Bucky and Sweetie arrived but apparently Steve had misread their relationship and Sweetie had stormed out, Bucky chasing after her. And while he was distracted by that, you and Bubbles had gone missing!
In desperation he approached the Double G's asking if they'd seen where you'd gone to.
"She left with Walter," Geralt informs him. Steve's heart drops.
G smacks Geralt in the stomach, "bad trick." Turning to Steve he adds, "the Powerpuff Girls are escorting Walter to the security desk."
Steve almost faints from relief before he heads to the desk. He wants to run but restrains himself to a fast walk, he doesn't want to appear too desperate. Right? He won't lie, seeing Jake and his family really kicked Steve's heart into gear, reminding him that he does want such things for himself, but he'll never get them if he doesn't try. He doesn't want to get too far ahead of himself, though. He's just so scared because you're so lovely, so smart, so strong and seem to be everything he could ever want but he's likely to scare you away because he's not sure he'll be able to hold back. One step at a time, he chides himself.
He hears a bunch of giggling as he steps out the main entry and stops, caught completely off guard by the sight of Walter in a dunce cap. The two men lock eyes for a second before Walter quickly pulls off the cap and gives Steve a look that says "you saw nothing!" Steve nods in agreement as you and your friends turn to look at who got Walter's attention.
Your heart flutters a bit at seeing the big, tall, handsome blond in a biker getup. Rumor was he did have a motorcycle but you weren't sure this was confirmation. Still, the leather looked good on him. Bubbles pokes your ribs, startling you a bit, before Spitfire chimes in, "you need some help?"
All I can get, Steve thinks. "I, um..." he walks up to you, "I was worried you'd left the party already."
"You...you were looking for me?" Your voice quavers a bit.
"Yeah, um...I just..." Steve takes a deep breath. "Would you like to go out some time?" His words come out in a rush and it takes you a few seconds, and another poke in the ribs from Bubbles, to realize he's asking you out.
"I'd love to!" you almost yell out. You cringe at your overly-enthusiastic response and compose yourself before saying, "that sounds wonderful."
Behind you Spitfire and Bubbles high five, making Steve blush and smile in relief.
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Tagging: @alicedopey; @darsynia; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen;
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ozwriterchick; @ronearoundblindly
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ember-owlet · 4 months ago
₊˚‧♱₊˚ Halloween with the Tulpar crew ₊˚♱‧₊˚.
disclaimer: jimmy will not be included in these headcanons!! i recognize that he is well-written and deeply flawed, but it is for my own comfort that i will not be creating content of him on this account. thank you for understanding, happy halloween firelights!!
dynamic: caregivers! anya, curly, daisuke, and swansea
content warning: none! just short and sweet headcanons with the crew ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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The most cautious of the crew on Halloween night. Of course she wants you to have fun but worries about the potential risks involved as she values your safety above all else.
One of her safety precations is wearing visible stickers/accessories for navigating the streets, and will never say no to holding your hand when walking side by side.
Another steadfast safety precaution that she has is to always remain in sight and to not run, even if there are others doing so.
She is extremely thorough when inspecting your Halloween candy, organizing them with you by your favorites and least favorites to ration as a special treat. Though, you are free to help yourself to a handful of sweets after working so hard to fill your bucket.
As much as she loves to watch you collect candy, she also loves to be a fun house that gives away treats to the other trick or treaters. She'll have all sorts of dye-free, non-dairy, or sugar free candy alternatives to make sure that everyone is able to feel like they could participate in the holiday festivities.
For those that don't care for candy or can't have any, she also makes little packets of coloring activities with small plastic toys.
Puts in the most effort to decorate for the holidays with warm lights being her favorite; she'll string them up alongisde the house to bring in the warmth of fall.
She'll also put up her favorite vintage decorations or small trinkets that she's collected over the years, relaying stories of how she had come to aquire each of them.
Spiced apple cider is her favorite fall drink, and was given a particularly delicious recipe from Swansea, and since then has become a favorite tradition to drink it in your matching mugs.
Anya loves horror movies, and can't think of a better way to spend the evening than being cuddled on the couch and watching her favorites. If you ask she'd be happy to recount her favorite facts throughout the film as though you had your own personal commentary track.
If Daisuke happens to be available she'd invite him over to share in their common interest of slasher films as the only ones on the crew who find enjoyment in them. Because of this you'd have quite an extensive knowledge on horror films, whether you like them or not.
There's no other Halloween song that gets the two of you into the spooky mindset quite like "This is Halloween", and will immediately sing or hum it at any given chance, no matter where you are.
Will basically do whatever you want as long as you're spending the holiday together.
You wanna go out and trick or treat? He'll have matching costumes ready.
Want to just stay inside? He's already got a pumpkin on the counter with recipes for baked pumpkin seeds after you're done carving.
Don't want to do anything special? He's already got plans for the night to include a warm meal and a cozy autumn movie.
I have no explanation but he has a notrious fall candle that only he appreciates its smell. Everyone else begs him not to light it every year because the house reeks of spiced body spray but he loves it. Anya can feel the headache coming in seeing its putrid glassy orange color being brought into the living room.
The one to host a Halloween party with the crew, but wants to keep the drinking and rowdy behavior to a minimum when you're around, especially to be respectful of Swansea's sobriety.
Loves to listen to classic Halloween songs and does silly dances to make you giggle (The Monster Mash or Ghostbusters in particular).
Also loves to watch children's Halloween movies but makes the excuse that watching "those scary horror films" will give you nightmares and he doesn't want you keeping him up all night (but really, we all know that he just wants to watch cartoons.)
Is the best at making you feel safe during your Halloween outings, always shielding you behind him and walking head first into the haunted houses and would never leave your side as you were his responsibility.
Once the two of you are out the door, get ready for a long night ahead, because neither of you are getting home until someone drops. /lh
If your goal is to fill your candy bucket to the brim he'll do his best to make sure that its done. If he thinks that the quota isn't being met fast enough he'd bring his own bucket to double up the earnings at each house.
Doesn't mind holding hands if you get scared of other costumes or if you need support going through haunted house exhibits.
Though being scared doesn't excuse you from receiving light teasing, he'll be sure to remind you that there's nothing to be afraid of, and if it gets too much then just tugging on his sleeve will be the cue to take you home.
If you both were to retire early, the two of you would make a de-tour to Anya's house to spend the rest of the night watching their favorite horror films to discuss/analyze.
Likes to dress in costumes with matching outfits! Bonus points if the costumes were somehow a joke or meme.
I am a firm believer that he wears crocs with halloween charms on them to celebrate the holiday.
Lets you keep and eat as much candy as you like, though he is quite thorough checking the wrappers for any tampering before handing your bucket back to you.
The least interested in doing anything outlandish or festive. If he had it his way, he'd be sitting on the couch on Halloween night, watching re-runs of his favorite TV shows and in bed before 8pm.
But alas, with you around he'd oblige on taking you out or doing whatever you like for the majority of Halloween night, as long as the two of you are back home and in bed at an appropriate time.
Never dresses in costume, but is open to wearing a festive T-Shirt that doesn't take much effort to put on.
However, when it comes to Halloween treats there's no one better at making the house smell cozy and warm. Whether its apple cider, cookies, pie, or soup, everything is insisted on being homemade.
He'd keep a bowl of dough in the fridge so you two can enjoy a small snack before or after heading out to trick or treat.
Will take a "Dad/Boss Tax" of your candy when you get home while inspecting your earnings, chuckling as you pout after watching your hard work being snacked on.
"That's just policy kiddo. I take you out, I get first pick of the treats."
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leothil · 9 months ago
so i kind of took a hiatus for the first month the season was airing from episode 1 all the way to episode 6, so any chance you can link me to some fic recs that i missed during that time span by any chance. i think that was march to late april?
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Hi, thanks for asking and sorry for the wait, but I was busy all day yesterday. Here's some I found in my log:
the going water and the gone by @try-set-me-on-fire, where Eddie goes missing in the cruise disaster and is presumed dead. 31.5k words, rated T
illicit affairs by @burnthatbridge where Buck realizes he's bi and starts dating men, but isn't sure how well he'll do at sex with them, so Eddie offers to help him out. It's not cheating when he's just helping out his best friend, right? Note that as of now it's unfinished, but I'd argue it's still worth seeing their stupidity at work. 42.6k words, rated E
hearts will hold by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) where Eddie keeps canceling plans with Marisol to hang out with Buck instead. 3.1k words, rated G
don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts (@shitouttabuck) where Buck and Eddie pretend-date each other during Chimney's bachelor party to be able to give Christopher advice about dating. 14.7k words, rated T
put my heart inside your palms by @markofalover where Buck accidentally calls Eddie baby and Eddie is overcome with love. 3k words rated T
every evening, every time by hrudayam (@eddiegettingshot) where Marisol points out that Eddie doesn't really talk about Buck, and Eddie is baffled but then the puzzle pieces start moving in his head. 2.4k words, rated T
rebirth by @renecdote, a Buck introspection fic where he lies and ponders his bisexual realization. 752 words, rated G
lest i go unsheltered by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) where Buck comes out to Maddie. 1.5k words, rated T
my heart is working overtime by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) where Buck sits with his feelings after 7x04. 1.1k words, rated T
my heart aches with love for you by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) where Marisol slightly chides Eddie for interrupting Buck and Tommy's date, and Eddie kinda bluescreens. 1.8k words, rated G
got that, oh, I mean by @bekkachaos where Hen comes over to talk to Buck after 7x04. 2.7k words, rated T
some things fall when they're meant to fall by @sibylsleaves where Eddie realizes he'll never prioritize Marisol the way he does Buck, but his realization comes just a bit too late. 25.7k words, rated T
as lucky as us by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) where Ravi overhears and observes Buck and Eddie interact, and Suffers. 3.6k words, rated G
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it by wafflesofdoom (@capseycartwright) where Buck drives to Hen to talk to her about his new realization and Tommy. 1.7k words, unrated but like G/T
so much to say that's subject-sore by @hattalove where Buck thinks calling Tommy his boyfriend feels wrong, even though he wants to continue dating him. 3.1k words, rated T
the gift you gave him by @thatbuddie where Tommy asks Eddie for tips on what Buck likes, and Eddie wonders why he feels weird about it. 5.1k words, rated T
I won't tell no lie by @lamardeuse where Hen shows up at Tommy's place to ask him about his behaviour while they worked together at the 118. 1.3k words, rated T
Ah hell this is so long already so I'll stop here, but feel free to come back and ask again after you've gotten through these, because I have many more! Actually, one last one I have to recommend immediately too:
good luck, babe by @hattalove, a twitter fic where an outsider observes Buck, Eddie, Marisol, and Tommy during Buck and Tommy's first date and tweets about it all. I cackled the whole way through! 2.1k words, rated T
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doodler-jpeg · 1 year ago
Thinking about self aware! MW characters (plus Roach) who absolutely adore your laugh.
CW// gender neutral, unfunny men deserve to be slandered, favoritism is seen, badly translated Scottish and Spanish, this is based off of my interpretation (you can find the main fic link on my account)
Feedback and criticism are highly encouraged! Please tell me if anything is badly translated, out of character, or something else!
Ghost actively makes jokes that are guaranteed to make you at least giggle. Even through this weird mental barrier (for him) and your monitor's screen, it's so invigorating to hear some form of joy out on the field, especially when it's from you. It just makes that fuzzy feeling in his heart multiply.
"Thank you, thank you - I'll be here all night."
Gaz takes absolute advantage of this. He makes a few jokes here and there, but keeps it to interesting stories. In some instances, he just starts laughing out of nowhere and you can't help but join in. It's very clear he gets bitches on the daily.
"Didn't know I was that funny, but I'll take what I can get."
Price uses all of his past experiences with courting to get, at the very least, a giggle or two out of you. He doesn't have millenium of experience (contrary to your belief), but he's certain that his "old-man" charisma and his weird way with words. But he still tells some older jokes, so your assumption that he's older isn't completely wrong (he was totally raised by his grandparents).
"Would you like to hear a story?" *Tells one of the pointless joke stories that lasts for 10 minutes and has the stupidest punchline*
Roach can't really come up with ways to make you laugh. His preference of keeping quiet and faceless doesn't really help, either. Instead, he tries to point out some enemy on the field, signing insults to them that you're sure to understand.
'His head looks like a donkey, and he acts like one, too.'
Soap physically cannot keep you from laughing. He doesn't even have to make a joke, you just start laughing. He believes it's because he's just an immediately funny dude, but you're not going to tell him that he looks stupid with that hairstyle. If he does tell any jokes, they're not even funny.
"Dinnae ken how come ye'r laughing, bit keep daein' it."
Alejandro tries, he really does, and it doesn't work most of the time. It's kind of funny seeing this overly-confident dude absolutely fumble because of his lack of realization that your personality and humor aren't really the same as the people he usually catches. On occasion, though, he does get a rise out of you and can't stop smirking about it for the rest of the day.
Valeria has subtle jokes that rely mainly on her tone, but those aren't her priority. She doesn't mean to be rude (lies usually, but with you?), but she does impressions of your laugh and then comments on it. Usually they're not bad, but it does feel demeaning sometimes.
"Me gusta esa risa. Jejejejeje."
"You know why Mexicans call Americans 'gringos'? ... Would you like to?"
Rodolfo doesn't always try to make you laugh - he still gets a bit disoriented that you're no physically there (which means he can't see your face, but what is he gonna do about it?). His humbleness and large range of jokes really comes through, especially since he'd been the family entertainer at parties. If you can understand simple jokes in Spanish? You're practically set to be unable to keep a straight face, and he loves it. (Even if he doesn't understand it, he'll turn it into a mini lesson so you do)
"¿Qué dijo el gato cuando chocó su carro? 'Miau-to.'"
Nikolai has a handful of Russian jokes at his disposal. Are you completely guaranteed to understand? No, and he doesn't expect you to. If you do understand Russian, boy howdy is he gonna have the time of his life! You won't be able to breathe properly until he's out of sight!
"You see, it's funny because-" *explains joke if you don't understand*
Laswell is a huge fan of subtle jokes. She often makes small, funny comments that get light-hearted chuckles out of her. However, she also has older humor, which means you're less likely to understand unless you, too, are old (which isn't likely, but it's still a possibility). She likes hearing you laugh and really does try to get some sort of connection with you, even if it doesn't work.
"What did the chicken say when it crossed the road? 'Damn it, I missed the bus.'"
Alex is a funny man. He's aware of his effect on people and uses it to his full advantage. As a people-pleaser, he makes it his duty to get you to laugh as much as possible. If he doesn't make you laugh, he'll make himself laugh, and then you laugh. He's totally not putting all his effort into jokes just to get you to laugh or anything. He's just that guy.
"Me? A tryhard? Whaaaat? Psh- as if."
Farah has no business with nonchalant jokes, but she makes them work. While she does like the sound of your voice, she doesn't want to force it. She believes that intentionally funny words can diminish any genuine laughter, so she sticks to half-assing it in hopes you at least giggle. That's not to say she doesn't try to get you to laugh - she just does it far less, since she can't see your face (but she can just imagine the glee on your face if you get the giggles because of her).
"What is your type of humor? Asking for a friend."
Graves is unintentionally funny. When he tries, he fails miserably. He says a southern phrase that might not be super known? You're cracking up. He doesn't get it, but at least you're going 'teehee'.
"What's so funny 'bout me sayin' cattywampus? It fits the situation!"
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romanarose · 2 months ago
X-men working in a chain restaurant AU
I will place the x-men in positions just based on my experience in Olive Garden. I also worked in a small family owned restaurant and it was very different but picture a chain restaurant type like Olive garden, Chili's, Applebee's etc.
General manager: Charles, of course. But he's not very actively a part of the day to day. He's the kind of manager who will hide in his office all day being absolutly no help during a rush. However if you're sick or family emergency he'll move things around so you can go home, and his office door is always open to talk. Not the best manager but a good guy so you stick around.
Assistant GM: Not really a thing in OG land but I struggled where to put her. Jean does a lot of the hard stuff Charles won't, like writing up, or HR meetings. She also does all the ordering because Scott messed it up ONE TIME and they didn't have ketchup for a week.. Her and Scott are divorced in this, due to the all around cheating happening. She cheated on Scott, Scott cheated on her. It was a great time. Bobby said it was like his parents were divorcing. Now, Jean is the only smart person here who ISNT sleeping with anyone else. ESO bc the only other person she would be interested in is 💯 RAN THROUGH!!! (Logan)
FOH: Front of house.
FOH manager: Scott.
He's really running most of the show. He's training new hires, doing the schedule, for FOH AND BOH because he doesn't trust anyone else. He's running your food. He's up at the host stand figuring out big parties and if a guest has a problem he's handling it. He's also gonna be protective of his staff. OFC he's a kiss ass even if he thinks the guest is being dumb but if a guest is rude to his servers or inappropriate with a host, he's not tolerating it. Is he sleeping with Emma and still trying to get Jean back? Yes. Leave my son alone.
Wade: Wade was hired as a server but found he was uhhhhhh bad at it (just like me fr) he talked to much to EVERYONE, couldn't stay focused, easily distracted. Wade switched to bussing which they found worked way better. He still can chat and talk while he works, talks up some guests, and instead of needing to focus he is able to thrive in a job that requires you to do many small tasks. His high energy and ADHD works in his favor. He'll still occasionally serve in a pinch.
Alex: Alex busses AND hosts. Hosting he's the only guy, so he's stuck being the men's room bathroom checks every hour. Alex and Wade get in trouble sometimes for talking to each other, but generally a good worker. Alex gets along with almost everyone. technically he shouldn't be working at this branch considering he's a managers brother, but Charles doesn't follow rules.
Kurt!: Kurt is one of the best servers they have! He's quick (although they had to tell him to stop teleporting because he kept crashing into servers running around. he still does it when safe). He frequently has to be shoed away from the host stand where he's flirting with host or the window where he's flirting with line cooks. Not his fault he's got the rizz. He's got good tips though. He frequently get put in the bar tables because tipsy people LOVE the guy. Kurt is also known to make out in dry storage with whoever at any given time. The village whore. No one can resist the lil guy in his too-tight uniform. He's slept with almost everyone in this place, and yet no one hates him and they come back for more. Does ToGo too, but he's a server trainer so his schedule is pretty full.
Pietro: Lets be honest, he's the best server they have. Fast, handsome. He can dash around without crashing into anyone like Kurt (and sometimes kitty) and with more time saved, the more time he has to charm tables. He's frequently given big parties for this reason. There are sometime issues with him and other people because he is cocky, but not a bad guy. Just sometimes hard to work with. If he has an issue with a table, he WILL tell them they are wrong. Scott has had to smooth thing over once or twice. Will NOT do ToGo because he has to work with too many people. Will not train bc it’s a pay cut: he makes too much serving.
Kitty: Walking through walls helps a lot, although she has been known to walk into dry storage to find Kurt humping someone's leg against a box of garlic salt. Oops. Anyway Kitty is one of the less bubbly or talkative servers but she's charismatic, people like her. Kitty is also cross trained for ToGo, and frequently just walks though walls to take food to cars so she doesn't run into guests (and doesn't feel obligated to hold the door for them). Sometimes Kitty will host for more hours, mostly because Emma wants her to.
Ororo: Ororo is mostly ToGo, but if it's slow she'll take a few tables. Ororo is a service pro, which means she had authority and responsibilities and thank god for that because without her, Scott would simply fall apart. Ororo keeps the ToGo room organized and luckily manages any beef the girls have because god knows while Scott is good at managing people, if faced with 3 arguing 20 year old women he will have a break down.
Emma: Emma works the lunch shift, M-F ONLY. Do not call her on weekends or nights, she will not pick up. Emma does her job, goes home. She's the lead, which means minimal working with costumers and she has a LOT of control over the floor and she WILL tell Scott to fuck off if he tries to hover over her screen, and she has and will again dragged Kurt away from the host stand. However, Emma is extremely competent at her job and very, very protective of the young hosts. You will go months thinking she doesn't like you, only to find her stepping between you and an angry woman who came in with 20 people and no call ahead who is mad she can't get sat right away.
Jubilee: Jubilee is the seater, always. She's gonna take you to your table and chat with you the whole time. Hell, if you seem interested she'll chat with you when she's pre-bussing other tables even! (Emma sent her onto the floor. She was talking too much.). Jubilee is one of the few people who will get people giving compliments about her to the managers that ISNT a server. Scott keeps trying to get her to try server, but Jubilee is happy where she is.
BOH: Back of house
BOH Manager: Remy
Remy has done a little of everything. Again, like Wade, he was hired as a server and did good considering his charm but started learning more and more BOH stuff to get more hours. Eventually he worked his way up and now manages the back. He is the only one who can cool Logan's anger issues, and although he can't actually experiment with food bc it's a chain, he likes to make food for the staff on slower days. No one is going home hungry on his watch. It's an open secret Remy and Rogue are dating, but because he's a manager they technically can't... But Charles looks the other way because they are cute, and frankly, he can't lose a manager and one of his best staff.
Rogue: Jack of all trades. She can do host, dish, line, prep, to go, serve. Only thing is she refuses to bus because she did it for a little bit once to "help out" and got stuck bussing for 2 months. Never again. If Remy is on line she can frequently be found chatting with him through the window, eating fries. Remy will "Mess up" toasted ravioli for her to munch on too. Most people like her because she's friendly and competent but if you piss her off you'll regret it. Logan. Could be a service or culinary pro but she doesn’t want to be a trainer; she gets annoyed fast.
Line cooks
John: John has burnt many dishes trying to cook it faster. He's been there 3 years and still thinks this time will be different. John is flirting with every server that comes to the window, and Bobby about smacks him when he flirts with Kitty, who just wants a side of marinara for table 3. He doesn’t realize they only flirt back bc they want munchies or their food faster. Fire comes in very handy when they need to bring the boiler temp up or light a burner that isn't working. he's the only one without healing powers that doesn't have burn marks.
Bobby: When John flirted with Kitty, he re-froze the chicken he was cooking. Bobby is someone new servers might be a little hesitant with because he is straight up. "Well, why didn't you ring it in like that in the first place?" "They can't get three small sides of Alfredo, Kurt, they just have to buy the boat appetizer." but everyone warms up to him because he's not rude when he says it, just straight forward. Bobby is a culinary pro, which means he's not a manager but he has authority and responsibility, which he does well with.
Sean: Sean does most things BOH, but dish is his preferred area. However, he is a certified trainer so he's often stuck everywhere training the new people. He's patient, more patient than Logan but more focused than Remy. He's a bit of a dad around the place, always asking the younger kids if they've eaten yet, and unlike Remy or John it's not because he's trying to sleep with them. He's just nice. Sometimes he brings cookies or something from walmart. Quieter, people don't know him very well, but friendly enough. he might have a little alcohol in his drinks.
Prep/bread/soup/backup/dish, the rest of BOH stuff that isn't line
Warren: After getting his wings burned TWICE (once was his fault, another time because john was being stupid), Warren moved away from the line, further back. He'll do prep and dish mostly now. He's a bit of a pain, very much "I am the only person at this place that knows how to get things done right" and "this place would fall apart without me." but he's kinda right. Still, if you fuck up or are falling behind, he's gonna step in and help you. More than once a crying Kitty has come to the back saying she forgot to ring in food, and Warren will step onto the line to make it up real fast.
Logan: You thought he'd be a line cook, didn't you? Well. he tried. He made too many servers cry, and got put in the back. Now Logan is ONLY prep. It's fine because if he cuts a finger or burns himself, he heals fast. Logan, despite being scary to most people at start. has a soft spot for the younger ones. When Scott caught Rogue with a full steak dinner that Remy made her, Logan was quick to defend. "What is the charge? Eating a meal? Succulent Chinese meal?" type energy. Scott dropped it. Logan will huff and puff about having to anything that is literally his job and has growled once or twice, but if YOU are mean to one of his favorites, it'll be hell.
I wanna keep doing HC's for this AU lol i had so much fun!!!!
Drop asks in my inbox about them!!! Scenarios or people or whatever
also, as always, anyone writing a fic or hc's or making art of this au are totally welcome just give me a tag and i'll share it!!!!
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insomniaticdreamer · 3 months ago
‧₊ ᵎᵎ ☁️ MINE AND YOURS ๋࣭ ⭑
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SYNOPSIS: basically a small series of relationships of different characters
Character: Diluc Ragvindr — Genshin Impact
[Strongly OOC, I tried to make it fit the character as much as possible.)
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-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ First of all, Diluc is a closed person, he doesn't really let anyone get too close to him, perhaps his servants would be the closest thing to a family. I would say that Diluc's trip made him not know how to talk to the people he had contact with without it being awkward.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Not to mention the problems he may have, things like insecurities, trust issues, maybe fear of abandonment and he may or may not a dubious depression It would be difficult to get close to Diluc, you would have to be very persistent to get close to him.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ But if you are persistent enough and give enough trust for him to deign to allow you to be closer to him, it would still be a something, You might see each other more often when the tavern is closed and then Diluc will allow himself to be a little more vocal, But it doesn't say much either
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ I wouldn't have much to say about this stage, since I feel that it would be the same as in the game when Diluc enters the scene, Distant but always willing to help those who were once closest to him and who he possibly considers his closest, but it is a complicated situation.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ When Diluc begins to feel things more significant than those of a simple friend, I would say that he would feel conflicted, his insecurities, his fears would trap him like a rabbit in an open trap. He wants to go with you but he's afraid that the trap will close and he'll end up more hurt.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ He knows he is handsome, his name has influence and above all, his money, He notices how the maidens presented to him at parties do not look at him for what is behind his appearance, name and fortune. It is a reality that he has already accepted and that he and other aristocrats face.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ He knows that his dreams of meeting a girl, falling in love and marrying for love when he was a young boy are nothing more than distant and childish dreams. But now with you in the photo, that conflict floods his mind, It doesn't leave him alone between the decision of taking a risk and loving or not.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ He knows that love challenges you to too many things, loving means changes, time and dedication, It challenges you to care for others and if you are not able to do so, maybe you are not as ready for love as one thinks.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ He is willing to do that, to face the challenges that love would have for him, At least he believes that if it is for someone he treasures, it is worth the attempt and the risk.
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   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚       
It was late at night, he had arrived from his job as a night guard in Mondstadt, tired and a little hurt but nothing really serious other than arrow scratches and some scrapes, He was dressed in more casual clothes than he naturally wore. He was cleaning his heavy sword while thinking about his heart.
He knows that his heart is his greatest enemy. So many feelings can leave him exposed to things that would hinder him in his work... But it felt good, too good to just let it go.
Could he really let his heart rule his mind for once in his life? Let himself be vulnerable and let you see what he's really like? Let you see his insecurities, fears, would you accept him if he let you see that? That without money, power and influence he would be nothing more than a broken man with many defects.
Even though he was afraid to do it, he wanted to.
He wanted to be with you, through thick and thin, to be able to hold your hands when you're cold and to be able to dry your tears, Even if the thought of just seeing your face stained with sadness hurt.
He is willing to embrace you with all the love he can give, to give it to you on a silver platter, He just waits for you to be willing to let him hold you and love you, He expects that and that you return that and that it is sincere, not something fake just to say "look at me, I'm dating Diluc Ragvindr, The uncrowned king". you're not like everyone else (you're not, I hope...)
He followed leaving sword finally, clean and ready for the next night, soon went to the window, seeing the starry night, Thinking about what he should do, he wants to court you, but he doesn't really know how.
He knows the basics yes, but after his 3 year journey and too much time alone he really lost a lot of his social skills, Minimal does the essentials for the formal, but you are more than a formal occasion.
That night he lay awake, not fighting monsters, but thinking about how he should approach and court you.
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   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚        
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ I feel like Diluc at this stage would be somewhat indirect, testing the waters a bit with small, anonymous gifts to see if it's the right time to go direct, Make clear your intentions with you.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Here it would depend too much on your reaction to the gifts, depending on that, Diluc may or may not delay his courtship, He really wants to play it safe, at least at the beginning of this, Then he would be encouraged to be more risky when he gains more confidence.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ If your reaction is happiness, intrigue and even excitement for each gift, he would feel too happy internally, now thinking about directly going to you and letting you know that he wants to court you. And if possible, be able to establish a loving relationship
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ If your reaction is neutral, annoyed, or even displeased for each gift, you may be perpetuating his insecurities further and his direct courtship may not come until much later. (He's little one, take care of him)
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Assuming (forcing) that your reaction is the first, he will directly send you a letter that is perhaps too formal and elegant to ask your permission to openly court you, Being clear with you, Ready to give you his feelings, his heart was in a state of uncertainty as he waited for your response.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚        
With trembling hands he left a letter at your house, his grip was so strong that he would be able to tear the paper or even burn it with his vision without meaning to.
He was scared, the night guard who went through hardships at a very young age was scared by a simple letter, but he could afford it right? For at least this moment.
Without thinking too much, he left the letter that had a scented envelope and the stamp that made it clear that it was from Dawn Winery, He soon retreated to a distant place but had a view of your house, he did not like the idea of doing this but if you reject it, At least he will be able to mentally prepare himself before you come with him.
He watched as you walked out, noticing his letter, his heart tightening as he watched you carefully open the letter and begin to read.
“For [Y/N]
It may be a bit strange that you receive a letter, but I thought it was more appropriate, since possibly if I had you in front of me the words would not come out of me no matter how much I wanted to say them.
Actually, in order not to make this long, I will go straight to the point.
This question has been haunting me and I thought it appropriate to finally reach out to you and ask. Would you allow me to court you?
You know, court you directly and see if something more blossoms between us, if you are willing to accept my proposal and let me get closer to you, more than friends.
I will wait for your response patiently, take the time you need.
Sincerely, Diluc Ragvindr”
As the redhead watched your eyes pass over his words with enviable calligraphy and something too elegant, maybe he worried about it too much, But he really cared now what you would do now that you had reached the end of his letter.
He was only able to see how you brought the scented envelope to cover your face and how you apparently smiled while you smelled the envelope softly. Apparently you were happy with his proposal.
He only hoped that it would be like that and that it would be the beginning of something more beautiful and meaningful for both of them.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚        
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ At this stage Diluc would be more than dedicated, fulfilling what he promised, because of how he was educated he was obviously a gentleman and respectful, It is impossible for me to treat you with less than the greatest respect
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Sure he would be shy and a bit rough at first, but the more and more time he spends with you, the more he will warm up and everything would be really sweet.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Also that at this stage despite doing everything directly, he really wants to keep it as private as possible, he knows that if he says something it will spread like wildfire and everything will burn.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ It's not something that really bothers you either, at the end of the day, in his empty tavern he's really cute, Or even when you escape from Mondstadt for a bit to wander through the beautiful meadows of Mondstadt
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ I really don't think he has anything new to add for this phase other than what has already been said about him, quite a gentleman, shy but cute...
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚        
It was late at night, Diluc was having dinner in his office while thinking about the best way to woo you and be able to have a chance at a relationship with you, His mind was full of doubts, something unusual for someone as sure of everything as he was, what should he do?...
The door to his office opened after a few knocks, the blonde-haired maid, Adelinde, entered with a tray of tea and desserts, Smiling softly as she greeted him.
Adelinde left the tray, she was going to leave but. —Adelinde, wsit— The young master suddenly said, stopping her.
—Yes, Master Diluc? What do you need?— The maid turned around, facing him and waiting patiently for the redhead to continue, although she noticed that he was... nervous?
Yes, he was nervous and hid it very well, but after so many years working alongside Diluc, she knew how to read him perfectly, even if he hid his feelings very well, Even from its employees-
—Do you have any advice for courting someone?— his eyes sparkled and his cheeks blushed. —There is a person I want to court, but I really don't know what is the best way to do it, can you help me?— His eyes desperately searching for help with her, like a baby duck searching for its mother.
The maid's eyes were wide in surprise, not believing what she was hearing, The young master, Diluc, the closed-off and mysterious man from the vineyard, in love?!,Who is this and what did he do to Diluc? Bring him back!.
Leaving the jokes aside she smiled while her eyes sparkled, Diluc was waiting for her answer to his big question, Adelinde was the closest thing he had to a mother, he supposes it is a good idea to seek her guidance.
She soon sat down in the chair on the other side of his office desk, excited by this situation.
The night passed between food and tea, Adelinde asked everything, when and how he met you, Soon she gave him advice and guidance to help the young lover.
Now we just have to wait for the moment when she sees you holding hands.
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-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Here you enter a more dense and personal environment, when you accept that proposal of love, accepting to be his partner, his love, you reach a higher level of intimacy, vulnerability and fear.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ This stage is where I have the most to say to be honest, because I would like to go deeper here.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Be prepared to be this man's safe place when he can't walk because of his nocturnal activities once he tells you about them, You'd better leave the window open enough so he can get in without waking you up, Although in the morning you will meet a hugging bear
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ In these vigilante activities that he does, it is impossible for him not to get hurt, a constant but inevitable concern, It will be normal that if you are awake when he comes to you, you will have to help him.
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Another difficult night, they managed to give him some good blows, and more than grazing him with arrows and more, apparently there were more enemies this time, the more tired he was, the more difficult it was.
But it was something that no matter how tired or damaged I was, I had to do, so that Mondstadt could sleep peacefully, so that you would be fine, He will die in the dark if necessary.
Although if he thinks about it, he would prefer to see you one more time before he dies, the moment where he has to be buried before his time comes to his mind, Hopefully at least he'll have a photo of you when he's buried.
A photo so that he doesn't forget your features that he memorizes and traces every night, so that he isn't afraid of being down there, meters underground, To be able to go in dreams with you and thus be able to feel more alive, That's what he expects and they do, of course, if he dies before his time.
But right now he can't allow that, he got up and walked with too much pain in his body, too much pain and even burning, He slowly went to Mondstadt, he couldn't go to his vineyard, so he went straight to the safest place he knows.
After a painful walk he finally reaches your door or rather your window, he climbs in, his body being in too much pain to climb properly, But when he arrived the only thing he didn't take into account was that you were awake, Seeing how his body was about to collapse.
He just felt your arms wrap around his larger body that trembled gently, feeling you finally felt good, he relaxed but his body relaxed so much that he let his tiredness win
You only saw his face, somewhat dirty with dirt and somewhat scraped and leaning on your chest as he slept peacefully after going through hardships, He looked like an innocent child who was seeking refuge in the arms of the person he loves most, you.
You knew his story, how he was technically taught to be a gentleman in his younger years, not to be running the vineyard, even when he was deep in depression.
It is a shame that he lived through things so young that were too heavy and that he did not have to go through, he deserved to continue being a gentleman and he deserved to continue having his father, But life had other plans, plans too cruel that took away his smile and innocence.
Plans that took him on a journey where he was alone, fending for himself, where his hands became more calloused and where his innocence fell to pieces, Only to come back, be replaced and actually be even lonelier.
For tonight now you would have to take care of this young man who carries too many responsibilities, too heavy even for his biggest and strongest shoulders...
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-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ I think at some point in the relationship, maybe 1 or 2 years, maximum 3 or 4 years, he would invite you to live at his vineyard, His feelings and thoughts would depend a lot on your answer again.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ If you accept, it would be nothing new, Diluc would feel happy and excited to be able to live next to you and the move would really be quick.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ If you decline his invitation he will only become shy and apologize for his hasty request, although his heart would be somewhat disappointed.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Again, assuming (forcing) that your reaction is the first one, Your life would change noticeably but not so drastically, it's not like your life would turn 180 degrees 5 times, As much as possible, it would be largely the same
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ The most significant thing would be that Adelinde would treat you as if you were her daughter, I have the thought that Adelinde is very maternal, Not only with Diluc but also with the rest of the staff, she is motherly but strict.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ So considering that, expect the blonde maid to treat you with too much love and motherly affection, The morning will be pleasant even if Diluc could not accompany you for breakfast, Adelinde was there to talk to you.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ The rest of the staff would be the same, although to a lesser extent, everyone would be happy to have you there and it is more happiness when they see the love between you and the young master.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Although the best mornings are when he can be with you until he leaves, without any intervention from anyone, just you and him.
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   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚        
You woke up, it was early in the morning, too early, early enough for you to see how the blue barely filled the room through the windows, you turned around, somewhat annoyed by your early awakening.
Although when you turned around and could see better, you saw how your lover was at the window, looking at the sky with something illuminated.
You smiled sleepily. —You know, it’s too cold without you here Luc.— The tired voice caught the attention of the redhead who immediately turned around and smiled, a smile just for you.
—I'm sorry, I didn't think of that.— He approached the bed as he spoke, climbing onto the bed, resting his head on his arm as he hugged you with the other arm. —Let me warm you up then— He said affectionately.
He hugged you, making your head rest on his chest while he covered you with the thick, soft blankets, He began to tenderly ruffle your hair while giving you kisses on the forehead, his pyro vision doing a perfect job warming you up.
Between his caresses, his kisses, his soft heartbeat in your ear like a lullaby, Its warmth causing sleep to attack your body again to take you back to the world of dreams.
He held you against his chest gently as he let you sleep leaning against him, being able to see your peacefully sleeping face, running his fingers over your face softly, Trying not to wake you up.
Tonight he will take care of you and protect you while you sleep, Just like you did and do.
Although looking at your face he can see everything he fights for at night, so that you and the inhabitants of Mondstadt can continue sleeping peacefully, And he will fight for that every minute of his life if it means that you and his beloved city are okay.
And he is so grateful to have someone who greets him with loving words and not silence, Someone who hugs him with warm arms instead of the cold wind, just as he has someone who caresses his wounds and scars and does not make them deeper.
He is a lonely knight, who longs for the dawn to appear on his dark path, but it will never do so, he is eternally condemned to this darkness.
But with you by his side, that darkness is more bearable, even in his deepest darkness, you with your warm, orange light illuminate that darkness to which he is accustomed.
Just you and him, Together
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-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Naturally when he can't be with you he always leaves you a note and a flower promising to return to your arms as soon as possible, Telling you to stay safe and that Adelinde is there if anything happens.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ With his staff, of course, you spend the most time, whether it's chatting with Adelinde while she cooks, Have friendly conversations with Elzer, although sharing moments of a younger Diluc, just don't tell him
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ You would also have afternoons where you would help old Tunner with the grapes while he tells you things about his son and stories that he has for you.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Even Charles joins this list, being that sometimes you go to the tavern even if Diluc is not there, just to make conversation with him and help him a little.
‧-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ In themselves they all loved you and respected you and they would enjoy the little moments, they are also happy that the Diluc who always looked sad, At last he has someone waiting for him and with whom to return.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Finally, Master Diluc had someone to call family.
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The mornings were calm and normal, the sun was warm and the clouds did not make an appearance, Adelinde was taking care of the flowers outside while watching them out of the corner of her eye.
You and Master Diluc under a tree together, chatting and laughing, she can't remember the last time she saw Diluc smile so sincerely and so lovingly.
It was incredible how you made your way into his frozen heart and how you took care of that heart that, although hard on the outside, was soft on the inside, Longing for someone to hold him with as much love as you do.
Adelinde smiled softly as she watched them being little love birds.
The love you and he had for each other was evident, as pure and sincere as it could be, She knew it because she had seen it, how you hugged Diluc in the living room while he was relaxing after his activities.
She had seen how he put a lot of effort into every gift he gave and even in the soft and delicate way he spoke to you, Even as he feared that some gift you might not like, which was always an unnecessary fear.
She smiled softly as she saw them hugging under the tree, young Diluc looked more relaxed, without worries or tensions that made his body really straight, it was simply a nice moment between a young couple who loved each other very much.
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-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Although nothing could be all positive, rosy, just as you had nice and happy moments, you also had bad moments, moments where you argued, arguments are normal, But painful
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ Also accidentally that pain could increase because of things that should not have been said, things that crossed the line of what should be said in an argument, Things that hurt deeply
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ For the two of you, that rule was no exception, many times you said things just because of the tense moment, Stupid things.
-`୨୧⭑.ᐟ But with the same love that you showed each other when you were well, you could cope...
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It was very late at night, how much? You don't know, that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that a few minutes ago you were arguing with Diluc, for something stupid now that you think about it coldly, A misunderstanding that escalated to too much...and now? You hurt Diluc with words, words you didn't want to say but your subconscious won over.
God, they were so cruel that you can't even remember exactly what you said, you only remember Diluc's pained face, as well as his beautiful eyes that you loved to crystallize and fill with tears, Only those tears never made their way down his cheeks.
Now he was out in the open somewhere, Fighting monsters maybe, but you couldn't help but worry about him, especially after this.
You knew that you had no right to feel bad, you hurt him in the first place, but you didn't ask to avoid feeling guilty, A feeling that spread from the depths of your heart until it tightened your throat and almost prevented you from breathing.
The hours passed without you noticing because of the repetition of that moment, the blue morning dominating the room, cold passing and freezing you. Diluc would be hugging you if he found you like this, since he always tried to come back a little earlier, But not today, not now...
You came out of your trance hearing the door of the room, turning to look, you saw that person you were thinking about so much, Only now she was disheveled, polite and somewhat sore, apparently he was more careless during his hours of surveillance.
You got out of bed gently as he entered just as gently, your bare feet touching the cold floor, taking a small step closer to him, Only his sudden glance at you made you stop, They both looked at each other, Tired and clearly regretful eyes looking at his more serious but still crystallized ones.
You approached him gently and not abruptly, making sure he could predict your every move. You knew he was hurt and distressed but above all scared.
You just raised your hand to his cheek, though not touching it, you just waited for his movement, letting him decide... Sooner or later he leaned completely on your hand, Like a kitten looking for warmth.
Your eyes watered, and you hugged him just as he hugged you, as tightly as you, He began to tremble as he let the tears he had been holding back come out like rain on a cold day.
You just stayed hugging him while you caressed his back, trying to comfort him, now you had to be strong and above all, recognize and apologize.
—I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have said that, I didn't even have to if I was too angry, You don't deserve to be treated in such an ugly way, much less when you tried to explain it to my stubborn head.— With a somewhat broken voice you asked for forgiveness, while you continued to hug him.
He gently pulled away to look into your eyes, seeing in your eyes that you were truly sorry and that you truly sought his forgiveness, He nodded, accepting them, although at bedtime he wasn't in the mood to hug you and you understood that.
It would take a little less than a week for them to fully reconcile, but the hardest thing would be sleeping without him hugging you.
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P.S.: I feel that it was somewhat empty and without exploring too many things, but what do you say?
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ovwechoes · 6 months ago
Talon & Secret Talents (Headcanons) Super indulgent, but these are what I think the members of Talon would have their secret talent as. My asks are open and requests are welcome, enjoy (they're under the cut c:)
Akande Ogundimu / Doomfist: I can honestly imagine Akande being incredibly good at Luthiery, which is crafting and repairing string instruments like guitars and violins. He taught himself years ago, and has continued honing his skills, modifying instruments and making them out of unconventional materials just to prove to himself he can do it. It's something Akande takes great pride in, serving as a way for him to relax with something mindless and meticulous.
Gabriel Reyes / Reaper: Gabriel has a secret talent for wine and beer making, often spending months at a time making some for his wife, or his colleagues for their birthday. He'll never tell them that he made it, just that it was the cheapest in the store to throw them off his track. Gabriel was taught by his dad how to, and has since loved making it out of ingredients that you wouldn't expect, like sugary sweets or caffeinated drinks. He enjoys the time spent carefully watching it brew, spending weeks to months focused on making sure it tastes divine.
Moira O'Deorian: Honestly I like to think that Moira's good at embroidery, especially cross stitching. She was taught how to do it by her mother, who was taught by their mother and so on. It's a family gift, and she values the time spent carefully making beautifully woven creations. She used to fabric dye too, taking her time with an airbrush to make the most beautiful Ada for people to buy from her. It's her secret hobby, and it helps her to unwind especially if she can't sleep that night.
Siebren de Kuiper / Sigma: Siebren's always enjoyed writing, finding it to be the best way to express his thoughts and feelings. Over time, his writing has become more erratic, scattered, and incoherent. It's something that weighs on his mind from time to time, but he enjoys reading back his older works, like diary entries or poetry he's written. It fills him with a hope of returning to that mental state, and writing in and of itself helps him to clear the echoing thoughts that linger each day. 
Amelie Lacroix / Widowmaker: Amelie has always loved dressmaking, and considers herself to be a talented seamstress. She's always enjoyed it, and it's something even Talon wouldn't be able to pry from her hands. Amelie made her wedding dress, cocktail dresses for parties, and likes to make new patterns for future designs as often as possible. It's something meticulous, and helps to focus her mind on something that won't impact her negatively. Often, Moira and Olivia will ask Amelie to make them designs that she thinks would compliment them, but wouldn't expect her to make the dress completely for them, often tailoring it to be absolutely perfect on them. It's not as much of a secret talent as she'd like it to be, with Moira and Olivia being the only people that know about it. However, she values their opinions on her work, and appreciates the way they express their gratitude over the dresses she makes for them. It makes her feel as though she has a purpose again; one that doesn't have a road of dead bodies following her.
Olivia Colomar / Sombra: Olivia's scarily gifted at photography and photo editing. She has a secret blog and secret twitter to share her creations, to conceal her identity and prevent anyone finding them. Her works are based on her traumas, and the things going on in Dorado that she can't prevent. They're often thought provoking, bringing light to the things that people often overlook. She likes to add an element of hope into the images, and likes to add a line that adds to the work to each post. They're not popular by any means, with rarely anyone interacting with them, but she doesn't care - as long as someone's documenting the way her home is being destroyed by the violence, she's content. It's something she intends to keep private, and she doesn't want to attach her face or name to the images she's creating.
Maugaloa Malosi: Maugaloa has a talent for memorising and recalling information - even when he was a child, he was applauded for his ability to recall exact details of the smallest things from months ago. It's something he prides himself on, but doesn't talk about often enough, wanting to utilise this skill when it'll suit him the most. He enjoys the ability to memorise things, often seeing it as a weapon ready to be used whenever he needs/wants.
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 1 year ago
Even More Honkai Star Rail A/B/O: When their omega is upset
Characters: Blade, Jing Yuan, Welt, and Luocha as Alphas.
CW: omegaverse
A/N: Guess I gotta fill the star rail a/b/o tag myself >:/
Tempted to write for other characters but these four are my faves I picture as Alphas soooo
Who does he have to kill? No seriously. Just give him the word and he'll "take care of it".
On the other hand if his omega is upset because of something he can't dispatch with his sword he's a little at a loss.
Say his omega is upset at how they've built their nest thinking it's either not comfy enough or that it just feels off to them. He'll just stand there clueless before bringing them into his arms and releasing some of his scent to soothe them. Luckily this seems to work most of the time so at least he has that going for him.
If his omega is upset at him however well...death cannot come sooner. He doesn't look like he's bothered by their displeasure but he's losing it and trying to right his wrongs. Fortunately for him it's not hard to figure out that his injuries and recklessness in battle is what causes their frustration with him.
Though he can't stop fighting or getting injured he can at least come back to them and calm them down by letting them patch him up and cuddle them until they're satisfied.
Jing Yuan
If someone or something has upset his omega he'll give them a head start to start running. Takes his omega distress seriously and makes it his top priority to remove the cause and come comfort his partner.
If his omega is upset while building their nest he'll listen to their concerns before he coos and reassures them with soft praises. Like how well they're doing and how proud of them he is that he gets to lay with them in such comfort.
It's practically unheard of for his omega to be upset at him since he's very great at preventing it, but when it does happen he's sweating bullets even if he's wearing his typical sleepy expression.
Does everything in his power to figure out just what he did or didn't do to upset them before trying to make up for it however he can. With how rare their displeasure is directed at him it's no surprise it's typically things that are life threatening such as his battle with Phantylia.
As a General he can't guarantee he'll always come out unscathed but at least he understands his omegas worries and takes their concerns into consideration while making strategies.
Very observant so he's unlikely to see his omega upset for long or at all since he's good at reading how they feel before something does upset them.
But if something or someone does manage to upset his omega he'll first, if he's able to, remove them from the situation so they can both calm down and he can assess how to deal with the issue.
If someone upset his omega, once they're out of their presence he deals with them himself personally. It typically won't end in a physical confrontation but if the other party doesn't stop he won't hesitate to use force.
Should his omega be upset at themselves while building their nest he'll insist they take a break before taking them into his arms, a favorite snack or warm drink in hand to help them calm down and talk them through what may be bothering them. He'll even offer to help them build their nest if they feel up for it after their little talk.
His omega rarely gets upset with him but he's very open to talking things through with them to find out what he might have done wrong so he can right things.
With how on top of taking care of his omega he is it's a rare occurrence for his omega to be upset at him at all.
If his omega is upset while building their nest he'll wrap them up in his arms and release his soothing scent to relax them while making note of what might've upset them. He'll take extra care of them during this time as he knows how precious nests are.
If someone upset his omega he'll deal with them swiftly cutting them off whatever they were saying or doing before escorting his omega to safety then dealing with the offender.
Should his omega be upset at him for anything he'll try to bring peace offerings to lessen their displeasure before apologizing for what he did wrong and asking for their forgiveness.
Most of the time they're upset with him because of how often he travels for long periods of time away from them which is easily fixed by bringing them along should it be safe to do so.
Edited: 2/16/2024
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