#with some basic editing in my phone’s photo editor
dragestil · 1 year
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david owens performing live on grafton st, 1 september 2023
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g-xix · 27 days
Can anyone help me make my fics whilst my laptops broke?
This isn't me asking for a ghost writer btw, moreso a picture editor.
See these like 3 square pics I mash together for headers for the fics I write?:
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(using the high sex w harry header for example)
I can't do this on my phone for some reason j BC the quality degrades n becomes so shitting awful. For example:
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Now my phone screen is v small so for all ik this is acc decent quality... But it also took about an hour to put together.
Basically, I just am looking for someone who would b calm with j putting 3 pictures side by side and sending that for me to use as a header for fics. I'll supply the photos + edit them to be similar qualities in terms of temperature n brightness n contrast.... Pls j someone help whilst my laptop is in the mud 😭🙏🙏
Also announcing a harry w2s as spdmn fic dropping on Monday HEEHEE
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emberfrostlovesloki · 10 months
Studying with Aaron [requested]
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All photo credits after the tag list.
Hello, loves! I hope you are all having a good day/week so far. This post is for my sweet anon who asked for some Aaron study inspiration. Thank you so much for your request. I had such fun coming up with the mood board, HC's, and a little drabble. I hope you enjoy it and good luck with all of your studying and exams! You've got this! Love Levi -❤️
If you'd like to submit a request of some kind, please see this post, Request Post (linked)
Aaron knows that it gets cold in the library, so he brings an extra sweater or blanket for you to wear while you both study.
Aaron gets you any candy or snacks that you want from the vending machines on the second floor. He also knows that apart from the basics, the machines don’t have everything you like, so he buys a few bags of your favorite chips and salty snacks and has some in his apartment and in his backpack in case you need a change from sugary snacks.
If you're on the quiet floors of the library and a person or group is being loud, he will go and tell them to move and is serious about this request. He will stand and glare at the individual(s) until they are gone.
Aaron will quiz you on formulas and concepts for your math and science exams and has written a detailed list of major dates, people, and events for your history courses. He takes all the time you need to remember the important things for each class. He suggests memory devices and tricks to help you retain the stores of information you need.
Even if he says he’s not a good writer, Aaron is a good editor. He will read over any papers or presentations you must turn in. He will make remarks on the whole paper and major points, but he’ll also correct you on your syntax and grammar. As a prelaw student, he is used to detailed work and he wants you to present your best work.
He doesn’t bother you when you are working. He has his own studies too, but every hour you will both debrief and say one major point that you have both learned in that time. You write them out on a whiteboard next to your table. You and Aaron also both have major goals or assignments listed on the board and when either of you finish one of them you cheer each other on! (This is on a non-quiet floor of the library of course).
The short Hotch drabble is below the cut. 1.2K words.
Pairing Hotch x gender-neutral reader
Category: Fluff/comfort
Word count: 1.2K
Content warnings: None
A/N: Two things. 1. This isn't well edited and 2. I use the slang Diffy Q which stands for differential equations. If you liked this story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
_y/n_ = your name
You look at your phone again. It had been nearly half an hour since Aaron had run out to grab a drink. Unless he was getting plastered somewhere off campus then ‘Going to grab a drink’ shouldn’t have taken him more than a few minutes. Just as you were about to shoot him a text asking him where he was, the man in question came walking down the hall and toward your table. He was rather awkwardly holding two 711 Styrofoam cups. He took a sip of one of them to make sure he was giving his partner the right cup. He was right and set the other cup in front of you. You smile at him and in a teasing voice say, “Have you suddenly anthropomorphized into a car and needed some petrol to keep that brain of yours going?” Aaron scoffed and replied, “You know you stop making sense when you’re this tired _y/n_.” You jokingly pouted and said, “What are you talking about, I’m at my peak performance right now.” Just as you finished saying this, you couldn’t stifle a yawn from coming out of your mouth. You hide the betrayal of your body with your mouth. This really had Hotch laughing, and he said, “Well maybe your soda will help you a little bit.” You smiled up at him and grabbed the cup. You take the straw in your mouth. Once you had taken a sip, you smiled even more. Aaron watched you. The little gleam in your eyes at tasting the drink was worth the walk to the convenience store just across from campus. Once you had taken a sip, you said, “You didn’t have to get me root beer Aaron, that was very sweet of you.” Hotch pulled out his chair and sat back down, as he said, “Well you deserved a treat. After all, you finished that twenty-page sociology paper. And I needed to stretch my legs. My eyes were starting to glaze over with this reading.” You looked over to the large textbook in front of Hotch and asked, “Is this still Poli Sci?” Hotch nodded and said, “Mhm.” You reached over and pat his hand as you both slipped back into your respective studying.
A half hour later you ran a hand through your hair and made a sound of frustration. Hotch looked up and asked, “What bothering you _y/n_?” You set down your pencil and said, “This freaking calc review is impossible. I don’t know why my professor decided to include problem types that we’ve never seen before here? I’ve tried working problem seventeen three times and I’m still not getting the answer provided. I’ve checked my stuff and it’s not working.” Hotch nodded and asked, “What concept it is over?” You looked back down at the guide and said, “antiderivatives, which I’m normally good at. But this is something else, let me tell you.” Aaron steepled his fingers under his chin and said, “Why don’t you try writing it out on the board. Maybe seeing it bigger will help you see something differently?” You stand and say, “Well it can’t hurt my chances of figuring it out.” Aaron smiled and said, “That’s the attitude I’m looking for,” as he tossed a green marker at _y/n_. You grabbed the marker and wrote out in neat writing: f(x)=ex−3x2+sinx­
You continued to work on this problem for another few minutes before hearing someone call you and Aaron’s names out. You turn and see Spencer and Penelope walking toward you. You beam and move away from the board; the annoying problem is momentarily forgotten. Garcia rushed forward and gave you a hug, while Aaron gave Reid a strong pat on the shoulder. When Penelope had released you, you and Hotch changed positions as you hugged Spencer and Aaron gave Pen an embrace. ­­As everyone pulled apart, you asked, “What are y’all two here studying for?” Spencer spoke first saying, “Diffy Q and computational engineering.” The thought of Spencer’s highly advanced school load had your head spinning and you were grateful when Penelope said, “And I’m here to write an essay for Brit Lit and remind myself for the seventieth time who Plato was and why his cave is important.” At hearing this, Spencer rolled his eyes as his gaze moved to the whiteboard, he clocked the unfinished calculus problem. The boy genius asked, “You working on calc, _y/n_?” You sighed and said, “Yeah, unsuccessfully.” Reid smiled softly and said, “How about I solve this one for you and then give you another similar problem? I won’t tell you how I’m solving it, but I’ll leave my work and you can reference back to it?” Hearing this, you smile and nod saying, “That sounds great Spence, thanks.” Reid annoyingly quickly solved the problem and provided a new one. Once Reid was back next to Garcia, Hotch asked, “Would you like to join us?” Penelope nodded no and said, “We booked out a room upstairs for the next three hours. I need ultimate silence to write.” You nodded in understanding and asked another question: “We’re still set to meet tomorrow at Commons to work on the speech, right?” Garcia and Spencer nodded, and Pen replied, “We sure are my sweet. Darn was I lucky to be put in a group with all of you. My friend Stacy who’s also in the class said half of her partners hadn’t even started their parts of the presentation.” Aaron chimed in with a “Here, here to that.” The friends spoke for a few more minutes before Spence and Penelope moved up to their booked room. As you turned back to the board to study Spencer’s work, they reflected on how they had met their best friends at school. It was fate or the academic advisors who had thrown the four into the same Intro to Communications class. You had sat next to Penelope and across from Aaron on the first day of class. They had all hit off well. In the second week, Spencer had heard Pen complain about her history class and he joined their group. It was Garia who had told you that she thought Aaron had a thing for them. You hadn’t believed her, but later that week, Hotch had texted you asking if you wanted to grab dinner off campus sometime? And the rest, as they say, was history.
            You spent another half hour trying at the problem, but you were getting tired and frustrated. You flopped into your chair and put your head in your hands saying, “I’m gonna fail this exam.” Aaron reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder saying, “Hey, no negative self-talk. This exam isn’t until Wednesday and it's only on Sunday. Reid will help you, and you can meet with your professor if you’re really, really concerned. You’re incredibly smart and capable _y/n_. Don’t let this one problem get you down.” You looked up slightly from your hands and saw how genuine Aaron was being, and how proud he was of you.” Softly you said, “What did I ever do to deserve you, Aaron?” Hotch smiled and said, “Nothing. And you never will, _y/n_. Now, it’s getting late. How about we call it here? I can drive you back to your place.” You agreed. You both packed up and as you walked toward the exit, you were very happy to be at the library at 12:30 a.m. As long as you had Aaron as a cheerleader, you knew you could make it through finals. You were pretty sure you could make it through anything with him by your side.
tag list: @criminalskies @tgskitten @geminitapestry
Want to be added to the tag list? Please see this post, CM tag list (linked)
Photo credits
Top row: Center and Right (@shakespearesdaughters)
Center row: Left (@shakespearesdaughters) Center: (@foldergif
All other photos are mine.
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doubleedgemode · 5 months
Uhh drawn venty impalement gore under the cut, viewer discretion is advised.
Also I guess an emetophobia warning might also suffice, since the character has blood gushing from her mouth? Idk if it counts but... You better be safe!
(And let's all pretend we are surprised that the guy nicknamed Edgy draws edgy stuff sometimes...)
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I have a big assignment deadline coming soon and it's being very stressing so I felt like drawing vent art. I didn't care a lot with the anatomy or legibility on this one, just the basic feeling.
As for her... I'd say don't worry too much. #inhuman-homunculus-resilience-as-long-as-there-is-enough-backup-blood :)
...I still don't know how to draw blood gushing from mouths 2k24...
This is a traditional drawing, but is super carried by my phone's photo editor/scanner lmao! I did edit some lines digitally but I took an overtly long time to do so, so I think leaving it like this is fine
(Gosh, it feels weird typing a less lighthearted than usual art post description but I don't feel like it with this one :'D)
(While not the first drawing of this sort I upload here, I think this is the most... MOST, and I haven't uploaded violent stuff as violent in a good while, so I hope this is okay!)
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So, a few days ago I went to a group collage-ing session at the Drop In Care Space (worth donating to by the way: https://www.dropincarespace.com/supportus). I was going to be spontaneous like the last time I went to a similar session, but then I had this collage concept that I decided to go with, there weren't as many materials as the other session (I brought a big chunk of them). There were some useful materials I found in the session outside of my own materials, like the text-filled pages from a Frankie magazine I used for the background. To make sure it wasn't generic, I added editor's notes, some regular, some pedantic, some questionable. They also had the lavender (me being me, I got to add queer subtext at some point), the light bulb, and the scorpion from a damaged zine. I didn't have time to glue it together there, only cut the pieces up and figure out the arrangement/composition.
I waited until Wednesday night to paste everything together, as that was when the new family puppy would go to puppy school. Once the gluing was done, I used highlighters to brighter the lavender and the light bulb. The highlighter beams were going to be smaller, but I added more and made them bigger to make sure the composition wasn't lopsided. Admittedly, the positioning of the beams aren't quite right, I tried drawing them on while the canvas was on an easel. Nevertheless, think this was the quickest analog collage I made so far, only a night. What really surprised me was how flat it turned out, I thought it was going to be stuck with bubbles.
The hardest part was scanning it. Today I went to the nearest library, thinking it would be super quick and easy. Instead, everything that went wrong did go wrong, and I spent a few hours trying to scan it and send it while going through an anxiety attack the whole time. I finally completed the task, but it's only until I got home that I realised even my good final attempt at a scan was zoomed in too much. So I tried to scan it with my phone and take a basic photo, just to be sure all of you got what it properly looked like. The downside is the lighting and the colours varied even with adjustments. I don't think any of these images capture how bright and fluorescent the highlighter parts are.
One of you could see it in person, though. This analog collage is now for sale. You can find it in my ko-fi shop this time, as it isn't NSFW like the last one.
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soundorp · 20 days
How to extract audio from video in editing apps?
This guide will show you how to take the sound from a video and use it by itself. First, we’ll explain how to do it in any video editor, and then we’ll give specific steps for the most common ones.
3 Steps to Extract Audio from a Video
Extracting audio from the video is actually quite easy. The specific steps depend on the software you’re using, but the basic process is the same
Step 1: Open the Video
Open or import the video into your preferred editing software(I prefer Audacity). Make sure to choose a tool that’s compatible with your video format.
Step 2: Extract the Audio
Next, save the video file as an audio file. In some editing software, you’ll need to select Save as audio file. Others may have a simple Extract audio button.
Step 3: Save the Audio File
Finally, choose a format for your audio. Most audio files are MP3 or WAV. MP3 is smaller and accepted in more places, but WAV files sound better. Once you choose a format, choose a location on your device to save it.
The Best Audio Extractors and How to Use Them
Now that you understand how the process works to extract audio from a video, let’s walk through the process in several of the most common video editing apps.
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1. Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Premiere Pro is like a super cool video editing tool that filmmakers, TV people, and folks who make stuff online use. It’s packed with awesome tools to make videos look amazing, with special effects and all kinds of neat stuff to make top-notch videos.
Compatibility: Mac, Windows
Price: $35.99/month
How to extract audio from a video in Premiere Pro
Open Premiere Pro.
Click on “New Project.”
Name your project and save it.
Choose “Select File.”
Click “Import from Media Browser.”
Under “Audio Options,” select “Extract Audio.”
2. CapCut
CapCut is like a super handy app for editing videos, and the best part? It’s totally free! You can use it on your computer or phone, no matter if you’re using a Mac, Windows, iPhone, or Android. With CapCut, you can do all sorts of cool stuff like cutting, reversing, adding music or cool effects, and then share your awesome videos with everyone!
Compatibility: Online, Mac, Windows, iPhone, Android
Price: Free
How to extract audio from a video in CapCut
Open CapCut in Chrome.
Click on the “+” to start a new project.
Choose “Upload.”
Find your video file.
Click on the “+” in the corner to add it to your timeline.
Right-click on your video in the timeline.
Select “Separate Audio.”
3. Windows Movie Maker
Windows Movie Maker used to be a simple video editing tool made by Microsoft. It was great for beginners who wanted to make and edit videos easily. With features like trimming, adding transitions between scenes, and cool effects, it was a fun way to get started with video editing. However, it’s not available anymore, but it was a popular choice back in the day!.
Compatibility: Windows
Price: Free
How to save audio from a video in Windows Movie Maker
Open Windows Movie Maker
Choose Add Video and Photos
Choose File > Save Movie > Audio Only
Choose a file format for your audio
In my full Blog, I have included many more tools which are free and has mobile apps. Click to read my full Blog on How to extract audio from video in editing apps
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bondtrust · 2 years
Ibackupbot export attachments only
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#Ibackupbot export attachments only free
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With iBackupBot for iTunes on your computer it is easy to: We believe you deserve to be able to do more. Your iPhone and iPod touch have built-in backup functions that let you to perform basic backups from your handheld devices to your computer. You’ll be able to do so much more than you were able to do before, and there’s iBackBot for iTunes gives you the power to
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fruitcoops · 3 years
So this is sort of similar to the people writing fanfic about the lions but can you imagine the YouTube edits? Like the videos that are just "Cap having heart eyes for Loops for 10 minutes straight" or "Loops lovingly dragging Caps name through the mud for 3 minutes" like those kinds of things and I can just imagine them doing reaction videos and it just being funny and the world just loving coops
Okay so this wasn't a specific fic request but I got carried away with imagining videos and....here you go. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Grace and Anna are mine! Bonus points to anyone who remembers the easter egg in this one!
Message From: Gracie
Anna frowned at her phone screen, squinting to read around the spiderweb crack decorating the upper corner. She had tried to convince herself that it was cool, goth, edgy, but in the end she had to admit that it was just irritating. In a tragic turn of events, packing tape couldn’t fix everything.
Message To: Gracie
Wtf did I do
Two weeks of radio silence, then unexplained accusations. Anna shook her head as the grey bubble disappeared for a third time and turned back to her computer. Grace may have been her favorite cousin—and favorite person, if she was being honest—but very few things came between Anna and video editing. Especially editing for a Lions meme video. She had a whole 2,341 followers to attend to, after all.
Message From: Gracie
Message To: Gracie
Wow thank you so helpful
Message From: Gracie
Skip to 2:45 bestie
A link popped up just as Anna cut a segment from the sleep study video, where Loops’ heart eyes were in full effect. It was a rare, precious find for fan editors like herself.
“Come on,” she groaned. Maybe introducing Grace to the deepest parts of her hockey obsession was a mistake. But, really, what else was she supposed to do when she learned her cousin, who didn’t even live in Gryffindor, got to meet her favorite players just by chilling in a café? What kind of cosmic joke was that?
She narrowed her eyes at the embed of the link, then stifled a shriek. Impossible. How had she missed an upload?
As if on cue, her computer pinged with a new notification from the Lion Pride channel. “Oh, fuck me,” she muttered, scrambling to save her half-done video and pressing play.
The interviewer asked basic questions, ones she had heard the answers to a million times while curating her content. It always felt funny to hear people refer to Cap as ‘Sirius’—it was too official, too formal. She had spent countless hours on the compilations of his softer moments, and they were her most popular videos. Cap Having Heart Eyes for Loops for 10 Minutes Gay. Cap Being an Actual Puppy for Six and a Half Minutes. Everyone Wanting Cap Cuddles for Fifteen Minutes. Every Time Cap Smiles When Someone Mentions His Godson. The list was endless. She loved it.
She did a silent fist pump when she saw the interviewer had snagged both Cap and Loops; that would give her a whole new stream of workable content. If she was lucky, she could expand on her series of Loops Lovingly Roasting His Friends, part…fuck it, who was even counting anymore?
Anna was so caught up in her excitement that she nearly forgot about Grace’s suggestion. I’ve never skipped through a video on the first watch before, she thought hesitantly. But maybe just this once…
Her cursor hovered over the 2:45mark. She closed her eyes, and clicked it.
“—have you been adjusting to life as a celebrity?” the interviewer asked. Anna nearly rolled her eyes when Loops laughed. That question had been used far too often to be interesting anymore.
“It’s had its ups and downs,” Loops said with a smile. “Mostly, though, the fans have been incredible and just knocked my socks off with their support.”
“Really? What’s your favorite part of the Lions fanbase?”
He didn’t miss a beat. “Their creativity, for sure. There was a video a while back where we reacted to some of the comments people left, and this person on Twitter made an absolutely beautiful collage of photos.”
“I have it saved to my phone,” Sirius added.
One more clip for the simp video. Anna made a note on the small corner space of her European History notes. The degree can wait for ten more minutes.
“Do you have a favorite creator?”
The interviewer was clearly teasing, but Loops’ smile was genuine. “I don’t know about a favorite, but there’s this person on YouTube who makes a shit ton of videos and they’re hysterical. I saw one the other day about—god, what was it again?”
“Every time I smile when people mention Harry,” Sirius answered around a laugh. “Can you blame me?”
Anna didn’t hear the next question. A ringing noise filled her ears as she sat, frozen, on her shitty dorm mattress and listened to her literal heroes talk about her dorky little channel. “Holy fuck,” she blurted after a moment of silence. “Holy fuck.”
“—subscribed?” The man’s voice snapped her back to reality.
“Of course I am!” Loops said. “You think I’m passing up a chance to watch a compilation of my friends making stupid decisions for the entire internet to see?”
A noise that would have been a shriek if Anna had any breath left in her body escaped her lungs; she clamped a hand over her mouth and shakily exited from the video before going to her YouTube account. 800 new notifications. 700 new followers in the last quarter hour. She was pretty sure she blacked out for a second from sheer shock and joy.
Message To: Gracie
Message From: Gracie
You’re famous!
Message To: Gracie
Message From: Gracie
I bet he knows your stuff better than he remembers me tbh
“They know me,” she whispered, staring at her computer. The unfinished video showed a perfect frame of Loops’ soft smile as he watched Cap get his toothbrush stuck in his pajama shirt. Somehow, the thought was both exhilarating and horrifying. What if they thought she was a creep? She wasn’t, not really, just a bored college student with not enough free time for a job but too much to keep herself busy with schoolwork. Her 2,341—no, 3,052—followers were just other hockey nerds looking for time to kill.
And the subject of those videos was one of her subscribers.
Anna slipped her headphones back on and began to edit like it was her last day on earth. Her fingers flew across the keyboard on muscle memory while her brain fizzed. Perfect, she thought. It has to be perfect.
In four hours, it was done. She sat back, panting, then hunched over again and began tapping out a title card.
Hello. Idk if anyone saw the new Lion Pride video today (linked below if anyone wants to see why I’m dying right now) but apparently Remus Lupin is subscribed to this channel and has been for a while.
Hi Loops. I’m Anna. You met my cousin once and she said she liked your sweater.
Now that that’s out of the way, please enjoy the next five minutes of our new rookie being the sappiest mf in existence (except for his fiancé). Mr. Lupin, please tell Hattie I say hello.
She pressed upload, peeled her headphones off, and collapsed backward on her bed.
Message To: Gracie
If I die here, tell the world I did it doing what I loved
Message From: Gracie
Will do
Anna covered her itchy eyes with her forearm and settled in for a long, long nap. Her brain still needed to repair a few circuits.
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iraprince · 4 years
hello! do you have any advice for switching from traditional art to digital? (i recently ran out of supplies so im relegated to my computer lol) i hope youre having a good day!
i sure do!
first off i really recommend clip studio paint, but i also recommend u wait for it to go on sale. it goes 50% off a few times a year, so imo it’s worth waiting, but it also is usually on sale for only a few days so u have to stay on top of it. they usually announce on twitter etc. the tools don’t make the artist and obviously it doesn’t Really matter what program u end up settling on, i’ve just been really pleased with CSP and i wanted to recommend it
second: nothing that u can do with digital art programs/tools is cheating and it took me way too long to really internalize + understand that. copy-pasting stuff instead of redrawing it, using symmetry rulers, using transform/ctrl+T to stretch or squash slightly off anatomy instead of starting over -- when i was first getting into digital i A. didn’t know u could do this stuff and B. felt weirdly guilty doing it once i figured it out, as if i was a worse artist for using the tools that are literally built into the software or that it was lazy or dishonest to do so. that, it turns out, is bullshit. any drawing is just a constant series of decision-making and a lot of digital tools just help u make or retract or edit those decisions faster than traditional does. it’s not better or worse, it’s just different, and it’s worth ur time to figure out which of those differences are the most convenient and useful. this stuff exists for a reason! use it! save ur wrists and ur patience and ur time!
figure out file organization early, because it’s something u don’t have to deal with irt traditional art and so it probably won’t come naturally, but it also makes ur life harder to have a desktop swarming with wip files that are all titled “kjsrhrfgdhgj.psd” or whatever. some ppl sort into folders by date; for me it works better to sort by content (i.e. i have folders for tvrn stuff, patreon stuff, different fandoms, dnd/ttrpg stuff, “misc ocs” for characters i don’t draw much and “misc fandoms” for one-off fanart that doesn’t merit its own folder, etc etc; this is what makes it easiest for me to find stuff, but ur system might end up different.) i admittedly still name my files keysmashes if it’s personal stuff rather than work/commissions, but at least it’s all sorted into a category where i can quickly find it again anyway
also, u can hybridize traditional and digital! i frequently like my traditional pencil lines better than what i can do digitally, so i often scan them in, turn them into lineart, and color digitally (here’s a tutorial on how i prep that). but even if u don’t have a scanner, a carefully taken phone photo with high contrast can still be used the same way. i tend to lay my sketchbook flat on the floor in front of a window, squat down and hold my phone as level as i can while i’m taking the pic, and then i blast it in my phone’s built in gallery editor (highlights/shadows and contrast) before sending it to myself and doing the same thing w tone curve/levels in csp. it’s not perfect, but it’s presentable, and it can be a good way to ease urself in if ur feeling frustrated w the learning curve on digital draftsmanship.
oh, and this tip is really small but it’s ended up being rly helpful for me: resist the urge to zoom in way past 100% scale view just bc u can. if there are times where u absolutely need to, sure, whatever, but there’s no point in regularly tweaking tiny things pixel by pixel at 250% zoom bc nobody who looks at ur art is gonna see that and ur just bloating ur own time spent on things and creating unnecessary stress for urself!! if 100% zoom doesn’t give u the control u want, that may just mean u need to work larger to begin with.
set up a comfortable workspace with a Good chair. look up proper posture and try to stick to it. i know we’re all gay and it sucks to sit in a chair properly but otherwise ur gonna hurt urself. take even more frequent breaks than u do when drawing traditionally! screen bad!
also, if ur tablet has a way to calibrate pressure, try that out. a lot of them are set in a way where you have to press really hard to get full line width and over time it can really seriously strain ur wrist; u can’t manually set pressure in traditional tools (besides like. using softer lead i guess lmfao) but u can with tablet pens and u should try it, bc if u can use a lighter touch overall it really goes a long way towards preventing injury in the long term.
this is all the stuff that came to mind immediately; i’m sure there are tons of basics i haven’t covered, depending on how much of a transition this is for u, but there are a lot of tutorials out there written by ppl more patient and more educationally-oriented than myself so you’d be doing a better service to urself seeking those out than if i were to try to clumsily emulate them lol. good luck + have fun!
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fuzzyblizzardkitty · 2 years
I have successfully managed to run macos 10.15 under VMware on windows 11. it was painful and hardly worth it in any practical sense, but it was also really fun. apple please stop fighting with Nvidia so I can just dualboot macos and not have it run at 20fps in VMware with visual glitches. I couldn't even get the edit feature in Photos to work, but from a quick glance at it, it looks really promising.
I always thought that macs were for artists but upon actually tinkering in macos for a few hours, they're actually just. for school. there's literally great (at first impression at least) tools for maths and graph plotting. basically a built in desmos. and then there's the dictionary which is a small thing but seems really nice to have. built in dictionary in all your languages. offline and quickly accessible. much more convenient then googling. and even then, in many apps you can just Google selected text by pressing the very top button in the context menu. neat
another really obvious positive is UI design. it's great. apple is still the best at UI design, and also consistency, which again, is pretty neat
what I found to be not as good is that apparently there is no way to set up my printer (no drivers that run on 10.15, which isn't even a new version at all. everything's outdated) and support for my Wacom tablet was worse than in windows. additionally, I couldn't get my mic to work, but I think it's purely because of me using a vm or otherwise not an actual Mac.
annoyingly the dynamic wallpapers are way off the actual lighting behind my window so that's disappointing lmao
and also there are problems with my apple id but I cannot say for sure whether they are caused by using a vm, or it's just apple being stupid.
also I couldn't connect my phone for some reason, I really don't see why that didn't work at all and I didn't look into it for the lack of need
I did manage to sign into app store and man. there's so much junk there ohmygod lmao. sadly darkroom, which is an app I really wanted to try for a while now, is macos 11+ only. which I find really confusing since I thought . we were. still on 10? idunno
the color calibration tool felt like a truck hitting me straight in the face. I consider myself really resistant to math jargon and stuff but that. was. brutal. I walked away not having a tiniest idea of what I just witnessed, which doesn't happen to me usually. mayhaps something to look into for fun. good thing about this is, people who know what that is all about, are probably happy with the sheer amount of detail they provide on color profiles. it is immense
I find it funny that they include a shitty lookin chess game with the installation lol
quicklook is priceless
why can't I create text files with right click.. that's dumb. I suppose I have Notes. which is a cool app. oh, apparently you can't create .txt files at all?? like I mean, it's not a saving format option in the text editor. why? why is .rtf the default one? why does it have .doc?????? really weird stuff
I like the tagging system in finder.app I wish they brought it to explorer.exe (extensions added for clarification of what os I'm talking about)
I think I will try updating the system next. I think I used a distro to install it (it looks vanilla but I will advise strongly against using anything that's not 100% official. I just could never figure it out)
windows task manager >>>>> (w11 update sucks tho. used to be the most stable and lightweight app, and now it has visual glitches even)
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melyaliz · 3 years
Remember Me 11
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: Been trying to get more writing in. Pushing myself to be creative again because I feel like this energy is getting pent up and needs to go somewhere.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest / Newsletter
Check out my published work.
“Eliott the craziest thing happened to me today!” Her boyfriend looked up from his computer where he was editing photos he had taken the week prior. Flopped down on the couch dramatically down next to him, Olive kissed him quickly before continuing with the craziest thing ever.
“So you know how I was writing short stories online? Well, some dude asked me to ghostwrite for them.”
Eliott moved his laptop away so he could focus on Olive, “no way, that’s great! Wait, is he paying you?”
“Yeah, it’s not a ton but it’s a start.” Olive glanced down at her phone again reading over the person’s suggestions again, “Maybe I could make a little extra from this? Could be really fun to actually make money from my writing.”
“Yeah I mean if it makes you happy do it,” Eliott said, getting up from the couch walking toward their small kitchen where dinner was slowly simmering on the stove. “But also, come try this sauce I made.”
Getting up to follow her boyfriend Olive took the spoon he was  holding out, “Oh that’s good.” she hummed approvingly
“I know right?”
“I need to wife you up so you can cook like this all the time,” Olive said putting the spoon back in the pot.
“I will only say yes to a princess cut,” Eliott teased stirring the pot a few times before putting the lid back on. “Are you done getting story propositions? Want to watch a movie?”
“Let’s do a movie.”
“Pain don’t hurt”
“So the police had been keeping an eye on airlines out of Tokyo but for American passports but we haven’t found anyone who matches the description the robbers gave us” Kirishima sighed, rubbing his forehead as Bakugou growled and threw the reports on his assistant’s desk. His poor assistant quickly gathered up the paperwork putting it back in order. After working for Bakugou for this long she knew better than to leave any mess
“The police are useless! They can’t find one guy”
“I guess it could be possible this guy is erasing the memories of the people who see him.” Kirishima offered as Bakugou grabbed his gauntlets getting ready for patrol.
“He’s such a coward, just face me like a man!” Bakuogu snapped at no one in particular, feeling his hands growing more sweaty at his anger. The feeling of Olive sobbing on his chest from a week ago still so fresh in his memory. Luckily for him - and her - it was as if she had gotten it all out. Since that night she had started finding a routine. She had started writing again and yesterday he even caught her smiling at her screen laughing to herself over some crazy plot idea she was coming up with. The sight had been such a beautiful one Bakugou had been scared to move in case he broke the spell.
That morning after Bakugou had made breakfast for them Olive had informed him that she was working on her unfinished story and planned to reach out to her editor that day. She even opened up about trying to figure out if it was better to continue on or start something new since she only had her outlines and notes to go off of. She had looked so determined and happy it was as if he had gotten the old Olive back.
While it was an improvement she still wasn’t his Olive yet and he wasn't going to settle until she was.
As they walked down the streets he could hear people getting excited to see the number 1 hero walking the streets next to the number 5. Kirishima had his own very loyal fan base that Olive had started to call his Shimanights. It also helped that Kirishima was basically the top hero who was still single.
Lots of girls flocked to them asking for pictures. Bakugou hated this part of the job. It had only been recently that he had actually started letting them shoot pictures of him. Before he would just ignore the cries of fans continuing to walk by.
Although today he was a bit on edge.
Or more than normal.
“You know,” Kirishima said, walking up behind Bakugou after snapping a few pictures with some high school girls. “I know you are dealing with a lot with Olive’s emotions and stuff but… Do you remember that time you were tracking that villain and disappeared in the mountains for over a week?
“Yeah, why?”
“You were engaged to Olive at the time and she had just officially moved here to Japan.” Kirishima sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. That week had been the longest week in his and Olive’s life. “When I went to go tell her what had happened I thought she was going to pass out. She kept saying you couldn’t die over and over again. I just” he paused again trying to find the right words.
“I know she’s upset about Eliott right now” Kirishima continued, “but she does love you just as much. How she’s acting now, is like how she was when you were gone.” Kirishima concluded. He knew when Bakugou had found out Olive had been married before the blonde had been upset. As if he was the second all over again. While it hadn’t stopped him in the long run, there was always these remnants of a scar that you can only see if you really look. That Bakugou was worried he would always be second in Olive’s life.
Bakugou looked away, lost in his own memories of that week. Coming back and seeing her in the hospital waiting for him. Her large hazel eyes filled with tears trying so hard not to cry. He had pulled her into his arms much like he had last night. She had told him over and over he couldn’t leave her. It was the only time she had ever said that. Olive had known that him being a hero was the most important thing to him and she never tried to get in his way.
But that night she wouldn’t leave his side. Holding onto him as if he would turn into dust and blow away if she so much as loosened her grip.
That had been over 2 years ago and he hadn’t thought about that in so long. It had never occurred to him that she had thought he may have been killed. Suddenly everything seemed to have a different hue on the past few weeks. As if he was seeing it all through different eyes.
“I guess” was Bakugou’s simple response as he continued walking down the street.
Suddenly all he wanted was to go home and see her. Remind her he would never leave her, he would never make her feel this way because of him.
Oive was deep in stories. Piecing them together was like a puzzle. Part of it felt like an old mussel she hadn’t worked out in a while. A bit stiff but it felt great. Getting back into the swing of things, coming up with ideas and planning stuff. Her editor had suggested she maybe look into a new idea or maybe something she had put away for a long time instead of jumping into the story she had been working on.
So laying on the floor of the living room that was exactly what she was doing. She had this one idea about a modern Esther story except for the king she has to marry is a Dragon king and she’s a unicorn only he doesn’t know that. She already had so many spicey ideas and the secret unicorn idea just had this… hidden comedy that made her smile.
A ping on her phone cut her off from her writing making her look down.
Lily: ‘Look what came up on my timeline.
As if on cue text opened up in Olive’s group chat from Lily. It was an image of Olive holding a little baby wrapped in a pink blanket. Leaning over Olive’s shoulder was Bakugou looking down at the small baby. His normally harsh features were much softer.
Lily: “That was when your goddaughter was born”
Clare instantly replied to another image, This one of Olive hanging off of Bakugo’s arm which he was flexing. That ‘I’m not annoyed but I’m trying to look it ’ scowl on his face that she was starting to realize was a signature of his.
The picture was followed up by a video from the same night. Bakugou was lifting up his arm as Olive hung on. Her body slowly lifting off the ground as she clung to his bicep. Giggling so hard she almost slipped several times.
“Stop laughing or you are going to lose your grip.” Bakugou’s voice said from the video as he watched her struggle to pull her legs up to her chest further off the ground.
“I can’t believe he’s doing that,” Clare’s voice said behind the camera
“He’s so proud of himself, show off” Lily laughed as the camera zoomed in on Bakugou’s face as he smiled down at Olive who was looking up at him still laughing.
“You are going to fall” he chastised
“I’m not!”
As if on cue her grip slipped, or maybe it had been her powers. Olive’s ass was suddenly on the floor, looking up at Bakugou blinking in shock.
“I told you, idiot,” Bakugou said, shaking his head, no real bite behind his voice.
Lily: ‘Pretty sure this one is Nate’s fav’
Another video popped up. Bakugou looking totally put out sitting on a white couch, arms crossed over his chest.
“I’m serious, why would you make me watch this utter horse shit! Vampires don’t bounce like that and what even was that robot?” Bakugou was yelling at an Olive who was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe. The camera was pretty shaky; it was clear Lily was laughing as well.
“Katsuki is mad at us for showing him Robo Vampire.” Lilly’s voice narrated.
“More like mad at Olive, we are just enjoying the show” Nate, Lily’s husband said as the camera turned to him for a , an amused smile on his face.
“Oh my… I can’t stop… breath” Olive gasped from the seat next to Bakugou as he continued to rant at her.
“Seriously, how do you people enjoy that? What is actually wrong with you?”
“But look at how much fun we are having now,” she giggled, leaning forward a huge smile on her face. He studied her for a moment before pushing her face back, rolling his eyes. But there was just a hint of a smile on his scowling face. It was an impressive feat that only Bakugou could pull off.
Clare : This one is my favorite video.
It was a link to a youtube video of Olive sitting in the office of their apartment. She recognized her pink chair and pictures behind her.
In the video, she was answering some of her fan’s questions. Everything from what books inspired her at the moment, to her favorite drink to… her second marriage.
Past Olive had chuckled looking at the question for a moment before looking back up at the camera. Her eyes lighting up slightly, it was clear that whatever the question said sparked a deep joy inside that woman on the other side of the camera.
“So yes, as many of you have realized by now I am in a relationship with Hero DynaMight, Katsuki Bakugou. We met when he was in the US and have been together for over a year.” she paused the diamond on her hand catching the light as she ran her fingers through the turquoise and blue hair she now had. The one constant in her life, the ever-changing shades of her hair.
“So I know when Eliott died three years ago I had said I had gotten the love of my life and I didn’t think I could ever find another like that and I was at peace with it.” she bit her lip eyes darting off-screen for a moment trying to find the right words. “And I meant it. But… Katsuki just kind of came into my life and gave me something totally new.”
Past Olive laughed lightly for a moment at some memory that Present Olive wished she could remember. It looked like a happy one.
“They are two totally different people and there is no way to compare them. Eliott was this calm funny guy who taught me how to be comfortable in my own skin. He encouraged me to do what made me happy. Katsuki…” she paused a soft smile playing on her lips, her eyes lighting up at the memories.
“Katsuki showed me that second life keeps going and that nothing is impossible. That there is such a thing as a second chance. He…” she laughed, her hand covering her mouth for a moment that beautiful diamond that present Olive was still not used to, glinted in the light as if laughing with her, “He inspires me every day and has given me so much hope in the future.”
Olive couldn’t take her eyes off the girl on the screen. It was like seeing yourself in a fun mirror. Someone you didn’t recognize but your brain told you was you. That this woman who was smiling and so in love was the same girl as Olive. That this life this woman was talking about was hers.
As past Olive moved on to the next question - something about her upcoming book - Present Olive was caught up in her own thoughts. It wasn’t unbelievable that she could have been that happy and inlove with Bakugou. In fact she felt herself slowly falling for him more and more each day.
The door to their apartment opened, making Olive look up a huge smile on her face as the man from the videos was walking into the living room where she was sitting. When he saw her smiling face he paused, studying her. As if unsure what to do with her happiness.
Made sense. Poor guy.
“How was work?” she asked
“Fine,” was his simple reply as he took a seat on the couch. She scooted over so she could look up at him from her spot on the floor.
“So I have been thinking…” she said, scooting closer to him. He watched her, unsure how to react to this shift in her emotion. It was different from her normal forced happy, almost as if the old Olive was slowly peeking through the cracks. “Since I can’t remember anything you could basically take me to all my favorite places and it would be a new experience.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“So do you have dinner plans?”
“No” He didn’t bother to point out that his plans were to eat with her because obviously, she was getting to a point.
She gently placed her hand on his knee sending shivers up his spine. The whole, touch-starved thing getting worse by the day. Suddenly he didn’t want to have dinner plans. He wanted to take her in his arms and eat her out instead.
“So what sorts of places would we go to eat? Besides that Ramen place you took me.”
“Normally I would cook but if you want to go out we can go get street food. You were obsessed with it.”
Her eyes grew wide leaning forward getting up onto her knees so she was now leaning over his legs excitedly. The position was not helping the subtle throbbing that was going on in Bakugou’s pants. His face flushed slightly as he tried to keep his composure.
“Oh that sounds like so much fun!”
“Ok let me shower and we can go.”
And it was fun. Olive practiced her Japanese ordering so much food Bakugou felt like he would never need to eat again. They even did some shopping which resulted in a new floppy sun hat that Olive kept moving her head to make flop around, that large smile that had been on her face in the apartment never leaving.
Several hours later and a cone of ice cream each they headed back to their apartment.
“Honestly, I don’t get it,” Olive said, turning to him, “I know we have touched on this topic a few times… but...”
“If you ask me again why we are together…”
“It’s just so weird.” she laughed nudging him with her arm leaning close her body pressed against his. “You’re like model hot and I’m like maybe a 5,” she said, pulling away, both of them feeling the loss of the other. “Number 1 Hero, beloved by all, super-rich,” she ticked off each reason as she spun away from him.
He reached out grabbing her arm causing her to stop, his callus hand enveloping her much smaller one. Her hazel eyes met his that mischievous look he had not seen in months. She used to give him so much shit, the old Olive never let him get away with anything.  Always laughing and joking about everything with a wit that could cut down even the most stoic of heroes.
Olive in turn felt like her feet had been melted into the concrete below her by the look her husband was giving her. So intense it felt like his red eyes were burning holes into her very soul. Peeling her raw down into someone else. The Olive she had seen on youtube video.
They stood there for a moment just looking at each other both totally lost in their own thoughts.
“Whatever we are ok!” he finally snapped, letting go of her hand breaking the tension that was as thick as the humidity of the summer night. Noticing a bit of ice cream on her nose, without thinking he brushed it away. “You also eat like a child.”
Giggling, she wiped the back of her face with her sleeve. Her cheeks flushing. “Yeah, yeah let’s just add it to the list of reasons why it’s weird you married me.”
“Oh shut up” he mumbled leaning forward kissing her, her lips were cold from the ice cream. She smiled against his lips deepening the kiss letting his tongue explore the cool sweet taste of her mouth.
Letting out a soft growl, Bakugou’s teeth dragged over her supple bottom lip. His free arm snaking around her waist pulling her closer so that she was flush against his body. He craved her more than anything else and even with them both fully clothed in the middle of a busy street he could only think about how badly he wanted her.
And then she sighed against his mouth and that was it.
“Let’s get back,” he said, looking down at her as she blinked up at him. His comment was more of a question than a statement. So much meaning laced behind those words. Thick and heavy “Please?”
She nodded softly, her large hat flopping with her. “ I would like to go back to our place. ”
His heart could have stopped in his chest. His whole body lighting up tingling at the tips. It was like when he blasted himself into the air. Light and weightless as if he could do anything. The feeling of the fire licking at his palms sending sparks running through his hand and up his fingers.
Grabbing her arm he started pulling her down the street only to pause to stop again to kiss her again before once again leading her towards their place.
Our place
She had called it our place.
Master List
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin
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murumokirby360 · 3 years
My Gaming Gloves Review (w/ my paper dolls) - Nov 17, 2021
Hello! Before I review my new 8bitdo gamepad, I gonna need something to protect 'against' handprints, dirt, or maybe something cool to wear 'it' during my gaming session. Thus, the "Gaming Gloves" should do the job, and I'm gonna review 'it' right now (in one sitting part).🧤🙂
So yes, today I'm doing a review of my "Gaming Gloves" and see how effective 'on' my gaming session(s)...
BTW: This is 'my' first record video that I edited using this video editor software called "Shotcut". And the reason why I edit my record video is 'because' the third part of my original record video has frozen off, so much so that I need to record another video and combine two videos into one with a "Shotcut" video editor software.
So, without further ado, let's get started:
My Recorded Video:
• Upon opening my Lazada parcel, I received this clean package. I have some photos from the aftermath, although it doesn't seem clean as before.↓
(1st & 2nd Image(s) [combined])↓
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(3rd & 4th Image(s))↓
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• My paper dolls say that they love to try on my hands. 'Ah' yeah, you'll see!😉
• Anyways, I decided to bring out my two controllers (one of which is malfunctioned by the way) for my initial holding test with my gaming gloves. Once I removed the pouch I received two gloves per 'each' hand, and I'm starting off with my left hand. Upon my first wearing gaming gloves, I feel quite struggled on my left hand, but with some stretching & adjusting each finger(s) my left hand is perfectly fit. And I gotta say, this is comfortable.
• Here are some photos of what gaming gloves look(s) like, as well as close-ups.
(5th to 8th Image(s))↓
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• [7th Image]: Upon close inspection, there are multiple dots around the front glove (not behind). They are "rubber dots", these will prevent (from) slipping & improve gripping from holding your gaming device.
• [8th Image]: As for their fingertips, these are just design threads that indicate... Well, my fingertips. Basically a touch-point on any device.
• Anyway, my hands are now fitted with gaming gloves & don't worry, I'll get the hand of it from wearing gloves eventually. I'm now doing my initial holding test with my two wireless controllers. Both my DualShock 4 & my old (malfunction) 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ gamepad are quite okay in terms of grip, the latter of which is better than the other. As for pressing buttons on both controllers, they're pretty okay; my old 8bitdo gamepad fits my gaming gloves overall than my DualShock 4. I could only imagine that my new 8bitdo gamepad will have the same grip as my old SN30 Pro+.
• Here are my photos of wearing gaming gloves.
(9th to 11th Image(s)):↓
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• My paper dolls say that wearing my gaming gloves on both hands is comfortable, yet a bit rubber at the same time. Is it because of rubber dots? Yeah, get used to it. In fact, I like it!
• As of this post, I'm still wearing. And so far my hands are a bit sweating after I've played my online game session (with my controller & keyboard/mouse) for 3 hours. Not a ton, but a little bit. Plus, I have stress marks on my sleeve; It'll fade away when I remove my gloves. Also, while I'm wearing my gaming gloves is comfortable I'm also sensing that my hands feel quite heavy when I'm typing through the keyboard or holding my wireless mouse... (Or maybe, it's just me.) I'll get the hang of it afterward. I even tried playing games on my mobile phone, the only thing is that I can't unlock my mobile phone via fingerprint scan; it's a good thing I know the pin password though. Also, wearing my gaming gloves while drawing with my digital graphics tablet (My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2) is a bad idea. Despite my gaming gloves having rubber dots on the front, they will have more scratches through protective film.
• Owning 'a' gaming gloves is a good addition to my gaming tool. In fact, it's quite cheap. For just ₱ 111 [or $2.20] (at the time of this post) (or ₱119 [$2.36] [original price]) [CLICK ME!], you'll get this hand gloves variant, and there's also thumbs & index fingers variant for a low cost of ₱65 [$1.29]. (Don't forget to pay 'shipping fee') I'll keep an update on wearing my gaming gloves soon, and I can't wait to review my new 8bitdo gamepad!😁🧤🎮 So yeah, overall this is good. If you're tired of messy fingerprints on your gaming device then this gaming glove(s) is for you.
Well, that's the end of my topic.
And If you want to see my previous related 8bitdo item(s), then I’ll provide some links down below:↓
My 8bitdo USB Wireless Adapter ‘PS Classic Edition’:
• Opening parcel [Aug 27, 2020]
• Part 1 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 2 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 3 (Recorded video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 4 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 5 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 6 (Recorded Video) [Oct 20, 2020]
• Part 7 (Recorded Video) [Oct 28, 2020]
• Part 8 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 9 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 10 [Final] (Recorded Video) [Nov 16, 2020]
• Extra Part / Final Plus [Nov 25, 2020]
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ gamepad:
• Unopened parcel [Nov 3, 2020]
• Opening parcel (Recorded Video) [Nov 3, 2020]
• Part 1 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 1.5 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 2 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 2.5 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 3 [Dec 1, 2020]
• Part 4 [Dec 3, 2020]
• Part 5 [Dec 8,2020]
• Part 6 [Dec 11,2020]
• Part 7 [Dec 20, 2020]
• Part 8 [Jan 19, 2021]
• Part 9 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10.5 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 11 (w/ 8bitdo’s Ultimate Software ver. 2.0) [May 11, 2021]
• Part 12 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 12.5 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 13 [Jul 31, 2021]
• Part 14 [Aug 17, 2021]
• Part 15 (Macros mapping - 1st attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
• Part 16 (Macros mapping - 2nd attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
• Part 17 (Serious problem after testing) [Oct 10, 2021]
• Part 18 (Equipped w/ Panasonic Eneloop AA Batteries) [Oct 18, 2021]
• Part 19 (Final) [Nov 9, 2021]
If you want to see my DualShock 4 V2 controller topic, then please [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @carmenramcat, @bryan360, @neutralized-l
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iminye · 3 years
1, 8, 19, 22, 39 for the graphic maker asks please? And i hope your days get better 💕
Thank you so much for your ask! I hope so too! It really wasn't the greatest of days but it can only get better ✨💕
1 How did you get into graphic/gif making?
I don't actually know? If I had to pin down a point in time when I discovered that this is fun then definitely the time we had a graphic design course in middle school where we were supposed to make our own calendar! I still have said calendar and frequently take a look at it and see how I improved.
I sadly don't have it with me at the moment but it was an objectively really bad Doctor Who themed atrocity. Still glad that I took that course. I probably wouldn't have discovered the fun in graphic making.
8 Your favourite graphic or gif you created
This is not easy to be honest BUT I personally still very much love my Finwë edit, the children of Elrond and Elros. This, this and this are also some I like A LOT.
Also shameless advertisement for my side blog but I'm still way too much in love with how my Lan Wangji edit turned out affdhsg
19 Your favourite fandom(s) to see graphics / gifs come from
Anything that comes from the c drama side of Tumblr. I don't think I need to tell you this but whenever I go on the mdzs tag I am overwhelmed with wonderful creations! But I really love what the creators here in the Tolkien fandom are doing as well!
22 What is your biggest improvement since you started making graphics and or gifs?
COLOURS. I used to be really bad at putting colours that work well together. Also like general photo arrangement. It was a huge learning curve and I'm glad I improved so much. Simplicity is also something had to learn how to implement and I'm nowhere near where I want to be
39 What software do you use to make graphics / gifs?
I mostly use Canva (the free version) for the arrangement of my more simplistic edits because I love the creative freedom it gives you. For colour editing and like photo editing in general I use VISCO, Photoshop Editor and the default filters my phone provides (all free). Like these are some of my favourite filters and they are the default ones my phone provides:
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I also use some basic collage app if I just want to make a grid like edit. The one I currently use is called InCollage.
Feel free to also send me an ask!
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cosplayinamerica · 3 years
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COSPLAY THEME PAGE : ShareMyCosplay.com
Tell us about ShareMyCosplay, what was the genesis of the ShareMyCosplay? 
Share My Cosplay has gone through quite the journey to get to what you see today. I can still remember the day that I came up with the idea that would eventually lead to Share My Cosplay. I was eating lunch with a few friends at my day job. A friend of mine showed me a cosplay of Jessica Nigri as Pikachu, and because I worked in IT,  for some reason had an idea of doing a website related to cosplay. The actual website took a while to set up, but I started off slowly, with an initial launch on social media. We launched with Tumblr and Twitter, slowly building an audience. Then eventually a little bit later adding Facebook, and eventually much later introducing Instagram into the “family’. Eventually we added the website and have been going strong since then. We’ve of course made tons of adjustments over the years, and most recently started adding content on YouTube. It’s been a great ride so far, and hopefully it will continue.
What was your first experience with cosplay as well as the convention scene?
Like a lot of people who are into gaming and comic books, I was aware of cosplay, but didn’t really know much about it. It was only after looking into the idea of starting a site that I really got to know what goes on behind the scenes. It was meeting and talking to people in the scene that made me realize what an amazing community of people are involved. That is why I have continued the site for so long. As our social media following grew, I got to know more and more of the cosplayers, and was so happy I was able to use what I had created to help them gain more exposure. Share My Cosplay exists as a place where all cosplayers can have their work properly showcased.
As for conventions. While I live in the capital city of Canada, Ottawa is a relatively small city of one million people. Conventions have only really made it big in the last 5 years or so and before that were never a really big thing. I had travelled to other cities within Canada for some conventions, but those were mainly toy based conventions, so there would just be a handful of devoted cosplayers hanging out. It wasn’t until much later, when conventions started to take off, that our city got it’s own “Comic-con”. Then things exploded quickly. When our first Ottawa Comic-con launched, I was there day one, and the lineup was out of the building and wrapped around the whole building. I think it took a couple of hours to actually get into the convention floor. I could only assume it was similar to something like entering SDCC, but on a much smaller scale.
So while that has been a staple in our city for the last 10 years, I’ve also been traveling to Montreal Comic-con, which is a little bigger. Since there are maybe fewer conventions in Canada, people seem to come from great distances to show off the cosplays they had worked out. The dream has always been to try and get to SDCC, but that hasn’t happened yet. Travel is so expensive from Canada.
So for the short term I had set my sights on visiting NYCC, which is a “quick” drive from my area of Canada. However like all plans, they fell through. I had plans to go to NYCC and E3 in 2020, but of course those fell through because of what happened around the world. I miss conventions. One because they are such a great way to meet and interact with the cosplayers, and two, it’s one of the primary places we get content to share on our site and pages. So that has been lacking for us recently. Fingers crossed things will get back to normal soon.
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How has cosplay changed over the years in your perspective?
Like everything you get to know, it evolves and grows over time. Being knee deep in cosplay all the time (my inbox once had 100+gb of cosplay submissions), I have certainly seen it change over the years. Obviously cosplays have become more elaborate in construction. Things like LEDs are so cheap now, I always find it amazing when people incorporate them into a costume. So the cosplay builds just get bigger and better every year. Also I find the resources on the internet have gotten better. Cosplayers are now able to find more detailed pictures of what they want to create, giving them a way better idea of what and how they will do it for a certain character.
Another thing that has changed, are the absolutely stunning Cosplay edits you’ll see on social media. So why the cosplay photographers have always been an integral part of the equation (we try hard to tag them when people include their details on submissions), the level that the editing on pictures has changed over the years is dramatic. You’ll often see the time-lapsed photo creations on Social, and they are just mesmerizing to watch. People put so much time into creating these worlds to help elevate the cosplay to the next level. That has certainly changed over the years. That being said, we still love regular shots of cosplay too, the amount of photographers that specialize in cosplay has jumped a lot too.
In general, it seems cosplay has evolved from a simple hobby where you could throw something together to wear to a weekend convention, to a full time gig where people spend months on at a time for each one of their creations.
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How has ShareMyCosplay changed over the years?
In my eyes SMC has evolved greatly over the years. As the editor there have been two major changes, and I think it has improved the way we do things. The first thing would be, when we first started I used to go “collect” the cosplay that we shared. So I had to either go find it, or reach out to people. I spent a lot of time tracking down cosplay to share, that I personally thought was cool or very creative. As you can imagine this took a lot of time. So this has changed dramatically over the past 3 -  5 years. Now I’m happy to say that we are 99.9% based on submissions from users. So while there is less than 1% of content that we do go out and ask for, it is basically all based on what people send us to share. So that is why you see such a great variety of cosplay content on our pages. There is a downside to this in a way, as compared to some other pages out there that only feature certain types of cosplayers, some people enjoy that a bit more and those pages can have more of a following then we do. However we are really happy with the content we put out. 
Then the second big change, that has certainly led to better content for our pages, is the introduction of automation. When SMC first started, I had to do everything manually. Like I would be on Twitter or my phone doing everything live, and sharing items. It took up a lot of my time, and greatly affected my personal life. At times I think I must have been crazy, as this is a free service that we provide, and I was putting hours into each day. Now of course things have changed and the Social Media aspect of SMC is way easier to manage. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all have official tools available that allow you to schedule your posts. So you can easily take an hour or 2 and work on several days of a week at the same time, or if you were really organized, schedule the whole week. So I’ve learned to embrace this a bit more and learn the ins and outs of it. This leads to a more constant stream of content that our followers seem to enjoy. Which seems to lead to more engagement from our followers.
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What’s the best part / worst part of running a cosplay theme page? 
The best part has obviously been meeting & interacting with the community throughout the years. We do our best to present a positive place where everyone can share their cosplay creations. We’ve been invited to some really cool events over the years, and our team has been able to go to a lot of conventions all over the world. It’s been a fun ride.
The worst part for me personally, is that while our team has grown and shrank over the years, I do most of the work by myself. Sharemycosplay.com is run by a single person, me. Also for the most part there is a single person doing all of the social media. So I do my best to have content up all of the time, but sometimes life gets in the way. We’ve put a few calls out for people that might want to help with content creation for the site, but sometimes it’s hard to attract people interested in helping. Right now I’d love a few writers that could write articles that I could wrap around cosplay posts for the page. We will have to see how that turns out.
What future plans do you have for ShareMyCosplay?
I’m always looking to expand Sharemycosplay.com with new content. During the pandemic I’ve been off my normal schedule so unfortunately updates have been a bit slow, but hoping to get back to things. With conventions off the table for now for the most part, I’m trying to move in different directions. I’ve recently tried to put more effort into YouTube, but even that has been impacted by the Pandemic, so I’ve leaned more on gaming content. That is going to change as I’ve started a new initiative that I just launched on our page a few days ago called “CosplaySELF''. Basically we are looking to have cosplayers interview themselves, and us edit the footage into the “episodes' ' featuring 3 cosplayers. Hopefully those will start to be live very soon. We are already into the editing phase and hope to have the first episode live soon, over on our YouTube page. Keep your eyes peeled. Hopefully, as long as people show interest, this is something we will continue to create and upload on a regular schedule.
Is there anything that wasn’t covered you like to talk about?
 Lastly I want to thank you for taking the time to include Share My Cosplay in this interview. It really means a lot when someone else in the community that you respect, takes a moment out of their busy life to recognize the work you’ve done. There have been times in the past where I have considered possibly giving up doing SMC, but getting some recognition really helps put things in perspective and allows me to continue on. Hopefully Share My Cosplay will continue to grow over the coming years, and continue as a great tool for all cosplayers to use.
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rwinnie85 · 3 years
Best photo editing software for beginners and PC
Refurbish pictures by having this fully prepared best photo editing software for beginners what allows pc operators to change photo shoots by having various sophisticated photo procedures
By using their image editing software for beginners, wonderful changes or creations are actually just now simple by their tool. It is based on that top right hand direction of the monitor and also it helps anyone to zoom in as well as out of the zone in question. We tinker as well as construct a smaller photo set, select fantastic design for this acceptable feeling and create its own way inch for inch to that good view.
Just like each good photo editing software, this software tool mixes the conventional purposes anybody will require every day along with clever features what anyone can just choose periodically for extraordinary photograph jobs. Certainly those beloved photographs upon a website as well as this major web blogs their style anyone love so far. Assuming that the photograph is certainly disposed, then it seems like this object is wanting to come about of our scale. Data compression is simply to decrease our pixels in a picture to help make it really simpler to save, what might make indicate people lose brightness in a picture. What is generally your post-production process from that moment we install they pictures on their PC until the moment they consider their photograph finished.
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Undoubtedly many of us, whenever people began, people did not actually know very much relating to which was really that thing and then people simply made photos by using their phones or smaller camera and posted to the pages. Within their photography, they generally will make less the reds anytime photographing in outdoor areas by a bunch of greenery making up that scenario being will certainly be discovered with a bunch of type grass, trees and shrubs. Our photos took time to provide although that would not imply they just cannot have a skillful seek to a picture in merely an hour at a component of image editing software based. Merely as much might be actually created with a digital camera system to get definitely skillful outcomes clients require for being capable to sharpen photos and also edit photos along with the computer devices once merely taken by companies during previous production. By having photo editing software is really made simple to generate photograph collections or only picture mosaics, because this software features a pretty useful customer manual. Our photo editor providing our members really interactive functions like image manipulation, morphing as well as masks. Currently there should be usually someone who has actually created this similarly mistake with photo editing software and know just where they are getting false.
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kinghoranshit · 4 years
Tell Me a Lie (NH) Ch 1
Word count: 1,514
Warnings: Swearing
Slightly frustrated, I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and then twisted it into a messy bun. I set my classic square, thick rimmed, black glasses on my face and I continued on trying to read the final turnaround manuscript for Stone Cold. It was the first book of the trilogy that my best friend and I wrote through college. We decided to finally take the initiative to self-publish it. 
My bachelor’s was in English, with a concentration in creative writing. I was an editor for a company based in London, United Kingdom while I lived in the United States. I wasn’t ready to move across the ocean yet. 
I bit down on my black ballpoint pen, concentrating on the words. It was the read through before I’d make it into a PDF with InDesign. This was the time to make any last minute changes we wanted, which was both exciting and nerve-wracking. As my meadow eyes flowed across the paper, I barely made any marks. 
I glanced at the time on my phone and cursed under my breath. 
It was 6:00 pm. I needed to change my editing to the current manuscripts for work. 
I marked my spot before I closed the binder and switched it out with the Rivals binder. There was a ding from my laptop before I could get indulged, and noticed Skype had pulled up. I furrowed my eyebrows and my heart skipped a bit when I saw his name and picture. I answered and adjusted my position so I was facing it more. 
His blue eyes filled my vision, literally. 
“Niall, back the fuck up.” 
His laugh sounded and he backed his phone away now. I was getting a wonderful view of bare chest hair and double chin now.
“Niaaalll,” I mocked.
He was obviously tired, but he wouldn’t sleep until he wanted to. He was a stubborn motherfucker like that, I’ve learned over the past few years. It didn’t matter what timezone he was in compared to me. Currently, he was six hours ahead.
He made a short laugh. “How’s it going?”
I shrugged as I brought my legs up to my chest and peered over them with my chin resting on my knees. “Alright, I had to stop the final editorial for Stone Cold and switch to one for work. Spent more time on it than I intended… It’ll be a late night.”
“Hast doth serious?” 
I made a small snort, laughing a little more. “Ye, hast doth tots serious. Why ist ye calling doth?” 
Niall laughed. “Doth hast a plan to present thee.”
“Ok. Can thee stop speaketh like thisth?” 
I smiled. “What plan are you talking about?”
“I want you to be my next PR girlfriend.” 
I busted out laughing, hysterically. It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t stop. 
“Kelly, love, I’m serious. This is a legit business offer.”
I stopped now, clearing my throat. “Really?” 
Niall nodded, ruffling a hand through his hair. 
“Why me? How did you come to the conclusion of having me as a PR girlfriend?”
He chuckled under his breath and sat up more on the couch. “Well… It’s just… Management thought it’s time for another PR girlfriend. I chose you because I thought you’d be able to handle it... and I don’t hate you.”
“Good to know.” I smirked, but that didn’t stop the butterflies in my stomach. “I’m not quite saying yes yet, and I’m not saying there has to be something in it for me… but is there?”
He nodded. “Yeah, the deal would be one tweet from me official account to promote the Stone Cold trilogy with the link, and Modest! will pay off all the student loan debts you have.”
My eyes went a little wide and I took a slow, deep breath. “That’s quite the trade, Nialler. I don’t know if I could accept all that for being your fake girlfriend.”
“Lauren, trust me, the trade is enough for what you might endure. It might not even be enough, now that I think about it. I sort of hate myself now for even thinking of dragging you in.”
I shook my head. “Niall… Don’t worry.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You’re saying yes?” 
“Yes. So, how is this going to work exactly?”
“Before we can even do anything, I’m gonna send ya papers to sign. Just formal stuff and liability.”
“Of course, of course,” I replied. My mind raced to how we would go about this, and I knew it would involve paparazzi. Photos would be spread everywhere and there would be no going back after it started. 
I bit the inside of my cheek as I played with the cap of my pen.
“What’re you thinking, Kelly?” Niall questioned, worry underlying his tone. 
I cleared my throat. “I’m not backing out, I promise. I just know that once it starts, there’s no going back. It’ll take time to adjust.” 
“I’ll be there every step of the way. Our first thing will be getting photos of us in public together and the fandom will kick it off from there… We’ll confirm it eventually. Then have an interview or two and events with red carpets.” 
“Okay.” I nodded with a slightly heavy sigh. “Sounds easy enough. When’re you thinking we’ll do the first photos?”
He let out a heavy sigh, causing his front ends to fly up momentarily, and then he couldn’t help himself from ruffling his hand through them. “If we can get the paperwork sorted in the next day or two, I was thinking in roughly two weeks. Location is still to be decided.”
“Okay. It’ll be great to see you in person again. We haven’t in over a year.” 
“Yeah, well I was busy with the tour,” he remarked with a chuckle. 
“I know, the last time I saw you was the Chicago show.”
He scoffed. “I can’t believe you bought the meet and greet. I got you backstage after the show.” 
I rolled my eyes. “I wanted to support one of my best friends. We got a great photo to commemorate.” 
“You’re right.” He lightly rolled his eyes. 
“What’s our cute meet story?” I asked, randomly considering it. I felt that it would be important for the fans to think we were believable. 
He smirked, his blue eyes brightening. “We met in London at a coffee shop a few years back by chance and continued to talk from there. I asked you out around my 25th birthday and you cried, saying yes. We’ve been together since… Good, right? I made up the story meself.”
I giggled. “Yeah, it’s good. So we’ve been together for over a year?... And I don’t think I cried. I think you cried after I said yes.”
“Shut the fuck up, Kelly. How about no one cried then, yeah?” 
“Deal.” I stood up now and prepared my keurig to make a cup of decaf coffee. I needed something if I was going to get anything done after this call. I knew I spent too much time on personal projects; it was a constant fight. 
“Coffee, eh?” he snickered. 
I looked at him with an amused grin. “Always. But it’s decaf, a pick me up to get me through the rest of the work.”
Niall nodded. “Been there. Had some long studio sessions recently that led to a few cups of tea.”
“Man, I wish I hadn’t run out of my grey tea.” I would’ve preferred that for a night of editing. Coffee was more of an early morning and afternoon beverage. 
“You’re so basic,” he teased. “Where have the lessons I’ve taught you gone?”
I rolled my eyes. “In one ear and out the other.” I couldn’t help laughing at the offended look on his face. “I’m joking. Hey look, I should let you go so you get some sleep and I can get editing done.”
He yawned lightly. “Perfect. Goodnight, Lauren. Text ya soon.” 
“You too.” 
We made small waves and smiles before we ended the call. His face took a while to fade away from my mind. Honestly, it probably won't be until tomorrow. He was just so unforgettable and without a doubt the bestest friend to have. He could always make me smile on my lowest of days. Now we were going to possibly be a PR couple. 
Well this was fucking mad. I guess it was time for life to throw me another curveball to change my life; for better or for worse. I was going to go with it head on. 
I wasn’t sure how much I’d tell my friends and family at the moment. I should wait for the contract and see what my guidelines were. I knew that included my social media so I was going to go silent for a bit until it was settled. 
My eyes read the black ink on the paper, but my mind wasn’t registering anything. Fuck, I needed to focus. This wasn’t set and done yet. It shouldn’t be a concern for me at this point of time. 
Next: Ch 2 
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