#with some
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queenburd ¡ 7 months ago
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I don’t have any clever jokes here I just have a type
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ofduskanddreams ¡ 2 years ago
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Truth or Dare, Azriel?
For @panicatthenightcourt :) The request: Gwynriel and Elucien. Tipsy truth or dare and maybe things get a little bit messy? I chose to make this a modern AU since it wasn't specified hehe.
A/N: It's implied that they've been drinking but let me assure everyone that they're still fully in control of themselves. There is no infidelity in this fic, everything is consented to by all parties involved.
Gwynriel & Elucien ✦ Rated M ✦ 1.3k words ✦ on AO3
Azriel dropped his head onto Gwyn’s shoulder, closing his eyes and inhaling the scents of sunscreen and lavender shampoo.
The bonfire was crackling merrily and carving a pool of orange out of the deep violet night. Crickets chirped, frogs trilled, and the lake water lapped gently at the sand.
He was tipsy.
Gwyn smelled fucking amazing.
There were still four days left of their vacation.
He was at his favorite place with his favorite people.
It was too….
Azriel sat up, blinking against the firelight and reminding himself that he was allowed to have this without the constant fear of it being stripped away.  
Some things were truly good. Other shoes didn’t always drop.
“Everything alright, Az?” Elain asked. She was curled into Lucien’s side across the fire from them.
“Yeah, fine. I just spaced out.” He hoped his face betrayed nothing. The last thing he needed was for Lucien to spend the rest of their vacation calling him Sadzriel again. 
“Okay,” Gwyn exclaimed with a clap of her hands. “We are going to play a game because it’s too early for us to be getting tired. Besides, we need to give them—” she jerked her head toward the house on the hill “—more time before the cabin will be safe.”
Half an hour earlier, Nesta had dragged Cassian away from the fire claiming she was “tired.” Rhys and Feyre made their excuses not long after.
Gwyn had a point. Even if they wanted to go to bed right now, Azriel knew none of them would be able to fall asleep due to the volume of the others' activities. It was the one downside of this pine-sheltered haven on the lake. 
“What kind of game?” Lucien asked.
Azriel turned to his right. The flames danced tangerine in the teal reflection of Gwyn’s eyes making them gleam with a devilish light. 
His girlfriend shot him a sly smile. “Truth or Dare.”
Elain grinned, “I’m in.” 
“Me too,” Lucien said with a huff of laughter. 
His past experiences of Truth or Dare weren’t what Azriel would call fond memories. Then again, maybe that was an unavoidable consequence of playing with Rhys and Cassian instead of being the fault of the game itself. And the way Gwyn was looking up at him all wide-eyed and lower lip caught between her teeth the way she knew drove him crazy….
“Fine, I’m in too.”
“Don’t sound so excited about it,” Lucien chuckled and Azriel threw an empty beer can at his head.
“If you had my memories of Truth or Dare, you wouldn’t be so psyched about it either,” Azriel grumbled. 
It didn’t take long for the game to spiral in the direction that Azriel had been dreading. They made it once around the circle and then it was Elain’s turn again. He knew it was going to be bad no matter which option he chose. The world may think Elain Archeron the epitome of sweet kindness, but those close to her knew better than to fall to that facade. Elain Archeron could be the devil in disguise.
“Truth or dare, Azriel?” she asked, her tone intentionally disarming.
Knowing Elain for as long as he had, he knew she knew things about him that few did—that Gwyn didn’t. Not yet, at least. They’d been together for a year but some things he wanted to share were so weighty that a year might not be strong enough to hold them. To choose “truth” would be too risky.
“Dare.” Azriel leaned back, leveling Elain with a look of challenge to belie his fear of her next words.
“I dare you to kiss Lucien. For at least five seconds. With feeling.”
And Elain looked so smug at that, Azriel couldn’t help but laugh. Lucien was very attractive. Had they met in a bar and weren’t attached, he’d waste no time. “What do you say, Lucien?”
Lucien wore a smirk as he pushed off the log to stand. “If the ladies want a show, and you are willing, who am I to deny them?”
Azriel rose, moving until they were standing nearly chest to chest. “Oh, if it’s what the ladies want, I’m all in.” 
He shot a questioning glance toward Gwyn over his shoulder. It was only a fun game if everyone thought so, if she didn’t want him to do this he wouldn’t. But Gwyn was smiling, and she waved her hands as if to say by all means, please continue.
So, Azriel reached and tangled his fingers in the thick red hair at Lucien’s nape. He winked at Gwyn. “I always have had a thing for redheads,” and then he stepped into Lucien’s space.
Lucien was slightly taller than him. Azriel had forgotten until he had to tilt his chin at the last second. The kiss started out questioning: hi there, hello—drawing back, a second chaste brush and press—we’re doing this, yes we are.
Then it turned exploratory: how good of a kisser are you?—adding pressure—very good I’ll have you know—Lucien’s hands on either side of his jaw, tipping Azriel’s head as he took control. Azriel nipped Lucien’s lower lip in response to the challenge.
Someone wolf-whistled. Probably Gwyn. Azriel took that as his cue to slow, and Lucien did the same.
The kiss ended sincerely: that was rather nice—a strong press—it was, wasn’t it—parting, then coming back for one last peck, featherlight and lingering.
They stepped away from each other, smiling. Lucien offered Azriel his hand, “Nice work.”
Azriel shook it, “You weren’t too bad yourself.”
Lucien rolled his eyes and went back to sit beside Elain. “Was it everything you hoped for?”
Elain, whose red cheeks (though not as red as Gwyn’s when Azriel looked) were answer enough, but she huffed a laugh, “And then some. I don’t know what I expected but that was… something.” 
Lucien arched an eyebrow, glancing between Azriel and Gwyn with a silent question. Azriel couldn’t deny that the idea intrigued him, but that was something to think about for another night. Now he needed revenge.
“Elain—Truth or dare?” Azriel already knew which one she would choose, but they had to play the game. 
Just as he had hoped.
“I dare you to ask Gwyn to go skinny dipping in the lake with you right now.”
“Oh,” Elain feigned surprise. “So that’s how it’s going to be? What do you say, Gwyn, should we give the boys a taste of their own medicine?”
“Now hold on. That wasn’t—” Azriel’s half-hearted protest was interrupted when Gwyn stood up and tugged off her (it was actually his, but she’d stolen it) hoodie.
“There is nothing I would like more,” Gwyn replied with a wicked-looking grin aimed at Azriel. 
Elain and Gwyn walked down the beach, a trail of discarded clothes marking their path to the lakeshore. 
Slowly, Azriel and Lucien rose and turned as one, as if there were little more than puppets on strings. 
Inky water swallowed pale limbs and soft curves as they walked further out. The two women seemed to glow in the light of the nearly full moon reflecting off the breeze wrinkled surface of the lake. They were ethereal, otherworldly, like nymphs or sirens.
Azriel glanced at Lucien to find the man already looking at him. They exchanged nods, starting to follow the trail their girlfriends had left behind.
Gwyn and Elain stopped when the water was just below their shoulders. He wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next thing he knew their hands were in each other's wet hair and they were kissing. 
“Fuck me.” The words sounded like they’d been punched out of Lucien’s gut.
“Yeah,” Azriel breathed. He shared the sentiment.
“Well boys,” Gwyn’s voice carried over the water. “Are you going to just stand there or are you going to join us?”
✦ ✦ ✦
tagging: @damedechance @talons-and-teeth @krem-does-stuff @iftheshoef1tz @thelovelymadone @mmiscbutterflies @shadowriel @foundress0fnothing @sunshinebingo @octobers-veryown @areyoudreaminof @moonpatroclus @separatist-apologist @kingofsummer93 @velidewrites @wittyrejoinder @bagelfyre @itsthedoodle @sv0430
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sleepsty ¡ 1 year ago
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Oh no a cube-shaped man beyond sunflowers on this page, what do I do
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spideyhexx ¡ 1 month ago
that's what I'm thinking too. obviously no one knows yet but I get the impression that this film is gonna be very emotional. I don't know but I feel like they're gonna want people to focus on that rather than solely the sex scenes and be all horny about it. If being horny was more the tone they were going for, I feel like they would've branded it being a erotic film or something like that. Not saying it won't be graphic but they're actors, not porn stars, yk?
oh I 100% agree anon. I was actually thinking about making a post about that lmao
It’s definitely not meant to be all about the sex scenes and being horny about it. Sex is involved in the plot, sure, but this film has a lot more serious topics surrounding it so taking that out of context is doing it wrong. AND it’s based on real history that we should be thinking of and it’s made me worry about how people may talk about it honestly
I was personally only talking about it because we thought there wasn’t really gonna be any sex scenes until we recently got the news that the plot involved the soliciting aspect (and with the podcast interview giving new info, like the intimacy coordinator wasn’t listed originally so I assumed there would be nothing!)
but I think this is a good time to send out a psa to be aware of how you talk about this film and what you focus on
also an fyi I’ll be open to discuss the film once I see it and others have :)
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claracivry ¡ 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games (Movies), Hunger Games Series - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sejanus Plinth & Coriolanus Snow, Sejanus Plinth/Coriolanus Snow, however way you wanna look at it Characters: Coriolanus Snow, Sejanus Plinth Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Dreams and Nightmares, Coryo nearly died like three times in a month and falls apart for a bit, Sejanus is there for him, Vomiting, Crying, all the fun stuff Summary:
When Coriolanus and Sejanus are on the military on 12, Coryo had a bad nightmare and his friend is there for him.
Whump, nightmares, Snow POV, Sejanus being an angel!
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randomlyjay ¡ 11 months ago
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frostbite-the-bat ¡ 2 years ago
I'm going back to sleep after this I only wanted to be up for a short while but I saw the notes on my blorbo house notes
I just want to state that no as far as I am aware I am not a system and the blorbo house is purely an imaginary thing that I made up, that just takes place "in my brain". It could've been any setting but when talking with my friend we made it be in my brain specifically because of things like saying a character is like a parasite in your brain or like you're rotating them in your mind... Just imagining how your blorbos would live in a house together, but it's tied to you specifically because they're away from their source in a safe environment with you specifically.... And also it's in my bio as a way to list some of my Blorbos
I am definitely very much so mental illness and let me tell you I am not normal about these characters I can get quite obsessive over these characters when hyperfixated but I feel like I had to make up a thing for them all so they feel like they're always there and aren't upset when I'm focusing on other things
I'm very happy that I made a post that's a hit with system communities but I'm just saying here to people possibly trying to diagnose me - I am not a system as far as I know, I definitely have undiagnosed things but DID/OSSD is not it because... I think I'd know if that was the case
But yeah, again, the blorbo dream house is a purely made up thing and I'm just mentally ill about fictional characters in Another Way
(I think a part of this is the wording of my post, especially when I said "supposedly exists in your brain specifically" I worded it that way because we were just making this up at first and it was kinda funny that like... I was discussing an AU thingy with a friend when the setting is MY brain like the were talking about a fictional place in another person's "mind". Except not really it's just... Made up. It's like saying your brain is empty except for 2 braincells who just slap each other with pillows, personifying 'two braincells')
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fluffy-pawninja ¡ 2 years ago
biblically accurate eldritch wind turbine
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14 Wind Turbines Aligned In A Row In Nevada
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tenderwatches ¡ 2 months ago
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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queenburd ¡ 2 years ago
some ramblings about rawts and rtaos under the cut ft @misspelled-magic
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 4:51 PM ok. have some thoughts now: some of the issues here might be coming from the fact that the narrators want to put Stanley and the Narrator into their roles within the Parable. where is this instinct coming from? is it just a sense of superiority? just the superiority thing wouldn't warrant all this effort. like, it makes more sense that they'd just try to get their Stanleys back. hm. also, the narrators are out of their own Parables. hm. yeah, as it is, Leigh's narrator doesn't feel like he has the right motivation to be a major antagonist. like... it feels like it has to be more personal?
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 4:52 PM straight up, i have no interest in pursuing this tory. this has literally become whump for whumps sake. so im checked out already
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 4:52 PM but like. it's mostly a punishment from the other narrators. that this bitch thought he was so much better than them [4:53 PM] honestly its just to hurt a person, which is what most of them were doing to their stanleys anyway [4:53 PM] which was the whole point. like. theyre not LEARNING. [4:53 PM] but you know. sunk cost fallacy.
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 4:53 PM god the narrator is consistently a idiot in every single variation.
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 4:54 PM i just heard my guy rear his head like "HEY" like. babe. you are also an idiot. in a funnier way.
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 4:54 PM he's an idiot (affectionate) (I adore this feature)
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 4:55 PM honestly i think i just keep like.... i dont know how to describe it but its obviously a theme underlying a lot of these ideas [4:56 PM] the theme that "maybe this one narrator was the one that went wrong. that broke his design. a narrator is not supposed to BE this way. he's not supposed to CARE like this." and the repeated challenging of that idea. [4:59 PM] and repeatedly, the theme is left unresolved. it's left open ended. because hes ONLY going to the places where there are narrators who could never compromise with their Stanleys. the call Stanley puts out will NEVER be answered by any other Stanley who got out just fine with his Narrator, because they never had REASON to interact with this Narrator. [4:59 PM] we dont know if there are any of those out there. [5:00 PM] the answer I keep trying to go with is "does it matter? this is how he is now. this is the person he wants to be. and it's a good person." (edited) [5:00 PM] but i dont think my mind is resting.
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 5:00 PM mmmmmm. see, the idea of what if other narrators changed because of what they saw with Stan's narrator-- I LOVE that idea.  i feel like that would need to happen for it to be narratively satisfying. because like... to me, the Narrator and Stanley have to be together-- even when they are the worst versions of themselves, they are codependent. and honestly, I feel like the Stanleys that were hurt would be in the minority
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 5:34 PM i might be remembering how things work wrong, but i dont think that most iterations of the Narrator and Stanley would know about the pod be defualt-- so in those instances, the Narrator (stan's) would just be able to show them to the pod? and then these other iterations of the Narrator and Stanley don't experience the thing where the Narrator gets stuck in the Parable?
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 5:36 PM hes only ending up in Parables where the relationship is so deteriorated that that iteration's narrator would never give Stanley a chance at freedom
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 5:37 PM ohhh. he's has to go to parables like that [5:37 PM] is there a particular reason that's going on?
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 5:37 PM yeah, the idea is he doesnt know if hes ending up where hes NEEDED or if he is literally the outlier [5:38 PM] hence. gestures again. the theme.
Misspelled-Magic — Yesterday at 5:38 PM ahhh [5:38 PM] thats gonna hurt
May “Knife Bird” Sparrow — Yesterday at 5:39 PM yeah, thats why he has such a shit time of it and why its like "this is going to hurt no matter how he looks at it" [5:39 PM] "so he doesnt. look at it. he just does what he has done for years: he helps Stanley." [5:42 PM] because yes, there is a codependency to the narrator and stanley, on the whole, they do NEED each other, but here he is, on his own, trying to make the best of it, and watching these ones who have their stanleys and treat them as so lesser, and there has to be a point where the line gets drawn. you can say "they need each other" all you like, but if one of them never treats the other like a person, then.... a good person on the outside is going to object.
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marvelsmostwanted ¡ 10 days ago
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There are people – some in my own Party – who think that if you just give Donald Trump everything he wants, he’ll make an exception and spare you some of the harm. I’ll ignore the moral abdication of that position for just a second to say — almost none of those people have the experience with this President that I do. I once swallowed my pride to offer him what he values most — public praise on the Sunday news shows — in return for ventilators and N95 masks during the worst of the pandemic. We made a deal. And it turns out his promises were as broken as the BIPAP machines he sent us instead of ventilators. Going along to get along does not work – just ask the Trump-fearing red state Governors who are dealing with the same cuts that we are. I won’t be fooled twice.
I’ve been reflecting, these past four weeks, on two important parts of my life: my work helping to build the Illinois Holocaust Museum and the two times I’ve had the privilege of reciting the oath of office for Illinois Governor.
As some of you know, Skokie, Illinois once had one of the largest populations of Holocaust survivors anywhere in the world. In 1978, Nazis decided they wanted to march there.
The leaders of that march knew that the images of Swastika clad young men goose stepping down a peaceful suburban street would terrorize the local Jewish population – so many of whom had never recovered from their time in German concentration camps.
The prospect of that march sparked a legal fight that went all the way to the Supreme Court. It was a Jewish lawyer from the ACLU who argued the case for the Nazis – contending that even the most hateful of speech was protected under the first amendment.
As an American and a Jew, I find it difficult to resolve my feelings around that Supreme Court case – but I am grateful that the prospect of Nazis marching in their streets spurred the survivors and other Skokie residents to act. They joined together to form the Holocaust Memorial Foundation and built the first Illinois Holocaust Museum in a storefront in 1981 – a small but important forerunner to the one I helped build thirty years later.
I do not invoke the specter of Nazis lightly. But I know the history intimately — and have spent more time than probably anyone in this room with people who survived the Holocaust. Here’s what I’ve learned – the root that tears apart your house’s foundation begins as a seed – a seed of distrust and hate and blame.
The seed that grew into a dictatorship in Europe a lifetime ago didn’t arrive overnight. It started with everyday Germans mad about inflation and looking for someone to blame.
I’m watching with a foreboding dread what is happening in our country right now. A president who watches a plane go down in the Potomac – and suggests — without facts or findings — that a diversity hire is responsible for the crash. Or the Missouri Attorney General who just sued Starbucks – arguing that consumers pay higher prices for their coffee because the baristas are too “female” and “nonwhite.” The authoritarian playbook is laid bare here: They point to a group of people who don’t look like you and tell you to blame them for your problems.
I just have one question: What comes next? After we’ve discriminated against, deported or disparaged all the immigrants and the gay and lesbian and transgender people, the developmentally disabled, the women and the minorities – once we’ve ostracized our neighbors and betrayed our friends – After that, when the problems we started with are still there staring us in the face – what comes next.
All the atrocities of human history lurk in the answer to that question. And if we don’t want to repeat history – then for God’s sake in this moment we better be strong enough to learn from it.
I swore the following oath on Abraham Lincoln’s Bible: “I do solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Governor .... according to the best of my ability.
My oath is to the Constitution of our state and of our country. We don’t have kings in America – and I don’t intend to bend the knee to one. I am not speaking up in service to my ambitions — but in deference to my obligations.
If you think I’m overreacting and sounding the alarm too soon, consider this:
It took the Nazis one month, three weeks, two days, eight hours and 40 minutes to dismantle a constitutional republic. All I’m saying is when the five-alarm fire starts to burn, every good person better be ready to man a post with a bucket of water if you want to stop it from raging out of control.
Those Illinois Nazis did end up holding their march in 1978 – just not in Skokie. After all the blowback from the case, they decided to march in Chicago instead. Only twenty of them showed up. But 2000 people came to counter protest. The Chicago Tribune reported that day that the “rally sputtered to an unspectacular end after ten minutes.” It was Illinoisans who smothered those embers before they could burn into a flame.
Tyranny requires your fear and your silence and your compliance. Democracy requires your courage. So gather your justice and humanity, Illinois, and do not let the “tragic spirit of despair” overcome us when our country needs us the most.
• NBC Chicago & J.B. Pritzker, Democratic governor of Illinois, State of the State address 2025: Watch speech here | Full text
• Betches News on Instagram (screencaps)
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robyn-i-guess ¡ 6 months ago
liking someone platonically is so embarrassing like. yeah i admire you. yeah i think about you all the time. yeah i look forward to every time i see you even if it's only for a minute. yeah it's all platonic and yeah i couldn't explain this because it'd sound romantic. fucking hell
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daftpatience ¡ 1 month ago
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slow down for your disabled friends. thats like a bare minimum kindness that we shouldnt have to ask for. i love that youre so quirky and walking fast is a cool personality trait to you and all that but i bet you can count your physically disabled friends on less than one hand
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mi1kw33d-2 ¡ 1 month ago
ao3 is crazy because you'll read the most gut-wrenching 200k word slowburn that leaves you sobbing into your sweater at four in the morning and the author will be applejacksmonstercock
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miggylol ¡ 1 month ago
Surprise! Tumblr just got turned into an epic fantasy RPG, just like [your favorite appropriate media franchise]. And the Tumblr RPG's plot needs to have all of its characters covered, in roles both large and small.
That means that you are assigned to a stereotypical RPG role inside our new fantasy world. Spin this wheel to find out what you are now doing for a living.
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