#with normal length legs but shhh
feliville · 1 year
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my first Rhythm Heaven favorites ;_;
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svuguru · 3 months
non-con with stepdaddy toji x virgin daughter please :3
tags before you read: non-con (obv), stepcest, virginity loss and yk kind of just dark but it’s really short m sorry 😞 MDNI don’t read if you don’t like this stuff :3 not proofread
“Shh, shh, baby, promise it’ll feel good soon,” Toji whispers in your ear, one hand holding both of your wrists together in a firm grip, just careful to not bruise you.
“Daddy, I don’t like it…!” You whine, squirming in his hold, “hurts, daddy,” a pout crosses your features as you look up at him, your eyes wet and doe. In response, Toji shakes his head and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Told you, you jus’ gotta get used to it, princess,” Toji grins lazily, trying to comfort you despite you evidently not enjoying the feeling or moment. The stretch is way too much, your little hole just too tight for him.
You want to tell him to stop, that you don’t like it, that this is your first time and it’s not how you wanted it to happen, but… he’s your stepdad, this is probably just his way of showing you affection. Right?
Ever since Toji overheard you on call with your friend from university talking about about fairly normal things until you mentioned your lack of experience, your virginity, he couldn’t stop thinking about how badly he wanted to be your first time. His cute little stepdaughter wrapped around his cock, struggling to take it all, your tight pussy too tiny for him.
It was all too much for the man, and you were so unaware of it until now. Toji’s slowly sliding his length in, it’s not even all in and you’re already crying. You’re too cute to him, so pretty as tears gather in your eyes and fall down the apple of your cheeks. He’s trying to be gentle with you but your whimpers just make it so hard for him.
“Daddyyyy, I don’t like it,” you mumble, looking up at him with pleading eyes. His girth is so big, too much for your tight cunt, especially since this is barely your first time and it’s your stepdad who’s taking it.
“Hush, baby, shhh… quiet for daddy, ‘Kay? Don’t wake up mama,” Toji removes his hand from your wrists to run his fingers through your hair, then trails down to your cheek and strokes it lovingly. “Promise it’ll feel good soon, just wait,”
Your discomfort is obvious even to Toji, but does he care? No, not really. The way you cry doesn’t really make him feel any remorse, it just makes him want to slip his dick in faster.
Painted nails reach for Toji’s upper arms and they dig into his flesh for support, the sting is noticeable but it’s not bad enough where he has to stop.
“Swear daddy will make his baby feel so good, okay? Jus’ hold on, ‘Kay? Daddy just wants his pretty princess to be happy,” Toji whispers almost mockingly into your ear, running a finger along your clit before pinching it lightly, eliciting a gasp from you, your legs twitching. “Silly girl, hm? Don’t forget daddy loves you.”
Sorry this is lowk baddd I haven’t written smth I’m ages :<
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ohimsummer · 5 days
✎ . . .❝ DO YOU MIND? ❞
— minors dni, suguru x gn! reader (established rs), ft. satoru, voyeurism, oral [ m. receiving ], pining?, some stsg if you squint at the end :3, barely proofread 🫣
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gojo tends to show up at the most inopportune moments.
…like now, when suguru is balls-deep in your mouth.
your boyfriend watches, utterly flabbergasted, as gojo settles into the other patio chair and then blinks at him with a casual, blue-eyed stare. it’s nonchalant, careless…as if this is all normal.
you begin to pull off of suguru’s length before he stops you with a steady hand on the crown of your head. your eyes widen, lashes fluttering for a quick second before a strange sense of normality washes over you, and your body relaxes. whatever gojo is up to, you’re confident suguru will handle him with ease, as per usual. after all, this wouldn’t be the first time his best friend has walked in on you two during activities like this, though he usually doesn’t take a seat with the apparent intent on staying throughout.
suguru takes a long, thoughtful drag of his cigarette, eyes narrowing. “…do you mind?”, he asks and quirks a brow.
gojo just smiles at him. “huh? oh, no, i don’t mind.”
a couple seconds pass and suguru has to wonder if he’s actually having this conversation. “are you actually insane—“
“god, what’s the big deal?” gojo groans, interrupting the once-hushed, midnight serenity in his typical, obtrusive fashion. shifts in his seat and suguru finally notices the bulge between his spread legs. his jaw just goes slack in utter disbelief.
suguru is not distracted for long. with a flick of your tongue, you bring forth a grunt from your boyfriend’s lips, back to bobbing along his length in a craving for his creamy release down your throat. suguru can’t and wouldn’t bring himself to stop you. the situation is far past strange but, if you’re determined to continue, and gojo being a fucking weirdo doesn’t bother you, then that’s fine by him.
he sighs. “whatever.”
not even a second passes before there’s a clink of metal, and suguru watches as gojo begins pulling his own cock from his pants.
“satoru, what in the f—“
“shhh.”, gojo hisses at him, and suguru raises two astonished brows. “i’m trying to enjoy the show.“
the dark-haired man is genuinely stunned into silence. it takes a moment before he catches his bearings, tossing gojo an unamused look and leaning back to rest in his own chair. “fine, whatever, just shut up while you do it.”
suguru rolls his eyes at gojo’s victorious grin, before pulling his dying cigarette back up to his lips and billowing out another cloud of smoke. whatever. with everything going on, it’s easy for him to block out any trace of gojo, anyway, and just focus on you.
a bold smell of tobacco wafts through the air, filling suguru’s nostrils as the nicotine finishes off any remnants of stress in his body. the sloppy, wet noises of spit and pre, of you eagerly sucking him down your throat. the curious feel of your hand massaging his balls while the other twists and jerks off whatever can’t fit in your mouth. yeah, it doesn’t take a single drop of effort for suguru to forget that his best friend is jerking off to the sight of you.
someone else is properly taking the time to admire every detail of the view before him. the moonlight rays gleaming off of you and his best friend, casting a gentle glow on the lewd scene. suguru’s head tossed back with locks of black framing his face, a red blush visible across his handsome features even with the limited lighting. and you, god, you. gojo eyes the hand on the back of your head, threading through your hair. suguru has a gentle grasp for the most part, sometimes shoving you down to his base, and gojo’s cock throbs longingly at the gags you let out before being released again. so cute, so pretty, doing your best to take his friend’s fat cock all the way in, only to come up a few inches short every time. it’s obviously a struggle, and yet you still try your best, so keen to swallow every inch. so eager to please.
globs of clear precum dribble out and over gojo’s tip, making for slippery strokes as he gives his bobbing cock a squeeze. though it’s hard, difficult, excruciating—especially with suguru’s own grunts and moans calling out into the night—gojo doesn’t want to risk interrupting this moment. it feels improper and rude, akin to shouting during a performance.
as he admires you both, gojo begins to feel this abrupt sense of jealousy. whether it comes from wanting to be in your place or suguru’s, he cannot decide.
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💜: @anthoosies @staryukis @teddybeartoji @lxnarphase @satoruxx @hellkaiserinphoenix @astral-hydromancy @bookswillfindyouaway @rosso-seta @sugurubabe @soraya-daydreams @bubblez-blop @arthurschneider @venzlenes @khaothick @haruchiy0 @sillysushi @risuola @hobarihope @crocodilethesir @starlightanyaaa @reodiaries @spicana @lovley212 @katharinasdiaryy @ninikrumbs @imaniitheoneee @luvr-exe @snackeyalleyjuice @apatauaia @trafalgarrattata @sataraxia @elleflying07 @toptierbunny @purplegemadventures @whokilledvivi @getouolgy @exinqiu @flvffybunny @leilalilox @babytoshiii @idkluvv @froggkat @princ3ss-juicy @starsharkz @zzzlevislothzzz @sugu-love @peachyaone @squishies0102 @ivy-vivii @mynahx3 @ratedrrrr @ha-zel-art @hongsxn @tryn-ity @rubyredish @higuchislut @mochi-islive @shhinigamii @insanebiitch @shinninglightning
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hyunsungies · 6 months
shhh! — hwang hyunjin
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pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
genre: pure smut
word count: 1.2k
warnings: masturbation (f receiving), hyun calls reader “good girl”, lmk if i forgot something!
english is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes :)
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this was the first time you were visiting hyunjin’s parents. they called you to spend a night there with jinnie since he doesn't spend much time at home with his family. it was being a very good experience since the beginning: they were super nice to you. his mother praised your hair and his father said that his son was lucky to date a beautiful girl like you.
you spent most of your time talking to them, who asked a lot about your life, your family… both seemed very interested in you. fair enough, you were dating their son.
after the shower, just before dinner, you wore a flowery dress that hyunjin had given you as a gift. he was very cute and suited you very well, despite being short. you slightly suspected that he had given you this dress because of this last point. something that proves this was the fact that he slapped your ass as soon as you left the bathroom dressed.
when you looked in his direction with a disapproving face, jinnie smiled and blinked at you maliciously. he definitely only bought this dress because of its length.
it wasn't obscene in short, it was acceptable, but that was enough to make hyunjin horny.
literally. no wonder he didn't take his hand off your leg during dinner.
hidden by the tablecloth, jinnie touched your thigh at a very indecent place, almost revealing your panties, and caressed the place while you talked, causing you goosebumps. he continued to talk to his parents normally, as if he wasn't teasing you at that very moment, as if he wasn't making you wet. his intention was not to be inconvenient, but you looked so beautiful with this dress... he couldn't control himself.
“so, how didi you two meet?”
his mother asked. with a shiver on the back of your neck caused by hyunjin's hand, you tried to respond without showing that there was something wrong, something very very wrong.
he must be such a perverted to do something like this in front of his own parents. in addition to being perverted, very brave too, after all, at any moment one of them could realize that hyunjin's hand was in you, not in a romantic way, but in a nasty way.
the caress he made on your leg was putting you in a complicated situation. you had to cross your legs, afraid that the smell of your lust would reach the nostrils of any of them. it was the most tense dinner you've ever had in your entire life.
when everyone finished eating and you took out the dishes, you thanked the heavens that torture was over. all you wanted was to be able to ask hyunjin what the hell was going through his mind for him to do what he did with you. luckily, his parents didn't let you help with the dishes, which left you both free to have this conversation. as soon as you arrived in the guest room, he closed the door. you didn't had time to say anything. when you opened your mouth to complain about his attitude, jinnie pulled you by the hand against his body and gave you a seductive kiss.
despite being a little bit mad at him, you allowed yourself to fall into his charms now that you were alone. as much as you wanted to scold him, your desire for hyunjin at that moment, the desire he himself created, was bigger than the desire to understand what he thought when he decided to put his hand on you. that said, you just forgot about the subject and kept kissing him.
“so pretty…”
he separated your mouths to say, putting his hands on your ass soon after and squeezing the place tightly. you decided to interrupt your eye contact now to kiss him once again, because that's what your body wanted. it was crazy the way he could make you needy with just a kiss. since you were already starting to get wet at that dining table, your pussy must already be dripping now by the way he sucks and nibbles your lower lip.
at one point, one of hyunjin's hands went down to your clothed core and began to massage the place over your panties. his other hand remained on your back, keeping you close to his body.
“mhm…” you moaned against his lips.
“needing me?”
once again he broke your kiss and once again you felt like shutting him up, but this time you needed to expose your desires verbally, you needed to answer it.
he smiled at you. looking into your eyes, he slid your panties to the side and touched your intimacy already wet with lust.
“as long as you stay quiet…”
he said and inserted one of his fingers into you, which made you sting your nails on his shoulders and held a moan. his finger went back and forth at a slow pace. hyunjin seemed to have fun with the way you concentrated so as not to make any sound, he wouldn't stop smiling at you.
after a few seconds, another finger entered your walls. now, the rhythm of his movements was a little faster. you could hear the noise of your fluids coming out of you and that turned both of you on even more.
it was getting harder and harder to hold your moans. when he punched his own fingers inside you, jinnie stared at you enjoying the view. he liked to see your expressions of pleasure, especially your moans, something he couldn't have now. silence was something important right now, his parents could hear you if you released something and that would be terrible.
as his two fingers went in and out of you, his thumb started to draw circles on your clit, making you clench and melt in his hands. your body became more and more tense every time the palm of his hand crashed into your core.
the moans you held insisted on leaving, but you couldn't let them go. in an attempt to muffle these noises, you rested your head on hyunjin's shoulder and glued your lips to his neck, depositing kisses on the spot and keeping your mouth shut. it worked perfectly.
your kisses messed with him, so he began to press your clit harder, making you border on the madness of so much pleasure. you grabbed his shoulders with all your strength in a useless attempt to relieve the tension you felt. your desire was to shout his name so that the whole neighborhood could hear it, but you needed to be obedient now.
suddenly, you felt your orgasm approaching.
“hyun, ‘m gonna…”
your sentence was not finalized, but he understood the message. in response to you, the movements of his hand increased in strength and speed. now, anyone who went close the door would hear the noise you were making since you both were leaning against it.
your spine arched and you squeezed jinnie's shoulders harder. his pace was frantic now, going in and out quickly and intensely. tou were almost there, just a few more thrusts...
suddenly, your whole body shivered and you felt it tingle. your climax had finally arrived. your tightness on jinnie's skin weakened and you were panting. looking into your eyes, hyun smiled. he seemed proud of his work.
“good girl. wanna go again?”
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satrs · 1 year
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ; ʀɪꜱᴋʏ ꜱᴇx ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴊᴋ ᴍᴇɴ
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ; ʏᴜᴜᴛᴀ ᴏᴋᴋᴏᴛꜱᴜ. ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴜʀᴜ. ɢᴇᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɢᴜʀᴜ. ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ; 1.0k
Tags; EXHIBITIONISM. grinding. cumming in pants. cheating. blood kink(?). Breeding kink. Mention of marriage/kids(nanamis).
ᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ! // ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏꜰʀᴇᴀᴅ!
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The both of you decided to visit your parents over the weekend, a normal decision at first glance, but a foolish one at second. Did you seriously think you would be able to take your hands off each other for a whole weekend?
"Please baby. Let me put it in", the man quietly mumbled into your neck, hips grinding harshly into your ass, softly groaning at the friction.
"W-we can't. My parents- fuck, might hear", you warned him, holding onto the last bit of your sanity, close to your breaking point. Yuuta whined into your neck in response a little too loud, causing you to turn and slap a hand over his mouth.
"Shhh!," you lectured him, the grinding of his hips not stopping. Then, an idea came to your head.
"You want me, right baby?", you questioned him in a low voice, earning an eager hum from the male. "I know just the way to shut you up."
You slapped a pillow into your face in an attempt to muffle your moans, the feeling of his wet tongue dancing along your needy heat was making your head spin, eyes rolling into the back of your eye sockets.
The muffled moans that managed to reach his ears caused him to grind onto the bed, cock aching in need.
Your hands creeped to take ahold of his dark locs, pushing his head further into your heat as you came. Not long after Yuuta also reached his high, cum spurting right into his boxers, causing him to growl into your heat.
Your legs twitched at the vibration, a moan of yours echoing through the room.
The both of you quickly retreated back into your previous positions, attempting to sleep as you heared the creeking of the door.
As the door closed, Yuuta was quick to jump on top of you,
"One more try alright baby? I'll keep quiet this time."
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"Shhh, doll. You don't want your husband to hear," you harshly bit your lip at that, pussy tightly clenching around him. "Or do you? What a dirty little wife you are. Fucking your brother in law while your husband 's waiting for us downstairs."
Your grip on the sink was tight, closing your eyes to contain yourself from moaning, lip drawing blood at your harsh bite. "But you know I like that-", he harshly grabbed your chin over your shoulder, embracing your lips in a needy kiss, letting out a groan at the taste of your blood on his tongue, "-right?"
"Mhmm, m' gonna' cum, Saturo", you whispered as quiet as you could, looking up into his eyes, knot threatening to snap in half.
But before you could reach your high, Gojo pulled out swiftly, adjusting himself in his pants again, leaving you there, ass up and looking back at him in confusion.
„He‘ll get suspicious if we stay here any longer“, Saturo said, door knob in hand,
„Let’s continue this later, yeah?“
And that’s exactly what you did, after the family meeting that took place at your home, you sneaked into your brother in laws car, continuing the sinful antics the both of you started in your bathroom.
"Fuckkk", he moaned as he bottomed out inside of you, for the second time tonight, but for sure not the last time.
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"Do you want us to get caught, darling?", suguru asked, rather rhetorical question, but you still shook your head no regardless.
"Then", he began, testing out if you understood with a sharp thrust of his hips, „keep quiet.“ he whispered into your ear, softly biting your earlobe.
This is just crazy. Everything just started with you and him entering Victoria secret in order to find some nice things for you and him to enjoy.
But as soon as you came out the changing room to show off the beautiful lingerie he chose for you, he was quick to hush you back into the closet, sliding those panties off of you to quickly guide his aching length into your warm heat.
And here you were, trying your best to not utter a sound, your leg wrapped around his hip while you held onto his shoulders to keep your stability.
„I‘ll buy you that fuck-, that lingerie for sure. What a pretty thing you are.“ he said in a low tone, clasping his hand over your mouth in order to hush your moans.
But it was literally impossible, since he was basically asking to get caught, hitting every spot inside of you so well while his tip kissed your cervix all over again.
„Taking me so well baby. If you‘ll be a good little girl and cum for me, I‘ll buy you this whole damn store if you wish so.“
So, you did what he told you to do an came, teeth sinking into his hand in an attempt to lower your high pitched moans.
No woman would say no to a free shopping spree, right?
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"Shhhh darling. You don’t want the guest to find you like this, do you?“
It started off all innocent. The both of you attended to the wedding of your best friend and when she threw the bonquet, it was you who happend to catch it.
Loud cheers echoed around and some of the men teased nanami. „When will you two lovebirds even marry? And don’t you think it’s time for some kids?“
His heart jumped in his chest. Kids? He never really thought about that up till this point. But then the thought of mimi you‘s running around sounded quite tempting.
Which caused the man to drag you into an empty storage room near to where all the guest were celebrating, pleasuring you to the point where you were almost drooling.
„You wanna marry huh? We gotta add a baby to our family then don’t you think?“
His words made you clench around him, causing him to lowly groan.
He couldn’t wait, he had to have you right now and he honestly didn’t care if someone would badge in. You were his afterall, and that would only more prove the fact.
He would make sure you walk out of that storage room, filled to the brim.
„Not to loud, darling. You don’t want to be a wedding crasher now do you?“
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©︎𝐊-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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shoyoist · 23 days
now that i've read your sub julien fic i need a lil thirst for him to DOMINATE u in bed
I like to imagine him fuckin u in front of the mirror all messy <3 sorry but i cant act normal after his spread came out i love himm
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──── 𝐋𝐎𝐖-𝐊𝐄𝐘 : julien loki
content: gn!reader, dom julien + mirror sex, lots of praise and sweet talk, multiple orgasms, mind-break(?) a few generic french terms of affection. a/n: literally never passing up a chance to write for a dark-skinned poc lmaoo thank you for sending this in nonnie!
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sometimes, you think julien is so fucking agonizing. but in the best way — if that makes sense.
he's got those gentle eyes, that low-voiced hum, those firm hands. all the right words and all the best moves. he hypnotizes you so easily, like he's a magician and you're a pretty little pet he's picked out from his audience.
he could bite right into you, and you wouldn't even know it. because he'd be murmuring soft, sweet nothings into your skin the entire time, and the tone of his voice is enough to tip you into a daze — you'd let him do anything he wanted.
like you're doing right now.
julien has one hand wrapped around your throat, like a pretty bow-tie that's just a little too tight. his other hand squeezes at your chest, holding your body pressed firmly to his, coaxing little whines out of you with feather-light, teasing brushes of his fingertips at your sensitive nipples. you're sat in his lap, bouncing like a bobble-headed doll while he fucks up into you.
"look, chéri," he nods to the full length mirror propped up by the bed, facing your bodies. he holds your throat a little tighter, kissing the side of your neck gently as he groans with you. "lovely."
you know he doesn't even mind if you don't look, knowing that by this point you're too high on the pleasure he's giving you to respond properly — but your eyes flit to the reflection waiting before you anyway, as obedient as ever for him.
julien sits at the edge of the bed, you in his lap with your legs spread nice and wide so he can watch the way his cock slides in and out of your messy hole. both your bodies glow with a sheen of sweat, and if you look close enough, you can see tear streaks lining your face. "j—julien," you whine. "'m close. getting close."
"yeah? gonna cum for me again?" he chuckles, pressing another soft kiss to your neck. "so easy tonight."
he says that, but that's only because he's gentle with his words. magician's silver tongue. the way he's fucking you has you out of your mind — he's the one that's got you ragdoll-limp in his arms, and he's teasing you, calling you easy. "mh— julien."
your moan is sweet, but julien doesn't sound impressed when he clicks his tongue disapprovingly. "ah, shhh. use your words, love."
the pace of his cock in and out of you doesn't relent, and you're only able to let out another moan in response. his hand slips down from your chest to the space between your legs anyway, touching you just the way you like it.
"hhn, please. nearly there." you let out, and his fingers press just slightly harder, pushing you to the edge immediately. he'd tell you to hold the orgasm and wait till he allows you to cum, but he knows you're past that point. there's no playing with you anymore, fucked out and dumb on his cock.
so he pulls the high out of you like a man at a magic show with a top hat and a wand, letting go of your throat so he can press at your chest and whisper in your ear to breathe deeper and slower, knowing the orgasm lasts so much longer when you're relaxed and dozey. "there you go, mon trésor... so good for me."
his voice comes out just slightly cracked, feeling you flutter around him, tight and warm and wet. you're really so damn good.
"you can take some more, can't you?" he hums, finally bringing his hand back up, cupping your face and turning your lips to him for a kiss. "make me feel good?"
"mmm," you nod, and julien knows you're doing it mindlessly. he sees the tears in your eyes, the blank look in them. he lets out a little laugh, grabbing your hips to adjust your body. he knows you're all his for the taking. as long as he keeps giving you kisses and talking to you sweetly, you'd let him do anything.
"alright, baby." he feels his cock twitch within you, ready to empty another load inside. his grip on your body tightens once more, turning you towards the mirror. "eye-contact with yourself while i fuck you, now. good."
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selfloverrrrrr · 4 months
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Break her ~
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Warning: smut, heavy smut, noncon, unprotected sex, age gap, drugging, beating, kidnapping.....
( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
It was a normal day. Gojo just returned from his work day in jujutsu high. He got out of the car humming a song. He took his car key and door key and locked the car. He started walking towards his house. Suddenly he stopped humming when he looked at the door. It was... open?
But he remember very well that he locked the door. Then? He opened the door slowly and looked inside. Nothing was there. He closed the door. He saw his office room's door was slightly open and light was on too. He slowly went towards the room. He can already feel a cursed energy. He slowly opened the door and.... eyes wide open. " Surprise~" the man said who was sitting on the desk.
The man was non other than his own bestfriend. Geto Suguru. Gojo took a deep breath. "What are you doing here?" Gojo asked. "No hello, no hey? How rude!" Geto said. Gojo didn't say anything. " Anyways I brought you a gift" Geto said. The next thing Gojo saw Geto dragged a girl by her hair then pulled her hair to show her face to Gojo. Gojo's breath hitched. "Y/n?" A whisper left from his lips. Geto smirked at the reaction. I looked at Gojo. "S-sensei.... Sensei you are here.... please... please help me. This man is mad.... He is torturing me... please help me sensei." I begged. "Oh come on...I was just playing with you!" Geto whined. " Suguru let her go" Gojo said. Geto looked at him. "Tsk... it's not gonna be that easy....sit on the chair,sir" Geto said. "Suguru stop this bullshit an-" Geto cut off Gojo's sentence "I said Sit. On. The. Chair." Geto said and placed a gun on my forehead. "Is this some kind of joke?" Gojo said. "You want me to prove it or you gonna sit on the fucking chair?" Geto said in a serious tone. Gojo slowly sit on the chair. But without him realising a curse tied up Gojo with the chair. "What the fuck!" Gojo exclaimed. "Shhh" Geto stoped Gojo from talking.
"now.... do you know that your favourite student got a nice..." Geto spoke and suddenly grabbed my breast from under my uniform shirt " boob" I cried as he did that. " Oh and it's soft" Geto said squeezing my boob. "Suguru stop!" Gojo said struggling to untie himself. "Or what?" Geto said as he ripped off my shirt. "Stop!!!" I cried out. Geto smirked and undo my bra and threw it somewhere. " Hey Satoru don't scream at me like that! I'm giving you a show" Geto said as he started rubbing circles with his thumb on my nipple. "Ah~" a slight moan escaped my lips. Geto smirked and brought his other hand under my skirt and rubbed on my clothed cunt and I scremed. "Oh~ she's wet" Geto said and took off my skirt. "Suguru stop!" Gojo said. " Sensei please.... please help me!!!!" I said. "Do you think your sensei is in a position to help you right now???.... Your sensei needs help. Let's help your sensei" Geto said and dragged me by my hair towards Gojo. Then he put me on my knees and pressed my lips on Gojo's clothed hard crotch. Gojo's hips automatically bucked towards my lips. Geto smirked. "S-Suguru s-stop" Gojo moaned out. "But your body is saying other thing dear bestfriend" Geto said. Geto unzip gojo's pant and took out his hard dick. "S-Suguru no stop!!!!" Gojo screamed.
" now be a good whore and give your Sensei a good blow job" Geto said. "Suguru stop this!" Gojo screamed. Geto put the gun again on my forehead " Do. It." He said. I squeezed my eyes. Tears flowing down. I opened my mouth shakingly and took gojo's dick inside my mouth taking the whole length in slowly. It was too big. Gojo's breath hitched. He threw his head back mouth wide open. I slowly sucked his dick and his legs shook. I bobbed my head up and down. His tip was poking the back of my throat. Geto grabbed my hair and started bobbing my head up and down faster. "Oh god...oh god.... don't...ahhhh... don't stop!!!!" Gojo moaned out loudly. Geto was bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. He suddenly felt that Gojo was close. Gojo was about to cum when Geto pulled out Gojo's dick from my mouth by pulling my hair. I was breathing heavily. Gojo's eyes wide open. He was totally shaking. His tip so red like it was begging for release. "W-what... y-you" Gojo's voice shook.
Geto again dragged me by my hair and put my face on the table. "What? You enjoyed enough... it's my turn now." Geto said and took off my panties and put two fingers inside my pussy. I scremed so loud. My pussy clenched around his fingers. "Needy whore" geto said and unzip his pant. "No!!" I scremed but he shoved my face on the table again.
He lined himself with my pussy. He slowly pushed himself in. I grabbed on the table taking deep breath. Then he started thursting in and out. He started increasing the speed. I was a moaning mess. He was so huge. His dick was touching my deepest parts. His speed became faster and harder. I dig my nails on his back. My pussy clenched around him tightly.He reached for my ass and spanked me harshly. "You have a good choice in sluts Satoru....she feels devine!" Geto said and looked at Gojo panting in frustration. It's too hard to control himself when Geto was fucking me infront of him in this situation. He wants to fuck too. "What?...she don't know? Oh...did I accidently said a loud that you have a crush on her?" Geto said smirking. "And if you don't believe me ask your sensei why does he have thousands of your photos in his bedroom drawer " Geto whispered in my ear while thursting in and out.He thursted in and out roughly. I was moaning loudly. He suddenly pulled out and threw me on the floor. He started stroking himself. " Take her... she's your slut now" Geto said. Satoru still can't control himself And Suddenly felt the curse finally disappeared.
Part 2
Tell me in the comments if you want a part 2 of this 🌚💖
Keep giving me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests<<<<3333
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
sub eren and hair puller y/n because eren is such a whiny little bitch when they’re alone 🥰
yeaaaaah, turn it up!! Slutting out pretty boys is my favorite thing and I will not be normal about this at allll! Bless you nonnie and I’m sorry it took this long to answer this beautiful request.
content warnings: subby eren, handjob, hair pulling, spit play, choking, nipple play, slapping, edging, dom (y/n), use of mama and mentions of pegging 🤭 (he is our bitch in this BAD)
“Oh fuck….ah—haaa, baby! F-feels so—hghhh.”
the pretty, high pitched wails of your producer and artist husband not falling on deaf ears at all as he belted out them out better than any high note you’d ever heard him hit. Those mellifluous moans serving as mere inspiration to continue on your journey to doing all the things to make him tick. Your smaller hands and long nails tracing up and down his chest, slowly circulating his abs..only to find home on his nipples; which you’d gently twist to truly get him shaking. Your legs, coiled tightly around his waist like a snake to prevent him from going anywhere. But you didn’t have that to worry about all too much. Especially with your other fist enclosed around his shaft..slowly stroking that big cock between your fingertips.
“What’s that, sweetheart? Speak up f’r me..use your words, okay?”
cooing to him in a sort of patronizing tone whilst precum emitted from his tip and trickled down your knuckles. Serving as even more lubricant to add to the collection of saliva you were making him spew as you watched his mind go completely dumb and his face go blank. That tattooed chest and chiseled abs heaving with each breath; his entire erect twitching from within your grasp..just waiting to burst. He could barely contain himself right now but you had him exactly where you wanted him..much like he had done you a plethora of times when the roles were reversed. But now, you were going to have your way and enjoy toying with him. Because the opportunity for you to be in control wouldn’t come by often!
“Eren..honey. I know you hear me talking to you. Don’t be rude..”
prompting him to open his eyes with a gentle smack to the cheek..enough to make him alert again. But alas, all you were greeted with were more pathetic moans. His Adam’s apple jumping in his throat and his breathing labored because truthfully, he wanted to come. He wanted to come so badly, he could practically taste it! However, you couldn’t grant his request until he gave you explicit orders to do so. As you told him, using his words would be the only way. But it would seem that you had him frozen in ecstasy; unable to convey his message clearly. “S-sorry! I just..” Exactly the goal you were looking for! All that talk..bragging about how he was such a domineering man that could never be controlled. Only to be crying like a little bitch because you had edged him along for nearly thirty minutes! Hands behind his back, spitting into his mouth only to have him regurgitate it back into your hand..handling him as you saw fit and having your way. “Shhh..it’s alright.” That’s when a grin would break across your face once more and that same set of digits that were once massaging his chest found home in the thick wefts of his shoulder length hair, tugging his head around, causing him to gasp even louder. Oh, if only the world could see him now. Completely helpless and caught in your blissful touch. A submissive headspace. One he didn’t want to come out of. He loved the feeling…the rush he got from being handled by the woman he looked at so delicately and precious any other time. Instead though, you were flicking your tongue around his earlobe; nibbling gently at the flesh as you filled his head with filthy, perverse desires of wanting to truly break him. From telling him how pretty he’d look getting pegged. How much pleasure he’d feel from getting fucked by a toy whilst you jerked him off. The possibilities of the heights you could take him to knew no bounds and by the time you finished, he was panting like a dog in heat, begging for you to do your worst.
“Good boy..now tell mama what you want..”
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glittergoblinzz · 3 months
Ghost is huge this, Soap is huge that....but have you all ever considered GAZ being the one who's huge?
(CW: Smut 18+, gender neutral!reader)
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Like, I mean. When you first start dating Kyle, you don't ever think he'd be so big down there. He's not a huge hulk of a man like Ghost or Soap is, and he isn't big and burly like Price. He's just a normal looking guy. A bit on the scrawny side when compared to he teammates but he's still got muscle on him.
So it's obviously a surprise to see he's so big when you two do it for the first time. His length is pretty average...6, maybe 7 inches. But his girth is where it's at. This man is absolutely THICK.
I'm talking like, he's making your jaw hurt and you haven't even been sucking him off for even five minutes yet....and you're experienced in this area from previous relationships.
And when Gaz has you laying on your back, your legs up and hooked over his shoulders while he slowly eases his way into your weeping hole... you're seeing stars because you haven't been stretched this much in your life. Your past partners have nothing on this man
"Mmm F-Fuck, Kyle....I-Its too big....won't fit...."
"Shhh, it's okay lovie. You're doing so good this far. Just a little bit more....here, hold my hand...."
Gaz takes your hand as he eases the rest of himself into your tight hole and you think you might just split from how big he is. And when he starts moving in you, you're left completely speechless....literally. The only sounds you're able to make as Gaz takes you are pathetic little whines and whimpers, too cock drunk to even think straight and speak at this point
Gaz doesn't go rough like the other members of TF141 unless you specifically ask for it. He likes to take his time, making sure you cum multiple times before he does.
This man is so considerate, he won't even cum inside you unless you let him know its okay. Gaz absolutely knows how to take care of his partners during sex and is the more gentler one out of the team despite being the biggest (in terms of size) out of them all
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Lavender - Ch. 4
Trying to get back to normal after sleeping with your boss is easier said than done. A continuation of chapters 1-3, found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Length: 8.3k
Warnings: Mild violence (full fic is pretty smutty so Minors DNI). No use of Y/N.
“Ugh, I’m so jealous of how cute you always make your apartments,” your friend, Cassie, was splayed out like a starfish in the middle of your living room floor. “Why aren’t we roommates? I want a cute apartment.” 
“You had a cute apartment,” you replied, stretched out on your couch, one leg dangling off the side of it. “When I helped you unpack it. And then you trashed it within a week. Which is why we’re not roommates.” 
“I’d keep it clean if I had the right motivation,” she pouted. You smiled. 
“No you wouldn’t. I’d keep it clean and you’d reap the benefits. Which is why we’re not roommates.” 
“I hate that you’re right,” she sighed. You laughed. 
“But thank you for helping me settle in to this place,” you said, looking around your freshly unpacked living room, a pile of broken down boxes sitting by your front door. “It made it a lot easier, having an extra set of hands.” 
It was true. After Joel and Tommy had left the day before, you’d basically just cried half the night, sitting on your couch and staring into space and trying to think about anything besides what you’d been doing the night before. When you went to bed, you told yourself you were getting up and unpacking in the morning. You had to keep going. Just because things hadn’t worked out with Joel didn’t mean you got to derail your life, even if that’s all you really felt like doing. 
When Cassie called to see if you wanted help unpacking, you’d jumped on it. You didn’t have a ton of stuff but you had enough that it seemed a bit overwhelming to do on your own. She helped you get through every last box, setting knick-knacks out on the bookshelves and putting plates in cupboards and hanging dresses in your closet. Now, the job was done, the Janis Joplin album you’d been listening to past the end, a pleasant crackle the only thing coming from your newly-set up record player. 
“Happy to do anything to put off studying for finals,” she sighed, her southern drawl thick. You snorted. “Haven’t actually been able to talk with you much lately, how was it living with the DILF?” 
“Cass!” You gaped at her. She smirked. “Come on…” 
“What!” She laughed. “I’ve only met him like twice but dude is hot. Like if he was in hell I’d buy a one way ticket hot.” 
“You’re insane,” you groaned. 
“And I can’t believe you haven’t made a move on him,” she said. “I mean, the set up could not be better. Or more porn-y. You’re the hot babysitter! All young and sexy hanging around his house all the time. All you’d probably have to do is drop one hint and he’d be all over you…” 
“Turns out all I had to do was strip and get in his pool while tipsy,” you said before you could talk yourself out of it. Cassie sat up so fast it looked like she was on a spring. 
“YOU WHAT?” She shrieked. 
“Shhh!” You hissed, waving at her. “I just moved in, I’d rather my neighbors not hate me already…” 
“You fucked the DILF?” She sat up on her knees and scooted across the floor until she was in your face. 
“Can you call him something else, please?” You groaned. 
“Did you fuck him?” She demanded. “I’ll call him that again if you don’t spill.” 
“I… had sex with Joel,” you winced as you said it. She squealed, grabbing a pillow and smacking you with it. “Ow.” 
“When?” She demanded. “How? How was it? What are you doing now? Details, woman!” 
“Friday night?” You asked more than answered. 
“Oh my God,” she got up, lifting your legs off the couch and putting them on the floor so she could sit next to you. You sighed and sat up, tucking yourself into the corner and clutching a pillow to your stomach, your legs curled beside you. “Wait, was that your first time? That was your first time, right?” 
“Yeah,” you winced again. She grabbed the pillow and hit your legs with it again. 
“Oh. My. God.” She smacked you with the pillow on each word and you groaned, burying your face in the pillow on your lap. “How’d it happen?” 
You pulled your face from the pillow and sighed. 
“I made him dinner,” you said. “Well, I made him and Sarah dinner but Sarah ended up at a friend’s house for a slumber party so it was just the two of us…” 
“Sure, sure,” she nodded along. “You’re a great cook, not surprised that seduced him.” 
“I wasn’t trying to seduce him,” you groaned. “I swear, I really wasn’t…” 
“You’ve had a crush on the guy for more than a year,” she rolled her eyes. “It was at least subconscious seduction.” 
“Either way,” you sighed. “I’d been cooking and it was warm and I asked if I could swim but I didn’t have a swim suit…” 
“So you skinny dipped.” 
“No!” You glared at her. “I… jumped in the pool in my underwear.” 
“It wasn’t even sexy underwear!” You replied. “But I did… take my dress off in front of him.” 
“Oh my GOD you big slut!” Cassie was giddy. You groaned. “I love it, tell me more.” 
“He seemed to like me taking my clothes off?” You more asked than said. You were still uncertain about that, just how much he’d actually liked it. 
“Well duh,” she shrugged. “You’re a hot young thing, of course he liked it, he’s a guy.” 
“I didn’t think he saw me that way,” your hold on the pillow tightened. “But I saw how he was looking at me… or I thought I did, anyway. So he got in the pool too, in his boxers…” She shrieked before covering her mouth and nodding you on. “ And then… one thing led to another.” 
“So was it good?” She asked. You blushed and nodded. “OK, how good? Like, I know you don’t have much to compare it to but…” 
“Cass,” you said earnestly. “It was… holy shit. It was so fucking good.” 
“Did you…” she raised her eyebrows at you. You just frowned. She rolled her eyes. “Oh my God you’re such a virgin.” 
“Not anymore,” you smirked a little. She glared at you. 
“You know what I’m asking,” she said. “Did you finish? Or at least get close? It was your first time, you can’t really expect…” 
“Oh, I finished,” you cut her off. She looked surprised. 
“You seem awful certain of yourself there.” 
“Because I finished a lot,” you said, smiling in spite of yourself. “And hard. So many times, Cass.” 
She blinked in shock. 
“How many times?” She asked. You thought for a second. 
“Well, there was twice in the pool,” you said. “Then once in the shower and two more times in bed… I think that’s it.” 
“How many times did you fuck him?” She demanded. 
“Just twice!” You said, defensive. 
“And he got you off five times.” 
You just nodded. 
“Holy shit,” she gaped at you. “I’d need to fuck Chad like 15 times to have five orgasms, and that’s just if he hits his average.” 
You just shrugged, not really sure what else to say. 
“That’s it,” she sighed, shaking her head. “Now that Chad and I are done, next guy I date is going to be a DILF. I’m not settling for anything less than multiple orgasms from day one.” 
“I’m sorry about you and Chad,” you said. She waved you off. 
“I’m not dating anyone who has friends like Jeremy,” she scoffed. “Fuck that guy. Fuck both those guys. Besides, now I’m free to find myself a DILF. Anyway, what are you guys going to do now? Have you talked about it?”
“We’re not doing anything about it,” you sighed. “I’m his daughter’s nanny and he said he has to do what’s best for her. Which he’s right, he does. And that’s not me.” 
You tried to fight the tears that were welling up in you but you didn’t do a good job of it, pinching the bridge of your nose to keep from crying. 
“Oh, sweetie,” Cassie’s voice softened, her typical bravado gone. She pulled you against her, running her hand down your back. “I’m so sorry.” 
“I did it to myself,” you sniffed into her shoulder. “He’s a good dad, his daughter takes priority. I knew that, I knew this could happen….” 
“Are you still going to work for him?” She asked, still holding you. 
“Yeah,” you said. “At least, I sure hope so. I don’t have another way to pay rent this summer.” 
She pulled back from you, a sad look on her face. 
“Think you can handle that?” She asked. “Being around the guy you love and you lost your virginity to that often?” 
“I never said I loved him,” you wiped your cheeks. 
“Oh honey,” she smiled sadly. “C’mon. I’m not that dumb and I know you’re not that dumb.” 
“I’ll just…” you shrugged. “I’ll deal with it. I don’t have another way to pay rent and I really don’t want to just leave Sarah like that. I’m an adult. When you do adult stuff sometimes you have to deal with adult consequences. Right?” 
She just sighed. 
“I’m sleeping over,” she said. Before you opened your mouth to protest, she cut you off. “No, I am. You need ice cream and you need liquor and I need… to have an excuse to not study for my chem final.” You laughed and she smiled. “It’ll be better tomorrow. Promise.”
She was right, it was a bit better the next day. The hollow ache in your chest was better when she was there. Cassie got bourbon and insisted that it didn’t really count as drinking it when you just poured it over ice cream. You ordered a pizza loaded with mushrooms and extra cheese and watched your favorite romantic comedies before eventually passing out on the floor of your living room, surrounded by the glow of TV static and empty wine bottles. 
Finals felt particularly hard that year. You’d always been a good test taker and studying had never been a major hurdle for you, but every class felt like a slog as you fought to get through your last week of the semester. It was like your brain was somewhere else entirely. You could focus on the exam for a few minutes if you really forced yourself to, but the second your mind drifted even slightly, you were wondering what Joel was doing. What was he feeling? Was he missing you or had Friday night barely even registered for him? 
Sometimes, when your heart and mind wanted to be especially cruel, your thoughts drifted to Friday night. Just how full you’d felt and how empty you felt now. How he’d carefully, expertly drawn pleasure from your body like it was an art form. The way you’d felt closer to him than you had to any other person. And then he’d cut you off cold. Hadn’t even called. Maybe it really hadn’t mattered to him. Which was fine. Or so you tried to convince yourself. Just because it had been special for you doesn’t mean it had to be special for him and that was OK. It’s not like you hadn’t enjoyed it. That’s all he’d really owed you, you supposed. A good time in bed. And he’d definitely delivered on that. 
That’s what you decided the night before you were set to start looking after Sarah again. It had been two weeks since you’d last seen or heard from Joel. You weren’t sure what seeing him again would do to you. It wasn’t like you were some heartbroken little girl but you weren’t going to pretend like it wasn’t going to hurt. It definitely was. But, if you thought about it as a one night thing - just an exchange between two people who wanted to have some fun - that made it a bit better. Like you hadn’t been let down. 
“You can do this,” you said to yourself as you stared up at the ceiling. “It’s just work. You’ve always had a crush on Joel. This isn’t any different than before. You’ll hardly see the guy. You can do this.” 
Your resolve wavered a bit as you knocked on his front door the next morning. There was no response but you could hear voices inside. You glanced at your watch. 7:25 a.m. He’d need to leave for work in 20 minutes. You’d always just let yourself in the summer before… You tested the door. Unlocked.
“You can do this,” you said again, opening the front door. 
“But I want to go!” Sarah was all but yelling at her father. “It’s not fair!” 
“I don’t care if it’s fair or not,” Joel said back, sounding exasperated. “You’re not going, you’re too young…” 
“But everyone’s going!” She whined. 
You went further into the house, frowning as you fidgeted with the pendent around your neck. 
“Don’t care if everyone in Austin is goin’ because you ain’t,” Joel’s accent was getting thicker. You half smiled. This fight had probably been going for a minute. You found them both in Sarah’s room, the girl standing defiantly with her arms crossed, staring her father down, Joel with his hands on his hips looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there. 
“Where isn’t she going?” You asked, leaning against the doorway. Both of their heads whipped around to see you, Sarah’s face lighting up and Joel’s mouth just hanging open slightly. 
“Maybe you can convince him,” Sarah said. “He actually LISTENS to you…” 
“I’m not exactly a great parent convincer,” you scrunched your nose at her. “I just let you get away with more than he does so you think I am.” 
Joel was still gaping at you. 
“Sorry,” you said, meeting his gaze. “Door was open, I don’t think you heard me knock over the thermonuclear war happening in here so I just let myself in…” 
“That’s fine,” he said quickly. “Just… How’ve you been?” 
“Fine,” you shrugged. “Finals are over, so that’s nice.” 
“Good,” he said, nodding. “That’s… I never did… Well I didn’t go to school so I don’t know shit about finals but probably good to have them done.” 
“Yeah,” you said. “Biochem was rough but I got an A-.” 
You just looked at each other for a moment. 
“Where isn’t Sarah going?” You asked eventually. 
“A pool party,” Sarah said. “There’s a boy at school…” 
“And there it is,” Joel cut her off, turning his attention back to his daughter. “You’re not going, I can’t be there so you’re not going. You’re too young to be going and hanging out with some boy in your bathing suit…” 
“It’s not like we’re going to be by ourselves, Dad!” She whined. “You’re being so lame!” 
“Sarah,” he sighed. 
“Joel?” You said. He turned his head to face you so fast it almost made you jump. “Can I talk to you? Just… 30 seconds.” You looked at Sarah. “No eavesdropping.” 
You led the way to the living room, pulling Joel into the corner of the room furthest from Sarah’s bedroom door. 
“Are you only opposed because she’d be going unsupervised?” You asked. 
“Well, that and she’s too young for boy girl parties,” he muttered. “I thought I had another three years before I had to deal with this shit. Two at least.” 
“Well yeah, she’s too young for THAT kind of boy girl party but she’s 10,” you shrugged. “I think you’re trying to make this more than it is. She’s got that one piece, right?” 
“She’s gotten taller since last summer though…” he looked back towards her room. 
“OK,” you shrugged. “I’ll take her shopping, find her something that she likes that you’ll sign off on and I’ll take her to the party and make sure all the boys behave themselves.” 
“I can’t ask you to do that,” he shook his head. 
“You’re not,” you shrugged. “I’m offering. It’s going to be a party which means plenty of kids. She’ll probably feel very left out if she doesn’t get to go and all her friends are going to be talking about it all summer if they’re not all together again until the school year starts. You really want to deal with her being pissy at you that long? Because tween girls are a whole different animal, they can hold grudges like no other…”  
“Fine,” he sighed. “But if she’s not a damn angel this whole week…” 
“Sarah’s always an angel,” you smirked a bit at him. 
“We both know that ain’t true,” he muttered and then sighed. “But she’s a good kid. A great kid. I should give her more credit, huh?” 
“Yup,” you nodded. “You lucked out with that one, Miller.” 
“I did,” he sighed again, before looking down at you. “Hey, um…” 
“I’d rather not talk about it if that’s OK?” You said quickly. “Just go tell your kid that you’re the cool dad and then go to work, OK?” 
His eyes searched yours for a moment. 
“Yeah, OK.” 
When Joel told Sarah she could go to the pool party, it was like a switch flipped. She flung her arms around her dad’s neck, leaping at him so he had to catch her. He smiled over her shoulder at you and you smiled back. It was so easy, making them both happy. You could do that. 
When Joel left for work, things got easier. It was easy to pretend that the house was the same as it had always been - definitely hadn’t been fucked within an inch of your life in here, no sir. You fell into an easy rhythm with Sarah, walking down to the new playground they’d put in at the park down the road - this one had a really tall slide that the bigger kids were all about. Walking back for lunch. You went to the mall that day to shop for a swim suit instead of going to the library and you found a suit that Sarah loved (it was a two piece) that you thought Joel could tolerate (it was a tankini that covered everything but a sliver of skin between the top and the bottoms.) Joel got home a little after five and you all but ran out the door even as he tried to make awkward small talk with you. 
It was odd, feeling accomplished about just surviving the day. But you’d seen Joel again and hadn’t even cried. Yet. You probably would later but you’d deal with that when the time came. You decided you’d earned a treat but your bank account balance was a bit dismal, so you stopped at your favorite coffee shop. Yes, it just so happened to be the one you’d met Joel at the first time, so what? You could do that. Just go there without thinking about him. Much. 
You got yourself an iced lavender latte and at a small table at the back, tucking yourself into the corner of the bench side of it and pulling out your book. You’d purposely picked something that you’d have to focus on - “The Count of Monte Cristo” in the original French - so your mind wouldn’t wander to dangerous places. Like how Joel still smelled like sawdust. 
“That final was a bitch, wasn’t it?” 
You jumped a little, looking around for who spoke. There was a man in front of you, about your age, smiling with open eyes, leaning on the chair across from you. 
“I’m sorry?” You asked, lowering the book. 
“Biochem,” he said, giving you a sheepish half smile. “We weren’t in the same lab but we were in the same lecture hall. You always sat near the front, on the side of the room with the wonky projector? You always got to class earlier than me…” 
“Oh,” you weren’t really sure what to say about that. You smiled anyway. “Yeah, that sounds like me. And yeah, that final… woof.” 
“Right?” He took the seat across from you. “I thought I was toast. Heard a rumor you set the curve, though.” 
“Seems like a vicious lie to me,” you smiled a little broader. “Couldn’t possibly have a reliable source for that…” 
“Just the TA,” he winked. You put your book face down on the table, keeping your place. “Are you pre-med then?” 
“Just bio,” you replied. “I’d love to do pre-med but I just can’t wrap my head around taking out enough student loans to become a doctor.” 
“Damn,” he said. “And here I’d hoped we’d have more classes together.” 
“Why would you hope for a thing like that?” You asked, smiling a bit bigger. 
“The pre-med lecture halls look real boring after a while,” he leaned on the small table. “Course, maybe that’s a good thing. Fewer distractions.” 
“I’m a distraction?” You asked, raising a brow at him. 
“A nice one,” he nodded. “Because without you there, I usually set the curve.” 
You chatted with him for a while longer. His name was Brad and he claimed to have been trying to work up the courage to talk to you all semester. He took running into you at the coffee shop to be a sign that he should actually say something to you. You didn’t fight him on the idea. He seemed… nice. He was flirting with you and it felt good, even if you weren’t especially interested in him. 
“Are you free Friday?” He asked. “My roommate’s band is playing and I’ll be honest, I’d love to have someone suffer with me.” 
“I mean, since you’re selling it so hard,” you teased. He laughed. 
“They’re actually not bad,” he said. “I just don’t want to show up with the prettiest girl and have her run off with the lead guitarist. Also, my roommate’s the lead guitarist.” 
“Oh, so the bassist is fine?” You raised your eyebrows. 
“Yeah, that’d sting less,” he said. “Plus the bassist is kind of a dumbass and you’re smart so you’ll get bored quick. I’d still have a shot.” 
“Well so long as the important things are settled,” you smiled. “Then yeah, I’d like to come.” 
You exchanged information and you put his number in your book as a bookmark, gathering your things and heading home as the coffee shop closed. 
“You need to dress like a slut.” Cassie was rifling through your closet Thursday night. You’d managed to avoid Joel for almost the entire week, saying only a handful of words to him since Monday. You practically tripped over yourself trying to get out the door when he came home, desperate to put some distance between you. He wasn’t exactly trying to stop you, either, seemingly happy to get you out of his hair as soon as humanly possible. You kept trying to think about Brad. He was nice. He was smart. He was definitely interested. He was even pretty cute. He just… wasn’t Joel. 
“I’m not dressing like a slut,” you sighed, flat on your back on your bed, your head hanging over the side as you watched her go through your clothes. 
“Want to borrow something from me?” She said, ignoring you. “You need something that says ‘hey Brad, I’m open for business.’” 
“Do I?” You asked.
“Want to get over Joel?” She asked, cocking her head all the way to the side to try to meet your eyes. “Fuck Brad.” 
“It’s a first date,” you said. “I’m not fucking Brad.” 
“Fucked Joel without a first date,” she muttered. 
“Hey!” You said, indignant. “That’s different. We’d known each other a while.” 
“Well Brad’s been gazing longingly across a lecture hall at you for half a year,” she replied. “That almost counts.” 
“I wish I could be more casual about sex…” you began but she interrupted you. 
“The way you become more casual about sex is by having casual sex,” she said. “Sweetie, it’s not that big of a deal, I promise it’s not. At least think about it, something to get that man out of your system. You need it.” 
You sighed, thinking for the millionth time about how good he’d felt sinking into your body. How close you felt to him when talking in the dark, his skin on yours. 
“Yeah,” you signed, trying to imagine what it would be like to feel Brad’s lips on your skin. But he kept changing shape until it wasn’t Brad in your mind anymore. “I do need it.” 
Friday was Sarah’s pool party, making it a pretty damn easy day for you at work. You brought a bottle of nail polish and you sat on the deck of the pool as you just watched Sarah and Lizzie play with Charlie - the boy that had Joel so worried, a red headed kid who looked like he was made of more freckles than anything else - and about a dozen other kids you didn’t know. You gave yourself a mani-pedi poolside, trying to keep from getting soaked by splashing kids. 
“So are you Sarah’s step-mom?” A woman smiled stiffly down at you, a small pile of towels in her arms. 
“Oh, no,” you laughed a little. “Just the nanny.” 
“Oh!” She laughed back, her smile becoming a bit more genuine. She sat down next to you. “I’m Clare’s mom, she’s the one in the blue suit.” She pointed her daughter out. She was leaping into the water, blonde pigtails streaming out behind her. 
“She seems like a fun kid,” you smiled before going back to your toes. 
“She’s the best,” she said. You felt her watching you. “So you’re just the nanny then?” 
“Last time I checked,” you said absently, cleaning up the stray polish on your big toe. “Why?” 
“Oh, no big reason,” she laughed a little. “I’d just… well, I’d be lying if I said just about every single mom here hasn’t had her eye on Joel Miller.” 
“Really?” You said, looking over at her. 
“Oh heck yeah,” she laughed. “I mean, you’ve met him. Obviously. A man who looks that good, knows how to fix things around the house AND he’s a dedicated parent? My goodness.” 
“Mr. Miller is pretty great,” you smiled tightly, going back to your polish. “Really nice boss. And Sarah’s a dream. I lucked out.” 
“I’m just relieved you’re not the girlfriend,” she said. “Not for me, of course. Happily married for 13 years. But my friend Susan over there would be heartbroken. She sent me over to do recon.” 
You glanced up and saw a woman in a lime green one piece eyeing you from across the pool. She had to be 20 years older than you which gave her a good 10 years on Joel. 
“Feel free to report back that Mr. Miller is - as far as the nanny is aware - very much on the market,” you said, closing the bottle of nail polish. Sarah shoved Lizzie in the pool and then jumped in after her with a shriek. “Susan should definitely give it a go, though. Mr. Miller’s busy but I think he’d make time for the right person.” 
“Thanks so much, sweetie,” she smiled broadly. “So nice to meet you! Hope to see you at more of these types of things.” 
“You too,” you smiled politely. 
The pool party wound down but Sarah and Lizzie were getting on like a house on fire. You found Lizzie’s mom - a nice if frazzled woman named Margie who you’d met a few times before - and invited her daughter over to keep swimming at the Millers’ until Joel got home around six. 
“Oh, you’re a dream!” She pulled you into a hug. “I’ve been desperate to go run some errands without Lizzie tossing stuff in the cart…” 
“No problem,” you smiled. “Happy to take the girls.” 
They sang Britney Spears on the top of their lungs the whole drive home and practically hurled themselves into the pool the second they were in the door. You just laughed, going to sit outside to watch them play, bringing your book to keep you occupied. You’d almost survived the first week of summer. You hadn’t caved and tried to fuck Joel again. You could do this. You were almost positive. 
Joel heard the shriek of girls in the backyard the second his truck door opened. He sighed and shook his head. So Sarah had conned you into having a friend over, even after the party. Somehow, he wasn’t surprised. He just hoped to God you weren’t in the pool, too. He didn’t think he could take that. 
He was surprised he’d survived as long as he had. He’d missed you the second he left your apartment the day he helped move you in. Regretted cutting things off with you almost instantly. It seemed like the right thing to do but it felt wrong. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this fucking alone. 
If Sarah had been at a friend’s house that night, he’d have just shown up at your door. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that he couldn’t leave his 10-year-old daughter unsupervised. He wanted to apologize to you, beg you to give him a chance. He’d get down on his knees, he didn’t care. 
But just because he wanted that didn’t mean that it was the right thing to do. It would be confusing for Sarah if it didn’t work out - and how could it work out? You were 21 and a college student with a bright future, he was 32 and his life hadn’t been his own in a decade. Sarah had kept him close to home, reminded him of what he should do. What he had to do. 
Then, summer started. You were there in the morning as he tried to get out the door, you were there at night when he got home. He knew you weren’t trying to turn him on - if anything, you were avoiding him like the plague. You’d hardly said two words to him since Monday. But your legs in those shorts, your breasts in those dresses, the ribbons you put on the ends of your braids when you were trying to keep your hair off your neck in the heat. You were so soft and sweet and fucking good and there in his house and he knew how it felt to be inside you… 
You’d better not be in his fucking pool. 
You weren’t. But it was almost worse. You were laid out on a lounge chair on the deck, your back to the door, in white shorts so short he was sure he’d see your ass if you bent over in front of him. Your pale purple tank top clung to you and he could see a hint of a pink bra strap below. You were reading a book in French - because of course you were reading a book in fucking French - and there were ribbons on the ends of your braids. Your nails were pink. He was sure they hadn’t been pink when he saw you this morning. You’d painted your goddamn nails. Why had you painted your goddamn nails? 
“Dad!” Sarah clambered out of the pool in the new suit you’d helped her find. You noticed him then, not having realized he’d gotten home. “Thank you so so so so so so so so much, the party was SO fun…” 
She threw her wet body against him in a hug. 
“Glad you had fun,” he gave her a squeeze and glanced down at you. You were watching him, shielding your eyes from the sun with your hand, smiling gently. “She behave herself?” 
“Of course,” you said, gathering up some scrap paper from the table beside you and putting it in your book. One piece of paper looked like it had a phone number on it. Joel frowned. “It seemed like everyone had a blast, no trouble at the party whatsoever.” 
“Good,” Joel said. Whose number did you have? Was it some fucking boy’s? Was that why you’d painted your damn nails? You checked your watch. 
“Lizzie’s mom should be here any minute,” you said, getting up from the chair and crossing your arms over your body. Like that was going to stop him from remembering just what you looked like naked. “You’re home a bit earlier than I expected. I can hang out for a bit until she gets here, I don’t want to saddle you with watching an extra kid…” 
“No, you go on home,” he waved you off. He couldn’t handle you being here any longer than you had to be. “Get a start on the weekend.” 
“You’re sure?” You asked, absently running your fingers over your elbow. 
“Yeah,” he smiled. 
“Thanks,” you smiled tightly back at him. “Have a good weekend, Joel.” You looked back to the pool, where Sarah had jumped back in. “Bye Sarah!” 
“Bye!” She waved quickly before going back to splashing Lizzie. Joel watched you go until well after you’d closed the front door behind you and he couldn’t see you anymore. 
Margie came by to pick up Lizzie not long after you left, both adults required to herd both girls out of the pool. 
“Would Sarah want to come sleep over?” Margie asked as the girls giggled and wrote new verses to songs Joel was sure he’d heard coming from the boom box in Sarah’s room. 
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to put you out,” he shook his head. “Feels like Sarah’s over at y’all’s place as much as she is here…” 
“Honestly, it makes life easier on us,” she smiled. “Sarah’s such a great kid, she keeps Lizzie occupied so I can deal with her brothers. The boys are such a handful… don’t have twins if you can help it, Joel.” 
“I’ll try my best,” he smiled. “If you’re really OK with it…” 
“Really, you’d be doing me a favor,” she insisted. So Joel gave in. And he was home alone for the first time since he’d slept with you. 
He showered and fucked his hand to the memory of making you cum in that shower. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone, telling himself not to call you. He dialed the first four digits of your phone number and then hung up. 
After a while, he called Tommy. 
“Shit, Joel, everything OK?” 
“Why’s something gotta be wrong for me to call?” Joel frowned into the phone. 
“Because it’s Friday night and you never fuckin’ call on a Friday night,” Tommy said. 
“Well, I’m callin’ on a Friday night,” Joel pinched the bridge of his nose. “You doin’ anything fun tonight?” 
“Why?” Joel could hear Tommy’s frown through the phone. “Gonna come drag the party down?” 
“No,” he replied. “Sarah’s just at a friend’s house and I was thinking I should actually get out of my house for a change.” 
“Hell yeah you should!” Tommy said. “I’m going to go listen to some music, should be just your speed…” 
“I could do that,” Joel said. He hadn’t gone to listen to music in a while. That could be fun. It’d get his mind off you, at least. 
“I’ll be by in 20, pick you up,” Tommy said, sounding excited. “This will be good for you, Joel. Promise.” 
And that’s how Joel ended up at a bar in Austin, watching a bunch of fuckin’ kids tune guitars on a Friday night. 
“We’re getting old,” Tommy handed him a bottle of Shiner. “I remember not showing up places like this until after 10. Now it’s not worth the cover charge if we show up that late.” 
“Tell me about it,” Joel muttered, taking a swig. “Barely remember ever being that young.” 
“When you were that young you had a kid,” Tommy said. Joel snorted. He was right. 
They drank and watched as the bar filled up, the band switching to soundcheck not too long after they got there. Joel was actually starting to have fun when the band started playing - they weren’t bad - when he caught a flash of white out of the corner of his eye. He looked instinctively and thought, for half a second, that his eyes were playing tricks on him. But they weren’t. It was you. 
You hadn’t seen him yet. You were wearing one of your dresses - one he hadn’t seen before, white and satiny and form fitting, stopping several inches above your knees. You’d put another fucking ribbon in your hair and curled it, making it look so full and soft. He wanted to tangle his fingers in it, he wanted to ruin it. You were wearing sandals with thick heels that made you taller and your legs look longer and there was gloss on your lips - he caught a glimpse of it when you turned to talk to the man next to you. A man who put his hand on your lower back. Fuck. 
He guided you to a corner of the room, introduced you to the band waiting to play next. Joel could only see you from behind, the white of your dress reflecting the lights from the stage, the man’s hand slipping around your waist. His pinky drifted down, brushing the top of your ass, his thumb running over your ribs. Joel squeezed the beer bottle so hard he was worried it would break. 
“Oh shit, that’s the Kid!” Tommy said, realizing where Joel was looking and getting down from his stool. 
“No, wait,” Joel said, but he didn’t catch Tommy in time, his brother pushing through the increasingly crowded bar until he hugged you from behind. Joel could just watch, like a fucking train wreck, as you realized he was there and that Tommy was all but dragging you and your date over to their table. You said your polite goodbyes to the band and turned and said something to your date, your eyebrows knitted together. 
“Look who I found!” Tommy said proudly, taking his seat again. 
“Hey Joel,” you smiled tightly at him. 
“Hey Kid,” he replied, taking a drink of beer. Fuck, your tits in that dress. He wanted to kiss you, starting at your lips and working his way down until his mouth was on your cleavage. 
“This is Brad,” you said quickly. “Brad, this Joel. I nanny his daughter, Sarah.” 
“Oh, so you’re the boss!” Brad smiled. He was abnormally tall, taller than Joel, with hair that looked like he was trying to be in a fucking boy band. He was all limbs, gangly, clearly never done a day’s hard work in his life. And he was out with you. He held out a hand. “Good to meet you.” 
“You too.” 
Tommy looked back and forth between you, your date and Joel. 
“I need another beer,” he said quickly. “Kid, can I get you something? Joel? Brad?” 
“I’ll take a Shiner,” you smiled. 
“I’ll come with you,” Brad said, giving you a quick squeeze before looking to Joel. “Look out for my girl for a minute, will ya?” 
“Yeah,” Joel said. He took another drink. Tommy and Brad left the table and you watched them go for a moment before turning back to Joel. 
“I’m really sorry,” you said quickly, biting your lip. “I had no idea you’d be here, Brad’s roommate’s band is up next but we can go…” 
“It’s just a bar, Kid,” Joel shrugged. “No reason for anyone to go anywhere.” 
“Oh,” you deflated a bit. “OK. Thanks.” 
“Yup,” he said, taking another drink. He needed to be a lot drunker than this. So much drunker than this. You watched the band, your head bobbing in time to the music. 
“So you’re his girl now, huh?” Joel said after a moment. 
“It’s our first date,” you said, tone sharper than usual. He deserved that. “I don’t know what I am yet.” 
“Seems to think you’re his girl,” he replied. 
“It’s a figure of speech, Joel.” 
“You fucked ‘em yet?” He asked, taking another drink. He did it to be mean. He did it to push you away. He couldn’t just sit here with you this close, not like this. Your mouth fell open for a second before you fixed him with a glare. 
“You don’t get to just ask me that,” you snapped. There were tears in your eyes, clinging to your eyelashes that were longer and darker than usual. “You don’t get to judge me for that. Just because you got bored with me doesn’t mean everyone has, I can fuck whoever I want. It’s none of your damn business!” 
“One Shiner!” Brad slid his arm back around your waist, handing you one of the beers in his other hand. You took it from him, taking a drink while blinking back your tears. Brad hadn’t noticed but Tommy had, frowning and looking between you and Joel as he wordlessly set another beer in front of his brother. 
“Thank you,” you sniffed for a second and smiled up at him before turning back to the table. “I think I want to get up closer to the band, but it was good to see you Tommy, Joel. Have a good weekend, guys.” 
You laced your fingers in Brad’s and pulled him behind you toward the stage. Your body disappeared behind his, Brad pressing himself against your back. One of his hands moved around you. Joel didn’t want to think about the parts of you he was touching with that fucking hand. 
“What the fuck was that, Joel?” Tommy demanded. 
“What was what?” He asked, not looking at him. 
“That!” Tommy snapped. “With the Kid! Don’t treat me like I’m a fucking idiot, what happened between you two.” 
“Nothin’ happened.” 
“Well I know that’s bullshit,” he said. “What happened to ‘she’s off limits?’ Or was that rule just for me?” 
“She is off limits,” Joel growled. “She’s especially off limits for me.” 
“She know that?” Tommy demanded. 
“Drop it, Tommy,” Joel snapped, smacking the beer bottle down on the table with more force than he’d meant to. 
“Did you seriously fuck your nanny?” He hissed at him. Joel winced. “Jesus Christ Joel. You’ve got a lot of fuckin’ nerve…” 
“I swear to God Tommy I will lay you out,” Joel said. “Don’t fuckin’ tempt me.” 
“What’d you do, convince her you loved her and then bail?” He asked. “Doubt a sweet girl like that woulda just jumped in bed with the dad of one of the kids she looks after, so what’d you tell her?” 
“Tommy,” Joel growled. 
“Was it before or after you told me she was off limits?” He demanded. “You worried I’d actually do right by her and she’d get wise to your shit? Just how drunk’d you have to get her to get her into bed with you?” 
Joel snapped. He stood up so fast the stool flew to the ground with a crash and he punched Tommy across the cheek, sending the younger man sprawling into the table next to him. It was like the whole bar froze. The band stopped playing, an eerie silence falling. Joel flexed his hand as his brother staggered back to his feet, holding his face. 
“You’re a fuckin’ asshole, Joel,” he said, breathless. 
Joel looked up and immediately found your face in the crowd around the stage. Brad’s arms were around you, holding you back. Your eyes were wide, your mouth open in shock. Or maybe horror. He couldn’t quite tell. 
“C’mon man,” a bouncer grabbed Joel’s shoulder but he shrugged it off. 
“It’s cool,” Tommy glared at Joel as he said it. “Just my brother. He’s a dick. We’re goin’.” 
Joel walked straight past Tommy’s truck, shoving the hand he’d hit him with in his pocket. 
“Where the fuck you goin’ asshole?” Tommy yelled after him. Joel ignored him. Tommy ran and caught him, his hand on his shoulder pulling him around to face him. Joel got ready to punch him again but Tommy’s hands went up. “Don’t make this worse than it is. You want some meddling asshole to call the fuckin’ cops?” 
Joel dropped his fist, glaring at his brother. 
“You made a goddamn fool out of yourself,” he said, his cheek already bruising. “And you fuckin’ deserved it. The hell were you thinking, messing with that girl?” 
Joel didn’t say anything, just went back and climbed in the passenger seat of Tommy’s truck. 
The drive to Joel’s was silent and he hoped that was the end of it. But it wasn’t. Of course it wasn’t. Tommy followed him inside, either stupid as hell or itching for a fight. 
“What happened, Joel?” He asked, voice calm for the first time since the bar. “With you and her.” 
“Sarah was at a friend’s place,” he said, voice pained. “We had some wine… Fuck, Tommy, I didn’t mean for it to happen.” 
“Shit,” he sighed, sitting on the couch. “When was this?” 
“Few weeks back,” Joel muttered. 
“And she’s still working for you?” Tommy asked. Joel just nodded. “And nothing’s happened since?” 
“No,” Joel said. 
“Because you’re not interested?” He asked. Joel glared at him. “Yeah, thought that might be the case.”
“Don’t matter how I feel about it,” he sighed. “She’s too young, too big a future ahead of her to get bogged down with me. And Sarah… Sarah fuckin’ loves her. I couldn’t ruin that for her just because I couldn’t keep it in my pants and I…” 
Joel went quiet. 
“And you what.”
“I think… I think I love her, Tommy,” Joel groaned. “I just want her here all the damn time. Want to hear her voice and see her things and smell her hair. I want her leaving her fuckin’ hair in my damn shower every day, I kept finding it for days after and I miss it. Keep hoping I’ll find more sometime. And that guy… He didn’t seem bad, not like that last fuckin’ guy but I don’t trust him, don’t trust any of them, not with her.”  
“You can’t live like this, Joel,” Tommy said quietly. “Obviously. You can’t just go punching people because you’re a jealous asshole. You either need to get away from her entirely - which means cutting her out of Sarah’s life, too - or you need to figure your shit out. Either get over her or get with her - if she’ll still have you.” 
Tommy stood up, clapping Joel on the shoulder. 
“Sorry I hit you,” Joel muttered. 
“Rather get punched in the face than deal with the shit you’ve got goin’ on,” Tommy smiled a bit. “You’ll get it together.” 
He walked him out, locking the door behind him. 
Joel wasn’t any calmer when Tommy left. He paced the living room for a bit before stepping out back, staring down at the pool, the place he’d stood the first time he’d kissed you. You were so fucking beautiful. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been quite as happy as that night, felt quite so right with the world. He knew he should regret it but he couldn’t, he couldn’t bring himself to regret a damn thing when it led to touching you. 
“Fuck it,” he muttered, going back inside and grabbing his keys. 
He made it to your place in less than 10 minutes, driving faster than he should have. Your car was in the lot but that didn’t mean much if you were still out with that guy. Or - fuck - what if you’d brought him back here. Didn’t matter, he’d made up his mind. If the guy was in your apartment, he wouldn’t punch him. It’d be hard, but he wouldn’t. 
He took the stairs up to your door two at a time and started knocking before he came to a stop in front of it. But there was no response. He tried knocking again. Nothing. 
Joel leaned out over the railing, around to where the windows to your apartment would be. All the lights looked to be off. So you were still out with Brad. Maybe you’d gone back to his place. After what he’d said to you that night, he wouldn’t blame you. 
He sat down, back against the wall next to your door, crossing his arms and leaning his head back against the siding. He closed his eyes. He’d just be here when you got home. You’d have to come home sometime. He could wait. For you, he had all the time in the world. 
Luckily, he didn’t have to wait that long. He heard you before he saw you. 
“It was nuts, Cass,” you were trying to be quiet as you climbed the stairs to your apartment. “I don’t know what the hell happened. I tried to explain it to Brad but I have no idea what he thinks. Probably that my boss is insane…” 
You were at the top of the stairs now, holding your phone to your ear with one hand, a small orange and white Whataburger cup clutched tight in the other. You stared at Joel for a second. 
“Cass?” You said, still staring at him as he got to his feet. “Call you in the morning.” 
You flipped the phone shut, putting it in your bag and getting out your keys, watching Joel the whole time like you thought he was a wild animal who could do something unhinged at any moment. Which, he figured, was fair. 
“You’ve got some nerve,” you said, keeping your eyes on him as you went to your door and put the keys in the deadbolt, stopping short of opening it. 
“I know,” he said. “Can we talk?” 
You watched him for a moment before you sighed and opened your door, welcoming him in. 
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toxicbrothel · 5 months
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RIVER OF DREAMS hypothetical universe
After Carter took you to the mall that time, you told Joel you felt like you were going crazy from being cooped up in the trailer. Joel punished both of you and luckily Carter got off with only a busted lip, nothing he couldn’t handle. After Joel calmed down, he hypothetically told both of you that you could go out sometimes, as long as you told Joel where you were going and it was less than an hour’s walk.
The next week, you were on the way to the river to fish, and you both got sprayed by a large, unusual looking skunk. It didn’t smell like anything, but you quickly started to feel funny, like you were high.
You had to strip and wash the spray off before it got any worse. Carter tried to give you privacy while not letting you out of his sight. Your body suddenly felt so hot that the cool water was soothing. You began to feel things you normally only felt when Joel was touching you. . . like desperation for cock.
You stayed in the water, scrubbing yourself with a smooth stone, trying to get the substance off, but it didn’t help. The pressure was so intense you had to relieve it, or you might explode. You turned to face away from Carter and began to feel your breast and touch yourself under the water. You didn’t want to penetrate yourself because of the river water. This made it slow-going because the overwhelming sensation was a need to be filled. It only got worse.
Then, you heard Carter moaning and it made your whole body physically ache with tension. You turned around to see his arm flexing, facing away from you, water up to his chest. You wanted it so bad you began to tear up. You would never willingly betray Joel, and neither would he, but this felt like a physical, biological emergency like your heart might actually explode.
You swam over to him and when you said his name, he jumped. He glanced back at you without turning around. “I. . .need a minute, darlin’. I dunno what that was, but I. . . ohhh.”
“I need help,” you begged. “I can’t do it myself like this.”
“Ohh fuck, don’t say that,” he groaned. “Makin’ it worse.”
“Please,” you pleaded. “Can I watch at least?”
“Alright fine,” he turned around. "Not gettin' out of the water though." You watched each other masturbate. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was all messed up and his body–you’d never seen him like this, never imagined he looked so good. His muscles, tattoos, scars, the veins on his arms. He watched you with his mouth open, eyes fixating on your tits right above the water.
“It’s not working,” you whined with your heart pounding. His must have been, too. He had one hand on his chest.
“I know,” he finally admitted. He got close to you and stuck two fingers onto your neck to feel your pulse. “Alright, this is dangerous,” he muttered. Something came over you and while he was that close, you hugged him, and wrapped your legs around him. You couldn’t stop your body from doing it, and you tried to get at an angle where he would enter you. His hard shaft against your front made it so much worse.
He resisted. “Whoa, no way, absolutely not,” he held you by the shoulders and put distance between you. You apologized but also tried again to get closer. You were apologizing and trying all the while like you needed it to live.
His hands slipped down to your breasts like he couldn't control them, but his arms remained stiff, keeping you at a distance. It was incredible how he stayed composed.
“Shhh, I know, it’s really bad,” he whispered.
“Can I at least suck it?” you asked.
He groaned and looked up at the sky, still palming your tits from arm's length away. With his neck outstretched, you admired his throat and shoulders and collarbone. “Alright,” he relented and wrapped an arm around you to bring you toward the shallow area. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.”
He laid so some of his body was above the surface, including his stiff cock that made you drool.
“Get up,” he told you. You stood up, facing him, and immediately started to squat down toward his cock as though drawn by a magnet.
“No,” he laughed, covering himself with one hand, the other resting on his chest. "God damn."
Then he got serious. “You’re gonna sit on my face,” he said. “And yeah, you can suck it. Turn around.”
He guided you into squatting over his face, then had you get on your knees. He grabbed your ass with both hands, said “Go ahead,” and pulled you down. He moaned at the first taste of your pusy and you whimpered, then bent forward and took his cock in your mouth.
You sucked him thirstily. The river water taste gave way to a salty, masculine one. He ate you hungrily and you were both moaning. His tongue plunged into your hole, and he only had to thrust it a few times before you came on his face. It was earth shattering and you moaned on his cock, then almost choked on it, then quickly sealed your lips around it again, as best you could, sloppily slobbering as you bobbed your head on his swollen shaft.
He withdrew his tongue and mumbled “yeah,” into your cunt as you finished coming. “Ohh,” he moaned shakily, then he erupted in your mouth with a grunt against your inner thigh.
You felt so, so much better. Your heart rate slowed. You swallowed his cum, then got up off his face and overed yourself with your arms as you waded back into the water.
Carter lifted his head up to look at himself and let out an irritated sigh. “Did you swallow that?”
“I didnt know what to do with it,” you protested.
He followed you back into the deeper water. “We’re in the river, it would just float away. . .”
“But why is it bad,” you asked.
“I just. . .” he tousled his hair and looked off in the distance. “I could do without knowin’ you’ve swallowed my cum.”
“Then you shouldn’t have asked,” you retorted.
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head, looking at the water. “Fair enough.”
"I could do without knowing what your dick tastes like," you added.
"Ok, well, ya don't, alright?" He gets serious. "Whatever that was, it made us feel different, taste different, neither of us knows anything."
"And obviously it never happened, right?"
"Yeah," he muttered, crossing a massive arm over his chest to scratch his shoulder.
Ty for reading 😫 ty Kate for this sinful pic. 💕
Idk if everyone can handle this one so it's rb-restricted for now 😅 but it'll be on the sleepover masterlist if you wanna save it that way.
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kittenintheden · 4 months
Wyllstravaganza 2024: Hero, Courage, Responsibility
Rating: M Word Count: 2.1k Content: Wyll Ravengard origin story, young Wyll, pre-canon, Mizora, animal death, canon-typical violence
AO3 Link
A series of vignettes following the Blade of Frontiers from his youth through his adventures with the squad, loosely based on prompts for Wyllstravaganza 2024. There will be angst, and found family, and friendship, and fighting, and romance, and very likely smut. We begin in the Gate with a seventeen-year-old Wyll questioning his faith, or lack thereof.
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“Wake up, Wyllyam Ravengard. Destiny calls. Find it at Dusthawk Hill.”
The feminine whisper echoes inside his skull as Wyll startles awake. It is late – or perhaps very early. Either way, the sky is dark, the stars still shining amid the moonless black expanse. A red glow draws his gaze, but when he looks, there’s nothing there but the cracked-open window, the night breeze making the curtains flutter.
Wyll sits up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and squints out at the Gate. They reside high above most of the populace now – a figurative position for the watchful eyes of the city’s protectors. The newness of their station still isn’t quite comfortable for either him or his father, but politics are politics. The Grand Duke has been insistent on reminding him that they are not above those they serve, even if they must stand apart by necessity. It is a lesson Wyll has taken deeply to heart.
Dusthawk Hill. Dusthawk Hill.
He swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands. The wood beneath his feet is comfortable, cool. Sturdy. Expensive. His steps are quiet as he moves to the window, looking out at the sleeping city. As he peers toward the outer reaches, he spies the towering hill in the northeast near the bank of the river, a silent giant.
There’s a light on the hillside, a flash of fire. He blinks. It’s gone in an instant, but he’s sure he saw it. Something’s amiss. He feels it down to the core of his bones.
His father left the city nearly a tenday ago, off on vital business, leaving him and the Fist to manage the Gate in his absence. A great show of faith in his young progeny. Wyll swallows. Whatever evil is afoot, his instincts tell him it’s urgent. There’s no time to rouse the guard. He already knows he will go alone.
Destiny calls.
He looses the tie keeping his mid-length braids in place and dresses quickly, pulling padded armor over top and lacing his good boots up tight. This time, he puts his enchanted rapier into his belt. It’s his best and most practiced weapon. Whatever miasma of foreboding permeates this particular evening, he’s certain it will require bloodshed.
Wyll’s own blood thrums with anxious fear and he lets himself feel it, lets it wash over him as he’s been taught, infusing every muscle. He closes his eyes and takes a series of deep breaths before pushing it aside. There’s work to be done.
Much like his father, Wyll refuses a twenty-four hour guard detail, which makes sneaking out of the manor considerably easier than it normally would be. Baldur’s Gate is eerie at this time of night, the normally bustling streets silent and the air charged with foreboding. The stables at the base of the Grand Hall’s stairs are unmanned and he makes immediately for his personal steed.
“Shhh, girl,” he whispers to the painted-coat mare when her ears flick forward on high alert. “It’s me. Sorry to disturb your rest, but I need your legs. There’ll be carrots and apples enough to make up for it, I promise you.”
The horse, Calla, whinnies softly, relaxing and lowering her head under his firm hands as he soothes her. Wyll doesn’t bother to saddle her, hopping up and riding bareback as he’d done all too often as a young boy. Calla doesn’t care for it, but she trusts him and a part of her understands his urgency. Every moment feels precious.
A few lamps flicker on in homes here and there as Wyll races by, Calla’s hooves striking sharply on the stone street. He pays them no mind, attention solely focused on his destination. The hill looms larger ahead, its normally red stone appearing near black in the night.
There, another flash of fire, gone again quick as a heartbeat.
And then Wyll’s world promptly ends.
The cobblestone road at the base of Dusthawk Hill buckles upward and neither Calla nor Wyll have the chance to change course before the horse screams and tumbles, sending them both to the hard ground. Wyll barely has the wherewithal to draw on his lifetime of horsemanship to prevent himself from being crushed underfoot. Calla screams again and gods his shoulder hurts and he’s pushing himself onto his forearms and crawling toward her and then there are figures standing round, people of the city, people who can-
A voice says, “Silence it.” There’s a bolt of violent red magic and Calla stops moving.
Wyll’s breath leaves him, his movements stilled as years of memories are compacted into a single moment. Memories of choosing his foal from the lot when he was but a foal himself, of training with her, of sunshiny walks and an occasional scuffle. A shock goes through him, hollowing him out, nearly splitting him in two.
He had promised her carrots and apples.
The figures are nearly on him before he moves for his blade. He’ll take at least one of them down with him. All of them if he can.
He doesn’t take any down, for there’s a flash of fire and the sound of a brief but violent scuffle and the street goes dark and quiet again. Wyll’s eyes remain on Calla until he notices the hand extended out for him. Numbly, he reaches to take it and is pulled to his feet by none other than the woman he’d met in Rivington.
“I’d ask if you’re all right again,” she says. “But I think we both know the answer.”
Wyll hunches over and reaches for his aching arm with his good hand. He can’t move his fingers and his breathing quickens, going shorter and shorter and Calla, oh gods, Calla-
Blue magic swirls around him and he inhales it, taking it into his heaving lungs. Immediately, his breathing slows and the world becomes clearer. He stands straighter and looks at the woman.
“Just something to calm you,” she says.
He looks around at the pair that attacked them, now charred and scattered over the ground. They wear masks and tattered black cloaks.
“What is happening?” he gasps, near sobbing. “Why are you here?”
Hells below, his shoulder hurts.
The woman shushes him as she comes in closer, placing her hands against his collarbone and his shoulder.
His breath hitches. “What are you-”
She looks into his eyes, grins, and says, “This is going to hurt.”
Wyll cries out as she wrenches his shoulder, the agony making his vision go white. There’s a pop and the pain lessens immensely. Very sore, but he can at least use it. He blinks a tear from his eye as he flexes his fingers, then focuses on the woman.
“There, there,” she says, giving him a light pat on the arm she just brutalized. “Just a little dislocated shoulder. All better now.”
He shrinks away from her touch and sends a worried look up at the hillside again before looking back to her.
“Ah, yes, that,” she says, pointing at the flickers on the hill. “That would be the Cult of the Dragon attempting to raise Tiamat at the edge of your city, I’m afraid.”
Wyll’s knee buckles and he barely catches himself. His mouth works a second before he says, “The Dragon Queen?”
The woman grins, her canines just a touch too sharp. “Oh, good, I do love a boy who reads his dragon stories. You seemed like the type.”
He stares. “Who in the Hells are you?”
“Funny you should ask,” she says. Wyll watches with his eyes going ever-wider as the woman shifts and changes, skin going blue-gray and eyes going red. Lengthy horns sprout from her brow and wings unfurl behind her back.
Wyll gasps and stumbles back, hand going to his rapier. “Devil,” he says. “Stay away from me.”
“Think you might want to hear what I have to say before you send me away,” she lilts at him, leaning forward slightly. “I’m the one who called you here, after all.”
He sees her lips move without sound and inside his head, he hears, “Wake up, Wyllyam Ravengard.”
Wyll shakes his head, but she continues speaking. Out loud, this time. “You’d be sound asleep in your cozy bed up there in the sky if I hadn’t alerted you. I’m on your side, really.”
“You serve no one but yourself.” He draws his rapier and holds it between them, taking a stance that’s more muscle memory than intentionality.
“That’s fair,” the devil sighs, folding her arms and twitching her tail behind her. “I wouldn’t be helping you for free, of course. So, first things first.” She inclines her head in a superficial bow. “I am Mizora, in service to the Archangel Zariel, and you are in need of our services.”
A baffled laugh falls from Wyll’s lips as he rocks back and forth on his feet. “Not likely. Your kind are skilled at untruths. I’ve no proof that any of what you’ve told me is true.”
Mizora holds up a finger to him and bends down toward one of the burnt bodies. Wyll’s blade follows her movement and she holds her hands out passively as she comes back to standing, a smile playing at her lips like she’s not the least bit concerned.
She holds her hand up to him, palm forward, and he sees a golden charm in her hand. There’s an etching upon it and Wyll’s hold on his blade loosens the tiniest bit when he recognizes it as one of the symbols of known organizations he and his father had to memorize. It is indeed the Cult of the Dragon.
He bites the inside of his cheek. “When is this happening? I will need to gather support if we’re to stop a ritual of this magnitude.”
The devil wrinkles her nose and wiggles as if delighted. “That’s the thing, you sweet little pup.”
There’s a tearing sound above them and Wyll’s eyes dart to find the air at the top of the hill swirling with a tight coil of dark clouds.
Mizora points to the clouds. “It’s happening right now. Pity.”
Everything within Wyll’s ribcage goes cold, a thousand thoughts and feelings pulling at him at once. Calla is gone. He will mourn her, but not yet. The Gate is in danger. His father is away and the Fist would never reach them in time. He cannot ask the people to lay down their lives. That’s his job. That’s his…
Wyll’s breath shatters out into the air. It’s him. He’s the city’s sitting protector. It has to be him.
He hasn’t had all that much life yet, but even so, he’s had enough to absorb his father’s actions and words, along with all the assurances that his mother’s sacrifice to give him life was worthy, was good. He’s absorbed it, even as he sees his father shift his gaze away from any Ilmater iconography they pass by.
Wyll grips his blade tightly, takes a deep breath, and makes for the hill past the devil. She raises her eyebrows at him and watches, amused, as he goes by.
“Plan to take on at least two Wearers of Purple and their underlings on your own before they call the Dragon Queen onto this plane, do you?” she says after him.
He pauses, gritting his teeth and struggling to keep the squall of storming emotion inside him in check. Then he turns his head and says, “What do you offer?”
Mizora beams and takes a step closer. “Power. I’ll be your patron, granting you access to my extensive well of magic. It’s yours for the taking. Use it to protect your city, if you must. Or for something more fun.”
Wyll glares at her. Another tear rolls its way down his cheek and he raises his chin, determined. “And what do you get in return?”
She comes close, reaching out a finger, and taps the tip of his nose. “Your soul, of course.”
“And what else?” he inquires further.
“Plenty else,” Mizora says. She waves her hand and an infernal contract appears in her hand, flickering at the edges like it’s burning. “But we hardly have time for particulars.”
“Fine,” Wyll says. He looks at her down the length of his nose, regal as he can. “Done.”
“I hardly had to twist your arm at all,” Mizora says, pleased. “Just that once at the beginning.” She holds out the contract and flourishes her hand to create an ethereal quill.
Wyll takes it and puts the tip to the signature line of the contract. He swallows hard.
“For the Gate,” he whispers as he signs.
His father will understand. His father would do the same. For what is a single soul in exchange for the city’s people?
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pankowperfection · 2 years
John B
Congrats on 300!!!!🥰🧡
12. “I’m going to fucking ruin you.”
14. “You can take it, you’ve done it before.”
21. “You’re so wet.”
Secret Show
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Summary: John B decides to fuck you in front of your friends during movie night
Warnings: smut, exhibitionism, dirty talking, semi public sex, 18+
Dating John B was great. Not only did you have an extremely caring boyfriend, you had also inherited a family aka the pogues. Everyone had crammed into the small living room of the chateau, Friday movie nights a regular occurrence when the weather outside turned stormy. With the limited furniture, you were sitting on John B's lap, blanket over your legs to shield you from the AC. JJ and Pope took up the other two seats on the couch, Kie sitting in a lawn chair from outside. "Alright guys, ready?" John B glanced around the room, everyone nodding back as they settled into their seats with beer and pizza in their hands.
It was super dark in the house, only light coming from the TV screen as rain pelted the windows outside. Five minutes into the movie Kie was on her phone, no longer paying attention. JJ had just finished a joint, eyes glazing over as he stared aimlessly at the screen. Pope seemed to be interested in the film, but your mind was distracted by John B's hand sliding up your thigh. "What are you doing baby?" "Shhh, be quiet and act normal. Don't want anyone to notice." His fingers graze the edge of your panties and you bite back a groan, shivering at the contact. He slowly drags the material to the side, teasing his fingers through your folds. "You're so wet," he whispers in your ear, pushing two fingers into your heat as you let out a soft whimper. No one seems to notice thankfully, John B now pumping in and out of you slowly as his palm grinds against your clit.
After a few more torturous minutes he withdraws his hand, hiding behind your hair to lick them clean as he moans at the taste of you. "So sweet," he grins when he sees the look of desperation on your face. "Don't worry sweetheart, I've got you." He shifts you slightly, freeing his length from his shorts as quietly as possible before grabbing your hips, scooting you back over to hover over his cock. He lets you sink down at your own pace, both of you breathing heavily but thankfully there is a lot of fighting going on in the movie, muffling your sounds. You feel so full when he bottoms out, loving the way he’s stretching you. His nose trails over your neck, raising goosebumps over your hot skin. He starts kissing your sweet spot, nibbling down to your shoulder before working back up to your ear. "I'm going to fucking ruin you. If they catch us I won't stop."
He starts grinding his hips in circles, making his cock rub against every inch of your walls and grazing over your sweet spot. His calloused fingers find your clit, rubbing painfully slow circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves. He's clearly in no hurry, having the whole length of the film to bring you to the edge right in front of your friends. The exhibitionist in him was so turned on you were letting this happen, secretly hoping at least one of the others would notice what you were doing. You close your eyes, laying your head back against his shoulder as he continues to torture you.
You're really starting to struggle holding in your moans, also desperate for him to really drive his cock into you like usual. You attempt to raise your hips up and down, making it look like you're trying to get comfy, when really you were just trying to get him to thrust in and out. He clicks his tongue at you, silently voicing his disapproval. "JB please. Can't we just sneak off somewhere and finish this right?" He smiles at your expression, how your voice is full of desperation. "You can take it, you've done it before." He bucks his hips up lightly, trying not to move your body too much but also wanting to make you come so he could.
Other people totally forgotten you lose yourself in the pleasure surging through your body. His fingers speed up on your clit, orgasm growing nearer every second that ticks by. "Come baby, now." Your body listens to his command, jaw going slack on a silent scream as your pussy milks him for all he's got. He kisses your cheek sweetly, leaving his cock inside you as the movie comes to an end. One by one the rest of your friends file out of the house, oblivious to the fact you two just fucked in front of them. When you're finally alone he helps you stand up, smacking your bare ass in front of his face. "Round two?" You nod eagerly, dragging him down the hall to your room.
Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist
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NSFW Warning! 18+. Oral Sex, Genderbend kink, sex club. Jim Gordon (Dark Knight) x OC. For Kinkuary 2023
Room 7 was dark. Mistress always insisted on Room 7 for sensory deprivation, and Jim had just successfully completed an hour of it for the first time in their relationship. Relationship? Was that the proper word? He still apprehensive to use that term, for fear it would somehow change his behavior and spook her.
To be so domineering, Mistress was easily spooked. Or Claire was... Mistress was there to protect her. Jim was realizing that now. There was some vulnerability under her surface... subtle signs he would see from time to time that resembled some of the young victims he would be called in to gently question and gather their testimonies. Jim had always been called in for cases like that, because of his ability to calm and comfort. Most of the guys on his teams lacked that quality. It was part of what made Jim so successful where others failed.
Jim's internal clock knew the hour was up, so he began waiting rather impatiently for his Mistress's return. Part of him always feared she'd forget him... get distracted by one of her old companions out on the club floor, get caught up talking to Zac or dancing with some friends. Claire was the life of the party around here, and Jim was still so new and awkward. He knew he was forgettable... the quiet guy who sometimes quite literally didn't have a seat at the table. That was always annoyingly the case when he used to go meet with Harvey Dent. The man never had chairs in front of his desk like most normal offices. Jim always had to make a point of dragging his own over. It was a power play, Jim knew. Most relationships were, and his time at The Asylum brought that to the forefront.
Finally he heard the sound of shoes on polished concrete. But his keen ears soon realized a difference in the sound. It was not Mistress's heels— instead a more flat thunk of a sound. His sensation-deprived brain immediately went back to Harvey Dent... Gucci horsebit leather loafers. Not that Jim ever would know how to identify such... Barb had commented on them one time at a daytime event, and the words had stuck. Jim wasn't even sure his own shoes had a brand. Well, of course they did, but hell if he knew what it was.
His nerves were building as the sound crept closer. The mattress beneath his naked form fell away as someone's weight was applied to the foot. Their body was soon on his, fully clothed. He could feel the smooth, tightly woven fabric of a suit jacket and the cool silk of a tie against his chest, and he tensed immediately. He was about to sharply inquire as to this person's identity when his mouth was silenced by another, a prominent mustache tickling his upper lip.
Jim's arms fought to push the person away, but he remembered he was tied tightly to the metal bed frame. His legs began bucking instead, and he was terrified to realize there was a stiff cock against his thigh. His sense of smell kicked in next, a strong men's cologne that was peppery in his throat. He tried to break his mouth free to yell, but hands came up firmly to either side of his face, holding his own mustached mouth to that of his new companion.
Was it new? No... Jim knew those hands, even if it had only been a couple of months. Their softness, their specific weight, their transmission of feeling. Relief washed over him. It was her, though he had no idea what the woman... err, man... was doing. But their (his?) mouth tasted familiar and pleasant, and Jim found his hips arching into the hard cock of their own accord.
Strap-on, he assessed. But it feels so real. Nice length... girth too. What the hell are they going to do with it?
Jim's asshole quivered, and his body started resisting again.
"Shhh," he heard. The voice that spoke next was deep and commanding. "Don't be afraid. You'll still be a virgin by the end of the night. Just feel me and enjoy. I'm going to release your hands."
Jim forced himself to relax as his restraints fell away. His hands did shake a little as they came to rest on the brushed fabric of a suit jacket. It was a nice texture, and he found his fingers roving enthusiastically, trailing down to cup the ass of this "mystery" lover. Their cock gyrated against his, causing his own to respond with a flood of arousal.
"Touch it," they commanded.
Jim obeyed, reaching between their bodies to squeeze the generous silicone. Even through the fine suit, he could tell it was well crafted. He felt defined ridges and a ring separating the shaft from the head. He molested it as if it were his own, trying to imagine it that way versus it belonging to someone else. That allowed his own arousal to mount without too much doubt getting in the way. But as his own hardness reached a fever pitch, some back part of his brain kicked in and started getting off on the idea of it being someone else. His bucking was wild now, his breath coming in pants as he desperately sought friction against his own ache.
"Mmm, yes, pet," they encouraged in a rasp. "I love that you love this. Should I reward you with my mouth?"
"Yes... please," Jim whispered, grateful when he felt the metal belt buckle and silk tie begin descending his body. His hand came to their head to guide them in place, strands pressed tightly to their head and secured in tight knot. Their mustache grazed his sensitive head, and he jumped before giving into the new sensation. They manhandled his balls next, causing Jim to suck on a breath while his mind tried to work out whether this was pleasure or pain.
"I own you, commissioner..." a voice reminded him from below. "Don't forget that."
One long, tight suction on his cock... he could feel his cream being sucked through his package like it was attached to some kind of inhuman, mechanical pump...
Yes, Claire Greene, he thought. You do.
Link to Full Work Below! Remember to hit that heart button on AO3 if you enjoy. Your feedback means the world to authors!
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badassbuchanan · 3 years
Risky Business
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Plot: Bucky’s needy after a stressful mission day and Y/N is right there next to him. The only problem is, they’re not alone.
Warnings: smut; unprotected sex, dirty talk, spooning, voyeurism, mentions cockwarming.
Word count: 3176
“Bucky! I said no.” I whispered with a hiss, slightly turning my head backwards to where Bucky lay behind me.
To say our relationship was complicated was an understatement. Everyone in the compound knew we were close, but they also knew we bickered like crazy. Usually when we hadn’t fucked in a while. But they didn’t know we did that.
Our closeness was what had put us in this double room together in the first place. Old Captain Rogers himself was sleeping in the bed next to ours, less that 2 feet away.
It had been a long day, the mission not going as well as we’d first hoped. Mine and Bucky’s bickering didn’t help much either. But he’d been in such a foul mood all day, most likely due to what I’d mentioned earlier.
We fucked when we could, but sometimes, it was just too hard to sneak through the compound where we were surrounded by people we had to keep the secret from.
“But I’m so fucking hard.” Bucky whined in a whisper, his chest pressed against my back on the huge bed. He was desperate for any kind of physical touch he could get.
“I don’t care, I’m not fucking you when Steve is in the room.” I whispered back through gritted teeth, trying to get some sleep which was proving to be impossible. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to fuck him, but just the thought of Steve catching us had me blushing with embarassment. “I offered to give you a handjob but it wasn’t good enough.”
“I just want to be inside you,” He pressed himself harder against my back to whisper in my ear, his erect, heavy cock pushing between my ass cheeks. He’d pulled his cock out of his underwear minutes before when he’d tried to convince me to ride him. He would’ve almost been inside of me if it wasn’t for my very skimpy pyjamas shorts. “I miss your sweet little pussy.”
“Bucky!” I whispered warningly, my eyes widening at his filthy words. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but the fact that his best friend was in the room was bothering me.
“C’mon,” He dragged out the word pleadingly as he sat up slightly to lean over my body, his big eyes glistening with the low glow of the streetlight outside and he feigned innocent. “I bet you’re wet.”
Luckily, the room’s dull illumination was not enough for Bucky to see the way my cheeks turned bright pink with embarrassment of being caught out. My body turned slightly towards him, the palm of my hand coming up to meet his bare chest as he rubbed the tip of his cock teasingly along my ass.
“Just let me give you a nice handjob.” I begged, he felt so soft against my skin, his teasing pushing me to the edge. I knew I didn’t have enough restraint to put him off much longer, not when I wanted it just as much as he did.
He was giving me puppy dog eyes, leaning his head down towards me as our lips brushed each other.
“No, need your pussy.” He argued childishly with a pout, his eyebrows furrowing as he pushed his length a little harder against me. I had to bite my lip to stop a moan from escaping, subconsciously rocking my hips back against him.
My pussy was dripping with need by the time his tip pressed against my bare thigh. The feeling of his hot, heavy member was welcomed against my cold skin. “We’re going to get caught.”
“Not if you keep that sweet pouty mouth of yours shut.” Bucky smirked cockily, his flesh hand gripped my face from under my chin, his fingers digging in my cheeks.
“Steve could wake up at any moment.” I whispered warningly, my eyes wide with innocence. It turned Bucky on even more knowing there was a chance Steve could open his eyes and catch us fucking.
I felt his cock twitch against me, his metal hand whirring to slide beneath the leg opening of my shorts and grab my ass. “Shhh, just relax, doll.”
My soft whimper was met with Bucky’s lips crashing onto mine, his metal fingers roaming inside my shorts to find my naked pussy.
I opened my mouth to let his hot tongue move against mine, the kiss deepening with every passing second.
My head was spinning, everything around us fading away as I felt my body submitting to him, now just as desperate as he was to be fucked.
His hand tugged my shorts down to my knees, my ass moving against his cock as I kicked them off completely, now only covered by a loose t-shirt.
I pressed my ass back against him, his chest firm against my back as I looked over at where Steve was to make sure he was still fast asleep. I turned my head to look back toward Bucky who was far too invested in sliding his cock between my ass cheeks to care about his sleeping friend.
“Just the tip.” I whispered in defeat as I pressed a hand on his right pec, my wet pussy needing a little more friction that what he was giving me. “Okay?”
Bucky licked his lips and nodded, his metal hand sliding between my body and the mattress to hold onto my hip. His flesh hand reached down to line his cock up with my entrance, running his tip between my slick folds.
“Sure you don’t want me to pound you into this mattress, doll?” Bucky suggested with a devious smile on his face , testing how far I would let him go. He knew how weak I got when I was horny.
“Just the tip, Buck.” I reiterated with a hiss as he pressed his big, throbbing tip into my tight hole. “I mean it.”
Bucky groaned as his head fell into the crook of my neck, the feeling of his member in my warm pussy almost making him cum instantly.
I bit my lip in an attempt to stifle the moan building in my throat, my eyes falling closed as I leaned further back into Bucky.
“Happy now?” I whispered shakily as I played with his soft hair. Bucky’s arms gripped around me tightly, so desperate to fuck all the way into me.
“So happy,” Bucky replied proudly, a smirk plastered on his face as he knew this was only the start of me compromising. “I love feeling you stretch around me.”
My face squirmed in pleasure as I felt the familiar dull ache burn through my tight pussy. Bucky only got all soft and lovey like this when he was really desperate, something I’d only been lucky enough to see a handful of times before.
I used what was left of my self control to stop my hips bucking back into his. I grabbed at his body as much as I could, my arm reaching down to squeeze his thick thigh.
I wanted nothing more than for Bucky to move, to shove his silky cock inside my leaking pussy, but I couldn’t let him win. I decided instead to clench around his tip, his cock twitching as I did so.
Bucky groaned a little too loudly when he felt my pussy clench, his metal fingers digging into my hips harder. I turned my head towards him, looking up into his lust filled eyes.
“Shh, Buck.” I whispered against his lips, pecking them sweetly as I played with his hair. I could feel his pre-cum mixing with my juices, his thick tip plugging my pussy. “We have to be quiet.”
I clenched again, an empty ache in my pussy where it was hungry for more. A growl erupted from the back of Bucky’s throat, his flesh hand sliding up the inside of my top to cup my boobs.
“Then stop squeezing your pussy,” He mumbled through gritted teeth between kisses, knowing I was edging him on purposely as I pushed my ass back against him. “It’s gunna make me cum.”
I hummed into the kiss with a smile as his fingers tugged on my nipples, a little whimper escaping my lips. I slid my hand up from his thigh to his hip, trying to tug him closer.
“Oh, that’s what you want huh?” Bucky smirked as he kissed along my cheek, making his way to my ear. “You want my cum to fill your sweet little pussy?”
“Bucky.” I whimpered out softly, my wet pussy tingling in need. I hated giving him what he wanted, I knew how much it fed his ego. But the way the tip of his cock was so perfectly stretching me out had me desperate for more.
“Hm?” He played innocent, his hand gliding up from my tits to my mouth. I opened my lips obediently, welcoming his fingers with my hot tongue.
I hummed around his fingers, clenching around his cock again as I moved my hand back up to play with his hair. Bucky stayed still behind me, trailing his now wet fingers down my chest and back over my boobs.
“Put it in.” I choked out weakly, rubbing my ass back against him suggestively. My hand clung to the sheet in front of me as his hand slid down my stomach, my hips jolting forward as his fingers rubbed my clit.
I moaned his name loudly, unable to stop my hips from rocking against his hand. I bit my lip, almost drawing blood as my hips uncontrollably rutted back and forth. “Put it in.” I repeated in a whine, leaning my head back against him.
“Shh, baby. What’s your Captain gunna think if he wakes up to you getting fucked, hm?” He growled into my ear, the movements of my hips pushing his cock a little further into my sopping pussy.
“James, if you don’t fuck me right now I swear-.” I pouted sadly, trying to figure out how he’d come to be the one in control as my hips bucked every time he pinched my clit between his fingers.
“C’mere.” Bucky cut me off in a mumble, a light chuckle erupting from his throat as he leant over my torso slightly. He took his hand from my clit, gripping my chin with his wet hand.
I looked up at his lightly illuminated face, my eyes innocent and needy as he pressed his lips down against mine. I hummed into the kiss, our tongues colliding as we opened our mouthes.
Bucky slid his hand down to grab my hip, slowly guiding his dick deeper and deeper into my pussy. I moaned loudly into the kiss, the burning feeling of him stretching me out was overwhelming.
His silky skin slid easily into my wet heat, his tip so deep I could practically feel him in my tummy. “So big.” I mumbled between kisses, feeling Bucky begin to move in and out of me.
He moaned against my lips, his hand sliding around to hold the underside of my thigh, squeezing the soft flesh. He fucked me at a slow pace, causing every moment to be felt with a deeper intensity.
His metal hand lay flat against the flesh of my tummy, holding me in place as he fucked into me like a sex toy that could be controlled so easily.
“Fuck.” Bucky breathed out breathlessly, tilting his hips towards me as he picked up his pace. My tits bounced with each thrust of his hips, the sound of our skin slapping together muffled by the blanket.
I closed my eyes tightly, my mouth dropping open in overwhelming pleasure. I felt his hips against my ass every time Bucky bottomed out, his balls slapping against my skin ticklishly.
His face dropped to my neck, his lips attacking the delicate skin to muffle his moans. Bucky’s stubble scratched against my skin softly, his hot breath on me made my tummy flutter. I felt his cock twitch against my walls, his girth stretching me out in a dull ache.
I arched my back, his cock fucking me deeper as I moved my hand to his thigh, my nails digging into his flesh. I let out a moan much louder than I meant it to be, causing Bucky’s head to lift from my neck.
“It’s like you want him to wake up.” Bucky referred to Steve as he groaned, watching my tits jiggle with every movement.
I opened my eyes alarmingly, remembering his sleeping friend as i looked over to where Steve slept. My pussy clenched at how close we were to another person while fucking, a wave of pleasure flowing through my body.
Bucky’s hand slid up from my thigh to my chest, squeezing my tits in his flesh palm. I whimpered softly, my eyes locked on Steve as Bucky’s cock fucked me. He tugged on my nipples as my pussy drenched his hard length, my hips unable to stay still. 
My head dropped forward as my back relaxed against his chest, Bucky’s metal fingers gripping my shoulder to force me down onto his dick. “You like watching Stevie while I fuck you, hm?” Bucky growled into my ear, causing a soft moan to escape my lips, my thigh hooking around his. “He thinks you’re such a good girl.” 
Bucky bounced me up and down his cock as his hips rutted into me, his thighs slapping against my ass. His words had my clit throbbing, shamefully getting turned on thinking about Steve catching us. 
“If only he knew what a dirty girl you are for me.” He moaned softly, moving his hand down to push my thighs together. I whimpered as my clit tingled with need, my pussy tightening around his cock as he slowed his pace. 
I turned my head towards him, Bucky’s eyes glistening in the soft light of the room as he pushed his lips on mine. I moaned into the kiss, his strong grip keeping my thighs together as he slowly fucked me. 
His soft breaths were drowned out in the kiss, my hand moving to play with his hair as he flicked my lip with his tongue. I whimpered into his mouth, rubbing my ass back against him as he forced his way between my thighs with every thrust.
“Bet you wish you could scream for me, right now.” Bucky whispered as his lips kissed across my cheek, his stubble scratching my skin lightly. I moaned as I licked my lips, closing my eyes as I got lost in the euphoric feeling of his cock deep inside me.
“I know how loud you like to be, baby.” His lips reached my neck, leaving gentle bite marks with his teeth. I felt myself almost at my high, sliding my hand down from his hair to travel between my legs. I parted my knees enough to cup his balls in my hand, his thighs clenching at the action. 
“Bucky I’m gunna cum.” I whispered in a moan, unable to stop the overwhelming pleasure which took over my body.
Bucky sped up his thrusts, fucking into me over and over as I shuddered on top of him, trying to cum quietly. He manhandled me as he pleased, angling his hips to fuck into me with my body parallel to Steve.
“Fuck, Bucky.” I cried loudly before quickly turning my face towards the pillow, shoving my face in the material to muffle my moans.
I heard Bucky grunt as I bit down on the fabric, arching my back into his thrusts as his hand slid up to lay flat on my lower tummy. He held me in place just as he had done before, controlling me so easily.
I moved my hand around to press against his hip, feeling him fuck deep inside me as I rode out my orgasm. I clenched around him, my clit throbbing in pleasure as I came around his cock.
“Look at Steve while you cum, baby.” He growled into my ear, his metal hand moving under my body to grip my chin. He ripped my face away from the pillow, forcing my eyes over to his sleeping friend.
I whimpered softly, opening my mouth for his thumb as Bucky fucked my overstimulated body. He took the hint straight away, my pussy pulsating around him as I sucked his metal digit in my mouth.
Bucky’s tip throbbed as I clenched around him, causing his orgasm to hit with a low grunt. I felt his hips gyrate erratically, spurting his thick strands of cum deep inside my pussy.
I bucked my hips, feeling overly sensitive as I hummed around his thumb which was tucked between my lips. I felt his body still behind me once his balls were empty, too lazy to even pull his cock out of me.
“M’gunna stay inside you.” He mumbled in his husky ‘after-sex’ voice, his chest panting as he tried to catch his breath.
“Not tonight, Buck.” I whispered back sweetly, knowing how sad he’d be that I wouldn’t let him get his own way.
“Y/N I’m already inside you, just let me stay there.” He whined with a childish pout on his lips, almost too cute to say no to. Almost.
“Buck, c’mon, before Steve wakes up.” I patted his thigh, encouraging him to move as his hand ran up the side of my waist.
“But it will be so much easier for us to fuck again in the morning if I just stay inside you.” He tried to reason with me, leaning over to look at my face as he regained some strength. “Unless you wanna go again right now?” He smirked with a cheeky tone, pressing his hips harder against my ass which caused his cock to slide further into me.
Before I could even respond, another voice speaking startled us both. “No, no, no.” Steve suddenly protested as he jumped out of bed, making his way across the room. “I am not listening to you two fuck again. I’m getting my own room so I can actually get some sleep.”
My face flushed bright pink as my eyes widened, watching Steve fumble his way across the room in the dark. “I’ll see you both in the morning.” He added before a mutter of “God, you guys are like animals.”
I quickly turned her head toward Bucky, my heart racing in shock. “How long do you think he was awake?”
Bucky chuckled, entertained by his friends reaction as he leaned in to cup my cheek. “He’s a super soldier with extreme hearing. He was awake the whole time.”
The first thought across my mind was how I’d ever be able to look my Captain in the eye without dying of embarrassment while Bucky thought about how Steve had chosen to stay in the room, awake, listening the entire time we fucked. He knew his best friend too well.
Bucky blinked in thought, licking his lips as a smile of amusement crossed his face. “Doll, Steve didn’t leave to get some sleep, Steve left to jerk off.”
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I have a desperate need to ride Donna’s strap I am weak for her in so many ways
Okayy.. maybe not riding, but will being taken roughly on her sewing desk work for you, anon? 😏 I had way too much fun writing this 🤤 It was written as a little birthday treat for someone, but I hope you'll all enjoy it just the same! ♥️
“Mia cara… are you almost finished in here?”
You almost dropped the spool of thread you had been putting in its respective place when the warm tones of Donna’s voice cut through the air. The soft sound of simple fabric moving against itself as she slowly began to make her way through the large sewing room. You had been given the task of dusting and reorganizing all of her supplies - and had just about finished when she came calling for you.
“Yes, madam.. this is the last of it.”
You raised the small spool between two fingers before leaning over to place it in the small cubby hole that resided in the large wooden desk you had just been cleaning. A sharp gasp falling across your lips as the length of her met your backside. The faintest feeling of her favorite toy under the humble fabric of her dress as she leaned in closer.
“Shhh, diletta .. It seems you have not been honest with me.”
“I.. how do you mean, madam??”
“Seems today is meant to be a celebration of sorts.”
You took a moment to think, blushing fiercely as you realized what day it was. Of course the clever doll-maker had figured it out - always with a knack for knowing things. You smiled shyly before turning to face her. A hungry look - a single dilated pupil as your eyes met her gaze.
“I’m... sorry madam.. It must have slipped my mind.”
Donna hummed, her long fingers digging through one of the drawers closest to her.
“Seems… I owe you a tiny little present, then.”
A most delightful smirk curling across her lips as she brought up a hand holding a large pair of fabric shears. You knew that she could hear the hitch in your throat - the steady beat of your heart swiftly picking up it’s pace - and you also knew that there was no realm that existed where she would ever hurt you. But that didn’t stop the prickling heat that was now moving relentless across your body.
“I… madam.. Wha-?”
She stifled any words that were deemed to release from your lips as she placed the tip of cool metal against them, only making your heart race even quicker. A slick wetness building steadily in your core as she slowly dropped them, letting their sharpness trace down the front of your uniform.
“Hush, now... do you not trust me, mia cara?”
You swallowed back the thick arousal in your throat, whimpering slightly as sharp blades ghosted over the supple flesh of your inner thigh.
“Of.. of course I do, ma’am. With my life.”
“Mmh.. an appropriate response, diletta.”
She smiled wickedly as she brought the large scissors to the hem of your skirt, a single confident glint to her eye as her smile transformed into something darker. The distinct sound of metal cutting through fabric filling the air as smooth steel sliced up the center of your humble uniform with the utmost precision. You couldn’t stop the soft moan that vibrated deep in your throat as Donna placed the shears on the desk next to her - her experienced hands tearing the last bit of fabric that was closest to your neck - instantly leaving your flushed skin exposed to her.
There wasn’t a single part of your body that wasn’t filled with a stinging heat - that wasn’t engulfed in a fiery blaze so deep that it threatened to turn the whole world to ash. Her cool breath against your skin, the length of her body leaning in as she wrapped a single arm around your waist - lifting your body with ease while the other reached down to rip the thin fabric of your panties from your body. The cooled wood of her sewing table forcing a prompt shiver across your body as it met the heated flesh of your backside.
“Mia bella.. so stunning.. so eager for me.”
“Mmmh… my Mistress..”
You could count on one hand how many times you had ever heard the doll-maker growl, the low tones of it reverberating deep throughout her throat - immediately arousing you. Her strong fingers gripping into the soft flesh of your thighs as she pulled you roughly towards herself. The simple fabric of her dress dropping from her body within mere seconds as she held your gaze.
A late afternoon sun gleaming exquisitely off the shiny black toy that perfectly adorned Donna's hips - feeling your core instantly clench around nothing at just the sight of it… at just the idea of her driving it harder and harder into you. Her dark hair billowing freely over the fine lines of her face like the veil that normally hung there. A sharp cry forced from your lips as she pulled your hips even closer to her, allowing your dripping core to hang over the edge of the desk ever so slightly. The cut fabric of your uniform still hanging loosely from your body as her hands roamed eagerly over you, stoking the flame that bridled it to an almost unbearable level.
“Ah-! Please, Mistress.”
You whimpered as the warmth of her mouth found you.. as she rested the tip of her strap teasingly against your entrance.. as her teeth skated over your nipples and nipped indulgently at your eager flesh.
“Please what, mia cara?”
Kiss after kiss trailing along your jawline and collarbone. Her long tongue tracing up the side of your neck before her teeth found your earlobe, prompting a deep shudder as her breath ghosted over you.
“Tell me how badly you want me.. how much you need me.”
If there could ever be a tone of voice that could make you orgasm on the spot - that could unravel you in a way that you didn’t even know existed - it was the breathy and utterly disarming tone that had slipped so easily off Donna’s tongue, dripping from it like raw honey.
“Mmph, fuck! I need you, Mistress... I always need you.”
She hummed in certain content, placing a tender kiss to the soft skin under your ear before whispering into it one last time.
“Mmmh… Happy Birthday, diletta.”
You felt the world spin on its axis as her lips crashed into yours, blurring as the room around you began to shift - as her tongue danced divinely against you. Your desire spilling out from your aching core as she forced the length of the toy deep inside of it - taking you, claiming you - reminding you of exactly who you belonged to. The width of your legs wrapping securely around her waist as you invited her in - willing her to take as much as you as she could - to fuck you until you didn’t have a single thought left in your head.
And oh, the deep moans that sprang from her perfect lips as she picked up her pace, as the hilt of the harness rubbed generously over her clit. The firmness of her strap delicious against your walls as she forcibly drove it into you, ripping a sharp cry from your kiss swollen lips.
“Ah-! Fuck.. Mistress!”
She growled again, the melody of it rolling over her body like a wave of thunder, compelling the force of her fingernails deeper into the heated flesh of your back as she pulled your body up to meet hers - willing her feverous skin to slide sublimely over yours. Beads of sweat rolling down the curves and hills of your bodies - a most delicious sound of flesh against flesh ringing throughout the room as the pace of her hips picked up even more.
You weren’t even sure of how many moans had been muffled into her perfect lips, at how many scratches had been dragged down the landscape of your scorching back. With beads of crimson trickling down it… with streams of desire dripping down the side of cooled wood beneath you… as Donna’s warm juices pooled steadily within the black harness she wore, desperate to be released.
“Mmmh.. mia cara.. come with me. Let me hear you.”
That was all you needed to prompt the white hot pleasure to spill mercilessly over you - to force wave after wave of infinite pleasure to wash across your body. The length of her strap deep inside you, thrusting into your core at an unprecedented pace as the doll-maker’s hips began to jerk. Her name flying from your lips like a prayer in the night as she pushed you closer and closer to the edge. It was bliss - pure and unfiltered - a prickling heat that started at your head and creeped all the way down to your toes until it was begging for release - until you were certain you were about to lose all ability to function. The fireworks behind your eyes whiting out the room around you, forcing juices to gush for your core just as you heard your name ripped from your lover’s lips.
Her shaky breath against your overly flushed skin as she held you close, allowing your pleasures to ride out before slowly halting her hips. The deep scratches and bites that decorated your body prevalent in the profound heat that resided within them. Soft tender kisses making their way up your chest and neck until her lips found their home back at your own - kissing you deeply, softly - drinking you in as if you were the only other person that existed in the world.
“Mmmh… mia bella.. I trust I did not get too carried away.”
You smiled against her lips, kissing her once more for good measure.
“You could never, Mistress.”
She moaned softly as she returned your tender kiss. Her warm body soft against yours, holding you close as your breaths began to steady - as her long fingers gently cupped your cheek before her gaze met yours - the utter softness of it swiftly causing your racing heart to skip a beat.
“Tell me, diletta… did you enjoy your present?”
You laughed, amused at how she could even ask such a thing.
“Mmh.. Of course I did, Mistress!”
“Good.” She smirked, the undertones of it forcing a second wave of heat to roll unhindered across your body. “Now... if you could be so kind as to bend over, mia cara. I have distinct plans to wreck that exquisite backside of yours.”
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