#julien loki smut
shoyoist · 26 days
now that i've read your sub julien fic i need a lil thirst for him to DOMINATE u in bed
I like to imagine him fuckin u in front of the mirror all messy <3 sorry but i cant act normal after his spread came out i love himm
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──── 𝐋𝐎𝐖-𝐊𝐄𝐘 : julien loki
content: gn!reader, dom julien + mirror sex, lots of praise and sweet talk, multiple orgasms, mind-break(?) a few generic french terms of affection. a/n: literally never passing up a chance to write for a dark-skinned poc lmaoo thank you for sending this in nonnie!
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sometimes, you think julien is so fucking agonizing. but in the best way — if that makes sense.
he's got those gentle eyes, that low-voiced hum, those firm hands. all the right words and all the best moves. he hypnotizes you so easily, like he's a magician and you're a pretty little pet he's picked out from his audience.
he could bite right into you, and you wouldn't even know it. because he'd be murmuring soft, sweet nothings into your skin the entire time, and the tone of his voice is enough to tip you into a daze — you'd let him do anything he wanted.
like you're doing right now.
julien has one hand wrapped around your throat, like a pretty bow-tie that's just a little too tight. his other hand squeezes at your chest, holding your body pressed firmly to his, coaxing little whines out of you with feather-light, teasing brushes of his fingertips at your sensitive nipples. you're sat in his lap, bouncing like a bobble-headed doll while he fucks up into you.
"look, chéri," he nods to the full length mirror propped up by the bed, facing your bodies. he holds your throat a little tighter, kissing the side of your neck gently as he groans with you. "lovely."
you know he doesn't even mind if you don't look, knowing that by this point you're too high on the pleasure he's giving you to respond properly — but your eyes flit to the reflection waiting before you anyway, as obedient as ever for him.
julien sits at the edge of the bed, you in his lap with your legs spread nice and wide so he can watch the way his cock slides in and out of your messy hole. both your bodies glow with a sheen of sweat, and if you look close enough, you can see tear streaks lining your face. "j—julien," you whine. "'m close. getting close."
"yeah? gonna cum for me again?" he chuckles, pressing another soft kiss to your neck. "so easy tonight."
he says that, but that's only because he's gentle with his words. magician's silver tongue. the way he's fucking you has you out of your mind — he's the one that's got you ragdoll-limp in his arms, and he's teasing you, calling you easy. "mh— julien."
your moan is sweet, but julien doesn't sound impressed when he clicks his tongue disapprovingly. "ah, shhh. use your words, love."
the pace of his cock in and out of you doesn't relent, and you're only able to let out another moan in response. his hand slips down from your chest to the space between your legs anyway, touching you just the way you like it.
"hhn, please. nearly there." you let out, and his fingers press just slightly harder, pushing you to the edge immediately. he'd tell you to hold the orgasm and wait till he allows you to cum, but he knows you're past that point. there's no playing with you anymore, fucked out and dumb on his cock.
so he pulls the high out of you like a man at a magic show with a top hat and a wand, letting go of your throat so he can press at your chest and whisper in your ear to breathe deeper and slower, knowing the orgasm lasts so much longer when you're relaxed and dozey. "there you go, mon trésor... so good for me."
his voice comes out just slightly cracked, feeling you flutter around him, tight and warm and wet. you're really so damn good.
"you can take some more, can't you?" he hums, finally bringing his hand back up, cupping your face and turning your lips to him for a kiss. "make me feel good?"
"mmm," you nod, and julien knows you're doing it mindlessly. he sees the tears in your eyes, the blank look in them. he lets out a little laugh, grabbing your hips to adjust your body. he knows you're all his for the taking. as long as he keeps giving you kisses and talking to you sweetly, you'd let him do anything.
"alright, baby." he feels his cock twitch within you, ready to empty another load inside. his grip on your body tightens once more, turning you towards the mirror. "eye-contact with yourself while i fuck you, now. good."
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ceeceetv · 4 months
🌵 🕯️ 🥤🍄 🦴🪲 🧩
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
This is prob a longer answer than you expected but here it is. I am much more of an album listener than a playlist listener. I like to put on an album or artist and just get immersed in their work one at a time. Especially bc I feel like streaming has sort of taken away from the experience of albums as cohesive works. Here’s the Julien Baker album that has been stuck in my brain on repeat recently. Love a sad, existential record.
Playlists are also great though and I will def put on a playlist to run to or have in the background, etc. And I admire people who can curate great playlists!
And here’s where I’ll admit to my deep and abiding love of Taylor Swift and her songwriting. My longest fandom experience is with her work. So. Here’s a playlist called Taylor Swift bridges that are god-tier bc that woman can write a fucking bridge like no one else.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
lol. 10. And thanks for indulging me by adding this question and letting me talk about it. I am a copy editor as a career and also as a hobby. I have loved words and language as long as I can remember, and I think I find more joy in helping other people wrangle and finesse their writing until it says just exactly what they want it to say than in writing my own work. I’ve told you this, but the fact that editing is a solitary activity that is also inherently very collaborative is perfect for my personality. There is also something that is just so satisfying to me about a perfectly punctuated sentence with smooth syntax and prosody that also communicates meaning effectively. A well-used semi-colon is sexy. And I love standing in as an advocate for the reader to make sure their experience is as close to what the author intends as possible. I could go on.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
God. This is the longest fic I’ve ever read by a wide margin, but it has become so special to me I have to shout it out:
Here’s what I wrote in my AO3 bookmark for it: Author takes us from intimate, provincial romance to epic, sweeping action/tragedy so deftly I can’t even believe it. I’ve never been so invested in an original side character or cried harder reading a fic. This one is special.
It’s a story about the two of them falling in love slowly and messily with lots of false starts and obstacles that deals with identity and grief and longing and self-loathing and forgiveness and has a Mobius backstory where he contends with queer prejudice in 1990s America and it also includes hot smut and I just cannot recommend it enough. (It’s technically not finished but very close to and there are over 200k words published.)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Idk if this is a head canon so much as just the way I personally read the text of the show but: Mobius has religious trauma and his experience with the TVA is akin to fundamentalist Christian indoctrination. Loki is the spark that helps him begin to deconstruct and heal and wake up to himself and what he actually wants.
Also: Loki LOVES having his hair played with and Mobius loves to have his hands in Loki’s hair.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Mmm, idk about one piece of media but, as a medium, song lyrics and poetry. Anything I’ve started writing lately has usually been sparked by a lyric. I feel like lyrics are able to evoke much more complex stories in so few words, which I think is magical.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
[fic about Mobius washing Loki’s hair for him]
The sight of Loki’s cock, not hard at the moment but definitely not-not interested, nearly makes Mobius forget where he is. What he’s meant to be doing—helping with—right now.
He looks up to find Loki watching him.
“Um,” Mobius starts, suddenly struggling to find words (appropriate ones, anyway). “Right, so, should we get started?” He rises up off his heels and reaches for the detachable shower head.
“I like it hot,” Loki says.
“What?!” Mobius balks and nearly drops the shower head into the bath.
“The water. I like it hot. Don’t be afraid to turn it up.”
“Oh, sure. Can do.” Get it together, Mobius.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Immediately? Hmm, well, I will say when a fic has something in the summary like “Where Loki doesn’t turn into a dumb tree and they can actually be together,” I will not click to begin with. I’m happy to read certain kinds of fix-its or universes where the ending is different or not relevant, but if an author is actively throwing shade at the canon ending, I just assume we have such different readings of the show that what we want from a fic probably doesn’t align very well.
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saintedcooper · 2 years
Fic Rec Archive
AGE RESTRICTION: I've been reading fic since I was a kid. I get it. But given the hellish nature of the internet rn, minors do not interact with my posts! Please be safe out there.
Here's the deal:
This is an archive of fanworks that butter my biscuit. Includes: PPCU, MCU + Spider-Man (Andrew's version), RPF of those actors, and Julien Baker RPF (boygenius).
Yes, there is RPF here. If you don't like it, don't read it. Ditto for anything else.
I reliably tag for: pairings, characters, kinks, tropes, and actors. I less reliably tag other things.
The #readqueue tag is things I wanna read. They may or may not end up in the archive, so save anything you see that looks interesting to you.
I write, my work is clearly labeled and tagged #brit writes
This is a fun thing I do cuz I love fic, smut, and curation. But it's not perfect. Sometimes I hornily/sleepily archive and forget a tag. Some things are still in progress. So give it (and me) grace and have fun exploring!
Search the Archive 👇🏽
PSA: make sure your settings allow you to see mature content otherwise you miss all the goods!
Direct link here in case links don't work in the app.
My Work
Future Possibility - Pedro Pascal RPF
Francis (ongoing) - Frank Castle x Reader 1940s New York AU
By Universe
The world in which it takes place. Ex: MCU, Star Wars, etc. Includes AUs unceremoniously grouped in.
Star Wars (currently this is just The Mandalorian. I'm not yet a Star Wars girl, but I am 100% obsessed with hot space babe Din Djarin)
DC (currently this is just Peacemaker and light of my life Adrian Chase)
Vampire AU
Ghost (band)
By Constellation
For when you like an actor and wanna read for any of their characters. Except for Pedrito, most of these are currently just for one character. This includes RPF, which is clearly marked.
Andrew Garfield
Andrew Garfield - RPF
Chris Evans
Chris Evans - RPF
Freddie Stroma
Jon Bernthal
Pedro Pascal
Julien Baker - RPF
Pedro Pascal - RPF
Sebastian Stan
By Pairing
Sorted by character name, not grouped by universe or constellation
Adrian Chase x Reader (Vigilante x Reader also exists, same stuff, tho. Separated cuz comics)
Agent Whiskey x Reader
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Cardinal Copia x Reader (separate from the Papa IV tag below)
Dave York x Reader
Dieter Bravo x Reader (see also: Dieter Bravo x Plus-sized!Reader)
Din Djarin x Reader
Frank Castle x Reader
Frankie Morales x Reader (see also: Frankie Morales x Santi Garcia x Reader)
Javi Gutiérrez x Reader
Javier Peña x Reader
Loki x Reader
Maxwell Lord x Reader
Marcus Moreno x Reader
Marcus Pike x Reader
Oberyn Martell x Reader
Papa Emeritus II x Reader
Papa Emeritus III x Reader
Papa Emeritus IV x Reader
Peter Parker (TASM) x Reader
Pedro Across the Street x Reader
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Steve Rogers x Reader
By Kink or Trope
Breeding Kink
Daddy Kink x
Dirty Talk
Exhibition / Outdoors
Face Sitting
First Time
Getting Together
Good Girl / Praise
Loud Sex
Period Sex
Phone Sex
Pregnancy Kink
Size Kink
WIP (coming soon)
Plus-sized reader character tag (cleaning up my tags to make all of the plus-sized reader fics searchable)
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localspiderboy · 4 years
Updated Fandom + Character List
Here is an updated character list, I may have forgotten some so if you don’t know if I write for a certain character ask me! 
ALITA: Battle Angel
- Alita
- Hugo
Avatar (James Cameron)
- Jake Sully
- Neytiri
- Lo'ak
- Neteyam
- Steve Rodgers
- Tony Stark
-Thor Odinson 
- Loki Laufeyson
- Bucky Barnes
- (young) Charles Xavier 
- Ps4 miles Morales + Spiderverse Miles Morales 
- Matt Murdock
- Foggy Nelson
- Frank Castle
- James Wesley
- Zagreus
- Thanatos
- Hypnos
My Hero Academia 
- Aizawa 
- Dabi
- Hawks
- Shigaraki 
- I'll write for the students platonically
- Ian Gallagher
- Fiona Gallagher
- Lip Gallagher 
Stranger Things
- Eddie Munson
- Steve Harrington 
- Johnathan Byers
- Billy Hargrove
Genshin Impact
- Albedo
- Kayea
- Diluc
- Xiao
- Traveller
- Alhaitham
- Tighnari
- Kaveh
- Itto
may add more
Wonder Woman
- Diana Prince
Criminal Minds
- Spencer Reid
- Aaron Hotchner
- Emily Prentiss
- Penelope Garcia 
Scream ( movie )
- Billy Loomis
- Sydney Prescott 
- Gale Weathers 
- Stu Macher
The Arcana
- Asra
- Muriel
- Julien
Resident Evil
- Leon Kennedy
- Ethan Winters
- Karl Hisenberg
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