#with her beaut art
reapcrbunny · 1 year
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kerrste · 3 months
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Shadow study with added colour
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ltbunny · 8 months
creepy, pervert, boyfriend Mactavish is my roman empire
(fat reader because I'm feral and soap would little gnaw on your tummy like a chew toy [he loves you], excuse my grammar, English is my first language, I'm just bad at it)
CW: dub con-ish, unsolicited pics, consensual somnophillia,
Definitely sends pictures of you to the group chat cause he's so smug about having you,
look at my bonnie baby
*attachment photo*
its a picture of you sleeping against his chest, cuddled up, the flash of the camera in the dark room catching your back rolls and ass, his hand groping your ass and Johnny's smug grin in the back, somewhat visible but really not the center frame.
He sends another attachment, his mouth on your tits as he grins in the camera again, centre frame with your chest this time, maybe even a little video of him sucking your tits while you stir in your sleep, making little noises that go straight to his dick (and gaz's. he's the only other one up right now. simon and price wake up at 5am, they'll see it later)
He always sends more than he intended, but he can't help it, especially when he knows the boys like the pictures too. You're so soft and pliant when you're asleep, letting him spread your legs with ease, no panties, soap convinced you to let his second favourite girl (debatable) breathe, no panties on at night, same goes for his lil swimmers.
You said it was okay....right?
He can use you when you're sleeping, as long as he doesn't yowl like an animal and fuck you awake every night, once in a while is fine, he gets it, he's loud and he wants his pretty girl to have her beauty sleep but its been like 4 days and his cock is hard. Four days is long enough.
He looms over you and strokes his hard cock over your pussy, breathing heavy, his eyes never leaving your soft peaceful face, cooing nasty words with a soft voice.
And.... maybe the sleeping arrangements are fine, but the pictures aren't really... discussed... but that's just for him and the boys. You'll never find it anyway. What you don't know can't hurt you. The group chat could have confidential information! That's what he told you. He lets you go through whatever you want on his phone, nothing to hide, no girls, no cheating, expect his little hen. He says the gc, 'one-four-one', could have sensitive work stuff in it, and obviously, you trust him. You never peer or peak in the group chat. (Not like it has any top secret messages anyway. Why would anyone send confidential information in a whatsapp group chat? Silly girl, he muses, at least this way she won't see anything in the group chat..)
"Fuck, mo luaidh, ye so fucking sexy for me, even when all ye doing is breathing, it's like ye wan' me to cum all over that pretty pussy, your tits are going up and down, doll, fuck you want me to suck em again that bad?"
He grins manically to himself, leaning down and sucking your nipple again, groaning, stroking his cock faster, wanting to cum all over that pussy, it's been a while since you've shaved and he loves it, makes the cum stick better. He leads the tip down to your clit, shuddering at the warmth on his tip, rubbing it along the clit.
Cums right there, on your pussy and outside too, some splattering up to your soft tummy, he grins and snaps another pic.
Call me Picasso cause i just made some art
*attachment photo*
Fucking beaut
Get it pumped as the Scottish say
He grins at Gaz's text and throws the phone off to the side. He ain't done yet.
(Price and Ghost have Samsing you can't convince me otherwise, soap probably has a fucking Huawei but let's just settle with iPhone for now, Gaz has an iPhone and a burner phone)
(You wake up sticky, covered in dried and some globs of cum and with a weird, salty taste in your mouth, you groan and roll your eyes)
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quitefair · 9 months
The Temple of Mythal and Greek Sculpture
Or: How Bioware takes from history without any nuance.
Picture this. You're me, playing Inquisition for the first time. You get to the Temple of Mythal, the doors shut behind you and you finally get to look around. It's a typical elven ruin for the game, nothing much seems different...
Hold on.
Hold the fuck on.
You know what that is.
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You know what that's based on, and for a long time after it tickles you. Oh, maybe that meant something in the grander scheme of things! We've never seen such a blatant reference to a real-life sculpture anywhere else in game (to my knowledge at the time)! Maybe it'll come up later and it'll all make sense!
Here's the deal. I've been bothered by this for years. The more I think about it, the more angry I become. Anger over a single fucking type of statue, you say? There's a lot of other shit to be angry over in this game, and you choose this?
Picture this. You're me again, aged 14 this time. You're in the Louvre, the first museum of Western classical art you've ever been to. You've grown up in a place where this interest could only be cultivated from extra-curricular reading, and for a kid that age from my country to be ass deep in Greek and Egyptian myth is frankly lmao. Neurodivergent. Anyway.
So we're wandering around the Louvre, I've just taken my parents through the Egyptian section and given them a thorough infodump on everything I know about burial rites.
And then we enter this room. And I very nearly fall to my knees when I catch sight of her.
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This is the sculpture the statues at the Temple of Mythal are based on - one Winged Victory of Samothrace.
She is a sculpture from the Hellenestic era, depicting the goddess Nike stood at the prow of a ship. Her head and both arms are missing, save one hand with two fingers (also in the Louvre but displayed separately). She was found on the Greek island of Samothrace, among the ruins of what was known as the Sanctuary of the Great Gods. It seemed like she was displayed at the top of a hill, looming down at all that regarded her.
I’ve had the absolute privilege of seeing her in person twice in my life, both before and after the 2013 restoration. And let me tell you, regardless of which staircase that leads you there, the sight of her will stop you in your tracks.
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[Now with people, for scale.]
She is massive. Larger than life, and immediately is the centre of your attention. It's not the fact that she has no head, no arms. No, you will realise the closer you get to her, the more you're able to appreciate the details of this absolutely astounding piece of history.
No. It's because she feels so alive.
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The way her robes drape against flesh, wet from sea-spray or rain, yet flowing with the motion of an invisible wind. The wings cast behind her dramatically as her right foot steps forward. Standing tall and proud, unflinching, unbowed against the elements. Even without her arms, you can feel how dynamic the torso and legs are.
You don't need to be an art historian, or even have any knowledge of Greek myth or art history to stand in front of her, as I once did as a young teen, and nearly be brought to tears.
This brings me to the first of the two main gripes I have with the way this sculpture is used in Inquisition.
Compared to the way she's displayed in the Louvre, and also presumably how she was presented to her original audience - larger than life, looming, powerful, beautiful - she is relegated instead to smaller, repeating statues of the same nature throughout the temple.
This diminishes the purpose of the original sculpture, which was to instill a sense of awe and wonder. The singularity that forces you to focus and appreciate the scale and intricacy. The aura, the gravitas of having a single, massive sculpture of such a dynamic figure is completely gone.
And to make things worse, they Mythal-ify her. Adding a helmed head and changing her beautiful feathered wings to leathery dragon wings. They don't even add arms, which is odd because the original sculpture very clearly is missing its arms.
And, may I ask, Why?
It feels cheap, like they saw the Winged Victory and were like 'oh shit this is a cool sculpture, we should add it in game' without giving any fucking thought to what the sculpture means.
Which brings me to the second gripe. The complete disregard for the symbolism of the Winged Victory.
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Detail from the Athena fountain, Parliament Building of Vienna, showing Nike the Winged Victory in the palm of Athena's hand [source]
Nike is a minor Greek deity, said to be the daughter of Pallas (a Titan) and the river Styx. Her other siblings by the same parents include Zelus (Zeal),  Bia (Might) and Kratos (Strength).
Yes. That Kratos.
She was one of the earliest gods to pledge her allegiance to Zeus in the Titonomachy, and after the victory of the Olympians, Nike and the other gods that allied with them were allowed to live on Olympus. In her aspect as Victory, she is closely associated with several of the major Greek gods, and in particular, Athena.
There's also her Roman counterpart, Victoria. This version doesn't come with the backstory Nike has, but is more of a general concept of victory. This is the aspect that is present in a lot of the modern sculptures and interpretations of Nike/Victoria:
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Left: Detail from the Berlin Victory Column. Right: Detail from the Victoria Memorial, London. Note the similar iconography, of a woman seemingly standing against a strong wind, fabric and cloth adhering and yet flowing against the breeze, wings outstretched.
From this, we can probably extrapolate what our beloved Winged Victory might've looked like. Here's an artist's render of one possibility:
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There's some iconography we need to go through before moving on - symbols that are commonly associated with Nike/Victoria.
One is the trumpet as see in the reconstruction above, the sound and symbol of the end of war, of impending peace. Another is the laurel wreath, another Greek symbol of victory and achievement. Famously, laurel wreaths were used to crown victors of the original Olympic games.
This is another conversation entirely, but there’s a discussion to be had about the duality of Elgar’nan and Mythal, in term of vengeance and justice, and how an emotional rage versus a calculated wisdom can be compared to the difference between the two Greek gods of war – Ares and Athena.
If we can compare Mythal to Athena, in the sense of her wisdom in making difficult decisions, then it’s not a stretch to associate Mythal with the symbolism of Nike, and therefore explain the presence of statues similar to the Winged Victory in her temple.
But since Bioware absolutely did not put this in the game for anything other than the Aesthetic, there’s some problems that need to be addressed.
Mainly in the way in which these statues are scattered throughout the temple. If you wanted static, ominous statues to line the walls as your player characters explore, perhaps have like, I dunno. Less dynamic statues that you reference?
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Left: Nike of Paionos, Right: Stele 1 of Las Incantadas
Or maybe instead of statues, have friezes lining the walls. Like this one from the equally iconic Pergamon altar, depicting the Giganomanchy.
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It’s the same symbolism, the wings, the smiting of foes and victory of good over evil.
And then perhaps, at the heart of the temple... where, y'know Bioware, lay a body of water sacred to Mythal herself, you could've perhaps done something remarkable. You could then have had the most dramatic and beautiful entrance you’d ever seen.
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[Nike, at the iconic Daru Staircase, the Louvre]
It was at this moment that Mythal walked out of the sea of the earth's tears and onto the land. She placed her hand on Elgar'nan's brow, and at her touch he grew calm and knew that his anger had led him astray. - Codex entry: Mythal: The Great Protector
Mythal herself strides out of the Well Of Sorrows, the metaphorical tears of her followers that died and kept their knowledge alive in her name. Her (draconic) wings spread out, (restored) hands outstretched to touch her husband, to calm the rage that nearly destroyed this world.
A symbol of victory against the blind rage of a god against His father, the Sun. A symbol of wisdom and grace, against the violence of hatred. A divine sense of something bigger than anything we could imagine.
There's also the lack of iconography regarding victory, instead piling on some cheap representations of what we think of as Mythal. That's another post entirely on the symbolism of the Elven gods, but if Bioware really wanted to hone in on the Athena/Athena Nike parallels, they might have thrown in the trumpet/laurel/palm leaf symbolism with the statues, alongside the dragon wings.
If this were the case, then maybe, just maybe, Inquisition would’ve then earned the use of this sculpture in the game.
Sources not listed above/Further reading if you're interested
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wangxianficrecs · 10 months
藍色的花,紅色的蘭 {Lan se de hua, hongse de lan} by Admiranda, AshayaTReldai
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藍色的花,紅色的蘭 {Lan se de hua, hongse de lan}
by Admiranda (@ladypfenix), AshayaTReldai (@ashayatreldai)
M, WIP, 45k, Wangxian
Part of the MXTX Epic Journeys Big Bang
Summary: Before the ill-fated nighthunt that took their lives, Cangse-sanren chose to send a letter imploring and threatening a man who held a life debt to her that if things should go wrong, he would find and take in her child, swearing otherwise that she would haunt him to the end of her days. Lan Qiren was not pleased by the reminder, but for whatever else that anyone has to say, he is an honorable man. If this is what she will accept as a fulfillment of the debt that he owes her, then he will undertake it. A Wei Ying grows up as a part of Gusu Lan AU. Kay's comments: You know, sometimes I just need that good old Wei Wuxian grows up in the Lan Sect story featuring: actually, Lan Qiren isn't as bad as in canon. Admiranda and AshayaTReldai are also an amazing duo of authors and the story is really beautiful. I love the world-building and the general vibes of the story and it's also just really soft. And, Wei Wuxian is a little older than Lan Wangji, which I adore, because that's one of my favourite headcanons. And the story also features beautful art, so it's really delightful all around! Excerpt: Oh yes, he could see Wei Changze in his son; if the eyes weren’t a dead give-away, then the quiet strength the child projected would be. He has clearly been surviving on his own these last however many weeks. The mix of strength and vulnerability was winsome, and Lan Qiren felt a part of his heart he’d long buried and thought dead uncomfortably spark with life. Wei Changze… why her? He could see the child was thirsty, and handed over a water jar, removing the stopper. The boy guzzled a couple of mouthfuls and handed it back, wiping his mouth with a dirty sleeve. “A-Ying, I knew your parents when we were young. I’m a friend of theirs. Your mother asked me to come and find you. I don’t know what happened to them, but if they haven’t returned to you by now, it’s likely that it’s because they have been unable to do so.” The boy’s eyes were fixed on him unblinkingly. Lan Qiren reached into his sleeve, glad for his prescience in thinking to stow half of his breakfast away, and drew out a steamed bun, offering it to the child. A-Ying’s eyes went round with desire and uncertainty. “Go on,” Lan Qiren said gruffly. “I wouldn’t hold it out to you if I didn’t mean you to have it.” Immediately a grubby hand grasped it gently and brought it to his lips. But before he could take a bite he paused, broke the bread in two, and offered the larger bit to Lan Qiren. And that, right there, was Cangse-sanren, generous to a fault, putting others before herself.
pov alternating, canon divergence, canon era, wei wuxian isn't adopted by the jiangs, orphan wei wuxian, loss of parents, friends to lovers, slow burn, childhood friends, childhood friends to lovers, good uncle lan qiren, good sibling lan xichen
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty: Welcome back to traumatized kids weekly, I'm your host-
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(Just so you know Duncan is totally the Harley Quinn to ur Ivy <3)
You and Duncan were standing outside the outhouse looking at in mild humor. Leshawna walked up to you two. “Geoff sure misses Bridgette since she got kicked off, huh?” She asked, putting a hand on her hip.
The blonde was singing his heart out rather loudly in the outhouse. “Yeah, he’s weak.” Duncan muttered. You gave him a glance and he blushed. “Different when it’s you darlin’.” He whispered, kissing your forehead. 
A good chunk of the campers were playing frisbee, Heather and Lindsay were sunbathing on the docks. But your attention kept getting pulled to the outhouse nearby. Duncan called all the boys to the outhouse claiming he wanted to comfort the blonde. Gwen raised an eyebrow at you leaving along with them. 
She called you over, and you skipped over to the black haired girl, and asked “Whatever is the matter?” You asked, and the girl gave you a look as if she was trying to calculate your movements.
“Why are you going with them? It’s an all boys alliance.” She pointed out. You looked her up and down before smiling “I’d like to see you pull me out of Duncan’s eyesite.” She looked over your head and sss that even now Duncan was staring at you with a curious head tilt.
“Fair.” She muttered and let you go. 
You all arrived at the outhouse and Owen scooped Geoff in a big bear hug. “Voting Bridge off was a strategic move, mate. Plus she was reeking.” Duncan laughed, crossing his arms. 
“So, are you in?” He turned his hand into a fist and set it in the middle of them all. You set your hand on top of his without a thought. Slowly, everyone else set their hands on top of the two. “You in, Geoff?” You raised an eyebrow. The boy looked at all of you nervously. “I don’t know, girl. Going on without Bridge-” he sniffed the air. “Is that bacon?” He questioned and began running. “Aw man did I miss breakfast?” He groaned, chasing after the smell.
Duncan chuckled, shrugging. “Looks like Geoff is in.” You rolled your eyes punching his shoulder. Suddenly the intercom let out a high pitched squeal of feedback and you covered your ears groaning. The alarms at juvie were JUST like that and they’d go on, and on, and on, in a never ending cycle.
“Morning campers! The next challenge awaits you at the arts and craft center.” Duncan still had his hands around his ears, and he still had his hands around his ears once you walked over to the arts and craft center which in all reality was a shed. “More like the arts and junk-center.” You muttered, crossing your arms. “You’d actually be correct, sweetheart. It used to be an outhouse.” Chris smiled, giving you a pat on the head much to Duncan’s annoyance. 
“But now it's just where Chef parks his road hog.” The man shrugged and opened the shed door revealing a beautiful bike. “What a beaut.” Duncan said in amazement. “Reminds me of the bike you rigged up in second grade, baby.” You commented and Duncan stared at the bike a moment longer before agreeing. “Yeah it even had the flames you painted.” He pointed out. 
“Which brings me to our challenge! Rigging up your own wheels.” Chris smiled once he saw your eyes light up. This challenge he had made for you. “Yes, hot rods!” Owen scooped both DJ and you up, hugging you to his chest.
You groaned trying to shove the blonde's arm away, and Duncan sent him a withering glare which quickly made Owen drop you. “You’ll find all the parts you need in the bike depot.” Chris pointed at a pile full of bike parts and there were murmurs of “Bikes?”
“Anyways, whoever builds the best bike using tricks and props from the arts and crafts center wins. To prove I’m a nice guy I’ll throw in a manual.” Chris threw a manual to Heather before he drove off in his four wheeler. 
You smiled at the outhouse camera and clapped to yourself. “This is a challenge I can get behind. Before Duncan’s brothers left him, the older ones showed me how to rig my first engine.” You smiled wide. 
“So what do you need, darling. I say you rig up the engines for our bikes, then I build the bikes, and then we go whatever we want for the touch ups?” Duncan leaned on his right leg. “You got a lighter on you?” You asked suddenly. He smiled and showed you the various ones that were in different places on his body. In total there were six.
“Okay I’m going to need you to dismantle at least two of those for the fluid, and then I think I can get to work.” You smiled, putting your hands on your hips. Duncan was always fiddling so before you even finished your sentence the two lighters were dismantled and he gave you two medium sized containers full of an amber liquid. 
You snatched the liquid and took big scraps of metal before you disappeared with a wide smile on your face. “Your girl concerns me.” DJ commented absentmindedly. “Oh she should. But this is nothing, have you ever seen a three year old girl have access to fire and metal? It is chaos on steroids. Man, I miss my brothers.” Duncan laughed jumping into the pile of metal building your guys bikes.
Somewhere in New Jersey
A bunch of black haired boys sat in a large group huddled around the TV. “I still can’t believe the idiots finally realized they liked each other, god you remember when they were like six and held hands everywhere they went. I think James literally heard wedding bells.” The oldest one complained, running a hand down his face.
 “Oh I a hundred percent did, and the way he looked at her when she was screaming at Mick for taking her welding privileges.” James, the forth eldest one laughed and Mick stood up from his seat. “She burns down your office at work then we can talk.” He pointed a finger at his brother.
The seven brothers began arguing over who was in the wrong. 
The four girlfriends and three boyfriends stared at their respective partners in utter disbelief. “Someone make a mental note, let’s all just date each other next time.” Rachel took a chug of her champagne. “At least they’re pretty.” Joey sighed, staring at the still arguing siblings. “Pretty people get away with so much.” Ross signed into his palm, as all the girls chimed in agreement. 
(Yes, there was a Phoebe and a Chandler, and yes they get comments on it all of the time) 
To be honest? The three boys had very little faith in you coming back with two working engines. But sure enough you came back, with two working engines. Who cares if up and down your arms were nearly pitch black? Duncan smiled at your expression and met you halfway to pick up his engine to help with the weight.
“So how much of the forest is burnt?” He asked pecking you on the lips before you could stop him. “Well hello to you too, babe, and a good twenty-five percent of it.” You blushed rubbing the back of your neck. He laughed, and gave you a side hug. 
“Not bad.” He smiled. 
As Duncan held your bikes up, and you began rigging the engines to the said bikes. Owen asked “So what was your first time riding a bike like, guys?” He asked after he had pumped up his enormous tire.
“Oh you should’ve seen, Duncan, he wiped out so bad his entire collarbone came out of his skin, so you could poke it.” You laughed getting a smear of oil on your hands and you wiped it on your pants which were already covered in the black substance. 
“Not like your any better, sweetheart. After my brother Jimmy taught me how to ride a bike, he taught Y/N, and she flipped off the bike so far that she crashed straight through my oldest brother's room and you know, that's how we found out he was gay.” Duncan laughed when he saw how red you had turned and were shying into his chest now. 
“Oh. So you walked on his brother and some dude-” you cut off Geoff with an embarrassed nod. Duncan laughed, rubbing your shoulders before shrugging. “Anyway, she broke her leg and shoulder blades which is fun.” He teased before the rest of the boys went on about their experiences. 
Somewhere in New Jersey
“Oh I’m going to kill myself.”
“Please do, when you're at it feel free to kill me too.”
The entire day was spent messing with your bikes. After you had finished rigging up Duncan’s bike he went to work on hot gluing things in it. Then you went to work on yours. 
Your bike had a dark purple body and dark green handles which reminded you a lot of the joker, and you knew your boyfriend did that on purpose. 
Your ten years old
A week before Halloween that year you had watched the Joker and for fun wondered: hm I wonder if I could use my glow-in-the-dark makeup to make a cool joker-like face for a costume. So you decided to try out your idea, but you didn’t trust your judgment so you decided that when you were done you’d go over to Duncan’s house and see what he thought. 
After you were done and in his house, you waited for an hour in the dark of his room since you had a headache. Duncan was a bit late from school because he had a double detention, and you had only had one much to your fathers surprise. When Duncan walked into his room he saw a glow in the dark smile sitting on his bed fast asleep. 
You woke up to an eleven year old Duncan shrieking like a little girl much to your amusement. 
Your hands flew over your bike and in no longer than ten minutes, the engine was up and purring like a little feline. Owen clapped, impressed. “How are you gonna decorate?” Geoff asked, since he had finished his first and was how you say… bored out of his mind.
“Good question, any suggestions?” You raised an eyebrow hoping for a suggestion. You saw a lightbulb go off in the surfer's mind and knew right away you had asked the right person. “Now that you mentioned it, dudette… I got a few ideas on how we can spice up your ride.” He smiled clearly, brainstorming.
Two hours later there your bike stood before you, it looked like a slightly skinnier version of the one you had back in… oh shit what state was it in last-
Anyways, the bike had kept its color, there was a bottle of poison as the hood ornament, barb wire ran itself down the spine, dark red rope was tied on the handlebars, but there were no petals. “Hey dudette? I think you're missing something.” The blonde pointed out.
“Mm, I don’t think so.” You smirked and gave the boy a hug for his help. “Thank you, I’m not exactly the best when it comes to making things look pretty.” which quickly earned an objection from your loving boyfriend. “Uh- then how do you look hot every day?” You flipped him off causing him to smile.
Geoff smiled “Of course, man. You and Bridgette were close and anything for her.” He said and ruffled your hair before walking away. 
You went over to Duncan who was sitting on bike, testing it out. “Maybe they’ll call you Poison Ivy.” He laughed but quickly shut up once you kissed him. “Will you be my Batman then?” You whispered, touching his forehead with yours. “Ugh, I don’t wanna be the good guy,” he complained as you jokingly gave him a glare. 
“Can we be Punch and Jewlee instead?” You smiled at that. Punch and Jewlee were like a much less toxic-version of Harley and Joker. They had alien tech, loved each other like crazy, and were also criminals who dressed up like circus acts yadda yadda yadda.  
“Mm, yeah I think I’d be alright with that.”
“Couple costume for Halloween: unlocked.” 
After you had gotten through the first challenge, which resulted with you and Duncan getting into the next one. You noticed something, your engine wasn’t starting, you bent on a knee and opened up the panel that let you see inside, you noticed wads and wads of gum stuck in there. Your eyes flickered upward to Heather and you growled, she had your bike last. 
There was a knife in your hand in an instant and you had thrown it straight at her head which she just barely dodged. You tackled her before she could scream and held a different knife at her throat.
“I swear to GOD, I’m going to cut out every pearly white of yours so you’ll never be able to chew gum again,” you yelled at her. Chris stared at you with an amused expression. “Is it bad that I find this hot?” Izzy who had reappeared shook her head up and down very quickly, even though she was still smiling.
My parents gave me to the wolves when I was very young
By wolves I meant child-acting
I learned a lot of things from doing it though!
I learned which side of me looks better, the best way to lose weight, my favorite was how to combat vicious predators by beating them down, and one more thing.
TV producers are almost always predators.
-Izzy’s yearbook quote 
Izzy was worried about you, she was always worried about you. The way Chris touched you, the way he looked at you, was not alright. 
What she didn’t like whatsoever, was that Duncan didn’t do anything, you didn’t do anything, it was as if Chris had something he held over you both bending you to his very will. She despised that man, he was so much like her mother, so willing to let people get hurt for their own gain. 
Evil, Chris McLean reeked of pure and utter evil.
Duncan pulled you off of Heather and forced you to walk away. Not before Chris grabbed your wrist, and smiled. “I’d love it if you do that to me, sweetheart.” He winked and you ripped your arm out of his grasp, and you were about to start screaming at Chris, god there was nothing you wanted more than to scream at Chris. Duncan slipped his hand over your mouth before he glared at Chris and stalked off dragging you with him. 
Heather won, she pushed Lindsay under the bus though, god she should be happy you weren’t there, you honestly probably would’ve shot her dead. Owen wiped out so bad it’s not even funny. 
But what all the fans were more focused on was what was happening in the Screaming Bass cabin. “Y/N what the fuck was that!” Duncan pushed you inside of the cabin and closed the door behind him. He forgot about the cameras, you both were going to pay for that mistake.
“Heather sabotaged my bike, I’d like to see her do something for once in her life.” You yelled yanking at your hair. “Then there’s fucking Chris who is actually going to get shot by the end of the season if he doesn’t learn to keep his hands to himself.” You wanted to scream, sob, shoot something, fuck something, god emotions suck absolute ass. 
“Y/N, he has us here for however long he wants us here. Don’t you get it? If we screw up, even one time, we’re done, dead, we get life in jail before we can blink.” Duncan anxiously paced in the cabin.
“You are not the one getting groped by him, Tarun, there has not been a single breakfast where he hasn’t touched me, and personally I’d like a shower-“ Duncan cut you off with a glare and a menacing tone. “Do not forget that I’m under his reign here as well, sweetheart. He’s got creepy ass interns that will not relent.” Duncan’s eyes had bags under them, your eyes had bags under them. 
Somewhere in New Jersey
“How far away is Canada?”
“I already booked us a flight.”
You wrapped your arms around Duncan and held him tight. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I thought I could protect us. You deserve to have a period in your life where someone is not constantly hurting you.” You whispered against his chest. He sighed and slowly wrapped his arms around you.
“I mean New York was pretty fun. We did nothing but hit bars, sing, and get drunk.” He admitted quietly. “Move to New York?” You held up your pinkie finger. “Yep.” He linked his finger with yours and you sighed.
“This is just not our week is it, princess?” He whispered, putting his chin on top of your head. “Well you better be prepared for a very outta control me after tonight.” You muttered with a slight chuckle. “I’m glad we’re both so traumatized we keep grieving to a one day thing.” He laughed. 
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Three moments the cameras do not show
Breakfast that morning: 
You smiled at Chef and had been asking him about his day, and how his two little twin girls were doing. When you heard an all too familiar whistle. “Hey sweetheart, how’s my favorite killer?” Chris pressed himself against you to grab an apple out of the fruit bowl in front of you. You stared at a point behind Chef Hatchet, your body going extremely tense. “I’m doing wonderful, Chris.” You forced a smile upon your face. He laughed and walked away.
Chef sighed. “Sorry kid.” He muttered. “It’s whatever.” You walked back over to your table and sat down next to Duncan as still as a rock. Duncan sighed, he knew better than to touch you. “I’m sorry, I am so sorry.” He whispered. You nodded curtly and felt the urge to vomit somewhere.
When Duncan was waiting for you to use the restroom:
A redheaded intern with extremely curly hair had stalked up to Duncan from his perch by the bathroom door, whistling. “Hey cutie.” She giggled and grabbed his arm much to his annoyance. “Woah you have such strong muscles, and you're so handsome.”
God, he wished he could pretend it was Izzy. At least then he could force himself to believe it was just a teasing sister-friend thing. But Izzy’s not like this, Izzy’s sweet and she makes you smile so that makes her terrific in Duncan’s eyes.
But there is nothing sweet about this internship. The way she looks at Duncan makes him shudder, the way she touches Duncan makes him want to burn his clothes, the way she describes how’d she get rid of you makes him want to kill her.
There is nothing safe about women.
There is nothing safe about men.
That night: 
You had wanted to take another shower since you had gotten oil all over your hands and arms, so before you went to bed you had skipped over to the communal showers. But you had forgotten your PJ’s, which didn’t really bother you.
The other girls typically didn’t bring their clothes to the showers but you just wanted to get dressed as well as do your business one last time. As you had stepped out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around your body you stepped out of the showroom and began the short walk back to your cabin. You were almost there before you had seen Chris, your stomach twisted into knots.
“Ooh you look beautiful, babe. Any chance I could get you to drop the towel?” The producer begged. You grinned weakly. “You wish, hun.” You continued walking, but you felt a tug at the base of the towel, and suddenly it was on the floor. You turned neon pink and picked it up. “What a beautiful girl.” Chris winked and you realized he had done that. Your eye twitched as he left.
Duncan was not doing well either. He was waiting for you on the porch of the cabins, he was lacking a shirt, and was wearing his shorts like he typically did. Since he was bored because you seemed to be taking longer than you usually do, he began doing some push ups, but suddenly there was a large flash and a ton of giggles, his eyes flickered to the sound and saw a bunch of interns each holding cameras and each blushing, running away. 
\His stomach swooped and he went into the girls side of the cabin and grabbed his sweatshirt off your bed and was pulling it over his back by the time you had arrived.
Duncan noticed your eyes were red, clearly from crying. You sat down on the swinging chair beside him. “I hate adults.” You whispered, clutching the towel to your body as if it was a shield. Duncan felt violated from those interns.
“Lucky you, I hate the interns so I guess we must be perfect for each other.” He joked, but you felt Duncan’s heart twist into knots just like your own. 
His heart was just like your own. 
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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adarkrainbow · 18 days
How did Perrault and Madame d'Aulnoy portray fairies? Were they any different from each other? If so, how?
Oh yes there are major differences between the two (even though they are both supposed to be from the same universe, according to madame d'Aulnoy).
Now, they have a lot in common. All women knowing powerful magic. All equiped with magic wands. All experts at transformations, on themselves or others. All mistresses of occult art and with a gift of prescience. Stuff like that.
However the main difference between Perrault's fairies and madame d'Aulnoy's fairies would be... I'll say moral alignment?
There is no "wicked" or "evil" fairy in Perrault's fairytales. All of his fairies are good or neutral. As opposed to madame d'Aulnoy's fairytales where fairies are clearly and neatly divided into good fairies and evil fairies. It is especially spectacular because madame d'Aulnoy was the first one to do what I would call the "Glinda vs Witch of the West" dichotomy - all of her good fairies being these beautiful, tall, young ladies covered in riches and somptuous dress (or beautiful weapons when they are more soldier-like), while all of her evil fairies are these deformed, monstrous, ugly and frightening things - dressed in rags or in animal skin, too tall or too small, collecting difformities or so thin you can literaly see through their skin... (Though one has to be careful, as good fairies can turn evil due to conflict of interest, evil fairies can also turn good if turns out a higher power is not on their side, and these ugly wicked fairies can disguise themselves as beautiful nymphs, the same way the pretty good fairies can disguise themselves as repulsive animals or ugly hags, but the point stays that there's a neat divide of "good versus evil")
That's not the case with Perrault, where all the fairies seem to be on a "good neutrality" as I'll call, where they all pretty much just put curses on people if they are offended or someone failed a ceremony, but the rest of the time try to help people around.
The most jarring example would be how the episode of the "fairy baptism" are treated.
In Perrault's Sleeping Beauty, the fairy who puts the curse is not particularly evil. She is just offended and angry at having been left out and ignored, and she thus places her curse more as a retaliation towards the parents for not showing her the honor required, not out of any evil intention (it is similar to the fairy in Diamons and Toads who curses those that insult her, like the wicked sister). Meanwhile when you look at babies that receive curses in madame d'Aulnoy's stories, the cursing fairy usually is very clearly a wicked and evil person. In "Princess Mayblossom" or "The Green Snake", the cursing fairies are the evil Carabosse or Magotine, a far cry from the elder neutral force that is the old fairy of Perrault's Sleeping Beauty. The closest equivalent there is to her is the Crayfish Fairy from "The Hind in the Woods", who is actually a fairy that just got offended and insulted by not being invited but otherwise is not an evil person per se.
In fact the Crayfish Fairy is this one example of a "good fairy turned evil" I evoked before, as she starts out helping the queen, but then turns on her the minute she is not properly rewarded. Opposed to her would be the unnamed fairy of "Gracieuse and Percinet", who works for the antagonist the entire time, until she discovers that Gracieuse became the favorite of the queen of fairies (and is the girlfrend of the queen's son) and quickly makes sure to "repair" her mistake by straight up murdering her former boss. And if you want an example of one of those ugly fairies disguising herself as beautful - the Fairy of the Desert, from The Yellow Dwarf.
In summary; madame d'Aulnoy was the one who actually created this common fairytale idea of wicked fairies versus good fairies (it isn't much surprising when you remember she literaly invented the name "Carabosse" which became the most famous name of any evil fairy), whereas Perrault stayed by a more "benevolent but still neutral" idea of fairies.
Also, that's something I think Tony Gheeraert highlighted - in madame d'Aulnoy's stories fairies are explicitely immortals. In Perrault's stories it is vaguely implied they can die - simply because of how the old fairy from Sleeping Beauty was thought to have maybe died due to how long she didn't come out of her tower.
Outside of that both types wield wands, both types have tons of awesome powers, and both types have a thing for otherwordly chariots pulled by the strangest beasts - dragons being a huge favorite among fairy steeds.
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pinejayy · 1 year
Ahem...I present to you, a snippet of a Gyokko slowburn I am working on in the background of literally everything. Silence hung all around Gyokko, mutterings of the woman that barked at him earlier soon filling the space. His curiosity piqued, he proceeded deeper, a light streaming into the hallway of the home, beckoning him forward. He fell for such a lure so quickly, eager to see just what little surprise he stumbled upon. Rising from his vase, Gyokko peered into the room, being welcomed by the sight of a glorious sculpture depicting a man in utter agony still being created under the delicate hands of a woman kneeled at the base. His eyes widened in disbelief at the level of detail being produced before him. He had stumbled across an artist crafting her magnum opus, there was simply no other way to explain the marble sculpture before him. He couldn’t stop the utter delight that flooded his senses, finally one that could truly appreciate and comprehend his work! And what luck, he happened to just have a new piece tucked away in one of his vases! He caught a lovely family of five, all grown up no less, a set of siblings that lived a little ways away from the village. This strange woman would understand him at heart, surely she would! The thought of having an intellectually stimulating conversation before his meal sounded so delightful, Gyokko could hardly contain himself as he soon came back out of his own excited thoughts, taking notice that the human he had come across was now on her feet, looking up at her work with an intense expression, the woman standing beside him in the light. He was lightly irked at her concentration, though, he cannot say he didn’t admire such a thing, especially as he got to gaze at her soft features for a spell. Her eyes were harsh, scrutinizing and a very lovely hue, skin pale with a thin layer of dust from the rock she had dug her work out of, lips pursed into a thin line, a slight rosy shade being revealed when he looked closer. Her hair was pulled back into an incredibly messy bun, stray hairs sticking out all over, a plain white yukata and obi decorating a small frame, hiding any possible muscle she could have built given her chosen medium. Rather drab looking overall, but she herself could be a lovely work of art if given the proper treatment. Perhaps Gyokko could make something out of her, something aside from a meal. Perhaps he could shape her limbs into some intriguing poses, like that of a dancer, or- “Can I help you?” Oh! It seems he was too focused again! She was looking at him. Such a vibrant expression, the upper moon couldn’t help but to laugh slightly and retreat back into his pot, moving with lightning fast speed to appear before her in her work room. Popping out of his vase again, he gazed at the human with an excited grin, the woman before him looking at him with a scrunched up expression. It looked alright on her, but he thought something more pain induced would be better, something that reminisced the throes of death wrapping around her figure. Yes, that would be very fitting for a woman like this. “Hello, miss! Delightful to come across you this evening!” Gyokko chirped, smiling at the woman, who crossed her arms at him, glare sharp and cold. “Just spit out whatever you’re going to say and get out.” She hissed. Oh. Goodness, she seemed to be such a vulgar thing. No matter, Gyokko could handle such things! He could certainly feel the passion of your work matching his own, so you’d let your walls down eventually. “I was merely hoping for a minute of your time!” Gyokko hummed, a set of grins sitting on his porcelain white skin, small arms sprouting at his sides, a brown vase appearing in one of his many hands. Gyokko took his cue to keep talking as the woman raised a brow at him. “I wanted to speak to you, my dear, for you and I share something in common; our passion for art! I can see you are rather talented in sculpting, not as brilliant as I am, but still worthy of-”
I LOVE IT UWU ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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darkmessiah2000 · 3 months
My OC Backstory Part 3:
(I switched back and forth calling Naomi Jordan later on but just remember their the same person)
Jordan would travel this strange new world with this Monk, learning things about humans, both good and bad, learning the different faiths practiced by those who live in The Holy Land, The Monk of always been opened minded and engaged with people of other faiths, (Hebrews and Muslims alike) during his pilgrimage he took time to teach Jordan of his faith (Catholicism) which she took an interest of learning more along with the other faiths, after his Pilgrimage it was time for him to head home to his hermitage in Belgium, not far from Westmalle Abbey, Jordan began to love the old monk like a father, and the Monk saw Jordan as they daughter he never had, they lived happily together in that little hermitage, The Monk taught her and welcomed her into the Catholic faith (going so far as to baptize her) despite all this happiness, a dark feeling was lurking in Jordan’s heart, a feeling of vengeance against the monsters who took her mothers away from her, she made a vow to herself that one day she would return to Hell and train herself to face Adam & Satan once for all, of course she would tell these feelings to the monk who of course didn’t 100% agree with, as Vengeance belonged to the Lord, but he asked if she would be doing this for what was done to her, or to keep these monsters from destroying any more lives, Jordan had no answer to this. For the next 9 years they lived in peace, Jordan kept learning more about this World, and would love to explore it more, but one day The Monk got real sick, both he and Jordan knew that his time in this world would not be much longer, on his death bed, he told Jordan how he had lost his daughter and wife when he was young, and he had become a Monk, he had a gift for Jordan’s 18th birthday, a black cross necklace which she accepted with tears, he told her that he loved her and then he passed, now alone once again, Jordan and the other monks of Westmalle Abby gave him a proper burial, saying goodbye to her father figure, there was only one she could do now, return to Hell and began training, using her Asmodeus Crystal she opened a portal and returned for the first time in 9 years. When Naomi was young, her mothers had a very close friend (she didn’t realize it when she was young but more like very close friends with benefits) The Countess Alexandria Valentine, she was also a very powerful/beautful alchemist who Asmodeus had put in charge of creating Asmodeus Crystals (as well as regulating & licensing them) she and hundreds of other women were trained as warriors by Kali herself, known as the Vishakanya of Kali, if there was anyone could train her it was her.
(While the Lust Ring’s weather is usually dark and raining, Alexandria’s castle was located in the only part of the Lust Ring where the sun only shined, it still rained constantly but was a sun-shower type weather, also considered the most beautiful part of the Lust Ring)
When she arrived, Naomi was captured and brought before the Countess who wanted to know who this beautiful stranger was, Naomi told her she was the daughter of Kali & Brianna which Alexandria thought was lie, Naomi did manage convince Valentine of her linage much to the shock of the later, but while Alexandria was willing to train Naomi in the way of her mother, she felt that she would need to a different form of training, so she gave Naomi a task travel the human world and learn their ways of fighting, after all Kali spent thousands of years amongst them fighting, if there is anyone who she could truly learn the art of war from it’s humanity.
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thepeacockshallstrut · 8 months
Henry's Video Game Collection Wishlist
I like collecting trinkets and am always looking to collect additional trinkets. I thought it would be nice to write down what all I'm looking to obtain someday.
NOW DETAILED WITHIN: MOTHER 3, Octopath Traveler/II, Persona 3 Portable (the new releases), Pokémon Legends Arceus, Sam & Max Remastered
A WIP for now... ever growing, ever changing. Prices subject to an infinite increase until the eventual heat death of the universe. Let's dig in!
MOTHER 3 Deluxe Box
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MSRP: 18,000 yen, or approx. $120
Market price: Enough to be somebody's rent payment
Image provided by STARMEN.NET.
I mean, what a beaut, right? Just look at her. I've longed for this extremely small Game Boy Advance with a minor difference in faceplate since I was a wee babe. (Or a sixth grader, I think.) Anyway, I remember the price on eBay being around $600 back then, and the price has gone up surprisingly not that much given inflation.
Speaking of, here's an interesting note about this item's retail price: the page on STARMEN.NET documenting this box around release put the cost of the item at "around $155." As suggested above, the value of yen in comparison to the value of the dollar has significantly depreciated in the past two decades. Also, accounting for inflation, 18k JPY in 2006 is about 20.2k JPY today... still closer to around $135 USD. Meanwhile $120 in 2006 money has the same buying power as $185 today, while $155 would be worth around $240 today. Depressing, right?
Looking around on Japanese listings, the price is about equivalent to US eBay listings... a small mercy if you ask me. I'm not sure how consoles like these ship overseas anyway, given the battery. Oh well.
Octopath Traveler - Wayfarer's Edition
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MSRP: $90
Market price: $180ish with the game, $120ish without--though prices fluctuate pretty heavily
Come on, man. Comes in a little pop-up book. Ridiculous.
The box comes encased in one of those plasticky outer shells that scratch horribly, but it usually means that the box itself is in very good condition when sold secondhand. It's also not super clear in the promotional image, but the map of Orsterra is made of cloth.
Definitely lots of pointless trinkets here. Trinkets that I would just love to display. Hoo-ah!
Octopath Traveler II Steelbook (Switch ver.)
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MSRP: That's a good question. I'm under the impression that you could get the Steelbook edition for an additional $10 when purchasing the game from select retailers.
Market price: $25 (game not included)
Prices for the game with the steelbook are ridiculous enough that I would advise just buying a secondhand copy of the game separately. I got my copy from a local game store for $35 and I've seen it for even cheaper online.
For those of you who prefer the Playstation versions, the PS4/PS5 steelbook appears more expensive on resale, but the games themselves are generally cheaper. Your mileage may vary.
In any case, it does pain me to forsake the Collector's Edition of this game, but the price just isn't worth it to me. $200 MSRP is already pretty steep. I would assume the included artbook does not showcase any work that isn't already present in the sold-seperately Octopath II artbook (well, actually, it sounds more like a Champions of the Continent artbook that happens to also have OT2 art in it, but that's besides the point), and the bust standees, while beautifully sculpted, are not my typical style of figure collecting... and they're not even actually metal! The box is indeed very pretty but I have to draw the line somewhere, and that line appears to stand around $300 cardboard. (The US release doesn't even get that damn tote bag...)
In any case, I love steelbooks. They're just too handsome. I've yet to find a fanmade OT1 one that I like, but maybe when that time comes it too will join my oddly-shaped collection.
Persona 3 Portable - Grimoire Edition
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MSRP: $70
Market price: Something stupid, probably
I had actually intended on preordering one of these special editions back when they were announced... I just sort of forgot. Oops! Now I am subject to the whims of Limited Run aftermarket prices. Anything for such a pretty steelbook I guess.
I have mixed feelings about the full collector's edition for this game, AKA the "S.E.E.S. Edition." I think the thing I like most about it is the box it all comes in, which is generally a bad sign. I was very excited about the Evoker proplica until I realized it's only half of the gun trapped in the box forever... maybe I should just go hunt down that water gun. Regardless I'm not too torn up about passing that one up. (Well... except for the stupid briefcase box. I don't think it's a top-opener like the Scott Pilgrim CE was though. Which is just a shame!)
I guess I might also go for the "Grimoire Edition" of P4G if my pockets are feeling too heavy, but I'm not as jazzed about that game or its steelbook design. Also, I already ordered the collector's edition of Persona 3 Reload... it's too much, Atlus... it's just too much.
Pokémon Legends Arceus - Steelbook (UK Preorder Bonus)
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MSRP: I think some shops charged an extra 5 quid for the steelbook
Market price: $25
PLA got some lovely preorder bonuses across the pond. Alongside this steelbook, depending on your retailer of choice, you could also get a Hisuian Pokéball replica or an Arceus statue (reminiscent of the HGSS preorder bonuses of old). Of course, you could also get the Arceus sitting cutie from the UK Pokemon Center, just like the US one... without the steelbook though? Alright. I do wonder if the UK release had the same supply chain issues for the Arceus plush as the US did. Anyway...
Lamentations about regional differences aside, I adore this steelbook! A lot of love in this artwork. The other Pokémon steelbooks, while cool, are mostly just cover legendaries but metal, or maybe gold... (and, frankly, some very ugly patterns on the inside of the box! Shameful!) It's OK though. PLA has had mercy on my soul.
I also think it would be super cool to get my hands on one of the SuMo/USUM steelbooks someday, if only for the novelty of having a steelbook for a 3DS game. Those resale prices though! Whew! Maybe someday...
Sam & Max Remastered
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MSRP: $35 (standard), $75-80 (collector's), $5 (slipcover)
Market price: $50 (standard), $150 (collector's), $15 (slipcover)
These collector's editions are extremely cool historical pieces. Recreations of decades-old merch, wow! It's a shame I've never been able to get these retail price because Limited Run aftermarket is ridiculous. Still, I'd like to get my mitts on these someday.
My goal is to own all three collector's editions and display the three games in the slipcover. (Devil's Playhouse remaster coming soon! Any day now...)
Having the Hit the Road collector's edition would be cool but I'm not as set on it. If I had my way, I would start collecting the different physical releases of HtR/the original Telltale titles too! Restraint, restraint...
That's everything I can think of for now. I'll add more as it crosses my brainstream ^^
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faunandfloraas · 8 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: @noonaracha and @hhnquokka thanks for the tag you beauts!
Name(s): Jess
Pronouns: she/they
Star Sign: capricorn
# of Siblings & Fun Facts About Them (if you have any): One older brother but I also have two older cousins who lived with us a couple different times and then I have more cousins who would pretty much come around every weekend as well :)
# of Pets: 2 cats, Tigs who is 16 and has a very loud and a stray we call Tab/Barry/Lil kitty I rescued from the street last year and shes the funniest lil cat around. And a dog named Clancy we saved from a disgraced jockey who had a cocaine habit and also hoarded dogs and he looks just like a dog that would come from those circumstances
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Fandoms: Stray Kids is The Thing for me right now, I was big into rgg/yakuza for a while though and also i've been watching a cdrama I Need to gif so that's the main thing rn :)
Favourite Colour: Today... custard baby pastel yellow. Tomorrow? who knows.
Favourite Song: I dont really do favourites because.... idk I have many favourites, therefore I kinda have none, if that makes sense. For today though I'll say Hate to admit by mr cb97 himself bc.... oh it feels very relatable to me in this moment lmao
Favorite Author: Emily Bronte. But didn't she only have one book? Well yes but it was a good book. and also her vibes were impeccable. to me.
Hobbies: my longest one is painting and drawing... I would like to try and do my skz art this year! I was painting Chan before so :dmirk: I like baking and cooking, i love to try new cuisines, i like going to nerd ass anime conventions, i like walking everyday, got into gaming during 2020.... uh yeah Oh i like collecting shit but also its a bad habit more than a hobbie lmao
Favourite Holiday: Halloween... it was never a thing much as kid here but its more popular now. Walk around, wear a costume, get some lollies, spooky stories- sounds good to me.
Do You Have Any Partner(s)?: I have chronic deadly singles disease, the 2 times I was not inflicted with this ended very... Badly. so maybe the deadly singles disease is for the best lmao
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: I think I shared too much but 😂they put me on a higher dose of my adhd meds which might explain why I just wrote so much lmao
I'll tag my beloveds @chanrizard @inloif @blueprintchan @comflexing @sesuavity @linoguy @wantbytaemin @sternburgerpilsner @haenglixie @rainknow
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silcoitus · 2 years
Barton Hollow — Chp 7
Before reading, be sure to check out the art of cowgirl reader that I commissioned from the talented @deny-the-issue! She's feisty and I love her with my whole heart.
Barton Hollow Masterlist
Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI 
Previous Chapter: Chapter 6
Chapter tags: outlaw!Silco, cowboy!Silco, sexual harassment, canon-typical violence, blood, a circus but no clowns,
Chapter word count: 6k
Chapter Beta Readers: @astudyincontrasts @deny-the-issue @mmartos @writingmysanity
Final total word count: 29.8k
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I've been a waiting for you
And you've been a waiting for me
Tell me that you'll always be true
And you'll be the only one for me
Forget me not my dear, my darling
Forget me not my love
— Civil Wars, Forget Me Not
Chapter 7—Forget Me Not on AO3
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A/N: Please be sure to check out the art I commissioned from Deny of our feisty cowgirl reader in her new digs! Ain't she a beaut?
Thus closes out my tribute to the Civil Wars and westerns. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! As much as I would love to continue this saga, I feel I've told everything I've wanted to. Not only that, but I want to get back to finishing my other fics (TMSA, Tailor-Made, and Swapped). Cowboy Silco started as an impulse one-shot that turned into a triptych that turned into 7 chapters. The amount of love it has received has been overwhelming and I cannot thank you enough for reading it and leaving me wonderful comments!
Taglist: @averagecrastinator @mazikomo @writingmysanity @insult-2-injury @constant-fragmentation @ariaud @jennrosefx @ins0mniac-whack @steponmesilco @wonderwoman292 @sherwood-forests @leave-me-alone-silco @givemebeansnow @aeryntheofficial @dreamyonahill @lostbunn @eurydicethesage @thepineapplesimp @whatisafandom @redflag666 @violet-19999 @juicboxd @sageandberries-png
Taglist continued: @you-never-talk @noposwe @delta-is-here @toripandashady @ruthdied @MedievalPersephone @ice-queen-of-music@tasmanianlorikisser @cloudroomblog @jennithejester @witheringblooddemon
Join my taglist!
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haryuwu · 1 year
🪞 Twisted Wonderland | Le Mirage
Author's Note: After updating chapter 2, I feel a bit more confident to share the next ones! Also, thank you for those who reblog them! I really appreciate that! ToT
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"Aah! Merveilleux..! You've done a splendid turn, monsieur Crabapple!" An exclamation of praise showered the purple boy named Epel Felmier who has been rehearsing at the ballroom with Rook Hunt, the vice housewarden of the dorm. His groans and pants were echoing within the room along with Rook's loud applause.
"Will…this be fine…?" Wiping off his sweat with the towel Rook provided, he asks for his opinion about his performance. He was unsure if his skill is really improving or lacking during his vigorous training…Or was it Rook’s infinite positive comments that has led him nowhere?
"Oui! I am certain that Roi du Poison, even Mademoiselle Mirage, would be delighted to see your parfaite danse! Truly magnifique!"
"Uh…thanks," Receiving compliments from Rook, Epel felt much more confident to perform for the Saintess within the house of Pomefiore. Who wouldn't want to witness her being pleased about their act of service? To serve the Saintess for her second debut celebration would be such an honor for everyone. Just seeing her presence would be a huge blessing. But something has been itching him to speak about it. 
"May I ask you something, Rook?" 
“Of course, mon ami! Tell me, what has been concerning you?” typical of Rook, he openly accepts any inquiries that he thinks would be advantageous for his data gathering. As a hunter himself, something like this is natural especially when an individual is more curious of what has been going inside his head. 
Unfortunately, he could not answer anything personal as he does not like anyone prying in his privacy. But answering Epel’s question won’t be a problem due to his hunch that his concern is not entirely about him.
“Well, I’ve been rehearsing this dance for the Saintess but…weren’t we told earlier by the Prefect and Grim that the ball won’t be adding any performances anymore?” Silence between the two suddenly grew, but the smile on Rook’s face did not fade. He may be looking unbothered by the notice the prefect of Ramshackle dorm has delivered, but it has been leaving Epel an awkward feeling to continue the rehearsal.
“Indeed, you’re right about that,” Rook finally uttered with his smile still unwavering. Epel on the other hand is beginning to think if Rook’s feeling rather upset about this news. He could only stare at his complexion that seems to be looking stable. 
"But do not fret, this performance of ours is not all for naught! It would be such a shame not to share the beauty of arts we've been eagerly honing."
"So I have come to a conclusion! Once Mademoiselle Mirage sets foot into our dorm's lounge, we shall perform this dance without having to stand nor be in contact with her then everything will be swell!"
"So we have to let her be our audience while we perform? I see now, that's a great idea!" Epel got rid of his assumptions of Rook being upset about the changes of plans as he knew from him that hunters do encounter unexpected changes when they are out for a hunt. 
Rook did mention this earlier before he ended his rehearsal for today. Although he still finds his hunter analogies unsettling at some point. 
"I am glad we have come to an agreement, Monsieur Pomette! Now let's make haste and waltz out of the ballroom. We might as well greet Roi du Poison on our way to the lounge," after cleaning up the ballroom, the two left the room before heading for a bath. It was an exhausting day but their preparation for the event has yet to be finalized.
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Rook and Epel soon stopped on their tracks when they saw Vil Shoenheit, the housewarden of Pomefiore dorm, walking down the hallway. Rook immediately noticed that their housewarden was looking troubled, so he called his name out of pure concern. "Roi du Poison, your brows are getting too close to each other. That wouldn't be good for your beautiful complexion! Is something troubling you on this wonderful day?" 
Vil could only heave out a sigh before explaining his worry. "Ah, Rook. Epel as well…Yes, something has been pestering me the whole day and I couldn't get rid of it from my thoughts," he shook his head with arms crossed. He seemed even more restless after sharing it to the two. 
"Another shocking news came to me and I had no choice but to show my face in front of the Mirages. I had no idea it was that lady in their family."
"Are you talking about the Saintess?" Epel took the chance to ask as he was curious about what the Saintess is like. Just knowing about their history is already overwhelming, but knowing who the Saintess is was undeniably a mystery for everyone. 
"Well, Roi du Poison resides in the same homeland as the Saintess," Rook answered. He, too, was so interested in the existence of the Saintess that he couldn't contain his boiling exhilaration. "Alas, I wasn't able to know more about her. Not even her physical features, her routines, her preferences, none. 
"She was pretty well hidden from the eyes of the public…" There was a glimmer in his eyes. No one could barely point out how this truly intrigues him due to his behavior that causes them great anxiety whenever they are pursued by him.
"Even a skilled hunter like you is having trouble knowing anything about her, huh…But what exactly is the problem here?" Rook and Vil glanced at each other, unable where they had to begin the story. It's not an entirely heavy subject to be discussed, but knowing the two for quite a long time now it is best to share this hidden experience that occurred to Vil years ago. Of course, even Rook has no idea about this happening.
"I have been a bit too reserved about my past, but I guess it wouldn't hurt telling the two of you. Just know that this also shouldn't be discussed nor gossiped about. I wouldn’t tolerate any of this being talked about throughout the event," Rook and Epel agreed on this condition before falling silent to let him tell about his past experiences with the Mirage family.
"Our families have been well acquainted for decades until I was born. As you two already know, the Mirage family has never left their spot as one of the powerful families of mages. They served the royalties and even gained the title as their royal aide."
"The reason why our families' relationship has become sour was because of me breaking our engagement when we're little."
"Engagement…You mean you were her ex-fiancé?!" Epel was stunned about this story they never knew about. He was immediately shushed by Vil whose brows furrowed about how much of a loud mouth Epel is. 
"I cannot believe it, Roi du Poison! Why haven't you told me about such an important history between the two of you?" Rook, who seemed to be slightly saddened about this hidden information, asked about more about this. 
As the vice housewarden and the closest aide of Vil, this is truly an important information for him to be able to help him avoid stress and improve his complexion. Dealing with a bothersome yet inevitable history between the two would completely ruin all of his hard work to look much more presentable in the eyes of the guests.
"I couldn't tell you about this as it is not that big of a deal between our families. But the fact that they'll be our guests in this school, they won't stop sending me these ongoing proposals I have been receiving for the past few days," Recalling the pile of papers on Vil's table has made Rook realize what was going on in an instant. 
"Ah! Oui, those are letters on your desks that you've rejected. Most of those letters have the initials of L and M. Were those perhaps the initials of the future young administrator of Beau Company?"
"Correct. And she's the youngest lady of the Mirage family, one of the top influencers known not just me and Neige, the Saintess of the Land of Pyroxene," Faint gasps and shared glances, the two are slowly getting a grasp of the situation. Not only did the young lady of the Mirages become the known Saintess, she has already taken the hearts of other people and inherited the skills to be the next head of their family business as well. 
She may have a face that the public has never seen, but she still holds an overwhelming power of influence. A star that shines not too brightly yet has always been known by her name. 
Louise von Mirage.
Somewhere in Shaftlands…
"A-Achii…!" A lady covered her face and body with her cloak turned around to sneeze as she felt the wind blow coldly. She then adjusted her hood to properly cover herself from the chilling wind. "Have they noticed that I left the manor early? Well thanks to my mother, I was able to get my probation lifted and leave on my own…"
It took her hours to convince the staff of Hunt family’s villas to get her into the teleporters to travel faster. These teleporters weren't known by just anyone. As one of the known Mages, they’ve used these teleporters with consent from the Hunts despite them being away on journeys all the time.
Although she still doubted that her false reason for the staff to believe would last. So, using this teleporter will be her last one as she does not wish to return home without talking to Vil.
The lady prays that the recent letter she sent to him would arrive safely to his chamber and that he reads all of its contents. She does have a feeling that he ignores it all the time. The magic doesn't wear off from those letters, so perhaps he hasn't burned it into crisps. 
"As long as it reaches him, he'll come to me…right?"
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The lass' platinum gray hair swayed forward as a gentle wind tempts her to proceed to that direction. It hasn't been that long since she had arrived at the Isle of Sages where the Night Raven College can be seen in the north. But how will she step into their school? 
The security has been doubled for some odd reason. She worries if it can detect her presence once she steps in and it will notify the headmage. She'll be discovered even if her presence will be acknowledged by the barrier as soon as they caught her sneaking in as well. 
"They'll definitely be suspicious of me since no one has seen my face at all." 
Walking past the terrifying looking trees, she began to stride on her way nearby Night Raven College's gates. Once she steps onto the pavement through the gate, there will be no chance for her to turn back. 
"You'll be fine, they won't see you as long as you apply cloaking magic on yourself. That's right, you've practiced this before…!" Filling her nervous self some encouragement, she finally entered through the gates of the school after going through a repetitive act of reluctancy. Yet an ache still pangs her heart as she goes further into a place she has yet to be welcomed.
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To Be Continued
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
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Hi! Here's my submission for the Tuna Sea-Side Party. (I wasn't certain how to link to a photo in an ask, so I hope the reference comes through ok).
Esher is an isekai'd pc from a high-fantasy dungeons and dragons campaign, so she's been spending most of the school year learning about how to even function in a more modern magical society, as well as concealing her own magical abilities as a warlock with a pact of the Archfey. She and Grim managed to scrape by in exams, and it was actually Grim that spotted the poster and insisted they go. Technically, Esher is the plus-one in this case lol.
Seeing as how Esher didn't even know what the ocean was before coming to Twisted Wonderland, she's pretty much learning what exactly one even does at a party like this on the fly. She was very surprised at the idea of wandering around in one's smallclothes, but since Rook helped her pick out a cute swimsuit (little black one-piece with a sheer black wrap) she's warmed to the idea. Vil was horrified enough to learn she didn't know what sunscreen was and made sure to foist that and a sunhat on her as well.
Her more competitive side will emerge when she is invited to join in on capture the flag, and she will spend more time than is entirely reasonable strategizing for the perfect victory (there may or may not be a battle map in the sand). Otherwise she'll spend her time trying to make sure Grim doesn't make himself sick with ice cream.
Thank you so much for hosting this event! I've been admiring your oc and art from afar for a little bit now and I love your blog! I hope I didn't make any mistakes with my submission, and I'm sorry it's also right at the last minute 🙏. I'm planning on drawing something as well, but it probably won't be out in time before the submission period ends.
Esher's favorite color is pale pink!
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--- Being more used to battle situations, Esher was quick to form a plan for the upcoming capture the flag game. It was a 4 v 4 match, and the first team to get their points to 20 would be deemed the victors. Vil refused to take off his hat and particpate, so Esher was only joined by Rook and two unfamiliar Savanaclaw students.
Rook took a seat with Esher in the sand to see what sort of formation she had in mind. It was well devised, consiting of a strong defense for 3 at base and sending one attacker out for retrieval when the opposing team was on offense. Esher explained it more in depth of how things should operate, but the two Savanahclaw students began to judge the ordeal harshly "So you want us to just sit around until something happens? That's boring~!" Rook looked between the students and Esher. Esher scowled rebuking them "And you have a better plan? I'd love to hear it." The two shrunk, but it was obvious they were still against it.
Rook shook his head and attempted to persuade the rowdy bunch "Perhaps we use a code system to switch positions? This way it'd be harder for the other team to predict who will come next." Esher thought for a moment, agreeing on the idea and even adding to it "It would also help keep from anyone from becoming the sole target. We could do fake outs too..." With a more active plan in place, the Savanahclaw duo decided to chime in with their own ideas.
Just like that, the team built up more trust amongst one another and came up with hand signals. The five minute prep time was up and with that, it was time to head into battle! The crew gave a roaring group call before stepping up to the line. Which team would fall and which would persevere? It was up to fate now. ---
LOLOL i feel like that ending was so 2000s cliffhanger XD I just know Rook is adoring the idea of a team coming together despite differences. The beauty of teamwork! BEAUTE! LOLOL Thank you for joining the event!!! I hope you can enjoy this!
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Scrapbook: Chapter 3
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Title: I Ain’t The Way You Found Me
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Black!OFC (Dimples)
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld
Word Count: 2.1K
Summary: A collection of moments with Mike and Daisy (Dimples).
Chapter Summary: Mike and Dimples take the next leap in their relationship.
Warnings: none for this chapter
A/N: I’ve had this chapter done and ready since posting the second chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by Me
Spotify Playlist is here.
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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“Hey, Dad. I need your help with something.” Mike’s serious tone had his father stopping his packing of Mike’s dorm room.
“What’s going on, Mike?” Walter stood next to his son and crossed his arms.
“So, uh, I wanted to do something special at the graduation party next week. But I’m not sure how to do it. And, I, uh, just…need some advice on proposing to Dimples.” He blurts out the ending and Walter’s face breaks into a grin.
“Well, I’d say it’s about time, son. You’ve been together almost two years, you’re moving in together. I’m assuming you already have a ring?” 
“Oh, yeah. I’ve been carrying it around for weeks.” Mike pats his pocket and doesn’t pull out the ring.
“Give us a look, then.” Walter sighs, making a ‘show me’ gesture with his hands.
“Oh, right. Duh!” Mike removes a rose-colored ring box, opens it, and hands it to Walter.
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“You picked this out yourself?” Walter smiles at the ring, moving it around to catch the light.
“Yeah, with a few hints from Dimples. She’s mentioned how much she liked simple jewelry with a bit of flair. And the guy at the jewelers showed me this and I could see it on her finger, ya know?” 
“It’s gorgeous, son. She’s gonna love it.” Walter closes the ring box and hands it back to his son. “So, first things first. It doesn’t matter what you say to her, just do it on one knee. Speak clearly, speak from the heart, and you can’t go wrong.”
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“Mikey!” Tiny arms are wrapping around him before he can think.
“My Cherie Amor!” Mike picks up his cousin and twirls her around, setting her back down on her feet. “Where’s your Dad, kiddo?”
“He and Mommy are talking to Uncle Walter and Auntie Eve,” She points over to where the parents are sitting at one of the picnic tables in the backyard.
“Why don’t you and Dimples hang out for a bit and I will be right back, ok?” He ruffles the little one’s hair and leans down to kiss the top of her head, leaving her with his girlfriend. Mike walks over to his Uncle Sy and pulls him away from the group. 
“Nephew, you got that look on yer face like yer planning something.” Sy sips from his beer to hide his amusement, even though he doesn’t have to.
Mike chuckles and rolls his eyes, looking over at where Cherie and Dimples are talking to Grandpa Gus. He turns back to Sy and pulls out the ring box and opens it. “I’m planning something huge, Uncle Sy.”
“Holy fuck, it’s about time, boy!” Sy says in a stage whisper, “That girl is already family, you know that.”
“Ok, between you and Dad, I feel like you’ve both been just waiting to bust my balls over this.” Mike closes the ring box and puts it back in his pocket.
“Mikey, she fits in here. Either you ask her to marry you, or…,” Something catches Sy’s eye and he shakes his head, “Or Gus will.”
Mike whips his head around to see Grandpa Gus and Dimples sitting alone, Gus’ arm around her while they take a selfie on her phone. He can’t help but smile and think she does belong with his family. She is his family. 
“Do me a favor and round everybody up. I better do this before he steals my girl.” Sy pats him on the shoulder and walks off to spread the word of an announcement.
Mike walks over to where Gus is still talking to Dimples with his arm around her. “Hey, Gramps. Can I have my girl back for a second?”
“Well, you can have her back but she could always end up being my girl if she plays her cards right. She’d make a beautiful bride.” Gus lifts her hand and places a kiss on it as Mike takes the other hand to pull her away.
“Gus, how many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting with my girl?” 
“I can stand to hear it a few more times, grandson,” Gus winks at Dimples and runs a finger over his mustache, “Either way, she flirted first.”
Mike turns to her and narrows his eyes. “I’ll just have to find a way to win you over, Dimples.” He looks around as everyone is making their way over to where they are standing. Mike smiles as she notices everybody else is smiling and looking at her. He gingerly steps behind her and she laughs nervously.
“Uh, what’s everybody doing? I know y’all saw Get Out, this is getting weird.” Confusion paints her face as Sy points behind her and she turns around to see Mike on one knee. She gasps, covering her mouth.
“From the first moment you smiled at me, I knew I wanted to see those cute dimples every day. When I kissed you for the first time, I knew I wanted to kiss you for the rest of my life. When you kicked my ass at laser tag, I knew I wanted you by my side forever. With your hand in mine, I feel like I can do anything. I promise you that no one will work harder to make you happy than me,” He takes out the small box, opens it, and holds out the ring, “I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Dimples wrap her arms around him after he put the ring on her finger.
The two of them are in their own world as they kiss, the world erupting around them as cameras flash around them and cheering begins.
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Evan crouches next to Mike rubbing his back as Walter leans against the door frame of the bathroom. “Michael, you have to calm down. You’ll do fine up there. Just look at her, smile, say the words, and walk back down the aisle with your new wife. Trust me, son, she is probably just as nervous as you are.”
Mike spits one last time into the toilet bowl and stands to flush and wash his hands. Evan hands him the mouthwash, he uncaps it and takes a bit to swish around his mouth before spitting.
“Dad, I’m not getting cold feet, I swear. I wanna marry Dimples so hard I can taste it,” He chuckles at his own words and his father and brother join in, “I almost feel like she’s settling for me or something. Like, someone can make her happier out there and she hasn’t found them because I’m here taking all her time up.”
“Mikey, that’s the dumbest shit I have ever heard you say. And as your big brother, I have heard you say a lot of dumb shit. But, you two were made for each other. She’s your ‘person’. Also, we already claimed her as family so if someone else wants to take her away from you, they’ll have to deal with us.” Evan gives a sympathetic smile and puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“Alright! I’ve got this. Just gotta get dressed and then get married to the love of my life, easy peasy lemon squeezy.” Mike takes a deep breath and steps into the bedroom to get dressed. 
Walter and Evan give each other a look and burst out laughing.
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Danette, Hope, and Cherie are dressed and sitting and waiting for Dimples. She exits the bathroom and heaves a sigh of relief.
“Ok, I think I have my nerves under control now.” 
“Trust me, I bet Mikey is over there just as nervous as you are, if not more.” Danette walks over and pats her cheek, “Sy told me he had to take a shot before our wedding. Our first kiss as husband and wife tasted like whiskey.”
“Yeah, Evan was doing jumping jacks and push-ups to help with his nerves. He was sweating underneath his tux and was exhausted standing up at the altar. It was hilarious.” Hope chimes in.
“I’m only 10 so I don’t even know who I’m marrying yet. But they better be a nervous wreck too.” Cherie piped up, refusing to be left out.
The women all shared a laugh. Dimples walks over to where her dress hangs and runs a hand over the detailed floral embellishment. 
“Alright, let’s get this thing on and get this show started!” She claps her hands together and the women work together to get her dressed.
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“Allow me to introduce the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Michael August Marshall.” The words of the wedding planner boom through the reception hall as Mikey and Dimples walk in holding hands to the applause of their friends and family.
Their first dance goes off without a hitch. The voices of Daryl Hall & John Oates bounce off the walls as ‘You Make My Dreams (Come True)’ plays. The new couple twirls and bops across the dance floor to the beat of the song. As the crowd claps for the happy couple, they make it to their table and are served their dinner.
During dinner, toasts are made. Walter speaks of his son humorously and his new daughter-in-law lovingly. Sy recounts how Mike told him he was going to propose moments before it happened and how he loved being a part of their special day. Evan regales the audience about how Mike told him he would marry a Princess one day and how he was right about that. Erika talks about how she was there for their first date and how she loves that she got to be there to see them tie the knot. But it was Grandpa Gus who brought the house down.
“...So there I am, just about to lay all my cards on the table with Dimples and this little whippersnapper comes in and proposes to her! I had her in the palm of my hands, ya hear me? In moments, she could’ve been MY wife,” The crowd laughs heartily and Gus twirls the end of his mustache, “But I’d do anything for my grandson, including letting him have the pretty girl. But, the moment he slips up, I’ll be right here for ya, Dimples. Congratulations. I love you both!” Gus raises his champagne glass and the room cheers for the happy couple.
Shortly after toasts, the newlyweds cut their cake. Mike “accidentally” gets some cake frosting on Dimples’ cleavage. He licks it off of her in front of all his family and at the shock of Dimples who swats him away at first and then resigns to her fate in a fit of giggles.
While the guests go back to dancing to the mix that the DJ set up, Dimples sits in Mike’s lap as they talk quietly. Occasionally, a family member will come and talk to them for a bit before offering an envelope or just a handful of cash. By the end of the night, they are stuffing it into Dimples’ purse. What a problem to have!
They thank their guests for coming and hug their family. Exiting the hall, they get into the rented pearl-colored Rolls Royce Phantom. It is packed to the max with gifts and luggage for their honeymoon in the mountains. Waving to their family, they drive off into the night.
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For most of the trip, Dimples is sick with what she thinks is stomach flu. Mike drives into town and picks up chicken soup, Gatorade, crackers, and ginger ale. He wanders the store’s aisles for a while looking for something else to cheer her up. He ends up in the Family Planning aisle and tries to think if this isn’t just her period on the way.
That’s when it hits him and he picks up the box and puts it in the basket before going to check out. Arriving back at the cabin, he shows Dimples the box and her eyes widen and he can see her doing mental math.
Sitting in the bathroom, they sit in front of the sink and wait for the timer to go off. When it does, they both jump. She reaches up to the sink for the test and holds it to her chest. Mike waits for her to pull it away and look at it but she is frozen.
“On three?” He suggests and she nods, “One…two…three.”
She looks down at the test in her hands and reads the word in the result window. “Pregnant,” She looks over to Mike and shows it to him, “Mikey, I’m pregnant.”
He takes the test and reads it over and over before saying, “It’s a good thing that I’m sitting down because I think I’m gonna–” His words stop and he slumps against the sinks and slides down the floor, having fainted.
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Chapter 4
A/N: The song of the chapter is You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Daryl Hall & John Oates. I love Hall & Oates so much. And this was just too cute of a song not to include it.
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rayezaeri · 6 months
This is a lil fic I have written of two of my own original characters from a story I'm writing. This was written for a friend of mine as payment for making art for a game I am working on.
The night was cold, bitter and unforgiving, the falling snow threatening to swallow everything in a seemingly eternal freeze. It was nights like these that saw the city at it's truly lifeless peak. Everyone remained indoors, unwilling to risk freezing outside, the absence of the sound of animals made it clear they felt the same. Despite the frost and the dead atmosphere that overwhelmed the populace, one soul remained away from the protection of her home. Kathar found nights like this to be enjoyable, the large absence of people made her much more confident, and her adventurous inventors' mind led her to build an internal heater long ago, to her the cold was a trivial matter. She even enjoyed that the frost added to her colour palette, her short lavender hair was highlighted by the specks of snow. The patterns that covered her shirt and cardigan were disrupted by the welcomed invader, which in her eyes, made them more unique.
Kathar wasn't just out for a nice midnight stroll, she intended to visit a flower garden. One that resided outside a seemingly abandoned castle, and appeared to be enchanted, as no matter how much it snowed, not a singe speck ever made it near any of the flowers. Although it was a bit of a trek, Kathar found it an enjoyable and necessary one. She had recently begun to learn about souls, she was mostly interested in how they were made, and what their creation needed, was life-force, life-force which flowers could provide plenty of.
As she arrived at the outskirts of the castle she took a few moments to admire the contrast between the obvious winter theme that surrounded her, and the apparent summer theme that surrounded the castle. Neither merged with the other, almost as if they were stuck in a standstill of a territory battle. She walked forward, passing the untouchable barrier, as she did she felt the snow that highlighted her being brushed off, and although it saddened her, she was glad to know that she wouldn't cover the flowers with it, even if she was about to pick them and take them away from their home.
Like she always did, Kathar begun her flower collecting by simply admiring the field of colours before her. Admiring how the fields kept their own individuality while slowly merging with the others to create a smooth swarm of natural colours that personified the beauty of mother nature. Of course there were oddities, small absences from where she had picked before. She found a small joy in creating these spots of darkness, seeing it as her way of marking the world, her small way of making her existence known. Unbeknownst to her however, her existence was already known.
As she begun choosing which specimens to gather, she remained completely unaware of the figure that stalked her from the castle window. It watched Kathar with admiration, paying close attention to her every movement, watching as she very delicately grasped and plucked each flower, placing them carefully in her bag. She enjoyed watching the ends of her hair sway as the wind carried them; the way they flowed so freely acting as a representation of Kathar's own freedom. She enjoyed the way Kathar moved, there was a clear purpose in every movement she made that gave away her confidence. Most of all she enjoyed the delicate hand that belonged to her, no matter what it was, she clearly handled whatever she held with care, the figure couldn't help but yearn for her touch. Everything about her made her feel wistful, for she longed to carry her around her home and introduce her to the beauty of an extravagant life that she felt was befitting for the subject of her admiration.
The figure had been watching Kathar from day one. Upon first sight she felt anger towards her mildly destructive tendencies, how dare someone invade and ruin the beauty of her home. It wasn't until she fully diverted her attention to Kathy that she changed her mind. She soon found herself entranced by every little detail of her. The soft and light material of her clothes that somehow made their patterns stand out more, patterns that blended so well with her silky skin, soft smile and cheerful personality. To her, Kathar's lack of an eye only highlighted the beauty of her singular ocean blue orb. It had been a while now, since Kathar started to come here, and so the figure felt that today would be the day she introduced herself.
Kathar never bothered to worry about the possibility of other people while she was in this garden, as far as she was aware, she was alone. "Do you enjoy stealing from others?" The sudden disturbance in her silent peace startled Kathar, and she threw her head towards the voice. There, stood a woman, not much taller than her, with piercing rose red eyes, and long snow white hair. The clothes she wore were eloquent, the kind of clothes you'd expect to see on royalty. The figure giggled, "Did I startle you into silence? You aren't used to being caught, are you?" Kathar threw herself out of the apparent trance caused by her admiration of the figure in front of her. "No, I'm not, so I'm afraid I must go now" Kathar turned to sprint away, only to be met with the figure's face, she looked back over her shoulder to see nothing. "Trust me, little firefly, I'm faster than you, you won't be leaving without my permission."
Kathar felt a small spike of annoyance that turned into mild fear as the figure began to walk towards her. Something about her unsettled Kathar, so she started walking backwards, trying to keep the distance. "There's no need to be scared, I have no intention of harming you, and I'm not mad about the flowers." Something about her voice felt calming, so calming that Kathar slowed her movements until she stopped completely, allowing the figure to get closer, until she too stopped, right in front of Kathar. She felt slightly nervous as the women didn't say anything, instead, her eyes traced her body. "What are you doing?" "Admiring you, I've only been able to do it from afar." "You've been watching me?" "Have been since day one darling. Trust me, if I wanted to hurt you, I would've done so ages ago." Although it unsettled her to learn she was being watched, she felt more at ease, knowing she had no intention of harming her. The women's eyes stopped wandering, and stared into Kathar's eye, her gaze was one that demanded attention, attention that Kathar wasn't sure if she was going to give or not. "Your name, what is it firefly?" "Ka-Kathar" The women closed her eyes, smiled, and took in a deep breath, almost as if the name intoxicated her to the point that she wished to absorb it. "Such a lovely name" she opened her eyes "you may call me Rithika, and you are more than welcome to come here again, whether it's to pick flowers, or to see me." Rithika stepped to the side and extended her arm, signalling to her that she was free to go. Kathar awkwardly shuffled past her, increasing her speed as she got further away, but looking back every few seconds to see Rithika smiling and waving to her.
And this is how Kathar’s life went for the better part of a month. Everyday she would journey to that castle she once thought was abandoned. Of course she did so with the intention of gaining more specimens to use in her studies. Rithika enjoyed her presence anyway, she spent all of their time together being close to her, watching her pick flowers and just generally admiring Kathar as she did her thing. Despite the unusual first interaction between them, Kathar found herself warming up to Rithika’s presence, she didn’t exactly have many friends, so the company of another, although only for a short time each day, was rather pleasant to her.
Rithika never followed Kathar outside of her castle’s boundaries, and so she decided that today she’d at least find out what it is her little firefly was collecting her flowers for. “So, why have you been coming here so often to pick flowers? Would it not be easier to grow your own?” Kathar shivered a little, while the pair had spent a decent amount of time together for the past month, they spent it in silence, this was the first time either of them had spoken since their first meeting. “Why the sudden interest, getting bored of just watching me?” “I could watch you for the rest of eternity and never be bored. I’m just curious.” “Well, given that you seemingly live here, and after witnessing you that night, I imagine you’re probably responsible for these flowers and the potential invisible force field around this place, so I guess I can tell you, it probably won’t seem as outlandish to you as it does to others.”
Kathar looked carefully at a pair of flowers, then picked them both and turned to Rithika, presenting them. “Can you tell me the difference between these two flowers?” “Nope, they both look the same to me.” “Every living thing has energy in it, most people can’t see this energy, it doesn’t exist to the untrained eye, think of it like an aura that surrounds it. This unseen energy is it’s life force.” She held up the one in her right hand. “The aura that surrounds this one is brighter than the other, meaning it has more life force to it. Hence why I’m being so selective about which flowers I choose.” “So, can you see the life force of every living thing?” “I can, it did take quite a while for me to figure out how to see them, let alone manipulate them, but I can.” “You can manipulate them?” “Yes. It’s the whole point of what I’m doing, by collecting enough life force one could, theoretically speaking, create an entire soul; which is what I’m aiming to do.” Rithika’s admiration for Kathar only grew with these statements, she found it so amazing how she was able to learn all of this, when even someone as powerful as her, knew nothing about it.
“Could you demonstrate how it works? Being able to manipulate life force I mean.” “I guess I could, watch the flowers.” Rithika begrudgingly pulled her eyes away from Kathar’s and to the flowers so she could witness what Kathar was capable of doing. As she watched, Kathar began to focus and with seemingly very little effort, transferred the life force between the flowers. The only indication that this was actually happening, was the flower in her left hand suddenly decaying at a rapid pace, and the one in her right, seemingly getting healthier. “From what I’ve learned, life force can’t truly be destroyed, as something lives it gathers enough life force to sustain itself from seemingly nowhere. It’s like the energies just exist and flow about as freely as oxygen does. When something dies, all of that life force is just released into the surroundings, unless someone is directly channelling it, like I was with the flowers.” “You truly are marvellous.” Kathar blushed a little at the unexpected compliment. “I do hope that when you are successful in creating a soul, that you will come and show me, or perhaps, moving to the source of your research would be better for you?” “As nice an offer as that is I wouldn’t want to intrude on your home.” “You’ve spent a while coming here and stealing my flowers, and have you not seen the size of the castle that is my home, I could have 20 of you living with me and there would still be plenty of room.” “I-I guess I can consider it, I would like if you showed me around your home first, if you would be so kind.”
“To have such a gem set foot in my home would be an honour, how about I show you around now?” “Well I’ve collected all that I need for now, so sure, I have plenty of time to spare.” Rithika stood on one leg and spun around in a moment of joy, “oh how wonderful. Come now Firefly, we best not waste time.” She held out her hand for Kathar to grab, which she did so in the most gentle manner she could. She was so gentle in fact, that Rithika felt as if the soft embrace of her hand had made her physically melt; her desire to hold her only enhanced that feeling. It had been a while since Kathar felt the touch of another person, the feeling of Rithika’s hand in hers made her realise just how much she had missed the sensation. The pair walked through the castle’s garden without a word to each other. Rithika was busy humming to herself, clearly happy with being able to finally touch Kathar and have the opportunity to show her around her home, and Kathar had found herself enjoying the little tune that escaped her lips, wishing not to disturb it.
The tour of Rithika’s mansion lasted a couple hours, it would’ve gone quicker but she felt she had to explain some of the stories behind her home. Kathar found herself enjoying her time with Rithika more than she thought she would. There was something about her voice that made it pleasant to listen to, making it easy for Kathar to allow Rithika to indulge in her need for telling stories. During the tour Kathar also came to the realisation of just how lonely Rithika was. Kathar had always enjoyed her own company, in her normal life, most would avoid her as a point of viewing her as weird or scary. She learned to become unbothered by this, and soon found herself living the life of a willing loner, and as such, she could tell that Rithika had not gotten used to the loneliness.
Kathar spent a few days after that considering taking Rithika’s offer. She wasn’t entirely sure if she was considering it out of pity or her own desire, but she was considering it. She slowly started spending more time at Rithika’s home, still collecting her flowers but making sure to get it done quickly so she could enjoy being with Rithika for longer. The sudden change in the amount of attention she gave her sent Rithika wild. She wanted more. She wanted to be able to spend every second she could with Kathar at her side. She wasn’t stupid, Kathar could see how Rithika’s obsession with her was growing, but she found enjoyment in teasing her about it. It soon got to the point where any outsider looking in would be convinced they were lovers forever cursed to be unable to interact with the other. Until a certain day where Rithika was unable to hold herself back, revealing one of her many secrets to Kathar.
Kathar had become very comfortable around Rithika, and didn’t mind holding her hand, hugging her or other various forms of physical touch. She of course used this to her advantage to toy with Rithika’s obsession of her. They had gotten into the habit of hugging each other goodbye whenever Kathar would leave for her home, except this time, Rithika didn’t want to let go.
“You know I don’t actually live here yet, you’ve gotta let me go at some point.” Rithika moved her head to bury it in Kathar’s neck and she swore it felt like she was smelling her. “I think at this point we should just call your home away from this castle a holiday home, you stay here often enough.” “Still I’d have to move all of my stuff here, you would have to let go of me so I could do that.” “You can do it later, right now, I want you.” She moved her head up so that she could look Kathar directly in the eye. Kathy was momentarily shocked upon seeing those rubies glow, and when Rithika opened her mouth once more, Kathar bared witness to a pair of fangs. “You. Smell. Delicious. And it has been driving me crazy, you’re like a drug, and I’m high on you without even having you.” “Well if it’s just my blood you want,” she leans in and whispers into Rithika’s ear, “go ahead and take it.” Without a second thought Rithika sank her fangs into her neck and held her as close as possible. Kathar was a bit caught off guard at the sudden speed that she had moved at, but got over it quickly and allowed herself to sink into Rithika’s grasp.
Once she was done Kathar felt as if she were about to pass out. The only thing keeping her upright was Rithika’s hold on her, who looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the world whilst simultaneously seeing her as the most satisfying prey she had ever caught.
Kathar attempted to speak; the only thing that came out of her mouth was a raspy breath before she actually passed out. When she awoke, she found herself in an incredibly luxurious room, laying on a bed which probably could’ve fit ten of her on it. “You’re awake.” Rithika’s voice came from the bedside and Kathar turned to look at her. There was nothing but adoration on her face as she looked upon Kathar. “Were you watching me sleep?” “I had nothing else to do.” “Well, that’s fair, but with a bed this big you could’ve joined me.” “As much as I love the idea, I felt you should get to enjoy the wonders of a bed you can actually move around in, compared to your usual resting place.” Kathar had never mentioned anything about the state of her own home to Rithika, and decided to ignore the apparent unintentional confession of stalking. She had found herself falling for her, and so decided that she wasn’t bothered by it. “Where are my things?” “Right here.” Rithika picked up Kathar’s usual bag from right beside her to show her. “I imagine you’ll be wanting to get back to your home, however I was wondering if you’d perhaps stay for dinner?” “Haven’t you already eaten?” “The normal kind of food, the stuff unlike the delicacy that is you.” “You flatter me.” “I only speak the truth, I’ve never had blood that tastes as good as yours.” “Well why not then, I’ll stay for dinner, but I must go home after.” “As much as it saddens me to be away from you, I suppose I can’t stop you. However you should consider my proposal of moving in with me.” “I’ll give it some thought.”
Kathar found herself to be an immediate fan of Rithika’s cooking, swearing that it was the best food she had ever had. Before long they said their usual goodbyes as Kathar left to make her usual trip home, feeling once again the change in nature as she stepped away from the castle and it’s denizen that she had grown attached to. As she walked she couldn’t help but constantly run her hand over the bite marks left behind from Rithika. This was the first time she had ever bit her, despite that she knew that she was a careful women, and so suspected that the light burn was just a mild irritation of her skin’s reaction to being punctured. She did note however, that the feeling of pain seemed to be getting greater, the further she got from the castle, from Rithika.
When she got home she had barely made it to the bed before she collapsed, the burning feeling overpowering her will to move. Slowly, she crawled her way onto her broken, messy bed, realising amidst the pain that Rithika was right; the bed she awoke in earlier, was much nicer, even if it was oversized. The thought of Rithika made her smile, before she forced herself asleep to avoid the pain.
Unfortunately for her, the pain was not temporary. It took every bit of her energy and willpower to get out of bed come morning, let alone make herself some food. She had a look at herself, moreso the contraptions she had made that rested inside her, none of them were in disarray, and yet none of them helped with the pain. She had suspected that perhaps her internal heater might be of help, as her pain was a burning one, but it did nothing. She continued to tinker with a few more of her creations that weren’t inside her, yet still nothing worked.
Her thoughts wandered back to Rithika, she was careful enough to avoid giving her a mark that would cause pain, wasn’t she? Then she remembered how the pain got worse the further away from the castle she got. “She’s marked me.” Kathar uttered. Given what she knew about Rithika’s obsessive nature, and the fact of the pain being worse the further away she got, this seemed the most reasonable conclusion to the matter. She decided to pay an early visit to Rithika, mostly to see if the pain would in fact go away the closer she was to her.
Kathar started her trip in a state where she quite literally had to drag her feet across the ground to get anywhere. Once she had reached the castle, the pain was extremely minimal, practically unnoticeable. Rithika greeted her with a confused smile, Kathar however could see it in her eyes, she was expecting her. “Not that I’m complaining, but what brings you here so early, you've never deviated from your schedule before." Kathar wanted to mention the bite and the pain she felt from it the further she was from Rithika, but found herself completely unable to. “What did you do to me?” “Whatever do you mean?” She tried to mention the bite again but the words were never formed. She instead revealed her neck to Rithika and pointed at the punctured holes. She said nothing. Then smiled at her, and opened her arms. Kathar found herself suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to be embraced by Rithika, and threw herself at her.
Rithika held her tightly but gently, her voice was soft as she spoke, to the point that it made Kathar feel relaxed. Instead of the question Kathar expected, Rithika asked her “do you wish to be mine?” To which the only response Kathar could even think of giving, was a silent “yes.”
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