#with a sprinkle of canon
herebecritters · 10 months
Can you draw flippy x flaky please
You’re lucky I love them ❤️
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jorrated · 10 months
idk why sonic fans care so much about canon timelines. classic sonic is past sonic or an alternate version sonic? who gives a shit sonic canon is the definition of fuck it we ball have fun with your blue rat
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sera8273 · 2 months
“Say something!” Eurylochus yelled out.
“Say something?” Odysseus deadly whispered, his voice cold and devoid of any emotions. Eurylochus flinched harshly at the change. “Say something?” He spoke once more, more slower, more louder. His anger rising out with every breath he took.
Without warning, Odysseus ran over to Eurylochus, who fell on his bottom out of shock, grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and screamed out all his pent up anger.
“What in the gods name do you want me to say!? Your pissed with me for willingly sacrificing six of my men so we- no, so that I could get home quicker while you killed 557 of my men all because you wanted to open the Windbag that I specifically said not to open and had to stay up for nine days STRAIGHT!?” He all but spat in his second In command face.
Eurylochus couldn’t find his voice. He couldn’t even move from the absolute pure fear he felt. But Perimedes, who was watching the whole thing with the rest of the crew, suddenly found his.
“We wouldn’t even be in this mess if you didn’t give that cyclops your name!” He screamed “It would’ve been better if you had just killed it!”
Odysseus snapped his neck towards Perimedes who flinched, after a while he dropped Eurylochus on the floor leaving him gasping and clutching his chest while looking at Ody with fear as he walked toward the man moving backwards from him.
And perimedes, and the whole crew, could only think one thing in common.
They’re gonna die
They’re gonna die
They’re gonna fucking dies from their captain
They’re gonna fucking die because of their dumbass move-
“So you’re telling me that Killing the Cyclops, Polyphemus, who is Posiden, the god of the literal water, would’ve been the right choice?” Their captain coldly asks. Devoid of any emotions.
“I…yes?” Perimedes asked meekly.
Ody inhaled and exhaled very slowly before yelling in the poor man’s ear: “The only fucking reason he’s on my ass is simply because I blinded him and stole his sons sheep! That’s it! He’s targeting me because I was the reason that his son is blind! What in gods name would you think would happen if I killed him!?”
Perimedes back away and falls backwards. Quietly adding: “N-nothing-“
“Absolutely fucking nothing! Maybe he would’ve prolonged my torture by torturing you guys, sure. But it would’ve been the same damit!”
“Y-you could’ve not told the cyclops your name-“
“Ah yes! Because when Posiden gathers the news that someone drugged, stole and blinded his son and calls himself nobody from Hermes he obviously wouldn’t immediately go to the 12 ships, which I remind you, are the only fucking ships in the whole damn ocean and who suddenly have a suspicious amount of sheep on board!” Ody was practically foaming at the mouth when he was done.
No one moved. No one dared to try and talk to him in this raged manic state.
After a while (minutes? Seconds? Days?) Ody- their captain finally calmed down enough for the light in his eyes to return, and with a smile on his face he says: “What are you all waiting for?” Suddenly, it’s all gone. “Row fast.”
“Yes sir!” “Yes Captain!” “Got it!” “Yup!” “Sir Yes Sir!” “I I Captain!”
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ghost-proofbaby · 7 months
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“I’m out of wine and flowers, so I hope an introduction will suffice,” his blood-red eyes meet hers, and something in her gut twists. As if she already knows. As if she’s just realized that she’s missed the obvious. “My name is Astarion. I was in Balder’s Gate when-” Astarion. Save Astarion. Astarion.  All the breath leaves her lungs as she interrupts, “You’re Astarion?”
summary: how far would you go to save the one you love? what about a stranger?
pairings: astarion ancunin x sorcerer!oc (aruna)
warnings: canon angst, canon trauma, canon violence, memory loss, sort of enemies to lovers?, sort of soulmates au?, overuse of pet names, eventual smut. 18+
cross-posted on ao3
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S H A R P A X E , S H A R P E R H A N D S
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, before Alejandro knew the truth, Noah would sometimes cuddle to the charmer while sleeping... Alejandro was amused and fond by this... But when Alejandro learns about Noah's true crazy colors and the sleeping Noah cuddles into Alejandro again, Alejandro is trying NOT to freak out! 😴
Wait no you're so right. Noah's sleep cuddling habit would've been seen as innocuous throughout the whole series, especially in World Tour when their sleeping arrangements were so cramped. Of course he'd always end up practically gluing himself to the nearest person in his sleep- who would usually ended up being Owen or sometimes Alejandro, as they were the two people Noah tolerated enough to spend most of his time with.
But as soon as everyone on the jet becomes aware that he's not nearly as harmless as he's portrayed himself to be? When he intentionally shows himself to be a threat to their safety/wellbeings?
Well, suddenly his "cute little quirk" has turned into a very volatile situation.
What is Alejandro supposed to do when he wakes up in the Economy cabin, not even twenty four hours after the London challenge, and finds everyone's fearful eyes trained on him. How is he supposed to react when he feels the familiar weight of the dangerous, downright vicious person they'd all watched snap someone's arms like uncooked spaghetti, draped over him like a blanket?
Especially when they all know that a Noah who's woken up before he's ready is cranky. And that was the Noah from before, who was apparently keeping a tight leash on his wilder instincts- now that he's given up on holding himself back, who knows how he'd respond to being woken up?
Oh wait. They all know how he'd respond- and it involves a lot of bloodshed.
He's trapped; waking up Noah is a guaranteed death sentence, and any movement could be enough to stir the other from his precarious slumber.
And the others know it too. Tyler and Duncan watch him like a hawk, their faces palid with pity and terror, though they thankfully remain just as muted as Alejandro himself. It's unnerving, being held under the terror-shrunk gazes of the two, but not nearly as unnerving as the soft steady breathing of the deranged bookworm sleeping on top of him.
For a moment, there's a tentative silence that hovers between the three of them like a sheet of ice over a frozen lake.
So of course, Owen's boisterous entrance to the cabin shatters it.
"Hey guys, Chef's serving breakfast in the-! Oh, did I interrupt something?"
Noah stirs from his sleep, and Alejandro's breath becomes an inmate in the prison of his lungs. He'd doomed.
"Wuzza'? Is it ch'llenge time?" The bookworm slurs, one hand wiping at his sleep-crusted eyes as the other finds purchase against Alejandro's shoulder. Noah pulls himself into a sitting position, his body subconsciously curling itself towards the nearest heat source- which just so happens to be Alejandro's terror stilled form- and the Spaniard in question internally prays to whatever God is listening that he'll somehow evade the psycho's inevitable ire when he realises that Alejandro is, in fact, not a pillow.
After a trepid second of inaction, Noah hums inquisitively against the warm mass beneath him, and blinks tired eyes up towards Alejandro's ashen face. A moment of incomprehension passes. Then another. And then realisation flickers over the bookworm's features like a dying ember.
Alejandro is so fucked.
Noah's face solidifies into something blank and unreadable- the complete lack of discernible emotion in is expression is almost eldritch in its uncanniness- and the latino doesn't know if its more or less unnerving than the unhinged, crooked smile he's graced the cast with yesterday. But then, unexpectedly, Noah wordlessly slides himself off of Alejandro's lap.
No broken arms. No stab wounds. Not even a threat against his person.
"Uh. Sorry for sleeping on you, I guess." The cynic says off-handedly, in his customary sardonic drawl, before he steps over to Owen and calmly asks what the blonde oaf was so excited about.
"It... is no problem, mi amigo." Alejandro chokes out, displacing the stationary air in his lungs.
Where is the vicious psychopath from last night? Why is Noah acting so... normal? Was his display of instability a fever dream or something?
No, both Tyler and Duncan shoot Alejandro matching looks of bewilderment from their seat on the adjacent bench. What happened last night was real, regardless of Noah's current docility.
Owen and Noah's conversation filters off into nothing, and the Archvillain spares a glance towards the pair. Only to find the both of them staring back at him, grinning; Owen's face scrunching up into his usual friendly smile, and Noah's smug smirk rapidly morphing into that same too-wide snarl he'd adorned on the bus- are those fucking fangs?!
"You make a pretty good pillow, Al."
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beannary · 2 years
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little doodle of Mikey looking at some normal box turtles :)
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star-synth · 12 days
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Some mockups of how Cyn/The solver looks! Blurring the lines between "human" and something else. Cyn's been stitched/fused together with Tessa's skin. In my human au, alongside the fleshy horrors the solver can do, it also has some bio-mechanical horrors as well. The tendons/muscle in Cyn's neck have been replaced with metal and silicone, and her extra set of hands are more robotic. As another symbolism of Cyn and Tessa getting fused together, I gave her hair a mix of silver and the blackish brown. Human Au Cyn isn't wearing a skinsuit, but is rather an amalgamation of parts and flesh :)
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celery-artdump · 7 months
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hey. have a nine year old
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dreamsrunfaster · 1 year
Something something the spin of the Institute's screens but equally i'm OBSESSED that when we first see ballister he's Doing Crime Leaping Fences like truly the director was right to be afraid of him
*eight year old ballister voice*: laws are by the consent of the governed YEET
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fiestylittlebeetle · 26 days
Drives me insane that Ben showed empathy for Malware for all of 5 seconds when he was 10 and all he needed to hear was an adult telling him some bullshit for him to be "nevermind"
Actually this is now a rant about how the adults in bens life fucking suck. Literally every adult he knows besides his parents, manipulate him all because he has the Omnitrix so they feel like they have to mold him into who they want
Like granted he's often times a rebellious shit but he does take stock in what adults in his life tell him he needs be
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advluv4life · 3 months
All for the Game!Pinterest is so fun and so funny and entertaining and then you get to that one heartfelt post about all the softness in the heartwarming love that is within Andreil and now you're crying over Andrew and Neil because honestly their relationship is everything and I don't think I am ever actually going to get over it. It's been years. This will never stop. I don't even want it to stop. I love them. I love All for the Game!them I like the Extra Content!them I like the post-canon!them and their softness and recovery. I love it so much and thinking about it makes me bawl all my eyes out ♡ This series is everything, I can't even express how much I love it 😭
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Is Yanderen’t Redacted neurotypical? I’m a psychology student and Ren is a special interest of mine, so I’m absolutely dying to pick his brain and examine him lol
✦゜ANSWERED: Oh!! N (and canon Ren) are both neurodivergent because I looooove projecting myself onto my OCs >:3 I try to keep it subtle though because I want the representation to be there, but I also don't want it to come across like it's their defining personality trait or anythin (if that makes any sense ^^;)
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stimboard-central · 5 months
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"Ain't life SWEET?!"
A Sweet Tooth from Moshi Monsters stimboard for myself!
🍬 x 🍭 x 🍬
💗 x 🤡 x 💗
🍬 x 🍭 x 🍬
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hello-galad · 4 months
No one asked for this but here i am shoving my Cid age-related headcanons down y’all’s throat.
This all started because I saw @renegadeem ‘s comment on a post about Valenwind and Cid’s age and the Curious Case of Square Enix Not Giving Us Characters That Are Canonically Over 40 (then you take a look at some of them and you know in your heart they are 62, twice divorced and currently screaming at some kids to get off their lawn).
Alright, buckle up. I’m about to monologue, ladies, gents, non-binary peeps and everybody else in between:
Note: Have in mind I headcanon Shera to be two years younger than Cid and to have also been part of the Shinra Youth Science Program but at different years. Note note: this might change in the future because I’m like a sponge and i absorb hcs.
At 16 years-old Cid Highwind Gets into the Shinra Youth Science Program at Midgar.
I’m sure Shinra has programs like these to catch brilliant minds that help them build their empires (labor force that already know how to do the job you want them to) like most transnational companies do in our world.
There, all students must take military training, they even share some classes with the Cadets for SOLDIER.
On a side note, given his stats in the game and his weapon of choice I say he comes from a family of dragoons and Heidegger takes an interest in him but Cid is focused on becoming an engineer and that is more useful to Shinra.
There is a fic i really love that sorta touches the topic of Cid’s family as dragoons by one of my favorite authors Vinvalen right here (Valenwind: Crusader rain) .
At 20 years-old Cid graduates top of his class as Mechanical engineer. He starts working on building aircraft and flight hardware for Shinra as he starts his career to become an Aerospace Engineer.
At 24 years-old he graduates top of his class as Aerospace Engineer at Shinra.
At 26 years-old Cid gets his pilot’s license with more than 500 hours of flight. Starts the prototype for what he started calling THE SHINRA I. He would later develop the blueprints further to build what will be THE HIGHWIND.
At 28 years of age Cid and Shera present the initiative for the Space Program to Shinra with the initial project and blueprints for a rocket and satellite. The Satellite should have been deployed first and left to circle around The Planet in the upper orbit a year before the rocket launch.
Shinra approves of the project eight months later and Cid Highwind becomes Chief Engineer of it with Shera as Chief scientist and his second in command. The base is settled in a small town outside Midgard that will later be known as Rocket Town.
At 32 years old, Shera (30) and Cid get married. They never really dated, but they spent so much time together that they both decided “why not?”.
Evidently, that goes downhill from there because tHAT IS NOT HOW HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS ARE BUILT.
When Cid is 33 years old, the first satellite gets deployed earlier. The mission is a complete success and Shinra has plans to put a couple more in orbit except instead of using them for research, Scarlet and Heidegger wish to weaponize them with Mako Canons. Cid is against this at first but understands that he can’t really say no to Shinra when they are the ones funding the Space Program.
Him and Shera don’t really talk to each other outside of work, they do fuck occasionally to let out steam but that keeps happening less and less.
When Cid is 36 years old Shera almost dies and Cid stops the launch to save her.
Cid is downgraded from Chief engineer and one year later, Shinra cancels the Space Program taking away every single blueprint and infrastructure project Cid ever created when working for Shinra and they basically try to alienate him when Cid tries to fight back. Shera keeps working for them in charge of space communications. Cid is devastated.
As a side project, Cid starts the blueprint and building of the BRONCO I (Later known as the Tiny Bronco. Later known as a) the plane Cloud almost broke and b) The “ARE WE SERIOUSLY USING MY FUCKIN PLANE AS A BOAT DAMMIT FINE WHATEVER IT TAKES TO FUCK SHINRA OVER”).
When Cid is 37 years old, him and Shera get divorced, the divorce documentation was initiated by Shera. Despite the fact that they haven’t even slept together in the same room in literal years, Cid was willing to live unhappily for her sake. She decides to stop that, but her mental health is still not the best and she has developed an attachment to him so she stays in Rocket Town “Taking care of him” as Cid goes in what Shera is afraid is a sort of self-destructive path.
Cid works on personal projects, flying people and cargo across The Planet and fixing and building things for other people. Shinra sends a Turk sometimes to spy on what he’s doing to make sure that whatever he’s building isn’t something that goes against Shinra. After all, they know he’s capable of building a ship with the right tools and Cid is quite crafty.
At 38 years old Cid is angry at Shinra, Shera, the planet, everyone really, and specially himself. He loathes Rocket Town but can’t bring himself to actually leave. He thinks he has to deal with what he thinks was the failure of his lifetime (“To atone for his sins” in a way *cough cough*). He starts flying people around and killing the Mako infected beasts that attack Rocket Town occasionally. He’s kept himself in shape all this time because habits are hard to break and he’s mildly paranoid of Turks (with good reason) and other shit he knows Shinra has been developing.
In the year he reaches 39 years of age he meets a group of eco-terrorist weirdos that seem to travel with the daughter of Ilfana, a scientist he once had the hots for back at Shinra.
Said group is made of a rogue traumatized SOLDIER, a girl who could kick his ass with her fists, Ilfana’s daughter who is actually a part of a now extinct ancient human race, what appears to be a talking lion, a robot cat that rides a mog, a teenage ninja girl that gets a kick out of calling him old, a mother hen in the shape of a very ripped man with a gun for an arm and a gunslinger vampire.
Then Cid Highwind goes to space, Vincent is next to him on the Rocket, Shera is Chief Mission Control working along with his old team who also decided to say “fuck you” to Shinra and have taken over a building. This is the start of a new chapter for him, finally.
By this point Cid had been telling himself he is not in love with Vincent for almost a year, you know, like a liar. He has never loved anyone like he loves Vincent. He used to love Shera, of course, but not like this. He still cares for her, but when he married Shera they were both 30 and it seemed like the right next thing they had to do. He never bothered to learn about Shera’s favorite books outside the ones related to their work or which desserts would make her close her eyes in delight. They would fuck when they were horny and sleep on the same bed but never did Cid whispered bad poetry against her collarbone and slept better when he could feel her hair against his shoulder.
When Sephiroth is defeated, Meteor is stopped by Holy and everyone goes home for a while to rest, him and Vincent talk and Vincent knows that he wants to stay with Cid but he is still so scared. Years of torture and trauma are slow to heal, sometimes they don’t heal ever, and Cid is okay with that. Whatever Vincent needs, Cid will give him. Vincent loves Cid so much he is willing to try.
Shera and Cid talk and she stays at the house for one more year before she finally decides to go over everything that happened and starts living her own life for herself.
When Cid is 41 years of age, him and Shera create HIGHWIND Corp as co-owners with Shera as CEO and Cid as Chief engineer. They work alongside the WRO to rebuilt the planet using sustainable energy and building sustainable hardware and software. Cid knows Shinra is involved, with Rufus re-building Shinra with an eco-perspective now. This time though, HIGHWIND Corp is negotiating through the WRO and Cid and Shera are not afraid to say “fuck you, no”.
Vincent comes and goes from Rocket Town. Cid buys some land almost in the middle of nowhere and stablishes his house, hangar and workshop there, Vincent follows. He has his own room at the house even if Cid and him sleep in the same bed most of the time and Vincent spends a lot of time perched somewhere on a crate looming over Cid at the workshop, usually reading and listening to Cid work.
Yuffie is also a common guest and she has her own room there as well.
Vincent receives a call from Reeve, there’s been a couple of disappearances and an organization that calls itself “the underground” seem to be responsible. Cid flies Vincent around on his mission to destroy the underground and happily blows some shit up.
After literal decades, Vincent finally faces the fact that he was a victim, that Lucretia was just as guilty as Hojo. He discovers what happened to Grimoire, visits his mother’s grave and is finally on the path to believing that he was not responsible for the awful things done to him.
Turns out that Vincent’s past demons are worst than his actual very real demons. He gets into common ground with them and they recognize him not only as their host but as their link to the Planet and are willing to fight for him.
Chaos decides to go against their nature as a demigod of death and destruction and they defeat Omega.
Chaos doesn’t go back to the planet, he stays with Vincent, although their relationship changes from “I was trapped inside in this vessel against my will and I’m angry” to “you are my host and we take care of the host, thank you for being our link to The Planet”.
The others agree. Vincent receives them not because he has to, but because he wants to.
[Vincent goes to Lucretia’s cave after that and he tells her about what he found in her and Hojo’s archives, tells her that he’s sorry he couldn’t protect her and that he knows and remembers what she did to him. For the first time he is not seeing her as perfect, just as she was: a scientist who wanted results, a human who was moved by the power of knowledge, imperfect, responsible for some of the scars on his body and his mind. She was not responsible for the perfect imagine of her he made up in his head. For his own unresolved trauma that lead him to believe he had to love her and she could have loved him.
Vincent tells her that Grimoire’s death was not her fault. He tells her what he knows now of Chaos, how they are more than just a creature, more than just rare materia.
Then, Vincent tells Lucretia about Cid. About how he loves him and the way he loudly snores. About how Cid loves going star-watching. About how he’s been painting, The Planet and Vincent being his favorite subjects.
Vincent tells her about how he was so scared of falling in love again but then in those moments after defeating Omega and realizing he might die for real this time, he was more scared of Cid not knowing he loved him.
He tells her about how, when he fell to the ground, Chaos in distress inside of him, Vincent too tired, too many bones broken and internal bleeding to move, the realization that he was not healing settling in; he thought about his life, about his parents and Veld, about his new friends and Aerith, who he knew was watching over them from the livestream, about the letter Tifa would carry with her everywhere, the beautiful strokes of Aerith’s handwriting unmistakeable, even when a couple of years ago, tears had soaked the paper. About Cloud crying every night after he managed to remember who he was before he was experimented on by Hojo, about him carefully cradling the dog tags Tseng gave him after Meteor was gone, the same name on them that Cloud used to whisper on those long nights when he thought everyone in the party was already asleep: “Zack”.
He thought about Sephiroth believing Jenova was his mother instead of knowing of Lucretia, of having his own father treat him like an experiment. He thought of that young SOLDIER, Genesis, half broken and willing to sleep forever, just like Vincent once did, until he was reminded there’s more to live for.
He thought of Marlene and a distressed Barret wondering if his daughter was still alive, of Nanaki, still young and a guardian now. He thought of Shera and her husband and how their daughter liked frogs and helping Uncle Cid build rockets made of cardboard.
Thought of her, Lucretia, and how Vincent’s love for her sprouted out of a promise to Grimoire to keep her safe before he disappeared mixed with the guilt that he couldn’t keep his promise. Thought of dumbapple pie from the dumbapple tree that randomly started growing in Cid’s land, about spring and Cid and Vincent building their garden.
He thought about home.
Finally in what would become the moment Vincent begins to let go he thanks her, forgives her. Then, the Planet finally lets Lucretia go, the cristal she was trapped in atoning for her own sins breaks and she finally joins the Lifestream. ]
When Cid turns 43 years old, AVALANCHE celebrates at the Seventh Heaven, there are old and new faces alike, almost all of them familiar. Shera and her husband and kid are there along with an older man with a scar on his face that Vincent calls “partner”. The Turks had the nerve to turn up but Cid stops giving them the evil eye when Tseng walks straight to Vincent’s “Partner”, eyes red and upper lip trembling and hugs him. All this in seconds before the Turk is back to his serene almost stoic face.
Rufus Shinra sends a present with them, of fucking course. Reeve takes it from Cid’s hands before he rips it apart. Funnily enough, its a bottle of his favorite whiskey and an actual damn letter reading “My gift to you is not having to see my face for the whole day, you are welcome. No, the whiskey is not poisoned. Stop being so paranoid Captain Highwind” in it. “Yah, I’ll stop being paranoid of damn Shinra when that fuckin’ brat stops wearin’ suits with more belts than the ones that’re supposed to keep yer pants up and yer gun in place, dammit!”
When Cid is 50 years of age, him and Vincent attend Yuffie’s wedding (they are like her parents. She didnt imprint on them, they imprinted on her. Vincent still calls her to reminds her to eat enough vegetables every week even when she’s over 30, Cid still calls her ‘mah kid’).
Vincent wears a suit, Cerberus rests in its holster on his right thigh and if he appears behind Cid with an actual shovel, eyes glowing Mako red and Chaos golden as Cid’s having a “friendly talk” with the groom…thats between him, Cid and the poor bastard. Cid wears his Captain uniform. Both look hot as hell. Both rail each other after the reception. Life is good.
(Check out @mamoru-chiba-ua ‘s art for the reference of Cid and Vincent at Yuffie’s wedding)
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cuippedtea · 1 year
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“Say ‘I love you’ back.”
“...30 seconds.”
I wish I could’ve cleaned this up and colored it but I got demotivated and wanted to draw this scene before friday so here. This was SUCH a good session. 
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sweetdreamscafe · 9 months
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My star sending for @ask-the-royal-absol !
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