#witchy study sessions
steampunk-raven · 1 year
playing dnd rn :) it feels like it's been forever and it's been under a week lol
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damonblack966 · 8 months
How To Master Witchcraft Even Having Little Spare Time
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When Life Makes Practicing Witchcraft Difficult
Are you finding it hard to make time for your daily magical practice? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the other obligations of life, and have no idea how to fit one more thing into your already crammed schedule? You’re not alone! This is one of the most common things that I hear when I chat online, what’s stopping them from really pursuing the craft. It always comes down to too many responsibilities and too little time.
The truth is that the flashy witchcraft practices you see online are often staged, exaggerated, or even entirely made up. Comparing yourself and your practice to what you see other people doing online simply isn’t reasonable. Why would a mom of three who also works full time have a witchcraft practice that looks the same as a university student on TikTok who has no job and very few responsibilities? The answer is, she wouldn’t! That would be insane!
The thing that is actually causing such a major block in your ability to practice witchcraft isn’t a lack of time, it’s actually a lack of self-compassion. By constantly comparing yourself to other people and getting down on yourself about how you can’t, or you’re not good enough, or you’ll never be a real witch because… you’re adding a huge amount of judgment and shame to your life and your craft.
In all honesty, this kind of negative self-talk takes up a ton of time and energy! That’s time and energy that you could be putting toward literally anything else, like, ya’know… witchcraft. Rather than spending a bunch of time and energy beating yourself up for not being a good enough witch, why not make ANY amount of witchcraft a win?
The key is to start small. Instead of fitting an hour-long ritual into your daily life, try sneaking in a few minutes of magical activity here and there. Regularly writing down your thoughts in a journal that you keep near your bed or planning out a few quick spells can be just as powerful as doing full-fledged rituals. Just because it’s not big or flashy doesn’t mean that it doesn’t count! Start counting absolutely every magical moment, even 10 seconds of tuning into the energy of a room, as real witchcraft and you’ll likely find that you’re already doing way more than you thought.
You can also try to make small tasks magical. Channeling your energy toward something small can help increase the power of your spellwork and ritual work significantly. Even doing ssimple things like taking care of plants or wearing particular colors or jewelry that have special meaning for your practice can add an extra layer of magic to any activity.
Most importantly, give yourself permission to take breaks from witchcraft when needed—it’s ok if you don’t always find time for it! It’s more important that you take care of yourself first—and will ultimately help maintain stability and balance in both your magical and mundane life.
Where to Find Magical Time in Your Schedule
You don’t need to give up on living a magical life just because you don’t have the time to focus on witchcraft. With some creativity, you can find a few moments here and there to fit in magical practices but again, the key is to approach this with self-compassion. You may not be able to find time every day. Even one extra moment of focus on your craft during the week counts as a win!
Start by mapping out your weekly schedule. Take a look at the hours you spend on work and other responsibilities. Think of what small changes you can make in order to create space for witchy activities—even if it’s only five or ten minutes here and there.
For example:
Wake up 10 minutes earlier for a morning tarot card pull
Take a short meditation break during lunch
Spend half an hour listening to an audiobook or podcast before bed or during your commute
Fit in manifestation sessions or spell casting during study breaks
You’ll soon find that you are able to fit in small doses of ritual and these small moments can really add up!
Finally, if even these small moments still don’t seem to be enough, look into creative ways to practice and immerse yourself in the world of witchcraft. From joining online communities to taking classes or workshops, to learning from books, there are plenty of ways to enrich and add depth to your craft that don’t have to take up a ton of time.
At the end of the day, carving out a successful magical practice requires a bit of ingenuity and flexibility. Don’t feel bad if you can’t meet the expectations of a glitzy witchy lifestyle—start with small changes and over time, you’ll be able to gradually create a more grassroots and fulfilling magical practice.
Establishing a Daily Practice
You might not think you can make time for a daily practice of witchcraft, particularly if you have a demanding job or too many responsibilities. But it’s actually easier than it sounds—you don’t need to do something elaborate. All it takes is a little bit of effort and the right mindset.
To establish a daily practice, start by carving out just a few minutes each day for yourself. This could be during your lunch break, when you wake up, or before bed—it doesn’t matter when, as long as it works for your schedule.
Here are some simple steps to get you started:
Choose something that resonates with you—this could be divination, writing, or meditation.
Create an easily accessible space where you can set up everything you need for your chosen practice. Not having to do any setup or put things away every single day takes a LOT of the burde out of this process and makes you much more likely to return to it regularly.
Be flexible. If something in your life changes, let your practice change with it. Consistency requires that you keep the reality of your life in mind! Sometimes schedules change, your energy levels change, and what you need and want from your practice changes. Switch from mornings to evenings when you need to, let yourself do a tarot pull instead of meditation sometimes, and build ease into the practice.
Finally, BE COMPASSIONATE WITH YOURSELF. Did you miss a day? That’s fine, life happens. You missed a week? No sweat, that’s life. Get back to it when you’re ready just stop agonizing over not doing things exactly right all the time. You can become a perfectly good witch even if you get it “right” less than half the time! You are good enough.
What Do You Do If You’re Short On Time And Not Sure Where To Start?
I get it. You’re busy, you have a million responsibilities, and finding time to practice witchcraft is one thing but you don’t even know what to DO with that time when you manage to find it.
Make Figuring It Out The Goal
If you have no idea where to start, the first thing you should do with the time you do manage to carve out is figure out where to start. Literally. That is a perfectly good goal to begin with. This could mean something like spending 15 minutes a day reading about witchcraft or spending a few minutes writing about what you actually want to do with your craft. It’s ok to spend a few weeks or even months just getting the lay of the land and figuring out where you want to focus your energies first. Witchcraft is a huge and incredibly varied subject and nobody expects you to just jump straight in and know exactly what you’re doing.
Start With What Interests You
It’s important to focus on what really resonates with you when it comes to your craft. Pick one thing that speaks to you the strongest and start there—maybe you begin by studying astrology or learning spells—and go from there. This way, you don’t feel overwhelmed with all the options out there and can concentrate on mastering that one thing first before moving on to something else. It doesn’t really matter what you pick as long as it’s something that piques your interest, there’s really no “correct” order to learn things in.
Learn from Others
No one ever said that mastering a magical practice had to be done alone. Reach out to experienced practitioners and those knowledgeable in witchcraft to pick up tips and learn from their experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to open up about your own struggles—not only will it help you to get perspective on things but it will also create a sense of community among those who have similar interests and goals.
If you want someone to help you learn witchcraft in a more structured way that takes a lot of the guesswork out of it, look on a site like Udemy.
Track Your Progress
Finally, make sure to keep track of your progress. This doesn’t have to be complicated; it can take no more than writing a few words in your journal each day or creating a spreadsheet or digital document to track your spells, rituals, divination, and other activities related to your practice. Write down all of your wins, big and small. In fact, especially write down the small wins! Remember that those little moments add up and they DO count.
By tracking your progress, you’ll be able to easily refer back to your successes, what worked and what didn’t. And on days when things seem to be hitting a dead end, you’ll be able to look at the progress you’ve made and remind yourself of how far you’ve come.
By integrating these tips into your magical practice, you’ll be well on your way to mastering witchcraft despite life’s little hiccups and obstacles.
When life gets overwhelming, don’t forget that you can still practice witchcraft. It doesn’t have to be an in-depth practice or a lengthy ritual – it can be a five-minute positive affirmation every morning or lighting a white candle every night before bed. While it’s important to build a strong foundation of knowledge and practice, a lot of times the simplest techniques are the most powerful.
Remind yourself that you are in control and have the power to shape your life. Invest in yourself and create a personalized practice that works for you, but remember that a little bit goes a long way. No matter how busy or stressed you might be, a few simple steps can take you a long way on your journey to mastering witchcraft.
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caepirii · 2 months
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Other than studying to reach your dreams as witchy student in saint spell , a little smear of love with certain individual wouldn't put hindrance if it means growing together.
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pairing ; eris , simon , bugbear/reader ⌇ sslg
tags ; fluff , headcanon , established relationship , friends to lovers , slight gore/blood (bugbear) , sslg spoilers , slight suggestive(?)
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Time spent, time used between slip of chances, ticking clock upon the wall count each second, minutes, and hours, new memories will be written, and past memories will be collected neatly or messily inside the book for remembrance.
Another timeline, another beginning and ends, watching everyone make their place in your heart as your desired.
Darling sweetheart, a sunflower upon the field, unlike other sunflowers facing the rising sun. His gaze filled with adoration for you only.
Eris's love language would be physical touch and quality time— he loves running towards you through the hallway and tackling you into a hug, enjoying the time you spent together inside the arena - fight upon fight in the arena that exhausts the body further. Yet, he can't find anything more rewarding than spending time with you doing mundane stuff together.
To have you by his side is nothing but a blessing after losing his friends in the past impacted him greatly, and to have you by his side through everything even though he can be a little bit too much for some people, he can't be grateful more for you love him.
Though I said his love language is physical touch and quality time, gift-giving is never out of the question! Every day he'll bring something new for you to show off, it ranges between trinkets, food, and cute little heart-shaped rocks he found on the ground. It's a good luck charm he'd say!
If you can bake, don't be surprised if there's some suddenly missing in a second before you can decorate them, little breadcrumb trails help you find the culprit hiding inside the drawer he slips in - giggling innocently as he offers you the half-eaten cookies he took.
cute aggression, maybe it starts with you or him it doesn't matter, there's always some playful fighting between the both of you, from the field into your dorm - tossing pillows and blankets in a fight at each other, watching who will raise the white flag of surrender, so far even result of cuddle fight where both of you fighting who hold who at night, it'll end with him always winning and you giving up under him, exhausted from the brutal strength he own.
Cuddle time? Cuddle time. Big spoon or small spoon doesn't matter after he held you, with his hands and tail, you find yourself trapped with his surprisingly strong grip, sometimes he invites you to his dorm for the cuddle sessions. One thing assured for sure, you missed some classes, but hey, free cuddles.
He enjoys biting you a lot, surprisingly. Don't be surprised when the both of you cuddling and he nuzzles his head against your neck innocently at the start, it'll end with him planting kisses against your exposed skin, gently nipping the skin, not enough to hurt you, but enough to make you feel feverish before he pulls back and looks at you innocently after his advance.
Because of his habit of biting and leaving a mark upon mark against the exposed skin, he could sink his teeth into the need to start clothes that were enough to cover the bruises he left.
He just stares lovingly at you across the class with his tail wagging happily like a puppy as you wear long clothing to hide them, and you feel like dying as some couple of stares are thrown at you as they watch Eris looking at you with heart in his eyes.
would it be wrong to say you adore the lovely man? Many people may think differently of him, but not you, it'll never be you, watching him grow and become the best version of himself, you're honored to be his anchor as he is to you.
Simon's love language would be act of service and quality time — he does his best to help you in any way possible, trying his hardest to work better to prove to you that all you did for him all worth it, please tell this baby to take a rest once awhile because he wants to impress you how far he had gone, tell him how much you're proud and love him, and watch him melt and become putty in your arm, face redder that possible even with his already natural red skin.
a date with him can vary between casual dates, where you spend the most time talking about anything on your mind and keep each other's company, or studying or general reading in the library.
You always watch how his fingernails thrum, fidgets, and scratch against the table, leaving scratch marks against the wood, it helps him focus on studying further, But unfortunately, it's not good for him as he always gets scolded for ruining the class property. So, to change that you bought him the fidget cube toy with tiny plastic buttons, gears, and a joystick, he's skeptical at the tiny cube-shaped toy you gave him at first but soon starts to love it, it helps him focus on studying, and no longer get scolded for destroying the class property.
Being in the same classes as he is, you had resorted your place to sit by his side, not that he minds. Rather he's glad that you're next to him during classes, sharing notes and offering help if others don't understand certain subjects, so it becomes a habit to whisper answers and questions.
Sometimes so far accidentally brushing lips against one another ears when getting too close than anticipated, which ends with both of you becoming a flustered and stuttering mess and being called out by the professors to keep it down and a couple of stares from other students.
the more he gets comfortable with you, the more he starts to open up - not that he's never opened up to you! In a way, you'll see bolder fiendish, that'll lazily wrap his hands around your waist, pressing kisses upon your lips almost every moment given.
watching his gaze softened, no longer shy away or stuttering when caught staring. His fingers would trace gently against your skin and brush against your hair, staring with so much love in his eyes as he held you, no words were uttered, but gazing at his eyes and stupid charming smile as he held you close, body molding with one another and just stay like that, feeling the thumping of your heart against his, it feels wonderful.
Silly whimsy little nightmare fuel. will stay silly whimsy little nightmare fuel.
Bugbear's love language would be physical touch and gift giving. — dare you say he's attached to your hip, no matter how much you try to ignore his presence, you could feel eyes from the dark corner piercing behind your back, how the shadow around you embraces you like a longing lover before the familiar creature of nightmare would come to greet you by wrapping his arm around you in death grip, not allowing you to escape his grasp as he hold you.
Do you love your personal space? how unfortunate, Bugbear loves it too and wishes to annoy the living shit out of you. Good luck with that.
To say Bugbear is an enigma, and there's nothing to hide from the truth, one second, you'll be watching him shoving many ingredients and spice inside a still bloody pig and call it an offering, a prank more likely as he drags you to watch another student scream at the horrendous sight of a dead pig on their bed. The other time he'll cook a delicious well-cooked meal for your lunch while using his cute bear apron in the kitchen.
At night, almost every night, when everyone has fallen asleep and ventured into their dream world. Bugbear would always keep you awake, sending your heart fluttering from his playful tease, pinning you to your bed with the Cheshire grin you adore, soon your body is engulfed in his shadow magic and ends up in the ballroom with him. Dancing to both of your heart's content, once in a while just spending time on your or his bed wrapped in each other presence - leaving you breathless as he marks you with teeth sinking to your skin, sleep schedule be damned.
The more time you spend with him. the more you learn of his mischievous antics, it becomes easier to know when a shadow moves behind the corner of your vision before being tackled to the ground by the anima himself when you thought you were ready with his upcoming attack, he makes you think twice.
But it got him more excited as you get more aware of your surroundings. The sight of you being so anxious yet on guard of his presence in the shadow sends his heart fluttering with anticipation. Act more attentively, and get faster with your response, oh how much he loves riling you all up before teasing you again by appearing from the shadow lazily to disappoint you with the lack of tackle attacks. It's okay, it's worth the playful antics as he pecks your face with good morning kisses.
For a bad student who always ditches classes, is surprisingly smart, and able to help your failing classes, of course not being left with sarcastic remarks and playful tease.
"Oh, dear me, is my little doll can't understand some basic spells casting equations, who's fault is that for skipping classes just to meet little ol' me? Hehe, stupid. You miss me? desperate much~" (´∧ω∧`✿)
countless times you'd freeze as he cornered you in his nightmare-fueled dream, claws covered in blood and carcasses of his meal scattered upon the ground, you're aware he had brought you to his nightmare land once more and he waited patiently until you're nothing but a fragile toy he used to play and cry your weary eyes out.
but it never came as you slowly start to get numb with his antics, to say your fingers would trail across his maw that wishes nothing but devour you whole yet, held back as you pull yourself to him, desperately clinging to him and wish his torment to end. Such a vulnerable toy, such an easy prey, so precious. not yet.
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© CAEPIRII — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited
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mooreaux · 1 year
Oh no, please can we know more about Cleantha and her story?
so fun fact, dm dropped at the VERY end of the session that Cleantha's soul... didn't go to the afterlife. She's now trapped with the Elder Gods in the Dreaming where her love, Val-anquoon forces them to stay sleeping. The irony of this is not lost on her. He can't go in and get her because that would mean waking them all up and the end of life as we know it. My dm has told me this is not the end of her story thank GOODNESS
BUT if u would like to know more about my witchy gal, I shall tell you under the cut!
Lady Cleantha Mondegreene is the third child of Lord Overwood and Lady Yuliel Mondegreene (technically she is the half elven bastard from Overwood's lapse in judgement with a human at a brothel one night... but Yuliel accepted her as a daughter anyway.) She was born in the city of Caliphas in Ustalav, and had a mixed bag of a childhood. Being half elven in a very well to do pure elven family isn't always the best. But she made up for it with her intense studies at the local university.
She was always interested in the stars, and other planes. She had tutors, teachers, and other scholars who taught her all they knew and still she wished for more... Hence the budding interest in the dark tapestry and all the knowledge it held. She began to learn dark magics and witch craft to further her studies, all the while lapsing further and further from social circles, her family, and the world itself. She drifted so far that she barely noticed when her parents were killed. When her sister was married off to a brute, and when her brother left the city for other pursuits.
What she did notice was that her peers turned on her once her family was gone. She dove too deep into forbidden knowledge, and they called her cursed. When the day came that she looked up from her reading in the university library and found a group of them waiting for her. She quickly realized the knives in their hands were meant for her, and ran. They caught her quickly, and stabbed her in the back. She thought she was done for.
But that was when she met her love. At first he appeared in the shape of a man, but there was a blur about the edges of his person that made it clear he was much more. Cleantha did not know what happened to the students attacking her, but she found herself alone with this stranger. He took her home, bandaged her up, and offered her the knowledge she'd been seeking if she would make a pact with him. To be sealed with a kiss.
It was only later she found out that all the elves had vanished from the city. From the country. From the world. That they were slaves to the mind flayers who were invading from the Underdark. And that the man who had saved her life called himself their leader.
I've rambled long enough! Much much more happens after that. A whole year's worth of a campaign leading up to her death at the hands of one of her own friends. A tragic irony considering the campaign started in that library where yet another peer made to stab her in the back...
Thank you so much for asking! Making content about her will essentially be the way I keep her alive in my mind until the campaign in the future where we revisit her character!
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thelostchaoswitch · 4 months
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June is upon us, bringing the warmth of the sun and the lushness of summer! As the days grow longer, there’s a magical energy in the air that’s perfect for our witchy practices. Here are some enchanting things to do this month, including a few you might not have thought of! 🌞🔮
1. Celebrate Litha (Summer Solstice): On June 21st, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. It’s a powerful time for manifestation and gratitude. Decorate your altar with sun symbols, fresh flowers, and candles. Consider a sunrise or sunset ritual to honor the sun’s peak.
2. Herb Harvesting: Many herbs are at their peak potency in June. Gather rosemary, thyme, lavender, and sage. Dry them for use in spells, teas, and incense. Remember to thank the plants and leave offerings in return for their bounty.
3. Midsummer Night’s Dream: Inspired by Shakespeare, embrace the fae energy that’s strong during this time. Create a faery garden or leave offerings of milk, honey, and shiny trinkets in your garden to invite the fae into your life. ***Be cautious and be aware of who you are working with. Make sure you study before you call forth anything***
4. Solar Water: Create solar water by leaving a jar of water in the sunlight for several hours. This water can be used for cleansing, charging crystals, or in sun spells to bring energy and vitality into your life.
5. Nature Walks: Take long walks in nature to ground yourself and connect with the Earth. Collect natural items like feathers, stones, and leaves for your altar. Pay attention to animal sightings, as they might bring messages from the spirit world.
6. Fruit Magick: June brings a bounty of fruits like strawberries, cherries, and apricots. Use them in kitchen witchery—bake a pie with intention, make a fruit salad charged with positive energy, or create fruit offerings for deities or spirits.
7. Seashell Spells: If you live near the coast or have access to seashells, use them in your magick. Seashells represent water and can be used in love spells, for emotional healing, or to enhance intuition.
8. Firefly Meditations: If you’re lucky enough to have fireflies in your area, watch them in the evening. Use their gentle light to guide your meditation, symbolizing illumination, hope, and the beauty of small things.
9. Sun Gazing: In the early morning or late evening when the sun is not too strong, practice sun gazing. This can be a form of meditation and can help you absorb the sun’s energy directly.
10. Journaling with Intention: Reflect on the first half of the year and set intentions for the months ahead. June is a midpoint, a perfect time to reassess and realign your goals and dreams.
11. DIY Sun Catchers: Craft sun catchers with crystals, beads, and other shiny objects. Hang them in your windows to catch the sunlight and fill your space with rainbows and positive energy.
12. Create a Summer Spell Jar: Fill a jar with items that represent summer to you—sunflowers, sand, seashells, and herbs. Seal it with a yellow candle and use it to attract summer energy into your home.
13. Moonlit Bath: On a warm night, take a moonlit bath with flowers, essential oils, and sea salt. This can cleanse your aura and connect you with the moon’s feminine energy.
14. Dance Under the Stars: Gather friends or enjoy a solo dance session under the starry sky. Let the rhythm connect you with the universe and raise your vibrations.
15. Make Sun Tea: Place tea bags in a jar of water and let it steep in the sunlight. As it brews, infuse it with your intentions and drink it to absorb the sun’s energy.
Let’s embrace the magic of June and make the most of these sunny, enchanted days! What are your favorite witchy things to do in June? Share in the comments! 🌞🌸🔮
Stay strong, stay well, stay safe. 💕
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I usually write gender neutral reader, but I might slip sometimes with female pronouns. There is no use of "(Y/N)".
Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader
Rainy days and tired souls
Summary: Natasha and R take a break after a tough mission, some painting, some crying, and some comforting.
Warnings: mention of injuries (nothing graphic), hurt/comfort, fluff. Soft nat ;)
Word count: 865
Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader
Study sesh gone wrong.
Summary: It's finals week and you are overwhalmed, Wanda helps you get through a rough study session. (College Au)
Warnings: Academic stress, being very overwhalmed, flow state is a bitch sometimes, hurt/comfort, fluff at the end.
Word count: 862
Wednesday Addams x gn!reader
Mateine is the new caffeine
Summary: Wednesday tries mate for the first time, by the hand of her partner, R.
Warnings: None! Only fluff! soft!Wednesday
Word Count: 1178
Necromancy? No, cardiopulmonary resuscitation!
Summary: When the time comes, will reader be able to save her girlfriend? (or: The final battle, but make it angstier)
Warnings: Blood, Fighting, Death.
Word Count: 1281
Lucy Carlyle x gn!reader
The C in Concussion stands for Cuddles!
Summary: The aftermath of the screaming staircase case (Doubt Thou the Stars episode), Reader gets a concussion and there might be some cuddles involved.
Warnings: ghost-fighting (brief), getting a concussion (feeling dizzy and confused), hurt/comfort and fluff (I know, very surprising).
Word count: 1623
A little post-river pick-me-up.
Summary: R makes panqueques con dulce de leche (argentinian crepes filled with a milk based caramel) for the team after the shiver-inducing Thamesis fiasco.
Warnings: Falling into the Thames (chapter 7 follow-up), me sugarcoating the end because I'm weak for this fandom and this fandom only, and fluff.
Word Count: 1.9k
Sometimes it's just better (not to know).
Summary: When you get a gut feeling that something is targeting 35 Portland Row -and therefore your family-; how far will you go to protect it?
Warnings: angsty angstt, violence, a lot of nightmares and witchy stuff, reader has the gift of precognition.
Word count: 2.2k
Nancy Drew x gn!reader
When a Counterspell Backfires, Part 1.
Summary: After not taking it seriously for some time, breaking the curse Temperance casted on you and Nancy proves harder than expected.
Warnings: angst, deteriorated health mention, passing out.
Word Count: 1.3k
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toa-arania · 1 year
If the Faerie King wants it gone, you've probably fucked up.
It's time for more @homemadegirlbossbattle propaganda for Val~ Today's escapade is a more recent one, involving some of the plants Val grows in her greenhouse. Specifically, a venus fly trap that a few sessions ago seemed to be developing a capacity for affection.
Now before we get into this, here are a few things that you should probably know that venus fly traps Do Not Have:
A brain
Any kind of throat passage
A tongue
Any kind of musculature system in their stems or roots
Any grasp of the english language
A few sessions ago, there was an offhand joke about one of Val's venus fly traps apparently developing the capacity for affection, and nuzzling her when she pet it. And then it got worse.
After one of Val's friends accidentally told her family that she was hiding a body, they responded to say that someone had broken a window in the greenhouse. When she got back, she found the venus fly trap substantially bigger and looking distinctly proud of itself for apparently breaking the window itself. It eats some of the glass, and seems surprisingly content with that. Most people would start having an existential crisis here, but Val is used to weird shit so she tells it off and goes to bed. In her defence, it was about 4am by this point.
The following morning she goes to check on it and go through her daily routine of watering her plants. The venus fly trap had multiplied, and there were three smaller ones with it. This is not how plants reproduce, and this is the point where Val was at least confused. She noted down a reminder to come back and study this later, and talks to the aforementioned friend (a ghost, for future reference) about it on the way to school, who suggests she should try a few varieties of meat, including defrosted meat and bones. Most people would think this is a weird thing to ask, but Val is not Most People and is very blase about the suggestion of feeding a dead body to this plant.
Lunch time came around. Val put her bag down and there was A Sound from inside. She opens the bag. One of the little fucking plants crawls out of it and starts making baby sounds. The ghost instantly imprints on it. Supernatural shit happens all the time, so she had no reason to think this was not a normal thing for Val's witchy plants to do. The ghost spends more time petting the plant during the mafia party fitting session, and a couple of other friends meet it (the fae and the half-angel). This is the cast that will be important later when Val offers to take them back to her greenhouse for biology revision.
The first plant is substantially bigger now. The ghost adores them. No one gets any biology revision done. They all spend a while petting the plants- the ghost is obsessed, the half-angel is sceptical, Val is taking notes, and... we'll get back to the fae. It is at this point that Val mentions the plants can understand basic spoken language, so everyone does the logical thing: teach these plants to speak. It goes surprisingly well surprisingly quickly, and it is gradually becoming clear that these plants may well be sentient. Val is still taking notes, and the ghost is trying to stop the half-angel teaching them swears, during which he accidentally introduces them to the concept of jealousy. Two of the small plants eat their third sibling.
The fae is having a full-on existential crisis, because these plants are sentient, are learning to speak, and have a very clear taste for meat. He does the reasonable thing and calls up the Faerie King to ask What The Fuck. The Faerie King responds by asking "What The Fuck". There is a bit of back and forth in which the Faerie King doesn't even try to make a deal, just asks to Please Let Me Get Rid Of These. The fae, who is still trying to work out whether these are sentient, has even more of an existential crisis. He eventually relents, so the Faerie King sends an armada of fairies through the still broken greenhouse window.
Everything descends into chaos. The fairies carry away Caligula (small plant 2) and Caesar (dead small plant) while the ghost protected Claudius (small plant 1) with her- uh... "life"? We are all then distracted when the large plant eats one of the fairies, sending the fae friend's existential crisis into overdrive and confirming that fairies do in fact have bones. The large plant splits open demogorgon-style with a newly grown eye in the centre, and everyone panics, assuming that the eye means that somehow Tzeentch is now involved. Val uses magic to murder her child before it can get worse, and after a little bit of negotiating (during which we learn that the essence of a witch is apparently equivalent in value to ten gallons of choccy milk????????) Claudius is kept safe.
This will turn out to be a mistake, because now that Val is aware of what can happen, she can begin planning how to account for it with the surviving plant. Instead of learning her lesson about bestowing sentience on a plant and teaching it to eat human flesh (incidentally, Little Shop Of Horrors is one of her favourite films), she has decided that this is something she can use, as long as she knows to account for it. After all, the Faerie King's only stipulation was that Claudius cannot be allowed to reproduce, not that he can't be taught the same things as his predecessor.
This can only go well.
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My passion for authentically connecting with myself and the world around me sprouted when I was 14 years old.
I thoroughly enjoyed learning about different religions and spiritual practices, so I spent much of my free time indulging in binge study sessions.
I scoured the internet, prowled through libraries, and practiced meditation with intentions of enriching my own practice and deepening my connection to my higher self and to God.
In 2009, resources for learning about non-religious spiritual development existed, but were scarce. It was hard to tell if what was available was authentic, well researched, and unbiased.
Accessibility to open witchy communities was limited, and I couldn’t ask my friends or family about my “blasphemous” studies for fear of judgment or punishment.
Because of these challenges my spiritual journey was lonely and tumultuous for a long time.
Today, I am thankful for the endurance and wisdom that it took to arrive where I am and I am thankful for the connections that I have made that gave me the confidence to express myself unapologetically.
I believe that it is my souls purpose to be of service to souls like mine. It is my desire to provide to them what I used to wish I had.
From my soul to yours 🫶��
I am The Lioness Witch.
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
I am so late to the stranger things and Eddie train but I’m all here for it. Writing for Ed’s has been so much fun! Drawing has been a challenge but I’m here for it too. If you’ve been sticking with me or just got here, thanks! I truly treasure the dopamine and appreciation of every follow/like/reboot/comment haha! If you don’t want to see or read these posts I will tag them with #wyv rambles so that you can filter them in your tumblr settings!
Have a great week my gorgeous reader ♡
I have two multi chapter smut works I started (I was hit with so much inspo at the same time lol) one’s real spicy (smut with Billy and Steve, ending with blooming relationship with your roommate Eddie) and the other is fluffy (fem witchy reader gets invited to DnD and teaches Ed’s about her own hobbies). I have a multitude of one shot comfort fics almost done (anger, study session, bed time)
I have a finished art piece coming out Wednesday to help us get over the motivational hump of the week!
I have a more intricate Eddie scene, and a playful Eddie x Viewer illustration. I am also still working on adding various skin tones/hair to my other one posted. I also plan on doing a curly haired variant!
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Witchy study sessions part 3?: A little study spell!
Fire proof thing (bowl, cauldron, fireplace, whatever)
Rosemary (memory, make sure its dry)
Sticks from your campus (want them dry, for wisdom and education)
Mint (again dry. Everything is dry you're gonna burn it. For growth)
Basil (luck)
Salt (this isn't going to be burned)
Moon water (again not going into the fire. For wisdom and insight into "hidden" knowledge)
What to do:
Get a small fire going with your sticks
Add your dried herbs speaking your intentions while doing so.
Let it burn to ash. Meditate or chant while doing so, focusing on your intentions (education, studies, school, etc)
Leave it to cool. Bonus points if you let it sit for those cooling hours in sun or moonlight to help charge the ash.
When cooled completely, mix with the salt. You can use a mortar and pestle or a blender here if you wish and turn it into a powder, but just mixing it together with a spoon or stick or your finger (no judgment here unless you're using your tongue to mix it please don't)
Once mixed, sprinkle some around your study area (if possible) and rub the ash in your hands and your forehead (this part is optional. I guess technically everything is optional but don't feel like you gotta rub ash on your face).
Wash your hands and face off with the moon water and start studying!
This spell is kind of like a prep thing so you can burn your stuff and let it sit overnight to cool
You can store the ashes and salt in a dry place to use for later too
Let herbs air dry and sticks too
Don't breath in smoke if you have health things like asthma or don't like smoke
Smoke will stain walls and the smell will stick to them and fabrics so be careful
Use more rosemary for study sessions with memory like flashcards, mint for practical applications like id's or skill sets and basil for if you have a test. Adjust amounts accordingly.
Mint has a very strong smell
Never leave a fire unattended
Be safe and happy witching!
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nepenthendline · 4 years
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Here’s my masterlist for all haikyuu content I write! This will be consistently updated as I continue to create more 🧡🧡
Key: (hcs) - headcanons, (d) - drabble, (tw) - trigger warning, strikethrough - upcoming fics, * - smut minors DNI
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Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Helping S/O through a panic attack (hcs, tw)
S/O with Dermatophagia (hcs)
S/O crying from an argument (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Bachelor Parties (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
S/O worried to show affection (hcs)
S/O with an eating disorder relapse (hcs)
Domestic flirting (d)*
Caring for a sick S/O (hcs)
Proposal (hcs)
S/O that self-harms and has an eating disorder (hcs, tw)
S/O with selective mutism (hcs)
S/O with ADHD (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Lazy Day with S/O (hcs)
Chaotic Sugawara hcs
S/O changing stims after being told they were annoying (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
“Your laugh is beautiful” (d)
Pegging hcs*
S/O having an epileptic seizure (d)
Domestic moments (d)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Wedding Dress (d)
S/O who sleeps a lot (hcs)
First Kiss (d)
Their favourite dates (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
Tummy (d)
S/O with sensory sensitivity (hcs)
Pegging hcs*
Taking care of his hair (d)
Domestic moments (d)
Love Languages (hcs)
Moving in together (hcs)
Beach day (hcs)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Helping S/O through a panic attack (hcs, tw)
S/O crying from an argument (hcs)
Their favourite dates (hcs)
Tanaka Boyfriend hcs
Tanaka with a chubby S/O (hcs)
Care (d)
Type of criers (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Bachelor Parties (hcs)
Needy Tanaka with a responsible S/O (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
Girlfriend in a rock band (hcs)
Period Sex* (hcs)
“It’s not your fault” (d)
Pegging hcs*
S/O having an epileptic seizure (d)
Comforting S/O after failing exams - ADHD!reader (hcs)
S/O who’s pet died (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Period Stains (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
“I missed you, so much” (d)
Mental Health (hcs)
Love Languages (hcs)
Proposal (hcs)
S/O that self-harms and has an eating disorder (hcs, tw)
Sleepy Tsukishima after a match (hcs)
Tsukishima being soft with his crush (hcs)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Pamper session (d)
Clumsy S/O (hcs)
S/O that sings randomly (hcs)
Chronically ill S/O who feels they are a burden (hcs)
S/O with Dermatophagia (hcs)
S/O with Anxiety (hcs)
S/O crying from an argument (hcs)
Writer S/O writing passionately for the first time (hcs)
Their favourite dates (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Bachelor Parties (hcs)
Trust (d)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
S/O with sensory sensitivity (hcs)
S/O that forgets to eat (hcs)
“Don’t listen to them” (d)
“You’re not going to fail” (d)
“You compliment me nicely” (d)
“I like having you around” (d)
S/O that gets cuddly in the cold (hcs)
Study break nap (d)
Him begging for attention (d)*
Together (d)
Embrace (d)
Love Languages (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
Skirts and thigh-highs (d*)
Mental Health (hcs)
Proposal (hcs)
With an affectionate S/O (hcs)
S/O with Dermatophagia (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Helping S/O through a panic attack (hcs, tw)
S/O who sleeps a lot (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Quiet S/O cheering them on (hcs)
Bachelor Parties (hcs)
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Proposal (hcs)
S/O with selective mutism (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Study Date* (d)
Unmotivated Friend (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
S/O worried to show affection (hcs)
“I love your personality, you’re so sweet” (d)
“You’re such a nerd” (d)
“You’re so strong” (d)
S/O with an eating disorder relapse (hcs)
Love Languages (hcs)
Proposal (hcs)
With an affectionate S/O (hcs)
Clumsy S/O (hcs)
S/O crying from an argument (hcs)
S/O dealing with tics (hcs)
“It’s going to be ok” (d)
S/O who forgets to eat breakfast (hcs)
Beach day (hcs)
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Going on a hike (d)
Crush comforting Iwaizumi after losing to Karasuno (d)
S/O with ADHD (hcs)
Christmas/Holiday (hcs)
S/O showing emotion for the first time (hcs)
Bi S/O getting kicked out (hcs)
S/O changing stims after being told they were annoying (hcs)
Period Sex* (hcs)
“You are good enough” (d)
“I know you do can it” (d)
S/O that overworks themselves at school (hcs)
S/O that gets cuddly in the cold (hcs)
Flirting with Kageyama’s S/O (hcs)
S/O who’s pet died (hcs)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Sleepover with Oikawa (hcs)
S/O showing emotion for the first time (hcs)
Period cramps (d)
S/O ignored when talking (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Writer S/O writing passionately for the first time (hcs)
Bachelor Parties (hcs)
Seeing S/O dressed up for the first time (d)
Unmotivated Friend (hcs)
Lazy Day with S/O (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
‘You have a lovely voice’ (d)
S/O that overworks themselves at school (hcs)
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Developing a crush on hinata’s older sister pt 1 (hcs)
Developing a crush on hinata’s older sister pt 2 (d)
Selective Mutism/Non-verbal ASD Aone (hcs)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Soulmates (d)
Holding hands and kissing for the first time in public (hcs)
“I will support you” (d)
S/O having an epileptic seizure (d)
Size and breeding kink (d)*
S/O having an epileptic seizure (d)
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Love Languages (hcs)
Helping him relax after practice (d)
Finding his S/O and child jumping in puddles (hcs)
S/O showing emotion for the first time (hcs)
Clumsy S/O (hcs)
Comforting his S/O (d)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
S/O crying from an argument (hcs)
Writer S/O writing passionately for the first time (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Unmotivated Friend (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
Hand fixation (d)
Mental Health (hcs)
Your child fighting with Bokuto over pet-names (hcs)
S/O that feels everyone hates them (d)
S/O with loud and big stims (ADHD) (hcs)
Christmas/Holiday (hcs)
Chronically ill S/O who feels they are a burden (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Period Stains (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Bachelor Parties (hcs)
Witchy S/O (hcs)
S/O dealing with tics (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
Period Sex* (hcs)
“You’re not annoying” (d)
S/O that overworks themselves at school (hcs)
Comforting S/O after failing exams - ADHD!reader (hcs)
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Mental Health (hcs)
Love Languages (hcs)
S/O that self-harms and has an eating disorder (hcs, tw)
S/O with ADHD (hcs)
Insecurity (d)
S/O with selective mutism (hcs)
S/O who’s pet died (hcs)
Gentle Loving* (d)
Traits a S/O could take advantage of (hcs)
Soft n*fw hcs*
S/O that sings randomly (hcs)
S/O ignored when talking (hcs)
S/O with Dermatophagia (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Period Stains (hcs)
Poly!Ushiten x S/O (hcs)
Pulling Away (d)
Their favourite dates (hcs)
Type of criers (hcs)
Bi S/O getting kicked out (hcs)
Lazy Day with S/O (hcs)
Witchy S/O (hcs)
Chocolate making date (d)
S/O changing stims after being told they were annoying (hcs)
S/O worried to show affection (hcs)
S/O dealing with tics (hcs)
Helping S/O with school (hcs)
Favourite forms of intimacy (hcs)
Period Sex* (hcs)
Holding hands and kissing for the first time in public (hcs)
Chubby S/O (d)
“I’m proud of you” (d)
“You’re so special to me” (d)
“This is so good” (d)
Focus - ND!Reader* (d)
S/O having an epileptic seizure (d)
Mental Health (hcs)
Type of S/O (hcs)
Poly!Ushiten x S/O (hcs)
Period Sex* (hcs)
S/O with an eating disorder relapse (hcs)
With an affectionate S/O (hcs)
S/O having an epileptic seizure (d)
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Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Teasing you (d)
Making out (d)*
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(aka I don’t really write for them but sometimes they pop up)
First Date (hcs)
S/O who sleeps a lot (hcs)
“You don’t have to be perfect” (d)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
Haikyuu guys that can do the WAP dance (hcs)
579 notes · View notes
savgogh · 4 years
study music masterlist
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 ☁ Ambient ☁
Library Sounds
Royal Library
Hogwarts Classroom
Book Cafe 
Summer kitchen
Howl's Moving Castle : Howl's Room
Cozy coffee shop on a rainy night
Relaxing Sounds of Cafe in Japan
Witchy Coffee Shop
Cozy Italian cafe 
Spaceship Room
Van, vibing across space
Seaside Art Room
Potion Shop
Hobbit Hole
Victorian era
221B Baker Street 
Hogwarts Express
☁ Lo-fi ☁
1A.M. study session
code-fi / lofi beats to code/relax to
Flowers ft. Nori
1 hour of aesthetic & calm lofi music 🌙
Little astronaut, big dreams.
Animal Crossing • Relaxing Music
[BT21] KOYA's Sleep Music
Mellow Vibe
Learn to relax
kit kat morning
Just wanna stay here forever
bollywood lofi
5:30 A.M Study🕞
Lo-fi for Angels (Only)
1 hour of rainyday lofi aesthetic music
☁ Classical ☁
you're following the mysterious student who is sneaking out of the dormitories  
Studio Ghibli Music Collection Piano and Violin Duo
4 Hours Classical Music for Studying, Relaxation & Concentration
Disney RELAXING PIANO Collection
a dark academia playlist to read to ☕️🍁🌙
Disney Violin Collection 
Dark academia music - Classical edition
a light academia classical study playlist 🕯🥐☕ 
I told the stars about you (a dark academia/royalty playlist)
Studio Ghibli Emotional Melody : Cello Collection with Calcifer
1 Hour of Ethereal Remix by A.Krishna
☁ Forest ☁
Woodland Ambience, Bird Song, Nearby Village
Enchanted forest
Swamp Sounds
Spring morning
Natural Calming Water
Into an enchanting forest
Tropical Forest
Forest at night
☁ Ocean waves / Underwater ☁
Underwater fantasy castle
Cozy Underwater Room
Ocean Waves white noise
Water themed Nintendo music
Gentle Ocean Waves
Early morning ocean waves
☁ Rain / Thunderstorms ☁
Animal Crossing Rainy Day
Rain on window
Cozy Room with Relaxing Rain Sounds
Rain Sounds on Tin Roof
Rain Sounds on Roof
Mountain Rain & Thunderstorm
Rain and Wind in Forest
Thunderstorm and a crackling fireplace 
Chimmy’s rainy garden 
☁ Study with me ☁
1 hour study with Natsu night ver.
1 hour Ghibli study with The Hanoi Chamomile (music)
1 hour study with Namjoon and Jungkook 
1 hour study with Wonho
1.5 hour pomodoro study with Study To Success
2 hour study with Tan Yi (music)
2 hour rainy day study with gutsy studygirl (rain)
2.5 hour pomodoro study with TheStrive Studies (music)
3 hour pomodoro study with The Sherry Formula (music)
3 hour pomodoro study with Sebastian Pirie (music)
4 hour study with Merve
4.5 hour pomodoro study with TheStrive Studies
5 hour study with MDprospect (music)
7 hour study with Study Vibes (with motivational talks during breaks)
7 hour pomodoro study with Kharma Medic
12 hour pomodoro study with James Scholz (rain)
12 hour study with Ari Horesh (rain)
( use this link or any other yt converter to download the video/audio! )
1K notes · View notes
the---hermit · 3 years
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27/100 days of productivity
Today I :
Continued reading The Book Of Lost Things by John Connolly ( I managed to get more or less half an hour of reading as the first thing after waking up!)
Watched and annotated the second to last lesson of my prehistory and protohistory class
Read and annotated two files of the additional material for that lesson
Did my daily drawing for the inktober ( I am not entirely happy with it, mostly beacuse I don't ever draw humans so my proportions suck. Also that's the reason why I opted for a character with a mushroom head, also that gives me major autumn vibes, socI felt like it was a good fit.)
Did some witchy journaling
Had a writing session
Autumn studying challenge //2nd October - Do you have any autumn traditions?
I do! I celebrate the autumn equinox every year, and I like to take a acorn to keep with me during the cold months, and then return it on the spring equinox. This year unfortunately I have not managed to get one yet. I also celebrate Samhain at the end of October, so I guess that also counts as a tradition.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Thinking About How This Wasn't Actually a Denial
But was it self preservation?
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The year was 2013 and rather than a denial, Jensen said "Don't ruin it for everybody now."
What was the fan 'ruining' for everybody? The Con? or something else? So if I was a tinhatter - and sometimes I am - I might think about other tv shows from the past that were covertly queer and how they handled the question, were TV shows 'out'?
Mainstream shows like Bewitched, you know, shows that are so clearly straight, you can tell because... well. ... they never technically used the word 'gay'. ... witches honor
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SPN Film Studies is Back in Session! Join Under the Cut for more on supernatural & the story about how Bewitched! came out of the Broom Closet
Bewitched aired from 1964-72, it's so old the first season was in B&W. The show starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha, the strange housewife with a stranger secret. Her husband, Darrin, unwittingly married into the whole witchy family, from the now drag icon Agnes Moorehead's Endora with her open marriage, to the unmarried and batty Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne who played the mother in Hitchcock's heavily gay coded 'Strangers on a Train'), to the extremely coded Uncle Arthur (gay actor Paul Lynde). (We can't know for sure, but it seems at least 4 members of the cast were gay themselves.) The core premise of the show involves Samantha balancing who she really is with repressing that self for the safety and comfort of her family.
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Samantha and her husband keep her [ahem] 'queer' nature a secret which gets harder on Samantha when she has to tell her daughter to live the same way, “I know what fun it is to be a part of the magical life ... to have so much at your fingertips. But we’re living in a world that’s just not ready for people like us, and I’m afraid they may never be. So you’re going to have to learn when you can use your witchcraft and when you can’t.”
There are plenty of generic 60s wacky hijinks but there are also whole episodes metaphorically about repression being harmful, episodes where characters asked if another was a 'thespian', episodes where Darrin was queercoded while under a spell, episodes about representation & bad stereotyping in media, and even two episodes where witches discussed whether it was time for witches to come out to the mortals, (whether mortals could accept that they were just nice normal people trying to live their lives like everybody else - or not - and would just freak out and kill them again).
When it came time to recast Dick York's Darrin with a new 2nd lead, Elizabeth and her husband, William Asher, knowingly cast the gay Dick Sergeant. (Although he wasn't out publicly at the time.) Then, when Sergeant came out in '91, Montgomery supported him and the two served together as the grand marshals of the Hollywood pride parade.
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Dick Sargent expressed in the 90s what he would want in a Bewitched reunion episode: for Darrin to meet another like couple, a witch and a mortal who are married, and another, and another, and end up forming a whole community and support group, finding out that it was never so uncommon after all, that it was actually "about 10% of the population." The two would march in the first mortals and witches pride parade, saying they should have come out years ago.
In '94, Montgomery had this to say about the queer themes of the show, “Don't think that didn't enter our minds at the time. We talked about it on the set, that this was about people not being allowed to be what they really are. If you think about it, Bewitched is about repression in general and all the frustration and trouble it can cause. It was a neat message to get across to people at that time in a subtle way.” (x)
Interviewer: Are you concerned that your involvement in the gay-pride parade will lead people to believe you're a lesbian?
"[Laughing] I'm really not worried about that. There are bigger things to worry about. Like the presidential election and finding a cure for AIDS. I did the parade in support of Dick. I mean, in the end, didn't we all?" (x) (Montgomery was also one of the first celebrity allies to fight for LGBTQ rights and support HIV/AIDS-related fundraisers.)
So did they talk about it at the time? No. You can bet they didn't speak about it publicly. What would have happened if a fan, publicly, had asked Elizabeth, William, or Dick about the show's queer allegory content? This was a time when being gay was a literal felony. They would have had to have lied or risked losing the show, their careers, and possibly subjecting themselves to violence.
Now. back to Jensen and the Schrodinger's long con:
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This was in 2013 - The same year that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a federal ban on gay marriage. You certainly couldn't call homosexuality illegal in the US at that time. It's the same year that Dabb and Sgriccia spoke about the Aaron moment on the DVD and whether there's 'this potential for love in all places' for Dean. Of course Jensen said this about the very same scene: "But it was - you know - it was comedy. It was a comedic moment in the show and fortunately Dean gets a lot of the comedic moments in the show and it was just, you know, Ben was poking fun at the fact that - you know, how can we make this very kind of manly, heterosexual guy uncomfortable - uh -you know, or  or have him back on his heels and throw him off his game a little bit.”
I'm reminded of 2012 when Ben Edlund stepped in about a Destiel question at comic con, pretending it was some freaky thing that fans had made up even though he'd already written and directed TMWWBK, which had already aired.
Jensen: “What’s Destiel?” Ben Edlund: That’s some weird shit. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? Ben: You don’t want any part of that.
Or the next year for season 9 when Jensen said “I think the whole Cas and Dean thing has gotten out of hand”  “I don’t think there’s anything secret to their relationship even though a lot of people wish there was” EVEN THOUGH- that season we got the nightstands acknowledgement and Misha (or both of them?) was told to “play him like a jilted lover”
Or Jensen's knowing bromance smile in 2015
I think recent events (cough spn gate) have made clear that the network and many viewers were still uncomfortable with CAS being gay in 2020, deleting even familial mentions of Cas from the finale episodes once he was revealed to be not only gay but also in love with Dean. (x) (x) (x) Can you imagine then what Warner Brothers would have said to an acknowledge bisexual Dean Winchester in 2013? Granted, there was no Trump election, but legitimate, could that have been the end of the show? Or the Russian and Conservative US viewership? Is it possible that Jensen would have feared so?
Is it possible that Jensen had a more personal reason for a knee jerk defensive response?
So was Jensen covering in 2013? Well. This happened 5 years later in 2018:
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That hostile "? No." came even though Misha confirmed that he and Jensen had discussed Destiel by that point. Granted, discussing Destiel as a concept and accepting Dean being inherently bisexual are two very different things - Cas is GN after all - still, less than encouraging.
I may never get over the jumps back and forth that Jensen did. At this point I think there's no denying that a lot of SPN's queer content was on purpose, even as writers and actors were telling fans and network execs otherwise. Yet when each person involved was brought in? that question haunts me at night. I have gone off before about the timeline in my pursuit of whether Jensen was Ben Hur'd (x) and, if so, for how long. I'm sure many in this fandom have so much to add.
In the meantime we'll just have to cherish this moment from 2019:
Interviewer: 'So, tell us just a little bit about what you’re most excited to tackle with your character this final season.’ Jensen: “Cas. Just like a full football form tackle.”
Bewitched references in SPN:
2.05 - Dean: Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he's gotta use verbal commands.
2.20 - Dean says Barbara Eden was hotter than Elizabeth Montgomery - sigh - Dean.
7.05 - Dean thinks a husband has no idea his wife is a witch, and refers to him as Darrin. Dean also indicates he likes the first Darrin better. - (I guess I can't make a comment about how much TV Dean watched as a kid if I get all of his references and also haven't saved the world.)
14.03 - Jules refers to the witch as 'Brunhilde' - this is a minor character in bewitched but more so from mythology and likely referred to the cartoon witch from WB cartoons - the stereotypical witch that faced bugs bunny with the green skin and straw hair.
let me know if you have any to add. Stay Witchy ✌
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girlicarian · 3 years
🌻 ( kiernan shipka, 19, she/her ) class is in session for AMETRINE WAILLE. the student file says they are a NEPHILIM and that they belong to house LUMINA, currently being a FIRST year, where they’ll study NECROMANCY.
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━ 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬.
nickname(s): ame, trina ( only by her grandmother ), gemmy. zodiac sign: leo mbti: esfp orientation: bisexual & biromantic
birth place: biggleswade, england current residence: sun house, arcanas academy
classes: astronomy, conjuration, necromancy, spellcasting clubs: writing & poetry ( president ), photography
━  𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝.
her father is the angelic parent. he skipped outta heaven on a weird mission to “make an army” of his own nephilim children. sadly for him angels aren’t super potent so he only made do with two kids then was arrested or sum stuff.
her mother has always been obsessed with witchy occult things, especially since seeing her angelic one night stand with wings randomly one day.
ametrine’s always been told she was a miracle, godsent ( literally ), the child of a literal angel etc. etc. needless to say that does things to the ego of a child.
she’s always been outgoing, popular, and full of initiative. likes being in charge and doing the dirty deeds no one else wants to do.
in high school she ran the school paper and was dubbed as a total dictator control freak. 
she might have also pushed away one high school boyfriend because of a tad too much jealousy and possessiveness. high school was rough.
when she got her powers at 18 she kinda showed them off at school, so an arcanas recruiter had to come and wipe their memories.
she did end up with a human friend named nina, who’s been her sidekick on her journey for discovery. ametrine made sure to re-inform nina of her powers. nina also happened to lose her mother a couple of months before meeting ametrine, and now the two of them are convinced ametrine can learn necromancy and bring her back.
that’s obviously not how things work, but ametrine doesn’t know what no is. she was taught anything is possible, to always believe in herself, and that good intentions will always pay off.
that’s not to say she can’t admit she’s wrong or doesn’t know something. she can, it’s just that she believes nothing is impossible. though tbf, she hasn’t really been tested in this belief much. so far...
━ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬.
her hobbies include poetry, writing short stories, photography, and lately she’s also been dabbling a bit in baking.
back home she has a golden retriever named penny who she absolutely adores. though her favorite animals are probably birds. she really wants one.
ametrine can be a bit of a tyrant. control freak, bossy, very thoroughly organized.
loves volunteer work and used to volunteer at a pet shelter when she was in high school.
although she’s a first year, she became president of writing and poetry club out of spite toward the old president, who basically never did anything with it. she basically talked her way into an election and was lucky enough the old president just didn’t care to keep the seat.
favorite color is yellow. favorite flower is sunflower. favorite season is summer. favorite food is chicken burgers. favorite drink is lemon soda. 
━ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
> half-brother: this is an actual wc, you can check out the deets here: https://arcanasrp.tumblr.com/post/680141725938991104/ametrine-waille-is-looking-for-the-following. it only applies to nephilims, though.
> study buddies: people she often meets up with in the library to study and have chatter in between. not really a super close friend since they don’t hang out outside of this window.
> buttheader: someone she’s clashing with over something she really values. either someone she’s competing with for grades in a class, or someone in the writing club challenging her, anything goes.
> fellow cat carer: there’s a cat by irridosa lake in aurora. she’s been feeding it once in a while. someone else could have been doing this too, so now they’re sharing custody.
> first year helper: being a first year, ametrine’s still relatively new, so someone who could’ve showed her around ( aside from her regent ) and is still lending a hand would be nice.
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Ice Skating with Issei
Car Rides and Cafes (Akaashi)
Stargazing with Tsukki
Date Me? (Kenma)
Carnivals and Clowns (Bokuto)
Operation Valentine (Tanaka)
Beach Day (Asahi)
Movie night (Iwaizumi)
Love Notes (Kuroo)
Moonlit Nights (Ushijima)
Reunion (Ukai)
Confessions and Study Sessions (Kuroo)
It’s The What For Me? (Suna)
A Valentine’s Day to Remember (Suga)
A Very Special Date Indeed (Oikawa)
Stars and Galaxies (Kuroo)
Froggy (Suna)
Worth It (Bokuto)
Jealousy (Osamu)
Mutual Pining (Yams)
You’ll Always Have Me (Kags)
Never Again (Ukai)
Covid Date (Ushijima)
Movie Night The Sequel (Iwaizumi)
Cat Parents
A “Perfect” Match
Dog Parents
Yams + Pink
Tendou + Brown
Oikawa + Periwinkle
Yams + Blue
Suna + Black
Osamu + Red/Yellow
Suga Moodboard
Noya/Suga + Purple
Tsukki + Gold/Navy
Osamu + Red/Orange/Purple
Kita + Sage/Black
Kenma + Brown/Yellow/Blue
Kenma + Red
Kuroo + Purple/Red
Dating Bokuto HC
Dating Kenma HC
Dating Osamu HC
Dating Asahi HC
Dating Lev HC
Atsumu + Kuroo with s/o who has superpowers HC
Bokuto + Oikawa with s/o who has superpowers HC
Music + Haikyuu HC
Haikyuu Boys + Instruments
Rating Haikyuu Characters with Kat
Haikyuu + Girl Scout Cookies
Nekoma w innocent s/o singing WAP
Crushing on your bffs brother
HQ Boys with lightweight s/o
Kenma teaching you video games
HQ boys w a energetic sibling
Taking care of stressed s/o
Reaction to you burning yourself
HQ Boys teaching you to skate
HQ Boys with a witchy s/o
Panic Attack HC
HQ Boys with a small s/o
Nekoma with a badass manager
Street Racing AU
Long distance with Bokuto
Meeting your parents Hc
Celebrating your birthday Hc
Kid Hc
Flings with the Hq Boys
Teaching you to drive Hc
Falling asleep on them Hc
HQ boys with a gamer s/o
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Atsumu (oceandahlia)
Bokuto (oyaoyaoioioi)
Kenma (Minidarkslayer)
Kuroo (splishsplashyourtrash)
First Meetings (Bokuto x Reader)
The Good The Bad and The Ugly (Mafia!Bokuto x Reader)
Assassination (Oikawax Reader)
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