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hylianmewmew · 4 months ago
witchweed ch 7: Ocimum basilicum – great basil
tw monster gore and vivid descriptions of pain + injury !
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
Strigolactones, which occur in about 80% of plant species, are a group of terpenoid lactones (see Figure 15.8H) that were originally discovered as host-derived germination stimulants for root parasitic plants, such as the witchweeds (Striga spp.) and broomrapes (Orobanche and Phelipanche spp.) (Figure 15.15).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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unsister · 1 year ago
i fear grey is yet another fox-coded character of mine in terms of an animal motif
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years ago
Introducing the immortal twinks club
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Requirements to join club:
Don't be/act straight
Be over 100 yrs old/immortal
Current members:
Hali Webb = Spider Demon-Fae Thing
Viorel Vladimirovich Athanasius Alistair Gideon Erasmo Wilfred Johannes Clarence Vasilyev-Vervain = Vampire (not my oc they belong to my fren)
Kynan Griffn = Elf
Silverio Witchweed = Half-Fae
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orangetintedglasses · 2 years ago
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Anonymous said: Sundew is a cute nickname! There's a lot of cute little flora nicknames you could use - sundew, nightshade, witchweed...
Vash doesn't seem particularly amused by this anymore.
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"I've read about nightshade before-- a lot of things like tomatoes and potatoes are in the nightshade family... but compounds within others in the family are highly toxic, and even small amounts can induce paralysis, delirium and hallucinations, convulsions, and death in fully-grown adults."
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"Don't think I don't understand what you're doing. You're naming harmful plants."
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gaiatan · 9 months ago
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This Is Our Garden Now
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astra-ravana · 6 months ago
Datura has been used in witchcraft, shamanic practices, and religious rites for untold centuries. Many ancient cultures considered the plant to be sacred. Please note, however, Datura is highly toxic. It is safe to handle (wash your hands) but never ingest it. You will suffer never-ending, nightmarish hallucinations that can leave you with serious trauma and brain damage. Always treat this powerful plant with the utmost respect.
Other names: Sacred datura, jimson weed, devil's trumpet, witchweed, loeoweed, devil's apple, Jamestown weed, Moon flower, stramonium
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water, Earth
Planets: Moon, Saturn, Venus, Pluto
Deities: Hekate, Hades, Horus, Apollo, Kali, Lilith, Leviathan, Melinoe, Baba Yaga, Thoth, Tiamat
Magical uses: Baneful magick, protection, dream work, divination, astral travel, invisibility, boosting power, Lunar magick, spirit work
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the-witchy-sideblog · 5 months ago
Plants for The Corruption
Strangler Figs (Ficus)
Dodder (Cuscata)
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja)
Witchweeds (Striga)
Boomerapes (Orobanche and Phelipanche)
Hydnora (Hydnora africana)
Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium Americanu)
European Mistletoe (Viscum album)
Australian Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda)
Ghost plant (Monotropa uniflora)
Giant padma (Rafflesia arnoldii)
Thurber’s stemsucker (Pilostyles thurberi)
Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor)
Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)
Poplar Mushroom (Cyclocybe parasitica)
Elm Oyster Mushroom (Hypsizygus ulmarius)
Chaga (Inonotus obliquus)
Lobster Mushroom (Hypomyces lactifluorum)
Honey Fungus (Armillaria mellea)
Caterpillar Fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis)
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katiajewelbox · 1 year ago
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Imagine finding this unusual-looking wildflower in a summer meadow... One might assume, based on its mauve colour and upright growth, that it is a native European orchid. However, the truth is far stranger and more sinister - this odd wildflower is a "vegetable vampire" sucking the vitality from nearby plants!
The Common Broomrape (Orobranche minor) is a species of parasitic plant distributed across Europe. This plant is a "holoparasite", meaning it still has the basic anatomy of a plant (leaves, stems, roots, and flowers) but it lacks the ability to do photosynthesis and thereby generate its own energy for growth and reproduction. Most members of the Orobrancheae plant family are parasites, including the famous Striga genus which is a major pest of economically important crops such as maize and sugarcane in Sub Saharan Africa.
How does the "vampire" find its victims? Broomrape seeds can remain dormant in the soil of meadows, roadsides, and other environments for many years. If a preferred host plant starts growing near the dormant seeds, the seeds sense biological chemicals released by the potential host plants' roots. The Broomrape prefers Fabaceae (Pea family) and Asteraceae (Daisy family) plants. As the parasitic plant germinate and grows, it develops specialised roots called "haustoria" that physically penetrate the hosts' roots and extract nutrients from the host. The "vampire feeding" happens underground, so the Broomrape appears to be another innocent wildflower aboveground.
If you find a Broomrape anywhere in the UK or Europe, don't feel compelled to be a "vampire hunter" and destroy it. Please leave it be! The native European Broomrape is part of the natural ecosystem and it does not harm any crops or garden plants.
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hylianmewmew · 5 months ago
thank you co writer miriam (one of my cats) her input is very important and i should take these suggestions very seriously
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[image is a screenshot of my witchweed doc with keyboard smashes as brought to you by one of my cats]
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georgiaeveritt · 1 year ago
Research - Parasitic Plants
only some species are parasitic
viscum album - native to uk
most mistletoe seeds are spread by birds
lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium Americanum) -native to west north america - spreads to new hosts by exploding its seeds from treetops
each dwarf mistletoe fruit has a single seed that ruptures when mature
it shoots its speed up to 90 kilometres per hour
the seed is covered in a sticky substance that helps it stick to its new host
its evergreen colour is stolen from the chlorphyll from stealing water and minerals from the host tree
Stinking Corpse Flower:
Rafflesia arnoldii
world's largest flower
grows up to 1m
11 kilos
horrible smell
used to attract flies to pollinate it
unable to photosynthesis and instead gain nutrients by stealing it from the roots of nearby Tetrastigma vines
thrive in rainforests
buds are harvested and solf for medicinal properties
native to Malaysia and indonesia
a fly must land on a male flower, avoid being eaten and transport the pollen to a female flower in order to pollinate
if pollination is successful it produces a small fruit
squirrels and birds enjoy this fruit and help with seed dispersal
European Dodder:
Cuscata - native to Europe
has no roots or leaves
identifiable by its yellow/orange stems
stringy hair-like appearance
in the morning glory family
will drain its host plant's nutrients until it has killed it
obligate parasite - cannot survive without a host
seedlings must find one within 5-10 days before running out of energy
senses nearby plants that make the best hosts and actively grow in their direction
notable parasite of alfalfa, a widespread crop
Asiatic Witchweed
Striga asiatica
annual parasitic weed of agricultural crops
originates from africa and south asia
obligate parasite - cannot develop independently
hairy stems, green
linear leaves
small red, white, yellow or purple flowers
the flowers give way to swollen seed pods that contain thousands of microscopic seeds per pod
reproduces by seed
can be used for treating intestinal parasites
can parasite important crops such as corn, sugar cane and rice
reduce yields and contaminate crops
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orangetintedglasses · 2 years ago
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@ninevoltcolt said: "You know, it's quite interesting. That which most may consider 'harmful' tends to have other properties as well." "Nightshade, for instance, has proven to be a very useful as a pain reliever, or muscle relaxant. Sundew can be dried and brewed to ease respiratory issues, and witchweed can treat intestinal parasites. Fascinating, isn't it?" -Jakobs
"It's the harmful properties that get the most talked about because they're harmful." Vash says, sort of glancing at the other with a listlessness in his gaze.
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"It's less interesting if the plant can do something good, too, so people spread that information and avoid those plants even if they do have benefits. To those people, it doesn't matter what good it can do."
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govpubsfinds · 6 years ago
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U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. (1990). Have You Seen the Carolina’s Most Wanted Weed?. (Poster). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Full text available via HathiTrust. 
A poster announcing a bounty on witchweed (Striga asiatica). Witchweed is a parasitic plant that attacks crops such as corn, resulting in devastating crop losses. The poster offers a $10 bounty (in participating counties) for sightings of the invasive plant. Readers are advised in bold red font to not remove the plant but to contact the USDA.  
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lazyevaluationranch · 5 years ago
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2/7/2020 Ghost plant. Last year we found some inky black goo in the forest we thought might be ghost plant residue, but this year we actually caught them before they melted.
Ghost plants get their energy and nutrients by parasitizing underground fungal networks. So they don't need leaves, or air, or green chlorophyll, or sunlight. They live hidden underground and only appear in the air briefly, to flower and spread their seed. They are pale and translucent and melt away to nothing if you pick them. 
Since they don't need sunlight, they show up in the most dark and shadowy parts of the forest. They are almost luminous there, like light filtering up through the stone from the Moon Under the Mountain.
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threadrunner · 3 years ago
me in my brain breaking down every piece in information shown in the new witch queen trailer. looking into etymology and shit.
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jamieedlund · 3 years ago
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And from the boy's arm sprouted the witchweeds
Very well!- the plant exclaimed
Your life force shall be an acceptable trade, we will undo the curse.
Extra notes: my agenda is saving your idiot on death door and being smug about it afterwards like 'Haha you didn't think I'd let you die that easily right? You literally raised me to be the strongest human mage, you bastard!' vs 'There are witchweeds literally growing out of you, give it here before it kills you' *gets rid of the parasitic plants*
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