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mihail228 · 8 months ago
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Lye Batenkaitos
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nimidus · 2 years ago
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matheus-gurgel · 11 months ago
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tobacconist · 1 year ago
theres this prevailing idea in all discussion of historical witchcraft that... it just didnt happen. it was all hysteria and nothing but the deranged fantasies of misogynist men levelled at innocent women.
like. okay. i get it. most people dont believe in witchcraft in this day and age. its easy to read historical grimoires and think 'this is all just fantasy. this is like creative writing. anointed with milk in which nine bats have been drowned? a lions pelt smeared inside with the fat of a murdered baby? wearing a dead mans shroud stolen from his very grave? theres no way people actually did those things...
but they did. we know they did. even if you dont believe it 'worked', the fact remains that people did, infact, do these things, and did believe that it worked. we have not only the books and grimoires themselves (and the cultural oral tradition of it all, references in literature and idiom etc) but actual, physical archaeological evidence of people performing these kinds of rites. like, toads sealed up in jars etc. and most importantly - PEOPLE STILL DO THIS SHIT. occultism still exists. yes, you might think they are just nutters who like playing dressup, but ritual murder/animal sacrifice/all sorts of other bizarre shit DOES still go on, and it is in direct cultural lineage with this.
it isnt a perfect metaphor, but what i always say is this: if you want to truly understand the cultural environment which brought about the witchtrials in england - look to modern day nigeria. that is: a deeply religious country, historically colonised, where pre-christian animist traditions are still a strong part of society but sit uneasily with the religious establishment. where many people do still believe in witchcraft, generally despise it, but often resort to it for matters of love/business/to curse ones enemies/etc in secret. ive heard it described as two rival vendors at a market, each vying to win over the people. one side is a fairly new foreign import which is more respectable and has the backing of the establishment, promising a better life in the beyond in return for living righteously; and the other side has been there for years, everyone knows her products are bad but theyve all relied on her in the past, and she doesnt care how righteously you live, and doesnt promise a better life far far away but offers immediate improvement in the very primal aspects of life. and there are still laws against witchcraft in nigeria, but the higher government would rather just ignore it, leaving such matters to the local level and; the law failing, often these shoddy venders end up at the hands of mob justice. and its not hard to imagine (back to medieval britain) how this kind of situation, considering all the rest of the turmoil in the period (both the government and the people deeply anxious about their lives and livelihoods), eventually bubbled up into complete hysteria.
basically my point is this: what you have to understand is that during this period, there were bitches runnin round (claiming) to toil merrily in the service of satan, and (claimed) to have the power to destroy crops and do other wicked things. and people were fucking terrified of this.
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woozysioux · 2 years ago
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mfred · 1 year ago
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I got the Witchcult Nail Lacquer in Sea Glass. It's a temperature changing color that goes from a minty green to purple to blue. I can't stop staring at my nails!
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dec0mposing · 2 years ago
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forgottenbones · 12 days ago
Historian Answers Witchcraft Questions | Tech Support | WIRED
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stregamystica · 2 years ago
Did Covens Exist in Ancient Europe? The answer might surprise you!
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jbird-the-manwich · 25 days ago
Solid cross section of consumer witch culture likes to think the (batty) european witchcult hypothesis being disproven must mean no witches predate gardner. We don't remind them enough about the multiple cross-cultural diaspora events in early north america that resulted in folk magic so varied and regional you can tell how far up the appallachian mountain range their ancestors landed by the relative dutchness of the divinations performed by their grandmother and whether or not her tits were out.
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mihail228 · 8 months ago
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nimidus · 2 years ago
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charl0ttan · 6 months ago
drop some doom metal recs please 🙏
ABSOLUTELY. first of all u cant go wrong with witchcult today by electric wizard. dopethrone is kinda their most acclaimed album as well as the most popular post-sabbath doom album and the first two songs are definitely worth a listen at yhe very least but witchcult is definitely more approachable and catchy. lots of great rhythms and riffs
secondly i would be remiss to not mention @wyrmweed's album Book of Rituals under her band Saturniidae. really awesome doom that i legitimately love and listen to all the time even beyond the merit of just being my friend's album :) that is to say i dont just listen to it because i know the person who made it. but yeah please do check it out!!
also blood lust by uncle acid and the deadbeats!!!!! ill cut you down was my very first doom/stoner metal song :) its just such a killer album with so many great songs
master of brutality by church of misery is another great one! i love the guitar tone its very Juicy for lack of a word that makes any sense at all
also in the same guitar tone vein is belzebong! incredibly weedy band but the riffs are great and its a good time with any of their albums ^-^
i also need to recommend bongripper! if you like more droney stuff theyre great, and their album from this year is a fantastic doom monoloth imo.
also windhand!!!! please try out their debut or soma. two of my favorite doom albums of all time easily.
also for something a little sillier i want to recommend eight foot manchild :) theyre like jazzy funky doom its soooo cool youve gotta hear them at least once
also spider kitten!!!! i love their album Behold Mountain and i want to listen to more at some point. theyre so silly with it
lastly meditations by bong-ra! jazz doom. incredibly cool. and thats probably enough thanks for asking^-^
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sufferu · 3 months ago
While I know it's not going to be a main focus in BTZ, how does the battle against the Witchcult/Great Beasts go? Surely even with knowledge of what's to come it wouldn't be easy going?
Yeah it’s uh. It’s hard, and a lot of people get hurt or even die in the process. No major characters, because I’m not really a fan of Major Character Death, but it’s not like they’re completely steamrolling the opposition here. It is an actual battle to get this done.
That being said, this is the actual best that anyone has done against any of these things in 400 years, and they are absolutely WINNING here.
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traegorn · 1 year ago
How is paganism syncretized when Christians judge the pagans for the same rituals they take part in?
How is Orange Juice not a hat when it's banana Tuesday?
That's how I felt reading your ask, because if you really think about what you just wrote, you'd realize how little it makes sense.
So, let's break it down.
"Pagan" is often used as a catch all term for a wide number of pre-Christian religions and traditions that are very, very different and in many ways wholly disconnected. The illusion of a monolithic "Pagan" culture is a myth created by Pan-European witchcult hypothesis popularized by Margaret Murray.
And then you talk about Christians "judging" those Pagans. Except the people who call themselves Pagan today are not the same fucking thing as those ancient cultures.
Syncretism causing cultural beliefs and practices to be incorporated and recontexualized after the Christianization of Europe has nothing to do with modern day Neopaganism -- with the exception of where evidence that survived due to that syncretism has allowed modern people to reconstruct some older beliefs that would have otherwise been lost.
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spiegelgestalt · 10 months ago
The great Binghe-Yandere
for Re:zero- Characters 2.0
So a few weeks ago when I started to get back into Re:zero i joked that Re:zero and scum villain self saving System are quite similar in that they have characters who would do absolutley batshit things for love. And then i made a tierlist but it was a bad one because i only half remembered the characters. And i promised myself that i would make another one, once i rewatched the anime. Soooo i rewatched the anime, and read some of the LN and listened to parts of Arc 5 and read the Theresia/Wilhelm side stories and I present to you now the new and improved Binghe-Yandere Tierlist:
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Rules and reasonings under the cut. Beware this is gonna be very long and self indulgent
So first for the rules:
all the tiers have to be something that some version of Luo Binghe did during the novel AND every character could only be placed once (or Roswaal would just be in all of the tiers -SN: Scum villain-fans Roswaal/Echidna is kind of a lot like Shen Yuan/Luo Binghe - discuss!!)
The only exception is the bonus tier because i find it funny
2. This measures the amount of obsession so/ can bring into a relationship. that does not mean the relationships need to be sexual/romantic (the onyl exception is of course the bonus tier)
And now for my reasoning:
Roswaal - is of course the purest version of luo binghe. He would fuck his teacher, his only reason for existing is reviving his teacher, he also would kidnap his teacher if he had to. He would if pushed destroy the world if he can't have his teacher. He's very emotionally stable and doesn't believe in love (huge loser)
Sirius- I'm only partway into Arc 5 (i'm currently after the marketplace fight, capella just appeared but i dont know enough about her yet, to put her into here) but my impression is this: she is going against her entire cult teaching of loving/wanting to revive Satella becaus Satella. IS. STEALING.HER . MAN!!!! and every witchcult member doesn't mind destroying the world.
Petelgeuse in his Slothform of course would do this. He ever diligently wants to revive Satella, even if that would mean that Satella would destroy the world. AND he wants to force Satella to love him. If he could he would kidnap her and force her to be with him. And he would fuck Satella if he could. Yes it is weird knowing what she looks like, but he would. Sorry. At least he doesn't remember that Emilia is his daughter (at least i hope so)
I'd argue that Presloth Petelgeuse would also fit into this category. He uses the witchfactor fully knowing that it would probably turn him into a monster after all
Puck - look do i even need to say anything. Puck would definitly destroy the world for Emilia. It's in his contract and he doesn't give a fuck
Satella - arguably is constantly destroying the world. It depends if parallel universe are created or if the universe is destroyed and recreated every single time she saves Subaru
Otto: i heard through the tumblr grape vine that he wanted to destroy an entire country for Subaru... that tracks. I find him incredibly suspicious
Wilhelm: Look i love Wilhelm. But no one can tell me that he wouldn't destroy the entire world in an instant if that meant getting Theresia back (the only thing that would stop him is that it would make her sad)
Emilia: This might be a controversial one. And i agree: currently Emilia is not in a world ending mood but the instinct is there. All it needs is a little push. BUT I have to admit that her reason for not ending the world isn't a loved one per se but her genuine kindness and respect for life. i can imagine that she would destroy the world in a fit of rage and regret it afterwards.
Reinhard: he did it to Felt and he's not even sorry. He would do it again if needed and I'm not even sure he would understand why it was wrong.
Rem: Look, we know she would do it if she thought Ram or Subaru needed it. It would be a last resort. Before that she would of course stalk them/insert herself in every aspect of their life. But if faced with a possibilty of losing them forever she would act immediatly
Garfiel is a difficult case. I'd argue Arc 5 Garfiel wouldn't kidnap anymore but Arc 4 would because of his abondenment issues. He stopped the trial from being completed because he didn't want anyone of his loved ones to leave (technically imprisonment but the point stands)
before i get to my reasoning i just wanted to explain this one: after shen yuan dies, luo binghe takes his corpse with him. He keeps it alive for 5 years. He fights of anyone who wants to claim him (to bury him) and he talks to shen yuan while slowly losing his sanity. As far as we know there is thankfully no fucking involved. I just wanted to explain this to show that this is the level of obsession we are dealing with. I'd also like to add that a lot of the people in the higher tiers, would definitly do this to
Ram: I really struggled if Ram would be a kidnapper or a corpseholde but at last i decided for this category. She wouldn't kidnap Roswaal. But if she had to she would try to revive him. Her love/obsession runs deep.
Ferris: Look, Ferris is a healer and they are really obessed with Crusch. They would not let her die. They would do anything to revive her. Mark my words
Subaru: We know he would because he does it (and not even for his main waifu...).
Beatrice: Beatrice is a special case because it would depend on what Echidna would order her to do. If Echidna told her to revive her/take care of her body Beatrice would do so. She stayed for 400 years in a library to honor her mothers orders.
The Harempeople
Explanation: in an alternate universe Luo Binghe never meets Shen Yuan and tries to compensate by becoming the rule of everything and getting a harem of 600+ wives. He is extremly miserable.
Regulus: I don't have to say anything about him I guess. He's the Harem Guy
Echidna: I think Echidnas greed is not harem oriented but she is interested in people and their stories - and if she had to create a harem to get that she would do it
Priscilla just strikes me as a Harem girl. The world is there for her pleasure and so she can take everything she wants. including 600 wives
Anastasia: Anastasia tells us in her king- speech that she wants a country because she still doesn't have enough even though she got a lot. She takes and she takes and she takes but it doesn't fill the emptyness inside her. Maybe she would create a harem after she won the selection.
So thats that. That's my tier list. the people i haven't included sadly don't fit in any of the categories(for example Julius my beloved is just to well adjusted to be a yandere ~sad~) or i just forgot them. that is a possibility
if you made it this far, thanks for reading. I hope you had as much fun reading it as i had creating this post
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