#wish me luck putting this in tags lmao. anyone who jumps me will be blocked so
mac-rat-art · 2 years
Not to be salty about the poll results, but what's your target audience whenever you reblog the post, though, like genuinely? Those who already follow you? Because regardless of whether or not folks are actively searching for new artists to commission, reblogs don't show up in site-wide search results, sadly.
Plus, anyone who visits your blog will very likely end up seeing your already-pinned commission post, and thus probably won't need to be consistently reminded that you're open unless stated otherwise.
I find constant reminders genuinely annoying (might actually jump ship due to the increased frequency tbh), and blacklisting won't stop tumblr from showing dashboard [1] notifications, nor does it actually "erase" entire posts. Instead, it just hides their contents behind a slightly-smaller "this post contains filtered tags [#commission reminder tag] [View post]" wall, which isn't a whole lot better.
Please reconsider.
(completely separately, I wish you good luck with getting your surgery funded, whatever ends up happening ^w^)
All of these are very good points! Some artists I follow do weekly commission posts, and I do consider it a sort of 'reminder' that I am taking them. Like an advertisement I guess? I've only gotten three since I started (and those were from Twitter), and I know there are several factors like people just not being interested, not having money, etc. And some of it is...people just not seeing posts I think? I have over 100 followers, and the vast majority of my posts get around 10 notes (which I am thankful for, don't get me wrong!). I don't let the numbers game get to my head, I make art primarily for me, it's just you do like to know people like the stuff you make, you know? That tangent aside, I definitely don't and won't hold any ill-will to people who unfollow. I think that's silly to be mad at!! I unfollow people a lot! So if anyone wants too, they're more than free to. I hardly check the number anyway lmao I didn't know that's how Tumblr itself did blocked tags like that (I use TumblrSaviour still) and while XKit has a post-blocker, that's a lot of work to just use for one thing.
So I definitely will be thinking on it! I might just start doing it once a month on the first, so it won't be too annoying, and I can still get the 'I'm putting myself out there' feeling
Thanks so much for reaching out! Feedback on things is definitely appreciated! And if you want to unfollow still, I wish you well, and I enjoyed having you! (and thanks so much!! :3 I'll be calling doctors tomorrow and I'm nervous and excited!)
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alounuitte · 4 years
what’s in a name
(i still remain the same)
A late night conversation between Pidge and Shiro, on names, identity, and people understanding each other. (An improved version of how Shiro tells Pidge he knows her name.) Oneshot, 1600 words. 
Check notes for AO3 mirror, or
She’s already found a hiding place for when she can’t sleep, where an alcove off some kind of big library leads to a sheltered balcony with a view of the stars.  It’s small, and quiet, and hard to see, and even if that Allura girl probably knows where it is, the more important thing is that Lance and Hunk don’t. 
She sets up her radio and puts on her headphones, but tonight she doesn’t pull up any of the reception data on her laptop screen, just listens to the quiet static of distant radio chatter in the far reaches of space and the low hum of EM waves rolling off of the next closest stars. Weirdly, even if now she knows what she does about these guys trying to conquer the universe, listening in on the diffused reflections of alien space communications has become a kind of comfort on the nights when she can’t stop thinking. At least it’s something to do, keep half an ear out for any hint of information that might be important, record what she does pick up so she can look back at it later and pinpoint any fragment that could be a clue. 
With a sigh, she closes her eyes and leans back against the cool stone wall, taking off her glasses to rub her face with one hand. It’s been kind of a harrowing day, which must be why she can’t get her thoughts to quiet down. Between training for combat and learning to pilot her lion, she’s exhausted, but all this team building work they keep doing has been putting her on edge, especially when she remembers that to form Voltron, they’re all supposed to be so in sync it’s like sharing each other’s thoughts. 
She hunches her shoulders and shoves her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt, running her thumb along the edge of the photograph tucked in on one side. She’s been keeping it on her all the time now, since everyone seems to wanna see it so bad. She knows Hunk’s a great guy, and Keith and Shiro both seem pretty okay, but she doesn’t trust Lance not to go rifling through her stuff if he gets the idea in his head to spy on her. 
When she hears the knocking sound, at first she thinks it’s in her headphones, some kind of signal or stellar interference her receiver picks up as a dull tock-tock-tock. It’s not until she hears it a second time that she opens her eyes and sits up, hastily shoving her glasses back on her face as she looks over her shoulder to see Shiro standing in the open doorway, his hand still raised to tap on the wall again. 
“Oh,” she says, embarrassed, and takes off her headphones. “Uh, did - did you need me for something, sir?” 
“Just wanted to see how you were doing,” Shiro says, folding his hands behind his back. “Mind if I sit down?” 
“N-no, I, um, go ahead,” she says, moving her things to the side. “I mean, it’s not like it‘s just for me, or anything!” 
He sits down on the ground a few feet away from her. “You’re up late,” he says. “Trouble sleeping?” 
“Guess so,” she replies, and laughs nervously. 
“I don’t blame you,” he says. “I know there must be a lot on your mind.”
A moment passes in silence, and she swallows hard, watching Shiro out of the corner of her eye. She hasn’t really been sure how to act around their commander since she told him who her family was, doesn’t know if they would ever have mentioned her, let alone what they would have said, and she doesn’t want to let anything slip that the others might catch. 
“So, um,” she manages finally, “was there something you needed to talk to me about, or…?” 
Shiro frowns, his brows drawing tightly together. “Actually,” he says, “I wanted to ask you something.” 
She nods quickly, her heart pounding so hard in her throat she can’t form words to respond. 
He takes a deep breath and hesitates, bracing his arms across his knees as he looks over at her. Finally, he says, “Your dad and brother, they… never mentioned your name. Sam didn’t say he had another son.”
She hunches her shoulders, looking away so he can’t see the look on her face. 
“Talked a lot about his daughter, though,” Shiro continues. “Katie.”
The sound of her name feels like a punch in the chest, and she can’t stop herself from making a sound, choked off in her throat. 
“That’s you, right?” he asks. 
She nods, and opens her mouth to speak, but her voice comes out like a squeak. Her vision blurs and she blinks rapidly, willing the tears to disappear. She’s not gonna cry in front of her new commander like some stupid kid. She’s not. 
“I’m - sorry,” he says. “I don’t mean - I didn’t want to upset you. I just -“ 
“No, no,” she says, shaking her head, “it’s okay! It’s just - been a while since anyone called me that.” Her voice is shaking; she takes a deep breath to steady it, looking over at him with the best smile she can muster. “Well, a year isn’t really that long, I guess, but it sure feels like a while. A-And, I mean, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with the name Pidge! It’s fine, I don’t mind it, really! I wouldn’t have picked a name I didn’t like, it’s just - just -“ 
“You’re rambling,” Shiro says gently, his brows drawing together. 
She laughs weakly and swallows, a lump in her throat. “Y-Yeah, I guess I am, huh?” she manages, and feels a tear roll down the side of her nose. “Shhh - um, quiznak -“ she stammers, taking her glasses off to scrub at her eyes. “Sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t - know why -“ 
“It’s okay,” Shiro says, reaching out a hand, and then hesitates, his fingers hovering over her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to put any pressure on you, Pidge. I shouldn’t have pried.” 
“N-no, it’s okay,” she insists again. “I - I guess I shoulda known they would have - I mean, Matt and I were pretty close as kids, you know? Even if he was too busy having adventures up there to miss me, they must have told stories in your time off or something.” She sniffles and puts her glasses back on, looking down at her hands. “I probably shoulda told you sooner, but I figured you wouldn’t put the pieces together, I mean, until I said they’re my family, since I, I don’t really look much like a girl anymore now - now that I…” 
She trails off, rubbing the back of her neck, unsure how much she should say. Shiro opens his mouth and closes it again, letting his hand settle on her arm instead. 
“Sorry,” she says again, and bites her lip to keep it from trembling. 
“You don’t need to apologize,” Shiro says, and glances down, his mouth tightening as he thinks. “What… do you want me to call you now?”
“I don’t know,” she admits. “I mean, like I said, I don’t mind being called Pidge. And I - I don’t know if I want the others to know I’m…” She’s not sure how to finish, not sure what it is she’s so afraid of them knowing. Maybe they’d accept a girl being on the team - well, at least Hunk would, and probably Keith, too. But even back home, when everyone knew her as a girl, she didn’t exactly go around telling people she was trans.
“I won’t say anything to them,” Shiro says, unexpectedly solemn. “Coming out is a personal decision, and I don’t want to put you in a difficult position.”
She blinks at him, surprised. “But, to form Voltron…”
“We’ve already gotten a lot better at forming Voltron,” he reminds her with a faint smile. “I know it must be pretty scary, thinking of everyone being in your head, though.” He looks away with an awkward chuckle. “I guess for me, it helps to think that if we’re really so in sync that our minds are like one… maybe we can also understand each other a little better, and see past our differences to what we all share.”
“You really think so?” she asks, her voice trembling. 
“I can’t say I know how this works any more than you do,” he replies. “But I hope so. And if these lions really choose their pilots like our Altean friends say… well, I’d like to think maybe they know what they’re doing.”
She laughs at that, really laughs, and feels a little of the weight lift off from her shoulders. “Yeah,” she says, “I guess you’re right.”
“But don’t worry, Pidge,” he says as he gets to his feet. “Your secret’s safe with me. And if you ever decide you do want to tell the others, I’m right behind you.” 
“Thanks, Commander,” she says, grinning up at him. “That means a lot to me.” 
He nods and waves. “You should try to get some sleep,” he reminds her gently as he turns towards the door. “We’re going to have plenty of work to do tomorrow, and I need my team in top form.”
“Yes, sir,” she agrees, and starts to pack up her equipment. As the door opens, something else occurs to her, and she sits upright again, looking over her shoulder. “Hey, Shiro?”
“Hm?” he answers, looking back with a slight frown. 
She runs a hand through her uneven hair, looking away. “Um,” she manages, more to the ground than to him, “I just - wanted to say that, uh - you don’t have to, or anything, but when no one else is around, if - if you want to call me Katie, that’s - that’s okay, too.”
“Alright,” he agrees, his furrowed brow giving way to a smile. “I’ll see you in the morning, Katie.”
“Bright and early,” she agrees, and as she finishes putting her things in their cases and starts down the hall to her room, she thinks it’s the first time since she joined the academy she’s actually felt like herself.
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wildandsexyjacks · 4 years
Your Smile and You - Pt.6
Pairing: Han Seungwoo + Reader
Genre: Fluff + Friends to Lovers AU
Word count: 1,6k
Warnings: mild swearing
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It’s his birthday, and Seungwoo is still mad. 
He hasn’t called or texted in forever, and it feels like there’s no way of fixing this anymore. You missed your chance probably sometime around three days ago when you and Seungsik had lunch together - a whole week after that night at Seungwoo’s place. You had planned on telling him about your relationship that day but ended up chickening out at the last moment, his Instagram post was more than enough proof that you had the opportunity to do it. Seungwoo liked the picture, and that was the last you’d seen from him. 
That’s the reason you’re currently looking through the glass door of the bar he’s having his birthday party at, pondering whether to go in or just come back home. He didn’t invite you - you only found out he was there because Seungyoun tagged him in a facebook picture twenty minutes ago - and maybe you should take that as a hint that he doesn’t want you there, but it’s his birthday, and he looks so happy, and you miss him so much. As you watch Seungwoo laugh - you can practically hear it, the sound’s engraved in your heart by now - you wonder if it’s possible for anyone to miss anything as much as you miss him, and you’ve only been apart for ten days.
Most of his friends are there, drinking and laughing. Through the glass you see Seungyoun entertaining the group with what seems like a funny story and wonder if he’s told anyone about the night he caught you sneaking out of their apartment. 
Seungwoo punches his shoulder lightly, they all laugh. God, just looking at him makes your heart hurt. 
Seungsik hasn’t arrived yet - or maybe he’s already left - and you could go and talk to Seungwoo if you wanted to, but how would he feel about it? If he wanted to talk to you, he would’ve responded to your texts or that one time you drunk-dialed. If he wanted to talk to you, he would’ve invited you to his birthday party.
Someone clears their throat behind you, and you nearly jump in surprise. 
“Are you going in or...?” the boy asks.
Jet black hair, cute dimples, and dangling silver earrings, you remember him as one of your brother’s high-school friends. Lim Sejun.
He recognizes you too by the way his eyes grow wide when you turn around to face him, but before he has a chance to say anything you step aside from where you previously stood blocking the entrance and shake your head.
“No, no, I was just leaving actually.”
He frowns, looking at the small gift box in your hands.
“Are you sure?” You nod furiously “Do you want me to take this to Seungwoo?”
“NO!” hugging the box, you take one more step away from him and sigh “I’ll do it another time, it’s fine. In fact, I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone you saw me here.”
Sejun considers it for a moment then shrugs. 
He opens the door and walks straight up to Seungwoo, then whispers something in his ear while pointing in your direction.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You stare in horror as Seungwoo squints at the door. Now that he knows you’re there, you have no choice but to go in or things will only get worse. You put the small box back in your purse, then push the door open and walk slowly in his direction, stopping halfway.
His group of friends finally started to notice something’s going on, and the boys look from you to him with a variety of confused faces. Sejun smiles cheekily and you would go there and murder him on the spot if you weren’t too busy trying to predict Seungwoo’s next move.
His expression is unreadable but there’s no time to really think about it because he’s a long-legged son of a bitch and in three wide steps he’s standing right in front of you. He grabs your wrist, drags you out of the bar and away from everyone’s eyes, then lets go when you’re standing on the sidewalk.
Tears welling up, you prepare yourself to apologize for ruining his birthday when he takes your face between his huge hands and leans in to kiss you.
It’s like finally coming home after a long, horrible day. The winter air is cold on your cheeks and Seungwoo is not wearing a jacket over his thin baby blue sweater, but neither of you cares while he moves his hands from your face to your lower back and you wrap your arms around his neck, butterflies set free in your stomach and a sense of belonging you have never felt before, your heart beating so fast and loud you’re sure he can hear it.
“I’ve missed you so much.” Seungwoo confesses against your lips “These past ten days were the worst. You have no idea.”
“Oh, trust me, I do.” You stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his nose “You know, I more than like you too, I’m sorry I didn’t say it back the other day.”
He lets out an embarrassed laugh and leans in again, this time to rest his forehead on your shoulder, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
“I thought we had silently agreed to not talk about this.”
“Never!” You giggle, caressing his back. “How could I? It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
Even though there’s no sound, you feel his body shake with laughter.
“I don’t think you’ve had many good boyfriends in the past, then.” Seungwoo mumbles, his voice muffled by the fabric of your winter coat.
“You’re my first boyfriend ever.” you explain, cradling his head while he nuzzles your neck “That’s why I’m so bad at it.”
“No! You’re not bad, it’s just...” he sighs, stepping back to look in your eyes “I don’t know. It’s a difficult situation. I reacted poorly and I’m sorry for that, I promise I won’t push you anymore. We can do it when you’re ready.”
You bite your lip and reach for the box inside your purse. Seungwoo’s eyes widen as you extend your hand, the small box resting on your palm.
“Happy birthday.” 
He takes a closer look. It’s a tiny, velvety, black box, made for jewelry. Biting back a smile, Seungwoo lifts one eyebrow.
“I don’t know, shouldn’t you get on one knee for this?”
You groan and he laughs. Rolling your eyes, you push the box against his chest.
“Just take it, will you?”
He opens the box, and his breath gets caught in his throat. Inside lies a small fox keychain, with a set of keys attached to it.
“That’s... Is this...?”
“Keys to my place, yes. You’re welcome at all times.” he stares at you, dumbfounded, as you take a step forward to wrap your arms around his neck again “Let’s tell Seungsik. Let’s tell everyone.”
Seungwoo smiles real big, then chews on his lower lip, uncertain.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured to-“
“One hundred percent sure.” you cut in “If you’re free tomorrow, we can crash my family’s Christmas party and kill several birds with just one stone.”
Seungwoo laughs.
“Okay, alright, for someone who’s been stalling for over six months, you’re in quite a hurry right now, huh?” with an amused smile, he presses a kiss to your forehead “No need to rush, let’s discuss this again in the morning. For now, how about we go inside and I introduce you to my friends?” nodding towards the door, Seungwoo offers his hand “They’re dying to meet my secret girlfriend.”
You take his hand, laughing a little. After three steps, however, Seungwoo stops, looking at you with curiosity sparkling in his eyes.
“How did you know I was here, by the way? I didn’t even know I was coming until like half an hour ago.”
“Facebook. Knowing it’s a surprise party makes me feel a lot less shitty, though.” you confess “I was spying on you through the glass like a creeper because I wasn’t sure you wanted to see me.”
He cackles - that endearing, loud sound you adore.
“Sejun used the words lovingly staring instead of spying, but call it what you want.” bringing your intertwined fingers to his lips, he kisses your knuckles. “I wasn’t really in the mood to celebrate, Seungyoun put this together and then forced me to leave the house. I was about to call you when Sejun arrived, anyway, but you’re still allowed to ignore that you literally ran away from Seungyoun when you bumped into him that other night - yes, he told me - and give him hell for not inviting you if you want.”
You pout.
“No, I want to be the cool girlfriend so your friends won’t have reasons to not like me.” Before he opens the door, you squeeze his hand to get his attention. “Wish me luck.”
Seungwoo shakes his head, amused.
“You don’t need luck, I’m sure they’ll love you.”
When you finally go inside, his friends cheer loudly and line up to introduce themselves. Seungwoo calls out his roommate for not inviting you to the party, to which after a second of hesitation he shamelessly bullshits his way out declaring he posted that picture on facebook for a reason. Sejun, on the other hand, exclaims that no, there’s no need to thank him or even pay him several drinks, he just did what anyone would do after seeing their friend depressed for days on no end - then a very embarrassed Seungwoo smacks him upside the head. 
Your boyfriend - boyfriend!! - wants to leave early so he can test the keys you just gave him, but his friends are willing to tell you the funniest and most embarrassing Seungwoo-related stories and you’re dying to listen to every single one of them, so you convince him to stay for a little longer. 
He was right about you meeting his friends, after all. You’ll get along just fine.
and that marks the end of my first attempt at a chaptered fic, and honestly i’ll prob never do it again lmao if you’d like to see seungsik’s reaction to the news let me know and i’ll write a short bonus
i hope ya’ll are happy and healthy. please be safe and stay home if you can.
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lovesickjoon · 6 years
little more bite - kth (m)
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pairing: taehyung/reader
rating: NSFW (18+), read tags carefully pls
genre: smut, wolf!hybrid x panther!hybrid
words: 5k+
description: after a shitty day at work, you're determined to go home and snuggle up with your blankets to watch netflix. sadly, the universe and this mutt named taehyung don't seem to want that to happen, though. 
warnings: dom!tae, outside sex, sex with a stranger, unprotected sex (not a good idea, kids), (slight) breeding kink, overuse of the word 'kitten', oral, road rage, p much everything lmao. 
notes: this is kind of a mess, and it’s a bit silly at first. i wrote it on a whim. btw, tae does come off as intimidating at first, but everything works out. ok? dw.
A tall, tan, and handsome man rapping his knuckles on your car window would usually seem like a great thing. Except, this one didn't have a particularly happy facial expression. It wasn't broad daylight, either. The man also didn't have a piece of paper held up to your window with a phone number written on it. 
(A story for another time). 
This man was definitely not here to be friendly. Instead, the mutt was here to yell at you because he had an extraordinarily awful day.
Luckily for him, you had a rather terrible day too. Little did he know, he was messing with the wrong cat.
You turn your attention to the man, and he stops tapping on your window.
"Did you get your fucking drivers license from a cereal box? Why the fuck are you stopped in the middle of the road?" the man hissed, ears twitching in annoyance. Before you can even spit out an explanation, you hear him murmur under his breath about you being a 'stupid cat.'
He takes a step back from the car and glimpses down the road to make sure no vehicles were coming. You roll down your window a crack. You weren't quite angry enough yet to put the window all the way down.
"Excuse me, mutt? Do you want to speak up?" you ask, raising your voice threateningly.
"You heard me loud and clear, but I'll repeat it since you're a little slow," he smirks. Through his fake smile and clenched teeth, he slowly repeats his earlier insult. "You. Are. Fucking. Dense," he says, emphasizing each word.
"Though, I don't know why I'm surprised. You're a cat after all."
That was it! He was not about to get away with this name-calling bullshit.
"What's your problem?" you ask, flinging open the car door. You nearly hit him in the process of stepping out, but he doesn't flinch. The night air is chilly, and you really wish you were at home. You could be wrapped in a burrito of blankets, and be drinking something nice and warm. Instead, you were stuck here with this asshole.
You slam your car door behind you, swiftly approaching him with confidence. The man has a wicked smirk planted on his face. A little voice in the back of your head yells at the top of its lungs. The voice screams at you and tells you that you've just walked into a trap.
The back of your mind jumps from thought bubble to another thought bubble.
The next idea your mind bounces to has your blood running cold.
'Sex trafficking?' Oh my god. No.
As you grow closer and closer to him, the burst of confidence dissipates.
It took maybe a total of four or five steps to be eye to eye with him. The smirk remains plastered to his face, and he waits. What exactly had you planned to do when you walked up to him? This man was so much bigger than you, the chances of you winning in a conflict were slim.
By the time you've come up with something to do or say, you notice that he has become distracted by something behind you. You open your mouth to speak but snap it shut to glance behind you. To your astonishment, he has snatched up your tail and is yanking it. You try to leap out of his reach, but he has a solid grip on your tail. Heat rushes to your cheeks and embarrassment burns in your veins.
Did he think you were some sort of fucking toy that he could play with?
"You son of a bitch!" you snarl, grabbing your tail from his palms. He registers your reaction as being one of anger, and not as one of embarrassment. You read his reaction as genuine, guessing that he did it without thinking. "What? It was flicking from side to side, and you expect me not to try to stop it? It's annoying."
You find yourself wanting to laugh, but you're so flustered you can't. This guy had to be a complete lunatic. He was acting like more of a cat than you were. Really? Chasing after something because it's moving.
You huff and smooth out your clothes. He might not have known any better, considering he isn't a panther hybrid. Tails were extremely sensitive, and something that no one but the person the tail is attached too should touch. You tried to ignore the stir in your lower region, now was really not the time.
"And I'm the dumb one?" you scoff, rolling your eyes.
He couldn't form his next sentence faster than you could, so you bulldozed your way right into the original topic. "Since you apparently have a problem with cat hybrids, let's talk about it. Why do you hate us so much? Did your dad leave your mother for a cat or something?  Or is it because you can't get any pussy?"
His eyebrows raise, and you can tell he is taken aback slightly because of your words. The surprise disappeared from his face and was replaced with an emotion you couldn't place. "Trust me, baby. I've had plenty of practice with pussy. In fact, I bet I could make this pussy" — He jabs his finger lightly into your shoulder, indicating that he's now talking about you. — "feel the best it's ever felt."
You cross your arms, shooting daggers at him with your eyes. Was he serious? You were not about to...
"You're all talk and no action. Show me something, then. Stop barking and bite already."
The words have slipped out before you can reel them in. Despite him being a complete stranger, a part of you was eager to test it. You wanted to tip the scales to see how he would react. This man was clearly very bold. In fact, you could almost see the confidence rolling off of his form.
When he took a step forward, you realized that this was him accepting your challenge.
The action had you taking a step back, as much as you didn't want to budge. It was instinct. You should find the nearest tree and run up it to hide.  
There was a very vivid fire raging in those dark eyes. Though it thrilled you, you couldn't stop the slight tremble of your hands. You advanced too far and now he was willing to put you in your place. You yearned to be brave and stand up to him, but yet you kept retreating backward.
Eventually, there was no more space left. The back of your leg connected with the side of your car, and you knew you were done for. The man was up in your face once again. The man reaches around the back of your neck and tows you close. You're trapped between him and your car. You can feel the warm breath against your neck, and you're sure your expression gives away how shocked you are.
He still seems to show some restraint, not touching you anywhere except for the back of your neck with his palm. "You wanted to see action, baby? You got it."
The pet name rolls off of his tongue so smoothly you feel as if you're going to melt. You can get a strong whiff of his scent from how close he is now. There wasn't an easy way to describe it. The closest explanation would be that he smells like he works in a flower shop. and that flower shop is directly across from a bakery. You would call it calming, but it was in no way calming when it was wafting off the stranger that had you leaned up against your own car.
"You still sure you want some of this? Hm, kitten?" he questions, moving back to look you in the eyes. You gulp, unsure of the exact meaning of his words.
The hesitation is clear as day, and your internal struggle is evident to him.
"Just say no, and I'll back off," he mumbles. He brings the hand that was placed on your car to your face and gently caresses it. "Don't over think it. If you don't want this, let me know."
The anxiety in your chest is replaced with a strange, aching warmth. He didn't seem like a freak any longer. He was still bold and a little quirky, but not someone who would hurt you. Any other person, any other day, would the odd feeling in your chest still be there? You didn't know, but maybe there was something different about him that caused you to want to trust him. Hopefully, you weren't about to regret this.
Feeling a little more reassured now, you try to channel the confidence from earlier. It's as if you can physically feel it bubble back up and out of your throat. "Fuck yeah, what are you waiting for, mutt?" you nod.
A deep rumble comes from his chest, and the sliver of softness you saw from earlier is gone. He shoves his body fully against yours, letting his hands roam. He twists you around abruptly, so your back is to him. He bends you over the hood of your car. The material of your shirt is rather thin, and the cold isn't blocked very well like this.
"What's your name, sweet thing?" he asks roughly. At this angle, you couldn't see him, but you knew damn well those sharp eyes were scouring every inch of your figure. "Well?" he huffs.
You can't seem to speak fast enough for his taste, because he swats your ass once and then twice without a bit of hesitation. You mewl out your name helplessly, feeling delighted by the sting.
"Oh, you liked that? Didn't you, Y/n? Pretty name for a gorgeous girl. I'm Taehyung."
The taunt brings warmth to your face. He doesn't stop there though, he makes it his motive to see you flustered. "Do you want me to take you against the car, baby? Anyone in the world could drive by and see you. They'd be glad they decided to drive down this road, though, wouldn't they?" He asks, bringing down his hand on your ass once more.
"Pretty little slut bent over a car, who wouldn't want to see that?" He rumbles.
You're joking?
As if on cue, you spot the headlights of a truck.
Just your luck.
You instantly start to claw away from Taehyung, ready to hide. Taehyung releases his hold on you and nudges you towards the tall field. You peer back to see what he's doing, and you can tell he is as genuinely surprised as you are.
"Go," he points towards the field.
Your face scrunches up in confusion, and he jabs his finger in the same direction. "They're going to stop if they see two cars stopped on the side of the road. I'll be there soon."
The hum of the truck grows closer, and you scramble toward the field.  In a split second, you're hidden in the depths of the cornfield. It was pretty hard to see where you were going, but you did your best. The moon was still bright enough that you could vaguely make out what was what, at least. A slight trail is left behind you from where you've shimmied around the thick stocks or have simply shoved it away.
The feeling of the husks brushing against your bare thighs made you cringe. This had to happen the day you wear a skirt, didn't it? You find a slight clearing in the field, and sit down in the middle of the area.
A sudden thought hits you. Why hadn't you just hopped in your own car?
Well, maybe it would've looked like Taehyung was harassing you while you were broke down on the side of the road. Really, though? His first thought was to tell you to go into the fucking cornfield so you could get abducted by aliens?
And your first thought was to listen?
Realistically, you should be more concerned about a snake slithering up to you to take a seat on your lap.
You weren't going to see a snake.
You were fine.
Why was Taehyung taking so long?
Why was it so quiet?
You halt your movements, listening carefully to what was around you. You didn't move, trying to hear if there was a rumble of a truck or something. DId that fucker dip and leave you? What a bastar—
"Boo!" Taehyung yelled, plowing right into your form.
You shrieked, not registering who or what had just jumped out at you. It was only until after his arms latched around you, that you realized it was just the douchebag.
"Aww, was kitty scared?" he giggles childishly, obviously quite proud that he successfully frightened you. You let the comment slide, more focused on how fast your heart is racing. Thankfully, the warm scent that fills the air around you is calming, and you lean into his embrace. Which is odd, considering you've known him for maybe 20 minutes.
You close your eyes, trying to calm down your racing heart. He buries his nose into the side of your neck, nudging you. "Sorry, I had to do it. You made it too easy for me. I wasn't expecting you to come so far into the field, by the way. I had to try and track down your scent to find you."
You frown, "Yeah, you're a dick for that... But really? How far exactly did I come in?"
He adjusts you in his grasp so that you're sitting perfectly between his legs, and leaning with your back against his chest. His hands inch down your body, exploring you gradually. He hums, thinking carefully. "I don't have a good guess for the distance, but it seemed as if I was searching for more than ten minutes."
Nonchalantly, he presses his lips against your neck, and you drop the topic. This son of a bitch was acting so... Unbothered. He doesn't miss a beat in his actions, it seemed so easy to him. As if he did this on the regular... Well, with that face, he probably got it all the time.
Your lips part slightly as you feel his lips graze and his teeth gently nip at your skin.
"D-Did the people stop?" you rasp, feigning curiosity. To be frank, you didn't care about the people. There was an ache in your lower region, and you were dying for him to do something about that. You were torn, though. You didn't want to show him just how desperate you were for his touch.
"Yeah," he said, lifting his head momentarily. He continued on, in the most casual way possible. "It was an older guy, he asked if I needed help, and I told him I could take care of it. He almost insisted to stay, but he said he better get home before 'the wife' calls him asking where he is."
"Wait, what? Did you pop the hood and pretend you were working on my car?"
"Honestly? That's exactly what I did. I know nothing about cars," he chuckles. His hand found the hem of your shirt and he started to pull the material upwards, stripping you of your shirt.
"Yeah, figured that," you mutter, helping him free the fabric from your form. You can sense the slight shift in his attitude. You peek back to see his head is tilted in confusion. Just to spite him, you finish the thought. "You look more like the janitor type of guy. Not a mechanic," you smile innocently.
He rolled his eyes and reached to unhook your bra. You could tell he wanted to press the topic more but was too distracted to do so. Another time it would be, then. After a few moments, he unsnapped it successfully. He slid the straps off your shoulders and threw it beside you.
For a second, he froze, thinking carefully.
"Uh. So. Not to kill the romantic, dreamy bedroom setting, but do you mind sitting up so I can get these pants off?" he asks, words dripping with sarcasm.  
The sarcasm trickles back to him just as smoothly as he initially delivered it.
"Oh, I don't mind. Let me get off this lavish bedding we have so you can strip."
You sit up on your knees, cringing a bit at the feeling of the rough ground on your knees. By the time you've shimmied out of your skirt and your panties, Tae is also completely stripped down. He also has his jacket, pants, and shirt laying on the ground as a barrier. Your face flushes uncontrollably, you were standing bare naked, directly in front of a stranger. Outside of all places. What the fuck?
"Come here, gorgeous," he motioned you over. You kneel down in front of him, trembling due to the adrenaline rushing through you. He takes notice, and you can see the soft shift in his dark eyes. "Look at you, kitten. Such a pretty little slut, with nice perky tits and soft skin."
He trails a hand over your breast, cupping it softly. "Tell me, kitten? Are you willing to use that smart mouth for something other than being snarky?"
You found yourself smirking, this man really had no idea what was coming to him. You let your eyes explore his figure carefully, taking note of every single detail of his skin. He was absolute perfection. You move your way over to him, and you grip his chin upwards so you can plant a kiss straight on his lips. Your hand sneaks its way down and wraps around his cock. Preferably, you'd be on your knees and he'd be standing, but you could definitely manage with this.
You break the kiss, winking before lowering yourself downwards. You could feel his gaze on you, analyzing every movement. There wasn't a moment of hesitation in your actions. You gave a gentle, teasing kitten lick to the head, before sinking your mouth down onto his cock.
He let out a low hiss as you sunk down lower and lower. You were always so, so eager to please your partners. When the head of his cock hit the back of your throat, you reflexively clench up. You shut your eyes and try to focus on your breathing.
As you hold still, you feel him start to roll his hips upward into your mouth. Gradually, Taehyung's pace grew faster and faster. Every time you got the opportunity to breathe, you took it.
"Pretty little bitch, you're good at this. How many times has the little whore done this? Hm?" he taunts.
The words thrill you, rather than upset you. There's always that little moment where you recoil, but for the most part, the words melted your insides. He gave a particular hard snap of his hips, pleasure very obviously boggling his mind.
"You're going to be my slut after this though. Just wait and you'll see," he growls.
You're not sure how true his words are, but the thought that there actually could be something after this makes your insides tingle. It was probably just him being desperate for his release though. You could sense the need in his tone, he was getting close and needy.  
At some point, his hand had found the back of your head. He guided you up and down his shaft smoothly and rapidly. "Holy shit," he gasps.
He was unable to quell his moans any longer. Grunts and obscenities flew from his lips. Your hands gripped his toned thighs roughly, finding yourself almost slipping from the rough pace Taehyung was setting.
"Such a good, precious little thing you are. Where were you all of my life?" he knew you couldn't respond but still popped off with whatever came to his mind. The praise urged you to work harder. Except, it only took a few more rotations of his hips before he was hauling you up and off of him.
Before you can even take a breath, he frantically dives forward so your lips meet his in a kiss. It's more of a peck than a kiss, thankfully, because you're still pretty breathless. You take a moment to regain your composure.
You couldn't see yourself, but you were sure you looked completely wrecked.
You felt completely wrecked.
You leaned back on your knees, gazing at Taehyung curiously. He looked just as ruined as you were.
"Want to ride you, Taehyung," you whisper, swallowing thickly.
He sucks in a breath through clenched teeth and shakes his head. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, but I need to work you open first."
You bite your lip, tempted to tell him not to even bother, but you would need it. "I could do it," you respond, gazing up to gauge Taehyung's reaction.
Taehyung seemed experimental, but yet you still worried that he was going to recoil in disgust. The last thing you wanted was him to not be into whatever you suggested. Especially not when the two of you were this far in.
When his expression begins to darken, you don't bother waiting for his words. You're already positioned directly in front of him when he sputters out a 'Sure.'
You felt confident, but your burning cheeks said you felt otherwise. You dipped two of your fingers between your swollen lips, wetting them. You were already rather drenched, but you could never be too careful. Taehyung's eyes were boring intensely into your figure, watching as you grazed your fingers down to your core. You didn't think you have ever been this turned on in your entire life.
You brushed your fingertips over your clit, gasping at the electricity that shot up your spine. You stroked over it again and then added more pressure. You zoned out and focused on pleasuring yourself, quickly forgetting about your surroundings.
Your pace grew quicker and quicker, but before you could add a finger into your entrance, Taehyung came into your view. You wanted to clench your legs together with him this close. He kept his distance for a few moments, but it didn't take long before he was gathering up some of the slick and pressing a finger into you.
"It was a stunning show, but I couldn't just let you perform alone," he rasps, glancing up at you with a wink. Your hips jerk upwards as he sinks another finger into you. You retain your pace, not missing a beat as you snap your fingers over your swollen bud. He curls his fingers upwards, and you cry out.
You were hurling towards your orgasm at an alarming speed.
You can't control the clench of your walls, so you halt the movements of your wrist. You didn't want to come yet, not until Taehyung was inside of you. Before you can pull your arm away, Taehyung snatches it.
"Don't you dare," he scolds. "Keep going."
You whine and shake your head, you were too close. Any more of that and you would b—
He dipped his head between your thighs without warning. If you weren't going to do it, then he would do it. He gave a powerful, broad lick right along your folds. An abrupt moan wiggled its way out of you. He gave a hum of approval and directed some of his attention to your clit.
He hadn't forgotten about the two fingers pumping in and out of you, apparently, because he drove in a third finger.
He bent his fingers upwards, searching rigorously for your sweet spot. You, on the other hand, were more focused on the pleasure being caused by his mouth. Each swipe of his tongue against you had you mewling aloud. It was as if he was trying to gather every drop of slick that had escaped you. Your entire body was thrumming, sparks igniting on every inch of your form.
He rolled his tongue over the nub in circles, and your body arched. "F-fuck!" you wailed, chest heaving up and down.
You were right on the edge, your hands flailed from the ground to Taehyung's hair. Your fingers curled into his locks, holding him to you. He could escape if he really wanted to, but you needed to latch onto something. You find out that he indeed can break away. He withdraws from your soaked center.
With a  sonorous tone, he drawls, "Who is it? Tell me what mutt is making you feel this way and I'll let you come."
You whimper out your response at first, distracted by the vibrating pleasure coursing through your body. It's almost inaudible, but his ears twitch and you know he still has managed to catch it.
"What was that? Say it louder, say my name," he demands, pleased with himself and by how you were responding to him.
"Taehyung! Taehyung! You!" you shout, grinding your hips to meet with the fingers that are prodding at your insides.
He smirks, bringing his lips back down onto your clit. He rolls the bud in his mouth again, sucking and rapidly working it with his tongue. His fingers finally find what they were after, and he jabs right into your sweet spot. You're thrown off the edge, and the tears prickling your eyes finally emerge. You clamp your eyes shut and cry out his name. You lock onto every inch of Taehyung you could grasp.  
It took a good minute or so before you came down. At some point, you released Taehyung and he made his way up to capture you in his arms. He pressed soft kisses into your neck and rubbed his hand gently over your arm. He brought it up to your cheek, wiping away the tears that had rolled down.
"You okay?" Taehyung's asks, voice gentle and reassuring.
You inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
"Honestly? I've never felt better," you giggle, slightly delirious. You heave yourself upwards and Taehyung lets his arms slip from around you. You glance around you, this didn't seem real in the slightest. This was the most realistic (and strangest) dream you'd ever had.
With you no longer in his grasp, he adjusted himself so Taehyung was sitting on his jacket, legs straight out in front of him. He was leaned back casually, using his elbows as support. You raised an eyebrow and without thinking too much about it, you scoot over to him. His calm expression turns into one of confusion, when you throw your leg over both of his, straddling him.
You still feel a tiny bit out of it, but you were ready to take the steering wheel. Taehyung got the drift and aligned himself with your entrance.
The slide in was like melted butter. One slow, solid sink down of your hips and he was filling you to the brim. You swallow him up excellently, and he spreads your slit so perfectly. You couldn't bite back the moan that eluded you, the feeling of being so full was almost too much for you.
Your fingers dig into his chest, but he doesn't seem to mind. His hands meet your hips and though you're in control of the pace, he lets his hands guide you. Speaking of the speed, you were going tortuously slow.
Not only because you were still coming down from your orgasm. Really, you needed to drag this feeling out forever. He groans as you lift yourself up, and bring yourself back down on him. You rotate your hips, grinding down on him. It doesn't take much more teasing for him to snap. You go to drive your hips down even once more, but he's flipping you onto your back before you can.
He grabs each of your legs and pushes them up near your abdomen. The calm Taehyung is gone, and he is now consumed by lust. He began a steady pace, dragging himself almost entirely out of you, then driving in all the way. Your head was beginning to swim, and there was no halting the faint moans tumbling from your lips.
"I'd bet my next paycheck that you've never felt better than you do now," he hisses.
You don't respond, unable to find the right words. If you weren't so fucking concentrated on his thrusts, maybe you would be able to answer. Well, even if you could think properly, you still were too prideful to tell him he was correct. The rhythm is rough and quick, and the lack of response only provoked him further.
"Oh, and don't worry. I didn't forget the whole 'mutt' thing," he snickers.
You want to argue with him, the mutt thing was only because he started it first. He initiated it by calling you a stupid cat, which was the reason you even fired back. What comes out of your mouth instead of a rebuttal, though, is his name followed by a train of curse words.
"Well? Tell me, kitten? Have you had better?" he gives a particularly deep thrust that produces a yelp from you.
"Fuck you!" you squeak, wrapping your arms over his broad shoulders and hooking your hands together behind his neck.
"Aren't I already doing that?" he taunts. "The big bad hound breeding the kitten, what a turn of events."
You gasp, something primal deep inside of you being triggered. You uncontrollably clench around him, the words exciting you. You see his expression turn into one of astonishment. "Oh, you like that? Huh? So you're into being bred? I thought that was just a mutt thing. Yet, I can see it in your expression, you want me to pump you full of my cum. Don't you?"
"Yes! I want it, please," you sob. It felt so... right being underneath him. His weight pinning you down, his arms caging you, and his hips pounding you into the ground.
You were growing closer with every sharp plunge he gave you.  
He leans over to your ear and whispers, "Meow for me, kitty. Tell me how you feel about us mutts now, hmm? You want to be a good girl for me, right?"
"I'm a good kitty! I feel s-so good," you whine. It doesn't stop there though, you hurl into another thought train. "This is all for you, everything- All of me, all for you..."
"See? That's right, you belong right here. Mine, my little slut," he growls, shoving his face into the side of your neck. One of his hands moved from the side of your head and downwards. It wasn't long until you found out where his hand had gone. His fingertips met your tender clit, and you couldn't stop the quiver of your hips. You tried to sway from the sensation, but Taehyung didn't let you.
He departed from your neck and changed to hover his lips directly above your mouth. His eyes met yours, and you knew it was over for you. His lips curled upwards in a sinister grin, "Come for me, kitten."
Taehyung's thrusts turned erratic and he began to tremble. He hammered right into your g-spot, and it was enough to send you hurtling towards your orgasm. The heat traveled, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. The coil snapped for a second time that night, and you sang out his name as you came.
A howl of pleasure tore from his lips as he followed.
He wrapped his arms around your thighs and yanked you to him. It was apparent that he wanted to be buried to the hilt inside of you. His cum flooded you, splashing out around his length. Your mind blanks out, and you don't know how much time passes before he moves.
There's a vulgar, wet squelch that comes from your core when he pulls out.
"Fuck," you hear Taehyung curse as he plops down beside you. Taehyung's eyes are warm when they meet yours.  All the irritation from earlier is gone, and his features have softened.
You glance away, staring at the starry sky. You were at a loss for words. Taehyung raises up on his elbow and catches your attention. You can tell that he seems as uneasy as you are. "Was that... okay?" he asks, delicately.
You raise your eyebrows, "Holy shit, of course. Literally, mind-blowing. In fact, I think I'm forever broken because no average person will ever live up to that."
He laughs, "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed that. There's one problem though."
You frown and tilt your head to the side. Taehyung points to the ground, and you notice your clothes scattered about. The both of you had used them as a protective layer over the ground, and now they were probably forever stained by the grass and dirt.
Then it hits you, there was also another problem.
"Oh, shit. We can't just drive home naked... We're going to have to put o-"
You groan loudly, shoving your head into your hands. Who knows how many pieces of grass were you going to find in your clothes on the way home.
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