#wish it stopped calling me emma though.
tdm-xi · 1 year
when no one got me i know the sentient door with mysterious and unexplainable abilities got me
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usagikookiejams · 9 months
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Haitani Ran, Ryuguji Ken (Draken), Hanemiya Kazutora, Haruchiyo Sanzu
Warning: angst no comfort, cheating, NOT PROOFREAD, cursing, mentioned about abusive relationship, drug usage, harsh words
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Haitani Ran
It has been 3 months since your relationship with Ran ended in a bad term. Deciding to move from Roppongi to Okinawa to avoid meeting up with him again.
Unbeknownst to you, a guy was following behind while you're doing grocery shopping. After failed attempts to reach the product in the higher rack, suddenly a guy was helping you out.
"Thank you so much-," you were left silent after seeing that the guy was actually your ex; Ran. He looks handsome as always. But, you could see the obvious eyebag.
"How you doing?," he smiled, trying to start a conversation with you but, you just ignored him and pushed your cart forward.
He didn't stop pestering you, until you has had enough and slapped his face. "Don't you feel ashamed? Showing your face after you cheated on me with that 'work-wife' of yours?!," you glared at him.
He explained that he was drunk at that time. However, he paused his words after seeing the disgusted look in your face.
"I couldn't bear looking at you. It reminds me how stupid I am to trust you. Hah, my friends were right about you; you indeed couldn't keep your dick in your pants," you smirked and walked away.
Ran felt like his world started to collapse. Witnessing your hostile behaviour towards him has proven how you don't wanna get back with him no matter what.
Ryuguji Ken (Draken)
You and Draken started dating after 3 years of Emma's death. Motivating him daily has led to him starting to open his heart to you.
But things weren't always nice and easy. It indeed was very hard for someone to move on from his past lover.
That's why, after only about 2 years of dating, you decided to broke things off with Draken after you has had enough of him comparing you with Emma.
Emma this, Emma that; you were tired of hearing his complaints.
Though he looked like he didn't care back then, but why is he always reaching out to you now?
He looks so desperate trying to win you back. Showing his effort by buying you flowers every week, which ended up disposed in the dustbin at your office.
Today remains the same routine of his. But you decided to give him your piece of mind once you saw him walking towards the receptionist counter.
You dragged him outside the building where your co-workers couldn't see you. "Can you stop all this nonsense?," you sighed.
"But baby-," he couldn't finish his words when you suddenly took the flowers and placed it on his motorbike.
"I am not your baby, and I don't need your flowers. Why not giving them to Emma, considering she may need them more to decorate her grave?," you couldn't help but saying deep and harsh words.
There, Draken was left heartbroken. He realized how all of his action of comparing you and Emma has led to you hating both of them.
Oh lord, how he wish you would care for him one more time.
Hanemiya Kazutora
Being in a relationship with Kazutora was challenging, he always scold you for things that are even miniscule; blaming you for it. Thus, you decided it was best to separate with him, as he tend to get physical with you.
Visiting the hospital for how many times now, that you don't even remember; getting psychology treatment to treat your mental health from past abusive relationship.
You were busy listening to music that you didn't notice that you has bumped into someone. The person sighed in annoyance, that is, when you heard your name being called in shocked tone, "Y/N?."
You frozed in place, looking up at the person. Oh, it's Kazutora. You got up and said sorry as quickly as possible before getting away.
You felt your hand being pulled, and you couldn't help but flinch. "Hey, hey sweetheart, it's okay. I won't hurt you." You still your position, didn't dare to look at the man who had inflicted pain upon you before.
Kazutora felt a pang of hurt in his heart, looking at how you're terrified of him. He felt tears running down his cheeks, profusely saying sorry while saying he missed you so much and how his mental health is declining.
You looked at him dead in the eyes. Though feeling scared but you tried to stood your ground. "Yeah? And what about me? What about all the things that you said, and pain that you inflicted on me before huh? Answer me Hanemiya," you said in heavy tone.
Kazutora didn't like how you're saying his first name. It was always Kazu or baby; anything but Hanemiya. Nevertheless, he tried to reason with you how he never intended to do those things, saying that he wasn't in the right state of mind.
You scoffed and warned him how if he still loves you, he should just leave you alone. Kazutora was about to say something but you dismissed him, and just walk forward leaving your past behind.
After that encounter, Kazutora still trying to reach out to you by visiting you at home or workplace. That is until one day, he was forced to stop his action once knowing that you has moved to another country with no one knowing your whereabouts.
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Dating Sanzu was never a boring experience. He's wild and loves to party, which at last causing you to not being able to keep up with his behavior.
Lucky for you, the break up was easy as Sanzu too thinks that you're too boring, and always acting like a 'nagging bitch'. Thus, deciding to also let you go.
Despite the break up only took place less than a month ago, you're suprisingly doing great as you are now start to prioritize yourself. Spending time to learn new hobby; that is photography.
Currently you're in the park, capturing panoramas and birds that flew over the horizon. Click! You went to check the picture but noticed a familiar pink hair in the photo.
The pink-haired-person looked over his shoulder as he heard the clicking sound. He couldn't believe his eyes when seeing you, thus started to run towards you, "Y/N!."
"Oh shoot..," you whispered to yourself and started walking faster. Albeit he was fast enough to grab your shoulder. "Baby, how you been? I wasn't able to contact you for a month. Did you change your contact number?," the person said.
"So what if I did, Sanzu?," you put on confident look. "It's not like we're going to contact each other anymore, is it?," you continued.
"But-," Sanzu was about to speak but you just shook your head. "I wish to never meet you again. Now that I look back, I realized how dumb I am to love some maniac like you. You didn't even consider my feelings, always gaslighting me and even calling me names. So don't be suprised when I decided to move on from you," you scoffed and walked away without looking back.
At that moment, Sanzu knew he fucked up real bad by messing up the relationship you guys had before.
Later on, he started to indulge himself in more drugs, as it's the only way he could be free from the hurting feelings.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
Clavis’ 4th Birthday Story (Part 3)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
—An incident that happened after I left to make tea at Clavis’ request.
The sounds of swords clashing rang in a corner of the large garden.
The two had been going through paperwork in the office only a short while ago, so how did they end up fighting each other with their swords drawn?
(Clavis aside, it’s rare to see King Chevalier entertain anyone)
Clavis caught King Chevalier’s swing at the right moment.
To the untrained eye, the two would look evenly matched.
Clavis: Haha, you’re stubborn. Just drop dead already.
Chevalier: I thought I’d settle this quickly, but it looks like you have some fight in you today.
(I really should stop them, but…)
I was reluctant to when I saw how Clavis was enjoying himself.
(Now that I think about it, every year on King Chevalier’s birthday, Clavis would celebrate by swinging his sword)
Chevalier doesn’t see any value in birthdays and doesn’t accept any well wishes or celebrations.
So Clavis swinging his sword every year to celebrate(?) acts as a reminder.
(Perhaps it’s reversed this time)
(Even though King Chevalier says he doesn’t celebrate…)
If their official business was actually something important, I doubt King Chevalier would drop it and draw his sword.
It’s likely that the pile of paperwork acted as a an opening to this unique present.
(I don’t know what caused this change of heart, but…Clavis must be happy)
Watching the two exchange blows didn’t feel right
(I wanted to make Clavis happier than anyone else did…and now I feel like I’m losing to King Chevalier)
(It’s a little frustrating…)
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Clavis: Chevalier, I don’t have time to casually beat you up. My lovely fiancee looks like she’s jealous.
Clavis, who had been engaged in a fast-paced sword fight, took a step back and reached into his pocket.
What was quickly thrown to the ground exploded, creating a plume of smoke.
(Woah, the smoke’s coming this way!)
As I held my breath, I suddenly found myself lifted out of the smoke that clouded my vision— 
Clavis: Let’s run.
Emma: Woah, huh…why?!
Clavis carried me with ease and ran through the garden.
Before I could even process what was happening, we arrived at a guest room decorated just like the ones in the castle.
Clavis set me down like a gentleman and peeked down the hall.
Clavis: Haha, so he didn’t chase after me in the end. Looks like I won today.
Emma: King Clavis…what was that fight just then?
Clavis: Rebellion of course. There was no way I was going to let him take up more of my precious time on my birthday, regardless of circumstances.
Emma: Is it okay to rebel against official business?
Clavis: I verified that it could all be done tomorrow…That man took advantage of me. Ah, just thinking about it makes me angry.
(...That sour look. I wonder what they talked about while I was gone)
Clavis: You forget about that treacherous man too. In the time left, our new maid will be celebrating with me.
Emma: …
Clavis: What’s wrong?
Emma: …King Clavis, didn’t you call me your “lovely fiancee” earlier?
Clavis: Hmm…Did I?
(I’d like to think I was imagining it, but there’s no question about his demeanor)
(My surprise operation…)
I resisted the urge to collapse and removed my glasses.
Emma: How long have you known?
Clavis: Oh, so the new maid was Emma all along…!
Emma: Don’t pretend to be surprised.
Clavis: Haha, don’t pout.
As if to console me, Clavis hugged me around the shoulders and kissed my forehead.
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Clavis: I love you, so how could I not have noticed? I’m confident that I can see through any of your disguises.
(Now that I think about it, he even recognized me while I was dressed as a man some birthdays ago)
(He knew from the very beginning but pretend he didn’t to not let me down)
(My heart’s a mess from both happiness and frustration)
Emma: I guess I still need to practice more if I want to surprise you.
Clavis: Yes, that’s right. But your aim wasn’t to surprise me, was it? My lovely fiancee, whom I didn’t think I’d be able to see on my birthday, appeared before my eyes and stayed by my side the entire time. Furthermore, she showed just how much she loved me when she saw through and stopped all my pranks. Is there a man out there that wouldn’t feel over the moon by this? I doubt it. I had another wonderful birthday this year. There were some complications, but you made up for them. 
When I looked up, Clavis’ smile melted my heart.
(That’s the face I wanted to see)
It was one different from the joy he expressed while with King Chevalier.
Only I got to see Clavis look this relaxed.
(...My surprise failed, but getting to see this kind of happiness on your face made it all worth it)
My frustration vanished instantly, leaving only happiness in my heart.
Emma: It’s still too early to feel satisfied. The real thing’s just beginning. 
Clavis: Haha, is that so?
Those alluring golden eyes made my heart skip a beat as he held my gaze.
I couldn’t help but kiss him when I saw the look of love on his face.
When I stole a kiss, fingers curled around the back of my neck, fanning the flames.
(...I was thinking about getting the cake I prepared for him…)
Clavis sealed my lips with his and slowly shed the gentlemanly facade.
Every touch sent heat down to my core, snatching away any confidence I had to leave this room.
(Rather than cake right now…)
I also placed my hand on the back of his neck and desperately tried to take in all the love given to me.
Emma: Apologies to King Chevalier, but…I want to spend the rest of the time with you. I’ll celebrate you for as long as we can, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes, of course. But I have one complaint…
He gently pushed me down on the bed and lifted the hem of my maid skirt.
Clavis: This skirt’s a bit too long for my birthday, don’t you think?
Emma: ……You pervert.
(Wait, no. It’s his birthday today. It’s his birthday)
When I shook my head and lifted my skirt, Clavis smiled as if he was about to burst into laughter—
Clavis: I’m a man who likes to be celebrated, so I’ll let you celebrate as much as you want.
—Eventually I was able to leave the room just as the morning sun began to light up the world.
I prepared the tea and birthday cake while savoring the happiness from the sensation of my body still feeling flushed.
But Clavis, with an elbow propped on a pillow and dreamy expression on his face, didn’t even try to get up.
Emma: Don’t you want to eat?
Clavis: Of course I do. But the problem is that I don’t feel like getting out of bed today. Oh dear, what a problem indeed. I could eat if my kind-hearted, lovely fiancee would feed me.
Emma: ……
Clavis: Every year I look forward to being wrapped in your love. Can you at least do this for the birthday boy?
Emma: …Just for today, okay?
(I have no choice but to respond when he’s looking at me expectantly)
(But I can’t bring myself to look at Clavis when he looks so charming after just waking up)
He’s normally fully dressed by the time I’ve woken up, so it’s rare to see him with just his shirt.
I turned away from Clavis, who still had the traces of last night surrounding him, and carefully placed the tray with the birthday set on the bed.
While I sliced the rainbow cake with the fork and brought a piece to his mouth, eyes down, I felt a strange sensation on my leg. 
Emma: W-what are you doing?
Clavis: Oh, would you like me to explain in detail? Sure. I saw your exposed legs, so I thought you were offering— 
Emma: Hurry up and eat your cake, happy birthday!
Sensing a hint of pleasure, I shoved the cake against his lips, but his hand didn’t leave my leg. Instead, he began to tickle the back of my knee in a lewd way.
Emma: Nn…
Clavis: Haha, that was a sweet sound.
Emma: The cake’s about to fall off.
Clavis: We can’t have that. I don’t want to miss a single piece from a cake you made. Come on now. If you keep looking away, it’ll really fall. 
(Ah, that’s why he’s playing a prank…)
Determined to overcome his sex charm, I met his gaze.
I had to steel myself so my hands wouldn’t shake when met with such overwhelming charm, but Clavis looked satisfied.
Clavis: You really know how to please me, don’t you?
Emma: Do I?
Clavis: Yes. I present you with the honor of Lelouch Master. A title only you could earn.
Emma: That… Might make me feel a little happy.
Clavis: Don’t feel so modest. You’re “very happy” aren’t you?
I felt so embarrassed that I unconsciously tried to look elsewhere, but a finger on my knee started acting mischievous again, as if to reprimand me.
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Clavis: Keep your eyes on me, Miss Accomplice. After all, everything I do is out of love for you, isn’t it? Not just now, but everything else up to this point.
(“Accomplice” instead of “fiancee”...There was something implied there)
(Why accomplice all of a sudden…)
Emma: Clavis, it can’t be that…all the pranks played on King Chevalier…they were— 
Clavis: As expected of the Lelouch Master. You’re pretty sharp.
(I see…those pranks weren’t for King Chevalier)
(Maybe they were evil deeds done out of love so that he could watch me flounder about)
(Which means I was unknowingly an accomplice to Clavis’ evil)
Emma: You played me.
Clavis: Haha, you still have ways to go. After Master, you should aim for Legend.
Emma: Of course, I’ll get promoted right away. I’ll reach Legend next year.
Clavis: Oh, that’s a lot of confidence.
Emma: So, um…that means I want to understand you even better than before!
(No one loves Clavis more than I do)
Feeling more embarrassed, I shoved the cake in his mouth and kissed his cheek.
I’m sure my face was bright red while Clavis smiled at me in delight.
Clavis: Now then, let’s see what your future holds. Can you love me even more, Emma?
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mynameismckenziemae · 5 months
Part 13
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x You
Summary: The physical changes you’re experiencing are taking a toll along with the hormones and mood swings but Bradley is there to help.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, oral (f receiving), spanking, a little humiliation, orgasm delay/denial, use of ‘good girl’, funishment, edging, p in v, pregnancy talk, body image talk, mentions of vomiting/morning sickness.
Nervousness creeps back shortly after the ultrasound as Bradley drives towards the clinic, but it was all for nothing; Gav and Noah are happy for you.
“See? I told you they’d be okay with it,” Bradley says, nudging you with his elbow.
“You were nervous to tell us?” Noah asks, concerned. “Why?”
“Because you’ll have to pick up some of the slack with some of the unpredictable animals, not to mention when I’m on maternity leave,” you sigh, already feeling guilty.
“Just like you happily picked up the slack when I was off for 6 weeks for paternity leave?” Gav asks, cocking a brow.
“Yeah, or when my kiddo had surgery last summer and you covered for me?” Noah asks, squeezing your shoulder. “We’re happy for you. Both of you.”
“Thanks,” you reply, giving them both a hug before running to the bathroom to rid your stomach of the crackers you consumed down early.
“I’m sorry,” you say as you come out of the bathroom, belly still uneasy. “Hopefully that gets better soon.”
“I hope so for your sake,” Gav says. “Olivia was sick every day until her second trimester. Now take the rest of the day and we’ll figure everything else out next week, okay?”
“Okay,” you agree, letting Bradley lead you towards the door. “Thanks.”
“Can we stop by my parent’s house before we go home?” You ask, wanting nothing more than to go home and take a nap but you know news gets around fast in a small town.
“Of course,” Bradley replies, turning towards your childhood home. “You sure you’re up to it though?”
“Yeah,” you say, leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder. “I want to be the one to tell them. Jake doesn’t stand a chance if Ma talks to him before we do.”
“Alright,” he smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“What’re you two doing here?” Ruth asks as she washes dishes by the sink. “Figured you outgrew playing hooky.”
You laugh. “I did. I haven’t been feeling good,” you reply, waiting for her to turn around as you hold up the ultrasound pictures in your ring-clad hand.
“Still?” She replies, turning off the water. “Maybe it’s time to make an appointment.”
“I already did,” you reply, smiling as she turns around, gasping at the images of her grandbaby.
“Tom! Get in here!” She calls to your dad out the open window before rushing over with a sob and a hug. “Oh Emma Lou, I’m so happy for you both!”
“Me too,” you agree, sniffing into her shoulder, crying now too. “That’s not all,” you say, pulling back to show her the ring.
She gasps, turning to Bradley and holding his face between her hands. “I knew it! I knew you were the one,” she smiles at him before wrapping him in a hug. “I’m so happy I get to call you my son.”
Your heart pinches and more tears flow as Bradley hugs her back; you wish now more than ever his parents were still here.
“What’s all this?” Tom asks, pausing by the door with a confused look.
You smile before filling him in on all the good news and you melt as your not-often-physically-affectionate dad hugs him.
“Happy to have you part of the family, son,” he says, clapping Bradley on the back as he fails to discreetly wipe his eye before making his way to you.
“Congrats kiddo,” your dad smiles as he wraps you in his arms for a hug. “You doing okay?” He murmurs, and you can tell he’s remembering the last time.
“I am now that the initial shock wore off,” you nod. “The morning sickness is kicking my ass and I’m so tired, but otherwise everything looks good.”
“Good,” he replies, holding you a little longer.
The nausea wanes over the next week, while your libido multiplies tenfold. You’re craving rough, hot sex, but Bradley’s treating you like you’re made of glass and it’s driving you crazy.
“That’s the most action I’ve had in 2 weeks,” you grumpily tell Bradley at your first OB appointment as you change back into your clothes after the pelvic exam.
“Em, I-“ Bradley starts but is interrupted by the doctor coming back into the room.
“I’ll see you back in about 4 weeks then, let me know sooner if you need anything, okay?” The doctor says as she opens the door.
“Sounds good,” you reply, rising from your seat. “Thanks.”
“Why don’t you go ahead and make your next appointment, I just remembered a question I had,” Bradley says, kissing your cheek.
You agree, not thinking much of it until he joins you a few minutes later, cheeks ruddy and the tips of his ears red.
“What was your question?” You ask, now a little suspicious as you take the appointment card from the receptionist.
“Uh, I…“ he stammers as he opens the door to your truck. “I just want to make-“
He’s saved by his phone ringing. “Sorry, I’ve gotta take this, it’s my CO.”
Your mood sours on the short drive home. The worst part is you know you’re being irrational but you can’t help it.
Bradley finishes the call when he pulls into your driveway and you get out, slamming the door before he gets a chance to open it.
“Em! Hey! What’s wrong?” He asks, jogging up behind you.
Your hands shake as you try and unlock your door and you shake his off when he places them on your waist.
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong,” you lie with a huff, pushing the door open.
“Doesn’t seem that way,” he says softly, closing the door behind him. “I’m sorry, but I kind of have to take the call when it’s my CO.”
“I know, it’s not that,” you reply, frustratedly wiping hot tears. “I just want to have sex. I want you to want me like you did before I was pregnant. I know I was sick and I’ve been tired and I know my body is already changing and my boobs are getting huge and you can’t help it that you’re not attracted to me but-“
You gasp in surprise when he cuts you off with a deep, biting kiss. One hand weaves into your hair while the other slides down your back, into the pocket of your jeans, and pulls you into him so you can feel his hot, hard length.
You whine when his hand tightens the grip in your hair and he pulls you off his lips, forcing you to look at him. You shiver at the dark look in his eyes. “Does this,” he rocks against you and your eyes begin to drift but he pulls again until you open them, “feel like I’m not attracted to you?”
You shake your head as much as you can with the tight hold on your hair and bite your lip to keep from moaning.
This. This is what you’ve been craving.
“Exactly,” he groans as your hand comes up to palm him through his jeans. “Goddamn Em, the past 2 weeks have been killing me. I’ve wanted you more than ever. You’re somehow even sexier but I wanted to get the okay from the doctor before we did anything because of your previous loss.”
“That’s what you were asking the doctor? Why didn’t you tell me that?” You ask softly, hand pausing.
He nods, face flushing again. “Yeah, wanted to make sure what we used to do isn’t going to hurt anything. I also didn’t want you to think I was pressuring you, especially since I thought you didn’t want it,” he replies, kissing your forehead.
“Well I do want it,” you say, leaning back in for a kiss. You smile against his lips when he groans as you begin palming him again. “So fucking much.”
“And you’ll get it,” he murmurs and sighs before stilling your hand with reluctance, “but there’s something I gotta do first.”
“What’s that?” You ask, squeezing him before he pulls your hand away completely.
“You’ll see,” he replies with a nip to your bottom lip. The look on his face is full of dark, dirty, delicious promises. “Now go get undressed. I want you naked and on the bed when I come in,” he murmurs, turning you towards the bedroom before landing a slap to your jean-clad bottom. “Don’t make me wait.”
“Yes sir,” you say teasingly over your shoulder, catching the heat that crosses his expression at your words.
Once you’re out of his line of sight, you quickly peel off your clothes before lying back on the bed. The anticipation is making you desperate and your hand slips between your thighs, gathering your arousal before circling your clit.
You choke back a moan when your other hand brushes your oversensitive nipples; the light touch has your back arching as your release races toward you. A minute more of those sweet touches combined with the thought of Bradley catching you in the act is enough to push you over the edge. You bite your lip to stay quiet, tasting blood as you tremble through wave after wave of pleasure.
Bradley’s soft “fuck” startles your eyes open. The sight of him naked, gripping the base of his cock so he doesn’t cum has you rubbing your thighs together.
“Sorry,” you say sheepishly, as your head falls back to the pillows, “I couldn’t wait anymore.”
“Obviously,” he smirks, coming to the foot of the bed once he’s got himself under control. He grips your ankles and you squeal when he pulls you toward him.
He leans forward and licks into you with a satisfied hum. “God, you taste so fucking good,” he murmurs against you before flicking your clit and rising to his full height. “I was planning on making you cum before I do this, but you already did.”
“Before you do what?” You ask as he helps you to your feet.
But he ignores your question, instead kissing you like before. Again his hand combs into your hair while the other grasps the flesh of your ass. He kisses you deeply and possessively, leaving you breathless when he pulls you off him.
“What…what are doing?” you ask as he turns you around before bending you over.
A sharp slap to your ass steals the breath from your lungs.
“Something I should’ve done a long time ago,” he says sternly as he rubs the sting out before laughing. “I’m kidding. Is this something you still want to try?”
A new wave of arousal rushes between your legs as you nod.
You whimper as he slaps your other cheek. “Use your words.”
“Yes, I want to try…this,” you answer.
Another stinging slap has you gasping.
“I said, use your words,” he repeats lowly, spanking you again.
“Yes! I want you to spank me,” you admit before burying your burning face in the comforter.
“There’s my good girl,” he purrs, and you squirm as he ruts against you. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?”
“No,” you admit, turning your head to smirk up at him. “That wasn’t hard, but you sure are.”
He chuckles before giving you a few more sharp slaps. “Naughty girl.”
“Am not,” you laugh but it turns into a moan when he spanks you again, a bit harder this time.
Soon the heat from your burning skin settles lower between your legs and your slick coats your thighs. You’re again desperate for relief; the vulnerable position he’s put you in, the dominance that’s radiating off him and the naughtiness from it all is driving you crazy in the best way.
“I’m sorry for touching myself before you came in. Will you please fuck me now?” You rasp after he cups you with a groan, feeling how affected you are.
“Hmm,” he pretends to think about it as he licks his fingers clean before slotting his weeping cock between your reddened cheeks. “Not yet.”
You try to rub your thighs together for some friction, groaning in frustration when he gently kicks your ankles further apart.
“You’re in trouble for more than just touching what’s mine,” he murmurs, leaning forward to kiss the knobs of your spine. His voice grows softer as he continues, “I don’t ever want to hear you say that I’m not attracted to you again. I’ll always want you; next week, in 8 months, when you’re delivering our baby, afterward, in 50 years…forever. Okay?”
“Okay,” you say, blinking back the tears filling your eyes. “Now will you fuck me?” You ask, breaking the heaviness as you push back towards him.
He laughs at your attempts against your back before lining himself up and slowly pushing in.
“Ye-no! Please baby,” you whine when he pulls out before he even gets all the way in.
“Not yet,” he says again with a dark chuckle before giving you a few more stinging swats.
Bradley finally relents when your legs begin to tremble nearly an hour later. An hour that felt like an eternity with the sweet torture he’s put you through. Alternating between gentle pinches and tugs of your nipples as he fucked you with slow, shallow thrusts, pulling out again when you were on the cusp of release just to re-redden your ass before kneeling to lick up the wetness coating your thighs. He reveled in the anguished cries you made when he denied you again before repeating the cycle.
“P-please, oh God…please,” you plead when he finally thrusts all the way inside you. “No more teasing.”
“Alright. No more teasing,” he agrees, panting against your back as his hand slides over your side to find your breast to gently pinch your nipple. “You-fuck! You’re so good for me.”
Your hoarse scream is muffled by the comforter as an orgasm rips through you.
Bradley curses as you contract around him, slowing his thrusts so he doesn’t cum yet.
“More,” you mumble, pushing your hips back against his before you even come down. “One more.”
“Okay, my greedy girl,” he laughs breathlessly, sliding his hand down to rub over your clit. “I’ll give you one more.”
“I’ll do this,” you say, moving his hand to your hip and putting your own fingers where his just were. “Just fuck me hard. I wanna feel it tomorrow.
“Fuckkkk,” he groans hotly when you squeeze him as you find your clit. “Yeah, yeah, okay,” he agrees, finally giving you what you’ve been craving with deep, punishing thrusts.
“Like that, yes! Just like that,” you cry, each roll of his hips rubbing your g-spot.
“G-get there for me,” Bradley pants as he pulls you up, your chest against his back. Your head falls back to his shoulder as you approach the edge. “Yeah, that’s my girl,” he rasps when you begin to tighten around him.
You gasp as your vision goes white and your ears ring as you cum harder than ever have before. Bradley’s right there with you, unable to hold off when you clench around him like a vice.
He cums with a choked shout of your name as he releases deep inside you.
A/N: Welllllllll the cat(s) are out of the bag. This was very much my experience pregnant-super hormonal and my mood changed so fast I gave my husband whiplash 🥴 the whole body image thing was a page from my own book as well, but of course Bradley knows just how to reassure her.
Also-Bradley definitely asked the doctor if rough sex would hurt the baby after doing an extensive Google search 😂
Also also-I’m wrapping this one up! 1 more chapter (I’m thinking at least).
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs!
Tagging (please let me know if you want to be added/removed!):
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 11 months
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Battle in Rhodolite: Team Deer Bonus Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Emma: "Is there a reward for the winning team?"
Sariel: "Yes. They will be presented with a ticket that can grant any wish within reason."
Sariel: "Our committee will have to hear their requests."
Emma: "I understand. I'll prepare myself from now on."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Emma: "So, congratulations!"
Emma: "The winner of the first International Friendship Martial Arts Tournament is Team Deer!"
Emma: "As the organizing committee, we will do our best to fulfill everyone's wishes."
Keith: "That's great. Although it wasn't a serious martial arts tournament, a victory is still a victory."
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Leon: "Hold on. There was one person in this team who slacked off."
Chevalier: "..........."
Leon: "You disappeared for your own reasons, but it's still considered skipping."
Silvio: "True. It's a bit funny that everyone gets the reward equally."
Rio: "You say that, but you just played in a card game."
Silvio: "And you just made sweets. That's not called a martial arts tournament."
Luke: "I did participate in the martial arts tournament properly."
Sariel: "The cleaning afterward was hell, though. Fufufu."
Luke: "Well, it's not my fault."
Keith: "Things are starting to look ominous. Emma, what should we do?"
Keith: "In the first place, the ticket that grants any wish is one per team, not one per person, right?"
Emma: "Yes, that's correct."
Keith: "I can't imagine everyone here agreeing on a wish."
Keith: "What should we do about that, Sariel?"
Sariel: "Let's just forcefully gather and summarize their opinions."
Keith: "Understood. In that case, how about something like this?"
Emma: "Do you have an idea?"
Keith: "Yeah. We're going to have a martial arts tournament with everyone here."
Keith: "And the person who wins will receive the ticket."
Emma: "I see!"
Emma: "Wait, what?"
Silvio: "That's easy to understand."
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Silvio: "Alright, I'll start by taking you down."
Rio: "Whoa!?"
Rio: "Attacking out of nowhere一are you some sort of a barbarian!?"
Silvio: "Tch, you even threw a knife at me right away."
Silvio: "But don't think you can crush me with such a feeble weapon."
Emma: "Ah, crap, it's really starting!"
Luke: "Hey, wait, Rio! Don't throw a knife at me!"
Rio: "Then why don't you help me, Prince Luke? I'll behave myself if we defeat this jerk!"
Silvio: "Ha? Are you my enemy too, big guy? Then come at me."
Luke: "Alright, the way you said that just now pissed me off."
Luke: "I'll kill for unlimited honey."
Emma: "Ahhh! You too, Luke!? Wait, what you said sounded really dangerous!"
Sariel: "Please step aside, Emma. At this point, we can only leave it to fate."
Sariel: ".........."
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Keith: "Heh, I've known for a while that you're no ordinary guy, but I didn't think you'd block my sword with a whip. Impressive."
Sariel: "What are you planning, Prince Keith?"
Keith: "Nothing. I'm just thinking of taking responsibility and joining as well."
Sariel: "If you say you'll take responsibility, then could you please stop this?"
Keith: "Sorry, Sariel. I'm as fragile as a weed, so stopping this is beyond me."
Keith: "Though, I don't really intend to stop it."
Leon: "Emma! Come over here!"
Emma: "Leon! W-W-What should I do? Even Sariel has started fighting with his whip."
Leon: "Calm down. Do you know what to do in times like this?"
Emma: "No. I have absolutely no idea."
Leon: "It's simple."
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Leon: "In this world, the strong devour the weak and make the losers submit."
Emma: "Um, why are you drawing your sword too?"
Leon: "Stay behind Chevalier."
Emma: "Wait! And he's gone."
Keith: "Oops, haha! I never thought I'd have the chance to fight you, Leon."
Leon: "Don't let your guard down. This fight won't end until there's a winner!"
Silvio: "Hey! Who the hell tried to attack me from behind just now!?"
Rio: "Ah, damn it! I missed. Seriously, this guy's so persistent!"
Luke: "How about I just blow everyone away together?"
Sariel: "That wouldn't be good. Please calm down."
Emma: "No one..."
Emma: "No one seems willing to listen to me."
Emma: "If everyone wants to fight with swords so badly, they should've done it in a martial arts tournament."
Emma: "The only person I can rely on in this group is..."
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Chevalier: "............"
Emma: "You've been reading a book since earlier. Sorry, but I have a favor to ask."
Chevalier: "............"
Emma: "Could you please settle this commotion?"
Chevalier: "............"
Emma: "I'll give you some rare books. The owner recently said he found books from a lost nation!"
Chevalier: "Oh?"
Chevalier: "Lost nation's literature sounds interesting. Most of it is said to have been burned by Obsidian."
Emma: "The owner is an incredibly lucky person. Having one or two books from a lost nation is a real bargain!"
Chevalier: "In that case, it is certainly worth it."
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Chevalier: "Stop, was it?"
Emma: "Eh? Huh? He disappeared."
Rio: "Waah!?"
Luke: "Whoa!?"
Silvio: "What the!?"
Sariel: "Oops."
Leon: "Chevalier!?"
Chevalier: "Keep your promise, simpleton."
Emma: "T-Thank you very much."
Emma: "I didn't expect you to disarm everyone in an instant."
Leon: "Isn't this unfair, Chevalier?"
Luke: "Sneaking in when our guard is down and taking the easy part is really sneaky."
Rio: "Exactly!"
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Silvio: "Seriously, why are you the most motivated one here? That's not like your character at all."
Keith: "Your swordsmanship was impressive, Chevalier. How about sparring with me next?"
Sariel: "Prince Keith seems unusually spirited today."
Emma: "Okay, everyone, did you cool your heads already?"
Emma: "If we continue like this, we'll never be able to fulfill your wishes."
Emma: "Let's have a constructive discussion, please!"
Rio: "Emma looks cute when she's mad."
Luke & Leon: "Agreed."
Silvio: "You guys, shut up."
Keith: "Hmm."
Keith: "In that case, how about having the Second International Friendship Martial Arts Tournament?"
Silvio: "Ha?"
Keith: "I'm talking about the team's wishes."
Keith: "Well, everyone seemed to still want to fight, so I thought having it regularly might be a good idea."
Keith: "That way, the chance to have your wishes granted might increase from once to two or three times."
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Keith: "I believe it could improve things without engaging in useless fights like this."
Leon: "You were the one who started this useless fight."
Emma: "Prince Keith's suggestion is wonderful!"
Emma: "Having the exchange event two or three times would deepen our bonds even more than just doing it once."
Rio: "Emma's eyes are sparkling. Cute."
Luke & Leon: "Agreed."
Silvio: "I told you guys to shut up."
Silvio: "If there's a next time, I want a different team from this damn mutt. I'll knock you guys out with all my might."
Rio: "Wow, so much confidence. Hopefully, you won't get beaten up in return."
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Luke: "I'll be on a different team from that bastard Clavis. I'll take him down next time, for sure."
Sariel: "Where's the word friendship in all of these?"
Leon: "You don't have any objections, do you?"
Chevalier: "............"
Leon: "Oh, he ran away. Well, I guess that means he has no complaints."
Emma: "So it's decided then."
Emma: "I look forward to the day when we all get together again."
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Ikepri Masterlist
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hollyethecurious · 2 months
CS AU: A Pirate Booty Birthday (1/1)
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Summary: She knew her soon-to-be former best friend had something up her sleeve. No way Ruby Lucas would allow Emma Swan’s birthday to be celebrated with a simple pool party. Oh, no. She just had to do something over the top. Something that would make this year ‘the best birthday ever!’ Something that would go down in infamy among their friend group. Something that Emma would find totally and completely humiliating. So, of course. Ruby had hired a stripper.
A/N: So, the other day a picture and video was posted on social media depicting our fave donning his pirate outfit once more in order to surprise a co-worker for her birthday. The post included a caption quipping, "The pirate they hired for our birthday party was actually really good", which caused many of us to wish we could hire the same said pirate for our bday celebrations. This, naturally, sparked a fic idea which I shared on the csmm discord and, well… you can probably guess the rest, lol.
Much love to the discord ladies and especially to @jrob64 who championed the idea so much she agreed to beta. Of course, seeing as it is her bday today, I'm also gifting this fic to her. Sorry it isn't the actual pirate, but I hope it is a close second! Happy birthday!
A shout out also goes to @kmomof4 who also gave this a once over for me😘
Rated T+ / Also available on ao3 and ff.net / buy me a coffee / add to tag list / Curious? Come Ask Me!  
A Pirate Booty Birthday
She knew her soon-to-be former best friend had something up her sleeve. No way Ruby Lucas would allow Emma Swan’s birthday to be celebrated with a simple pool party. Oh, no. She just had to do something over the top. Something that would make this year ‘the best birthday ever!’ Something that would go down in infamy among their friend group.
Something that Emma would find totally and completely humiliating.
So, of course. Ruby had hired a stripper.
A pirate themed stripper to go with the pirate themed decor and pirate themed drinks they’d been enjoying all afternoon and into the evening.
A pirate themed stripper who nearly had Emma swallowing her tongue when he appeared in Ruby’s backyard, decked out in head-to-toe black leather with artfully mussed dark hair, kohl-lined piercing blue eyes, auburn tinted stubble, and a devilish smirk that would make a mermaid swoon.
Holy hell and hot damn.
“Get your dollar bills ready, girls!” Lily called out, practically knocking Belle over as she rushed for her purse.
"Sorry, ladies,” the pirate crooned as he swaggered towards them. “I only accept doubloons.”
Well, fuck. He has an accent, too?! Emma thought, while silently freaking out. Damn, and it actually sounds authentic. It can’t be real, though. Right?
Stopping in front of their group, he cocked one hip to the side and tucked his thumb into his belt, perusing each of them with a sultry glance and briefly pausing when his eyes landed on her before addressing them all once more. “Besides... the only one allowed to touch the Captain this evening is the birthday girl. Perhaps one of you would be good enough to point her out to me?"
A half dozen pointer fingers immediately gave her up and Emma’s mouth went completely dry when a wide, feral grin spread across the pirate captain’s face. Seductively, he scraped his teeth across his bottom lip, then brought his thumb up to brush against the now reddened flesh. His eyes raked over her as she sat stock still in her red bikini and one of his brows raised cockily up his forehead. When he finally spoke again, Emma would swear his voice dropped an octave as he quipped, "I was hoping it’d be you."
Cat calls and whoops of both laughter and encouragement rang out from her friends, forcing Emma from her seat in the hopes of making an escape to the house. Where she could hide. Or wait for the ground to swallow her whole. She wasn’t picky.
With swift reflexes, he moved to block her path, his persona breaking for a brief moment as he gave her a commiserating look. It was quickly schooled and replaced by his Captain facade as he tutted, “Now, now, love. Heed your Captain.” Gently he led her back to her chair, encouraging her to sit before he propped a booted foot up on the end of the diving board. “Don’t make me force you to walk the plank. Just sit right there and take your lap dance like a good girl.”
He winked at her, causing another round of shouts and whistles and ‘atta girls’ to be yelled from her friends. Looking over her shoulder, Emma made eye contact with Ruby and mouthed, “I hate you,” but the effect was lost when the hysterical laugh she’d been holding back finally made its way to the surface.
“You love me,” Ruby mouthed back, blowing her a kiss before bringing up a music file from her phone to play over the speakers. Presumably, the pirate stripper had sent her his music when she booked him.
Which turned out to be the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Because, of course it was.
Emma hated to admit it but… the pirate stripper Ruby hired for her birthday was actually pretty good.
Very. Good.
Tantalizing good.
Toned and bronzed and sultry and commanding and wouldn’t-mind-blindly-following-his-Captain’s-orders good.
“Come on, Captain!” Lily shouted as he slipped off his suspenders and began to tug the smoke-like, gossamer thin blouse free from his pants, revealing toned abs and happy trail. “Hoist the mainsail for us!”
Emma thought she’d caught the beginnings of an eye roll before he turned his back to them, his hips gyrating and the muscles of his ass flexing beneath the tight leather.
A piercing whistle erupted next to Emma’s drumdrum. Tink practically had her fingers halfway down her throat to make the obnoxious sound. “Show us your pirate booty!” she drunkenly yelled before an unseemly snort escaped her from the self-satisfied laugh she let out.
“Forget the booty!” Lily called out salaciously. “Show us your jewels!”
“Guys!” Emma admonished, halfway turning in her seat to face her unruly friends. “Enough! Let the poor man do his thing.”
“I’d like to do his thing,” Lily shot back, vulgarly licking her lips then catching Emma’s hardened glare and silent reprimand to behave. “Spoil sport,” Lily huffed, poutily taking another large gulp from her solo cup, her eyes cutting back to the Captain who was being cheered on by the rest of the group.
“Sorry, Ems,” Tink offered with a sincere expression of contrition before being jolted to the side by Ruby who had refilled her drink and was now joining their little mob.
“Oh, come on, Emma,” Ruby said with a wolfish grin. “Tell me you wouldn’t happily walk that plank.” Jutting her chin towards the night’s entertainment she’d provided, she gave a whistle of her own, pointed down to Emma, then shouted. “Let her shiver your timber, Captain!”
Emma turned back around and her jaw dropped. Apparently, he’d been rather busy while her back was turned. He’d removed his great coat and vest early on in the performance, but now, gone were the blouse, boots, and leather pants, leaving him in nothing more than a tight, barely-there, black Speedo.
She couldn’t help but focus on the bulge he was currently thrusting in their direction, his generous size evident from the way the material strained around it. His hips swiveled and her eyes traveled up the happy trail of hair at his navel, the twitch and flex of his abdominal muscle mesmerizing her. As did the broad planes of his chest, dusted with the same luscious hair her fingers itched to run themselves through. Her final destination was his face and her breath caught at the way he stared at her, his attention solely focused on her gaze with his own hungry, predatory, wouldn’t-mind-making-a-meal-out-of-her intent reflected in his dark, ocean blue depths.
With a dirty grind in his hips, he swaggered towards them until he was right in front of her. Without warning, he threw himself forward, bracing himself against the edge of the table behind her. Arms caging her in as he hovered over her in an impressively held plank position. Emma had to grip the ends of the armrest to force her hands to remain on their best behavior, her bottom lip firmly tucked between her teeth, trapping a moan inside her mouth as his body rolled over the top of her, his breath - soft, sensual pants exhaling from his chest - ghosting across her face as his kohl-rimmed eyes stayed locked onto hers.
“Go on, Emma!” One of her friends encouraged dirtily. “Make his Roger Jolly!
“Show him where to drop his anchor, Ems!”
Another half-amused, half-exasperated look flitted across his face before he could stop it. He probably got comments like that a lot, had probably heard every bad pirate pun there was. The way he continued to stare down at her, though, his body grinding a hair's-breadth away from hers and occasionally making contact when his leg couldn’t help but brush against her own, made Emma think he might not mind them so much when they were applied to her.
Of course, that had to be wistful thinking on her part. Given how gorgeous and hot and limber and intense and - did she say hot already? - he was, Emma was certain he got his fair share of propositions from equally hot and horny women.
Emma practically whimpered when he rolled his body away from hers, instantly missing the close contact and feeling more flushed and keyed up than she’d expected to get. Bringing her hand up, she made an attempt to fan herself, but was thwarted when his hand caught hers. Tugging lightly, he encouraged her to her feet then wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her hips flush with his as he continued to roll, swivel, and grind against her body.
“Let the pillaging and plundering begin!” Ruby shouted.
A toe-curling chuckle rumbled through his chest and he brought his mouth tauntingly close to her ear, murmuring, “Your friends are quite the lively bunch.”
Yep. The accent was real. Fuck. Me.
“Yeah,” Emma replied a bit breathlessly, her body now moving in time with his as they finished out the track as though they were at some risque nightclub and not her best friend's backyard. “Sorry about that.”
“No need to apologize, love,” he told her, dropping his arms and taking a step back.
Emma hadn’t even realized the song had ended, but her friends absolutely losing their shit with screams and whistles and applause probably should have clued her in.
“What say you, ladies?” he called out to the group. “Has your Captain delivered to your satisfaction, or is he to walk the plank?”
Once again, he propped his foot on the diving board and her friends - as eager to have him dripping wet as she was - immediately began chanting, “Walk the plank! Walk the plank! Walk the plank!”
Shooting them a wide grin, he hopped up onto the board but paused when Ruby called out. “Here, Emma! In case he needs some encouragement!”
She tossed a plastic, toy sword at her which Emma miraculously caught. Glancing up at the man, something swooped deep in her belly at the raised brow and smirk he was giving her.
“Do you even know how to use that thing, love?” he said in a teasing and mocking tone.
“Yeah,” she said, stepping up behind him on the board and pressing the plastic tip into his side. “The pointy end goes in the other guy.”
She poked at him with it again, urging him towards the end of the board, or… plank, and absolutely did not find his ticklish response at all endearing.
“What’s the matter, Captain?” she replied in a coy and coquettish tone. “Don’t like being jabbed with my sword?”
The Captain scoffed and turned to face her. “You call that a jab?” he shot back, and Emma gasped as he yanked the sword from her grasp, then used his quick reflexes to pull her into him before she even had a chance to realize what he was doing. He had her arms pinned to her sides with his tightly wrapped around her, the heavy bulge in the front of his Speedo pressed firmly against her belly as a smolder bloomed from his expression and deep crooning tone professed, “Trust me, love. When I jab you with my sword… you’ll feel it.”
Emma gasped as he threw them both off the diving board into the pool. Panic gripped her when she hit the water and began to sink. Years of bouncing around foster care meant she’d never learned to swim properly, so, on instinct, when she resurfaced, she clung to the Captain, wrapping her arms and legs around his body to stay afloat.
“Sorry, love,” he chuckled. “I thought we could both do with some cooling off.” Seeing her expression, which she hadn’t been able to calm yet, he held her a bit tighter and asked, “Are you alright?”
“Y-Yeah,” she stammered, reluctantly pulling one of her hands off him so she could wipe the water from her face. “I, um… I just… I don’t do well with, um…”
“Bloody hell,” he cursed at himself. “I wasn’t thinking. I’m so sorry, love. Here.” He started to swim them over to the ladder. “I’ve got you. Just grab onto the rails.”
Emma did as he instructed, extricating herself from him so she could put her feet on the solid rungs of the ladder. He grabbed onto the edge of the pool and with little effort, hoisted himself out of the water, getting to his feet in time to come around and offer her a hand up the ladder.
“Emma!” Her friends exclaimed, rushing towards them. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she assured them, waving off their concern with her free hand, the other still tucked in his grasp. “Really. I’m fine.”
Ruby draped a towel over her shoulders then offered one to the dripping wet man next to her. Emma would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little disappointed when he let go of her hand and began drying off. She would have enjoyed watching the beads and streams of water sluice down his trim and toned body.
“Thank you, Miss Lucas,” he replied, stepping back from the gaggle of girls that had joined them. Emma could tell it was a prudent and deliberate move on his part, giving himself a personal bubble of space in case any of them decided to take the opportunity to get handsy. Sheepishly, he glanced back at Emma and offered once more, “My sincerest apologies. I shouldn’t have--”
“My fault entirely,” Ruby chimed in, turning apologetic eyes towards Emma. “I should have given Killian a heads up about you and the pool.”
“Killian?” Emma said, her eyes snapping back to the man who now had the towel wrapped around his waist.
“Killian Jones,” he said, introducing himself as he bowed his head and offered her a boyish smile. “At your service, Miss…”
“Swan,” Emma reciprocated. “Emma Swan. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Oh, trust me, love,” he crooned, steeping a bit closer into her personal space. “The pleasure is all mine.”
A symphony of sighs and squeals crescendoed around them and Emma’s cheeks heated at the knowledge that her friends were still hovering.
“Alright,” Ruby shouted, getting everyone’s attention. “This alcohol isn’t gonna drink itself. Who wants a refill?”
Emma shot her friend a grateful look as she led the mob back towards the tiki bar, giving her an opportunity to speak with Killian privately before he had to pack up and be on his way.
“Do you, uh… need some help collecting your things?” she asked him, tucking a wet, tangled strand of hair behind her ear.
“I can manage,” he told her, though he made no effort to do so. “You know,” he murmured softly, closing what little space remained between them. “I can help you with your… water issue, if you’d like.”
“My water issue?” Emma replied in an amused breath. “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”
An abashed huff fell from his lips and he reached up to awkwardly scratch behind his ear. “No, I meant… You seem a bit uncertain and slightly nervous regarding--”
“Yeah,” she said, offering him a lifeline. “I’m not the greatest swimmer. Never really learned how to--”
“I can help with that,” he said, cutting her off in an enthusiastic rush. “I mean… If you’d like me to. I’m a certified lifeguard and just got a full time position with the city to oversee the safety of the beaches.”
“Do you make this offer to every birthday girl you perform for?” she asked, a slightly accusatory tone underpinning her words, wondering if this were some sort of line he often used to get women.
“No, actually,” he said fervently, and without any hint of offense. “I’d given up stripping quite a while ago. I only agreed to do it because Ruby’s boyfriend, Graham, is a mate of mine from back in the day.”
“So…” Emma drawled, flicking her eyes up at him through her lashes, “you’re saying, this was a one time thing?”
“Aye, love,” he murmured, the two of them swaying a bit closer to one another. “After tonight, I’m hanging up my great coat and leather pants for good.”
“Well, that’s a shame,” she said, her eyes dropping to focus on the way his tongue ran over his lips. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that get-up again sometime.”
“Perhaps,” he rasped, his lips tantalizing close to hers. “I could be persuaded to give you a private showing sometime, provided it follows a private swimming lesson.”
“How’s Monday sound?”
“Bloody perfect,” he exhaled before crashing his mouth to hers.
If they hadn’t already, Ruby’s neighbors were gonna call the cops with a serious complaint about the explosion of noise currently erupting from her friends.
The End.
Tagging the Curious Crew: (add to tag list)
(Please be advised that I only keep one tag list for all fic updates and new works. If at any time you wish to be removed, just shoot me an ask or a DM. No worries.)
@kmomof4 @jrob64 @zaharadessert @laianely @booksteaandtoomuchtv
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@qualitycoffeethings @idristardis @phoenix-untamed
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onyour-right · 11 months
I'm gonna have to rewatch this episode a few times cos 'um, excuse me what the actual fuck????
Cate, Catey, Catherine. We're on a break right now. Like, I just can't with her right. I was with her freeing the kids from the woods & telling the security guy to eat his hand, and her point about Marie (and supes) being a product was true; but the whole 'supremacist' speech and then whatever the fuck she was gonna do to Jordan?? Yeaaaa, I'm feeling some kinda way towards her and it's not good, lol.
Although it could be argued that the real fault lies with the adults who were imprisoning, torturing and running experiments on college students, so...
Also the fact that Cate and Sam were the ones who started the whole massacre and yet they're somehow the new guardians of Godolkin ??? Ty-pi-cal. And the fact that the poc were blamed and imprisoned when they were the ones tryna stop the rampage??? One simply has to laugh because otherwise...
Andre's scenes with his father got me. I'm very interested in where they'll take his storyline; the fact that the more he uses his powers the more he's damaging/killing himself. I wish they would have shown more scenes of him struggling after using his powers though, which would explain why he wasn't as useful as others this season.
Emma and Sam. Sam had a bit too much bass in his throat when he was talking to Emma which I didn't like at all. He knows damn well she's been looking out for him when she didnt have to at all. It's giving ill fated lovers - not that one of them necessarily has to die just that I don't think they'll end up together in the long run.
Marie and Jordan. I'm a ride or die for these two; their scenes together were few but impactful. Jordan not stopping Cate/Sam because wifey shook her head?? Love to see it. Marie giving people heart-attacks and blasting off Cate's arm to protect Jordan??? Fucking delightful. Jordan sitting on Marie's hospital bed and waiting for her to wake up? They're married your honour!!! Also can we talk about Jordan dillydallying while walking over to Marie??? It reminded me so much of Rickon in GoT running in a straight line (but at least he fucking ran 🙄) like Jordan????? At least jog a little no?????? Although the way they looked at each other in that scene was fucking cute though. ALSO, Marie did some Katara level blood-bending y'all, I can't wait for her to grow even more into her powers...
I'm not a 'The Boys' watcher so I don't know who that guy at the end was. Is he a good guy, a bad guy??? Either way he feels like someone very important.
Homelander laser beaming Marie and calling her an animal? He needs to die already, he needs to be tortured nice and slow and then die.
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queenshelby · 1 year
The Fourth Season (Part 12)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap (20 Years), Fluff, Angst, Sexual Tension
Words: 4,876
The next week in summary…
Being your first week apart from each other since commencing filming of Season Four, it felt strange to be on your own, day in and day out. Even your bed felt empty now especially since, right before your departure, you had secretly shared most nights with Cillian in his apartment.
Of course, Emma and your family were with you now but this was not the same nor was it enough for you as, for some reason, you missed Cillian’s company terribly and it was almost like you had suddenly become dependent upon him.
You were usually quite happy to be on your own and did not need a man to look after you. Even with James, throughout the years, you did not feel like this. You never really missed him, but with Cillian it was different. You missed his jokes, your conversations, listening to his voice, his scent, his kisses and his touch.
His touch though was certainly the one thing you missed the most. You loved being intimate with him and you were certainly ready to take your relationship to the next level.
Your POV
Your first day in Cork was also the day of your grandmother’s funeral and, not surprisingly, you were saddened and felt miserable that day.
Cillian had contacted you a few times throughout the day, seeing how you were feeling and telling you, during his breaks, that he was thinking about you.
He told you that he wished that he could be there for you, comfort you and, when you texted him back, telling him that you missed him, he told you that he missed you too. According to him, nothing felt the same without you and he could not wait to see you again in Dublin in seven days’ time.
Your parents, unfortunately, quickly caught wind of the text messages going back and forwards between you and the fact that notifications came up on your phone as “Cillian Murphy” made your father rather angry.
“Why does this man keep texting you?” he asked around midday just after you had arrived at the dining hall of the congregation. The funeral took place that same morning and it was now time to mourn and eat, which you always thought was some kind of awkward combination. Food and tears, sadness and appetite, and you were not even hungry.
“What are you talking about?” you asked your father while your brother and Emma were listening in. Of course, only Emma knew about your secret relationship with Cillian, but your brother certainly became suspicious now that Cillian had been texting you all day.
“I have seen at least six text message pop up on your phone. They were all from him. You are on holidays and he knows that, right? He should not keep bothering you with work” your father then exclaimed furiously, almost causing Emma to break out in laughter. If your father knew what she knew, he would probably explode right there in front of you.
“He is just being nice dad. He knows about granny’s passing and is sending his condolences” you told him, not yet knowing that your father knew Cillian from school. The way he reacted though made you wonder why he cared so much about the contact you kept with a fellow cast member and whether he knew something more than he let on.
“Well, you should put your phone away now Y/N. Be respectful” your father then lectured you and you rolled your eyes but complied with his request nonetheless.
You sent one final message to Cillian, telling him that you would be in touch later that night and wishing him a pleasant and easy day on set.
“Will do. I will call you tonight. Love you x” was what he then sent back and, just as you opened this final text message from him, your brother looked over your shoulder. He was intrigued but not really surprised.
“Fuck, Cillian Murphy loves you, eh?” he said almost immediately before breaking out in a childish giggle.
“Oh my god, please! Stop spying on me” you told him with blushing red cheeks.
“Dad will kill you if he finds out that you are seeing him. He is like twice your age” your brother then said without thinking to mention the fact that your father had a connection to Cillian. He simply assumed that you knew and were thus simply being rebellious and cheeky. Perhaps it was the forbidden that turned you on or perhaps it was just bad luck.
“You won’t tell him though, will you?” you asked nervously nonetheless and your brother shook his head.
“God no. You don’t tell him my secrets, so why would I tell him yours?” your brother then said before making you follow him to the buffet which is where, much to your surprise, you saw four familiar faces.
James, his sister (who had tried to hit on Cillian when visiting the set) and their parents were there as well and, despite your dislike for James’ parents, they greeted you with open arms.
They offered their condolences and congratulated you on your role in Peaky Blinders. According to them, you were doing well and this, for some reason, they did not expect. They had always expected you to marry their son and have children soon, thereby giving into their demands but none of this was ever on your agenda. You were too young to have children and wanted to focus on something you loved.
“Of course she is doing well. She is fucking talented” Emma then blurted out, causing them both to furrow their eyebrows and your brother to laugh.
“I am sure she is. Anthony Barnes seems to be rather impressed by her performance” James’s father then said before asking you whether you knew that, for Season Four, his company was a major financial sponsor.
Between the BBC, Caryn Mandabach’s company and Netflix, the show did not receive enough funding following an increase in spendings during Season Three, hence the reason his company invested $3,000,000 towards the production, in turn of which James was given a role in Season Four and the family business was given the merchandising rights.
“I am aware” you said before having been advised that, the fact that you were casted, was pure luck which, of course, was a comment that bothered you.
“Luck you say?” you asked before your brother interrupted.  
“I think my sister was casted on merit. She auditioned and got the role fair and square” your brother argued before, finally, your father stepped in and ended this conversation.
“I think we can agree to disagree. This is a funeral and we should be respectful to one another, yes?” he said before asking James’s father how he was. Your father had always pandered to James’s parents and the way your brother spoke to them so truthfully did not sit well with him.
In the end though, the conversation came to a natural end following your father’s interruption and you felt as though you needed some fresh air after all this awkwardness inside.
“Would you excuse me please” you thus told the group who was now talking about religious believes and even Emma knew to give you some space rather than to safe herself from this nonsense.
James, on the other hand, did not and followed you outside.
“James, please, I just need a moment to myself” you said as soon as you saw him behind you but he pulled you aside and smiled.
“I just wanted to tell you that I am really sorry Y/N” he told you while handing you his handkerchief.
“Please, I don’t want to talk about us today. If this is…” you began to say while wiping away your tears.
“No. Shit. This is not about us” James interrupted you. “I am sorry about your grandmother’s passing. I know how close you were to her and, if you need anything, even if it is just a shoulder to cry on, I will be here for you” James then offered before giving you a very gentle and tentative hug, which was a gesture you appreciated and did not think anything about.
“Thank you James. That’s good to know” you told him before smiling through your tears.
“You are most welcome Y/N” he then told you before, all so suddenly, pulling you in for a kiss.
Your lips touched for a split second and it took you at least three times as long to comprehend what was happening.
“Oh my god James. What the fuck” you spat after quickly pushing him away and wiping off his saliva.
“I thought that…” James began to say ignorantly before you interrupted him.
“You thought that you could kiss me? Right fucking now while I am grieving?” you asked, shaking your head, before telling him how appalled you were by him using your vulnerability like this.
“I still love you Y/N” he told you in response while trying to reach for your hands and you chuckled.
“We are done. I told you that many times” you reminded him and this was when he asked you whether you were seeing someone else which, of course, was an answer you should have declined to answer. But, you could not. You just wanted him to back off and leave you alone.
“Yes James. I am seeing someone else” you thus told him sternly.
“Who is he?” he asked almost angrily but you simply chuckled again and shook your head in disbelieve.
“That is none of your business” you told him before, finally, storming off and walking back inside.
Cillian’s POV
On the same day, which was also Cillian’s second last day on set before his scheduled return to Dublin for a one-week break with his kids, Cillian too had to deal with some unwanted and unsolicited attention from his assistant Lorraine who, clearly, had taken a liking in him ever since starting her role.
Unlike some other women on set, she was becoming rather difficult for Cillian to deal with and it was at around 3 o’clock in the afternoon that she took her liking for him to the next level.
As so often, she walked in on him as he was getting changed in his trailer and startled him.
“Please knock” Cillian reminded her before pulling a t-shirt over his head and Lorraine nodded reluctantly.
“I am sorry Cillian. I forgot” she told him before handing him a cup of coffee, which she had just fetched from the cafeteria.
“Thanks” Cillian said politely as he took the cup from her hands and, just as he did, she smiled.
“You are welcome. I thought you might need a pick-me-up” she said before, somewhat seductively, biting her lower lip.
“Right, yes” he chuckled, although, to him, these kinds of advances were becoming rather annoying and bothersome. Cillian knew that he needed to address it, but did not feel the need to have an argument about it.
“Lorraine, can we talk for a minute please” he said nonetheless, knowing that it would be for the better while, unbeknownst to him, Lorraine expected the conversation to go somewhere else entirely.
With that , she nodded and stepped closer towards Cillian who, by this point, was somewhat confused.
“I have the feeling that you like me a little more than you should, and…” Cillian began to say while backing away from her until his back hit the corner of the kitchenette bench.
“I do and I hope that you like me too” Lorraine interrupted before, all so suddenly, using the same move James had used on you just hours earlier.
She leaned in and kissed him for a split second before Cillian pushed her away gently.
“Lorraine, I don’t feel that way about you and perhaps we need to consider getting you to work for someone else as this has become rather uncomfortable for me” Cillian then told her honestly which, in the end, caused her to leave the trailer shortly thereafter.
It was later that day, when you were at home and were slightly tipsy following a little too much to drink at the wake. Cillian had just finished on set and you called him from your room after he had texted you, letting you know that he was available to talk. Emma was in the living room, giving you some privacy and your parents were busy preparing dinner.
“You won’t believe what happened today” was the first thing you mentioned to him before telling Cillian about the incident with James which, for some reason, distracted you from the fact that your grandmother had passed on. It was not a pleasant distraction but it was better than nothing and Cillian knew not to drill you with questions about the burial and the wake, which too was a fact you appreciated.
Thus, instead of talking about your grandmother’s passing, you spoke about James and, eventually, Cillian even told you about Lorraine.
“I actually had a very similar incident on set today” Cillian joked after you made fun of James and you knew that it must have been Lorraine who made an advance towards him.
It was an assumption you then voiced and which Cillian confirmed. It was a matter of time and, when Cillian informed you that she would be assigned to someone else after he got back from Dublin, you felt some relief.
“Oh god, I hope it isn’t me. I don’t want to work with her now that I know that she kissed you” you laughed, causing Cillian to chuckle before telling you that it would be funny if she was assigned to James instead as, in his mind, their attitudes were quite similar.
“Is she a good kisser at least?” you then teased Cillian after discussing the incident for a while, but he simply laughed it off.
“The kiss didn’t take long enough for me to find out but I doubt that she could compete with you babe” Cillian told you jokingly, following which you whispered something naughty in to the phone.
“Probably not. You said that I have an unusually skilled tongue and, surely, not everyone can have this kind of skill, right?” you teased just before you heard a knock on the door of your room.
“Dinner” your father informed you and, with that, you told Cillian that you had to go.
Over the next few days, you spent some more time with family and friends. You went to the movies twice, took some time going out with Emma and engaged in some retail therapy.
Shopping was not really your thing but Emma loved it and dragged you along.
You had shared a room with her for several days now and she knew that things were getting more serious between you and Cillian. You spoke to him every night and, every night, she needed to make an excuse to leave your room so that you would have some privacy.
“We have to get you some sexy lingerie before the weekend I think” she kept on reminding you and, in the end, you went to a large department store with her and bought exactly that.
Black lace lingerie was what you picked out and you were certain that Cillian would appreciate it. But, unfortunately for you, your parents did not.
As usual, your father was snooping around in your room when, on the day before you were due to leave Cork, he saw the lingerie hanging up over your armchair, which is where you had left it to dry.
“What is this? Is that yours?” your father asked as soon as you walked through the door but you quickly shook your head.
“No, it’s Emma’s. She left it here” you lied and, since you were good at your job, he bought it. Emma had already left two days ago and your father thought that you were catching up with her again soon.
“Why is it wet?” he wanted to know nonetheless and you laughed.
“Because I washed it for her. I assumed that it had been worn and I did not want to stuff her dirty underwear into my suitcase” you explained and your father responded with a quick “I see” before making an observation of his own.
“You know, this kind of underwear is terribly inappropriate and she should be ashamed for wearing it” he said and you had to supress a giggle.
“Uhm, dad, it’s just underwear” you argued but he did not see it this way.
“It sexualises women and sexualisation of a gender in today’s society is not good” he told you and, again, you chuckled quietly.
“Yeah, well, you can tell her that. But, trust me, I doubt that she will listen. Also, I doubt that she would show it off in public. Maybe it just makes her feel good about herself” you responded before your father asked you some questions about your impending stay in Dublin. You had told your parents that you were staying there for two nights to watch a theatre play with some friends and visit a brand-new art exhibition.
“So what time are you heading off tomorrow?” he wanted to know and you told him that your train was leaving Cork at noon.
“And who are you staying with again? I am just a little worried and, in case anything happens, I need to know who to contact” your father then explained, but you laughed it off.
“You worry too much” you told him before answering his question nonetheless. “I am staying with Emma at her cousin’s house” you said and he nodded with approval.
“Okay Sweetheart. Be good, alright?” he then told you and you chuckled once more. He always told you to be good and the fact that he spoke to you as if you were a child amused you.
“Yes dad. Now go to bed. You start work at 4 o’clock tomorrow” you lectured him in response, in turn of which he gave you a quick hug.
“Goodnight baby. Your mother will drive you to the train station at 11, but please text me when you get to Dublin safely, okay?” he asked before saying his goodbyes.
“Okay dad, goodnight” you said before pulling away from his embrace.
It was only 9 o’clock and, after your father had gone to bed, you decided to settle down on your bed with a novel in your hand until, eventually, you reached for your phone and texted Cillian.
Knowing that his children would have been in bed by now, you expected a response from him rather quickly and it was not really surprising to you when he tried to call you right away.
He hated texting but, when staying in a room right next to your parents, you much preferred it that way. You couldn’t talk freely to him without whispering quietly and, even when you where whispering, you worried that your father was listening in.
‘Can’t talk. Dad is in the room next to mine and the walls are thin’ you thus texted Cillian after declining his call and his response to your message was rather sweet.
‘That’s a shame, because I was looking forward to hearing your voice’ he said before texting you again, asking you what you were up to.
‘I am about to have a bath I think’ you told him before realising that this may spur him on and, when you did not hear from Cillian again for at least five minutes, you decided to make a point of it.
After all, you could not wait to see him again and the fact that he was looking forward to being with you after a week of being apart turned you on.
‘Do you want me to send you a picture of myself in the bathtub?’ you thus asked and, unsurprisingly, his response to this question was quick.
‘How could I possibly say no to an offer like this?’ he asked and you sent him an emoji in response, knowing very well that he hated to use them himself.
‘Okay, stay tuned…’ you then finally texted before running yourself a bath.
Running the bath took you about ten minutes and, after the tub was half full, you climbed in while placing your phone on the corner of it.
You took in and appreciated the warmth of the water for a while before picking up your phone again and texting Cillian.
‘I wish you could be here with me. I miss you’ you said before taking a quick selfie which showed your face and your wet breasts, but nothing else.
You then applied some wash to your skin and worked your hands up and down your body which is just when Cillian responded to your text.
‘You are beautiful. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow’ he simply said but you needed more from him so you rubbed the suds into your breasts and, by this point, your nipples had become visibly sensitive and erect. Your soapy hands roamed every inch as you gave yourself the most sensual of washes before taking yet another picture of yourself, this time of your breasts alone.
‘I am looking forward to you touching these tomorrow. Would you like that?’ you asked before running your hand down your inner thighs before finally arriving at your lips and rubbing your clit up and down.
‘Of course, I would like that. I want to touch you everywhere, but you already know that’ Cillian responded and, again, you took a picture, this time of your wet mound as, slowly, you stoked your clit with the other hand. Your finger was sliding up and down the slit of your lips as your pussy grew wetter and wetter while you saw Cillian, in the back of your mind, wondering what he was doing right now. Was he masturbating too? Does he ever? Probably yes...
‘Do you want to touch me here?’ you then texted, attaching the latest picture you took for your boyfriend and, just seconds after you hit sent, he sent you a message containing just one word.
‘Fuck’ it said before you received another. ‘You are not being fair right now’ he then told you and you knew that you had to ask.
‘Are you hard?’ you wanted to know as your excitement grew.
‘Yes. I am now. Thanks to you’ Cillian responded quickly and this was not yet enough.
‘Good, then masturbate, and send me a picture’ you told him and he was surprised by how eager you were. You never texted him things like this but he sure was not going to complain.
‘Really? You want me to send you a picture of myself while I masturbate?’ he ought to clarify nonetheless and, after you sent him an eager but firm ‘yes’, he complied with your request.
Within seconds Cillian sent you a picture of himself, laying on his bed, completely naked, holding his hard length in one of his hands while taking the photo with the other.
‘Fuck that’s hot Cillian. I am just thinking about you stroking your cock now’ you simply sent back as you imagined Cillian masturbating to those pictures you have sent and, with those thoughts running through your head and while imagining Cillian stroking his hard cock, you slid a finger into your pussy whilst still slowly working at your clit.
‘Make yourself cum babe’ Cillian texted back while you tried to do exactly that. You imagined him, stroking himself and cumming over his hand, moaning and groaning. Filthy thoughts were overwhelming your senses and then, after getting faster and faster, an orgasm finally rippled through your body and you let out a stifled moan. You knew that you rushed it, but you also knew that you had to as, usually, after about ten minutes, someone would want to use the bathroom. There was only one in the house and it had to be shared by four adults.
“Damn” you thus gasped and, after finishing up in the bath, you soon found yourself standing in front of the mirror, staring at your phone. You were desperate for more than your own fingers inside you but you were full of hesitation. Should you text him and tell him what you had accomplished? Should you text him and tell him what you wanted him to do now?
“I did cum, thinking about you doing the same. I am aching for you so badly. All I could think of was you, stroking your cock” you texted him in the end and, as soon as you hit sent, you were overcome with regret as, again, there was no response until, minutes later, you received another text.
‘I am aching for you too and I can’t wait to taste you again and make you cum myself, using my tongue’ was what it said and this turned you on all over again.
"And I can’t wait to put your cock into my mouth and swallow all your cum” you told him while taking yet another picture of your pussy for him, which was evidently rather wet.
“You are so wet babe. Tell me everything you have been thinking about. Surely, it wasn’t just a thought about me stroking my cock” Cillian responded and this gave you a real boost. You knew that you had peaked Cillian's interest.
“I have been thinking about you doing a lot of naughty things to me” you replied almost shyly though but Cillian did not let it go now.
“Be specific” Cillian demanded and you figured that you might as well tell him the truth of what you have been fantasising about for the past six days or so. Of course, imagining him masturbating was one thing but there were things that you wanted him to do to you. These were the things that had been on your mind ever since you left Liverpool and most of these things were things you have not done before.
“I have been thinking about what you would feel like inside of me” you then told him and it took Cillian a while to respond.
“Now this is a picture I cannot get out of my head” Cillian told you reluctantly and you decided to take this further.
“I can just imagine how much your cock would be stretching my pussy” you said and this was almost too much for Cillian. He was lost for words until, suddenly, he received yet another text message from you.
“I want to sleep with you when I come to stay with you tomorrow. I want to feel you, all the way, inside of me” you then said and Cillian was somewhat surprised by your request.
“If this is what you want then I am more than happy to oblige, but there is no rush babe” he reassured you while still being turned on by the sheer prospect of it.
“I know, but it is what I want” you texted back before making another request. “Now send me some more photos of yourself. I want to see how hard you are…” you demanded and, within a few minutes, you received three of them.
“Sexy” you told him before, finally, taking up the courage to give him some more orders. “Now stroke yourself while imagining your cock pushing into my pussy and, when you are done, send me a picture of when you came. I want to see your cum, covering your stomach and cock” you told him and, ten minutes later this is exactly what you received. It must have been the hottest thing you had ever seen and you knew that this picture alone would get you off all over again.
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inlovewithregencyera · 8 months
Elmsworth House, July 4th, 1818
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John: And that damn scandalous politician, Theophile Baxter! I will not be voting for that bloody liberal!
Elizabeth: Please dear, reduce your swearing.
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Peregrine: I wouldn't say Baxter is completely liberal, John. Some of his policies are more conservative than liberal. I don't like him much either though so he doesn't have my vote!
Helena: *sighing* Must you always bring up politics during dinner, Perry?
Peregrine: No dear but-
Helena: I dare say, may we change the topic?
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Ashley: I think Miles Bragg is a very good polit-
Helena and Peregrine: Oh shut it, Ashley!
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Emma: What do you think of this muslin, Laurence? Does it make me look like a proper young lady?
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Laurence: If you ask me about another damn "mouslin" or whatever the devil it's called I believe I'll go mad!
Emma: It's called muslin!
*Laurence sighs*
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William: Mar-Dear Ms. Ramsbury. Are you enjoying your dinner?
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Martha: Yes-yes. Quite well.
William: Capital!
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Aurelia: I think your muslin is lovely Ms. Carew. Please disregard your dear brother.
Emma: Oh thank you, Lady Aurelia!
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Patience: Oh yes, it's very lovely. I'm not sure why Mr. Carew hates muslin so!
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Laurence: My apologies my dearest Lady...oh and Mrs. Ramsbury.
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Aurelia: *whispering* Why are you looking at me like that? Are you cross?
Frederick: *whispering* Am I cross, "My dearest Lady.."? Perhaps I "je n'aurais pas à résister à l'envie d'embrasser tes lèvres pulpeuses et d'embrasser ta silhouette parfaite..." or whatever the hell he said.
Aurelia: Oh heavens, it worked.
Frederick: Whatever do you mean it worked?!
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Aurelia: You paid no compliments to my hair. I thought you didn't notice it. I did it this way for you and you paid me no compliments!
Frederick: I noticed you and your pretty blue silks the moment you stepped into the drawing room. Had I not been engaged in conversation with your uncle, I would've gone and talked to you.
Aurelia: I'm sure of it. I still haven't received a compliment on my hair from you, perhaps I shall invite Mr. Carew to my birthday in four da-
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Frederick: Dearest, sweetest, loveliest Lily. I love your gorgeous hair and how those little ringlets adorn your beautiful face. I love that style and if it makes you happy, I would wish you wear it more often. Not saying I don't like any other style you wear, but that one is my favorite so far. Is this good enough for you? Please know that I sincerely mean it.
Aurelia: *blushing* More than good enough.
Frederick: Now will you stop giving that scoundrel any ounces of your attention and affection?
Aurelia: I shall try.
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Aurelia: *giggling* I shall be cordial with him. It is the polite thing to do. You're also a fool if you ever think Cornelius Grey would allow one of his daughters to marry a second son! Let alone an atheist. I'm sure he will invite you to stay with us in Brindleton at Paelford.
Frederick: *laughing* I hope he does. But you tease me too much. You enjoy vexing me.
Aurelia: Admit that you like it when I vex you.
Frederick: I only like it when I do not have the urge to rip someone's tongue from their throat.
Aurelia: Frederick Worthington!
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This grandiose dinner continued for the next hour until everyone was stuffed. Aurelia found herself mainly conversing with Frederick throughout this dinner, and no one paid them any mind. It was quite obvious to everyone in the room, including Laurence of the affection they shared, even if it was in modesty due to them being surrounded by others. Peregrine, knowing the coming events decided that the gentlemen would not smoke directly after dinner. Once the table was cleared of dinner and dessert plates, William Carew mustered the courage to arise to make a speech, with his wine glass in his hand.
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William: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed family and friends, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude. The warmth in my heart exceeds the glow of any candle that graces this room. Before we head to the drawing room, I must share with you a moment that has forever altered the course of my life. A fortnight ago, at the ball held by Viscount Markham, I dared to utter words that have forever changed the trajectory of my and Ms. Ramsbury's future. I asked a question that resides in the chambers of every romantic heart. A question that binds souls and weaves fabrics of destiny.
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William: I inquired if she would be my forever partner in this so-called journey called life. I asked Miss Martha Ramsbury if she would be my loving, and faithful wife. I am pleased to tell you she has happily accepted!
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Helena: Oh my goodness! My dear girl is to be wed, how wonderful! I shall have to ask my dear brother if you two may tie the nuptials at Auglire! Oh Peregrine, how blessed are we!
Peregrine: *in between tears* Yes, quite blessed my dear!
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William: To love, to friendship, and to the uncharted seas of me and my dear bride's shared future-cheers!
Everyone in the room stood, and the room was filled with the clinking of crystal, followed by a chorus of heartfelt congratulations and well-wishes. The only one who didn't seem to wish the couple good wishes was Patience Ramsbury, who Aurelia couldn't help but notice her fake smile and discomfort.
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Laurence Carew ordered nearby footmen to bring him a bottle of brandy.
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John and Elizabeth Carew let out a long sigh at how embarrassed they were by this son of theirs. But their annoyance didn't last long, for their firstborn and heir to their estate was to marry Miss Martha Ramsbury! At this moment, Aurelia realized who Laurence reminded her of. No other than that of Thaddeus Skeffington, a man whom she had a lot of disdain for. Despite her teasing Frederick to get him jealous, she knew she could never marry someone like Laurence. Laurence was more up to speed with her friend Villoria. Frederick was the only man she could ever see herself marrying.
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Although she was happy for Martha, she couldn't help but wish she had a ring on her finger and a lace bonnet on her head to share Martha's bliss. How she wished she was Lady Worthington, Countess of Henford. Oh, how she regretted rejecting Frederick's proposal. Perhaps they even would have had babies by now had she accepted.
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x7 Dark Hollow
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 856
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Killian stalked away, anger bubbling up inside him.
You want me to choose?  I choose Henry.  He’s the only love I have room for in my heart.
It had been like a slap in the face–a slap he clearly desperately needed.
Stupid, bloody love-sick simpleton!
His anger flared even hotter.  He wished for something, anything to skewer with his hook.  Oh his anger wasn’t directed at her.  It wasn’t even directed at Baelfire.  No, he was bloody furious with himself alone.
Swan had been entirely correct to call the both of them out for their childish tactics.  Fighting over a lighter like a pair of churlish school boys!  Doing so as a proxy for the woman they both truly wanted to fight over!  It was utterly disgraceful.
She’d reacted as he would have expected her to if he’d had his wits about him, but clearly he’d lost them entirely sometime over the course of the last day.
He hadn’t felt so awkward and off-balance around a woman he fancied since he was a green youth in the navy.  At the risk of sounding unbearably vain, he’d never had to.  He’d had to do little more than smile devilishly at a lady, and she’d be ready to swoon right into his arms.
Not Swan, though, never Swan.  She was made of stronger stuff than that, and it was one of many reasons he loved her.
He snorted.  He had quite a way of showing it, didn’t he?  Acting like a jealous nitwit, and in the process jeopardizing their entire reason for being on this terrible island.  Jeopardizing the safety of Swan’s lad.  Forget requiting his love; he’d be lucky if she didn’t skewer him with Baelfire’s cutlass.  It would be no more than he deserved!
Killian let out a long breath.  He’d have to rejoin them in a moment.  With the shadow in tow, it was time to execute their plan to rescue Henry, and there wasn’t a second to lose.  He had to get a hold of himself and fast.
What meant something was you telling us about Neal.  Thank you.
It had hurt to see the surprise in her eyes at that, to hear her half-teasing “well you are a pirate”.  Aye he was, and he’d been so for centuries, but he’d hoped, especially after that kiss, that she’d begun to see him differently, begun to see him as a man of honor.  That she’d ever, for a moment, think he’d allow Baelfire to rot in Pan’s custody, simply because he was a rival, cut him to the quick.
And yet…and yet, she’d likely never know just how hard it had been to take that information immediately to her parents.
He thought back to Echo Cave, to his secret and the look on her face when he’d laid his heart out before her.  She had been surprised, aye, but she hadn’t been disgusted.  Indeed, she’d taken a small step toward him, her hand slightly outstretched, her mouth opening as if to speak…before she was interrupted by her father’s confession.
He wondered what she would have said.  Not confessed her love in return, to be sure.  He wasn’t so self-deluded as to expect that, but perhaps give him a glimmer of hope?
There’d not been time to delve deeper into the mystery, as her parents in turn shared their secrets and then Swan had crossed the bridge to her erstwhile lover.
Killian had been too far away to hear the secret she’d shared to dissolve Bae’s cage, but the quick, fervent hug they’d shared afterwards had spoken volumes.
As had Bae’s own confession to her outside of the cave.  I’ll never stop fighting for you.
Killian little knew what had transpired between the two of them in the past, aside from the obvious which had led to Henry’s creation–an act he very definitely did not wish to dwell upon–but when she’d spoken of Neal in the past, there had always been a shadow behind her eyes, a pain so deep it could never be fully concealed behind the walls she set up around her heart.
Killian wanted Emma, wanted her more than he’d ever wanted another woman, at least since Milah, but even more than that, he wanted that pain erased from her eyes.  He wanted her happy and at peace.  If that meant a reconciliation with Bae, he’d accept it; he’d have to.
Oh he wouldn’t give up on her without a fight; he still intended to win her heart should she be amenable, but as he’d told her, he wouldn’t do so through trickery.  After the debacle that had been this afternoon, he was determined he also wouldn’t attempt to do so through the childish, neanderthal tactics of fighting with his rival as though she was some sort of spoil of war.
At any rate, now was not the time to focus on his love life.  Now was the time to get her son back, and until that objective was achieved, he’d remain laser focused.
It was the very least he owed her.
With one more deep breath he headed back to the camp.
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despairots · 2 years
fight or flight , dylan lenivy.
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you don’t actually believe you too are just friends who relate to eachother, right? wrong, you’re just friends, nothing more.
cw: angst, reader doesn’t know who he is, reader is a male, reader is self-awared, reader is [sexuality], reader bottles up their emotion, reader is a good actor, unrequited love (or is it?)
pairing: dylan lenivy x male!reader.
song to listen to … fight or flight by conan gray.
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man, you hated this part; where everything you worked for was for nothing. you’re genuinely selfish for thinking you could have him as a friend, let alone a lover.
how could you ever think you could have a chance with him? you two were better off as bestfriends. i mean, it was so easily shown that dylan was into ryan, the glances to him and the constant flirting.
“this is activating my fight or flight.” you muttered to kaitlyn as your heart tugged, watching dylan willing kiss ryan, kaitlyn watched as you fiddled with your ring.
‘don’t cry, don’t cry.’ you sucked it up as you felt an empty feeling in your stomach as everyone oohed and clapped. you faked a smile as dylan sat back down, feeling all giddy.
“ew, affection.” you gagged as dylan jokingly rolled his eyes before nudging you, you felt yourself grow all giggle from the small touch; like igniting a fire.
“okay, [name] - truth or dare.” ryan asked you as you sat there wide eyed, “okaaaay, anything you ask me better not be some freaky, weird shit. truth.” you scoffed, “boo, you pussy.” “hardy har har.” you rolled your eyes at kaitlyn.
“do you have a crush on anybody?” he asked as everyone oohed at such a basic truth question, “mmm, absolutely not, nice try though.” you took a sip from your drink.
“i call bullshit!”
jacob called out as you glared at him, “ooh, you kiss your mom with that mouth?” you crossed your legs as kaitlyn chuckled. “oh come on, you HAVE to have a crush.” kaitlyn insisted.
“i used, used, to have a crush on someone.” ‘and it’s someone here.’ you lied as you empathized the used, “gasp, you’ve never told me this?” dylan dramatically gasped with a hand on his heart. you scoffed with smile.
“is it a boy?”
“very basic emma, next!” you joked before jacob said something, “i bet it’s dylan.” dylan snapped hsi head towards you as you furrowed your eyebrows, “wrong. he’s just my bestfriend, and plus why would i snatch ryan’s man? wow jacob.”
you faked as the more you lied, the more closed you are to breaking down and you do not want dylan to you like that.
dylan lightly got hurt from just-a-friend mention, “okaay, sure, whatever you say, [name].” jacob didn’t believe as you grew irritated.
the game went longer before you felt sick to your stomach, “i’ll be back.” you placed your drink down before leaving, “hey- [name] it’s dangerous out there, you know that, right?” nick shouted for but you waved it off.
before you knew it, you were down at the dock trying to hold back the tears that threatened to come out, “fuck. stop crying, stop crying, stop crying.” why’d you have to fall in love?
love… such beautiful word yet a word that can bring somethings to destruction.
you heard heavy breathing and footsteps behind making you wipe your eyes quickly and taking a big deep breath before you saw a familiar figure sit down beside.
“hi, jacob.”
“hi.” you noticed the way his mouth quivered and his eyes watering, “are you okay? what happened?” you asked as you placed a comforting a hand on his shoulder.
“when i thought emma still had feelings for me, she went a full on french kissed nick, abigail ran off and so did i.” jacob explained as you pitied him.
“jacob, i’m so sorry.” “no, no, it’s fine. i shouldn’t have chased her.” he shaked off.
“i wish i could accept something like that easily.” jacob furrowed his eyebrows, “easily?” “yeah.” you sniffled as jacob noticed the way you bite your lips and eyes fluttering with water.
“[name]? you’re crying…”
“yeah- yeah, i know.” you didn’t bother jacob seeing you about to breakdown, you wanted someone, just someone, to know who you really are but that’s the thing, you don’t know who you are.
“what’s wrong?” you sadly smiled, “can’t tell you that.” you whispered as you continued to sniffle, “come here.” he opened his arms as you scooted closer to jacob, accepting his hug.
and as soon he wrapped his arms around you, you broke down.
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cetaitlaverite · 5 months
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
happy VE day!!! masterlist is here <3
15. Best and Worst
New Year's Eve. A night in a packed pub instead of the officers’ club. Warm fire in the fireplace and warm lighting spilling over the pub-goers. Laughter and the squealing of young women being twirled around the dance floor. Loud music and a glass smashing somewhere. The heckling of the British crowd in response.
Meatball sat at Freddie’s feet, as he always did, leaning his head against one of her shins. She sat on Rosie’s lap in the absence of enough chairs. Most of the other Riveters were standing. Millie was sitting on Jem’s lap and Amy was on Paddy’s. Cecelia had managed to secure leave to see her boyfriend. And Emma, it seemed, was currently in the process of falling in love with an officer of the RAF who had asked her for one dance and given her six.
Everything was a little bit fuzzy, the effect that just the right side of too much alcohol tended to have. Freddie had had a few glasses of wine to celebrate the occasion. She kind of really hated New Year’s. 
“You know who would love this?” Freddie said to Rosie, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck with the arm slung over his shoulders. 
He was in the middle of a sip of beer but turned his eyes to her nonetheless. “Who?” he asked once he’d put the glass back down.
Freddie grinned. “Earnie.”
Rosie laughed. “He would.” That little dog loved to be the centre of attention and there was no shortage of people to give it to him here. Rosie could just imagine him running beneath people’s legs and yapping as he searched for his next victim, then demanding to be picked up and carried around like one of the glasses in everyone’s hands.
Freddie smiled. She loved that she could share things about home with Rosie now. That when she spoke of her dogs he could imagine them, could hear their barks as well as see their eyes and feel their fur, just as she did. That when she spoke of different rooms in her house he knew where they were. That when she spoke of her parents he could speak back.
“I miss him,” Freddie said, leaning her head against Rosie’s. “And Bruno and my parents, too, of course. But I miss getting to cuddle Earnie so much right now.”
Rosie smiled sadly, aware of her resentment of the occasion, and gestured towards the tiny puddle of wine lingering in her glass. “You want another drink?”
“Come do a shot, Fred,” Millie called across the table. “You, me, and Jem.”
“Yes, let’s let the recovering alcoholic toss back whiskey like it’s water again,” Jem drawled around a sip of her beer. “That sounds like a great idea.”
“Shut up, Jem,” Millie snapped even as Freddie laughed. “You would’ve done the same if you were me.”
“I would’ve done worse,” Jem countered.
“I certainly did,” Freddie supplied, just because she wanted to make Millie feel better.
Mercifully, Millie giggled. “I so wish I would’ve gotten to see you street racing in stolen RAF jeeps.”
Pappy, standing beside Millie and Jem’s chair, choked on his sip of beer. “What?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Freddie brushed him aside with a flick of her wrist. 
“That why you’re so good at dogfighting, Fred?” Rosie asked around a smirk. “And here you had me believing you were a rookie.”
“Rosie,” Freddie whined, nudging him with her shoulder. “Would you stop bringing that up?” He loved to tease her about the night he’d ‘taught’ her to fly a B-17 and she’d insisted on pretending to dogfight in it. Though she’d been plastered at the time, unfortunately she remembered the event in vivid detail if only because between them Rosie and Millie had refused to let her forget.
“Come do a shot,” Millie insisted, redirecting the conversation. “Just one.” She pouted, holding up her pointer finger and making puppy-dog eyes.
Jem snorted. “You stick that lip out any further and birds’ll shit on it, Mils.”
Freddie tipped her head back as she laughed.
“Fred,” Millie insisted.
“Fine!” she exclaimed, giggling. “One shot.”
“Yay!” Millie cheered.
“Who’s buying?” Jem asked as she waited for Millie to climb off her lap before standing herself.
“The barman fancies Fred,” Millie said dismissively as she reached to help Freddie detangle herself from both Rosie and Meatball.
Rosie guffawed. “I’ll pay -”
“No,” Jem snapped. “You can let Freddie have a little flirt for free shots, Rosie, it won’t do you any harm.”
Freddie and Millie giggled as they linked arms.
“Non-boyfriends don’t get boyfriend privileges, Rosie,” Millie taunted over her shoulder. With that, she linked her elbow with Jem’s on her other side so the three of them wouldn’t get separated in the crowd and started dragging Freddie and Jem to the bar.
Bailey chuckled into his beer as Rosie frowned, petting Meatball briefly when he looked up at him but mainly attempting to get eyes on the girls at the bar.
“You’ve got your hands full there, Rosie,” Bailey said, sharing a smirk sidelong with Pappy.
“You buy one you buy the lot,” Paddy commented, grinning.
“All three of them are as bad as each other,” Amy put in from Paddy’s lap. “No idea how Brady ever handled Millie. The two of them used to be forever at each other’s throats. Next thing you know, she’s in a downward spiral because he’s gone down somewhere over Germany and we’re all finding out for the first time that they were together.” 
“What about Jem?” Bailey asked.
Amy and Paddy both turned their eyes on him, slow and sly. “Why?” Paddy said. “You interested, Bailey?”
“Wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you,” Amy said, taking out a pack of cigarettes from her bag and shaking one out.
Pappy hummed, thoughtful. “I always thought she and Bucky might -”
“What?!” Paddy cut him off. “No. Absolutely not.”
“Aw, come on. The way she used to slap him around and stuff -”
“Absolutely not,” Paddy repeated resolutely.
“Absolutely not what?” Jem asked, returning from the bar with a fresh beer even though the one she’d left behind was still half-full.
“Nothing!” Amy and Paddy insisted at once.
Jem rolled her eyes but didn’t inquire further. Rosie got the impression she didn’t altogether care very much.
Millie returned to the table a moment later and stared at Jem expectantly, waiting for her to sit down so she could sit back on her lap. She, too, had a fresh drink even though she hadn’t needed one.
“Where’s Fred?” Rosie asked.
“Some locals were having a go about her wireless ops speaking German to each other. She went over to have a word,” Millie said. She sipped her new beer and then her old beer in turn, holding one in each hand.
“She alright?” He didn’t like the thought of it.
“She’s fine,” Jem dismissed him. “She’s got it handled.”
“Now listen here, you Jerry bitch -!” an older man barked from the other side of the dance floor.
All eyes shot to him and found Freddie in his face.
“Oh dear,” said Millie.
“I was born in Oxford!” Freddie insisted, refusing to shy away even when he was getting closer and closer to her. 
“Don’t speak that filthy language around here,” the man threatened her, nostrils flaring. His beer was sloshing all over his hand as he held it aloft.
“Us speaking that ‘filthy language’ is saving Allied lives,” Freddie spat. “I have been working for the RAF for almost five years, how much have you been doing?”
“Fucking spying on us, are ya?” The man scoffed. “I wouldn’t go around bragging about that if I was you, love.”
“Spying on you?” Freddie laughed. “You don’t know piss all about the Allied war effort. I’d be better off asking Adolf Hitler.”
“Why don’t you run and fucking ask him then, little snitching bitch -”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Rosie said, stepping between the two of them to force them apart. “Come on, Fred, calm down,” he insisted when she wouldn’t look at him, just carried on staring past him at the man smirking his toothless smirk.
“Yeah,” the man goaded, “come muzzle your Boche bitch.”
Before Rosie could get a word in, Jem had punched the man in the face. One snap of her arm and the blood came pouring. No one had seen it coming, not least the man who fell victim to it. With a cry and the windmilling of his arms he stumbled backwards, dropping his mostly empty pint of beer and clutching at his nose, taking a few other men down with him as he went crashing into a table.
“You watch that filthy mouth of yours or it’ll get you worse than that, so help me,” Jem snarled as she moved to stand over him.
“Enough!” shouted an authoritative voice. Imelda, the owner of the pub, was scowling as she approached. “You can go home,” she told the man still clutching at his bleeding nose as he half-draped himself over the table. “Should be with your wife and children anyway, you poor excuse for a man. And you -” Here she turned to Jem. “You cause chaos in my pub one more time, Jemima, and you will be banned for good, do you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jem said but she was grinning. 
“I’m serious. I know he’s a prick but I can’t have you throwing punches at the first sign of trouble.”
“Filthy mouth on him,” Jem muttered, shaking out her hand.
Imelda sighed. “Come get some ice.” She saw to it that the man who had started the trouble was escorted out before placing a hand on Jem’s back to lead her to the storeroom. Before she went on her way, however, she turned to Freddie. “Maybe go and get some air, Freddie, love, you’re all flushed.”
“I’m sorry for causing trouble,” Freddie told her quietly. Gone was her earlier fury, replaced with all the guilt of a child being told off. 
Imelda smiled both indulgently and reassuringly at her. “I know it wasn’t your fault, Freddie, dear. Just let’s ask your colleagues to keep the German to a minimum when it’s this crowded, ay?”
Freddie cracked a smile at this, nodding. “Yes, of course. I will do. Thank you.”
Imelda nodded, reached out to give her arm a squeeze, and then led Jem away to get some ice for her hand.
Millie, behind Rosie, sighed. “Take her out the back way, Rosie,” she said, sounding exhausted. “Just in case the bastard’s still out front.”
Rosie nodded and Millie turned to leave. 
Freddie frowned, hugging her arms around herself. “I left my drink.”
Millie rolled her eyes but she didn’t quite manage to hide her smile in time. “You don’t need to drink any more wine tonight, Fred,” Millie told her. “Apparently it makes you feisty.”
Freddie scoffed. Rosie laughed.
“Your wireless girls are doing fine,” Millie assured Freddie next. “Go and take a breather, alright?”
Freddie nodded, docile now that the chaos had passed, and allowed Rosie to lead her out the back door of the pub into the beer garden.
It was empty in the middle of winter and dark against the blackout blinds. The stars were out but the moon wasn’t, not really, not for all the light it was giving them. The stars, though, were bright, allowing them to make out first the rows of empty benches, then the trees at the far end of the garden, and then each other, standing close together beside the closed door as they waited for their eyes to adjust.
“It’s chilly,” Freddie said, just to say something, really.
Rosie leaped into action, reaching to unbutton his jacket.
“No!” Freddie exclaimed, giggling softly at him. “No, it’s okay, keep it on. You’ll freeze.”
“I’ll be fine -”
“I’ve got my own jacket,” Freddie assured him. “I’ll be fine. The alcohol is warming me up, anyway.”
Rosie cracked a grin. “Right.”
Turning away from him, Freddie surveyed the nearest bench in an attempt to gauge whether it was wet. Satisfied that it wasn’t, she moved to sit on it and Rosie followed behind her, sitting by her side.
“I hate what the Nazis have done to the German language,” she spoke up after a while. “Those girls in there - Anneliese and Jana - they represent everything the Nazis hate. Jews who escaped their grip and are now using their own language against them. And yet they’re insulted like they’re the worst of them just for using the language, even in the country they’re trying to help.”
Rosie sighed. “That guy - he has no idea about anything anyone’s doing in this war. No idea what we’re all out here fighting for. But you said it yourself - he’s doing nothing while you and those girls are working tirelessly to bring bombers like me home again. And you can only do that because of your German.”
Freddie smiled sadly as she looked over at him through the darkness. “I love German. I’ve always loved it. Because I spent so much of my childhood in Vienna, in some ways it feels more natural to me than English. I just hope the Nazis don’t turn me against it. It’s a beautiful language, really.”
“It is,” Rosie agreed. “When you speak it, at least.”
Freddie gave a little laugh, hitting him lightly in the arm. “Flirt.”
Inside the pub, the music changed. Instantly, Freddie perked up. “I love this song,” she breathed.
Rosie watched her face as she listened to it. His eyes got stuck on her gentle smile. “Fred,” he began shyly, “would you like to dance with me?”
Freddie’s eyes shot to him and searched his face. He watched a multitude of emotions pass over her.
Dancing. She still hadn’t done it since Daniel. But maybe she was tired of not dancing. Maybe, in the midst of this war that just kept on coming, that didn’t ever seem like it was going to end, what she really needed was to dance. 
And here was Rosie, all sweet and shy and charming. So, so patient with her. He was hanging on even though she knew she’d given him little reason to. No kisses, no dances, no lingering touches and scarcely many hugs. Why did he keep on waiting for her? More importantly, why did she keep on making him wait?
Freddie reached for his hand and took it, smiling at him through her lashes. “I would love to dance with you, Rosie.” She stood and led him over to the small clearing between the benches and the door, placed one arm around his neck and left her other hand in his, smiling as he wrapped his other arm around her waist.
“It’s been a while since I’ve done this,” she admitted as she found her footing. Once upon a time she had danced all the time. Now she was unsure of where her feet were supposed to be going.
“I’ve got you,” Rosie reassured her, using his hand on her back to bring her closer. “Not letting you go anywhere.”
“I don’t want to step on your toes,” she confessed with an embarrassed laugh.
Rosie’s eyes sparkled as he shared her smile. “If you’re stepping on them it’s because I put them in your way, and that’s my problem, not yours.”
Freddie laughed, loud in the quiet, and rested her head on his chest right over his heart. It was racing beneath her ear. She would have liked to make some smug comment about making him nervous but she knew hers must have been just the same.
They danced in silence for a while, listening to the muffled music reach them through the walls. Freddie shut her eyes and let Rosie guide her, trusted that he wouldn’t lead her astray.
Wanting to be closer to him, all of a sudden much too far away, Freddie lifted her head and rested her forehead against his cheek. She smiled as she felt his muscles twitch where he clearly wanted to smile as well.
They swayed gently even as the rhythm picked up speed, curled into each other like they’d always been that way. Their breathing synched and so did their heartbeats, both of them committing the feeling of being pressed so close to memory.
“Feeling brave, Fred?” Rosie asked quietly as the song approached its crescendo.
Freddie smiled. “I trust you.”
Rosie pulled just slightly away so he could use her hand to twirl her, then caught her as she came back to him and grinned at her smile. 
“Again,” Freddie insisted, laughing.
So again he twirled her, and then again, until she was so dizzy she had to stop and lean her weight against him once more.
They swayed together into the next song, both of Freddie’s arms around Rosie’s back and both of his around hers. Her forehead resumed its perch against his cheek. Rosie ducked his head to make it easier for her to reach.
“It’ll be midnight soon,” Freddie whispered after a long while of silence. The muffled songs in the pub were getting jollier and jollier as the end of the year approached. But jolly though they felt, Freddie and Rosie kept on dancing like the music was slow and romantic, pressed together like they were trying to hold a feather aloft between them.
Rosie hummed his acknowledgement of this fact.
“Mils, Jem, and I have a tradition at midnight,” Freddie informed him. “They’ll kill me if I miss it.”
“Five more minutes,” Rosie whispered, holding her closer.
Freddie smiled. “Two.”
“Three,” he bargained.
But they stayed out there for ten, until the sounds of increased movement inside the pub informed them that midnight was well and truly on its way, unstoppable in its approach.
Rosie guided Freddie back inside with a protective hand on the small of her back, making sure no one gave her trouble as she navigated their way back to the table.
Millie and Jem jumped to their feet when they saw her. “Finally,” Jem said, now with a bandage wrapped around the knuckles of her left hand. “We thought you may have forgotten.”
Freddie scoffed, affronted. “Never.”
“One minute to midnight!” someone in the crowd announced.
Rosie resumed his seat while Pappy slipped into the one Millie and Jem had vacated. Freddie, Millie, and Jem formed a circle beside the table.
“Best and worst,” Millie said. “Go.”
“Best when Jones fell down the stairs,” Jem said, snorting just at the memory. “Worst, that Münster mission.”
“Best when I met John,” Millie said with a wistful smile. “Worst when I lost him.”
“Best when I met Rosie,” Freddie said, blushing because she knew he could hear her. “Worst when we lost all our boys in Münster.”
“But next year…” Millie started.
“But next year will be brighter, happier, healthier,” they chorused as one. “And we’ll see each other through.”
“Ten,” the crowd in the pub started chanting, “nine…”
“I have a good feeling about this one,” Millie said.
“Six, five…” 
“1944 will be our year!” exclaimed Jem.
“Two, one - happy new year!”
All at once, the three of them pressed a kiss to the cheek of the girl to their right. Freddie kissed Millie, Millie kissed Jem, and Jem kissed Freddie. “Kisses!” they all exclaimed once they’d pulled back with an exaggerated smacking sound.
They all laughed and hugged, bundling in tight, swaying from side to side as they told each other how much they loved each other and how they just knew the next year was going to be kind to them. And when they all eventually let go and moved to hug the rest of their group, and Freddie let Rosie wrap her up in a warm bear hug, she thought for the first time that she might actually believe it.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
5 - Capitol Interviews
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Part 6
Are You District or Capitol?
Pretty please leave your thoughts in the comments 🙏 😁 ❤️ Tag list ( send an ask in my ask box to be added ) @lemonluvgirl @virtualsweetsdreamer @emma-andrea1 @voiddylanobrosey @kmc1989
A couple more days and we would all be thrown into an arena to die.
I had been spending most of my days training downstairs with Finnick. When everyone was in the training area o if it was after hours and we were supposed to stay inside of our rooms. Regardless we’d find something to prattle fighting with just to be as best prepared as we could. Our lives, especially mine, depended on it.
Throwing a kitchen knife at his head he ducked and the blade launched itself into the wall behind him. “You’re doing a lot better than last time.” He complimented me twirling the broomstick in his hand that he had said felt similar to his trident.
“I wish you didn’t have to be telling me I’m doing good at practicing killing people inside an arena.” I admitted looking down at my old brown boots.
He eyed the ground letting silence fill the room, deciding to change the conversation to something else we could talk about. “Let’s take a break.”
“Oh what, the Capital Darling doesn’t wish to wipe the floor with me.” I mocked not expecting that response from him.
Finnick stared at me. “No, not really. I actually like you where I don't want to show off how much stronger I might be then you.”
“You like me. How exactly?” I knitted my brows together.
Finnick reached down for my hand intertwining it with mine leading me outside and onto his apartment balcony and he shut the door behind us. “You need to know that you can’t ever show your true feelings. That's what I am always hiding from the Capitol. But I can’t have us go into these games without you knowing how I feel.”
“And how exactly do you feel? We’ve only known each other for two weeks.”
He shakes his head at me moving to hold both my hands in his and his eyes utterly focused on mine. “I never thought I was allowed to love after Snow sold my body off to the Capital. But somehow, someway I found myself caring for - um falling for you.”
“What do we do now, Finn?” I asked before he closed the distance between us where without any real thought I wrapped my arms around his neck reciprocating the kiss.
Finnick put one hand around my waist and his other threaded into my messy blonde hair. Even though this was technically the second time we’ve kissed it didn’t feel that way. It felt like I had known him much longer than two weeks. “We’re gonna get through this, Ari.”
“My father’s the only person who’s called me that.” Sniffing through tears he pulled me into his chest and we just held the other for a few hours knowing we needed to get ready for the interviews tonight.
The evening had finally come for the interviews and I was almost as nervous for this as I was for the Games in the next morning. Cesar stepped out onto the stage beginning the show for all of Panem. “Good evening and welcome on the eve of the 75th Hunger Games. We've never seen anything like this and we will never see anything like it again. Because tonight on this day 24 of Panem's brightest stars - and one added addition will buy for the ultimate crown. Tonight will be their final opportunity to express their thoughts...Our final opportunity to express our love...Heartbreakingly. To say goodbye to all but one. What a night. Let's hear it.”
“What exactly do I say up there. I’ve never been in this situation before, dad.”
“You say whatever you think will stop the Games just like the others are trying to do.” He responded by taking a long sip from his beer bottle.
It was listening to a few districts before my father tapped me on the shoulder telling me to pay attention to the screen seeing Finnick appearing on stage. “Finnick. I understand that you have a message to somebody out there. A special somebody. Let me hear it.” Cesar aims the microphone at him.
Finnick clicked his tongue pausing before he responded. “My love. You have my heart. For all eternity. If… If I die in that arena. My last thought would be of your lips.”
I released a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding in at his words. Clutching my hands into fists briefly I raised a hand to my mouth unsure of how I should feel about what he had said, regardless he knew how to be secretive about who the message was for. “Oh my word. He’s smitten with you, my dear girl.”
“You knew. But how?” Whipping my head around in the direction of my mother standing in the corner wearing a gold wig and bright red dress.
My father pointed his beer bottle at me with a smirk playing off his lips. “It’s rather obvious on your face, sweetheart. I’d suggest doing whatever you can to hide those feelings from Snow.”
“I’ll do my best.” I gulped, sliding my hands down the side of my dress before a peacekeeper came to escort me out into the hallway so I was in place when it was my turn for an interview.
“We have seen a lot of tears here tonight. But I see no tears in Johanna's eyes. Johanna you are angry, tell me why?” Cesar asked her, curious when I paid attention to the newest tribute on the tv screen.
The woman with Raven black hair kept her cool for a moment before cursing on live television in front of everyone. I had to agree with her that this situation was messed up. “Well yes I'm angry. You know I'm totally getting screwed over here. The deal was that if I won the Hunger Games I get to live the rest of my life in peace. But now you wanna kill me again. But you know what? fuck that! fuck anybody that has to do with it!”
Cesar brought the microphone back, not sure what to really say. “Alright then. One woman’s opinion.”
Fixing the fabric of my dress I tried to calm myself down so certain I would mess this up somehow. My mother Effie came up to me taking my hands in hers. “You look so beautiful, my dear. And I have something for you too.” She clipped something to one of the straps of my dress.
My dress was a light orange red color with thin straps and it fell down to my knees. My hair was slightly curly and they couldn’t do much since it was only short enough to reach the top of my shoulders. “It’s beautiful, mom.” I saw the pin was a gold dagger she had clipped on me.
A peacekeeper touched my arm signaling it was time to go so I turned around following his boots until I could hear Cesar’s voice on the other side of the double doors. “This next tribute was an interesting addition to this years Games. She has been revealed to be the daughter of Effie Trinket and winner of the 50th Hunger Games Haymitch Abernathy. Now let’s see what she has to say, give it up for Ariyne Abernathy!”
I slowly walked out onto stage seeing my father sitting in the crowd next to Katniss’s designer. Sitting down in the chair next to the announcer Cesar sent me a cheeky grin. “Ariyne, first thing I think needs to be said is that you look rather beautiful in your dress.”
“Thank you, Cesar.” I responded.
He aimed the microphone at me waiting for a response. “I know myself and the audience have been wondering whether or not you are Capital or District.”
“I’d say District.” I paused thinking of my response. “I wasn’t aware who my mother was until the Reaping Day. I’ve only ever known life living in the Districts.”
The announcer tilted his head to the side. “So if you were given the chance to experience living in the Capital if you win the Games would you take the opportunity?”
“I’m not really sure I would.” I muttered under my breath.
Cesar nodded. “I have one final question for you, Ariyne.”
“Hit me with it.” I met his gaze.
“How do you feel about your chances of winning the Games when everyone else here has already been in the Games before compared to you?”
Clutching my hands into fists in my lap I pictured Finnick in my mind when I answered the question needing to show that I wasn’t as terrified as I truly was in that moment. “I’ve made some good allies in my opinion so I think I have a fair chance of not dying the first second that cannon goes off. And who knows I could be my father’s daughter.” Forming a smirk on my face I eyed the announcer and the audience gasped since I was referring to my father’s Games.
Cesar helped me from my seat, sending me off the stage. “Thank you, Ms. Abernathy.” I walked up the stairs standing by the district 11 girl watching Katniss and Peeat do their interviews, causing everyone in the crowd to panic when they thought the Girl on Fire was pregnant.
I had hoped that lie would be enough to call off the Games but unfortunately it wouldn’t be. The Games were still going to happen.
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grimmswan · 8 days
Love Bites (But So Do I) part 7
For Captain Swan Supernatural Summer
Once Upon a Time: Killian Jones/ Emma Swan
"Do you have any idea how tempting you look? It's going to take everything in me not to ravage you in front of everyone."
"I'm sure we can find some place to indulge ourselves." Emma grinned wickedly at her lover.
Killian gave her a menacing growl. "You can be certain of that, my love."
Emma wore a red satin gown with a tight fitting corset. The garment pushed her breasts up, making them more of a temptation than usual to Killian’s eyes, lips and tongue.
In the carriage, on the way to the gala, Killian brushed his lips all over Emma’s exposed skin. The tops of her breasts were lavished with his tongue. 
Emma had no interest in stopping his attention. Instead, she helped him bunch up her skirt, allowing him access between her legs.
She knew from experience that they could get each other to at least mild completion before they arrived at their destination. 
His eyes glowed blue with his desire. "I wish I could keep you speared on my cock for the entire night."
Emma cupped his face, moaning as his fingers worked her nether regions. “I wish that too, my love.”
It was always their struggle. Torn between their responsibility to enact justice and restore order, and giving into their intense desire for one another.
“We can be more thorough with one another later. Right now, I need a quick thrill to take the edge off.”
“When this case is over, we're taking a month off. I want to be buried in you for that entire time.”
“Yes! Yes!”
It didn't matter to Killian if Emma was agreeing with his plan or simply responding to the orgasm he just triggered in her. He needed Emma all to himself for a while.
Too soon, their carriage arrived at a grand opulent estate. The excess of flowers growing everywhere lead the vampire and werewolf to believe that it was owned by a fae.
With his heightened werewolf senses, Killian could pick up the aroused scents of many of the attendees.
“These galas are the few times beings like us can mingle with other supes without fear or prejudice.” Emma explained. “Some who have lovers often sneak away to give into their carnal need. Then they return and act as if nothing happened. The polite thing is to not bring it up.”
Two beings that were obviously Fae approached.
“I am Snow White.” The woman introduces herself. “And this is my Charming.”
“David, of the Fae realm.” The man bowed.
“I’m Emma, a vampire. And this is my lover, Killian, a werewolf.”
“How extraordinary!” Snow exclaimed.
“My wife enjoys hearing stories of a love that would otherwise seem impossible.” David said. “We must have you have one evening so you can tell us all about yourselves.”
Killian could smell that the two often engaged in intimate activities. Their scents were nearly the same.
In fact, it was certain that they had been intimate only minutes ago.
The couple motioned for Emma and Kilian to sit with them in an area adorned with beautiful jewel colored satin pillows.
Emma was the first to bring up the topic of the strange break ins.
“Have you heard anything about a shifter who enters the homes of the aristocratic, destroys property and steals valuable items?”
“Someone like that would not be welcome among our associates.” David assured the vampire. 
“We heard that a witch called Zelena may have a hand in the break-ins. And that she sells forbidden spells and potions.” Killian said.
“Horrible. Wicked woman. She is putting the magical community in danger.” Snow said with a visible shudder.
“She was cast out of the magical community years ago. When she tried to use a crystal to steal the powers of someone she saw as a rival.” David explained. “She is beyond insane and unreasonable. There is no competition among magical beings. But for some reason, she invented one.”
“She has this strange need to be the center of attention.” Snow said with a shake of her head. “It's as if she has to prove she’s better, even though no one is making comparisons. She can’t stand it when someone besides herself is getting praised.”
“It's normal for teachers to have many students. And often teachers would give praise to multiple students. But Zelena did not seem to understand that.” David let out a heavy sigh, revealing the story. “Her favorite teacher took on another apprentice once Zelena had proved to master her skill of magic. This has been the routine since the beginning. But for some reason, Zelena could not bear to hear that the teacher was giving praise to the student. Nor could she bear to hear that her fellow witches, the ones who finished the same time that she did, were doing such wonderful things with their lives.”
“Mind you, Zelena would have been doing wonderful things with her own life, if she wasn’t so obsessed with what everyone else is doing.” Snow shook her head in sadness.
David continued with his story.
“It seems her jealousy got the best of her. She went after another witch.”
“Regina was just two years younger and equal in power.” Snow explained. “But Regina was also interested in romance. She was being courted by a friend of mine, an Elf and fellow archer named Robin.”
“Zelena couldn’t handle that a witch was not as obsessed with or solely focused on magic, but was just as gifted and accomplished.” By the sound of David’s voice, it was clear he couldn’t understand someone being obsessed with someone else's life choices. “She obtained a crystal and placed a spell on it, a forbidden spell, that turned it into a device for stealing the powers of supernatural beings. Robin came upon her about to use it on Regina. He shot an arrow, shooting the crystal out of her hand. The magical community banished her after that.”
At the mention of stealing powers, Emma and Killian looked at one another, sharing a single thought; that Zelena was most certainly the very witch Neal had gone to in his attempt to kill Killian and enslave Emma. 
“Would Zelena be willing to work with a male? Someone who didn't have magic?”
“It’s possible, as long as they either spent little time together, or she never saw him as a potential mate. If there was even a hint of flirting with another, she would destroy him and whichever lady caught his fancy.” Snow explained. 
With this new amount of information, Emma and Killian felt they knew how to wrap up the case.
They thanked the fae couple, then made their way to the banquet table, to get something to eat, and listen in on any gossip. 
A good detective knew to always keep an ear open for any talk of trouble. And any information picked up could be useful later on.
Vampires could eat and drink. Though their main source of sustenance was blood, they could get enjoyment from consuming actual food.
Just like when she was human, Emma had a particular enjoyment of hot melty cheese on bread. Killian knew this and steered them to where his werewolf senses picked up the location of the cheese fondue pot.
They had their snack, then decided to take advantage of the marble dance floor. The couple could easily watch and listen to the other guests, while gliding and swaying together to the music.
But before long, Emma sensed Killian growing tense. His mood began to turn dark and sour.
At first, she feared that her former sire had shown up. It would have caused a scene, which was the last thing Emma wanted.
But Emma didn’t see her ex. Then following Killians eyes, she discovered that it was nearly every man in the room that her werewolf lover had an issue with.
There were too many people staring at Emma with great lust. Killian was half tempted to bend her over the nearest table and take her in front of everyone, so they would all see who she belonged to.
The only thing actually stopping him was that he didn’t want anyone seeing Emma’s bare breasts or creamy thighs.
Emma, sensing Killian was near to losing control, pulled him into the atrium.
She could sense others in the room. Each already engaged in the activities she and her lover were about to partake in.
The darkness and bounty of thick foliage obscured the lovers from view. And each couple was too lost in one another to care about any others in the room.
A solid oak table provided the perfect perch for Emma. It would allow the leverage needed with her werewolf lover. And give the vampire height to lift her skirts and get Killian between her legs. 
His hands and lips were already all over her. His eagerness to have her no longer contained.
Emma opened her corset, exposing her breasts to Killian’s gaze.
His eyes glowed blue with the intensity of his desire. His fangs elongated. Though he still was in his human form, there were signs of the predator in him coming out to ravage his mate.
Killian’s tongue swept over her fleshy mounds. His sharp teeth grazed slightly over the nipples.
Emma trembled. She knew Killian’s manhood would be large and swollen. She unfastened his trousers, pulling the organ out.
“Are you wet enough for me, my love?” Killian asked, pushing up her skirt and slipping his clawed hand between her legs. He growled savagely when he found her to be soaking.
She cupped the back of his head and pulled his mouth to hers. Lips and fangs collide. She met his thrust forward with one of her own, inserting his shaft deep inside her quim.
Air rushed in and out of them, blowing on their faces. Moans were muffled. Silenced by their lips refusing to distance from the other’s skin.
The table beneath them thumped loudly. Rocking in a rhythm that revealed the rhythm the vampire and the werewolf were creating.
Killian’s claws dug deep into Emma’s hips. Emma’s claws dug deep into Killian’s shoulders. They were laying claim to one another. They both knew it. They both reveled in it. It was hard, fast, and wild. They were telling everyone who would smell them later that they belonged to and possessed the other.
They sealed their lips together and entangled their tongues as that hot intense release took them.
Slowly pulling away and tucking himself back in his trousers, Killian, his voice husky and filled with promises of more passion fueled activities, said “I think we’re done investigating for the rest of the night. Don’t you, love?” 
“Definitely.” Emma adjusted her gown and allowed Killian to help her down. They remained pressed tightly together as they left the estate and took their carriage back to their manor. Where they indulged in their passions for the rest of the night.
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Hello Sunset - 8
AN: The opposite of last chapter, this was a really quick one to write. As always all constructive criticism is welcome. Your feedback fuels me :) We're going through a bit of a time lapse in this chapter, we'll be in 2026 when this chapter ends. We'll be mostly in the current timeline going forwards with some flashbacks.
PAIRING: Seungcheol x fem!reader
GENRE: exes to lovers, idol verse, angst
WARNINGS: reader has anxiety and depression, swearing, mentions of alcohol, accidental overdose
Text in blue is spoken/written in Korean.
Current - 31 August 2025 - 26 February 2026
Y/N had a headache and wished that her cup of tea would solve all her problems as everyone said it would. The last 100 minutes had been painful to put it simply. After Joshua’s opening remark, Y/N froze up and lost all confidence to be brazen in front of the executives as Sian had instructed her to be. They played the game well and they knew it. The company counted on Y/N’s affection for Joshua and hoped that his presence would guilt her into cooperating. They weren’t wrong to think that but they didn’t count on Sian’s impenetrable wall that protected Y/N. The COO of HYBE had asked for cooperation, saying it was unfortunate that the pair had broken up but there was no need for things to not be amicable. Sian had immediately jumped in asking if HYBE had always cooperated and been amicable over the past 18 months. Before anyone could respond, she’d said that W Music and Y/N won’t be open to conversations unless an apology is issued on the statement issued back in January and that they apologise to Y/N for how they treated her. 
Y/N had stayed quiet through the conversation, not wanting to let the discussion get to her. If she stayed silent, she couldn’t be manipulated. Sian and the executives ended up in a heated back and forth and the translator who had joined the call was working extra hard to rephrase Sian’s words to be more diplomatic. At one point, Sian lost it and went on a rant about everything PLEDIS and HYBE had done. Sian recounted PLEDIS asking Y/N to sign a NDA when they found out she were dating S.Coups and getting angry with her when she refused to sign anything without Sian’s permission. She described how some staff did not respect Y/N and had been rude to her when members weren’t present and Y/N taking it all in stride to keep the peace. PLEDIS releasing the statement in January where they implied the two weren’t dating without telling Y/N and leaving her to deal with the backlash from the fans but not before warning her that if she puts out any statements, they would refute it. When Y/N flew in February to celebrate their one year anniversary, PLEDIS didn’t send security to receive her eventhough S.Coups had asked for this. They had instead told him she’d refused the guards, implying she was seeking the attention. Y/N was ambushed by paparazzi and fans and it was a horrible experience she wouldn’t easily forget. PLEDIS advised S.Coups to not meet her as planned and Y/N flew back two days later, disappointed and hurt after receiving another warning from PLEDIS to not meet S.Coups or the members until they say so. They’d said Seungcheol was receiving hate mail and that it’s affecting SEVENTEEN’s reputation so Y/N needed to distance herself.
As each incident was mentioned, Y/N winced at the memories and wondered if it was too early for a drink. She didn’t want to take a trip down the memory lane and wished Sian would stop. She didn’t want her wounds to be opened up in front of these strangers who would only be glad to deepen it and let it bleed if it didn’t make things worse for them. It was her fault really, though Sian and Emma would disagree. She didn’t speak up and put a stop to it. Hindsight came with regrets. Y/N had promised that she wouldn’t allow herself to be treated as the less important person in any relationship but then taken everything PLEDIS threw at her. What really hurt was that he never questioned it. He wasn’t naive like her. How did he not suspect something was wrong? The worst was when a few days after flying back to London, she’d managed to arrange a time for the pair to speak on the phone and make up. She’d used the call as fuel to keep going as she had abuse hurled at her on all media platforms by people who thought they could have a say on who she was and what she was allowed to do. She ended up in a car accident on the way home after a charity event, with a driver backending her car. She had been sat in the back passenger seat and took the brunt of the force and had to be taken to hospital. As the ambulance took her to the hospital, she’d asked Lily who had been driving, to ask for PLEDIS’ help to inform Seungcheol so he wouldn’t panic. They’d failed to tell him and he took that as Y/N acting out childishly. As she was lying on the uncomfortable bed with a concussion trying to read his words filled with so much resentment, she’d lost the will to fight. 
It was a wake up call for Joshua as all the things that had happened came to light. He realised that there was a lot he had been unaware of and he suspected there was a lot S.Coups could also be in the dark about s. He was horrified to learn that Y/N’s flat address in Seoul was exposed and that she had received hate mail disguised as packages and one of them even had razor blades hidden to harm her. Fame was a double edged sword, Joshua had been well aware of that. Sometimes the price to pay was too high and he didn’t want to lose yet another friendship he treasured because of it. The call came to an end with no agreed outcome. Seeing the disgruntled executives from his company complaining as they left the meeting room, it was a harsh reminder for Joshua that he was, at the end of the day, a product who was only treasured as much as he was profitable. As soon as the room emptied, Joshua texted Y/N timmediately to ask if she was free for a call.
Y/N sighed as she read the message. She was absolutely exhausted and drained but she knew he was persistent so it was better to get it over with. After a sip of her now lukewarm tea, she braced herself for the emotional conversation and called Joshua. As soon as he answered the phone, Joshua apologised that he couldn’t be there for her and asked if she was okay. The question opened a dam and Y/N couldn’t stop the tears. Just when she thought she had cried it all out, her body proved her wrong. 
“What happened, Y/N? I thought you both were so happy. Why didn’t you say anything to Coups? Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
“I don’t think I knew him and I don’t think he knew me. I thought we did but I think we rushed into it. We didn’t have that much time together before he enlisted and we just painted over the cracks everytime till it was too late and everything fell apart.”
Y/N reflected on how she now believes she was wrong to start a relationship with Seungcheol without agreeing their priorities for the relationship. They were on different pages, and the story was a tragedy. They did say never meet your heroes. 
“How can I help? How do I make things better?” Joshua couldn’t believe that his two friends he believed were perfect for each other could be going through such pain because of each other. 
“I don’t know. I really don’t know, Josh. I’m trying to heal myself and each day a new scar reveals itself.”
“Then tell me about them. I’ll be your friend Josh. Not Joshua from SEVENTEEN. I’ll listen and I’ll be there to halve your problems.” He negotiated, trying to keep his place in her life. He’d missed Y/N so much the past few months and he didn’t want to go on not speaking to her. 
She refused. 
“But that’s part of who you are. You can’t take it away, Josh. I don’t want to put you in the middle of the aftermath… I need space. Everything is still raw for me. I don’t think I can speak to you without thinking of him. That’s not fair to you or me.”
That hurt. For a moment, Joshua wished he had never introduced the pair. Maybe that was selfish of him but it really hurt to be told to stay away.
“Will you tell me? Will you tell me when you’re ready?” It was his last card, his last trick to turn the tide. She sniffled and agreed. Of course, she had said. I can’t survive without my Josh for too long. 
Y/N worked on herself over the next few months. She made a concerted effort to look after her health, physical and mental. She started seeing a therapist again, working through the underlying issues that often resulted in her subservient behaviour in relationships and her need for external validation. She worked on her relationship with food, starting with admitting that she saw it as a place of comfort but used it as a crutch too much that it was becoming unhealthy. She also mended her relationships with loved ones. She apologised to Sian and Emma for not respecting the commitment she made to them and the consequences her action had by hiding away and burrowing away in her pain. It had been selfish of her. Y/N thanked her friends, Rachel particularly, for being there to pick up the pieces without complaint. She made a conscious effort to celebrate her friends’ wins and achievement. She needed to invest the time and appreciate the people she loved now that she was in a better place. It wasn’t about owing people but about being grateful for the people who chose to stay in her life. 
She didn’t suddenly grow up and decide she needed to get better. Depression didn’t work like that. She’d tell herself I’ll do better the next day only to repeat and rinse the same every day, wishing she could find that burst of energy, that piece of motivation to turn around her life. It seemed Y/N needed to reach rock bottom first before things got better. She ignored the concerns from Sian, Emma and her friends. She was a grown adult, she knew what she was doing. She took her anger out on them and pushed them away. Rachel had left in tears after their last argument. Eun Ji had no time for her nonsense. She’d visited to tell her to get off her arse. She’d said Y/N was blind to the hurt she was causing her friends. They cared, they were there, weren’t they? Why was that not enough? Y/N wasn’t listening. Everything felt like an attack. She threw it back in Eun Ji’s face and said she never asked for any of it. Could she stop bothering her and leave already? Eun Ji had left in anger. She’d left Y/N’s brightly lit flat and didn’t return till it was dark, with an apology takeaway dinner and hope for a better conversation. She came home to find Y/N unresponsive. Y/N told the doctors she wasn’t suicidal. She just had a headache that wouldn’t go away and the normal dosage of paracetamol wasn’t doing anything for her. She was silent as she listened. She listened to the doctors’ concerns, to Eun Ji’s screams, to Rachel’s sobbing, to Sian’s disappointed sighs and to Emma’s shaky breaths. That was her turning point. So Y/N worked on herself over the past few months.
All of those things, she worked on whilst finalising her second full length album. This one would be a gift to her fans, those who had patiently waited over a year for new music. The creative process hadn’t been easy. It never was usually but this time she was going at it alone, taking the full reigns on the production to the visualisation of the whole concept. Her first album, Wanderlust, had been focused on the idea of falling in love for the first time, telling the story from the forming of a crush to the end of an unrequited love. Her EP had taken a deeper dive at the narrative, focusing on the emotions around a new beginning, where the last track of her first album had left off. Her second album, a personal essay to her younger self, encapsulated the self-discovery journey she’d been on the past year. It was titled Kintsugi, after the Japanese art form of repairing broken things with silver, platinum or most commonly gold. As she’d sent off the finalised product, Y/N felt as if she’d reached catharsis. However the album performed, she was proud of what she had moulded.  
And performed it did. The album was was released and was an instant success. It was number one on all the charts, in the West and across the globe. It received critical acclaim and she was praised for the creative direction she’d taken. Y/N patiently attended all the press and media events Emma had organised. She owed this to them and the fans. If someone turned on the TV, you saw Y/N. If your car radio was on, you were bound to hear Y/N’s song. Taking the pulse of the public, Sian and Emma agreed they should go ahead with the world tour they’d originally planned. It had been postponed indefinitely in the summer but all of the works had been in motion so it wasn’t too hard to pick things up and confirm everything. Y/N would kick off 2026 with her first world tour, Shining. 
Five months later, that’s how Y/N found herself in Kyoto again, taking a short break before her Asian leg of her world tour kicked off. She’d just wrapped up her last city in Europe, Amsterdam, and her next concert would be on 6 March in Tokyo. She’d be travelling to Tokyo in 3 days for rehearsals. She’d been organising surprise guests for at least one night where she had multiple dates in each city so it was important she had rehearsals in advance of each concert. She was slightly pleased at the warm reaction she received everytime her team sent out a request for someone to join her at a concert. However, it also meant that she had to show a polished and perfect performance at the rehearsals so people didn’t think they were making a mistake getting their reputation intertwined with hers. 
Y/N could feel her nerves take over and she focused on relaxing and grounding herself as she’d been practicing through yoga. The nerves weren’t just because of the tour and the hefty expectations that rose with each city she ticked off the list. It was because of where she was and what was coming up. Kyoto was a place close to her heart. It was the first place she travelled alone to when she was still a university student and unsure of where her life was going. It was the place she came to when she needed peace and protection from the rest of the world. It was also where she gave the last piece of herself to him.
They’d planned a week’s break to anywhere in the world that gave them enough privacy to seclude themselves and enjoy some days of freedom before reality set in. He’d taken her to the very own rental she was currently in as a surprise for her 28th birthday. At the time, he had been preparing to enlist in less than 3 weeks and Y/N had been terrified of what was coming. How could she say goodbye when she’d just found him? Would he be okay going through the intense bootcamp when he was till recovering from his injury? How could she make sure he felt safe enough to come to her with his worries when she already saw his walls going up in preparation? She held so many questions inside her but had pushed them all away for that week. It had been the best week of her life. Kyoto was still a place of peace for her but it was also painted with unfulfilled dreams.
“We’ll come back in two years as soon as I’m released. We’ll stay longer than a week. Then you’ll take me home to London, we’ll see your favourite places, greet your parents, go out with your friends and then I’ll ..”
“You’ll what, love?” 
“Secret!” He had said with his dimples out in full force even though he’d lost some of the flesh in his cheeks over anticipation of the near future. The smile had been slightly strained but he’d affectionately rubbed her left ringer finger just above where her couple ring rested. 
So many promises that would never come to light, Y/N thought. It was bittersweet. She hadn’t been back in Seoul since that disastrous last date of theirs. They’d fought the entire time and she’d angrily taken off her couple ring when he’d questioned if she was trying to bring attention to them on purpose. She didn’t have the ring anymore. It wasn’t hers to keep and she’d shipped it to Director Shim Jae Hyun. All she had was scars she’d healed to hopefully be stronger. She’d have to be as in two weeks, she’d be on Seoul’s soil. Y/N had been surprised when Sian suggested Seoul as one of the cities for the tour. She knew she wasn’t the netizens favourite star, she was more likely on the least favourite list. Sian had insisted though. She said she needed to overcome it and that she did have fans who would love to see her perform. As long as she didn’t have rotten vegetables thrown at her, Y/N would count it as a success.
Joshua would be coming to the concert. The friends had properly reconciled and had accepted each others’ olive branch. They’d agreed they wouldn’t talk about him or their relationship. Joshua already knew too much and she didn’t want to taint or influence his relationship with her side of the story. They were grown ups and could have a tacit understanding to ignore each other’s presence for Joshua’s sake. It’s what she’d told Joshua and Y/N hoped Seungcheol would cooperate. Y/N was excited to see Joshua and Vernon and Seungkwan, who would also join him. She’d missed them a lot. It had been hard to stop all contact with them and she was happy PLEDIS had loosened their strict rules, albeit reluctantly. They’d come to agree to Sian’s demands and had called a truce. Y/N wouldn’t openly talk about Seunghceol or SEVENTEEN and they would do the same. Of course, they still didn’t like her but Y/N was over trying to please them. They could accept her as she was and suck it up. They just needed to respect her boundaries. Maybe if she’d been firm in keeping those from the beginning, things wouldn’t have ended up this way.
30 March 2024
 The adrenaline rush was exhilarating and she wasn’t even the one performing. Y/N was backstage as the last round of preparations took place for the boys to go on stage. It was first night of the Follow Again Encore Tour and it would be Cheol’s first time back on stage after his hiatus. Y/N was nervous and excited for him. She knew how much it meant for him to be back on stage with everyone, especially as the clock ticked over his shoulder counting down to his next break in activities. He’d been working hard, too hard in her opinion, to catch up on what he’d missed on. He was a perfectionist and he was determined to show a performance that wasn’t lacking. No one held him to a higher standard than he did and she admired and equally worried about that. He’d been practicing choreographies, learning new ones and tweaking old ones so he wouldn’t hurt his still recovering knee. He pushed himself to the maximum and tested the limits of his resilience. Y/N knew some of that push came from his anxiety and baseless worries of not being needed, after all the members had been fine the past few months without him. Y/N hurt for him as he cried one late night in her arms. She’d kissed his tears away and reassured him but she knew that her words weren’t enough. He needed to hear it from his brothers but pride stopped him from speaking to them about his concerns. Y/N was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She didn’t want to break his confidence but the man was stubborn as they come and didn’t open up to his friends. 
“Y/N-yah, you’re going to cheer for me the most tonight, right?” Jeonghan broke her out of her deep thoughts. 
Joshua appeared out of thin air and jumped in, “No, I’m her best friend so she’ll cheer for me the loudest.”
“Nuh-uh. Noona loves me the most. I know she’ll cheer for me the most and the loudest.” Seungkwan butted in.
“Um, isn’t the answer Coups hyung? They are dating.” Vernon looked at the group as if he was the only one with any sense and that they were testing his patience, which they probably were. 
Normally, Seungcheol would join in, get wound up and turn his pout towards her to melt her composure. He must be really nervous because it didn’t seem as if her had even noticed the ruckus around him. Y/N gestured to the others to give them a minute. She sat next to Seuncheol who was getting a last minute touch up on his make up as he stared blankly at the mirror. When she looked to the make-up artist silently asking for some privacy, she gave Y/N an annoyed look and walked away in a strop. 
Y/N crouched in front of Seungcheol and clasped his hands, finding them unusually cold. She rubbed each palm between her hands to warm them, realising that he was going into a panic attack.
“Cheol? Cheol, love? Do you hear me?” 
He looked at her startled and his eyes were clouded and Y/N could see the tears gathering. 
“Oh, love. It’s okay. It’s okay, love.” She whispered in his ears as she gathering his in her arms and rubbed his back as he started to shake with silent sobs. The members rushed to him and started asking what’s wrong and what their brother needed but Y/N assured them he needed some space and air and she’ll let them know if he asks for them. Realising she had it in hand and that he didn’t want the attention or to be seen this way by his younger brothers, they moved away and hovered in the periphery. 
“I can’t … I can’t breathe.” 
“Baby, baby, look at me. Look at me, Cheol. You can breathe. I know you can. Focus on me. Take in a deep breath with me.” 
She put one of his hands on her heart so he could feel her her pulse and inhale of oxygen. 
“That’s it. That’s it, love. You’re doing a good job, Cheol. Okay, now I want you to -”
“What are you doing? You’ve messed up his makeup!” The make-up artist had returned with back up it seemed. She was fuming and the manager behind her wasn’t one Y/N recognised. He looked disgusted at the display in front of him and Y/N felt like scum at the bottom of his shoes. She ignored all of it and tried to help Seungcheol calm down. 
“Ignore them, Cheol. Look at me. Breathe in and squeeze my hands okay. Can you do that for me?”
Seungcheol tried to follow but the sudden crowd around him disrupted his focus. Y/N did her best to block what was happening behind her as Jeonghan argued with the manager to let Y/N help his friend. It didn’t seem as if he’d managed to convince as Y/N suddenly found herself being dragged away by a guard and she felt Seuncheol’s hands slip away from hers. She tried to argue with them but no one listened to her. The last glimpse she had of Seungcheol was him staring at her in despair as tears flowed from his eyes. 
Current - 28 February 2026
The haunted look in his eyes that night wasn’t one she would easily forget. She couldn’t easily forget the way she was berated by a PLEDIS executive or how he’d described her as a handicap for Seuncheol and the band. Y/N wished she’d found her voice then and that she had stood up for herself and their relationship. Maybe things would have been different. What if she’d stood firm? Could their dreams and promises then have been realised? It wasn’t the first time she’d wondered and it probably won’t be the last time. Seungcheol and her, with all their flaws, had fit together imperfectly to form a pretty picture. Y/N had made enough progress to accept that she had her part in the failure of their relationship. Sadly, she’d also grown enough to know that what ifs and maybes were just that. There was no point in living in the past anymore. So, she ignored the pang in her heavy heart and took peace in the interior garden in front of her as the kotatsu kept her warm, body and soul.
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lilmoony · 2 years
Hm maybe Horace from MPHFPC x Shy/protective reader where the reader always gets infront of Horace to protect him. Maybe the reader and (Any peculiar child) get into an argument over something and Horace protects reader this time.
❝ the two times you protected him ; the one time he protected you ❞
pairing: horace somnusson x reader plot: you're always the one protecting horace. until one day he protects you too (set before jacob came in the loop) content: people teasing horace, some arguing, enoch is insufferable (i love him though), fluff if you squint word count: ≈ 1.6k words ps: i hope you'll like it <3
As every September 2nd 1940, you were sat with Horace on a little white bench in the gardon, your sketchbook in your hands. When you were little, your wish was to become a tailor and when you came in Cairnholm, you found a friend who could help you: Horace. Except him, you were great friend with Emma, but that was it. Social relationships weren't really your thing: you always had trouble talking to people since you were a shy and introvert person.
"I need your help because I'm indecisive. My sketches may be subjects to change, okay?" you paused for a moment "I thought about doing a wrap dress just like Elsa Schiaparelli, do you remember?"
"Of course I do."
He went through the pages, nodding everytime.
"You did a beautiful work Y/N" he said while giving you back the sketchbook while you started to blush.
In forty (40) years, you had time to improve your drawing skills, and it really showed.
"It's not tha-"
Olive posted herself in front of you two, shade replacing the sun.
"Hello you two! The boys' balloon is stuck in a tree. They need your help Y/N."
"O-okay, I'm coming back," you said while getting up.
You put down your sketchbook on the bench, next to Horace. Olive took your place, beginning to talk with Horace. You headed towards Millard and Hugues, who were looking a the ballon, which was really high. Depending on who was available, it was either you or Emma who helped with high things. Emma could levitate; you had telekinesis.
"How did you even manage to do this, boys? you asked them, concentrating on the balloon that you unstuck, then slowly lowered.
"It was not me, it was Hughes" replied Millard.
"You're a liar, it was you! accused Hughes.
You only shook your head, a little smile on your lips. You gave them the balloon and headed back to where Olive and Horace were. Something was wrong because you could swear Horace was embarrassed, his lips were pursed and a pinkish shade could be seen on his face. Olive had a big smile on her face and you heard a chuckle coming from her mouth.
"What is happening here?" you asked curiously.
"I really don't know," Olive answered, emphasizing on the "don't".
"Olive, stop it. I know you did something. Leave Horace alone."
"Okay, I'll leave you too," she got up and left you alone.
You waited for a little bit, watching her leave. She turned around at least twice before she got out of your sight.
"What happened?" you asked Horace, a concerned look on your face.
He cleared his throat.
"Nothing, don't worry"
You went back to your conversation, yet Horace wasn't the same and you could feel he was still embarrassed about what Olive had said to him earlier, whatever it might be.
You were currently in the middle of your daily walk, hand in hand with your other friend: Emma. You were talking about animals, one of the subjects she loved to talk about with you.
"You know, when I was a kid, I loved frogs and butterflies. I still do! And one day, my teacher asked us to draw our favorite animal. I didn't know what to choose between these two; I was so indecisive back then. So I decided to draw a frog and a butterfly," you began to tell your story.
"You drew a frog and a butterfly? These are two animals, not one."
"Well, it was... Because I drew a frog with wings and called it a frogerfly."
Emma chuckled. You loved her laughs, and they never failed to make you smile.
"A frogerfly?" she asked, trying to stop her laugh which was beginning to hurt her belly.
"Yes, a frogerfly! And it was a beautiful frogerfly Emma!"
"Oh, I can imagine that!"
You and Emma were caught up in your conversation. Yet, at a moment, you heard some ruckus and a voice shouting. You, Emma and Miss Peregrine, who was almost next to you, turned quickly, confused. Miss Peregrine had, in addition, a frown on her face. The voice you heard was none other than Enoch's, who seemed pretty upset. About what? Well, we never really know. Enoch always seems annoyed.
"Are you serious?" Enoch shouted.
You couldn't say anymore you didn't know who he was talking to. Indeed, everyone had stopped walking, all looking at the noise caused by Enoch. In front of him was Horace, a calm yet confused look on his face.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Enoch. Please calm down," Horace's voice was cut off again by an exasperated sigh Enoch let out.
"Stop lying and just admit it" Enoch made a step forward towards Horace.
"Enoch, please stop and care explain yourself" exclaimed Miss Peregrine, everyone now was looking at her, except for Enoch who was still looking annoyed at Horace.
"He knows really well" answered the concerned.
"In fact, I don't. Please, enlighten me," replied Horace, his voice extremely calm as Enoch huffed in annoyance.
You went towards them.
"If you won't say what happened, leave Horace. And stop opportuning our walk please," your voice was pretty calm despite the fact that you were talking in front of everyone, who were nodding at your statement.
"It's weird how you always have something to say when it comes to Horace, isn't it? Enoch asked you rhetorically before heading towards Miss Peregrine as your cheeks reddened.
Fortunately, nobody said anything about the comment Enoch had just made, and you could never thank them enough for that. Yet it was true: you had always something to say because he was your friend. Even if your relationship was considered as friendship, you didn't have friendly feelings towards him but rather more romantic feelings.
You all continued your daily walk as if nothing happened. You were now talking with Horace; Emma was trying to talk to Enoch who stopped talking for the rest of the day. So she went to Olive instead, not wanting to disturb you and Horace.
You were currently in the library, searching for the next book you were going to read. Forty (40) years after the beginning of the loop, there were still books you've never read. After some time, you finally decided to read The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells. A science-fiction novel. Not your favorite genre, but you liked reading, and one of your objectives was to read the entire library before the twentieth century would come to an end.
You heard someone some steps in the corridor and directly figured out who it was.
"Hello Y/N..." a little voice spoke behind your back.
"Hello Bronwyn," you turned to her. "What do you need, my sweet Bronwyn?"
She loved hearing this nickname in your mouth, and she smiled.
"Could you come in my bedroom? My teddy bear is on the wardrobe, and I can't reach it," she said to you while you frowned a little bit.
"Why is it on your wardrobe?" you let down The War of the Worlds on one of the shelves.
"I think he climbed on it during the night," you couldn't help but smile when you heard her words.
"Oh, of course. Why didn't I think of it earlier?"
You followed her in the corridor when Miss Peregrine's voice call you out.
"Y/N, could you please bring this jar of formalin to Enoch? He forgot it."
"Yes, of course Miss Peregrine."
You took the jar and went upstairs, Bronwyn in front of you. When arriving on the second floor, you headed to Enoch's experiment room, as you called it, while Bronwyn went in her room, waiting for you. Enoch wasn't in his room, so you decided to put down the jar on his table. You walked in the room, not really confident in entering the experiment room while Enoch is absent. But he wasn't really absent.
"Y/N! What are you doing?" a voice shouted at you.
It startled you, almost dropping the jar on the floor. You turned to him, who was standing at the door.
"I- Miss Peregrine told-" you tried to explain but he interrupted you.
"I don't care. You don't have the authorization to come in."
You frowned, confused.
"I didn't know we needed an au-"
"You're the only who need an authorization"
You couldn't say you weren't hurt at his words. Even though you weren't friends, it was still awful to hear this from a person you had to live with for eternity. You simply put down the jar on the table, causing a loud clash. He made a step towards you.
"What is happening? Is everything alright Y/N?" you heard a voice behind Enoch.
This voice belonged to Horace, and you couldn't help a little smile on your lips.
"She-" began Enoch before being cut off by Horace.
"I am speaking to Y/N, Enoch" his calm voice soothing you.
To say Horace's sentence shut Enoch up is an understatement. He was too baffled to answer back. You only shook your head negatively, looking at him while Enoch, as always, huffed in annoyance.
"Come Y/N, let's head to the garden and leave Enoch with his bad temper," he said while offering you his arm.
Some red appeared on your cheeks and you pursed your lips. You nodded and headed towards Horace.
"I have to go to see Bronwyn before," you remembered.
After giving back to Bronwyn her teddy bear, you spent the rest of the day with Horace in the garden, arm in arm. He reassured you about Enoch, telling you to ignore him. Your afternoon was full of joy. You had taken your book and were reading to Horace, who was listening to you, a smile on his face, and watching dreamily.
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