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foodsafariadventures-blog · 6 years ago
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So #fresh #foodsafari #foodsafaris #burgers #wipeyourface #miggs #chickenwings #friedchicken #kfc #thecolonel #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxjugu7AV0g/?igshid=9xshxo0fkwpt
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pbcnita · 5 years ago
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I'm not a Leo but I approve this message! 🤣😂 👏🏾STUNT👏🏾ON👏🏾DEEZ👏🏾MU👏🏾FUH👏🏾CUZ 🤣😂 #wipeyourface #itdidntkillyou #learnandgrow #cantstopwontstop #theycantbreakyou #youareincontrol #callyourpowerbacktoyou #youliveandyoulearn #bossup #selfconfidence #selfcare https://www.instagram.com/p/B0UlOYtHmgH/?igshid=17dsu3nyy2ajx
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javajuliette-blog · 8 years ago
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Norwegian Airline’s good advice!
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scamaitch-blog · 7 years ago
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Hey #CAMH CEO Catherine Zahn there's #shit on your face - #TheFace of #MentalHealth CAMH #Downtown #West formerly #Archway #Clinic and in the #streetsoftoronto for #streetphotography too. And your #urbanvillage is a #condo #wasteland for #hipster #nazi #vegans #livingoncredit who don't like animals anyway - just #hate #humans especially #schizophrenic ones. You can #wipeyourface Catherine but how are you going to fix a ruined #hospital a ruined #city? #Resign! Or just #dropdead! #TransformingLives means #polgrom. Your #rns crack under their caseload and drink our pinmoney afterhours! #Faceit! You've done a SHITTY #JOB!
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upscalebodycontour · 6 years ago
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Night Motivation: ✨DON’T GIVE UP! You threw in the towel, God threw it BACK and said “WIPE YOUR FACE YOU ARE ALMOST THERE”!👉Dolls and Gents, if you give up how would you know how close you are? Don’t focus on no one SUCCESS, but YOURS✨ @upscalebodycontour #keepingmyeyesonmygoal #godsplan #godlovesmesomuchhesupersizedme #whatyouputoutintheuniversecomesbacktoyou #nightmotivation #blessings #heartfulloflove . . ✨IF YOU KNOW GOD DIDN’T BRING YOU THIS FAR NOTHING, YOU WOULD? (sometimes we need a one on one with the father to get some things in order)... we know the promises are YES and AMEN🙌🏼🙌🏼 . . #dontthrowinthetowel #godgotthis #yourealmostthere #keepgoing #powerfulmovesofgod #upscalebakery #nosurgerynecessary #naturalbuttlift #wordsofencouragement #keeppushing #followyournola #nolamotivation #upscalemotivation #upperbodyworkout #upscalebodycontour #wipeyourface #godsplan #graceandmercy #nolamotivation #followyournola (at Upscale Body Contour) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuVYsj4AP-H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18enma270t3sx
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iamjohnamaker-blog · 7 years ago
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I figured it out. I don't ever give up, or in this case, throw in the towel because I truly believe in God. If I tried to give up He would throw the towel right back at me. That means wife your face, clear your tears, focus, pray, think and move on. #ItsNeverToLate #DontGiveUp #ProtectYourPurpose #WipeYourFace #KeepYourSanity
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ladyeagle56 · 10 years ago
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#nomoresadstories #stopthefaketears, #wipeyourface #takeadeepbreath #Smile
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sharance · 13 years ago
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Königliche Burg, Budapest (by WIPE YOUR FACE)
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