#wip: starlight journey
odysseywritings · 1 year
Star Material (50s Actor AU)
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Haven and Reina prepared themselves for the newest installment of their jovial comedy series starring two amateur detectives stumbling into the solutions. Known as the foolhardy Stan Reynolds and the neurotic Olivia Navarro, they would travel to exotic locales replicated with creative set designs, with their current one set in space.
"Oh, Stan!" Reina's character Olivia fretted as she was held at laser point by aliens with third eyes painted on their foreheads. "Please tell me you're close to solving the puzzle!"
"Don't worry," Haven's character smirked in front of a set of square buttons on a computer. "These guys haven't met anyone with my brains before!"
"I don't know if that's a boast or a medical diagnosis! But look for any patterns, hurry!"
Stan rubbed his hands in confidence and started examining the squares. He pressed on one expecting a clear ding. Instead he got silence. The prop was a dud.
"Cut!" the director yelled. "Get the crew on that, see what's the issue."
Reina complimented the 'captors' and moved to Haven as he rested his elbows on the computer, or rather the blocky prop that looked like one to the camera. She put an arm around his shoulder and chuckled.
"Haven, when you came to Hollywood, did you expect your career to be like this?"
He smiled and looked back at her with blue eyed warmth.
"Being frank? I imagined another western."
The two laughed and reminisced over their journeys to the world of movies. Reina wrapped her fingers around Haven's hair and leaned her face against him.
"I remember thinking how small my world was before the war," Haven said. "I don't like thinking about it, but all that travel... It made me want to see and do everything. Making the most of life, I suppose."
"Hmm. My life was similar. A young girl with dreams of leaving her miserable world for the silver screen. Lush music for glamorous women and swooped up by dashing heroes. But I knew deep down the public wouldn't see me as beautiful enough for those roles. It was either comedy or bit roles."
Haven turned and saw Reina downcast and he planted his face against her back and held her.
"Reina, dear, if you were a leading lady, the competition would be unemployed."
Reina smiled widely with bright red lipstick making her look radiant to Haven. Even in her plain clothes, he was smitten with her appearance, including her sleek black hair amidst the sea of bouffant blonds. She positioned herself to face Haven and held his chin as he held her waist.
"And you don't need a writer for that silver tongue."
"Perhaps," Haven lowered his voice and looked deeply at her. "But for this moment, I might need the leading lady to give me the cue."
She leaned her head down and grinned, "Action~"
The two shared a deep kiss away from distracted eyes, and it felt like they were in their own scene, two lovers who only needed a grand orchestra to add lush strings. They were in a daze of vulnerable emotions as reality came back into their senses.
Instead, the only sound was the director yelling for the cast. Haven wiped the lipstick marks from his face and Reina prepared her gawky walk for the role. Energized from the break and the kiss, they were more than ready to continue the cheesy but profit making movie.
"And... Action!"
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Kirby becomes a Star Warrior: The Knightmare's End.
Please let me be your hero, for you were always mine...
I just never knew you were, so please don't pretend to be fine...
Please forgive this foolish child, my thankless guardian...
You were always my shadow: please let me be your light...
Let me save you just this once: let me be your knight...
So please don't hide your pain: let me cry with you...
You are loved so much more, more than you'll ever know...
You who suffered all alone, you don't have to go...
Kirby Becomes a Star Warrior (Chapters)
Prologue: The Knigtmare's End
Chapter 1: The Nightmares of Reality
Chapter 2: The Hero's End
Chapter 3: In the Heart of a Knight
Chapter 4: The Lonely Days and Knights (WIP)
Chapter 5: In the Shadows of the Past (WIP)
Chapter 6: Fate, Stay, Knight (WIP)
Chapter 7: My little starlight (WIP)
(more chapters in the works)
Young Arthur Saga (Prequel):
What Kind of King's in My Blood
Lore: Origin of Creation, Meta Knight's Birth
Prequel comics: Birth of the Lone Swordman, Loss of the Sister
Story Fanfic Lore: Empathic Touch
Kirby OC's:
Sir Uther (The Sovereign Star): The Orginal Leader of the GSA:
"Mercy Kill", Apart of myself, the Sabotaging Gala & Meta's friendship
Lady Celestine (Navigator of the Constellations):
Celestine is Merlyn, In Denial
Sir Icarus (Trailblazer of the Milkway):: (WIP)
the Sabotaging Gala & Meta's friendship
Dame Morgan: (Conductor of Chaos) (WIP)
Ripple Star Saga
Characters Arcs of the main cast:
Meta Knight:
The Journey of a King
King Dedede:(WIP)
Marx: (the Pied Piper)
Role in the story
Prince Fluff : (the Grial Prince)
Fluff's Dad King Fisher- The Grail King (Papa Fisher)
Magolor: (WIP)
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the-ellia-west · 4 months
Second Ramble of the Night! Let's talk about another main WIP of mine, Of Starlight and Beasts.
It's a high fantasy adventure set in a fictional continent where magic is woven into the very fabric of daily lives, but where a dreadful curse is slowly spreading day by day - the work of the vengeful Crimson Queen, a scorned sorceress who seeks revenge for the brutal deaths of her husband and child centuries ago, by destroying the continent that doomed them, regardless of all the innocent lives her curse is reaping. The main plot follows a girl named Corah Stormryder - who lives in the capital of the realm, the kingdom of Tirawen, which is constantly beset by horrid monsters born from the Crimson Queen's curse. Daughter of a renowned monster hunter, Corah wants nothing more than to become a knight of the realm and save the land from the curse that is slowly consuming their land.
Corah meets Arammys, a mysterious mage with the power of the stars, lost in a forest. He seems to have lost all memory of his past and who he is, all except for his name. They become friends, and shortly after embark on a cross-country journey to find a forgotten relic that can put a stop to the Crimson Queen's advance on their land and to discover more about the prophecy that seems to be bound to Arammys' strange magic. While they're at it, they also deal with internal conflicts of their own, with Corah struggling with feelings of inadequacy and her resentment of her absent mother, and Arammys trying to discover who he really is while being haunted by the looming shadow of his uncontrollable powers.
They make a lot of allies in their journey, namely Eidan Delythen, a "lone wolf" kind of rogue who travels the land looking for redemption, Maryon Haell, the quirky daughter of a powerful spymaster, Kyran and Masen Mavven twins who hate each other but are trapped in the same quest, among others!
Some of the contents of this WIP are: found family, siblings, good vs evil, redemption, morally grey characters, fighting against fate, and many other juicy tropes!
Okay, first, FANTASTIC MAGIC PREMISE. I absolutely love the Epithets and Names! Amniesia plot point is BEAUTIFUL for Arammys. (I love him already)
Also can I ship it?
I'll call it now, Delythen is gonna be my favorite.
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ginoeh · 8 months
For the WiP asks, you have so many good ones, but I am so curious for the SoM AU??
So glad you asked! I really like this one but am totally unsure about the reception it would garner if I do it the way I want to - there mentally exists a version with less problematic edges than this og version here… I've been kind of frozen in a state of indecision on this for more than half a year now.
Beware, there are still a lot of plotholes XD Oh. And angst. There's… a lot of it. (It's on purpose and serves a purpose lol)
After meeting Hob in The New In, the meetings become more frequent over the following months. Hob falls in love - hard. When Dream has to leave following the conclave, to go get Nada out of Hell, he doesn’t leave Hob with a bottle of wine but with one of his Dreamstones as an amulet. It's meant as a promise as well as a security - for Hob and for the Dreaming. Unfortunately, this has an unintended side-effect. When the applicants for the Key to Hell are searching for something to barter with, the many eyes of a certain demon get drawn not only to a past but also to a present lover of the Dreamlord. 
What better way to gain dominion of the most sought after real estate of any realm than by holding prisoner everything Dream of the Endless currently wants and loves?
(more details and preview under the cut)
When Hob comes to, it's in complete darkness.
It's not the darkness of night - there is nothing natural or calming about it, nothing that smells of freedom, mystery and the cold starlight. This darkness is thick and smothering like oily smoke. It curls and clings to Hob's senses like tar, it slithers up his sinuses and into his throat, constricts his breath and his limbs until he feels unable to move at all. There are no sensations - no brush of air or clothes, no floor underneath his feet, no pain or indeed touch where his hands are curled into fists. No heartbeat underneath his skin.
The only thing he can see is himself. The only thing he can feel is Dream's black pearl amulet at his wrist.
He is alone, here in the darkness.
Or is he?
Far off, there is a speck of something. A shape, human-like, curled and suspended in nothing. 
It is a woman.
Hob, in contrast to Nada and entirely due to the dreamstone he has been gifted, is awake during his captivity. The only thing he has is a piece of Dream's power, his own mind and memories, and the specter of a captive woman. 
What regrets make up Hob's nightmares? 
While in the outside world Dream, in the bid to right past wrongs, realizes that he has lost not one but two loves to one inexcusable transgression, Hob in his prison of darkness slowly gets drowned by memories of his own past and the knowledge that some things cannot be forgiven.    
Their journeys mirror each other. And then there is the shatterpoint. 
Yeah, they're both a bit broken by the end of this. And probably better for it. For Dream and Hob this is a pivotal point to make or break their future together. As in the comics, Nada is the actual strong one in the setting XD  
Will this liberally abuse the power of the dreamstones? Actually, no. It's nothing more outlandish than what we've seen in the show/comic. Will this be a magically forced intro- and retrospective-driven character development for Dream and Hob? Yeeessss :)… Will this still be Dreamling? Also yes. But they deserve their fucky pasts and guilt and egotism and edges to be acknowledged. (Dream isn't only a wet mewmew and Hob isn't only a ray of sunshine)    -be getting off the soapbox now-
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curiouselleth · 3 months
For the WIP game, would you tell me about "The Founder" and "Morgoth Wins AU", please?
oh you've asked about the two biggest ones in the idea phase, wohoooo here we go! I haven't even started typing the rest of the answer to this ask but this will be longgg lol
The Founder -
The founder is a working title at the moment, if it ever becomes post-able then I'll certainly re name it. I will try my best to explain it in as few words as possible - last time I explained it to someone in full it took an hour and a half and 2600 words. This one is very indulgent but I love it.
Unfortunately, the Founder has also been a white whale for years. I'm not sure if it'll ever get in completely postable form, at least how I want it. But Veil of Starlight, my Elured is Gil-galad fic, actually had it's start in this fic! The concept was originally part of this fic, but it branched out into it's own. The concept will still be in this fic.
It starts with the main character. I haven't decided her name that she'll have at this point, but her name through the rest of it is Merldë.
She was a "normal" human from earth, current day, when she discovered a strange piece of technology that fell out of the sky. Of course she touches it. It turns out, it's a prototype device to travel through time or to other universes. So Merldë gets a fun, impromptu introduction to the multiverse and time travel. Through these little journeys, she also learns about her heritage.
Earth's universe has a strange entanglement, reaching out to other worlds, and the space in between worlds. This entanglement could draw in souls as they traveled between worlds to the one they are meant for. Merldë was one of them, she was supposed to go to the 1st age of Arda, and to be an elf. Not just any elf either, as she discovers her elvish heritage, she also discovers that she was to be the child of Elurin, and Gwingloth, (Irime/Lalwen's daughter, born in Gondolion.) She also discovers some maiar powers.
Over time, she decides to establish her own kind of artificial "bubble world" in the space between other worlds. Kind of like inter-dimensional Rivendell! It's named Oudawor.
Oudawor has two purposes. It's like a half-way house. They rescue people who were fated to die, or who were in bad situations and needed help. For those who were fated to die, they can find a new home, or figure out how to avoid that fate without changing time too much. Oudawor is also like a base of operations, they don't just rescue individuals, they go into all different worlds to help. For example, in conflicts or wars, bringing medical supplies or aid. It is done very carefully, so the timeline is not too changed, or dangerously changed.
Many of those worlds are ones we know, like middle earth, the MCU, the chronicles of narnia, etc. People on Earth know about these worlds through stories from the entanglement mentioned earlier, humans can pick up on it and other worlds subconsciously, which is where some of those stories come from. They are not always true to how the events really happened.
I don't have much written yet. Most of what I have is set in Arda, but I think that would be much later in the story, it would be the last part really, because Merldë was afraid to go, because Arda has one of the most fragile timelines, and because she is so closely related to so many there. And because I figured out how to end the story, it was pretty hard to find an ending that I liked and was satisfying. Now if only I could find a beginning... lol
The part of this fic that I'm passionate about really is that part, based in Arda, but I think it would cover a few other fandoms. Really, it could go into any! I have a lot of concepts for the Arda parts that I really love, some things in the first and second ages, and a few things before then. If you'd be interested in some more of the details, I have a few scenes figured out, and some world building and such, please let me know if you'd be interested!
Morgoth Wins AU -
This one was inspired by this song! I was listening to it one morning on my way to class and this entire idea just hit me at once.
I haven't quite worked out the years yet, but (obviously) Morgoth wins. How did this happen? Well, the Feanorians won the war for him. I'm not 100% sure on the details for a few parts, but here we go!
This starts with things generally going a good bit worse for most of the first age. The Feanorians were lured away from their respective strongholds, and Morgoth's forces surrounded and sieged their strongholds. Morgoth held all their people hostage, and presented a choice. He kills and enslaves all their people, or he lets them live in peace and comfort... if the Feanorians serve him. If they agree, he will also return the silmarils, fulfilling their oath. I think there would be a LOT more pressures and factors in them taking his deal, but ultimately, they do. And one by one, the people of Beleriand fall to their swords.
Celegorm and Caranthir hold Menegroth under siege. Maedhros and Maglor take Hithlum. Maedhros and Maglor hoped to get Fingon out of Hithlum. They fail, and Fingon is taken prisoner before they can get to him.
Curufin leads a force to Nargothrond. Curufin falls at Finrod and Celebrimbor's hands. There are no tears. Only anger, fury. How, why? No one but the Feanorians know why they switched sides. After a few more years, Nargothrond falls, and Finrod and Celebrimbor are taken.
Most of the house of Finwe actually survived Morgoth's victory, but became thralls in Angband. The house of Fingolfin endured the worst treatment. Finrod's fate was a bit different from the rest of those captured. He became a spectacle. After some years locked up, he is forced to be a direct servant and minstrel to Morgoth. His every defiance turned against him, and onto his family. He doesn't eat? They aren't fed. He refuses to cooperate? They are not allowed to sleep.
So how long until he stops? Until the only defiance is in his gaze? He is well fed and dressed, so when Morgoth sends him on errands that take him right by where his family is laboring and being tortured? Well, what they think of him is the real torture for Finrod.
How long until Finrod completely breaks? Not yet, but this fic will certainly find out!
The rest of Beleriand continues to fall in the next decades, until only Cirdan's people in Balar stand, and they are preparing a desperate escape.
The Feanorians are just... broken. Hollowed out by all they have done, they have obeyed Morgoth's commands for years without needing any further threats to their people to "motivate" them. They begin preparations for the final attack.
And at the same time, an escape plan is taking shape.
What happens from here? Well, that would be too many spoilers. I think it's going to be a bit before I start proper, post-able writing for this fic unfortunately. I have 6 or 7 things that are in the real writing phase, so this one shall have to wait until that number goes down lol
Thanks for the ask!!! I am constantly rotating the Founder, and I am so excited about the sheer amount of angst in the Morgoth Wins AU, I am cackling evilly.
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emyn-arnens · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
@hobbitwrangler @grey-gazania @runawaymun @echo-bleu tagged me to do this, so I guess I really should do it! I did this one recently on my main for all the fandoms I've written for, so I'll keep this limited to Tolkien fics here.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 128,198.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently mostly Tolkien, with the occasional dash of Timeless and Narnia.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As the Hare Flees Before the Wolf (T, Celegorm & Eöl, 1.8k): Curufin is not the only son of Fëanor Eöl meets upon the plains of Himlad. Or, Eöl meets Celegorm while pursuing Aredhel and Maeglin, and things go very badly for him.
Here at Journey's End (G, Frodo & Legolas, 1.6k): They stay for those they love.
West, West Away (G, Sam & Thranduil, 3.6k): Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
and I will love with urgency, but not with haste (T, Aegnor/Andreth, 3.1k): A summer evening spent in a glade near the shores of the Aeluin.
with death on his brow like a crown (G, Aegnor & Finrod, ~600 words): Five times Finrod foresees Aegnor’s death, and one time he foresees his own.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep! It may take a while depending on spoons, but I almost always do. The only exceptions are for comments that make no sense to me or demand me to write more for a pairing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There's a lot of contenders for this, but let's go with Like a Wave That Should Engulf the World (G, Faramir/Éowyn, ~700 words), in which Faramir foresees Éowyn's coming death.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? For Charity (Boromir, Faramir, Éomer, Lothíriel, and Éowyn, 2k), for sure. Two thousand words of pure ridiculousness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not since ye olde days of posting on FFN.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Very rarely and very vanilla, with emotions and metaphor taking precedence over mechanics.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope. Not much into reading or writing them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? *looks at header, url, and blog title* I don't think I even need to say.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? For the sake of answering the question, my Glorfinwyn AU, but only because I'm not sure I have the skills to pull it off, and my perfectionism is a raging beast. But I do really want to finish it, even if it's three years from now because I'm the slowest writer I know.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization and description/scenery, although I've been struggling with the latter lately. Dialogue has finally been getting easier, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot, body language, and describing emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'll sprinkle in some individual words/pet names (all shamelessly ripped from RealElvish.net) here and there that should be guessable from context clues. I don't do full sentences very often both because I feel it isn't necessary most of the time (sorry JRRT), and because I know people don't enjoy having to scroll to the notes for translations. But I will admit to having a weakness for Elves lapsing into their native tongues during uh. heated moments with their partners.
19. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR, years ago. And here I am back again!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is so hard, but Over Seas of Starlight (G, Frodo & Gandalf, 3.6k) is near and dear to my heart. Sailing West, my beloved.
Tagging @sotwk @afaramir @halfelven @curufiin if you haven't done this already!
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the-lady-amphitrite · 9 months
WIP Tag Game
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thanks for the tags @cleo-fox, @loki-cees-all, and @use-your-telescope 💙
most of these are related to various series i have in the works, but there's a couple oneshots scattered in here too!
under a readmore bc im a fucking clown and theres 60+ fics listed 🤡
The Midpoint of Love
Only You and I Matter
The Years We Lost
Ineluctable Destiny
A Haven of Lies and Betrayal
Home Is Where I Belong
An Era Always Ends
the first time i saw you
a moment, please?
a quiet moment
a sip of temptation
dancing on starlight
snowflakes and pine
it matters to me
it was like slow motion, the moment i knew
the green light
mine, not mine
mistletoe and kisses
pieces of me
charm your way
been waiting for you
A.L.S.I. Untitled: first valentines
A.L.S.I. Untitled: falling for each other
eternally, yours
the apple of my eye
evermore, nevermore
The Middle of Never
The Name of War
Your Fall Will Be Loud
The Calm Before the Storm
The Price of Love
From Now Until Forever
like petals in a storm
infinitely yours
defying fate
Of Hope and Longing
Whispering Your Name
A Ghost Who Calls
As the Cards Fall
By Talon and By Heart
To Glitter Like Starlight
To Burn Like a Supernova
Hearts Filled With Fire
a falling star from your heart
the stars from our eyes
My Heart Has Wings
beautiful ashes
Faith In Your Dreams
welcome to new asgard
One Hell Of A Night
Vengeance Can Be So Bittersweet
Open Me Up and Devour Me Whole
Haunt Me In Nightmare and In Memory
Break Me Open and Free Me Forever
A Hunger So Sweet
tagging: @sarahscribbles @fandxmslxt69 @give-me-a-moose @celestialsolstice
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mysticstarlightduck · 6 months
Happy WBW! World map emoji - How many countries are there in your world? Feel free to dive into them as much/little as you want! 🍃 - How many seasons are there in your world?
Thank you so much for the ask, @pluttskutt! I'm sorry for the (very) late answer, these past few weeks have been a bit chaotic!
How many countries are there in your world? Feel free to dive into them as much/little as you want!
Since I'm working more on Of Starlight and Beasts I'll go with that WIP for this answer!
Well, the short version is... I'm not really that sure yet. What I mean by this is that I know the key locations where the story has taken place and will take place so far, but I also know that there's a whole continent of kingdoms, cities, and landscapes in the world the characters are in, and while those places exist in their world, they just haven't appeared in the actual story or been visited by the characters yet, but are mentioned.
Mostly, so far, the main countries/kingdoms that are extremely relevant to the story are the capital city of Tirawen, the former kingdom of Idraven (now conquered by the forces of the Crimson Queen), the provinces of Monbern, the vast landscape known as the Frosts, and the seaside city of Orloch - all which are part of the characters stories, journey and which hold the landscapes which are key parts of the trajectory of their quest. There will be more kingdoms and countries introduced later on, but these are the ones I've got so far!
Now, a little bit of quick lore about those cities:
Tirawen - This kingdom (whose capital city has the same name) rules over a large portion of the realm, its dynasty was known for upholding the current era of peace before the main conflicts of the book threw the world into chaos. Despite being a beautiful marble city known for being the melting pot of the realm, where different cultures could exist in harmony and where knowledge, arts, and magic could thrive, Tirawen also has a complicated/darker side. Beset by strange, ravenous beasts throughout the year, but most strongly during the dark winter months of the city, Tirawen's survival depends on the magic borders around the kingdom, which provide a defense system capable of keeping most of the beasts at bay. But the more distant from the capital, the less efficient the magic, since it is a limited resource - small backwater villages and faraway provinces are more at the mercy of the beasts, while the cities near the kingdom's heart/the capital rarely suffer great losses. But now, with the kingdom's protective magic waning - for reasons yet unknown, Tirawen faces the reality of a dire future that may put at risk its very survival.
Monbern - A duchy deep in the forests of the southern part of the kingdom. It was once one of the most powerful and rich places in the realm, nearly a sprawling merchant empire in a stone-built city, but when the ducal family was betrayed and the throne usurped, Monbern changed. It's sprawling merchant city gave way to one of the most infamous (and largest) black market trading outposts in the realm - with the crime lords being personal friends of the new Duke, having helped him come to power - and many loyalists to the former ducal family were either driven to exile or vanished (killed). The old city now lives under near militaristic oppression, with high taxes and threats, though those loyal to the "new duke" seem to suspiciously thrive. However, there's more to this province than meets the eye - underground, carved into the earth's stone, there are ancient fortresses and tunnels, where another city (reminiscent of the old Monbern) thrives right under the new Duke's watch, which is unaware of the existence of this secret part of the province.
Orloch - This city is home to the largest port in the realm, covering most of the kingdom's coast. It is ruled by a council of naval commanders who answer to the royal family of Tirawen, most notably to the King's sister-in-law, a former captain. It is responsible for trades between cities in the realm but also with cities beyond the sea. Many of the budding captains and commanders dream of reaching and exploring the mythical "Uncharted Lands" that lie beyond a sea of monstrous creatures and deathly enchanted fog that confuses the minds of sailors and drives them adrift forever.
The Frosts are an incredibly large expanse of land beyond the city of Tirawen, a frozen, landlocked desertic tundra in the heart of the continent. It is said that most non-humanoid dragons and giant serpents hail from these lands, and that magic is at its wildest here. The kingdoms within the Frosts are independent of Tirawen, though they hold diplomatic connections and trade relationships with that city, and its lands are divided between five matriarchal, ancient clans - which are said to be the only ones able to master the ginormous creatures of their land, and have existed long before Tirawen was even a village.
Idraven - It was once a "sibling kingdom" to Tirawen, before the two lands were divided into two, centuries ago. Idraven was a powerful kingdom with a warrior's culture and a strong connection to their kingdom's spiritual magic. It was separated from Tirawen by a vast mountain range and had cities nestled in the walls of the mountains and even within the rocks. After the kingdom politically "disappeared" two centuries ago it was said that Idraven fell to at the mysterious curse that was awakened and took hold of the mountains and forever locked Tirawen away from it. This is partially true, there was a curse, but Idraven was actually conquered and isolated by the forces of the Crimson Queen. Much of its population died in the brutal attack (either fighting against the Queen's forces or trying to run from it), and the ones remaining were enslaved by the Crimson Queen. It now looks more like the mix between a ghost town and a military outpost.
How many seasons are there in your world?
All my fantasy WIPs have the same Four Seasons as we do (mostly because that's a system that works and it would be too much additional work for me to great new seasons). At times, the length, characteristics, and strength of each season may vary in certain locations in each WIP, though!
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clumsydragon28 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
I received two of these messages so thank you to both anons 🥹
5) Hot (Shikajin Poem Fic - Rated T)
Out of all my published Shikajin poems, this one always sticks out to me. I was really pleased with the format/rhyme scheme, and it was also my first time writing from Inojin's perspective. What I find the most interesting is that I wrote the first and last stanzas before anything else. It was a fun experience to kinda puzzle piece the rest of the story around those two.
4) The Meeting Place (ShikaTema Poem Fic - Rated G)
This one holds a very special place in my heart. It was the first poem fic I ever wrote and I think it is my favorite ShikaTema focused fic, as well. On top of that, it was a gift for my dear friend Becks and to hear she loved it was just icing on top of the cake. It was the perfect beginning to my journey of combining my poetry with fanfiction, and I am so so grateful to Becks for giving me the prompts to do so.
3) Just Relax (ShikaTema and Shikadai One-Shot - Rated T)
This is without a doubt the best one-shot I have written. When I started writing fanfic, I let the excitement drive me. As soon as I came up with an idea, I wrote it. This one, however, I took my time with. I let it marinate a lot before I finished it. Many of the fics I wrote before this were more like "scene studies" where as this piece is a full story. It also has the most hits and kudos of anything else, and it's nice that my pride in this fic is echoed by its stats.
2) Plié-sed to Have Met You (SaiIno Multi-Chap - Rated M)
This fic is my heart and soul personified. It is a love letter to dance, a love letter to NY, and a love letter to myself. Writing this fic was so freeing and cathartic. On top of that, it surprised me with what I was able to accomplish. Knowing I've written this story inspires me to keep pushing myself. I look forward to the day where I am ready to write another multi-chap story and to write about Naruto/Boruto characters in a dance filled world again
1) Sunshine and Starlight (Shikajin Poem Fic - WIP)
I have not even finished this piece, but I know without a doubt it is going to my favorite thing I have ever written. I cannot thank the genius Bex enough for giving me the idea for this. Writing it makes me happy. Reading it makes me happy. Hell, just thinking about it gives me inexplicable joy. It captures everything I love about the written word. And so, I will leave you with this snip to tide you over until it is ready for the world to see:
Inojin was like a scene on the big screen: he had a sheen on his lips and a glean in his eyes, and to clean both away seemed mean and foul play.
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vacantgodling · 5 months
1, 6, 7, 43, 52 for the polycule asks!
thank you both for asking and for making all of these amazing ask games! i'm actually gonna be answering these for the main group of polycule ocs i have: the kiddos from celestial weddings
for the uninitiated; that wip is literally an excuse to make a giant poly with different wedding customs. there is technically a deeper plot but idc about it PFFFF i really just love them <3 most of the way i'll be answering these questions will actually be how they operate once the "main journey" of the story is over and once they settle into poly-dom lmao. BUT onto the questions tho:
1. How many members are in the polycule? How are they related to each other? Feel free to draw a flow chart!
so there are 9 (nine) members total of the polycule! they are:
celestial ruler, dagmar (he/they/she)
lilliabet (she/they)
izul (they/them)
vigustav (he/him)
muu (they/he/she)
zhujen (she/her)
almine (he/she)
rhohanen (they/he)
aenlin (he/they)
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sorry this is a bit hard to read but it’s so hard to put everything into words LOL. they’re all in love tho
6. Where do each of the members land on the "solo poly" to "entwined poly" spectrum? & 7. Where do each of the members land on the "free agent" to "community oriented" spectrum?
due to the nature of being lovers to the celestial ruler/the celestial ruler and they oversee all the spheres etc, all of them are on the entwined side of poly; they make decisions as a group and everyone views each other as family/lovers/etc. this ties directly into 7 because all of them are community oriented. in general all of the spheres place a lot of value of a certain form of connectedness, for the sheer purpose of being able to have successful celestial unions to better guide all of the spheres. while all their cultures are different, they're all supposed to come together
43. Have cultural dynamics played a part in how the polycule operates?
so, in the unnamed universe of celestial weddings, each of the 8 spheres are all ruled under one celestial ruler, who has a council of 'lovers' made up of one chosen member from a royal family in each sphere (or culture).
here's the super long, fancy explanation i wrote awhile ago:
this land was created eons ago by a being known as THE CELESTIAL RULER. through the power of the stars, sacred magic, and the love and support of eight other stars, the eight realms or STAR-SPHERES were created. each sphere resembled the star that the ruler made it for, and each sphere was named for that very star: DATTENMAOW, MUKHIRU, VUKTER, DENJAI, GUANAI, ZALI, AERONWEN, and LESEDI.
once the land was made, the celestial ruler breathed life into it. the grasses began to sprout and trees began to bloom. animals of all shapes and colors rose from the ground. the land looked so inviting that little stars began to fall and populate the land; the first beings of the spheres.
they thanked the celestial ruler for the land’s hospitality and began to mingle. cultures began to rise, and intermix, and children were born. the land was coming to the ruler’s grand divination.
seeing that all was going according to the stars, the first celestial ruler had finished their long work of creation, they laid down to rest and eventually passed on; ascending the HEAVENLY STAIRWELL to return to the stars from whence they came. the place where they rested in the middle of the spheres became known as THE CELESTIAL CITY or THE GATEWAY TO HEAVEN. the first ruler never returned to the land they created.
BUT, their spirit was to return; to be reborn among the people of the spheres, in order to guide them in a glorious, harmonious existence; precious specks of glorious starlight. this spirit needed to be found, to be honed, and be ascended.
who better to find the spirit of the celestial ruler, than the eight lovers who inspired the land itself; and they became known as THE COUNCIL OF LOVERS, their duty to inspire and empower a ruling celestial, and find the divination of their new spirit once their current intonation passed on.
8 HOPEFULS found to possess immense amounts of starlight were plucked, one from each sphere, each to find the eight LOVERS who should stand by their side, one from the royal family of each sphere. they would be tested and judged, and their capabilities measured, until one who’s fate was written among the stars stood before the council accompanied by those who were divined to lead it with them. the hopeful who succeeded these trials would ascend.
thus, THE JOURNEY OF THE HOPEFULS was forged, and its legacy set in stone, to carry on for millennia after the first ruler was long gone
as the celestial ruler is a being imbued with the powerful and destructive creational power of the cosmos, a new celestial ruler must be chosen carefully. so carefully in fact, that their fate is already written among the stars themselves. the LOVERS of the previously passed celestial ruler are tasked with finding candidates who are imbued with EVER-PRESENT STARLIGHT, and each sphere will have one candidate chosen each, that has the most of it within that sphere. once 8 HOPEFULS are selected, they are whisked away to the celestial city, where each is paired with a LOVER to guide them in their training for 27 years.
after they are fully trained in the ways and rites of a ruler, they are sent sphere by sphere to woo potential lovers from the royal families of each sphere. all royal families have 8 children, or choose 8 candidates to stand in as royal children should they not have enough born, or the children that are currently in line are too young (under 20 star cycles) to be considered. the hopefuls should chose their lovers based on connection- for the celestial ruler’s fate has already been written, and as such, a hopeful should connect with the partner of their choice, and they are to be wed according to the customs of each sphere, before the hopefuls alone, as a party, move on to the next sphere.
once they travel through each of the eight spheres, they will stand before the current COUNCIL OF LOVERS and their abilities, as well as their choices in marriage will be judged. the council will look at how their journey has matured their EVER-PRESENT STARLIGHT and whosoever’s fate matches the stars will ascend and become the celestial ruler. then the lover’s council will be occupied by their wedded lovers until their time too eventually comes.
so long story short: the main overarching culture of being apart of the celestial ruler story (tm) is what influences how their polycule operates. they're guiders of the spheres first and lovers second, and there's nothing to say that they HAVE to be romantically involved. i personally as a writer like romance, so dag's cylce is full of romance; however, other rulers and lovers have been varying from just coworkers to certain lovers are married and others are single etc etc. the only thing they can't do is bear children nor have close personal relationships (basically affairs) outside of their lovers--though keeping contact with family from their homeland is encouraged.
all the spheres have a generally accepted level of polyamory but the celestial ruler is a completely different situation. one day i'll break down the worldbuilding of each individual sphere more but not today LMAO.
52. How well do the matamours get along? Do they even know each other?
well at first all of them were metamours; dag was essentially the central spoke of the relationship (as the celestial ruler) and the other 8 were those he married, one from each sphere, to ascend the celestial throne. they all didn't know each other until dag was officially crowned it was then that they all met. this is heavy asterisk for aenlin; he knew all of the others because he was originally a hopeful like dag, but knew he had no chance of becoming the celestial ruler since he's of the royal family of lesedi; being as such that he can't marry one of his siblings and he can't take over his own sphere as the second born, it kind of put him in a rock and a hard place. at least until, he realized that he was the final "correct" partner for dag and eventually accepted it. so, aside from aenlin and dag, the rest of them didn't know each other and now were tasked with essentially ruling the world together for however many centuries. there was a lot of politeness and awkwardness at first, especially from those like izul (who is generally more reserved), and almine (who can be quite intimidating) and rhohanen (a fucking brat LMAO). but as years go by, they all settle not only into their roles, but into loving dag, and then being able to get to know one another not just as strangers but eventual lovers of each other as well.
so tldr; they all start as metamours of dag, but then melt into a full blown 9 way poly lol where everyone is dating/married to each other tm.
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odysseywritings · 1 year
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The obelisks made their mark on the land. Everything under their weight turned to sterile roads. Highways formed for the leisure of these weaponized castles while plants and soil suffered. Valleys of green grass, purple and violet flowers, and century old trees mulched to make way for uniform horizons of pristine gray from every direction.
Haven and Reina were too late to do anything. Both felt their hearts shrivel, and Reina trembled and leaned into Haven, and he softened as she stared into the endless sea of monochrome. His mind went to solutions like breaking and blowing up the roads. But that had to wait until Reina regained a foothold.
It seemed pointless to trek on without a plan so they headed toward the perimeter looking for any ends. No matter where they looked, the place was the death of nature. This would happen to their own homes.
Haven raised his hand, wrote out words in his head, and pointed at the direction of a spot. His hand turned into a cybernetic, beastly paw that shot blue energy at it. A hole was made but it only revealed more of the same hard substance albeit darker. Reina chided him to not waste power in this desolation. They needed to save everything for this travel without a clear end.
They wandered further to the brim to find signs of life. They had never been without flora or water this long and they worried about nourishment and sanity. They were the only organisms for miles.
In their sights at least. Behind them, the hole from Haven's blast cracked enough for the lingering crust to be exposed. The energy seeped into the soil but only time would tell if a flower may bloom.
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
How do you think your smut writing has evolved?
Share a summary of, or excerpt from, an unpublished smut fic.
Share a smutty headcanon about Indis.
hi hi hi!
How do you think your smut writing has evolved?
Having re-read some of my old smut for this: I think I was a lot more focused on linear progressions and body-actions when I started? Now I'm a lot more confident with just letting characters fuck in stops and starts, if that's what they need to do, and focus more on thought/connection/mind-stuff than I used to.
I think my sex scenes used to be veeery short and are slowly getting longer. Though I still feel like the fucking takes up. Only like 25% of my smutfics usually.
Also, for some reason, I used to write a lot of blowjobs. Totally burned out on it now. No one blow anyone, that's over.
Share a summary of, or excerpt from, an unpublished smut fic.
Here's something from that smutfic WIP that outgrew its original intent and will probably need 3-5 chapters to be fully realized! Nienor/Finduilas and/or Nienor/Gil-galad (they are the same person in this).
Now she turns to the fire, her eyes on the single curling strand of silver on the elf’s cheek. 
“Who cut your hair?” she asks. 
“I did,” the elf says, “some little while before I found you.” 
Úmarthiel pictures it, despite herself. Still now the elf can barely use his right arm, and they have journeyed together for some weeks. He must have had to hold the strands taut between his knees, or else in his teeth, hacking at them with the hunting-knife he carries. 
No wonder the cuts are so jagged. 
“Why?” she asks. “You would not cut mine.” 
“In mourning,” the elf-lord says, “in grief.”
“Your city,” Úmarthiel says, certain now, though she knows not how. 
The elf lord nods. Behind his mask he is horribly beautiful; sharp points of starlight catch in his dark-brown eyes. Under the helm his lips are chapped and lily-bloom pink. She wonders if he would taste of apple blossoms if she kissed him. She wonders if he would taste of blood. 
“What did you lose there?” Úmarthiel asks. 
The elf-lord’s voice is so faint she thinks she might imagine it. “My heart,” he says, “my heart.” 
She raises a hand to his chest. Presses her fingers against it, her fingers splayed out. For a moment she believes his words as literal truth; for a moment his ribcage is empty under fingers. But then comes the beating, the thudding of the elf’s heart. 
Úmarthiel presses her lips to the little stretch of skin bared between the elf’s fur cloak and too-big bliaut, to the dip of the elf’s pale collarbone. 
“You know not what you do,” the elf-lord says, not unkindly, and tips up her chin, “you not know who I am.” 
Let me, Úmarthiel wants to beg, let me, star-crowned. 
That night she sleeps there, curled against the elf-lord’s chest, and his hand does not slip from her hair. 
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thewizardtower · 1 year
Good morning, it's apparently time for me to start a new WIP. A conversation with friends this morning made me think about a young priest falling in love with a mermaid.
It was about a fortnight into our journey when first I saw her.
It was night–cloudless and clear–and I was the only soul on the upper deck to stroll 'neath the stars. Waves lapped at the sides of the massive ship that bore us to our destination. A rhythmic cadence of water that reminded me quite keenly of all the tales I'd heard as a boy about what lurked in the dark fathoms below the ocean's surface: great beasts made of tentacles and teeth and malice. 'Twas not something a godly man should ponder, yet I found myself drawn to wondering what else could be rapping against the hull of the Rosy Maiden.
Staring out at the dark waves was when I saw the crest of what appeared to be a head–a ripple of something breaking the surface–before it was gone. I pressed myself against the wooden railing of the Maiden, scanning the ocean frantically. My first thought was that one of the crew had fallen overboard. Panic gripped my throat. I could not swim–could not even offer a helping hand if someone had fallen into the sea. The cry for help formed in my chest, yet stopped before it could escape my lips.
That same head peaked up once more. Hair like spun gold crowned her; black, star-painted waters were her robes. Pale skin–almost silver in the starlight–reflected like fish scales. She was too far away for me to glean anything else, yet I saw she gazed at me, and I gazed back, in a small moment that seemed to stretch for eons. I had thought, then, that her face looked human enough. (I know now she was anything but.) I wanted to scream–to yell for the crew to rescue a drowning woman in the water–when I saw she was nothing of the sort. Just as quickly as she surfaced, she submerged once more. In her wake was the inaudible splash of a silvery fish tail.
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curiouselleth · 7 months
WIP Wednesday Friday
Thanks for the tag @dreamingthroughthenoise!
From Veil of Starlight, my Elured is Gil-galad fic! This is an oswane-happening-in-dreams type conversation between Elured and Elurin.
“How fares your journey, brother?”
“Sirion has swelled with floods, there is no crossing. I travel North at dawn, to pass over the Gates of Sirion,” he replied.
He could feel Elurin’s concern twist around him restlessly, “are you sure? That is a long way, you do not have to do this, not alone. If you stay there for a few days perhaps I can catch up and we can go together?”
“I can do it. Please, stay in the forest with Gwingloth. She is not fully recovered no matter how much she may deny it, and you have more skill in healing than myself or any of the avari. She needs you. And I’m your older brother, I can do this.” He wanted to, had to. Had to see if their sister lived yet. 
“Just because you are mere minutes older, does not mean you have to bear this alone,” Elurin’s concern remained, but was now vibrantly colored by love as his fëa swirled around.
“I know, brother, I know. I just feel as though… this is something I have to do, I am fated for. I do not know what awaits me at the Havens, but something does, and I have to find it.”
“That may be,” Elurin deflated a little, “but after you find it, come back. You promised.” Elurin’s fëa gently brushes him, and fades back into the waking world, out of their small world of dreams. 
Elured lingered a little longer yet. They had never been so far apart, and he feared that if they were much farther they would not be able to walk in their dreams and visions together. To be disconnected from each other in such a way, Elured feared that he would become lost as a boat tossed in a raging storm. 
But slowly the sun began to peer over the blue mountains, and it was time. He drifted back to waking.
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babblish · 2 years
💞, 💝, 🤍, 💌!
Thanks for the ask crow!
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I mean yes these are all very important elements I am completely normal about at all times, but I think when it comes to it, the thing I value most is the thread tying everything together to create a balanced end product and satisfying journey rather than... a cake that's straight up gonna give you vanilla extract poisoning.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Technically all of them, but I have been shocked, shocked to see Primordial Awakenings do as well has it's done. It's currently my most kudos'd fic I've ever written and so goshdarn close to breeching 1000 hits.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Uhl fic, I think. 🤔 Perhaps I shot myself in the foot with this one but I think that most people don't realise that it's less about fleshing out An Single Character and more about fleshing out the entire setting and exploring the internal logic using Uhl as an entry point, Sam (the OC) as the narrative wire cutters to break my way in, and sitcom tropes as the lens of choice.
It's fine if people don't like it, I know it's an extremely niche concept and your mileage may very on my execution, but I feel like people probably have given up on it before I really hit my stride.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I'm afraid, as I got precious little done in ToA land in February, this will have to be from Web of Starlight.
This is from the first draft of Chapter 19: Hot Springs Eternal; (CW: nudity, bathing, comparing scars and past injuries)
The little gate closed behind them and Web was alone with Bariz. To the nearest wall was a basin of running water atop polished stone, and a tiny garden surrounding a constructed pool, steam rising gently to meet the foliage of the singular tree that bathed the area with soft shadows.
Bariz took no time at all to remove his clothes, and sat on rock smoothed with centuries of use with his eyes closed, contentedly listening to the bird peeping above them in the foliage.
Web felt his cheeks burn, backed into a situational corner, frozen with his hands on his shirt. He undressed with the hesitant efficiency of a prisoner and carefully folded his clothes, placing ear pieces atop. He stood awkwardly, staring at Bariz’s clothes, wondering if it’d be a transgression to do the same to his.
There was a wet sloshing as Bariz dunked his feet into the constructed pool, and he winced audibly as he slowly slipped in.
“Come on in,” Bariz said. “It’ll feel good to wash our horrible journey from your skin.”
Web approached him, sitting across from him on the walkway, legs clamped together and arms crossed over his chest. He eyed the water nervously, not trusting the way the whole place smelled, too much like deep underground places devoid of breathable air at all. At least he was in the shade.
“Look we can compare scars!” Bariz grinned, gesturing at a slash on his arm. “I got this one when I fell out of a tree. It’s a funny story really, I didn’t know dogs could even get that high!”
Web smiled awkwardly, deigning a single laugh, and then in a gesture of good will, pointed at what remained of ear. “I slipped when I was scaling a cavern wall, tumbled like a pebble on the sharp rocks before I could find my footing again.”
Bariz whistled. “Impressive!”
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A List of Fan Fic Writer Asks
(This is someone else’s created list, I lost the creators name) 
1.     Share a song that makes you think of [fic title]
There are a lot of songs that fit my characters, but I haven’t put much thought into title. Anchor by Skillet.  Open Arms by Journey are two.
2.     Do you read/reread your own fics?
I do just to see how I’ve changed over the years.
3.     What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Stardust and The Crow. I’ve been writing fanfic for 34 years and this one I think is my best.
4.     How many WIPs do you have right now?
I have 3.
5.     What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Anytime I’ve come up with an idea I usually write it down, finish no, but at least start it.
6.     Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Not really.  
7.     How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
A lot, but not sure I will ever share them.
8.     What project(s) are you currently working on?
Stardust and The Crow, We’ll Take the Stars and Starlight Corvid.
9.     Do you write every day?  If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
Yes, I do write every day.   “Not sure, but it seems you have been granted access in the restrictive zones in the Vex Network.”  “You mean I might have to go back in there?”
 10.Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
11.Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
Kind of.  A few musicians that really it when I am writing.
12.Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)?  Share it!
 13.How much planning do you do before writing?
There is a little, but a lot of the planning comes along as I write.  I have notes to where I would like it to lead, my characters, places, songs, etc.
 14.If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Stardust and The Crow
15.How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
One is their names(nickname) The others I tried to find something that matched the story.
16.At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
I think I was a chapter in to all three before I came up with the names.
17.What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
That there really isn’t a lot in the Lore to go on when trying to find information about places or the events that went on.  I have had to make up so much of it that isn’t gameplay, cutscenes or Lore.
18.What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
“Have I ever died on you? Wait, please, don’t answer that.”
19.Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
We’ll Take the Stars  This hasn’t been posted yet
Jolyon stepped forward “Uldwyn slept with my sister, ma’am.  I was upset – I mean I am upset with him.”
“Uldwyn?” Osana said in shock.
“Seighdra” Ausha said upset. Seighdra raised her eyes to her mother.
“Before we get into this, boys the fighting needs to stop.  What you did Jolyon, was out of line.  Do it on your own time, not during sparing matches.  Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am” Jolyon answered.
“Yes, captain” Uldwyn responded.
“Now, Jolyon, people have choices of their own free will.  We do not order others around, even if they are our own family. Understand?”  Captain Alice informed him.
“Yes, understood” he said feeling like a beaten dog.
“You are dismissed” she then told him.
“But, what about…”
“Jolyon, go” his mother spoke up.
“Fine!” he said.  He glared at Uldwyn as he faced him as he left. Uldwyn had a startled look.
When the captain was sure Jolyon had left, she began.  “What you two do on your own time is none of my business, but when it filters out to my crew then it becomes my business.”
“I didn’t filter this out to the crew” Seighdra stated harshly, “nor did Uldwyn!”
“Seighdra!” her mother said sharply.  
“No mom!  I am not going to take blame for something Jolyon started.  This was between Uldwyn and me and Jolyon hung it up for everyone to see!”
“Seighdra” the captain said calmly.  “Yes, what Jolyon did was out of line and I’m sorry for that, but your actions caused his outburst.”
Seighdra was in shock. She was being punished for Jolyon’s outburst.  “Mom!” she protested.
“You are 17 years old!”
“I’ll be 18 next week! This is so unfair.  I didn’t want to come on this stupid ship, but here I am. I don’t like having Jolyon dictate my life, but again, here we are…
“I don’t want a pregnant teenage daughter.”  Ausha interrupted.
Seighdra’s mouth hung open, then she closed it.  She hadn’t even thought about that.  She and Uldwyn shared a worried look.
“So, you didn’t use protection Uldwyn?”  his mother said disappointedly.  
He rubbed his neck with his free hand, the other still laced with Seighdra’s “Uh, no” he said sheepishly.
“Seighdra, what have I told you?” her mother conjected.
“Actually, mother, nothing. Sex was never your topic.  You left that for Jolyon to explain to me and he basically told me to never have sex.”  Seighdra tilted her head and smirked.
The Captain and Osana both looked at Ausha.
“You never wanted a daughter. I was a disappointment to you.”
20.What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
I don’t really have a favorite.  They all mean something to me with my characters.
21.Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it?  If so, why?
Kind of.  I am pretty old school so I hand write everything out first and if I don’t like something I will just not type it up.
22.Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
There is only one that has an ending.  The others follow a video game that is currently active.
23.How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
Sometimes an ending just happens and sometimes it take planning.  I usually try to find a break in the events happening in my story.
24.Share a moodboard for (one of) your current WIP(s).
 25.Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Yes.  I can feel the emotions of my characters.  I am a very immersive writer.
26.Is there something you’ve written that you would never want your family to see?
No, my husband and kids have read my stuff.  Actually, maybe stuff I wrote when I was 14.  That stuff was bad.  Just horrible writing.  Ha ha ha
27.Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share?  Why?
Yes.  All of them.  I have been working on them for two years.  Again, remember I handwritten everything first.  So, one day I decided to start typing mine up, in the hopes of posting it one day.  Last May when I found a specific website after reading some other writers works, I got the nerve to post mine.  
28.Have you ever tagged a fic “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat”?
29.Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.  (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
“She’s back with him?  Shawn asked Devin.  “Yes, but it’s not our place to get involved.”  Devin answered back.  “Like hell it’s not!  He hurt her twice.  I’m not going to watch him do it again.” Devin responded back to his friend.  “Just leave her alone right now.”  Devin said sternly to him, “We’ll talk with her after the party.  Alright?”
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